i I THE BEE: OMAHA, SATURDAY, JANUARY 20, 1910. 4 . i 1 f ( tv 4 1 . HALF OFF SALE Strictly High Class Clothes We must dispose of every euit and overcoat in our stock before the arrival of our spring goods. This is an exceptional opportunity for the man who wears good clothes to get them at an absurdly low price. We still have a good assortment of desirable patterns in nearly all sizes. . . . $12.50 . . . $13.75 . . . $14.50 . . . $15.50 . . . $17.50 Alterations will be charged for during this sale. Neckwear also at reduced prices 50c Neckwear ..... 35c 75c Neckwear ..... 55c $1.00 Neckwear ..... 70c $1.50 Neckwear ..... $1.10 $2.00 Neckwear ' $1.40 $25.00 Suits go at $27.50 Suits go at $29.00 Suits go at $31.00 Suits go at it35.00 Suits go at , " ,i .,.. . , .I.- New Location, 318 South 15th St. ACCEPT FOR SAKE OF PEACE Commissioners Decide to Let Hiss Higrins and Dr. Turijuscn Quit. I .N PAET OF TROUBLE SETTLED Dr. L. A. DeLuey- and Mlu Mabel Chriitl. Art Elected in Their ' Ctead Doctor and Kane at Hospital 1 he Board of County Commissioner yes terday voted to accept the resignation of Mis ina Hlgglns and Dr. Bert Turgusen and eleoted In their stead Dr. L. A. De Laney and Ming Mfcbel Christie. The latter la from Chicago and ha been superlntend nt of nurses at the Michael Reese hos pital. . -. : x. The vote to accept M'ss H logins' resigna tion was four In the .affirmative and Qne In the negative. To accept Dr. Turgusen's all five commissioners, voied aye. Commissioner Tralnor cast the opposing Vota on the Miss Hlggina resolution, thus standing hy her until the last. First he demanded that the- resolution which coupled the two resignations be split, because he Intended to voter separately and differently. "I wish to say In explanation of my vote," said Mr. Traioor. "that In my Judg ment all the trouble -at the hospital aros because Miss Hlggln would not be a party to nor consent at all to that operation, and I cannot' see that she Is to blame In any way." , The other commissioners did not speak on the matter In tho board meeting, but at the preceding session of the committee of the whole had declared that they would vote aye n both cases for the "sake of harmony at the hospital." John A. Scott,' present for the flrt time as commissioner, because Just out of the hospital, said that he did net profess to know much about' the matter, but that he thought he would vote to accept both resignations "that harmony may ensue." In the meeting of the committee of the whole It waa agreed that no action should be taken upon the resignations of tho member of the hospital advisory board until the commissioner have had a talk with the whole saff or the hospital and an expression elicited as to whether staff members favor the advisory board or chief of staff systems. Dr De Laney, the newly elected house phyrlclan, Is a graduate of Crelghton Medi cal college, and his appointment. Ilk that of Miss Christie, will take .effect Febru ary 1. The board adopted a formal resolution exonerating Superintendent Elsasser and other employes of the hospital from the charges of B. P. Beard. A reliable medicine for croup and one that should always be kept at hand for Im mediate use la Chamberlain' Cough Rem edy. I i BACK TO M'KISSiCK'S ISLAND FOR J. MANLEY Jodar Crawford Sends . Woman . Who Relieved Him of Two Twenties . to Jail. "I want to go- batik to McKissluk's Island," said John Manloy of Hamburg, whenlie went 'to' trie police station and filed a complaint against Verna Clark, a woman of color, whom he charged with taking two 120 bills from him. . Manley is a farm hand and works for a farmer on MeKlsslck's Island, a famous piece of territory southwest of Hamburg, that is said. by some people -to be located In Iowa and by other In Missouri, and some say It belongs to Nebraska. The Missouri river make so many changes In that section of the country that civil engi neers are unable to keep track of the state lint. - Manley came to Omaha to see the sights, but when he Waa touched for $40 he could not refrain from getting sore and had the ! black damsel arrested. Judge Crawford sent the woman to Jail for ninety day and Manley wa told to return to his haunts In the wilds of Mc Klssick'a Island. lajnred in a Fire or bruised by a fall, apply Bucklen's Ar nica Salve. Cure burns, wounds, sore, ecsema, pile. Guaranteed. 25c. For sale by Beaton Drug Co, Sensational coat sale Saturday at The Parisian. Bee ad., Page 3. 1 yrtmmi, -tr., i IKS, -Mpf FrmM You Can Make $3,000 to $5,000 A year from ten acres of our frostless, fertile, fruit and truck land, growing oranges, grapefruit, pineapples, winter vegetables, lemons, limes, bananas, berries, grapes, figs, tobacco, coffee, cocoa, cocoa nuts, pecans, almonds, etc. The Isle of Pines It 90 miles south of Havana, Cube only (ourdays from New York b" fast steamers. It is an Island o eternal June, swept by ocean b roe to. au.J protected by the warm tne Gull Stream from tho waters of I bltglitnliig frosts which devestate Hondas groves. There are no cyclone, cr earthquakes. Irrigation for fruit trees i tne nno.c in ine worm, winter or bummer. Na frosts. flcc-j. dronrnts. noneceeaerv. Our climate is cougbs, colds, rbeumatism or (overs no sunstrokes or beat prostrations. Flowers, Fruits and Sunshine all year round In the Isle of Pines. Every month Is harvest time. You can grow three crops a year. No cold barren winter to endure while the ground lie. Mle, brintins la no income. The Lie ol Pines r in every sense an American Colony. You will feel at boms there. Over 6.0uu Americans (some K.njllhU and Canadian.) are Interestea there and over Su of the lasd Is owned by them. American settlers are Uiere la goodly BDUibert to bid you welcome. ' Book Sent FREE Let as send yon free oar large, beautifully lUustrated. 88 page book. "McKlNLEY, ISLB OP PINES," containing colored plates and over liM views of the Dig Dwacre oranir ana rrape frult groves, entirely planted to 6.(101) trees, hundreds ot acres of private groves, pineapple tteMe, tobacco piantatious, vegetable t aniens, typical homes of Amer :an settlers, good roads end bridges, hotels, town hall, schools, general stores, etc., all accoro pll.hed In (our short years by the untiring efforts ot the com pany and the oo-operatlon oi enterprising American settlers. MAIL COUPON TODAY A few hundred dollars Invested now will mske you Indrpendeot ia the nest few years. Tne re of our land U atWencio rapidly bwurn of exteaetoe imorove- bmMs we are saakin. Too eo Mil SBOooy by koyiw sw. rlu out the coupon std send it today lor our tree book, contaimag toll tnoraatioa about our proposition. ISLE OF PINES CO. 22S Flita Avenue New York, N. Y. Please send me, FRE3, your book, "Mckinley, Ule of finus," Maps, etc.. ue.criomg your icua. Name. K..... No. and8t . . . ', , . . City Stat V AFFAIRS AT SOUTH OMAHA County Commissioner Promise Eoad Improvements. DEPUTY TREASURES HOT BUST Trenenre farsy Hay Tie Will Con. tder Additional Heln When He See tlains ( Activity la Otfl. The South Omaha Commercial club enter tained the county commissioner at the weekly dinner at the Greet hotel Thurs day noon. With them also mi the county treasurer, Frank furay. The special ob ject of having the county commlaslonors at this dinner waa to discus Improve ment In Albright. It ha bfen already agreed to pave Thirteenth afreet Trom Omaha to -the Sarpy county line and the flarpy county authorities have agreed to Improve the boulevard from that point to Fort Crook. The thing desired was a promise to pave Harrison street from Rail road avenue to the top of the. hill east ward, to connect with the boulevard. This street 1 under ths supervision of the county commissioners. After going over the ground the commissioner agreed to take up .the proposition in the spring and seemed to be entirely In favor of it The proposition or an additional deputy for the treasurer' office In Booth Omaha to assist In the collection of the county taxes was proposed to ths county treas urer. The county treasurer did not ap pear favorable under :.he present circum stances. He said: "If the present deputy treasurer of Douglas Couuty Will agree to enter his office In South Omaha und to do the work, whloh should reasonably be expected of htm as a deputy treasurer, and It then appears durii.g the busy season that additional help Is needed, I would be glad to accommodate the local office; but I understand thut the ueputy, who Is paid 1100 by the county, ha not spent any more time In his office than before he was made deputy and has done little ot the usual duties of the office. I under stand the average time spent by the deputy county treasure;- In his offlcs Is not to exceed two hour of each day. Under these circumstances I feel under no ob ligation to recommend an additional deputy." ihe Increased attendance at the Com mercial club dinner Is taken as an Indi cation of the growing popularity of the organization.! Several new manufacturing projects will probably be taken up at the next session. A plan Is to be presented for the consideration of the club looking to the aid of Bellevue college. Work for Associated Charities. The Associated Charities bare discovered a concrete Instance where a few dollars from a kind hearted person will do a world of good to a deserving applicant without causing humiliation. The person suffering 1 an Invalid, xet one who could do much work of the nature of sewing or needlework with a little aid. The organiza tion hope, with about ' JJO additional to the fund on hand, to be able to buy a hand power sewing machine, whloh can be tautened to the arm of a chair. With this the patient will be able to sew easily and can earn enough to relieve the organiza tion of further care. The people are in vited to contribute a they like, either by visiting the office at the city hall or leaving contribution with Postmaster E. L. Howe at the South Omaha postofflce, v ' Liberal response ha followed the for mer . request for this kind of assistance. One Invalid has been supplied with a com fortable wheeled chair. A typewriter has been donated fur use la. Ahe ofjlce of ths, Associated Charities. The visiting nurse of the organisation has arranged to be In South Omaha each Friday from 4 to S p. m. During these periods any one needing advice or assist ance In medlolnal line may meet her. Clnaa Election at Hi ah SChool. The South Omaha High Behoof la to hold the general class election today, choosing officers for the second semester. The elec tion will be held during the seventh period. After the poll are closed, beginning at 7:15 p. m. sharp, a program of moving pic ture 1 arranged in the auditorium, dur ing which the eleotlon return will be thrown on the screen. The program will consist of a erle of impromptu speeches an1 burlesque. The high achool orchestra. In part, will play. The program will be enlivened by at sclo by Ml Oeorglna Davl. After theprogram the assembly will ad journ to the Young Men' Christian asso ciation gymnasium, where a game of bas ket ball will be played with the Oenoa High school team. The game with Oenoa was arranged hastily, following a visit of that team to Omaha. V. M. C. A. Note. Another period will be given the boy on the athletic team ot the grade schools to practice the events in the gymnasium. Boy of the different schools are using rooms in the basement and level spot about the bullalng for training and many . teams how marked improvement since the start. A large crowd la expected to witness the meet, the date of which is February t, 4 and 6. 'The ticket will be sold for 19 cent by the school boy. Each school la plan ning to have a large rooting force. Blaennercbor Concert. Tha Omaha Maennerchor, the German male chorus, consisting of thirty dingers from Omaha and South Omaha, gave a cencert at the auditorium ot the South Orraha High school last night. The soloists vcre Mrs. A. I. Root, contralto, and Ernest O. Fisher, conductor ot the Sixteenth In fantry regiment band of Fort, Crook, cornetlsL It was th first', concert given urder the direction ot Prof. Th. Rud. Reese, the new director of the Maennerchor and t lie conductor of the coming German Na tional Saenfeifest. ' A good . audience at tended as evidence of appreciation of the work of the German singers of Omaha. Magic City Gomel p. .letter's Gold Top Beer, aeiivered to any part of elty, Fred Hefdlnger. Tel, South 1649 The Cecllllan club will give a prise mas querade batuiuay evenui at tne Workmen temple. Henry R. Hartnett filed a a democratic candidate for tne uliy council Horn tit Seventh ward. , John J. Ryan filed a a democratic candi date for the Hoard of Fire and Police Com missioner Thursday. , Tb Polnsetta club Is to give a dancing party at the Ancient Order of United Work men temple February T. Miss Dora Young of Oakland, Neb., waa a viH'tor at the home of her aunt. Mra. K W. Livers, Wednesday. ., , An Independent political blub known as the Cherry iiitl Club Is to be organised at Sixteenth and Hurry avenue . ounday at t:M p. in. . . The first division of the Presbyterian Kings Daughters will hold a cake and pie saU Saiuruay, January at, at Bradley's grocery store. ( Leslie Waj waa married Wednesday antiig to Miss Frances Smith, The cere mony took place at the home of the bride sister. Mrs. Thomas Kelly. " A. A. Maass of Fort Crook and Mis Elsie Steuhm of lllldreth, iieli., were married at the home of Rev. R. W. Diver Thursday afternoon at I o'clock. Their future home will be near Springfield Neb. Robert Campbell and Mia Emma Klemp nauer were married at the home of the bride' father. Twenty-first and G streets the evening of January It at o'elosk. This popular young couple will make their home at lxteentn and Missouri avenue, &ev ft W. Diver performed the ceremony. Read th Parisian ad. on Pag a ' Correct Dress for Men and Boys H7 If, Style' and lafe-ip ; These three things that all men demand in their clothes, and so seldom get out side this store. These are the points that "brains" have worked into the manu facture of our clothes and made it possible for us to "Sell more clothing than any other store in Omaha." Some men insist on being handled and pinned up by a tailor three or four times. Busy men, toowho have a fit if lunch isn't ready. We stand readyio give these busy men the most sensible clothes service in the world. . Our superb and superior master tailored suits and overcoats that are at the present time specially priced at -J?:ug-stpt25Mi-$M cannot be equalled elsewhere at double the price we ask you and all ready to be slipped on and be sent home and they are "so right" that no man in the wearing can say "I've been fooled again." $1.45-$2.95-$3.95 And by all means don't overlook the Boys' Clothing we are selling at three prices tomorrow Suits and overcoats that are less than half of what they are worth and we can't think of a store in Omaha that can give you so big a bunch of value for your money as you can get at this popular stoi. Come and see how really good they are. n And Sbirfs You never saw such a lot of high grade shirts as we are offering tomorrow, at... , 85c and $1.35 None sold for less than $1.50 while there are a great many that went as high as $2.50. ..You better look them over. We've a Number . ':m If of Furnishing Bargains that should be tefhpting as they represent an unusual price" reduction. Men's fancy Waistcoats, that sold from $3.50 to fi-J OC $5.00 are now to be chosen at vXaOtl Sweater Coats that sold at $2.50 have been reduced Handsome Neckwear, in fact our whole great assort ment of neckwear, divided into two lots and two price. Neckwear, that sold at 50c to 75c now 35c ; 3 for $1.00 Neckwear, that sold at $1.00 and $1,50 now, , . , , 65o Fine cotton, lisl&and mercerized Hosiery, that sold from 25c to 50c now 17c; three for. x .50c Union Underwear cotton, wool or mixed, as you like all at 25 discount. ' Some Things You Want to Know The English Elections How the Parties Fight. Whenever politic In America show Noxt door, said Mr. Lloyd-George, was a symptom of beng rede, whenever some tailor ahop with only 800 jquare yard of republican call some democrat a dema- 'and, whose oocupant paid rates upon an gogue and the democrat retort by calling annual rental of HMS. the reDubltcan a liar: then om one I Th Welsh liberal leader waa lmme- sure to rise up and say that only in the 1'nlted State I auch undignified procedure possible. Therefore, when a visiting Amer ican find that th British politician use more billingsgate In a week than the Americans use In a lifetime of politics, his efforts to deplore the situation are some what tinged by a congratulatory feeling for the boy at home. The word "lie" and "liar" have been so dlately denounced by th conservative press as a "liar," as a "purveyor of false hood," a a "mendacious mischief maker," as an "enemy of truth. law and order" and a "a deceiver of the public," because, as the newspapers stated, th tailor' shop wa not next door to the castle, but wu In the next street, a half block away. Mr. Lloyd-Oeorge replied that he knew that no building could be literally next door freely 1 used In thi British parliamentary to the castle when It was surrounded by campaign that one wonders what ha be come of the boasted British dignity. Mr. Bnl four has been kind enough to gather th entire liberal propaganda within one bracket and apply the short and ugly word to the whole business. Mr. Asqulth park, but that he used the term to Indi cate that the tailor shop was in tha Im mediate neighborhood. "When 1 say a man 1 next door to a fool," said th chan cellor of the exchequer, "I don't mean he live next to one, but that he la some- and Mr. Lloyd-George have similarly used where In the neighborhood of being one." the word of three letter in reference to the lords' defense end the tariff reform ers' promise. MrV Lloyd-George, In addi tion to this, ha been at some pain to specify some particular lie and liars, using the plainest possible English In so doing. All through the campaign, until the very last, the denunciation of Lloyd-George's "lie" were repeated, and constant refer ence was made to the little tailor shop and Cardiff caatla, to prove that no credence whatever should be given to anything Mr. Mr. Alexander Ure, lord advocate of Lloyd-George might have to say. Scotland, kud an officer In the government, early in the action, made a speech In which he Intimated that the conservative, If given a majority In the Commons, would stop the old age pensions granted by the late liberal Parliament. Mr. Balfour re torted with the pleasant statement that Mr. Ure was telling a cold and calculated lie. The conservative newspaper and cam paign literature kept up the Ure business until the very close of the campaign. Post-, era quoted Mr. Ure and then added. In let ters ten Inches high, "That' a lie!" At the same time the conservative, who op posed old age pensions In Parliament, flooded the country with posters reading "Vote for Unionism and Old Age Pen sions." To whloh the liberals retorted with the He direct. Mr. Lloyd-George In hla famous Lime house apeech, delivered two month before the campaign opened, undertook an ex haustive defense of his scheme for the tax ation of the unearned Increment In land values. He used for Illustration two pieces of property tn Cardiff. In the heart of that prosperous city stand a fine old, castle with 600,000 square yards nf land, worth a fabulous sum If It were placed on the mar ket. Its occupant, the marquis of Bute, Pay rate on an annual rental of M.W. care waa used in the same way that Amer ican politician used to twist tha lion' tall and wave the bloody shirt, but that in American auch methods were no longer permitted. Indeed, Mr. Llyod-Qeorge frequently came ,to America for campaign points. He compared the attack made upon hire to those upon RooaeveX, and a4d the attempt whloh in the United States are signs of a "mud-sllnglng contest" were employed dur ing the campaign,' but never waa there any protest against the methods of campaign, ing. Each aid accused the other of lying and ot mud-sllnglng and of all kind of crime and misdemeanors, but there was no general and non-partisan protesc. and each aide excused and condoned tha nf. of the financiers to place the blame for tense of it partisan. the panlo on Mr. Roosevelt had failed even It probably la not possible to conduct a a the attempt of the same people to blame 1 hotly contested campaign without more or Wftmm Scotfs Emulsion b the original Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil and hat been tha world's standard for 35 year. Tbare are thousands of to-called Emulsions, but they are cheap, worthless Imitation and never half at good as the standard. They are like thin milk. Scott's Emulsion It like thick, rich cream. It Is a concentrated food-medicine of the tost beneficial sort You can make It thin with milk or water, but doi't buy the thin, worthless imitations. ALL parcorsTg t Ba4 lOe,, u4 at paper eae till ft- r ear bMutitu! &vinae ttno eue Ci.Ua t hkua bous. luau tMJi eoa ml a Quod Lack tmnur. SCOTT BOWNE. 40 Pearl fit, K Y. WMMaslllMI'NBMnTrmill5igaEi One ot th many side Issue In this cam paign was th licensing bill, by which th liberal government had raised the license tax on the sale of intoxicating liquor and had provided that in tho future such li cense might be renewed annually. For year they had been regarded aa a vested right. Ih discussing th attitude of tha government to the liquor trade and the raising of license fee to a scale about one-fifth of that obtaining in New York, one of the leading London newspapers of the conservative type used this language in one editorial: "Utter Iniquity! Sheer brigandage! Fa natical legislation! Socialistic confiscation! A gigantic act of public theft! A raiding expedition of partisan blackmailers! Th sum of hypocrisy with the maximum of wror.g! , A measure of plunder! A measure of fraud 1 The government 'are acting In the spirit of a highwayman! Robbery! Effeotlve plunder! Confiscation! Positive brigandage! Progressiva and cumulative plunder! An act of financial slaughter) A nlghtmarel A tremendous scheme of plun der and confiscation! A profligate Impos ture! A scheme of despotic plunder! A colossal sham!" And then tha editorial concluded with this apology: -"We feel' the utter inadequacy ot wcrls to convey a due sense ot the magnitude of -his Issue." This tarn newspaper, so wrought up about the tax which would rats th price of th poor man's beer, stoutly advocatea the Imposition of a duty of 7 cant a bushel on wheat "In the Interest of th empire." The conservative party continually at tacked tbe liberal for their alleged failure to keep the British navy tp to tha two power standard in th face of the Oerman naval expansion program. The conserva tive leaders declared on every stump that there waa no doubt but that Germany was preparing to make war on England, and that the liberate would not and could not meet the grave laaue. Undoubtedly, there le grave reaaon to fear hostilities between these two nations, but the way in which the Oerman sew wa worked in the cam paign would have disgraced an American political party. The liberal, in reply, used th word "liar" with great freedom, and accused th onaervatUee"of deirberately attempt ing to bring about war so that th land lords might pot be forced to give up soms of their unearned wealth to help support the nation. Mr. Lloyd-Oeorge, who waa far away the most picturesque and Inter esting flgur of the campaign, whether he waa right or wrong, said ths Oerman him for driving capital out of th country would fall. I Tbe atrenuoua campaign I method of the great leader were imitated all down th lln. Several candidate for Parliament left the speaker' stand to fight with aome elector of a different faith and score and score of publlo meeting ended In free fight. For that rare dignity which so marka th British nation, th contest between Mr. Hay and Dr. Addison for an East Lon don seat, waa remarkable. ' One set of placarda rarnarked In big red letters, "Doc. Addison' pill cur Hay fever." Th In sult waa too patent to be Ignored, and th Hay partisans countered with a blue poster appealing: "Don't vot for Addison. He make a living by cutting ttp dead men' bodies and live men' atomach'." Thla waa regarded a an Insult to the medical profession, and almost everybody who could beg, borrow or steal a scrap of paper and a pencil wrote a letter to th Time about it. Personal peculiarities, family scandals, private quarrels, all manner ot thing lees mud-sllnglog. but American may feel ur that their British cousin have them batted when it come to a lively election mix-up. Two-third of the election litera ture sent out by both parties In this cam paign could not be ussd in the United State, for the simple reason that ueh tuft would react upon the party which dt- iriDutea it. The British campaign excitement doe not top with calling each other . liar. Score of speaklnga were bombarded with brick-bats, mor than on speaker was assaulted with ancient egg,' one candi date waa shot at and several noble lords had to escape by the back way to keep out of trouble. Two young girl, canvassing vote for their father were assaulted with volleys of egg and stale vegetable. A th campaign cam to a close everybody we calling everybody el a liar. bt ntasaszo 9. XAsnor. ' Tomorrow Th Bngllsfc Hlsotloa Bow the JTewspapmr right. I . Be th Parisian Cloak Co.' ad Page 1 Sensational coat sale ' Saturday ' at The Parisian. See ad., Page 8. Sflfe. Qi. iiiiii'tfi'iiii ftillfiiPNVG.!' I Take Or, Pk I tea tn tsiee el tats tiajis. tmn Mm, Wm Okogas, Ootea, Oroee, 1i , Wiii Oe tseuseal Cesaaa Ms. a4 lor Ik Met of essst 1ae ef Ik Steaks, men It Eir.rr.I.U. Eill, rlllam. Mi. ftkelS ' Ukuuae laiela.1 ' -KM'l! MOTTIEKS should be careful about colds and couchr that affect their children. It is not ' only dangerous but abso lutely cruel to experi ment on little ones with unsafe and untried rem edies. The baby as well as the older brother snd should be given a snfo and reliable remedy. Ir. Bull's Cough Syrup is such, A record of cures prove it. There ia na danger to the child from its use Simply give it aa directed and It will afford, first, quick relief; soeind,' speedy riddance of the cold and cough. Children like it because so pleasant to the tasCe, and mothers prsJts it because so prompt and effective. Home that bare this remedy handy, suiter no terrors. Health and Happiness shared fry Chili and Mother. Cbieagn, HI Vra. J. H. Braaiteln. 18 X. Mansfield Ave., th bi winter ana tbe irr used it for myself fer a sere throat, eoug h, sad eold 1 the head, aad foua relief. I same to knew Dr. Bull's ConsU nyrvp when I was smalL sod mother ued It foroureulus and ou(fa j so yoa see I must be saUsaed with it. leaen, HI Vra. J. H. Braaiteln. 18 X. Mansfield .. writes i "I use Dr. Bull's Cough f rrup mainly for i baby's oagk sad eold. He kad several eolds this iter and the irrup oared him each time, I bare aluo MOTHERS, if you or on of the children have -. eold or cough, hoarseness, bronchitis, croup, whooping-cough, grippe, to., first tett that trust worthy remedy, Dr. Bull's Cough 6yrup, before you spend any of your money. We want yoa to have absolute confidence ia it before you buy a bottle. Write today for the FREE TIUAtr DOTTLE: 'Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup BEQUEST FILLED SAME DAT T.ECI t - btatb you saw orrsa x this pc, Address A. C MXTM CO- Baltimore. H fPr-1' Cough Syrup can ke given with perfect Safety t9 the yomyr cst child Uh ffl confidence) of good result v w i