1 TIIE BEE: OMAHA. THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 17, 1910. Want - Ads dTrrllfmnH fur Ikf want rolimna trill he taken nntll 13 m . for Ike FTfKlnt edition nnd antll HiSO p. m. for th morning; nnd Sanday edl tiona. lath mast accompany all ordere for mm ail and no advertisement will lie arerr-ted for Una than tO cents f first Insertion. Rate apply to either th Bally Snnday- Deo. Always eonat als ward a to a Cn IIATKsVoK WAUT ADS. RKr.ri.4K riAMrriCTio!f o f nirrllnn, I 1 -a reals pec word and 1 cent prr word far each enbeo.nnt Insertion. F.arh Insertion made an n!d days, 1 1-3 pent per word $1.S per line per month. Want ada tor The Bee nay ho left at any of the follnwlaa; dm a: atorea one ta your "corner drngrrlet" they are all branch offices for The Beo and ynar ad will he Inserted Jaat aa promptly knit on the aame ratea aa at the main offloa In The Beo Bolldlna-, Seventeenth and Fimm streets! .Air'-ft. y. C.. 40h and Fa main. Bei stick. P. A.. Ho2 8. 10th St. frht Pharmacy. 720 S. Ifith ft. Tienson Pharmacy, Renaon, Neb. 7?"mlo Park I'harmary, 3Sd and Cuming. Hlake-Iirllh, 2fis Sherman Ave. Caiiahliii. C! R.. tn unci Pierce Sts. CVfMn IIMI rhsrmsry. 2213 Military An Conte, jr. B.. lst Avo. and Farnam. Crlsey' Pharmacy. fHh and Lake. Cr-oney Pharmacy. !?2S S. 16th St Cermak. Emil. I H. 13th St. l-'h!er. F. H.. ISO I eaven worth. V;';, Foster Arnold!, S13 N. 2f.th St. lYx'f Frevt.nt. John J.. 1914 N. 24th St. yrtrg'-r Drue Co.. 18 N. 10th St. Finn-tic. Dm Co.. Florence. Nen. Ooldman Pharmacy. h and Lake. Oteen's Pharmacy, Pork Ave. r.d pacific. 'Srtenourrh. G. A.. 105 P. 10th ft. tlreenough. O. A., 10th ar-d Hickory. ; HayUsn. William C. 2920 Frtrnam St. , Jfanscotn Park Phar.. 1501 S. 28th Ave. I, Moist, John. :M N. lh fit. "t Huff. A. I,., ttt Leavenworth S. Joh.-xnsorv Dri" Co., Mt'.i and Spalding 3U. ( King, H. 3.. 2!a3 Farnnin St. , Kotmtxe Plas Pharmacy, ?M N. S-lth. i Marcs, Fred L . SOlll Central Blvd. .' Patrick tnix Co.. 1824 M. 24t!i St I.atlr.op. Charles E 11C( N. 4'.h St. Peyton, L. K., 24th and Leavenworth j Faratoga Drug. Co., J4th and Ames Ave. Mnaeters rut Pi lea Drug btors. "-a I Kehaefer, August. !nt N lf.th St. 8climldt. J. H-, 24th ar.d Curnlnn Sta. l-toriu pharmacy. 16th and Martha Sts. Wafnut H!!l PhHrmney. 40th and Cuming, ':;oii Pliarrnucy, iCth and Grace Sts. Wlrth. O. H., 40th anil Hamilton Sts. KKENE Blanche Myrtle, entered spirit Ufa February 14. Will be burled from her late residence. 2u20 Dectur street, Friday. February 18 at 2 o'clock. rfARHIAGH LICENSES. The following niarrtage licenses were Issued: Name and Residence. Age. John W. Carey, Da Moines 23 Bertha M. Lang, - Des Moines 24 Lloyd Patten, Lake CUy, la 21 Annla Blllotti. Olidden, la 22 Henry W. Barre. Clemaon college, 8. C. 28 HJith B. Tillotson. Oinnna 22 O. H. ThiesHen, Elkhorn 27 Maggie Frederick., Klkhora 21 John Q. MorsetnHii, Oakland 24 Bortha Hopp, Emerpon 18 Henry J. Back, Gretna.... 23 Bertha R. Cllne. liuisvllle 13 Harry Q. Powell. Omaha 24 Kdna T. Benedict, Omaha 23 BIRTHS AMD DKaTIIS. Births-William , ' Farmer. 2417 Ellison avenue, -girl; Pharagtis Kunze, 3-120 Jones, boy;.Fils Leadson, 4IJ3 Bancroft, boy; Ed ward. YBiinKreii 4jfebYth Twenty-seventh, girl; James 1'etrllska, 2724 South Twenty first, boy; Marvin- Miford, 2S3T Douglas, boy; J. P. Weir, 619 North Thlrty-secund. boy; F. M. Wheclrr, Ninth and Seward, boy; Robert K. 4'arr, 3223 Cass, girl; Ueorge Av Barna, 1115 South Ninth, boy. Death Henry Kohlwey, St. Joseph's houpltal, SS; Blanche Keene, 2G20 Decatur. 14; David Hamilton, 1011 William, 62; Kath ryn T. Orady, llli South Twenty-eighth, 17.. ANNOUNCEMENTS "kAT CLEAN Curbon Cooking Coal. V-VJiMJ ooutant & Squires. 1408 Far. D. MO. TYPEWRITTEN work produced In quan tities W'UN DUPLICATING Co.. 403 Bee Bldg. R. L. Andrews,, Mgr. Doug. 3641. THE City Carbac Co., Te Doug. 1387. cleans vaults, cesapools and removes ma nure, ashea and all kinds of refuse. ROSE PARDEE have taken the Exc'lslt.r'Cafe, .1204 Farnam. Beat meal for 20 cents. WEDDING RINGS Ryan Jewelry Co., Fifteenth and Douglas. Monurnnnts, J. F. Bloom It Co., WIS Far. MONEY TO LOAN LOW RATE. In sumu to suit. 310 Bee Bldg. Phone Douc. UNION LOAN COMPANY. t- Iron and Wire PrflfP Champion Fence Co.. x vuwv 15th ft jacltwJU sts. Tel. D. im. LEW.W.RABER-K" AFTER MARCH 1, 1D10. BEE BUILDING .JgS ILER GRAND HOTEL Finest In (he west, r p u : y. Tnflia 16th and Howard-Sta. XUIhlSn liatllS J01INN1TTLER "Sr.Sy I7X1TS TIIE BEER TOU LIKE. IjUVUO mi Bou;n Nth St. Douglas ISM. Red 3332. Independent A -1420. THE Westarn Fur Co. will be located at 1003 Lcavvnuorth after February 1. KHOKS ' called for ar.d delivered free. Ftandaid Shoe Uipilr Co., 1MH Farnam. TRY. our Cream Bread, always fresh. Ieav'w'tli St. bakery, 2707 Iav'tn. H. 5005. Cement Blocks BEST QUALITY. Ideal Cemdiit Stone Co. SPECIAL agents of Gunther's fine candy. The bunt We cream sodas, with crushed Huns. iU Ueil urug Co., :tlb Farnam. COAL Iltlnolr lump, per ton, j-t P. J. ..'ecdoii & Sons. 45th and Dodge. ;'ol. Harney 2160. S. H. - COLE SIGN Farnum. CO.. D. 3758. 1316 Douglas Printing Co. Tel. Douglas (44. GOOD MERCHANTS LUNCH. A. JETKS, im Douglua St. 5 CTS, DAVID COLE Creamery Co. Mlasuur! FUteis made. sold. '.31 Howard. liOM rl M Restaurant. 203 So. 1310 uyj xvux 8l chlnaMe d,ia American dishes. Chrp Suey. fflir, S. 4 H. Green Trading Stamps wnn nara and soft coal. People's Coal Co. Doug. 3471; Ind. A -1468. ELEVATORS REPAIRED Freight, Pas er.gei,, J. R. Kennedy, lu4 S. 13th. Uoug W7. Saratoga Drug Co., 24th and Ames Av., accurate compounders of prescription. Fie delivery. Stor open 1:30 a. m. to 13 p. m. D. W. DUDGliON. Plumbing and heating. LOUIE AHKO M1 ou8i om- chop place. American and Chinese atylej. OFFICE STATIONERY KS" Koitra A Co , 1503 Jackson. 'Phone D. 1K68l I PACK china, cut alas nr hrto.hr eii.ilng presents a iiecialty. Lemon. 1514 LaviiioiU Ind. B-Tim ANNOUNCEMENTS tt 'ontinued.) THE UNION FUEL CO. Altrhlron. Cook Corner-, Fnrmerlv ground floor New Tork Ufa Rldf. ANNOUNCE TIIE OPENING of their now offloe. 0ROUND FLOOR, BEE BLDG. BRIQUETTES our specialty for Pound Oak and Furnaee, $s 50 a Ton PROMPT DELIVERY. 'Phones: Ind. A-2268. Doug. 26A PATTON-BOWMAN HARDWARE CO. Announce the Opening of Their NEW STORE. 1615 FARNAM ST. PHONE D. 6SJM. Complete atook of Contractor' Supplies, Builders' Hardware, Touia. Jauitor'a aup pilea. Cutlery, tin. The Melcher-Schmidt Drag Co., announce, that Its new up-to-date drug (tore will be open for busineai about Feb. 20. it will be in the atrlctest sense a prescrip tion drug stora. A large and varied stock, complete equipment In the prescription room and In the laboratory guarantees that preacrtplons will be filled In an ac curate, scientific manner. Besides this, an able and active force of pharmacists will be occupied In co-Oerating with your physician to safeguard your health Melcher-Schraidt Drug Co., 17th and Farnam. BARRETT-JOHNSON CO., The Well Known Tailors, WHO HA VIS HF.EN AT 1307 FARNAM ST. FOH VI I K PAST SIX'i KEN YKAH8. HAVE MOVED 521 So. 16th St. Oppsoite Rome PHOTO ENGRAVING Acid Riant F.tchinR. Prompt '.Vork. W. R. BRAMBLETT & CO., mi Howard. D. 6971. TWO IDAHO HOMES. 300 acrefl in the heart of the Bnlpe) valley will be put on the market March 1 In tracts to suit the purchaser. Prlcea right. For particulars call on or address J. P. Hall. 1101 N. lth St.. Bolae, Idaho. V.. V.'. Scott, Photographer. Photos taken s:-.ywhere any time. 13. 91o. T vrfiri TjTnsj PLUMBINQ AND j I JN KjIX 1 liUo. HEATING. p.lcPAIR WORK A SPECIALTY. 706 S. j 16th. Phone Douglas 1477. HINDOO TABLETS will build, brace, rtrengthen, 60c. BELL DP.UG CO. VOTT Or-.. The Western Hit. Schmoller 1KJJ, f-Oi., 4 Mueller Sheet Music Dept. ANCHOR FENCE CO. Iron and Wire Fences Cheaper Than Wood. Last a Lifetime. 207 N. 17th. 'Phone Red S14. PLDMBINO. R. G. Hamilton, steam and pas fitting. 2331 Leavenworth. D. 4951. A-43t,L AUTOMOBILES Arroplanca, OMAHA AEROPLANE AGENCT. 1102 Farnam. Distbrs. Matthewson-Marrs Aeroplanes. Call or write for specifications. Aatoanobllea. See Drummond For your AUTO TOP or TOP REPAIRS. For AUTO WHEELS or WHEEL RE PAIRS. For spring or axle repairs. For the lowest priced good painting. For body woodwork or trimming. For Diamond Tlre3. Tubes or Casings. 18th and Harney Sts. DEMONSTRATION CABS. Why buy socond-hand carsT They usu ally are doctorc-d "cripples." Buy a used demonstration car. They aro usually crack cars, kept In perfect repair. Write what type you want and we will quote prices. Pioneer Implement Company. Council Bluffs, Iowa. ., BEST AUTOMOBILE BARGAINS. C. F. LOUK, 1S08 Farnam St. FOR best bargains In used cars In first class condition call or write SWEET-ED WARDS AUTO CO., 3052 Farnam St. KISSEL AR SATISFACTION LONG SERVICE MODERATE PRICE WRITE US FOR LIST OF USED CARS. KISSEL AUTO CO.. OMAHA. PAT?K'lT,V 2230 FARNAM 8TREET. Repainting and Repairing. Douglas 9&. CALL US for demonstration of Cola '30.' Midwest Auto Co., 19th and Farnam. AUTO STORAGE, Painting and Repairing. WM. PFEIFER CARRIAGE WORKS. z5tli Ave and Leavenworth. AUTOMOBILE repairing at any hour, any time and anywhere: for first-class me chanics call Douglas 7281. storage, second-hand, cars, Diamond tires. The Paxton-Mitchell Co., 2318 Harney St. . MIDWAY AUTO GARAGE. Steam heat space for storase: reDalrlna- done promptly anywhere, day or niaht. Tire vulcanizing, oils and supplies. 1329 Broadway. Council Bluffs. Ind. 671. Black m. DON'T HAVE A PUNCTURE, we treat your tlrea and guarantee them for one year. Nebraska Puncture Proof Co., 706 N. 16th. New location. 2201 Farnam, after Feb. 1. SEND for our list of second-band can DERIGHT AUTOMOHILE CO., 1814 Farnam St Auto Paintinrf "Murphy Did It. '-Get AUlu L "ittnufe our prices. Andrew MURPHY & SON. 1412 Jackson. AUTOGENOUS WELDING All kinds of broken cylinders, crank cases and costings promptly repaired. All work guaranteed. BERTSCHY MOTOR COMPANY, Council Bluffs, la. BARGAINS In used cars: send for list Council Bluffa Auto. Co. 510 Pearl St. INTERNATIONAL Delivery Waarons. I.-H.-C. ROADSTERS High-Wheeled Autos. International Hurvcster Company, Omaha. SEND for our list of second-hand cars. STANDARD AUTO CO.. 2024 Farnam St WRITE f.ir list automobile bargains. IL JCFHEprtJCKKOX AUTO CO.,Omuha. BUSINESS CHANCES TO GET In or out of business call on GANGKSTAD. 404 Bee Bldg. Tel. D. 8367. ARKIN'S KOSHER rT STEAM LAUNDRY WANTED. The city of Miller, S. D., wanta a, first class si. -am laundry. Address Commercial Club. Miller, S. D. CIGAR FACTORY WANTED. The city of Miller, S. D., wants a cigar fox-lory. Write the Commercial Club, Mil ler. S. D. FIRST-CLASS, up-to-date grocery stouk In eastern Neb.. In a town of about 3.0W; doing a No. 1 business; reason for selling, other business. Invoice Jan. 1, 1910, $:i.3O0; will sell for K.SOO If taken at once. Address Y 174. Hee. FOR HALF: A I3.M stock general mer chandise and a 14.000 stock Implements In a thriving town; will aell either stock, as it makes more than we can handle; have a big trade In both lines. A snap If taken quick. W. F. Elliott & Son. Huntley, Neb. WANTED TO SELL A painting and papAT-hanKing busineui; $1,000 worth of ork reuily 10 begin on. A good opening for a good workman with some capital. For particulars writ to Letter Rice, 314 West Third St., Grand Island. Neb. HOTEL LOCATION. The city of Miller of fern a first-class location for a modern hotel. Correspon dence Is solicited with some experienced hotel man. Addiesa Commercial club. Mil iar, ' BUSINESS CHANCES tt'ontlnuedi THE GRAND TRUNK PACIFIC LAND COMPANY. Will secure for you rich fruit and farm land from the RriUsh Columbia govern ment In the famous Fort George district close to the new railway building to Prtnce Ruprt at 7 PER ACRE ON TERMS. Tha government aas. "The soli Is rich, the climate mild and the demand for every product of the farm Is great and ever increasing. Thousands of land seekers will flock Into the vslley next summer. These are the people who will make your land, if you buy bow, double, treble, quadruple and more In price. It takes only $1.00 PER ACRE CASH. You don't have to live on It, Improve It, ir become a Canadian citizen to own It. Act quickly; the best selections Will go first. Call and pee government reports. References, Omaha National Bank, and dnsens of bankers and btinlneea men, who have bought these lands through us. 411 New York Life Building, Omaha. LKTHBR1DGE, THE CAPITAL OF COAL AND WHEAT. Investment In a young city with a great future is the safest and most profitable form In the world. You know of the trem endous development of Western Canada. You know that this development has now reached the stage when it Is building, great cities. Lethbrldge commands the finest wheat and coal country of Canada. It Is the center of. the richest and most fully de veloped part of this great nnw empire; LethbridgQ Is growing more rapidly than any other city of the west today. Four teen lines of railroad will center here. In test a little money now and take part In the wonderful development of this last great west. Today you can buy property from us for only $10 down and $10 a month for nine months. In five years thh prop erty will be in the hei rt of a great city. Write for maps and full Information now. Standard Securities Co.. Box U U. Leth brldge. Alberta, Canada. LAUNDRT For rent or sale, possession given at once. Splendid businees; fine cement building; county seat town with five other towns to draw from. A monery maklng propoalllon. Nearest other laundry to miles distant; owner going away. Theodore Wlckhorst, Ellendale, N. D. BUSINESS OPENING. There la a first class opportunity for an up-to-date shoe store In the city of Miller, S. D. Address Commercial club. Miller, S. D. FOR SALE at less than cost, stock millinery. Will rent room for millinery. Mrs. B. P. Heath, Craig, Neb. IF YOU want the best 9-room rooming house in Omaha for less than G0c on SI. See us quick. Lathrop & Tobin, 415 Bee Bldg. D. 20T6. FOR SALE Brick block In Central Ne braska. Town of 6,000 pop. All modern, 5 to 10 year leases. Will figure 10 per cent on the Investment. Write L. N. Elnsel, Holdreg;e. Neb. CHIROPODISTS DR. ROY. 1505 Farnam St. Douglas M7. DANCING MORAND'S, 15th Hon., Frl., 8 p. m.; and Harney; lessons private dally. D. 1041. DENTISTS BAILEY & MACK. 3d floor. Paxton. D10SJ TAFT'S Dental Rooms, 1517 Douglas St DETECTIVES OMAHA Det Agenoy, 428 Paxton. D 1513. G. A. Halterman. 432 Paxton. Tel. R. 4471. DRESSMAKERS rriTIi1 'PARTS Ladle"' tailors and fur XLIXj L AulO rierli; l9t cieis fancy and plain work; fittings guaranteed; mate rial furnished by us or patron. 13 Doug las, Red 1968. TERRY COLLEGE, 20th and Farnam Sts. MISS STURDY. 2702 Farnam. Tel. H. 4678. M. SELECOW, 2901 Farnam. Harney 2047. EDUCATIONAL BOYLES' COLLEGE, the largest business college In all the 'U. S. west of Chicago. DAY AMD NIGHT COURSES. Trains young people for successful ca reers as stenographers, -bookkeepers, tel egraphers and U. 8. civil service railway mall clerks, carriers and government clerks; fine, big, interesting, Instructive catalogue free for the asking. Ask now. Both 'phones. Boyles College, Omaha, Neb. MOSHEH-LAMrMAN BUSINESS COLLEGE. Unexcelled rouise In business, short hand, penmanship and English. None but experienced teachers. Day and evening sessions. Most interesting catalogue pub lished lit Omaha. Send for one today. MOS1IKR A LAMPMAN. Seventeenth and Farnam Streets. ST. ANDREW'S SCHOOL. FOR BOYS 41st AND CHARLES. Rev. F. D. TYNER. 1848 Charles. H-2281. EVERYTHING FOR WOMEN ARSENIC and IRON complexion wafers makes clear, white skin. By mall 50c and fl.OC. Sherman & MoConnell Drug Co., Omaha. THE N. Y. Dept. Store, 1810 Vinton, "Sells Everything." May Manton patterns, 10c CHINA dororatlng; order work a special ty. Lessons Tuesday, Thursday and Satur days. Firing daily. Children's classe Sat urday mornlnp. Mrs. C. C. Hungat. H Brandels Bldg. Tel. Red 648C PANTORIUM hJoneNES',Try' uood cleaners and dyers." I- MRS. MATTHEWS, hair goods. 304 Neville. FLORISTS J. V. WILCOX CO. Bluffs, la.: largest greenhouses In west; beautiful flowers for any occasion shipped anywhere In U. 8. BENNETT'S Flower Dpt E. store ontr'ce. HESS A 8WOBODA. 141 Farnam St. J. H. BATH. 1628 Harney. Douglas SOtfl. A. DONAGHUE, 1607 Far. D. 1001; A-1001. L. Henderson, 1511 Farnam St Doug. 1258. BRANDE13 CUT FLOWERS DEPT. Nnraerlea. WRITE for special prices on early ordors. Ki-ney Creek Nursery, Honey Creek, la. FURNACES AND REPAIRS FURNACii repairing a specialty. Joseph Dwffy. 1801 Cass. Tel Doug. 6260. NEW FURNACES, water fronts, tank heaters and repairs of every make; li'Oi-g Douglaa Ht. Omaha Stove Repair Works. Both 'phones. HELP WANTED FEMALE Agents and Salesladies. WANTED At once, three experienced lady solicitors; good salary. Apply Thurs day 864 Brandels Bldg. ' actor j Trade. GIRL wanted to strip tobacco and work In cigar factory. Midwest Cigar Co., 1-15 Harney, third floor. Housekeepers and Domestic. WANTED Rellablo girl for general housework; references. Apply at 3408 Dewey Ave. WANTED After March 1. girl for gen eral housework; good wages. Mrs. Cow dery, 135 8. 36th St. WANTED Good female cook at South Dakota Soldiers' home. J. B. GEDD1S, commandant. Hot Springs, S. D. . WANTED a girl for general housework and cooking. Highest wages paid. 133) S. 35th Ave.. Harney 2H04. WANTED Experienced white girl for general housework: good wages; no wash Tng. Mrs. H. U. Finney, 132 So. 3kih. Tel. Harney 5115. HELP WANTED FEMALE Honoekeepera and Doaseatlro Cont'd. GIRL for general housework; two In family. 3444. Harney St. Phone Harney S44. FAMILY washinga done. Webstar 7. GIRL for general housework. 1101 I2d. So. WANTED Girl for general house work. Small family. Z1 N. Itth. Web. 27GJ. WANTED Middle-aged woman for light house work and company. Three In family, btesy place. 117 Grace St. WANTED Experienced woman for gen eral house work. Mrs. J. U. Rose, 4j12 Dodge St. Tel., Harney 349. OIRL for house work; no washing or Iron ing. Must have reference. 3816 Burt or call Harney 169. .WANTED A young girl to help take cars of baby one yenr old and help with house work. Call at 1624 Cuming 8f. GIRL wanted 21G N. Z2d. for general house work. Housekeeper wanted to ca.ro for two little school girls. 3114 S. 23d. GIRL for general housework. 918 Farnam St. Mrs. D. Altman. COMFTTTENT Jjlrl for general house work- small family; no washing. 414 South 38th St. WANTED A first class woman for Mon days. 2200 Harney St GIRL to do house work. Family of two. 201 New Hamilton. 24th and Farnam Sts. WHITE girl for general housework, no laundry work, good wages. Apply 111 N. 41st St, WANTED A competent second girl Im modlatc.y. Mm. H. H. Baldrlge, 124 S. 39th St. WASHERWOMAN wanted. 1823 Maple O v. GIRL for general housework; no wash ing. 104 S. 94th St. Harney 1138. EXPERIENCED girl for general house work; good wojjes paid; two In family. Mrs. 3. E. House, 1821 Chicago St WANTED A good woman to do light housework; more for home than wages; good place. Ind. B 2110, or address 4:04 Lake St. MIDDLE AGED or elderly lady as house keeper in worklngman's family. Call after 6 p. m. or Sunday, 2619 Sherman Ave. WANTED Woman for washing overv Monday. 224 N. 18th St. "Phone Douglas 62. WANTED A good cook. Mrs. V. W. ChriBtie. 1024 Parke Ave. GOOD girl for second work; good wages. 2423 Cass St. EXPERIENCED house maid wanted; references -required. Mrs. J. E. Baum, 3545 Harney St. GIRL to assist with housework; three In family; no laundry work. Mrs. R. E. Mar ble 3301 Sherman Ave. COMPETENT girl for general houework. 605 8. 35th Ave. .: GIRL for general housework. Apply Sun day afternoon or Monday. Mrs. Wm. Moncrlef, 113 S. 36th. GIRL or woman for housework and car of children. Mrs. J. W. El wood, 1911 Bra met St. Phone Web. S418. WANTED Two chamber maids; must be experienced-, good pay. Apply 420 8. 15th St. GIRL to BRslst with housework and care for 1-year-old baby. 1624 Cuming. WANTED Middle-aged woman for gen eral housework, small family; no washing; good home. Apply at 2717 Pratt St., or 'phone Webster 4JS21. WANTED Scandinavian girl to work In rooming house. )M1 Jones. . WANTED Orirni girl for light work. 914 N 16; b Sit.; upstairs. house- GIRL for' geinsrs.1 housework; family of 3.- Call Saturday-, m. or Sunday. 1810 N. Ed St. K .-n WANTEDA "igood capable woman for housekeeper. 106 ,5. 25th St "X G I RL wanted for general housework; small XaiTilly and good wages; no cooking. 2621 Capitol Ave. GIRL to do light housework and care of children. 823 S. 26th Ave. COMPETENT girl for general housework; small family: good wages; no cooking. 26134 Capitol Ave. WANTED 18-year-old girl to help take care of l4-yeai-old baby and assist with the housework, 907 N. 17th. A GIRL for general housswork; ' good wages; good, easy place. Tel. B 1340, 2807 N. 24th St WA NTHD A girl to do general house work. Phone Harney 3272. 4246 Farnam. WANTED A second girl. Apply at once. Mrs. D. C. Bradford, S28 So. 37th St. Mlacetinaeoaa. LEARN HAIRDRESSING It pays. You can earn $15 to $25 weekly. Full course taught. J. L. Brandels. Halrdresnlng Dept. HELP WAiVTcb TiIALE Aarents. Solicitors and Salesmen. WANTED A solicitor with krs and buggy to drive through tho country and solicit subscriptions. Call and sea circu lation manaaer. The Bee Publishing Co. LIVE AGENTS Men or women wanted to Introduce high grade specialty into every home. Quick sales. Big profits. Send for free particulars . today. . Klumb Mall Order House, Dept. B, 640 West Mili tary Ave., Fremont, Neb. AGENTS Something new: every farmer needs one; good profits. Write today. Bart lett Supply Co., Brown Block. Omaha, Neb. WANTED Newspaper solicitors. Call or write Twentieth Century Farmer, 503 Be Bldg., OtiHlia. N. 1 ' t AGENTS WANTED Anson, Tex., quar-ter-mlllion-dollar improvements; residence lo( and 20 acres up to 1,280, litis, monthly faymenls; capable townsite mer. wanted, mmigratlon Company, Anson, Tex. WANTED 4 1 experienced clothing sales men; references required. Hayden Bros. SALESMAN to carry side line publica tions of prominent New York music pub lisher; liberal commission. Henry, 102 W. 33th St., New Vork. WANTED Thoroughly experienced, hltfh grade clothing salesman: must be Al man. Permanent position for right man. Address liesso-Avery Clothing Co., 1013-15 Main St., Kansas City, Mo. t WANTED By Iowa beef and pork packer, salesman to cover cities of Omaha and Council Bluffs. Address Y 175, Bee. LEAF TOBACCO salesman wanted by large firm. Must be well acquainted with local cigar manufacturers. Address Oppor tunity, 214 Pearl St., New York City. WANTED Flour salesman Jn commis sion. Address The Farmers Milling & Elevator Co.,- Norton, Kan. Clerical and Office. BOOKKEEPER. llT" Two Stenographers, $65. Collector, $"0. WESTERN REF. A BOND ASS N., INC. 721-22 N. Y. Life BICg. (Est. 7 Years.) WANTED An experienced shipping clerk. Only one with experience need ap ply. Enquire Superintendent. Brandels trtores. Factory and Trades, Drug atorea (stapa). Jobs. Knlest Be Bldg WANTED Junior linotype operator; also young man who knows job and cyllndnr presses; both should know country newa peptr work. Address, stating capability and wages wanted. Brown A Guy, Harlan, la. WANTED Good butter maker, on who has had experience In centrallser plant. A good man who has been aaxistant to butler maker and who thoroughly understands the bnluna might do. State exi-erleiue age and salary wanted. Address U 138, Bee. HELP . WANTED MALE Factory and Trndea -( oatlaned. WANTED Very competent drug olerk of good habits and willing to work. To auch. first class wages References from former employer required. Sherman McConnell Drug Co., corner 16th and Dodge. FOREMAN wanted; six-day morning paper; no Issue Mnnday morning; must be sober and active; young married man pre ferred; 128 per week; must have best of references. State Leader, Cheyenne, Wyo. MlKWlUsreat. ALL thin Safety Raxor Ttlades sharp ened. 30c 3os. Only successful sharpening service In existence. Satisfaction guaran teed. Victor Salety Raxor Co., 630 Paxton Blk., Omaha, Neb. THE NONPAREIL UUN'DRT CO.. Dounl.is 1K12 Wagons coil everywhere. SHIRTS IN SANITARY COVERS. WANTED Men to learn barber trade; demand greater than supply; will equip you for your own shop or steady position in few weeks; can earn expenses; don't delay; particulars free. Moler Barber Col lege, 110 S. 14th St MEN WANTED to prepero for railway mHll examination; commencement salary ftW); preparation free. TranKlin Institute, Dpt. 157 L. Rochester, N. Y. PATMTIVn nd papering. Get estimate now. Menawa, Tel. H-4841. WANTED Middle aged man to work around small hotel. Well dressed and pleasant disposition. Write for particulars. I P. Sears. Holyoke, Colo. GORDON press feeder. Lyngstad Print ing Co.; 8 Crounse Blk., opposite P. O. WANTED A thoroughly reliable engl ner for central heating plant, who also Is capable of operating a small electric light ing plant; also wish to hear from experi enced laundryman capable of running and caring for laundry machinery. Both par tie must be married; send endorsements. Address Y 173, care of Be. LIVE STOCK FOR SALE Horaea and Vehicles. MILLER A WINDER buy and sell all kinds of horses. 1416 Capitol Ave. D. 1810. WAGON repairing, painting, lettering, rubber tires put on and first class blacksmith work don by Johnson Danforth Co., lOtl. and Jones Sts. Let Frost fix your wagon. 714 So. 14th. GOOD STREET HACK, little used, $1,000 valuer will sell now for 1150. Johnson Danforth Co., loth and Jones Sts. HORSES lor sale. 914 North 21st. ROY Young buys and sells horses. Livery and boarding, 1720 N. 24lh St. W. 1603. Full Rawhide 50c Whips now 25c at HAYDEN'S HARNESS DEPT. tBasement.) TEAM mares, 9 and 10, In foal, weight L400; also wagon and harness. 'Phone Florence 166.' FOR SALE One good single or double driving horse: too light for our business. Oma Hotel Barn, 15th and Jackson. LOST AND FOUND LOST Beaver muff In Brandels base ment; finder please turn In at main desk; receive reward. LOST Gold spectacles with Kryptok lenses In Columbian Opt. Co. case. Return Columbian Opt. Co., 211 S. 16th. Reward. of our make. C. J. Lane on Inside pocket. $2G reward for Is return. Rylan A Lin- aerman. vuo 00. ram. , GOLD watch, set with diamonds and rubles. Return to Mrs. J. Sautter, 923 Ban croft St. Reward $10. IX)8T A mink muff, with head and tails, Return to Hayden Bros.' Jewelry depart ment and receive reward. LOST Brlndle cow. Return to Caldwell, 630 S. 20th St. B. LOST Single round pearl scarf pin some where In Bubllc Library, Hotel Rome or on Harney or Sixteenth streets between these buildings. Return to office Hotel Rome and receive reward. LOST Single pearl scarfpln In public library or Rome hotel or on Harney or 16th Sts., between the two places; return to office Rome hotel and receive reward. MEDICAL SPECIALISTS FOR MEN AND WOMEN afflicted with any aliment; should go In the doctors longest established, most experi enced and most successful; this Is valuable to our patlents.and our GUARANTEE, YOU PAY WHEN CURED. ESTABLISHED IN OMAHA 27 YEARS. After a perfect understanding of each case a fair, honest price Is agreed upon between doctor and patient, including all medicines until cured. No MEDICINE! GRAFT HERE. We will cur you for LESS MONEY than any other SPECIAL ISTS, and accept the money In ANY WAY you wish to pay. All ailments of men and women. FREE examination. Writ for symptom blank. Dr. McGrew Co., 215 S. 14th St., Omaha. Neb. PILES FISTULA PAY WHEN CURED. All RECTAL DISEASES cured without a surgical operation, and GUARANTEED to last a LIFETIME. No chloroform, ether or other general anaesUietlo used EXAMINATION FREE. WRITE FOR FREE BOOK. DR. E. IL TARRY, 224 BEE BLDG. OMAHA. NEB- FREE medical and surgical treatment at Creighlon Medical college, 14th and Dav enport Sts.; special attention paid to con finement cases; all treatment supervised by college professors. Phone Douglas 1167. Calls answered day or night COST YOU NOTHING If you have a chronic disease to try the FAMOUS FREE TREATMENT at the Radium Medical and Surgical Institute, northwest corner 13th and Farnam Sts. OMAHA SANITARIUM Nervous and skin diseases cured by elec tric treatments. X-Ray examinations Free, 511 N. 20th. Tel. Douglas 5085. Omaha. BEST nerve brace lor man. Gray'a Nerve Food Pilis, il a box, postpaid. Sherman it McConnell Drue Co.. Omaha. MOVING AND STORING EXP. Delivery Co., office loth and Dav enport 81s.; warehouse, 2207-ttl lzaid St. let-class STORAGE A MOVING. COLE'S EXPRESS. 1616 Capitol Ave. U. 670. A -3937. MONEY TO LOAN SALARY AMI CHATTELS. WH$W$5$S$m$$$$$$$$Wl$$$$ 8 $$ FURNITURE, PIANOS. SALARIES 1$ ( at the folio. ng low rates: $$ $1 t$ 0o a week pays $10 loan. IS 90c a week pays $25 loan. (I $1.50 a week pays $U) loan. t $.65 a week pays $1W) loan. Si You can pay monthly if you wish. $$ $1 $$ $ u $$ These payments Include In'errr.t and II principal; no other charges, STRICT- it LY CONFIDENTIAL. NO RED $$ JAPE, call ana oe convinced that IS we are the CHEAPEST and BEST. $1 OMAHA UNANCIAL CO., $ 501 BioK Ul&ci., Opposite Bi andels. U lYoncs Douglas A 2W6. $tuum$m$mr$$m$5tT$$i$m$$$m$r MONEY TO LOAN EASTERN RATES W can loan you any amount of money on your furniture, live stock or any other security at eastern rates and extend your payments for the longest time ever given in Omaha. Give us a trial. Business strictly confidential. NEBRASKA LOAN CO.. Suit 7 and 8. Crounse Block, opp. post- office. Corner lbth end Capitol Ave. Bell Douglas 1356 PHONES Ind. A-1356 Mnvvv see TS today ir YOU ....-.i.-. NEED MONEY. SALARY LOANS A CHATTEL JXDANS. Easy payments at low rates. OMAHA TRUST CO., 437 Board of Trad Bldg. MONEY TO LOAN Salary and hattels rnatlaoed. HOW MUCH ! ! ! are y w In deht? Would It nol be better to pay off all your creditors, Oroce-. Butcher, Milkman, Furniture man. Lindlor.l. Etc.. and owe only In on place? We n-lll ar range this for you. and again establish your credit standing if It is now Injured. Our rate ar absolutely n I .west In the city, and we give you any length of time to settle. Loans mail wltnout delay on In surance Policies. The J. A. Ilutton Co., 614-1B Taxtor. dlock. Salary and Furniture Loans t positively th LOWEST HA TES. fluicke servloe ard MOST CONFIDENTIAL DEAL of anv In the clly. Patiunn, th BIGGEST AND BEST. RELLBLE CREDIT CO., Third Floor, fTT-aa Paxton Bloek. Douglas nil and A 1411. DIAMOND LOANS AT 5 10. OOonly.... ... .SO' per rro. . .. .75 per mo. ...11.00 per mo. .. .12 W per mo. ...86 00 per mo. Red Elt 1514 Dodge St. 15 00 only 8SO.0O only W.0O only Iioo oly W. C. FLAT A U, MONET LOANED SALARIED PEOPLE, WOMEN KEEPING HOUSE AND OTH ERS, without security; easy payments. Office In t prlrclpal cities. Telmau, room UJ New Vork Lite Bldg. SALARY and chattel loann, lowest rates, confidential; open Saturday evening. Both phones. STAR LOAN CO., 644 Paxton Blk. 1892 Oldest Establish. 1910 OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO. for 18 years at 119 Beard of Trade. 80S So. 16th St. 'Phonu Doug. 2295. Bee us and be convinced that our rates are cheaper than any advertised. DIAMOND LOANS AT 5ft Why pay 15 and 20 per cent a month on Diamond Loans when our prices are: 2000only II 00 Looo only 12.50 JlOO only 15.00 LARGER LOANS EVEN LESS. BRODKEY'S TouoiIaJ stc-- MUSIC, ART, LANGUAGES PIANO lessons, reasonable terms. Mrs. Fay Ktahl, 1708 Spalding. Tel. Ind. B-5284. AfnTIT.TnM r4 Umon Orchestra. JS1UUL1UW O New catchy danceable Vf TTCTrt Rhul Moulton. direcior. 505 Kar- OFFERED FOR RENT Boarding; nnd Rnonaa. THE DOUGLAS Nicely fvrnlshed. mod. rooms, reasonable. 2201 Douglaa St. D. 6765. THE TEMPLARS Choice table board. by day or weak. 181.8 Capitol Ave. THE PRATT Excellent horn cooking. Meals, 25c. Warm rooms. 212 S. 25th St. WANTED Lady boarder. Private family. Modern convenience. Webster 2!56. FOR gentlemen or gentleman and wife who would appreciate a home In refined family; an east front room with alcove room handsomely furnished, with choice table. J 142, Bee. trarntahed ltooma. THE BELMONT, 16i8 DODGE. MODERN STEAM HEATED ROOMS. EVERYTHING NEW. RATES FROM $2.50 TO $6 PER WK. DEWEY European hotel, 13th A Farnam. DODGE HOTEL Large outside, and steam heat In every room; ratea by week. ELEGANT front room, fine furniture 124 N. 20th. No sign on house. FURNISHED ROOMS; modern. ISO Farnam St FURNISHED rooms for gentlemen, lit 8. 13th St. Th Chatham. Hotel Howard i Martlg, Prop.. 10th and Howard Sts.. new building, new furniture, any rooms clean. sweet and fresh. Reasonable rates. D Lorie hotel, mod. rooms. 210 N. 17th. LARGE room, house new, plenty of hot wator. 816 N. 19th St. WARM rooms. $2 per week: free bath. Ogden Hotel, Council Bluffs. FOUR furnished rooms, for rent In suits or single. Douglas 6099. O. M. E. hauls trunks. Douglas 611. and board very reasonable; 6 minutes' walk from center. 1111 unicago si. FURNISHED room, modern conveni ences; private family; walking distance; $2.50 per week. 219 S. 29th Ave. Harney bill. STEAM heated rooms. 611 N. 17th. MODERN furnished room: private fam ily. 'Phone Douglas 5035. FOR RENT Nicely furnished, strictly modern front room, in private family, on Park Ave., near Leavenworth St. Phone Harney 715. 1 LARGE front room, modern. 1814 Dodge. NICELY furnished room, private family, 817 Park Ave. 'Phone Harnev 715. ONE OR TWO rooms, modern conven iences. 2640 Seward, northeast corner 27th. FRONT ROOM, strictly modern and close in. 508 N. 20th St. LARGE front room, suitable for two. Telephone Doug. 4958. 1816 Chicago. LARGE room for two. 116 No. 25th St. NICELY furnished front room;, modern home: walking distance. 'Phone Harney L3355. 2608 Dodge. STEAM heated furnished room for rent reasonable. 2238 'Farnam, suite 3. Tele phono Douglaa 5691. TWO nice furnished x'ront rooms, to gether or separately; board first-class. 417 No. 2nthSt. Douglas Ub. NICE furnished room modern. t34 So. 28th St. for gentleman; NICELY furnished rooms, all modern, for colored. 901 No. 27th Ave.' HOUSEKEEPING and sleeping rooms, modern. 306 No. 18th St. MODERN furnished rooms; reasonable. 2011 Harney. FURNISHED rooms, modern: board if desired. 2707 Dodg-e. Harney 4339. FURNISHED, steam heated rooms. 2013 Chicago. NICELY furnished room for gentleman. 1707 Dodg. TWO rooms for light housekeeping; gas range; modern. 1822 Chicago. NICELY furnished rooms suitable for one or two. 19V Cass. LARGE and small rooms. 1815 Chicago. 1809 FARNAM; modern, warm, furnished roc ins. LARGE furnished room, suitable for two young men. 2709 Capitol Ave. 201 So. 24th; front parlor; also small room; reasonable; steam heat. FRONT room; modern; suitable for two gentlemen. !;3S So. 19th. Douglas 2715. TWO modern furnlKhed rooms, furnace heat. 964 No. 25th St. NICELY furnished front room, modern. 714 Ho. 17th Ave. .FRONT, room, private family. 2103 liar ney St. FOUR-room modem flat, $20. 2206 Nich olas. I ROOMS. Id flooi, tout Rees St.. i,.h and tallet $15. Chris Boyer. 22d and Cum Ing 81. 2132 N. 18TH. 1 rooma In th basement; water and bath; on second floor two rooms, I rooms on first floor. OFFERED FOR RENT Apartments and riata Cen tlasrb i-rvTo A f A - nTur vr a V .... 1 I . . H. " - - " - .... at ,n ni-talit coriier. high grade. hardwood, f.ill modern, gss range, steam heat, hot water all year. TTalklnx dtatanwj summer. Sls: winter. 41 more. RefsreneM required. BKMI8. 450 Brar-dels Bldg. . ROOM scml-tras-rient flat In Dunsay, , 10:h a::d Tlerco. nl-an heated. i CONRAD YOUNG. Tel D. 1571. 1518 Dodg. llonaekewptaar fftonaaa. A StnTK of three elegant w ruKV modern tX North fOth. TWO or three nlcery furnished. wll heated rooms In private ho-.n. family of two; god location; electric light, cooking gas. 50J S 2Sth t. Phone Harney I0U. 1 .ir rj uprurmsnra i-r.-in. n. w,.n n. ..M,n,,i Call Sunday or after o'clock. 2220 N. 19th St. Tivn ni.iv furnished houaekeeplrut rooms, modern. 422 N. 17th. rcir-iri.v furnished rooms for light house keeping. 2117 Webster. - MnniTRN housekeeping room. Douglaa 2619. 2002 Webster. Tunc-it- niA. nnfurnlahed rooms and bath, 815. 1618 Webster. nnvatir rum. stiprV modem, walklna1 dis tance," $15 up. 604 S. 28th St. two front hnusckepDlna rooms: steam. 712 N. lth St. TWO larae. modern front rooms; gas range, refrlKerator: everything complet. Phone B 2168. 807 N. Z-itn. ROOMS for light housekeeping. ll N. 17th St. FURNISHED, steam heated basement rooms. 213 Chicago. STRICTLY modern housekeeping rooms W-itli ni.nn nn Kurnal- r-a r line: tlO chil dren. 2504 Davenport St. FURNISHED rooms, modern, for light housekeeping. 615 N. 17th. 831 S. irrH Large, nicely furnished housekeeping rooms, with laundry. MODERN rooms, furnished complete forA housekeeping; rent reasonable. (60 8. Mlhf Ave. Harney 1C92. TWO housekeeping rooms. 1701 Clark, $12. Red 4487. TWO modern front rooms, housekeeping or sleeping. 2010 St. Mary's Ave. MODERN, basement rooms. 3020 Burt St. TWO coxv furnished, housekeeping, to couplt. 909 S. 27lh. TWO excellent furnished front rooms for housekeeping. 'Phone In house; 2574 Har ney St. TWO nice front rooma for housekeeping. 2013 Leavenworth. , TWO furnished rooms for housekeeping, furnace heat. 324 N. 17th St. . FURNISHED rooms for light housekeep ing. 622 S. 20th. THREE unfurnished front rooms, on light housekeeping, one furnished bedroom. Call 933 N. 24th St., 2d floor. FOR RENT 2 and S-room strictly ern apartments for llKht houseke VJig. steam heat. 47. N. 24th St. TWO large front rooms for housekeep ing, furnished complete, new building, gas for cooking and light. 2223 l,eaven worth St. 'Phone Ind. 4406; Bell, Doug. 1612. SUITE housekeeping rooms, modern. 2b01 Dodge. LARGE front room, with alcove, for housekeeping. Strictly modern. 224 N. 19th. Furnished Houses. ; ON THE North Side. 7-room furnished or unfurnished house; modern; large lot. Will rent very cheap to partlea who will care for place. Inquire of owner at 970 N. 20th Ave. Phone Red 4597. '. liunaea and Cottaa-'a. , OMAHA Van & Btortgf Co., pack, move, tore, h h. goods: storehouse, 1120-14 N lth; office 309 S. 17th St Tel. Douglas 'M3. HOUSES, flats. Garvin Bros., tit N. T4u HOUSES, Insuiaoort. RJngwalt. Barktr Blk. HOUSEHOLD GOODS packed, forwarded! cheap freight rates; moving and storing. Expressmen's Delivery' Co. Tel. Doug. 294. FOR RENT 8-room house, modern ex cept furnace, large and convenient rent low If taken soon. 211 N. 28th Av. Call Red 6264. MODERN. 8-room bouse. Phone Douglas 4587. 216 8. t5tb Ave. HOUSES In " Prt of th cU- UUUOao Crelgh Suna ft Co.. Be Bldg. MAGGARD Van ft Storage Co. D. iH Pack, store and ship household goods. . FOR RENT Six-room house, 8 t2d Ava. modern. MO. Phone Harnev 1566. Chris Boyer, 22d and Cumings St, tor houses and flats, from $10 10 $40; and from three to ten rooms. HOUSES Potars Trust Co.. N.Y.LUe Bldg. EIGHT-ROOM houae, modern. 2514 Caldwell St. Inqulr Six-room house, modern, $17, 1620 Mapl street. i HOUSE for rent and furniture for sal. Phone B-5001. TIZARD 4-room corner flat, 220 N. 23d. no equal. EIGHT-ROOM, all modern, on car Una; vacant March 15th. Inquire 323 North 37th street. SIX-ROOM cottage, modern except heat, fine location, paved street, cistern, i-elht $18. 'Phone Webster 2502. FOR RENT." 8- room, all modern brick house, combina tion fixtures, $40. March l, 1910. will be vacant 6-room, all modern, combination fixtures, $32. 9- room, all modern brick tenement, north part of city, t. 4 rooms, first floor, apartment, 1623 No. 18th St.. $12.00. 6-room cottage for colored family, 21st and Clark St.. $12. 3 nice rooms. lfI7 Clark- St., $9. 3 rooms on first floor, modern, 1828 No. 17th St., $11. ('. M BACHMANN. Tel. It. 2K; Res. D. 5066. 436 Paxlon. THESE RENTS WILL INTEREST YOU. 6- r., mod., also bain, 113 Wehstor, $22. 50. 4-r., will repair, 2707 8. 21st, t-H. 8-r., part mod., 1403 N. IMh, $25. 4-r. and large store. 2122 Military Av., $20. 4-r., city water, 25S7 8. hth. $9. 7- r.. ulso barn. 4103 N. 2sth Av., $15. I'l-r., srt mod.. 1512 N. 31st, $16. 8- 1., mod., choice, 2U3 Bristol, $22.60. 8-r., Intnl., choice. fiOK S. 36th, $27.50. RUSSELL A McKITHICK CO.. 432 Ramge Bldg. 15th and Harney. Dalldloa. . I WANT an offer ror tne two story brlok building at 121:; and 1215 Howard street. Will rent for $204 a month. Eastorn own .-.Hi cell cheup. THOMAS BREUNAN. Room 1 New York Ll.' Building. Office. DESK room and 'phone; reasonable. 611 Bee Bldg. DESK room for rent. Call Red 2639. Stores. 1808 Farnam 6t. aUe 22x60 ft kPhon Harney MM. FOR RENT Modern stor room. Nd ut N. 16th St., Hotel Luya! li-i . apply LoyQ hotel office ONE or two floors on Fernam St.. ran tral wholesale location ; 44x100; elevator service; good loading facilities for stor uge or factory; rental reasonable. Adr Uresa D 137, Be. WHEN answering these adv menta. Juat put In an extra word or where you saw tha ad. Mil 1