Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 14, 1910, Page 5, Image 5

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Badolph r. Bwoboda O. V. A.
QuaUty Good Ednolm, Jeweler.
lighting Fixtures Burgeas-Oranden Co.
Btrletly Homt-Xtdi Piss. Iler Grand Cafe.
18S0 sratioaal Xdf Insurance Co 1S10
Charles B. Arty, General A cant. Omaha.
Tour weekly or monthly tarings paid
on shares of Nebraska Havings and Loan
association lll earn per sent per annum
'Jf8 Board of Trsd building.
Kra.' A. V. Falrbrother to Entertain
Oeorgo Crook W. R. C. No. tt will hold
their regular monthly Kenalngtnn Thurs
day afternoon at the home of Mrt. A. N.
Falrbrother of Benson
Two llort Bosldsnoss Announced Rob
ert D.; Wilson and Carl C Wilson have
let contracts with Johnson Bros, for the
Immediate .erection of two more houses
at 2338 and 283J Chlrsgo street. Then
(o be one find One-half stories high, with
I seven rooms, modern throughout.
William " Bhods Ksturn William
Rhode, who was sent to Omaha by Fred
Juckhoff of Coancll Bluffs to cash a
$500 check, was simply delated when he
failed to appear on time, soys his em
ployer, who notified the police. "I had
no idea of any dishonesty on. the part of
Mr. Rhodes," declared Juckhoff.
Miss Essie Aaron Untertalna A de
lightful luncheon was given by Miss Essie
Aarons at the Hotel Loyal Saturday. The
tables were tastefully decorated with
flowers. The guests present were Mrs.
Charles Orotte. Mrs. Florence Loftus,
Miss Bestrlce Cole. Miss Minnie Webler
and Miss Blanche Zlmman. An Informal
mu'lcale was a pleasing feature in con
nectlon with the affair.
Oollsre Club Oets Start The College
club received Its start Friday night at
the Young Men's Christian association
building. Mr. Carstensen of the Omaha
High school faculty gave a short talk on
Amos college to the club, telling of the
conditions and requirements at Ames, the
social and athletic life and other things
of Interest to any of the high school
boys who might be Interested In going to
Ames. The club will meet every Friday
night at the Young Men's Christian asso
elation and talks on the different col
leges of the country will be given by the
alumni who are Interested In boys going
to these schools.
Summary of Events in Local and
Diitant Institutions'.
A TravellBB Mmm.
II. F. Beers. 617 7th ave.. Peoria, 111.,
writes:. "1 have been troubled for some
time with kidney trouble, so severely at
times I could scarcely carry my grips.
After using one bottle of Foley's Kidney
Pills I have been entirely relieved, and
cheerfully recommend them to all." Foley's
Kidney Pills are. healing and antlsceptlo
and will restore health and strength. Sold
by all druggists.
Expert Tests
Indicate Few
Typhoid Cases
Blood Analysis of Seventy-Five Pa
tienta Show Only. Eighteen Af
' fected with Typhoid Germs.
.Seventy-flve per cent of the casea of
Ulnass In Omaha reported as typhoid fever
are not that ailment at all, but are sim
ply intestinal disorder, accompanied by
fever of much less severity, according to
Dr. Langfeidt, tho city bacteriologist.
Of seventy-five cases of Illness, reported
aii typhoid , fever the physician found only
eighteen showing traces of typhoid bacilli
The remaining casos showed fever to ac
company the Illness, but there was
trace whatever of typhoid germs.
..W The report of tb city bacteriologist
made following actual blood tests of pa
Uents supposedly suffering from typhoid
No' blame, however, Is attached by the
health department to physicians regarding
reports: In the early stages symptoms
are the same and real typhoid cases do
not assume a dangerous aspect until the
fourth or fifth day.
i. Most of the cases where there is a
marked, fever are believed to be a sort of
intestinal grip, not particularly dangerous,
but still needing careful attention.
Although It is advisable to boil city
drinking water In order to avoid Intestinal
trouble and possible Infection from typhoid
germs, expert tests show the water to be
improved within the last few days.
Matters of General Interest Marklsg
the Steady Expansion of Learn
ing The Rod Cor-
The university mtd-wlnter commencement
will be held Tuesday and Tuesday night.
at which time Dr. Victor Rosewater will
deliver the address. The Board of Regents
will meet probably during the afternoon.
Many former students of the university
are expected to reach Lincoln tomorrow
and the next day to attend the exercises.
Albert Watklna Is still Insisting that tha
university needs more room and that ths
thing to do Is to buy a plot of ground
In the outskirts of Lincoln upon which to
erect a stato house and - give the present
structure to the university. Mr. Watkins
dally interviews the business men of Lin
coln on this subject and says he Is getting
considerable encouragement.
Incidentally the work Mr. Watklna Is do
ng has stirred up Grand Island and Kear
ney to make a try for the capital.
Trnf. A. J. Mercer, made a tour of the
state this week, pitying York, Wesleyan,
the agricultural school and Geneva.
The students and faculty are looking
forward with much pleasure to the visit
of Principal B. U. Oraff of the Omaha
High school and Regent George Coupland
of the university. These gentlnmen will
spend Monday. February L at the Institu
tion and assist In the monthly faculty In
stitute. Miss Ruth Manual favored the school
with a vocal solo at chapel Friday morn
ing. The Misses Ruth and Marguerlt
Pcttt rendered a delightful Instrumental
duet In chapel recently.
Prof. Neale of the normal addressed the
teachers of Dawson county last week. He
also gave an evening address at Overton.
The band, under the direction of Prof.
Porter, Is constantly growing. The mem
bership now numbers nearly twenty and
they are doing excellent work In their
Prof. Btryker Is seourtng excellent results
In his penmanship Classes. Ho la teaching
penmanship In the practice schools and ths
children are showing marked Improvement.
Prof. Stryker has been highly compli
mented by the Penman's Journal for the
results he Is securing.
P Kit IT
A Fierce Attnck
of malaria, liver derangement and kidney
trouble, Is easily cured by Electric Bitters,
the guaranteed remedy. 50c. For sale by
Beaton Drug Co.
The Key to the Situation Bee Want Ads.
Cured by Lydia E. Pink
ham's Vegetable Compound
rark. Rapids, Minn. "I was sick for
, .V-. ,.. I years while passing
of Life and was
hardly able to be
around. After tak
ing six bottles of
Lydia E. Pinkham's
vegetable Com
pound I gained 20
pounds, am now
able to do my own
work and feel
well." Mrs. Ed.
La Dotj, l'ark Ilap.
Phllonrntheun Society Electa Officers
Address by Will Hnyvrurd.
The Phllomathean society at its meet
ing Friday evening elected the following
officers: President, Harry Johnson', vice
president, Elisabeth Curry; treasurer,, Fred
Ebert; corresponding secretary. Esse
Teich; recording secretary, Louise Herrlck;
trustees, Warren E. Burrclle, Audubon
Neff and Bessie Bruner.
Miss Dora Krebs of the department of
education received the sad Intelligence Fri
day morning of the death of her father,
which occurred at Nellgh, Neb., that
morning. Although Mr. Krebs had been
In poor health for some time, his death
was sudden and unexpected and due'
chiefly to a stroke of paralysis.
William Hayward, secretary of the re
publican national committee, delivered an
address oh Abraham ' Lincoln Saturday
evening In the normal auditorium. The
hall was crowded to Its greatest capacity
and the voluminous and prolonged ap
plause Indicated that all present were well
pleased. '
The Young Women's Christian associa
tion of the normal elected officers at a re
cent meeting, as follows: President,' Fran
ces Wlllard Blake of Osceola; vice presi
dent, C. Esse Telch of Bancroft; recording
secretary, Elisabeth Hied Ik of Wahoo
corresponding secretary, Ruth Brownell of
Peru; treasurer, Louise Herrlck of Lin-
coin. The officers are chosen from among
the most efficient Christian workers of
the school and are all strong and able
students. ,
On last Thursday the Chicago Glee club
appeared at the chapel on the normal
lecture course and captivated a large au
dience from the first. The music critics
of Peru said that seldom hadthey heard
a more versatile combination of talent
They appeared equally well In glee club
numbers, solo, readings and trombone
quartets with an ease and charm of man
ner truly remarkable. Possibly the most
entertaining feature of the program was
the trombone quartet, which in tone, qua!
ty, beauty of expression and depth of
feeling can only be equalled on a pipe or
gan.. They, received more enthusiastic ap
plause than has 'been given any other
company this year.
- The German club elected officers for the
second semester as follows: President. L
nor Muehleis; vice president, Cora Schwen-
ker; secretary, Arnold C. Kuennlng; treas
urer, W. 8. Bostder; sergeant-at-arma,
Elisabeth Schmauuer; pianist, Venus Muel
ler and Agnes Van Driel. Tha excellent
work done In the German club is a splen
did evidence of ' the thoroughness of the
work In the German department of which
Prof. E. A. Whltenack Is head.
.At a recent meeting of the junior class
It was decided that the class should pre
sent to Mr. Mumford, the retiring janitor.
a class present, as an indication of their
appreciation of his cheerful services.
Miss Ruth Durahm of Omaha enrolled
last week In the training class.
Prof. C. R. Weeks of the agriculture de
partment addressed the Nemaha County
Teachers' association at Auburn Saturday,
on an agricultural subject.
Dr. H. C. House has been engaged as
lecturer and platform superintendent for
a Chautauqua to be held at Cawker City
Kan., during the first three weeks In Aug
ust. .
The students of the piano departmen
gave a recital In musio at expression hall
Saturday afternoon. Those taking part on
the program were: Eva Dillon, Clara "Beck,
Katherlne Shellhorn, Clarence Howie and
Corlnne Whitfield. Under the direction of
Mlaa Effle Austin, the piano department
la becoming one of the best departments
in the noral.
The agricultural society, whose member-
I ship extends to all ' parts of Nebraska,
I elected officers recently, as follows; Presi-
I dent, A. C. Kuennlng; ' vice president,
I Mayme HIgginson; secretary, Lenore Mush
Ills; treasurer, H. M. Stephens; Normallte
reporter, Everett Heaeock. The club, has
dune much since Its organization, little
over a year ago, to agument the instruc-
lion of agriculture in Nebraska. ,
Preparations for Convention of. fen
- trnl Association In Omaha.
Active preparations have been begun In
anticipation of the meeting of the Central
Commercial Teachers' association In
Omaha. , The dates fired for tha meeting
are May 14, 17 and 28. . . .
The program. Insofar as completed, IS a
strong one, and calls for some of the
best talent In educational circles.
Omaha is a beautiful, bustling city, full
of western vigor, and the personification
of wholesouled hospitality. The months of
May and June show Omaha and Ue west
In their most beautiful garb and this
meeting of the association will afford
teachers a much desired opportunity to
visit Omaha and Its business 'colleges.
Rome hotel will be headquarters for the
meeting, but tha various sessions of the
convention will be held at Boylea college.
In connection ' with the larger associa
tion the Business ". Managers' association
will hold a meeting, beginning on May M.
The program, as arranged so far, calls
for th diniM(on of thee topics: "A
System of Bookkeeping for the College
Office," "Is a Graduating Exercise a Pay
ing Investment?" "Advertising," with
number of suggestions for tha round table
discussion, "How can "we induce more
young men to take up tha study of hort-
hand?" "How can we induce more young
women to take bookkeeping with their
shorthand course?" -
This meeting close Thursday evening
with a reception at the Rome, tendered by
the business managers to the delegates,
members and guests of the larger associa
The opening session of th Central as
sociatlon will be held on Frldsy morning,
May 27. After the enrollment of members
there will be an address of welcome from
ths mayor of Omaha, with response by
Mr. B. F. Williams of. pes Moines, presi
dent of Capital City Business college.
Following this will be tha president's
address. . .
A rather unique feature of the program
following the address Is this: "tt a. m. to
12 m., open session for unloading hobbles."
The afternoon session will he opened by
Miss Rose' Frits, the famous typist, who
has carried off so many world's champion
ship honors In typewriting contests. Other
high speed operators will also give exhibi
Mr, A. C. Van Saht bt Omaha ..will 'dis
cuss "Training for Expert Speed In Type
writing." Mr. Van Bant Is the originator
of the "touch" system of typewriting and
a very astlve teacher, ' t ' .
"Commercial Eduoatlon in the Universi
ties" will be discussed by 8. H. Goodyear
and "Business College Teaohtrs' Relation
to the Community" will be the topic of an
address by.H. A. Owen. Dr. W. M. David
son, superintendent of the Omaha public
BchoolS, is one of ths best known educators
In the west and Is In demand at alt
teachers' Institutes and conventions. He
will talk of "Psychology and the Teacher."
After the closing session the guests will
be taken for a trip through the Omaha
wholesale district, where so many com
mercial college graduates ' find positions
and become Identified with active business
At 1 p. m. there Will be a banquet at the
Rome hotel. The program of toasts has
not been prepared, but one may anticipate
that there will be -no stint of good things
for both the physical and mental man.
The first thing Saturday morning will be
a talk on penmanship by the acknowledged
artist, Mr. C. P. Zanor of Columbus, O.
Following this will be Brown's trophy type
writing contest, and that will be followed
by a rapid calculation contest,
From 11:30 to noon will be a series of
short addresses from men you may know
by reputation and have long been anxious
to see - and hear. There will be R. I
Vlrden of Chicago, John R. Gregg, ' the
author -of the famous Grsgg shorthand
Q. W. Brown of Jacksonville, 111., who
owns so many colleges; Jerome B. Howard
of Cincinnati, ' son-in-law of the - famous
Ben Plttman and publisher of ths text
book; E. S. Spencer of New Orleans and
possibly . Enos Spencer of Louisville, and
last but by no means least, J. B. Lyons
of Chicago.'
The afternoon session will be devoted to
the reports of committee and election of
officers, after which the afternoon and
evening will be devoted to seeing Omaha,
Its parks, boulevards, handsome homes and
various attractions.
ids. JJiua.
J rookville . OhkwlWM Irregular
and extremely nervous. A neighbor
recommended Lydia E. Ilnkham'a
egetable Compound to me and 1 have
bocoma regular and my nerves are
UrookTilto, Ohio.
Lydia K. Ilnfcham's Vegetable Com
ound. madtt from native roots .r,
lerlis, contains no narootio or hm
Jul drugs, fend to-day holds the record
for the largest number of actual cures
of female diseases we know of, and
thousands of Toluntary testimonials
are on file in the linkham laboratory
t Lynn, Mass., from women who have
been cured from almost erery form of
female complaints, inflammation, nl
ceration.displacements, fibroid tumors.
Irregularities, periodic pains, backache,
imliRestion and nervous prostration.
ry suffering woman owes it to ber
; J to gite Lydia E. Hnkham's Vege.
table impound. a trial
If 5m want srwial Advice write
v: 1" lnV h " n '-yn M w. f Jr 1 U
U irt ii.u witw.a LeJyfuL
ods of sheep raising In America and Eng
land and he has entered the farmers'
course of the college of agriculture of the
University of Wisconsin to take advan
tage of the scientific instruction. He rr
a graduate of Tale and plans to Inspire
the youth of Japan with ambition to study
sheep raising In America, that they may
return to become shepherds In their na
tive country, thus establishing a sheep
raising Industry there.
lioerM of tho Plan , Innnsrnmtoel by
Vsaktos Collet.
The regular announcement and Invitation
haa Just been Issued to the Eighth Annual
State High School Contest In Declamation
under the auspices of Yankton college, to
be held at Yankton. May IS, 1310. This an
nouncement and Invitation, as usual, goes
to every high school In the state.
Ths state contests In deolamatlon, as
originated by the faculty of Yankton col
lege seven years ago, has proved a means
of helpful stimulation to this Important
branch of school work. A large number of
the best high schools have participated
In these contests from yesr to year; and
principals, teachers and all concerned have
expressed their approval of them. Last
year's meeting was the largest and best
ever held In- the nlstory of the contest.
twenty-three contestant! -.being present.
and large numbers of visitors, representing
high schools In all parts of the state.
The usual manner of selecting the rep
resentative of the high school Is to hold a
local declamation contest. This always
proves interesting , and stimulating : to
townspeople. .
Last year a new plan was tried, of hav
ing two different classes of declamations.
One was known as. the "general jlaas,"
In which there was, no limitation as to
subject, and the other was known as the
'oratorical class," (n Which It was recom
mended that the selections be taken from
the great masterpieces of oratory. This
latter kind of declamation naturally ap
peals mors to the young men. The new
plan gave suoh ' good satisfaction last
year that It will be permanently continued.
Each of these two classes will be judged
separately, and solid gold and silver med
als will be presented to those winning first
and second place in each class.' Also the
high school winning first in ach class
will be presented with a handsome stats
championship banrvi. - ,
The utmost pains will be taken to secure
competent judges, who will be acceptable
to all schools represented. Every effort
will be made to make the occasion a pleas
ant and profitable . on for contestants
and their friends, and all may be as
sured of a hearty welcome. " '
The committee having charge of the
contest this ysar consists -of Prof. G. H.
Durand and Prof.. Alice R. Kingsbury.
Prof. Lyon, chairman of the committee,
Is the head of the Department of Public
Speaking In Yankton college, and his work
Is already held in very high regard hers.
Mr. Lyon Is strongly'. Interested In the
stats contest, and his connection with it
will be a valuable aid 'to the work.
Tho Authentic American Watch
There was a time when the term "American Watch wes one
of contempt at home and abroad. To-day Walthim Watches are
the standard pocket time piece from Christiania to Cape Town,
from Melbourne to New York. i
Peary used them in discovering the North Pole and the whole
world pays respect and good will to their accuracy and honesty. ;
Beginning with the exposition of the Massachusetts Charitable
Mechanic Association held in Boston in 1856, and up to the
present time Waltham Watches, wherever exhibited,' have taken
the first prize and highest award at all the national and
international expositions, including that at Seattle in 1909. -.
Send for the "Perfected American Watch,' oar boo abont watehe.
Contract Una Been Awarded for New
Wins; of Uulldlnw.
I The students and faculty of Kearney
; Normal are rejoiced to learn that the con
j tiact is awarded for the building of the
new wing. The new wing, will be of flre-
proof construction. It will accommcJate
' for the present the library and give it
! chance to expand; it will also accommo-
date the department of expression, music,
art and elocution, and the biological
sciences. It will give an opportunity for
the physical science department to ex
pand In the rooms now occupied by the
department of biology. When, the south
wing Is built ail of the departments of
the school will have a definite location
and will have a bettes - opportunity to
carry out the plans of. the, Institution.
Miss Qortrude Gardner of tha department
of Latin gave a ' very helpful and. prac
tical address to the young women of the
Culture club at the dormitory on Thurs
day evening.'
Presidont Thomas will deliver an even
ing Ivcture at Mllldale on Tuesday, the
Principal A. H. Earhart of Sutherland,
a aiomuor of the claas of ', was a visitor
at the normal Friday.
On Friday evening tb members of the
senior class gave an entertainment In the
chapel for the benefit of the Athletlo as
sociation. The room waa'well filled. -The
entertainment was In ths nature of a min
strel, and ths various stunts of ths stu
dents aa well as their choruses were greatly
appreciated and would do credit to regu
lars. Dr. Dlckerson ana Mr. Slever as
end men carried their parts perfectly. An
rrpeclally pieanlng feature was a ring drill
iilven by ten young women from the do
( -a. Hilt lit ut phyklt-at culture.
The basket ball boys, accompanied by
Mew Buildings, New Departments
and n Christian Convention.
A new department of experimental breed
ing haa just been established In ths college
of agriculture of the University of Wis
consin by the regents, who have appointed
Dr. Leon J. Cole of tha Sheffield Sc.entlf.c
school at Yala assoolate professor of ex
perimental breeding to ful the chair thus
created. Dr. Cole, who haa Just arrived
In Uadison, will take up his new work
with tha opening of the second semester,
February 21, conducting investigations In
the -subjeot of experimental breeding with
special reference to ths laws of heredity
and Improvement of animal life. Ha will
airo give insiruation to aavanoed stu
dents. The third annual meeting of the confer
ence of ehurch workers In state universi
ties will bs held at the University of Wis
consin February 15 to 17. Ropuru of re
ligious work In state colleges will be made
by representatives of twenty-one of these
tnetftutlons. Among tha universities rep
resented on tha program are the University
of Michigan, the University of Kansas, the
University of Illinois, ths University of
North Dakota, the University of Chicago,
the University of Iowa, tha University of
Minnesota, the Garrett Biblical institute
and tho University of Wisconsin. -
Reports will also bs presented showing
the religious work dona at tha universi
ties and aolleges of California, Colorado,
Indiana, Maine, . Missouri, Nebraska, Ohio,
Oklahoma, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Ver
mont, West Virginia, Wyoming and the
Massachusetts Agricultural college..
The Japanoe government haa sent.Issa
Tanlmura as commissioner to study moth
Battle for Eqaallt . of Pny . and
service in New York City. ,
Kqual pay for equal work" , long has
been the demand of women teachers In the
United Btates, says . Grace ' C. Btraohan
president of the Interborough Association
of Women School Teachers, - New . York
City, in the Delineator- for March. . Year
afur year, as their profession has been
cduoed more and more to a science In the
widespread effort to -Improve the public
scnooia, the great array of devoted women
whose calling means"Tnre to the future
citisenshlp of the coflrtftry than any other
of the learned professions, have ' become
restive under the most patent Injustice.
work has been Increased, but the pay has
not been adjusted so that It could be ac
cepted as Just compensation. There has
been always discrimination In favor of the
men' members of the profession.
Take another instance. It Is a well
recognised principle that the supervisor
should be paid a higher Salary than the
person supervised by 'him. Yet In New
York's remarkable schedule of salaries the
maximum salary of an Assistant to princi
pal, ir a woman, is 11,000, though she
supervises male teachers who receive as
high as f3,Iflt and even 12,000.
Again, to be principal one must have had
at least ten years of experience, must
have passed an examination, which records
prove to be very difficult, and must have
waited often as long as four years for
appointment from an eligible llpt. Suppos
ing a most unusual case that a woman
becomes a principal In her twelfth year
of service, her salary of $1,7110 aa such, Is
$306 less than that of a. male teacher, also
In his twelfth year of service, who-may
be teaching a "baby class," and Is $650 letss
than that of a male teacher of a graduat
ing class.
Her maximum salary, of $2,500 Is only
$100 more than that of a male teacher who
may have a small class of girls In the
graduating class, while she may have ths
responsibility of a school of 8.000 pupils
and the supervision of sixty teachers. A
male principal of the Identical school would
receive $1,000 a year more than the woman.
Results of Physical Examlnntloa of
Fresh men C lass.
Dr. George A. May, medical examiner at
Waterman gymnasium,' recently completed
an examination of KW freshman who en
tered the literary and engineering depart
ments of the University of Michigan last
The average physical standard of the
class is considerably above that of other
years. Two conspicuous featurea of the
averages are. that over1 half of the students
have defects of tha nose; and that only
176 use tobacco. The averages are given
below. Physloal deformities are scattered
among the 836 men examined as follows:
class, at Michigan not quite 20 per cant.
Since tha stats of Mlohtgan founded it's
university In 1837 40,000 young men and
women have received training there.
A Corrective of Evil that In Itself
Possesses Evil.
"It strikes me that It Is better to have
a boy whipped than to let him go straight
to the devil." said United States Commis
sioner of Education Brown, quoted by the
Chicago Inter i Ocean, In discussing the
question of corporal punishment as a dis
ciplinary measure In schools. Ha added,
however, that'the doubt of tho accom
plishment of the desired end In checking
a downward career by this means In any
particular case and the many evils ac
companying this form of punishment
seemed to he Causing Its gradual elimina
tion. 7 4
When ' his attention was called to tha
fact that the Baltimore school author!
ties had under consideration tho question
of reviving this corrective means In the
schools of that city Mr. Brown expressed
tha belief that It Is preferable to whip
a boy it It will turn his course from evil.
Continuing, he said:
"There are cases undoubtedly where a
loving sort of whipping has shunted a boy
off the downward track, but It Is pretty
hard to tall in any given case whether tt
will have that effect or not, and there are
so many ' evils attending that form of
punishment that . It seems to be slowly
dying out in this country."
The ' cruelties which accompanied the
whipping of children In tha schools In the
past were disappearing, he said, and re
sort to i that means of punishment was
gradually being diminished.
Strychnine Found in Contents of
Stomach of Young woman.
Owing; to Late Arrival of One Member
No Witnesses Wore Examined
,Yeste,rdny -jrdea Cnnrajo
. .Comprehensive. , .
Ryes using glasses
Nose defects ,
Heart irregular ....
I.unif trouble
Round shoulders ,
Lateral curvatures j
Among other averages taken were:
Use tobacco
Previous athletics
Averaga age years
Height inches
Weight pounds
Lung capacity cubic Inchea ,
In comparing the Yale freshmen
.. 12C
.. 4K1
,. io !
.. 222
.. Ufi
.. in
... 275
67. M
those at the University Of Michigan It Is
seen that those at Yale average four
months younger, weigh nearly two pounds
more and are almost an Inch tallsr. Their
average lung capacity Is 253 -cubic inches,
while Michigan freshmen average but HJ.01
cubic Inches.
The University of Wisconsin shows that
freshmen there average - more In age,
weight and height than Michigan freshmen.
They also average three cublo Inches mora
In lung capacity. Smokers at Wisconsin
average a Utile over M per cent of ths
New York School Authorities Make
. Important Rnles.
Statistics of the Board of Health show
that more than 33 per cent of the pupils
In the- upper grades of the elementary
schools suffer from ocular defects, and that
this percentage Increases from ' grade to
grade through the. schools. The conclusion
is that auch marked increase in defects of
vision is caused by the amount of close
work required by the present curriculum,
both In the schoolroom and at home.
With a view to putting In practice the
essential rules for the preservation of good
eyesight, the women principals suggest that
a label with the following reminders printed
on. It be pasted in all schoolbooks and
library books:
"Your eyes are worth more to you than
any book.
"Safety and success In life depend on the
eyes, therefore take cars of them.
"Always hold your head up when you
"Hold your book fourteen Inches from
your face.
"Never read In a dim or flickering light,
"Never read with the sun shining di
rectly on your book.
"Don't face the light In reading, but have
It .come from behind or over your left
' "Avoid books or papers printed Indis
tinctly or in Bmall type.
"Rest your eyes every few moments by
looking sway from the book.
"Bathe your eyes night and morning with
pure water."
KANSA8 - CITY, ' Mo.. Feb. 13.-That
poison had .been found In the stomach of
Miss Margaret H. Bwope and that Chris
man Swope went Into convutslons, accord
ing to Miss Anna Houlehan, his nurse, a
few minutes after she had given him a
capsule at the direction of Dr. B. C. Hyde,
are two startling statements made under
oath by John C. Paxton, executor of the
Swope, estate today. -
These new and Important features In the
Swope mystery were rovealed by Mr. Pax
ton only after he had been threatened with
commitment If he refused to answer the
questions concerning these phases of the
case asked him by Frank P. Walsh, Dr.
Hyde'a attorney. Mr. Paxton was giving
his deposition In the slander suit for $100,
000 brought against him by Dr. Hyde.
Although tt was known that the death of
Chriaman Swopa wan being Investigated,
the acknowledgement of Mr. Paxton that
an examination of the contents of the
stomach of Miss Swope had been made
came aa A distinct surprise. She is a pretty
niece of the late Colonel Thomas II. Swope.
On December 1, sue was stricken with
typhoid fever and Dr. Hyds eared for her.
She later recovered.
"Poison was found In marked quantities
in ths contents of Miss Swope's stomach
by Dr. Victor Vaughn," said Mr. Paxton.
- C'aatalo Qtvep ' Chfismnn.
Scarcely had Mr. Pax'.on uttered- these
words, when Attorney Wal8h.agerly de
manded of the witness:
"Did any one tell you of any medicine
that Dr. Hyds .gave Chrlsmao Swope?"
"I do not remember the exact words,"
answered Mr. Paxton, "but Miss Anna
Houlehan told ma that just before Chris
man Swope hdd gone Into convulsions Dr.
Hyde had given her a capsulo to admin
ister to him. She gave the capsule and
a few minutes later Chrlsman Swops went
Into convulsions."
, The. story of the stormy seen In tha
Swope homestead oh December 18, that day
when , the nurses threatened to leave if
Dr. Hyde was not dismissed and another
physician obtained, to cars for the 111 mem
bers of the family, - was detailed by . Mr.
Paxton. He told of the vagus susuplolonn
of the nurses, which eventually led tip t
the open break' between them and Mrs.
Logan H. Swope.,' It appeared 'that Mien
Houlehan was the leader In the Insurrec
tion. Just before - leaving she turned to
Mrs. ,8wope, according to Mr. Paxton, and
said:,-. . . - ' ' '.
"People are being murdered In this
house." . ,; '. . .,
The departure of Dr. Hyde and his wif.i
from , the home followed ' amid a tearful
scene.' . Accusation were made regarding
the physician. His wife. In the house of
her mother, stood firmly by him. aa he Was
turned away from her parental doors.
' Letter to Flemlnst.
Much time was passed early today In
questioning Mr. Paxton regarding a letter
he wrote to Stewart S. Fleming, on of the
Swope heirs,, telling him -of tho mystery.
It was upon this .letter thst, Dr. Hydo
brought his suit.
"Whom did you mean when you aald In
that letter that the murderer of Colonel
Swop should be brought to justio?" waa
asked Mr. Paxton.
"I 'meant Dr. Hyde," he replied.
Lawyers clashed frequently during ths
taking of the deposition. Mr. Paxton may
be called again Monday to give additional
testimony. : , .- . -, ' ..- .
- 'Jury Ben-Ins Work Monday.
Contrary to the announced plan, ths grand
jury summoned yesterday to investigate
the Swope Case did not examine any wit
nesses today. One member of the jury was
lata ln reaching the city and aa a result
Judge Ralph 8. LaUhaw told tha Jurors to
report for duty next Monday. , . ,
Judge Latshaw mad It plain to the grand
Jurors thit their only duty was to delve
to the bottom of 'ths Swope affair,
- "You are brought here for tha purpose of
Investigating a matter of ths greatest
magnitude and Importance," he said. "You
must go Into It with thoroughness. In
vestigate every phase of the cas without
fear br favor. ' YOU ar being called to
gether to find (he exact truth. With this
your sol purpose you must act thoroughly,
conscientiously and vigorously In your at
tempt to learn the details surrounding tho
sickness and death of members of th
8 nope family, This Is no ordinary case.
You are asked te Investigate a cas with
mystery and murder surrounding it."
I . ' 'Ml
Chamberlain's Cough Romedy Is famous
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Regular college preparatory course.
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District Meeting; of Beta TUeta PL. .
IOWA CITY, la.. Feb. IS. (Hpeclal.)
Th fourth annual reunion of th district
eloven of the Kola Theta Pi college f ia-
terntty will bs held with tho Iowa chap
ter on March i and a. Delegates will b
la attendance from four other chapters.
Minnesota, Nebraska, Ames and Iowa
Wesleyan. Judge Emlln MoClaln of th
state supreme bench will be toast master
at th banquet to be held th evening of
March 1.
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Her own nature, her own physical mate-up ana
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sex. There is a rest home medical book
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mon Sense Medical Adviser, s book oi 1008 pages
and over 700 wood-cuts and colored plates. Over
2,300,000 American homes contain copies of this
work. It used to cost $1.50: now if is frit. .For
a paper covered copy send 21 one-cent stamps, tt ttvtr mailing
tnly, to the World's Dispensary Medical Association, Buffalo,
N.Y.; French cloth binding, 31 stamps. A new, revised up-to-date
Edition, now ready. . " ' ' '
This -rent book toll all about Htod'lohi that k a oar to
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An honest medicine dealer will give you what you ask for, and
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