JI1E BEE: OMAHA, fiATUKDAY, I-'KHRUARY 5, 1910. K L T i X' J J 4111 Mil I DeLong's Hump Hooks and Eyes 5c One of the, most strongly covered, pet price nrticles on the mnrket, but we're in earnest in this matter and will cut all trust prices unreservedly. Saturday we'll sell De ling's Hooks and Eyes a limited number of C - cards to each customer at, per card Manufacturer's patented price on the goods, 10a We Always Lead in Showings of Ladies' Underwear and Furnishings Saturday's Spec IV Mean Splendid Savings to You Dainty Undermuslin Gowns, Chemise, Skirts, Combination Suits, etc., beautifully trimmed; values to $2.00; Saturday. .98c Corset Covers, Drawers, Chemise, Combination Suits, that sold up to $1.00; choice 40c Ha'ndsome Skirts, worth $2.50, trimmed with wide flounces of fine embroidery or dainty lace great bargain Saturday.. $1.50 Ladies Union Suits, that sold up to $2.50; all sifces; white and gray OSc Ladies' Union Suits, worth $5.00; silk and wool or all wool, finest it n) WW TWA l W-J ill I w . 1 1 ml' on r-- i sj i qualities, hi ,ou J Vv Child yJ J' Vest Children's All "Wool Underwear s or pants, regular $1.00 val ues; on sale, garment. 5,000 Copies-200 Mies to Select from - 5c per Copy by Mail 6c per Copy Good Evening, General Grant's March, Martha, tftara, Edelwetsi Glide, Second Moxurka, Poet and Peasan-, Lustsplel Overture, Charge of Uhlans. Light Cavalry. , Woodland Echoes, Clrtblrlbin, When You and I Were Youn Macslo. And Kict Others InaiUifl in Tills Sale. TKX YOUXAK UIT3 AT 19o (Q7 I.:.ML COo A COPY.) Starlight, Tanhuuser March, Falling Waters, William Tell, Sextette from "Lulca," Rrldnt Chorus, Mocking 111:-J Trans cription!. Poreunlne Ran. tho lal-i .fly. Jloii: est ra by (jnariee i.ove repents v aiij.v Johnson. I've Got Rings on My Fingers, Red Hend, Way Down In Cotton Town, sung by Empire city quartette. I Pldn't Mean to Make You Cry, Not Me-Now, by Pinta do si, . Grr.ec and Bcduty Rnir, By the T.lRht of the Sil very Moon. Mary of the Prairie, Temptation Rag. Come, lie My Sunshine, Deame, Sweet lreams of Home, Ktiglemun s latest. Red Fes March, Yankee Grit, Slip on Your Gingham: Gown, 1 Where the River Shan non Flows, Take Me on a Honey moon, Monkey Doodle Dandy, It's Only a Question Of Your In Corsets and Hosiery All the bust and most wanted makes afe here. All newest models in Warner's Rust Proof, Kabo, W. B., R. & Q., Royal . Worcester, etc., at up from $1.00 A model for every figure. We highly recommend the Nemo Self lieducing Corsets for stout fig ures; prices. .$3.00, $4.00 and $5.00 Very special corset bargains Satur day at . . . Ladies' and ren's Black Pre'erenc? Child- Btcck. lngs; 20c values, on sale Saturday, at 10 $1.00 Ladles' and Child ren's 25c Stock ings, in black and colors, on sale, at, pair 15 Ladies' Fine Stockings that sold up to 50c, on sale Saturday, at 25 Mm Am High Prices ZRun in Our Big China Dept Wash Bowls and ritcbers Slight ly nicked; regular $1.25 value.3, to close 49 Slop Jars; covered and handled; regular $1.00 valuos, Saturday, at, each .49 Regular 05c Chambers 25 Ilonnd Chop Dishes; 16-inch size; Saturday, at 10 I'nlmndlcd Cups and Saucers; big snap, at, each 2 Crystal Fruit Haucers 2 Dinner Plates, each 3f 2 Welsnnch Mantles; upright or inverted, Saturday 15t TRUST PRICES CUT AGJ.V. ANOTHER HARDWARE SALE Marbks, Glastie;, Ajates, El;., Half Price Saturday. BOO Items again on sale, worth up to ouc, orny g This space will not allow us to name them. eOc Parlor Brooms, on sale for ...96e , tt.SS Bird Cages, only 63o tso Coal Hods, the last sale ISO Large Willow Clothes Basket, ...690 Mrs. Potts' 1 12 G gad Irons, only S9e Double Galvanised Poultry Wire, per foot, at o In full rolls on sale for only . ...60o We secured the agency for Omuha again for the only wire that is gal vanized before and after woven. ll.iG Waffle Irons, on sale . ...C9o Prlzco Lanterns, on sale for 33o 12.00 Llsk Wash Boilers, copper bot tom, for 91-19 15.00 Llsk, solid copper Wash Boiler, at. each $X49 Large Galvanised Wash Tubs, only, each 49o The famous Western Washer, round or square, on Rale for 93.93 The $10.00 Easy Yankee Washer, on sals, for S4.M Any slse Drip Pans, on sale for lOo 10-ijt. Water Pails, on sale for . ,10o hting i rust P rices W DE TMC MLUBi,! STOaf IIAYDEtfc Fipr TMC MLIABLt STOSlS . , E Ja Not only on advertised articles but on scores, yes hundreds of others not mentioned. We're with the people in the fight against higher cost of living. If you're with us well both win. Come Saturday. $1.50 Copyright Book Here 98c The strongest combination' in tlie country is the. Hook Trust, but we liave been and will still continue to sell the $1.50 Copyright at 98c; the $1.00 Reprint Copyrights at 43o all the latest and most wanted titles. If we happen to be out of any, we'll be glad to get them for you. You'll not find them elsewhere at this price. Grand Ribbon Sale Saturday will be the big Ribbon Sale dsy, with 2Ac Taffeta Kllibons 12 H? See the new, changeable, Taffeta ribbons Snturtlay. IF THZ RELIABLE STORE it ladi"' New Neckwear All 25c Neckwear 15 All 50c Neckwear 35? All 75o Neckwear 40 15c Linen Handkerrhleis 7 10c Linen Handkerchiefs ....... . 5 s ig Shoe Sale Saturday The entire floor stock of the NEELY SHOE CO., a large wholesale shoe house which failed in New York City. Only in business a short time. The shoes were made for fine city trade. All of their Indies' fine shoes, worth at retail $3.00 and $3.50. There are two lots a woman's gun metal black clotli top and a patent with black cloth top that it would pay dealers to buy and stock it; while they last, at, pair 91.98 Women's $1.50 rubber heel Jul iets, with patent tips; all sizes, at, pair S1.00 OR OVER nnd QUEEN QUALITY shoes for Ladies; and STETSON and CROSSETT shoes for Men. Come early Saturday morning and avoid the rush. 14 fauij fit' All of their best men's shoes, made to retail at $4.00; com prising all leathers and styles, at $2.50 Boys', youths' and little gents' shoes, worth up to $2.00 a pair, at $1.19 Misses and children's shoes, worth up to $1.50 a pair; good school Bhoes $1.00 OUR LAST CALL iae of all Winter Outer Here's Success in Men's Furnishings and Underwear Quality's There too Men's Sample Shirts. $1.00 to $2.00 values, bi assort ment of patterns and colors, all Bizes; on sale, choice, at... 49c Men's Outing flannol Gowns, worth $1.50. at 75 Men's Muslin Night Gowns, $1.00 values, on sale Saturday . .4t) Men's Wool Underwear, worth to $2.00 a garment; fine. high grade garments, In all colors, choice . .75 Men's $5.00 Union Suits: silk and wool and oil wool, at j. .83.50 Men's $2.60 Wool and Fleece Lined Union Suits; on sale Saturday. t .....$1.50 Men's 2c Socks; wool, fleeced or fine cotton; Saturday 13W All Boys' Gloves that sold regu larly up to $1.00, will be closed in one lot, at 25 All Men's Gloves and Mit tens, to $1.25 values. . .50c Garments At the close of each winter season we hold a grand final clearance of all women's, misses' and children's outer garments. Saturday we offer them at less than worth of materials alone. Children's Coats, Values Up to JWOiSiS- at $1.95 475 Children's Coats; values up to $12.50; sizes 1 to 6 years; all styles, colors and fabrics, now at $1.50 and $2.95 Elegant Tailor Suits, made to sell to $40.00 fine chiffon, broadcloths, serges, etc; choice designs; rich colorings Saturday, choice, at $12.50 Dainty Lingerie Dresses A big spe cial purchase at a fraction of their worth; all are newest styles; trim med with laces, insertion and fine embroideries ; regular ( C ) ) $12.50 values, choice ... 4DJU Silk and Net Waists in all wanted colors; values to $7.50; on sale, at, choice ;.$2.95 Sweaters worth to $7.50, in short or three-quarter lengths; grey or white; on sale to close, at . .$1.98 $10.00 Long, Silk Kimonos; beauti ful patterns, at ....$5.98 00 :: ill.' mmM 200 IIandsme-Long. "Coats; both p,ain and fancies, at sold up to $25.00; to close, at .7. . . . . .85.00 it; I'm a - -tui mmm 250 Children's Coats that sold to $15.00; sizes 6 to 14 years; choic est fall and winter styles and col ors, at $3.95 The very popular Hudson-Fulton Military Capes; one big lot that sold at $15.00; to close, at ........ Your unrestricted choice of any Cloth .Coat in our entire stock; nothing reserve; big assortment f or selection, - each, at .... . Come early and secure the best of the magnificent bargains. $7.50 $10 VV25 Short Fur Jackets that sold to $50.00: sizes 32. 34 anil Sfi. nr . J 7 seal, astrakhan and ponys; all at one price to close, choice $17.50 $3.00 Flannelette House Dresses, at, each .....$1.45 Big Bargains Saturday Cut Glass Silverware and Jewelry Cut Glass Eerry Bowls; regular $5.00 values, at -$2.75 Cut Glass Sugars and Creamers; regular $4.75 values, at 53.75 Cut Glass Jelly and Bon Boa Dishes; $li60 and $2.00 values, now at 75 Cut Glass Water Pitchers and 6 Glasses; . $10.00 .a,lues $5,08 Silver Ta Set and Service; 6 pieces; regular $9.60 value, Sat urday, at .$4.75 Silver Plated Fruit Bowls; regu lar $3.60 and $4.00 values, Sat urday, at . .$1.75 and $2.00 Best Silver Plated Tea Spoons; . $1.25 value, Saturday, at 69d Best Silver Plated Table' Spoons; $3.00 value, at $1.75 $1.00 Dutch Collar Pins 25 $1.00 Rhine Stone Hat Pins 25 $1.00 Gold Filled Cuff Links; Sat urday, at 25 $1.00 Gold Filled Bar Pins; Sat urday, at . .' 25 $2.60 Gold Filled Bracelets or Lockets, Saturday $1.50 $1.25 Watches, Saturday ...75 Fighting Trust Prices on Drugs and Sundries Munyon's Witch Hazel Soap; their price per bar 16c, our price 5 Armour's Toilet Soaps, assorted; their price per bar 10c, our price per bar 5S Ricksecker's Talcum; their price per can 25c, our price . . ..10 Java Rice or Pozzonis' Powders; their price 60c, our price . -25 Vi lb. pure Hydrogen Peroxide; their price 26c, our price per bottle 5 William's Shaving Soap; taeir price per cake 10c, our price 5 Shinola Shoe Polish; their price per box 10c, our price 5 Dr. Charles' Flesh Food; their price 50c, our price 25 Spotless Hair Brushes; their price $1, our price 89 Sanitol or Dr. E. L. Graves' Tooth Powder; their price 25c, our price . 10 Dr. Lyons' Tooth Powder; their price 25c, our price 12 Finest quality Sanitary Napkins,' 3 In box; their price per box 15c, our price .......... 5 1 2- qt. Red Cross Fountain Syringe; their price $1.26, our price 69 3- qt. Empress Hot Water Bottle; their price $1.75, our price 95 2-qt. Wellington Syringe and Bot tle, guaranteed for five years, their price $2.26, our price now at $1.79 In Our Busy Candy Department Chocolate Creams, lb.. .12c Gum Drops, lb , . . . .9c Vi-lb. box 15c Fancy Box Candies one-pound box . .25c We are With You Fighting Trust Grocery Prices It's to your lntaraat to bdlp us fig lit tills gr.at tnit tvll. l'J lbs. Beat, i uro Cane Uranulatci BugAlY tor 91.00 48-lb. ick Best High Patent Flour for. ecl 8X.40 6 lbs. Best Wheat Farena 88o 8 lb. I!?Bt Rolled Breakfast Oat meal, for 85o 6 lbs. IieHt Pearl Tapioca, Sago, Ilariey or Farena 33e lbs. Best Hand Picked Navy Deans, for 350 2-lb. cans Karly June Peas ..7Vo S-lb. cans Fancy Sweet Sugar Corn, now for 74o 2-lb. cans Fancy Wax, String- or Lima Beans, for .7HO 8-lb. cans Solid Packed Tomatoes, new for aVjO 1-lb. cans Assorted Soups . ...7Vo 2-lb. cans Table Apricots or Peaches, for ISc Oil or Mufitard Sardines, can . 40 Tall cans Alaska Salmon lOo Bromangelon, Jellycon or Jello, per pk(f TiiiO Grape Nuts, pkg lOo Postum Cereal, pkg 19e Quaker Wheat Flakes, pkg So Fruens' Wheat Flakes, pkj. ..7Vo All Corn Flakes, pkg 7Vio The Besi Sod or Oyster Crackers, per lb 7o The Best Crisp Ginger Snaps, per lb., at To The Best Crisp Pretzels, lb So Fancy Golden Santos Coffee, lb. 15o The Best Tea Slftlngs, lb. ..12Ho CUTTING FKESS VEOETABLB FSXOSS. Fresh Beets, per bunch 3Vc Fresh Carrots, per bunch 3.,c Fresh Turnips, per bunch ....30 Fresh Shalots, per bunch Ho Fresh Spinach, per peck 80 Fresh R1pe Tomatoes, per lb. XSo Fancy Hothouse Lettuoe, bunch tVt 0 Fresh Hothouse Radishes, per bunch, at 8',o Large Cucumbers, each Go Fresh Cabbage, per lb .8Vic Parsnips, Turnips or Carrots, per lb., at ,....3Ho Rutabagas, lb., at 1V0 Fancy Sweet Potatoes, lb.. ,...So Large Grape Fruit, each .......Be Bon't Forget-Try HAYDESM'S First-It Pays Fancy Mushrooms, per box ....660 BUY BIOKZ.AHI ITAT2LI Ths orang-o of aUty Not con trolled by any syndicate, trust or combination. It's tho hardest com petitor the trust has to f!g-ht. Every one kissed by the sun, moon and stars. Per Dos. ISO, 17 Ho, 80o, SBo, 30o Trut prices BOo, 8S0, 30o, 35c, BOo Trust Basting- Battsr. Obsess and Buttertae Trioss, Trust Onr Prlce.Frlce. 2 lbs. good Butterlne ... 35c SCO 2 lbs. good Table Butter lne 45c 360 2 lbs. Spring Table But- - terlne 60c 43 0 Fancy Creamery Butter, per lb 85c 30o Fancy Country Butter, lb. !T2c 9fo Fancy Dairy Butter, lb... 2f0 87o Fancy Full Crtam Cheese 25c flOo Neufchstel Cheese, each Se So In Our Popular Family Liquor Dept. Pure California Wines, Port or Sherry; on sale Quarts 29c, 35c; 50c Gallons $1.00, $1.50 and . .. .;.. . .$2.00 8 year old Rye or Bourbon Whiskey, best known brands, full quarts.. $1. 00 Choice, per gallon, only .. :. . ..$3.50 Waukesha Ale or Porter As good as im ported goods, per quart. .-15c Orders taken here for Bottled Beer. SWOPE TANGLE IN COURT Court Enjoins Taking Farther Depo sitions in Hyde Suits. FACTS ABOUT MILLIONAIRE Ills Partner Toatlfto that Vldeil flrd Woraaa Broaftfet Broth o Office for Hlsa KroaaonO' Took Medietua. KANSAS CITY. Mo., Feb. l-Court ac tion abruptly closed a day of warm legal warfare In the Swope case when Judge Herman Brumbach, of the circuit court, today enjoined attorneys representing" Dr. B. C. Hyde and the peruons against whom ho has pending a damage suit for flCO.000 from taking further depositions in the suits until tho court has determined the legal status of tho claims f each aide. Attorneys for both sides claim tho right of priority In taking depositions. The court will probably bo able to dispone of tho question Saturday, and Monday the conflict whioh was waged so fiercely today t will begin anew. Facta Akoil Mr. Swope. New facts regarding tho life and habits of tho lato Colonel Thomas If. Swope were brought out ' when tho depositions of 8. W. Spangler, an office partner of tho mil lionaire, was taken by Frank P. Walsh, representing Dr. Hyde. Mr. Spangler told of the visits of an unidentified woman to the office and how( she bi ought broth for Colonel Swope to eVt Mr. Swope refused to eat the broth Mr. Sptingler said. The wltneas also testified that Colonel Swope took medicine containing strychnine. "A short time ' before his death Colonel Swope told me he did not believe he hud long to live," said Mr. Spangler. "It was soon after he had quit drinking. He said he did not expect to live more than ninety days. I pressed him for a reason for his belief. He said an uncle of his drank for many years and when he quit his deati-, 1 followed soon." "He didn't have much confidence In the Ycrage phyalclan, nor did he hive much confidence in the curative qualities of nny mtdlclne, although he took cnnHldernble of It. I When he took a certain medicine which contained elixir of Iron, quinine and strychnine he usually took a teaspoouful 'htee times a day." Paitoa on (ho Staad. John O. Paiton, executor for the Bwope ettate, was giving his deposition when the court - order stopping the examinations cime. James E. Vlnell, formerly secretary ot the police boflid. was preparing to give his deposition to the Swope attorneys when the order was Issued. The decision of the court came as a result of the application of Attorney John M. Cleary, representing Dr. Hyde, for an Injunction restraining the firm of Reed, Atwood, Yates, Mastln Harvey from taking depositions. Say It ! If year Jo&ar toy (hit b alt right, tkmt toy U oot mJ vtr f aa. f Ar Ce., Hesdscbes. Biliousness. Constipation. Ayer's Pills. Sugsr-costed. Easy to taks. Don't forpet. Headaches. Biliousness. Constipation. Ayer's Pills. Sugtr-doated. Easy io take. Don't for-pet. Headaches!!"1! Biliousness. Constipation. Ayer's Pills. Sugsr-costed. Easy to take. Don't fortet. Dolan, Burglar Known in Omaha, Confesses Robbery Convict Who Attempted to Shoot Po liceman Here Admits Crime in Memphis. MEMPHIS, Tenn.. Feb. 4. -James J. Do- !an, several times an inmate of state pris ons, brouRht the trfal of Harry Bernstein, iawnbroker of Memphis and New York, charged with implication In the theft of jewels valued at $30,Ov0, to a climax yo3 lerday when he acknowledged it was he who planned and accomplished, wi ll an accomplice, the robebry. The juwels, tho property of Garret E. Lamb and Mrs. Lamb of Clinton, la., stolen two years ago from tho residence of Frank Q. Jones of Memphis, where Mr. and Mrs. Lumb were guests, were traced to New York, finally located and Bernstein ar rested In that city as having- acted as re ceiver of the stolen eoods. Dolan declared that the robbery was de cided on after a conference with Bernstein ! and the Jewels were turned over to him with tho understanding that ho was to market them In New York. Dolan was arrested Immediately after his admissions and will he held under $10,OJO bonds to await trial. Dolan has several times figured In police annuls Iti Omaha. He w'as last arrested hero on June 28, IKK), for holding up a saloon. In the encounter Dolan attempted to shoot L. O. Wheeler, polloe officer. He was released In July on a "straw" bond of $1,000. That was tho last seen of Mr. Dolan In Omaha. Chief Donshno Is now In Memphis In con nection with tho case In which Dolan is Implicated and will be a witness for the procecutlcn. Dolan made his debut In Orr.aha In the attempted burglary of tho store of the Robert Smith Grocery company. 11C3 Doug las street, November 14, 1MB. John Smith caught him In the act and struggled with him until assistance arrived. Dolan wad released on bonds of l$00 on December 1, 1W2, and two days later the action against 1:1m charging burglary was nolle prossed. When arrested at the Smith store Dolan had a complete professional burglar's kit with him. The police records here show that Dolaa nvus sentenced to the Iowa state prison at Anamosa, Juno 17, 1900, for a term of five years, upon his conviction of burglary. At that tlmo he was working- under tho name of J. J. Dale. REV. T. H. M'CONNELL COMES New Pastor of "Westminster Presby terian Arrives and Will l'reuch Sunday. Rev. T. H. MeConnell, the newly rhouen pastor of Westminster Presbyterian c!iuch, roached Omaha Frldny afternoon and wllljiccupy the pulpit at both services Sunday. Mrs. McC'onnell and two children have been detained in Chicago owing- to the Illness of the children and wilt probably not corns to Omaha for two weeks or more. Westminster's ' new pastor comes to Omaha from tl.e Jefferson Park Presby terian church of Chicago, where ha has served for three years. Prior to his work In the Windy City ho was stationed at Rushville, Ind. He Is a graduate of Mc Cormack Theological seminary. "I look forward to my work in Omaha with a creat deal of pleasure and antici pation," said Rev: Mr. McCnnnell at the Rome hotel, whero he is slopping. "I hope that the dream of the church hero to erect a new S60.0Q0 edifice will be realised. We shall put forth our every effort to se cure the new home as soon as possible." Rtv. Mr. McConnell will preach Sunday morning on "Consecration and Service," and in the evening on "The Clean Heart and How to Get It." MAUPJN STILL ON TRAIL OF EMPLOYERS OF FEMALES PITY POOR DOPE FIEND. HIS PRICES GO UP, TOO Drnars Take a Fllaht to Keen Pave with Fond anil Other things. Pity the dope fiend.- Drugs aro taking an upward trend as well as meat and grocericn. Several classes of drugs havj outstripped the edibles In their race for higher prices. Opium and morphine have gone up Z5 ptr cent, but only the dope fiends aro seriously hit. Menthol Is ip 20 per cent over what tt was sometime ago, although It Is not nearly as high as It was during the time of the Jap-Rusa war, when It went up to IS a pound. .It Is now' quoted at mo. ' X. Flsx seed 1 up 15 per cent and boiled oils are up 60 per cent over what they were several months ago. Boiled oil was to cents a year ago; two months ago It was tiJ cents, and now IL-ia H oenls.- I Paints have advanced about 10 per cent I and glycerine has advanced from 17 to 2.1 cents a pound during the last six montht. Bismuth preparations have advanced 10 per cent and essential olio from 10 to li per cent. Rubber goods have advanced about 80 per cent. Tho reason for this advance Is that automobile tires aro using to much rubber that tho demand Is greater than the supply. Thesa prices aro the jobbers' prices. Re tailers say they have not advanced the prices as much, slthough some admit they are forced to meet the rise In price by giving a smaller quantity of goods for the same price. Labor Commlaslouer Continues Stay to Insist on Proper Ilrgnlr.tlons. Ills State Labor Commissioner Mau;ln has again established himself In parlor 3 at the Paxton hotel and will remain unit! Saturday afternoon. Ho reports liier? arc still several large employers of fflrls and women that have not secured the placards they aro required by law to post. "They are to have one mere chance,", said Mr. Muupin. "I do not want to take extreme measures unless I am compelled to, but now Is us good a tlmo as any to bring the whole question of the enforce ment of the stats labor lans to a head. Besides the regulation of female labor, there are several - complaints pending In my office against alleged violators of the child labor law. What will bs done In thosa capes depends entirely on the disposition of the parties concerned. If they quit their bad practices and stick to the letter of he law we shall be satisfied. If they do not, they can have a fight In court. "And I want to direct attention to the fact that a statute exactly, similar to that of Nebraska, governing the employment of female labor has been strongly upheld by the supreme court of the United States, In a decision written by Justloe Brewer In a case carried up from Oregon. The hours between 8 in the morning and 10 at night are Ktircly long enough in which to put In ten hours of wor. Employment of girls and women outclde theso hours must cease. " . Persistent Advertising is the road to Big MTUBE'S CUHE FOR MEIJTOTISM , In a disoaso so painful as Rheumatism, modiclnos containing opiates and nsrro-quietlng druns are often used. Such treatment Is dangerous not only because It frequently causes the sufferor to become addicted to the drag habit, but medicines of this nature are always Injurious to the system. Rheumatism Is a disease of the blood, and its cure depends entirely upon a thorough purification of the circulation. As long as tho blood remains saturated with urio acid, an Inflammatory condition of th5 norves, muscles and tendons of the body will exist, and tho pains, achos, soroncss, and hot, feverish flosh of Rheumatism will continue Tho ono safe and sure cure for Rheumatism Is S.S.S. It is nature's ramedy for thlsdisnaoo, made entirely of the healing, cleansing julcos and extracts of roots, horbs and barks from the natural forests. 8. S. B. does not contain anything that Is la the slightest ' way Injurious to the system. It Is absolutely and puroly vogetable, and froo from opiates or sedatives of any kind. 8. S. 8. cures Rheumatism by removing the urio acid from the circulation, it makes the blood pure, rich and heaalthy S3 that instead of depositing sharp, uratio impurities into tho muscles, nerves, Joints and bones, it nourishes every portion of the body with natural, healthful properties. Book on Rheumatism and any medical advice free to all who write and request it. - THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., ATLANTA, CA.