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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 3, 1910)
i Tim BEK. OMAHA, 'niUTlSDAY, FKBKUARY 3, 1910. .0 1 a 'I1 t.!,i CfeAIN AND PRODtCE ilARRET I -. , A f Tuesday! JJulgre ia 'WTieat Failed to ' V Wvtii "P.I ' .' - , .we a eo s. EASIER CABLES CAUSED REACTION " - T. . - .'. Miller Interior f'anrl Orders for WhMMgra Mirk'l linn !' , 1 Krtioftht ' to . ". lt)gstItU . ' oa.uiA.;rA. a. idio. Th bulsT- 111 tliull una' nilr trnnrarv 1-esterday and lur fabit tawed tns msr ket and atarta.1 a teat-tinn.1 'i he rnlnliit Interest seem to have PinrXy 6f wheat anil numerous,. ciicllUin. jtae reported by parties selling 40 Interior -nllls. Cash Cm-. menu cannot es noon. The corn niurknt- ktoka im If It liftd been bought tO'a standstill, 'Inn - rletimnd in poor and atocka ara. accumulating -rapidly. jkn easier market uii e expected .if re ceipts hold out aa l preset, v ' - Wheat weakened'1 wi :y on th lower cables and worked :ouer' siowly with trie support. Irotn the burins very.' mud rata. 'r ' '" " lh wheat' old' tie linntf nd' thf. de mand proved anything but active. ' ; Corn "was pryuMscaily steady throughout the ae4!ou atd deelin were light and Old not hold. -The' mala weakhsaa shoeved In the cash thai net wuro the liberal, receipts have about filled to buyers orders to the limit trtd sales ttxlsy wirr ratner Maw. Prtmry receipts were 7.oh0 hu. and shipments were 24.1, 00" bu., ag-ilnst receipts IAt yaw t 384. uuo bu. and ship ment of IMi.fkni bu. Primary corn receipts were 1,244.000 bu. and shipment were bu.,. againxt i-eorHpta latyc4ir of Iw.ew) bu., and ahip menta of im.Oin) bu. - - CiearHn;m ware nOT.OOO tu. of corn, none of oata, and whaat and flour equal to ioO.000 bu.- '.v L.iveipKt tloHficl Wwef on wheat and uiiahanKU en evrn. S ioval ratiaa ut upnur.: Artlolea.j Open. High. Low. C1o-!. Yw y. Wheat May... July.. Corn May.., ,, July.., uma May.. July.. 1 05 1 A Bji ij-h Uaiaka Prreca. WHEAT No. 1 hard, l.0ti'1.0i-:' No. I hard, fl.IMCtl.Ot; No. 4 nard, 1.W1(H; re jected, hard, koUic; Ne. 2 'prln, ft.UU 1 V7; No. 1 aprum. J.7.1 0.j; iNo. i durum, 3W'a9c; No. '(Juium, wo, (JOHN No. 2 wiuie. lilyo'Vi No. 3 white, Wauic; No. i, o,uuj., Iso. 1 color, fco; No. S yellow, fljaino; No. 2 yellow, 684jUSo; No. ysllow, uuUiiic; No. it, 6V4c;. No. S, 6Vty.wc, No. 4, ouUTc; no trade, 4&4f66a. OATS blandard, 4B4i:,4u; No. 3 white, 4&4&46o; No. 4 white,, tubVkc; No. yel low, 4ixa46Vc; No. 4 ye.H. loc; No. ( mixed, 44u4oc. ,,. UAHLEY No. 4. ei!&G2fc;' N0. 1 feed, &Kit 60c. RTE No. 2, 76&77c :No. 3. 7576c. ' ( arlot Hee'lta ' Wheat Corn. Oats. Chicago 14 4M Minneapolis ,,0.U Omaha U .Imluth ,. m 143 31 in IICAUO CHAIN AND PROVISIONS ! ! Vl .3 , Wis: i.. ojh 6 .t', -Hl, lt ll Vi Ccatarea ef the TradlaaT and Cloala Prices en Board of Trade. CHICAGO, Feb. 2. Wheat ruled lower to day. Corn and oats arter showing- enrly strenKtli, also fell off. Provisions closed higher. ' blow demand for cash wheat here and in I i the northwest and southwest was the oon J trolling factor in the wheat pit and waa ve w largely responsible, for the dciine In prices. Large arrivals and cablet telling of foreign weakness contributed to the bearish senti ment which resulted in a sharp slump late In the session. The high points of the day for May was 31. lilt and the decline carried the figures for that month down to 1.104kt&1.10, the other -futures cor responding. The close was weak at ' the low polntsjn .alcimnihjavjje.lnjr 1 , loTi'ar than yesterday. - Prospects ot a recurrence. . of . weather unfavorable to transportation of the field crop together with ian , improved demand from outside interests gave early strength to the oorn pit and counteracUd tor the . Kreater part. of the sussion the dragging 4'.fect of the "weak whnat market. The variations ranged from H&o. May touch ing 87o and falling to tloViijOiiC, where It closed. ' Oats followed the course of oorn, ad vancing early on Improved buying in spite of the large arrivals : and like corn, dragging at the close through the in fluence of the downward wheat market. The variations In price were from "AwSc, May touching 47Vto and declining to 46V4j0. The close was weak, in, all the futures at Dearly, the low points of the day. May closed "at 46H&4fiSo, Vif9 lower than ye ..terday's ;.flnal figures.,, . In provisions, pork ' closed 321.90, 15c . J fclgher;, lard, 3l2.67Vi.fnl3.10. 2V46c higher, and rbs. lU HV 3Ho higher. The leading futures ranged as follows: Articles.! Open. High. Low. Close. Yes'y. 'Wheat May July, . Sept. fHJorn- ' Kay' July Bept. K3at-, May July 1 U ..A 10HI i iniH 1 11 lOlfcSj 1 ;aots ioo-i 101V 7 7 ASH1 OriS tki'i l ,W)U7j 7 6Vi ttoi elk 479. ' 66V4 464 46H1i 4 43 21 75 31 77Vj U 05 11 80 11 75 -11 70 4;iv 484 404, tfept, July July Ribs- 1 41 n o 31 74' 41 38 00 31 tkj- 12 10 U 14) 11 SO U 80 44H n o 21 DO 13 10 13 10 31 6G 31 2li 11 97H 13 07H 12 0V4 U 80 11 70 May July n 78 11 T7H 11 77 11 73 U 7H No. I. Canh quotations were aa follows: FLOl'K Steady: winter Doif-nta. nn R.&5: winter straights. 3S.0tiSiC 40: suiinsi titralrhts, 34b6.06; bakers, $3.30t).S5. n i r i o. a owfMO. UAHLEY Fcl or mlxlna. 26o! fale to choice malting, "56700. . .. . SEEO-Klax No. 1 southwestern. 13 04; No. 1 northwestern, 33.14. Timothy, 34,25. Clcvver, 14.16. . rnOVI8ION8-Mes pork, per bhl., 321 fit) 4i31.W. Lard, per 100 Ibav, 12 OTVtyitU.lO. Short ribs, sides, (loose) tll'.la livt); short clear sides, (boxed) J18.frj li.liw - ,' ., Total cleri,rK-es of wheat and flourwar Jliaa to JfUO.tU) bu.., prtnuiry reoelpte were .38,0iO bu., comparett- with . 334,000 bu. the corresponding .day a year ao. EUmsted receipte lor tomorrow r Wheat. i2l .cars! head Cff0V,, ill "!r"; ho' St. I. eats Oeaeral Market. ST. IX)1?1S, Feb. 3. WHEAT Future StV; il"h l"adyi track' No ". 3).2r.$1.2; No, 3 hard, May . 31 lotfl.lOH; July, lwsWo. COHN-Futures weak; cash higher; track. No. t cash. JSc: ; No. 2 white, 67c; May 0uc; July, dHtKVe. OAT-Futures lowar; cash higher; track. 4o;,w'N?; N' ' WhU- 5001 nYK-Nomitial; 81o. '' FLOI'R-Pull; red winter patents, 35 ta (W; extra fancy and straights, 3G.0(to5.5O; hard winter clears, 33 860M to -u- , l?KEl Timothy. 3J.5oif3.&j CoilNMKAL-33.35. HHAN-Lowerj sacked (east track); Ug HAY Weak: tinnothy, 314 O0gi7 50- oral, rle, lUOucpU.OO. , . .. , ' F HAIiill Ml e'l,, ' i 1IKMP TWINI& 70. PKOVIS10N8 Pprk,- steady;. - Jobbing 3-1 3i. Ird higher; prima steady, 311714' l4ry Salt tnvats unchansed: lioxed extra eTiorts, ij 6-: cleat rib. Ill 50; short clears 313.75. bacon. uutihanged; boxed 1 extra '. 13.7 clear rtbs. 14 71; short elears 814.03. - ,1 - i . ' PofLTRT Quiet; chickens, I4o; springs . :. t'lrl,'5", ' ducks, Ucfmu, !H.., . ' " -K steady; creainary, su02c., Ktl(J8-Lower. Ma. : rA.un 4 Hour. Vheat. Receipts, flhtpments. 7.700 ' 14.100 eK.OiO ,.,..tT w..r.t.P0 ; 117Q"0 bbls bu orii, bu,,. Oats, bu .. flitlaatelyaila Pro da re Market. Feb, 3. BlCTTER- A " . rinuJIIiU-HllA. - iiuik j , : . ' , '1 r,"7u' 'V wwrri exira western creamery, intra !en-rn cranery. nearby printa .nA ,,.1V,"'Sk ,c : Pennsylvania i.ilV "n'". curT receipts, at park, aetern fli-t. ifi- rnrn) at mark: weetern current re ceipts, (free r.r) 2UV t mark. I'll KKNK- Firm; New York full creams, choice, 74il7H-e; New York full crenm fair to good, lB'y&lTo. NHW tORK UF.5RHAI,' NARKfT tMeetntlon. .f the D-r Varto.e rommodltlea. ' v VEW TORK, rb. I.-FlOUn-Market. dull and ateadv; npnm patents, i M .Tfi; winter stralKbtn. IR.ab4rt.40j whi ter patent, K.touOO; apiln clears, I4 404J4.S5; vinter etra, ' Jo. 1, 14 t 4 9 wlntet extras, No. $4.4X)G4 6R; Kansas elrnlahtn, f 4 90 If fi. 1 6. Receipts, Xi.Wi bbl.; hlpments. IK.WjO bbla. Hye flour. . steady; fiilr to (ood, 4.2fJ4.0, rholce to, fani yr I4 4K94 80. Burkwh-sat rioiir. qu:trtj bulk, 2.OO(,I.06, jiomlnal, per 100 h. i . COJiNMEAI. Bteady; fle whltrt and Vellow, $I.65B! .60; coarse 1.45&1.60j kiln drier), $.Io. . , ' RYRi Dull; No., 2 vfenterii, Khka, nom inal, f. o. b., New Tork. , WliEAT-Mpot jmarket Weak; No. I red, $1.31, nomlnpl, elvvator, ' dotnest'c, and nomlriHli t. o. b , afloot'; Ke.- 1 northern, luiluth. and No. I hard, winter. Jl.84'4), f. o. b., nfliiat, iiornlnaL Option market waa quiet, but prloee wore easier on Irwer cblee.-4nrter-receipts, easier' cash mar kets and reports that the demand tor flour was :por el that aotne of th mills would probably cloe- down. At the eloae' price w ire- itt i net lower; , May H.17 i6-lti 11 U ltici closed at $1.18; July, $l.W)il.W4; closed At 41.W. lUcelpts, 64,uo bu,; shlp- k menu, nana , , . ., COltN Spot market steady! No. 1 73c, elevator, domestic, IVe delivered,- and Tl'tc Y. Ot b., afloat. Option market . was mu'out tranncttonn, closing unchanged. May (toB'jrl at 75o;. July,-Ita; -Msptero-ber, 7(40. ' Keoelpts,' 1,500 bu.j shipments, S.&00 bu. . , . ... . OATH .'Jiilet; mixed, 34 'to S3 lbs., nom inal: natural white, Z to 33 lbs., UWU'i clipped white, 34 to 42 lbs., M'uSVaC; option market was without transactions, closing Vc net highsr. May closed at M"o. lU'Cclpts, 5,4T5 bu. HAY Fliin; prime, H180S13O; No. 1,;'Aiu. . .uu'itl.ii,v; o. , l.w. : 111DKH .Steady; Ven'r' Amrloa, 23Vo; bctiota, Zim)22Sc. LfcATHEH-tiieady; hemlock, firsts,, 360 ZVo; sveonds, Wyirc; thirds, 3U2tc; rejected, M0j! iilc. FOV1SION-Pork, firm; mess, 2S Wft 13 it; family, a.Wy ai.OU; short clear, 334.60 tllh.jO. Beef, steady; mess, fU.DO'U.fct; lamlly, 16.U0(uj1 .00; beef hams, MtkKaVS.OO. Cut meats dull; pickled bxllles, 10 to 14 lbs., lZ.MuL4.uo; p,ckled hams, 313.50)14.00. Laid tlirn; middle west, prime, 313 46413.66; refined, llrrn; continent, l2.a; South Amarica, U.5v; compound, Jk. i HI 10.00. iAL,L,oVv o.oaay; prune city, nnds., To; country, mwt'MO. UUTiEK-oieady; creamery, third to first, 3irtit2c; western factory, Zi&ZVia; weatern iinitaiion creamery, 2o.(j2. KGUS Bteaay; western firsts, 32c; sec onds, MU'iio; refrigerators, liatfWc. Clliittst; Firm: state full creamery, fall made, specials, liylbc; fancy, 17 Vic; good to uilmc. U.iB nine: current make, pest. iuMKifltx: ; coinuuin to fair, liyut; skims, tun to inecluls, l:-jl4V.o. FOULTHY Alive, firm; western ohlck- ei.n, iic; iom. nc; . turkeys, iG'wo. Orcssed, dull; western chickens, IbuvZ&s; fowls, H'j,l!c; turkeys, StjJoo. WKATIIKn IN THE GRAIN BELT For Nebraska, Threatening? and - Colder Thnrsday. OMAHA, Feb. 2, 1910. The area of high pressure reported in the preceding report as moving in over the I'aclftc elope has spread over the entire northwest and is extending down over the upper valleys and eastern slnpa of the itori.y mountains. Colder weather accom panies the high pressure and a vary de cided fall In temperature has occurred west of tne Missouri river since the last report. Biiohs are falling In tne mounta.n and rains and snows are scattered over the upper valleys. The outlook Is favorable tor continued threatening weather, and popolbly snow flurries In this vicinity to mght, followed by fair Thursday, with coiuer tonight and Thursday. Record of temperature and precipitation conipartd with the corresponding day of the last three years: 1910. 1S0. 1908. 1907. Minimum temperature ... 81 84 3 14 Precipitation 00 -.0) .00 T Normal temperature for today, 21 degrees. Excess In precipitation aince Maxell 1, 1WW, 5.07 inches. Deficiency, corresponding period In 1909, 5.30 Inches. . ' v- Deficiency corresponding period in 1906. 7.81 Inche. . .... f. ,U A- WELSH. Local Forecaater. Kansas City Grain and Provlslona. KANSAS CITY', Feb. J. WHEAT Un changed; No. -3 hard, 8109113; No. 8, 3107 U1.12; No. 2 red, 1.8d1.3; No. 3, L2tkr 1.2; May, 31.0G; July, 94'u. CORN Unchanged; No. 3 mixed, 63VU 64o ; No. 3, fli-jyuia No. It- white, 64Vip 66c; No. 3. Mvto; May, 8&Hc; July, bo. OATS UnchanK'd; No., 3 White, 48'G0o; No. 3 mixvd, 4tlig48o. ' RYE-70i78c. , . . HAY Unchanstd; choice timothy, 31 4. DO &15.0U, choice p ml lie, 310.7Oll.O0, choice al falfa, 3100(018.50. BUTTKH Unchanged creamery extras, 28c; firsts, 24c; seconds, 24; packing stock, 22c. rJOQS Unchanged; extras, 29c; firsts, 27c; current receipts, 2Stc; seconds and dirties, 16o. Receipts, Shipment. Wheat, bu to.OuO 47.000 Corn, bu 38,009 59.000 Oats, bu 13,000 . . 15,000 Options at- Kansas Cltyi Articles, Open. Hlgh. Low. Close. Wheat I I I May 1 06HI 1 06H 1 06 H 1 06A July 6ii&f, - 96 ,94 ia 94' Corn . I - -i ; " ,1 : May 66&tS6 66 66 H 65HB July 6b,HV OH65Vfcei6HiV A asked: B bid. Minneapolis Grain Market. MINNEAPOLIS, eb. 2-WHEAT ilay, 31.W-1; July,-' 1.09H(ai 09. Cssh: No. 1 hard. H.UMrt.U; No. f northern, 81.114 t1.124; No. I northern, $1.0a'iil.l0; No. 3, fl.6441.09. SKKU Fl, 32.19, -CORN No. 3 yellow, SStiWo. OATS No. 8 white, 44"4474c. RYE No. 2. 75fe77o. . H RAN In 100-lb. sacks, 32S.0O23.5O. FLOURFlrst patent (in wood, f. o. b., Minneapolis), IS.ttffi.eo; second paterita, 35.20 4t5. 40i first clears, 34.86tf4.46; second clears, 38.10((.40. '. : A '...Liverpool Grain Market. LIVERP06L. Feb.' I.-WHBAT-Spot dull; Js'o. 3 rod western, winter, no stock; futures dull; March, 8s 8d; May, 3a d; July, 7s ltf4id. CORN Hpot steady; new American, mixed, 5a vd: old American, mixed, 5s 3d; tutdres dull; March,'6s 7H4; May, nominal. .. ..j V.'. .... la, Peoria Market. PEORIA. Feb'."8..-CORNAMIre; No. 8 yetlow, S3c; Ne. 4 yellow, tJvsc; No. 8 mixed, 62o; Nor 4 tnlxrd, Ht-Wo; no, grade, 54fdi7c. Y . )ATS Firm; No." 8 white, 47c; standard, 471c. Mllwaakee Grain Market. MILWAUKEE. Feb. 2. WHEAT No. 1 northern. 31 lCMfl 17: No. 3 northern, 11.14-ai 16; May, 31.10V4. . OATS-VtH&o. ' r ' ' UARLEY Samples, ' C3p71o. Toledo Sees) Market. TOLEDO. O., Feb. 3. SEED Clovor cash 3624; March tiiGS: April 3S.34; October 36.80; prime old IN 50; neglected 37.2a. Ti mothy . prime 32.00. . Alsike prime 87 85; March 37.90. Dnlnth , Gmiat Market. DULUTH. Feb. 1 WHEAT No. 1 north ern, 1.10; No. 3 northern, 11.09; May, 21.11V July.' sXlOV j . OATS 46c. . ) .... Coffeo, Market. NEW YORK, rb." -Mrket for coffee futures openad steady at unchanged price to an advance of I polntb on a little, buy. Inn promoted by -the inoreaso In - the world's .visible .supply for the - month of January. . 1'tiera was very . little business but - prloea - were-maintained ra the ab sence of seller, tbe close being' dull net uiu'hanged to five points higher. Stlea were reported xtt 8.500 baifs, liidudlng Sep tember at TlOo and DtcMnbw 7 06. The world's visible supply of eoffeo de creased 914.844 baga fr the . month of January compared with a decrease of 8i8.7ti3 for the same month last year. The werld'a visible as of September 1 was 16.755.029 bags, compared with Ii.84l 4.t8 Isst year. Spot coffee, quiet. No. 7 Klo BSft (; No. 4 Hantos 8fttS4. Mild coffee quiet; Cordova, 9aiHfc. . Mamnt and Molasses. NEW YORK. Fob. 3-SUOAR-Ra w, f'"": Muscava.lo. 33 un. 3ti7c; centrlfu ttsl, St tst. 4 17sc; molasses sugar. 89 tst. ?.43c. Keflnrd, st.tH.!v; crnahrd, . t Vc cranulated. 6 lie; powtVi.d. 4 2 . ' SEWIORI STOCK A3! BONDS Primary Declines Bring; Prompt Sup , port and Bally Follows. BOND FIRM FAILURE A FEATURE Metal Shares Torn Weak On Net from Abroad and Market Brnlu ' j Sharply Final Prleee Are - Lowret. ' NEW TORK. Feb. t.-The stock mar ket today had to dlfrext the failure of Flsk ' A Robinson, announced after the market closed yesterday. Manifestly, there was no great relish In doing so. The primary declines, which were within one point limits, brought '. nut prompt support and recoveries followed. . ' The failure had features about It (hat place it out of tbe usual line In its par ticular business, notably , In the. extent to which Its committments wore In bonds of properties in the coastrnotlve stage. The liabilities, while large, did not In themselves give occaaloo for fears M direct "consequences to th, general mar ket. The Inoldent directed new atten tion however, to .the Inert market for bonds in general which has not been effeotualjy. relieved, at any stage. of. the extensive speculative movement In storks. One reason advanced- - by bond dealer for the sluggish demand for hUth grade, well-seoured . bond Issues is tho prefer' enoe of Investors for. inferior grades of fering a biKher return. The high cost of living is blamed for this ' peculiarity n the situation. Thus, far the decline in the Interest , rate on money has- failed 'to oorrect this defect In the bond market. A diversion of investment from fixed interest securities Into stook shares, with claims to divide tho Increment of profit, is an actual tendency In times of ex panding earnings,- or evon In pr toe inflation by redundant currency or Increased gold production. , ... The stock market today was almost Inert In presence of the doubts in the minds of speculators. A sustaining effect was caused for a time by the buying of Read ing. The news of (hat stock did not go beyond reports of the source of buying. The variety of those reports left an im pression of unreliability. There was fur ther pressure on the specialities which suffered most In yesterday's liquidation. Tho copper group was. hurt by a sharp decline In the price of copper In London and unaatlsfactory reports of trade posi tion of that metal. Foreign stock mar kets, as well as New York, were affected by this factor. The final break In prices came with great suddenness and In some oases, sen sational violence. United States Steel, Southern Pacific, American Smelting and some others sold lower than in the period of greatest weakness last week. The c!olr tone waa very feverlRh. and weak. Bonds were Irregular. Total sales, par value, 32,S8.t.OO0. . I United States bonds wore unchanged on call. Number of sales and leading quotations on stocks were as follows: Bales. High. Lew. Chx. AMU-nialmart pfd Amalgamated Copper Amerlou Agricultural ... Am. UMt Sugar Am. Can pfd Am. C. A r Am. Cotton Oil Am. H. U pM Am. Ice seouritlM ,. Amertoan Unseed ......... American lcomntlve Am. S. A R Am. 8. A R. pfd Am. fkigar Retlulng Am. T. a T Am, Tobaeoo pfd.....i..i.. American Woolen Anseenoa Mining O Atotiiftun Atohleoa pf Atlantle Coaat Une Baltlmor A Ohio Bal. A Ohio pfd Bethlehem Steal Brooklyn Rapid Tr. Canadian Pacific Central Leather Centre.! Leather pf Central ef New Jereer Chesapeake A Ohio Chicago A Alton Chloage Ot. W., new...... Chloego N. W C, at.. A it. P O . C., 0 A St. L...1 Colerado Fuel A I...' , Cctorado A Southern Cele A se. 1st .pfd. Colo. A 80. 3d pfd Consolidated Oaa Com ProducU Delaware A Hudeon , Denver A Rio Orusaa. D. A R. O. pfd DUttUers' Securities Birla , l!rle let pfd Erie d pfd Oenerml Blectrte Great Northern pfd Interborougn atet Int. Met. pf Intemaf'.unal Hiinrester ... lut. Serine nfd. .; Intarnatlonal Paper International Pump Iowa Central KaDeaa Ctt Bo , K. C. so. pfd...., LouUtIII A N Minn. A St. U. M . at. P. A S. 8. M..... Mlseoari rVcl10 M., K. A T St., K. A T. pfd National Biscuit National Lead N. R. R. ot 81. lit pfd.... New Tork Central N. T.. O. A W Norfolk A W.'., North Amu-loan Northern Pacing , Pacific Uall Penney IvarUa People's una P., C, C. A It. L Prefsed Steel Car Pullman Palaoe Car....,.., 42 24,tDO 81 W 7 78 48 84 88 0Mi 2N) 44Vt 43 0 87 100 T 800 13 800 8K 88 80 200 u 82 21 TOO ItlH 18,0110 61 81 88 88 6U0 104 U 108 II 1,0"0 $a4) SSi 1,S"0 13 1S6H l 100 14 81V4 81H 8(10 Sf.H ti4 3& 8.M0 6014 60 to 10.800 HO 115 3.614 100 l'WVk 10344 108 1 US 121 UI 700 113 114 1" 1 100 88 88 88 3,800 MM 7144 TIM 600 MO 17SH 17i W0 M4 US4 100 10444 104S4 108 5u0 100 300 800 1,000 84 mi 82H 00 MU . 88 b: .' 2iJ0 ' 80H " 80"! ' 0T4 700 1KV4 166V4 3.8.-10 147 140 1444 1,000 81 14 " r .'S044, 3,0 1 88 ' 700 58S4 U1I ...... 8144 100 I0t4 80 80 8,8'JO 146H :14V4. 44444 mio nh it i4a 500 174 173S4 178 .40V4 80 70 4, 8VH DO "700 'si 400 31 8110 W -88H 3H 4 46 14 45 4 100 M 864 8&V4 800 1R3 1(1 44 161 1.500 13644 18444 140 7.t 0 MV, 1944 1M4 10,000 60 6O14 . 60 600 lii I2i 800 80S4 20 1T4 800 IS l'i U'A 100 4H 4HV4 411 200 . 24 . 2 3 7 144 4,1 184 100 3744 37 1,000 146 146, "' 186 m" 600 88 3.700 41 . 41 81 70 100 110 110 10 . 800 88 8.- M 41 , 3,800 118 117 117 . 600 44 44 44 8U0 8? ' .. 100 T7 T7 77 .. 3,400 13r, U4 184 800 82 89 J" , 18,000 183 1S 18a . 3.000 lu 108 l' 800 6U tW 800 41 41 4l 200 11 181 1 . ' 4kS 41 40 40 .141.200 11 158 158 . 1,I0 84 8i 8A 800 100 100 100 , 6.4O0 42 41 ' 41 Va) 82 82 Sin . 3,000 60 48 48 800 87 2 37 , 72 . 200-74 74 . 7& . 14,7110 127 .124 13 Railway Steel Spring.... Reeding .....!.. Kepuellc Steel Republic Steel pfd. Hock laland Co Reuk Island Co. ptd St. L. A B. F. 84 pfd... St. Louie 8. W St. L. S. W. pfd... 1 Bluee-Shef field S. A 1.., Southera Paclflo Southern Railway Se. Railway ptd Teaneeaea Copper Texas A Paclflo T.. St. L. A W.. T., St. L. A W. pfd..,.. t'nlon Paclflo : Inlon Pacific pfd V, S. Realty.,...' U. S. Rubber II. '-S. 6teol i. V. S. Stel ptd Utah Copper Va. -Carolina Cnemlcal , Wabuh i Wabaeti ptd Weetera Marylsrid etfa. .. Weetlnghouee tklec4rii .. Weetern Union Wheeling A la, Wlet-oneln tlentral PHUburg Coal Am. Steel Foundry United 17 Ooode I pelade Oaa 1'W !! 2). 2a 700 8t ') 84 40 24 80 44 100 800 100 804 80 4S , 87 7 . 86,600 1M 184 184 '4 100 Ht 88 '- 600 7t 75 78 . 800 48 41 41 808,1010 82 8u l 1,4' uii'k 1 m 8000 BU A 4 1.j0 61 o 6 21 ) 46 4 47 71 1,1-8). r 7,100 47 800 71 4 71 70 -lost 100 6 6 6 4 5S lll'M "i'i "n" 'aiiii 700 80 40 7,800 104 10: 101 Total aalea lor the day, 487.800 abarea Londen Stock Market. LONDON. Jb. 3. American securities opened quiet and a fraction higher today. Luring the first hour the market lacked support and the advance partially disap peared. At noon the tone was dull anl price ranged from higher to V lower thaa yesterday's New York closing. London dosing stocks: Console, Money... 81 U-ULoulavlll A N 148 do aceouat. , 81 l-ll M., K. T 42 ... 88 N Y, Central Ir8 ... 10 Norfolk A W KjO ...118 do pfd K) ...l"4Or,tarlo W hu Uoppar. Anaconda .... Auihleon do pfd Baltimore e um. ...uu- reiinerivania .... Canadian Paclne. .. .14 Read Mines Chesapeake A 0 6 Reading Chicago O. W 81 Southera Rr Chi.. Mil. A St. r.-.lU ae ptd De Beers 16 Southern Pioiflo. . 6 . . 82 . : . 8l .181 lwi .I.18 . 84 .12 . 1 Denver tlo O Union Pacific.... do pfd 88 aa ptd rU. . meel i do pt.....' Erie do let pfd.... de At pfd Oraad -ruak... Illinois I antral er Wabaeh .. 80 do pfd. . 144 Spanish as SILVER Bar, steady at 33T4d per .ounce, MONIiY lvoJ cen'- The rate of discount in the open market for short and three months' bills is 3 t-lyj I" pep cent. 1 ' " 'Loeail keenrltles. " Quotations furnished by Samuel Burns, jr., 814 New York Life building: Bid. Asked. City ef Omaha 4a 134, raf OUv of Omaha 4a, 11 Col urn bus. Neb. 6V L. 6a, 128 Cits. O. A a. Waterloo Outlatis Packing Co. 6. 128., I'huiat kail war se, 1817 10f lo 86 Vt - low 104 l'W k 8 w p?r to 84 68 m i'ii luo lut 101 Uats Ulty Malt IX). Ureal Weetern Power Ou. (1 ) 148 Mrdranlla Preeaed Mrlrk ptd Int. i struct ka Oa ' kenaerfr Bulldisg Co Loeg Bell Lumber Co. da, 1822 Mirhlgan State Tel. 6a 1W4 Nebraska Tel. etnek 6 per cent Omalia Water Co. 8a, 11 Omaha Water Ou. 6a, 1M (Mialia Wu to. mk pfd..., Ontalia Uea ia, 1I7 t - S6 lie) N 100 loo 84 4 ., W . 1 18 . 8 tJ ; H 8 4 1 !' Kee? Tark Money Market. NKW YORK, Feb. 3-MONEY-On call, easy at 3fj2 per cent; ruling rate, 1 per cent; closing bid. 8V4 per cent; offered at i per cent. Time lonns, soft and rather dull; etxty days, 3W(f3S Ppr cent; ninety days. 8 per cent; six months, 4 per cent. FRIMF, MERCANT1LK PAJ-ER 49 8 per cent. , T . . - 8TERLINO EXCltANORr-StetKl, "Xri-tflt actual business In bankers' btll at KSirrTVJT 4.85 for sixty-day bills and at 34 fer de mand; commercial bills, Il.WVtfi UJV . SILVF.R Bar, 61c; . Mexican ' doljars, 44c. , , if. BONDS Government, ' steady:, railroad, 1. Tfsular. , . . ,. ..: I Closing quotations on ponda, jjrrs as fol V. 3. ref. la, rag do eoupoa C 8. 8a. reg do eo'ipen V. S. rg do coupon Allle-Chsl. let is.. 100 tnt, tr. M-i4a ... 100 J Mian ia . 8 8i f. 7.1 84 W .101' do 4. s,'.t. .ini"K. Q u lat .,.., tt44 1. 8 aXy 4a lDel..., .114 t, A N. Snl. 4ft...... .. at.. K. T..1et da.. Am. Ag 6a .iiuia eo gn.-e. . Am. T. A T. o. 4e..lo slo, pame 4a. ...... w Am. jiooaooe 4a 77 N. H. R. ot 84. 4rt.; M o a :iill.' C." C. g. 3a.... Armour A t. 444. 8T'4 dq deb. te,v........ 86 Atchleon gen. 4a. .,1on'4 T.j ill. H -. A B.' Ai. . V Am i.,uiw ev. -.... ..,,:im ...liT A W. 1M u 4a,. 8 ;..'" do it. 4a .. ,w.l'JW ... rJov Pacifio 4a..o.i"l -.8 40 8s 73 .... t4,n.. 8. U rMa. 4s... v. . .. 8lPnn. . rvt,v 18VS.. ps ...linv ,do m w ...w...V4 I a. ' At. C. - L. let 4a., Bal. A Ohio 4a... .4o.8e .r do S W. 8a. Brk. Tr. o. 4a. i)en. or oa. Can. Loet!r w Readhfs a 4a .. f c. of N. J. 8e:...l4t.-L.,A l.'r. fg. K -viipw. iniiv eiae..jw-a no-gen. H...t,r.,, do ret. 8a 10gt. u S, "W. . 4a,! 1HL nlat A A. 3a.. .! -.da lut got8 4s...;ri M O., B. A . J. 4a.... 8eahon.ri A. U 4a... 81 d gen ee So Paifl col. a..'8 C. Id. P.'(88H do-e. 4e...,..jj.1.l12 : C, B. I. A P. a. 4l..'T "do let ret 4a... ... M4k do rtg. 4a kl so,. Railway 6a...,,.l(n Colo. Ind. 6S k do gi-n it. .... . .: W " (lolo. Hid. 4e.'. ,. r.. ,Jr Union frillt n,..l C. A S. r. A e. 4. -fa , so o. 4a......,.us D. A H. ot. e llio do let A ret. 4a.... 7 v. at n. o. ,-. w u, b .moar fa. .,,104 , do ref. 6a. , 9U. 8. Steel 8d 6a. ...106 71 Ve.-Caro. Chem. 6a.. 88 86 'Wabash lat 6a... ...111 T" do lut & ei. 4a. .... 7 J Manners' 6a .. Kit p. I. 4e... do gen. 4a., do or. 4a, ear. A,.. 77Waatrn Md. I. 85 " flo .eenae B Tl4'Ttet. Elc. er. 6a... 1 Oen. Klee. sr. 6a 14.tWI,. Cetitral 4a 4 ill. c-en. 'lat raf. 4a.. t lo. Piut 'cT. 6a etfa. 86 Int. Met. 4a 80 . . ' esiA.HUerd. ' -' '.. '.'' Beaton Stocks and Bonds. BOSTON, Feb. I Cloning quotations- on mining stocks were: Amal. Copper 7 Mohawk 87 A. 8. L. A 8 8iNrrada Con , 32 Artiona Com 41 Nlplaetni' Mlaaa 8 Allantlo ;. 3 North Butte 88 b C C. A 0 18 Old Dominion 46 B. A C. C. A i M.. 1 eiw-jii 1M Butte Coalition ''Prrott 8. A C 1 Cl. A Arliona... ,. 70 Quinoy s Cal. A Kecla 880 Shannon 1R Centennial .1 88 Bu peri or (4 Copper R. C. 0 78 Superior A B. at...,. 14 Franklin 80 Superior It P. Cop... 11 Oruibr Cnn. 83 Tamarack tv Orvene Cananea 8U. 8. a R. A li 44 Iile Hoyale Copper .. la do pfd 60 KT Lake l tah Oon . ... 28 lke Ciopper f0'winona 10 La Salle Copper 15 Wolverine 140 Miami Copper ....... 84 Asked. New York Mlnlnar Storks. NEW YORK, Feb. 3. Closing quotations on minlns: atocka were: Alice 178 Loadvlll Con Brunawtrk Coo. ... 3 'Little Chlet... Com. Tunnel stock.. 80 Mexican do bonds 16 Ontario Con. Oal. A Va 170 Ophlr .. 8 4 ...186 ,..80 ..800 .. to . ..120 Horn Silver 76 Standard ,...186. Tallow Jacket , Iron Silver . . Offered. -. Bank Cleevrlnsis. OMAHA, Feb. 3. Bank clearings for to day were 82,66,&8o.64 and for the corres ponding date last year $2,129,644.13. OMARA OESBHiL MARKET. Staple and Pnncy Jro4ace Prices Far. 8ed by Bnyers and -vVboleaalers. BUTTERr-Creamery. No. 1, delivered to the ratal, trade in 1-lE. l-arto-s,-, 3c; No. 1. In 60-H). tab 31Ho; fili .lnfl-lbT cartons 30o; in eo-lb. tubs, &c- packing stock, solid pack, ilc;..fraU-rullti,S!oT f aney-datrr-roll,, 24c; Common biilXer. 22a. Market changes every Tueeday. CHKESE-Twlns. . 18tr I youyig America, I8W0; Bal ay cheese, lSH-c'; Llmberger, liHo brick, 18c; domestlo block SwUs, 20o: 1m ported Swiss, Wc. ."-" . ' POULTRY Uressed: Prbtlsrs; 35 a dos.i springs, I601, bens, 16o; cocks, 10-c; ducks, lbc; geese. 14c; turkeys, 2uc; pigeons, psr dos., 31; Homer simaba, (4 par do.; fancy squabs. 33.&0 per no:.; No. 1, $3.00 per dual Alive; Broilers, under 3 lbs., 17c; over 3 lbs., 13c; hers, lie; cccks, 8c; duoks, full feathered, 13c; guess, fulj feathered, 10c; turkeys, 18c; guinea fcwls, $3 per dog., pig eons, 60c per dos, FISH (all frozen) Herring, c; salmon. 11c; piokerel, 8c; whitefish. 10c; pike, 10c; trout, lbCr-cattish, 17a; orapples, to 80; large crappies, lf.c; black bass, 26c; red snapper. Lie; smelts, 16c; Spanish mackerel, 18c; eel, 18o; haddock, 13c; flounders, Uo. Ul'tt'lH-ltb-Seleais, small cans, 30 i large, 40c; gallon. 1.8o; New York counts, small. fcJc; large, 46c; gallon; $1.6; standards, small, 3zc: large, 00c; gallon, $1. at. BtiKF CUTS Ribs, N0.1 J, l6o; No. 3 12c; No. 3, 8 Vic. Loin, No, 1, 17,o; No. 3,' 13sic; No. 3, 8!C Chuck, No, 1, 7c; No, 3, 8c; No. 3, 6c. Round, No. 1, 84c; No. 8. iac: No. -3, 7o, Piatis, No. 1, 64o; No. 3. 5c; K'o. 3, 4MiC . , FRUITS Oranges: Extra fancy Redland rose brand, Son and lla, box fi.00; extra fancy K J land, ruse brand, li-s, box extra fancy Kedlund, rose brand, loOs, box 'i-ii; extra fancy Rediand, roHu brand, litis and 3ooa, box 8-t.fcu; extra fancy Sunklnt, 84s, UlA, lios and lios, box $.7S; extra fancy Sunkist, libs, 2wa, 31Us and 3u0s, box 33.00; strictly fancy East HUhi-nd Saloiia brand, Ms, 112u and 12tis, bo4, 3.1u; strictly fancy East Highland Saloua brand, loOr box $3.26; strictly funcy yast JllgUlunii SaJoua brand, 17iW, 20Us, ZVi and 2M, box $2.36. Lemons: 'Extra fancy Southland Beauty, 300s and 3b0s, box $4.t0; extra fancy choice Justxlle, 300s and 800s, box1 $4.00. Orape Fruit: Flotida, Indian river, Stls, 4ts M (4s, 80s and 86s, box 34.01 Tangerines : Flurlda. 144s and 168s. bo $XW7 Pine apples) Flortda Indian river, 24a knd jys, crate $3 50. Satsuma: Florida,' 10O to1 180 box $6.00. ' Apples; Choice White Pearmain! $l.uC; Ben Davis, Colorado, large bushel box, 31.88; Wine Saps, Colorado, large sise box, tJ OO; Jonathans, Colorado, box,.. $2.00; Greenings. Colorado, box, $1.60; Missouri Pippins, Colorado, very fine quality, box $1.75; Qenitens, Colorado, box, $L60; Iowa Wine baps bbl., 80.OO; Iowa Missouri Pip pins, bbl.. $6.00; Iowa Ben Da via, bbl., $4.76 Ben Davis, No. 1 AUssourl, bbl,, $1.76; Mis souri Pippins, No. L bbl., $3.75;. Ounog,. NK 1 .Mlhaouil, bbl., $4 00; Greenings, New York, No. 1 farmers' pack, bbl., Ji.60; extra funcy N. Y. Greenings, bbl., 84.f,o. Grapes: Malagas, Imported, bbl., $6.60; Malagaa, fancy impoi'lud, bbl., $u.tX); Malagas, extra funcy. Imported, bbl., $0.60: Malagas', extra fsncy, tinted, highly colored, imported, bhl., $S.00. Bananas: Port l.lmon or Cha.i gulnola, finest and largest, bunch, $3 50 special 75-lb. bunches, bunch, $3.00. Cran berries, long kt-eplng, boi., .37.W; Jersey. Ilpe, bbl., $G.60. pears: 'California, extra fancy Kaator Usurre. box, $2.50. ' ' FIGS 6 crown, ib 14c; 4 crowd, lb.,' l3ol 12 12-os. pkgs.. box, 80c; 60 -og. pl;as.. box $2 00; Imported, per 1-lb. basket, I80. NUT- Aimomls: iJnki aesxlllngi,' per lb., 16c; Uraills, large, per IXi 12; fil. berts. large, per lb.. 13V(,c; pecsns. Jumbo Texas, per lb., 18o; pecans, medium Texas per lb., 13',re; black walnuts, par lb., 2Vkci hickory, small, per lb., tic; hickory, lare, per lb., 4c: California walnuts. A'o. 1 soft shell, per lb., 16o: California wa.nuta. No. 3, soft shell, per lb., 11c; peanuts raw, per lb., tic; peanuts, Jumbo, raw, jier lb., Jwo peauu.ts, roasted,' ;:er lb., ec, Beanuia' salted, per box, $1.26. ' DATES Thirty 1-lb. packages, per box $2 2.'); new Hallawe'-n. per lb., C'c;, sugar walnut, pit b.-.z, 8126; fard. per lb., 10c VEGETABLES Cauliflower: California per crate. $2.f0. Honey: Colorado. - per crate, 8325. Sweet Potatoes: Kanaas $2 00; Kansas selected seed. 2 bu. dog., 75c. Head Lettuce: Per hamper, 82.S0! bbl.. 32.00. Celery:. Jumbo Callforala. per dos., lio Head Lettuce; 1-er uamper, 32 60 Rutabagas: Cansdlan. per lb., lc. Cab bage: Wlrconsio genuine Holland seed lb., 3a Tomatoes: Florida, 8-basket crate per urate. 86.64. Old Tutnlps, Iwig. Car rot or Parsnips: Per. bbL. 33.24. Onioas Red Giobw. Atia WaT. per ib.. t-mvl SpanlBh, large crates, crate. 81.86; Spaulan. small New York crates, crate, $1 W CILER-Mott's. keg. $10. , , OUsain) Rosln. . , SAVANNAH, Oa., Feb. 1-OIL Turpen tine, firm; 6tf'o0oc. KOKIN Finn; tjuote HP, 34.23; B 84 2Vtl 9,,. I aiv?,,. fl A A ... 1 - . I . 4.30; F. 34 37;,0, $4 40?4 42; II. 34.60; f $4 70; M. 34.20; N. $4 06; WG, 37 06; WW 7.30. . ' 1 1 ''-I fall for ssaak Staleuteal. WASHINGTON.' Feb. &Th oornptrollar of tho turroricy this morning Issued a call for a statement, of tho condition of a'l nstlonal banks at the close ef bualiieNa on Monday, January 81 Omaha It L. A P. Se 18BS H Omaha R. L. A P. pfd 6 pT cent i d 81 Omaha Street kf 6a, lU 100 Omaha A C. B. St. Rr. 6. lrS 0 Omaha C. B. St. Rr. ptd 3 pee eent 84 Otneha aV C B. St. Kf. com. 75 Omaha A C B. Rr. B. P'd Slctu city B. T. pfd, 8 per eent ta South Omaha re 4He, 18U hw t'Dioe S. v.. South Owtaha SH Weetera Electric CO 3 Oil AH A. LIVE STOCl MARIET Cattle Active Sellers At an Advance of Ten Ccnti. HOGS OPEN MOSTLY TEN RIG HER Sheep and Lamna t'ontlnne In Moder ate Sapply, While rrlcea Are Ten -to Fifteen Higher and Trade Active. '" SOUTH OMAHA. Teb. 3, IftlO. Rpcelnts wrrti Clt lj Moss. Sheep. Official Monday 3. '.. 3.S'.) Offl.slal Tuesday ;, EMtlmated Wednesday 8.Sta 6,400 4.000 Three davs this week.. 10.110 10. HM 10,2m! Samo days last week.. ,14.607 - 3U8.I . 21JJ Same days 3 weeks ago..l3.C40 2.05 21 6S! Same days 3 weeks ago.. 20. AS6 3u.'J8 28 ,4 Same days 4 weeks ago. .11. 3W 10.874 ' 14.2-W Same days last yeej-....ll,4 37,233 24.223 The following table Shows the receipts of Cattle, hogs and sheep at South Omaha for the year to date, compared with laat year: , i-t 1910. m. Inc. Dec. Cattlei 80.3fi Bi.KV ...... 3.4S2 Hogs- ,;.......:....l0.4i3 207.466 80.97R Sheep.. ,..... 130, 639 141,309 10,764) ' The fotlowdig tabln.hows the average price or hogs at South Omaha for the last several days, .with comparisons; Date. f 1310. lJe.190S.lW7.WO.l.ll!04. Jan.'. H.. S 80 I i 161 8 48 t s2i 4 m 6 26 4 71 4 88 6 23 4 73 4 K7 a eu, 4 i4, 4 81 4 54 4 78 5 8X 4 70 5iW 4 61 4 81 6 43 4 83t 6 411 4 ft 4 74 5 48 4 70 4 73 Jan:' 26.. Jarr W.. Jan., 81.. Jan. 28.. 8 l, ( Oil! 4 31 6 61 I tj 7 81 3 00 oi n Si 8 0.1 1 6 91 4 76 Jan. , 3J... Jan. - 80.1. Jan. 81.. I-' Feb. 3.... it v.11 iWi I vi: it, -li 11 4 13 8 Ti 8 12 4 17 85 I 30: 8 22 4 101 6 88 ....... 8 03 I 3 bl - 'Sunday Receipts and dlspoaltlon of live stock at the Union Stock Yards. South Omaha,-for twenty-four hours ending at 3 p. m. W ednesday : . , , - RECEIPTS. . Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. H'r's. C' - M. St, P X 8 .. 1 Wabash 1 ,1 .. Missouri Pacific .. 1 1 Union Pacific. ....... S3 41 7 8 C. At N. W-i east.... 4- -4 1 8 CI & N. W.. west.. 39 27 1 1 C, St. P. M. A O.... 17 7 C B. & Q... east 1 C, B. west.... 46 18 7 1 C, , I. A P., east.. 4 4 1.. C. R. I, & P., west.... 1 Illinois Centrsl 2 11 1 C. O. W 8 Ttota! receipts ....135 $1 10 10 , DISPOSITION. Cattle. Hogs, Sheep. Omaha Packing Co 666 722 Swift and company...... 648 1,113 4S-5 Cudahy Packing Co...... CU3 1,106 .2.140 Armour ot Co 3n3 1,'iH2 1,001 Schwarts-Bolen Co 2M9 ' .... Helt Packing Co 284 W, B. Vansant Co... 84 Stephens Bros.. 17 Hill & Son, 166 F. B. Lewis 67 Huston A Co 14 J. B. Root & Co.... 13 J. H. Bulla 8 L.Wolf 8 McCreary & Carey 34 .... .... S. Werthelmer 28 11. F. Hamilton 79 .... Sullivan Bros. 6 .... ...1 T. J. lnghrttm 3 1 .... .... Lee Rothschild 12 Mo. & Kan.-Cal. Co 66 Kline A Christy 62 Other buyers ,.. 662 .... 1.417 Totals 1 8,366 6,261 6,043 CATTLE Receipts of cattle this morning were light, not only here, but at all otner market points. , The total for the three days this week at this point shows a fall ing off of over 4,000 bead, aa compared with last week. 1 There was a very active demand for kill ing cattle aund buyers were all In the yards early In the morning. The trade was active, wlth prices fully 10o higher, and in some case's io.15c higher than yesterday. Practically everything in sight was sold bsUTol e U-e"dot'k In the -morning.' Cows and heifers followed along the stvme line as beef steers, being-fuljy 10c higher than yesterday and active at the advance. Some sellers reported that they secured even more advance than that. There were not enough Blockers and feed ers in sight to make much of a test of the market, but what few there were- showed about the same advance as fat cattle. From the above it will be readily under stood that there have been a great Im provement in' the market this week. The talk among sellers waa that the meat boy cott had exhausted Its forces entirely and that the country was not In the least alarmed, as evidenced by the light receipts. Today's prices on fat cattle were 60o higher than ten days ago. Quotations on cattle' Good to choice steers, $6.80(08.60; fair, to good steers, $4.0i 6.80; oommon to fair steers, $3.76tv4.80; good to choice cows and heifers, $4 3Mf6.00; fair to good cows and heifers, 2i.251j4.10; com mon to Talr cows and heifers. $2.2503.10: good to choice stockers and feeders, $4.20fi 6.90: fair to good stockers and feeders, $3.30 4.20; common to fair stocker nd feeders, $2,7573.25: stock helfors, 33.00$ii3.60; veal catves, $4.01; 8.00; bulls, stags etc, 33.00J 6.00. Representative sales: ' . BEEF STEERS. No. 16 It... 84 4 12.. 1 8. 11 IS 20 30... 20 12 6 1 18 ,. Av. Pr. .. 786 4 60 ..850 4 88 .. 767 4 10 .. 880 4 76 .. 952 I 10 ..lull 6 80 ..842 6 20 . . 814 6 20 ,.11.8 6 40 ..1181 6 40 ..1110 8 48 ..1071 6 50 ..1124 6 60 ..Una 1 so '..1207 6 66 ..1143 6 66 No. 4, ....1154 ....LOO ....1111 ....1122 ....1302 ....1172 ....12il ... .11VS ....L8 ....12i4 ....1226 ....It ....14211 ...1 ....14ul Pr. 6 48 6 66 6 46 J 70 6 75 4 76 6 85 3 86 8 86 8 w i w 6 86 3 20 17.... . . 87.... , 15.... t!.... 14.... 62..,. 17.... 14.... 80.... 40.... 14.... 12.,.. 31.... 18.... 86.... 28.... COWS. 6 40 4 43 .1130 8 66 .1028 4 00 . m 4 84 .1.114 4 26 .764 4 86 .81 4 40 .. UI 4 40 . 4 45 .1040 4 CO ,. 80S 4 70 .1216 4 78 . 828 4 76 J-l u.'!.'!.'!!.' 17.'.'.'.'.'.'.'. 11 20 11...'.'.','.',' .... 81 3 88 6. .... i I 80 17. .... 4a) 3 80 ........ .... 6, 3 00 6 .... 781 I 1J ' 3 .... lit I 40 6 .... 750 8 50 4 .... 887 I tO 4 .... 888 3 75 3 .... 4 8 85 . 8....... .... 'i 8 80 3 .... 84 4 00 ' HEIFERS. .... 521 8 80 8 .'... 420 8 16 10 .... 830 I 60 3 77 7 8 68 4, ..,.656 2 76 .... 248 4 00 21 . ' BT.TLLS. ....1190 3 7t 1 ,...11W 4 00 1 ....1310 4 00 1 ,...1K) 4 06 1 ....12.0 4 10 1 ....1450 4 15 1 ....1070 4 25 1 ... .14-10 4 26 1 ....ViMI 4 40 .808 4 88 ,766 4 80 1 876 4 46 4 4 85 , 78 4 15 HI 104 ....1220 ....1 ....1130 ....14110 J700 4 40 4 80 4 54 4 80 4 85 1 .KKW 4 70 .1750 4 70 .1130 4 80 CALVES. no 3 60 4 , 160 160 131 , 160 , 112 125 170 4 TB 7 26 7 60 T 60 f 60 6 04 w. '.'.'.'.'.'.'. ....... Sir 4 li) ....... 420 4 35 41 4 50 472 4 50 227 4 76 880 4 76 STOCKERS I' 3 10 6114 4 10 7M 4 20 848 4 25 1037 4 26 ....... 740 26 00 AND FEEDERS. 8... 11... 17... 2... 54... 60 785 . 6 4 89 4 86 4 46 4 50 844 4 40 HOGS Receipts of holts are light am) prices continue to advance. in tne neigh burhood of ninety cars were received today and buyers cleaned up the first fifty cers bout as fast as they were yarded at fig ures that were mostly a dime higher than yesterday's market. To be mors exact it was a comparatively eaay matter for anil. era to secure the full dims advance on se lected oroves aim good butcher weights whereas some of the lighter grsdes did not move as readily and se-veral it-ma. of common underweights changed hsnds t prices posHlbly no better than 6iai0n nigtier. snipping aeinamt Mas especially brink. The unujual strenath of the h phis week Is generally attrlbuitd ti two reasons: t urtaiu-a supply and the marked improvement of provielon values. The nt advance In hog values at this point (or the three days Is right around "Wnoo A wide rpread of So SOltttj nought nn r, big bulk of supplies this morning, with ths long strings at f &iti'8-46. Y. at cr ony's bulk, It will be remembered, sold at m 2fi8.S6. Tops reached $r..tii t mav. ThlH f.gure Is within a dime of the hiirh.a pr e over paid at this fur full loadt. as is usually the case after buyers have flllfd their more urgent orders the demand eased off Considerably toward ine close and shipments that came In on later t wins nio not sen to aa grxxl idvauta as Ine - arly hogs, i racucally all of te mu.u - Inv's advance had dlxappeared during last round. , -RMpreeentatlve sales N 71. . '.6. . 111. 78.. l.. n . 40.. 76 . AV. ..MCI ...ITT ...IT .. U I. 18 ...171 ...17 Sh. Pr. Na. 78... 64... 81 ., 82 .. 74... 84... ' .. 66... f. ., ' 68 .. 8 .. A. ...1M ...3M ...IM ...818 .. .118 ' ...if ...210 ...246 ...Pt ...22 ...t ...831 Pr. 3 8 I 37 i8T 8 37 3 4 8 40 3 40 3 40 8 40 3 40 I 40 6 40 6 40 8 40 6 40 I 40 ' 3 40 -lit 8 4a ' 3 4,. 3 41 3 42 6 43 ..IB 40 8 :: IS ..- 4 as I 11 40 I W .. 8 : 80 8 80 6 W 3) ,- .. ID .. 8 80 ) .. 6 SO ; .. 3 8A .. 8 so- , ... 8 ! ,. 3 80 ta 3 kj 40 8 8t . . 8 2iH .. 8 82 .'. t V5 .. 8 18 .. 8 85 , It l8 7 too f....... .11 1S7 t.. ai.. 1 . 81.. 1 84 218 3 6 40 .314 .-. 270 40 77. ... 234 ... 140 . ...tM ...88 ...818 ...143 .,,. ,...2ns !..8 ,...4 ,...213 ...!fJ2 :..i4 ... . ..'.227 ...tne ...111 ,..2,1 .8W ...216 ...iM ,...2st ... 20 ,...847 ....88 ....,.. .811 8V...'.....Js 40 14 so '...un TI . 84.. 61.. 48.. 2t , .. 74. . 28.. 84.. 70.. 2,. an.. 41.. .. 48.. : 4.. 71.. 14.. 54.. 78.. 14.. 64.. 61.. .. 60.. 42.. 74.l.,x.'.l 31 80 3 45 -" 81. .'....! I sa .',.810 St IB MS ...146 . J 44 ' ... ' 8 46 ... 8 46 ... 8 46 ... 8 46 ... 3 6 ... 8 44 7;:;.::-.:i8, a 36 3 86 .. 6 6 84 3 16 . 6 86 3 84 8 86 . 6 83 8 3 , ,8 86 . 3 WI I 27 . 3 17 85 67 .. 72... 88... 78. ., 68... 84... 8... 72... .,. 76... 70... 78... 42 .. ....18 ... .'.V.W14 4t ,...8-3 ... ,....844 M .....120 S ...10 ' SO :..I80 .,', .'...Ml ... 224 41 ...,1 ... ...A ... 3 47 I 60 8 60 6 ' 3 44 3 80 ' 40 to SHEEP The situation In the sheep- barn IhiB' morning Waa In mnst respects very similar- to yesterday's trade. There ap peared to be a reasonably brisk Inquiry for 'killing material at somewhat higher figures, , but supplies were by no means liberal and several good stsed shipments were late In arriving. As a result, the early trade was hardly of sufficient volume to afford a very broad test of the advance. Most sales, however, were lust about 10a snd posxlbly 16e higher than yesterday. It Is safe tQ quota the general market on this hat-Is. One string ot lambs sold at $8.26,, but something strictly choice' In this line would probably sell up as high as 3140. The market closed still stronger, a load of good native lambs selling late as high as 38. 60. On this basis a strictly choice load of lambs might reach as high as 38.80 Quotations on fat stock: Good to choice lambs, $UOfr8.40; fair to good lambs. $7.84 fita.10; good to light yearlings. 97.OOtf7.80; good heavy yearlings, 3H. 6O47OO; good to choice wethers. 35.70$6.10; fair to good wethers. $6.2tao.70; good to choice ewes, $5 .20f(5.66;. fair to good ewes, $4.90tf.20. RsDresentativa aalea: No, Av. Pp. ..84 8 26 ..118 5 60 ..83 8 26 ..80 8 26 ,88 t 63 .83 3 75 .107 6 10 .104 8 26 .106 S 60 .86 6 85 .33 6 63 .68 7 75 .98 6 00 . 88 7 15 . 80 IN .100 6 60 . 63 7 09 .66 6 75 . 66 6 7.4 .61 7 50 77 native lambs.., 83 native ewes 66 western lambs., 42 western lambs , 1X2 weetern ewes 26 western culls 60 western ewes 26 western lambs 14 western ewes. culls v western ewea ict -vestern ewes 126 western lambs , 66 western wethers 93 western yearlings 36 western ewea, cults 63 western ewes F8 western lambs 631 western yearlings-wethers. 4J2 western yearlings-wethers. 81 western lambs SOS western ewes Ill western lambs , 108 western ewes , ... 101 ' 6 40 ...9 8 60 ... 101 ( 70 CHICAGO LIVE STOCK MARKET Cattle Ten to Fifteen Cent Higher Hosts Five to .Ten Cents Higher. CHICAGO, Feb; 1 CATTLE Receipts, 10,000 head; market, 10tjfH6c higher; steers, 34.75.O0r cows, IS.IiOia'S.aS; heifers, $3.40,3 6.00; bulls, $4.0CKj6.2f;. calves, $S.O4j9.00; Stockers and feeders, 33. 7545.40. HOGS Receipts, 28.000 head; market. (9 lOo higher; choice heavy, $8.70Q6.80; butch ers, $8.6'38.76;,, light mixed, 8.4Og8.50; choice light, 33.SO58.60; packing. 38.60Q.70; pigs, $7.76(8.26; bulk of sales, 38.6K3'8.TO. SHEEP AND LAMBS Reoelpta, 16,000 head: market strong to lOo higher; sheep, $4.754?8.40i lambs., $ilG&3. 60; yearlings, $4 23 68.18. KaasM City. Live Stock Market. KANSAS CITY.' Feb. 8. CATTLE Re ceipts, 4.000 head, Including 100 head south erns market. lOtHloe-higher; choice export and dressed beef steers, (6.10g)T.36; ' fair to good. $6.70ii,6.00: western steers, 4.756.60 stockere and -feederey IS.8tV95.26; southern' steers, 34.76i5.76; southern cows, 33.004.5O; native Oows, 82rf6.60; native heifers, $3.50 S6.25; bulls, $3.406.10; calves, $4.0039.00. HOG8 Receipts,,, 7,000 head; market lOo higher; top, 8 66; bulk of sales, 38.26478.60; heavy. '38.R0fr8.66;' packers and butchers. $8 40W!0; light, 38K)8.60; pigs; $7.608.00. SHHEP AND-i LAMBS Receipts, 7,000 head; market 10S15o higher; lambs, 87.003) 8.60; yearlings, 86.7607.&O; wethers, 35.26 6.26; ewes, $4.7S8.75;- stockers and feeders, $3.5O6.60. St. Lonla Live Stook Market. ST. LOTJI8. Feb. 2 CATTLE Receipts, 2,600 head, Including 900 head Texans; mar ket, 10lo higher; native shipping and export steers, 30.G6U'7.M); dressed beef and butcher stsers, 86.40&6.50; steers, under 1,000 lbs., 34.004jd6.36: stockers and feeders, $3.26(56.00; cows and belfers, $3.265.64J; can ners, $2.6O5K.O0; bulls. $3.4O4j5.00; calves, 3fl.7Bt38.7f; Texas and Indian steers, 34 00 5.2S; cows and heifers, 33.10tt4.60. HOGS Receipts, 6.600 head; market lOo higher; pigs and lights, 86.30i38.60; paokers, $H.45(ii8.66; butchers and best heavy, 38.60 8.76. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, . 2,200 head; market KXjJl&o higher; native mut tons, $4.60f(ti.S6; lambs, r'-OO-giSK; culls and bucks, $4.00u6.50; stockers, $3.2&&4.00. St.' Joseph Live Stook Market. ST. JOSEPH. Feb. 2. CATTLE Re ceipts, 1.200 head; market strong to lOo higher; steers, 34.CO&6.60: cows, and heif ers, $2.604i6.OO; .calves, $3.008.60, HOGS Receipts, 6,000 head; market lOo higher; top, 38.Sf;. bulk of sales, $8 20sf8 60. SHEEP Receipts, 8.000 head; market H 16o higher; lambs, 34.608.26. Slonx City Live Stork Market. - SIOUX CITY, Ik;, Feb. t (Bpeeial Tele gram.) CATTLE Reoelpts, 1,000 head; market, higher. HOGS Receipts,- - 4,000 heod; market 6c higher; bulk of sales, $8.208 30. ' Stook 7n TlaTlit. Receipts of live stock at the six prin cipal western markets yesterday: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. South Omaha Sioux City .... St. Joseph .... St. Louis,...,, Kansas City . Chicago Total ., 8,000 .: 1.000. .. 1,300 .. 2.000 .. 4,000 ..10,000 4.000 8,000 ' 3.200 7,000 15,000 ..21.300 50,900 31.200 Wool Market. BOSTON, Feb. 2-WOOL-The local mar ket Is stagnant.' Offerings are small and trading Is confined to odd lots of eholce wools. There is some demand for fine scoured territory, and 72c is being paid, al though transactions are in small lots. There is some bidding for the 110 clip, and 22c Is said to rule in Utah, while Montana grow ers are asking 26c for unshorn wool. The leading domestlo quotations range as fol lows: Kentucky, lndluna and Missouri: Three-eighths blood, 34o; quarter blood 82u33o. Scoured values: Texas fine, 12 fine fall. 60ti82o California: Northern. 66- 68c; middle county, 63466o; fall free, 804J62c Oregon: Eastern, No. 1 staple, 76S'78c; east ern clothing. 70&72O, valley No. 1, 67(a.68c. Territory: Fine staple. 761,77c: fine me dium staple, 7or72c; fine clothing. 704,72c; fine medium clothing, 64668c; half blood 7yT6e; three-eighths blood, 66'((70c; quarter blood, 674VGHO. Pulled: Extra. 72&75c; fine 67'i70c; A supers. fvi6c. ST. LOl'IH, Mo Feb. t WOOL tfn rhanged; territory and western mediums. 2u((Hc; fine mediums, JiXg:24c: fine, 12'2ic LONDON. Feb. ' 2. -A . miscellaneous as sortment of 12 2ii9 bales was offered at the wool auction sa!ee today. All sections were represented uud bidding was ants mated at firm prices. Coarse cross breds were occasionally fivA por cent higher than the opening rates on American and home trade eupporL-. The sales follow New Scutrj y Wales,. J.SvO bales; scoured Is if Is ll'id; grea-iy 7d 49 Is 3d. iJneens land, 800 bales; scoured lid U in 4d: VTaaay. 6d Uv 3 VI- South Australia ru0 bales ; scoured Is 3Vsd to, Is lOd; greasy eu ai Im e'vau. VViot AueUeviio, low ua.ine greasy 6d fm Is Id. . Tasmania 100 hales; greasy 9 It 2d. New Zealand 320 baits; scoured 8l if Is 3d; greasy 7Hd iT Is lOVvd. . Cape f Good Hope and Natal 400 bales: scournd 8VH1 & Is UVd; greasy 8d if lid. PunU Arenas l.OuO baits; greasy 4Hd O Is Id. ' Mrtel Mitrket. , . J. KKW VOR. Feb. 2 M KTAI.8 The market for s'.andard copper on the New York Mrtal etchange waa weak t.Klay. wilh spot and Feoniary cloving at 3l3t&'13t March and April,' $13 ixlf lji. . The Ixin don mark', waa loww, wUh s:ot Closln, at IM 2m d and futures. iX) 10 IxiCil dealers f ote Lake roivijer at llltB 4&1,1 Kw- s,.-troly.lK-. $s,37Mfcl$J2- and caatlrat I HJ. nv.i, i3 i0. Arrive 11 of &roi,.r 1 J," todw weiV li ton. s,?d P this exports, ac cording to custom ret uma, were L67S ton , Tin ts eaey. wlttl aiMit quntea i $15 50 88. (6 ; Kebiusry, .Maieh. April and.Msv. $.U.&32.0. Tha l4.,n Im r"'' was' lower, with' siHK cltieiirig 1U 4.1 1'. 15n bjuI futtirea, 114 7s f.,l l,vi,l as null, Willi,-' S(tt quotwl at $4.iii'a-4.)i New Yofh. $4 5 , ti40 East St. I.oule. The laiiidnn murknt. was hlahtv t tij 7k 8J..' Spelter was weak. with spot qtiotetl at ii.Wii . , Ntw York., and $6 6ti6;0. Eiuet St, LouiA,. The London market teas unchanRed at t-J The , English Iron market waa lot or ut Ms 3I for Cleveland wartaitte. Loesll p ehanire waa rejnrtel. No, f 'fouhilrji ifioiihunJ 18.6014-18. ttO; No. 3. i8.3uUH..5..,.N't. 1 suMith--ern and No. 1 souths ri. soft, 3 18. 80 a 13.00. ST. LOCKS, Feb.' 31-Mll'TA l.b-Laad, firm. 4.57itf4 80. SplVr, dull, 86-T7H. -. 1 t nllsa Market, ' ; NEW TORK.' Feb.' i-TIi cottlvn nar kel opened ateauly it ttehanadl prW-a to , a decline of 1 point Md.'nriiiv but tM 6 points .iltlghei on the new, -Vnlle wdre about aa due. Th hmrkef later eaaed off td a net loan -of. shout , j 4 point on the active months,1 tmder- itcaT ieiyng; -dttid an easier turn la Tf"( Orleitn. 1 . , t Futures opened stesrlv.' -March.,-. 14.49c; j May, 14.53c; July,"14 4-'o; Auguat, ' U-So.;: September, 13wc; tjetuhet. 13 irta Peejem-' 1' ber, offered, U.4VC. ' -. . ;! 1 t ' Futures elo-erl qulot enrl t4(1v! Fehm- ary, 14. 48c; Mtrek. 14.ct APHI, 14 SV; May, , ; 14.57c; June, 14 4Sci. Julv- 4 47o: Auut, v 14.070; Septembw. brlwr. .i.i0c;. November,, 18.61ft IeeHmbnr, 1J r.Oii. '' ' t-'-Spot dlosed quiet. W pctnieMtdiirt:' rnld-' J dllng uplands; ltHOci ; mlliJhri glf l.4s;v no sales. .' ' -' ,. --y .' - ,. ,'v' O A L VESTOM, Tei.. . tOTTX)N Steady. 14e. ' " V';' '!.:'.' ' ' NEW, ORLEANai Fe;'. i---4tyrr,oNi-' ; Spots quiet and steadti- Jcw' , ordinary,. -t: 11 8-16c, nominal; orrtltiarj' Lc. , no-nlnal;; .. good ordinary. 18 vt.'t strict ihiod or- ' dlnary, 1S'4C; low", mldcliing. 14 -14o; ett'lct; Ibvr middling, M,e;-rriliMlrna,' t44; , atrlot middling,' If; ' good mliMUttr,-. tf'Hc; iwriot, 'i good oUddllng,' . 16 -10o,' v ml.ldilni, (air, . 15 7-lc; middling fair- lo' fair.t 15 3-l6e; ' fair, 16 3 1i"k-, nominal; receipts, 1,341, bales; stock, 210.077 bales. ,' ' ST. LOUIS, Feb. , COTTON-aTo- . changed; middling, 15l ssrtos, 4 bnlo; r- i celpts, 2,481 - bale'; 'shipments "3,313 - balea -, Sloc, 13,006 bales, ., v. -.y .4 - ' ' NEWS OF THE ARMY POSTS' Oat of 125 Applicants Twenty R rrnlts Are Admlted for Mili tary Service, Honorable discharge from the regular army have been granted by purchase to Privates F. M. Amen of Troop D, Fifteenth cavalry and N. W, Bollng of Company M, Thirteenth Infantry. First Llontenant Ralph D. Bates of the Coaat artillery has been tvalgned.. to duty aa recruiting officer at the Omaha regular army recruiting station, relieving Lieuten ant Otto E. Mlchaells, aide-de-camp to Goner;! Morton, ivho has bes-n In chare- of the recruiting depot). IqV some weeks, re lieving Captain G. L. Feeter. 'Twenty recruits "were; enlisted at the Omaha station fori the army, during the month of January, out of about 126 appli cants. .-":- ,. . ' ,'. Major A. S. Frost, ''t. S. k'.', Vetlred. will make the anual Inspection of the organised militia of South Dakota,, beginning the inspection March ' 2, Leave of absence, for two months has been granted Lieutenant Colonel M. W. Day of th Sixth cavalry, 'Fori Des Moines. Master Signal Electrician Nels P. Yur gensen of Department of the Missouri ' heaquarters has ben ordered to proceed to Forts D. A. Russell, Wyo., Robinson, Neb., Mackensle, Wyo., and Meade, S. D., to Inspect the telephone symems ot these posts. 1 ! A 1 ' ' '. - ' Bids were opened WednesKhiy morning at , the office of Major T:' TS'. "McCarthy, chief quartermaster. Department of the Missouri, for 144 horses for the pavtliy service of tho United Statee army. Thesta horses are tn j be delivered at Oma7)aordfTHprdYnlnerU railroad points In, 'the., .depej-tment, ! Tho names of tha sucoeseful . bidder will not be announced until the bids are submitted to the quartermaster general at Washing ton for approval.' v si-"":. ! ' v ' Captain Ephrlam O Peyttin'of the Eigh teenth Infantry haa been detailed to make the annual Inspection . of . tho jorganlxed. militia of Wyoming. The Inspection will begin February 28.. SPENS CALLED , IN RATE'cASE Interstate Commerce Coninils'slon to Hear Evidence a to ' Alleged Uneannl Rates. The lumber" rate case instigated 'ty 'the dealers of Omaha and Incoln, "who charge that rates on southern lumbervdlscrlminato In fuvor of Kansas City iheroh'af.ts. has been transferred from ' Kansas ' City to Washington before th Interstate Com merce commission. C. B. ' Spens,' general freight agent of the Burlington' route, haa been summoned ' to ' the capital" to appear before the commission. He will leave Omaha Sunday night for the' east; '' '' ' The sugar rate case before aft Interstate Commerce commission examiner was up n Chicago Wednesday. ' ' Southern ' dealers. .particularly In New Orleans, state that a through rate from New York across th oontlnent to th Pacific coast and Inter mediate points discriminates, against the south. it'. A medicine need not be disagreeable to be effective. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy Is pleasant to take and always cures. Herbert L Gobch Cb Crokert aii Dealers . aAIaT, 3mOVYSI03tS, STOCKS. Omaha Office 1 810 It. T. Z.U ldg. -2111 Tslaphon Douglas SSI - ZBdspendaut. A-81I1 and A-S1SX Oldest and Iiargsst Sonae la the Btat LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE OF STOCKHOLDERS " MEETING. . -i -Notice is hereby given that, the regular annual meeting of the stockholders of the South Platte Land company, -will be held at the office of said company at Linooln, Nebraska, at 11 o'clock a. inu on the .second day of March, A. D., 1310. v C. H. MORRILL, . ;., . President . A. B., MINOR, Secretary, Lincoln, Nebraska, January 31, 1910, Fld3dt OCEAN STEAWSHIPS , CBUISES BE LllX f " . . WEST INDII1S1' f i.V.T. "AVON '" - 1 -'IS; an c it i r sb or BaBT-ri llSI IU. I 81 days ' si nn ip rnoM vr.w yokbT. PKB.'IS. ill darel ., sun i p FROM SPW YOBat ' , ataacM so Alan nrtir'ne TbVrt h . MCIIIIK If" ikrcoat Wet Te-lnrrear 'be West .ladle " . . . l. BERMUDA- HKW WEKKtr r.n VleTlTJ n f l r. MOROTAVA'V;T V. From Pier fin N. St.. K. Ys.-8Vverr ". '., ' Weelnea.lay .. , , From Rrrmuils Vrrty kalairilar Ceaofortelile e,.r.,eMig. t;u C.ilsli,..,,,. . Ira Kteetrle -Peas la ail roocua 1,7:. - . Com,M lly4t,U4 Hvvkl.t, fV a ' 1 ) TBE K9YAL MAIL STEAVI FUCKX Cf ;?"""H, 4 si., a. r 149 f.sFalle Rt . Ctili SKii W. S. Bock. 1633 taroam tU Ctusfc- ' t -t- -th - f. --'fe .--V4 v, a s. vlT ,1 -t . . tv M i id ift 1 i 1 r- ; '. ' 1 1 4