Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 15, 1910, Image 1

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    The Omaha Daily Bee
la tbe snout powerfnl business
, getter In the went, because It goes
to the homes of poor and rich.
For Nebraska Tartly cloudy.
For Iowa Unsettled; rain or iinow.
For weather report see page 2. -
"Uncle Joe" Makes Address in Favor
of Appropriation from Floor
of the House.
Grand Army Bill
Saves Veterans
From Wily Women
Pension Measure Before Senate Re
quires Widow to Live with Hus
band Three Years.
Situation Wanted
New York Court Rules that Secretary
Prosecuting1 Witness in Ballinger In
quiry Questioned by Attorney
for the Secretary. '
' i
of Sugar Trust Must Stand Trial
for Conspiracy.
Broad View of Welfare of Whole Na-
- tion Should Prevail.
Some Newspapers and Mafjazi ? e
S. 'i
If Majority Woes Not Find Wi
le .act Its Will Into Uei PeoV.-
Will Choose Other
WASHINGTON, Fob. 14. "If we lose
sight of our own Importance and our pol-
tlon for the time being, there will come in
our places better and wiser men, who will
not lose sight of the necessity to provide
for an orderly procedure under which a
majority can work Its will; where respon
k elbillty rests there must be power with the
majority to move on, being responsible."
"Uncle Joe" ' Cannon,' laying aside his
gavel and speaking today from the floor of
the house merely as "The Gentleman from
Illinois," sounded this warning to his col
' leagues.
"Representative" Cannon arose for the
purposj of lending his approval to the
pending rivers and harbors appropriation
bill, but during his speech, which was of
about twenty minutes' duration, he took
occasion to refer lightly to magazine and
newspaper criticism and to remind the
minority members that the power of the
majority was futile unless enforced by a
well oiled machine. It was while Repre-
ri(Ar.lf1 tAmm NT V 1 h;ifl the
floor that members were surprised to- see
the speaker rise from a seat in their midst
and Inquire: "Wilt the gentleman from New
Tork yield to me?"
Cannon for Rivera BUI.
"I will yield to the gentleman, I believe
from Illinois," said Mr. Fitzgerald, emil
gly. Mr. Cannon told the house how he
ad voted, for a rivers and harbors bill
during President Arthur's administration
and explained that he had voted to pass
the measure over the president's veto. Ho
said he had had some trouble In justifying
thai vote before his constituents, but said
he did bo.
- "I i thanked God then as I thank God
now," esld Mr. Cannon, "that that con
stituency, agricultural district as it Is to
day, hart the I patriotism crossed ' with
breadth and Intelligence to stand by me at
the polls."
As the speaker was enlarging upon the
need of breadth of view to obtain approval
at over 1heeountry.(for appropriations for
rivet and harbor improvements, Repri;sent-
alive Dalzell of Pennsylvania, who occupied
the chair, began - hammering the desk, be-
" fcro him with the speaker's gavel
Call of Time.
4 Th time of the gentleman has expired!"
Te cxc'almed, In mock severity.
"May I have a minute more?" pleaded
the speaker.
Mr. Fitzgerald then obtained unanimous
cor.ient ti have his time extended five
minutes, and Mr. Cannon proceeded. With
the eye of prophesy, he saw the nation's
population' growing from 90 000,000 to 500,-
000,000. "Already we have almost one-half
' the railroad mileage of this earth," he
said, "carrying one-third of the products
of the civilised world hack and forth to
. market. Long before the COO.000.000 are here.
If we are to depend on railroad transporta-
tlcn alone, we will have the railway mile
age multiplied by two, multiplied by three,
multiplied by four. It Is a long work to
add to nature sufficient depth of water to
cury the great and constantly Increasing
Too Much Misinformation.
Referring to his trip down the Mississippi
with President Taft, In connection with
netpaper attacks at that lime, Mr. Cannon
aid: "When 1 turned to come back from
New Orleans, from the criticisms I re
i colved, and that many others received, not
4 founded on correct information, it made me
wonder whether I was afoot or horseback,
whether I was I or somebody else. I ex
pect we will continue to receive all kinds
of correct and fake Information that Is
fished for here and there," ontlnued the
speaker. "In order that our great metro
politan Journal may continue some of them
to make their papers from day to day, like
tbe Tankoe made his razors, to sell. T:ut
desire to say to th gentlemen on both
tides of the house that In the last analysis,
out of the. two great organizations, the
minority from time to time putting the
majority on Its behavior, seeking to become
the majority, will come correct legislation
and eorreot appropriations for the greatest
good of the people of the republic."
Ten Dollar Hogs
Arc Predicted
New High Records for Season Are
Made at Nearly All
CHICAGO. Feb. 14 T lie ' wlde?prea1
agitation against the hlsh price of mat
has failed to check the advance in ho
prices, live hogs at the stockyards hereJ
selling a in nixnest mark with one ex
ception. of the last forty years. The n?w
high point recorded today was t9 274 per
100 pounds, and predictions were freely
made that within a few weeks the $:0
level will have been paaed.
KANSAS CITY. Feb. H.-A new hog rec
ord was established at the local market
here today when h-avy hogs brought the
top price of S8.90 per 100 pounds.- One ear
load of hogs from Kiinsas sold at this pi ire.
Several carloads sold at $K.S5, which is also
a high record price. The shortage of hog
shipments Is given m the cause for high
prices which have steadily rlsn sine the
K effect of the boycott on meats hort
time ago caused1 a m irked dMp In meat
ST. JO.SKPH. Mo., Feb. 14. All lu -c-oi
(Is at the South St. Joseph live n ck
market were broken loduy when " --r
hundred was paid.
lo.X CITlf. Ia.. Feb. 14.-Hoga made
lis record on the Btoux Citv market.
todajl)uuehln UU.
WASHINGTON, Feb. 14 The young
widows are coming In for their share of
Uncle Sam' generosity in the shape of
pensions. The present pension law grants
annuities only to the widows of soldiers
of the civil war who were married before
June 27, IS'JO. As Is well known many of
the old soldiers took helpmates unto
themselves under that date and for the
last twenty years conferees has been be
sieged In the interest of this multitude.
There are between 20.000 and 25,000 of
them, and the pressure has come to be so
strong that it looks as If It would not
e withstood for a great while. Indeed,
he senate committee on pensions has do
l" .r tn. purpo,- .
inn 4uv-Biairii. a Mil 1 1 in vuiibiuci cm n wu-
e that a favorable report will be made
within a comparatively short; time. The
house committee also has agreed to con
sider the subject, and the Intimations are
that the report from that committee will
be favorable.
If the- bill should become a law It would
add from $2,000,000 to $4.0(10,000 to the pension
roll. There Is a special provision In the
bill requiring that in order to become a
beneficiary widow under Its terms any
widow must have lived with her soldier
husband at least three years. .
This requirement Is Inserted to protect
the veterans from the wiles of any woman
who might seek to ally, themselves with
them only for the purpose of putting
themselves in the way of becoming subjects
of Uncle Sam's charitable ministrations.
The bill Iiciti Urn btuicllutt of the Grand
Army of the Republic.
Nebraska Terms
of Federal Court
Fixed by Bill
Senate Committee on Judiciary Makes
Favorable Report on Burkett
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
WASHINGTON, D. C. Feb. 11 (Special
Telegram.) The senate committee on Judic
iary today made a favorable report on the
Burkett bill, amending the existing statute
to provide that regular 4 rma of 'circuit
and district courts of the United States
for the District of Nebraska shall be held
at the following times and places:
Omaha, beginning on the fourth Monday
in September and the first Monday in
April; Norfolk, beginning on the third Mon
day In September; Grand Island, beginning
on the second Monday In January; North
Platte, beginning on the first Monday In
January; Chadron, beginning on the second
Monday ,4o.Spteulr;' jUneoln, tboginnlns
on the first . Monday In October and the
second Monday In May; Hastings, beginning
on the second Monday In March, and Mo-
Cook, beginning on the first Monday In
March. All civil actions not of local nature
against a single defendant, must be brought
In the division where said defendant re
sides, the bill provides, but if there are
two or more defendants residing in differ
ent divisions of the district the plaintiff
may sue In another division In which the
defendant resides. All, Issues of fact aris
ing In such a suit shall be tried In such
division unless by consent of the parties,
with the approval o the court, the case
shall be removed to some other division.
George La Plant of Wagner, 8. D Is
In Washington on business before the
Indian bureau.
Roosevelt Party
on Upper Nile
Expedition Will Move Down the
River to Cairo Early in
GONDOKORO, Soudan, of the Upper
Nile, Feb. 14. Colonel Roosevelt and the
others of the Smithsonian African Scien
tific expedition are expected here on Wed
nesday. The launch of General Sir Gegtnald Win
gate, scldar of the Egyptian army. Is In
watting to convey the party to Khartoum.
The trip down the Bar-El-Jabel and the
White Nile will be begun Thursday or
Friday, and Khartoum should be reached
about March 8. Three days later the voy
age down the river Nile to Cairo will begin.
French 'Steamship Company Asserts
General Chanty Did Not Become
PARIS, Feb. 14. The French Trans
Atlantic Steamship company asserts that
there Is nothing to confirm the theory that
the General Chanzy became unmanageable.
and attributes Its disaster solely to the
fact that there Is but one feeble light on
the north eoast of Minorca Island, In the
lee of which Captain Cayole sought shelter
In the terrible storm.
WASHINGTON, Feb. 14 1 no house bill
requiring the census enumerators to Include
in their report the cattle slaughtered In
the United States passed the senate today.
St. Valentine's
Bulls the
Because the late St. Valentine got In
bad with the administration at Rome some
centuries ago and got his head chopped off
for his lack of diplomacy,' the price of
violets ha gone up from tl.&O to 12.00 In
Omaha for the- one day of February 14.
Hon. Kmperor Claudius, who always had
been whimsical anyway, got peeviah over
some thinRS that Signer Valentine, the
resbyttr, had to say, so he had that
worthy decapitated without ceremony or
process of law.
However, this little affair didn't happen
on February 11 and the historians with
a lofty air pass over the origin of the
present significance of the day. The fact
that St. Valentine got killed as a special
favor to Claudius seems to have made him
( Important thous-h lul.
Judge Holds that He Was Not Re
quired to Testify Against Himself.
When Court Ruled He Changed Plea
to "Not Guilty."
Allegation that Doty Has Been Re
fended on Insar that Was Not
Exported to be Investi
gated. NEW TORK, Feb. U.-Charles R. Helke,
secretary of the American Sugar Refining
company, the so-called Sugar trust, Is not
"Immune." He must stand trial, beginning
March 1 next, on Indictments charging him
with other employes of the company of
conspiring to defraud the government by
underwelghlng Imports of sugar.
For weeks past counsel for Helke have
attemnted to Drove before a lurv In the
United State circuit court that Helke could
not be prosecuted In view of testimony hen
gave before the grand Jury which returned
the indictments. But In this they failed,
for Judge Martin ruled this afternoon that
in the court's opinion the defendant was
not entitled to Immunity, and accordingly
he Instructed the Jury to bring In a formal
verdict dismissing the plea interposed In
the secretary's behalf.
Helke Admits Guilt.
In arguing for Immunity counsel for
Heike admitted his guilt, but maintained
that though guilty his grand Jury testi
mony was a bar to prosecution. This led
the government lawyers to make the an
nouncement that If the plea was not sus
tained the government would move for Im
mediate sentence on the ground of admis
sion of guilt. No such action was taken
today, however. Helke's lawyers ohanged
the plea to "not guilty" and time for trial
was fixed.
In ruling agamot Helke today Judge Mar
tin, referred to the danger that would fol
low if Indiscriminate pleas at bar were en
tertained or allowed, and the opportunity It
would give rich men to avoid the adminis
tration of Justice. There had been no evi
dence, he said, to show that the govern
ment was animated by bad faith In bring
ing the defendant before the grand jury
or that any effort was made to extract
testimony from the defendant that might
be used against him.
Will Look Into Drawback.
After . the Helke matter Is disposed of,
Federal Prosecutor Wise will take up an
1 other Important phase. " The Inquiry Is to
, be directed at drawbacks which sugar re
fining companies have received on imports
when the refined product ha afterward
been exported.
The Inquiry will be to determine whether
these drawbacks were always collected on
bona fide exports of sugar made from Im
ported raw material. If the contrary
proves to be the case the federal authori
ties say there may be further collections
from the companies by the government,
possibly to the extent of IL0OO.000.
Lla-htlnsr Fire with Kerosene Proves
Fatal to Mrs. Showatter
of Lovell, Wyo.
BASIN. Wyo., Feb. 14. (Special Tele
gramsMrs. L. A. Phowalter of Lovell,
Wyo., and two children, were burned to
death In their home early Monday morning
from flames caused by the explosion of
coal oil tn lighting a fire. Mrs. Showalter
arose early to prepare breakfast, and wish
ing to hasten the fire used coal oil from
a large can. The kindling not responding
as rapidly as desired, more oil was poured,
wl Ich was followed by the can exploding,
Before her husband, who was some dis
tal ce from the house, or neighbors, could
reach the panic stricken woman the flames
had grown to such proportions that rescue
of the wife and babies was impossible
Workmen Leave Shaving's Near New
Span of Strnctnre Over Sho-
shone at Lovell, Wyo.
BASIN. Wyo., Feb. 14. (Special Tele
gram.) The Burlington railroad bridge over
the Shoshone river at Lovell, Wyo., was
burned Sunday night. All traffic Is Inter
rupted. Passengers were transferred la'.e
totfay by means of wagons over the frozen
river. It Is supposed that shavings left
by bridge carpenters working on the new
span recently completed caught fire from
live coals from the fire box of an engine
and burned the structure.
Wealthy Man Manas Himself.
DAVENPORT. Ia.. Feb. 14-Speclal
Telegram.) Hero Hulamann of Brooklyn
Ia., hanged himself with a towel tn Jiill
here today. He attempted suicide last
Saturday by jumping Into the Mississippi
river and after being rescued asked that
he be, detained until he could be sent to
t hospital for the Insane for treatment.
He was an old employe of the Rock Island
railroad and left property valued at $10,000
Violet Market
Some way the abrupt demise of St. Val
entine got mixed up among the traditions
with a now nameless pagan feast day, so
the on best guess Is that we are now re
membering a Christian saint with
heathen bullday. On the fifteenth day of
February the little Roman girls and boys
used to trace each other's name scratched
on bits of parchment. Now, behold the
paper lace and gilt creations.
umana remembers St. Valentine with
social affairs, mostly for the young folks
The practice of giving flowers as Valentine
day gifts has grown so general that on
this day the florists boost their prices
regularly. The confectioners do very nicely
too. But It's all because Emperor Claudius
got aors,
4 7 '
From the St. Louis Globe-Democrat.
Five Boats Are Making , Strenuous
Effort to Save Passengers.
Two Usslred and Flvigerna Taken
Oft Vessel DarlWg Storm When
Life Boat la "
ANCTTD. Chile. Feb. 14. The Chilean
cruiser Mlntstro Zenteno and five steamers
of the Pacific Navigation company are
racing south today - in the desperate hope
that they may save the etghty-etght per
sons who, when last reported, were clinging
to the stern of the British steamer Lima
as the vessel was pounding Itself to pieces
on a reef In the Huamblln passage In the
strait of Magellan. -
Two hundred and five persons were taken
from the wreck by the British steamer
Hatumet, under difficulties whtch finally
compelled the Hatumet to abandon the
rescue work. Four of the Hatutnet's crew
sacrificed their lives before their captain
commanded his orew to cease their efforts.
The Hatumet has arrived here and today
Its captain told the story of the wreck and
rescue. He said:
"When we sighted the wreck we put out
our small boats, which closely approached
the stern of the Lima, where passengers
and crew had gathered. We made a con
nection between the two vessels with 600
fathoms of cable and were successful In
lowering SOS persons into our small boats
and In getting them upon the Hatumet
"Heavy seas were rolling, which made
the work of rescue perilous and finally
the Lima's end of the cable slipped from
Its stern and became entangled In the
rocks. ' Without the aid of the cable we
could not reach the wreck and but for this
accident all would have been rescued.
"In the Increasing seas our boats made
futile efforts to reach the wreck. The
Lima threw out another line, which our
chief mate made a daring attempt to pick
up. The second connection was eventually
made, but the line, suddenly tightening
upset one of our small boats and our chief
mate, ship's carpenter, the fourth engineer
and a steward were drowned. My boat
rescued the others of the small boat's
"I signalled the captain of the Lima that
we had but one small boat left and that as
this was badly strained we had better pro
ceed to Ancud for further assistance.
"The Lima had a strong list to star
board and Its port quarter Is under water.
It had seventeen feet of water tn its. engine
room. When we last saw It it lay in a
dangerous position and was striking hard.
"It struck during a heavy fog and In a
stormy sea and will be a total loss."
The rapid growth
of Bee Want Ads
is an evidence of
the value of adver
tising. 1
Since Tbe Bee began to tell the
people what treasures these little
things are, everybody Is using them.
. Bee Want Ads will sell any
thing in the round world'.
If you can't come down town, and
are pajlug rent on a 'phone, It will
be all right to call Douglas 238 for
whatever yon wish
Seven Burned
in Explosion on
Torpedo Boat
Boiler Tube Bursts as Vessel is Pre-
parmg Jo5J3peed:-Test--Two .
' May Die. ' "
SAN DIEGO, Cal., Feb. 14 Seven men
were badly burned, two possibly fatally,
by the explosion of a boiler tube In the
forward fire room of the torpedo boat de
stroyer Hopkins at 7:30 o'clock this morn
ing. All of the Injured now are In a hos
pital In this city.
Three of the men were burned In a he
roic effort to rescue their screaming com
panions in 'the fire room. -
The injured:
'R. E. Taylor, first class fireman.
J. F. Hunt, chief water tender.
E. A. Clary, water tender. m
W. A. Neabe, first class fireman.
. J. B. McNeerlln, first class fireman.
T. J. Brown, coal passer.
B. A. Carletlllo, second class fireman.
Taylor and Carletlllo may not survive.
The explosion took place half an hour
before the torpedo fleet was to put to
sea on a speed trip to San Pedro.
New Wealth in
Alaska Placers
Recent Investigations by, Government
Survey Promise Very Heavy
Yield in Gold.
WASHINGTON, Feb. 14. Alaska, which
Secretary palllr.ger has frequently said is
America's prise package, may be a greater
prixe than man has ever dreamed. Recent
Investigations In the Ir.ncko district, the
Central Kuskokwlm valley and the new
Haiditarod district, row partially finished
by the United States geological survey,
disclose new placer gold districts which
promise very heavy returns.
The territory bought froin Russia for
17,000,000 In 1867 has to the present time
paid SlfiO.000,000 In gold alone since 1S80,
when placer mining there began, and what
the resources of its copper, coal and other
minerals will bo Is beyond the estimation
of man.
Omaha Girl Wins First
Federation Scholarship
Miss Juliet Stuart Points, an Omalia
girl, has been awarded a scholarship of
fered by the General Federation of
Women's Clubs. She won this honor In
competition wrth a large group of candi
dates that Included representatives from
every state In the union. This scholar
ship is supported by a fund to which the
Nebraska club woman contribute.
Miss Points was reared In Omaha. Her
parents were married here and for a time
her mother was an Instructor at Central
Miss Points has been a tutor to children
In the Harrlman family.
The young woman is now an assistant
tutor In history at Barnard college, of
which she la a graduate, having been a
member of the class of 1!07.
This winning of the prise is regarded as
a high honor, as those who take part in
the competitive examination come from all
parts ot, the country. One candidate la
chosen as a representative of each state.
Miss Points was selected 'as the represen
tative of New Tork and also stood to up
bold bsr alma mater, Barnard. The only
Dollar Dinner Draws Many of Them
to Lincoln.
Declares PaWy Showld Stand firm on
this Act, Admittedly Most Radi
cal Since Slocmnb
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN. Feb. 14. (Special.) The demo
cratic dollar banquet was held tonight at
the Lincoln hotel, the dining room of which
was comfortably filled with members of
the party from various section of the state.
G. M. Hitchcock, who was to be one of
the speakers was not present, having sent
a letter Instead of coming. This was read.
The speakers were Governor Shallenberger,
Mayor Dahlman, W. H. Thompson, R. L.
Metcalfe, James A. Reed of Kansas City.
In his speech Governor 'Shallenberger
said In part on the subject, "Nebraska
"I come to you tonight as a messenger
of glud tidings and great Joy. Never in a
generation has the outlook for democratic
victory either In the stato or nation been
as bright as at the present time. The
country-at-large Is ripe for democratic tri
umph because It has come to see that the
party In power Is -either unwilling or un
able to accomplish the reforms demanded
by the people and the promise of which
have given the republican party so long a
lease of power.
"I have every respect, consideration and
admiration for an Insurgent republican, for
I see In htm a long-lost brother who has
finally discovered the light of democratic
truth rising above the national horizon,
and who has the honesty and courage to
say that it is the sun of righteousness that
appears, though Its shining shafts of light,
but serve to glorify and make plain the
eternal truth and justice of democratic
principles and its shadows to make more
dark and dismal the failure of the party
In power to carry out Its pledges to the
"The only thing our Insurgent t friends
fall to do Is to proclaim the real remedy.
Hours may be spent In preaching political
nostrums as remedial agents, but the only
radical cure is to vote the democratic
(Continued on Second Page.)
condition Imposed upon the candidates to
make them eligible was that each must be
a student or a graduate of some Ameri
can college. Only women are permitted to
try for the prise. .
The examinations were conducted along
the lines of those held for The Rhodes
scholarships. The scholarship Is for the
English universities. The rivals of Miss
Points for first honors represented the
flower of higher education among women
throughout the country, and the New
York glii had her work cut out to win
the award.. She Is the first American girl
to win the prise, the scholarship having
been Inaugurated last November by the
General Federation of Women'c clubs.
Miss Points says that she Intends spend
ing the next two years of her scholarship
in Investigating social and economic con
ditions In European cities. She has al
ready considerable experience in this work,
havng been a member of ,the immigration
commission In 1008 and having made a tour
of Inspection through the big American
cities. She lives at Brook Hall, the Bar
nard dormitory
Documents from Land Office Files
Found in Glavis' Effects.
Denunciation of Alleged Trick Brings
Applause from Spectators.
Witness Makes Specific Statement of
Allege Arts of Wronitdolns on
Part of the See
WASHINGTON. Feb. 14.-The Ballinger- ,
Plnchot congressional Inquiry began to
bristle with Interest today, when John J.
Vertrees, counsel for Secretary Bellinger,
undertook the cross examination of Louis
R Glavls.prlnclpal witness for the "prose
cution." The climax of the day was reached late
in the afternoon session, when Mr. Ver
trees announced that a box belonging to
Mr. Glavis and left In the grand jury room
at Seattle had been broken open a few
days ago and that a number of letters
missing from the files of the land orflce
In Seattle, copies of which have recently
been published in a weekly paper, were
found therein.
Glavis angrily declared that if any let
ters had been found In his belongings a
"frameup" had been prepared against
him. His denunciation of federal offi
cials who would stoop to such a trick to
secure the favor of their superior called
out a demonstration of applause from the
spectators, which c'ised Chairman Nelson
to announce that a repetition of the out
burst would result in the room being
Gallery with Glavis.
" Throughout the hearing the sympathies
of the spectators, a great majority of
whom are women, have clearly been with
Glavis and they have laughud with satis
faction as he has made points against
his questioners, who In the past were
members of the cmtnlttee and today were
counsel for Mr. Ballinger.
Mr. Vertrees announced that C. A.
Christiansen, Glavis' successor as chief of
field division, would be called to testify
to the finding ot the letters. He offered
In evidence a letter from Christiansen
giving the details of the alleged discovery
and the committee got Into a long wrangle
as to whether or not It should be received
In evidence at this time. The matter was
put over for consideration tomorrow Jj
executive session, '
No Charsres of Corruption.
At the morning session Mr. Vertrees drew
from the witness the fact that he made no
charges of corruption against anyone In the
land office or the Department of the In
terior. Glavis deolared that if tie had
found evidence of corruption he would have
taken the matter to a grand Jury Instead
of to the presidents' He said he thought
the facts warranted the opinion that Mr.
Ballinger and Mr. Dennett had acted Im
properly and he had charged them with
official misconduct.
Through a process of elimination the wit
ness cleared all of the other offlolals of
any. willful wrongdoing. Ho asserted he
was fully convinced ithat the facts he had
offered In evidence had warranted the
judgment that neither Secrotary Ballinger
or Land Commissioner Dennett was fit to
hold an office of public trust.
As to Assistant Secrotary of the Interior
Pierce, Glavis declared he had rendered an
erroneous Interpretation of the coal land
law of May, 1308, and that this decision,
while not an act of wrongdoing, Indicated
that he was not fit to fill the office ho
now holds. Dennett, Glavl declared, was
nothing more than a "tool" for Ballinger
and "would do anything Ballinger said."
Chances Aftatnst Balllna-rr.
At the afternoon session Glavis, in re
sponse to a question by Mr. Vertrees,
summed up the"Vpeclfhj acts of wrong
doing, which he charges against Secretary
Ballinger. His statement was a long one,
but was listened to with Intense Interest
and really for the first time gave a defi
nite statement of the prosecution's case.
He said:
"The first action I would cite Is the ap
pearance of Mr. Ballinger In the Wilson
coal cases. ' While that was a long time
ago and people may have looked at things
differently, his action or participation In
the drawing up of an escrow agreement to
turn over claims that should not have been
proved up and have not been proved up,
as a matter of fact was criminal. But the
statute of limitations have run and the
evidence is not quite clear.
"Another thing was Mr. Balllnger's ex
pressions In the summer of 1907 to Special
Agent Jonee, when he knew there hsd been
violations of tho coal land laws; his state
ment that he was going to Washington
to see what congress could do to help
the claimant's get patents.
"His next action was. this: After giving
me the full right and Instructions to make
a complete Investigation of all the coal
cases, he personally took up an old report
by Special Agent Love a few days after
and deliberately ordered the Cunningham
claims to proceed to patent.
Secretary es Lobbyist.
"Another evidence that Mr. Ballinger was
not trying to protect the people's rights
was hie appearance before the public lamia
committee of the house In favor of the
Calo bill, which carried out the state
ment Ballinger made to Jonee that h
would do what he could to obtain legis
lation which would have enabled theat
fraudulent claimants to get patents. II
the Cate law had passed it would havt
validated the claims.
"The next step Mr. Ballinger took wai
Ills unprofessional action In deliberately
going around and representlg the othei
side after having been commissioner of tht
land office and having full knowledge
of the character of the Investigation w
had made. ,
"Ills next action consisted In asking,
In the fall of 1908 when he was In politics,
arranging fur campaign contributions ti
hold off any Investigation of the coal cases.
"In July, 1109, when I saw Mr. Ballinger
at his office in Seattle, and told him w
had been ordered to proceed to an Imme
diate hearing, he knew the weakness ol
our case. The greatest weakness was tht
affidavit be had himself prepared for Cua-