1 1 sm: ir,r,: omaha, natuhday, January 29, 1910. V r 1 f OFFERED FOR RENT Vmt iralahfl notnit- TWO unfurnished roomi Fark Ave. 16 00. L'ontlnued. for rent W! ' TWO unfurnished rooms. 611 8. JT.th Ave. FOUR unfurnished housekeeping room, with range, modern hotiae. 1309 Webster. 2lsL FOl'R nice modern room, Including heat. 118 fV 1308 Ho. ,th Ave. Douglas Itaae and Cettng,ja. OMAHA Van "toragr Co.. pae. move 1 store, h h. good; storehouse, 112011 N 13th; office 100 8. 17'h St. Tel. Douglas NEW strictly modern brick cottage, eight rooms. In Went Farnam district. Ownor'a 'phone Douglaa 6uM. HOTTHE9, Insurance, RlngwaJt, Rarker Blk. MODERN, l-room house, 218 S. 25th Ave. I'hone Douglas 4T.S7. BRICK houae. 214 Dewey Ave.. 7 rooms, modern. Moyer Stationery Co., UK Far nam St. FOR RENT Four-room cottage on 28th Av.. between Dodge and Farnam Sts. Ap ply Dexter U Thomas. 412 bee Bldg. WK8T FARNAM SPECIAL. 114 42 St.. one of the nicest small housei In this d strict. 8 rooms, all modern, In nice shapo throughout, and we know It will ple.e you. The rent Is only $.. Key at our off'.oe. PAYNE, BOSTWICK SLATER, Sole Agents. 001 N. V. Life Bldg. 2S1J WOOLWORTH Ave., 8 rooms, mod ern, $2f. 2T.54 St. Mary's Ave., C rooms, modern. $20. 1019 Maenn. 10 room, modern. Itt.fiO. Others. KING WALT BROS., 306 B. 15th St. 6-ROO.Vt. mo-tern not:se. new plumbing, rice lawn. Til So. 37ih. Key at 7a So. 37th. Webater 25M. 7 ROOMS. Modern house. ir.OS Spruce 81 H. 1. Plumb. 110 8. 13th Ht HOUSEHOLD GOODS packed, forwarded; cheep freight rates; moving and storlns Expressmen's ItellrcV Co. Trl. Doug. 231. y Chris Boyer, 22d and Cumings St., for houses and flats, from $M to 140, and from three to ten rooms. HOUSES, (lata. Garvin Broe.. 318 N. Y. L. HOUSES In " parU ot tns c"y ilUUOM Crelgh Sons & Co.. B-ie li.a NO EQUAL Steam heat, all modern. 7 rooms, hall, batb and biw-iunt. 120 N. 13d. : FOR RENT 9-room brick house, all mod ern, 2WJ Wlills Ave., $25. 4-roora apartment, city water, toilet. IK I I No. 18th. $12.60. C. iV. HACHMANN, 480-37 Fuxlon Blk. ' Tel- Re 2633. Kea Tel. D. WA. HAQQARD Van a Storage Co. D. i",. Pack, store and ship household goods. HOUSES Pnters Trust Co.. N.Y.Llfe Bldg 6-room, mndern cottage, 3033 S. fist, IIS 00. k 6-room, modern, new, 3D29 No. l.lth, $2i.5o. A 8-room, modern, 2103 Grant, $20.C0. 8- room, modern, and barn, 950 No. 2oth, $30.00. 9- room, modern, barn, 627 Park Ave., $40. 8-room, modern, barn, 4501 Seward, $18.00. TH08 W. HAZEN. 105 So lfith. Phone Doug. 1300. 9-room, mod., new furnace, 2707 Farnam St., $40.00. 7-room, mod., ex. heat, 1812 Bristol Bt, $20.00. 6-room., new flat, 1st floor oak finish, I all mod., 2103 Ca lfornla St., $35. , Button Realty Co., K New Location, 1216 Farnam St. ' Phone Douglas 2S19. 7-ROOM house, modern, first-class con dltlon, 2234 Maple street, near 24th. Water raid; shades furnished; rent reasonable. K. W. Gunthor, owner, 330 N. 40th St. Tel. Harney 2351." FOR RENT ' $15.00 Four-room . cottage., 669 So. 41st St. Shlmer ft Chase Company, 300 So. 17th St. ROOMS. $40. 2967 Pacific, 9-r., strlotly modern house, f cry room newly papered, the whole house In finest repair. Snap at $40. PAYNE, BOSTWICK ft SLATER. Solo Agents, 601 N. Y. Life Bldg. NEW strictly modern brick cottage, 8 rooms. In West Farnam district, phone owner, Douglaa 6081. FOR KENT Six-room house, S 82d Ave., modern, $20. Phone Harney 1566. Dnlldfaga. I WANT an offer for tne two story brick U,- building at 1213 and 12 IB Howard street. Will rent for fA a month. Eastern owns will tell cheap. THOMAS BREKNAN. Room 1 New Tork Life Building. tores. CORNER storeroom. 701 N. 16th. f urrtntu Furniture sad OFFERED FOR SALE Household Goods. HOUSEHOLD GOODS for sale, must be old at once. 1018 S. 38th Ave. A NICELY furnished steam heated 14 room flat, cloae In, full of roomers, A bar gain for cash. Address K 786, Bee. Household Furniture R,XiyBued: at price to move stock quickly. Amerloaa' Furniture Co.. 820 N. ICth. MualeaJ lastrnnaemta. BWOND-HAND piano players, good lew, $M to $75. Call or write. Piano Pla new. Player Co., old Boston Store. Paoaoajrsipka. SECOND-HAND Edison and other Phon ographs, $3 to $25; good ss new. Call or write. Piano Player Co.. Old Boston Store. Typewriters. SECOND hand typewriters sold, repaired Central Typewriter Exchange. lt-J7 Farnam FOR SALE Typewriters. Invisible Smith Premier, only used a few montno; I type writer chairs and typewriter desk. 803 Bee building. Tel. Douglas 2527. ' An Omaha Real Estate man's reply to the Iowa Copper Mining Co.: "In reply to yours asking my opinion as to what med ium to use for advertising in this section, I would sug gest The Omaha Bee. The buik of my- advertising goos to The Bee as it has produced the better results at this office. Very truly yours, Jan. 22, 1910. How the Record BEE Dec, 1909 ....1,137 inches Deo., 190S 884 inches Gain of Eee, 233 ins. or 23 C1FERE0 FOR SALE (Continued. ; HlMtll COAL AT CUT PKICES We save you from Me to II .V) on everv ton and alve better ct el. We guarantee correct weights. Uosenblatt's Cut Trice Coal Co. rVtAT. basketa $1; dry kindling, load. $1. Hlar Ice and Coal Co., D 44W. ABOUT IM feet H-lnch wire cable, aec ond hand; will sell at bargain. Apply H. W. Psker, SupL Bee Bldg.. Omaha. Neb. SODA FOUNTAINS, new and second hand; monthly payments. Denght, 1311 Firnam St. OXT. Furnace lump a ton 1 nn.rm.on & Woath. W. 848. DIAMOND, lH-karat, perfect; worth $T0; set In $30 gold heart; owner will racrlfire at $165; anyone's examination welcomed. Address 1! 118, Bee HOUSEHOLD goods for sale. Must be sold at once. 1018 8. 3Sth Ave. fnTOT?S New nd Sfcoudhsnd Dy mwiuiw nmnos and Motors; also all kinds of electrical repairing. LeBron Electrical Works, 313 S. 12th St. DRUGS st cut prices; freight paid on all $10 orders; catalogue free. Sherman , Mo Connell DruR Co.. Omaha. Neb. SCHOLARSHIP on lending business col lege for salt at discount. Address P-WM. Bee. HALL'S safes, new. Sd-hand. 1818 Farnam. FOR SALE New and Id-hand billiard and pool tables. We lead the world In cheup bar fixtures, easy payments, nruns-wlck-r.alke-Coilriciei. 407 S. 10th SL WE HAVE on hsnd a number of Ink nar rele which e will sell at 60u each. Thv are fine fqr rain water or a.slies. Call at pressroom Bee Publishing Co. FOR SALE National cash register, with tnpe almost new; cheap If taken at once. Address K 8(9, Bee. 2D-HAND oak counter, hend-carved .nr hie cashier plate; v lrj v.'lcket aluut 40 ft., odd shape; will fit a room 2C feet Me Can be seen at storage tiouse. For fur. her pnrticulars 'phono Douglas 238. Bee Build ing Co. STOUf SASTT Complete stock fur olului "Af5n'shed on short notice. C. SUNDELL A CO., Contractors ond Builders, Room O, Nw Tork Lite Bldg. SECOND-nAND scales at 1507 Harney. IF It's secondhand, we have it. Levy, 411 N. 26th St., South Omaha. Tel. South 225. BARRELS AI Ij KINDS FOR ANY imiiuijuo PURPOSE MAGIC CITY BARREL CO SO. OMAHA So. 1625. SECOND-HAND safe. $25. 1110 Farnam. OUTSIDE showcases, plate glass and marble; $W, cost fib. 308 N. 16th St. PIANOLA piano player. $35. cost, $175, leaving city. 216 N. 22d. OSTEOPATHY JOHNSON INST., 418 N. Y. I Tel. D. 1GC4. Dr. Kathryn Nloholaa. COS N. Y. L. Bldg PATENTS D. O. BARNELU Faxton Blk. Tel. Red 711). HUFFMAN. 218 Neville Bldg. Book free PERSONAL MECHANO-THERAPY Is a drugless cure for female weakness. Consult Dr. Marguerete Hallovan, 226 Ne ville Blk. D. 7iSL Under supervision of M. D. 8TRICTLY private home for confine ments; trained nurse; babies for adoptions. 2118 Davenport ATYF!T,TfiTTT Halr Food- Wonderful AJJiliJjXUllX Halr R90torer. Grows Hair on Bald Heads. For sale by Mme. Frayer at Megeath Stationery Co. Arlene de Voy. Manicuring and massaga. 520 8. 16th St. Flat 8. , 'Phone D. 76S6. PRIVATE HOME during confinement: babies for adoption. Good Samaritan 8anl lorium, 740 1st Ave., Council Bluffs, J a. $1,000 PRIZE FOR INFANTS' HOME Your subscription to either the Saturday Evening Poat or the Ladies' Home Journal la worth 50 cents to Child Saving Institute. $S00 already earned. URGENT, POSITIVELY Muat have 460 more subscriptions by Feb. 28. Brings $1,018 check tor Rabies' home. Act, for goodness sake! Bend In your renew als In advance make It 2 years if you like. You pay news stands J2.i0. :Jy price $1.50. Save $1.10. Interest your friends. Remem ber this Is not sentiment, but an Invalid's bid for a livelihood In hope of business on other magazines. Write for complete cata logue and atory, "A Broken Back." Ad dress GORDON, The Magaslne Man. Tel. Douglaa 7163. Omaha, Neb. WTfJCand toupes for men. GRIFFITH. VVAUk-u, ani u FRE NZh.lt BLK. WE rent and repair all kinds of sewing machines. Iud. A 1(4S, Doug. 1663. NEBRASKA CYCLtt CO.. 15th and Harney Hts. THE SALVATION ARMY solicits caai-o(( clothing, In fact anything you do not need We collect, repair and sell at 184 N. Uta St., for coat of oolleotlou, to the worthy poor. Call 'phone Douglas 412 and wagoa will call. A HOME for women during confinement. We find nomas tor babies where mothers cannot caie for them. Babies boarded For terms address Mrs. Martha A. Lea. 401 Bancioft St., Omaha. Neb. 'Phone Douglas 1931. JOS1E WASHBURN'S new book. "The Underworld Bower." sold at all book stores, price, $1.50. Swarfs A McKclv; News Dept. 2d hand bkii Ger & Kng nviodlcul. 109 8. 15th. MAGNETIC treatment. Mme. Smith. 522 8. 181 h St.. third floor ERNEST SWEET, 613 N. Y. Life Bldg. Looks in Figures WORLD-HERALD- Dec., 1909 1,089 inches Dec, 1908 1,200 inches Loss of W.-II., Ill ins., OMo PERSONAL (Continued.) DR. EOGER9 private confinement homi lilt; Martha St- F'mns Douglas tXKk BIRDIE Peters, tescher of piano. W. 10M. MIB3 LA GRANK. baths, massage. 117 Dodge Bt., basement flat. Hours, 10 a. m to t p. m. MASSAQB AND BATHS. R. 30S Old Boston Ktore Bidn., 4th floor. I2 8. lGth St. Stairway on Douglaa ft. AfnTTTTfWKtTnlon orchestra. Up to MUUlilUl datn, cstchy. dar.eesble music. Rhul Moulton, director. Ptudlo. 605 Karbach Block. Doug. T74R. Ind. A-43S3. MUSIC furnlshedi Independent orchestra. Dancing a specialty. Tel. Web. 124. MAGNETIC and massage treatment tit No. lfith St. MASQUE suits to rent Theo. Urben. OMAHA Stammerers Ins., Ramge Bldg. EXPKRIENCKD nurse, 35 years; ladles In confinement a specialty; prices reason able. 3109 3. 13th St. CHILBLAINS No- 1700,; "" cur UUjiiUAliXO wo, Halnea Drug Co. MASSKOTHERAPHT Mme. Allen of Chicago, baths, salt gloiv and massage treatments. 207 N. 17th St.. room 1. Are your tired? Does your blood circu late properly? Is your digestion good? If not, why not consult Prof. Q. K. Dlnjtan, oriental scientific niassagist, 405-407 Bfe Bidg., Phone 1). 863. Special attention given to facial massage and scalp treatment POULTRY Screening II. M 100 lbs. Wagner, 101 N. 16tb BUFP turkeys; toms, $3.60; hens, IS. R. E. Thompson, Allison, la. TWO Barred Rock cockerels, "Ringlet" strain very high class birds. H. H. Put nam. 6140 Burt Bt. Telephone Harney 60. DUCKS-Jcsse Newell's Indian Runners are unbeatable money-makers. Greatest jayers ever known. Kasllv raised; easily handled. Eyeopener circular free. Girard, Iiilnols. PRINTING 'PHONE IND. A-3C20 for good printing Lyngatad Printing Co.. lGth & Capitol A.e. WATERS PRINTING CO.. B22-524 S. ISth. MIDLER & JAMIESC. ouick printers. 1213 Douglaa St Tel. Doug. 42S3; Ind. A 42S9. REAL ESTATE REAL KSTA1B DEALERS, REED ABSTRACT CO.. Est 18SS: promp service; get our prices. 1710 Farnam St PATNE INV. CO.. flrat floor N. T. Life REAL ESTATE TITLE-TRUST CO. CHAS. K. WILLIAMSON. President. BENJAMIN R. B. CO., 477 Brandcis Bldg Geo. D. Perrlne. 832 Paxton. Doug. 780L CITY PROPERTT FOH SALE. VACANT Two lots on 52d, between Farnam and Dodge Sts., east fronts; sewer. Price, 1700. PAYNE INVESTMENT CO., 1st Fl. N. T. L. Bldg. Tel.: Dousr. 1781; A 1181 WANTED, to sell, good location bakery and candy suite, ice cream parlor. Harney Etl66. 3323 Seward Street My new, modern, 8-room home; oak fin ish first floor, 4 . (.tractive bedrooma second floor; stairway to attic; a home clone to car, with sightly location, $4,350. Phono Harney 1709. $3,500 FIRST MORTGAGE at S per cent Interest on 6,400-acre ranch; $30,000 Improve ments. Room 411, Karbach block. FIVE-ROOM strictly modem cottage, north end. Address C-119 care Bee. ONLY $100 CASH Nothing Like It Ever Offered Before Brand new, fine home of ( rooms, reoep tton hall and outside sleeping portico; first floor finished In oak; fine combination light fixtures. Carton furnace, new window shades, linen closet, etc.; cement walks all around. Price only $8,800, with $100 down, balance $30 monthly and $200 annually for four years; then only $21 per month. Let us show you this and you'll buy It. DON'T PAY RENT ANT LONGER. Johnston & Wesley, Phone Douglas 1235. $06 S. 17th St. 9 Rooms, $11,000 Exclusive West Farnam district; owner leaving city; easy terms; 6Va per cent In terest. Harrison & Morton, West Far,nam Cuming Line . 60-foot lot south front, high view to east and west, walks and new paving; home built by owner a few years ago. immedi ate possession. $0,000; Urms. O'Keefe Real Estate Co., 1002 3-4 N. T. Life. Douglas or A Slil INVESTMENT DOUBLE BRICK FLAT, NEW. $ rooms each, all modern, will rent for $14. Pries only i.2l0. Let us show you. P. O. NIELSEN & CO. 70$ N. Y. L. Bldg. Both 'Phones. (-ROOM modern, 2-story house, furnace heat, on Locust St., Juxt east of 24th. Lot 40x140, $2,860. t 6-ROOM story and' half house, at 33Z5 Parker. A good well-'ou.n hound, wltii large barn. Lot 47x127, $4,800. W. H. GATfcS, 617 N. T. Life. Ph. D. 1294. INVESTMENT A very desirable rental property, always rented to prompt paying tenants. In a locality that is improving rapidly. Is now paying over U per cent on actual cash in vested. Price, $4,000; $&,ouO cush. and $4.uu0 lung as you want It to run at 6 per ccut NOWATA LAND AND LOT CO., 624 N. T. Life Bldg. Red im. WOULD YOU BUY A HOME AT BED . ROCK PRICJt-S IN BKNSONT Cottage, strictly modern, rooma and bath; open nickel plumbing; permanent walks; hot water beat; high and sightly; fine lerraoed lawn; oak finish and maple floors. If you have a lew hundred dollars call at Oi SOUTH ORPHANAGE AVE.. BENON, The owner lives In the housa. Call today. 7-ROOM MODERN, CLIFTON HILL Fine corner lot Just a step to two car lines. Beautiful location. We want you to look at it. Price. $3,000. NOWATA LAND AND LOT CO.. 24 New York Life Bldg. Red-l0t. BARGAIN Five-room modern rnitan $1,600. Kay terms. V J. H. PAKROTTE. HOARD OF TRADE. AVE WANT YOU TO BUY two cottager, one 5-room and one 6-room, modern except beat, walking distance, paved street, all specials paid. Always rent for $U.gC pwner must sell a f once. Sttlfi L'S. P. O NIELSEN CO. 703 N. Y. L. Bldg. Both 'Phones. If you want a barnaln tnu piano or some musical Instrument watch the Ollered for Sale" column from clay to clay. real estate CITT PHOI'Kll l V F4UI SALE. (Continued.) Big Bargain Fins lot In center of West Farnam Dis trict for $2.2X. Hicka, 213 Board of Trade Bldg. BUY A ILYLF ACRE $10 CASH, $10 A MONTH IN VERNON HEIGHTS This addition was half sold cut laet fall. Many of the purchasers will build tr.ls spring. Several families have already built. BUY NOW and get a good selection, or we will build you a house and sell It to you on easy terms, and If half an acre is not ennuqh will lease you an adjoining half acre. Come In. let's talk It over. HASTINGS A HEYDEN, 1614 Harney St. DEAN PLACE Omaha's newest and mot attractive addition la now ready for your inspec tion. AH lots have about 2 -foot ter race and a frontage of 50 feet. AH street! have been paved, all sidewalks are In, sewer, water, gas and electric services In front of every lot. All spe cials have been paid. Some of the most beautiful shade trees in the city are to be found in Dean Place. It is situated one block north of Hanscom park and six blocks east of the Field club, and is bounded on the east by Park Ave., on the south by Poppleton Ave., on the west by 30th Ave. and adjoins Thomas Rogers' fine home on the north. Our prices are much lower than thoBe of adjoining property, ranging from 1,600 to $2,000 for the beat cor ners. Terms, M cash and the balance in one, two and three years. Plats of the addition will be mailed upon application. To reach this addition take either the east or west park cars. Get off at Park Ave. and Pacific St., walk south 260 feet to our big sign. Call Douglas 1064, ask for 11. M. ChriBtie and make appointment to see these lots. W. FARNAM SMITH & CO., Sole Agents, 1320 Farnam St. TelB. D.' 1064; Ind., A-1064. FORGED SALE REAL BARGAIN BRAND NEW HOUSE Six large rooms and 'reception hall, oak finish, hot water plant, laundry and all modern conveniences, paved street, treat, permanent walks, etc, 1V& blocks from car, choice location on north side, lot 61x133. Offered at $4,000 for immediate sale. Can arrange terms to suit. Neat 6-room cottage, new and all mod ern, In N. W. part, high, vlghtly location, full lot. Big bargain at $2,800. 8-room, partly modern house, lot 30x150, close In, $2,ti60; $150 cash, 25 per mo. Im mediate possession. We have several easy term bargains that are sure to Interest, If you'll call at office. RUSSELL & McKITRICK CO., 432 Ramge Bldg. 15th and Harney Sts, 6-ROOM HOUSE, $1,250 S. 20th, ' nuar Castellar St., a solid, well built house, brings good rent Let us show It to you. NOWATA LAND AND LOT COMPANY, 624 N. Y. Life Bldg. Red 1099. PRAIRIE PARK Hlh "rade and l ivixvxrj x ixxi. artlstlc hoUM1 $:i.f00 to (5,000; small cash payment and bal ance monthly. Paxton Real Estate com pany, owner. W. O. Jensen builds homes right; plans furnlJhed. Res. 2V21 Spaulding. Web. SS3. REE 6-room cottage at 221 S. 28th and give me an offer. .Owner. S3U S. 34th. MIDLAND Guarantee and Trust com pany, bonded abstracters, 1714 Farnam street. Tel. D 2&S6. . EVERY MAN SHOULD OWN A HOME Have you J285 rash? If so, let us show you the best and easiest proposition in Omaha. 2115 POPPLETON AVENUE 6 rooms, just built. Is strictly mcdern but furnace, stairway from center of house up to attic; 2 more rooms can be finished If desired; house Is very attractive and very well built; large basement, cemented; only 12 minutes' walk from The Be building. Price, 12,850; $235 cash, balance J2a. 3a a month, ;which Includes interest. KA8'rikas & H E YpEN, J14HarneySt. REAL ESTATE FARM AND HAHiCH LAM) FOR SALE) California. CALIFORNIA lands for sale in Sacra mento valley. 40-acre orange grove; best proposition on Pacific coast. Fruit ami poultry farms. Write tor free printed mat ter. Kelsea, Corning, Cal. rior:du. FLORIDA COLONYLANDS 20,000 acres In the best farming county In the state; timber and wood worth large proportion of price asked. $4.60 per acre, though tract ho.1 beun cut over; one of the last good co'ony bargains tor immediate exploitation now offered in Florida; alto a magnificent long time investment; railroad through center of tract: terms. Write or wire Tne Hampton-Watson Co., Gainesville, Florida. Oklahoma. OKLAHOMA Ws have 100.000 acres of choice land to select from, raiigir.g In price from lo to $40 per acre. This land Is in the oil and gua district and you mi; lit get an oil Well with your land. NO WATA LAND AND LOT CO., Suite t4 Mew Yurk Life Bidg 'teams. A DEEP. RICH SOIL, SUNSHINE all the lime; water when you want It. Land at $6 to HO nsr acre for weli Iro- firoved farms; go t-ee It Kebruury L Very uer round trip rut.s. Wilto us. NOWATA LAND & LOT CO.. Suit 1124 N-w Vork Life Bldg.. Hed 11)99. Metirasit. HOMESTEAD relinquishments. CIO acres, $f,00 up. Western Land Hradiuarter4, Alli ance. Neb FARM BARGAIN .Must be sold on ac fount of ommr's liiuith; acl! improved lAJ acre farm, seven and a uuurler iniloi from town; price. IX- pr acre: aay terms. J. T. Campbell. Litchfield. Neb. FOR barraln Ir. nil kln1 nf l.nH n.mm ranches and homes In the west write or see the Potter Realty Co., Potter, Neb. ' 320 Acres 2 Miles from Town, $45 Lartern Nebraska farm; Improvements; nearly ell under cultivation; t:ne crop last year. It is worth $i0 per acre more, but Owner must sell, NOWATA LAND AND LOT CO.. . C4 N. Y. Life Bldg. Red intra. lootk Dakota. FOR SALE Choice lands at low prices. Brulo county. H. D. For booklet, maps and prlceilst address llaganuin-ttatwi, Puk waua, S. D. FARM AMU it ; ji i. a 4n ran ials (Continued.) Itamti, NORTHEASTERN Kansns farms. J to 1,000 acres; 2.W acres splendid land; 200, 320, 400 or 4o0-arre stock and grain farms; 440 acre pasture; also town property. Write John lloyt. Irving. Kan., President Tele phone company, Vermont. 128-ACRt; farm for sale. Good bnlldlnga with all modern Improvements, will cut 10) tons . hay. Address Box tS, Pittsford Mills. VI Vtah. FOR BALE DRY FARM BAROAIN. S00 ACRfiS NEAR GARLAND. DEAR RIVER VALLEY, CTAH, AT $?0 PER ACRE; STATION . R L. RAILWAY ON LAND; BLACK I-OAMY SAGEBRUSH LAND, NUVKR BERN FLOW ED; GOOD FOR GRAIN. ALFALFA. OR BUOAR BfclETS. FOR TERMS KEH AT ONCE L. R. MART1NEAU, SALT LAKE CITY. Waihlsgtea. . WASHINGTON. . . For full Information concerning farms nd fruit lands In the state of Washington and ESPECIALLY IN THE RPOKANK COUNTRY, CALL OR WRITE J. R. Lt'SK, HOTEL LOYAL. OMA.HA, NEB. CHEAP FARES ON ALL PACIFIC COAST LINES GO INTO EFFECT MARCH 1. IF POSSIBLE. SKE MKl. LUSK'S BE A tTTIFl'L DISPLAY OK WASHINGTON APPLES AT THE HOTEL LOYAL REAL ESTATE LOANS MONEY TO LOAN Payno Invest ment Co. WANTED City loans. Peters Trust Co. 1100 to 10,000 made promptly. F. D. Wead, Wead Bldg., 18th and Farnam. WANTED City loans and warranta. W. Farnam Smith A Co., 1320 Farnam St. LOWEST RATES Bemls, Brandels Bldg. FIVE PER CENT MONEY to loan on Omaha business property, THOMAS BRENNAN, Room 1, New York Life Bldg. IfiOO to tf.000 on homes In Omaha. O'Keefe Real Estate Co., 1003 N. I, Life. Douglas or A 2162. EASTERN Nebraska farm loans and loans on high grade Omaha residence prop' erty at low Interest; optional payments; no delay. L SlbbernBen, Old Boston Store Bldg. PAYNE. BOSTWICK & CO., N. Y. Life. Private money, )M0 to 15,000; low rate. LOANS to home owners and home build ers, with privilege of making partial pay ments semi-annually; no commission. W. H. THOMAS. 60S First National Bank Bldg. OARVIN BROS., J18 N. Y. Life, $5C0 to $200,000 on Improved property. No delay. WHEN answering these advertisements kindly mention The Bco. REAL ESTATE WANTED WE HAVE BUYERS FOR 6, 6 and 7-room houses. If prices are right we can sell your property for you.' NOWATA LAND AND LOT CO., Suite 624 N. Y. Life Bldg. WANTED To buy a 4 or 6-room cottage; muat be cheap and on easy payments. Ad dress P 114, Bee. I WANT Information about a good grain or stock farm for sale; I know of over 1,000 buyers, willing to pay your price; I can tell you how to find them; write me about It and Jet's see If we can close up a deal. Address at once, Arthur Capper, Dept. 25, Topeka, Kan. WILL pay cash for several well located building lots; must be priced right. Ad dress O 113, Bee. SWAPS 320 ACRES CLEAR LAND. Will exchange for Omaha Improved or wll'. consider well located vacant lots. Re member we pay no attention to whlttlers. NOWATA LAND AND LOT CO.. 6S4 N. T. Life Bldg. Red 1999. FOR TRADE. $3,500 Kqulty In city business property of 2-story and basement brick bul'dlng and 10-room house renting at $84 per year. Would take clear land or smaller city property. TITOS. W. HAZEN, 105 S. lGth. Phone Doug. 1300. SIX-ROOM house and lot; 3 rooms up end 8 downstairs; both city water and cis tern In kitchen; fine shade and fruit trees. Price, $2 500; mortgage. $1,000; essy pay ments. Want land In Nebraska. NOWATA LAND AND LOT COMPANY, 824 N. Y. Life Bldg. Red 1999. TAILORS $251 will now pay for a real tailor made suit at my shop. 1 cut the rice, not tne quality. AILOR BUCK, 111 South 16th. A FEW $36 and $30 suits, while they last, only $25. MAX MORRIS, The Tailor, 301 Brown Block. O. A. LINQUEST CO.. 236 Paxton Block. JOHN RADMAN. The Tailor. 706 N. 16th St. n mOPF.R ' up. $1B N. li th A THEODORE, "000" Block Tailor. SEE BISTER, young men's fashionable tailor, 412-13-14-16 Paxton Block. Independent Mess. Service. D. 0022. A-4218. A CHEAP tailor Is always dangerous. See J. A. Kervan. 608-10 Brandels Bldg. AlffllWAf Merchant Tailor. .AUDIJl HH Harney St. D, ioug. G9tf7. T O UrifSnV BOSTON TAILOR, U.V.lAV.lVDUi Room 1, Paxton Blk, lfvlr.Tl R- T, inform on 400 So. 15th St. 1 Quality Clothes. NORD1N. The Tailor, 1522 Douglaa St. A 17HRTN "loaning and dyeing. Suits pressed SOc. IrtiO St. Marys. WANTED TO BUY GOOD pric? paid for second-hand clothes, shoes and furniture KKLNER. Doug. 5041. OLD automobile rims and shot's. NEHHASKA PUNCTURE PROOF CO,. . 2201 Farnam. JUST opening business; household goods wanted; highest price; stoves, furniture, sewing machines repaired; written guar-ante-. .New 'orn Ktpair Shop, 1117 Dodge; D. 1550: A 4353. WANTED POO old bicycles, with or with out wheels. Teh phone Douglas 2713 or Ind. B 6142. A. L. Archey. HIGHEST prlbe paid for broken watches, old gold, etc. M. Nathan, 211 H. 13th. WANTECV-Cycle hatcher. P 193, Bse. BEST price paid for second-hand furni ture, carpets, clothing and shoes. Tel. Doug. 8071. BALTIMORE 2d-haud store pays best price for Id-hand furniture, clothes, etc. D. 4:'5. WANTED second-hand Roller Top Office Desk and Chair. Address, Lock Box 10. WANTED TO RENT WANTED Furnished housekeeping rooms, strictly modern: walking distance. Address F $78. B ( WANTED TO RENT fomlnhed.) WANTED By gentleman, room and part board, between 22d and 2tth and Ames Ave. and Browne. Address U. 171), Bee. WANTED S'llts of rooms or fares al cove, with, boatd, on or near ear line, for mther and daughter; daughter emploved In public school. Address l lire. WANTED SITUATION YOUNfl MAN. four veers' emer'enf In hardware business In West Virginia: best references. Address Y 163, tats Hee. WANTED By young man. place to wnrk for board while attending H. r.s colitis. FAMILY waahlng done. Web. 7 v WANTED Day work. PhonTl. 4802. LAKER, good on bread and pasiry, wants position; sober man. Address Mill. Bee. WANTED Position as office boy; salary l etart, 6; aged is ycais; bright and In dustrious. Address, M 11W, Bee. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS Real estate transfers for January 2S. Furnished by Midland Guarantee and Trust company, bonded abstracters. 1714 Farnam Samuel Overgarde to John Overgarde, lot 7, block 1. Folanrn plate, q. c. d. ...$ 25 George W. McClelland et al. to Oert rude Buckholi, lot lb, block , Kllby plaoe , . , j George W. McClelland, trustee, "to same, same property , Benjamin F. Hutchlns and wife to Hastings & Heyden, seW ot se of neu, 12-16-13 ,, A. H. Norton and wife to George G. feharpe, sc1 of nwl. 12 16-10. q. o. d.. . 1 Alfred C. Hopkins, Alfred Millard and Anna C. Millard, executors, to Ger man Lutheran church of Millard, lots 4 and 5. blork 2, Millard 7$ City of Omaha to Coad Real Estate Co., part. of alley between 37th and SKfh Sts., between Dodge and Far nam, q. a d Packers National bank of South Omaha to Coad Real Estate Co., nl9 feet of lot 8, block 8t, South Omaha.. 1,300 L. Draper and wife to Susie F. Sher- rot. lot 10. block 6, Hanscom place,.., ,6l0 Ralston Townslte Co. to Herbert Olson, lot 80, block 6, Ralston 17$ Ernest Sweet and wife to Irving F. Baxter nnrf t a v 1 in I i 1 . 21-16-13 4,500 -nnuerson ana wire to Sven O. Johnson, w lot 14, block 469,. Grand View , , , George Holmes and wife to J. D.' XVear. . part of lots 12 and 13, block 25,1 Wll cox's 2d add , 2 800 H. H. Garst to C. L. Stephen, w30 feet Of lot 13. block 3, Patrick s add 1,620 C. L. Stephen to Mike Shapiro, same property j Oscar Peterson to Emma H. C. Peter son, n6 feet of slog feet of lots 18 and 17, block 15, Improvement Aas'n. add , i Edward P. Boyer et al. to Antonio pellisi and Alflo Vaaantl, wH of lot 7, block 247, city ...2300 George H. Abbott and Jesse B. Watt, ' executors, to S. S. Batter, lot 2, block 1,' Sherwood's sub 1700 Eva C. Abbott and husband to Sarah J. Forrcy, lot 2, block L Shsrwood s sub. . . . 1 700 Mary Schmlth to Catherine Gulnatte, ' lots 11 and 12, block $. Everett place.. 1 Melissa Ash to Russell ft McKltrlck, lot 6, block S, Boggs A Hill's add., and lot 19, block i, William Hage dorn's add , .. . 1 GOVERNMENT NOTICES OFFICE OF THE CONSTRUCTING Quartermaster, Fort Robinson. Nebraska, January 19, 1810. Sealed proposals for fur nishing all material and labor for ADDI TION TO AND REPAIRING PUMP HOUSE, NEW BOILERS, NEW PUMP, etc., at Fort Robinson, Nebraska will be received here until 11 a. ' m. February 19 1910. Plans and speciflcallons may be con sulted at the offices of the Chief Quarter master at Denver, Omaha, Chicago and St. Paul. Depot Quartermaster at St. "uouls, and at this office. Blank proposals and Instructions to bidders may bs obtained at the same offices., Plans and specifications furnished upon receipt of certified check for $15 to Insure their return Enelope.i containing proposals should be Indorsed "PROPOSALS FOR IMPROVING AND REPAIRING WATER SYSTEM" and ad dressed to Captain Malvern Hill Bsrnum, Constructing Quartermaster, Fort Robin son, Nebraska. J23d7t PROPOSALS FOR CAVALRY HORSES Chief Quartermaster's Office, Omaha, Ne braska, January 4, 1910. Sealed proposals. In trInllnAto will t ."Li. until 11 o'clock a. in., central standard time. reon-ary s. jmu, ana then opened In the presence of attending bidders, for 140 Cavalry Horses, for delivery at Omaha, Ne braska, or other prominent railroad points: The animals to conform to specifications for Cavalry Horses. United States reserves right to accept or reject any or all pro posals or any part thereof. Particulars and blanks for proposals will be furnished on aDDliCatlnn. Knwlniui rnnlalnln. .... l ' - . . . ........... B 1 s w 1.1 n to be Indorsed "Proposals for Horses." and .uuioHcu io juajor u. Hi. M CARTHY. Chief Quartermaster. J4-6-6-29-31 Fl FORT LOGAN, COLORADO. January 21, 1910 Sealed proposals In triplicate will b received until 10 a. m. February 21. 191. and then publicly opened, for the construction i 5, I"""1'" Building and the Installation Of Plllmhinff- montrl UMrtnB r . 1-.. w - -- . . . uaullul ma chinery and Equipment. Blank forms for ..luwaio, frMuua nu Bpccmoaiions may be had on application. United States reserves rlffht In .i.f.nt r.f ,.uni . . . , 1 " - . . itj.Li mij ur ail pro posals or any part thereof. Envelopes con- lu.im.a ,iV1iuoftig suuum d marKea irro posais for Construction of Laundry" and addressed to Captain Chase Doster. Quar termaster, United States Armv. J25-27-29 F1-6-1J RAILWAY TIME CARD UNION STATION Tenth aad Uais, Union Pacific Leave. Ban Fran. Ov'rl'd Ltd. 8:15 a. m. Chi. & Jap. F'st Mail. 4:10 p. rn. Arrive. 11:30 p. m. 6:46 p. in. 6:46 a. m. 6:80 p. m. N:40 p. m. 12:U a. m. "M a. m. :00 p. m. 4:45 p. m. 10:90 a. m. 1:20 p. m. 1:20 p. ro. Atlantic express... Oregon Express ... Oreion-W ash. Ltd. Denver Special .... Colorado Special . Colorado Express ... 4.O0 p. in. ...12:40 p. m. ... -47 a. m. ...11:48 p. ru. 8:50 p. m. North Plate Local..... 1:15 a. in. Grand Island Local.... 6:29 p. m. Lincoln-Beat. Local. ..12:41 p. in. Val. & Can. City Lei... 12:41 p. m. thleago A Northwesters EASTUOUND. 1 1 Omaha Express a 7:00 am' Chlcauo Local alll On nm Arrive. al2:J6 am a 8:28 pm a 2:28 pm a 7:66 am a t :i pm al2:20 pin a 7:46 am a i:wi am a 8:60 aiu a 8:16 pm a,10:O pm a 2:28 pm a :U am a 7:80 am 11:00 m a!0:46 pm b 6:80 pm h 6:20 pm a 5:20 pm all:oo am b 1;3J pm Coiorado-Chicago a $:20 pm Chicago Special a 6:00 pm racuic coast-Chicago.. .a 6:U6 pin Los Angeles Limited.... a 9:10 pm Overland Limited all: 45 pm Denver Snucial alV'IA im Carroll Local... ......... .a 4:30 pm Fast Mall ..T...a NORTHBOUNn ' Tv In City Express a 7:6oam Sioux City Local a 2:4 pin Mljlii. & iakota fCxn. - . 1 -rto rm Twin City Limited a $:oo pm WEs'TnoriMn Llr.coln-Chadron ..a 7:t0 am Norfolk-Houston a 7:59 am Lone Pine-Su. Platte., ta 2 IS 1,1,1 i-iastings-superior .. ..b 2:16 pm Deadwooa-tiot pgs. Caepcr-Latxicr Fremont-Albion ..a d:d6 pm S 8:56 pill b 5:30 pin Western Chicago Grrut Chicago Tdmlied.... .a 5:10 pm a 8:30 pm Tln City Limited a 8:30 pm 8:00 am Chicago iilxuresa m s ..... Twin City Express a 8:00 am a 9:00 pm Illinois Central ' Chicago Exprtss.. a 7:15 am a 3:43 pm Chicago Limited., .......a 6:00 pm a 7:15 pm Mina.-St. Paul Exp..... b 7:10 am Minn. -St. Paul Lid 6:00 pm a 7:15 am Omaha-Ft. Dodgs Loo'l.o 4:15 pm Lll:30 am Missouri PacWIo K. C. and St. L. Ex. ...a 9:40 m a 6:36 am Cat 13 p. in ; al!:lo pro a 6:J0 pm Chicago, Hock Island A Pacific EA3T; Rocky Mountain Ltd. ...a 3:40 am al0 80 pro Iowa Local a 6:40 pin a 4:80 pm Chicago Day Express. .a 7:42 sin all:5i pin Dea Molnea Local a 4:00 pm -a 12. 80 pal Iowa Local bl0:86 um b :56 pro Chicago-Eastern Exp. ..a 4:40 pm a 1:16 pm ChloaKo-Nxbra.ka Ltd. a 8.(18 pm e:02pin WEST. Chicago-Nebraska Ltd. for Lincoln..... ...a 8:15 am a S.47 pm Colo, and Cal. Exp a 1:25 pm a 4 1) piu Okla and Texas Exp.... a 2:80 n:n a 1:50 pm Hocky Mountain Ltd...a0:40 pm a 1:28 got Lhioago, liilnsskti A. St. rani Leave. Arrive. Overland Limited all:43 pm a $.00 am Omaha-Chicago Exp. ...a 7:15 am a 9:30 am Colorado- etpeclal.. a.STaia all:33 pin Colo -California Exp a 8:00 pm a I. A pm Parry-Ouiaha Local b 1.16 pm bll.ut pin RAILWAY TIME CARD-t"")'"-J' Wabnsh-o- Omaha-st. tuls Exp. .a t.U pm a V ?1 am Mail anil Kxpuss a 7 JO m all.U pm atanbvrry- lvnal tfrom K. t. st LI Ex. Lv. CuuncU Bluff a).... b $ 00 pm b!0:1$ am IUHMMllOA StAliO.N Tenth mm llaaon. narllngton-- Iev. .a 4:10 pilt .a 4:10 pm a 8:20 am .a 1.10 pm .all 30 pm .a 1 0 am .b l.H pm .a 8:16 am .a 7:26 pm .b 3.06 pin .a 9:18 am .a LW pm .all :90 pm . 7 1". - . Arrive, a $.45 pm a 8:10 pru a 10 pm a 8.18 pm a 7:00 am a 8:10 pm all li pm a 810 pm b 8 04 am a T .M pm bt0am a 8 50 pm a 1.40 pm a 7:00am slLlOpro a 8:4i pni a 8:00 am all. 41 am (Ml. 41 ana a 8:46 am g 8.19 piu Ienver and Callfornls. PUKt fotin-l Express.. Nebraska points.. Black Hills fvarthwest Express Nebraeka points., Lincoln Mall Nebraska Express Lit coin Loon I.:.. Llrrnln Local Schiiyler-Plntlsmouth . Plsiismouth-lowa Bcllrvue-Plattemouth -t,'iiorndo Limited....... Chicago Special , Clilcago Express Chicago Fast Er.press . Iowa Local St. Louis Express K. C. and Su Joseph... .a 4: Jo pm .a $.20 pm .a 8:15 am .a 4:K pm .10:46 pin .a 9:13 am a 4:65 pm K. C. and St. Joseph... K. C. and St. Joseph. WEBSTER STATlWIf Fifteenth ana Webater. Miasoarl Pacific Ixve. Arrive. b 1:60 Dm ht? 10 nm Auburn Local.. Chicago, St. Omaha Paol, JUinneanoIla Jk Lesvs, b 2:00prrt Arrlrg, Ml 45 nm Ploux City Fxpress...,. Omaha Local. Sioux City Passenger... Twin City Passenger... Sioux City Local ; Emerson Local fl 20 pm b 8:20 pm IM4I(6 b t-tfam ,b 6:30am ,o 8:86 am b 6:5.1 pm CLIENT HAS GOOD REASON FOR ABSENCEIS IN JAIL AT YORK Ha marl Nelson I'uahle o Appear aa rinlntUf, aa He Is Avraltlnff Trip to Penitentiary.' "No, your honor, I can't very well go on with this case today. It will be impossible for me to get my client here at once.- Ha is now out In the state." So spake. T. E. Brady, attorney, to Judge Redlck In district court. "Mr. Brady speaks sooth," said Nelson C. Pratt, attorney for the other side. "His client Is now In York and I ' understand car.nct leave there very easily." "Why not7" demanded the court.' Mr. Brady looked down at his boots, hemmed and hawed once or twice and the.i Mr. Pratt relieved him of the difficulty by saying: "His client is In Jail, waiting to be taken to the penitentiary." Judge Redlrk thought that this was ' si good excuse for nonappearance and con tinued the case., T. E. Brada York client is one Samuel Nelson, who ts , suing the Monarch Type writer company for $5,000 alleged damages in having him arrested for larceny as bailee. Attorneys are greatly shocked and sur prised that the district court Is growing weary of delays and more delays. Mem bers of the bench feel that the courts are being criticised for delays , which are ths fault of attorneys and are acting accord ingly, as shown by the Insistence of Judge Redlck that cases set for trial be either hesrd AP itlnmlauul SCREWEYE SAID TO HAVE SURVIVED FIREVITAL EVIDENCE Degree of Heat Now a Point In ths ! . ; Case of Dr. Duncan -Tnrner. More evidence attacking the fire at the home of Dr. "Duncan Turner, 1708 .Chicago street, continues to be introduced by at torneys for the defendant, the Columbia Flee IniilMnn. i. n , pb .. - - ' - .. VJ V. I. . . . II J . . . , , t While on the stand Dr. Turner began to twirl about a finger a large screweye. This he declared had been one of the n o.ow which neiu tne strings support ing the burned-up clothing. An attorney, for the defense took the streweye and saw that the end was fused, evidently by heat The defense has since Introduced expert evidence that It requires a temperature of 8.472 Fahrenheit ir. m1t liv.n Thi. i -. - -w ...v. ....... a ...a wr dence was gtven by Dr. Edmund Thorp, dean of the Crelghton Pharmaceutical school. -. , The defense has also Introduced nails of softer Iron and .therefore more easily fus ible, removed from the- same room where the screweyes were and these nails are not warped. BOOKS FOR SUNDAY SCHOOLS Pnbllo Library Is Offering Special ised Collections for Loans to Religions Organisations. . a.. .. . . .. ... . ounuuy scnoois or tne city win be allowed the use for two months at a time of books filed at the -public library on the religious training of children and' on Sunday school management. Miss Edith Tobitt, librarian, has granted the privilege. . These books may be secured on application to L, T. Grossman, religious dlreotor of the Young Men's Christian association, who Is g mem ber of the County Sunday School associa tion. Books may be renewed for a period Of tWO months umin . VAna.ta All books treating on child study were on display Friday at the association, bqlldlng and will be on display Saturday during the convention of the County Sunday School association. The advisory committee will honor requests for books In the order In which they are made. FRISCO TO 0PEN0FFICE HERE Officials of Recently Divorced Lines Gather for Conference on Handling Freight Traffic. Frelgh traffic on the Rock Island lines. - - ........ HM.VIUIIVH of the Rock island- Frisco merger, was the topic of conversation Friday at a meet ing of Nebraska officials of the first named railroad. . ' Those in attendance were John B. Utt of Omaha, general agent; b. L, Brown, superintendent of tho Nebraska division: J, J. Brehaney, roadmaster, , and W. C. Cavariaugh, chief dispatcher, all of Fair- bury. ' It Is generally understood that the Frisco system will establish an office In OmH within the next few months. Its, business at present is handled entirely by a travel- tnv freight trtit NEW" GROCERY WAREHOUSE Balidera Start Work on IBO.OOO Structure on Jackson Street fog Haghes Company. Contractor George J. 8. Collins has started work at the corner ot Twelfth and Jaokson streets In tearing down . the old church for ao many years g landmark gt thst point. On the site Mr. Collins Is to but un a modern relnforetd unniriti. a,.-' houso to cost in the neighborhood of $60, 000. The new building will occupy g ground space of 60x132, and at present will be car ried up three stories. Foundations will b laid to carry much higher building, how ever, and within a year or two several ad ditional stories will be added. When com pleted It will be occupied by the Hughes Wholesale CdWcery company. '