Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 06, 1910, EDITORIAL, Page 8, Image 18

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TILE O.UAIIA SUM)AT BIE: 2'E15KUAlir 6, 1910.
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Cchcdulei Which Have Been Mads
Out for the Coming: Season.
Krrat Arllrltr All Over the C'oontrr
In Aatomoblle Circle Shows In
crease In Tbla Mnr of
NEW YORK. Feb. B.-T!ie following auto
mobile events have been Hchedulrd for the
caaon of 1910:
Philadelphia, Century jMotor club.
Philadelphia, Quaker City Motor rlub.
April IB.
Penver to Mexlro Flag to Flog: G. A.
WahlRreen, May 1.
Hartfonl, .Auto flub of Hartford, May 1.
Jlarrlsbiivg. Motor Club of Harrlsburg,
May 2 to 7.
Narrlatown. Norrlstown Auto club
May IS.
Kort Worth. Fort Worth Star-Telegram,
May 22.
Detroit, Detroit Auto Dealer' association,
May its.
National (Ulldden) tour, A. A. A., June
15 to 30.
Hoover. TenveT Motor rlub, June.
New York to Seattle, M. R. Guggenheim,
Jily 1
Philadelphia to Wlldwood, North Wild
wood Auto rlub, July 2.
Minneapolis Tribune, Minneapolis Auto
club, August 1.
Mnnsey tour, Frank A. Munsey company,
August 16.
Minneapolis, Minnesota State Auto asso
ciation, Atigunt 31. .
Philadelphia to Wlldwood. North Wild
wood Auto club, September 8.
Cleveland, Cleveland Auto club, Septem
ber. Kansas City, Auto Club of Kansas CLty,
f eptember,
L,oulsvllle, Louisville Auto club, Octo
ber .
Chicago. Chicago Motor club, October 13.
Penver. Denver Motor club, October.
Worcester, Wort-enter Auto club, October.
Denver, Denver Motor rlub. May 30.
Itiverhid, Motor Contest association,
June 1.
Cohe, Chicago Auto club, June 26.
Crtind Rapids, Grand Rapids Auto club,
middle of July.
Denver. Denver Motor rlub, September 5.
Lowell, Lowell Auto Hub, September 6.
Vanderbllt. Motor Cups Holding com
Iny, October 1.-
Kairmount Park, Quaker City Motor club,
October 8.
Savannah, Savannah Auto club.
Atlanta, Atlanta Journal, February 21.
Kansas City, Auto Club of Kansas City,
Bridgeport, Auto Club of Bridgeport,
May m,
W'llkes-Bai-r, Wllkes-Barre Auto club,
Juno 11.
Worcester, Worcester Auto rlub, June 4.
Cleveland, Cleveland Auto club, June.
O.HBlnlng, Upper Westchester Auto club,
Juno IS.
Plalnfle'd, Plalnfleld Auto club, July 11.
Richfield. RlchfleJd Springs Auto' club,
middle of July.
Algonquin-Chicago, Chicago Motor club,
middle of August.
Denver, Denver Motor club, November.
Minneapolis, Minneapolis Auto club.
Bt. Paul, Auto Club of St. Paul.
New Orlnans. New Orleans Auto club,
February & and
Montgomery, Montgomery Auto associa
tion, February 12 or April 20.
Birmingham. Birmingham Police Relief
association, .prll 27.
Atlanta, Atlanta Auto association. May
6, 6, and T.
Indianapolis Motor Speedway, May 29, 30
and 31.
Boston, Bay State Auto association.
May 30.
Brighton Beach, Motor Racing associa
tion. May 30.
Philadelphia, Quaker City Motor club,
June 4.
Columbus. Columbus Auto club, June 14.
Indianapolis, Motor Speedway, July 1, 2
nd 4.
Dtillaa. Dallas Auto club. July 4.
Cheyenne, Cheyenne Motor club, July 4.
St. Paul, State Automobile association,
July 4.
Wlldwood. Motor Club of Wlldwood,
July 4.
Wlldwood, North Wlldwood Auto club,
J'lv 4.
Wlldwood,, North Wlldwood Auto club,
Aiinunt 6.
Cheyenne, Cheyenne Motor club, Aug
ust 17.
Cheyenne, Cheyenne Motor club, Septem
ber 6.
I Wlldwood. Motor Club of Wlldwood, Scp
; tember. 6.
Wlldwood. North Wlldwood Auto club.
Srptrmber 5.
(alveun, Galveston Cotton carnival.
July 23.
Kansas City, Auto Club of Kansns City,
Philadelphia. Quaker City Motor club,
August 6.
liidlHnapolls, Motor Specdwav, August 13
anJ n.
Indianapolis. Motor Speedway, September
2, 3. and 5.
Minneapolis State f ilr. Auto rlubs of Min
neapolis nnd St. Paul. SeplembT ft and W.
Providence. Rhode Island Auto club. Sep
tember and in.
Irdlanapoiia, Motor Speedway, October 7
and 8.
Dallas, Dnllott Auto club. October 23.
Atlanta. Atlanta Auto association, No
vember 15.
New Orleans. New Orleans Auto club.
November 5 and C.
San Antonio. San Antonio Auto club, No
vember 6, 9 and 13.
Santa Rosa, May t.
Portland Ro?e carnival. Portland Auto
rlub, June 11.
Santa Monica, Licensed Motor Car Deal
ers' association of Is Angeles, July 4.
Mt Baldy. September 10.
Sin Franclsco-Portola, Aulo Club of Call-,
fornla, October 23.
Los Angeles-Phoenix. Maricopa Auto
club, November 24.
Altadena, Licensed Motor Car Dealers'
association. Lo Angles. February 22.
' Mile High Hill climb, Redlands Mile High
Hill Climb association, November 24.
Los Angeles, Mot6V Rxclng association,
January A.
Los Angeles, Motor Racing association,
February 12 and 1.1.
Los Angeles, Motor Racing association,
Mnrch 12 and 13.
Los An (teles, Motordrome company, April
8, 9 and 10.
Los Angelen, Motordrome company,
April 13.
Los Angeles, Motordrome company,
April 16. 16 and 17.
Los Angeles? Motordrome company, 24
hour, April 30 to May 1.
Santa Rom. Sunta Rosa. Auto association,
May 15 and IS.
Los Angeles, Motordrome company, May
29. 30 and 31.
I job Angeles, Motordrome company, July
2, 3 and 4.
Los Angeles, Motordrome company. Labor
Seattle. M. R. Guggenheim, September 10,
11 and 12.
Spokane, Spokane Inter-state fair.
Nevr Manufacturing; Concern Dcgrlna
n Important Business
In Oinnba.
The E. W. Reynolds Manufacturing com
pany has begun the manufacturing Of auto
mobile tops at 1003-1010 Jackson street.
This Is the enly exclusive top manufactur
ing plant outside of Chicago.
The factory will have a capacity of six
teen to twenty tops daily. It will make
every grade of top. It will travel aeveral
men when fairly underway, and will give
employment to morq fhnn wenty pepp'
ine present quarters o" acason street
will be enlarged to meet factory's de
mands, but the management will estab
lish a plant on Farnam street as soon as
B. W. Reynolds of Kansas Clly le presi
dent and manager of the new concern, and
has surrounded himself with experienced
men in the top business. George Pupy
will have the management of the mechan
ical department. He comes from one of
the largest top factories In the country.
The new concern will have a display at
the automobile show and demonstrate
what It Is able to do and what dealers may
It will also be sole agents for the Acker
man wind shield in the state of Nebraska,
Council Bluffs and Sioux City.
Can I'se Dust.
Small punctures In Inner tube are usually
located by partially inflating the tubes and
either Immersing them In water or smear
ing them with soap lather, the puncture
being Indicated In either case by bubbles.
On the road the tourist Is sometimes unable
to procure a utensil suitable for testing
the tube, but as a last resort it can be
laid In the dust and the puncture will be
Indicated by the blowing away of the dust
at the point where the air leaks from the
Along Auto Row
Bhow Is Uppermost la All Ml ads
Big Preparations by All Sealers
This Weak to Visit Catoago Show
Most of the Omaha automobile dealers
will attend the automobile show at Chi
cago this week to get Ideas fcr the bl3
show which will be held at the Omaha
Auditorium February 21-2G. All arrange
ments are practically complete for the
Omaha show and all now await the arrival
of some new cars for exhibition purposes.
Many have their cars now on hand, whilo
others will have cars and chassis fhlppel
to Omaha from the Chicago Bhow.
Never did business look brtrhter for the
automobile men than for the com'ni tprlnj
and Indications are that It will be a rush
to get cars for customers. Iprc ally Is
this so for some grades of cars which are
more popular and for whlc'.i there la an
unprecedented demand.
An exclusive Innovation, not wl.hin the
power of the majority of manufacturer
exhibiting at the Chicago Coliseum sho.v,
has been (Introduced by Thomas B. Jefery
& Co., maliers of the New Rambler, by
the traiuportat-ion to Kenosha of all pros
pective purchaters of this car and a re
ception there In behalf of Rambler frPnds.
The buyer who visits the Rambler boo.h
la Invited to Join a party which leaves the
Northwestern depot every morning for the
Rambler factory at Kenosha.
This faotory Is only one and one-half
hours' ride from the Coliseum and the trip
up and back consumes but a little over
half a day. This enables show visitor
to Chicago ito not only see the big show,
but at the same time to visit what is con
sidered to be one of the largest automobile
factories In the world1.
The Rambler factory occupies ninety
three acres, with twenty acres of floor
space. Every part of this car Is male un
der $ne roof.
Those who have been thus entertained
have had an opportunity to see a high
class car made In Its entirety, from the cast
ing of the cylinders, the flywhecla and
all metal paxts of the Rambler, the forg
ing of the crank shafts and other parts
to the upholstering of the finished bodies,
every detail of which Is now accomplished!
In the New Rambler factory.
The Nebraska Puncture Proof company
have removed to their new location on Auto
row, 2201 Farnam atreet. This company is
ably managed by W. W. Lemon and lr.
Ayres. Their compound Is a novel one,
consisting of the treatment of pneumatic
tires, guaranteeing trtem against puncture.
The product has been well tried out and
many testimonials attest to iU merits.
More will be seen and heard of this con
cern at the Auto show, where they will
exhibit. . .
The Mclntyre Automobile company and
Llnlnger Implement company will have on
display at their booth during the Automo
bile Bhow, the smallest automobile In the
country. ,
It measures ay little more than three
feet. It is one-half horse-power, four cyl
)nder, four cycle, water cooled, Is provided
with .carburetor and everything, making a
perfect piece of mechanism. It was built
In Stromsburg. Neb., by local mechanics.
Two year' time was consumed In building
this little car, but only spare time was
put In at work on same, the first thing
done was the designing, then patterns for
all casting work were made, these were
sent to Lincoln, Neb., where the castings
were made, then the work to build the little
car was begun.
The first thing to be finished was the
little engine, this was a long job on ac
count of Its being so tiny; the cylinders,
pistons and piston rings are ground to a
perfectly . smooth surface and are very
closely fitted. The crank shaft Is turned
out from a solid bar of steel. The water
jackets are made from brass tubings
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We beg to announce that we
have installed a first class
Automobile 'Top factory in
Omaha at 1008-10 Jackson
streets, and will manufacture
tops of all kinds for the trade.
We are also Sole Agents for ACKER
SHIELDS for Omaha, Council Bluffs
and the State of Nebraska
m m
QMS MKgs ,. LO..
100840 Jackson Street. Phone Douglas 3432.
w. mey tl
13 U
with a brass disk pressed Into
one end forming the head, the Jackets are
fitted over the cylinders and the valve
rages are screwed Into the cylinder heads,
pressing the Jackets down against the
cyllndor costings and making all Joints
water tignt. The differential gear Is of
the spur gear type, and the gears are
made from brass pinion wire as are also
the gear In the transmission. The lamps
are mado from sheet brass, (forms had to
be made to spin the hrass for same) In fart
through the whole work a lot of special
tools had to be made.
That automobile shows aie fruitful of
ules. as well ns Inciting enthusiasm, Is at
tested by the following telegram Just re
ceived by the H. E. Fredrlckson Automo
bile company from the Portland agents for
the Chalmers-Detroit enr:
"Sold thlrty-e'ght Chalmers nt Portland
auto show. Chalmers won $200 cup for
most popular car and received more votes
than all other cars combined."
Not contented with their numerous Amer
ican racing triumphs, the Ohalmers-Detrolt
Motor company has Invaded the Cuban
field, and their first attempt was eminently
sccoesafitt. as !s attested by the following
telrtrrari Just received by the local agency,
the H. E. Fredrlckson Automob le compnnv;
' Chalmers '30" won flrrt place yesterday
against Stcnrns, Apperson, Mitchell and
other. Driver, Paul H. Weaver.
Because of the legal contest that has
been waged between the E. M. F. company
and the Studebakor Automobile company
since the cancellation by the former com
pany of the selling agreement between
them the public has been led to believe
that the big E. M. F. plants In Detroit
were closed down. This report Is emphatic
ally denied by Prcsldcnf and General Mana
ger Flanders, who was in New York during
last week.
"Not only are we not closed, nor running
a short force, but we have not shut down
our factory at any time," said Mr. Fland
ers. "For three days early In Docemher
we were prevented by a temporary restrain
ing order from shipping cars, but the
courts have all along refused to tie up the
factories 'or to Interfere In the slightest
with their operation. Since the restraining
order was dissolved we have sold over
19,000 cars to dealers, amounting to 114,
O00.OCO." The Hudson Motor Car company plana
by the middle of next summer to be
manufacturing automobiles In a new fac
tory which Jt proposes to erect at a cost
of 1400,000 in the district known as old
Falrview. This announcement was mado
Thursday by President Roy D. Chapln.
The move, it is pointed out, will make
of the adjacent terrtiory an auto city, as
factories to manufacture auto parts are
expected to follow the erection of any one
large plant. The Michigan Central rail
road has promised to build a freight and
passenger station In the vicinity.
Eleven classes will he given instruction
in the school conducted by the Prerce
Arrow Motor Car Company at Buffalo this
year. The school Is In charge of men in
the mechanical department of the com
pany and the course, lasting two weeks,
consist of experience in the assembling,
maintaining and driving of cars. No
charge is made, but the entries are con
fined to chauffeurs who are employed by
Pleroe-Arrow, owners, repair and garage
men, who have the handling of cars of
this make and owners who are mechani
cally Incline J.
Nine of the eleven lasses are for chauf
feurs and one of these Is for colored men
exclusively, the time for this class being
from February 28 lo March 1J. Repair
and garage men will have April 11-23
and owners. May 9-21. Dealers In Pierce
Arrow cars sometimes take advantage of
the repair and garage men's and the own
er's classes In order to brush up their
knowledge on technical points.
Entrance to the school I obtained through
a letter from a dealer. The attendance at the
school this year. It Is expected, will be
greater than ever, owing to the name It
has made for Itself among owner and driv
ers and also because of the Increasing num
ber of Plere-Arrow cars being manufac
tured. A alx-cyllniler, 4S-l.orepowr car Is
used bth for assembling and driving In
struction. , Official announcement was made by
Detroit authorities today of the 1910
program of the Lion Motor Car company
of Adrian, Mich., which Is backed by
prominent Michigan capitalists.
The car manufactured at 'the Adrian
factory of the company U the "Lion 40."
Mr. Henry Bowen Is president and gen
eral manager of the company, lieslie B.
Robertson, secretary; Austin E. Morey,
treasurer, with W. H. Shlerson, assistant.
The personnel of the company Includes
prominent capitalists of Jackson, Adrian
and Detroit, and the backing of the "Lion
40" assures a vigorous management and
selling campaign.
The models include a four and five-passenger
touring car and a two-seat runa
bout, the former selling for $1,600 and
the latter for $1,600. Both embody the
following high class features 112-Inch
wheel base, Su-lnch wheel, continuous
housing of power and transmission in
aluminum case; solid aluminum floor
and running liourdi. Bpiildurf hmstieto
and 120 ampliere battery capable of run
ning lamps. The car's specifications com
bine every leading feature of the high
est grade cars, which are , to be demon
strated comparatively at the Chicago
About all of the dealers will spend this
I week in Chicago attending the automobile
G. W. Parkey, 2230 Farnam street, will
handle the Corbln car this season, having
closed contracts with the factory the last
William Drummond Is announcing his top
manufacturing today. Drummond Is the
Jf"sWB JKtfNHmw
We've Been
For the Last
Three Years
The other automobile
dealers for whom we
have made tops say we
make the best they ever
hadthe best shaped
top the best made top
the top that sells a car
because it has a good
loking top on it.
We know all about auto
repairing. We repair
tops. . We make Dust
Covers and Slip Covers.
We do the best painting
at reasonable prices. If
there's anything we
don't know about auto
mobile repairing our
competitor will tell you.
1 8th 2nd Harnsy
pioneer top man In this part of the country
and ha made a reputation for a high rluss
of goods.
Tom Knglish, one of the most talked of
business men of Kansas City, Is spending
several days In the city. Mr. English will
attend the shows In Chicago and Omaha.
He knows the automobile men from one
end of the country to the oher.
Motorist Shnald Knnw How to Tlu
ker Around Their Cars.
It Is of Importance to know how to save
the bolt of a car. whatver be the Injury
they may have sustained. If a bolt Is
twlRted slightly it may be straightened
by gently compressing it In a vise. Al
though It cannot be made as perfect as It
was before, It will at least be mnde avail
able for subsequent use. It its threads
are Injured they may be restored to a
proper Btate by the sklllwul use of a tri
angular file, or even of a burin. No attempt
should toe made to renovate them by screw
ing on a nut. The damage done thereby
would be Irreparable. If the threads are
flattened there Is no remedy for It.
Some motorists who have tried the In
troduction of graphite Into lubricating oil
find that It works satisfactorily. If this
la tried tlio proportions should be a tea
apnnnful to a pint of oil. Those who have
tried It say that It bulids up Irregularities
on bearing and wearing surface of pistons,
rings and cylinders, resulting In better
cylinder lubrication.
The generators of the acetylene lamps,
should never be filled with hot water from,
radiator, for Instance or, If this Is neces
sory, one should waH tintld the water be
comes cool before It Is fed to the carbide.
The latter Is not decomposed In the same
way as by cold water. It gives rise to
"polymers" of acetylene. In the form of
very light black or yellow powders, which
are drawn Into the tubing and to the bur
ner tips. These tubes are closed very
easily by them.
When a bolt Is to bo removed from a ma
ohine, avoid using a hammer directly on the
bolt unless absolutely necessary. Hard
pounding will Invariably ruin the bolts for
further use, necessitating a replacement at
not only additional expense which in itself
la no great Item but often resulting In vex
atious duluy and no end of trouble.
Tin Key to the Situation Advertise!
1 J
V .f - -
The 1910 Auburns are now ready for delivery. There
is no car superior to it in its class. It is equipped with the
best engine in the world. It's fast, powerful, graceful; its
up-keep is small; its endurance is wonderful. 3Gx3Vi5 tire
choice of 37x4. HG-inoh wheel base.
Good as any $3,000.00 car made.
Omaha Automobile Co.
216 South Nineteenth Street.
Anyone Gould Write an Advertisement Like This
No One Else Gould Show the Gar
It Is easy to make claims for
cars. Any car can be the best
car made, and most cars are In
All the advertising In the world
won't make a car a good car. It
has to be a good car, if it Is good,
because of its design, its mater
ials and its construction. Advertis
ing cannot take the place of those
We spend a good many thou
sand of dollars a year advertising
our cars, but that Is not the rea
son why you should buy a Chal
mers car. The reason lies in the
car itself.
More than a million dollars will
be spent this yea.- on automobile
advertisements. But you are not
fair with yourself if you buy sole
ly by an advertisement.
Perhaps some one can write a
better advertisement than we can
write. Yet we are honestly con
vinced that no One can offer you
so good value hi car as we can'
offer. Hence, if you did not take
the car, rather than the advertise
ment into consideration,' you
would not be treating yourself
Every Chalmers car has that
tailor-made, well groomed, care
fully finished appearance that Is
always a source of delight and
pride to the owner. , Yet our
prices are low.
FECTIOX. So many "little tiTings" have
been carefully looked after on the
Chalmers car, which have been
left undone on other cars. Go over
this car from radiator to rear axle.
Put any other car alongside of it
while you are doing so.
Note the fenders: They 'are
heavy and strong, securely fasten
ed. Nothing t!n-panny about
Note the woodwork on the car.
Compare the wood and the finish
of it with any other car selling
near our price.
, Note the upholstering. Note the
care with which the painting and
striping has been done.
Note the big steering wheel and
the steering post and even the
wood of the steering wheel. Note
the big, handsome doors. Note the
tastefully designed rear and brako
levers. Note the large wheels and
how the rear wheels are bolted to
the brake drums.
A cheap tie will suoil the effect
of a sixty dollar suit. Hence, the
"little things," the little matters
of taste and style that mean per
fection, have been taken care 01
in the medium-priced Chaimers
cars. Good taste has a commercial
value and we realize it.
R E. Fredrickson Automobile Co.
Visit Us at the Show
Liza a
i: i.
February 21st to 26th
You can't afford to miss this exhibition of automobiles and everything pertaining to
thera. Every space filled with something of interest to owners, drivers and users. Beau
tiful decorations and excellent entertainment features. No matter where you live you will
be repaid by taking the time to see this exhibition.
Ml tea