TIIE BEE: OMAHA, MONDAY, FEBRUARY 14. 10 10. (4 r, OFFERED FOR SALE 2 Mllifi Caatlaaeet. SECOND-HAND safe. $25. Ill Farnam. DJftY KINDLING -.fc&VK jgflft CLEAN newspapers for ' sale. Wilson, Millard Hotel. . HIGH school cadet suit for sale. Harney SI 41 NATIONAL, Cash Register, total adder, big bargain, KM No; 18th. OSTEOPATHY JOHNSON INST.. 413 N. T. L. TaL 0. ISM Dr. Kathryn Nicholas. IK N. T. L Btdg PATENTS . O. BARN ELL. Faston Blk. Tel. Red 711'. HUFFMAN, til Neville Bldg Bonk free HIRAM A. BTURGE8. registered patent attorney, u. 8. and foreign patent se cured. 5u n, y. L)f Hidg. el. u. W8J. wlllard Eddy, registered practitioner In V. 8. Patent off lea, N. T. L. Bldg. D. 81. PERSONAL I HitnAn-iniiKAri is ameirsi cur '- In nl-. 1 a....-.. inn...t lt j"i "' saivim TiBvi, uwiinui i I'll. Margarita Halloran. 22 Neville Bldg.. Tel. Douglas 7761 Under sup. rvwion of M. D. Art your tired? Doti your blood circu late properlyt la your d.gestloa good? If not. why not conault Prof. U. K. DlnJIan, oriental sctentlfle masssglst, 405-407 He llldg.. Phone D. 8AX Special attention given to facial maaaaga and scalp treatment. FRIVATB HOME - during Bonf Inrment; tablee for adoption. Good Samaritan Rani torlurn, 740 let Ava., Council Bluffs la. WE rant and repair all kinds of sewing machines. Incl. A-lt3. Doug. 16til NEBRASKA CYULK CO. , 15th and Harney Sts. ATYlVTTnTTT -u,r Foods Wonderfu". AUZiLiXULXl Halr Restorer. Oroi Hair on Ba.d Head. For eale by Mmu. Frayer at Megeata Stationery Co. 'Apatl tiy vs. bincenty GIVE THIS i YOUR INTEREST. 47 siihsprlntlnna more to thi Saturday Evening Pout and the Ladles' Home Jour nal by February 28 earns $1.01S prim, pay able to the Child Savin Institute. Every fifteenth person rends the Post or journal. Thousands of subscriptions expire. Thousands purchase the Post weekly nave 11.10. Price $1.60 each. Every blessed order worth 60o. Urgent a::d your renewals In advance. They are needed now. Make It , in... r i , . ' mo yearn 11 yuu iini. ..-mien: 11 rmciciy will not make this 11 000 a reality for the Infants' Homo1, what chnnra Is there for a friendless paralytic Isolated In a bock yard in the suburbs. Write for complete catalogue and story, "A Broken Hack." GORDON, , j The Magazine Man, Omaha. r 'Phone DoukIss 7163. MAGNETIC TREATMENT BATHS. MASSAGE M's LaGrane, 1017 Dodge St hrs. 10 a. ni.-9 p m. MASQUE sulta to rent Theo. Lleben. , MME. ALLEN of Chicago, baths, salt glow and massage. 1006 Dodge St.. opposite postoff Ice, Sd floor. Phone Douglas 6431. ARLENE DE VOY, manicuring and mns" sage. 620 8. 16th St., Flat 8. Phone D. 764a Be an Actor or Actress Earn from $36 to $100 per week; complete course. $7; diplomas given and engagements secured. Addroas at once for full partic ulars THOMPSON. AMUSEMENT cCU.:: , 2013 Chicago St., Omaha. THE SALVATION ARMY solicits east-ofl clothing, In fact anything you do not need collect repair and aell at 124 N. ilih fit., for cost of collaotiou, 10 the worthy poor4, Call 'phone Douglas 413a aiul wagua llVcu. WTfJCand tcupes for men. GRIFFITH. iVXUk.u ha i FRENZER BLK. A HOME for women during confinement We find homes fur babivs where mothers cannot care tor tbern. Babies boarded. For terms hdrlreas Mrs. Martha A. Iee, 401 Banoioft Bt.. Omaha. Neb. 'POone llouglas ls2L JOblK WASHBURN'S new book. "The Underworld Sewer," sold at all book atores. price $1.60. . i STRICTLY private borne for conflne jPjnents; trained nurse; bablea for adoptions, if, 13 Davenport Swarti tke-Ger aV McKelvy Newa Dept. 2d hand A Env periodicals. S &. 16th. WAGNETIO treatment. Mme. femith $22 H. Hth St. third floor DR. EOGERS private confinement home 61 Martba 4t Phone Douglas im Theatrical, street evening gowns. 412 8 It OMAHA Btammerere' Ins.. Ramgs Bldg. MASSAGE AND BATHS. R. $08, Old Boston Store Bldg., 4th floor, ,120 S. 16th St. 6talrway on Douglas Bt. BRIGHT baby girl for adoption. J 28L Bee. WANTED Children te board. Ind. B-13&7. MAGNETIC and Massage Bath. 16th 8t S14 No. PRIVATE confinement hnme Mn hr Tpng. 1324 N. 4th St Phone Webster $569. THERE 13 NO AFFLICTION, mental or physical, that supreme power can not cure. Hectarlana don't know the cause of their failures. There la JUBt one thing to do. for me to secure you a perfect cure. A AMERICA BOWEN COOPER, Flat Ind. B-6317. , . 4338 Charles 8t POULTRY DUCKS Jess Newell's Indian Runners re unbeatable money-makers. Greatest layers ever known. Easily raised; easily handled. Eyeopener circular free. Glrard, Illinois. . oreenlnga. $1.6 l'j lbs. Wagner, W. N. 1st a , FOR a C. White Leghorns call or write. Hillside Poultry Farm, 424 Harrison St, Council Bluffs. Ia. Tel.. Ind. 1042 Y. SINGLE comb. Rhode IelanA Red enpk- erels for sale. $1.60 and up. J. E. Smatlan. BchuyUr. Neb. OLD TRUSTY Incubators; write for free catalogue: VA poultry Illustrations; special low prices; 40-80-aO days free trial. Address M. M. Johnson. Clay Center, Neb. FOR 8ALE-Large Embden geese. $6 and 16 a pair. Hiram Clouse. Clare. Iowa. a C. R. I RED COCKS-1 year old: I to fo at $1 each. Order at onoe. Feme Hlatt. :lsle, Neb. PRINTING PHONB IND. A at for good printing Lyngslad Printing Co.. 1U a Caoitol A.e. WATERS PRINTING CO.. 623-624 8. 13th. Miller A Jamleeson. Ul$ Doug. Both phones. MILLER A JAMIESON, quick printers 1211 Douglas St Tel. lHug. 42s; Ind. A-42KU. REAL ESTATE REAL, C.STA1H UBALKSHtv, W.EID ABSTRACT CO., Est. ISM: proma ericei get our prieee. - site rarnara nt PATNB INV. CO-, tint floor N. T. Ufa BENJAMIN K. K. CO.. 471 Brandcls Bid Geo. D. Penina. 131 PejUon. Doug. TsOt J. N. CASADT CO.. Ino. real estate and rentals; fire and Ufe Inauraaoe. till Paxton X lock. Telephone, Doug. UM. BEAT; FSTATE TITLE-TRT'ST CXX, 1201 Farnain. Ground Floor. REAL ESTATE CITT PROPERTY FOR IALR 6 StoriesT$125,000 fidxlfW, heart of city. Harrison & Morton NEAR IIANSCOM PARK 8-room. modern, very choice location, lovely large lot, block to car. Can b bought v-ry cheap. 6-ROOM HOUSE, $1,250 In south part of town. House well ranted. A very ph-ap place. NOWATA LAND A LOT CO.. 8ulte Gil N. Y. Life Bldg. Fhcne Red 1K99. 44x132, $45,000 Farnam near 13th. . Harrison & Morton HOME BARGAIN Modern dwelling, containing six living rooms, reception hall, bathroom: slric'ly modern; gas and electric light; house ele gantly decorated and nearly new; fu'imrr IocatPd about one block north of .-ie field club; paved street, elegant lot: must be seen to bo appr"c;ntrd ; eas y worth 4 (On will sell for $n.fi00; possession can o hid about March 1. Address 1) 473. Bee. 7 ROOM HOUSE 29TH AND DEWEY Will make any reasonable business term. Can give you 34 or 111 feet front, as desired. NOWATA LAND AM) LOT CO... 62 N. Y. Life Bldg. Phone Red 1999. 8 Rooms $4,500 Just east of Dundee, on Dodtre St., house almost new, full south fruit lot. Harrison & Morton WAKE UP! . Why Lose Opportunities? If you have $5,000 or $10,000 why do you keep It In a bank and get 4 per cent or 6 per refit when by in vesting In real estate the best in vestment in the worli you can double or treble within two years? 1 have two bona fide investments which require the above amounts. It won't hurt you one particle to Bend your addresi to me and allow me to call on you. Address Q 467, care Bee. TWO CHOICE HOMES $4,500 7-room. modern, hot water heat; lot, lOSxirO; one block from Ames Ave. car. N. 27th St. M.ViO g-room. strictly modern house, Hanscom park district, paved street, ex cellent location. GALLAGHER & NELSON, 49) Brandela Bldg. Omaha, Neb. 6-Room Cottage $1,600 Fine condition; can make anv terms, wala Land and Lot Co., 624 New Life Bldg. Red 19J. No Tork HERE'S A BARGAIN AT $2,400. Dandy, roomy cottage, bath, sewer, elec tric and gas fixtures, furnace. Just fin ished, on car line north, good neighborhood, about $200 down and payments to suit, ad dress K-470 Bee. . 33x66, $33,000 N. W. W. O. W. site. Harrison & Morton CLOSE-IN BARGAIN ,;.ilear Park Av. uand . .Leavtsawortb. Owner leaving city, says sell quick his S-room modern residence ; hot water heat, parquet oak floors, elegant deco rutlons, abundance of small fruit and atood barn. East front on paved street. Price. $4,250. Make us an oiler. D. V. Sholes Company, 111 Board of Trade Building, 16th and Farnam Eta. Telephones, Doug. 49, Ind-, A-2049. 43x100, $1,000 Wool worth 'and 26th; pavement paid. Harrison & Morton DOWN TOWN STORE SITE v 44x66, $3,900 A eite adapted to any kind of busi ness. This is the best Investment In down town Omaha today. If you will give us fifteen minutes, of your time we'll show you why. A great oppor tunity, and don't lose out on it. HASTINGS & HEYDEN, 1614 Harney St. LOTS ON 29TH, NEAR FARNAM Very fine location, parties who will build. Special terms to NOWATA LAND AND LOT CO.. 621 N. Y. Life Bldg. Phone Red 1399. C. M. JESPFRSON, reliable contractor and builder. 1G09 No. 33d. Tel. Web. 2176. 74x132, $6,000 Close In trackage (corner). Harrison & Morton 3-STORY BRICK BUSINESS building, low rent. Rented, $!36 per annum. Very $3,600. Very desirable term.. EAST FRONT CORNER LOT $500 Sewer, water, gas, near car, paved street A cheap lot. NOWATA LAND & LOT CO.. Suite, 624 N. Y. Lite Bldg, 'Phone Red 1990. . 1 WANT a bid on a five-room house and three lots; electric light, city water and bttth. 3624 Ave. A, Co. Bluffs, la. J. D Johnson, Sapp Blk. KOUNTZE PLACE HOME, $5,000 .. , ... HOT W7ATER HEAT Located on Iothrop St., between 19th and 20th, one of the choicest streets In Kountse Pli ce, where all nw homea have been built the last two years; house has recep tion hall, parlor, dining roam and kitchen on the first floor, all papered, and Is finished In quarter-auwed oak. Including floors; on second floor there are Tour gooo; bed rooms and bath; stairway to attic; hasfull basement cemented; one of the best hot water heating plants made; lot ie 60x124. on asohalt paved street: this can he handled on cash payment of $1 SO) to 22.000 down and balaroe on terms HASTINGS & HEYDEN. 1014 Harney St 25th, Near Farnam $7,600 Lot 02x130, east front. 7-room houso. Harrison & Morton FOR SALE I,nta 1 4 and 6. bloclr 1 Lcwe'a add., and lot $. block X Hyde Park (1 acre), cheap. Wllliant Simoral, 21-1 First National bank building. INVESTMENT. Two 6-Room Cottagea IS. 000 Paying 10 pr cent always rented; look like a good buy. Nowata Land and Lot Co., (24 New York Life Bldg. Red !!. SECOND floor. 612 So. Uth Bt. Wright Leabury, Ux So. Hit a St, phone Um REAL ESTATE CITT ritOI'KHl a KUk 0 ALB. (Continued.) NOTICE-A BARGAIN. 8-room strictly modern house In ont of the best locations In the city. Call at 119 W. B way, Council Bluffs. C. SUNDEL(& 00.,..: tractor and Rullder; sp-clalls'S on Htmgs lows and Cottages. Estimates furnished. PRAIRIE PARK M $3,609 to 25.000; small cash payment and bal. ance monthly. 1'axton Heal Estate com pany, ownt r. OWNER MUST SELL AT ONCK-8-room strlctlv modern house, near Hanspom park, sacrificed for $3,300. Terms. Address W 40, He BRICK BUILDING FOR SALE TO BE WRECKED C hurt-h building, north side Capitol Ave., between l?th and 13th Sts.. to be removed. Submit bids. George & Co., 1601 Farnam St W. O. JENSEN hu'lds homes right; p;ans furnished. P.'t.. rm Spatildinx. Web. :t?i. S l?nnfS STRTCTLY 'MODERN I I,oi i;ixi::i; tiecir.: unieu parage, west part of city, on Tamnm car lint. Good tcrm 7 ROOxMS, NEW, MODERN Lergp front lot. house finely a-- rangfd, yard sodded, concrete walks, paved tree'e. Forced sale. Can make a very low ' price. ISO W ATA UAM) & I.I ) l Ct.. I Suite 621 N. Y. Life Bldg. Phone P.ed 1W9. 215x165, $43,000 Close In Growing, Harrison & Morton 6-room cottage. $1,330; $150 cash,' balance monthly. . 4- rooni rottace. $1,200. 5- room cottage, new, $2.3.10; $3V) cash, balancn monthly. u-ioom cottage, 2 large lots, $1.9.10. 8-room cottage, 2 .large lots, Jl.n) terms. 8-room houwe, Hanscom park, $4,000. Other residences at all prices. HUFFMAN, 318 Jeville Bldg. REAL ESTATE FARM AMD II A Mat LA.VD FOR CAIjB Arkansas. HOMESEEKERS, LISTEN What I found In northwest Arkansas is what you are looking for prairie and timber, clin ate, neaith, water, tu:l, no nexro.. ;iu sUitoe or s&loouu. All questions an swered. Address J. Oswalt O rare up, Ark. Canada. FOR SALE GET AN IRRIGATED OR NON1RRIGATED FARM IN CANADA "NO CROPS NO PAY." The Canadian Pacifio makes It easy for you to own a big farm In the Irrigated section of the BoAv River valley of South ern Alberta or the nonlrrlgated section of the Saskatchewan River valley in Central Alberta. We'll break and develop your land at less than you could yourself. Hundreds have paid for their homes In these sunny valleys out of first crops. Get a home here on only SMALL PAYMENTS DOWN-PAY BALANCE OUT OF YOUR CROPS. "NO CROPS NO PAY." For FREE de scriptive books write JOHN 8. DENNIS. Asst. to 2d Vice Pres. CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY, . Colonisation Dept., 207 0th Ave. West Calgary, Alberta, Canada. Callroral,. FOR SALE W40 acres' land 'near- HahJ ford Kings county, caurornia; one mile from Guernsey Station on the Sante Fe railroad; best alfalfa, beet ana fruit land; abundance of ditch water 'for Irrigation; about 1.000 acres now planted to alfalfa: land rents at $10 per acre. PACIFIC LAND COMPANY, 317 Pacifio Electric Bldg., Loa Angeles, Cat. Land Opening We 'have begun the sale of Oill:.u nia lands under the Kuhn Irrigation pro.Hvit In Sacramento valley. The opportuniMsa are the beat Rich soil, mild oltmue, icn months growing season. Orangee. lemons. English walnuts, almonds and many other fruits and nuts, besides all the common vegetables, grains and forage plains may be grown on these lands. Two crops a season. Send for free Information or rend 10c for the beautiful book In colors, 'Cali fornia Now or Never." H. L. Hollister, 106 La Salle St., Chicago. v. Colorado. FOR SALE Relinquishment near county seat; 220 a. A Dewitz, Cheyenne Wells, Colo. MR. FARMER OR INVESTOR CON SIDER THIS Improved farm In Morgan county of 160 acres level land, 12 miles from town; 60 acrea broke out and under ditch. Water for the whole paid for and your crops are sure. You have the rain when you want It Only 19 feet to water. Will grow wheat, corn, alfalfa, beets, oats or nythlng. cement block house. All fenced. Price $27.50 per acre. Terms half cash. Ad dress, The First State Bank,. Wiggins, Colo. Idaho. FRUIT AND FARM LANDS IN SUNNY SOUTHERN IDAHO. Best and cheapest Irrigated land In the west; write for prices and descriptive literature; a town pt two years and 2,600 population; a part of the biggest Irrigated project on earth. Lyman G. Taylor, Good ing. Idaho. ' WE own 40,000 acres of the richest land In "The garden spot of the northwest," which we are selling on easy terms at much less than actual value. Only 10 acres of this fertile Irrigated fruit land planted In trees In a few years will assure you an annual Income of $2,000 to $a.0u0. It costs nothiug to Investigate. Why not aj or send for information, prices, terms, etc? BITTER ROOT VALLEY IRRIGATION CO., 100 Washington St., Chicago. Iowa. Three Fine Iowa Farms for Sale or Rent One 206-acre farm in Madison county; 100 acrea can be put In corn. One 160-acre farm In Madison county, for grain and stock, all hog-tight, half can bs put In corn. 200 acre farm in Cass county, all In grass; all can be put in corn if desired. All well Im proved. Write or call Irrigated Farm Land Co., 609 Youngerman Bldg., Des Moines. Ia. ' 80-ACRE IOWA FARM. POSSESSIONS AT ONCI5. A BAKUA1N r OK SOMEONE. SO acres, 40 miles from Dua Moines, deep ricn sou, aimori new (-room nouse, fair outDuuainga, some rruit; will sell at bargain If taken before March 1; would take smaii property as part pay; see us at onoe. josnua jester & Son., 204-12 C. C bank Bldg., Des Moines, la. IOWA'S BEST LAND $36 PER ACRE. Wouldn't you jump at the chance to get Iowa's best land St $U6 to $50 per acre? Sureyet these are the prices at which we are selling land In the famous San joaiutn valley or California. Land at rich and productive as Iowa's best 8n ooth. level and ready for the plow Land hat produces a larger variety of bountiful crops than any other section lA the U. S. and In a climate whero or anges flourish. Nothing like It. The hoinesrkr and Investor cannot make a mistake In buying this land where values will soon be three or fou.- times present prices. Write for booklet with full in formation. ' If you have California prop erty for sale or exchange write us. We can dispose of It. W. K. MUSGRAVE. Pasadena. CaL 240 ACRErt, 13 miles from Des Moines, Polk Co.. 7-room house, barn 32x40 and other outbuildings; SO acrea In fall wheat, U6 for oats. 40 for corn, balance pasture; rented for 1916 for halt. Price, $;6 per acre; $4,000 down, balance to suit. The Wilson I-and and Investment Co., 411-12-1 L L. T. Bid., Des Uotucav Is. . REAL ESTATE FARM AND HA.MH I.AD FOM a. Iw (otlnaed. REMEMBER HAVE BEEN ESTAB- LI SI I ED SINCE 1K7. We still have a large list of Iowa firms of nil sixes; call and or write and tell us the kind and slse of a farm you desire tc buy. as ws are confident we can suit you. as we are listing new farms every day. 8. F. Frlck Land Co., 216 Clapp Block, 1'es Moines, la. l' ACRES, abort 14 miles of Des Moines, two miles of good town In Warren Co.. all farm land, fine inll, well fenced, mostly hog tight, new 0-room house, good burp, laigc cattle shrds. other good buildings. Price, ll.'ift per arre. It acres, about 8 miles from Bit Ayr. Ringgold Co., good soli, new 6-room houxe and other good Improvements. Price, fTR per acre. 320 acres, IV, mile of Osden. Boone Co., g."od 6-room house, bain and other om ru.ldlnns. all fino land but about 15 acres; liiLst be sold at once. Price. fHO per acre. Wvl acres, near Russell, Luens Co., iiboiit 260 acres In cultlvatlcn, balance In hlurgms pasture, some timber, pun of this land Is gently rolling, good soil and In high state of cultivation; good -room house and lots of other Improvements in good repair. Pi Ice, J75 per acre. Corn Belt Land and Loan Co., Dp Moines. la. Florida. for sai.e-florida GARDENS 510 tract ,n sni li I secures n ten acre cp.nKn ranitia; this property ,is wlUiln four mllej of the b;mv center, ofr-the. c'ly -0' T.mpa. Florida a local mRi ket for everything yo ; grow. An Invrstlgntiol coss yoj nothing and It mirht prove profitnMc. . , TAMPA BAY LAND -CO, 225 IMarhnrn St... Chicago. Kisnlii, KANSAS. . FINELY IMPROVED FARM, $20 PER ACRE All rented, paying from 10 to 22 per cent, rent. Best alfalfa land In the world. Easy tirms. If not as represented, wlil return your expenses. NOWATA LAND AND LOT CO., 624 N. Y. Lite Bldg. Phone Red 1099. Louisiana. , FOR SALE Farm and timber lands In Arkansas. Louisiana and Mississippi. Write for bargain list. YOUKO-M'CRARY-M'CONNELL CO.. 244 Randolph Bldg., Memphis, Tenn. FOR SALE By all odds the best Invest mfnt In the United States Is rich land that Is cheap. - i . Pouth Louisiana has the cheapest and richest land and' the healthiest and most plAnrnt ptlTTlftta .". , Unusual conditions somtlmes make great opportunities; $100 an acre cotton land which will make $160 an sere corn land can now be bought for $M) an acre. I would like to explain these conditions to men who want to buy fine farms of splendid corn land cheap. Address Manager Paradls Farms, Pnradls, Lai Mississippi. FOR SALE Fine Mississippi farm; 8.2O0 acres Yaaoo county; rlca delta upland; splendidly Improved; 2,000 acres under cul tivation; 1,200 acres virgin timber and pas ture; grows long staple cotton and grains; close to two railroad stations and towns of the Illinois Central railroad; yields from 290 to 340 bales of cotton annually besides other crops; healthy; labor conditions good; $20 per acre; reasonable terms; would consider half pay in good clear In come property; fair fee to broker securing satisfactory deal. B. F. EBQRN, Birming ham, Ala. , Mlchla-an. (. . FOR SALE Fruit, grain and poultry farms around Bangor, VanBuren county, Mich.; 8 hours from Chicago by boat or rail; easy payments. Free fares to buyers. Guaranteed titles. L..J. LEWIS, Bangor, Mich. I. Minnesota. AT $86 per acre, cheap at $100; best 257 acre Improved farm in Minnesota; large building, with tools; 19 cows, blooded bull; hav and corn for feed, seed grain; fine buildings; wood creek, windmill. .Two miles west of Rochester.' near1 DaofPatvh electric railroad, now nearly graded. Part cash and terms to suit. Mlit rak some clear city Income property; immediate possession given. Write for photos, ivan XMorman, Box la5, Minneapolis, Minn. atlseimrl. Look Here! If you will cut this ad out and bring It to me I will tell you where you can buy land as good as Iowa within 100 miles of Kansas City, from $35 to w per acre, ana where you can borrow 40 on too iana. til curslon every day. ' ' J. P. Randies, 515 Good Blk. Des- Moines, Iowa. A 10-Acre Peach Orchard In the Famous Koshkonong Fruit . Distrist of -Missouri Will Make You - Independent for Life, And the Perfect Ozark Climate Makes this an Ideal place fer a home. We have a few more 10-acre tracts whioh we will sell .... Oir Easy Payments Plant the trees, develop and, care for same for THREE YEARS, and it the end of this period deliver to you a FULL BEARING PEACH ORCHARD of 1.000 EL BERTA PEACH TREES, which, with proper care, will yield you a splendid In come for life.. Send for free literature, giv ing price, terms, etc Midland Farm & Land Co., B03 Fleming Bldg., Des Moines, I a. ONE INCH, 72 CENTS This is a One-Inch Ad. To buy a farm write a description of It In about 0 words and send It to THE) OMAHA BE hi Classified Dept. together with 71 oents for each day you wish u pub lished. This usually does the work. OZARK FARMS, ranches and coloniza tion tracts In the roost beautiful and healthful climate In the state, and only 88 miles from SU Louis, on the best trunk line In the state with a train nearly every hour. For description of the country and prices, telling us about what you want write G. W. Bunn 4k Co., Ironton. Mo. FOR 8ALE J.940 acres Ripley County, Mo., land; wlil cut l.too.OuO feet lumber or about 400,000 ties; 126 acres In cultivation; 14 miles from store and postoff Ice; 6 miles from railroad; school hoime on land; price right Address Box 406. Winter set, la. JUST THINK OF IT. A country without bllzsards. We have It here In the' Osarks of south Missouri, the great dairy and fruit country. Get our booklet, "Facts Worth Knowing," and land list. SIAUGHTER & WHEELER, , 132 First St., Mountain Grove. Mo. A BARGAIN In one of the best grain and stock' farms In northwest Missouri; 666 acres;' S-room bouse. Urge barn; also cat tle barn and other outbuildings, all In good repair; buildings new; miles of railroad. Price only $66 per acre. J. J. Cain, Stan berry, Mo. FINE peach farm for sale In the famous Koshkonong district of 120 acres, of whioh about M acrea bearing peaches; sold 1,650 bushels last season; and about 2U0 bearing apple trees'! fine location; at $76 per acre; no trade. W. L. Holmes. Williamsburg, Ia. atOBtaaa. . 330-ACRB homesteads In Montana; file this winter before the big spring rush; write for further Information. J. F. Ad ams, Harlem. Mont MONTANA LAND acres In the famous Musselshell cotintiV, only 1 miles from the new coast line of the Chicago 4k Milwaukee Ry. A spler.Jtd proposition for colonising; will double In value in ihe next year. For quick sale. $11 per acre; eay terms. Felland Realty Company. 6J1 Palais Bldg., Mdunaopolls, Mini REAL ESTATE FARM AND HAMII l.lU FOR 8 4 l-K (Continued) 110O0 ACRES. Llncoll. uoui.ty, Neb., $6 6 acre. Fine farm lands, Box Butte county. Neb., 10 to I.X). unimproved, l-'O to tM Im proved. 640-acre homestead relinquish ments, fr0 to fl.froa each. Address U. W. Nation, 1240 W. 84th fit, Dee Moines, la. fOR SALE Northwest quarter 35-32-14. Broun county, Nebraska, $!O0; clear; per fect title. P. O. Box .15, Cedar Raplda, la. FOR SALE Snao. nortliweal quarter 25- 82-24. Brown county. Neb., only $KW; clear, perfect title. R. M. Bet u worth, Cedar Rap- ids, la. Oregoa. NON-IRRIGATED FRUIT LANDB. Send for our beautifully Illustrated booklet of Creswell, Willamette valley. Oregon. We have f and 10-acre tracts there which we will sell for MOO an acre and euro for th orchard for five years, under the supervision of the Hon. W. K. Newel, president of the Oregon Stale Board of Horticulture. Easy payments. THE A. C. BOHRNSTEDT CO., 629 Palace Bldg., Minneapolis, Minn. OREGON FRCIT LANDS I offer to buy Rogue River valley fruit lands In various stages of development for you. to cost no more limn. If purchased from a regular ar.ent. Have made a thorough study of conditions here; am In toucl. with all of enr reliable agents and choowe only a'lch tracts oi I would buy for myself. This val-h-y produces- tha finest apples, pears and fekay grapes' In the world; I the home of America's apple king and has the best climate In America. Will show great In crenjsa In land values tills year. L. W. Zimmer, Medford. Ore. FOR SALE Oregon Valley Land company Cot. tracts wanted; will take limited number as part payment on choice fruit and farm land on main line of railroad. Write O. FIEDLER. 201 Andrus Bldg., Minneapolis, Minn. ALFALFA AND CC RN LANDS FOR SALE IN OKLAHOMA. No. 43 ItJJ acres, in cultivation 130, In meadow SO acres; 4-rocm plastered house and 2-room terant hotif.e; small barn, small orchard, two wells, large pond; all fenced erd three or four acres of hog fence; 12 mllps from Marlow; $2,000 mortgage. Price, $'VO0O. No. 3473 acres. nJl In cultivation, all first-class alfalfa and corn land; no waste and no rock; mile from Marlow; must sell jin $0 days. Price, $60 per acre. N 11200 acres, 150 acres In cultivation, balance good pasture and mow lard; small house and some barn room; ralf mile from Marlow; good corn and alfalfa land. Price, $30 per acre. I hese are special bargains, come at ence If you want any of them. Our land Is sell ing fast. For particulars write or call on MARLOW REAL ESTATE CO, Marlow. Okl. Sonth Dakota, FOR SALEGreatest bargain In South Dakota 320-aore well Improved farm near city of Mitchell; no waste lands; lays per fect; best of soil; alfalfa land. Tenant rained over $7,000 of crops in 1900; corn went 70 bu. to acre. $60 acre until March 1; worth $n0 acre. $12,000 can remain, 8 per cent Mather & Co., Cedar Rapids, Ia. LAND IN THE ROSEBUD COUNTRY In 80-acre to 640-acre tracts, $16 to $T6 per acre. Write for prices and descriptions, stating about what you want or call on F. L. Crosby, Bonestoel, 3. D. THREE SNAPS. 320 acres Improved land, Codington Co., 8 D.; 240 acres Improved land, Clark Co., S. D. 200 acres unimproved land, Deuel Co., S. D. ' Easy tern.s. D. K, Slrod, Vienna, 8. D. learn. 1,400 ACRES choice lands near Eagle Lake, Tex.; fine orange, rice and cane proposition, at $20 per acre. 1,000 acres of land on the San Antonio river, southwest of Floresvllle, on railroad track; 300 acres easily Irrigated, $26 per acre; a fine In vestment. Address 211 E Cth St., Austin, Tex. Great pinner Our new comblnatlo ntracts, Rio Grande valley,. Texas Gulf coast, proved a great winner last excursion... footing up 32 sales. They consist of 10, 20, 40, 80, 100, section andceotion tracts, 44 Improved, ready for settlers, carrying free water-right for In tenslfled winter farming; all staple crops grown In summer without irrigation; prices H of similar lands elsewhere; easy terms. We oultlvate for nonresident owners. Write Walter 8. Ayres, J22 Postal Telegraph Bldg., Chicago, 111. Maps, plats and sam ple of soli free. 80UTH TEXAS. ' In Austin county, near Houston, Tex., we can cell you fine, rich farm lands that grow corn, cotton, alfalfa, figs, oranges, melons and all sorts of vegetables. You are not buying raw prairie land of uncer tain value, but well Improved farms, that have been producing good crops to several years. GOOD LANDS. LOW PRICES. EASY TERMS. Good railroads,' good churches.' fine schools, stores, banks, factories, etc; 46 Inches of rainfall: no Irrigation necessary. Our lands are rapidly increasing In value. Lt us ten you aoout mem. umy a to f?J per acre, write. J. M. SHOOK ft CO., Suite 709, New York Life Bldg. Kansas City. Mo 10.000 ACRES AT' $5 PER ACRE 30 miles from Houston and 1 miles from good town on the Santa Fe Ii. R. Inv proved land, easy distance from Houston, as low as $17.60 per acre, on easy terms. Go with us on Feb. 16. A very low round trip rate. Nowata uina a ioi Co., 624 New York Iufe Bldg., Red 1291. 600.000 ACRES In south and southwest Texas, In artesian and rain belt; large and small tracts; flowing wells on many; prloe $6 to $40 per acre; small tracts on the monthly payment plan; correspondence so licited. Cardwell & Morris, 126 Ave. C, San Antonio, Tex. SNAP Improved 640-acre farm located In Lubbock county, Texas; 200 acres or more under cultivation. Five miles of 5-foot hog tight wire fence; good orchard; locust grove of about 6,000 trees. Located eight miles from railroad station. Acknowledged as one of the best farms In the country. For sale. If taken at once, at $18.60. Farms sim ilar to this are held at from $371.0 to $30.00 per acre In the same community. Address A. Broslus, 708 Finance Bldg., Kansas City, Mo. FOR SALE BROWNSVILLE IRRIGATED LAND. LOWER RIO GRANDE VALLEY. . - 6 AND 10-ACRE TRACTS. Easy monthly payments: land, climate. Irrigation, profits best In V. ii. Join the wise buyers. Ten acres alfalfa yields 8 to 9 cuttings each year; sugar cane double of Louisiana cane; winter vegetables and cot ton, corn or broom corn one year. Get our free booklet "Irrigation and Profit." A (mall saving Insures independence from landlords, freedom from Industrial 'servi tude, health for the entire family. Look back, then ahead. INDIANA CO-OPERATIVE CANAL CO., lue uacoma tsiag., cnicago. FOR SALE $20 down secures a 10-acre Irrigated farm on the famous Cross S ranch, Texas; railroad, schools and churches; an opportunity seldom offered send for literature. CALIFORNIA-TEXAB LAND CO., 1113 Schiller Building. ' 103-100 Randolph St., Chicago. ONE INCH, 72 CENTS Tliis is a One-Inch Ad. To sell your farm write a description of It In about 60 words and send It to THE OMAHA BEE Classified Dept.. together with 71 cents for each day you wish It pub lished. This usually does the Work. Wasfclaartos). . WASHINGTON. For full information concerning farms and fruit lands In the state nf Washington and ESPECIALLY IN THE SPOKANE COUNTRY, CALL OR WRITE J. R LUSK. HOTEL LOYAL, OMAHA. NEB CHEAP FARES ON ALL PACIFIC COAST LINES GO INTO KFFK.CT MARCH L IF POSSIBLE SEE MR LUSK'S BEAUTIFUL DISPLAY OF WASHINGTON APPLES AT THE HOTEL LOYAL. Wiaaala. FOR BALE We are selling our rhnto Marinette Co., Wis., farm lands at $7.VJ to 120 per acre; fine locations; btter arrana p tr'p; only 7 h'irs' ride from Chicago; . ... .....' . Ttft Bkldmot Land Co., Box 58L Marinette, Wis. REAL ESTATE FARM AK 11 MA.( H I.A.KU FOR BA1.B Continued.! akUaeisi, OKLAHOMA1 We have lOft.OOO acres of rhol"e land te select from, rar.jrtr.g In prlre from $i t $40 per acre. This land Is In the oil and gas district and you might get an oil well with your land. NOWATA LAND AND LOT CO. rtulte lt New Yarh Life Bldg OKLAHOMA MAP. circulars and price list on farms eent on request. Ira Stout, Cushitur, Okl. Mleeellaneoae. FOR BALK AT A BARGAIN 1S3 acrea tlmberland in hayfleld county, Wisconsin: estimate 1.000,000 saw timber, 10.000 ties, 1.000 cords of wood: timber consists st hem luck, birch, cedar, baaswood and some pine; best timber proposition In Wiscon sin; a snap If taken at once. F. L. Per rUo, Delavan. Minn. iH Information and literature on farm land and Irrigated fruit lands Idaho. Ore gon and Washington call on us. or write us 3;!2 Neville block, Omaha. Neb. Sher wood Immigration Co.; J. W. Young, local manager. . FOR SALE Corporation going out of 1 business; 2&0 acres of timber lands, only 10 miles from city limits of Duluth and miles from Two Harbors; will cut lS.OX) feet red oak, 100.000 feet spruce and balsam, 4.000 tamarack and cedar tlea, l.pou i-toot cedar telecranh coles. 10 000 cedar fence uosts. 25 cords of spruce, and any amount of mining timber and cordwood. Price. terms. All of section 7, townahlp M). range 1. lo cated about 60 miles northwest of Duluth, close to railroad; part timber, good soil; X-111 make a fino stock farm: price $5,500; terms. A. W. Kuehnow, Torrey Bldg., Duluth. Minn. REAL ESTATE LOANS FOR BALE $8.H)0 first mortgage loan, drawing t per cent Interest annually, se cured by 220-acre gilt-edge Improved farm. Red River valley, sold for $16,000. title per fect. Write E. J. Mitchell, Orleans, Minn. MONET TO LOAN-.ayne Investment Co. WANTED City loans. Peters Trust Co. $100 to $10,000 mado promptly. F. D. Wead. Wead Bldg.. 18th and Farnam. LOWEST RATES Semis. Brandeis Bldg. LOANS to home owners and home build era, with privilege of making partial pay ments semi-annually : no commission. W. H. HOMAP. 608 First National Bank Bldg. FIVE PER CENT MONEY to loan on Omaha business property. THOMAS BRENNAN, Room 1, New York Life Bldg. PAYNE. BOSTWICK ft CO., N. T. Ufa. Private money, $500 to $6,000; low rate. GARVIN BROS.. 31$ N. Y. Life, $r00 to No delay. $200,000 on Improved property. 1600 to $6,000 on homa fn Omaha. O'Keefa Real Estate Co.. 1003 N. Y. Life. Douglas or A $163. WANTED City loans and "Warrants. W. Farnam Smith & Co.. 13ao Farnam St ONE INCH, 72 CENTS This is a One-Inch Ad. To buy a home write a description of It In about 00 words and send It to THE OMAHA BEE Classified Dept. together with 71 cents for each day ou wish It pub lished. This usually does (he wont REAL ESTATE WANTED TEXAS LANDS. I am In the market to buy from one to twenty sections of Texas land, preferably In the Panhandle district, and His vlolnlty of Kelso. Send leral descriptions snd low est net prices, and most favorable terms of payment with sixty-day option. James H. B. Woodroffs, 216-216 Masonic Temple. Cedar Rapids, Iowa. WE HAVE BUYERS FOR 5. and 7-room houses. If prices are right we can sell your property for you. NOWATA LAND AND LOT CO., Suite 624 N. Y. Life Bldg. SELL ME your modern $ to 8-room house, near 16th and Locust Streets. Will pay spot cash for satisfactory home. 'Also wants 1 to 8-room, hot Vater heat, new home, Hanscom Park or Field Club District. Another spot cash proposition. F. C. Best, 1008 N. Y. Life. Phones Doug. 2244 and Harney 3714. WANT a cheap lot for cash within three blocks of Sherman Ave., car line west of 80th St i give location and price. Address H 468, cars Bee. . SWAPS WILL EXCHANGE for four-cylinder automobile, 1909 model preferred, a fine spotted Arabian and coach stallion, seven years old. perfect build, weighs (i,40U) rour- tetn hundred, good and kind, no tricks, and sure worth, $1,000. John A. Rhoadea, Tarklo, Mo. $3,000 general - merchandise, doing fine business. Want land. 10-Poo m modern house near Hanscom Park, $7,000 mortgage, $3,800. Want land. 0-room house, I2.MJ0. mortgage, iluuo: rented at $20 per month. Want land. Mind we cannot ' do any business with whlttlers. NOWATA LAND al LOT CO.. Phone Red 1099. Suite 924 N. Y. Life Bldg. MY stock of hardware at Fremont, Neb. Address A. P. Peterson, College View, Neb. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE 70 shares of stock In Independent Telephone com pany. For particulars Sddresa Box mi, Tulsa, Okl. - - HAVE rou a standard typewriter to ex change on high-grade piano? H 280, Bee. $1,600 STOCK of general merchandise, A-l (reposition; inspection solicited. j. i Austin, Lawrence. Neb. TAILORS D. COOPER, TAILOR N $33 b0 . AOt II A THEODORE. "100" Block Tailor. NORDIN. The Tailor. 1522 Douglas St. SKILLED labor commands high wages and good croxtmansnip justifies tt See J. A. KEUVAN, 608-1 -Bit i Brandeis Bldg. A.K0DYM MERCHANT TAILOR 1411 Harney St Doug. 8347. SPRING WOOLENS HAVE ARRIVED. TAILOR BECK, 111 So. 15th Rylen&Linderaanru.my ATrTTTlTM Cleaning and dyeing. Suits XVUiVliX pretwcd 60c. 1808 St Mary s. RUFFNER , TAIRBNOEtSfiMPANT' DERBY WOOLEN MILLS $15 and $18 Suits to Order 108 So. 16th St 1 P TArK'Rfl'Nr BOSTON TAILOR. O. A. LINDQUE6T CO., 136 PAXTON BLK. MAX MORRIS, 301 BROWN BLOCK. WANTED TO BUY BEST price paid for second-hand furni ture, carpets, lothlng and shoes. Doug. ki71. BALTIMORE Id-hand store pays best price for 2d-hand furniture, clothes, etc. D. 4206. Second hand clothing, party, afternoon dresses. Jolin Feldman. D 3128. Ind. A-XM. JUST openinp business; household goods wanted; highest price; stoves, furniture, sew. mach. repaired; writ guar. New York Repair bnop, 1U7 Dodge; D. luiO; A 4XX WANTED TO BUY (Continued ' HIGHEST prlre paid for broken watchea, old gola, etc i M. Nan than, 2;l;to. i3th. GOOD PRICE for 'Second -hand clothes. shoes and furniture. SKLNl't Doug. !('!. OOOO price for rec ind IMnrt nlothes, SRLNEK IKiug. MOl. shoes and furniture. I A DIES' Trunk. Must be good and cheap. Gall, li6 Douglus. WANTED TO RENT WANTElv-Store room for assembling and packing Central location.- Anchor Fenca Co. Phone Red S14. , WANTElv-By art elderly lady, a 'large ' pleasant, warm front room In strictly prl ate family within walking distance, of hotel or restaurant: no flats or boarding bouses need apply. Address M 446. Bee. WANTED Suite of rooms br rarre al cove, with boat a, on or near oar. line, for mother and daughter; daughter employed In puhllr school. Address T 89?. Bee. r ELDERLY lady would like room and board with all modern convenience. In strictly prlvato family; liberal price for right place. References exchanged; Address H 4M. Bee. . . v ...... WANTED SITUATIONS WANTED By young man, place to work for board while attending Hty.trs'i college. ONE INCn, 72 CENTS This is a One-Inch AcL . . ii To sIl your home write a oVseriWrp of It In about 60 words and send It tJTPI OMAHA DEK Classified Dept., togelner with 72 cents for each day j ou wlsii It .pub lished. ' . ' . This usually does the .work...' ' V" BY experienced motion picture operator; have had experience In managing theaters; can furnish best of references. Audioes N 466, Bee. .. ,, ... ., , LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE OF STOCKHOLDERS' MEETING. , Notice la hereby given tbst thV regular annual meeting of the stockholders of the South Platte Land company,' will bo . held at the office of said coinpady at Ltnooln, Nebraska, at 11 o'clock a. m., on the second day of March, A. D., 1H10, . V It. UUKIULU . President ' 'A. It. MINOR Secretary. RAILWAY TIME: CARD DNIO STATION Teatb Mud Msioa. Ualoa Paclfle tsve. San Fran. Ov'rl'd Ltd. 8:16 a. m. Chi. A Jap. F'st Maih 4:10 p, m. Atlantic Express. . . ; Oregon Express 4 00 p.m. Oregon-Wash. Ltd 11:40 p.m. Denver Special - (147 a. m. Colorado Special 11:48 p.m. Colorado Express 1:60 p. in. North Plate Local..... 8:15 a. m. Grand Island Local.... b:2 p. m. Lincoln-Beat Local. ,:i2. 41 p. uv Val. & Cen. City Lcl.. .11:41 p. rn, Arrive. .11 :30 p. in. 6:46 p. m. (:46 a. in. 6:30 p. n- 6:40 p. ni. 12:o0 a. in. 7:$ a. in. 4:00 p. m. 4:46 p. m. 10.30 a. m. 1:20 p. m. 1:20 p. tu. isieags sc .nurtkncitttu - EASTBOUND. 1 Omaha Express ...a 7:00 nm al2:36 am Chicago Local , ali.Ou pm a 8:28 prn Colorado-Chicago a 6:20 pin a 3.28 pin Chicago ivpeciai a 6:0n pm a 75 am Pacific Coast-Chicago.. .a 6:05 pm s 1:2$ pm Los Angeles Limited. v.. a 9:lu pin all: pm Overland Llimud.. ....... all:44 pm a 7:46 ant Denver Special..... al2:40 am a 6:2 am Carroll Local a 4:30 pm a 2:66 am Fast Mall ...a ....'....:. a 3. pui NORTHBOUND. Twin City Express a 7:60 am al0:20 pm Sioux City Local ..a JM pm a 1:28 pm Minn. & Dakota Exp., .a 7:00 pm a :15 am Twin City Limited. .... .a 0:00 pui a J:JU am WESTBOUND. Llncoln-Chadron ...a 7:60 am all OO am Norfolk-Bonstell a 7:60 am al:K pm Long Pine-So. Platte. ..b 1:16 pm b 6:20 pm Hastings-Superior ....,.b 1:16 pm b 6:20 pm Dcadwoud-hlot fcpgs.....u a:oa pin a o: pm Carper-Lander ..,. J;6ipm all:00 gin Fremont-Albion i. o u:au pm n i:u f'n Chicago,-Itoclc yalaaa Memo EABT. ..... Rocky Mountain Ltd. ...a 2:46 am al0:W pm Iowa Local a 6:40 pm a 4:30 pm Chicago Day Express. .a 7:41 arn all:6o pm Des Moines Local a 4:00 pm all:10 pm Iowa Local b 10:35 am. b 3:65 pm Chicago-Eastern Exp., .a 4:40 put a 1:16 pro Chlcago-Nebrasaa un a o:w vm a s:w pm WEST. Chicago-Nebraska Ltd. t ' ' ": for Lincoln ....a s:z am a a:t, pro Colo, and Cal. Exp.. ....a 1:36 pm na4:10 pm Okla and Texas Exp. ...a 2:30 pm .'a 1:60 pnt Rocky Mountain L.td...euu:4v pro A 9:a an Mteaonrl Pacifio . ' i K. C. and 8t U Ex.'...a '40 am a 6:38 am Eat 12 p. m all:15 pm a 1:20 pru Chicago Great W cetera . - Chicago I Jmlt-d.....i...a 6:00 pm Twin City Limited.. .a 8:30 pm a 1:00 am a 3:45 pm .a 8:00 am a 8:00 pm Chicago Express Twin city express... llllaoia Central . Chicago Express...-. Chicago Limited ...a T!l3 am a $ 45 pm ...a 6:00 pm a 1:15 pm Mlnn.-St Paul n;xp. Mlnn.-St. Paul Ltd a 6:00 pm a T :1B am Omaha-Ft. Dodge Loe't.b 4:16 pm bll:30 am lb lea go, Milwaukee & St. Paul- ...w f..v m.a ...a, Leave. -Arrive. Overland Limited ..all:4l pm a 8:00 am ..a 7:13 am- a 8:30 am ..a 7:67 am- al!:S3 pm ..a 6:00 pm a 1:26 pm ..b 6:16 pin bll.06 pm Omaha-Chicago u,xp. Colorado Special Colo. -California Exp.. Perry-Omaha Local.. wsitaan . -', ;. Omaha-St. Louis Exp. .a 6:30 pm a 8:28 am Mali and Express a 7:30 am all:16 pm tianberry Local (from K. C. A Bt. L, Ex. Lv. Council Bluffs). ...b 6:00 pm ' bl0:iB am BURLINGTON Hales, STATION Tenta and BarllnsTtoa . txmva. Arrive. Denver and California,. a ;10 pm a3:4ipm Puget Sound Express., .a 4:10 pru' alUOpm Nebraska points ...a 8:20 am, a 4:10 pm Black Hills a 1:10 pro a:10pm Northwest Express all JO pin a 7:00 a si Nebraska points ....a 8.80 am a 8:10 pm Lincoln Mall ....b t.2ti pm el2:15 pm Nebraska Express a 8:16 am a 8:10 pm Lincoln Local bB.uSanv Lincoln Local a 7:26 pm a l;60pm Bchuyler-Platlsmouth ..b 3.06 pin b 10:20 a in Platismouth-Iowa ..a 8:18 am a 8:60 cm Bellevue-Platlsmouto Colorado Limited Chicago Special ..... ...a li.iupm a 2:40 pin ..aU:.10pm a 7:00 am ..a J. 14 am all io pm Chicago Express. a w pm a s:l pni Chicago Fast Express. . a 8:30 pro a 8:00 au Iowa Local a :ia am )i:4ju St. Louis Express. .......a 4:66 pm It. C. and St Joseph. ...sl0:46 pm K. C. and St. Joseph. ...a 8:16 am K. C. and St Joseph. .a 4:u6 pm Ml :4n am a 8:46 am a e.10 pm WEBSTER STATION Fifteenth aBt Webster. :,,. .. Leave. Arrive, .b 8:60 pm M'M0 pm Hiasesselia A Mlsaoarl Paelf to Auburn Local Caicaa-o, SI. Paal, Omaha Sioux City Express b 1:00 pm foil :45 am Omaha Local s 6:20 pm Bloux City Passenger b 8:40 pm Twin City Passenger.;..b4:30ani ..... Bloux City I.ocal o 8:35 am OCEAN STEAMSHIPS' HAMBURG AMERICAN All Modern Safety Sevloes (Wfrelesa etc.) London-Pa ri s-Hamburg HPmwiri rb. SI. Ipra "Pr... Ohint '....MVS it eOrf Wal4rMM, Kt. I' "Amerlka Mck 14 e Kala'n A us Vie., Mch 4,p.iinyUmola .'...April I eufree. Lloeatn, Moh. II Urar Walturm April $ ftlti-Carlum s Is rart Ruuurast. , Himburi direct. Omits flxmotilU . TKAVtlJiKS' CHKCKS ISSLBO. ... .' Tosrtat iMpt. lor Tripe Korrwhare.' ' Xambaxg-Axnerlcaa tine, 48 'way, H."f. Or local Agents. Cawawam acir:o- ; BSStT IA1UNOS BSTWCtN MONTRBAU tRIamaO AND LiVgKPOOI. Notblivs SMter ea Ike Atunlta tka ear euu'mis. Wlralaes ea all aiearoera. ... CK. BtCNJAatm. o a. Sat Ss. CUrk St. fkluso. lit Call by 'Phono Whenevet nu aaiit' smi.' ' thins, calf 'Piione Dougies ia and make it kuowa