V 12 Him BEE: OMAHA, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 2, 1910. Our Sjwrlul Halo of WOMEN'S Drcs3 and Tailored WAIST3 Nor Going on A 9 VI TTTTT An Immense Purchase of All the Samples and Surplus Stock From a New York Manufacturer Who Accepted a Loss in Order to Get the Cash. i ti mist the entire stock at practically our own price. You can buy new skirts WY'iIiKscliiy ;it what you would pay a few weeks later. ALL IN THE CORRECT NEW STYLES FOR SPRING 1910 Everj- up-to-date new style feature, made of fine Altman. voile, chiffon panama, French serges, heavy taffetas, gray worsteds, colored suitings, serges, panamas, etc. It is your best chance to buy a fine new. skirt at less than Y2 price. , - ;&$i Fil i !! llKri ;lr AH the Women's f'HA III IPIfi 11: if (ill SAMPLE SKIRTS WHITK D.iESS LINENS llHKC!M"nt White Cio:! lept. 8fi-Iich flneiwhlte DrcKS Llnt-n, - 75t; vuiuo, yarJ 50o 36-lnrli medium heavy white : lilii'Mi, far lullore'l waiwts. at, yur'l , 3So Srt-liu'h white linen Cambric. yard EUc, 60a and up to $1.00 4,'-lnch white I, Inn Huitinir, ynrd 5c, F.'.io, 6!)c up t $1.00 Sper-lnl number of 3B-lnrh linen cambric, yard -80o a i BRANDEIS STORES, Omaha OMAHA BALLOON A FAILURE Dirigible Couli Kot Be Used Success - .fully at Los Angeles. KOT GAS ENOUGH TO FILL IT Left Here lit Klrat-Clusa Shape and ColoiAel GluMSurt Is at Loss to lu Ueraluiul What Knocked ; It Out. The dtrlRll'le taloon sent from Fort Omaha to Los AVieles for participation In the tournaments there acuirui to have fallen short of success. It wus not in good con dition and could not be used. " It was certainly a succetu) in numerous experiments at Fort Omaha and Fort Dew Moines and seemed to meet every require ment here a short time prior to Its ship ment, to Los .Angeles. The balloon had been filled In tho Fort Omaha balloon house with hydrogen gas Bhortly before b'.'lllK Bhlpped west. Colonel Glussford. In command at Fort Omaha, said: "I do not wish to get Into any controversy about the matter and do ' not uaderstund Just why so unfavorable a report should have come about tho dirigible , at Los Angeles. In fact all that I know bout it Is what I have seen In tho papers." I, os Anvrles Story. ' The Los Angeles Times ea'd: The uovormrient dlilslhle ballcon shipped from Osiahu for use In the aviation meet here 1b u buck number and may be worth- , h.MS, n. w that tho aeroplane Is such a sue- . cox". When the k bajr was taken from Its packing and the hydrogen turned Into it, it leaked like a Kieve. Knabenvhue estl- 6QH3TIPATI0H ftUHYOETS' PAW-PAW PILLS A llunyon'a- Paw Fa.tr l'als are tm l.k all oth.-r lasi tivci or c:.thirtit3. Uhry conx the Uvcr L.io aLvity by t- ntlo methods, ilioy do not scout ; t!.cy Ai n'-t grirc; they d ntt wuik ec; but thty do eUrt all the accre tiens ct tha Wer and stomach in a Tray tli-t soon ju'.i tltse organs in a healthy conditicu axd corrects cousti- pnllon' la tny cpinaa constiratioq, is rwionaible fur mot sJtneuts. There tro thirty-two) feet ol human bowel?, v lik-h is really a sewer pipe. When tUU j;ipe becomes clogged, tLa whole system ictumes poisoned, causing Liioune-a, in. t!:jtion and impure Lloo.l, which oftcT produces rhcumastisrn and kidney ail- -inenU. No 'woman iio tuHers v itU con ItipstUa or any liver corn-lcat can ei r.c;t to hsvu a tlu-r complexion, cr enjoy j,-ird hes'th. .Munyon's rawTa P lla ara a tonto to tl.u totnah. liver an! nerves. T!:ty iuVMurut i in iteid (i weakening; th'y et;ri ti tho Llood insiead of iaipoveriaU-' iry, it; they enable the stomach, to get : U tho nt urui.im.ct liOiu food that is 1 pet into it. The" pills contain no calomel, no dopt, tliey sre soothing, healing and atuuu latine. They school the Lowcls tu act villi out pkyaac l'ficu 3 ceuU. rr . r-s J r n I REMARKABLE ample Sfei 85c Hand Loom Em broideries at 49c 18 and 27 inch flouncings and skirtings, elegant de- , signs in SwIsb, Angleterre, crochet, filet and a g new combination effects, yd. " mated that he poked 80,000 feet of gas Into the bag, but could not fill It. The balloon was never put ' Jn -shape for use, and the crowds did not even miss it. Failure here may mean Its retirement, and the government may go Into the business of building aeroplanex, as Paulhan's flights made a great Impression on the army offi cers here. Lieutenant Paul W. Heck who was the official representative of the government here during the meet, has been detailed as survey officer. The affair has . becoma1 a state affair, and orders .are Issued from the War department. Lieutenant Heck's duties are to make an examination cf the balloon,' take affidavits of experts on Its condition, and tha prob able causes which may have affected it, and to make full reports and send them to Washington. ' . The aviation committee probably will have to put up a bond equal to the value or the balloon or Its probable damage until tho court of survey decides what la due. Tho avlutlon committee says the balloon was well packed when It reached Los An Kclex: army, offlcors say the Omaha -authorities hardly would have sent the balloon out in poor condition; those who handled the balloon here say that nothing was done to injure the bag or Its equipment. There fore, there Is but one conclusion to reach that the balloon cannot stand packing and handling without being rendered useless for immediate action. Louis 1'aulhan, who handled ' the big French war dirigible, La K'publlque. says that the dirigible cannot stand packing without careful repairs before uslng again. Ilalloona must be varnished, patched and generally overhauled, which requires a week or two, especially when hydrogen gus la to be used. The Rovernment balloon was sent here with the understanding that It should be returned in first-class condition, in which shape it U supposed to have been sent from Omaha. It oust the committee more than $nuU to bring It, exclusive of possible dam age. Now it may be neceesary to pay a Bmall fortune to make good if the board of survey finds that the Los Angeles com mittee Is responsible for the damage MILK WAGON AND STREET CAR HAVE MISUNDERSTANDING Collision on. Tracks Interferes wits) Early Moraine frafflo on Dodge Street. . . The moial atmosphere of Sixteenth staeet, between Capitol avenue and Dodge street, was slightly streaked with blue early In the morning and the ruffled tempera were attributable to the vargarles of a milk wagon. A trolley car, crowded to the steps with passengers, was doing Its best to get Its human freight In time to resume the labors of the day when It struck a snag the wagon apparently glued to the tracks. For ease of locomotion the driver had selected the Applan Way, and when he endeavored to bring his charge off at the sound of the bell tha vehicle refused to budge, try as he might to urge the willing steads. It was not until the trolley oar officials with poles lent a helping hand that tha signal, "all clear ahead," could be given, but by this time part of the cargo bad jettisoned Itaelf. .-. BLOCK SYSTEM NEARLY DONE Keek Island's New Protective In. atallatloa, Chicago to Omaha, t'omnlete In April. wnnin smy days, It Is stated, the Rock Island line between Omaha' and Chicago will be operated by a complete automatlo block system. Electrical experts have worked a far west aa Atlantic, la, and It Is expected will have the system In opera tion to Council Bluffs by April 1. . A block signal Is being placed at In tervals on on mile along the route. The safety devices have been in operation be tween Chicago and the Mississippi river for some years, but the Improvement be tween Chicago " and Council duffs was undertaken recently, , Thursday Is Our Great Sale of Women's Neckwear SALE All the Women's Samples and Surplus SKIRTS Stock, Worth Up to $7.50, at 50c Fine Embroidered Flouncings at 25c 18-lnch flouncings, skirtings, corset cover and elegant galoons; many worth 50c yd.; at, yard 25c BANDIT'S FIANCEE ASRS COIN Bill Matthews' Sweetheart Wants Eansom for His Capture. SAYS HEE TIP LED TO HIS ARREST ... .. .- '' i Katie Srhnell of Kansas City, Con- aplcaona in Train Robbers' Trial, , Sues the Union Pacific for Reward. And now'thls Is the unklndest cut of alt Katie Schnell of Kansas City, who was the special frtond of BUI Matthews and through whl?h friendship came the ulti mate undoing of the Overland Limited mall robbers, now nerving life sentences In the United tatea penitentiary at Lea venworth, for holding up the United States mail In Omaha, May 22 of last year, now cornea In and demands a slice of the ran som from 'the Union Pacific. Miss Schnell' recognising the Inevitable has reached the conclusion that Matthews, Woods, Torgnson,' Golden and Qrlgwaro are permanently located In Leavenworth, now "seeks to profit by her confessed be trayal of Matthews and his fellow bandits and has brought suit In lntervenor In the United States circuit court against tha Union Paclflo Railway company for a por tion of the reward offered by that company for the "information leading to the ar rest"; the arrest and conviction of Mat thews and through his arrest securing the conviction of the other four, bandits. She claims to have been tha responsible party who brought about Matthews' ar rest and asks that she be awarded the whole 15,000 offered for his arrest and further that she be awarded $1,666.66 of tha )S,000 reward offered for each of the re maining four,' her total claim being for $U,666.86.. Witness at the Trial. Miss Schnell was one of the witnesses against tha quintet of mall robbers at the trial held In Omaha In November and positively Identified all of them as being seen by her frequently In Kansas City a short while previous to the Omaha mall robbery. She admitted to having been on friendly terms with all of them, but claimed that she did not know what business they were engaged in at that time. The Union Paclflo Railway company has not yet filed any bill in answer to the claims for the reward of $35,000 offered by Food is High But there's more sustaining power in a cup of Runkei'a Cocoa for two cents han a pound of beef for twenty - five cents. Make Runkei'a your daily drink. You will be surprised how it satisfies. You 11 welcome the saving it pro. Vide. ' You'll feel better and think quicker. You 're sure of tha utmost in coco if you are sura it's MimlceFs Cocoa ii'.Bwiri "wr www crww w w l TTCYiF CTTTTT?1Tl Y1 v-i - - fsriUXl STYLE IKOK is Just the finest rrer. I You'll nfed It 20c, and a rattrn Pre. I 13 This Is tho IWOBfiEN Any Coat in Our Stock Worth $25 to $40 . . . Need ariythlns- more be paid? Wu there ever a more meritorious bargain heard of? Juat want to add this thought These coats every one of thejn Is the pick of the heat styles of the present aeanon. You know the quality and the character of tallorng that go Into $85.00, $30.00 and 140.00 coats. You'll find them In thsee. Such coats as these are good seanon after seaaon, always wantod, and always In a-ood tante. Our policy never to carry goods over Is alone responsible for this astonishing price. Just think, (10.00. BQUAXX.Y XBVXTIKO i WOMEN'S Any Suit in Our Stock 1 Worth $25 to $50 . . " The suits look fresh and new ns the day we unpacked them. They have ij Kklnner Satin linings, and are Interlined and tailored like men's clothing they are perfectly hutlt and moulded and are shape-retaining until worn out. The a mnterlala nr. medium welsht worsteds In plain coloring rich, refined, dlgnl- " fled models, made for the most exacting American women. That's the character n of suits we offer in this end-of-the-season clearing. Doesn't the $15.00 price gj " Influence you to a purchase nowf if "Mirage" Silks t'Z 85c I Thorfl'n hin a "run" on them this yard saving on the most popular Bilk In America doesn't happen very often. Omaha women are fortunate to have this opportunity. We have all the newest and most silk has a rich glace finish, medium weight, and 24 inches wide, twenty-five shades, also black and white at, per yard New SpriigNWash Goods Ready Splendidly ready. Every claBs of washable dress fabric brought out for this aeasoa-is represented New Linens, New Poplin", Nw Tissues, New Ginghams, New Zephyrs, New Madras. , 32-inch Madras, worth 20c, special. 12H 32-inch Domestic Gingham, special, yard 15 32-inch Tissue Zephyrs, worth 25c, yard. .... .19 Corsets for Wednesday that Mean Fine Sayings Two distinct models, in coutll and batiste; one has medium bust and extra long hip, the other is extra high and long; .splendid $1.50 corsets, either lace or em broidery trimmed , Long Directoire Corsets, made of Very durable light weight French materials, made with ru extra long.skir and designed for, the average figure. They are beauti fully trimmed with embroidery a regular $2.50 number, t special..,.,- '. . . . tt .Omaha's Greatest olmi Bpauialisel on Bala Doubla'iGreen 8tamps on Poddv Condensed Milk. Buttertne. Bennett's Uet Coffee, 3 lbs. for . fl.OO And -lOO'-S tamps. BennetttS Best Coffee, 1 lb.' for ...: ,w35 And 30 .Stamps... Bennett's Breakfast Cof fee," l-lb. tan .80 And 60 Stamps. Bennett's Tea, assorted, per lb 48o - And 60 Stamps. Candled Peal, lb.....B5o And 20 Stamps. Bennett's E x c el s 1 o r Flour, sack 91.78 And 80 Stamps. French Cut Loaf Sugrar, per pkg. 830 And 10 Stamps .large can , ..XOo And 6 Stamps. Stollewerrk's Chocolate, H-lb. can 830 And 20 Stamps. Franco - American Soup, ; quart can 35o . And 40 Stamps. Small Sour Pickles, per dosen ......So I Doable Green Stamps I on Bagar. Capitol. Wheat, Oats or Pancake, pkg lOo And 10 Stamps. California Prunes, 12 He quality, lb 80 Paragon Egg Plums, 3 cans for 8 Bo Swansdown Shredded Codfish, 3 pkgs....aSo And 10 Stamps. REDLANDS NAVEL ORANGES We offer for Wednesday and Thursday a carload of these luclous, healthful oranges. 26c size size, at, per dozen BOo and 10 Green Stamps 86c size, at, per dozen 880 and 10 Green Stamps 40c size, at,' per dosen ..t 30o and 10 Green Stamps 46c size, at, per dosen 38o and. 10 Green Stamps Fancy Small Navel Oranges, each lo New Carrot, new Beets, new Turnips, Large Leaf Lettuce, Z bunches lOo hothouse Radishes, green Onions, I Cauliflower, California grown, per at, three bnnobes lOo I lb loo jjBjSKaEXafr mrrr J Kest jfhat road, and" may not do so until tho claimants for rewards have filed tholr claims. These claimants may yet run up into the hundreds, because of the clause In the reward offer made by the Union Pacific, "for -information leading to the arrest of any ui all of the robbers," which opens the door for numerous other claim ants for the reward. I Thus far ' about twenty-five suits have been filed by original and intervening claimants, but the end is not yet by any means. WOULD PAY LABORERS FOR CITY EVERY DAY City Clerk Batter Haa Schema to Sava Street Workers from .Loan Sharks'- Operations. -V . r . City Clerk Butler has taken up with Councilman Berka the question of making official arrangements with City Comptrol ler Lobeck to issue - pay checks to the minor city employes every day, if they want Ihera. . Mr.' Butler's Idea, with which Councilmsn Berka Is Inclined to agree In a general way. Is that the city can afford to .do for the laborers what tha money loaners do. Workers en the street force, for Instanoe, are not employed steadily, some being given a few days' work this week and some other next week. Many of them are in the habit of selling their day's wages to the money loaners every day, . or every other day, to keep them running. They must have ready cash, as few. If any, of them have any credit account at stores. For a 83 check they get 3190. and In order to keep In touch with the men at work the men who supply the money make a dally checking of the time books In the office of the street commissioner and the city engineer. ,. If the' eity eleik s Idea should prevail 11 would mean soma additional work for the comptroller's office, but net a great deal, ha holds, because at present the comptrol ler Is compelled, for safety, to keep tab on the orders issued by tbe laborers to the money loaners. ; Thera , bj no denser from croup whin Chamberlain's Cough Ilen.edy la used. f .t ' ' ' tf. "11 ft mi -mim! wtw mrm :ww-ot wf iijp?n J i i t i 1 . 1 NMLI1 Big Week for 'S COATS 1CD I TUB BAXB OT SUITS 1, week, and little wonder. 60c a fashionable shades, too. "Mirage 85c Amoskeag Apron Gingham C Wednesday only NOTION DAY Every Wednesday. Dutch Linen Tape, all widths; special, two bolts for... So Pad Belt Supporters for women, all colors, 25c kind, for 10a Bone Hair Pins, doien to box; for Wednesday, per box... .60 Machine Thread. 200-yard spoolB, all numbers, two for .So Spool Silk, 100 yards, black only; special,, two for Bo Darning Cotton, dozen spools to box, for 16o Pearl Buttons, all sixes, very fine quality dosen on card .....100 Dressmakers' pins, K-lb. box.,.,,10o Grocery Economies1 Wednesday and Thursday. Hartley's Pure Fruit jams, jar ,.,.aeo ypo Washing Powder, 8 Dkia flSa Keystone Lye, ' 8 pkgs. lor aao Hartley's Pure Orange Marmalade 800 And 10 Stamps. Bennett's Capitol Mince meat, s pkg3 aao And 10 Stamps. Sweedlsh- Safety Matches, 11 boxes... 80 Galllard Olive Oil. med ium size bottle 45o And 30 Stamps. Bennett's Capitol Pure Maple Syrup, qt can for 400 And 80 Stamps. California Table Raisins, on stem; lb 10o D AH KZS S IK M fa i ' WUBT DENTISTS equipped dental office In the middle west Highest grade dentistry at reasonable prices Porcelain fillings. Just like the tooth. All Instru menta carefully sterilized after each patient. Till HO FLOOIt PAXTON BLOCK Cor lflth and Farnam Sts. SLAYER OF H. FRANKLAND ASKS FOR A NEW HEARING Tom Johnsoa Wants Another Trial on of Statement In a News paper. Attorneys for Tom jonneon, the colored murderer of Henry Frankland of Chicago, are arguing a motion for a new trial be fore Judge Sutton In district court. , One of the principal grounds on which the motion is based Is that there appeared In newspapers the statement that Johnson wishes to plead guilty and take a life sent ence. This offer was refused by the state. the case went to trial and Johnson was sentenced to death. , During the trial and just after the Jury had been impanelled Johnson's lawyers at-ked the Jury It they had read the article In question and they said they had. But the attorneys did not ask the Jurymen If they had been prejudiced thereby, and . it may now be too late to raise the point of projudlce. Another point which it Is attempted to make Is that police ' officers In numbers were in the court room and In the en closed space before the bench while John son was on the stand, tha Implication being that they were there to Influence the Jury. It is doubtful If this point will have much weight with the court and thetc Is a pros pect that this motion for a new 'rial will result as such motions usually do. Hoars Coigh, Staff y Colds, pain in chest and sore lungs, are symp toms that quickly develop Into a dangerous Illness If the cold is not cured. Foley's Honey and Tar stops the cough, heals and eases tho congested parts, and brings quick relief. Hold by all druggists. K. I Doatltyoarchniraaaeasitk I V Coda MsbiL Mm Hi tt k V gmuMlf. COCOA smsgtsws tas Fightihg.Tpust Pcic'ea , We're going to give our customers the best otfyA it oil all Trust made and rrrlfltr rrA 1 1 1 t-i r rntff nt in this 'campaign? !U BIO SALE of DRESSES Thursday. THE RELIABLE STORK While we're cutting the established prices on all Trust made and Trust controlled goods, we're also making delightful bargain prices, 6n , ... . .,. . Embroideries and Lace Three Big Counters of EMBROIDERIES Wednesday 3V$c, 5c and 10c a Yard. Worth from 5c to 25c a yard. An immense assortment of You can't afford to miss them. Extra Specials In our nigh Grade Wash Goods Department Three cases of Anderson's beautiful Scotch Oinghams, sold the world over at 25c a yard; Wednesday only, per yard I5v Two casps of Gaily A Lord's silk- warp ed Wash Goods, beautiful styles, fast colors, etc.; regular price 59c; Wed- ' nesday . ; -. . . - .38 Two casps of Nashua Cloth; far super ior to Hamilton cloth, at, yd.. .25 See our new French Percales. .13V4 Extra Specials In Our : Famous Domestic Room Frcsn 9 to 0:30 V. M. On case of Edwards' yard wide, fine bleached Sheeting, . regular lOo values ten yards limit at, yard K From 10 to 10:80 A. M. One case of 10c Towels, either bath or huck 4 pairs limit at, each . . :V Kk From 2 to 2:30 P. M. One case of 81x90 Sheets, regular price SI. 00 each 4 sheets limit at, ea. .K(1V4 From 8 to 8,80 P. M. One case of Domino Apron Checks, wor,th 6 Vic 10 yards limit at, yard 4i We Are at War It la to yonr Interest to trade at Hit. den's and help fight Trust prices. is-io. sucks Dest nign patent r lour Trust price $1.75; our price $1.40 IS lbs. pure cane Oranulated Sugar Trust price $1.20: Our price $1.00 Corn Flakes; Trust price 10c; our price, per pkg Tftc Best Soda Crackers, per lb.; Trust price 10c; our price- .7Mio Best dinger Snaps, per lb.; ; Trust price, 10c: bur price ' IViC Oil or Mustard Sardines, can; Trust price 7Hc: our price ..4c Worcester Sauce, bottle; Trust price 12Hc; our prine 8Hc Pure Tomato Catsup, bottle; Trust price 12 Vic: our price ....Ho Tall cans Alaska Salmon; Trust price lZftc; onr price .iuc Best Domestic Macaroni, pkg. ; Trust nrlr llUf ! finr nvln ....810 Good Japan Rice, per lb.; Trust price 7 He; our price e DOfiT FORGET TRY UAYDEII'S FIRST ' i To Street Car Passengers Our conductors and motormen are required to oe polite and courteous towards passengers at all times, and we will appreciate it if passengers will report to us any discourtesy or incivility, being careful to give us badge number, or car number, as well as date and time of day. At the same time it is suggested that if passengers treat conductors and' motormen with respect and courtesy, it will be easier for them to be courteous. A little patience and forbearance on both sides will result in pleasanter relations between pas sengers and .employes. OMAHA & COUNCIL BLUFFS STREET RAILWAY COMPANY CO A L CONSUMERS: TRT OUR CENTERV1LLB BLOCK AT $6.28. Gives good satisfaction, free from 'slate, clean, hot, lasting burner. We claim this coal is just as GOOD as ILLINOIS. Rosenblatt's Cut Pries Coal Co., 1923 iridholaa St., TeL Bell D, 419 Znd. B1419 a TKX EIOH raUOB ' CBASB HTB TOVOHI9 Vt. Tas Faeuf, No. 1 Pork Loins, lb Sirloin Steaks, lb Sirloin Koaxts, lb Rib Roast Lamb. lb.... Rib Rcast Big, lb No. 1 Flour, 24-lb sack. " No. 1 Bacon, lb . . .ISO . . .10e ...10. . . .fit R.-Ufl. WELCH a4th Farnam rbonea D. 1011. AflCl HOTELS. J Hotel Martinique B'way,32d and 33d Sts. NEW YORK CITY H - IK Till HEART OP THINGS IUCH CLASS FIREPROOF HOTEL Handsomely fumUbed, all outside rooms, with every modern appointment, om block from Kew Hinn Depot, near all loading department stores and theatre. E00MS WITH rRrvUCE OF BATH, $1.50 per Day and Up. ROOMS WITH PRIVATE BATH, $2.50 per Day and Up. v The blifheit class of aeeonv modations at moderate rates. Tbe new addition will be completed oa September 1st, giving hotel cs r psoitr ol fcUOroosua aad J0 bath.' Walter Chandler. Jr.. Msuvagar Trust controlled noods-- 'S litMiirr A rr Vnil Wltll 11Q i f ,f 9 - v nzai Ml' i(lS Magnificent . Bargains in ' ' I Embroidery Thursday. uZ3 G Three Big Counters of LACES Wednesday 3c. 5c and 7VG a Yard. Worth from 10c to 15a r yard. pretty patterns for your selecti6n. '' f ' ' ; Fonr Kxtrw Specials In onr High Grade Linen Department for Wednesday Towels for 10c, large site, hemmed ready Tor use, "worth 18c; Wednes day, each 10 Towels for 12 He, large sije, hemmed ready for use, worth le; Wednes- day, each u 12Vi1 All pure linen Table , Damask, full bleached, worth $1.00 a J-ard: 'c$- ' nesday at, a yard .v. 75 German silver bleached Table Linen, SS yards wide, worth $1.39 a yard; Wednesday, at, a yard.. 08i FOR ALL DAY in Crnr . Famous Domestic Doom See Our 10th St. Window. Five cases of fast colored Batiste, reg ular price UWc-r-new Just from tbe mills.' No dealers sold at thU price per yard fjj 10c Merry Muslin 7V4 36-in; Percale, fine quality, regular price 12c 10 32-ln. Percale, regular price 10c; spec- ial, per yard ..7H Five cases of $1.98 11-4 Blankets; all to close, at, pair . .-. f)ftt $1 Table Damask, 72 ins. wide, . .75 16c Towels '106 Bee our omer specials. With Trust Prices Fancy Japan Head Rice, per-lb.; Trust. price J c; our price so Choice California Prunes, per lb.; Trust price 7V4c, our price 4q Fancy 3 and 4 crown Raisins, per lb; Trust price 12Hc; our price TV4o Trust Basting Frloes on Fresh Tesretablea Fresh Beets, Carrots, Turnips, Shallots, ' per bunch - ......... , 4o Fresh Spinach ...... ............ . .2 Do Fresh . RipB Tomatoes, lb. .... . 1 So Fresh Mushrooms, lb. .............. Go Fresh Cabbage 2 Via Two heads Fresh Lettuce So Fancy Head Lettuce , , . 5o Say Klghland Navel Oranysa The great Anti-Trust Orange. Not controlled by any syndicate or combina tion. The richest flavored and highest grade-orange grown In -Callfoynta. Kissed by the sun, moon und stars. Per dosen ..... 15a, 17 Ho, BOo, 8 So, 30o Trust Prices.. ,20o, ,25c, 30c. 85c, 60o IT PAYQ A manly Ameri can's favorite brgw A manly American thai means you " THC ttH YOU LIRE toniomers'. Distributej John! Ni'ttler 1 v 1 So. 84th Street, ouf. 1689. Bed 9939. In, a-1400 OUR CAUDV SPECIAL - For Wednesday Vnnilla, Maple nnj l'ilgo, per pound, Wednesday, only . . Chocolate I5c MYERS-DILLOrt DBUG Cfd. 16th and Farnaia Sts. iv mi f i 1