THE BEE: OMAHA, SATURDAY, JANUARY 20, 1910, 5 s i T I. 1 A V nn n ay 13 A S THE RELIABLE STORE hitr reductions in the cost UerncTnirincr n vvp nil An that the most vital Question h w- " ' L .condition diicctly or indirectly is the trusts of the country; further, that our every interest lies with the people, our customers, ana noiwmi uie c navM 'J consideration and months of preparation, decided upon a vigorous campaign against trust prices. Plenty of ready cash in just the right place at just the right time has placed us ' 5 in a position to put up a fight against trust dictated high prices, which, with the assistance of the public cannot help but be a winning one both for you and for ourselves. It's i ; up to you to say what it shallhe. We 11 disregard all trust dictated prices-cutting all, sparing none-the result if you watch our ads and take advantage of our sales will be h : 0 I Our Famous Time Sales From 2 to 2:30 P. M. One case of fine 25c Pongee, beautifully mercerized and silk finished regular price 25c a yard; only ' one pattern to a customer, at, a yard '. ..-...9V4c , From 3:30 to 4 P. M. One case of Hunter's Choice, the best 10c yard wide Muslin made ten : yards limit, at, yard 6V2C : From 8 to 8:30 P. JVL One case I of 18c Towels, very large; four ; pairs limit, at, each He I From 9 to 9:30 P. M. One case ' of genuine Amoskeag check ; Ginghams, six yards limit, at, yard . . . .-. 5c Several other sales during the , day Blankets i All Cotton Blankets HALF PRICE. All Wool Blankets- HALF PRICE. BEDSPREADS $1.00 Bed Spreads . ... 68c $1.25 Bed Spreads . 94c $1.50 Bed Spreads . . . . . .$1.10 $2.00 Bed Spreads . .$1.36 $2.50 Bed Spreads . . . .'. . $1.38 ' $3.00 Bed Spreads . .'. . . .$1.95 Napkins at very low special prices. . Ladies $3.50 and $4.00 Shoes Lace or button, patent colt, vici kid, some cloth tops; all latest (T J Ef shapes the best ever at sale price 4iJlJ They're great money savers at these prices for the style, quality and service HfStTi'Tt' Fighting the Tumbling on Hardware l.SOO articles worth from BOc down to 10c each, on sole In one big lot, roar choice for large 10-qt. flaring palls, copper bottom coffee boilers, enameled preserving kettles, sauce pans, wash basins, Mrs. Voorman's 2 5c sink strainer, dish pans, milk kettles, 4-qt. covered buckets, roasting pans, any size, frying pans, 25c savory corn popper, folding 25c lunch boxes, wash boards, dolly, 6-qt. enameled pudding pans, 6-qt. enameled milk ' pans, 3 enameled pie plates, 4 5c coat hangers, spice cabinets, knife and fork boxes, butcher knives, potato slicers, padded shirt waist or sleeve boards. 2 -lb. coffee canisters, nickel plated cuspidors, coat and hat racks, serving trays, enameled blue and white colanders, cotton mops, mop sticks, etc., etc., that we cannot find space to mention Come Early and Get First Choice. t Help Fight the Great American Plague Trust Grocery Prices Road thene great anti-trust grocery prices, it's to your lnterent to trada at Hayden'a and help fight thl groat tnmt proportion. 4 lb. Backs best High Patent Flour, tnmt price 11.75, our price.. 81.40 It lba. best pur can Granulated Sugar, truat price $1.16. our price $1 8 lba. beat Holled Oatrueai, truat prlfe 40e, our price SSo 6 lb beat Fvarl Tapioca, truat price 5c, our price 95o f lba, Sago, truat price 40c, our price t 85o ( lbs. beat Farina, truat price 40c, our price gSo Bromangelon. Jellycon or Jell-O. truBt price 10c, our price 7Vio Toil Cans Alaska Salmon, truat price ltttc, our price so Oil or Mustard 8ardlns, trust price TVic our price 40 Corn Flakea, truat price, pkg. 10c, our price YUo Assorted Roups, trust price 10c. our price, can TVo Wort-ester uce. truat price l'Wc our price,' bottle at Pure Tomato rataup, trust rr'c 11 Mc, our price eu,o BeM Domestic Macaroni, trust price 12 He, our price e Orfcn Ollvra, trust price 50c. uir price 3o Truat pasting- Batter, Cbeese and Bntterlne XTloea t lbs. good UutKrlne, truat price Sic, our price 8B0 1 lb. good Table Itutter, trust prtc 4oc, nur price 33o 2 H. fancy Table Butter, trust price tuc. uur price 43a No need to join anti-meat Sirloin Steak, per pound . . .12V?C Pot Roast, per pound Round Steak, per pound 10c Boneless Rib Roast, per FIGHTING of living to you. Sec these Saturday specials: : " : Underwear, Furnishings If you really wnjit to save, here you have opportunities in Men's Furnishings and Underwear that will prove of in tense interest. Men's $1.00 to $2.00 Shirts; Saturday 49c and 39c 200 dozen Men's Laundered Shirts Plented or plain bos oms, white and and colors, cuffs attached; samples and surplus stock, in immense assortment of patterns; all go . in two lots choice 49c and 39c Men's $S.OO Union Suits $2.50 All the best brands in silk "and wool, all wool, mercerised; regu lar prices to $5.00;. Saturday, at $1.50 $2.00 S2.50 Men's 78c Underwear 25c Heavy fleeced shirts and drawers of quality you would usually pay 78 garment, Saturday 25 Men's All Wool Shirts and Draw ersRegular values up to $2.00 garment, at 75 Don't Miss the Hat Bargains f$i.Q0 Look over the big line of men's soft Felt Hats $1.50 to $3.00 values we 're closing Saturday and Q C p . Monday, at, .ir C Clean, desirable merchandise, you'll hot find duplicated at this special price Trunks and Suit Cases at sweeping price reductions in Saturday's Trust Price Fight. Just Look Them Over. Several Hundred Pair Men's $4 and $5 Shoes $20 All staple brands and up-to-date . lasts, in patent colt, vici kid, gun metal, ox blood, tan leathers, etc.; regular values up $5.00 matchless values at $2.50 Men's $3.00 Patent Colt and Gun Metal Welt Sole Shoes; all sizes, at $1.98 The Three Best Shoe Bargains Shown in Omaha This Season. is in them. Trust Prices 9c Fancy Creamery Butter, lb., trust price J5c, our price 80c Fancy Country Butter, lb., trust price S2, our pr!o 880 Fancy Dairy Butter, lb., trust price tc, our price 270 Fancy Full Cream Cheene, lb., trust price I Be, our price SOo Neufchatel Cheeaa, each, trust price Co, our price , 30 Trust Busting Vegetable Prices Fresh Beets. Carrots, Turnips or rUialots. bunch, trust price TVic, our price 40 Fresh Kptnach, peck, trut price SOc. our price 8O0 Fancy Ripe Tomatoes, pound, truit price 25c, our price 15e Fresh Mushrooms, pound, trust price tOc, our price 65o Fresh Cabbage, pound, trust price 4c, our price 8Ho t heads fresh Lettuce, truat price 10c. our price " 60 Fancy Head Lettuce, trust price 10c, our price 5a XiaH&AJTD BATSZ, OBAbTOES) The great antl-truit orange, not controlled by any syndicate or com bination. It's tlie hardest competitor the orange trust has to compete with. Insist on Highland navels and you IU be one of the trust busters. Our pi les, per dosen, I60, 170, SOo, aeo and : 300 Trust prices, per dosen, 20c, 25c, 0c, Stc and SOc. HlKhlund navel orangea are kissed by the aun, moon and tiie atara. t'al Iforniaa pride. The orage of quality. FKGIHnniMG ME ATT TRUST IPIRICES before . . , . a 1 v 1 1 a. A. . .... Ktm miirh Men's BOc Socks, at, pair 12 H 500 dozen pairs la the lot; wool, cotton and fleeced; plain and fancy; actual values to 50c pair, choice, at 12 H Men's Outing Flannel Gowns $1.50 extra heavy quality 75 Men's 75c Suspenders 39 Men's 50c Suspenders . ....25J Men's 50c Neckwear, at . . , .25 $2.50 Kid Gloves and Mittens; lambskin lined, at 98 "Shower Prooh" "Spot Proofs" "Shsd Water" Thousands of yards of highest class Foulards, made by America's leading manufacturer, big line of colors and designs, full x JF pieces; in Saturday's sale reg- gn " ular $1.00 quality, at IVe Save You 40 lo 60 in the busy Cloak Department. Ladies' and Misses' Tailor Suits, vorth up to $20; there's all sizes 14 to 16 years and from 34 to 42 bust, all wool fabrics, all colors, satin $Z5Q lined, at U . Ladies' Fine Tailor Suits; fine broadcloths, diagon als, serges and fancies matchless bar- Si90 gains, at 1 i Children's Coats, in Velours, bearskins and fine wool fab rics, sizes 1 to 6 years, $ 4 50 $5.00 values; choice I Children's Coats, all sizes, 6 to 14 years, friezes, kerseys and fancy mixtures, values $ 4 98 up to $7.50; choice i Children's Coats, that sold up to $15.00, $95 $3.00 Flannelette Wrap- $4k9 pers, at i Long Flannelette and Challie Kimonos, $2.00 values, $5.00 Long Silk Kimonos, beau tiful patterns, $"I95 at ab $2.00 Short Dressing Sacques, in eiderdown, all sizes, at ; Specials in Our High High grade hemmed Iluck Towels; plain or fancy borders, worth 15c. Saturday, each 10 High grade hemmed and hemstitched Huck Towels; etra large; good value at 20c, Saturday, each 124 High grade hemmed Turkish Bath Towels; extra large and extra heavy worth 60c, Saturday, each 25 don't v "srrsf FORGET V eating clubs on account of high 8c, 7c Mutton Legs, per pound. 10c Mutton Roast, per T the eeneral public today is the very high News Itm Heading from World-Herald of Wednesday Evening, January 20. Will Cut Pricas of Trust Mads Goods Joseph Hayderi Says Hay den Bros. Will Fight Combinations Which Fix Prices. Has Been Preparing for Move for Several Months and Ready for Fight ARE YOU WITH US? In this fight for lower prices? If so let us hear from you. Any suggestions will be appreciated. CKal Saturday Specials 50c Veilings, at, yard 25c $2.00 Hand Bags, at 98c 75c Hand Bags, at 49c 35c Ladies' Belts, at 15c Big bargains in llibbons. See Saturda's offerings. Foulards 65: Grade Linen Dept. High grade fringed Ped Spreads; full size, with cut comers; splendid value at $3.00, Saturday, each, at S1.75 High grade Bed Sheets: size 81x90; invisible, French seam; heavy and strong, worth 75c, Saturday, each, t 55t f J! n re ri 9 r I iLSM 7y Jill! ' ' Ilk 89c j. prices. We're making the prices on meats that save and with your assistance will maintain them. ' .'." pound 8c Mutton Chops, per pound 10c Pork Loin, per pound I . .1214c Bulk Sausage V. . . '. 5c pound 7c Mutton Stew, per pound 5c Pork Roast, per pound HVaC Hams, per pound . . . . . .llVgO T P Ladies' Muslin and Here's trust re sisting prices on dependable u n- dergarments that' should interest all buyers. Ladies' downs, Corset Covers, Comb 1 n a t i 0 n Suits and Chem ises, regular $1 values; ''Combination Suits, Skirts. Gowns, Chemises; $2.00 val ues; sale price 98c Skirts. Gowns and Combination Suits Worth to $3.00; in two lota, at . . . .81.50 and 81.9S' KNIT UNDERWEAR Ladles' $5.00 Union Suits; all fin est quality garments; silk and Hale, silk and wool, etc., sale price, at $2.50 Ladles' Union Suit that sold to $2.50; all sizes ; in this sale, .at, suit 98 Two Big Millinery Specials Beautiful Trimmed Hats actually worth to $20.00; big assortment, to close, at We're showing a choice hats. See them Saturday. Will Show the Best in Quality; the Latest in Styles at Less. Stylish Long Coats, val ues to $20.00, in black and colors; very choice bargains at our (T C sale price. 200 Handsome Long Coo.ts, that sold to $35, nothing to equal them shown else where, at. . . $10 Manufacturer's Stock of Waists, Fine Silks and Nets All colors, new es styles, made to soil 'up to $7.50, at, $ J95 choice Mink Scarfs at Half. 36-in. Russian Pony Coats find- 24-in. Brook Mink Coats, $50.00 and $00.00 val ues; Saturdav, " $0 090 at w. $38.00 Near Seal Coat3 Fine long garments. ffityj) 36-in. Aleutian Seal Coats- Values to $200.00, $89 at for Saturday's Selling High grade Bed Sheets; size 81x90; seamless, heavy, strong and durable worth $1.25, Saturday, each 80 High grade Pillow Cases; size 4 2x30; durable and good for wear, worth 19c, Saturday, each 12s High grade Pillow Cases; size 45x36; . best value ever offered, worth 25c. Saturday, each 14 resm e& IT PAYS IT J(fvd 0 GEL cost of living and Knit Underwear anti - trust sale price ... .49c Ladles' Two-Piece milts, worth to. $1.50; silk and wool, all wool; on sale, at, garment 50 Corset Covers and. Drawers reg-' ular values to V 6c. sale price, now at 25 LADIES' HOSIERY Ladles' and Children's Cotton Hose 20c values, in black or tan, pair, at 10 Ladies' and Children's 25c Hosej black and fancies; anti-trust sale price 15 Ladies' BOc Hose; lisle and fine cotton ; black or fancies, pr. 25 Felt Shapes, Velvet Shapes hundreds of them to select from, values to $2.50, at 39c,i9c"10c line of the new early Spring Big Rnti Trust Drug Sale 10c Jap Rose or Palm, Olive Soap, 4 bars for 20 25c Pond's Extract Soap, 2 bars fr 25 15c Munyon's Witch Hazel Soaj 4 bars for 20 15c and 25c Brands of Talcum Powder, per can . . .5 10c Bleached Chamois . . . . 5j 10c Shlnola or Blxola Polish1, at -.5t 25c Dr. E. L. Graves' Tooth Powder, at 10 BOc Ponipelan Massage Cream, at 29 25c Satin Skin or Woodbur's . Face Powder, per box . .15 $1 Rubber. Gloves 39' $1.60, , Red Cross;: Fountain Syringe, at . ... . . . - GO $2.25 Wellington Syringe and Bottle, guaranteed for five years, at -81.69 Fighting Trust Prices in Our Dig Domestic Room 8-4 Hemstitched, all linen Table Cloths, trust price $2.00, our Price 81.38 8-10 Hemstitched, trust price $2.50; : our price 81.75 8-12 Hemstitched, trust price $2.75, our prlee 81.90 8-4 Fancy borders, trust price $1.50 our price 81.97 10-4 Fancy borders, trust price $2, our price 81.23 SHEETS 81-90 Seamless, trust price $1.00, our price ;. -68 72-90 Seamless, trust price 95c, our price .58 81-90 Seamed Sheets, trust nrlce 85c, our pr'.ce 5S 81-90 Seamless, trust price 85c, our price 58 42-30 Pillow Slips, truet price 20c, our price 14 46-90 Pillow SUps, trust price 22 4c In Our Busy Family Liquor Dept. Tennessee White Corn and Maryland Rye Whis- T C -key, per full quart. . C Rye or Bourbon Whiskey 8 years old, best known brands, per full tf f quart 4 Orders taken here for Bot tled Beer. nn i 1 1 I) i mi ml i Li; THE RELIADLB STORE that the, cause of this Fighting Trust Prices Items That Speak tor Themselves The best six-cord 200 yard spool Cotton All Nos.; trust price 60 our fighting price 3M:C All Copyright Books; Book trust price $1.08; our fighting price, only .....98c This includes each and every late $1.50 copyright book. . Rubber Fine Combs Trust dic tated price 15c; our fighting price "1 5c Rubber Fine CombsTrust dic tated price 25c; our fighting price 15c Rubber Dressing Combs Trust-, prides 15c, 20c, 25c and 50c; our prices . .10c, 15c, 19c, 39c Corsets Two Big Specials in Satur day's Sale $2.00 W. T. Form Reducing . Corset, for stout f figures ; sale price P I $1.00 Fine Coutil Corsets Medium and long models two pairs of hose Q supporters, at ...... .f C All the new models in the leading makes Warners, Kabo, R. & G., W. B., Royal Worcester, Nemo, Bon Ton, etc., etc. at, tf A up from. . ; . . , ..... .aP Sheet Music Saturday 19c PER COPY Porcupine Rag The latest rag by Chaa. - Johnson. . I've Got Rings On My Fingers, Red Head. . Be Jolly Molly, Wny Down la Cotton Town, (sung bjr Empire City Quartet.) 1 Didn't Mean to Make Tou Cry, Liove Sparks Waltzes, - Not Me, (new, by Plantadoai.) Grace and Beauty Ras;, Shaky Eyea, (Armstrong & Clark's Lat est.) Temptation Rat. '-'. Cfime'B' My Sunshine Dearln Swept Preania of Home, (Engeliriann'a ' a"l .V . .. k Red Fez March, . . ';. ' .' , Wild Cherries Bowr, V. ; . ; ;. y. Next Jo Your Mother WhoDo You LbveT By the Light of the- Silvery Moon, ' Where the River Shannon Flows, I'll Be Vur Jujube If you'll Be My Lemon Drop. Little Snow Flake, . our price , 15 TO WKliS Large Bath Towels, trust price 85c, our price 22 M Large Bath Towels, trust price 25c, o!ur , price . 18 Large Bath Towels, trust price 20c, our price ... ; .15 Large Bath Towels, trust price 18c, our price 12H Large Bath Towels, trust price 15c, ' our price . . . . . .... . ;v. . . . 10 Large Bath Towels, trust plrce 12 Hp. our price ......... .7.H Large Bath Towels, trust price 10c, our price 6W Large Bath Towels, trust price 8 V4o, our price , 5 Large Bath Towels, trust price J Vo, our price 34 Fighting Trust Prices In Our. Big China Department Welsbach Mantles, Inverted, upright, 2 for 15 $1.00 ; Welsbach Lindsey Lights, up right, complete, at 09 $1.25 Welsbach Lindsay Lights, in verted, complete, at . , 79 Opal Air Hole Globes, at ...,... ,.5 8-ln. Gas Chimneys, each . -5 Bread and Butter Places In Austrian and Bavarian China .f Slop Jars, covered and handled . -4) Balad Bowls, Imported Canton China) all sites, at . . , -15 V