Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 13, 1910, NEWS SECTION, Page 4, Image 4

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    fllE OMAHA" SUNfiAY BEE: FEBRUARY 13, 1910.
Little Shippen Say if Cut it Will Only
Aid Centralism.
National Amecletlen of Creamery Bat
tfrmikm Fiends teat Pramt
Freight hedaleo Be Nat '
Red need fcy Coeasnleslnm.
A hew clement ha been Injected Into th
hearing before Special Examiner George N.
Brown of the Interstate Commerce com
mission bjr the National Association of
Creamery Rutter Maker as Intervenor, In
which It auk that the rates now prevail
ing; east of Chicago be not disturbed,
contrary to the petition of the traffic bu
reau of the Omaha Commercial club, ask
ing; a lower through and car lot rata from
Omaha to the Atlantic seaboard. .
S. B. Shilling of Chicago. eretary of
the National ' Association ' of Creamery
Buttermakers was tba first witness In be
half of the lntervenors. He held that It
the rate asked la given the centralists or
big creameries or carlot shippers, the
mailer shippers wfll be driven out of bust
nena, and further, If the present rates are
disturbed It will seriously disturb the busi
ness of the butter and egg shippers. .He
maintained that If the carlot rata waa re
duced then the less-than-car-rate should ba
correspondingly reduced and unless this
waa dona his association would antagonise
the proposed reduction of the carlot and
through rate,
H. R. Wright, state dairy commissioner
of Iow'a. sided with (ha Interveners and
held that the bulk of the butter going to
the eastern markets waa mad by the
small buttermakers and that a reduction
of the prevailing rates would ba a detri
ment to the smaller creameries and he was
prepared to object to the proposed rate
' reduction unless it also applied to the
smaller shippers. The large centralizing
stations or plants, he held, had greatly ex
panded under the present rates, and he
contended there' was no good reason for a
reduction of ' these rates, aVid under the
prevailing rates the big oentrallsers had
waxed aud grown ai. Ha livid, fuiluwi,
that the present rates and railroad service
wag satisfactory to the smaller shippers
and he hoped to see It continue that way.
President J. J. Farrcl of Carver, Minn.,
of the National Creamery and Buttermilk
rs association, also opposed the proposed
reduotlon of the through and carlot rata,
a It meant but another step In centralisa
tion. ' ' '
E. J. McVann was recalled 'for a brief
cross-examination by J. E.Kelby of the
He admitted that the packera, member
of the Commercial club, protested verbally
against the 'use of the name of the Com
mercial club In a auit like this one, which
might reflect upon them.' The packera had
not been asked, except In a joking way,
to Join In this complaint, but they were
not formally asked to Join In It He did
'not know Why they did not join in the
complaint, but ' it wu evidently because
they had not been asked. -
With the conclusion of the cross-examlna.
tlon of Mr. McVann, the complainants
' rested their case' '' v- '
The first witness for the defense was
D. A. Dawson of Chicago, " superintendent
of the Star Union Line".'' His testimony was
'in effect that no complaint had been filed
' to his knowledge regarding the carload
'rate from Chicago to eastern points. Ha
explained at some length the ' relation of
the carload and less than carload meth
ods of transportation, showing that the
less than carload rates were generally more
profitable to the transportation' companies,
because the tonnage per car was gseater,
a a result - of the combination of ship
ments, which in the aggregate exceeded
the carlot minimum of 20,009 pounds from
4,009 to 6,006. ,-..! -
R, C. Ford of Chicago, trafflo manager
of the Illinois Central, testified along simi
tar lines, particularly as relating to In
tervening shipments over the Illinois line
between Omaha and Chicago and other
western and north western - point.
The hearing will be concluded this after
noon, when the case will be taken under
advisement ' by the Interstate Commerce
commission, with which the litigants will
be required to file records and briefs for
the final adjudication . of the case.
Several minor- cases for reparation for
alleged excessive charges for freight are
yet to be heard by Examiner Brown and
the commission probably will not conclude
Its work before Tuesday.
' rrr . 1 i
. .-ooody i. too out
to learn that the sure way to curs a cough
or cold Is with Dr. King's New Discovery.
60c and $1.00. For sal by Beaton Drug Co.
a.UTSis.tiJi vr uubjlbt h x " "HSTr a.
' Port. ' Arrlnd. . Balled. '
MADKRIA Celtic ,
NAPLUa Lculo
CKNCA Aneon.i
BAN FRANCISCO.. Ail Jtrtfon.
Tba Distinguishing Feature of
Ozomulslon. la Its CURATIVE
QUALITY, Which All Other
emulsions Lack.
Indicate lost' Blood Tone Impaired
Vitality Lack of Healthful Vigor,
Blood Color is Blood Vigor. Ozomul
slon makes Blood, Builds Bone and
Brings back the color to the. Pale
In What Way?
By feeding a system which cannot
be nourished by ordinary food. Oio
mulsion la Food and Medicine Com
bined. Your first bottle will be your first
step on the road to health. It has
helped thousands of others, and it will
help you.
Ozomulslon is known, recommended
and sold by worthy druggists every,
where in 16 pa. aud 9 oi., bottles.
Always ask for Ozomulslon by name
That all may experience for them
selves what this exclusive preparation
will do, a 3 os. Trial bottle will be
seat by mail to all who send their ad
dress, by postcard or latter, to the Qzo-
suisiou Co., 648 I'eari St., New York
Little Child
Comes Alone
from Denmark
tfin-Year-01d Girl Makes the Trip
from Copenhagen to
Fl-otn Copenhagen, Denmark, to Fort
Crook, without father or mother, guardian
or friend. Is the trip that has just been
mart by a S-year-old girl,, Nielsen Rehm.
The youthful traveler reached the Bur
lington station, at S:40 o'clock Saturday
morning and was met by J. E. Jacks, the
Burlington agent at Fbrt Crook. 'Her
father I a member of the band at the
military post ' and she has come to Ne
braska to live..
Not only did the child make the trip
unattended, but she waa not even placarded
a hioet juvenile travelers are when atone.
Bhe .does not even speak the English
language. ' '
Front Copenhagen, the little girl took the
steamship Astor II to Philadelphia Of
ficial of the Pennsylvania railroad were
notified of her arrival and the Child was
seen safe In Chicago, where the Burlington
men took her in charge.
The child stood the trip exceedingly well
and was bright and happy upon her arrival
in Omaha.
G. B. Harris Just
A Plain Passenger
Former President of - Burlinarton
. Travels as One and Wants to ;
Be Known Thus. .
George, B. Harris, who recently retired
as . president of the Burlington Route,
pow travel as an ordinary passehger. Sat
urday morning be passed through . Omaha
eA rout fr6m Chicago to Lincoln, traveling
In a sleeping car Instead of In hi private
Pullman palaoe of former days.
"I'm juai an ordinary passenger now,"
he said to tha station men at the Burling
ton depot, when he alighted from his train
to get a whiff of fresh air and to greet
soma of the. employes.
"Don't call me 'president,' either;' he
said . with a smile, as one of tha men
grasped his hand and addressed him' with
the big title.- "I'm just Mr. Harris, now,
or, better stUl, Just Harris."
Heretofore when Mr. Harris - passed
through Omaha he rode In his own pri
vate car, which Is familiar to all Bur
lington men. . .. The fact that he came In
on an ordinary Pullman startled the sta
tion employes - and made them look twice
to believe their eyes.
Mr. Harris has gone to Lincoln to visit
hla, mother and . his sister, Mis Barah M.
"I'm not on an Inspection trip of any
kind now," he said. "I'm not working. I'm
just putting In some good licks at the visit
ing game."
' enna----sn-an'
Wholesale Raid Made of Two Social
('labs Where Crap Shooting
.-' Waa Alleged..
Following a raid of the rooms of the
Independent and fecial club oyer th Fa ace
clothing store, 106 South Fourteenth street,
eighteen negroes are hald for trial at police
court on charges of gambling and being
Inmates of a gambling house. Detectives
Hsltfeld and Donohue dropped In while play
is alleged to have been in progress.
., The raid created quit a scene of excite
ment and the crowd that lined Fourteenth
street wa particularly Interested In whether
one of the men, who sought safety by
mean of the fir exit, would effeot his
escape. His flight, however, waa noticed
by m officer on the street, the detectives
Inside were warned and the man was cap
tured In a room on the second story.
After being- an hour in the statlort, Charles
E. -Coleman, president of the lub, went .as
uiety for the men's release until the hear
Ing. ' The charge against Frank Oolden of
Twenty-fifth and Grant streets 1 that of
being the keeper of the joint.
Several Orators Pay Trlhrit to Great
' ' If an at the Social Service
Leaaroe Meeting.
: Lincoln day observances were held under
the auspice of the Social Service league
at the Young Men's Christian association
Saturday noon. About seventy-five men
and women were present at the luncheon.
after which a program was carried out.
Tribute were paid the memory of Lin
coin by Judge A. L. Sutton, Lee 8. Eatell,
C. V. Manuel, superintendent of the State
Industrial School for Boys at Kearney;
Alexander J. Mclver-Tyndall and Joseph
F. Woolery of th high school staff.
Judge Button, who presided, stated that
hi initial, A. L., were for th name,
Abraham Lincoln, for he was named after
th martyred president
Superintendent Smith of the state pent'
tentlary, who was to hav addressed th
club, waa unable to be present
Merc nan ts Insist Tnejr Are Not
Overworking Any Minor
Manager of th large store of Omaha
aay thy are all complying with the recent
order of the deputy state labor commis
sioner in th matter of hour In which
girl and womsa are employed.
Hayden Bros, aay that long before the
order was Issued thy had atopped hiring
girl under IS year of age, and that they
were getting away from the It-year-olds
a fast a possible. The young women work
In shifts on Saturday so that those who
work until 10 p. m. do not work over ten
hours. .
J. L. Brands'. 4c Son hav a few girl
under IS, but none under 14 year, and
those between 14 and IS hav permission
from th truant of floor to work. . Satur
day the young women work In shifts so
that non wurki ovr ten hour, aooordlng
to th statement of th manager.
Fnneral Held te St. Philoniwnn'a
, Cknren wltfc Interment at Holy
Sepnlcher Cemetery.
Th funeral of th lute Patrick H. Carey
was held Saturday morning from the resi
dence, 421 South Eighteenth street, and the
Interment in th Holy Sepuloher cemetery
waa preceded by requiim high mass at St.
Phllomene'e Catholic church, of which
parish th deceased wi a prominent mem
ber. The celebrant was th Rev. J. W. Sten
son. parish priest. Th crowded churoh
testified to th high regard In which Mr.
Carey waa held and t'ne respect entertained
for hltn by th buslneaa community and his
fellow parishioners.
Th pallbearer were Charles E. Puray,
John Power. James MoShan. J, J. O'Con
nor, T. J, FltamoirUi and Andrew Murphy.
Young Darkey Firit Tries Filial De
votion and Then Piety.
Arthur Williams Fall ta Con-rlne
J a a are Rattan la Either Case
that He Is Telllac tha
Like many other men who talk well,
Arthur William talks too much. Or, so
Judfre Sutton told him In district court be
fore sentencing Williams," who Is colored,
te three years In th state penitentiary..
Brought again before the court, Wllltfcnis
abandoned the tale be told Judge Sutton
the other day about having stolen in order
to get home to his dying mother la South
Carolina. This he gave up in favor of
piety and devotion or profession thereof.
- "I ain't no burglar, judge,". Williams as
sured the onurt. "I knew I had done wront
when I wasn't successful tend X have been
praying for help every day since."
"If you had been 'successful, as you call
It, would you then have prayed every dayT"
Inquired the court with all gravity.
' Thi was a poser tar the little darkey. -"I
wouldn't have stole no more anyhow,"
he finally ventured. "I'd have got a Job,
and I'm going to get a job a soon as I
get out. All I asks Is that you show m
mercy." 1 ' -
"When you leave the penitentiary," said
the court In conclusion, " that you got
a Job. You 'have put up a pretty smooth
talk each time you hare been up here, and
a man who can talk a well a you do can
probably persuade some one to glv him
employment. 1 , , . .
"Bo far aa your praying I concerned, I
want to say thf to you: -
1 .Ilk te hear a man, profess religious
seal If he is sincere, but the trouble in
your oase Is that your word and act do
not square. Tou will hav to aery three
years. ,
Louts Wheaton escaped', lightly from an
infidelity charge In which Mrs. Wheaton
was the complaining . witness. Another
woman and a stealthy visit by police figure
In the case. Wheeton's wife and babies
have been meanwhile without, support, and
Mrs. Wheaton being ready to. forgive her
husband, the court paroled him.
Scientists Hear
Lincoln Address
Carl Herring Talks of Beligious Sig
nificance of life of MartyTcd
' President.
Carl IS. Herring delivered a ten-minute ad
dress on the spiritual significance of the
life and work of Abraham Lincoln at the
Christian Science service held Saturday
morning In Chamber' academy, "The na
tion has a divine heritage In the simple
tory of this slmpl man,".' aald Mr. Her
ring. "A man who can measure up to the
high ideal that Lincoln reached. Is worthy
indeed of study, and we may well b con
sldered In the light of what life ha to
teach of man as a spiritual creature.
"He stood among the' mountain peaks
and saw God not only as the. friend of the
free, but also of the oppressed. No mere
personality would warrant departure, from
our accustomed method of ''service, and no
one thing in him appeals to us, but all of
his great qualities bring home to our mind
the fact that history records no more sub
lime symbol of the divine mind than when
the shackles were stricken from the limbs
of the slaves." - ' '
Mr. Herring briefly analyzed the life of
the martyred president along th lines of
thought familiar to students of the work
of Mrs. Mary Baker Eddy.
Inspector of Welant and Meaenrea
Adda Prlae "Peck:'' Vessel to
"Those white folks are- just awful when
they want to be," said John Grant Pegg,
as he added to his collection three ax four
measure he placed on his list a "phony."
"Lpok at this thing that ha been mas
querading as a peck, measure," said th
city inspector, with a snort of. scorn. "It
has the necessary cubic Inches, but it Isn't
properly proportioned. Instead of giving
the buyer fifteen pounds of potatoes, It
only pans out twelve pounds. This half
peck measure is built on th eame Unea,
and Is bogus. And here's a quart can
quart nothing. It's a snare and a deceit
So It goes, and my collection of bad meas
ure and hot-air weight , la growing dally.
"Why do white folks want to fool each
other this a-way? Tou can't tell ma No,
neither can anyone else. That' a harder
question than, 'Why Is an Insurgent"" Talk
about confidence! Surely most women and
a few men have ooeans of it when they
will go on buying from these kind of Con
trivances, paying their good solid money
for space filled with air Instead of arti
cles." "Ha this something to do wtlh th high
cost of living?"
"Sure thing. Can't you see it has. Tou
go ahead and buy a peck of potatoes every
day and lose three pounds; then reckon up
how many peck you've paid for, but
haven't got. Tea, sir; it's just shameful the
way some white folk treat each other."
I (
Additional Snlta Filed on Bekalf of
School Bey and Two Den-re
Additional cases In Intervenor fbr a part
of th reward offered by the Union Pacific
Railroad company have been filed In th
United State circuit court Th suits are
brought by John Kubat a next friend of
Anton Kubat John Swoboda, John Pataoli
and Anton Patach, minora, for 110,000. Th
petition sets forth that these boys dis
covered part of the paraphernalia of the
Overland Limited train robbers near the
Brown Park school housa, which resulted
In the arrest of Woods, Torgensen and
Another suit Is brought by Patrick J.
Carr and Coleman Bell, policemen of Den
ver, for $10,000 for th capture of Lawrence
B. Golden and for Information obtained
through their arrest of Lillian Stephenson,
which not only led to th arrest of Golden,
but also gave the clue that led te the arrest
of BUI Matthews. ,
Golden and the woman, Lillian Stephen
son, were arrested in Penver.
Gold Tonrnament. r
TT'XEDO PARK. N. T.. Feb. ll.-In the
preilnunanen of tne gold racquet onam
plotiahlp tournament at the Tuxedo Rac
uuet and Tennis dub, whloh betraa yester
day, Harold F. McCormtck of Chlcaxn,
laat year winner, defeated George M.
Hecksher of New Tork In three tstralsht
sets. 1&-4. 15-11. U S. and Stanley U. Marti
ni fr, Jr.. of Tuxeilo 'defeated C. A Pike
of Chicago by default. McCnrmlck Vas
at N bent and Invincible. The preilm
lnarlMi nlil t continue-) tomorrow, fol
.lywed by the finals on -"
are Boot Frtnt It-
atadolpk r, abode - OL V, A.
BUT Meat natter Rdholm. Jeweler.
Lighting- nature - Burgeas-Orandsn Co.
1SSO -"rational Ufa Xnearaao Co. 1910
Charles K. Ady, General Agent, Omaha.
01a pet eent paid on savings account,
$1 to 16,000, by Nebraska Savings and
Loan association, 10S Board of Trad
building, MAS Farnam.
Beatrlo Miller Qoea to Firth W. T.
Miller, Who figured on locating hla flour
mill at Omaha to replace th mill which
wa burned at Beatrice, ha wired th
Commercial club that h ha decided to
buy the mills already In existence at Firth
and to enlarge them.
Frof. draff "till apeak Prof. E. U.
Graff, principal of the Omaha High achooi,
will address the Philosophical society Sun
day afternoon at I o'clock. In Barlght hall
on "The Nw Viewpoint In Education."
At i:30 o'olock the society will consider
resolution on the death of . the former
ptesldent, E. L. Emery.
Two Charge Against Ony Anderson
uuy Anaerson, already charged with areon,
la now Informed against In district court
on the charge of Smbesslement of 11800
from, the Nebraska Cotton Qlov company.
Anderson wa put tinder arrest a few
hour after the ' fir in th building on
Jackson street Bear Leavenworth,
.wood Knife Oeta HegTe la jreil Cuney
B. Connor, a colored gen'I'man dressed In
th latest fashion, In whose possession was
discovered a knife which, by the touoh of
a .spring,- could be mad to do duty aa a
stiletto, has gotten ten daya to moralise
over things mundane and otherwise. He
we arrested a , a susplolous character.
we Hew Zaoorporations "Ths tnl
srsph compajy," which will - conduct a
buslnee school. Is now' Incorporated for
10,000. The three at the head a .the com
pany are Jesse L. Cook, Charles Brandt
and Frances M, .Coivln. Th Sunderland
Roofing and Supply Company ha amended
its article, so that the title reads "Hi
ehldery and Supply." : !, . '..
xtnternlty Hoepltnl Bakes Palmed Oft
" . . . on Prond Dad ' In . Lo
Aaarelee. . .
. That she had provided home for mor
than 300 babies In Lo Angel, and that
until now none of the supposed "fathers"
had been any the wiser, was the startling
testimony of Mr. C. Et Smith, TJ7 Sunset
boulevard, who furnished Mra E.-W. Wil
son with four children, which the latter
tried to palm off on her husband aa quad
ruplet born to her. )
Mra Smith aald thin waa a favorlt
mean adopted by many prons, who
husbands wanted children, to escape the
care and sickness Incident to confinement.
Mrs. Smith's story waa told In th Investi
gation before Judge Wilbur regarding the
parentage of the four children which Mrs.
Wilson had admitted were not hers.
As a result of the Inquiry th conduct of
uoh maternity hospitals as that operated
bjr Mra Smith will be placed before the
present grand Jury for Investigation.
The evidence of W. W. Wilson, two phy
sician and a nurs brought out further
detalla of the hoax planned by Mr Wil
son. '
"Her Intense lov of children prompted
her to do It, I am convinced," testified Dr.
A. a. Pratt, who waS. called to the house
at tha time of th supposed birth. "I ar
rived at the house thirty minutes after the
supposed delivery. I found a highly ex
cited family, four babies and a much
amused nurse. Ther wa every indication
about the room that the babies had been
born there. , '
"Mrs,. Wilson told me the babies Had ar
rived at the house Just a few minute be
fore her husband came home and that he
Was satisfied they were his own children.
"Mrs. -Wilson said none of the children
in the house wa her own, neither the boy
upposed to be one of the last triplet nor
the girl upposed to be twins."
Wilson, however, believes that th three
children now at his home are his.
"I was present at the birth of the twins,"
he told Judge Wilbur. ' "I believe they are
mlno." Los Angeles Times.
(When you want what you want' when
you want It, say so through Th Bee Want
Ad Columns. '
Resiabllcnn National Committeeman
Dave Mslrsse, Vlsltlua Mere,
Give HI View.
David W. Mulvane, the well known To
peka lawyer and member of th republican
national committee from Kansas, Is In
Omaha, with . Mrs. Mulvane, for a few
day' visit with Mrs. Mulvane' mother,
Mrs. H. J. McKenna.
"Politic are only beginning - to tlr in
Kansas," said Mr. Mulvane. "and wa are
advertised . as a hotbed ef Insurgency, but
as a matter of fact th people of Kansas
are with President Taft, and by a large
majority. - They were for film for the nom
ination and for him in the election, and
would be for him again right nowno mat
ter what some others may say.y . ,
"We had one of your Nebraakans, Mr.
Whedon of Lincoln, as a speaker at our
Kansas republican banquet not long ago
and he undertook to talk en th subject,
Why W Are Inaurrenta,' only to dis
cover that of the several hundred repub
lican present those who were In sympathy
with his view could ' be counted on the
finger. I think we ought to re-elect alt
our present republican delegation in con
gress, with the possible exception of one,
where the vote may be close.". .
. ' :
When It Com Along Soa't lies It Oet
Away Prom Ton.
"I really feel that It la hardly possible
to aay too much in favor of Grape-Nut
a a - health food," write a Chicago
woman. ,
"For I or 10 years I had suffered front
Indigestion and chronic constipation,
caused by th continued use of coffee
and rich, heavy, greasy food. My ail
ment made my life so wretched that I
wa eager to try anything that held out
a promts of help. And that 1 how I
happened to buy a package of Grape
Nut food laat spring.
"That ended my experiments.' For In
Grape-Nuts I found exactly what I
wanted and needed. From the day I began
to use It I noticed an improvement and In
a very few weeks I found my health com
pletely restored.
"My digestive apparatus now work
perfectly ' and my chronic constipation
has been entirely relieved. I have gained
In weight materially, and life I a very
pleasant thing to me o long ar I us
Grape-Nut onoe or twice a day. I have
found by experiment that if I leave it
off for a few day my health Buffer.
"A physician In our town ha great
success In treating stomach troubles, and
the secret of It I that be put his
patlonu on Grape-Nut food It always
: . . l A A I ...I t r,
Dringa doci ipe yvww w
'Thr' a Reason."
Read "Th Road to Wellville.M In page.
lrn read She above letter A new eae
apneas from tuna So time. Tkey ar gea-
nine, trao, and leu el aamaa uuevesv.
Yalentme Day,
IQlpatrick's, Monday, February 14
Great Glove Sale starts at 10 Cm. All our odd
long kid gloves, 12 and 16-button length, former
ly sold up to $4 pair, will he sold at 98 cents pair.
Slightly soiled almost every size, and many colors. Same
time a large purchase of short 1, 2 and 3 -button lengths in
chamois, dressed kid, lamb, etc, none fitted on day of sale
worth from $1.25 to $1.50.
At the Linen Counter we have thrown on the square all of our choice Japanese
BcarfB and squares. The lot in all instances are small, and so that all can get a fair
show the sale of these goods will commence at 8 o'clock. Many of the pieces are hem
stitched, nicely embroidered. Price from 29c each up to $2.50. ii
24-inch pieces, 30x30, 18x50, 36 square, 18x54, 27x80, 16-inch-every piece priced
to interest you and clean-up the lot quickly. You can help yourself. Goods Kpread out
on counters in new linen section all marked plain. While away the time while wait
ing for the glove sale.
Coroner's Jury Blames Omaha General
Staff for Death of Alra Wetzel.
Dellrlons Man Was Net Properly
Cared for, Say Jarors, and - Cor
oner Wu Not Notified fcy
Uospltnl Authorities.
That Alva Wetsel, who died at Omaha
General hospital Wednesday afternoon,
made his fatal leap from a third story
window when left alone In a fevered con
dition by a nurse whose time waa divided
among three patients waa admitted by
witnesses at the inqueat held by Willis C.
Crosby, coroner. Friday afternoon. The
verdict finds that the hospital wa negli
gent in caring for the patient and In fail
ure to notify the coroner. . .
The family of the dead man wa repre
sented by a lawyer at th Inquest, Indi
cating that further aotlon would be taken
by them following developments of th ln-i
No reason for sending th body out of
th state to Council Bluffs was given.
With the exception of Dr. A. S. Pinto,
the attendant physician, no witnesses other
than ' hospital employes were called, al
though Coroner Crosby held others In read
iness had their testimony, been necessary
to the establishment of the facts:
Doctor Ordered Fresh Air.
"I told the nurse to open thS window.
as the room waa close," said Dr. Pinto,
telling on the stand of his last visit to the
patient before the accident which caused
his death. . "She said she .would as soon
as she had finished his bath."
Dr. Pinto testified that out of a possible
10, ,000 fever cases that he . had treated
In his long army experience and elsewhere
this was the first In which a patient had
shown suicidal bent. Dr. Pinto was called
to the hospital after the aocldent and
found Wetsel In his bed, suffering from a
fracture at the base of the skull, which
alone was a fatal injury. He also learned
that th third cervical vertebra had been
dislocated by the fall. Th patient was
suffering from shock. Wetsel's death en
sued at S o'clock In the afternoon. ' ' -
"I was In th hall waiting to sweep out
room when I heard somebody cry out
'Nurse! nurse! nurse!", testified Meta
Kell, a maid employed at the hospital.
"I ran Into the room and saw th man
Itttng on th window ledge with hla feet
hanging down. He turned and looked at
me and then dropped off. I got to htm
Just In time to touch his finger tips as he
'No, I didn't see any nurse there," an
swered th maid to th question of th
Fellow Patient Soands Alarnk.
Another patient In the room had sounded
th alarm. Wetsel had been under th
care of Miss Mary Rassmussen, a nurse,
who, In her testimony, staled that she
hsd to care for three fever patten ta, an
swer th telephone and occasionally do
other work for nurses Who were off duty.
Bhe testified that for a part of the time
the patient had been restrained to . keep
him In his bed, because of a tendency to
get up when he awakened from sleep.
These restraints had been removed under
direction of the physician, that Wetsel
might be turned over from time to Mm to
avoid hypostatlo pneumonia, which I a
danger that beset a typhoid patient who
remain too long In k fljed position.
"I had gone out to my desk to record
the patient' condition when the accident
happened," said Miss Rassmussen.; Bhe
aid that the restraint put on the patient
was solely for the purpose of keeping htm
off of his feet, not with th fear that he
would do violence to himself or to others.
Marie Wleck, head nurse, when called to
testify, admitted that the' patient had been
left alone, when she exclaimed:
"Why, I saw Miss Raasmuaaen after the
accident and she aald then that she had
been In hi rjom a short time before."
i Thi led to question which developed th
fact that Miss Rassmussen In her rounds
saw the patient about once In a half hour.
Carina- for Patient.
"Is It not onaf the first Instructions of
a physician te keep a typhoid patient off
hi feetr asked Byron BUrbank, attorney
for relative of Wetsel, in eroes-examlnlng
Mis Wleck.
"Then the $10 a week compensation which
thi man paid Included that protection,
didn't ItT"
"Yea." answered the nurse.
Charlea Rebel, manager of the hospital,
wa questioned by Coroner Crosby and re
lated the Story of the eeoldenl. Then the
coroner went Into the matter of th failure
to notify hi offlee, gaining a curlou ad
mission from Robel.
"Did you hav an Idea that th case
might be Investigated T" asked the coroner.
-Tee," replied Robel, calmly.
"Who did you notify of the matter r
"Our office notified Mr. Wetsel and Mr.
Ward well, the man who arranged to brlnT
Wetset to the hospital." ,
"Did you notify anyone after that"
Thos. Kilpatrick & Co.
Hon. James E. Bruce, an Iowa
Banker and Capitalist of
Th many heartbroken mothers, wives,
sisters and daughters who are today suf
fering on aocount of a dear one being af
flicted with the terrible cure of the Drink
HABIT have my heartfelt sympathy. I
ask the help and ee-operatlon of all wo
men. Whether they are so sorely afflicted
or not. In the good work of aendlng sun
shine and Joy into the darkened homes.
Four-fifths of all the inquiries made in
person or by letter at our different Insti
tute ar mad by woman, and because
of their gentle, , yet firm Influence for
good, they are entitled to practically all
the credit, honor and glory for ta many
wonderful and perfect cures of . th
DRINK HABIT effected In the short
space of time of only three days by the
natAXi TtUCATaXNT, ; :
Realising- all this, and beltortng- that or
dinarily women prefer to discuss family
matters of this kind with those of their
own sex who have passed through sim
ilar experience. I hav arranged for two
ladles of refinement, ability, and, axpr
lence, who hav aoh had dear one cured
of tb Drink Habit by the Neal Treat
ment, and who personally know of many
other Cures, th method and results of
th treatment, to b in Omaha for a few
day for consultation in parson or by
correspondence with all ladle interested.
Make appointments with either by letter,
phone or otherwl, at your own horn la
either Omaha or Ceunoll Bluffs, or Hotel
er Institute, or write either for a per
sonal letter and advice. Address MR.
B. S. i RINARD, Car Rem Hotel, er
asked the coroner, pressing his question
wtth a smile.
"No; no one else," said Robel.
Salt ; of Dealers Agra In at Sentbern
Railroads la Continued Before
. Special -Examine. Brown..
The case of the Mcfthane Lumber . com
pany of Omaha against the Houston, East
ft West Texas Railway company, th
Houston A Bhreveport Railway company,
the Fort Worth Denver City Railway
company and th Colorado Southern Rail
way company went to hearing Friday be
fore Special Examiner Brawn of the Inter
state Commerce commission and was con
tinued. The complaint allege that ex
cessive rates were charged on a shipment
of 'pin lumber tie from Oden, La., to
Denver, Cola, over th defendant railway
companies on the basis of a St-cent rate
when a M-cent rate would have been fair
and reasonable.' The complainants allege
that they paid 1278.12 for freight on tb
shipment when they should have been
charged with but 1211.6$ and therefore ask
a refund of tQi.U.
The defendants through their Omaha rep-
resentstlves filed an amended bill. C. B.
Elgutter of Omaha represents the claim
Tvf e More for Heppe.
CLEVELAND. Feb. 11 Willie Hoppe de
feated Ora Mornlnsatar at billiard twice
yeeterday. Thla afternoon at 18 1 balk line
noppe mad hi 300 In four runs. Morning
star, having 106. Tonight at U.l balk line
th score was S00 to 10. Averages: At 18.1,
Hoppe, 75; Mornlngstar, 41 1-14. At 18.1,
Hoppe. 1IH-2S; Mornlngstar, 11 S-fl.
Falls City Girl Better. .
NEBRASKA CITY, Neb., Feb. W.-tSne-clal
Telegram.) The Ff lla City rlrls' hlfih
hlirh school team here last night by a score
high school team here tonight oy a score
of IS to S. th Falls City team playing a
strong game.
Just few doses regnlate the Kid
neys and Bladder and make
lame backs feel fine.
The most effective and harmlea way to
cure baokach and regulate out-of-order
kidneys, or end bladder trouble, I to take
several dose of Fape'a Diuretic.
Tou will distinctly feel that your kid
nay and urinary organ ar being cleaned,
healed (aid vitalised, "-end all the miserable
symptoms, such as backache, headache,
nervousness, rheumatism and darting pains,
Inflamed or swollen eyelid. Irritability,
sleeplessness, or- suppressed, painful or
frequent urination (enpeotally at night) and
other distress, leaving after taking the first
few doses.
The moment you suspect any kidney or
urinary dlaorder, or rheumatism, begin
taking this harmless preparation as di
State Senator and a Pro.nlnent
Atlantic, Iowa, Submits
IneUtute. No. 1MB South Tenth BtreeL
Omaha, Nebraska tf
Qentlemen accompanied by ladies will
be gladly welcomed and be accorded a
personal Interview.
Convincing proof, reference to prorr--'
lnent minister, professional and buA
ness men will be furnished you by these
DR. NEAL the discoverer and origina
tor of this great cure and president of
the parent company of the United States
has nad an experience In treating thous
ands of persons afflicted with the drink
habit Any one who calls at the Insti
tute or writes him a letter care 'of the
Institute will ba well mnaM i
-r . .. I,,, valu
able information and advice they win
REMEMBER, thi Treatment . can be
taken In the prrvacy of your .home, at your
Hotel or Club, Or at any one of our Jnetl.
tutoa, with ah absolute unooQdltlonal guar
antee from us that If ypn are not antiraly
satisfied with the re.uK. .h..'.. 0?,7 A
- r Mien v Will J OL
cost you a slngl dollar. Bank or oth.r
reference In Omaha Or r,mi-ti--ll Dili .
cheerfully furnished upon application.
Clip this, advertisement' and attend, dr
thi at once, while the ladles' ar in Oral
ana wuiskbt MEN, without means te
pay fer th treatment, or ..
other relatives, or person Interested in,
purcnaaing or leasing territory-- for the
establishment of Neal Institutes in un
ocoupled territory, or any one desiring
""' mionnnuon rrom m relating to
thi treatment, are invited to .rfur...
at my home. Atlantic Iowa.'"
CO., of U. S., ATLANTIC, IA,'
Hundred Thousand
Head of Stock Die
In Cars Yearly
Witness Makes This - Statement in
Hearing- Before House Com '
mittee on Commerce, .'
) - .- '
WASHINGTON, Feb. U.-RepresentUve
of humane societies and live stock associ
ations were before the house committee on
interstate and foreign commerce yesterday
testing against the manner in which the
railroads handle live stock enrouts to mar
ket. '
One witness declared that 1O0.S00 hf ad 'it
stock were taken from the car dead every
year as a result of Inhuman handling. ' The
loss In money was estimated at millions in
the killing of stock and In the shrinkage cf
weight. " '
A bill was before the committee fixing
a minimum rate of alxteen miles an hour
at which the railroads may transport Uvn
stock shipments. -Shippers told the com
mittee today that frequently the rate was
less than two miles an hour on an average.
Dr. William O. Stillman, president of the
American Humane association, denounced
present conditions as "a disgrace to civil
isation." F. W. Gooding, president of the' National
Wool Growers' association, said most of
th ratlroad were "crasy over the' thing
of loading their engines with all they can
haul, resulting In slow handling and great
loss to shippers."
H presented resolution from hi organ
isation, and also th National Live Stock
rected, with the knowledge that there Is
no other medicine, at any price, made any
where else In the world, which will effect
so thorough and prompt a cure as a fifty
eent treatment of Fspe's Diuretic, which
any druggist can supply.
Tour physician, pharmacist, banker or
any mercantile agency will tell you that
Pape, Thompson A Pape, of Cincinnati, Is
a large and responsible medicine -concernV
thoroughly worthy of your confidence.' ,
Don't be miserable or worried another
moment with a lame back or cloKged, In
active kidneys or bladder misery.,' All this
goes after you start taking Pape's Diuretic,
and In a few days you feel snd know that
your kidneys, liver snd urinary system are
healthy, clean and normal, and al ji'r .
Accept only Pape's Dluretlo fifty-cent
treatment from any drug store aay where
In the world