J THE BEE; OMAHA. YEDXESDAY, FEBRUARY 0, 1910. UNCLE SAM RECOVERS MONEY Tostofficf Regains $1,100 Which Bob ben Took from Farmer. POSTMAN FINDS IT IN MAILBOX John V. rarllalr la Held t'p tr KT9 n'nmin and Mm al Tllajht ml Italtrri with an Old Trick. John V. Carlisle farmrr' llvln near Kenrncy. loot $1 100 when he wan held up by nerroet Monday nlRlit and recovered the same through the Omaha poetofflce Tues day mornlnif and Is now loudly extolling that Institution as a reroverer of atolrn property. ' I Corllnle was held up by a bunch of negroea on Thirteenth street near home while he was on his return to the Union station from a trip up to town to buy a pair of shoes. He was en -route to Oklahoma to buy a farm and stopped In Omaha between trains, tie had with him about liO In cash and two cashier's checks, one for 11.000. drawn through the Farmers National bank of Kearney, and another for $100, drawn through the Commercial National bank of Kearney. Passing down Thirteenth atreet he wns accosted In the dark by a colored woman, who axked him If he could make change for a dollar. He stopped to accommodate the woman, when he waa pounced upon by her companions and' his pocket book, contain ing the two checks and all his cash wns taken. He felt that rettlxtar.ee was useless and escaped from his assailants, went to the police station nnd reported his loss. The drag net was thrown out, but failed of results. Mr. Carlisle, determined not to give up the search for his valuables and remained over In the city until Tuesday morning. In the meanwhile the thieves having dis posed of the conh, considerately deposited 'the two drafts In the mail box at the corner of Fifteenth and Farnam streets, where they were found by the mall carrier for that district, James E. Wright of 3111 Leavenworth street, during his early morning collections and turned over to As sistant Postmnster Woodard. Carlisle ' again ' appeared at the police aiatlon Tuesday at 10 o'clock and was Informed that the: drafts had been found. He went to tho postofflce and got them. Carlisle, while certain that It waa a negro woman who first accosted him on South Thirteenth atreet, near Harney, Is not cer- I tain that her companions were all negroes, there being two or three men In the party. H. D, Foster Goes. Up the Burlington Line Omaha Man Succeeds George B. Don bar in Chicago as Assistant General Auditor. Harry D. Foster of Omaha, auditor of disbursements of the Burlington lines west of the Missouri river, will become assistant general auditor of the Burlington route In Chicago on March 1. He will succeed George B. Dunbar, who will retire on that date after twenty-seven yeara' service. Mr. Foster has been In the local offices about five years, coming here from Chi cago as assistant to W. P. Durkee, the general auditor of the lines west. Prior , to his work In Chicago he was connected with the offices at St. Joseph, Mo. Mr. Foster will be succeeded In Omaha by J. D. Shields, now auditor of ticket ac counts In Chicago. This appointment will bring . back to Omaha a man who was drafted from the lines west of the river about a year ago. Mr. Shields was for merly auditor of freight and ticket ac counts in Omaha la the position now held by J. W. Newell. No appointee has been named to take Mr. Shield's place. Mr. Dunbar's retirement ends a long term with the Burlington, as he first began his work with that road In 1S83. He was then JubI out of Harvard college. He began . his work In tho freight department, later being . transferred to tho auditing depart ment. , Kdward Blakeley, cashier in the pas senger department of the Union Pacific railroad , leaves Thursday for Los Angeles where he will be passenger agent for tho Harrlman line. He will be succeeded by Q. O. Davis. LACKAWANNA PERSISTS IN ATTACKING DIFFERENTIAL Insists oa Iteadjostliiar Freight Sched ule ' that Omaha -Jobbers Want to Retain. In connection with the fight being made by the Omaha jobbers to retain the dif ferential freight rate, now In existence be tween New York and Chicago and which governs about 45 per cent of the trade, the Lackawanna railroad holds fast to Its position asking for a readjustment and In creased rates. A year and a half ago there waa Inaugu rated from New York. an additional all-rail differential by the New Haven road on a scale, Ntw York to Chicago, of 10 cents below the Btandurd all-rail rates. It has since been changed to a 6-cent scale, the tame as the ocean and water. Its contin uance Is predicated on the exlstance of any other all-rail differential. That the com pany has also established an ocean and rail differential which It Justifies by the other ocean and rail differential routes, which exist by virtue of outlets afforded by cer tain trunk lines In tho Central Freight as sociation -territory. The Orand Trunk was the only railroad that would' not agree to advance the rati rate to 70 cents and add a differential to thj rate. ' r I J li Yellow I'erll. , Jaundice main ria biliousness, vanishes when Dr. King's Now Life Pills are taken. Guaranteed. Ko. For sale by Beaton Drug Co. WEDNESDAY'S SPECIAL SALES wfl u I v.- Women's $4 and $)Qft $5 SKIRTS, at..... Hundreds of up-to-date new skirts fine pannmas, voiles and mohairs. -New pleated effects, blacks nnd all the favorite colors. Many show, the new style features for spring. Positively $4 and $5 values, $2 9Q New Tailored Lingerie 'Waists, Worth $1.50 at 98c Each. These are all new effects for spring '1910. The tailored waists have stiff collars and cuffs. A very Oft .' special group for VOC SILK PETTICOATS Fine messalines and taffetas, in blacks and all the most desired colors. 'All sizes are included. These silk 098 skirts are worth up to $7, at. . V Ldl v r NEW FOULARD SILKS Scores of the nwe'st patterns In these very popular new silks for spring of 1910. A wider variety of new color ings than one can find elsewhere Special at a yard 69c !5c EMBROIDERIES at 7ic YARD Extra Special on Bargain Square. Narrow, medium and wide fine embroidery edgings, inser tions, ribbon headings, galloons English eyelet, Madeira, blind and Japanese effects worth up to 15c yard, at, yard , 2C 60c VERY WIDE EMBROIDERIES at 25c YD. 18-inch fine embroidered flouncings, skirtings, corset cover embroideries elegant English eyelet, floral, crochet and filet effects, worth up to 60c yard. at, yard. . ... . .'. . . ... . . . ... -wOC WEDNESDAY SPECIAL IN SWEETLAND Assorted home made cream caramels, made with pure cream and nut centers, in all flavors, vanilla, chocolate, vanilla nut, chocolate nut and maple, H regular 40c quality, lb . .'. ... '.. 1VC OMAHA BRANDEIS STORES BOUGHT FROM A. 0. THOMSEN, TRUSTEE FOR THE CREDITORS The Entire Stock Hen's and YI omen's Shoes of the CHAB0T SHOE CO. 203 N. 16th STREET. Thousands of Fairs of the Highest Grade and Most Up-to-Date Shoes Made by the Leading Manufacturers of America, all go on, Sale SATURDAY, FEB. 12, 4-Price SEE OUR GREAT WINDOW DISPLAYS. WATCH THE DAILY PAPERS FOR PARTICULARS. :au k h n o m a .n .n- M s mm : Nmvm D . U H-B n a n a r b v bu i Tho SPRING Quarterly Style Book and anjr 15c pattern N 20 Any Woman's Suit rr In our stock, worth $25.00 to $45.00 In final clearance S10 II BUBUOB 1UI 25c The chance of a lifetime to buy suits. Our finest high grade tailored models, without a single exception, now $10. Seco Silks for 25c Oneof the handsomest summer fabrics brought out. It is marketed by one of America's leading silk houses. Seco, silks are on the counters ' of the leading stores everywhere at 60c a yard. It's a silk and cotton fabric that looks like all silk, we have 45 different plain shades for street wear ana ror tneater ana party gowns. Also largely worn ror waists ana scans, mere are plain weaves ana brocaded effects. We put a large quantity on sale Wed nesday, at, yard NO TIMK LIKE THE PRESENT FOR PONGEri SILK A fortunate purchase Just 12 pieces brings the price to half. These are the fashionable yard wide silk pongees that make such Ideal summer frocks. Well dressed womenfolk everywhere have at least one gown of pongee. In this lot are the following shades Copen, reseda, catawba, wisteria, prune, peacock, tan, grey and brown all are full pieces, first time Wednesday - BLACK AND WIflTE CHECKED SITTINGS They are' very stylish for spring. We show ten pieces in checks of various sizes, all 44-lnch goods, at, yard Special February Corset Sale . , . , A Well Known Make of Corsets, $1.15 ' Under Regular Price a Fine Treat The maker .forbids us to mention his name In this connection, but you'll , recognize the make. They are J2.60 corsets. We will not go into the story of how we got them so cheaply! What concerns you most Is the value. These corsets are new, long, fashionable models, made of'strong, firm batiste and stayed with 'non-rust boning." They have the dlrectolre skirt effect, which encases the hips to impart the long, Blender-lines to conform with prevailing fashions. They are embroid ery trimmed and fitted with full seta of supporters-- J4 excellent !$2.50 corset special J)lOtJ Our spring numbers of American Beauty corsets are now In.' These corsets are- expressive of the highest attainments in American corset making and styling, $1.50, 92.00, 92.50 to $10 EXPERT CORSETIERES IN CHARGE. 49c 69c S Valentine Bennett's a surely the valentine tore. One of the big aisles In the book section Is completely transformed into a great valen tine exhibit. You'll find them banked up along the sides and on 'the edges,-hundreds of them on tables and cases and overhead. We have dvery kind Of valentine made from the old fashioned lace on up to the modern, hand-palnt- e(f crea'tioris. .....' lc to fg.OO Bool ''valentines, " appropriately done up are pleasing gifts. Among . them Wiley's Love Lyrics," "An Old jSweeteart 6f Mine." Fisher & Christy ' books of sketches of American " girls are extremely popular1. r'' ' ! " Notion Day Linen tapes, all widths, 2 bolts 5c Women's Hose Supporters, with pad belt, 25c kina for. ... 10c Dressmaker's Pins; lb. box, at, special, per box '. . . 10c Darning Cotton, dozen spools to box 15c Black Spool Silk, 100 yards, 2 - spools for 5c White Machine Tiread, 200 yard spools,' 2 spools for 5c Dress Shields, usual 15c quality, at, per pair 10c Pearl Buttons, the best fresh water ; pearl, per card of one dozen 10c 5c Amoskeag Apron Ginghams Large line of patterns, standard goods, selling at 7V4o to 8 c everywhere . . 5c DENNETT'S DIG GROCERY Offers ' for1' Wednesday anI - Thursday these very special values; (translated Uufx, 19 lbs. for , (1.00 Unbleached 8 e e d 1 ess Raisins, - ftc quality, at, lb lOo Evaporated Peaches, 16c quality, lb loo Jap Rice," our 7c grade, 6 lbs. - for 88o peolal Coffee Offa Bennett's Capitol Cof fee, Including forty stamps B8o Bennett's Capitol Flour, sack $1.00 And 89 Stamps Bennett's' Capitol Pep per, lb.' can .... 100 . And b Stamps Teas, assorted, lb... 680 And 75 t tamps Hypo Washing 1-owder, ten pkgs 26c Keystone Lye, ten cans for 26c Hartley's Pure Fruit . Jams, Jar 26c And 20 Stamps California Table Raisins on stem, lb lOo Diamrnd Crystal Salt. 2 sacks 100 And 10 Stamps Double Oreen Stamps on Butterlne. Newport Catsup, bottle, at loo And S Stamps Blue Borax Starch, pktr. at lOo And a lc Waxer Free. Gaillard's Olive Oil, bot tle 40o And 40 Stamps Bennett's Capitol Pure Maple Syrup, V, gal lon can 75o And 40 Stamps York Rose Toilet Soap, ( for afio And 10 Stamps Capitol Baking Powder, 4 lb. can 84o And 20 Stamps Fresh Cut Loaf Sugar. pkg BSo And 10 Stamps Bennett's Capitol Wheat 2 lb. pkg 100 And 10 Stamps Diamond 8 Chill Sauce, bottle lOo BENNETT'S CAPITOL CREAMERY BUTTER. . . 32c FRESH COUNTRY EGOS Every One Guaranteed dozen . 25c MUST PAY UP WATER RENTALS Coaatr Board llriiiirllm Funds to Provide f2.14,IH0 Due Omaha ' Wr t'uuiuaujr. In making up the new tax apportionment the county hoard inadvertently overlooked the tiiO.OOK) tliat muHt be paid to the Omaha Water compmy for past due hydrant rent nls. This amount was put into a judo;- I merit naalr.st the city by the United States Court. Comptroller Iobeck discovered tho omis sion und tho county commissioner have taken fWm to provide for the necessary levy to rare for the amount. Moderate Priced Second Floor. OMAHA'S PCRB FOOD CENTER. Tin . Best of Table Delicacies U Courtney quality means the best grades of pure foods, sold at the lowest possible price, that can be asked without the sacrifice of good ness. Courtney quality means the best, the most wholesome,, and the most economical. Courtney's Specials lor Wednesday Very Tint Canned Peas Solid pack, fine flavor, medium slse. The reg ular price is j be a can; to close out. per DOZEN... 51.00 500 lbs. large Seoded Kalslns, lb. lOo Old Style Hun Cured Sweet Corn ISO Mother's Coin Flukes, pkg So OiKpe-Nuls, pkg ....loo Navy Heuns, Michigan grown, lb., 50 Colorado J'otaioeH, veiy line, bu. SOo 4S-II. sack Lotus Flour 91.M White or yellow Corn Meal, sack, loo Lotus brand Pure Cider. Vinegar, in uuart bottles, at ISO Iretels, regularly lOo lb., today on). lvv id L Terr High Grade Ulnoe Already prepared) it la made from the finest ingred- m tents; It Is clean and I (If appetising, per lb wv 500 lbs. Creamery Butter, lb.. .00c Country Roll Butter, lb.; 30c Storage Eggs, dosen 23o Strictly Fresh Eggs, dosen. . . .29c Cottage Cheese, pkg .10c Dill Pickles, dozen. . .10c and lftc Bauer Kraut, quart ........ .8c lie. J. 1. William. Teetlflea. Hev. I. T. Williams. Huntington. W. Va. rltcs us us follows: 'This Is to eerify that I used Foley's Kidney Kemedy f ir reivous exhauatkn and kidney trouble and am free to say that Foley's Kidney R-medy will do all that you claim for U." ttold by 11 arugUi S.BAILEY fk MACH V DENTISTS - ; 1 Best equipped dental office In the middle weak Highest grade dentistry at reasonable prices.' Porcelain fillings. Just like the tooth. All Instru ments carefully sterilised after each patient. Til lit D HAX1H PAXTON BLOCK Cor iota and Varnam Bta. ll!!H!!Wn Our Candy Special For Vednesday ; Our regujar ?5c. Angel Food Taffy, per pound box,' PS Wednesday only A. t-P HYERS-DILLOIl DRUG CO. 16th and Farnam Sts. Gall by 'Phone Whenever you want aania thing, call 'Phone Douglas ta and stake It , knows through a Bea 'Want Ad, r A) HI E SPEUS - ""f : COUGH The Seat Semedy for Oonghs, 'Colds, Throat and bong roa. bias Is . ' vnufriiic i uTi.tr awe Oet a ' bottle today, afio and SOo. at tour druKKlsta or KowoU Brag Co., (07. ) . BU Omaka. FOOD FOR ZTr NERVES': and nervous men find their power to work and outhiul vig n gone as a result of over work er mental exertion should . take UKAY'y NERVK FOOD PILL.H. They will make you eat and Bleep and be a man again. i 1 Box boxes as.60 By xaaUL Hmui Si MOOOaTsmX. B1VO CO, Cor. lttta and Dodge Streeta. owl Digs punrAii, . Cor. lata aaA Harney lu, Oaoaba, HtB. "A manly Ameri fea can's favorite brew r Isi A manly American- wjg iffl that means you " ? THE Ctn YOU LIRE i'oaiB3i;r Dijtribu.r John Nittler 8aa4 So. 21th Sireet. tor. l'aea. ed"333.' tnd. A-1430. JjeslSstJi mil 1 Die Savinno in Cost off Livinc Aro Assured If you Help Fight tho Trust Pripea Watch for Saturday Big Shoe Sale.' Ul Jli IE r: THE RELIABLE STORK Omaha's Greatest Shoe Sale Begins Saturday. Grand Embroidery Bargains Wednesday The most delightful embroidery values shown for years will be offered Wednesday in our big showing of fine Flouncings nnd Allovers the best ever. Full 45in. Skirt Flounc-. JJ Q Beautiful full width Ail ing, in big assortment of h H O overs in delightful vnri choice designs. . WW ety of pretty patterns. Regular selling price of both these numbers is $1.50 a yard. . v Cutting Trust Pricos 200-yard Spool Barbour's Linen 6-inch Metal Cotton Trust Threads; Trust Back Hair price fe; our price 10c; our Combs; Trust cut price.. 3 MC cut price.. 7V2C price 15c. 7 V2CJ Vi J Tanufact'r's Stock of Waists $2.95 AS SHOWN IN Ot'R SIXTEENTH STREET VIXHOW. One of the biggeet and best purchases we ever made, Messalines, Taf fetas, Nets all early spring styles, trimmed with laces, Insertions and hand embroidered; all newest colors, all sizes; made to sell up to $7.60 Wednesday at one price. cnoice FRENCH VOILE DRESS SKIRTS Regular values lip to $10.00, at, choice ' 34.05 Time sales In Our famous Domestic Room From 8 to 8:30 Merry Muslin; regular price 11c a yard; 10 yards limit, at, yd .5 From 9:80 to 10 A. M. 19c Tow els; large, heavy, 6 pairs limit, at, each lltf From 2:30 to 8 P. M. Edwards' Fine Muslin; yard wide, 10c reg ular price, 10 , yards limit, at, per yard M From 4 to 4:80 P. M. 81x90 Wamsutta Sheets; very bps made; $1 value, 5 sheets limit, at, each 5gJ FOR ALIj DAY 10c Percales, double fold ..7W 12 He, 16c and 19c White Ooods, now at i -lO Lonsdale; Fruit of the Loom or Hope, at .8M High Grate Wash Goods' Sals 32-inch Genuine Scotch Ginghams, fast colors, fine cloth, regular price 26c yd., at ........ 15 32-inch Alberfoylec Scotch Ging ham, best patterns made, regu lar price 36c yd., sale price 69c Half Silk Wash Goods 39 69c Silk Ginghams oox Caucasian Cloth, better than Ha waiian Cloth 25d Rough Mercerized Pongees 1J Shirt and Shirtwaist Madras 25 .and WOOL DRESS OOODS SALE One ease of 66-inch' Black Im ported Broadcloth, regular price $3.00 yd., on, daonly 81.40 Several Other Sulfa Here. In Our Popular Family Liquor Department , Tennessee White Corn or Maryland Rye Whiskey; Quart. . -75 Per gallon . $2.50 Fine Old Jamaica' Rum per I Your order taken here for quart .... i75l Bottled Beer. , ;.: To Reduce the Cost of Living It Pays to Trade at Hayden's for GROCERIES. Big nou Cals For Wsdnssday ' 48-U. sacks. Best. High Patent Flour, , made from the finest No. 1 wheat; remember this grade of flour re tails everywhere for $1.75 per sack, but to cut down the cost of living we will sell It for: this sale at. per. sack 91.40 19 lbs. best Pure Cane Granulated Sugar for 91.00 8 bars Bnst Brands Laundry Soap fl5o 8 lbs. Bast Rolled Breakfast Oat meal for 880 6 lbs. Best Hand Picked Navy Beans, now at 35o t lbs. Pearl Tapioca, Sago, Barley or Farina for ...,.S5o 4 lbs. Fancy Japan Head Rice ...83o 6 Jbs. Choice Japan Rice 86o 8-lb. can Fancy. Table Apricots or Peaches for 18o 8-lb. can Golden Pumpkin . .....THo 8-lb. can Solid Packed Tomatoes BVjO 2-lb. can Fancy Sweet Sugar Corn. now for 7Ho 2-lb. can Early June Peas T4o XT FATS TOW TO BTTT TOU BUT TIB, BTTTTXBnrB, OHBEII AJTD BOOB AT HATSXN'B. Faney No. 1 Creamery Butter, lb. 38o Fancy No. 1 Country Butter, lb. 8Bo Fancy Dairy Table Butter, lb., . .S8o 8 lbs. Good Butterlne '.Alio 2 lbs. Good Table Butterlne, 3So 2 lbs. Fancy Table Butterlne . ...45o Full Cream White or Colored Cheeie, per lb 80o Strictly New Laid Kir.. do ....8o raiH VBOKTABIiB FKXCB That Are a Saving of 30 to 60 Fresh Beets, .Carrots, Turnips or Slialots. per bunch' . . . . ,. ,-34o Fresh Parsley, per bunch , .-. . ..3jO Fresh Caullflowor. per lb lOo Fresh Green Peppers, per doi. ...30o Fresh Spinach,, per peck 80o . t heads Fresh Leaf Lettuce So 2 bunches. Fresh Radishes .Bo Old Beets. Carrots, Turnips gr Par snips, per lb .80 2 heads Fresh Celery Bo Largo Head Lettuce, each 5o Larve Orape Fruit, each Bo RIO HI. AND N1TEL OBAWOES The Orange of Quality Kissed by the sun, moon and stars, per dozen, at 16o, BOo. 35o and 30o Tho Sweetest. Jnlolost and Blolisst TlaTored Orange Grown In California. Wot Controlled by the Trust. ?TryllAYDEl'S Firsts Omaha to..... San Francisbo Los Angelesr San 'Diego, Portland, Seattle, Takomar Spokane Butte, Helena, Victoria, B;C VanCouver, B C ' IVIarch 1st to April IGtli VIA ROCK ISLAND Similar reductions to other points. Tickets honored In tourist cars running through without change to California. Choice of two best routes, via El Paso low altitude route and via Colorado the scenic route. , I f .1 N't i ' Take advantage of the low fares and go Hock Island way. ..T J. S. McIVALLY, D. P. A, 14th and Farnam Sts. Omaha, Neb. Garbage Removal Uncftr the new garbage ordi nance, the exclusive right to haul garbage in seven out of eight of the districts defined thereby, has been awarded to this company. Phone Webster 497 or Douglas 7044 for terms. Omaha Rendering &' Feed Company CLUDDITJG OFFER Daily and Sunday Bee.... McClnre's Magazine ......... Woman's Home Companion 1.50 Review of Reviews 3.00 , Regular price for all one year. . .$12.00 J Our Price ONLY $8.90 THE OMAHA DEE. Omaha Neb. 1333 i OKOOXBT A5S M3IAT BrZCXAX.S TOM VZSIIIOiT. No.' 1 Rib Roast loo No. 1 Rlb Roast Veal ........lOo No. 1 RlbKoaat I.ainb.. loo kn t Flour. 14-lb Sack TSo - peas & Tomatoes, doa. Cans.. 91-10 Corn, da. Cans o R. E. Welch '8ta h raraasa, fhoum S. 1S11 A-SS11. Standard Brand Whiskies. $1.00 J Ouckenhlmer, Ovarholt, Bond and Lllllard, Oren River and Cedar Prnok. pr uart, at , . , 1.0O Tennesa White Corn (ruoonnMne) per quart .....TSo per gallon D3.60 ta.60 Maryland Rye. per quart 760: per gallon California fort wine, per quart 880, 300 aaA too Home Made Wine, white or red (made In Nebraska) per gallon JttAj Clerk ia Atteadenoe. 1.00 i 1 1 Cacklcy Bros., Wine Merchants ' ui it. issn.-t , opposite v. o. ' bo4 rjionee.