THE OMAHA SUNDAY UVA): FEBRUARY 13, 1910. B The Omaiia Sunday Beiv FOUNDED UY EH WARD HOPE WATER- VICTOR RORK WATER, EDITOR. Entered (t Omihi postoffk a second class matter. TERMS OF" "I'rWRlPTION. rlly H (including Punday), per week.ljjc ally Be (without Runrtay). per weekM; lll- Ba (without Pundsv), one jr..H0 lally and gunday. on year DELIVERED BT CARRIER. Kvenlng Pra (without Sunday), per week. e F.venlng He (with Sunday), per wek..lOn Sunday Bee, on year j Hahirriay Hew, on year . Address all complains of irregularities In dllvery to City Circulation Department. offices. Omaha The Bee Building. South Omaha Twenty-fourth and N. Council Bluff-1X Scott Street. Lincoln 611 Little Building. Chlraao )& Marquette Building. New York-Rooms 1101-1108 No. M Weet Thirtv-third Street Washington 72 Fourteenth Street, N. W. . CORRESPONDENCE. Communication relating to new and editorial matter should be 'ddresed: Otniht Be. Editorial Department. REMITTANCES. Remit by draft, express or postal order payable to The Bee Publishing Company. Only t-rent atampa received In payment of mall account. Personal checks, except on Omaha or eastern exchange, hot accepted. 8TATEMENT OF CIRCULATION. tate of Nebraska. Douglas County, .! (eoiK B. Tsuchuck, treasurer of Tb Bee Publishing Company, being duly sworn, says that the actual numoer of full and complete copies of Th Dallv. Morning. Evening and Sunday Bea printed during the month of January. 1910, was a follows: 1..... 41,440 17 43,420 1 41,700 It 40,700 t 48,430 18 43,490 4 42,390 10 43,890 ', 4.4O0 Jl 43,680 49,400 22 48,60 ,Vo 2t 41,3(S0 43,470 24 43,600 41,700 2i 43,040 10 43,390 : 43,090 II 40,430 2 7 43,030 12..., 43,600 71 43,850 1 43,400 29 t. 43,650 43,400 10 41,400 1 4fl,B70 II 43,070 K 41,770 Total 1.314.330 Returned copies 0,655 Net total ...1,304,645 Dally average 40,173 GEORGE B. TZ8CHUCK. Tr surer. Subscribed In my presence and sworn to before me thl Jlst day of January, 1M0. ROBERT HUNTER. Notary Public tabsorlber tearing; tha elty tens- porarlly shoal hava Tha Be mat lea to ifceaa. Address will fea " aa vftea aa recreated. Moat every man can forgive and for get hia worst enemy bo long aa It la himself. It ought to bo eminently proper to refer to the color of a peroxide blonde's hair aa gold brick. It Is drawing close to the time when the early robin will be looking around for cold storage worms. Kansas City reports 317 cages of measles within the city limits. Now, tnat is what we call a measly shame. Maybe the reason why Philadelphia has a suburb called Bustleton is be cause of the peculiar shape of the city. Many lawyers like to go fishing for the professional training they get out of it after they return to their of fices. For one supposed to be so cold blooded and icy former Vice Presi-dt-nt Fairbanks has made things pretty warm in Rome. With the hum of industry going on all around the dove of peace Is hav-!(.- n hard time hearing the squeak of that Central American riot. Now that a Chicago man has lost au eye playing hand ball, it has been proposed that the list of rough and hazardous games be lengthened. Thex case of ( the preacher's son at Lincoln who dislocated his cervical vertebra wile washing his neck Is proof again that a good thing may bo overdone. Ferhaps the New York bank mes senger who lost a 110,000 bill made a mistake and purchased a "ton" of coal and a couple of dozen "fresh" e.Tgs with It. It is economical to be sick in New ork. The milk combine In that city, charging 9 cents a quart for milk to regular customers, sells It to hospitals for 5 cents. A number of inquiries have been made recently as to the whereabouts of Dlekema, who wants to be speaker and whose name sounds like a break fast food or a new religious sect. Ki-Governor Odell of New York says he knows when he is politically cl ad. It would be a great benefit to modern civilisation if he would pub lish a book giving the symptoms. "One wife In nineteen is an angel," Kays Emll Von Mueller, the bigamist. The ordinary man, however, would be willing to forego eighteen experi ences If he could get the angel first. Omaha shows up in the weekly bank clearings table with an increase of 43. per cent over the same period of a year ago. If the clearings reflect the volume of business, Omaha cannot have much of a kick coming. In addition to securing a divorce from her husband, Mrs. V. Gould Brokaw Is to receive a pitttance of 115,000 a year alimony and the right to kiss anyone she pleases without fear of her soul mate's anger. Mrs. Marllla M. Iticker of Califor nia has begun her campaign for the oftlte of governor. If Mrs. Rlcker will tike the advice of the average ' has Wen" she will conclude that a lai ruble rot with happiness Is better than a governor's mansion with petty. coat politics therein. Donations with Strings to Them. A man who wants to make a dona tlon to any institution for educational or charitable purposes has a perfect right to fix the conditions of the gift, but the same freedom he enjoys, to give or not to give and to stipulate the conditions of the gift, carries with it a correlative right on the part of the favored institution to accept or not to accept the limitations which may be imposed. These remarks are occasioned by the controversy precipitated over the proffered conditional gift of 1500,000 to Princeton university and the refusal of the university to accept because of the strings tied to it. It has become al most a habit for wealthy people en dowing public or semi-public Institu tions to make their contributions con ditional. The usual condition Is that they shall become effective only when an equal or proportionate sum is raised by solicitation from other sources. While it ia true that this was only one of the conditions of the rejected gift tendered Princeton, yet If the trustees had stated as their reason that they did not care to go out on a begging expedition to glorify a benefactor who would not let go of his money unless others were forced to match him they would have com manded the approval 'of a large num ber of intelligent people. If the Princeton incident serves to make all these Institutions more cour ageous in saying what conditions they are willing to have attached to their endowments and to refuse offers that have objectionable strings to them it will serve a good purpose. Income Tax Progress. It is practically decided that Illinois will be the second state recorded as ratifying the income tax amendment to the federal constitution, Alabama having been the first to act through its legislature. The speech made by Senator Borah last week, answering the objections raised by Governor Hughes of New York, who in his mes sage nrged rejection because the amendment as drawn does not specific ally exempt incomes derived from In vestment In state and municipal bonds, is said to have had such telling effect on those who heard it as to have elicited from Senator Root an expres sion of concurrence In the position taken by Senator Borah, and the as surance that the New York senator would soon give public utterance to his dissent from Governor Hughes. Senator Borah seems to be laboring under the apprehension that the amendment will be defeated by the in fluence of accumulated wealth exerted to prevent ratification in those states where large fortunes are concentrated. This, however, does necessarily follow, for the advocates of the income tax have conceded from the start that New England, New York and the states im mediately surrounding would, for the most part, have to be counted against the proposition. Under the constitution it will re quire the affirmative action of three fourths of the states, and at present it would take twelve states to prevent. If Arizona and New Mexico are admit ted to the union it will take thirteen states to prevent, so the Income tax may be a factor in the admission of these two territories to statehood. ' In all probability, however, Arizona and New Mexico will have a chance to vote on the income tax' amendment before final ratification or rejection, and the chances are they will favor rather than oppose. It took more than two years to rat ify the first ten amendments after they were proposed, and only ten states were needed to ratify at that time. It took over three years and a half for the eleventh amendment. The twelfth amendment went through -in less than a year, as did also the thirteenth. The fourteenth and fifteenth each required two years, and all the amendments so far adopted had comparatively little opposition to overcome. Notwith standing the lack of confidence of Sen ator Borah, there is no reason to be lieve the amendment Is not making progress as fast as it should, especially in the light of the history of other amendments. - Tree Culture in Nebraska. A house Is being built In a nearby Nebraska county out of lumber sawed from cottonwood trees planted by the owner in 1866. The trees are of great sice and although the lumber will be used for only rough work, yet from what Is known of its durable qualities It will probably last as long as it is ever needed. This instance recalls another, simi lar, except that the returns were greater. A poor quarter of Nebraska land was sold to a young easterner twenty odd years ago, of which twenty-four acres were Impossible for farm ing. The young man planted the tract to catalpa trees, fenced it and let It take care of itself. Five years ago he sold the largest timber to the railroad companies for ties. The culling out of the biggest trees has been going on ever since and recently his books showed 15,000 revenue from the land. He has his young forest yet, for he has regularly replanted the spaces with young trees. Tree and forest planting ran be car ried on successfully in this country on waste lands, swampy tracts, side hills and other lands. Not much caro Is necessary and eventually there is good money in It. The government is plant ing forests successfully, so are a num ber of railroads. The Union Pacific has started tree raising and the Southern Pacific has been doing It for many years. It is a practical thing for them, for by careful culling and cutting It involves little expense or replanting and continues to be a great source of profit. ' The story Is told of Prince Bismarck that he made a fortune from the trees planted along the public highway. As a young man Bismarck was In ordinary circumstances and seeing the need of pruning the shade trees along the pub lic highways asked for the privilege of doing it. The authorities not only gave him the privilege of doing the work, but also gave him the timber. He cut thousands of damaged trees, had them sawed into lumber and sold, and at the same time replaced these trees with young fruit trees, elms and poplars. In this way he not only profited him self but gave back to Germany Its shaded highways more beautiful than ever. , Why Choose the Store t Why should It be considered menial to do housework for others and highly proper to keep house for one's self! This is a question of more than ordi nary Importance in these days of the great development of the department store business and the increasing aban donment of home life. It presents a problem which Is troubling both those who have families of girls and those who have homes to keep, and its solu tion seems far from discovery. Dr. Charles M. Sheldon, the author preacher of Topeka, dijeusses this sub ject in his book, "Malcom Kirk." His idea is that ,an educated girl can do housework with social credit to her self, if she will. His theory is well worked out and illustrates, in story form, how the prejudice can be over come. The solution is a good one, but, unhappily, is only theory. . There ia some doubt about its put ting a young woman on a higher plane, socially, to clerk In a department store than it does to keep house. True, the clerk wears better clothes on week days than does the housemaid, but not on Sundays. It may be that she is more often sought as a wife, but she is said to be no more often a success as a wife. She does not have afternoons off during the week and she can never sit down at 3 o'clock to read and spend two hours In quiet. She does not have her room and board furnished her and seldom gets a wage sufficient to make up the difference. The American girl ia noted for her desire to be' inde pendent financially and socially. She also desires to be "free from the drudgery of the dlshpan and the wash tub." A clerkship will make the last possible, but the harsh, unkind, pur chasing public, strict overseers and vicious temptations of the modern commercial world greatly offset the advantage of so-called financial inde pendence. As for the "drudgery" of house keeping," there is drudgery la every occupation and profession known to humanity. A trained nurse rightfully ranks reasonably high In the social world, but the drudgery, dirty work, washing, housework and cooking which a nurse has to do is astonishing. Yet it is honorable work of a high or der which attracts ' the daughters of cultured families who are proud of their profession, with Just cause. One of those beautiful characters whom it la a blessing to meet and to know once rebuked a group of women who were discussing the "drudgery of housekeeping" by saying: "The way to get rid of the "drudgery of house keeping" is to call housekeeping a pleasure and a blessed privilege. . If one's heart Is right there Is little drudgery about it more than about any other occupation." Education and Literary Tastes. It must not be Inferred by the re sults of an invesblgatioa in Wellesley college, for women, that the average person of education reads light things and cares for nothing of importance. The majority of the people of the col lege and university type may be said to choose literature from ,the stand point of enlightenment rather than mere entertainment. Although this Is not always true, yet It is happily true of the majority. A part of the report of the committee whic'u investigated the condition in Wellesley follows: Their chief literary exercise, outs de of the, class rooms, consists In skimming through fha daily paper and devouring magaxln fiction. What has been found out la the more surprising In view of the Inability, of the average college girt to discuss current events. Of the 4M Wellesley students, 105 regularly read a daily paper. Do they read the editorials? says the committee. Inquiringly. No, they don't. They do mora than skim the head line and absorb the society column, but few pretend to read what does not In teract them. Here and there Is found the girl who doe read the newspaper as a whole, but she is rare, Almost every girl In college reads a weekly or monthly mata- sine. The girl who Muds time Tor neither Is the rare exception. The magazines are, In most cases, read for their fiction. The demand for short stories Is almost uni versal, but that I not because we are at Wellesley, but because we ate modern and American. Of the 400 girl, only thirty-six hav road a biography In the latt few months. The biographies are mostly tho-e of Alica Freeman Palmer r.r Carla Wenckebach. Essays were read by a few. The average American college girl is not very different, when she Is in college, from what she has beet) taught to be when at home. She la very apt to do as she sees others do in her own family and naturally think that this is all right. - No one can blame her, for unless girls and boys are taught to pick out literature of the right kind and read it for what there Is in it they are not going to follow that plan, as a rule, Independent of home Influence and guidance. College girls and boys are more friv olous during college cays than they are later. What they 'do during their four years of college Is not significant of what they will do afterwards In life. All college people are inclined toward good-natured frenzy from Just the ex uberance of animal spirits and the lack of responsibilities. If we expect young people to read good literature we must do as did our own parents and make the reading of the best books a popular thing In the home. If reading good literature make up education, ana we have every reason to believe that It does, then the popularity of good reading at home will do much toward completing our education and doing away "with the defects in our modern educational sys tem" that the club women of Topeka, Kan., have been pleased to point out. More Land for Homesteads. If pending measures .are enacted congress will soon return to the public domain more than 4,000,000 acres of land from tracts hitherto held within forestry reservations. The land is un suitable for forests, although largely suitable for irrigated farming, and has been wisely recommended for settle ment later on. States' having large government reservations have found some fault be cause of the burden of taxation thrown on the necessarily sparse population. Every state wishes to have its vacant land settled and under cultivation as soon as possible, not only to equalize the burden of taxation incident to af fairs of state, but also by increasing Its agricultural population to increase its prosperity. A large unoccupied public domain not suitable for forestration is of no benefit to either state or nation. A large agricultural population means great production of the staples and necessities of life, hence the Increase in the amount of m6ney flowing Into the state and consequent Increase in the valuation of all properties. That the government has been wise in with holding land for forestry Is willingly acknowledged, and that it is wise in returning for ultimate settlement lands unfitted for forestration' must also be conceded. ' The government reclamation service has opened, hundreds of millions of acres of barren lands for profitable farming. The deserts of the west have been changed into farms of even more profit than some of the famous Mississippi valley farms. Wherever irrigation la possible great wealth Is possible of production. Some have said that the reclamation service Is to be the salvation of the farming inter ests of this country, if it needs any salvation. The more land under cul tivation the better for the Individual states, the more prosperity for the in dividual inhabitants thereof and the more stability for the nation. Not that it makes much difference, but the difficulty of shaking off par tisan bias is again illustrated by 'the committee appointments of the Ne braska State Bar association just an nounced by President Ryan, who would be put down in the political di rectory as a dyed-in-the-wool demo crat. Of the four committees the chariman of the legislative committee is a democrat who ran for supreme judge last year, the chairman of the committee on legal education is a dem ocrat who ran for supreme Judge six years before that, the chairman of the committee on inquiries is a' democrat who ran for supreme judge about six teen years ago and the chairman of the committee on judiciary is another democrat who ran for supreme Judge three times. Among the committee chairmen no republican is in evidence. Crown Prince -Frederick William tianced long and hard with all the American youn'g women at a recent soclul ball In Berlin. Incidentally, he also got hia portrait in the papers and a b.'g writeup of his personal attrac tions. It doesn't strike us as being exceptional that one should like to dance with American beauties. Speaking of Senator Tillman's suit for possession of his son's children, the New York Independent explains that under an ancient South Carolina law which still lingers, all the right of the children belongs to the father, no matter how unworthy he may be. If Senator Tillman sees this, look out for another pitchfork rampage. Perhaps the announcement that the Van Nordens sold their interest in the Van Norden Trust company and its affiliated banks not long ago to capi talists who Control the Carnegie Trust company, may throw some light on that 28,000 touch for which an anx ious public is still awaiting the true explanation. Champ ClarkTs said to refuse to com mit himaelf as to his candidacy cither for the office of speaker or for the 1912 democratic nomination for the presidency. Champ evidently wauts to stay on good terms with a certain dis tinguished Nebraskan for a Jtttle while longer. A cutlery concern actually has the nerve, to advertise at this late stage a penknife with handle carrying por traits of Bryan and Kern. Must have overestimated the demand of the last campaign and had a lot of dead stock left on hand. One of the officers of the New York Board of Fire Underwriters has lately proclaimed a st-t of rules intended to help prevent church fires. We thought the effort of the church was constantly to make the fires burn brighter an 4 stronger. According to the Wot Id-Herald, the only candidate for governor who Is en titled to do his campaign traveling at state expense Is Governor Bhallcn berger, the present democratic Incum bent. ' Official Lltrratare Cornea Illah. Indianapolis News. The ten-page pamphlet by the Immigra tion commission, which cost 1659,993. shows that there are some forma of lit erature that are even more expensive than Note of Faunal Nature. Wall Street eeeaaarlea TaaiHle. New York World. The rost of the necessaries of lit Is coming down. A stock exchange aeat sold Saturday for $82,000, against a record of ru.OOO. At this rate the 1,100 seat on 'change are worth only J92.200.000. lemonatraloa of liarnestaess. Washington Herald. 1 After having said, "I hope my pockets will be turned Inside outward," Secretary Balllnger announces his determination to employ an attorney or two. This shows how deadly In earnest the secretary really 1st Kept la tha Dark. Philadelphia Ledger. Gentlemen who glibly explain that meat la high because people demand the choice cuts have not made clear why these cut carried with them on their upward flight the humble chuck steak and the soup bone. fold Morage Tags. Brooklyn Kagle. The bill to regulate cold storage should provide that a brans tag be tied to the bony part of every bit of meat that goes Into thLs retainer stating thereon the date of the killing. Eggs ought to be classified and dated. The arctic night which some food spends In these Ice boxes Is alleged to be ten years long. Mexican Justice and Amerleaaa. Sioux City Tribune. Americans employed on Mexican rail roads long since learned to dread Mexican Justice. It Is so permeated with hatred of the "gringo" that Its courts administer In justice when a "gringo" Is at bar. Tha case of Cook Is an instance. With not a straw of evidence against him, as conductor, with the theft of goods by his brakemen, the Judge finds him guilty of "contributory negligence" and sends him to prison. His case lends confirmation to the stories told la "Barbarous Mexico." OLU-AtiK PENSIONS. Encouragement for the Thriftless at tha Cost of the Thrifty Pittsburg Dispatch. In view of the growing discussion of old age pensions and their adoption In England and Germany, It Is Interesting to note that a commission on that subject appointed three years ago In Massachusetts to con sider the subject ba Just Issued Its report, filling a volume of GOO page. From pub lished summaries Its work seem to be earnest and thorough. At present we can give no more than the leading conclusions. The commission finds strongly against any plan of noncontrlb utlng old age pension such as ha been Introduced in England. Thl It condemn on the ground of encouragement of un thrift at the cost of the thrifty, a dtsinte grating effect on families and an . un favorable influence on the rate of wage. At tha same time It strongly approves of plans of contributory retiring pensions for publto employes and commends to large employers the policy of retiring allowances for their aged workmen, alt based squarely on tha principle of contributions to the fund by the employes themselves. ' HOMES AS THE V SHOULD BE. The Real Article Well Worth Strlv lag; For. Cleveland Plain Dealer. The "young man of today". I so oftn viewed with alarm and regarded with solic itude that moral homilies about him have lost their force. Somebody Is always saving him In a new way until he grow rather tired of being saved. Hera, however, la a bit of true gospel that will appeal to him and It may likewise ap peal to hi parents. "The homeless home," say a Cleveland minister, VI the greatest danger to the young man of today. An un sympathetic home ha more peril In It than the saloon, the gambling den or the street. The home should be a home In the trueat sense of the word, and not a mere place to eat and sleep." The danger Is negative, of course, but It drives the young man to positive evils. He want comfort and sympathy, and If he doesn't get them where he live he will go elsewhere. It Is easy nowadays to find comfort and diversion. There are the theaters, the ho tels and cafes, the clubs, the saloons and bowling alleys and other places less worthy of mention, but no less frequented, where there Is brightness and comfort and com panionship. And to some of these places the young man i sure to gravitate If his home Is gloomy or unsympathetic. It Is because of the lessening attractiveness of homes that such places flourish. The home I a place to live In. Comfort able chair and couches, fireplace that are used and furnaces that work, plenty of light wherever lights are needed, warm ruga and walla tastefully tinted and hung with good pictures, good meals and .ade quate provision for casual lunches. ..-"uslc and sunlight and a general tvtinoephei'9 e' cheerfulness, sympathy and tolerance)--these are the things that uiake a home leal to the much discujiseit yovng man. What though he doe muM things up and leave footprint on the floor and an odor of to bacco In the parlor? There ar thlnirt more desirable than perfect .order sntf irtoiSal housekeeping. Our Birthday Boo! Tebruarjr 13, 1910. General James Allen, chlif of the corps of th L'nlted State army, la J nt U. General Allen Is an Indlanian by birtli oni a graduate of West Point. He is a vUitor to Omaha nearly every year to inxpect tlio signal corps station at Fort On i'i.i, nhich la under his Jurisdiction. I Victor Ilosewater, editor of Tna I lee. !s 39 today. He ha been actively 'engaged 'n editorial work with The Kce for almott seventeen year. j James N. Hill, son of James J. Hill, 'with Important interest In the Burllngf i, Great Northern and Northern faclfij rail road. I celebrating his 40th birthday. Mr. Hill began at th bottom of the ladder In railway service, and has not mopped -lug up. J. N. Haskell, doing farm loan business, with offices in th New Vcrk LI'e building, was born February IS, IfK, at Phaepscott, Me. Mr. Haskell graduated from Bowdoln college In ItM and located In Omaha, the next year. Henry Rosenthal of tha Peoples gtora was born February It, 1TV at Ualtlmor. H became associated with hi brothers In tha mercantile business n1 la mw v! president and secretary of th propvletsiy corporation. Frank, p. Manchester, secretary cf tha Omaha Grain exchange, u bom Fabrvatv U, 180. II I aa Omaha boy and a grad uate of th Omaha High school and th Nebraska. Stat vrUversUf "Sight at Maturity Th average man Is so busy making ind saving money that lie does not top in realise that his family will lose all of hia money within a few rars iiirr n yt- ii. ..minn -),!.. i. ).. nil ... .r -t. v . . Y. - wimin seven years, would it noi i - - -permanent, monthly Income as an additional anfeguard tor ndnd,h,1"," A comparatively small ds,.oslt with the Equitable w lint only If an Kndowment Income Contract la purchased It will Insure an Income lit JV II VIU ir, i The Equitable Life Assurance Society OF THE UNITED STATES FAUZi KOBTOir, Freslflsnt. "Strongest In the World" , The Company which pays Its death claims on the day It reoelve them. H. D. NEELY, Manager. Merchants National Bank Building, Omaha J. O. PHIM.IPPI, , K. h"pi?k"iOB"AR1.K3 VVI.TKK. Cashier. .u;o. m. co6pkm. h. tay neely. w. o. komiu, ANTON LUNDSTROM, J. K BKCKMAN. SERMONS BOILED DOWN. Life I never art until through duty It passes to delight. A man's wind In church gives no clue to his weight outside. Too many want to be elrens where light house are needed. Happlnes Is in the discovery of the thing that really matter. You may know many men by the mo tives they sea In other. Ksay on problem are always more pop ular than essays at them. ' It la more important to get ready to live than to be prepared to die. It la better to ba a man striving up than a god with nothing more to be. On fool sets a fad and you know the r$at by their trotting after him. One ought always to get more In his work than he hopes to get by It. Try to make folks deeply happy and their heavenlines will take care of Itself. Jroiks who are always giiuin tha com mandments often are dodging behind them. Those who make a success of attempting nothing always sneer at the great souls who fall. Chicago Tribune. PEES0NAX AND OTHERWISE. The early robin Is wise enough not to become a target for snowballs. Kansas City has the stage set for a new version of Dr. Hyde and Mr. Jekyll. Boston's naval engagements brought to the firing line fashionable gold lace and lingerie. Tha limit of skyscrapers fixed by fit- Louis is 250 feet In height, or twenty-two stories. Mlssourians anxious for higher altitudes can hire flying machines. Chicago refuses to admire the nrvo of John L. Sullivan In claiming Chicago as his home and his occupation aa "litera ture." The dual role Is unthinkable in Chicago. President . Taf t is accounted a graceful waltzer and something of an expert with a golf stick, but the real test of his pro wees, .will come when ha twirls a shll lalah In Chicago March 17. Every school bdy past or present, will have to be shown before believing that the principal of a school In Washington, Pa., birched 100 boys at one session. Pos sibly the school Is a sanitarium for molly coddles. ' The ability of an Imported medium to tickle with her toes tha ears of tha table holder while her hand were tied to a chair, comes under the head (if what prlzo fight reporters describe as "nimble footwork." Maryland and Virginia ar up against tha problem of reducing the governor's colonel to a peace footing. The former state is inclined to abolish the sartorial glory and the latter state would cut the number of colonel In half. 8hould the Bouth set the pace Indicated, what color less spectacles inaugurations will be. Woman's Invasion of man's preserves brings out rare bunchu of trouble. One of the number who exercised the Inalien able right of handing her fiance the mit ten Is made defendant In a breach of promise, damages $25,000. Rather a large sum to pay for the measure of the man. The color of tha money hasn't yet blinked hi sight. DOMESTIC PLEASANTRIES. PennloDe I hear It's all oft between you and Victor. What was the trouble? Mehitabel His abscnt-minaeaness. xne other nlKht ha forirot that 1 had already accepted him, and he proposed again. Chicago Tribune. "Has tha new minister called on you yetr mi L ,u O. mi caiiins; iitsl un muev par ishioner who are able to afford meat." Baltimore American. "Hello! What's the knot In your hand- kerchUf for?" Mv husband s gone to trie country, ana the knot Is to remind me that he told me to think of him In his absence." Cincin nati Enquirer. -v He Darling, all 1 possess I lay at your tevt. - HheWnu are Just like all the men you Insist' on putting things where a woman will have to pick them up after you. But I'll say yes, John. Judge. daughter Mamma, can't I have a little iiK",uwy for shopping this morning? &5ra. Malaprop No, dear; there's th taxf to pay and I expect the taxidermist arouid any moment. Boston Transcript. "I always used to wonder," said Wll loughby, "what the ornithological reason A. HOSPE CO. attW PIANOS GRAND AND UPRIGHT Purity o, Tone, ' Velvety of Action, Lasting Qualities HAKES THIS PIANO SUPREME You Can See and Hear it at 1613 Douglas Street Drafts 77 - Kin out of every ten families lose all . - . wia,t,iii trt furnish a s ure. ter? but for VoScil 100 Kind fa Incral Waters We will sell over 100 kinds Imported and American Mineral Waters, and, as we ob tain direct from springs or Importer, can guarantee freshness and genuineness. Boro Llthla Water, hot.. 60c; case. 6.iM). Horo Lltr'i Water, pints, docen, $1.50; crse, 100, l0.0f. W are distributing agents In Omaha for the celebrated water from Uxcelslor Springs, Mo., and sell at following prices: Regent, quart bottle, , 2ic; doten, 12.13; case, 60 bottles, tS.OO. Hulpho-Saline, quart botUe, 25c; dozen, $2.25;; case, 50 bottles, 8.00. 8ulpho-a1lne, quart bottle, 26c; doson, fl.fO. . Hotcrlan, quart bottle. 20c; dozen. $2.00 Soterian, pint bottle, 15c; doxen, $1.M. Sotcrlan Ginger Ale, pint bottlo, 15c,' dozen, 1. 50. Hotcrlan Ginger Ale, quart bottle, 2Cc; dnron. S2.2S. Diamond LI this, half-gallon bottle, 40c; case, 1 dosen, $4.00. . Crystal Llthia, 6-gallon lugs, each. 2.00. Salt Sulphur, S-gallon Juki, each, $2.13. Delivery free to any part of Omaha, Council Bluffs or (South Omaha. Sherman & r.lcCcr.nell Drug Co 16th and Dodge Sis. Owl Drug Co. 16th and Harney Sts. . Optical Specialists We make a specialty of ' fitting Children's Eyes YOU KNOW the. proper eflre now eave a lifetime of EYE TROUBLE Prices reasonable. i Kuteson Optical Go, 213 South 16th St. was for there being no birds In last year's nests, but now It Is clear aa a pikestaff." "How do you account for it?" queried Jiggers. "Why, look at the women's hats," said Willoughby. Harper's Wreklv. THE KING'S RING. Theodore Tllton. Once In 'Persia relgnetr a king Who upon his Hlgiet ring Graved a maxim true and wise. Which, If held lMfore his eyes. (Save him rounxel at a glance Fit for every change and chance, Solemn words; and these are they: "fcvon this shall pass away." Trains of camels through the sand Brought him gems from Samarcand: J leets of galleys through the sea . Brought him pearls to match with thete; But ne counted not hi gain Treasures of the mine or main, "What Is wealth?" the-king would say; "Even this shall pass away." In the revels of his court At the xenith of the sport, When the palm of all his guests Burned with clapping at his Jests, He, amid his flR and wine, fried: "Oh. loving friends of mine! Pleasure comes, but not to stay. Even this shall pass away." Fighting on a furious field. Once a Javelin pierced his shield. Soldiers, with a loud lament. Bore him bleeding to hi tent. Groaning from his tortured side. ' "Pain 1m hard to bear," he cried; "Hut, with patience day by day. Even this shall pas away." Towering In the public squara, Twenty cubits In the air. Rose his statue, carved In stone. Then the king, disi;ulse1, unknown, timing- at his sculptured name. Asked himself: "What Is famaT Fame is but a slow decay, Kveu tills shall pass awiy," Ptrurk with palsy, acre and old. Waiting at the gates of gold, Kpuka he with his dying breath: "Life is done, but what Is death?" Then, In answer to the king. Fell a sunbeam on hia ring. Showing, by a heavenly ray: "Kven this shall pass away." REPRESENT