B "! : fi UmI!. ' :t 4 5: . , imJ J( .:.' i -.I. J j i -I , ,rr-- j T- AlilLimnUMiliiiniiii.iiiil iNUM iniltJ smidn.iiiini iilmMUiiSimuiiiiiinW iitnillilihsliiiSWiaiilitili ill i THE -OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: FEBRUARY 13, 1910. I ' : L VI ' 1 " V J WORLD SUBURB OF CITIES Motor Car Places Former Farmi Few Minutes from Business District. AUTOS BSINO ABOUT THE CHANGE Hard rioddls llont Has GItsi Way the Car for Vse of harass Dwellers ia Ilearalns; City. Did It svsr occur to you that each suc ceeding ysar the great cities of title coun try become less popular aa permanent res idences of both rich and poor? If you stop to consider you will realise that the sub urbs of Ornaht are fro wins; with marvel ous rapidity. In fact, for miles around there has sprung Into existence a trans formation from fields of grain and the growing products of the farm to the finely trimmed lawns and magnificent palaces of the business men of Omaha. The automobile Is to blame for this con dition; the greatest single element In mak ing possible the simple life of the country gentlemen, and at the same time permit ting the close personal touch with business necessary In the modern financial combat. Furthermore, this luxury Is not confined to those of large means. The man with an Income of $5,000 may enjoy with his family all of the comforts of the country bunga low, with one or two acres of ground, and have a landscape setting as beautiful as any to be found In tlio world, and all within a distance of from ' five to right miles of Omaha, which, with the modern motor car, with Its limousine body In win ter and an open car In summer. Is within a iirt minutes cf his cfflcs. Roads in !! directions In and out of Omaha are mag nificent. A careful examination of the cllmatlo conditions of the last three years has proven that, out of S6G days, comfort and ease of riding has been possible for 341. People are just beginning to realise that, with this highly developed, reliable mode of locomotion, the 1910 automobile, that it Is possible to enjoy the excitement of the city together with the comforts, happiness and Joy of the open country. It la a conceded fc that the motor car haa become an ercry-day-tn-the-year neces. ally, and of the two seasons, does not the advantage of the automobile. In com parison with the horse-drawn vehicle, show the automobile In even greater favor during the winter months than In those of the summer season, when the horse suffers from the exposure and can scarcely navi gate on the modem frozen streets? There are numerous unchallenegeable ar guments In favor of the winter use of the motor cars, i which should make a most logical basis for this continued use during the winter months. With the family the winter la the season when a conveyance Is a necessity, whether to attend the opera, balls, receptions or what not, la material. But tbo yet greater need of the deoenda tie conveyance, such as the motor car, la found among the business men who are able to reach their offices with certainty, sriftness and comfort. With the transpor tation facilities of five years ago you were out of touch with the world If you were five miles from the city hall. The lessening of the reliability of the horse, and the hindrance In his progress by adverse weather conditions, was the great hindrance In bringing the suburb close to the city, and made It necessary to turn to a better means of locomotion. The automobile solved the problem. In any of the walks of life, where the motor rai ls compared with the use of the horse drawn vehicle for service and dependability, the desirability of the motor crystallises Into more of a necessity as the season of Inclement weather approaches. It haa proven the solution of the troublesome ques tion of reliable, rapid and comfortable travel, and makes all the world the suburb of' the cities. ( Cleaning Sparking? Plnga. A clever mechanic, who does a lot of testing and who Is usually brimful of tips, states that a good cure for dirty sparking plugs Is to run the engine for some little time with the compression taps wide open. and with as weak a mixture as passible, This has the virtue of cleansing the points. however foul they may' be that Is, of course, provided they are not too dirty to spark at ail. It Is not quite clear why there should be any (pedal scavenging, or barnlng off action, under the circumstances noted; but, anyway, It Is easy enough to try, and the experiment Is not a costly one. Clothing for the Motorists Nothing is Too Good for the Ameri can Autombile Owner to Wear. Nothing In connection with modern mo toring calls for more Intelligent treatment than that of suitable clothing for the mo torists, especially those of the gentler sex. The time was when any sort of warm gar ment for winter or cool wearing apparel for warm weather, waa considered suitable for the automobile owner or his guests. That waa In the days of the little open touring car, the first models of which are to be seen In the museums of the automo bile manufacturers, to be taken out and paraded In the big automobile carnivals now and then. Today all this Is changed. Nothing in the history of Amerloan manufacturing has equaled the growth 2of automobile build ing. One refinement "of detail after another has been put on the handsome big motor vehicles, which are at limes veritable min iature palaces on wheels. Suitable clothing for the various stages of automoblllng growth have followed, until at the present time .small fortunes are Bpent by persons of wealth and refinement on their motoring toggery. Nothing Is thought too good for the up-to-date mo torists, and the very ends of th world are ransacked to find the finest gradea of ma terials to be worked up into raiment for the motorists. k The automobile used to be stabled In cold and snowy weather, but not so today. With the modern closed car, heated and lighted, at his disposal, the mctsrlst Is on tha gs day and night In all seasons the year around. Since the motor vehicle came Into general use the demand for furs for mo torists, especially for the women folks, has been so tremendous as to threaten to almost deplete the surface 'of the earth of fur bearing animals. It Is not exaggerating any to say that today the demand for furs for motorists' use ts greater than that of all other people combined, and the demand Is constantly growing, for the automobile la only In Its Infancy. The beat workmen In every land are straining their efforts to shape the furs into the most fashionable garments for the use of the automoblllst. Fashions change constantly In everything for human wear, as is Indicated clearly In tha edict from the throne room of China that the pigtail must go, and that the style of clethlng followed In the west shall be the vogue. Dame Fashion rules in the mo toring world as everywhere else, and the successful clothier who caters to that trade must be up and doing from one year's end to the other. He must keep up the very latest wrinkle In supplying the wants of bis motoring customers, anticipating their ideas In regard to patterns and materials if possible. Originally It required but a very small part of a modern, clothing store to carry the Stock necessary for tha mo torists. But times have changed and today the automobile clothing and fur trade Is a business in Itself, demanding enormous capital and tremendous resources to face the competition met with on every hand. At regular intervals the buyer of the big automobile clothing dealers and manu facturers of America flock to Europe and delve Into the shops of the great London, Berlin, Paris and Vienna clothing design ers and furrlera to get Ideas and buy what they believe will suit the discriminating owner of the big American roadster and milady of the limousine. It Is the axiom of the trade that "Nothing Is too good for the American motorists, and nothing be yond the purse of the owners of the road locomotives in the land of the Stars and Stripes." SUPPLY OF CARS INADEQUATE Dealers Back from Chicago Tell of Season's Promise. RUN ON MODEEATE-rklCED CARS Demand for Space at Bis Show at Auditorium February 21 Continues and nulldlns Will Be Filled to Overflowing. . Frequent (ana of Misfiring;. Many autoists have been troubled with a "Jumpy" spark and some of them have been unable to locate the cause. Several cases of faulty Ignition have, however, been remedied by the Insertion of a return wire from the timer to the switch, proving that the use of the frame as a return Is detrimental to the successful operation of the Ignition system. Where the current haa to pass through bearings or gnarlng there Is always a chance of looseness causing a break in the circuit or of grease acting as Insulation. The best way to have a dependable system Is to have a complete wire circuit, then, all other things con sidered ss being in order, there is no chance of faulty Ignition, unless a wire breaks. Omaha automobile dealers who wai.t to Chicago In force lent week are more, en thusiastic than ever over the prospects for the season. They all report the same thing that again It will be ia fight to get enough cars to supply customers. The big demand, say these returned men, will be for the moderate-priced car, and the supply of these Is likely to bs exhausted early In the game. The de mand for thin class is -unprecedented, for the car is used In so many ways. Many families which have high-priced cars also maintain a moderate-priced car for knockabout purposes and many com mercial concerns are buying thtss cats for use In a business way. Many of the large concerns keep a car standing at the door of their place of business, ready for a hurried trip to some othetypart of town, or for a quick run to railroad stations or to entertain visiting customers who may drop in. Demand for space at the fifth annual show at the Auditorium, which opens Feb ruary 21, still continues and Omaha, deal ers who went to Chicago continually wired back asking th local committee to try to provide space for this and that which wtBiied tt exhibit. Four requests yvein received In Omaha the day Clarke G. Powell of the committee landed in Chi cago. Several of these have been taken care of In the basement and it may be the committee will be forced to place some of the exhibit around the balcony. Hint at Handsome Decorations. The local committee has litUo to say In the matter of decorations, but promises some most agreeable surprises when the doors are thrown open. Last year con siderable money waa spent In decorations, soma of which were made so they could be used again this year. The same plan of lighting the big building will be car ried out, which means there will be no dark spots and that visitors may nee all parts of the oars. Space has been provided for forty-flvo exhibitors), and aa soma of these have aa many as five or six different kinds of oars the building will be crowded. With a, double space, which is the moat any dealer may have, it will be Impossible to show more than six cars. This lack of space at the Auditorium la forcing the dealers to prepare auxiliary exhibits In their garages and automobile row will be made one continuous string of automobiles. It is ', almost impossible to count all the dealers on automobile row. for some neW ooncern is likely to move In over night and spoil tbo count, but suffice It to say the six blocks between Eighteenth and Twenty-fourth streets on Farnara are almost a continuous string of garages and salesrooms. Dealers are holding onto their new oars and refusing delivery that they may have a good supply on hand when the city Is full of Visitors next week. MANY BOOST FOR UNIFORM LAWS Arguments In Favor of National Reg istration Automobile Bill. The arguments In support of the federa reglstratlon bill as prepared by Charles Thaddeus Terry, .chairman of the Amer ican Automobile association legislative boardj and which will be dlsoussed In de tail at the convention sessions this week in Washington, are, briefly, as follows: The measure has both simplicity and clearness to recommend it. It does not violate the police power of any state. The sole purpose of the bill Is to provide for registration and Identification of motor vehicles engaged in interstate travel, ao as to give to the owner of. such vehicle the right of free Ingress and egress In the various states of the nation without fur ther registration and Identification. There Is nothing In the measure which exempts any vehicle registered under the rovlnlons of the act from the general police regulations of the state laws. The matter of the speed of the vehicle, and the safety devices it Is required to carry and Mm tea CHAUFFEURS' and AUTOMOBILE MACHINISTS' COURSES raiHo qvasteb or sirs rsaitaigT asd, mo. Highland Fark College. Dea Moines. Iowa, lias established In connection with the Kiiginrerlng Hchocl the most complete Chauffeurs' and Automobile Machin ists' l'oure to be found In this country. CMAOIIIixr COUBbBi Those who take the Chauffers' Course not only learn how to Urlve the Automobile, but they are put right into the machine shops and luto the garage ana are taught how to make all ordinary repairs on their autombollea so that when they ate through with their courses they will know much more than Just .'Imply automobile driving. This oo.rrm mav be com pleted In one-quarter of twelve weeks and the tuition Is ony 140.00 for tha twelve weeks. AUTOHOiai IUCIIBTSTI1 OOTTBSBi Those who take the Automobile Machinists' Coure receive a thorough mnt-htnlsta' training and are able to get ftoaitlons In any of the largest automobile fa.ti.rles or as foreman In any of the arge garages in cities. The ool'.ma maintains its own garage and has a number of automobiles that are used by tlte stuoVnls In the mastery of the course. The college also maintains the largest machine shops to found In connection With any F.nglneerlng Huhool In the United 8tatea. The new quarter opens February 13d. Till la the very best time of the year to take up this work. If Interested write for catalogue, containing complete infor mation. Address O. H. X.oagweU lrea Highland rark OolUge, Sea Moines, Is. 7571 To FLORIDA CUBA HS Drawing-Room Sleepers Lf. St. Lsou iaily, L C. K. t. 8:55 p. At. Naskville, N. C A St L. Ry. IJ5a.st. L. Atlanta, Cent, ef Ca, R. 1:40a. Ar. JacaMavule,FU.,A.CLR.I, 7 JOa. k. Dinins Can Between NmtIIU ana Atlanta Write to or call F. C. bWKAT. Western Passenger Agent. N. C. St. U. Ry., Bank cf Com meres Building;, bt. Louis, Mo, 14 all other matters are left entirely to state regulations. The only restriction upon the various states is they shall not retard and Impede motor vehicles engaged In In terstate travel and commrrcs by useless and unnecessary registration and license requirements. The act Is constitutional and within the power of congress to enact for the follow ing reasons: 1. Under the commerce clause of the federal Constitution all Interstate Inter course and the transit of Individuals from state to state, Irrespective of the purpose of the Intercourse or transit, Is commerce. t. An act of congress of the same gen oral character lins long been In force In regard to navigation, which has univer sally been accepted as constitutional under the commerce clause and there can be no reasonable distinction between Interstate travel on the waterways and on the dirt roads and highways of the nation. Congress must have exactly the same power to leg islate with reference to the one aa to the other. 3. The act does not Interfere with the police power of the several states. Automobile Notes. Never allow a tire valve to remain un covered; lf the cap be lost, secure by a piece of leather or rag arid a rubber band or atrlng round the stem. If dirt Is al lowed to enter a leaky vslve Is bound to result. While some motorists may dlalike the Idea of wearing goggles, because of thtlr unbecoming features, it is a very poor Id --a to drive without them. If they are not used dust Is sure to get In tbe eyes, and in tune the grit will cause irritation and serious trouble is liable to result. Valve springs, like other parts of .a motor, will not remain tbe same forever. After all methods have been tried and the motor aiiii lacks lis usual iwwif, ii6r set of springs will usually remedy ths trouble. A good plan to prevent skidding when turning sharp corners la to check the speed of the car by closing the throttle and applying the brake if necessary be fore reaching the bend; then release the brake and open the throttle a little as tha car starts to round tbe corner, thus making the motor pull the car Instead of allowing It to coast round with the brakes on. Little Tip on Driving. In overtaking or passing vehicles on the road it is always wise to make sure that there Js a clear passage ahead, and never cut things so fine that a swerve on the part of the other man will causa a mishap. ; i The Key to the Situation Advertise! Big-Roomy -Silent-Elegant Thc ; 7 lourinj? tar rr- k a mm We market the Hudson on the principle that the public wants quality in cars at low price, but it wants them only at such a price as will guarantee strength, room, beauty and refinement. The Hudson is distinguished from other high quality cars from the fact that it is a good car at a low price; and it is distinguished from other low priced cars from the fact that it offers unusual quality at a low price. From one great; divison we are set off by our PRICE and from another great division we are set off by our QUALITY. We are proud of both distinctions. Write for a catalogue. Arrange for a demonstration. H. E. FREDRICKS0N AUTOMOBILE CO. HUDSON CHAMBERS-DETROIT 2044-6-8 Farnam St. PIERCE-ARROW THOMAS Omaha, Nebraska THE OMAHA BEE'i O IR E CT O K "V OF AUTOMOBILES AND ACCESSORIES Ccii Automobile Co., 2Z09 Farnam St. Roadster, 4 cyl., S passenger . . Touring Car, 4 cyl., 6 passenger Touring Car, cyl., 7 passenger 100 1,350 ,000 TAN KG and PUMPS J. M. PINKERTON, $82 Brndls Building. The CHASE AIR COOLED AUTO The car that solves the delivery problem. Call up for demonstration. OOmOGmOXAX. VTOMOBXX.a CO. S01 South TentU Stress. Oonglas 3784. V-s' MOTOR CAR YJallaca Auicnobila Co. 24th Near Ftrnam Street. RGiance Trunks - My?ry wagons OLDS GAS POWER CO. 1018 Firmm Jn Detroit Electrlo SHfll sjMBjUVf IMNSja Coit Automobile Co. 2209 Farntm . Stroot Wi L HlilliH3l1 & GOi H9trttr-Stiti, 1i?f7505G oStlsmpla. 550 Kupmobiie, j.oo. 2025 Farnam Straat. BRUSH RliNA BOUT A MARYEL OF WORKMANSHIP T. 6. KOXTHWALL CO. 914 Jonis St. n . i E"l j JACKOON IIP? f HI I -if IPni MR Pioneer Implement Co. iiVkl VIA B"MW a Council Bluffs. Iowa. Wood Electric WHITE STEAMER DRUMMOND 2024 Ftroaa St II r r..l.:l.MMM A..1.MU:U fl rhomas,Hudson, H t-.M HI. HN Mill I II NIK III!- Pierce, Rapid. Chalmers-Dclroit S044.46.4S FARNAM STRUT Doright Automobile Go. Stoddard-Dayton, Waverly, Lexington, 181416 Farnam. Henry II. Van Brunt Overland, Pope Hartford Council Bluffs, Iowa. TIIC DAVTflM MITIMJlTfl I Oil AUTOMODILEO III. I UAIUIJ-lilllUIILI.1. UU. Doug. 7281 Storage anil Repairs 2318 Harney Street. -A-2011 IPuHasoui MIDLAND MASON FREELAND BROS. & ASKLET, 1102 Faroaa St. PEERLESS GUY L. SMITH, 2207 FARNAM ST. Word REO, FORD, PREMIER. ATLANTIC AUTOMODILE CO., Atlantic and Council Bluffs. Iowa Rll IflMRAI I ns-Duryea. Cadillac. Stanley Staamer. I III mi.IUf.LL rjARCOCK PI HftTDIft DADCOCK ELECTRIC SOlS Psrnsot Street. mm R. R. KIMDALL. 2026 Farnam St i BAKER LECTRIC Electric Garage I OENISE BARKALOW, Proprietor 2218 Farnam Street, i 5 tlALLADAY In its class without a peer. 0. F. LOUK, State Agent, f 1803 Farnam St. "MURPHY DID IT" Aoo 14TH AND JACKSON Trimming MARMOtl The easiest riding car in the world. 0. F. LOUK, 1808 Farnam Street, State Agent. SWEET-EDWARDS AUTO CO. SSMS 2052 FARNAM STREET PARRY ....SI 285 M. B. WILCOX. OMAHA, NBS. Standard Automobile Cn.r.,? CHAS. MKRZ nd Repairs at National Nebraska Buick Auto Company Oaris Inset. Ut IUFF, Snuin 1 1 SIDLES, fcs'l MtmtH Eulck and Olds moblU Cars.... Use Inset. C E SHORt, Ru. IDDCDCnU Cll C? IPCUPV L WHDTE Steamer r KISSEL KAR 5i S t R kissel . auto co, IIIUULL linil $3,000 60 H.P. 2010 Farnam 8t. MIL! motor: cars VELIE AUTOM02ILE CO., 1 202 Farnam St. John Dssra Flow Co.,. Distributors. Cwrl M4k Pr Temporary Location ruiU ItlUlUI UU.. 1818 Farnam St., Omaha, Neb ... IMTER-STATE' ipped 4 Cyl.. 40 H. P. CO., 2025 Farain St. Distributors'- LoeoinmoblDe j- iS0, DELIVERY INTERNATIONAL I. U. a ROADSTERS X&tos S--S.1,