Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 04, 1910, Page 10, Image 10

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Springing; Up on All Sides in Omaha
Just Now.
Brief and Breesy Jfarratlve (
r.aae wltk Which Homm Mar Be
and, Art Brine Obtalae
in Thia City.
That the campaign of home building Is
being moat successfully waged on all aides
In Omaha la evident from the large number
of new buildings springing up. One grad
ing contrmotor now has contracts for dig
ging seventy-five cellars.
The ease with which homes may be ac
quired In Omaha la told dally In The Bee
want ad columns, and especially on Thurs
day, home day. Real Kstate dealers realise
how fast Omaha Id growing and are right
to the front with schemes to provide the
new comers with tiomes on arrangements
which all may meet. New Industries mov
ing to Omaha and the growth of those al
ready located require more men, and these
must have homes, and real estate men are
full of schemes for providing homes at
reasonable retos.
M. Tv Martin of Payne Investment com
pany says: - "Does buying a home on
i monthly Installments appeal to the average
wage earner or salaried man? I venture
that fully 76 per cent of the houses we sell
are bought In this manner. And, mind you,
we not only tell them, but they are paid
for. not one purchaser In fifty falling In
' tils effort to own. his own home."
J. F. Olover of the Glover Realty Syn
dicate We find an. Increased demand for
tots, and .medium-priced homes by people
who ajo sick and tired of paying rent.
From, present Indications there will be more
people buying and building this year than
ever before, and. as Omaha real estate will
never be any lower, now Is the accepted
time, people from out of town are being
Attracted more and more by the prospects
and are. Investing their money In Omaha.
Under the present plan of selling houses
and Uts the man on a moderate salary Is
enabled to. buy himself a home with prac
tically the same money he now turns over
to , his landlord every month, and as his
' equity la th? property Increases he tke
mora prjde In himself and Is a good deal
more independent. There Is nothing that
makes a man feel like looking the world In
the face more than being a property owner.
P. O. Nellsen of P. O. Neilsen & Co. It
ils surprising the number of people who are
ser klngjo' purchase homes at this time of
the year. Most every one of them want to
pay on.tbe easy term plan. This proves to
me that your -home day campaign Is ef
fective and that you are educating the
people along the right lines to make Omaha
the solid , city of the west.
"I have been told that halt the people
In Omaha own their own homes and ,a
large part of them are paying for theirs
by monthly, payments. , Let the other half
get busy; and they won't need to worry
over 'the high" prices of living."
A. H. Walsh, Benson & Meyers The
young man who has laid by a few hundred
dollars toward the purchase of a home has
taken the first ' step toward affluence. .
"From Just such a start have the major
ity .of large fortunes resulted. After the
start has once been made and the . first
modest home purchased . all his energies
are put forward to paying out on his con
tract. -..,.
"Money Is' applied on same whleh the
savings bank would never get He Is Im
pelled to reduce The Indebtedness by every
means in his power, and the few dollars
here and few' dollars there which he form
erly spent foolishly and for which he re
ceived no adequate return are used In this
manner. The place Is at last paid for, and
If good judgment has been displayed in Its
purchase' he finds that under his care as
the owner and owing to the unusual In
crease In value of ' property In a rapidly
growing olty, he now has a place readily
salable at considerable above the purchase
No Decision ' mm ' o Site of Interna
tional fcvent Will Be Benched,
for Some Time Yet.
Omaha has not nlven up hope of securing
the lntrrnatlonaj , balloon ' meet for this
summen. Tb Commercial club Is still
working c the proposition.. Word was re
ceived Thursday .morning that the matter
was not decided as yet. The decision Is In
the hands of a committee consisting of C.
O. Flsuer.of Indianapolis. H. G. Lambert
of 8tj Louis and C. J. Hawley of New
York. The latter stated that no decision
as to the place for holding the tournament
would be reached for some time.
Omaha .has, natural advantages of posi
tion greater than moat cities because of the
d'etance the balloons may fiy from this
city, . no i matter what direction the wind
happens .tcj be.. It was shown that at St.
Louis last, year with the prevailing wind
from the, .aouih west the distance of the
flight wa limited,
Kvpenslve .experiments are- being made
by the Omaha (las oompary to try to con-
vert .Omaha Illuminating gas Into a lighter
gas' which will float bafceons. The matter
Of the amount of gas wllk be taken care
'of, as th company has k six-Inch main
rirnlng to the proposed site of the meet.
Because, of the Illuminating and heating
proportles of; the Omaha gas. It Is too
heavy to float the big bags, which will re-
qu'r iDB.tOO cublo feet In ten hours. An
effort U at least being made to put Omaha
on the aertnl map, and whether anything
cornea of the attempt, to bring the races to
Omaharit will at least result In a greater
Interest Jh aeronautics.
' . , mi I
, . IH as raref nl Con dart
of Uver and bowels. In refusing to act. Is
qu'ekly remedied with Dr. King's New Life
Pills. 25. Fob sale by Beaton Drug Co."
Mrs. -'Anna nailer Asserts thnt Hna
ba'nd Broke Fronts When Knit
J . Went Uncontested.
. Mrs. Anna Dalley asks the district court
to set aside a decree for divorce granted
Charles W, Datley. . The decree was given
when the defendant formally defaulted.
Mrs. Ualley makes affidavit that her
husband promised If she would not -ntst
tha suit to give her $60 a month oil' t to
bring the suit on an Infidelity ..,.irge.
Both promises, aha alleges, were broken.
Suit tor divorce ts filed by Mrs. Anna
i?hafvr. against David Shafer, nonaupport
being alleged. The couple were married
In Lldora. la. In ISSi. Mrs. Bertha
House has secured a decree from Newton
C. House for cruelty. ....
I '
It la a dangerous cuing i take a cough
medicine containing opiates that merely
etlfls your eotigh Instead of curing It.
Foley's Honey and Tar loosens and cures
the cough and expels the poisonous germs,
thus preventing pneumonia sad consump.
lion. Rsfue substitutes and take only the
genuine Foley's Honey and Tar In tha
yellow package. , Sold by .all druggist.
Thousands of Odd Lengths and Short Pieces of New Spring
Goods Sacrificed.
. ' " '
New Wash Goods for 1910, New Silks, New Dress Oood3 and
New Embroideries Reduced in Price to the Abso
lute Limit to Clear Away All Remnants.
Basement Bargain Square)
Beantifol Ginghams; dofllgns from
tba smallest check to the largest
plaids or plain shaded, yd.
Basement Bargain Table)
40 inches wide Victoria Lawn
well worth 10c a yard,
will go Friday, '
per yard
Dress Percales
New lot of the celebrated Man
Chester Percales; light or -dark;
at, yard
lie and Sjc
Long Cloth . 4
Soft finish and finest mus
lins, all worth 10c,'
per yard . '. .
8 till 9 A. M. Ode
lots of cotton goods
various grades
v till 11 A. M. Yard
j wide Sllkollne; best
'quality made; good
patterns for recover
ing comforters, etc.
the 12 hie grade. In
"Useful lengths 5 1
yard Jz
and lengths,
yard. ... ..
f T MX EST B 1 Ell -251rS-B t
Remnants of Odd Lots of Silks
Bilks in M to 1-yd. lengths from
a necktie manufacturer; beauti
ful pieces for pillows, dress and
hat trimmings, etc., worth up to
85c FOULARDS at 59c YARD.
A new shipment of new Foulards scrolls, dots, floral, rings
and cameo patterns The shedwater kind usually CQ
sold for 85c to $1 a yard, at ... ...'. . . ; ...... DZfC
All the shorter lengths of Bilks and Velvet " in r
from the big purchase, at r..- 1UC-JC
Remnant and Factory Trial Stripe of Fine
All kinds three bi j bargain squires worth, up t 20o
-will go on sale, at, X e f-
per yard. ... ..' J t-p Jls AlL
Big Accomnlatlon of RemnanU of Our
18-inch fine embroidered flouncings and skirtings, n
also wide galloons, per yard . . V. .... . . . . .'; 5,','ssijC
Remnants and Factory Ends of Fine
Also Torchon and Point de Paris Laces, et6. bar- ,
gain square basement, choice, per yard . .... ......
See Great Sale of Chinaware on Another Page.
The iievi improved
Gas Stoves and Queen Steel Ranges
are now coming in. They are marvels of perfection. More improved and
better than ever. They, both have a national reputation. Read below how
well people who are using them speak of them. We sell them at a cut price
for cash or on small monthly payments. - . , , .
Queen Steel Range
This Is what Mrs. Pearson, 1961 80. loth
street, said a few days ago, and the
same hundreds of other housewives who
are using them say: "I never saw a
Range beore that takes so little fuel and
heats up so quick. Two or three little
shovelfuls of coal will cook' a meal and
bake at the same time.' It ts a beaatl
ful baker and 'I am perfectly delighted
with if '
Tho Stoctzol Stovo Co. 714 S. 1 6th
t'cimpaar .Which Takes Over Htust.
meat e( Brmdt Theater rilM
Article with Cantr Clerk.
The Burgess .Vpodward Theater com
pany" has been Incorporated by W. J.
Uurgess, O. D. Woodward ' and Frank R.
Woodward. The company will conduct the
pew Brandels theater, which is soon to
open. The capital slock ts to b,200 shares
at $100 each, fully paid ip on Issue. Tha
ttoek may he Increased at . any time by a
voto of the majority of the existing stock.
Don't be afraid to give Chamberlain's
Cough Remedy to your chlklrea. It U per
fecily safe, .
Dtssment Bargain Square)
32-lnch wide Anderson's well
i known. 26o ' cloth; desirable
lengths, new
styles, at
B aement Bargain Table
Fast black, twilled Sateen Lining;
good, serviceable qual
ity, worth 15c yu.f
at, yard
Basement Bargain Square
Mercerlied Popliu, Pongee and
Solsette, In plalu shades, worth
J Go a yard, but all short en
lengths; many pieces to
match, at, yard
India L.1 none
It Is well known that we sell them
cheaper than any other store In
America; greater values than
ever; at, yard
Friday afternoon, be- 1
"ginning at 1:30; Ar
nold's, "10c and 13ttc
Printed Lawns and
' Batistes ; In 3, 0. 8
and 10-yard "', T I.
lengths, yd. 2C
50c silk mulls, Persians, bor
ders, dots, floral patterns,
etc. in mill ends,
at, per yard
ioio Detroit ideal
Jr ,''jSKft.
Detroit Ideal Gas Stove
Mr. Branch, 2921 S. 16th St., says:
"Talk about difference in gas stoves
There is a big difference in good ones.
When I bought the Detroit Ideal I was
going to buy one like we had before
because we thought it was. all right,
but tha Detroit Ideal has it beat In
every way. I could 'not have bought
anything that so thoroughly pleased
my wife as It does."
P7-A-IV-F c",lelus
Tha Beat Kerned 7 tow Oonghs,
Colds, Throat and Loaf Trou
bles la ,
Gt A bottlss taillav. filLn a. atn -
uVUrul.u or ateweu Orag
om or quaxxtt rsciaxs
Early June Peas, dosen cans tl.10 .
"Tomatoes, per dosen cans..ei.XO '
Corn, per dosen cans 3o
No. t Flour, sack !t6o
No. 1 perk Loins, lb llio .
Sirloin Hteaks, lb 1J0
No. 1 Uacon, lb 1TV0
CSt K : K3 "O'ffl UT m 'CT WTBrWH-BT. m:V,.JBStSmrVl' WWII, tt W
2 I
3 il.p
1,000 Pieces Fancy China Friday
Actual Values 92.50, S3.00, $4.00, $3.00.
Another of those remarkable sales that have spread the fame of Ben
nett'ahlna section' broadcast This lot embraces the most beautiful
art potteries shown this past season new, novel and unique designs,
china Jardinieres, brass fern dishes, candlesticks, vases, tankards and
ever so many other useful and decorative wares, worth up to $5.00;
Friday, choice at $1.00
7.50 for Women's Suits-
A Bargain If Ever Thsre Vas One
A Sensational Friday Sale
One hundred striking models in tailored suits,
made of absolutely pure wool worsteds and
cheviots, .strictly plain tailored, made in
new.est prevailing styles and with full satin
lined coats. We have them in the best col
ors and all sizes are in the assortment, at
$7.50 this a bargain positively without a
Une $22.50,
value and have been selling at
these figures this season. On
sale Friday at
Another Amazing Clearance Friday
Women's Long Coats
Quite a good assortment of splendid styles In heavy, novelty clotha par
ticularly well adapted for business wear Young women will find the
bargain of their lives In this coat offering
They, are handsomely tailored $16.00 coats.
We give you pick of the entire line Friday,
for, each
We offer four different lengths
In corsets at fifty cents Friday.
.There are girdles and girdles I
with Jpng bis, medium and ex
tra long corsets, in two qualities;
aU'WltHfsuPltorters at- f?ft
tnrhea. Tlie price usu- 3JC
ally Is t5e; pecla4, at , . .
This department also
' Carries a very broad
' assortment of cor
'et In the better
rig r a d e a. Models
adapted to any ftg-
1 i ure- among them Is
J"lhe-". famous Amer
ican Beauty corset.
""These garments lm- -part
comfort, grace
, and correct poise to
the wearer. Thejr
are - shown In ba
. tlste and ' c o u 1 1 1. '
' Very nicely trim
' med and fitted with
full sets of supporters
$1,51.59, $2, $2.50
I Embroiderios PhonoRienally Underpriccd
27 and l4rinch Flouncings; hundreds of pieces of eyelet and blind pat
terns Just the prettiest new designs for combinations,
skirts, dresses, etc.; values 50c and 65c In Friday sale . . .' mw9 W
Another lot embroidery edges and insertions that are excellent 10c,
12 c and 15c qualities, will be on the
tables, at
Vash Goods Remnants
ettes, etc. Choice goods and lengths, worth C
to 16c at BO
Dress Goods Remnants andnchTCk?n
worth 50c to 75c per yard
Friday, at yard ..;...mmw
Useful household needs at trif.
ling prjors -Wash
Boilers. No. 8 size, copper
rim and bottom, us- 0 JQ
ually 12.25. for IsdO
ISc Tin Canisters, Friday .So
10o Japanned Soap Dishes ..3o
Be Fancy Spice Canisters, i for ...So
10-qt. Galvanized Iron Palls
6o Sink Strainers. 2 for . . . .
6c Wire Coat Hangers, 3 for
He Gas Toasters, for
. .80
. .60
Bennett's groceries are
always fresh and whole
some, regardless . of the
price. Let these Items
show you the wisdom of
sending us your orders.
On sale Trlday and Sat
urday , .
JbennrVs Cupltol Coffoe,
lb. pkg
. And 80 Stamps.
Bennett's Best Coffee, 3
lbs., for $1.00
.And 100 Stamps.
Bennett's Best Coffee. 1
lb., for 3fio
. And 30 tftamps. '
Teas, assorted, lb, . .58c
. And 0 Stamps.
Tes, asorted, lb. ..48c
And 69 Stamps. . N
ANOTHER I)R01V Bennett's Capitol Creamery Butter, 3,000
rlbs,on sale7-pure,seet, fresh madepound brick...
Fruit and 'Lemon Cojjf-
1.' lb. lao
VTeah Ctit Loaf Sugar,
per- pag
And 10 Stamps.
Sour Pickles, 1 dos. 60
Tonjatoes, Bay Shore
quality, very flue. J
caos. for Mo
Hartley's Pure Fruit
Jains, Jar 6
Ami JO Stamps.
California Table Ralelns
o;i stem. lb. 10
Whtte i'k Corn, I caim,
And 10 Stamp.
IViublu stamps on But
terlne. lten's Soda and Oyster
1aoker, 18-lb. htix,
2-lb. pkg
And 10
ing Powder, lb. . . .mo
And 10 Stamps.
California Ripe Ullves,
40c csns - tOc
Navy Beans, hand pick
ed, lbs S So
Swcnsdown Codfish, i
pkg. t5e
And 10 Stamps.
California Prunes, lttte
aualltv. lb. be
Jap Klce,
And 10
Full Cream
lb., at
. And 10
rsrjrja:" ra-b h:,
Tic Bee Tlie
$20.00 and $17.50 V UU
I To
A special lot of full fashioned
Lisle Hose, In blacks and assort
ment of good colors, always 25c,
but Quantity la limited 1 7
pair. . ...v. ........ v . ...
English Cape Street Gloves, in tan
shades -only. Noore durable
gloves Imported., While the
quantity lasts we ..offer . theio
$1.00 qualities ' RAfi
for,,..,.., . , ,
Bleached Table Damask,' 14 inches
wide, excellent patterns, six
pieces only, 85c quality, . 2q
Hemstitched and Drawn Dresser
and Bureau Hearts, slxe 18x50
' Inch, regularly SDc each. I QB
. 12 doitn only;.speclal. ......
BCllHlttTC - Cretonnes, Bllko
KCKIIANI5 iineB, Calicoes.
Bhlrtlngs, Canton and Outing
..Flannels, worth up to RB
17 Hcrat, yard. ww
A clearing up of linen finish suit
ings, madras, ginghams, flannel
Trimmed Hats
Friday every hat in oar stock is
. unconditionally reduced to $1.9S
We have hundreds of theia to
close out Hat that you will be
! proud to wear They are fresh
and artistic in design, and have
been marked upward to S15.00.
$1.08 1
Friday for first time
give you choice, for
Cut your table costs by coming to ' Bennett's
You don't sacrifice quality when you trade
Tea Blftlngv. lb. pkg. 12o
Bennett's Capitol Bak
ing Powder, Srlb. can,
for .-. 1.00
And 100 Stamps.
Bennett's Capitol Ex
tract, bottle 18o
And 20 Stamps.
Bennett's Capitol Flour,
per sack 91.M
. And 80 SUmps.
32c hf
Cupltol ' Oats,
Asparagus, Batavla "
orana, large, 60c cans,
for ., ...89
Capitol Bak
Initial Seeded Raisins,
lb. pkg loe
Golden Eagle Currants,
id. pkg joe ,
And 6 Stamps.
Peanut Butter, 2 Jars Oo '
And 10 stamps.
Diamond C Soap, 8 bars
for S5o
Mignonette Peas, I cans
for so
And 10 P tamps.
Diamond & Cblll Saure,
buttle lOe
Oraoker Bale lten's
famous Tourist and
Orabam. fresh .baked
crackers, pfcg. . ...100
4 lbs. ao
Chetue, lb.
10 Stamps.
Swtaa cheese
And 10 stamps.
turiiarjimwiii mm n ?
Ml for Sur
twt ftiuaaLt tresw
Fighting Trust Prices
Making deep cuts on all lines without, reservations. It
means big savings in living expenses to you.
Aro You With Us?
Friday in the Busy Domestic Room
25,000 yards of all kinds of fine cotton goods, in good
long remnants: Percales, Batistes, Lawns, White Goods,
k Sateens, Pongees, etc,, worth up to 25c yard, on sale, at yard,
in lots according:
LOT 1. .5c LOT 2. .7ViQ. LOT 3. .10c LOT 4. .12V.C
AT 10:30 A. M. 1 case of
good remnants, all mixed
lots, will go, at, yard 2Vic
AT 2:30 P. M 1 case' of
mixed remnants, at . .3VC
Four other Specials during the day.
Underwear and Furnish
ings Less Than Half
Children's Vests and Pants
Values to 50c a garment,
fleeced or Jersey ribbed, at, a
garment 15
Ladies ' Fleeced and Jersey
Ribbed Vests or Panta Values
to 76c, at ....25
Ladies' Union Suits Values
to 91.00, in white or grey, at,
BUlt 30
$1 Laundered Shirts for 39c
Good colors, all sizes, big
snap In this sale. Come early.
Men's -Wool Underwear
Slightly soiled. . worth to
$1.50 garment, it 40
Men's $1.00 Sweaters, 25c
Men'3 75c Underwear, 25c
Children's. Night Gowns
Heavy outing flannel, . all sizes,
values to 75c, Friday, at . .25
Pretty Muslin Undergar
ments Big assortment of val
. ues, up to $f.00, to close, 25
Men's, Ladies' and Chil
dren's -15c Quality Hose At,
per pair 7 W
You Cannot Afford
to Miss These
White Jap Silks 29c values,
20 inches wide, on sale, at,
per yard 1 .10c
White Jap Silks 50c values,
27 inches wide, on sale, at,
per 'yard . . ". 39c
8 Specials
Plain aaid, Fancy, Spksr-Eegular value? up to $1.00, Friday, J
' Meesalines, Taffetas, Peau de Cygnee, Pongees, etc
Foulards All the new colorings, large and small designs,
at, per yard ".85c 69c and 48c
AT 9:80 P, M. 15 bolts of 7c
Apron ' checks, all blue, 0
yards limit, as long as it lasts,
at, yard ...3
AT 2:15 P. M. 1 case of 16c
Union Huck Towels, large, 4
pairs limit, at
each 7
Every hour something new on our center line of tables.
Remnants of Vool Dress Goods
5,000 yards of all kinds of wool dress goods, worth up
to $2.00 per yard in five lots, at r u, .
1 2 3 4 5 "
25c 39c 49c 59c 75c
High Grade Linens
Keranants from 2 to 4 yards, in fine linens, worth from
75c' to $1.50 a yard; in four lots, yard ...... ,
China Special
Fine China Cups and Sau
cers, 20 different decora
tions, as thin as eggshell,
up to 75c vaues, Friday,
for ...... 15c
Read the Great Anti
... .utlnar trust prices to
bring down the cost of living. It
pays you to trade at Hayden's.
1 ns. best Pure Cane Granulated
. Sugar, for ,l-0f-
4 lbs. sacks best High Patent
Flour 1-9
I lbs. best Boiled Breakfast Oet-
msal for S5
Ibn. Choice Japan Rice J6o
4 lbs. Fancy Japan Rice lo
6 lbs. best Pearl Tapioca, Bago, Bar
ley or Hominy tia
Bromangelon, Jellycon or Jello.' per
package 7Vc
The best Soda, or Oyster Craokera,
per' pound ...To
Tlie best Crisp Pretsels, lb' . Co
The beet crisp Olnger Snaps, lb lo
All kinds Corn Flakes, pkg ....TViO
j-lb. cans Karly June Peas . ...SVkO
I-lb. cans Solid Packed Tomatoes
for ' Ho
-lb. can Oolden Pumpkin, Homing.
Squash or Baked Beans 7 Ho
Choice California Prunes, lb ... ..4o
Fancy Italian Prunes, lb TVso
Fancy Peuchea, per lb IVo
Fancy Tel low Crawford peaches,
per pound 10c
rm MUtnl troM
AT 2.00 P. M.- All the fine
remnants of the high grade
Wash Goods ranging in
price from 15c to 59c yard,
on one counter, at yard 10c
Ladies' Outer Garments
Coats- Suits Skirfs;7aists
Some delightful bargains Friday
in Domestic Room.
Ladies' and Misses' Tailor
Suits That sold to $20.00,
splendid assortment for selec
tion, choice $0.50
Ladies' Winter CoatsThat
sold to $7.50. matchless bargains
to close Friday, at $1.98-$2&0
Sateen Underskirts Regu
lar values to $1.26, choice, at,
each ; 50
$1.60 Wrappers Choice , at,
each i.- 08
Wool Dress Skirts That
would sell regularly at $5.00,
good sizes and colors, " Friday,
at, each ..82.98
Ladies' Wash Waists -r-AIany
worth to $1.25, big special pur
chase, at, each ......... -49
Dressing v Sacques Well
worth $1.00, at ......... 40
Long Kimonoe That . sold
at $1.50 and $1.98, choice, each,
at v.. '.,98
Silk Underskirts That sell
regularly to $5.00, choice, atj
each $2.98
Children's Coats Big spe
cial purchase, values to $6.00,
at . .$2.50 $1.98 and $1.50
Infants' 50c Sleeping Gowns
i and Dresses At, each . . .. . 19
They're Worth Much-4
More " Than Priced
Black Messaline 59c value,
19 inches wide, on sale, at,
per yard ..... 35o
Black Taffeta $1.00 value,
27 inches wide, on sale, at,
per yard ........... .690
AT 11:80 A. M. 1 case of 1
Cotton blankets, two pairs
limit, at, each .......... 2-
Pir .,, 48
AT 8: IS P. M. 1 case of Prld
of the Farm, the best 12 He
Muslin made, fine finish, 10
yards limit, at,. yard .. . .Q
20 sticks Pure Sugar
Cnndy for ,50
Fairy Pillows Nut cen
terspure delicious, at,
per pound . .lSC
- Trust Grocery Price
Fancy s and 4 Crown Muscatel
naisins, per lb 7a
Fancy 1-lb. pkg. Sealed Raisin's','
, per package 7 Ha
enrrrnro run tsobtabus
Fresh Beets, per bunch tlVtO
Fresh Carrots, per bunch 8Vo
Fresh Turnips, per bunch ...... I Wo
Fresh Shalots, per bunch ,...;.vJo
F'resh Spinach, per peck .H0o
Fresh Ripe Tomatoes, per lb ... ,lo
Fancy Hothouse Lettuce, bunch JHo
Fresh Hothouse Radlnhes. bunoh ttto
Irge Cucumbers, each to
Fresh Cabbage, per lb 3 Wo '
Parsnips, Turnips or Carrots, lb 2 Vis
Rutabagas, lb .lWo
Fancy Sweet Potatoes, lb Uo
I arge Orape Fruit, each So
Fancy Mushrooms, per bog ...,66a
he oraage ct . quality Not eon
trolled by any syndicate, trust or
combination. It's the ' hardest com
petitor the trusl has to fight. Every
one klseed b .the sua, moon, and
tiers. i ' ,
r dosen 18o. 11 Vic, 20c, 2e and 10a
Trust prices 0c, 26c, 20c, 16c and too