Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 13, 1910, NEWS SECTION, Page 5, Image 5

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Boys ' address conference
flTiej Put Grownup in Background at
. Tri-City Meetinj.
f ' ' " ' '
.6fflera Ckura ' far
rirat Ye-a- f
'fffT Formed Orgaalsatlaa .
Fwoltr Speak.
A discussion of boya and hoys work end
JSel, by th hoy themselves, occupied
th Saturday morning; session of the Trl
Cltjr Boys' conference at tha Toung Men's
Christian association.
i Warren Howard, representing Immanur-I
fiapttat church, and Stanton Salisbury of
Horth Presbyterian church discussed tha
4(Funday schools' opportunity In working
with boya. Among other speakers wera
Richard Barnes, Hanscom Park Methodist
Church; Charles Hudson, Walnut Hill
Mathodlat church; Ralph Woodruff, Mon
mouth Park aohool; Kenneth Craig, hl(?h
chool; Allan Perry, Lincoln achool, and
Wellaoe Jameson, Long achool George Q.
Walla, president of tha Douglas County
Sunday School association, and O. O. Smith
of Council Bluff a wera tha only adulta on
the program of tha morning.
' Prof. A. N. Carstensen and Principal R.
V- Graff of the Omaha High achool spoke
tt tha afternoon session.
Tha officers of the conference, chosen
at the flrat annual election, are: Prealdent,
Warren Howard; vice president, Albert
Wade; aeeretary, Charlea Hudson. The
lection waa without contests.
Dp. W. M. Davidson, superintendent of
' tha publia schools, acted, a toaatmaater
at tha Friday night session and
sailed upon several of the boya for
reaponsea In addition to tha regular apeak
g era of tha evening, who told of tha work
Q planned to arouse Interest among the
Juveniles of Omaha, Council Bluffa and
' South Omaha.
' i Tha addreaa of welcome waa delivered
f by Glenn Stlne, vice president of. the Ne-
braaka State Boya' conference, and a mem-
" br of tha boya' department of the Toting
Man's Christian association. Blgurd Lar-
molt, president oi iha oi. Mary's Avenue
'Congregational church "Grand Boosters."
responded for the boya and Maurice Shlll
.tngton of tha First Methodist Ch irch Boya
elub read a paper on "How i'f ay Boya
' ' Help In Raising tha Standards .'or Boya
In Chore h. School and Toung Men ? Chrls-
" . tlan Association."
, i, Harry East, chairman of the committee
em Junior work of the Episcopal church
of Omaha, mads some tlmoly suggeStlonr
on what might be done toward stlrnu
latlng Interest among the boya In this
" work., Leonard Paulson, state boys' aeere
tary of the Young Men's . Christian asso
ciation of Iowa, told of the boya' obllga
fWon to hla fellows and also of the work
Which waa being dona in Iowa. .
J W. A. Haberatro. field aeeretary of the
- Brotherhood of tl. Andrew, midwest dis
trict told of tha Influence which .might be
exerted by the conference . In tha work
being dona in Omaha. Council Bluffa and
South Omaha. . . , . . .
One of tha featuraa of the - conference
..will be tha organisation of a college club
by tha young men and boya who contem
plate going to college. At later dates It la
planned that representatlvea of colleges
talk to tha boya on their aim -mater.
These meetings are Intended to .give the
boy sv better Ideas of the higher Institutions
of learning and to Inform them regarding
the yartoua colleges vand universities. y
Tfie "conference closes -Sunday afternoon."
I i i. '.. ' i 11 1 11 " I
Verdict for
f ;? Mrs. Ingersoll
Widow of Orator is Given Judgment
for $170,000 Against Davis
Ll; . .Estate..
BOSTON, Feb. It-Legal services of tha
value of 1170,000, rendered by the lata Rob
art fj. Ingersoll were recognised today In
. a decree by Judge Hammond pf the Massa
f J chuaetta supreme court , Mrs. Ingersoll,
widow of tha former lawyer and orator, la
benefited by the decision affirming the
decree of the probata court directing a dis
tribution of tha Massachusetts portion ot
the estate of -Andrew J. Davis, a former
copper mine owner of Butte, Mont., by
whom Colonel Ingersoll waa retained as an
attorney. The estate In Massachusetts is
valued at $600,000. The case, which haa
-beer In litigation for many years,, will now
go ta ths United Statea circuit court
kHw York Deaaoaratlo Coat m It tee
Pre part a a; to Esdoru Missouri
. . Movemeat.
NEW YORK, Feb. 12. At a special meet-
, Ing of . tha democratic stats committee
' . I A 1- L.IJ W. 1. m -
auurMX tu. uw nviu uvrv 11 ia understood
that James J. Hasan, Tammany leader of
the Fifteenth assembly district, will present
the: fallowing rtaolutloh:
Resolved, That wa felicitate the militant
upon their early recognition of the states-
NT mannKe' qualities oi Hon. William J.
Oavnar and that wa assure the Missouri
democracy thst at the proper time the
democracy of the Empire state will lolu
.. them In ah ' effort to make New York's
mayor the next president of the United
It Is understood, however, that Mayor
Gaynor will not aconpt the Invitation of
the Jefferaonlan -club of Springfield, Mo.
to attend their annual dinner. .
Herds of Deer Ravaging
Fields of Iowa Farmers
That eome aotlon will have to be taken
by the slate ta protect the farmers of the
eastern, part of Pottawattamie county,
Iowa, and adjoining territory from the
ravages of the herds of wild deer now
rpamlng tha country la the opinion of
Deputy United Statea Marshal W. A.
Oronaweg.' who In hla official capacity aa
deputy state gams warden has been in-
vestlgatthg ths matter. Mr. Uroneweg re
' turned ta Counoll Bluffa last evening after
spending three days In the eastern part
of tha county and across the line In
' Shelby county looking Into this matter
' at th request of farmers, who have suf
fered considerable loss by reason ot thee
herda of deer. II will make a report
ot the situation - to State Gam Warden
Lincoln .of Iowa on tha latter'e return
from tha sooth, where he now Is.
. A number of years ago William Cuppy,
wealthy farmer living near Avoca,
' maintained a targe deer preserve on hia
farm. Many of lha animals escaped from
time to time and took refuge In ths tim
ber. ' As the years went by their numbers
increased until now It Is estimated about
SOO jt ed of deer run wild In that section
of " state. The damage these roaming
herds do Is Immense. Once a herd of fifty
deer get Into a cornfield there la little
or aoihlng of tha eorn left when they
get .through, Fenoes prove no obstacle,
Vrof. Phillip
May Take Place
Member of Faculty of University of
Nebraska Considers Place Offered
by Government.
(From a fluff Correspondent.)
WASHINGTON, Feb. 12.-(8peclal TeJe-gram.)-Prof.
F. N. Phillip of the Unlver
aity of Nebraaka haa betn tendered an ap
pointment as an Indian forester at t3.SO0
per yew. Mr. Phillip, who haa been In
Washington several daye conferring with
tha commissioner of Indian affairs regard
ing the matter, left today for home with
tha request that the ofrer be held open a
few daya until ha could conault with tha
regents of the university. It la understood
Prof. Phillip la Inclined to accent tha
tendered position.
The comptroller of the currency haa ap
proved applications to organize national
banks aa follows:
The First National bank of Shannon
City, la,, with $26,000 capital, by M. I. Rob
erts. E. T. Dufur, Frank Wolfe. S. M.
Tennis and Ben L. Clark; the Home Na
tional bank of Dell Raplda. S. D., with
160,000 capital, by B. R, Keneflck, W. C.
Nlsbet, P. 8. Gordon, O. R. Krauaa and
R. Burke.
The United States National bank of
Omaha has been approved as reserve agent
for the First National of Missoula, Mont.
Rural carriers have been appointed as
Nebraska Carleton, route 2, Milton B.
Frank carrier, J. R Fetter substitute; Lin
coln, route 7, Milton T. Harris carrier,
Laura Harris substitute; McLean, route
1. Conrad A. Boehlor carrier, no substitute;
Newcastle, ' route 4, Albert M. Nelson car
rier, no aubatltute; Norfolk, route 1, Hor
ace P. Gray carrier, Warren Penny aub
stltute. -
Iowa Bedford, route 5, R. Q. Melvln car
rier. Bertha M. Melvln substitute; Con
way, route 1, Norman L. Carmlchael car
rier, Ethel Carmlchael substitute; Laurens,
route S, W. H. Bartley carrier, no aubatl
tute; McClelland, route t Clyde W. Ellis
rrrir. tin uhtltnt- Mintmrn, ro! S,
W. A. Clement carrier, no substitute; State
Center, route 8, W. B. Shepard carrier, no
South Dakota Elk Point, route S, Byron
F. Smytho carrier, no substitute.
Nebraska postmasters appointed: Malmo,
Saunders county, Edith Isaacson, vice A.
M. Holmes, resigned; Smyrna, Nuckolls
county,- Fi J-. Jones, vice O. B.B tut halt.
Reports of Badness Conditions Are
Somewhat Cos
fllctlBg. NEW YORK, Feb. 12. R. 3. Dun'a
Weekly Review of Trade today says:
Reports of trade conditions are some
what conflicting. While much activity
still prevails in the finished branches of
Iron and steel the dullness In pig Iron Is
beoomlng more pronounced.
Many buyera are in the dry gooda mar
kets, but their operations are generally
conservative, although steady. Jobbers
are- doing almost an average aeaaon'a
trade, but have fallen ahort of expecta
tions of great activity. Large corpora
tions are aeeking a full business and have
made close prices with that end la view.
The shoe market is a watting one. 8lnce
the departure of buyers from tha Boston
market new contracts have been lnfre
juent, although-manufacturers look for
larger orders at any time. The market on
all varieties of -domestic -hides is very
Qalet Undertone Prevlonsly Noted Is
. Maintained.
NEW YORK, Feb,-1-Bredstreet's today
Trade malntalna the quiet undertone pre
viously noted and not , unusual, by the
way, at this season ot the year, when
buyera are gathering at leading marketa
in preparation for the opening of the
spring campaign. In the northwest, south
west, the south and on the Pacific cost
reporta are etill highly optimistic and lib
eral buying for aprlng la noted.
In the lumber trade for export, southern
reporta are of unsatisfactory conditions,
but from the Pacific coast lumber trade
come reports of business being the best
siuce 1507. Good, reports as to the shoe
trade and that in rubber gooda come from
tha west generally. Fears of a coal strike
in the bituminous .regions have led to
heavy buying by railroads and manufac
turers. Business failures In the United States
for the week ending with Februavy 10
were 249, against 232 last -week, 211 In the
like week of 109, 324 in 1907. 204 In 1907
and 208 In 1906. Bualnesa failures in Canada
for the week numbered thirty-nine, whloli
comparee with thirty last week and twenty
nine for the same week last year.
Wheat, including flour, exporta from the
United Statea and Canada tor the week
ending February 10 aggregated 2,408,003
bushels, against 2.465,G3S bushels last week
and 2.070.764 bushels this wexk last year.
For the thirty-two weeks ending February
10 exports are 103,61,7,041 bushels, against
130.910, 159 bushels In the same period last
Com exports for the week are 1.133,908
bushels, against 1,240.S0 bushels last week
and 1.2fl.34 bushels in 1S09. For thirty
two weeks ending February 10 eorn exporta
are 8.4j6.T81 bushels, against U.OOS.US bush
els . last year.
Cattle Ptaaxna Discovered ta Yards
f MantclBal Slaohter Hoaaa
la Berlin.
BERLIN, Feb. 12 The hoof and mouth
disease haa been discovered among the cat
tle In the stock yards attached 'to the
municipal slaughter house. It is supposed
to have ' been ' brought from Pomerania,
Prussia, All cattle arriving today were
subjected to a rigid examination.
as the deer Jiuap over a si or eight-foot
fence with tha greatest ease.
Tha damage by deer this winter haa
been unusually large. When the cold
weather set In there was muoh corn in
ths fields and In some sections farmers
complain that these roving herds have
eaten it all.. Ths farmer is without pro
tection, as under the laws of Iowa ha
dare not shoot a deer. All he can do Is
to chase tha marauding animals away,
and as soon aa bis back Is turned they
are in his cornfield sgaln. They ars too
wary and fleet of foot to be rausht and
their -numbers increase steadily.
Young orchard are practically laid
waste by them If they succeed In getting
In. At one farm where Mr. Oronaweg
visited during his trip the owner showed
him a peach orchard mhch had been en
tirely devastated, tbe . dear eating tha
young treea. -
"I am of ths opinion," aald. Mr. Orona
weg last night, "that tt would be beat
to construct a big corral somewhere bear
ths timber and thea erganise the farmers
of that section and drive the animals Into
the enclosure. I came across one herd
of about fifty across the line In Shelby
county, but did not gat close, as they took
to the timber."
State Oame Wardeo Lincoln Is expected
horn next week
Senator Bays it is Not Canse of Hija
Prices for Food.
Greatest Rtea Is la Items Free
List or on Articles oa WklcSj
Duties Have Beea Re
duced. NEW YORK. Feb. It. Senator Road
Smoot of Utah, republican, has1 heard from
democratic sources that pos3lbly the Payne
tariff bill recently enacted might have
something to do alth the advanced cost
of living. He disputed it Indignantly last
night at tha banquet of the 8ilk associa
tion with a defenaa of protection In gen
eral. '
"The tariff bill passed at tha last anssion
of congress," said Senator Smoot, "Is he
best tariff measure ever enacted Into law.
"In America we live In better houses, we
sleep In better beds, we eat mors and better
foods, we wear warmer and belter elodiiig,
our children attend better schools, w- en
joy more of the comforts of life :hn any
other people In any other country on the
I take It we ars all alike Interested In
the general prosperity of the nation. We
are all alike desirous of 'so safeguarding
our Industries aa to Insure our prosperity.
We have such a safeguard and we call It
"I deny that the tariff act of 1900 Is tha
cauee of the advance In the coat of living.
The greatest advances have been upon
articles on the free list, or upon which the
duties were decreased, or upon which no
advance waa made over the Dlngley rate.
It Is also noticabla that the extreme ad
vances are upon the products of the farms;
kyet the advance received by the farmers
id Insignificant in comparison With tha In
crease paid by the consumers."
Investigation, said Senator Smoot, has
shown that there Is an increase of from
200 to 800 per cent m the price paid by the
ultimate consumer over the cost of manu
facture of many Imported - and domestlo
9rtlc!s. "SfrnethiTi U wrnnf." ha aald.
"In a system of distribution which will al
low such resulta 1 '
"Prices are advancing all over tha world.
In free trade countries as well at In pro
tection, countries. The supply has not kept
up to the demand.".
Representative Phillip Pitt Campbell ot
Kansas supported Senator Smoot In his de
fense of the tariff, and added:
"Ifls said that prioes of farm and food
products are high. They are1 high. That is
one of two things that makes ours the best
market In the world. The other factor la a
high standard of wages for American work
men." " '
fifty Lar arret Postofflees Show Bis;
Gains In Receipts.
WASHINGTON, .Feb. U An unusually
heavy Increase is reported at fifty of ths
largest postofflees of tha country during
the. month of January, .Forty-nine of the
fifty offices reported an Inoreasa in. re
ceipts as compared with the correspond
ing, month of last year. -;
The Increases varied from' 1.72 per cent
at Dayton, O., to 2T.S1 per cent at Hart
ford, Conn. . ;
The five postofflees showing the great
eat percentage of Increase In receipts over
January of last year Were Hartford, Conn.,
Springfield, Mass., Portland, Ore., Denver,
Colo., and Chicago, III.
The general Increase over the same per
iod of last year Is 11.27 per cent This Is
taken as evidence of a decided Improve
ment In business conditions throughout
the country.
King's Speech Oatllned at Adjourned
' Meettna; of Minis-
LONDON, Feb. 12. Ths terms of ths
king's speech with which the. new Parlia
ment will be opened wera finally agreed
upon at. today's adjourned meeting of the
cabinet. Subsequently the minister dis
persed, several going to the country for
the week-end, so there will be' ho further
conferences before Monday.-
According to an authorised ' statement
given out tonight the cabinet council ar
rived at an absolutely unanimous -decision
on the course of procedure early in the
week. This statement was the outcome
ot numerous rumors of serious cleavage
among tha ministers regarding tha policy
to be followed.
It Is confirmed that after tha passage
ot tha budget a bill limiting the veto of
the lords will be announced as tha chief
legislative work of the year.
It ia understood that Premier Aaqulth
has completed hla cabinet appointments
and only awaits the king's approval to
publish them. Mr. Asqulth will have an
audience with his majesty Monday after
King Edward's return from Brighton.
Redmond Can see Flatter.
The speech of John F. Redmond at the
banquet of the United Irish league In
Dublin last night has caused consider
able fluttering in the liberal press and
party. He Is gently reproved by ths mod
erate section of the press for what Is de
clared to be an attitude calculated seri
ously to embarrass tha government, but
Is warmly praised by the radicals, who
have been urging the ministers to adopt
a stern and vigorous policy towards tha
House of Lords. Mr.. Redmond has re
ceived a Joint telegram signed by three
radical journals, the Nation, the Dally
News and ths Morning Leader. Ths mes
sage says:
"Congratulatlona to you on your mag
nificent atand. The whole fighting fores
of liberalism is behind you."
It Is almost universally agreed that Mr.
Redmond has beet driven to take ths
present step by pressure from tha new
O'Brlenlte party, whose bond of union Is
a hearty dislike of the budget The liberal
editorials remind Mr. Redmond that though
he undoubtedly ean overthrow tha govern
ment Is not likely to gain much by auoh
a course. ' .
Unionists Profess Hops.
Some of the unionist newspapers, notably
the Glasgow Herald, see the possibility
of a bargain wHh the government to get
rid of obnoxious parts of the budget.
They argus that the gnlonlata might sup
port tha government, abould the Irish
member vote against the budget, on the
condition that its objectionable features
be eliminated from the following year's
budget ;
Alrsbtlps and Urasckt Boaters, .
RAPID CITY. 8. D.. Feb. 12. -(Special.)
Preparations for tha celebration to be held
In Rapid City In April during the annual
meeting of the Western South Dakota
Stork Growers association ars now being
mada Ths Business Men's club is In cor
respondence with flying machine men and
an aeroplane flying exhibition will probably
be added to tha usual attractions of
broncho busting and other cowboy fea
tures. A Snooting Scrap
with both parties wounded, demands Burk
len's Arnica Salve. Heals wounds, sores,
burns or Injuries, too. For sals by Bea
ton Drug Co.
Verdict Against
Laura Biggar
lira. Charlei C. Hendrick of Brooklyn
ii Given Judgment for $75,000
in Alienation Suit.
NKW YORK, Feb. 12.-.A verdict of
ITS. 000, said to be the largest sver ren
dered In sn alienation suit, was awarded
today to Mrs. Charlea C. Hendrlek of
Brooklyn against Laura - Blggar, ths
former .actress, accused of alienating tha
affections of Mrs. Hendrlck's divorced
hrnband. Dr. Charles C. Hendrick. Mrs.
Hendrick sued for $100,000.
Neither the defendant, who Is said to
be In California, nor "Dr. Hendrick ap
pesred at the trial, b"u er represented
by counsel. Both were Indicted several
years ago for conspiracy In a sensational
contest to win control of the $1,000,000
estate of Henry M. Bennett a Pittsburg
theatrical manager. Mrs. Blsrgar was ac
quitted and Dr. Hendrick convicted, but
he later aeoured a new trial o'nd was
freed. '
Mrs. Hendrick then secured a divorce,
naming Iurn
i " 1
Gaynor Plans
Double Duty
Kumor - that New, York Mayor Will
Assume Duties of Police
NEW YORK. Feb. 12. Mayor Gaynor
msy abolish the office ot police commis
sioner In New York and assume the duties
himself, It was rumored today. The rumor
was given color by the fact that Commis
sioner Baker had left on a ten days' vaca
tion and by the mayor'a refusal to discuss
Piker's rumored removal or resignation,
Mr. Gaynor ending an Interview with the
"How would I do for commissioner my
self?" If Baker returns, tt Is said, he will be
only & fljjlirehead.'
Sale of Table Backs.
HARLAN, Ia., Feb. 12. -(Special.)-W.
W. Wheeler, the famous Hereford breeder
of this city, held a dispersion sale of table-backed
-. Herefords yesterday. Many
buyers were present from nearby wtates.
Forty-seven lots wars sold for tt,696, an
average of 112.66 per head. Thirty fe
males sold at an average of 1140.32 -and
sixteen . bulls went for an average of
IH8.M each. Imperial Quince was the
highest priced individual of the sale and
went to Henry, Strampe, Paulllna, Ia., for
$330. .
. Ths principal buyers of the sale wera:
Henry Strampe, Paulllna, Ia., who pur
chased -seven lots at I1.3S6; B. W.
Kreuaehe, ' Mount' Vernon, -la., seven lots-
for $680; P. H. Young, Valentine, Neb.,
six lots for $640, and John Buohtela, Cen
tral City, Ia., three lots at $400.
IDdwaurds Haider Arrst.
CRESTON, Ia., Feb. 12. Special. )
Sheriff Mason last night brought Thomas
Cayteyl, alias Thomas Edwards, who
CateyL alias Thomas . Edwards, . who
shot J-jV.Credan, .the operator at Afton
son found hla man at .the. home of a
friend In Arlsp'le. Tha operator who was
Shot was brought here' also last night to
Coakley hospital, when his wound 1 con
sidered serious. He told the hospital au
thorities ' that his first quarrel with Ed
wards occurred about three months ago
and since then rhey bad not spoken; that
Wednesday night whan Edwards, cams
Into' the depot at the Junction he began
filing before a word had been spoken.
- Iowa News Notes. -,
HARLAN Mrs. Julia Olsen, mother of
Mrs. Ras Anderson of Douglas townsrNp,
died at the home of her daughter yester
day. . CRESTON Ths drug firm of Foster &
Co. of this city has dissolved partnership
Bert Tidball of the Birm retires to remove
to San Diego, Cai.
LENOX Stephen Nicola, a farmer, while
returning to hla home from Lennox, waa
thrown- from his wagon by a team of un
manageable horses, striking his nead on
the Ice and receiving serious injuries.
CRESTON A large delegation of Creston
Woodmen went to Charttoo. last night
where they assisted the sister lodge In a
big Initiation and banquet The Creston
team conducted tha teamwork for the in
NEVADA Allewlng thkt his arrest was
caused by a malicious desire to cause him
degradation and trouble. Frank Matson of
near Woodward has brought suit for
$6,M0 In ' the district court against Ueorge
Learning of thla city.
DIAGONAL Henry Todd, postmaster at
Diagonal tor the last fifteen years, Is dead
at his home hers. He was one of King
gold's pioneer residents and a former
county treasurer, lie was 78 yean of age
and Is survived by a large family.
HARLAN Jerry 8. Green of Marshall
town, la.; commissioned lecturer of Iowa
on Odd Fellowship, lectured at the Odd
Fellows' hall to the members of the order
and their friends last night. His subject
was "The' History of Odd Fellowship."
EDDYVILLE Walter Dutton died yes
terday morning from wounds received In
soma unknown manner. He waa found at
midnight lying in an unconscious condition
in the yards of the Iowa Central railroad,
under an overhead bridge. There is sus
picion of foul play. J
HARLAN Local churches have engaged
Evangelist Lyon of Chicago to hold revival
meetings here in May. A tabernacle will be
erected for the meetings and they will be
Condueted on a large scale. Committees
have been appointed and the preliminary
work for tha mee rings is being dona .
HARLAN H. H. Leucke, a prominent
business man, had one of his arms burned
yesterday morning. A quantity of boiling
water was spilled on his arm and It waa
M mA In i V, a w that Ih alrlM atunW
to his oiothlng when removed. A physlolaiyf
was called and dressed the wound and hd
is getting aiong nneiy.
HARLAN C. A. Rasmussen, one of the
well known Duroo-Jersey breeders ot west
ern Iowa, held Ma annual sale of thorough
bred hogs at his farm in Jackson township
yesterday. Forty-six head sold for tl.JU.M),
making ths average $44. A. J. Menatleld of
Adair, la., got the top at 6X and Chris
Mattsen, a neighbor, the second at 262.
PORTSMOUTH Today Mr. and Mrs.
Henry quick celebrated the fifty-fifth an
niversary of their wedding day. There
were forty -three guests present. Among
them were four children. Mrs. Anna Rasse,
Edward Quick of Portsmouth, la.) William
ot Irwin, ia.; Albert of Irwin, Ia., and Eb
eneser of Omaha Among the guests were
thirteen grandohlldren.
OLENWOOD The dry goods stors .of D.
O. Jamison and the drug store ot John
McCluskey were entered by burglars last
night At Jamison's dry goods and Jew
elry estimated to be of considerable value
waa taken. From the drug store loos
change. In the money drawer was all that
has been missed aa yet. No eluo to ths
thlnves has been secured,
MARSHALLTOWN Cash prises and Im
plements and merchandise aggregating
more than $1,000 were awarded this after
neon to the owners of the corn that won
prises lh the annual corn show held here
this week in connection with the third
annual Cemral Iowa Short eourse. The
winners were: E. B. Ulenney ot Union,
Fred MoCullork of Hartwlck and O. K.
Btaklend of Dunbar. The pri so-winning
orn is the property of the short course
and will ba sold at public auction. ,
IOWA FALLS The committee of ten ap
pointed to devise wsys and 'means of re
viving commercial interest In ths city's
welfare held a meeting Wednesday night
and formulated a report to the mass meet
ing to be held at the r(nlghts of Pythias
hall next Wednesday evening. It Is then
proposed to form an organisation that will
'do things" for the material advancement
Of Iowa- Falls. There Is a united effort
being made to back up such an organiza
tion by hearty eo-operation and much good
is exncied as a result of the new or
organisaU'xs's .activities 'along these lines.
Suspected ' Blackhander . Landed
Through Officers Here.
Letter to Banker of Geneva, N. Y(
Makes Threat to Bora Ho as
Unless, Hosiy - Is Forth
coming. Masseo Pasquale, an Italian now under
arrest at Denver on the charge of being
a member of the Black Hand organisation
which flourishes tn the east, la said to have
been In Omaha about two weeks ago and
to have gone from this city -to Penver,
where he has been arrested by the post
office authorities.
Pasquale Is said to have threatened ' a
leading Italian banker of Geneva, N. Y-,
with death if the banker did not give him
money. Pasquale succeeded in getting con
siderable cash In thla manner from his
victim. Coming west he sought to organize
several ganga to work along the same lines
as ths Black Hand people work In' the
east Ha continued to call on the Geneva
banker for funds, but the polloe of Geneva
traced him to Omaha and notified the local
police department to look out for the man.
Whe he was here it ia aald he had the
name of Mariano 'Stefano Falucar. He waa
waiting for the letter which he had directed
aent in care of a well known Italian of
Omaha. A letter was received at the Omaha
poetofflce for the man, but It waa regis
tered and he failed to call for It. Getting
word In some war that tbe detectives were
after him, he left the city, probably going
to Denver.
Tha letter he wrote to ths Geneva banker
was aa folio we:
"Dearest Friend: I wrote you a letter to
send me 10 and did not hear from you.
I recommend you Immediately send ms 1100.
I know that you should do so. You must
not say anything about this to anyone. . If
you do your house will go up in smoke.
Put It In the envelope I enclose and send
tt with a 2-cent stamp. You understand
you must send It and no harm will coma
to you. Bay nothing to anyone. It you do
you will die Immediately. ' v
Detectives Paitullo and Davis, ot the
Omaha polios department were detailed to
work on th case when tha matter was
under investigation here. They gave, the
seat free ap rsqaeet. .... jT f
Schmoller fi Mueller Pfano
rii;w ' ...vilv.a jp.iaw fo B.uiay .
' iaos ia aissi:aa. . ,- '
Sugar Magnate Makes
Plea of "Immunity Bath"
NEW YORK, Feb. U-To show that his
claimed "Immunity 'bath" had been a com
plete process, Charles R. Helke, secretary
nf tha American Rtia-ar Relnins- rnmnany.
appeared again Friday before the United
Btatea circuit court in the continuation ot
the trial of hla special plea to augar under
weighing conaplracy charges.
Th case Is an absolute novelty In the
federal courts, being only approximately
paralleled by the "beef trust" Immunity
case In Chicago. Helke claim amnesty on
the conspiracy charge because he testified
before a grand Jury regarding matters
covered In tha Indictment against him.
Th prosecution disputes this and tha trial
on the lssuea of fact preaented la taking
place before Judge Martin and a Jury. . Fed
eral Prosecutor Btimaon declares that If
Helke's contention is not upheld he will
move for sentence on. the conaplracy charge
on th ground that a plea of Immunity la
a confession of guilt.
Helke was on the atand as first witness
when adjournment waa taken yesterday
and was recalled when court opened today,
Artistic Tailor Made Shirt Waists
It affords me much pleasure In announcing to the Omaha ladles,
the opening of a SHIRT WAIST MAKING PARIX)J.l at. Room 404,,.
Webster-Sunderland Building, 1614 Howard Street.
I have many years of. experience with the best New York Waist
bouses and guarantee satisfaction. Every order will be finished with
credit to myself and satisfaction to the wearer. '
I solicit your patronage, ',
Artistic Shirt
Tire Steinway Pi
has a repuUticm founded
recorded jndgnetvt of the w
greatest artists of two generation, i
tbe combined opinion of the anoet emi
nent musical and scientific experta.
That these famous pianos occupy tbe
highest place in the musical world for
quality and volume of tone, subtlety of
touch, mechanism, durability everything
requisite to tbe perfect piano, is best attested
by the fact that In every capital and court of
the world, in famous concert halls, In more than
100,000 homes, In luxurious yachta and nearly all of
, the great steamships will be found
The Verterrand is tbe latest development ia Steinway con
In this piano a result bos been achieved which
all ths superior attributes of a Steinway grand piano in a
compact vertical form, suitable to tbe
limited dimension of modern drawing
rooms and boudoirs.
Prominent musiciasa who bars tested
the Vertegraud have uaamsoottsly pro
nounced it tU greatest achievement that
has ever come to their notice. An inspec
tion will readily prove our claim. .
Owing to the simplicity of its design and
construction, we oaa offer the Vertegrand -to
the public at tbe lowest price at which
new Steinway piano could be purchased
in tbe last thirty-rive years, 1
Time payments acceptable. -
' fU. i..4Mwi IHmImM MlatMM
postof flee inspectors ' valuable Information,
which aided materially In their being able
to locate the 'Italian In Denver. ' Stefano
was arrested' In Denver by Henry E.
Randell, poatofflc Inspector for th Omaha
division. .
It la th opinion of detectives and In
spectors that Stefano is a leading momber
of ths Black Hand organization In ths east
and hia arrest is deemed of importance.
Unlqae'-Allcnatldn Salt Rosses In
, tereet af Poblle at . Clear
Lake, 8, D.
MITCHELL, S. t:. Feb. 11 -(Special.)-
An Interesting case has been oh trial at
Clear Lake in Duell county for the laat
week, which had to do with ths aliena
tion of the affections of Joseph Williams
from his wife through the instrumentality
of the father-in-law, J. W. Williams. 8h
brought suit sgsinst har father-in-law
last fall at the same tlm that her hus
band started divorce proceedings against
her, which she alleges was done through
th Instigation of th old gentleman. Bha
demanded $20,000 damages for the aliena
tion. Before her marriage to th son Mrs.
Williams was a professional nurse and
was called In a professional capacity to
nurse the mother of ths man she later
married. After marrlag th ' old people
gave up their horn at Waterloo, Ia., and
moved to Clear Lake, and the family of
four lived together, although not under
pleasant circumstance after th first few
years. The break In th family relations
occurred when - a. nleo -cam up from
Bloux City to Join the family and who waa
in very poor health.: Mrs. Williams left
and returned to Waterloo, and in. the
meantime th niece and the mother-in-law
passed away. On th return of th daughter-in-law
last August th difference waa
patched, up with th husband, and It waa
than that th father-in-law commenced to
cause the disturbance between husband
and wife.'
During tha week that ths trial was on
the court house was crowded to the limit
by the women of the town and surround
ing country, all of whom took a deep In
terest In tha case, many of them taking
their dinner to the court house In order to
hold their advantageoua positions secured
tn the early -morning. This Jury late last
night brought In a verdict awarding Mrs.
Williams $16,000 damages. Mr. Williams
is a man 76 years eld and la said to bs
well off, owning much property In Water
Ths letter which the late H. O. . Have
rnyer, then president 6f th American Sugar
Refining company, wrote to Secretary of
the Treasury Cortelyou offering th serv
ices oty th company 1n ths government's
ln eetlgation was admitted as evidence.
The letter. In substancs, stated ths American
Sugar Refining company had Just learned
of th charges . that avldenc . of under
weighing had been discovered and that th
government was investigating. "The gov
ernment cannot be more anxious to get at
th truth than I th company," th letter
read.. Then It went on with , en offer of
books and records and svery assist anoe In
the x Investigation, "bscaua there was no
deslr to shield any employ who might b
found guilty of doing wrong."
It Vvas stated further that th company
was ready to co-operate with th govern
n-ent In the Investigation of alleged frauds.
In any event tbe company proposed to con
duct an Investigation on" tta own part and
promised that the resulta would be as full
a revelation of the truth as th government
could find Itself. ', ;.
Waist Maker
no -on
the jT t v
orld't L ,
Ministsi a-
loo, th Income from which amounts ie
$160 per month.
Law Enforcement
Officials Fined
Members of League in St. Paul Crit
; Iciie Grand Jury in Petition
to Court.
ST. PAUL. Minn., Feb. 11 Dr. C. W.
Young, and Prof. J. A. . Vy. officers of
the Law .Enforcement league, have bcn
fined S0 or given th alternative of Serv
ing five days In Jail, In the district court,
for crltlolslng a grand Jury for failure t
return Indictments against alleged viola
tore of the Sunday liquor law. Th criti
cism waa contained In a petition to th
court aaking that the cases be re-submitted
to the grand Jury, alleging that ths grand
Jury failed to return Indictments although
th evidence wss conclusive. - A subsequent
grand Jury returned indictments In the
cases cited. Dr. Young and Prof. Vy
will appeal to th supreme court.
f'!l',!fHW ' ' )..u 'JWU' . iU!.".""SI.
Discount Salt?
In Ocr HisbGr8wr.!mt,
: and women1! Shoes
Monday will be tha big day
in our Misses' arid Children's
IB per cent discount pale.
Every shoe well vorth our
original price and the biggest
bargain ever offered at this
'25 discount sale. Come
' while we can fit you perfectly.
4.60 tan high out ' mm
button, Monday, at -)tfsel
.$3.60 misses' tan high cut -,
button Monday, jj
$3 patent and dull leathers.
Misses'; Monday, " 2
$2.50 misses dull patent and
kid leathers, Mon
day, at ..........
$2.00 . mlBses' . kid ,
laoe, Monday,
,$1.50 misses', and. children's
kid lace, Monday,
at ............ ,
$1.36 children's dult and kid
d kid
leathers, Monday,
We have taken, i 00 pairs
of misses' and young women's
slies (broken lotsY and divid
ed them into two lota at
50c ard 01.00
Per Pair.
Brexel Slide Co.,
:H19 rarnam St.
SCars's th prr old laborla sua
Waosa wages are paid by the hoarl
Vow ta the world weald he ealse
.Ml wasn't for Updike's flourf
, 111 North Uth Bt. South Omaha.
( An order on Her Grocer for a
24 lb. Sack of "Pride of Omaha"
Flour to Every Woman
who malls us a verse of four to sic lines
(which we uss for advertising) about
Pride of Omaha" Flour.
Updiko r..i!!ing Co.
181 Sherman Av., Omaha, Msa,