Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 13, 1910, NEWS SECTION, Page 6, Image 6

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City Officials Put in Busy Day
' Signing Bonds.
Iron Company's Salt Over tonitrip.
tfoa of Oil In (Itf Jail t'om
' tp la District Conrt
City Clerk.' i. J. Glllln and Mayor FranU
KoutuKX had a busy day yesterday Binn
ing bond for paving- Improvement to the
amount of 1126,000. The signing rcuillred
that the signatures be' rewritten 2TjO time.
The bonds will be expressed to the pur
chasers today and the pity will have the
funds available for the paving within a
very few. days. The contractors have been
notified that the bonds are approved and
signed and work wilt be begun in a num
ber of cases within a' week. 'The National
Construction company has signified Its In
tention to unload rock and brick on th
streets next week. .
Champion Iron Company Sara.
The case of the Champion Iron company
gainst the city of South Omaha will come
to hearing Monday In the district "court.
This action is brousht by the Champion
, Irou company to secure settlement for the
' steel cell, Work In the city Jail. In sonv
i manner a great deaf or trouble arose ovt.
the cells owing to the ' fact 1 that In thi
I first place the Champion Iron compaii)
put on a sheet steel plate ack anl fron
to the cells. This made them all dark ont
with no 'means of ventilation. The atee,
plates had' to be taken out and bars sub
atltuted. ' The responsibility for this 1
placed on the architect by the company,
while the1 architect Just as strongly main
tains that the company was at fault,
tier-rices In 'tae CiinrcUes.
"Christian Courage" is the topic of
Rev. Ueot-ge Van Winkle's Sunday morn
ing sermon. The evening theme will be
evangelistic. ,
Holy communion wilt be observed at St.
Martin's church at 8 a, m. The morning
piayer and Sermon will be observed at 11
a. m. The topic by Rev. Alfred O. White
will be 'Confirmation." The evening
prayer will be observed at 7:J0. The topic
;ls "Why Join the Church?" Services will
( also be held Wednesday evening. The
pastor's toplo Is "Thelr'a Is the Kingdom
j of Heaven.". ,
,' "Am I My . Brother's. Keeper?" Is the
; toplo of - W. 1 Cullen's address at St.
Clement's church. The evenlns topic is
What '' Must We. Believer' Vespers ana
meditation will be observed. . Wednesday
evening. Vesper and sermon will be ob
served at St. Edward's chapel aj 4 p. m.
Sunday, 7A' vesper servfee Will also be ob
served Friday. A robed oholr of girls
will present their first appearance as a
chorus at St. Clement's church nt 11 a.
m. Mrs. 8.' O. Poloar Is the organist and
'director. .; ' .
Dr. R. Ll Wheeler will preach at the
Presbyterian church morning and evening.
Rev. T. M. Ransom will conduct service
at 11 a. rn. at Lefljr's church. ,
'. j. . Magic City Gossip,
Willis Jacobson reports the- birth of a
daughter . , -
The .daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. 8.
Bates la reported seriously 111.
A large , number of Eagles attended the
entertainment given at Labor temple.
Mrs. Thomas Johnson of Thomas, Okl.,
Is the i guest of Mrs. Frank Kelhart, tier
sister. i-M
TELEPHONE Soi 868 and have a case of
Jetter's Gold Tap Beer delivered at your
residence. -HENRY J. JETTER.
Miss Esther and Ruth Johnson enter
tained , about forty-five friends last night
in honor Of Miss Eva Lundqutst of Prince
i ton. Hi. ,
Mrs. Ell Williams, 2214 D street, died
, yesterday. The funeral will be held from
the Methodist church at I p, tp. The burial
is at Forest Lawn..
Mrs. Max Wolf, formerly of South
Omaha, but now -of Albion, Neb., Is the
guest Of Mr. and Mrs. Herman Steinberg
while convalescent after an operation at
the South Omaha hospital.
In bshalf of our family, we wish to ex
tend our' heartfelt thanks to the manv
friends and especially to the Fraternal
Order of Eagles, for their many kind ac
tion toward us In our recent bereavement
In the lues of our -beloved husband and
brother, and we earnestly wish the great'
st blessings for theirs. . Mrs. E. A.
Cheshire, 'John A. Cheshire. -
Chicago . - Firm , Uts Contract to
' Ilolld Tender to Aid In
. '. Dreaeln,
4'f 'v. ,.. ;' , ; -' "..' -' ,'',' .
The Featherstone- Foundry and Machine
company of Chlcago.'has been awarded the
contract for building a coal barge or tender
for the dredge that la to clean 'out Carter
lake. The park board - awarded the con
tract !tio the Chicago firm Friday afternoon,
at 1288.13, on condition that'ajl the lumber
be purchased In Omaha, and that the barge
be ready" for 'service' JAprll 'l ' The coa'
barge will be 18x40 feet In size, and Is guar
anteed to carry fifty tons of coal. ' .
The member of the' park board are' con
gratulating themselves that they escaped
the cost of hiring a watchman during the
winter. ' Recaiise of, the early freeilng the
firm . that built the barge' was. not able 'to
flellver It' to the board in the fall, and the
boat .'11 1 not come Into official possession
until April 1, when it Is expected to begin
the work of dredging the lake.
Doagrlae ' Conatr -Commlaaloaera to
Protest to Elkhora 'Valley
Drainage District.
The Board of County Commissioners voted
Friday afternoon In a meeting of the com
mittee of the whole to make a formal pro
test to the directors of the Elkhorn Valley
drainage district against assessing Doug
las county for more than Its proportionate
ahare. . Tha next move In the matter is
m to' the drainage .district.
It was . the expressed rentlment ' of ,-the
firea members present that the county at
torney be Instructed to proteeutr the suits
agalnet Franlf A- Broadwell lor fees and a
resolution will be prepared to this effect
Peary Will Not
Be Given Rank of
Rear Admiral
Home Subcommittee Votes .Unani
mously Against Honor Proposed
by the Senate.
WASHINGTON, Feb. i2.-"Commander"
Robert E. I'eary, discover of tlo North
pole, will not be given the rank of rear
admiral In the navy, as proposed In recog
nition of his services as an explorer, If
congress approves the action of the sub
commlt'.M of tha house committee, on
naval affairs, ' w hich has voted to report
ndversdy the bills offered by fcenaior lisle
and Representative Allen. The committee
of six members voted unanimously against
bestowing the honor upon Mr. Peary. . A
letter from Secretary Meyer was received
by the naval commute, giving Mr. Peary's
naval record and stating that he should
be "designated As' "civil engineer" and hot
Secretary Meyer said that Mr. Peary en
listed In the navy on October 20, ISM, and
that he had a total of over ten years In
various leaves ot absence. , .The secretary
spoke of Mr. Pary's discovery of the
pole as a "self-Imposed." but most com
mendable task, having no military or naval
significance and recommended that Mr.
.'eary be retired as a civil engineer with
,io rank and pay of an admiral.
Representative Roberts of Massachusetts,
4 member Of the subcommittee, said he
aawno reason whatever for conferring
such an honor as was contemplated upon
Mr. Peary.
"His discovery of the North pole," said
Mr. Roberts, has been absolutely ot no
benefit to the United States, to civilization
or the naval service, as far as I can see.
He has been absent -from duty in the
Navy department most tf the time ha has
been connected with It and has done noth
ing to entitle him to this honor.
- "I think probably congress might look
with favor on giving him some other kind
of recognition. For Instance, if his friends
wa'nted him to receive a gold medal, or
something of that sort.- ' I would be In
favor of It.' But I am not in favor of giv
ing Mr? Peary a pension for what he has
done. I don't think he Is entitled to It."
Tha subcommittee which took action to
day consisted of Messrs Butler, Roberts,
Bates, Engtebrlght,' Qregg and Macon.'
Representative Dawson was absent.
- The salary which Mr. Peary would have
received as a rear admiral, retired, for the
remainder of his ' life would have been
about $6,000 a year, j -; , - -,
' ' ' I
Dislocates; Neck
in Scrubbing It
Son of Eev. S. Z. Batten of Lincoln
Has .Peculiar "Accident, from '
. Which He Eeoovers. ; . v' Y
LINCOLN, Feb. Jl.-(!fpec:al Telegram.)
Cleanliness, being next to godliness, It was
but natural for a minister's son to practice
It. So thought Lelghton Batten, 16-year-old
son of Rev. Samuel Zane Batten, pastor
of the First Baptist church, last night,
when In performing his ablutions he rubbed
his n'edk so hard as to. dislocate his su
perior cervical vertebra. He was able to
run to his father, but his head hung limp
on one side. Under an anesthetic today
one doctor put his hand down the boy's
throat and another pulled tha boy's feet
and he Is on his way to recovery.
Church-Going Campaign Begins To-
" '
Seven Topics Announced by Rev,
Halph It. Houseman J. lllaoa
Irving; of Liverpool at
Uoapel Hall.
Dp. Charcot's Party Did Not Attempt
to Rcacb tha Soath
' Pole.
PUNTA ARENAS, Chile, Feb. 12.-The
Frenoh Antarctic' steamer Pourquol Pas,
with Dr. Jean A. Charcot, head of the ex
pedition, on board, has arrived here. The
Frenchmen did not reach the South pole.
All. members of the crew are well, but dur
ing the voyage there were' Some cases of
scurvy among them. The Pourquol Pas
will remain here a fortnight.
The expedition tinder Dr. Charcot waa
fitted out In France in the summer of 1903,
and sailed from Punta Arenas December
17 of the same year. Its purposa was tne
making of scientific observations In the
South polar region, particularly In the al
most unknown Alexandraland, and secur
ing specimens of rare fossils. The. South
pble was not the objective point of the ex
plorers. Dr. Charcot'' frequently' has snld
that this task should be reserved to the
Englishmen. Scott and Shackleton. - As told
In these dispatches Thursday, the Pourquol
Pas waa passed recently at anchor in the
Straits of Magellan.
( '.. ; .
Guthrie Den Ira He Killed Wife. -
VINTON, la., Feb. 12. (Special.) Fran
cesco Guthrie, who was arrested at Shell
Lake, Wis., and who Vas lodged in jail
here today, accused of the murder of his
wife in Belle Plaine nine years ago. in an
Interview today emphatically denied his
guilt. . He declared that prior to his wife's
death he was not living at home, and that
upon going home after his wife's death he
found a bottle filled .with carbolio acid by
his wife's bed He also declared, that his
wife had threatened to commit suicide.
Guthrie's story differs widely from the one
told before the grand Jury by Eddy, whom
Guthrie is alleged to have employed to
shadow his wife.
Omaha's , church-going campaign begins
Sunday and will continue for seven weeks,
concluding with Easier Sabbath. Special
services and - sermons are announced in
many of the churches. ,
(.'The following commandments are of-
fered by those behind the movement to
urge interest In-the campaign:
Find a church home. '
.Attend your own church.
Begin Sunday morning.
All in family togctner,'
If a stranger, maite yourself known.
Everybody go-to chutC-h.
Go where you please, but go.
All denominations Invite you.
Seven topics are announced, as follows,
by Rev. Ralph H'. Houseman, pastor of
Cimtellar Street Presbyterian church, for
the church-going campaign:
February 13 "And What's the Use of My
Ooinn to Church, Anyway?"
February l!o '-What Lies Back of the
Prevailing Indifference .to Religion?"
February JT7 "What About Haptism?"
Marcii & "Have We Gone Amusement
March It "Is' the Old-Fashloned Home
to He Perpetuated?"
March 0 "la Christian Missionary Giv
ing Defensible?"
March K7 (Easter) "What Is the Mini
mum of Fundamentals Essential to Salva
tion?" . At the Church of St. Philip .the Deacon
Rev. John Albert Williams Is preaching a
series of sermons on "The Sacrament of
Marriage" during the Sunday mornings In
Lent, and at the afternoon service instead
of a set sermon Is answering questions
put In a "question box" on the doctrine,
discipline, history and worship of the
The topics of the six Sunday morning
sermons are: "The Importance of Mar
i ia in I la Personal and Sucial Aspect
and as Sanctioned by the Christian Re
ligion;" "The Religious Aspect of the
Family;" "The Essential Elements of
Christian Marriage;" "The True Prepara
tion for Christian Marriage;" "The Moral
Obligations and Consequent Duties of
Christian Marriage;" "The Modern Dan
gers to Christian Marriage."
Sunday Is the. first anniverssary of the.
dedication of the Immanue! Baptist church.
A special service has been arranged. The
choir will sing appropriate music, both
morning; and evening. . Miss Helnerikson
and Mrs: Whltmarsh will sing.
Colonel Claire E. Adams of Superior,
past . department commander of the Ne
braska Grand Army of the Republic, will
deliver a lecture before the Men's club
of the First Presbyterian church, Monday
evening, upon his personal remembrances
of President Lincoln. Veterans of the
Civil war are extended a cordial Invita
tion to be present. The lecture will be
given in the lecture room of the First
Presbyterian church, Seventeenth and
Dodge streets.
Music at the North Side Christian church
for Sunday evening will be as follaws: .
Opening Sentence, "Gloria Patrl."
Response, "Glory be to God on High....
: Gounod
Mrs. C. A. Mangum and chorus.
Anthen, "The Son of God Goes Forth
to War." Huhn
Closing Hymn, "Abide with Me."
Miss Jessie Cady, pianist; Mrs. J. H.
Klrsohstein, organist and choirmaster.
Special Lincoln day services will be held
at the First Methodist Episcopal church
Sunday evening in celebration of Lincoln's
birthday. All members of the Grand
Army,, the Spanish War Veterans and
members of military organisations are spe
cially Invited to be present.
.. Dr. Hanna at he First United Presby
terian .' church', Twenty-first and Emiriet
streets, will continue his sermons on "Utter
ances from the Cross" In the morning and
In the evening his subject will be "They
Made Light of. It.", '
J. Hfxon Irving, a Bible teacher of
Liverpool, England, who is now in this
country, will' begin meetings Sunday even
log at 7: In Gospel hall, 2908 Farnam
street An Invitation Is extended to . all
Christians and the public to come and
haa; him... , .."I.'. . , , ,
Rev? E. R.. Curry, pastor of the Calvary
Baptist church, Twenty-fifth and Hamilton
streets, will begin- on Sunday evening a
series of sermons on '"Christ's Sayings on
the Cross." These short sermons will be
followed by an after meeting.
Danarcrona 8nrcry ,
lr. the abdominal region Is prevented by
the use of Dr. King's New Life Pills, the
painless purifiers. 26c. For sale by Beaton
Drug Co.
New Town on Northwestern.
PIERRE, 8. D.. Feb. 12.-K Special.) The
Northwestern road has provided for a
third town on Its new line from Blunt to
Gettysburg, the point selected being Jmt
r.orth of the Potter county I'.ne, about siveu
miles front Gettysburg, and the nama ot
Gorman has been selected -f Or this location.
Nor Sisters
Now aad afaia you sea two womra Test
ing down the street wbo look like sisters..
You ara astonished to learn that they are
Brother aad daughter, and you realirs that '
a woman at forty or forty-five ouht to be
at her Coast and (aireat. Why isa't it so?
The fenerul health of woman 'ia so in
timately auooiated with tha local health
of the asscntially.. feminine Drfaas that
there can- -bo no red cheek and round
form where there is female weakness.
I. Women wbo Have suffered Irons
r this trouble have found prompt
relief and ear la the na of Dr.
r ' PUroa's Favorite Preeoription. It
V rfana of womanhood. It clear
' ayea and radJcna fce cheeks. '
'' No alcohol, or habit-forming' drags ia abstained in "Favorite Pretriition.M
" Any sick woman nay consult L)r. Picre by letter, free. Every letter is
held as sscredly confidential, and answered in a plain envelope. Address I
WarlJ's Uispewftry Medloal Association, Ur. R.V. Pierce, Pres., Buffalo, N.Y.
V. M. C A. Notes.
No men's meeting will be held at the
association building Sunday afternoon, on
account of'the mass meeting at the Audi
torium, -which will be conducted by the
Union Gospel mission.
The Trl-clty Older Boys' conference, which
la . being conducted by - the boys' de
partment, .will culminate Sunday after
noon at J o'clock in a mass meeting
afternoon at S o'clock In a mass meeting
tor boys, addressed by W. A. Haberstro,
field secretary mid-west district Brother
hood of St. Andrew. The program for
Saturday evening consists of an address
by Dean Beecher of Trinity cathedral upon
"The Manly Boy" and a stereoptlcon lec
ture on "How Boys Are Helping the Other
Fellow" by J. P. Bailey, state secretary of
the associations in Nebraska.
The thirtieth annual state convention of
the Nebraska Toung Men's Christian asso
ciations will be held at University Place,
Weeleyan university, February 17 to 20. A
number of the secretaries from Omaha will
be In attendance. . ,
.The members and secretaries of the asso
ciation have been Invited to attend the
valentine social at the Toung Women's
Christian - association building. Monday
evening. The students of the night school
will go in a body, leaving the building at
An Indoor base ball team representing
the Young Men's Christian association of
Lincoln will play a team selected from the
noon and & o'clock gymnasium classes next
Tuesday evening,- February 13.
The College rlub of the boys' department
will be addressed 'next Friday evening at
7 o'clock by Principal E. U. Graff. He will
speak regarding Chicago university.
Kivea vigor and vitality to tha
the complexion, brightens tha
Y. W. C. A. Notea.
Sunday afternoon at 4:30 o'clock Rev. J.
M. Kersey, pastor of the First Christian
church, will siwak on "The Book SVe
Study." Mr. 8. S. Hamilton will sing.
There will be the usual social hour at me
close ot the afternoon meeting. All women
Miss Theodate P. Wilson, religious work
director. Is spending Sunday with the Des
Moines association and will speak at the
vesper service there.
There will be a number of valentine par
ties at the association In various depart
ments as follows: Monday, 8:30. b!g lolnt
party of members of the Young Men's
Christina association and the Young Wom
en's Christian association, and their In
vited guests; Tuesday. 7:M. bumness Girls'
club (open night) valentine; Wednesday,
7:. D. A. B.'s iopen night) valentines; Fri
day. 3:30. Fellowship club (open night) val
entines, i
Mrs. W. P. Harford, president, Mrs.
tail F. Uyers, genvral Mcietary, and
Miss France M. Crittenden, assistant sec
retary, attended a meeting of the Mat
committee at, Lincoln Saturday.
Grace Baptist,' Tenth and Arbor At 10
a. u., "The Shrine of the Alnts;" T:U P
m.,' "The Power 'and Presence ' of Christ
in Omaha." . -
Calvary Baptist Branch. Thirty-fourth
and SeMrd Htble school st 1:30 p. m.
Cavalr;, Twenty-f ITth and Hamilton,
Rev. K. R. Curry, Pastor Services In
the morning st 10.; thtme, "lleirnatxar's
Keat;" evening, at 7.30, first of the series
on "Christ's Sayings On tli- Cross." Bible
school at 12 m. ; young people's meeting at
(i;30 p. in. s. ,
First, Twei,ty-nlnth and Harney, Rev. J.
W. Conlny, U. D., Pastor Kervlres at 1O S0
a. m. and V:to p. i.i.; mo, ning sermon, "Hie
Ascvmuing lite;" evening, "The Teiitn
Com monument, or the Root of the Whole
'lioubie;' t-unday school at noon; your.g
!'yi'le at :M p. m. Bethany branch, S-SJ
U-a veil worth huniiay sUiuol lit H p. m.
Immanuel, Tuciitj-toiirth and Pinkney,
Rev. 1'. H. McUownl, "Pastor Sun
day services ar given over to tno
fitting obset vance ot the anniversary ot
the ded.citlon of our new building. 10,;,o
a. m., anntv rtary sermon by the pastor,
"The Necessity of Getting fonuuhtn;
Done;" T:S') p irt., praise service, subject,
"The Cross of uur I,ord jeeus Christ:"
Sunday ch.-inl at noon, has an extra pio
gram; Baptist Young union at
C:3J p. m.; prayer meeting Wednesday even
ing at 8 o'clurk. In charge- of the Umcas.
0 Jtiarreifat .oitul.
Plymouth, Twentieth a;id Spencer, Rev.
Jonn P. t'tydo, Minister Morning wot snip
at U:!i0; Itiein.', "in Place of l'u.').lc Vvor
tnlp in Mcocni Life;'' annuity sciiuol at
noon; Chnsdun tr.di-avor ai t:30; waning
worship in charge o( North Side cnurcii
at 7:3(i; special music.
St. Mary's Avenue, St. Mary's Avenue
and Twenty-seventh, Kev. Lucius O. HalrU,
Pastor-Moi ning woiship at lt;30; sermon
by the pa.stur; subjtct, - Church Going and
City Lire;" Sunday school at noon, stun
ley 1. Uostwlck, superintendent; younij
people's C. S. '. at 7 p. m.; preaching at
the City mission at 8 p. m.
First, corner of Nineteenth and Daven
port, Rev. Frederick T. Rouhc Pastor
Morning worship at 10:30; subject. "VVny
People Do Go to Church;" evening wor
ship, special mu:loal service, auspices ot
vested choir, nt 7:46; health class at noon;
subject, "The Feeling of Opulence;" Young
People's Society of Christian Endeavor at
Unity. Seventeenth and Cass, Rev. New
ton Mann, Minister Sprvlce ut 10:15. ser
mon. "Lovo of the Neighbor;" Sunday
school at noon. .
North Side, J. K. Kirschstoin, Minister
Services held at Plymouth Congregational,
1'ventleth and Sponcer streets; morning
worship at 10:30, Rev.. Clyde will have
charge; Chrlstjan Endeavor, 6:30 p. m.;
evening service at 7:30, at which tlmo Rev.
Fred E. Hagen, missionary to Japan, will
speak. The public is cordially Invited to
attend these services.
Church of St. Philip the Deacon, Twenty
flrct. Near P?.u!, Hv .tnhn Albert Wil
liams, Priest First Sunday In Lent: Holy
eucharlst, 7:30 a. m. ; matins, 10:30 a. m. ;
holy eucharlst (choral) and Btrmon, "The
Importance, of aiurriage," 11 a. ni.; Sun
day school and catechism, 12:30 p. m. ;
evensong and "Question Box," 5 p, m.;
confirmation class, 6:30 p. m.
St. Paul's German, Twentieth and
Parker, ii. T. Otto, Pastor Services
at 10 a. m. and 7:4b p. m. ; evening service
in English, on the first and fourth Sundays
of the month; Sunday school in English at
11:30; young people's meeting next Thurs
day at 8 p. m.
Grace, 1326 South Twenty-sixth, Rev.
8. M. Melick, Paator Church services
at 10:46 a. m., subject of sermon, "The Im
port of Church Going; ' also services at
i.M p. m. Sunday school at 12:15; Luther
league at 6:80 p. m., subject,' "Preservance
In Overcoming Temptation." , All usual
midweek services. '
St. Mark's English,1 Twentieth and
Burdette, l- Groh, Pastor Services
Sunday: 10:45 a. m., "The Strong Should
Help the Weak;" 7:30 p. m., 'Encoarage
and Cheer the Young,"' Rom. xlv:L Sun
day school at 12 m. ; Young People's Chris
tian Endeavor at 6:46 p. m.; catechlsatlon
Wednesdays at 4 p. m. and 7:30 p: m.; Sun
days at 12:30 p. m.
Methodist. ,
Free Methodist, Eleventh and Center,
Rev. Joseph L. Riley, Paator Preaching
at 11 a. in. and 7:30 p. nr.
Trinity, Twenty-first ' and Blnney, Rev.
C. W. Abbott, Pastor Preaching morning
and evening; morning subject, "The Salu
tation of the Churches;!' evening, "Some
thing Lost."
Pearl Memorial, Twenty-fourth and Lar
lmore. Rev. Thomas C. Hlnkle, Pastor
bervlces at 10:45, theme, "The Church's
Value to Society;" evening, "Desirable
Citizens;" young people's meeting at 6:30; school at 12; C. P. Daniels, choir
master. ,
Seward Street, Twenty-Second and
Seward, Rev. Frank A. High, PaBtor
Services aa follows: Class meeting at 10:15
a. m., combination service at 11 o'clock,
Epworth league at 6:30, public service at
7:30. The pastor will preach. Good music,
Donald D. Campbell, chorister. '
Walnut Hill, Forty-first and Charles,
Rev. E. E. Hosman, Pastor Sermon at
10:30 a. m., theme, "The Stimulus of Public
Worship"; 12 noon, Sunday school; 7:30 p.
m., Epworth league; 7:30 p.-m., sermon by
the pastor, theme, "Lincoln: An Example
of What God Can Do Through man."
' Hirst ' Memorial. Thirty-fourth and Larl
more. Rev. William J. Brlent, Pastor
Class meeting, 10:15 a, m., T. W. Miller,
leader; sermon to children, 11 a. m., theme,
"Is It a Little Thing?" Epworth league
led by MIbs Hattle Weeks at 6:30 p. m.
Evangelistic service by the pastor at 7:30
p. m., theme. "Weighed: Found (?)",
First, Twentieth and Davenport, Rev.
Frank L. Loveiand,- Pasrtor Morning serv
ice at 10:30, subject, "The Worth of a
Practical Faith:" 7:30, "The Crown of
Thorns A Message From the Martyrdom
of Lincoln, Sunday scnooi at 12:10; young
People's society at 6:30. Attendants at the
evening service are urged to be in' their
pews at 7:30, owing ' to special services.
Hanscom Park. Twenty-Ninth and Wool
worth Avenue, Rev. R. Scott Hyde, D. D.,
Pastor Morning 'Worship at 10:30, pastor's
theme, "The Church, Past and Present."
This service will be in keeping with the
Inauguration Sunday of the ohurch going
campaign. Special music by a large choir.
No evening- preaching service on account
of the great meeting at the Auditorium.
Sunday school at noon, Bert Wilcox, sup
erintendent. ....
McCabe. Fortieth and Farnam, Rev.
John Grant Shlck. Pastor Sunday school
at 10; Epworth league at :;; preacning
at 11 and 7:30; mornln-g theme, "Two
Heroes in the Struggle for Human Liberty
Wtlberforce and Lincoln;" evening.
Life's Other SDrinea. The attention of
old soldiers and all lovers of patriotism
is specially directed to the theme for the
morning hour. On Monday night there
will be a moving picture entertainment,
showlna- Bible scenes, held at the church.
under Hie auspices of the Epworth league.
Prayer meeting on weanesaay nignt.
Oak Street Mission Bible School, 3009
south Twentieth Sunday, t p. m., adult
Bible class a feature.
People's, Charles W. Savidge, Pastor
Morning, "What Jesus Taught Concerning
Secret Prayer;" evening, "The Profit of
Godliness." Prof. Mertes has charge of
the music.
First Christian, Twenty-Sixth and Har
ney. J. M. Kersey, Pastor Services as fol
lows: Preaching at 10:30 a. m. and 7:30 p.
m., Bible school at noon, young people's
meeting at 6:30 p. m. You are cordially in
vited. .
Harford Memorial United Brethren.
Nineteenth and Lothrop University serv
ice, 10:20 a. m., theme, "Self-Centered or
God-Centered?" Vocal solo, Mr. McClunir:
evangelistic service, 7:30 p. m.. theme, "The
Ideal Life." M. O. McLaughlin, pastor.
Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of
Latterday Saints, WIS North Twenty-first,
J. M. Baker, Pastor, 3015 Franklin Sunday
school, V:t5 a. in.; preaching at 11 a. m. and
at i p. m. Morning sermon by Historian
Herman C. Smith of Amonl, Ia. Evening
sermon will be at Lyric theater, speakers
Apostle J. W. Wright and Herman C.
Smith. Meeting at Lyric thnater all week
and over Sunday, February 20. except Wed
nesday evening.
Church of the Covenant. Twenty-Seventh
and Pratt, Rev. R. T. Bell, D. D.. Pastor
Services at 10:30 and 7:30, Sabbath school at
noon. Young People's society at 6:30 .p. m.
First, Dodge and Seventeenth, Rev. Ed
win Hart Jenks, D. I)., Pastor Morning
service at 10:30; evening at 7:30; Sunday
school at noon; Christian Endeavor meet?
lug at 6:16 p. m.
North. Nineteenth and Ohio, M. V. Hig
bee. D. D., Pastor Morning worship at
10:S0. evening at 7:30; topics, "Value of Pub
lic Worship'1 and "Witnt-ss of the Sphere,
In Which Christ Worked, to His Deity;"
prayer meeting at t Wednesday evening.
Lowe Avenue. Fortieth and Nicholas.
Nathaniel McCliffln. Minister Morning
worship at 10:30, third sermon on "What's
the Matter with the Church The Mission
of the Church;" Christian KndVavor at :'
p. m.; evening Worship at 7:30, sermon, "A
True Reformer."
Central United. Twenty-Fourth and
IodKtt. R. B. A. McBrldn. D. D , Minister
Morning worship at 10 SO. sermon by P.ev. '
Mtrtvlu L. Trotter of Grand Rapids, Mich.; j
t'lm C'Jl til
VMM RSi 01 L.M
mT b-m an so en
413-15-17 South Sixteenth Street.
rain n n n rrr-ri r r?
H . till r Lt
t2a uuci u Ua UU ij UUU
ace Curtain & Drapery
l.. '.7-IJ' ti. eVT I I'M-f-JM-'V-J W 1 1 lii.'.Llit
$M i ft iwWirmWM -w
Tnmnrrnr mnrninrr nt
tV " X U111UI I wna
r.'P.-'J o ' 1 1. 1
- O UI.IULN Ulwlllfl lilt ii'f-"
lace curtains and por
tieres, couch cover s,
bed sets, table covers,
cretonne, silkoline, etc.
This stock has been as
sembled on our first floor
to make it more con
venient for our custo
mers. Some of the curT
tains have been shown as
samples, and arc slightly
soiled. Others are only odd pairs, while many we have 3 or 4 pairs of a
kind. We are prepared to take a great loss in order to dispose of the lot. Tlie original prievs
surely indicate this, but the values are there, a visit to our store will convince you
Lace Curtains in One Pair Lots
$3.75 Irish Point Lace Curtain; sale price,
per pair ; .$1.95
$12.75 Irish Point Laco Onrtflin; sale price,
per pair :....$f.75
$15.00 Brussels Lace Curtains; sale price,
per pair T $3.50
$20.00 Brussels Lace Curtains; sale piice,
per pair $7.50
$8.00 Brussels Lace Curtains; sale price,
, per pair..... $2.75
$8.25 Brussels Lace ' Curtains ; sale price,
per pair . $3.50
$16.00 Brussels Lace , Curtains; sale price,
per pair $1.50
$13.50 Brussels Lace Curtains; sale price,
per pair $3.25
$5.00 Cluny Lnoe: Curtains; sale? price,' per
pair .,;X;TJ . . . . . . 1. : .$2.75
$4.75 Cluny Lace Curtains; sale price, per
pair" ....$1.95
$2.50 Cluny Lace Curtains; sale price, per
pair ' $1.35
$5.00 Battenberg Lace Curtains; sale price,
per pair''. . .'. . .... ".'.i-. .,,. . .$1.50
$16.50 Battenberg Lace Curtains; sale price,
per pair jpo.uu
$35.00 Bonne Femme Curtains; sale price,
Colored Curtains and Portieres
$12.60 English Madras Curtains, sale price, per
pair, at $2.75
$10.00 English Madras Curtains, sale price, per
pair, at $2.50
$5.75 Snow Flake Curtains, sale price, per pair,
at ..; $1.00
$10.00 Oriental Portieres, sale price, per pair,
at $2.50
$11.50 India Print Portieres, sale price, per pair,
'Silk Portieres, sale price, per pair,
... J $5.00
Silk Rep Portieres, cord edge, sale price,
Der pair, at $4.50
$9 A'rmure Silk Portieres, sale price, pair $3.00
$6.50 Monk's Cloth Portieres, galoon border, sale
price, per pair, at $2.50
$16.50 Oriental border Portieres, sale price, per
pair, at $3.00
$13.50 Armure Tapestry Portieres, sale price; per
pair, at ... -$3.50
$3.00 Chenille Portieres,' sale price, per pair 50
$4.00 Battenberg Lace Curtains; sale price,
, per pair ,....$1.95
$18.50 Duchess Lace Curtains; sale price,'
per pair j'. s u
$3.00 Novelty Lace Curtains; sale price, per
pair $1.50
$4.00 Novelty Lace Curtains; sale price, per
pair $1.95
$3.75 Novelty Lace Curtains; sale price, per
pair $1.65
$5.75 Novelty Lace Curtains; sale price, per
pair $1.95
$4.75 Novelty Lace Curtains; sale price, per
4 pair . : . . '; ......... . .v. . $2.00
$8.00 Cluny Scrim Lace Curtains; sale price,
per pair $3.00
$8,00, Filet Lace, Curtains; sale price, per
pair . i . . . vv. . . . . : . . $3.00
$9.75 Bonne Femme Curtain; ""gala price,
.each .:.$1.C0
$6.00 Bonne Femme Curtains; sale price,
per pair $1.00
$10.00 Bonne Femme Curtains; sale price,
,. each-.....,. $2.00
'$18.50 Bonne Femme11 Curtains; sale price,
each $4.00
each $3.00
at . .
at . .
$12.75 Silk Oriental Scarf, sale price .. i . .$1.50
$8.00 Craftsman Linen Embroidered Scarf, sale
price, at ...$2.50
$4.75 Gold Embroidered Scarf, sale price . .$1.00
Table Covers and Couch Covers
75c Table Covers, 36x36 inches, Bale price, ea. 25
$1.25 Table Covers, 54x54 In., sale price, each 45
$2 Table Covers, 54x54 inches, sale price, each 50
$1.25 Tapestry Table Cover, 54x54 inches, ftIo
price, each 40i
$3.50 Silk Damask Table Cover, 72x72 inches, b.o
price, each .u. $1.15
$1.50 Tapestry Table Cover, 72x72 Inches, sale
price, each 60
$2.25 Tapestry Table Cover, 72x72 inches, sale
price, each T5
$2.50 Tapestry Table Cover, Tound, sale . price.
each, at $1.00
$50.00 Oriental Silk Embroidered Table Cover,
sale price, each $9.O0
$22.60 Oriental Silk Embroidered Couch Cover,
sale price, each .$4.00
$12.60 Oriental Couch Cover, silk embroidered, sala
nrlce. each
117.60 Oriental Couch
Cover, silk
. .93.60
embroidered. Kale
nrlre each
112. 75 Oriental Couch Covers, silk embroidered. Kale
price, each 3.33
17.B0 Oriental "Couch Cover, ' silk embroidered, Kle
priceeach ..'.94.B3
4 India Print Couch Cover, sale price, each..... t7So
Cretonne French and Domestic worth from $1.00
to 35c per yard, sale price, per yard 15
All 15c value Silkoline, sale price 5
evening worship at 7:30, sermon by the paa
tor, subject, "The Debt of Sin." This ser
mon is a return to our, study of the Lord's
Clifton Hill, Forty-Fifth and Grant.
Thomas B. Greenlee, Mmifter Public
worship at 10:30 a. rn.. theme, "The Funo
tlon of Public Worship;" Sunday school at
noon, Junior Christian Endeavor at 8:30.
The oonxrag-atlon will attend the evening
service In the Auditorium. Wednesday
evening; service at 8 o'clock.
Third, Twentieth and Leavenworth, Wil
liam Todd, MlniBter-r-Sunday school, 9:30 a.
m.; family service, ' with sermon, 10.30 a.
m.; pastor's adult Bible class, 12 m.; Junior
Endeavor, 8:30 p. m.; Senior Endeavor. 8:30
p. m. ; evensonff, with sermon, 7:30; morn
Ins pulpit topic, "True Living and Truth
Tallin an Eternal Law Alone Upholding
All Human Relations;" at nlpht, "The
Master of All Life at Work for Every
Man." Seats are free at all services. Spe
cial music.
Castellar Street, Sixteenth and Castellar,
Rev. Ralph H. Houseman, Minister At
10:80, "What is the Use Anyway of My
Going to Church?" the first morning serv
ice theme In the Lenten season; Bible
school at noon; :30, young people's meet
ing; 7:30, "Faith's Certainty;" Tuesday
evening, valentine social by the young
people and for the church; Thursday at
:30 at the home of Mrs. Housenjan the
church women will meet under the Aid
society auspices.
Second Church of Christ. Nineteenth and
Farnam (Lyrio Theater) Sunday school at
9:46 a. rn., service at 11 a. m.; subject les
son sermon, "Soul."
First Church of Christ. Twenty-Fifth and
Farnam (Chambers Building) Sunday
school at 8:45 a. m., Sunday services at 11
a. m. and 8 p; ni.; subject of lesson sermon,
Bmplorea of Service Now la College
- Ara Given Raise In
. Salaries.
WASHINGTON, Feb. It Notwithstand
ing the discontinuance or payment by the
maninvni nf exDenses Involved in the
collegiate education of the forest rangers,
about sixty pupils nave conunuea tnuir
murM t their own expense, it was said
at the forest service today. Abqut ' 300
were atleiidlnB the schools when the order
to discontinue the government payment,
which Invulvti the loss of salary, aas
made. All the rangers at the schools
.when ths order went Into effect have
been glyeo salary Increases of tlOOby the
secretary of agriculture, provided they had
not received an Increase on January 1,
when an addition In salary waa given a
number. The Increase, It Is said, will en
able them to bear their collegiate expenses
without material loss.
Noblest Man
of All History
Dr. Frederick Cohn, at Temple Israel,
Enlarge! on Life of Abraham'
Dr. Frederick Cohn, rabbl of Temple
Israel, gave an Interesting and learned ad
dress last night on "Lincoln."
Dr. Cohn reviewed the life of the Great
Emancipator and declared - Lincoln the
noblest man in history. "He was the pre
server of the unlou; his star Is the bright
est In the firmament of heaven. Lincoln
asserted that it would be as logical to try
to add to the brightness of the sun as to
endeavor to add to the glory of Washing
ton. What Lincoln said of Washington we
may say of Lincoln. His life was full ot
enduring Inspiration. There can never be
too much comment about Lincoln; never
too much known about this remarkable
man. ....
"Lincoln was self-made and self-taught.
He read Esop's Fables, Pilgrim's Progress,
the Bible and Green's Life of Washington.
He read law and educated himself in legal
learning so he was recognized as a lawyer
of great ability.
"There are three elements to success, the
A B C of achievement. These are ambition,
brains and character. Lincoln had these
three elements In him and he was pre
eminently successful. He was a good law
yer, an astute politician, a profound states
man and an orator of .the highest typa.
His Gettysburg , speech is a masterpiece
unexcelled in the annals of oratory,
"Lincoln's character was built on prin
ciple; on the rock of right. Though not a .
denomlnatlonallst, he was none, the less
deeply religious. He believed in' God."
If you have anything to sell or exchan1
advertise It In The Bee Wnnt Ad col
umns, t
Tt. J. Clancy, of the Union Pacific offices,
has gone to Chicago. .
C. B. Segar, general auditor of the Union
Paolfla railroad,, has gone to Chicago on
official buxtness.
Not only is Mother's Friend a safe and simple remedy, but the
comfort and healthful condition Its use produces makes It of Ines
timable value to every expectant mother. Mother's Friend relieves
the pain and discomfort caused by the strain on the different liga
ments, overcomes nausea by counteraction, prevents backache; and. numbness of
limbs, soothes ths inflammation of ths breast glands, and ia every .way aids in pre
serving the health and comfort of prospective mothers. Mother's' Friend is, a lxxl-
ment for external massage, which by lubricating and expanding the d1 Cerent muo.'
ties and membranes, thoroughly prepares' ths system for baby's coming wltfcrt
danger to the mother. Mother's Friend is sold t drug stores., Write for our tXt
book for expectant mothers.' 1.