Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 29, 1910, NEWS SECTION, Page 4, Image 4

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German Singer Surrender Wife to
Man She Lovei. . i '
Pmbllmtln of Jlnmo of Maa Proml
aent la !ffw York Cnmmra Sensa
tion la Muscovite.
NKW YORK. Jan. 28. tn a written tt
mnt, witnessed by the Grman consul
her. Xirl Jorn, th German tenor, mad
public tonight tfie terms of hit separation
from his wife. Like Runkln, he surrenders
hi wife to the man eha lores.
"I wish, . say' Jorty .'.'that he et a
divorce, ao that the on marry the matt
of her choice. . Furthermore, I have bound
myself to pay her I2S.O0O tn cash and $1,000
a year until aha la married Main. .To our
three children t glvo $1,000 a year for the
reat of their Urea. I gave my wife all the
money I had before' she left and I did not
have 60 rents 'to buy bar a. bunch of violet
t tha pier." '
Jorn kissed his wir affectionately before
ahe sailed last week for .Germnfjy, He met
her when a young man struggling fat- ao
cos and thr-!r Ilfu until recently, had been
very hapjiy iigether. :- ' - ..'
J.u.a Spy kVniak4.
In tji hnt of "traitor. Instigator! and'
spies,"' published by the" Paris 6rgan of
Runnlan discontent, . there, appeared. In .tha
oopy received today tha nam "Evalenko,"
followed by thla descriptions
"Ad old agent of ma .Russian police de
partment in Now York."
Immediately the cafes of the east aide
busied with excitement. "Bmrts:ffl This
Is hla work," bitzied everywhere, for It
has been an open secret that the man who
unmasked Aseff, chief of the Black Hun
dred, la her to expose Ruusl&n splea tn
Evalenko has been well known here for
twenty years and ha made It an especial
point to meet Incoming revolutionists and
supply them with funds.
'His' life won't be worth much," said an
ast side Russian tonight "A place In tha
revolutionary blacklist la unofficial sen
tence of death."
Saga-eats Triple Alllaneo.
A defensive and oo-operatlv alliance be
tween England, Japan and America was
proposed tonight by Dr. Lyman Abbott at
tha dinner given Baron Klkuchl, prealdent
of the Imperial University of Kioto, by
tha resident consul general of Japan.
"The great Idea of the century," said Dr.
Abbott, "la world peace. It I only a ques
tion of time when tha common oonsclono
will ,tak the place of great guns. Why
should the natlona wait? Why should not
England, Japan and America stand shoulder
to shoulder, arm to arm for alt that means
the progress of universal peace and against
all their enemies?"
' Plana of Copper Mercer.
There was lively interest today in Wall
street over the plans to combine the Gug
genheim and the Amalgamated copper In
terests Into one gigantic corporation, BbC
ond only to tha United Statea Steel cor
poration. It wa denied that J. P. Morgan
& Co. would finance the transfer. .
It wa pointed out that thus far all' that
has been dona by the allied Interests (a to
group their own properties in separate
By thla me&na, If a great merger should
later seem advisable, It can , b effected
without the complications that, beset ' the
simultaneous absorption of many small
Denial was made that the Amalgamated
will eventually absorb the the Anaconda.
On the contrary. It was Said the Anaconda
will absorb the properties in Its own terri
tory and then pass Into one great holding
company, together with the Amalgamated
and its subsidiaries, and Butte Coalition.
l i T II Bm RF Till! A M lual I
'-ill ii i
III I I I l . I I LVr
tiJi Mil tmH
All Our Men's
Worth up fc fl
to $3.5O,at...j0C
':Jrtf.l; ti!l.: il l
my. J
i f . r
Bee the Parisian Cloak Co.'s ad., Page J.
Carl E. Olson, On of Fonr Men Con
victed at Cheyenne, Acknowl
edges Crime,
CHEYENNE, Wyo., Jan. J8.-Carl E. Ol
son, baggage man on the Union Pacific, to
day pleaded guilty before the federal com
missioner to robbing the malls. Olson is
one of four railroad employes arrested yes
terday on charges of complicity in a long
series of mall, baggage and express rob
beries fiere.
P IB t
nlai (hraotbont the wartd. Depots: Landoe. ST,
rtur.rh'uM r. J rtrll. l IltM Ca Is l'tiuiiM
a'Aaun; Auntrtli. K. lomi a Co, HrOnrri
lnii. B. K. Pul. Cl-ull, Chi is. ilfiiS K. BS
Itimi o.: Janes. Mamrm. Lid . llk- aa. A trl ,
lauim. Ltd . Cmp Tuwu. Kiial. Ftrrtia
i.luU iw, II. H K. Pniwr Lru a lav
Cue j . flul Iropa , Ui Cluiub Ave., Aoatun.
ajr-roat-traa, Sl-put riiilriiia rxmk. an Aotlwa, '
Hs m us Caws to Itaauuout at sua sa4 Uu,
: V3r '
mm ' 5
Isiv adtu& L. ai
Mere's a Big Purchase of
3845 of Them, Bought From a New York Manufacturing Tailor
They Were Made to Retail at 512.50, gpgA
omuruay j. uu lYiay oeieci nny une at j
. If you were to pay $12.50 or even $15.00 for one of these
suits six weeks earlier or six weeks later in the season you would rft-
reel satisiied that you had your money's worth.
Saturday you can buy one for $7.50 asid you save nearly one
half the price. .
- These are well made, up-to-date and carefully tailored. They
will last throughout the remainder of this season and all of next.
You'll do well to buy Saturday nearly 400 good suits to
choose from. We bought them from a manufacturer at a big
bargain that's how we can offer you $12.50 suits Saturday for
en gn
All our winter stock
must go at once nothing
All our Men's 13.00 and
3.R0.Panta . I fl U
at .. .X.JsJ
All -our Men's $4.00 and
AH our Men's X ft C
ts.ratitg at :: :J.JD
AH our Men's At CkC
$6.60 Pants ...'f.jD
1 vv
The Best Offer In Town!
Hen's Suits $!
and Overcoats
Actually Worth $25, $22.50 and $20
These clothes are strictly hand tailored we secured
them from the best Rochester and New York makers.
All are new arrivals and right up-to-the-minute in
styles and pattern. Not a suit or overcoat that you
buy for twelve fifty tomorrow is worth one cent less
,tlmn $20.00-Anany of them worth up to $25.00 -
1 1
3 Children's Clothing
Boys' $3.00 Overcoats
and' Suits at 91.98
Boys' $4.00 and $4.60
Overcoats and Suits
Suits at 92.98
BoyY and Children's
$5.00 Overcoats and
at 93.te
Boys' and Children's
$7.S0 and $S K0
Overcoats and Suits
at 94-S8
Boys'. $1.50 , Knicker
bocker Pant at 890
Boys' $1.00 Corduroy
Kni ekarboo ker
Pants at B9o
Boys' $1.60 Knicker
bocker Panta. , TBo.
Children's 60c Pyja
mas aso
Braiideis Stores
- ... , i ....
Hundreds of Men's Negligee Cl.r
Shirts, worth up to $1. at...... -JG
Samples and broken lots of
men's negligee, golf and
outing shirts; all sizes,
neckband styles or with
' collars attached, worth u:
to $1, at, ach
en's high grade shirts worth up to &1I5
2.00, at vpl
Men's shirts worth up to $3.00,
Men's $1.00 and $1.60 wool underwear, at KOa and 75
Men's and boys' wool sweater coats, worth to $2.50, at 93
Men's Hosiery; new and desirable patterns, worth up to 25c
a pair, at, a pair 12 H
Clearing Sale of Men's Hats
All the Odds and Ends of Men's .and Boys'
HatsWVnlues up to $2.00 jm jT
all in one lot, 0 U O
at. : .
All the Odds and Ends of Men's Fine Soft
and Stiff Hats $2.50 ; (Ck g
and $3.00 values " ' .' Q g
Clearing Sale
Hen's, Boys and Children's
Basement Bargains in SHOES
Extra good wearing women's shoes, at ...31.50
Fine button and lace shoes, calf tops, worth up to
$3,00, at -81.98
Good wearing Misses' Shoes; lace or button, p'alr,
at 31.29 and 31.50
Boys' and youths' guaranteed Box Calf Shoes, pair,
at . . . . .31.30 and 31.50
Men s Kangaroo Calf and Satin Calf Shoes 31.29
erv's Shoes
Women's Shoes in
velour calf and
patent .colt,
vici kid up-to-
date styles worth up to
$3.50, at., 1 ........ . . . ; . . vpl
Women's Shoes Lace or button
shoes, single or double sole,x new
up-to-date styles welt sewed,
every ; pair guaranteea quality-
worth up to $4.50,
Men's Shoes
Men's shoes of box calf,
vici kid, and patent
leather, worth (T 98
to $3.50, at
Men's Welt Shoes of box calf,
velour calf, rlcl kid and
patent colt, lace and button
i worth up (j.
f to $4.60 at 'a
per pair vpW
Big saviilg on Boys' and Girls' shoes.
Colonel Greene
Tells of Talk with
Former Special Agent Testifies to
Conversation! Regarding Land
PORTTiAND, Ore., Jan. 28. Colonel A.
Ft- Oreene, former special agent for the
Interior department, testified today at the
Blnger Hermann .trial that Hermann told
tilm ha was powerless to aot In the mat
ter of preventing speculation In forest re
serves, as the then secretary of tha In
terior, B. A. Hitchcock, was opposed' to
Investigating the reports of corruption in
Oregon land transactions.
'At the time to which Colonel Greene re
ferred in hla testimony Blnger Hermann
was commissioner of the general land of
fice. He la now on trial on a charge of
conspiracy to defraud the government of
public land.
Colonel Oreene, who waa one of (he first
officials tt unearth the Oregon land frauds,
testified.' today that he -had several talks
with Commissioner Hermanp in relation to
the s forest reserve and In the , matter ot
temporary withdrawals.
Oreene Said he called Hermann's atten
tions to the operatlona of Hyde A Co. and
suggested that there ahould b some way
to prevent speculation in forest reserves.
While Hermann seemed to deplore tha con
ditions, continued the witness,' be, said he
was powerless to act.
' Following Colonel Greene, Henry Mel-
drum,, former surveyor general of Oregon,
was recalled to the atand. Meldrum, who
recently served a term in the federal peni
tentiary for misconduct In office, was par
doned by President Taft that he might
testify for the prosecution. .
Colonel Worthlngton, counsel for Her
mann, sought to obtain admission from
Meldrum that ha had been promised a par
don If ho would testify against Hermann.
Till Meldrum denied.
Prof. Flllbeit Roth, who ho'd the chair
of forestry in the University of Mich
igan, but was chief clerk of the divi
sion of forestry under Commissioner Her
mann, testified to Hermann's apposition to
the creation of forest reserves. " . .
leases, a well as the country rock from
the Walker and the Parker leases, to de
termine by analysis their constituency.
Both closely resemble those found in the
Comstoclc sectlnn-'ahane and dlorlte. or
)-fypi l-J f p ryt n r rfj sienlte ar.d there ( they have been the
Ullljtl .JC1 111 All 11 UrcioBing walls for immense riches.
While "the official were here General
Manager W. S. Wllhelm tendered his
resignation, which was accepted. Mr. Wll
helm will in a few days remove ' from
Battle Mountain to Long Beaoh, Cal.. where
he has made Investments in real estate.
The engine for the pumping plaat for the
Bennock Light end Water company, com
posed mostly of member of the Nevada
Omaha Mining and Milling company, has
arrived at Battle Mountain. Aa the pipe
trenche have, been dug, the well sunk and
plenty of water in sight, the pipe on the
ground and the 40,000gallon concrete reser
voir completed. It will tieed but a few days
of spring weather to have the water works
system In running order. This Improve
ment is much desired, not alone for the
fire protection and the domestic service the
water will afford, but It ; hau been de
termined by careful analysis that much of
the ores in the Bannock section will yield
a greater proportion of their values by
ayanldlng.- Therefore, with the water here,
the erection of cyanide plants will follow
The placer ground - discovered about a
mile west of town has developed into some
thing most promising. Three outfits have
braved the sever cold weather and the
deep anow to prepare for tarly spring
sluicing and their prospect work has so
far been a paying proposition. One set of
partners, only able to work one hour a
day with a rocker, using snow water
melted In a galvanized Iron wash tub over
a sngebrush fire, was able to clean up an
ounce and a half or $18 gold in a week,
and they had not removed a cviblc yard
of dirt or gravel. Another outfit set up
Its plant one. day this week just before
quitting time, then threw in a couple of
shovelfuls of gravel, and besides recovering
a couple dozen coarse grains picked out a
nugget weighing 87 , cents.. Old Alaska
placer miners here declare most of this
placer ground will average better than $2u
to the yard.
Dosshte Will Be Star - Witness at
Memphis In Case of Former
Oisjavhs Pawnbroker.
Chief of Police Donahue hus returned
home from Excelsior Springs, Mo., where
he has been spending a week, accompanied
by Mra. Donahue, whose health has not
been of .the best. Tpfy. had expected to
remain another- week at least, but the chief
had to hurry home to gather up some doc
uments and dates -which are required In
a trial at Memphis, Tenn., the coming
' The men on trial at Memphis Is Harry
Bernstein, known. In Omaha In the pawn
broking business,, with, a branch in Council
BlUffs. Bernstein caused the Omaha po
lios mora or less trouble, and I to be tried
In Memphis on the charge of receiving a
large amount of valuable loot taken from
the residence of a wealthy citizen.
Chief Donahue is regarded by the prose
cution aa a very Important Witness, and
the derrfand for his presence has been in
sistent He will leave for Tennessee Sat
urday night or Sunday morning, and ar
rangements have been made to let him
testify as soon as he gets to Memphis, so
that be .will not be kept away from home
very long.
Living Husband
Blocks Marriage
Marriage License Applicant Changes
Mind When HeFindg His PreT
decessor Yet Alive.
"Before you're on with the new love, be
aure you're off with the old."
Nathan Adamson has adopted this as, hla
motto in the matter of hla courtship of
Mrs. Roxana Frost, a comely widow ot
this city. Mr. Adamson appeared seeking
a license to wed at the court bouse. He
found himself In ignorance of the maiden
name of Mra, Frost's motlrer and of her
father, so he went out to get the data.
It wa mora convenient to call upon Mr.
Frost' daughter, who 1 a child of Mrs.
Frost's first husband. Adamson talked a
good while to his prospective step-daughter
and then returned to the marriage license
' "Tear It up," he commanded Lloense
Clerk Furay. "Guess I can't use it just
yet." ,
"Why not?" Inquired Mr. Furay.
"Well, It appeara that Mrs. Frost' sec
ond husbaid la yet among the living or
at least, her daughter says she thinks he
Is. I had understood he waa dead."
Up to $26 women'a coats, tfl.9S, Saturday
at The Parisian Cloak Co., 118 So. 16th St
Up to $26 women's coats, $5.98, -Saturday
at The Parisian Cloak Co., 11$ So. 10th 8t.
Bnlldlav Permits.
Paxton Real Ea'.ite company, alterations
to office build ins, 1421 Farnam street, $2,500:
ii P. Wolf, 2401 Pouth Seventeenth street,
frame dwelling, $1,CG0; George L. Dunham,
3W8 Saratoga street, frame dwelling, $2 000;
1'hlppen A Edwards, 8214 and 321U North
Twenty-fourthr atreet, two from dwellings,
$4,600; C. F. Nelson, Twenty-eighth and
Miami streets, frame dwelling, $2,600; Will
iam B. Fuller, 1907 Ellison avenue, frame
dwelling, $1,500.
St. Joseph's Death Roll (or Year I
kmt Two Per Cent nearly 8,000
Patient In 1909.
: A most successful year in the history of
Crelghton Memorial St. Joseph' hospital
1 indicated by the report for 190.1, just
made up. Patient admitted during the
year numbered I.8S6. and of thla total 2,263
were pay patient. The number treated
free of any cost wa 628.
Th clientele of this great Omaha institu
tion waa composed of people of every na
tionality and of all shade of religious be
lief. Roman Catholic predominated, with
1,424, Lutheran came next with $10, Meth
odists 187, Baptist 81, Buddhist 1, no
religion 867. Those of native , birth num
bered 1,946, and one Japanese was nursed.
Of the whole number received in the hos
pital during 1900 but 120 died, being a ratio
of S per cent, while 2,759 were discharged.
Surgical operations numbered 4.2S1, and the
total number of ease treated in all de
partment waa S.942.
The summary of oases is as follows
Medical cases., 882; neurological cases. Mi;
surgical case, 8,607; orthopedic cases, 79;
gynaecological' case, 1,848; eye case, 7;
nose cases, 284; ear and throat cases, $2;
rectal case, 127. Total, (,941. ;
Operations were a follows: Surgical,
2,814; eye, 66; nose and throat, 80$;
gynaecological, 1,306; rectal, 124; orthopedic,
78. Total, 4,281.
Thirty-one nationalities were represented
in this hospital during the year and twenty-four
creeds. The number of patients fn
the hospital January 1 was 189.
Pork Chops to
Take Tumble on
Menus Today
Price of Pork Will Be Cnt Two Cent
a Pound and Other Cut
May Follow.
Pork chop will be given a big cut at
many of the Omaha market Saturday.
The advertisements of some of the larger ;
stores contain the announcement that pork '
is to be reduced $ cents a pound. Thla la
due to the cut the packer have made In
selling to th retailers.
"ai iiiaviaeia uuve una paying 10 it cent
a pound for pork loins, but the price ha
been reduced to 11 cents a pound. At
least one of the larger stores is advertising
pork loins at 11 cents a pound which is
cost price.
Oranges also have come down in price
and were seen displayed Friday with tag
on th largest size at 26 cents a dozen.
Some of the outlying grocery store also'
have made a cut in the price of soma
brands of flour. Soma grocer have been
selling Pride of Omaha for $1.80 a Sack and
have, reduded th prloe to $1.60. Boms of
Jhe larger store are selling thla for 81. 6S
a sack..
The market 4s filled with fresh vegetable
from tha south,' but- tha price 1 about a
It was last year at this time.'
Sensational coat sale Saturday at The'
Parisian. See ' ad., Page 1 '
Persistent Advertising 1 th rod to tflg
Return.. ,41! V ,
See th Parisian Cloak Co.' ad.. Page $.
Determination Reached at Bannock
Camp to Q l,awff for Ore
Plaerr Prospects.
' v
BANNOCK. Nev., Jan. 28. Speclal.)-A
the result of Inspection 'by President Ran
som,( Vic President Mohler and Secretary
West of the Nevada-Omaha Mining and
Milling company her this week a shaft
at least too feet deep will be sunk on the
company' property In a measure to demon
strate th exlstenoe of the gold bearing
or bodies. This shaft will be sunk on th
same side of the hill where the rich body
of free gold was found last August and
close to that Shaft. The upraise from the
tunnel 'to connect with th .first shaft
showed a of gold-bearing quarts
similar to that firt encountered at the
surface and which panned better than $100
gold to the ton. , ,
The officials on their departure took with
theru sample, of or from several of -the
........... . . , . , . -
yi . iii piai i i ii 1 1 1 1 uu mi ii. iaiawiimw. ti.guiniia .gwmasiimaiaiii 'Warn iniin lim aam i lamTw ilu ji.aipai miinia.m laai i.iii.ii.ii piaiiiamiai ,l i.. i ii i .fj i '
,1, i ii iti..B, ... .,,..,.,,.--.., .i..ilN--i wiii.i win MTU i..i a,.i.irtilii L. r..,- , , i, "
t a.
' 'j4lKr0!tfaatHJj .
At a special meeting of th Board of Manager of th Goodyear Balnooat Co., al I our Sow Tort headquarter, It wa deotded, tn order to moot ores sins- obllratlona ta aurma mm mn .tw,v
be possible, and at an uttet disregard of the cost of manufacture. AU of the slghty-U braueh toreLsT been ordered to eU below e, TTa oaugatiOB, to Merino macs stock m may
To Raise 300,000.00 Within Fifteen Day
rxoiAX. uzasAoa jvst buosiysd xm timb.
Never before have we found ourselves 1n such a predicament aa now. In
addition tot this sale we received a message from headquarters to sell the re
mainder of th stock from our Kansn City store
At 33 1-3o on tho Dollar' '
' This store recently closed, owing to expiration of lease.
Don't fall to attend thla asl. and do It HOW, befoo alas are too badly
broken to nt you, Aa opportunity suoa aa this ooms once or psrbap twlo la
a lifetime. Bow 1 your ohano to buy your Bainooat or Waterproof Overooat at
lass than oost to manufacture them. The pressing need of oaeh of this company
1 your opportunity wlU you grasp Itf W guarantee every purchase or ratoad
f fur mon7- h garmeut that are on sale now are the world' best the s-ery
kind that have made th bam "Qoodyear" famous for th flneat mad Rain d roof
garments In the world.
Men's and Women's ; Craven
etted ltaincoats and .
Overcoats, Also Ladies'
Silk Rubberized Raincoats
$12.00 Coats $5
$15.0t) Coats .....$G
$20.00 Coata ...... $8
$25.t)OCoaJs ....SlO
$30.00 Coats ..;.13
$35.00 Coats :...$14
$40.00 Coats ....$10
$45.00' Coats ....$18
Roto! Loyal Elig.. 223 Worth 16th Street The Ralnccst Store
Southeast Corner 16th and Davenport
Boy a' and Misses Cravenetted Raincoats and
Overcoats; also Misses' Silk Rub
berized Raincoats
$7.50 Coats $3 I $12.00 Coats $5
$10.00 Coats $4 I $15.00 Coats ... .$0
lien's new imported - waterproof English
Slip-on Coats $35.00 values, at. . .$12.00
Boys' Rubber Coats, $3,50 values, at. :$1.50
Men's Rubber Coats
$6.00 Coats.,. .$2.50 $10.00 Coats. .$4.00
In both heavy and light weights.
- ; ; p -