4 tr TIIE BEE: OMAHA, MONDAY, FEBRUARY 14, 1910. 1 COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY FIltST Now York Iastitutiaa Leads Inter co'Jcgiats Eifle Shoot. IGWA TIES FOE SECOND riACE IMttkryra mad W InsMoa te Itnrn Panr Victoria and One 1i- Kuril Interelub Shout Scorr. WASHINGTON. Fob. 1S.-Columh!i uni versity of New Totk '.nrroaord It Wrl In the Interoolldrlnte Ilflr? lonpiio shooting thin VNk t.y iVOntUiK Oc.Vko WaphinR ton nnlverrtty of Wa-slilnKlon. U. C, by net re of 1810 to 1.TOT. Washington State college and tho Vnl versity of Iowa ar In a tie for second place, with four victories and one defeat each. ColumMa has won five matches and lost none. Washington Stste college has tha highest score. In the shoot thus far with points, whlrh Is an average of V3 9-10 points of a posalblo 200 for each mranbf of the team. All the shootlnir Is being done In gnllery ranirca with .22 callbre rifles and targets with a one-half Inch bull'S-ere. Ovar twenty col!s;es and universities have already atirnlfled their Intentions of entering; teams In the Intercollegiate j?al Isry championship far 1910. which takes plnee the week ending March 26. InirrcltiU Shoot. The Winchester Rod and Gun club of Now Efaven, Conn., has o clear lend fr first honors as a reault of the fourth serU-s of Intarclub shoots In the Intorclub Leairuo of the United States hold through out the countvy Friday nlftht. Tho Win cheater club has to Its credit four straight victories, having won the lust from the Fort lltt B(fle club of Pittsburg by four teen points. The club alo retains the high est score with 961 points. Tha Warren (Fa.) Hide and Revolver club Is In second place, having defeated the Rocky Mountain Rlflo club of Butte by nine points. Other matches of the week are: Mylea Standlsh Rifle olub of Portland, Me., won from the UlrmliiKham Athletic Club Rifle association by forty-seven points; St. Paul Rifle and Pistol associa tion defeated the Italian Rifle association of New Tork by twelve points; Los Angeles Rifle crnb won from the Taeoma Rifle and Revolver club, by 107 polntB; Seattle Rlflo and Revolver club defeated the Triangle Cadets T. M. C. A.) Rifle club of Los AngtHea by 244 points. NEW HUNLHED-YAED RECORD Donaldson ot South Africa Makes It In 9 8-8 Seconds. JOIIANNKSBURO. Feb. 13.-DonalclRon. the South African sprinter, today broke the world's profesBlonal record for 100 yards, defeating Arthur l'ontle, the world's profeeiutial champion of Australia and C Hilway, the American, in nine and three-eighths seconds. Donaldson won by two and one-half yards, Iosm than a yard separating second and third men. Tho pre vious record jvas held by Dethuene and Johnson, who covered the distance In nine and four-fifths seconds. Koliinsou Condi at llrown. PROVIDENCE, tt. I., Feb. ' 13. (Hpoclni Telegram.) Kdward N. Roolnson, a gradu ate of Urown university In ld'.Ki, former coach at the University of Neuruska, lias been appointed varsity fjot ball coaeli at Hrown university for the coining Sanson. He has coached teams at Rules, Tuft and Phillips Kxuier avauVmy as wqII uk ct lirown. The last two Urown teams he lias sent to Cambridge lipid Harvard to b-5 unil 6-5 scores, lie returns to Brown only after much urging for Juki cujo more season. . Lyons Ulrls Take Gnme. LYONS, Neb., Fob. 12. (Special.) Tho girls' team of basktt ball plH.v i t trom the Decatur High nclin.il pluyciv tl.e Lyons girls' team Friday ntuht, but t'.y were de feated. The score was 13 to s In favor of the Lyons High school girls, 'i he game was enjoyed by a lurge lrowd. . Tliis Soup so I hearii I extremely "nu tritious. ' I ilnn't know that word. Put the Soup is delicious. CampbeH's Soups are .the best answer to the "foot?, problem." They contain the actual t:-li-l)itiklinp; muscle-mak-ir-r properties of prime ;..".jis and selected poultry ti id fresh tender vegetables 1M up the, day they are picked.- And all these are in the most palatable and easily digested form in 1 You will not only save money but you'll have more satisfac tion and better health by eating more of these wholesome nutri tious soups in place of heavier and less digestible food. Now is a good time to prove this. If not satisfied the grocer re turns your money. 21 kinds 10c a can Jusl add hoi water, bring to a boil, and serve. Shall we tend you a copy ol Campbell's Menu Book. Iret? '- Jours Cahfiill LOHFANY Camden N J Look for the red-and-white label llEftOUTS. tt in iii i i i i i ii ssant IT i BAHAMAS The land of perpetual Tune and Kosc Lesa than 3 days from New York; 12 hewn from Flori da Temperature 63 to 7 o do Brecs during winter months. The Limoui Colonial Hotel i here. gM OM H.Vw.Y. .11 1 L.u Krw York V.ok : at U- l kau Uu ml J I1MM i Pokorney Denied Reinstatement Commission Holds that Flaying' Under Assumed Name is Not Valid Defense. CINCINNATI, Feb. 13,-Playlng under an assumed name Is not a legal avoidance of the rules of organised base ball. This Is tho substance of a decision handed down Saturday by the National Paso Ball com mission In the case of player Pokorney. ap plication for whose reinstatement to the eligible list was made by officials of the Toledo club of tho American association, Pokorney was originally sold by Toledo to Evansvlllo, but never reported to that club, and under an assumed name, played with the California state league. The commission In its findings says: "The fact that Pokorney used an as sumed name cannot be used as an argu ment why the ineligibility against him for his failure to report to the Evansvllle club should be removed. The commission, there fore, refused tho request for a reversal of tho finding heretofore made. The commis sion also r commends that when the time limit of Ineligibility against this player has expired he be given notice to show cause why penalty should not be Inflicted against him." TIGERS MEAT FOR JAYHAWXS Missouri llnsket Ball Champions Lose- 27 to 14.. LAWRENCK, Kan., Feb. 13. (Special Telegram.) Tills evening In the Robinson Gymnasium the Kansas basket ball team defeated Missouri by the score of 27 to 14. This was the last home game of tha sea son for the Jayhawkers. Next week the team loaves for the Invasion of their enemies' territory. Nebraska university will be played two games on the trip. In the game tonight, Johnson, the Kansas cap tain, was the star. He made fourteen of his team's points. In 'tho last few minutes of play, ho was disqualified for fouling. The work of Kansas was fast all the way through and at the end of the first session the score stood 11 to 3 with Kansas on the long end. In the second half, the Tigers played faster ball. The game was rough aiid botii tiniViS fGu0d XijuCii. Score: KANSAS. O. F. FT. Johnson, rf 4 4 6 Long, if Ill Hcczer, c , 2 6 0 Martindel, rg 0 2 0 Woudwurd, Ig 3 4 0 Vandeiyries, rf 0 0 0 Totals 10 16 'I MISSOURI. O. F. FT. Parker, rf 4 7 6 Bunis. if 0 6 0 Cohen, c 0 3 1 Hackney, rg 0 2 0 Conkltn, Ig 0 2 0 Smith, rf 0 0 0 Totals 4 19 6 Referee, Ansley. Time of halves, twenty minutes. Attendance, 1,200. TIGERS E00K FAST TEAMS Good Schedule In Store (or Basket Dall Fans. i , The basket ball fans of Omaha have a treat In store fur them as they will get to see some of the classiest basket ball games ever played In Omaha. The Tigers have booked games with the Sioux City Giants, tho crack Company E team .from Shenan doah, la., and will, In all probability, meet the Kansas City Athletic club, and the champion Salt Lake City Young Men's Christian association teams. The latter two gameB depends In a great measure on the attendance that Is accorded tha "Tigers" In their game with .Sioux City. As large guarantees must be made to such, teams as Kansas City and Salt Lake City, and since the Tigers are financing their own games. It Is therefore up to basket- ball fans of Omaha to show whether or not they want to see some of the classiest games ever of fered. That the Sioux City Giants have the i fastest team this year that they ever I turned out Is shown by their score against the champion Ottumwa Toung Men's Christian association, whom they defeated last week by a score of 44 to 26. As neither the Sioux City Giants nor the Omaha Tigers have lost a game this year, the closest game of the season Is looked for when these teams get together on -Wednesday night. BLUFFS LOSES AT FORT DODGE KicltlnK Game of Bosket Ball Ends I P 47 to 30. PORT DODGE, la.. Feb. 13. (Special Telegram.) In an exciting basket ball game, Fort Dodge beat Council Bluffs Satur day by the score of 47 to 30. At the end of the first half Council Bluffs was leading, 11 to 9, but they gained this position only I after a hard struggle. The effect of this ! effort was visible in the succeeding half and Fort Dodge not only made up the dif ference, but carried the ball to victory. For Council Bluffa, Robinson and Halifax were the most conspicuous and for Fort Dodge 8tulnh.ov.er and Moag justified their positions. The Bluffs team was de feated last night also at Vail, la. Few Baskets tor Wayne. BANCROFT, Neb., Feb. 12 (Special.) Bancroft easily won over Wayne last night by a score of 2t to y, Wayne not getting a basket from the field. Wayne made points on touts, iiio lineup was as follows: Bancroft. Position. Wayne. Furley L.F. L.F., L.G., C.... Pile Whltmarsh Chrlstenaen Chas. Chlnn ... Williams play South Carey L.U. Coiiple C. Vogt R.U. R.G.. Joiner .... K.F.IR.F.... Bancroft High school will Ouiulia here Friday the- 2sth. Fairmont, a0 Hebron, 16. FAIRMONT, Neb.. Feb. IS. (Special.) Lust night the Fairmont Hlgn school bas net ball team played Hebron High school at Hebron. The main teatu're of me game was Fairmont's teaaiwork and goal snoot ing, every man on the team getting at l least ona goal. Final score, Fairmont, 3U; I Hebron, lti. Fairmont threw 14 field goals J and 11 foul goals. Hebron threw 4 field aud ! li foul goals. Prlnoipals W. 11. Morton and j K. 11. White aoleu an referee and umpire. Minnesota Oefeata Chicago. I MINNEAPOLIS. Minn., Feb. li Minne sota defeated Chicago in a basket ball y-me tonight by a score of 16 to 10. It Is ! me first uefeat of the season for Chlcavn uiiil puts Minnesota on par with them tor Uie honor of leading tha conference basket hall quintet. , Ouiaaa-Liaeoln (iimc, Indoor base ball teams representing Omaha and Lincoln business men will pi ay Tut'tuay night at the Young Men's Christ ian association gymnasium. AKGKU A'f LINCOLN HOMtC Booker T, Wasalnntou Reviews Proa-, resa of Ilia Race. SPR.'NG FIELD, HI., Feb. U-Booker T. Washington was the principal speaker si a banquet given here today lu honor ot Lincoln. Governor Charles a. Deoeea was toaatmaater and the affair waa attended by 30o( persons, aroong wom wore many state officials. The evsnt was noteworthy In that a negro waa the prlnolpai speaker at a banquot given In the home and burial place of Lincoln, Tou ean give Chamberlain's Cough Rem edy as confidently to a baha as to aa adult YORK WINS; COTNER LOSES Omaha High School Defeated, but Y. M. C. A. Tigeri Get Victory. DOUBLE SERIES OF BASKET BALL Fast and Carefal Work of Visitors Ioa for Omaha Hlsrk S8 to 2n Other Game Resalts 84 to 84. Tork High school defeated Omaha High school 28 to 28 and the Omaha Young Men's Christian association Tigers de feated the Cotner university five of Beth any, 34 to 24 In a double headr basket ball game at the Omaha Toung Men's Christian association Saturday evening. The biggest crowd of the year saw the hatf.es, the gymnasium and the gallery being packed. Cotner university brought some of Its tudenta with the team and these did loyal rooting. Some South Omaha High school pupils wero present, rooting for the Tork boys, but they were almost smothered by the voume of sound coming from the Omaha students. The team work of the visiting high chool lads was the finest seen from any high school so far this year on the Omaha floor. Time and again they brought the ball down to Omaha's territory and only the good work of the Omaha guards saved the score from being put against their team. York's system of plays seemed somewhat to baffle the Omaha boys until the ball would come almost under the basket when they world succeed In break ing It up. Nelson and Armstrong did most of the goal shooting for their team and both played a star game throughout both halves. Omaha Slightly Erratic. Omaha's work was a little speedier than that of the vhitors, but lacked that sure reis which was necesrary to get the ball Into the enemy's territory and keep it there long enough to place It In the basket. Mcry plays were broken before b'elng brought half way across the floor, owing a great deal to the fact that they were often playing to a nan whom two or three of the York team were guarding. The goal throwing of the home team waa much better on the whole than York's whenever ins bail wtm 'lu pusluoii for a throw.. Henderson of York started the game with a goal for his team and from then until almost the end of the half tho playing wag about even, when Armstrong made a couple of goals, leaving York three ahead In the scoring. In the second half both teams came out determined to win nnd the play became so rough that about twenty fouls were called on players. The Omaha boys braced up and pulled off some startling plays, but were watched so closely by York that they were unable to make up the difference in the score, and at the end of the half York was still three ahead. The feature of the half was a long throw by Trimble from the center of thi floor Into the busket. York Ever Watchful. Captain Burdlok did valiant work trying to lead his team, but he waa watched too closely to allow him making any scores. Patton of Omaha also showed himself a player In the manner In which he guarded his goal. Lineup: TORK. OMAHA. C Finely R.O Burdtrk L.G Patton K.r Trimble L.F Dodda Hsndarson ...C. Nelaoa .... I. lord .... Armstrong Marina R.O. L.O. R.P. i.r. Score, ,J first half : 'Omaha, 9; York, 12.' Score, game: York, 28; Omaha, 2B. Referee: Miller. Umpire: . Ktewlt. Timekeepers: Johns and Scott. Field goals: Burdlck, 4; Dodds, 1; Trimble, 1; Flnley, 2; Nelson, 4; Armstrong, 6; Henderson, 2.. Free throws: Burdlck, 9; Neleon, 6. The Omaha High School orchestra made Its first public appearance at tha basket ball game between Omaha and York High schools on Saturday night. It la under the direction of Alfred Morris, a high school student, and promises to be one of the best orchestras ever turned out by the Omaha High school. Those composing It are: Alfred Morris, Mac Beebe, Ada Mor ris. Evelyn Hanson, Ruth Todd, Hazel Laverton, Hugo En holm, William Morris and Charles Kllllan. . . ECHOES OF THE ANTE-ROOM Omaha Camp, M. W. A., to Hold Stot Party Next Wednesday Even lax. Modern Woodmen of America. Omaha camp No. 120 held a rousing meet ing Wednesday evening, at which several candidates were Initiated and a number balloted upon. Arrangements were made for a stag party to be given Wednesday evening which will be something out of the ordinary. The Council Bluffs carnp have been Invited. Colonel T. W. McCullough and others are booked for short addresses. Odd Fellows. Reacon lodge No. 20 will have four cand -dates for the second degree Tuesday even ing. Omaha lodge No. I will confer the second degree next Friday evening. Dannebrog lodge No. 216 will have four candidates Friday evening for the second degree. Next Saturday evening Hesperian encamp ment No. 2 will hold Its regular meeting. There will be two candidates for the golden rule degree. Royal Highlander. Ferncllffe castle No. 48S will give a mask ball Friday evening In Fraternity hall. Nineteenth and Harney streets, to Its mem bers and friends. A number of good prizes will be given. Lawton Ancillary. A Valentine hop will be given Monday evening by Henry P. Lawton auxiliary No. 1, SpanlBh-Amerlcan War Veterans, in Ba rlght hall. Royal Achates. ' This order Is maklna an earnest ram. palgn for new members, with the recent result or targe accessions to Omaha lodge No. 1 and Union lodge No. 110. Both Initi ated large classes at their last meetings. A men's degree team for No. 110 is being organised. Union lodge No. 110 entertained Its mem bers and friends at a dance Friday evening. Miscellaneous. The Ladles' auxiliary to the Brotherhood of Railway Trainmeu gave a largely at tended social dance at the Rome hotel Wednesday night. Gettysburg circle No. 48, Ladles oi the Grand Army, gave a high five social and refreshments to Its members and friends In Burlght hall Friday evening. Garfield circle No. 11, Ladles of the Grand Army, will give a Washington and Lincoln social In Barlght hall the evening of Feb ruary 26. Appropriate addresses will be given by well-known speakers. Saratoga homestead No. 1XM, Brotherhood of American Yeomen, will conduct a prise masquerade ball at a hall at Twenty-fourth and Parker streets Friday evening, Feb ruary 18. Benson camp No. 288. Woodmen of the World, will hold an open meeting on next Wednesday evening, February ltL This Is fur the members, their families and friends. Cards and entertainment will 'be provided for and a general good time is anticipated. Benson camp has had a number of applica tions lately asking for membership In the Woodmen of the World and there is a good prospect tor many more. Lillian temple No. L Pythian Sisters, will give a card and dancing party at Myrtle hall, Fifteenth and Douglas streets, Mon day evening. Rev. J. W . Wllliaaia Test If lea. Rev. I. W. Wllllama. Huntington. W. Va.. rites us aa follows: "This Is to aerify thai ! used Foley's Kidney Remedy for j neivous exbaustlcn and kidney trouble and in free to say that Foley's Kidney Remedy will do all that you claim for It." Sold by j ail drugglkta, Eight Ships Hunt For Little Naval Tug LongOvcrduc 1 Fear that Vessel Which Left Hampton Boads for Boston Last Sunday is Lost. WASHINGTON, Feb. U Somewhere off the Atlantlo coast, between Ztorrolk and Boston, the little naval tug Nina, with thirty-two men on board. Is. wallowing in the great billows with broken machinery, awaiting the arrival of ona of eight gov ernment vessels now speeding to Its sup posed location. Aa bad as Is that prospect, It Is the beet hope of the officials at the Navy depart ment today. The alternative Is that the Nina Is at the bottom of the sea, with Just a bare chance that Its crew has been taken off by some passing vessel. 1 Last Sunday morning tha Nina steamed out of Hampton Roads bound for Boston. It had Just safely towed two submarines from Boston to Norfolk, and was on Its homeward voyage. Before the day was far advanced a stiff northwest wind sprang up, making what sallormen call a "nasty sea." But no alarm waa felt at the time for the safety of the Nina, for the gallant little tug, built In tha closing days of the civil war, had weathered many a worse blow. Under ordinary conditions tha tug should have arrived at the Boston navy yard last Tuesday, but it was only yewterday that the naval officers here began to feel seri ous apprehension for Its safety. As, no word of Its arrival reached the department today Immediate search was ordered and news made public to enlist the aid of coast trading ships.- From Norfolk went the swift scout cruiser Salem and the battleship Louis iana, these vessels wsre Instructed to cruise as far as Cape May along the coast. From the New York navy yard the collier Culgoa started on a cruise and It will be followed shortly by the tugs Apache and Pontiac. . These three vessels will make the .march between Cape May and Nantucket. . The destroyer Lamson will cruise off the Delaware capes. The gunbpaf Castlne and the collier Caesar steamed .out of the Boston navy yard to search the waters between Massa chussetts bay and Nantucket. Then the revenue cutter - service went to the as sistance of the navy and orders were flashed to cutters Acushnet and Uresham at Boston and New London to Join the searching party. The search would have been much sim plified If the Nina had been equipped with a wireless outfit,- but the Navy department has not gotten as -far down as tugs In such equipment.' ... So the problem presented In this case Is known as a '"search problem" in navy strategy. It Is the theory of 'the naval officers here that the' Nina broke a shaft or dropped a propeller on its cruise and was blown off shore by the northwest gale.' Pin chpt Guest of. Yale Alumni Former Forester Discusses Growth of ' Sentiment in Favor of Con ' u' serration. '" IV j.;. .- - io.-" BALTIMORE, Md., Feb. 13. Glfford Pln hot waa w guest of honor tonight at the annual banquet ot the Yale Alumni association. In his addresa he paid a high compliment to the ability of his successor as chief forester. ( He said also that he Is surprised at the intensity of the hatred of the common, people against monopolies and added that the fight against special privileges has Just begun and that It will go on after fte and his hearers are dead; that the rapidity of its growth has ex ceeded his .fondest hopes and that it will result In general good. He declared that when one touches the matter of the con servation of forests, water powers and the like one comes' Immediately thereafter Into contact with the great questions of the conservation of life of child labor laws, the white slave traffic and the many other vital matters relative to human life. ST. PAUL,' Minn., Feb. 13. Glfford Pinchot today accepted .n Invitation to speak before the Roosevelt club at a big conservation .banquet here on March 19, provided he Is not detained on account of the Investigation of the Interior depart ment at Washington. Former Secretary of the Interior Garfield and a number of "insurgent" Benators have also been In vited to speak. , ADDRESS OF GOVERNOR HADLEV Missouri Executive Speaks to Young Stepnbllcana of State. ST. LOUIS, Feb. 13. Governor H. S. Had ley, In addressing the Association of Young Republicans . of Missouri here Saturday, urged his hearers to send President Taft a message to the effect the republicans of Missouri will uphold him In making effeo tlve the policies Inaugurated by Prealden. Roosevelt. - In the first part of his speech the gov ernor, paid a tribute to Abraham Lincoln, whose memory, he said, would always re main to) the American people both an in spiration and .a benediction. "The Influence of the Missouri repub licans," he said, "should be exerted to as sist the president of- the United States In securing proper and necessary changes In tariff schedules. , "Information secured by the tariff com mission should be expressed In tariff legis lation until we secure, as nearly as can be secured, only seen protection as may bo necessary for the maintenance of Amer ican Industries and the present standard of living of the American laborers." Six hundred republicans of Missouri at tended the Lincoln day banquet. Charle Nagel, secretary of commerce and labor, who waa to apeak on "National Affairs," waa not able to attend because of depart mental affairs In Washington. John McNeely of' St.- Joseph was elected president of the Association of Young Re publicans at a business meeting today. GRANT AND - SHERMAN SPEAK General and Vice President Guests of Honor at Grand Rapids.. ' GRAND RAPIDS, Mich.. Feb. IS. The eighteenth annual banquet of the Lincoln club and the Young Men's Republican club here Saturday night attracted nearly every politician of prominence In the state. ' General Fred. D. Gran; responded to th toast "Lincoln and Grant," and told In an Interesting way of the first two meeting! of Lincoln and his father. "Two occasion which, seam to my mind most momentous and memorable In the history of our na tion, as these meetings marked the begin ning of the end of the great struggle for the existence of our nation." Vice President ' James .8. Sherman de livered an eloquent eulogy on Lincoln. A. Bloody Affair la iung hemorrhage. Stop It; and cur weak lungs, coughs and colds, with Dr. King's New Discovery, too and SLOO. For sale by Beaton Drug Cf OHIO REPUBLICANS LINE CP State League of Bepublican Clubs and Taft Clubs Are Merged. ELLIS IS ELECTED CHAIRMAN New Organisation Known na Repub lican Legislative Club Ham mond Speaks at Ban quet. DAYTON, O.. Feb. lS.-Eleven hundred republicans of Ohio gathered here last night, In a banquet to celebrate the anni versary of Abraham Lincoln's birth, the election of Wade Ellis as chairman of the republican state executive committee and the unification of the Taft and Old League Republican clubs, which was accomplished this afternoon. ... The list of speakers Include Wade Ellis, John Hayes Hammond, Carml Thompson, secretary of state; General Charles Gros venor, Charles Dick, Nicholas Long-worth and former Governor Myron , T. Herrlck. The speeches were devoted to the achieve ments and prospects of the rr-publlcan party In Ohio and the nation. Addrrsa of Mr. Hammond. John Hayes Hammond, president of the National League of Republican Clubs, de clared that he had found from Investiga tion that grievances existing In the ranks of the republican party are petty and hot fundamental and niort imaginary than real and that It Is in times of political Inactivity that factional differences and bickerings arise. He continued. In part: "In poliUcal crises of this kind Ohio has always been conspicuous for Its loyalty to country and party. "There Is a rapidly growing demand on the part of the electorate -of tha .country that tho national platforms of the great political parties shall represent the respec tive Issues for which these parties con tend; that these platforms shall say what they mean and mean what they say and that ambiguous or dlslngenous planks shall be no longer tolerated as devices to obtain votes; and, further, that .the president elected by either party, having subscribed to : the principles enunciated In the plat form of that party is pledged to the people of the country to exercise his utmost en deavors to secure the enactment of prom ised legislation and he becomes therefore not only the titular, but the responsible head of the party by which he Is elected. "In view of these facts the National League of Republican Clubs recognizes President Taft as the responsible head of the-republican party. ,,. "The name of William Howard Taft of Ohio supplied the enthusiasm for the cam paign work of our clubs In the recent na tional election. The name of President Taft and the policies for wh'loh he stands will supply the National League of Republican clubs the requisite enthusiasm for effective service whenever republican party suprem acy is threatened." ' " Organisation Perfected. Wade H. Ellis was elected this afternoon as chairman of the Republican Legislative club. The Taft clubs ' were amalgamated with these,, forming the Old Ohio League of Republican clubs. Neither project was opposed. With this accomplishment of the two principal pur poses which called republicans .together here today, the leaders declared that the party has perfected the desired consollda? tlon In preparation for - the campaign . in Ohio next fall, , which was described by Senator Dick as being the "skirmish of the presidential battle of 1912." :, In a speech ot acceptance, Mr. Ellis said: "I want to say here and now that I do not intend to use the Influence which will come to me in, this office for nor against any candidate for any office within the gift of tha people of this state, I do not desire nor do I Intend to be a candidate for any office myself. I will call upon you to help in that unification - of party which means success at the polls." Pneumonia Foiiawu a Cold, but never follows the use of Foley's Honey and Tar. which stops the cough, heals tho lungs and expels trie oold from your system. Sold by all durgglsts. ' Kunyon's Paw Paw Pills coax the live Into activity by gentle methods. They do not scour, grip or weaken. They are a tonic to the stomach, liver and nerves lDTlgorate Instead ot weaken. They en rich the blood snd enable the stomach to cet all the nourishment from food that la put Into It. These pills contain no calo mel; they are soothing, healing snd stlra clntlng. For sale by all druggists la 10a and- 2ftc slses. If yon need medical ad vice, write Muoyon's Doctors. They will ' cdvlse to the best of their blllt.T ato lutely free of Charge. Ml'NTOH'8, 64 and Jefferson Sts rnlladelphla, ra Send 10 cents for trial package liXJ l TRIALS trftftm NEEDEM.S urn Who Require Several Drinks Each Day to Keep Their Nerves Steady so as to Enable Them to Transact Their Business. NEED THE WEAL TREATMENT That cures perfectly. In three days, without hypodermic Injections, at the Institute or In the home, even the most confirmed drinker, who would NO REPRIEVE FOR CLARK FROM BOARD OF PARDONS East St. t.oula Negro, Who Murdered Mntormau Will Re Hanged Friday. SPRINGFIELD, III., Feb. 12-The State Board of Pardons today refused to grant a reprieve or a commutation of sentence to Willis Clark, the negro sentenced to be hanged next Friday at F.nnt St. Louis for the murder of Eugene Goudey, a motor man. Gondey was killed while endeavoring to SEALED BOXES ! 1 s " cu ZL. immrkm i ': "SV 'SI- Xli inH'.m.i. alumin ium iia.m.n ...i.hi. m i nun m w- A "" Sunlight After Dark truly describes the brilliancy of this new Tungsten lamp for electric light : With the same amount of electric current its wire filament radiates from two to three times as much light as the ordinary carbon incandescent Vie Tungsten Lamps in ' Your Home They will cut your light bill in two, ' or, double your ulumination without extra cost Try a G.E. 40-watt lamp at first It consumes one-fifth le$s electric current and is twice as brilliant as the 16 candle power carbon lamp you now use. , 0L1AUA ELECTRIC LIGHT & POVER COMPANY wmmmmJk LJ .1 W:inter,Trips. to Complete arrangements Cuba, Porto Rico, Nassau, Bermuda Island0-, South America, 11 4 tUn a Seas, can be made through the Chicago, Milwaukee Railway Sleeping car and steamship reservations made through to destination. Tickets via all Trans-Atlantio Steamship lines. .Folders, rates and complete information. on applica tionJ' , ', . , - ' . :, ':'-. i ' Three trains daily from Union Station Omaha to Union Station Chicago. ' ' Leaving 7.57 A. M., 6:00 P. M. and U;43 P. M. , F. A. NASH, TICKETS: General Western Agent 1524 Farnam St., Omaha mm. sell bis soul for a drink of whisky. Call or write the Neal Institute, 1603 South Tenth Street, Orjaha, Nebraska, protect the conductor ort' hi car I -A East ft. IxjuIm wAlle the lattor was being h t up it the polntlof a gun In the hands ol Ulsrk. After the killing' Clnrk was taken to Holle- St at Af vllle. 111., for safekeening. feeling havlr reached a high point when the news of murder became known. A mob started Belleville aboard a trolley oar, but wn frustrated when the power was shut off, leaving the mob stranded several miles from its objective point. Governor Deneen' commended the sheriff for hi successful protection of the prisoner. A petition sljmed by 1000 pet-sons of St. Clair county asked that the Stat t;'itls of Tardons refuse to Intercede. '' ' ( TS aT?d 3 n s for deliehtful. trips to Florida, .& St. Paul for a copy of free book and contract agreeing- to cure. Everythltri strictly confidential, liauk references fam ished. ''! ' protect X&PZ&I WIIKICJ) H BUiOKS Of . V pzMl -41 J iNcat.siR. roriiuiiTT .S3 7 f j f