1U TIIE BEE: OMAHA, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 2, 1910. r for both 3ide3- the buyer and the seller V '- ISk fk f ' Dee -wanfads pull aa m m - zjy- iosrrff-. jR&tf&L twpftrffs rtOLszxrr rssndss ct-fnk servant sTMoejfAfff Sii, J rouxhiT H -s I Want - Ads Advertlaementa for the wast a coin una will be takea aatll 13 m. to the evealaa; aaltloa and aatll SiSO p. a. for tha saoralas; aad Bandar " tloaa. , Cash accoaaaany al orders for waat ada aad ao adertlemeat will ba accepted for leaa thaa SO teats for first Inaertlan. . Rates apply ta tltkrr Th 1Hf Bandar Be. Always roant sts vrerua to a llaa. CAH RATES FOH WAJtT ADS. REGULAR CLASSIFICATION Oaa laeertloa, 1 1-2 cent, arr word aad 1 eaat aar word for each subsequent Insertion. Baca laaartloa made oa ' odd dart, 1 1 -3 eeata per wordi Sl.SO aar llaa acr aaeata. Waat ada for The Bee mar be left at aar of the follawlav ru atorea . oao la roar "earner drasralat" they aro all braaek affleea far The Dee aad roar ad will be laaerted Inst aa promptly aad oa the aama ratea oa at aiala offlee la The Bea Balldlaw, Seventeenth aad Far a am atreetai Albacti, Tf . C 40J anJ Firnim. Hemiick g. A., 1402 g. loth St. - Becht Pharmacy, 720 B. l$th St. ornnuu riLiuii,C-, li.ni,,,,, Neti. Sf 7' ,?,r'' Pharmacy. 8nd and Cuming. Hlake-Bradlsh, 2816 Sherman Ave. Caujrhlm, C. R., th and Pierre Bta. Cllftoo .till Phnrmacy, 3213 Military Ave h0""' '-B- n" Avo. and Farnam. Criaaey Pharmacy. 34th. and Laka. Cooney Pharmacy. 2238 S. 16th Bt Ceiroak, EmU. 12H4-, . 18th St Khler, F. H., 2S0S Leavenworth. ArnoldL 313 K. jr,thFt Freytasf, John J.. 1914 N. 24th St. Preggor Drug Co.. 10 N. 16tb St. Florence Drug Co.. Florence. Nao. Goldman Pharmacy, JOth and Lake. Green a Pharmacy, Park Ave. and Pacific. Orenough, O. A., 103 B. Wth St. Oreendugh. G. A., 10th and Hickory. Hay den, William C. 20 Fainam Bt. llanaoom Park Phar., 1501 8. 29th Ave, Hoist, John, 324 N. 18th St. Huff. A. L., 3624 Leavenworth Bt. Johanaon Drue Co., 24th and Spalding Sts. King, If. H.j t238 Farnam Si. Kountaa Place Pharmacy, 8304 N. Jtth. Msree, Fred L..' to0 Central Blvd. Patrick Drug Co., 1624 N. tttli Bt. Lathrop, Charles E., 1524 N. 24th St. Peyton, L. B.. 24th and Leavenworth Sta. Saratoga Drug Co., 14th and Amea Ave. Schaeter Cut Prica Drug Store, liith and Chicago Sts. , Schaefer. August. 2631 N lfith St. Schmidt. J. H., 24th and Cumin Bta. Storm Pharmacy, 16th and Martha Sta. Walnut Hill Pharmacy, wth and Cuming. Walton Pharmacy. 20th and Qrace Sta. Wlrth. O. H.. Kh and Hamilton Sta. . DEATH AWn FUNERAL NOTICES. m HAARMANN, Mra. Agnea, widow of O.' H. Kaarmann,' aged T7 yeara. Funeral Thursday at t p. m. from family renldence. 2427 So. 24th St. Interment For est L7. u cemetery. Friends Invited. BIRTHS AND DEATHS. Births T. H. Walker, Florence, girl; A. J. Pakorny, 1716- Arbor, boy; Walter P Olda, 1306 South Thirty-f If ih. boy; Otto I.ambaon, 1021 South' Eighteenth, girl; J. W. Elwood, lttia Emmet, boy; John liende kovlo, U2& South Fourteenth, girl. DeathB Thomas Kenney, 8415 Parker. 89; Paby Wendell, 3304 Franklin; Mra. Ellen Reed, 512!) North Forty-aecond, 6t; Nellie Ovlatt, 1110 North Twenty-second, 40; Cra ealflsna Uenduso, 1507 Burt, 82. ANNOUNCEMENTS rTT.' CLEAN Carbon Cooking Coal Coutant tt Squire. 1406 Far. D. !UC The Smith Premier Typewriter Company la receiving old friends aud new In Ha new home In the , New Kennedy Building, lth and Douglas Street. Omaha's Newest Commercial District. ' Smith Premier Typewriter Co. , M. O. Plowman. Mgr. Saratoga Drug Co., 34th and, Ames Ave., accurate compounders of prescription. Free delivery. ' Store open t.'M a. m. to 12 p. in. HINDOO TAJBLKTs) wilt build, braes, strengthen, Wo. BELL DttUG CO. VHTT 9rw Tha Weatern Hit, Schmoller 1VJJ, tfsJKjf Mueller bheet Music Dept. FUITZE. SAND WALL Formerly So. Omaha, now 601 Paxtou liik. J0I1N NITTLElt li0ZTr'' T TTYTTS THE BEER TOU LIKE. IjUAUO 3224 guuth Uia Bu Douglas iS8, Red S932, Independent A-1420. Douglas Printing Co. Tel. Douglaa 644. CTA1?T. KeVB S4d,gen. repairing. New .tJlXVU iocation, Ieavnwoi th. MONEY I TO LOAN LOW HATE. In sums to suit, sio Hee HIiIl- Phone Doui. 2hiu. UNION LOAN COMPANY. PpmntBlnrks best quality. SHOES failed for ar.d delivered free. Standard Shoe Repair Co., 1MH Farnam. GOOD MERCHANTS LUNC1L K nrpo A. JETKS. U02 Douglaa St. vlO. DAVID COLE Creamery Co. BON TON RPtunt. 203 So. llth Bl v,nin Inese and American dishea. Chop Suey. WEDDING RINGS Ryan Jewelry Co., FiTS$ni Monuments, J. F. Bloom A Co., Dili Far. MELCI1ER SCHMIDT DRUG CO., Announce the Opening of Their NEW COMPLETE 17th and PHARMACY Farnam Opp. N. r. Life Bldg., About February 10. The aama attention to details In the se lection our aun-'k and the filling of prescriptions that has made our present Stores a success will be the rule In Uta NEW UMOWN STORE. PLUMBING. R. G. Hamilton, ateam and gas filling, tiil Leavenwortu. D. 4&L A-iJci. " ILER GRAND HOTEL fX'noX Turkish Baths Vlotri Omaha Electrlo Worka repair el l.iev.utt. evatoie. 1WJ M. Uta. D-1U1. A-1443 ANNOUNCEMENTS (Continued.) PATTON-BOWMAN HARDWARE CO. Announce the Opening of Their New store, ibis farnam st. 'PHONE D. om. Complete stock of Contractors' Supplier, Builders- Hardware, Tools. Janitor's Sup plies, Cutlery, etc. ANCHOR FENCE CO. Iron and Wire Kfnnn Cheuper Than Wood. Last a Lifetime. XI N. 17th. I'hone Red S14. THE best hnkery lunch. Leavenworth St. bakery, 2777 Leavenworth. Tel. H. BOHi. Cn Ti s- Green Trading Stamps K;JXLJ w)th nanJ anJ fofr eoa, People's Coal Co. Doug. S471; Ind. A-14g. NEW IIAITLTON CAFE 24TH AND FARNAM. irAMII.TON A PT3. PROMPT AND COURTEOUS ATTKfs TION. TABL1T D UOTE. A LA CARTE. D. W. DUDGEON, Plumbing and heating. ELEVATOR.'! REPAIRED Fr-lght. Pas enget,. J. R. Kennedy. 104 f. 13th. Doug. 207. LOUIE AIIKO 1419 Dla St.. Om chop place. . American and Chineso atyles. U. S. Cleaning Co., Vtn 'phones. pir3tengravino , Acid BInst Etching. Prompt Wurk. W. R. BRAMBLETT & CO., 1311 Howard. D. 6971. OFFICE STATIONERY n"ij'sv Koitra v Co., Iu06 Jackson. 'Phone D. 1X60, RKIN'a KOPHER RESTAURANT, 316 S. Uth St.. (Upstairs). LEW.W.RABER The Printer. AFTER MARCH 1, 1810. BEE BUILDING .liSug00 Missouri FTler made. aold. 1S10 Howard. LYNCH BROS. LU"S,aNnSMND REPAIR WOBIf A BprPI 1 1 .TV 7(K s 16th. Phone Douglaa 1477. SPECIAL acenta tt nnntio.'i ftne namlv The best Ice cream sodas, with crushed fruits. The Bell Drug Co.. 1216 Farnam. THE Weatern Fur Co. will be located at 1603 leaven worth after February 1. THE City Garbage Co., Tel. Doug. 1387. cleans vaults, cesspools and removes ma nure, ashes and all kinds of refuse. DR. W. F. RACE, having been located In the New York Life Bldg. for the last ten years, has removed his office to rooms 20 and 21 Douglas block, 16th and Dodge Sta. Opposite Hayden Bros.' stora. AU fCMOBILES Aeroplanes. OMAHA AEROPLANE AGENCY. 1102 Farnam. Dlstbrs. Matthewaon-Marra Aeroplanea. Call or write for specifications. Aatomoblles. See Drummond For your AUTO TOP or TOP REPAIRS. For AUTO WHEELS or WHEEL RE PAIRS. For spring or axle repairs. For the lowest priced good painting. For body woodwork or trimming. Far Diamond Tires, Tubes and Casings. 18U and Harney Sta. DEMONSTRATION CAES. Why buy secohd-hand cars? They usu ally are doctored "cripples." Buy a used demonstration csr. They are usually crack cars, kept in perfect repair. Write! what type you want and we will quota prices. Pioneer Implement Company. Council Bluffs, Iowa. AUTOGENOUS WELDING All kinds of broken cylinders, crank oases and castings promptly repaired. All work guaranteed. BERTSCHY MOTOR COMPANY,' Council Bluffs, la. AUTOMOBILE BARGAIN. First-class condition, for Bale or trade, for farm land or city property. E 377, Bee. BARGAINS in used cars; send for list. Council Bluffs Auto. Co.. 10 Pearl St. AUTO STORAGE. Painting and Repairing. WM. PFE1FER CARRIAGE WORKS. Zuth Ave and Leavenworth. INTERNATIONAL y Delivery Wagons. I.-H.-C. ROADSTERS High-Wheeled Autos. International Harvester Co.. Omaha SEND for our list of second-hand cars. UER1GHT AUTOMOBILE CO., 1814 Farnam St. Auto Paintinj?"Murpn3f DU lt" Get autu 1 ulullufiour prices. Andrew MURPHY & SON. 1411 Jackson. MIDWAY AUTO GARAGE. Steam heat apace for storage; repairing done promptly anywhers, day or night. Tire vulcanizing, olia and supplies. ix.'S Broadway, Council Bluffs. Ind. 67L Black m. SPECIAL price on Automobile Robes this month at Ifayden's Harness Dept. (Base ment.) BEST AUTOMOBILE BARGAINS. V. F. LOCK, ' 1MJ8 Furuain St. WRITE FOR list of secondhand auto mobile bargali. H. E. FRKDRiCKSON AUTO CO., Omaha. DON'T HAVE A PUNCTURE, we treat your tires and guarantee them for one year. Nebraka Puncture Proof Co., 106 N. 16th. New location, 21 Farnam, after Feb. 1. FOR beat bargains In used cars In first class condition call jjr write SWeet-Ed-wards Auto Co., 2uu2 Farnam St. SEND for our list of second-hand cars. STANDARD AUTO CO., .2034 Farnajn St. ISSEL SATISFACTION AT LONG SERVICE AH MODERATE PRICE WRTTE US FOR LIST OF USED CARS. KISSEL AUTO CO., OMAHA. BUSINESS CHANCES TO GET In or out bt business oall oa GANGKSTAD. 4t4 Bee Bldg. TeL D. 1167. FOR SALE Well equipped blacksmith shop, doing good business; good terms to riKiit man. Address owuar, L. C. launders, Dlson, Neb. MY PENCIL and I can locate you. WIL LIAMS. 411 MoCague building. FOR SALE One ot the oldest and best paying drug stores In Omaha. Good rea son for selling. Addreatt N-2, Bee. NORTH SIDE millinery story for sale or will trade for Omaha property. ltUi N. 24th. Schall bisters. BUSINESS CHANCES (Continued.) FOR SALE Hotel, with 60 rooms and bar, clearing 11,200 per month; must be sold In 60 days; price $20,000; write for particu lars. Address Joseph Dalton, North Ya kima. Wash. FOR SALE Restaurant and confection ery, aolng good business. Address, Byford U illams. Cairo. Neb. ONE of the bent paying Quick Lunch busl-nensi-s In Otnaha. Best ot reasons for selling. Iti.i00 stock of hnrdware nnd Implements, about 2u miles from Omilm. NOWATA LAND AND LOT CO., CU N. Y. Life Bldg. Red 1!W. JOHNSON Bros.' Grocery and Meat Mar ket for sale. 24th and Hue St.. South Omaha FOR SALE A snap, rooming house of twelve rooms; all rented; close In. 617 S. Will. 'Phono Red 615a. LETTERS DUPLICATED In any quan tity., 6a Branrtcls Plug. Doug. l:r,0: A 2311. FOR SALE or rent; deslruMe hotel prop erty In live town of 800. AdUresB Hotel Co., Mtrtrui'.d, Neb. HERE 19 YOUR CHANCE. 11 -room roomlnir house, modern, well fur nished, location 23d and Douglas. Price. (460, Address K. 6S1. Bee FOR SALE A $42,000 -stocky consisting of groceries, dry goods, clothing, boots and shoes, gent's furnishing goods, furniture and everything that goes with a general store. XV; 11 Sell for cash or on time with proper security. Trade runs trom 113j,w)t to J160.000 per '-ear. For further Informa tion, writ to D. Miller & Son. Wheatland, Wyo. WANTED Location for short order lunch business. Address Comb, Box 36, Randolph. Neb. POOL HALL for sale at a bargain. In quire at 1804 Sherman Ave., Omaha. TEN rooms, full of ronmers! lVin annn 2107 Douglas. FOR SALE A $10,000 stock of general merchandise, good clean, new stock In Ovid, Cok., the coming sugar beet town of the Julesburg Irrigation district. It's a moneymaker for an energetic young man. The only reason for selling is that I have too much other business. Write or see A. V. S. SAUNDERS, ' Fort Morgan, Colorado. WANTED An energetic man with good WANTED YoUng girl for housework; business ability, and 3o00 capital, as state family of three; no washing. 828 Georgia manager. An excellent opportunity for the Ave. Harney 4403. right man. For full particulars call or 1 " write to Mr. Dow, HenBhaw hotel, Omaha. WANTED Girl to assist In care of two ' children and housework; stay at home STOREROOMS, located right for nights. Mrs. Avery, 223 S. 30 St. Harney Groceries, , , 4S44. ; . ' Meats, '') r Drugs. WANTED A tfr for cooking and general T. J. Hook, Offlco 1101 N. 18th St. housework; very best wages. 133 S. 85th , Ave. Harney 2H04. i ROOMING house for sale. 1812 Chicago St. 1 : : ' , WANTED YoiTng girl to assist with WANTED young man with $100 as-part- housework and iielp take care of baby. 2314 ner, or will sell state right for, big money Howard. Douglas 7832. maker. ' Address A. L. Hudson,! Gen. Del., " , m v ; ; maj!a'j-eb- 'Phone Doug. 384 MIDDLE-AGED . WOMAN, for general " mrr -t i ' i -; housework. Appty 2807 N. 24th St. CHIROPODISTS COMPETENT ,IRL for general house- . vork; none other need apply. 616 S. 22d St. DR. ROY. U06 Farnam St. Douclaa 497. WANTED Experienced girl for general housework; Rmall family; wages, $ti; sep fl I MP I MP arate apartment, with bath. 3604 Wool- UfllMUIliU worth Ave. Tel.1 H. 1849. MoORM D8 !t?V??Ji r.,ei"ni A GOOD WOMAN can get rent free and Mon.. Frl 3 p. m. .private dally. D. 1041. a week for taUins Cttre of a rooming rririr ,i. , , Z house; must furnish bond. Call at 1112 N. THE mid-winter term at Morand s Dan- mm at clng School begins this week, Monday or ; ; Friday, 8 p. m. Join this week and ask GIRT, for ronnrnl hnimewnrk- amall f.m. for a substantial reduction from regular " lh l0Jf IS&Jl0. Ul 00kfn 281SV4 price. Private lessons dally. Tel. Doug. 104L capltol Ave. cooking. 2018 - YOUNG GIRL to assist with housework. DENTISTS 2006 Fowler Ave. Tel. Webster 1338. . BAILEY MACK. 3d fioor. Paxton. D.108 WANTED Competent girl for general housework; must be well recommended; TAFTS Dental Rooms, 1217 Douglaa St two In family, Mrs. E. V. Lewis, 401 S. . -r.r-fr- - 40th St. DETECTIVES NURSE-GIRL, 1 to 18; good home and , L"""'J salary; light work. 8014 Mason St. OMAHA Det. Agency, 428 Paxton. D 1318. " T,T ; ; GIRL for general housework; one who O. A. Halterman, 432 Paxton. Tel. K. 447L 'lk88 ch"di!;en;J' foreign girl must be able Tj .... to speak English; 36 a week to competent girl. 2127 Douglas St. DRESSMAKERS WANTED Glirl for general housework. T TTOV ladles' Tailor. 2922 Leavenworth Squire 13U S. 30th Ave. Tel. Harney 305. on latest". tano0IaL..urs0.ndndr.fsees EXPERIENCED GIRL for general house- W.alVall thJfatt10 hZTnSA" Ml' Dodge'" fam"y' M"' C" In stock. Out of town trade solicited. f. siman. 807 uodgc. ' T mT' tt-c " EXPERIENCED girl for general house- COLTON BROS. work; small family. Address 1128 S. 30th 2863 Farnam St (Upstairs), H. 4244 Ave- T'- Harney 106. announce aa a tcature for January at their r.Aiw aa rnmnminn tn ! in ii-k, up-to-date parlors they will specialize la bSard and rcJ. fo work made from their patrons' own ma- s ,'h 1 0 d room- terial. It you have taken advantage ot the clearing sales, let us do your work. GIRL for. general housework; best of THE PARIS wages. Apply at once. 11U S. 31st. Ladles' tailor, and furriers; 1st class fancy lnWri1 iZXV MeT' and plain work; fittings guaranteed; mate- 1 nomas w. Haxen, 2704 rial furnished by us or patron. 1S18 Doug- p"um""t- las. Red 1968. f WANTEO-Bxperleneed girl for general La01'"" Dressmaking Col- houwork; references. 2011 Charles. 1UUSJ..UH ,ftf8, Ms Karbach Bldg. WANTED Girt, or middle-aged woman. TH-nnv rnr I vciw nth .nrt r.m to ""'P a housework; small cottage; 8 In TERRY COLLEGE. 20th and Farnam Sta. famlly; good wayes. W. H. Stephens. 2619 MISS STURDY. 2702 Farnam. Tel. H. 4676, Fort SL M SELICOW. 2902 Farnam. Harney 2047. OMPETENT COOK wanted. 200 S. 82d tniiriTiniUtl GOOD, reliable girl to assist with care of EUUUAUUNAL small child. 1113 S. 30th Ave. ,,-tt,. iiTTiTt. mTiT.-r GIRIj fnr S-,'ne'a housework. 2548 Chl- MID-WUSITER TERM cago Bt Tel. Red 6826. OF BOYLES COLLEGE WANTED Reliable white woman, to , . ... , , scrub woodwork and clean windows, $1.25 Is now open In both the day and night n(,, d.v Kit xr mth Rt sessions. The late catalogue, giving full Per aa-V- 618 N. ltn St. particulars in regard to the various courses r'irjT - v,,, .-!,. ,, f. ready. Business training, bookkeeping; J f I,?JJ TthOmahL 2W D St ' al.orthand. telegraiihy, civil service. Call, South Omaha. 2509 D St. 'phono cr write for It at once. Boylea n.,-,, , , Tr Collene Omaha. Neb. FOREIGN girl for general housswork. college, um.ai.nta. . . 629 No. Central Blvd. Tel. Red 6342. MOSH8R LAMPMAN BUSINESS ; ,.,,. . ; ; COLLEGE. WANTED First-class second girl and Unexcelled comse In business, short- cook. 328 So. 37th St. hand, penmanship and English. None but experienced teachers. Day and evening STRICTLY first-class girl for general sessions. Most Interesting catalogue pub- housework. Mrs. A. T. Smith, 104 So. Iished lb Omaha, Send for one today. 36th St. MOSHICR LAM I'M AN", . Eeveiiteeiilh and Farnam btraeta. Ulaeenaaaaaa. ST. ANDREW'S SCHOOL "EARN HAIRDRllJt'paya Tou FOR BOYS-418T AND CHARLES. SSghTj U' BraSdeta HalrdreL" gTeo? Rev. F. D. Tyner. 3S48 Charlea.lt-238X "-unt- franaeis wairoreasing tJept. 1 ' " : WANTED Thirty girls at the Orpheum EVFRYTHINfi FflR WDWIFW theater. Must be over 16 years old. In- CCni iniUU run UiCH qulr, at 8U(e .tranca between 10 and U ARSENIC and IRON complexion wafers m- toda) makea clear, white akin. Ly mall 50c and ' : 11.00. Sherman a McConnell Drug Co.. u- . lilir o"a. . HELP WANTEDMALE PANTXJKIUMS-r"- "SIS a...... .o..t d ....... "Good cleaners and dyers," ' . , i CAN you sell plumbers' supplies T Apply THE N. Y. Dept. Store. 1810 Vinton. "Sella tor locl territory; references and exporl Everythlng." May Manton patterns. 10c. nce required. "Reliable," P. O. Box 718 . , New York. CHINA decorating; order work a apeolal- ly. Lesuons Tuesday, Thursday and Satur- WE hrve a good poattlon for a man who duya. Firing daily. Children's claaaen Mat- has hud experience in life Insurance field uiday niurnlng. Mra C. C. Hungata. &4 work. Address Central, P. O. Box Ilia. Braodeia Bldg. TeL Kud MK. Lincoln. Neb. I , , MRS. MATTHEW, hair goods. 804 Neville. WANTED-A solicitor with a rae and . ... . , , w, , , . L . bugxy to dHve through the. country an! CLEARING sale trimmed hats; now at ..Alt eubecrlptlone. Call and see drey. Px.NNh.LLti, liU Douglas St, upalaira, UUoa Oiauar. lbs Bee Publianing Co. EVERYTHING FOR WOMEN (Continued.) CHIODO S will make you a special rice on tailor-made suits and srowns of all descriptions during the month o( January. Parlors. 214-21 S. 18th Kt. TIIE Ladles' tailors and fur- A 1 iutL5 rlers; 1st class fancy and plain work; fittings guaranteed; mufb rlnl furnished by us or patron. 1913 Doug las, Red im FLORISTS J. V. WILCOX CO. Bluffi, la.; largest Brcnhnusr In west; beautiful flowers for any occasion shipped anywhere In U. 8. BENNETT'S Flower Dpt. E. store entr'ce. HESS & SWOBODA. 1413 Farnam St. J. H. BATH. M23 Harney. Douglas MX0. L. Henderson. Iul9 Farnam St. Doug. 12JI ERANDE1S CUT FLOWERS DEPT. A. DONOGHUE, 1607 Far. D. 1001: A-1001. FURNACES AND REPAIRS FURNAt'E repairing a specialty. Joseph Duffy, 1801 Cass. Tel Doug. 6260. HELP WANTED FEMALE Agents and Salesladies, LADY AGENTS make 2C to 340 and over Vmr weak handling Mm M'ah'a flexible side and expanding back corsets. St. Louis Corset 'Co., St. Louis, Mo. . ' Clerical aad Office. STENOGRAPHER, $60. Steno and bkpr, $35. etenograpner, suo. W ESTERN REF. & BOND ASS'N, INC., 721-22 N. Y. Life Bldg. (Est 7 years.) WANTED A confident stenographer by large retail store; must bs fairly expe rienced; references. Address H 280. Bee. STENOGRAPHER & Bkpr., grain. STENOGRAPHER, wholesale, SmHij Premier, $66. STENOGRAPHER, automobiles, $50. BOOKKEEPER, & Stono., beginner, $8. STENOGRAPHER, Fremont, $&5. CO-OPERATIVE REFERENCE CO.' 676-77 Brandeia Bldg. Factory aad Trades. BE a hairdresser; we teach a full course, $15. Oppenheln. Parlors, 813 McCague Blk. HELP WANTED MALE Areata aad Sal atlaaed. A LARGE STEEL CONCERN IN OHIO la looking for young men experi enced In selling FIELD FENCE, Nails, Barbed Wire, Staples and Bale Ties to retail stores. Ask for H. B. McMaster at HOTEL) LINCOLN, LINCOLN, NEBRASKA, Tuesday and Wednesday, February 8th and 9th. DEAL with manufacturer; don't be a subagent; buy goods at rock bottom; under sell others; get your own prices. Best line of agents' specialties ever offered; was agont myself; know what sells; have hun dreds working; all delighted; making big money; you can too. Hlokson made $24 first day; Mra. J. Lee, Okl., made 376 first day; $275 In 6 weeks. Write now for new ter ritory Just opened. Time limited; don't delay. C. E. Swartsbaugh, Toledo, O. AGENTS Something new; every farmer needs one; good profits. Write today. Bart lett Si'pply Co., Brown Block, Omaha, Neb. WANTED Newspaper solicitors. Call or write Twentieth ntury Farmer. 603 Bee Bldg., Omaha. N. WANTED Live men with rigs to can vass for Eaton's family and - veterinary remedies, extracts and spices. Address Dr. R. D. Eaton Chemical Co., Minneapolis! Minn. AGENTS WANTED Anson, Tex., quar-ter-mllllon-dollar Improvements; residence lot and 20 acres up to 1,280, $160, monthly payments; capable townslte men wanted. Dufeqxtment B, Anson, Tex. WANTED Live man to handle our goods on commission, as side line In western ter ritory; references required, and atate lines now handling. Write the Schaefer Tent & Awning uo,, uenver, Colo. WANTED Land salesmen. We have the best and easiest land contract on the mar ket today. Want only high slass salesmen. Good commissions; references required and given. Klnsella & Browne. Greeley, Colo. Boys. BOYS AND GIRLS, after school. Call 4:30 p. m., room lb, Patterson block. Clerical aad Office. LEDGER clerk. $00. Good accountant, must be familiar with farm loans, $125. Traveling salesman, $75-$100 and exp. Man to appoint agents for large cream ery, $66 and expenses. Stenographer, $05. . Filing clerk, young man. $40. WESTERN REF. & BOND ASS'N, INC., 721-22 N. Y. Life Bldg. (Est. 7 years.) , Drug clerk, registered, $00. Stenographer, brewery, $50. "r Hotel clerk, 25, B. & R. Hoy, drug store, $8. Stenographer, express company, $00. Exp. filing clerk, $100. Salesman, groceries, wholesale and retail, salary depends. CO-OPERATIVE REFERENCE CO. 875-77 Brandeis Bldg. Factory aaA Trade. Drug stores (siaps). Jobs. Knlest Bee Bldg. WANTED A first class tinner for Inside and outside and furnace work. Steady Job for right man, give reference. J. A. Shors, Beemer, Neb. WARNING. Trouble still on In the Black Hills. All miners, mechanics and working men stay away. If you come you'll have to scab. ORDER OF PRESS COMMITTEE. AT once, I experienced accident Insur ance men. Only real producers need apply. Prefer one with wide acquaintance. Must be ready to start work at once. Bona fide salary to start, $20 a week and commis sions. Call 9 a. in. or 2:30 p. m. Wednesday 800 Brandels Bldg. Stlauelliaenas. MEN WANTED to prepare for railway mail examinations; commencement sal ary $800; preparation free. Franklin In stitute, Dept 187 L. Pocheter. N. Y. ALL thin Safety Rasor Blades sharp ened, SOo dox. Only successful sharpening service In existence. Satisfaction guaran teed. Victor Safety Razor Co., 830 Paxton Blk., Omaha, Neb. WANTED Men to learn barber trade. Apprenticeship saved by free work and careful Instructions. These advantages given only by us. Few weeks completes. Tools given, board secured. Catalogue mailed free. Moler Barber College, 110 S. 14th St. GILLETTE AND OTHER SAFETY RAZOR BLADES made sharper than new; 2 cts. each. SMITH NOVELTY CO., R, 9. Union Blk., l&lh and Farnanvfils. ASK me how you can start a profitable mall order business at home evenings. Heacock. 739, Lockport. N. Y. THE NONPAREIL LAUNDRY CO.. Douglas 1812. Wagons call everywhors. SHIRTS IN SANITARY COVERS. EARN 310 to $16 a week during spare time; we as manufacturers start you and furnish everything; no canvassing; 3 sim ple, successful mail order plana to keop our factories busy; we coach you and show you how to get- business; you pay us In 3 months and make big profits; spare time to start; write today for positive proof. Pease Mfg. Co., 635 Pease Bldg., Buffalo, N. Y. WANTED Salesmen to carry as side line on commission basis, a staple and popular priced line of lacca and embroideries for well known New York Importer; state ter ritory, experience and references. Address "F." Box 477, Madison Square, New York. LIVE STOCK FOR SALE lioraits aad Vehicles. HALL & MORRIS, J?". specialty. Hospital 2858 Farnam. Boih phna WAGON repairing, painting, lettering, rubber tires put on and first class blacksmith work done by Johnson Danforth Co., lOtl. and Jones Sts. GOOD STREET HACK, little used, $1,000 value; will sell now for $160. Johnson Danforth Co., 10th and Jonea Sts. WAGONS for ante. E. Smith, 1314 N. 84th. HORSES for sals. 14 Worth list ONE PAIR of mares, weight 2.600 pounds; cne pair of horsra, weight 2.M0 pounda: two good slna-le drivers. 2016 California St. 'Phone Douglas 6371. MILLER A WINDER buy and sell all kinds of horses. 1416 Capitol Ave. D. 1810. THREE light delivery horses. Tel. D. 7W. LOST AND FOUND LOST Gold spectacles with Kryptok lensea In Columbian Out. Co. caae Return Culumbiau Opt Co.. til & 16th. Reward. j LOST AND FOUND (Continued.) I.OST Reaver muff In Brandels base, ment; flndar please turn In at main desk; receive reward. LOST Handbag containing eyeglasses, etc. Return to Woolworth's 6 and 10 cent store or 2901 Seward. Rewxrd. FOUND on 2rtth and Cuming;' pair rim less glasses, with gold chain; owner can have same by calling at Bre office and paying for this ad. JAP mink muff between Capitol Ave and Dodge, Monday evening. Finder please call Web. 2577. Reward. CLASS ring, bearing seal of the Univer sity of the South. Name Inside. H, L. Hoover. Reward. TJ. Webster 14.10. LOST A pair nose-glasses, under 10th St. viaduct between U. P. track and Leaven worth St Finder please 'phone Doug. 3sstl. MEDICAL PILES FISTULA PAY WHEN CURED. All RECTAL DISEASES cured without a surgical operation, and GUARANTEED to last a LIFETIME. No chloroform, ether or other general anaesthatlc used EXAMINATION FREE. WRITE FOR FREE BOOK. Dli. E. R. TARRY, 224 BEE BLDG. OMAHA. NEB. SPECIALISTS affl.,F07?uMEN AND WOMEN fhl frJ? w th ny "-"ment; should go to ecenS,inK.e8te8tablll'hed' ""' MPerl mo8t 8"ooes'ul; this Is valuable PA vS?fL?S.t"'and our "GRANTEE YOU stTnriir,- it EARS. After a perfect under agVeed "i.rnettfh.Ca8e a falr' n1 Price Is Sn;M, i btee,n doctor nd patient, MEDICINE ORFnHVrV5tU CUred' No you for LESS MONFV th a i? Wl" CUre i a Hth VFS'-' McGrew Co!; FRCP . . . . I - at Crehlhton Medical co'ef C,Vth rmenlcis:0',, """ffin.W. Calls an?were0dfevr!;e P.n Uu' W. . . - - "auu PORT VATT aT-vm. . " ' MOVING AND STORING EXP. Delivery Co., office 16th and Dav enport Sta.; warehouse. 8207-Oi a. lst-class STORAGE & MOVIN3 COT TO'a EXPBKS,.lbl6 cacltol ","' v TgTC ZlCif. MONEY TO LOAN SALARY AND CHATTELS. ' $3 on 3 $$ FURNITURE, PIANOS, SALARIES H $$ at the following low rates: u $3 60e a week pays $10 loan. t, $3 90c a week pays $26 loan. II $$ $1.60 a week pays $50 loan. ii $$ $2.66 a week pays $100 loan. ti 3$ You can pay monthly if you wish It These payments Include Interest and $ $$ principal; no other charges, STRICT- it $3 LY CONFIDENTIAL. NO RED 31 $3 TAPE. Call and be convinced that 83 83 we are the CHEAPEST and BEST. ta 33 OMAHA FINANCIAL no X 3$ 601 Brown Block, Opposite Brandels i $m$33$3UIVm3W33W3W333333W MONEY lO LOAN ON ANY SECURITY The holidays art over, and If you find yourself in NEED OF READY CASH It Will pay you to INVESTIGATE OUR TERMS. BUSINESS STRICTLY CON FIDENTIAL. NEBRASKA LOAN CO. 7 and 8 Crounse Blk., Opp. Postoffice corner 16th and Capitol. 'Phones Douglas 16. A-1356. MONEY 8EB us TODAY IF YOU 1UU1IXJA NEED MONEY. SALARY LOANS & CHATTEL LOANS. Easy payments at low rates. , OMAHA TRUST CO., ' 437 Board of Trade Bldg. DIAMOND LOANS AT 5 ; 320.00 only '. $1.00 $u0.0O only $i'.B0 $100 only $5.00 LARGER LOANS LOWER RATES. Your goods are Insured against burglary or fire In our possession, fiee. W. C FLATAU ReA wit MONEY" LOANED SALARIED PEOPLE WOMEN KEEPING HOUSE AND O H I VTIH Blthmit awiiFllv' . , - --' . lliCU IB. Office In tt principal cities. Tolnian. room U3 Nw York Lif .Bid. Automobiles This is a growing busi . ness. It seeks a. growing paper. It could not live in a dead publication. The Bee prints more automobile advertisements than all Omaha papers combined. . It printed 271 inches Sunday. The nearest com petitor printed. 80 inches. . ,.. Omaha Bee 3 World-Herald MONEY TO LOAN Salaries aad Chattels -CaaUnaed. Salary and Furniture Loans at positively the LOWEST RATES, quicker service and MOST CONFIDENTIAL DEAL of any In the city. Patronise the BIGGEST AND BEST. RELIABLE CREDIT CO., Third Floor, 307-308 Paxton Block, Douglas 1411 and A 1411. DO YOU WANT to start the NEW YEAR RIGHT? Do Jou want to pay up your landlord, grocer, doctor or anyone you owe and have only one place to pay ach nioo h. You'll be aur pilaed how euay It is.. Calf and aee us now, Omaha Mortgage Loan Co. 119 Board of Traae. 806 aio. 16th. St Telephone Doug. 2296. Call us up. DIAMOND LOANS AT 5 Why pay IB anl 20 per oent a month on Diamond Loans when our prices are: 330.00 only , $1.00 t'AOO only 4J.50 $100 only 36.00 LARGER LOANS EVEN LESS. BRODKEY'S nd wn Co.. JJXVVLAVJH X O lm bOUGLAS ST. ARE YOU WORRIED and bothered by collectors calling for bllla you put off paylnit last month In order to have a pleasant Christmas? If so on me to ue, we will loan you on your plain note any amount at rates Ilka these: $10 for )o weekly. $20 for 40c weekly. THE J. A. HUTTON CO.. 614-15 Paxton Block. SALARY and chuttiM In ad it. In to out mfss confidential; open Saturday evening. Both 'lihnnaa GT1 D 1 AV A VT r All II . t . . MUSIC, ART, LANGUAGES PIANO lessons, reasonable terms. Mrs. Fay Stahl, 2703 Spalding. Tel. Ind. B-5284. A MOTTT TON'S l7n,on Orchestra. MUULIUIH O N.w. eltchy flanceabla Af TTSTC Rh"1 Moulton, director. 006 Kar- BIRDIE Peters, teacher of piano. W. 1054. OFFERED FOR RENT Boardlna; anal Roossa, THE DOUGLAS Nicely furnished", mod. rooms, reasonable. 2201 Douglas St D. 6755. DEWEY European Hotel,. 13th and Far nam. TIIE IDEAL Modern rooms, Well heated and board very reasonable; S minute;' walk from center. 1717 Chicago St . J 1 . THE PRATT Excellent home cooking.' Meals, 25o. Warm rooma. 213 S. 25th St THE FARNAM CAFbT" ; Good home cooking. Meals 25c. New management. European. 10th and Farnam. Doug. H240. Joseph Hammer. Prop. THE TEMPLARS Choice table board, by day or week, llhl Capitol Ave. ' NEWLY openetr. All new furniture. Par lor. Good home cooking. Everything modern. Landow Court, 224C Mrs. Retta B. Johnston. NICELY furnished rooms; flrst-claas ta ble board; hot water heat; bath. Wis Far-1 nam St. ' BOARD Housekeeping privileges. California St. ' 2309 PRIVATE family will take a few tablu boarders who appreciate good horns cook ing. 'Phone Doug. 4W0. 215 N. 2Sd. ROOM S Private family, with board. 630 S. 22d. LARGE front room for two, with good board. 2473 Harney. PRIVATE family; single room for gen tlemen. 2514 Jones. s NICE large room, with board; reason able. 102 N. 18th. NEWLY furnished front parlor; also two other rooms for sleeping or light house keeping; strictly modern. 1508 N. 17th. LARGE front room, steam heat, all mod ern, with board. 2554 Leavenworth. 'Phone Red 6031. T.AY)ftTn f,.nl n m l.w .Im,... 1 .. decorated; steam heat; with board. 123 8. 25th Ave. MRS. J. L. DAVIS, 618 S. 2Rth St., can accommodate five or six young ladles or gentlemen . with board and room who are employed during, the day; modern. Doug. 4811. T W T I fti iMi I u'n tul Mnmi fni la nl n a nt light housekeeping. 1533 N. 19th. Furnished Raama. THE BELMONT, 1618 DODGE ST. MODERN STEAM HEATED ROOMS. EVERYTHING NEW, RATES FROM $2.50 TO $6.00 PER WEEK. DODGE HOTEL Large outride, . and ratea by week. steam heat In every room; BEAUTIFUL room In new home to re fined gentlemen; only those who can ap preciate a nice home need apply; no sign. 2J7 N. 19th St i V it i . 4