TIIE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: FEBRUARY 13, 1910. -"T t g"" ?rmHi 1 I', i in" n iMi..,iaii.iil i.!!..,,.,,.,. ,,,. I.HH.I..I. I...H1W h ,ii i.i, . iii wii ... '" -. . . .11" -M . ' ' t!":.,.:i..i.I!!-: ' .'..::iv!S.- . AllJii.i:i-:.jli!l-rSt.-.:.i.-i:T'!:ilf u -V : Vrk-A:.:M-- J Hi ; L.J j'.X ,r-'., , i 7i.. Til i tf.;,: 4 r XOTED S1IR1XE OF LINCOLS Relics of the Great War President in House Where He Died. THEASUHES OF LITE AND TIMES i Mecca lor Pcoil on Preut . dent' BIrthHar Annlvfrwry arlctr ami Ktt of Collrrtton. Pthtic nd ImprPlve by ron of Its JiftllowM aorltlons. unil unpretentious to a dRrM. Is tha little building on Tenth street near Tennsylvunls avenua In Wash Ington In which Abraham Lincoln died, and In which Is stored mora than 3.000 rllra nf tha rrmt war croHldent. It Is the west Inconspicuous of the many national shrines In Washington, located on n side street, with .only a simple sign near the door telling the stranger that here surely Is holy ground. On every recurring Febru ary 12, the birthday of President Lincoln, the llttta building Is open to the public 'free of charge, and hundreds of people avail themselves of the privilege. A curi ous, motley crowd, throngs the building, relates the Washington Post, the well-to-do cltlsen touching elbows with the shabby, l' he old-time negro who comes In once more to show his grandchildren the pictured face of "OK Mars Linkuni dat gib us our free dom," and the gray-haired old veteran of 61 standing aside for the more dapper '"veteran" of the Spanish war. At times the place Is so crowded by the race un shackled by the great liberator as U re semble an emancipation ilny parade. Ford's The'ater, Ford's theater, the scene of that fatal tragedy. Is still an object of Interest to all sightseers at the national capital. Its exterior remains much the same in appear ance as on that direful night, although the interior waa long ago remodeled for office purposes, leaving no trace -of the old auditorium In which were aasembled the wealth and fashion of the time on tho night of Aprir 14. The houBe to which the wounded presi dent was taken, and in which he died at 7:20 the, next morning, is Just across the street. It Is a plain, three-story brick ftllCIng, and was occupied at that time as aTprivate residence. Sixteen years ago the Lincoln Memorial association rented tho building and Installed the mementos of the martyr. It seems like treading on holy ground to stand within sight and touch of so much that Is sacred to the home-life of the be loved Lincoln. Here Is the old family cook stove-:Reyal Oak No. 9. the Inst one ueed by the Lincolns In their Springfield home, and paid for, three days before leaving that city for Washington, February 8, 1S01. Two. old-fashioned "haircloth" sofas in good preservation, a small walnut stand, a very high back haircloth" armed rocker, said to have been Mr. Lincoln's favorite chair, and a small desk with pigeonholes, bought when the family began housekeep ing, are among the Interesting relics of that early home. ' . ' ' : , Upon thlB desk Is laid the framed copy "jk a letter from the donor, an old-time rtyKhbor of Mr. Lincoln, who quotes the latter as saying, when he appeared at the friend's door with the desk in pieces, "I 3R We've Been Making 4 n ...for... AUTOMOBILES V. For the Last Three Years The other automobile dealers for whom we have made tops say we make the best they ever had the best shaped top the best made top r-the top that sells a car because it has a good looking top on it. f Of h and Harney Where the WHITE STEAMER and WHITE GASOLINE OARS Are Sold. literature and Demon stration on Request. PS DiHMD wish you would take this desk and keep It for me. I ptlxe I', because It wfui the one I used when I bogan bus nans for nijfflf, but Mrs. Lincoln in one of her passions threw It out of doors because I spilled some Ink." Family Relics. Tha heavy, cumbersome, bed-shaped cra dle, with high sides and high curved head and footboards big enough for twins in which the Lincoln children wero rocked to sleep (and often by the father). Is also among the collection of home treasures. Verily, "the hand that rocked that cradle ruled tho world." The wooden office armchair In wh'oh Mr. Lincoln sat to write his first Inaugu ral address Is also shown. An old mahogany round table, used in the White House during the Lincoln ad ministration and sold by auction after his death, occupies a corner In this room, and, like most of these valuable relics, Is fenced In beyond the reach of vandal fin gers. Safeguarded In a glass case Is the flag that draped the president's box at the theater when Booth fired the fatal shot, and In It is shown the rent made when the assaseln's spur caught in Its folds, causing him to break his leg as he leaped to the stage. The spur Itself, said to have been cut from Booth's boot when ha was captured twelve days later, eighty miles sway; the key to the old arsenal prison, which held the ten conspirators, and pieces of the gruesome rope which hanged the latter are displayed in the front parlor of this hlstorlcold home. A complete collection of original photo' graphs of these conspirators is here seen, hanging one above the other, some In man acles, and all with an aspect of grim de fiance. , The Lincoln death mask by Mills and the life mask bv Volk. cast In J8C0. ara to be seen In the red parlor. Literary Trensnrea. In one of the room are displayed l.COO biographies of Lincoln, 250 sermons touch- Ir.s upon the assassination, 600 magazines. from 1843 to 1865, containing articles rela tive to the great war president; 3,000 news paper clippings, numerous pamphlets and many burlesques and political caricatures circulated during his campaigns one of the cartoons showing Mr. Lincoln wear Ing a crown and. entitled 'Abraham Afrl- canus I." The candle used by the physicians In heating the plasters applied to the dying man, wreaths from the casket, the sheet music of ninety different funeral marches dedicated to the dead president and bits of funeral paraphernalia taken from the catafalque are all treasured within these walls. Many of the original theater bills an nounclng the play, "Our American Cousin," on that fateful night, are hanging by the fireplace in the front parlor, while the picture of Lincoln signing the martyred McKlnley's brevet as major, attracts the attention of all visitors. The only object In all this vast memo rial collection that would provoke a smile Is a crude, highly colored print represent ing the murdered president rising on very substantial looking clouds Into the upper realms, robed in long, loose garments, deco rated with a Jong, blue scarf, and being met by "angels" garbed In equally gaudy and gorgeous greens and reds some bald, others with flowing hair, and wearing enormous wings that would almost seem to solve the problem of aerial navigation. Where Death Came. i ne visitor to tne museum ascends an outer flight of steps and is admitted to the hallway, upon which opens the parlor where Mrs. Lincoln spent the hours of that tragic night In which the president battled with the unseen foe. At the end of the hall is the small, narrow room to which was carried tha dying Lincoln, and where, sur rounded by the eminent men of that day, he breathed his last. This death room is now a gallery of pic tures representing the deathbed scene in twelve sketches, the lying In state at the capltol, and the many different stages of the funeral between Washington and the burial at Springfield, 111. The bed upon which Lincoln died is at present owned by a Chicago man, who will give it Its rightful place In the museum when the government completes the prom ised fireproof building as the permanent home of this collection, now owned by O H. Oldroyd, a1 native of Ohio. A feeling almost of reverence for the noble man whose great human heart waa so soon to be forever stilled comes over one who pauxes to read his pathetic fare well to his neighbors In the old Springfield home on the eve of his first departure for Washington, February 12, 1861. The spirit of friendliness toward the friends of quarter century, his sense of the great responsibility restr&g upon him, "greater perhaps than that devolving upon any man since Washington," and above all, his en tire dependence upon that divine aid with out which no success could come to him, show in a marked degree the lofty spirit, kindly character and childlike faith in hi Creator. SAPPHIRES FOR THE MILLIONS An Artificial Stoue Likely to Gl the Market a Jolt Worth While. w mie me cost oi looa and clothing may continue to rise despite even a congrea slonal Investigation, there are pretty fair prospects that the cost of Rapphires may fall In the near future. French chemists have succeeded in producing an artificial or "synthetic" sapphire which la said to be Identical in composition, hardness color effects and other qualities with the natural atone, from which It cannot be distinguished by physical or chemical tests. Natural sapphires of the finest quality sell for $100 or S2Q0 a carat, while tho equally beautiful manufactured article can be sold at lees than $5 a carat, and no one will be able to tell the difference between them. Some yeara ago, when a process of mak ing artificial rubles was discovered, the ruby market was demoralized for a time, but the natural stonos later regained their prestige, and they now cost more than dia monds. Dealers- believe that the same thing will happen to the sapphire market In case the French stones which have ur lived in New York stand the severe tests to which they will be subjected. . llut why is not a chemical or "synthetic" sapphire or ruby just as good as a natural one, provided, of course, that all the qual ities are the aajne? And If tha countless millions of dollars of tha world's wealth that Is now tied up In "precious" atones were Invested In useful channels, would not many economlo problems be solved and the progress of the world toward civilisa tion bo more rapid? Host on Olube. To Dissolve tho I ailoa ' of stomach, liver and kidney troubles and cure billousm-as and malaria, take Klectrlc Bitters. Guaranteed. 60c -For sale by i Iieaton I'rug Co. SCULPTOR'S VIEW OF LINCOLN Gutzon Borglum Discusses the Beauty of the Martyr President. FIRST GREAT GIFT OF THE WEST Complexity of His Arrat Nilsn Re flected in Ills Face Profile of - rare .Middle West rialas- Accompanying a notably Impressive por- ralt bust of Abraham Lincoln by Outxon Borglum In Everybody's Magazine, the dis tinguished sculptor draws a pen picture f the martyr president. In part, as follows: Whether Lincoln sat or stood, his was the case of movement of a figure controlled by direct and natural development, without hint of consciousness. There are but two possible explanations of this either ha waa consummate artist and appreciated the power of absolute directness, or else he was by nature wholly unconscious. His ease was that of a man of power. He sat In ohalrs a little too low for htm. Of course, chairs were not made for him othlng in this democratic country of ours s made for anybody In particular; every thing Is made for everybody. And so Lin coln seemed when he sat down to sink farther than was quite easy or graceful, and that left his knees pushing unnaturally high. Again, when rising, ho would grab both knees as If to help himself; he would lean forward to find the center of his quilibrlum a movement wa all go through, but In dear old Abo, because he was a little out of scale with his smaller com panions, they called It awkward. Pecallarltlea of Movement. Ills walk was free, and he moved with a long, but rather slow, swinging stride; he looked down as he walked, like a man pick Ing his way carefully over a newly har rcwed field, lifting his feet quite clear of the soft ground. It was this movement that gave the long fold In the thigh part of his trousers, straining the garment an effect often commented upon. His arms hung free, and he carried his hand open. Anyone wearing an eight and a half glove could take his hand easily In his. His hands were not disproportionately large; but the cut of his sleeve was gener ous, as of his period, and in the swinging use of his arms so much of his wrists came through that they seemed large. In his early life hard labor had developed the palms of his hands, and the tlilc muscle part of his thumb was full ar strong; but this shrank later to the thurr. of the literary man, and, strangely, con siderlng his early life, he carried It closely Into his hand,, as becomes the habit, or is the nature, of literary men. He was erect. He did not stoop at the shoulders, as nearly everybody states. There are no wrinkles In his coat, forward, between the lapel and the shoulder, nor Is there a corresponding strain In tha back, to show the garment's yield to the stooping tenant. On the contrary, there is evidence of an erectness, definite and purposeful. And Were I want to register a statement that Abraham Lincoln was a man of ac tion. It takes most human beings from three to five generations to get within speaking distance of the circle this man alsed himself to and commanded, in a short lifetime, without the shoulders of predatory Interests to creep upon; and many of his photographs show to me a spirit hunting and hunted as by some soul- stirring motive. His neck does not "rest'' on his shoulders. It rises from them with an 'erectness, an alertness, as of one alarmed, that is unique. HaUlns; a Brard. In 1861 he tried to raise a' beard through the suggestion of a little girl that by doing so he" might look "less ugly." For a year and a half he was quite undetermined how to cut that beard. He trimmed It short, then shaved It low, then cropped It quite clore. . Not until 1863 does he seem to have become quite used to it. About 1962 he began definitely to change the parting of his hair from the right side to the left. And though he did this chiefly with his fingers, he seems to have acted with a definite purpose, for It caused a radical change In his appearance, and he persisted In it. His face was large In Its simple masses. Nature seems to have Intended him to be ten or twelve feet In height, and as he failed to grow to that, the free skin settled back to fit the natural man. His head was normal In size; his forehead high, regular. and classical In shape. He was wldi through tha temples; his brow projected like a cliff. The hollow of theeye was large and deep, and tha eye seemed to He In a kind of ravine; It would hardly have been perceptible If you had passed your hand over tha ball. His cheek bones were not high; they seemed high because of the careworn flesh that shrank sharply be woth. Below this, again, the face lost the splendid regularity of the upper part Tl.e nose yielded to the conntant activity oi ine rigni siae or ins race, and was drawn In that direction. The line of the mouth ran up toward the right side. This becomes very perceptible if one looks at any of his good, full-face portraits. F.yebrows and Mouth. . His eyebrows were very strong, and hung out over his face like the huge cornice of a mountain bungalow. They were bushy and moved freely, and developed a set of wrinkles similar to those seen In the face of Homer. There was a large wrlnkls that descended from the lower and outer part of the eye almost straight Into thu hollow of the cheek line, and became vory strong when he laughed; In severity this would straighten out like a guy rope. His mouth was uot coarse nor heavy. His uppr lip was as regular as can be bearing a little to the right; but hla lower lip was drawn toward the right side at least half an Inch and some Irregularity of his teeth and the way his Jaws came together forced the lower Hp out, giving the exaggerated line we see. I discovered by carefully tracing Individ ual expressions, tendencies to expression, wrinkles and other developments of his face,, the habits of the separate features. Little can be determined about a man by the structure of his nose, nor can his character be fixed because he has a small eye or a full one, high cheek bones or I radically none, a full mouth or a small one. But tha use be makes of thosa fea tures, and tha record that use makes dally upon tha features and tha whole face, can be read as easily as the headlines of a New York paper. And so I found that the storm center of Lincoln's faca was about his right eye. He wovld peer out at you for an instant with this right eye half closed; then would follow that uplift of Ms head and the receptive expression that was so generally misread as bewilderment, hesitancy and Indecision. Ilia Mirthful Rye. Tha mirth center was alno In the right eye. The eya always gives the first evi dence of humor In a merry soul; and Lin coln, I believe, had naturally a merry soul. But sadness changed this, and I found evldonco that ha smiled very, very often w-lth his mouth alone when his nature took no part In it. It was the saddest feature that he had, and yet about the right corner there always lingered a little memory of a smile. The left eye was open, noncommittal, dreamy. The brow necmed ever to ques tion, and all this side of the fuco seemed primitive, unfinished. The expression was sad, undetermined, and I believe he knew this and that it explains why he managed so often to get the photographer to the right side of him. This right slda waa as cautious as Casstus, and In profile remark ably Ilka that of Keats. The profile from tha left waa pure middle-west plainsman. All expressions of pleasure, when they reached this aide of his face, seemed to lose their merriment, and tha habitual lowering of tha lino of tha mouth, on this slda accentuated tha sadness. Expressions on his faca aeemed to begin about the left upper brow, travel across to the right eye, down the right side, and stop at the upper Hp, or lose themselves over the rest of his face. Briefly tha right side of this wonderful face Is the key to his life. Here you will find tha record of his development, the centuries-old marks of his maturity. All tha man grew to seemed engraved on this side. It guards his plan watches the world, and shows no more of his light than his wisdom deems wlte. The left side Is immature, plain and physically not Impressive. II la long, drawn, and in decisive; and this brow Is anxious, ever slightly elevated and concerned. You will find written on his face literally all tha complexity of his great nature a nature seeing at once the humor and the pathos of each situation as It presents It self to him. You see half smile, half sad ness; half anger, half forgiveness; half determination, half pause; a mixture of ex pression that drew accurately the middle course ha would follow read wrongly by both aides. Wa see a dual nature struggling with a dual problem, deliver ing a single result. Along Auto Row What Sealers Say of tha Chicago Show, and What They Expect the Omaha Show, next Weak, to Be The Automobile show is next In order. The dealers have returned from the Chi cago show and pronounce It tha best which has ever been held in this country. About every dealer attended and they have some thing of Interest to say to their customers who will attend the Omaha show next week. Colonel Derlght was there and was about tha bislest member of the Omaha delegation. It la reported that he made a big sale. In the booths where cars represented In Omaha were exhibited were found Omaha dealers. They seemed to be about as im portant to the place as anyone else. They were endeavoring to sell cars. Last year Fredrlckson sold the highest priced Pierce sold at the show. Guy Smith was anchored at the Frank lin booth, and received as many good woris about .the swell Torpedo cars as the man ufacturers. Smith only smiled and thanked them. Huffman showed himself at the l.v.tr- state booth and declared that the new Tor pedo cars of that company are the niftiest in tho world. He will bring on to the Omaha show the prettiest painted U-nch that ever were, he said. J. T. Stewart represented Omaha in he Rambler and Mitchell booth. Tha Velle people had on exhibit a Mich igan car, and a very pretty one. Hosford was found there. Freeland & Ashley were at the Midland booth, Corkhiil at the Apperson, Louk at tha Marmon, Doty at'the Maxwell, Kim at tha Cadellas, Wallace at the Stearns, Edwards and Nestman at the Moon, Huff at the Bulck and Wilcox and Meri it the National. The Packard people had a beautiful dis play. Barkalow was there. Drummond was one of the blirsost men that mixed with the throng in tha hlte booth. Henry H. VanBrunt was at tha Overland booth. This waa one of the prettiest there. Herring waa at the Premier and the Knrd exhibit and met his Iowa friends there vib was at me jacason, Mclntyre at the uaaiana, Molony at the Carter car, Avery at tha Auburn and DeWltt at the Cole ex hibit. Loyk will be in his new garage next xit-ri aiurpny attended the show. In Chl- An ingenious device for automatically auiomooue is the "Kvr ma) starter recently Installed by jr. E Frediikso!i Automobile company on a 1910 Chalmers-Detroit "30." r? ., . ... . . oi hub contrivance cranking by ....... . unnecessary, ana with It a woman nui iiuniiicapoea in the operation of a ...-v,,.c. principle or the "Ever Iteady" la similar to winding a watch or - ciocK, in that a tightly wound spr'n uuU..e. m, rorce to start tho engne This spring when wound tightly held by a clutch band, which In turn U con nected to a -pedal releaxe lever. Tho release lever ls located j a position convenient to the operator s foot. By press Ing the pedal with the foot the clutch band Is released and the full power of the sprin ts thrown on the engine shaft. The Im pulse of the spring will turn the motor over a sufficient number of times to posi tively start any gasoline engine. W. J. Mead, secretary of the Old.s Motor works. Larmng. Mich., says: The Lansing fire department showed Its ability to cope with the moat unfavorable weather con ditions In a test run which took place re cently, Just after one of the heaviest snow storms Michigan has xeen In years The big six-cylinder engine, tha chemical and tha chief's auto, all OldsmobUes. started out and made a most unusual run cover Ing a distance of 124 blocks, or ten and one-third miles, without a stop, which Is quite remarkable, considering the fart that the engine had to break most of Its own road. In some cases the drifts wen, 'ov,,. wo feet deep, J .vara! places a speed of twanty-flva miles an hour was obtained Tha only accident of the trip was the breaking of tha tire chains on the chem leal, which noceesltated Its going back to 178SSEL "Every inch a carM Will exhibit in space No. Omaha Auto Show. Kissel Auto Co. 2129 Farnam St. Write for full page catalogue. IFEFTTIHI 3 JUL . February 21st to 26th You can't afford to miss this exhibition of automobiles and everything pertaining to them. Every space filled with something of interest to owners, drivers and users. Beau tiful decorations and excellent entertainment features. No matter where you live you will be repaid by taking the time to see this exhibition. the central station, as the wheels could not grip tho snow. Chief Delfs expressed himself as highly pleased with this test "un, saying that If the engines could stand his test they could run In any kind of weather. The route lay over the worst and most Impassable roads in town, and the run speaks volumes for tha efficiency of tho department. Another practical demonstration of the worth of this apparatus was given during the month of December, when the people of the village of Bath, some ten miles from Lansing, sent word that their whole business district was In danger of being destroyed by fire and solicited aid. Im mediately tho six-cylinder Oldsmoblle fire fighter started on the ten-mile run over a hilly and snow-covered country and ar rived In time to save thousands of dollars worth of property from destruction by the flames. The Michigan Central railway agent upon hearing of the situation at the neighboring vlllago offered to furnish an engine and a flat car to transport the fire engine, but was surprised to learn that the latter had already arrived upon the scene of action, ten miles distant. Need less to say, the Oldsmoblle had covered the ground In minutes where it would have taken "hours to accomplish the same results with horse-drawn fire apparatus. Two exhibits of the New Rambler Svere made during the automobile show one at space D-2, the Coliseum, and the other at tha Chicago salesrooms, 1462-64 Michigan avenue. It has been noted that the product of Thomas B. Jeffery & Co. Is now desig nated as the New Rambler. By way of explanation of this designation, Charles T. Jeffery, general manager of Thomas B. Jeffery St Co., says that It Is now tha aim of this company, Instead of building a large number of automobiles, to build each one better than any before produced, every important part being made In the Rambler factory. The Nebraska Bulck Automobile com pany received two carloads of Oldsmoblle cars and two carloads of Bulck delivery wagon trucks this week. Mr. Bell, the Bulck man at Ord, Neb.," came through with a Bulck model "10" from Ord this week, which indicates that the roads are in a passable condition, as this is a drive of over 200 miles. One of the most attractive and interest ing exhibits at the Chicago show was the Interstate Automobile company's polluhed chassis. Tho motor, clutch, transmission and all connections at highly polished ana frescoed In such a manner as to bring out tho design, workmanship and material of all important parts. This affords an opportunity for even the most exacting motorUt to determine the quality of ma terial and workmanship of the moet Im porta nt part of a motor car the chassis. Exhibited In connection with this chassis were the fully equipped models In touring cars, deml-tonmau and roadster styles. They nre built on the same type of chassis, having a forty-horae-power motor, 118-Inch when base and an extremely rigid and durable tranxmilon and axle system. Not even tho mout experienced motor car salesman could make a list of all the mat ters that go to influence the buyer of a car in making his choice. However, there ara some matters that almost every buyer Is interested In and one of these is, "How does this car rank in its home territory?" To the buyer this question serves to cover a mass of information. Tho man who lives at a distance from the city where a car Is manufactured Is concerned princi pally with how tho car will stand up and how far the company end the dealer will go In backing It up. But the man living In or near the city where the car is made has a more intimof knowledge of conditions. In the great majority of cases he knows the officials of thu manufacturing concern, knows the factory behind the car. Its meth ods and the materials It uses and a num ber of other things, a knowledge of which could only be gained through personal ob servation. Recently a list of the licenses granted In Western New York for a period of a little over two years was compiled. It showed that of the cars of approximately the same price tS3 cars of six makes had been given numbers by tha state. Of this number 430 or 48.T per cent were , Pierce-Arrows. The Others, five mak's la all. bad 424 cars In 1 lol I? 4 t LQ)U -3 LZ3 3 5s " : WA The Nebraska Puncture -Proof Co., Omaha, Nebraska ...... j, ,, ..,.,,. ,.i,,,L. j.. , mM , Western New Tork or 51.3 per cent. The greatest number of any one make, aside from the Fierce-Arrow, was 252 or 28.6 per cent, this car being one made in the same territory. ' The others ranged from 90 cars or 10.9 per cent down to 4 ears and 4 per cent. Report of a third successful mld-wlnter tour, over snowbound roads, of a Hupmo- bile comes from Denver; and the trail negotiated this time was the worst por tion of last year's Olldden tour route. C. L. Creed and Robert Held the latter said to be a foreign driver of note made the trip. They drove the ear from Den ver to Hugo, . Colo., without once being put to the necessity of asking for outside help. It was over this piece of particu larly vile Colorado road that about one- third of the Glldden tour cars reoulred the assistance of horse and mule teams. The trip was from Denver, to Sorento, a distance of about ISO miles, and was finished with the Hupmo'blle In perfect order. Only once was it in trouble. Trav eling at a good clip, the car struck a sun warmed spot of. anow and skidded, blowing a rear tire. The first successful snow tour of the Hupmoblle was made early In the winter In the region of Devil s Lake. N. p.; and the second was the run of three cars through a thousand mllee of snowdrifts from Detroit to New York, December 27 to January, 6. Forty years ago when the B. F. Good rich company was starting in Akron fifty- five men were employed; today there are 6,000 men employed on the day force and 1,000 men at night. That rubber manufacturers are vitally Interested In the price of cotton and that large tire concerns, such as the Diamond Rubber company, use cotton to the value of a million or so of dollars In a year are facts not generally known even to auto mobile owners. 'We use a greut many kinds of cotton in different way," nald . ii, nun is oi me 1'iamond company, who is hero from the factories in Akron for the show, "but for making tires can employ none but tho sea Island product. It Is all manufactured to our own apeilfl catlonu and every piece Is tested before accepted or unel. The weave arie for different types of tires, but In every kind of pneumatic tire cotton is quite us ne?u. sary as rubber." "Contrary six-cylinder to popular impression, , the automobllo will not climb hills any better than a four-cylinder, nor will It run slower on the throttle," Is the statement made by President It. H. Frank lin of the H. 11. Franklin Manufacturing company. "Tha E-M-F company," said Walter Flanders, president, "Is luday the largest manufacturer of automobiles In the world. Our product commands tha greatest de mand. Our problem Is to get them out fast enough. Financially no other con cern occupies so euvtabu a iwin,.n in $3,000 1 ffl JL You Can Have Your Tires ade Puncture -Proof We want every automobile owner to know that we have our new and enlarged plant Installed, and can make his Ursa puncture-projof. You are Invited to call and In vestigate. A yaar guarantee given with each treatment. STOl" AT 2201 FAIIXAM. a., j innmmnMHM' wwn u su.il i in short, we are In a position where we need ask odds of no one. Wo would have noth ing to gain by a compromise or a recon ciliation, and certainly we would not for a moment consider again placing the sale of our product at the mercy of people who made so miserable a failure of It when they did control Its sale." The Nebraska Puncture Proof company, located at 2201 Farnam street. Is putting In modern machinery and expects to operate one of the largest plants In the country. This Is a new process. It has proven to be successful where It is tried and is destined to be . much sought In this section. The Kissel Kar people have removed to 2129 Farnam street In new and commo dious quurters. Woes of Hooxier Governor. Letters of all sorts arrive dally In the malls at the governor's office, some of them depreoHlng, some of them mlrth-pro-vokiug, and some of which for pure nerve quite take away the breath of the chief executive, whona experiences before be coming governor, he in wont to explain frequently, were ronfint-d lnrRely to the bUHineHs of a country law office. One of the "nervy'' ones camo this week from MoiionKahclu. Pit. "Dear Hlr," It ran. "I am n democrat and have seen hard service both In the party and In the war. Just now. I am in pretty hard IIiihh and need a line money. Please cend me $1. Von can either let me have It as a gift or I will pay It back when I get able." "That fellow may be hard up," said tha povernor, "but he doesn't know what real financial hardship Im. He ,.ht to try to be governor of Indiana in IIu-ha strenuous high price times on the salary the state pays." Thn $100 was not sent. Indianapolis News. Time dutiable. The clergyman's telephone bell Jingled merrily. "Well?" he asked, matching off the ear piece. "Am (lis de Reverend Mtntah Kline?" "Yh, ma'am." "How long will yo' be home dis after noon?" "Oh. I'll be In and out every half hour or so. Why?" "Me and Jim Jeffe-non want f git mar rlii dlM afternoon. Will yo' officiate if we come down?" "Yea. llnw will 3 o'clock do?" "Kuot rate! I),it II g'b mu time t' do an other waahlu' fiiHt." Jidtce. SPECIAL IICTICE! We can accomodate a few more cars for ntorngc in our new fire-proof garage. Kates reasonable. Sweet, Edwards Auto. Co. 2025-54 rarnam Street. , Tel. Doug. 3085.