(IE BEE: OMAHA, SATURDAY, JANUARY 2D, 1910. . g uuu I 1 ssunavan nuMaBanuBBna iaiidiiaaM arm ILiite Mil SeOOIinig- yfl Umpire' StoCi t I II fx -"V r i r s Per Acre $1.00 Cash Balance 3 Years WE Conssitin of new and up to date Ladies' Suits, Dresses, Cloaks and Skirts BELOW' cost j Specials for 00 ladies1 Coals, ' worth up to $25.00 " ' Ladies' Suita Worth $20.00 $25.00 $30.00 $35.00 and $40.00 oS'"Se..$7.50t $10.00, $12.50, $15.00 and $17.50 Daring the opening of this sale last Saturday we could not possibly give proper attention to all customers, as the rush for these goods wus grentcr than we expected. Tomorrow we will avoid this, having engaged extra, experienced sales people, Tho Reason of this Salo We are compelled to sell out our suit business, because the rrincess Cloak and Suit Co. of Philadelphia, whose make we handle on the "from makor-to-w carer" price basis, are retiring from the retail business. And In order to accomplish this In the shortest time possible, we have the privilege to sell at cost and in some Instances even less than cost. lie sure not to miss this sale the greatest suit sale In Omaha. Take special notice of the address below, as many people have mist aken other stores for ours. , Frincess Soak and Suit FarSors UNDER THE MANAGEMENT OP TATE BASE BAIL LEAGUE Grand Island Takes Lead and Calls Meeting. StSSION HELD IN FEBEUAEY ! Hull Cotr Fans Take Initiative and Invite Cities WUhlns to , Maintain Team to Attend. GRAND ISLAND. Neb.. Jan. 2S.-(8pe-clal.) At a meeting of the bse ball en thusiasts, held' In this city Wednesday, It was decided to Invite representatives of the various better base bail cities of the stale to meet in this city Wednesday even In, February 9, for the purpose of float ing a stats league organisation of base ball clubs. This action was taken only after con siderable discussion. In which the want of time and tha necessity of lostng no more of It than possible was emphasised, and h was generally agree! that Grand Island was as centrally located as any town in which such a meeting could be held. A committee of three was appointed to ex tend Invitations te the base ball enthusi asts of the various . cities and to provide for a meeting .place and such entertainment as might be necessary while the delegates are here. 'J: " '.. ' ' ' Henry A. Hlevers and H. C.; Roll were at onee selected as Orand Island's debates to attend the meeting. The Invitations will probably be extended to all of tha follow ing towns: Fremont, South Omaha, Ne braska City, Beatrloe, Seward, Norfolk, Columbus, Superior, Kearney, Hastings and North Platte, this being left to the committee, and the' Idea being presented that any good base ball town, convinced ' tiiat its patronage could carry a team through the season, would be heartily wel mm " of i i , i. : . i VI C1.V I Ri lff.':trw-&.vxm. ' s where snow is unheard of and ice is unknown. Only summer things, summer ways and summer pleasures are evident therk. I , Leave the rigors of winter behind you and dwell for awhile where Old Sol is at his merriest now. These glorious, tropic places are near you-it is only one day and two nights from Kansas City to Florida on the fast Frisco train, the outlieastem Leaves Kansas City at oaa p.m. daily. -70ne day and two nights of comfortable, cozy and continuous travel. No delays or changes the sleening car goes right through. Steam heat, electric lignt Dining Car serving delicious Harvey meals and an Observation Library Car with magazines and papers for your leisure hours. Round trip ticket on sale daily at reduced fares to many points in Florida, also to Havana, Cuba. Write me and I shall be glad to send you some beautifully illustrated literature and will also tell you more about Florida and Cuba, the advantages ol our service and the fares. DivUioa Se"'n C CL C, C. Price CP J THE GOODYEAR RAINCOAT CO. comed to this city and to euch a meeting. Communications with reference to tha mat ter should be sent to H. A. Slevers, Grand Island, chairman of the Invitation commit tee, who will be glad In the meantime to recelvo any suggestions from the devotees of the game In the cities mentioned, or of any other city In which there Is sufficient base ball clientele to Justify membership to such a league. , State Baae.Bnlt League. ;. ' HASTINGS, Neb.. Jan. 28. (Special.) Interest in the proposed formation of a state base ball league has been revived hero following receipt of Information that Fremont Is ready to join the organization. Hastings, Grand Island and Kearney have been In a favorable mood for a long. time and had Fremont been willing the league probably would have been organized sev eral wee lis ago. With these four towns as a starter it Is believed there will be nc difficulty in lining up two other towns to make up a six-club circuit. Among the other towns undr consideration are South Omaha, Nebraska City, Beatrice, Columbus and Falrbury. A local meeting has been called for Friday night to take action on the league . project. MICHIGAN FOOT BALL GAMES Wolverines Will I' lay Flret G vwlth Case October 8. ANN ARBOR, Mich., Jan. 28. The board in control or athletics at tne University of inicnigan met tonight ana gave out the foot ball schedule lur WIO as far as II la completed. The only game which has not been definitely booked Is the one with Pennsylvania. This probably will be played November 12 on Franklin field. Notre Dame will be required to play under Michigan eligibility rules. Following is the schedule announced: October Case, at Ann Arbor. October 15 M. A. C, at Ann Arbor. October 22 Ohio State, at Columbus. October ! Syracuse, at Syracuse. November 5 Notre Dame, at Ann Arbor. November 12 Pennsylvania, at Philadel phia. November 19 Minnesota, at Ann Arbor. The board In control did nothing toward Investigating the charges of proiessional lam. Read the Parisian aa. y.i a . 3. beautiful lands perennial June" limited J. C. LOVRIEN, Passenger Agent, Frisco Lines Kamsas City, Mo. --Tomorrow: 30 Dresses, worth up io $20.00 Gelling Out Prlco S. E. COR. 16th AND DAVENPORT STS, 1L ' " "" 1111 1 1 "'"m OMAHA TARES THIS CAME High School Team Defeats Genoa High 25 to 17. FASTEST GAME OF THE YEAB Locals' Team Work Below that of Visitors, but Individual Stars Succeed In Saving; Day. Omaha High school defeated Genoa High school by a score of 23 to 17 at the Young Men's Christian association gymnasium Thursday night in one of the fastest and hardest contested basket ball games seen this year. Both teams showed good teamwork, the Omaha boys often getting the ball down Into the enemy's territory. They were watched too closely by Genoa's guards to get a free throw for the basket Ciptaln Wake of Genoa did star work all through the game, preventing scoring by Omaha, breaking Into the home team's plays and. sending the ball back towards his own goal. Wlllard,' the little left for ward 1 of Genoa) Was almost sure on his goal throwing and played a steady game all through. Omaha's teamwork was perhaps a little below that of the visitors and it was the Individual work of Its players that saved it the game. Captain Burdlck was the star, as he threw his goals and was the only man of the Omaha five who seemed to know where he was putting the ball before he let go of It. On defensive work he and Trimble broke up many of the enemy's plays Just In time to prevent a goal. Genoa Scores First. In the first half Genoa made a score after a few minutes of play, but was not able to make another all through the half, ex cept on free throws as penalties for Omaha's holding. Before the half was over Omaha had got in thirteen points. Score: Omaha, 13; Genoa, 5. In the second half Genoa took a strong brace and for. a time It looked as It the tables might be turned, but Omaha, after being strengthened by Rector, braced up and, with the good work of Trimble, Bur dlck and Flnley, was able to keep the score a tie for the half. Considerable feeling was shown toward the referee by some of the Omaha rooters because about half of Genoa's scores were made on free throws allowed to Genoa as penalties to Omaha. Score of second half: Omaha, 12; Ue nqa, 12.. , Final score: Omaha, 2? Genoa, 17. '. The lineup: 1 , OMAHA. Burdlck (C.) Dodd. -Rector ritiley Trlmbls rattan GENOA. Railar WUIrd P.ulBon Spftncar (C) W.k ..R.F. ..1..F. ....O. R.O. ..L.O. R.F.. L..F.. C R.O.. L.Q.. Field goals: Burdlck, 6; Flnley, 3; Trim ble, 2; Wlllard. 4. Foul goals: Burdlck, 8; Willard. 8. Omaha awarded one point on foul. Genoa awarded one point on foul. Referee: J. I. Lamb. Umpire: B. J. Hill, 'timekeeper: E. M. Burnett, Scorekeepers: Suutherland and Nagle. OMAHA DOO BIAKISS SHOWING Rockiand, Owned by Hamilton and - rtxley, Makes Flue Run. ROOERS SPRINGS, Tenn.. Jan. 28 Two bracts ran god races yesterday in the con tinuation of tlie coinoHtunl championship stake of the Vnited Staun field trials and unless a second serk?s la deemed necessary, the event will be concluded tomorrow, but one brace remaining to run. In the morning the sftter, Kocksnnd. owned by Hamilton nnd Pix ey of Omahi, was pitued against the better, Chit Chat, owned by Dr. It. H. Atkins of tit. Louis. Kocksand found two bevies, handling them perfectly, while Chit Chat found thrte, but one of which, however, he cleanly handled. In the afternoon Cowley's Pride, owned by V. M. Flelachmann of New York, was run with Olrlie Itodfleld, owned by O. W. Dyer. Ondda, Tenn. MATTHEWSON S1U.! CONTRACT Slur Pitcher Reserves Right to Play flasket Ball Between Seasons. 'NEW YORK, Jan. 28.-Chrlsty Mathew sin, the star pltchar, has signed with the New York Nationals for another season, alter flint rtceiviUK pcrmiHsion from presi dent Hruh to play Indoor base ball and basket ball during the off season if he v lBhed. President Brush denied the re port that he la to retire from the New York National league club. Nevertheless, It is positively reiterated here that Brush will resign next month and that Fred al. Knowlea will become his successor. The annual .ntetlng of the New York club, it Is stated, will demonstrate who owns the organisation and whether Brush or Freedman Is the controlling power. WOII.U MEET AT ST. JOSEPH Roarke Wants to Give New League Member the Honor. Pa Rnurke Is making an effort to have the Western league schedule meeting held at St. Joseph next month. The meeting rlKhtly goes to lea Moines at the call of President O'Neill, but some of the mag nates are asking Mr. Hlgglns to waive his rights In the matter that I lie meeting mixht be held In the new city nf tha league. Mr. 'Nill hi. Tint itnoim lh H.,. . l. j meeting, but It probably will be held dur I lug the first part of the mouth. $6.5 . HOTEL LOYAL BLDQ. !' Dillon Will Coach Missouri Princeton and Nassau Player to Instruct Tigers "Bummy" Booth Not Mentioned. COLUMBIA, Mo.. Jan. 28. Speclal Tele gram.) Edward Dillon, Princeton 08, for mer quarterback and captain of the Nas sau eleven, was tonight selected by the athletic committee of tne University of Missouri to coach Missouri's 1910 foot ball team. The salary stipend was not made public, but it is believed to be 2,600 or over. The selection of Dillon means. that Ropers Princeton style of foot ball will be used, again next year and presages an other victorious season for tha Tigers. Roper has premised to help Dillon pre pare the Missourlans for , their Thanks giving game against Kansas, and It Is believed that the athletic committee chose Roper's former pupil upon his own reoom mendatlon. GOOD SCORES AT HOUSTON Fred Gilbert flakes Highest Total la Fourth Day's Shoot. HOUSTON, Tex., Jan. 27. Good scores characterized the fourth caw's shoot of th ninth annual Hunny South handicap. The program consisted of 160 targets per man in eight target events and the Houston FoBt team shoot. - Nineteen teams competed for the trophies. Dan O'Connell and W. Mangum of Snn .nmomo were nrst Wltn fifty straight, Thomas and Morlts of Denver and E. J. McNalr and 8am Keiser of Houston, lit to Sens and Felix Holston of Houston tying r seuoiia piuco wun ioriy-two. Wallace Miller and J. A. Jackson of Austin, Tex., were third with forty-one. Out of the 160 targets that counted for an average during the day, Fred Gilbert of Spirit Lake, la., l;d with ISA, Fred Bills of Chicago second with 166 and Ed F. Forsgard of Waco third with 164. " In the amateur class, Tom M. Day of Amarlllo and J. R. Livingston of Spring Vllle, Ala., tied for first place with Lewis shooting second with 164 and J. R. Graham and Charles Ditto third with 163. HKVDLEH LIKES SEW RULE Commends Power of I'mplrri to Fine ( or Fire Kickers. ' NEW YORK, Jan. 28. Secretary-Treasurer John A. Heydler of the National league, who Is back from Pittsburg, where he attended the Joint rules committee meeting, believes that the changes made In the playing rules will -work to the good of base ball. ' . , Mr. Heydler said: "The rules which empower umpires to fine and eject substitutes who 'kick' from the benches will fill a long-felt want. The fine of 110 also Is a good one, as It will prevent substitutes from 'kicking' pur posely to be put off the bench." RICKARD DISPLAYS CONTRACT Will Forfeit Entire Parse It Flht Is Not Permitted In Utah. ELT. Nev.. Jan. 28 Tex Rlr-Ur,i th fight promoter, today made public a con tract signed by himself, Sam Berger and James J. Jeffries, under the terms of which tne jeimes-jonnBon lignt is to take place In Salt Lake City unless tne authorities Interfere. The contract was aimed In OKden last Monday. If the Utah authorities will not permit the fignt -to take place lit Salt Lake City, Kickard Is to forfeit the entire purse of $101. (wo to the lighters, who are iq uiviue u equally. See the Parisian Cloak Co.'s ad., Page S. See the Parisian Cloak Co.'s ad., Page 3. Read the Parisian ad. on Page 3. I, Nebraska L. (Continued from Third Page.) conduct the business In the future under the firm name of Mason & Harrah. Mr. llarrah has sold his Interests In the meat firm of Pilmore & Harrah to De Mo.t Swan, who a few years ago sold the mar ket to Pilmore & Harrah. Frank Pilmore and Mr. Swan will continue the bgslness of the Ulkhorn market Mr. Barton has been in the marble yard business In Tecumseh for twenty-four years and re tires owing to his falling health. Husband's Pallbearers for Wife. KEARNEY, Neb., Jan. 2S.-(Speclal.) Mrs., John Rodgers, wife of John Rodgrs, who died here Sunday morning of pneu monia, followed her husband to the grave today. John Rodgers, aged about 80, died after two days' Illness, while his wife. 71 years old, lingered for ten days after tak ing It and died hers Thursday morning. The same set of pallbearers, all prominent Masons, which accompanied the body of the husband officiated for Mrs. Rodgers. Inventor Rememhers Friend. ASHLAND, Nelxv Jan. . (Special.) James Thomas received a letter this week from Blon J. Arnold, the famous else. trtolan of Chicago and New York, ex pressing remembrance of the kindnesses shown blra by Mr. Taomas when Mr. Ar E LAND OF The official publication of the Grand Trunk Pacific Railway states: "It is possible that no other area in North America can equal this portion of British Columbia in ber natural resources. It is in truth n northern Eldorado, which future events are bound to verify. The climatic conditions have in the past been supposed to be severe during the "Winter season, but the fallacy of this impression is rapidly being made known on account of tho reverse conditions actually existing, due in large part to the proximity of this territory to the Pa cific Ocean and the influence of the Japan current." The Land we offer you is the PROPERTY OF THE BRITISH COLUMBIA GOVERN ME NT and is near FORTGEORlGE which is the geographical and strategic commercial center of British Columbia, is on the main line of theG. T. P. trans-continental railway, and is the terminus or on line of sis other rail ways projected or building into Central British Columbia. FORT GEORGE commands the river navigation of the interior and is at the junction of 1,000 miles of navigable waterways. The best posted and shrewdest investors in this country know that FORT GEORGE will be the second largest city in British Columbia, Vancouver alone excepted. We will show you maps and Government reports if you will call at our office. Any one, male or female, can buy 100 to 640 acres. You don't have to live on it or improve it to own it. Only $1.00 per acre eashr balance spread over a period of three years. ! GRAND TMli PACIFIC LAMP CO. CAPITAL FULLY PAID $250,000.00 . JAMES C. HUTESON, President. 411 New York Life Building. BXrEBEWCZS Omaha National nold was a young lad In Ashland and the promptings of Inventive genius found encouragement In the free use of tools and shop for the , construction of tho first bicycle ever made, in Nebraska, In the '70s. Enclosed In the letter was a check for a substantial amount. Mr. Thomas, who is retired from active business, feels highly honored by being remembered by his old-time friend. Nebraska News Notes. BEATRICE An epidemic of measles has broken out In this city, six cases being reported to the authorities yesterday. BEATRICE! Joseph Earl Nash and Miss Mabel O. Hatcher, both of ITnadllla, Neb., were married here yesterday by Rev. U. G. Brown. FALLS CITY I. C. Maust has sold the Lyric theater to John Powell and J. M. Bowers, owners of the Electric. Messrs. roweil and Bowers will run both shows, j BEATRICE C. J. Tralnor, who has been Mi charge of Kllnatrick Bros.' shops north of this c'.ty the last few months, went to Chicago yesterday,- where he will locate. GRESHAM A revival has been con ducted here by Rev. J. A. Murray, resident pastor, assisted by Rev. Mr. Crisp of Wahoo. There have been nine conversions. OAKLAND A. T. Wenberg and C. E. Anderson have gone into partnership to conduct a garage In this city. They re ceived their, first shipment of cars this week. YORK At the Presbyterian manso Mr. William Aldrlch of Ord. Neb., and Miss Nellie Van Voet of Cortland, N. Y., were united In marriage by Kev. Thomas F. B. Smith. They will make their home at Ord, Neb. OAKLAND The Oakland Woman's club has elected the following officers for the ensuing -year: Mrs. Anna Kerl, president; Mrs. Emma Wells, vice president; Mrs. Barbara Rosen, secretary; Mrs.-Tlllle Tim- Derg, treasurer. BEATRICE Petitions are being circu lated and will be presented to the Board of Supervisors requesting that body to take steps at once to erect a new county Jail. The present structure is wholly Inadequate for present needs. KEARNEY Bert McKean, for several years the manager of the -Twldale Shoe company In this city, will leave the employ of that firm shortly and go to Idaho. R. K. Turner of Hastings will succeed as man ager of the store. BEATRICE The farm property Included in the estate of the late Hunry Burt near Plckrell was sold yesterday at referee's salo. Walter Hoyle bought one quarter section for $15,250 and General Colby a quarter section for 112.775. YORK Interest Is being manifested In the revival meetings conducted by Dr. Her- Dert Yeueii. Nearly all of the churches In the city are assisting and the series of revival meetings now being heia promises to be the largest in the history of York. BEATRICE Mrs. Flora Curtis, wife of T. D. Curtis, died last night of gallstones, aged 40 years. She is survived by her hus bard and four eons. She came here last August from Orleans, Neb. The remains were taken to Esbon, Kan., this morning for interment. KEARNEY Mrs. Conrad Snider of Has tings was In this city Vnureday and se emed the release on parole of her son from the industrial school. The boy ana his mother left for Hastings, where the young fellow will, have another trial at good behavior. HOUSTON The Houston Literary so ciety at its meeting elected the following orncers: President, I. J. Harlan; vice president, W. L: Florer: secretary. Miss Perl Taylor. A debate and literary and musical program are given every other Friday evening. BEATRICE The leal estate and Insur ance firm of Fulton & Powers has been dissolved, Mr. Powers retiring. He will locate in Chicago. By the change Will S. Fulton, who recently came here from Omnii, will assume the management of the Paddock theater. FALLS CITY It Is rumored that E. F. Pharta. editor and manager of tho Falls City Tribune, will sell his Interest in the Trlbuno to W. H. Wyler, former editor oi tne uawwm outlook. Mr. Miarts Dougnt a farm in Missouri a year ago and may move onto it this spring. KEARNEY The village of Elm Creek, Buffalo county, Is soon to Install an elec trlo light plant. John Nltchle of that place was in Kearney Thursday and was nego tiating for a large gasoline engine and other accoutrements for the construction of the same in the spring. BEATRICE John Scheve. a German farmer and stock ralxer, living northwent of Beatrice, has made a thorough examina tion of the wheat In this locality and says that it la In splendid condition, notwith standing the report that tho freezing and thawing weather has injured it. FALLS CITY-George Sinclair and Miss Katherine Srliulenbeig were married at St. Frances1 Xsvier church Tuesday morn ing. Father Rex officiating. They were attended by Walter Gunn and Miss Ella Hchulauberg. Mr. and Mrs. Sinclair will live on the fk-hulenberg farm, south of town. BEATRICE The matter of calling a ope cial election to vote bonds for a new city water plant Is being considered by the clt council. The water committer met last night with W. K. Palmer of Kansas City, who la figuring on building a plant here. 1 be question will be submitted to tha council at a meeting to be held next week. YORK Charles Baerft Sons, one of the oldest businexs firms in York, have sold their stock of furniture to Rademachcr & Son of Crete. Charles Baer will retire from active business and his sons will en gage In the furniture business In Colorado. lUulimclir tt gon have been Identified LAST GKEAT Bank, Omaha; Dexter, Morton k Co., Seattle; Coring a. rs Custom Made Shirts I; j .... The 1ne is complete in every v detail flannels, Scotch mad- ras, cheviots French percales. . Leave orders now to insure prompt and early delivery. with the furniture business at Crete for years. TECUMSEH For the third consecutive year the first premium and highest honors of the Nebraska Dairymen's association last week went to George S. Phillips, pro prietor of Guernpeydale dairy farm, of Johnson county. Mr. Phillips was In Lin coln moat of the week and made an ex hibit of ten pounds, in pound bricks, of his famous butter. , ST. PAUL The St. Paul ' Commercial club Is getting ready for an aggressive boosting campaign. Yesterday evening about 100 of the members participated In a banquet at the dining rooms of the Pres byterian church and about twenty toasts and short addresses, all bearing on the central thame of boosting St. Paul and Its resources were made. YORK Dollar wheat Is being marketed bv many York county farmers, who seem .well pleased with the price paid. From f-a to i4o per acre was proaucea irom every acre of winter wheat raised last year In York county, of which nearly 40 per cent of the cultivated acreage was In winter wheat and about the same Is In fine condition at this time, covered with a nice blanket of snow. KEARNEY The Union Pacific Railroad company la planning the building of an Immense coaling station at this city. Struc tural Iron and steel Is coming into the city now and ab soon as spring opens up the work will start. The coaling sta tion will extend across four tracks, making it posslbje for four trains to take coal at once without running onto a sidetrack. The repairs in this city alone this spring will cost over $100,000. TECUMSEH Word comes to Tecumseh that James Miner, formerly of this county, but for the last five y)urs of Chase county, lost his house and contents by fire Thursday. Five years ago the Miner family located upon a Chass county homestead and were just ready to take out their final papers, being In Wauneta the day of tho fire for that purpose. The house caught fire in some unaccountable manner and was destroyed. YORK The second rank dexree was con ferred by the Knights of Pythias on Ir. F. O. Snyder, A. M. White, W. W. VVyckoff, Charles Pfeffer and E. C. Clarke, all prominent business and professional men. The Knights of Pythias have pur Thera is no way to cure Catarrh except to purify the Mood, and thus do away with tho cauao. The gymptoms may be benefited by the use of vashes, inhalations, sprays, medicated tobaccos, etc, and through tho us3 of such treatment catarrh sufferers' recelvo temporary relief and comfort. External an.! local moasuroa however cannot havo any effect on the blood, and therefore their use alone 13 of no real curative value. Catarrh is a deep-seated blood disoaso, and comes as the result ot catarrhal matter and other impurities in the circulation. These morbid manors in the blood cause an inflammatory and irritated condition of the mucous mombrane or tissue lining of the cavities of the body,, producing on unhealthy secretion, ringing nolsos in tho ears, stuffy fooling in the head and noce, headaches, hoarseness, bronchial affections, watery eyes, etc. B. S. S. la the best treat ment for Catarrh boeause it is the greatest of all blood purifiers. This medicine removes every particle of the catarrhal impurity from the circula tion, making this vital fluid pure, fresh and healthy. Than the inflamed membranes begin to heal, because giving Diooa, every symptom disappears, ana soon u. ts.s. produces a periecc cure. 8. 8. 8. does not contain any habit-forming drugs, which really never can cure Catarrh, but often ruin the health. Book on Catarrh and any medicaUdvlce free. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., ATLANTA, OA- OPPORTUNITIES Rational Bask of Commerce, Seattle. res, Seattle. (J 33B32 chased land on tha Blue, In this county, ! and are building a bungalow, auto barn and making other Improvements, . which will be completed by warm weather and will be for the use of members and family. YORK A. T. Glauque, rural mall car rier, celebrated his fifth year In serving farmer patrons on route No. ( from York by having printed souvenir postal cards of himself, sled and ponies and distributed a number with all of the patrons on the route. During the five years hs has trav eled a distance of 46,000 miles, whloh Is twice the distance around the world. In recoMtltlon of his services the patrons on his route have donated In season hundreds of pounds of all kinds of vegetables and fresh meat. ASHLAND Marriage licenses hare been.. Issued by County Judge Charles H. Blama , to the following the last wee. Vinoent C. Slmodynes of Wahoo and Miss Marin Kountny, of Colon. Thomas Masters of Colon and Miss Marie Rezak of Val paraiso, Ferdinand Semin of Bratnard and Miss Teresla Novak of Weston, Joseph Mollne and Miss Slema Bund, both of C resco; William P. Thomas and Miss Hat tie Mumm, both of Yutan; Roy A. Bricker and Miss Nana E. Harris, both of Ash land; Emanuel Stava and Miss Mary Ptack, both of Bruno, and Etnll Hynok of Morse Bluff and Miss Katie Kasper ot Prague. Judore Blama performed the cer- , emony for Mr. Thomas and Miss Mumm' and Mr. Hynek and Miss Kaspxr. ASHLAND The annual meeting of the Farmers' Mutual Insurance company of.: Saunders county was held at the court house In Wahoo. Yearly reports showed that sixty-six new members were taken In In the last year and the biiKliieas of the company amounted to fci.0.15,705. an IncTease , of $240,1720 for the year. Ises paid dur- ing the year were over $5,OU0, which was! over 40 per cent higher than any previous' year since IM3. The following officers were elected: President, P. P. Church, Wahoo; vice president, 11. N. Nelson, Weston; sec-' retary, J. L. Coleman, Ithaoa; treasurer, Kd Lehmkuhl, Wahoo; board of directors, C. T. Johnson, Valparaiso; John A. Btuchllk, Prague; H. N. Nelson, Weston; Carl GUIley, Cedar Bluffs; 1). 8. Kthell, -Ceresoo; V. M. Davis, Colon; F. C. Hanke,. Ithaoa; Martin Mays, Memphis, and Den-I nls Grimes, Wann. Read the Parisian ad. on Page J. TO BEST TREATMEIIT FOR CATARRH they are nourished with pure, health- 0