Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 31, 1910, Page 8, Image 8

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Library Report Showi 12,000 More
Volumes Taken Oat Tb.ii Tear.
Many 3iev Rook aad Periodicals Are
Added noHnf Ihr Vnr, Includ
ing " 9nmr ., la Foreign,
"' I.ngnne.
Mini Fdllh Tobllt, librarian, presented
her annual report for 1909 at the January
mating of the library board. The report
showed a R'n'ial Increase In ail depart
ment! eticu as would naturally come with
tho Increased growth nf the city. All linen
of work were discussed very fully.
A books . represent the stock of the
public, library naturally most attention was
given to this department. Six thousand
four hundred and twenty-four books were
added of which one-third were duplicates.
Theso purchases represented a la: go col
lection relating to useful arts, some books
of architecture and many books In foreign
language) 'is well as history, literature,
fine arf ft, and . works on all subjects con
tained In a popular library.
The uso of books for home circulation In-creaV-d
12.0OJ volumes over 19uS. This U
probably due to the growth of the city.
Borrowers are Allowed two cards, one on
which may bo drawn flctkm or any book
and the, other only books which are not
fiction,', A fiction finding list was dis
tributed, ree of charge, to patrons. Lists
of books III foreign languages and many
sprclal (tats have made known to the
pnlllo the contents of the library. Of all
the books ltu:d the circulation of fiction
wai but 08 per cent, a very low average.
Generally libraries are credited with 1s
aulng almost all fiction. The figures prove
the fallacy of this. statement.
The question. Is . frequently a.ked If It
Is yet time to observe the benefit of the
great attention' given to work among the
children In libraries. The great increase In
the' use of books In the adult department
Is recognised as a result of this careful
training of the children.
The Rummer vacation club for boys and
girls had a membership of seventy. Al
mott ail of the iiieiiibtntg lead the required
number of books. The story hour held
once each, week has had a, largo attend
ance. Tho Noise stories were told the
first part of the year and later the stories
of Charlerrt'agne asil his Puladln?. A col
lection of books for the young people just
leaving the children's room, has been gath
ered together ;f or 'tli e 'se of the boys and
girls who ars not yet ready to independ
ently select" their books from the adult
department, , .
Books were Issued to the public schools,
the parochial schools, the school for the
deaf and many private schools. The cir
culation Is entirely without membership
cards, the- books being issued according
to a special plan adopted by each school.
The high school students have represented
the largest percentage, of reference room
visitors. Outside of the required reading,
they havetiad assistance In the making of
class programs, the selection of plays and
dialogues and the preparation of the work
for the debates. High school students from
Benson South Omaha and Bellevue have
also used' the library In connection with
their debates. The largest bibliography of
the year 'was the one prepared on the sub
ject of French art for the Omaha Society
of Fine Arts. .This brought Into use all of
the material on the study of French art
via yun idlers, hj;
Camfbtlti Soup today!
I'll go look, and watcb the
, .cook
You keep on and play1.
f M
"What soup
shall I offer?"
, Nine times in ten
when that question
, comes up, you are safe
in answering
9& " J9 J?1
Tomato Soup
It has just the fine appe
' tizinj? tang to introduce a
, formal dinner unless ex
tremely hearty. Prepared
. as a tomato bisque it is the
- ideal soup (or a dainty
. luncheon. For the most
select occasion or distin
guished' guest, this pure
. delicate' palatable soup is
"i unquestionably "correct"
and eminently satisfying:.
' The grocer returns the
price of any of Campbell's
Soups that don't please
, you. ..
21 kinds 10c a can
Just add hot water,
bring to a Mi,
and serve.
H yoti written lor
Campbell's Menu
Josses Cauiu.l
... tosttiiy
. Csmiiea N J
Look lor the
FOOD FOR ' wk and nervous mesj
NERVES , ork !,n1 vouthtm vigor
work er mental exertion should takn
make you i andsiep anil be niao
. . tl Boss I, boxes $3. St, br mall.
xsmuAJ a afecosrxxx.x. sauo co,
. , Oer. lta sad Dodge Streets.
owl sasa foxrAj(T,
Cor. lets, euii lutsty Bis., uuaha, Sek
Th land of perpetual June and
Roses. Less than 3 days from
New York; 12 hours from Flori
da. Temperature 68 to 78 de
gree during winter months. The
famous Colonial Hotel is here.
rll sutkalara ts ntvm to tfeia nm .ltr)tful
ml iHr rMtt r.a om rauawi. Adam. I
lAat Haliw. S tU A. jurSfV Ym-k
k Trkl l-ari Siwtl OdkM l til
tlMillMll '
tv ttr www - t
which we had In the library. These books
were also used In the selection of picture
from which stereopticon slides were made
for the use of the class previously men
tioned. The literature and the art departments
of the Woman's club, the Mu Hlgma club,
the Dundee Woman's club and the mis
sionary societies have all been frequent
users of the reference department.
The directories and telephone books of
other cities are In constant use by business
men, also such reference handbooks as the
Railroad Msnusl, Moody's Corporations and
various state gazeteers.
The reading room has added during 1909
a number of newspapers In foreign lan
guages, also periodicals in foreign lan
guages which were circulated after one
month. This room contains, In an alcove,
the collection of medical books largely pro
vided by the members of the Douglas
County Medical association. An unusually
fine collection of medical periodicals was
received through the courtesy of the med
ical profession.
Tho library has received for the museum
a collection of Phnliesperiana, formerly
owned by the Hon. Juni?s W. Savage, and
now the property of Mrs. William Morris,
who has also deposited In the Ilbrarj' the
William Morris Ind'an collection. These
collections arc not yet on exhibition, but
will bo as soon as proper arrangements
can be made.
The librarian recommends that no new
departure In the purchase of books be con
sidered, but Instead that each department
be strengthened and kept up to the highest
The librarian further recommends that
all possible (efforts be put forth toward the
establishment of distributing stations out
side of the library. This will mean a
large duplication of the popular books. The
central library Is now serving as many
peoplo as It can reasonably be expected to
serve. The next Improvement must be for
serve. The
Missouri Pacific
Under Mortgage
Instrument Filed in Douglas County
for $175,000,000 Omaha Belt
Line Taken Over.
A mortgage for $175,000,000 was filed by
the Missouri Pacific Railway company In
the office of the register of deeds Saturday
evening. Similar Instruments have been
filed In every county through which the
iced operates. t
The mortgage is given to the Guarantee
Trust company of New York and Is to
sure the payment of the "first and re
funding mortgage fifty-year gold bonds"
issued for $175,000,000.
The document Is a bound book printed in
the style of a lawyer's brief and contains
over 100 pages.
The recording fee for this big instrument
was $R2.tj6.
The Omaha Belt Railway company has
been transferred to the Missouri Paolflo
Railway company In a deed recorded In
tho office of the register of deeds last night.
The consideration in this transaction Is "$10
and other valuable consideration,"
The transfer of the belt line la merely a
formality of law,' aa the road has been
operated and owned by the Missouri Pa
cific aa a subsidiary line for many years.
Massarhosetts Papers Give Extended
Notlee to Father of Well Known
i Omaha Attorney.
Pprlr.gfleld, Mass., papers devote consider
able space to the notice of the death of
Dr. John B. Iearned of Florence, Mass.,
father of Myron Learned of Omaha. Dr.
Learned, who was 71 years of age, had
been very active, not alone In the practice,
of medicine, but In other ways, He took
great Interest In educational matters and
served the public In this connection In
rrany ways, chiefly as a member of the
rchcol committee of Northampton. He was
also Interested in horticulture and was
farred for his strawberries. In his practice
ho ( olved drugless treatment for Insomnia
that brought him considerable notice, and
he was called In many times when other
remedies had failed, and met with unvary
ing success In the application of his method.
He was a member of the Free Congrega
tional society of Northampton and was ac
tive In the work of the church.
Ihe Springfield Union, lit closing Its
notice of Dr. Learned's death, gives this
Dr. Learned was born In Dana on Febru
ary 1XH9. He was descended from Wil
liam Learned, who came to this country
from England In 1iS32. His mother, Murv
Barr Learned, could also trace her ancestry
back to the early part of the eighteenth
century. When the doctor was 2 years old
his parents moved to Whttingham, Vt., and
later to Readsboro, where the doctor at
tended the public schools and was gradu
ated from Powers Institute. Bernardston.
He taught school in ind about Rcadsboro
for a short time and entered Dr. R. W.
Bennett's office in Bennington and later
attended the Berkshire Medical collage In
Pittsfield, graduating from the medical de
p: rtmcnt of Columbia college In New York
City. He practised In South Vernon, Vt.,
for one year and then went to Readsboro,
Vt., where he remained until lSt, when he
came to Florerce. In ISSO he met with the
carriage Occident and had to give up his
practise tor a time and In fact never fully
repainrd his health.
The doctor was a member of the Hamp
shire Medical association and was at one
time president. He was also a member of
state and national associations. He be
longed to the Franklin Harvest club and
was a regular attendant at the meetings.
He frequently entertained the members at
his home and those were always red letier
days In the history of the organization.
In 1S6B the doctor married Miss Lucy 8.
Davis of Halifax, Vt.. who died the follow.
!ng year. His second wlfo was Miss Maria
I j. Bond, sister of Judge D. V. Bond of
Waltham, formerly of Florence. She died
In IMS and In ISM he married Mrs. Kmliy
K. Sheffeld. who survives. There are three
sor.B. Mvron L. Learned, an attorney In
Omaha, Neb., by his first wife, and Wiifred
H. and Raymond H. Learned of Florence,
sons of the present wife. A son. Henry
Bond Learned, by his second wife, was
killed In a railroad accident between Hod
ley and Amherst In 1KU1. when a alnlghrlde
party was struck at a grade crossing
There Is also a stepson, Charles A. Sheffeld
of Florence, and a stepdaughter, Mrs.
Samuel H. Boardman of Bangor, Me.
George Campbell of Wy more ays
Reeent Suow Did No Harm
' Prospect la Excellent.
George Campbell of Wymore of the
board of commissioners of Qage county
does not give credence to the report, that
tho snow has had the effect of rotting
the winter wheat to any perceptible ex
tent. "On the contrary," said Mr. Campbell,
"In my thirty or more years residence In
Nebraska I have never seen the winter
wheat In finer condition than It la now.
The snow blanketed the ground before It
had a chance to freeie and the wheat has
been given a substantial start,
"The wheat fields in Douglas, Sarpy,
Lincoln, Saline and Oage countlea, where
the (now had gradually thawed away,
have a bright, healthy and vigorous ap
pearance. The growth Is not rank, but
It Is remarkably even, and I am looking
for one of the best crops of wheat we
have ever had In southern Nebraska. It
will take an unprecedentedly severe spell
of weather to hurt the wheat now."
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy Is pleasant
to lake. Children like It.
Some Things You Want to Know
The English Elections How the Newspapers Fight.-
The English newspapers In a political
campaign go quite as wild as the public
speakers or their friends, the hecklers. The
Ind'-pendent Journal is all but unknown,
every newspaper Is a party organ, and
every one goes Its full length In praise of
Its candidates and In derogation of thoe
of the other party. Tho liberal newspapers
refer to their conservative contemporaries
as the yellow press, always with capital
letters. The torles retort by calling the
radical papers "socialistic rags." But
neltlier over admits defects In Its own
party or sees virtue In the opposition. It
may be said that many American news
papers arq quite the same during political
campaigns, and It Is true In many In
stances, so far as the editorial columns are
concerned. But no d.illy newspaper In the
United States, however partisan on Its edi
torial page, would dare to use Its news
columns ss do the British papers.
The British press for so many year has
congratulated Itself upon Its superiority
above American Journalism that even
Americans are Ircllned to credit the Eng
lish boasts. It Is true that big headlines
are rot used In the English papers, and
therefore the outward and visible signs so
often associated with yellow Journalism
are not In evldenco In England. . But It Is
possible to be "yellow" In small type, and
even tinder small headlines which give no
hint whatever of the nature or character
of the article which follows. .The methods
of the British press In campaign time
leave no doubt on that score.
In the first place, nearly every English
newspaper occupies the relation of "organ"
to one of the two principal parties, and
nearly every one Is further Identified with
some particular clique or following. The
party organs are slavishly devoted to par
titan Interests as American newspapers
were forty years ago.
During this parliamentary campaign one
cf the London evening papers published an
article on the sensational press in the
United States, declaring that the "authori
ties" In America recognised that some
thing must be done to correct the evils
of the utter and absolute untrustworthlneas
of the American press. In the same article
It was charged that thoughtful Americans
fear that the United States Is about to
come under the domination of a newspaper
oligarchy, representing the worst and most
sensational section of the American press.
The article concluded with an Indictment
of the American newspapers for the "im
propriety" of each newspaper having Its
own policy with respect to public affairs.
At that time the campaign was In Its
Climacteric week and the newspapers were
flooded with election news vastly more
space being devoted to politics than Is
given by American newspapers. One news
paper had a review, by constituencies, of
all tbe London and nearby contests. In
each and every case the special corre
spondent pointed out that the ''right man"
could not possibly fall of election. An op
position newspaper on the same day, In
the news columns, claimed every one of
these seats for Its party, each paper de
plored the Indecent tactics of the opposi
tion party In each constituency, and each
accused the other of all sorts of outrages
and misdemeanors,
Mr. Lloyd-Oeorge In a speech about the
merchant marine referred to the British
tonnage of eleven millions. The telegraph
wires got twisted and In many newspa
pers he was made to say L 100.000,000. The
error was palpable, but the conservative
press 'gave great space and prominent
headlines to what was called another ex
ample of the chancellor's Inexactitude. Im
mediate correction was made, of course,
but many of the papers did not print it.
One of the principal morning papers
printed the correction, but placed It with
out ft headline as a two-Una note under a
letter from a contributor gently calling
Mr. Lloyd-George a liar. Over the whole
was a prominent headline "The Chancel
lor's Error."
The principal newspapers. Instead of de
voting space to an exposition of the Issues
they represented, printed long accounts of
the heckling of peers and stories of the
unpopularity of the Tory leaders. They
made no effort to refute the arguments
of the other party by publishing news ar
ticles giving the facts in the controversy,
but contented themselves with long and
heavy edltorUils about the constitutional
questions Involved. The news oolumns
were devoted entirely to the smallest Items
of Inconsequential news from the various
local fights not one n a thousand of
which could get by the desk of an Amer
ican news editor.
The conservative newspapers were much
more effective in their style of campaign
ing, although they laid themselves open to
the charge of representing the yellowest of
all yellow Journalism. To read a stout
tory paper Curing the campaign one would
have believed that the German invasion
Colored Man Severely Hort, bat Caase
f Trouble Does Not
Appear. .
John Smith, colored, was badly cut last
night In a fight at Smith's home, 1600 Burt
street. Officer Anderson arrested Albert
Harper for being Implicated In the fight,
but Harper says he was not the man who
did the cutting.
Officer Egan, patrol conductor, went to
the place and found Smith bleeding pro
fusely from seven bad cuts on his shoulders
and arms. The Injured man was taken, to
the police station, where his wounds were
dressed by assistant police surgeons. . but
Smith would not allow them to sew up the
cuts and he was taken to his home, where
a colored surgeon was called.
Smith says a colored man named Ed
Morris did the cutting. . There were three
men In the fight, but Smith declares that
Morris was the one who wielded the knife.
Smith Is a hodcarrlrr and one of the best
men physically among the colored popula
tion. When arrested he had a revolver of
large caliber with him, but It was not
alleged that he mode any effort to use it
on his assailants.
Smith would not tell what caused the
fight, but Harper says It was "nothing but
a row."
Washington's Birthday Chosen for
Social of Dun alas Connty
At the recent meeting of the general com
mittee having charge of the arrangements
for the midwinter social of the Douglas
County Association of Nebraska Pioneers,
these were named as chairmen of the sev
eral subcommittees: Program, A. N. Tost;
refreshments, Mrs. R. H. Walker; decora
tions, Frank Dellone; flowers, Mrs. . Hattle
Fox; music, Mrs. A. Sorenson; reception,
Joseph Redmsn.
Tbe general committee will meet again
Thursday, February 10.
The midwinter social will be held In
Mraonle hall the afternoon of February tl.
Try Chamberlain's Cough Remedy when
you hsve a cold and you will be pleased
with the prompt relief afforded,
could not possibly be postponed for more
than two days; that the whole country was
In financial ruin and wreck: that the
radical leaders wero all anarchists with
designs on the life and property of all the
rich; and that another liberal victory would
be a license to the mob to plunder and
sack. No American newspaper, In the
onslaughts against political "burglars
has ever used stronger language than was
applied every day In scores of conservative
newspapers to the liberal leaders.
At the very last of the' campaign. Just
as the polls were opened. "The Times,"
the most staid, dignified and solemn of all
Journals, compressed Its views Into this
sentence: "The liberals apparently rely
upon the black bread fiction, at which
educated Germany Is laughing, on pension
lies, on Impudent appeals to every form of
Ignorance, and ' on the Invective of the
Probably one-half of the space devoted
to politics In the newspapers was given
over to our old friends, "P. B. Publico,"
and "Veritas." Sometimes these com
munications were Interesting, but usually
they were merely long-winded expositions
of personal views, or labored and extended
explanations Of trivial Incidents.
The organs on neither side made any use
of the news article bearing on controverted
policies. Although both parties maintained
effective lMerary bureaus and sent out
great quantities of exceedingly attractive
campaign documents and arguments, the
newspapers made no use of this material
except when they reproduced some pictorial
poster, or when they quoted from such
documents for the purpose of Inviting the
public to purchase thern In pamphlet form.
The "Interview," the great American
channel of distributing political news and
views, is not used at all. The public men
make all their announcements and argu
ments lit their speeches; and If occasion
demands an , Immediate statement it is
made in the form of a letter to some politi
cal friend, and the letter Is then made
publto through the press, j
One difficulty about the interview In
England Is that the ordinary newspaper
reporters are not. given that confidence
which is reposed In them by American
political leaders. .This Is not because the
British reporters are untrustworthy, for
the opposite is the case. It Is because the
stratified and .classified constitution of
British society makes the London reporter
get his news from the fourth under-asslst-ant
secretary, instead of from the cabinet
member himself, as does tho Washington
correspondent Exceptions are made, of
course, In favor of the most prominent
Journalists. ,
The tory papers mode the most of Lloyd
George's escape. . In policeman's clothing:
from the mob In. Blnrmlngham, where he
was to address a pro-Boer meeting, anft
continually reprinted It They repeated
over and over, after many denials, what
Was known as the "Lord Savile charge,"
or the "Lord Savile He." according to your
politics, that Mr., Lloyd-George hadcheered
a British defeat In the South African war
while in his seat in the commons. At the
Instance of the chancellor. Lord Savile re
tracted the charge, but the press kept It up.
The liberal newspapers, supporting the
government, poked fun at the noble lords
In a fashion which would have done credit
to America's liveliest Journals. They , said
the peer's speeches reeked of the stables
and that pertain particular peers, naming
names, ought to learn how to be gentlemen
first and noblemervJater. .
Compared with American newspapers the
British Journals. ;in political activity are
directed with less, skill, are more partisan,
are more given over to abuse and unsup
ported denunciation of the other side. .
Charges of corruption do not appear In
the British press as freely as they do In
the Amerlcal papers at election times.
There are two reasons corruption Is not
nearly . so prevalent on account of the
stringent laws, arid things which are con
sidered corrupt in the United States are
here condoned ,or looked upon as quite
light. For Instance, the press of an
American city would ring with charges of
corruption If a representative of a certuln
railroad combine were to run for con
gress for the express and avowed purpose
of representing that railway I system. It
Is done by Indirection, of course, but no one
would dare to do It openly. In England the
groat business cpneerns have men In Parlia
ment as a matter of right. English elec
tions are much more free from corruption
than American. , but the British press can
not successfully claim the seme superiority.
Over here a man yho reads "The Dally
News'' is' utterly Impossible as a social
acquaintance. .. .thinks the conservative;
while the reader of "The Dally Express"
is looked upon by all , good liberals as a
potential cracksman. They take things
seriously over here, .
Tomorrow ABIZOWA.
Detective System to Be Evolved at
Meeting la Chicago Called br
F. J, Taggart of the Loyal.
Hotel keepers are up In arms against
professional swindlers and bunco men.
Prominent hotel managers of the country
will meet In Chicago Monday to discuss
the situation and organise a detective
agency. .
Rome Miller" of the Hotel Rome, T. J.
O'Brien of. the Henshaw, F. J. Taggart
of the Loyal and I. A. Medlar, publisher
of the Hotel Reporter, will leave tonight
for Chicago to be In attendance at the
The meeting Is called by F. J. Taggart,
chaiimau of a committee appointed at a
meeting of the Northwestern Hotel Men's
association,' while 1n convention assembled
at the Hotel Rome In this city, last Au
Nebraska Western Travelers' Asso
ciation Molds Meeting;, Closing
' with Luncheon at Henshaw.
The Western Travelers' Arcldent associa
tion held Its annual meeting Saturday
morning, closing with luncheon at the Hen
shaw. All the officers, F. H. Garrett of
Council Bluffs, president; Joseph Diamond
of Grand Island, vice president, and W. H.
Butts of Omaha, secretary, and treasurer,
were re-elected. The executive board will
be E. E. Elliott, J. F. Prentiss and Simeon
The reports of the officers showed the
affairs of the association to be in excellent
coidltlon. Slight changes were made in the
ci r btltutlon of -the association.
L. C. Deets, secretary, and Walter St.
John, director of the Iowa State Traveling
Men's association of Des Moines, attended
the meeting. .
Kluisl sinter tor .aarlype.
Ls grippe roughs are dangerous, as they
frequeutly develop Into pneumonia. Foley's
Honey and Tar not only stops the cough,
but hals and strengthens the lungs so that
no serious results need be feared. The
genuine Foley's Honey and Tar contains
no harmful drugs and Is In a yellow pack
age. Sold by all druggists.
Ninety Candidates File for Primary
David Morrill Candidate for Member
of Board of Fire and Police Com
missioners Fit sa-erald
' Files.
Ninety candidates filed for the offices In
the approaching primary election in South
Omaha. The filings closed last night at
midnight. A large percentage of the candi
dates put off filing until the latter part of
the evening, and the offices of the clerk
and treasurer were busy until 10:30 p. m.
After that time the stream of those who
were willing to assume the responsibility
of public affairs began to lessen.
Of the long list of applicants it will be
noted that few men will go to the pri
maries unopposed. H. C. Murphy, for at
torney, and John F. Shults, for treasurer,
have no opponents. J. M. FitsgeraJd has
no opponent for the office of tax commis
sioner. '
Among the Iste surprises was the filing
of Dana Morrill for the Board of Fire and
Police Commissioners, and T. O. Inghram,
for councilman In the Sixth ward. Earlier
in the day John Keegnn filed for the Board
of Fire and Police Commissioners.
J. J. Fltxgerald filed for the democratic
nomination for the Board of Fire and Po
lice Commissioners. He Is the president of
the present board. Dr. F. W. Faulk, the
other member of the board, filed for the
city council Instead of trying for re-election.
List of Candidates.
Mayor P. J. Tralnor, Otto Leptln, (rep.);
Jerry Howard, T. H. Enw.r, T. T. Mun
ger, W. H. Queenan, (dem.); W. J. Aber
ley, (hoc).
Treasurer John F. Shults. (rep.); John
W. Grible, J. J. Olllln (dem.).
Clerk John Larsen, George S. Kennedy,
(rep); E. P. Roggen, Frank W. Good, P.
J. Barrett, (dem.).
City Attornev H. C. Murphy, (rep.); S.
L, Winters, (dem.).
Tax Commissioner Frank Dworak, W.
F. Burdlck, (rep); J. M. Fltxgerald. C.
Christiansen, (dem.).
First Ward Swan Larson, George D. El
lis, W..J. Nagle, G. W. Haynea, (rep.);
John S.' Walters, (dem.).
Second Ward Thomas LI sec, J. C. Vena,
(rep.); J. H. Van Wle, Andrew Hauber
nlch, Luke Gaughan, James . P. Sullivan,
(dem.).; J. H. Carbray, (soo.).
Third Wsrd J. C. Bowley, Frank Radii,
T. A. Trowbridge, (rep.); George Hoffman,
J. T. Alton. George Wolff, (dem.).
Fourth Ward-John C. Riha, (rep.); Fred
Heffllnger, John Hasburgh, W. B. Raw
din, J. H. Devine, John Murphy, Dr. F.
W. Faulk, (dem.).
Fifth Ward Joseph Nadollnskl, August
Miller, (rep.); John Elliott, Frank Alexe
wlcs, William F. Schmellng, (dem.); C. W.
Schesser, (soc).
Sixth Ward T. G. Inghram, C. W. Sears,
O. W. Pearson, (rep.); Matt Peterson, 8.
C. Sthrlgley, (dem ); J. L. Lewis, (soc.).
Seventh Ward Thomas P. Peterson, An
ton W. .Baser, (rep.); Michael Burke,
Henry R. Hartnett, H. R. Haxtwell, George
Krigbaum, Barney Cogan, (dem.).
Fire and Police Commissioners Dana
Morrill. C. M. Rich, Frank Barnes, George
Stephens, Thomas J. Kelly, John Mclntlre,
John Keegan, (rep.); Charles K. Curtis.
Thomas Geary, J. J. Ryan, Charles Clapp,
Jacob Levy, George Sterrltt, Joseph W.
Holman, W. P. Donahue, Maurice P.
Hlnchey, Edward Kaln, Joe Plvonka, Fred
Parks, George Hauptman, J. J. Fitzgerald,
(dem.); Walter W. Lutman, (soc.)
Board of Education E. R. Leigh, T. O.
Rice, W. A. Ketzberger, (rep.); A. L.
Hunter, W. E. Schneider, (dem.)
Anchmaty-Malln ' Weddlnsj.,-"
The wedding of Miss Ellen Matin to -Mr.
William E. Auchmuty took place last night
at tho residence of Dr. R. L: "Wheeler,' who
performed? the ceremony. The bride was
Attended by her sl8ter, .Mlss Sarah Malln.
Mr. Ralph Gramnch was best man. The
young people will; make their home In
Omaha at 2315' South Thirty-first street.
Miss Malln was a teacher In the South
Omaha schools for several terms. Mr,
Auchmuty is at present engaged In the live
stock commission business in South Omaha.
Magio City Gossip.
H. E. Hess was seriously injured In Al
bright Wednesday night.
A A good six-hole range for sale, cheap.
131' N. 27th. Phone South 1023.
Jetter's Gold Top Beer, delivered to any
part of city. Fred Heffllnger. Tel. South 1649
The 8wedlsh-Norwegin Republican club
will meet Tuesday at 8 p. m. at 2026 U
street. '
Ihe women of the Enailsh Lutheraji
church will serve an election dinner on
April 6.
South Omaha camp No. 1096, Modern
Woodmen of America. 111 rive a amoker
February 3,
Miss Hannah Anderson of Kennlt worth.
111., is ihe guest of her cousins. Ida and
Emll Lund, 618 North Twenty-fifth street.
The Maglo City Kings Daughters will
hold an all day sewing meeetlng Thursday,
February 3, at the home of Mrs. Bruce
McCulloch. .
The barber - shop of John Zabawa, 532
North '1 wenty-Hsventh street, was entered
Friday nltlit and t3S In cash and a suit
of clothing taken. ,
Phil Kearney post Installed officers Sat
urday evening. John Mclntlre was Installed
commandant' of the post. Mrs. Josephine
Carroll is president of the Women's ilellef
Mrs. William Berry will entertain the
women's auxiliary to the Younr Men's
Christian association at her home, 414 North
iwenty-sixtn street, February L at 1!:80
P. m.
The Presbyterian Missionary society has
planned a poverty social to be given at the
l.c me of Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Campbell,
Tmr.n(v...u-,tk C . t T. .1 ..
evening. Invitations In dialect have been
prepared and - will be generally extended.
Prominent Member of Nebraska
Pioneers' Association Cum
West In INS 4.
L. D. Bouvler, who came to Nebraska
with his parents In April, 1854, Is still living
on the old homestead taken up by his
father near DeSoto, Washington oounty,
in that year.
Mr. Bouvler, though one of the youngest
in years, ranks as one of the earliest pio
neers of the state. He has distlnot recollec
tions, as a child, of the pioneer days when
Omaha consisted of but three or four apol
ogies for log cabins.
He is the proud possessor of a badge, pre
sented him at the last meeting of the Ne
braska Pioneers' association In Lincoln,
which is given only to the earliest settlers
of the state. The badge is a metalllo affair
upon the face of which there Is represented
In relief a prairie schooner, drawn by an
ox team, passing a group of three Indlun
tepees. The badge Is suspended from a
bar of the same .material on which Is the
word "Nebraska," In relief. The lettering
on the badge gives the date of the arrival
of the possessor and his name. All of the
older pioneers will be furnished with these
badges by the state association.
Mr. Bouvler well remembers when the
Mormons were encamped at Florence, and
he frequently vlsltsd their encampment. He
has also an Illuminated map, representing
the Mormon migration from Nauvoo, III.,
In 1846. The map shows the date of each
camp, by this first migration and
how long the Mormons remained In each
place. It also has a good picture of Brig
ham Toung.
Foley's Kidney Kerned? ww ure any
case of kidney or bladder trouble that Is
not beyond the reach of medicine. It In
vigorates the entire system snd strengthens
ths kidneys so they eliminate the impuri
ties from the blood. Backache, rheuma
tism, kidney and bladder troubles are all
cured by this great medicine. Bold by all
College Founders
Will Be Honored
Creighton Memorial Banquet to Be
Held at Hotel Rome Feb
ruary Seven.
The memories of Edward and John A.
Crelghton, founders of Crelghton univer
sity, will be honored Monday evening.
February 7, at Hotel Rome at the annual
memorial banquet of the university.
Governor Ashton C. Shallenberger will
be present, aa guest of honor, and will be
attended by his staff In military full drees.
The combined faculties of the depart
ments of law, medicine, dentistry, phar
macy, arts and science will be present, as
well as the alumni of the university and
a number of men prominent In commer
cial, educational and political circles.
Tho principal address will be delivered
by Patrick If. O'Donnell of Chicago, who
will respond to the toast, "Good Govern
ment." An elaborate banquet will be served and
every effort will be exerted to make the
occasion a memorable one In the history
of the university. .
Omaha Alnmnl of Greek Letter Fra
ternity Meet at Hotel Loyal for
Lnncheon and Election.
At the monthly dinner meeting of the
alumni of Phi Delta Theta college
fraternity, held at the Loyal hotel 8a
urday. It was decided that the annual
banquet of the fraternity would be held
In this city, March 1. The active chapter
at Lincoln will unite with the Omaha and
state alumni In celebrating the thirty
fifth anniversary of the establishment
of the fraternity at the University of Ne
braska. At Saturday's meeting C. E.
Page was chosen president of the Alumni
club to succeed E. A. Benson and Amos
Thomas was elected secretary to suc
ceed Harry A. Tukey.
Declares Attorney D. M. Vlnaonhaler
Prevents Settlement of Divorce
Case and Asks Damasjea.
As a counter claim to the suit of D. M.
Vlnsonhaler for $7,600 attorney's fees for
representing her In her divorce suit against
James Harvey Pratt, Mrs. Julia Mont
gomery Pratt will on Monday file a suit
for $90,000 damages in district court.
Mrs. Pratt alleges that Mr. Vlnsonhaler
and.H. C. Brome, his associate, stood In
the way of a settlement when she and
Colonel Pratt were disposed to effect one.
E. M. Bartless ls Mrs. Pratt's attorney.
i.eiiH 1 bUt tur'
'That's the kind of cooking
upon every tune if you use
.. Tone't SpJces pot life tnto your cooking. Give it
a flavor and seat that only spices of full strength and
flavor can give. Tone's Spices
bulk ipices lack. They are fresh
they are full-strength rbey
flavor of fresh-milled spices.
" If net at year grocers, mmnd mm
mroemr name. Wm will mrnnd rmgular mail
yfjf mnd our coo hock "Tons' Spicy Talk. "
There ere two kinds of spices
- ' TON K BROS, and "otkrs.n
TONE BROS Des Molnea, Iowa
( Blende rt of th eelabrated OLD GOLDEN COFFEE
Mors than a mountain resort, more than a fashonable playground
these wonderful springs, with their mysterious health-giving waters, have
become world famous as , ,
set apart by the United States glvernment for the benefit of humanity.
Where modern medical science Joins hands with the wonderful curative
agencies of nature a retreat for the careworn or suffering la the great,
beautiful out-of-doors.
Water is the greatest eliminator of human ills and the
Hot Springs of Arkansas are the greatest .
waters known to mankind.
Patronized every year by more than 150,000 peoplo from every part
of the world the recuperating station of our army and navy, the training
ground of the world's greatest athletes, the assembling place of statesmen
and the rendezvous of society.
There is no Substitute for the Hot Springs Bathsl .
The marvelous cures cannot be exaggerated.
No one can afford to deprive himself of the quiet rest, the exhilarating
Joy and the wonderful tonlng-up that comes from a course of these -baths,
coupled with the rehabilitating Influence of the mountain osone and wood
land landscape.
Luxurious hotels, medium-priced hotels and high class boarding houses
with every modern convenience.
BIST uioxsn
by the
Let us tell you more about It end help you
plan your trip.
For train time and railroad rates, address
Passenger and Ticket Agent,
1483 Farnam BC, Omaha, Neb.
A Word About Pay-os-
You Enter Gars
The new cars on Farnam Street have been thoroughly
tried out now and we believe they are liked by our patrons.
The comfort of passengers will be still better served if pas
sengers will move toward the front of the car and use the
front exit whenever possible. This will avoid congestion at
the rear of the car and facilitate both entrance and exit.
Tragedy at City
Bank Drives Man
Into Insanity
Brother of Louis Anderson, Sky
craper Victim, it Crazed Over
Fatal Accident '
The distressing aftermath of the accident
on the City National bank building which
resulted In the death of Louis Anderson
Is told In the following, taken from the Si
Paul Ploneed Press of recent date:
"Grief-stricken over the death of a fa
vorite brother and serious Injury to his
aged father, to which was added tbe men
tal suffering of his mother, Andrew A. An
derson, a resident of Superior, Wis., was
picked up at Third and St. Peter streets
by the police and sent to the county Jail -to
be examined as to his sanity. When
Anderson told his story to the crty physi
cian he was allowed his freedom.
, "On January 16 Louis Anderson, sr., was
struck by a Northern Pacific train while
attempting to cross the tracks near hi" '
home. His left arm and shoulder wfe
fractured and he also received Internal, in
juries. On account of his age his teeyvery
ls doubtful. ,. '
"Anderson and his mother were deeply .
grieved. Thursday, ' January 20, they re
Ovlved a telegram ' informing them that
Louis Anderson, Jr., . had hoen killed In
Omaha, Neb. : The young 'man was n-
gaged in constructing Iron, supports onLho
fourteenth story of the new Cfty. National .
bank building When a huge wooden ' roller,
moved by the wind, struck' him. He lost
his balance and fell to the seventh floor.
"This second shock, coming In less than
a week's time, affected Mrs. Anderson '
mentally. She was placed under the care
of a physician. Andrew came to St. Paul
to collect the belongings of his brother,'
who lived here when not engaged In con
struction work outside the city.
"The deed man was Anderson's favorite-. -brother.
They were nearly the same age '
and In childhood had been ' almost lnsep-
arable companions. The eight of several
articles which the dead brother had cher-
lshed since a bey filled Anderson with
grief. He wandered about the streets un
til taken into custody by the police. He
appeared rational, but ciiod 'when he told,
the story of the tragedies that had entered
his life." , '
A Break for Liberty
from stomach, liver and .kidney, trouble Is
made when a 2Bo box of Dr. King's New
Life Pills Is bought. For sale by Beaton
Drt'g Co. . .
' Persistent Advertising ls the rod to i?lg
iSngerijrraps with snap to them.
ingerbread of the gingery . kind.
Spice-cake that tastes, of rpke.
you can depend , iset
possess every quality that
they are full-bodied
Jtare the aromatic
10 eears aniyour (
Pen i mmftf fit"
. 'i