TIIE REE: OMAHA, FRIDAY, JANUARY 28, 1910. WAIN A!iiPRt)DtCE ii ARRET , .. - - Improved Demand from Millen GiTes Impetus: to Cash Wheat coPwN rnovi5 ' sxni. weaker Urntr Hecelpla ILna Steady "ellln by CnjnawUsloTa Jlealers I'nrre -Price Down Balls 'Toying with lank Ural a. OMAHA. Jan. 27i 1910. Thero a a much better tone to the wheat market today. Cash wheat men were rmr liuycin, because of the Improved de mand from milling Intersi. The general ii, imposition of traders were to play for a short upturn lu valuri. Foreign cable were steady and firm. Corn was unchanged at the start and proved a little wakfr on heavy receipts md general selling by commission h onsen, U heat proved a good deal stronger, starting riiui and kiUuiu'iiig quickly on buying by bulla who ti a chance. tj ad vat.ce priced on the Improved cash demand and report if lighter receipts from the northwest territory. There was very little change In corn, the market being dull and Inactive, save some free selling at the opening. Cosh corn was steady to lower. Fumness In wheat gave the closing value a better tone. , l'rlmary wheat renelpts were fiZT.000 bu. and shipments were 27.000 bu., ajrklnst re ceipts last year of 370.000 bu. and shipments of Sli.ooo bu.' . Primary corn receipts were 728.000 bu. and shipments were &OV0U0 bu., against re ceipts last year of 621,000 bu. and shipments of 61.000 bu. Clearances were "18.000 bu. of corn, none "f oats and wheat and flour equal to 44.000 bu. Liverpool closed unchanged to Hd higher on wheat and "Vu'-id higher on corn. Local rnngs of options: Articles. Open High. Low . Close. Yetiy. Wheat Ma v.. July.. Corn May.. July.. Ota-. May.. July.. OPH 1 OK". C4 64 W". i . ?" 1 411 I 1 06H I. 64.-1 45 j i o-,y' l orMi m M 45 . 4.r4 4ln 41-i Owns 4 ash , Prices. WHEAT Nr t hmt-A ti r-1, cr i . XT 4 hard. tl.03V4.tn .06; No. 4 hard. StHe.')1.03; re jected, hard, SiDTc; No. 2 spring, l.m.-u) No. S, spring. Il.00ftl.04-, No. J durum, D3M94C; No. 3 durum, M'hOJc. CORN No. 2 white. G2 3c ; No. S white, UMUBVic: Nix ,4 white,'. l&'Mi&be; No. i yellow, eitwmto;" No. 3 yellow. 60..SClc; f s;..,v:llowj 'd,V4,c: No. 2, 61091 ic: No. 3, eO'igoic; No. 4. BtwjutiHc; no grade, 60u57o. OA i H Standard, 4g4tf14C; No. 8 w hite, 4fVtf46o; No. 4 white. 4&it46c; No. 3 ytl low. 4fr&4M4r: No. 4 "yellow, 44"i&46i;: No. 3 mixed. 44e4.-.c BARLBlf-No.' 4, . OVWrtJcNo. 1 MmVlW'-se. HyfV-.No. 2, 757?76c; No. S. 7475c. t t'arlut Receipts. Wheat. Cui n. feod, Chicago Minneapolis Omaha .... Dulutn ,.' ! 8' ....2D6 .... 21 ..:;sl Hit lit Oats Ul '29 CHICAGO UKAI.V AU . MiOVISIONS Featnrea of ,4e Trading; ,and Closing 1 I'rlcea on Board of Trade. CHICAGO. Jan. 874ratnn - had a heavy iiuio acre touay, witn wiientv ubowing th greatest range In a slight rally .toward the end of th session. Provisions ranged gen erally higher on an Improved demand for the different products. , i Starting c to off, prices In th wheat pit draped, with no Important "changes through .the first half of the geeslon. To ward the close offerings were more Quickly absorbed and a fair demand for cash wheat f stiffened the market, sending May from II. 10(5 140 t0 $1.1114. At the close May WRS III) . ko at 11 UU ii l - Tradlni In corn had all the characteristics of the wheat market within a narrow range, the limits being c to He Influential ship ping demand took the prices to . a close from a shade to o higher. May sold t.ff io ki'hp ana later climbed to 7c, closing at the high point, He up. In sympathy with wheat and corn, trad ing In ats waa featureless!. VFhS' '-ear was froip. hio to He May sold between 4t.Ho and 47f-7Hc, closing at the high point, a Mhade lower. - , - npecuiative demand for provmlons, to gether with continued light runs of live nogs in tne packing centers, governed the market, and despite the country-wide pro- lest against high food prices, advanced uuumtiiHin mi r 1 1-Hi. irimuL'i. -ora ciosea from 6c to 20c higher. lard from 5c lower to 30o lgher and ribs from 7fec to 15c nuttier. , . . 1 lie leading futures ringed as follows: Articles.) Open. High. Low. Close. Yes y. Wheat May July Hcpt. "Corn May July Sept. Oats May July tfcpt. Pork Jan. May July Lard Jan. 4 May r July Ribs Jan. May July 1 10VHI 1 OIHWI 6H 47((i'4T4! 40H, 30 R5 20 85 11 99H U 7H 11 66 11 82H 11, 32H 11 32H 1 11 Hi 1 oi 97H ' 7H 67 . em 1 10 1 007 6Ta H6HirI1 HIHWHI H 41Hl4OHu'il40?4 1 imn,ii iihh 1 01S1 1 01 7H 66'4a7 67 66 20 00 20 0 11 H 11 72H 11 67 11 62h 1T40 11 37H 20 82 H 20 77Hi 11 W u s7h: 11 00 11 62H 11 82H 11 32HI 20 60 20 87H1 20 86 11 80 11 70 11 U6 11 62H 11 S7H 47H 41H 20 30 20 76 20 70 11 85 11 66 11 45 11 4?H 11 27H 11 27H No. 1 Cnh quotatlci.s were as follows: FI.OUH Steady; winter patents, $6.20 ii.70; winter straightH, tS.OtXiid. 40; spring etralglits. 4 RW4.90; bakera, Ii20u6.30. iYK-No. 2, 80c. BARLEY Feed or mixing, 66Q8c; fair to crolce malting. fc-tfTSc. 8KED8 Flax. No. 1 Southwestern. 12.02: ii.i 1 iiurmweBiern, llmothy, li.lbisi 4 20. Clover, $14.26. 21.00. Lard, per 100 lbs., in.80rii)ll.H2H Hhort ribs, side (loose). 111 40r11.90. Short citar aides (boxed), 12.00(ul13.12H. Total clearances of wheat and flour were equal to 34.000 bu. Primary receipts were ILT.OuO bu., compared with 370,000 bu. the corresponding day a year ago. Estimated receipts for tomorrow: Wheat. 25 car corn. lOO cars; oats, 129 cars; hogs, is 000 head. Chicago Cnsli Prices Wheat: No. 2 red 1.27i 1.28H; Ko. S red. $1,204: 1.2S; No. 2 hard, I1.14l.l; No. 3 hard. $l.ltyul.l4; No. 1 northern spring, $1.141.15; No. 1 northern spring. $1.lii 1.13V No. .1 spring, $l.la 1.13. Corn: No. 2 cash, 64ffi'.4Ho, nominal' No. 8 cash. 3'C. Ne. 4. WHtiGlHc; No. t white. fiHfifik!, minitrml: No. 3 white STitrtaHe'. No. 2 yellow. 64Hf6Ho nominal; No. S yellow, tkl'4ftc; No. I yellow. i5J.,2Sie. (lata: Ne. j2 oaah Vii4Hc; No. 1 white. 4Hu4ic; No. 3 wiilte, 47M4(o; No. 4 white. 45Hi47c; stiuidard, 4TV44ic. BL:TTk,tv Kieady; receipts, 2.5U pkgs.; rrtameriea. 2ii HUoo; dali li s. 24(iic. KOOSSteuily; receipts, 2.WS cases: at murk, cases Included. 21Hu2THc; fiesta, 31c; prime firsts, S2c. CHKKSE-fiieady: daisies, lTfi'l'Vic; twins. lVi3l7c; young Americas. ,16H4lu5ic; long horns, imii lo0-' ' POTATOES Easy.' choice to fancy, 45 47c; fair to good. 4J44c. POl'LTRY-Steacly; turkeys, 17c; chick ens. 14c; springs, 14c. VEAL Steady; 5v to 60-lb. weights. 8J9c; i'O to 86-lb. weights, 4j10c; 85 to HO-lb. weights. lOH UHc 1 Receipts Today : Wheat. 9 ears; corn, ilu cars; oats, 111 cars. Estimated tomor row: Wheat, 25 cars; corn, 2'j0 cars; oats, 1J9 cars. Minneapolis (Irala Market. MINNEAPOLIS. Jan. 27. WHEAT Mav, U-UsWl.i3H: ' July. $l UVal l2; cash. No. 1 hard. $1.141.4'.rl.l6H: No. 1 northern, $114 t. 14'i; No. 2 northern, I1.12W1 127; No. 3 4 oi htm, $!.10.1.13. I'ultN-No. S yellow. 59VfiWo. OATS, No. t w hite. 447,i4i'.H. KYK-Ko. 1. 76Wi77e. SKKIFlax, $2 WW- IJllAN-ln 100-lb. sacks. $23O0ti'3 50. Flol'H Klrst patents ln wood. '. o. b . Mlnnripolts). $:,..V'Xi 70: second pat n, $5.M t5.W: first olrars. It u4 ti; second clears, I $JJifiS60. . . n(rlectd. $70fg7 So. Timothy,' prime. $2.00; Mnr.-h, II.tK. Alslke, prime, $;.Sn; March. $7.90. MIH VOIIK CiKXr.RAL MAItKKT of the Day on Varloas Com mod I ties. .KEW YORK, Jan. r.-FLOUR Market . 1 an.." v .-t .iiiy: smrng inenis, $-.Wwi.75; winter 'ps.tems, ;fti4-jft.n'v: winter extras. No.. 1, $4.tjorM.0; winter straights. $fi 4o.v6.4f.; spring clears. $4.44 sB; winter extra. No. 2. f i. 4u4 5-. Kansas' tralght. (4 HOuiT,. 15. . Receipts. 20.lVi0 bhlai Uhlpments, 3W bbls. Rre flour, steady; fair to good. $4.2:Va4 40; choice to fancy, 4 4.'n4 0. Buck wheat flour quiet; bulk, $2.0OST2.05 per 10 lbs., nominal. CORNMKAL Quiet: whlt and yellow, $lfM1.60; coarse, $liri1.50; kiln dried, is M. HXE Firm: w'eteirn No. 2, 8SH0, nom inal, f. o. b. New York. WHEAT Spot market firm: No. t red. $1.30 in elevator, domestic, and nominal, f. o. b., afloat; No. 1 northern Duluth and No. 2 hard winter, $1.2Kl, nominal, f. o. b , afiont- Wheat futures were easy under prnfi sslomil selling on the disappointing re bluff, lower stock market and large Ar gentina uhlpments. but was firm late on iaixrt that Aigentina slkippers were re buylng wheat, and elosl at unchanged to ',c net advance; May closed at $L1; July clus.'d at fl.OOH. CORN Spot market steady; No. 2, 74Hc In elevator, domeatlc; 77c dDlivered, and 72Hc, f. o. b.. afloat, all nominal. Options were barely steady, under moderate pro fessional selling, closing unchanged to He advance; May closed at "60; July closed at 7tic; Snptembnr closed at 75e. Receipts, 6.750 liu.; shipments, 1.000 bu. OATS Spot market steady; mixed, nomi nal; natural white, 26 to 32 lbs., 62HiJc; dipped while. 34 to 42 lbs., 53H&&6HC Re ceipts, 41.175 hu. HA Y Stcndv: crime, it 1 MM. 20: No. 1. $1.16; No. 2, $i:05ai.07H; No. 8. $1.00. niKo.3 r irm; central America, 2ZHo; Bogota, 21'-.iii22Hc. IjKATU ER Steady; hemlock firsts, 20 c; secondB, 2327c; thirds, 22(25c; rejected, BKntlc. PliOVISIONS Pork, steady; mesa, $22 25 623.00; family, 2S.5ftii'26.00; ahort clear $24 60 fw27.0l). Reef, barolv steady; mesa, $11. SO 12. :0; family. Ilfi.owi 18.00; beef hams, XU.UOit 2ti.W). Cut meats, steady; pi ok led bellies. 10 to 14 lhs., $12.5(13.00; pickled hams, $12500 14.fli). L'ird, stody; middle west prime, $n.204ili:: refined, weak; continent, $12.80; South America, $13.60; compound, $8.76a 10.W. TALLOW Quiet; prime city, hhda., S'.c; country. 6M&7Hc. HUTTKH-F.rm; creamery specials, 32c; extras. 31c; process, 26H2SHc. EOUS Weak; -western first, 84ti'35c; sec onds. 82W33c; refrigerators, 251X0. POl'LTRY Alive. steady: western chickens, 16c; fowfs. 16c; turkeys, 13ol7c. Diessed. steady; western chickens, 15jj 23c; fowls. 14'oliHc: turkeys. 2260. rHERNK-steady; state, new, full cream ery specials, 17Hy l.vc: state, new, September fancy, 17Hc; state, new, October beet, I6H0; state, new, winter made, best, 16H15c; state, new, common to good, UHUUSHc; skims, full to special. l.'ai4Vc WEATHER t TUB GRAIN BELT fair- Friday and Sltgbtty Colder . la Prediction for Nebraska. OMAHA. Jan. 27, 1910. The disturbance, that was central over the upper Mississippi valley Wednesday morning. In now central over the lower lakes and St. Lawrence valley. Light rains and snows, with high winds, were general In the Ohio valley, the lake region and the upper Mleslssippl valley during the last twenty-tour hours and light snows continue In the lake region and extreme upper Ohio valluy tiii." morning. The area of high Pleasure over the-western portion Is mov ing slowly eastward arid generally fair weather prevails west , of the Mlaalsslppl river, except light rains are falling on the north Pacific coast. Cooler weather pre vails In the, upper lake region, the central valleys and west to the Rocky mountains. It is warmer In the lower lake region, up per Ohio valley and the Atlantic and eaat gulf states. No Important change in tem perature has ooourred In the west since the last report.- The western area of high pressure will continue eastward and ' will cause slightly cooler In this vicinity to night, with, continued fair tonight and Friday. 1 Rocord of temperature and precipitation compared with the corresponding day of the last three years: 1810. 1909. 1908. 1907. Minimum temperature.... 27 30 15 t Precipitation 00 .00 .00 T Normal temperature for today, 21 degrees. Excess In precipitation since March 1, Jfi.tflpliea'i-, i , 4, 1 Deficiency corresponding period in 1908, 5.79 Inches. Deficiency corresponding period In 1907, 7.89 inches. L. A. WELSH, Local Forecaster. St. Louis General Market. ST. LOU18, Jan. ' 27. WHEAT Firm; traok. No. 2 red cash, IT. 901.33; No. 2 hard.- $1.12i3,1.18; May. $1.11; July, $1.00H Ol.OOH. CORN-Steady; track. No. t cash, 64Hc; No. 2 white, (SSHc; May, 67HC7Ho; July, 67Hc OATS Steady; No. 1 cah, 48Hc; No. 2 while, 50c; May, 46Tj,c; July, 2T4c. RYE Higher at 8w83c. FIOUR Steady; red winter patents, $5 60 4H5.00; extra fancy and straight, $5.005.60; hard ' winter clears, $3. 80'(4. 10. SEED Timothy, $2.503.65. - ' CORNMEAL $3.10. BRAN gulet; sacked (east track), $U0 HAY Firm; tmlothy, $15.001S.60; prairie, $14,004) 15.00. 1 IRON COTTON TIES 80c. HAOGINU Hc. PROVISIONS Pork, unchanged; Job bing, $20.25. I,ard unchanged; prime steam $11.66(611.80. Dry salt meats unchanged; boxed extra shorts. $12.60: clear ribs. 112.60 short - cloars, $12.76. Bacon unchanged ; boxed extra shorts. $13.75; clear ribs, $13.76; short clears, $14.00. POULTRY-Unchanged: ohlckena, l3o; springs, 15c; turkeys, 19Ho; ducks, 15c; geese, b'ufo. B UTT1-.R Steady ; creamery," 2ti4j31o. EUQ8 Steady; 28Hc Receipts. Shipments. Flour, bbla 7,900 9,300 Wheat, bu 1.400 70 600 Corn, bu 129,000 89,800 Oats, bu 72,000 76.2u0 Ksjtaaa City Grain and Provisions. KANSAS CITY, Jan. 27. WHEAT Un changed; No. 2 hard, $1.09Vu11.13Hl No. 2, ll.ttiHdaMll No. 2 red. $1.22-Bl.i8; No. 3, $1.18 jl.2.; May, $1.0tH. bid: July, 96Hc, bid. CORN Cnchanged; No. mixed, 66H0; No. 3. Ho; No. 2 white. 08Hc; No. S, teH-ii Way. tiUHc sellers; July, ti&Ho, bid. OATS 1 'riftiaiii... xr ...kit. ibu 60c- No. 2 mixed, 46iV4fic.. . . ... JV M. c IVU'OC. HAY I'nchanged to 60c higher; choice timothy, $14.5015.00; choice prairie, $11.26 ,:e,,llca alfa"'a. $18.O0g18.50. li UTTER Creamery, oxtraa. 28c; firsts, i-'fSOIlB 24c; Pll"g etock, 21 Ho. EOOS-P,xtras, 31c; firsts. 29c; current re ceipts, 2?Hc; seconds ami dirties, lc. . Receipts. Shipments. Wheat, bu u mi -n -w. Corn, bu 1OL0UO 9!oo0 Oats, bu 15,000 16,000 Options at Kansas City: MM-natakre Grain Market. M1UVAI-KRE, Jan. 27. YH EAT No. 2 r.ii th.1-1. 1.17Htii lxH; NO. 3 northern, $1 Ktfrl 17: May, $1.11 s. o.-VTS 4fc4!'fl. . " ' lAKl.KT Miasy; sampWs; g7i72H' . Toloiln (Heed , Market. t.EPO. J"u- ;-r-Sr-7ff--lovti cash. -; K-l ; u.,iN . 'iV; March. S 1..; -lu!-r. pt , iu-.mk. old IS -i:H: i---; At). .J, ii.ii; r-rjociea, V li, $.; Articles. I Open. I High. I Low. Close. Wheat May ., July .. Corn May .. July .. 1 OBUj H 1 0HH 9f.H 95 66 tS 68H 1 06 1 06HB 6Hl 68H 66HA 65HB A asked. H bid. Philadelphia Produce Market. PHILADELPHIA. Jan. 27. BUTTER Firm, good demand; extra western cream ery, 3:-Sc; extra nearby prints, 84c. EGGS Firm; Pennsylvania and other nearby firsts, free cases, Jta, . at mark; Pennsylvania and other current receipts. In returnable cases. 36c, at mark; western firsts, free oases, 38c. at mark; western current receipts, free cases, 32'g3tio, at mark. CHEESE Firm; New York full creams. choice, 17H&17Hc; fair to good, W'(417o, Liverpool Grain Market. LIVERPOOL, Jan. 27. WHEAT Spot, dull; No. 2 red western winter, no stock; futures, quiet ; March, 84 3j; May, it d July. 7m R',d. CORN Spot, steady; new American mixed. 5s 7d: old American mixed, 5s tU; futures, quiet; January, 6s 7Hd; March, 6s 84. Peoria Market. PEORIA. Jan. 27. CORN Lower; No, 4 wl Ite, SlaflHc; No. yellow. 62Hc; No. $ (2-";c; N 4. fine; no grade, tefiSSe. OATS lwer; standard, 47Hc; No. 8 white. 47Hc. Koaar and Molasses. NFW YORK. Jan. 27 PUGAR Raw iiulet; Itiscovadci, sh test. 3.r(fllc; centnf tmal, tent. 40nTi4.1lc. MoluMes sugar, test. S.S35i3ic. H.-fliud. steady: cut loaf. 5i'f.c; cruehed. 6'.c; ii:,.uld A. i.SO.': cubes, 5 40c: powdervd. 5 27,c; ifranulald. 6.15c; dla ni'n.1 A 5 I'.c; c mf 1 t'oiei ' A. 4 7re. Mi (! .SS'"S- l'riu; New OiK-ans, open kittlv, .-VJa NEW YORK STOCKS ANB BONDS Market it Demoralised and Many Leaders Make New Low Records. CAUSE IS , NOT EXPLAINED Report that It Is Dae to French Floods Not Dorse Oat, as A mer les as Are Higher la London. NEW TORK, Jan. 27. The violent con tortions in the piioe movement of stocks w hich have been the characteristic of the eek-s mark. had another Illustration today. Yesterday's sudden recovery was wiped out for the moat pert and prices of some of the principal lending stocks were established at lower records than In the demoralisation of Tueeday. The only news cited to acoount for the heavy selling waa the French disaster by flood. French bankers eetlmatee of the minimum losses, according to cabled reports, were placed st $100,000,000, while the government official estimate was reported as high aa $200,000, 000. These figures, appealing aa they are to the sense of humanity, do not offer adequate explanation for any great dis location of economic and financial agencies. The accepted Indexes of the conditions of such agencies, outside the New York stock market, did not. In fact, mirror any great apprehension of serious da.ma.ge. Some of the day's selling of stocks In New York was reported to be for fore! en account, but there was nothing to show mat mesa aaies were In unusual propor tion to the whole. Prices of Americana In I-ondork, before the New York stock market opened, were higher generally than yesterdays last prices In New York, and tne nnrt dealings here momentarily re sponded to that ex&mnle. The more general apprehension of the forces at work in the day's stock market was of an organised hear party which took advantage of the dying down of de mand of yeeterday's recovered prices to put out fresh short lines and to offer prices down with great aggreealveness. Not much opposition was apparent to these operations, the market suffering from the entire absence, apparently, of any sup porting measure. There was a great con gestion of activity In the most highly speculative stocks In the list, all of them, however, of properties of first Importance. The Harriman Pacifies were the especial target of attack and it met with no manl feet opposition. UnHted ta,tes Steel main tained Its usual eminence and Colorado Fuel was handled with special severity. The Coppers got no benefit from the steps towards a merger, which Is expected to re sult In Improved control of the output and marketing of that metal. Pennsylvania of fered notable resistance to the day's weak ness and was prominent In the recovery. The approach of the dividend period had an effect on the stock. Ronds were irregular. Total sales, par value, $3,684,000. United States bonds were unchanged on call. Number of sales and leading quotations on stocks were as follows: AlUs-Chtlmeni pf Amal. Onoper, mx-Air Amarlcan Arlculturl .... Am. UeiH Bufar Am. Cn pM Am. C. a r ... '. Am. Ootton Oil Am. H. A L. pfd Am. lea securities , Amertnan L,iDMd American Locomotlra .... Am. 8. & R Am. (. A R. pfd Am. Sugar Retlnlni Am. T. A T Am. Tobacoo pfd American Woolen Anaconda Mining. Ca. Atchison Atchison pfd ALlantlo Coaat Una Baltimore V Oblo. Hal. A Ohio pfd , Bethlaham steel Brooklyn Rapid TT Canadian Paclflo Central Leather Ontral Laathar pfd , Canrra.1 of New Jeraer... Chasapaax A OW0.....1., fhlcago Y Alton Thlcajo at. w.. new Chicago A N. W C. M. St. P C. C, C. A St. L Colorado f. A Colorado A So , Colo A go. 1st ptd... ...... Onlo. A So,, td ptd....- Consolidates Oaa ....4 Corn Product! Dalawara A Hudaon..' Denver A Rio Oranda D. R. O. pfd Dlatlllara' securities Brie Brta lat pfd Erie td ptd Oman! Elactrio Oreat Nurtharn pfd , Oiiat Northern Ore otfs. .. Illinois Central Interborough Met Int. Met. pfd International Hrv eater ,. Int. Marine prd International Paper , International Pump Iowa Ontral ,, Kansas City 80 K. C. So. ptd , LouliYllla A N , Minn. A St. L, M.. St. P. A S. 8. M Mlaemrri Paclflo , M.. K. A T k M.. K. A T. pfa National Biscuit National Lead N. R. R. of M. lat pfd..., New York Central , N. Y.. O. A W , Norfolk A W North American Northern Pacific Pacific Mali Pennsylvania People's Oaa P.. C, C. A St. L , Preeaed Steel Car Pullman Palace Car Railway Steel Sprint; .... Readlnf Republlo Steel , Republic Steel pfd , Rock Island Co , Rock I aland Co. pfd , St. I A S. r. td pfd St. Loula 8. W St. U 8. W. pfd Blne-Sheffleld 8. A I southern Paclflo Southern Railway Bo. Railway pfd Tenneaeee Copper Teiaa A Pacific T., St. L, A W T . St. L. A W. ptd Union Paclflo I'nlou Pacific pfd IT. S. Realty V. 8. Rubber U. 8. Steel It. 8. Rtoel pfd , Utah Copper Va.-Oarollua Chemical Wabeeo Wabaum pfd Western Maryland ctfa..., Weetlnghauae Bleetrle .... Western Union Wheeling A L. B) Wleroualn Central Plttebwrs Ooal Am. Steel ruundrr United Dry Uuoda Laolede Gas Total sales for the day. Sale 400 , M.700 IW0 , . 6. S00 1,S0 010 . 1,111) 60O . 4.4 1 10, 6m 4"0 , 1.W10 , 2,100 7M) nt) , 17.H00 . 6.0 4) . 1,000 . I.0U0 ' " ioo . 7.900 400 . 1,00 . 700 '. i!ioo 500 . 1.400 . 1.400 . 17.4HO . l.mo .. 6 0 , l,onr) 101) . " ino' . 18, tOO . 1.KO0 sno . 1.100 700 . l.seo . 1.100 . 1,1110 100 G0 , 100 . 6.300 no , 7.30D . 7,700 . 1.400 40 100 , 2m JO . 1,61)0 '. 'tioo . 1.400 . 8,400 . 4.&0D aoo ) . 1 800 . 11.700 . 1.000 . l.soo . 1.400 . 7.SU0 400 . I.S0O . ,M0 . 1.400 . 1,400 sua 700 . iaa.HK) . 8.WJ0 K . 11,(100 800 . 1.KO0 lit) 0 . 1.8M) . 4,8"IO . 0 . l.tuO . l.no . 1.3M .144. 600 . .0H 200 . 1.000 .117 -i . 1,800 . 7,600 . 4.101) . I. TOO . .i . l,n , &,ioo 4H) ,' "'HA . 1,400 600 firB. Low. Close. VA 41114 80 Vt 48 15 74 83 0 t J14 14"4 nO4 94 83H 44 87 V, 74 S4T4j 8J 9!4 a-t 16 MVa M 10 122 187(4 130 M 117 82 la 7r 84 4 89 214 14Mb 61 n Jaovi la 92V4 8.". M4 W-4 3IW GOV I1.M1. 103H 10H4 IrtiVt 1104 11414 116Vi 80 71 1 81 73 71 174 178Va 178V4 41 18 894, 108 107 84 tova 82 V4 ise 814 M'4 30V4 167 17 14f4 147H TI T7 lotVi 80S 8.1 4j 64 8"T4) 167 414 7t4 814 HOW 1484 141 194 19 178 4!4 80 4 UH 24 47' SR4 1W 877, 81 o ' 1H ID "14 1724 684 814 804 41 794 314 284 44 13444 1334, 1844s w 71 7b 7u sit. 4Vi 3M 1434 1434 I4 14244 21 VI 644 6Vi 64V 1414 114 1204 104 20 2i 184 48 a 874 134 49 84 864 13 4H4 us 874 146T, 14 14414 1344 mii SO 4 ' 74 414 7144 49 184, 684 71 1094 112H 824 PS 414 72 110 844 1 81 l 1194 1174 llhS 44 98 7r.u. 184 1344 188 14 r4 834 1844 1314 134 II04 104 1I4 7 4 193 404 44 9044 if It, 434 192 4S4 444 Dtl 774 16T44 164 un 4244 824 634 284 78 784 101 404 82 614 2XS 724 78 ia4 114 1274 28 V 2SV4 84 81 OT4 42 198 424 165 374 1004 414 82 614 24 724 74 6744 84 51 V 67 844 SI 4 43 tu 1874, 18.14 U44 m 99 76 424 S14 122 614 60 2"S 4 474 68 70 94 744 44 844 123 54 62 81 4 4S"4 484 71 704 . 4,800 I,l03,i0 aharee. 76 43 11.24 62 6!H 204 474 44 69 70 5'4 47 1 4 1194 i'4 10M luo4 47 814 61 464 f'S 60'. I.ondoa Stork Market. LONDON. Jan. 37. American socuiltlfw opened firm and from m?V above paa-ity today. Raavllzlntr caus a reaction near the end of th first hour and at noon the tendency waa uncurtain, with prices rangt Ins; from prir cent to 44 lower than yes terday's New York closing. London cloning- stocks: Coneola, money 81 -14IulaTllle A N 161)4 do account Ut-14M.r K. A T. 434 Amal. Copper........ 884N. Y. Central 122 Anaconda 10N Norfolk A W 99 Atchleon U4 o prd do pfd 1064 Ontario A W 464 Baltimore A Ohio.. .114 Teunarlranla 6u Canadian Pacttic. . . .1844Rand Mines 9vt 8644Raadini 914 8248ootbern Ry 3044 161 4 do pM 70 ... 194 Southern Pacific 1I 4 ...44 Union Pacific U14 ... 884 do pfd 1,2-, ... 804 U. 8. Steel 864 ... to da pfd ,..l2Vi ...84 Wabaeh 42 ... 114 du pfd a,. 4 ...146 Suenlaa 4a tu Champeake A O.. Ctloo O. W Chi.. Mil. A St. P be Beer Den.er A Rio O.. do pfd Brte do lat ptd do td pfd Grand Trunk Illinois Central Kx-dlvldnd SILVF'K Mar. steady at 4V4d per os. ' MONEY ItSry 24 per cent. . Ths rate of discount In the open market for short and three months' bills Is 'l.-ct 1 1S-U per cent. , IV err York Mlnlsiaj Stocks. NEW YORK, Jan. 37. Cloelntr quotations on mining; stocks were: Alice ITS Leafltllle Con Hruaawlrk Coo 4 'Utile Chief... Com. Tunnel Mock... 80 Mntoaa do bond U) Ontej-to , Con. Cel. A Va 1(6 Opair Hera Silver Tt Ciantlard Iron atlrar Its Yellow Jacket .. Offered. ..... 4 . . 186 v...33i lkS 60 126 Treasury Statement. WASHINOTON. Jan. r.-Tlu condition of the treasury at the bectnmng. of lius!nes today iu ti follows: Trum funln: Jild coin fsti'. !;.: sllvr r il i;ui. tJ lilO.tjuv; silvn- ilcill.irs uf f: Ml !": xi vrr cirtifi taid oi.6o.wj. Utiuia; fund: fciuudaiU silver dollars In reneral fund, t,K.'l; cur rnt liabilities IW.178 4T8: working- balance In treasury ofloes. fn.O7.4C0; In hanks to cri-dlt of treasurer of the I'nlted Ptates, Wv.U7.IIM; suhsldlary silver coin. l.Oti5.4H2; minor coin, 11.116.734; total tmJanre In gen et al fund, I79.1W.R4H. Mere York Money Market. NEW YORK. Jan. 27. MONRY-On call, easy; per cnt; ruling rate 24 per cent; rloaing bid. 1 per cent; offered at 24; per cent. Time loans very soft and dull; sixty days, V44iS per cent; ninety days. V4 per cent; six months, 4tf4'4j per cent. FRIME MERCANT1LR PAPER 4 VP per pent. tfTFRI.INO BXCHANOE Pteady, with actual business In bankers' bills at 4 4 l3eo for lty days and at $4 S:3f. for de mand. Commercial bills. 84 8.14.'o4.1.1. HILVER Har, &24p; Mexican dollars. 44c. BONDS Government, steady; railroad, Irregular. Closing quotations on bonds were a lows; If. 8. ref. ts, reg....ino4int. Met. 44a ..... do coupon I004 Int. M. M. 44s.... U. 8. la, rag 101 Japan 4a do coupon ini4 do 44a U. 8. 4a rag 1144K. C. 80. lat la ... do eouven U44L. 8. deb. 4a 1981., Allls-iml. lat 6s 844 L. a N. unl 4a.... Am. A. to 1"4M., K. A T. lat 4s Am. T. A T. ct. 4a. .101-, do fen, 44a nm. iuoscco e 7' Mo. Tacinc 4a fol- 804 a4 84 90 4 734 44 9S4 90 ...1044N. R. R. of M. 44a.. 9A 91 904 do 6a Armour A Co. 44a.. W4M. T. 4V g. 84e. uiwu sn. aa ivf -no deb 4a 118SN.- Y. .' N. H. A H 174 ct. 8s' 1344 N. A W .rlat 0. 4e.. tt 84 do pt. 4s 111014 4N. Pactflc 4. ....1014 "4 do ts ...i 7.14 .. H40. S. U rfrtg 4a ... H . l4Penn. rr. Sa 1816... 844 .. 9V4 arto to llHl ..1844Kcndlns rn. 4e 994 10i ag. U A 8. F. fs. 44. 8lva do ct. 4a do .ct. 6a At. C. U Ut 4s.... Hal. A Ohio 4a do 84a do S. W. 34a.... Brk. Tr. cr. 4a On. of Oa. 6a Can. Leather 6a ... C. of N. J. f. .is., Cha. A Ohio 44a uo ret. be na.4 do gen. ts f4 Ch.caso A A. 34a... 71 U A 8. W. 0. 4a 78 C, B. A Q. i. 4a ... V4 do lat sold do fan. 4a WVgjaooard A. L. 4a.. C. a. I I P 1 14a 8480. Paclflo col. 4a.., C, R. I. A P. o. 4s.. 794 do ct. 4e do col 6s 1024 Ho 1st ref. 4s o rff. 4s i4s hHway re. roKi lud nm 804 do gen. 4e '.'olo. Mid. 4a 804lnioi, Pacific 4s C. AS. r. A a. 44s. 974 do ct. 4e P A H ct. 4a 100 do 1st A ref 4a. D. A R. O. 4o S64: 8. Rubber 4a do ref. 6a VU. 8. ateel 84 6a.... ni.tlllrra' 6a "JuVa -era Chem. 6s. Brie p. 1. 4a 88 Wabash' 1st 6 1114 do gen. 4 764 do lat A or. 4a 71 do cv. 4a, ear. A.. 78 Western Md. 4a 86 do series B 71 Weal. Ellec. ct. 6a.... 814 Ovn. Klec. ct. te 140 wia. Oatral 4a. 944 111. Cen. lat ref. 4a. 984Mo. Pec. or. 6 ctfs.. 954 Bid. Offered. 93 . as . Vi .1024 . 944 .101 . I4 .1014 .Ui . 004 .104 .loi 94 Local Securities). Quotations furnished by Bamuel Burns, Jr., 614 New York Life building, Omahn: Bin. Aaaes. City of Omaha 44a. ref. 1934......... City of Omaha 44a, 1929, , , Cltr of New York 4a, 1K.9..... Columbua. Neb., B. L. a, 1926 Clta. O. A ft., Waterloo Cudahr Parking Co. 6a, 1924 Denver Buck Yards Block International Con. Co Kennedy Building Co Long Bell Lumber Co. 6a, 192a... w:;. Michigan State Tel. 6a, 1924 Nabraaka Tel. Stock, 8 per oenr..', .... Omaha Water Co. (a, 1916 Omaha Wnter Co. 5a, 1946 Omaha Water Co. td pfd Omaha Gas 6a, 191 Omaha B. L. A P 6a. 1932 Omaha B. L. A P. pfd. 6 p. c. ex-dlT 814 Omaha Bt. Kjr 6a, 1914 100 Omaha A C. B. St Rr- 6a, 1928 994 Omaha A C. B St. Ry. pfd. 6 per cent 84 Omaha A C. B. St. Rr., com 76 Omaha A C. B. AM ofd, ek-dlT.. 634 SlouE city 8toc Tarni, pfd, 6 per cent 90 South Omaha ref. 44a, 19U...... 1004 Seattle Lighting Co. 4a. 1924 J7 Union 8. Y. Stock. South Omaha...... 984 1064 1064 114 96 97 loo 97 83 . 994 99 99 100 100 94 134 99 99 1064 10644 loi 944 98 1004 93 3 100 101 1I0 1004 101 96 16 99 994 824 1004 100 86 16 644 91 1004 98 994 OMAHA LITE STOCK MARKET Improved Demand Cansei General Bise in Cattle Market. HOGS ALSO SHOW AN ADVANCE Offerings Change Hands i)Dlrtly at About Tert Cents Higher Than Wednesday's Cloee heep Are Irnngrr, SOUTH OMAHA. Neb., Jsn. 27. 1910. fleeelnt w-er . Cattle Ifnrs. Sheen. Official Mondav 4 ,v) 3 ill 11. M7 Official Tureiday 10.S72 7.757 Off.clal Wednesday 4 5"7 9,l: 4.1 r.stiniate inurFilay 11.71111 .w t. Four days this week. . .17.207 Same davs last week. . . .ltVWl Same days 2 we-ks ago T2 ffsl Samp days 3 weeks aa).14.fl)a Strtifl dHys 4 weeks ago.12 133 Same days Inst year.... 14 42 The following table shnws ths rcelpts of cattle, hops and sh ep st Month Omaha for the year to date, compared with last year: 1910. 1V)0. Inc. I)ec. Cattle 7S.1SS 0.7S ? 1 Hogs 16S.HH0 KI.7M 80.9.t Sheep 1U,0T2 112.4i 6.B04 The following table hows the aver.ig price of hogs at South Omaha for, the last several days, with comparisons. 32 r.VJ .7:i-.i Sf.,0.0 2'..o 31.345 81.011 K77 Vi.iVJ 15R"2 23.02 40.847 2.VH Date. 1910. 1909. 1908. 1907. 11906. 1906. 11904. Jan. 17... I 44m I 4 261 6 421 C 241 4 CI Jan. ID... g 43V 6 0(J 4 21 16 50 1 6 27 1 4 66 4 69 Jan. 19... 8 33 a 091 6 4Si 6 Mr' 4 4 74 Jan. W... 8 30 0 im 4 27 1 6 3ll 4 61 4 lis Jan. 21... 8 314 5 97 4 121 Do 4 58 4 79 Jan. 22... SS.IV. 02 4 12 ti f.1 6 S5 I4 86 Jan. 23... 6 00 4 Oi 6 40 6 S 4 63 4 88 Jan. 24... 8 20 4 lft 48 6 S2 4 Sol Jan. 2d... 8 0i 6 06 4 21 6 61 6 25 4 71 4 81) Jan. 26... 7 91V t! OOi 6 ! S 2.) 4 73 4 87 Jan. 27 82 4 27 " 6 i 4 3 4 81 Boston . Storks and Bonds. BOSTON. Jan. 27. Closing quotations on mining stocks were: Allouer 8 Mohawk :'. at Amal. Copper 834!evada Don 234 Arlrona Com 4Nlplaaliis Mines ....r 10 Atlantis 94 North Butte 4o Boston C. C. C... 14 North Lake 144 H & a C. at S. M.. l40ld DomUHon ........ 44 Butte Coalition a5!!k()eceola .,, 184 Cal. Arliona. 68 Parroft 8. A C 19 Pal. A Heola ,...40 ag,,!, .............. 86 Centennial 29 Shannon , , 15 Copper R. C. Co .. 79 Superior ". W.4 Ent Butte C M....wt 104 Superior a B M .... 144 Franklin 18 Superior 4V P. Cop... 184 Olrou Oon 4Tamarack 43 dranby Con. ...... SS C. 8. O. & O 84 Oreene Cananea 94 U. 8. 8, . . at 474 Isle Royals, Copper,, a) do pfg".., 004 Kerr Lake 84lrtati Corf. 84 Lake Copper 404Winoua. 94 L Salle Copper...... IS 'Wolverine ISO Miami Copper ........ 2S4 ' ' ' Boil t- )l . Bank Clearing OMAHA, Jan. 27. Bank clwinga tor to day were I2.C53.4D6.74 and 7Nr the corre sponding date last year $2,164,.22. Metal Market. . NEW YORK, Jan. 27. MBTAIjH Stand ard copper waa dull today.- f Local- dealers quote lake copper at $13.o2W13.87, elec trolytic at $U.5J 13.674) ant casting at J13.25 013.60. London market Moseo; t?asy, having lost part of an early advance-,-with spot at 60 13s 9d and futures at 61 lis 8d. Tin -was quiet, with sput. at $32.6jt32.75. London market firm and higher, with spot closing at 147 10s and futures at 1149. Lead was easy, but prices were a bhade higher, with spot at t4.67V34.72H. J-.ondqn market un changed at 13 12s 6d. Spelter, weak; spot, 6 0l((6.26. London market Unchanged at 23 6s. Iron was lower at 62s for Cleveland warrants in London. Local market un changed. ST. LOUIS, Jan. 27. METALS Lead, dull; $4.604.52V. Spelter, dull; 15.90S.95. . Cotton Market. " NEW ' YORK, ' Jan.' 27.'-COTTON-The market opened steady at an advance of af9 points in response to better cables than 'expected and reports of a better business 'In Manchester and a larger demand from English- spinners. Trade interests and Liv erpool houses were buyers here, but local professionals were against the market and shortly after the opening prices sagged back to about the closing figures of last night under bear pressure and scattering liquidation. Trading was yery quiet dur ing the most of tho morning, witu fluctua tions narrow and the tone about steady. Futures opened steady; January, 11.43c; March. 14.4c; May, 14.47o; July, 14.42a; August, 14,0uc; October. 12.61c; December, 12.89c. Spot closed quiet, 20 points higher: mid dling uplands, 14.70c; middling gulf, 14.9fio. Sales. 2,700 bales. GALVESTON, Jan. 27.-COTTON-Steady, 15c ST. LOUIS. Jan. 27.-COTTON-Lower; middling. 15Sc; sales, none; receipts, H1 balea; shipments, 765 bales; stock, 42 S2S bales. NEW ORLEANS. Jan. 27.-COTTON-Qulet and steady; low ordinary, lln-h.c; ordinary, 124,c, nominal; goid ordinary, l!!9-16c; strict good ordinary, 14c; strict low middling, Uc; strict middling. 15'4jc; good middling, l',4c; strict good middling, 1B7-Ii'c-middling fair to fair, 15 16-lc; fair uTonnc nominal. Receipts, ,22 bgilea; stock, Wj.tki) bales. , W041I Market. BOSTON. Jan. 27.-WOOL-,Ther is a slight Increase In the interest in the local wool market, especially in fleece wollg and values are firmly maintained. The call seems to come from tho small woolen mills Stocks are so limited that it is believed that the local bins will be swept olnan be fore the new clip arrives. The loading western quotations range as follows: Mi'i souil: Three-eighths blood( 34c; quarter blood. 22-ft33c; braid. 2S2)c. Tongs: Kmc- 12 months. 78'uTr.c: fine 6 to 8 motiUiH, ta70o; fine fall. 60U62c. California.: Northern county, btifxttc: middle county, 63jX5c; fall free. 501.62c. Oregon: Eastern No. 1. staple MiiSc; eastern clothing, 7072c; valley No 1. 6i'(i58c. Territory: Fine staple, 774j78c: fine medium staple. 70ft72c; fine clothing 70, 2c; fine medium clothing. 4'ii8; half blood. 73'(7c; three-eighths blood, 8870o quarter blood. H7c(iSo. Pulled; -Kxtra, 72 76c; fine A, 68670c; A supers. ptrfltiSo. ' ST. LOUIS. Mo.. Jar.. '7-.VOOL-Un-clmnged: territory and western mediums, ij'u2;c; fine mediums, W!4r; fine, 12.ft21c. Oils and Koaln. " ' OIL CITY. Pa.. Jan. 27.-OIL-Crdlt bal ances. J1.40; runs, 193,622 bbls. ; averaste 148.279 bbls.; shipments. 224.80S bbls.; avrFr age, 211,716 bbls. SAVANNAH. Oa.. Jan. 27. TURPEN TINE Dull. fiOHo- KOSIN Firm: H and D. $4,224; E 14 2T F. 14.30; Q, 14324; H, l.4ft; I. 84.70; K 70; M, 86.25; N, tu.3; W. O.. $7.00; AV. W.j Coffee Market. NKW YORK, Jan. 27. COFFEE Futures closed steady at a net advance of five Points. Sales were reported of 47,000 bags including February at 6.75c, March at (Doc May at 5o and July, October and Duoem ber at 7.UUO. Spot, quiet; No, 7 Rio, 8V 8c; Santos No. 4, 9j'j;4c Mild, quiet; Cordova, Kl1l'c. Hay Market. , OMAHA, Jan. 27. Thtre was little bay on the market today and the demand was light. Hay: No. 1, llS.Omt 13.50: No. 2. 112.00 coarse, : Wl I0.1X); iini king. $7 00, Straw Wheat. $T.0o, rye, 8S Oo. Alfalfa: 813 Ouip 15.00. Usjlatb nraln Market. Dl'LUTH. Jan. 27. WHEAT May, II 1T4; July. I1.12S,; No. 1 nm ;:ici n, tl.Uv No. 2 nni i hern oAis i :c. t Sunday. Receipts of live stock at the Union Slock Yards, South Omaha, Neb., for the twenty four hours ending at 3 o'clock p. m. Janu ary 27, 1910: RECEIPTS. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. H'r's. c, M. St. P 4 Missouri Pacific 2 2 Union Pacific 19 SO C. & N. V., east 5 5 C. A N. W., west.... 28 87 C, St. P., M. & O.... 12 10 C, li. & Q., east 2 1 C, 11. & W., west.... 48 26 C, R. I. & P., east... 19 1 C R. I. & P., west 1 Illinois Central 4 Chicago U. W 1 Total receipts 144 120 15 8 DISPOSITION. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. 717 1,424 Omaha Packing Co 69H 1.375 Swift and Company 647 1.727 Cudahy Packing Co 1,076 1,746 Krey Packing Co... 378 St. Louis Ind. Co 3x6 W. B. Vansant Co 14 Benton, Vansant & Lush 117 .... Stephen Bros 32 .... Hill & Son..: 85 F. B. Lewis 149 J. B. Root & Co 413 J. H. Bulla 12 T. J. Inghram 2' .... Sol Degan 7 .... Other buyers.' 273 .... teen double-decks of sheep and lambs were received, and buyers were In the alleys early looking over the offerings. In short, there was a food, active demand for the better kinds of killers and every thing sold In very good season at quotauly strong prlcrs s compared with yestetda. Kwes were good enough to Vrlng 8n i. wethers realised 86 80 and yearlings sold at 86 60. 4j IiiIa there appear to be no very not able Improvement In t.heep and anth val ues yesterday and totiay, the tone to the trade Is much more encouraging to selling interests and the. greater freedom of move ment promises more or less of a reaction In values during the next few days. Still, the trade Is In no condition to hold up under liberal receipts and feeders will do well to keep a pretty close tnb upon sup plies. Current quotations on both sheep and lamhs are Just about 4Ml0c lowei than at the cose of last week. Quotations on fst slock: flood to choice lambs. $7.twix.lp; fair to good lambs, 87.3f.t 7.85; good light yearlings, f.l.frii7.33; good heavy, yea-ling. 8ii.2fy.fl0; good to choice nethers. ti frfVii 90; fair to good wethers. $5 0On6.5O; good to choice ewes. 8M0V6.35; fair to good ewes. $4,753(5.10. Representative sales: No. 229 western ewes 125 western ewes, rolls 654 western ewes, feeders 26 western ewes, culls 121 western ewes 63 western wethers 3T45 western wethers 257 w-f stern lambs, feeders.... 410 western wethers 194 western wethers 25S western lambs 34 western r-wes 34 western lambs 30 western lambs, culls 226 western yearlings 91 western ewes, culls Ave. .. .. M . 93 . 80 . 89 . 106 . 104 . 66 . 113 . 98 . 72 . 103 . 75 . 50 . 94 . 81 Trice. 4 50 3 25 4 50 4 00 6 25 5 80 6 SO 7 25 ( 75 6 85 7 90 4 50 7 60 6 2 6 00 3 25 862 Totals 4,300 7,857 3.312 CATTLE With moderate receipts, favor able advices from eastern markets, Im proved weather conditions and a butter general demand, tho market today was In strong contrast with the trade during the first two days of the week and prices for beef steers were unevenly higher all around. The improvement of yesterday and today regains more than half of the heavy decline of Monday and Tuesday and fat cattle are now selling well up to closing quotations of last week. The Improvement in beef steers was also evident In the market for cows and heifers and the trade was active, with prices stronger all along the line. In addition to the usual good demand from local packers, there was a very fair Inulry from outside butchers, particularly tor the desirable ?rades, and the movement was brisk all urenoon, an early clearance being made. Values In general for both butcher stock and canners are not far from where they were at the close of last week. .Yesterday's dullness In stockers and feed ers seems to have been only temporary and both yard traders and country buyers were out early after the few fresh loads thnt were offered today. Prices ruled stronger all along the line, and while the volume of business was rather smell, the undertone to the trade was decidedly flruu, and clos ing quotations for the week will show some advance over the close of last week. Quotations on cuttle: Cloud to choice beef steers, $5.60(66.75; fair to good beef steers, $).75(i.40; common to talr beef steers, $3.7574 0; good to choice cows and heifers, $4.25(85.00; fair to good cowa and heifers, $3.254. 10; common to f'r cows and heifers, $2.25S,3.10; good to cilice stock ers and feeders. $4.20n5.30; fair to com mon stockers and feeders, $2.7d(h3.26; stock heifers, $3.0U&3.60; veal c it Ives, fo.GO418.OO; bulls, stags, etc., $3.00$5.0p. Representative aaies: BEEF STEERS. No. 9 19 8 6 M 16 13.,... .1 lit 19 24 Av. ....1100 .... 763 .... Vbs .... 8.4 .... 901 .... 756 ....1013 .... 840 ....1100 .... 838 912 . ... H80 .... 910 ....1037 .... 941 .... 907 .... 974 ....12j4 1IM ....146 ....1145 8i6 .... 703 .... 6u2 .... 4j; .... 530 8W . .. .1350 ....lia) .... luku ... .ld O ....1O.0 ....1680 Pr. 16 4 40 4 40 4 40 4 It) 4 65 4 76 4 76 4 90 No. 26.... : 14 16 26 9.... 81.... 86..... 6 COWS. 2 80 8 (10 8 00 I 10 3 M 8 2.1 8 35 3 5D 8 8.) 8 9il 8 85 4 00 4 00 HEIFERS. 3 86 67 8 50 6 3 60 S BULLS. 5... 7... 6... 6... 10... It).. . ID... 13... 6... 10... 21... 11... 3 00 8 60 4 DO 4 i0 4 26 4 i5 4 80 4 40 1.... 1 1.... 1.... 2 1 1 1. . CALVES. At. ... 980 ...1014 ...1U87 ... 920 ... 985 ...:ou7 ... 1 100 . . . 12W ...14-.4 ... 940 . ., K.i ... 990 ...10.2 ...119U ...iht ...940 ...1116. ...lOtii ...1136 ...1219 ...1146 .. 847 .. K92 .. 718 ..1910 . .12.A) ..WW ..1340 ..liil6 . .1170 . . i&JU ..lWll) Pr. 4 96 6 00 6 o 6 00 6 10 6 20 6 66 5 70 4 44 4 00 4 Jt) 4 16 4 Zi 4 26 4 61) 4 90 4 40 4 40 4 61) 4 66 4 65 3 90 4 00 4 10 4 60 4 lS 4 50 4 50 4 60 4 66 4 65 4 66 too no 120 143 150 176 FKfc.lJfc.rtS. 8X0 4 15 10J1 t 00 t 60 7 w I 00 7 ti 7 7 7 76 1 3J0 ! 76 1... 8 t'.J SI 0.1 . 1... 3 4.)l I 10 1.. 2 845 4 40 4.. 9 124 4 60 1.. 2 85 4 75 4 . , STOCKERS AND 7 SSI I 26 6.. 4 16 t 76 68.. ti 917 4 65 HOGS Dullish feeling prevailed In the hog yards this morning and the market reacted under the influence of a healthy demand and active competition. About luu louds.hHU been yarded up until 11 o'clock, or In other words, the big bulk of recelpta arrived In tune for the nijiitlng's trudu. Practically everything on sule chunked hands In very good season ut prices that were pretty close to a dime higher than yesterday's market. Wuite a number of droves of common underweights and med ium butcher stock sold at figures that were possibly no better than fil0c higher, but most sales experienced the greater ad vance. A spread of $7.95Ci8.10 bought up most of the ho-s with the long strings selling at $sotV!i8.06. Yesterday's bulk sold at $7.8.Vui 8.00. it will be remembered, and the hulk a week ago changed hands al $.25U8.36. No. At. 8k. Pr. No. At. Su. Pr 80 178 AD 7 78 96 200 ... O0 71 171 t.. 7 65 7 211 80 8 uu 44 n: 180 1 90 37 2J ... 8 00 ) 2W) ... 7 90 3D 251 160 I 024 3 it8 ... I 90 43 240 80 lJL4 78 40 1 9) 84 4'J 8 05 44 2"4 ... 7 95 18 118 40 U6 76 2"3 80 7 95 38 121 40 I 05 47 HI ... 7 93 60 216 k) 8 06 82 fill 40 7 9 5 71 247 40 8 05 86 Kl ... 7 95 66 2J8 ... 8 00 48 199 ... 7 Hi 194 ... a 06 44 2"5 80 7 - 84 230 80 8 05 71 2 8 ... 7 974 t'J 281 l 8 ( 82 Ul ... 7 974 64 214 40 8 OS 78 248 ... 7 974 tS 918 ... 8 06 60 114 80 7 97 4 TO 2 J ... 9 06 4u 214 ... 6 14) 70 t-t m 8 , 44 2u6 ... I 00 77 311 40 08 75 2?4 H) mil 40 271 ... 8 0S 41 24 ,2l 6 O) 73 2i6 ... 6 074 94 2' ... 8 lO 4U 834 ... 8 074 71 . ... 6 00 16 ... 1074 31 319 ... 8 10 43 ?; 80 8 10 Jl ...... ..2"4 ... 800 89 im ... 8 10 7 4 ... 8 10 10 lug ... 8 10 57 2)io l 6 08 10 :-.- ... 8 1) (1 218 40 9 "0 34 272 40 10 83 831 ... 8 Oo 70 7 ... t 10 7?. 115 ... 8 0 U 127 ... 8 14 1H M4 ... 8 0) 8 3;3 ... Ill 4 114 ... 4 04 7 t:3 ... $ II tl t-i ... 8 00 64 SJ1 ... I 15 89 b.2 lit 8 HO 61 3 4 ... 8 15 61 2i0 20 8 00 CHICAGO HVK STOCK MABKF.T Cattle Steady Hoars Higher Sheep' Steady to Strong. CHICAGO, Jan. 27. CATTLE Receipts, 6,500 head. Market steady. Steers, $4.76 8.00; cows. t3.5ti4.25; heifers. $3.4(ljti.OO; bulls, tt.00dfj.2r; calves, tJ.0048.76; stockers and feeders. 83. 754(5 40. HOUS Receipts. 18,000 head. Market 10c to 16c higher. Choice heavy, $8 40y8.50, butchers. $8.358.45; light mixed, tH.Miu8.2o; choice light. t8.2tVg6.40; packing, $8.30ij.40, pigs. 7 2'(7.85 Bulk of sales. h 2.V.U 8.40. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. 10,000 head. Market steady to strong. Sheep, ti 6fg.00; lambs, ti.OiKif7.26; yearlings, t4.2. (0-7.66. SHEEP If thtre was any change In live n.tltton prices this morning, it was In the dliccliui) uf sUuiifcvi figures. About lum- Kanaas City l.lve Stock Market. KANSAS CITY, Jan. 27. CATTLE Re ceipts, 3.000 head, Including 200 southerns. Market for steers, steady; for cows, steady to 15o higher. Choice export and dressed beef steers, t5.75iy7.10; fair to good, tt.io'i 5.76; western steers, t4.64Kij4J.00; stockers and feeders, t3.oOj4VO); southern steers, t4.26'u 6.60; southern cows, $2.764.50; native cows, $2.7fi(5.15, native heifers, t3.66'(j5.50; bulla, tu.76((4.86; calves, t3.75(ir8.25, HOUS Receipts, 8.000 head. Market 10c to 15c higher; advance lont. Top, t3-42V; bulk of salus, t.otlV8.30; heavy. $8.30tu8.42-; packers and butchers, t8.10u8.30; light. t7.60 fe8.26; pigs, t7.104r7.&6. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. 8.500 neoa. Market weak. Lambs, ,6IMu.70; yearlings, 8tj.0047.6; wethers, 86.0ou'5.60; ewes, t4.253j5.40; stockers and feeders, 8J.2o (6.00. TRANSFER MEANS SflAKECP American Express Co.'i Increased Business Inrolres Changes. St. Louis Live Stock Market. ST. LOUIS, Jan. 27. CATTLE Receipts, 3.500 head, including 1.700 Texans. Market steady to loc. lower. Native shipping and export steers, t6.40ij7.76; dressed beef and butcher steers, eu.luy41.25; steers under 1.000 1Ib., 63.75fo5.00; stockers and feeders, 84.26 Gi4.90; oows and heifers, 3.00tai6.60; canners, t2.4(i2.90; bulls, $8.26106.20; calves. t6.6t(J 8.75. Texas and Indian steers, $4.264J'6.40; cows and heifeis, t2.9"(t4.80. HOtjS Receipts, 7,000 head. Market 7c higher. Pigs and lights, $6,0001.20; packers, $8 15io8.3u; butchers and beat heavy, t8.36 SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 600 head. Market steady. Native muttons, t4.60i6.S5; lambs, $6. 1610. 36; culls and bucks, $3.75o' 5.00; stockers, t3.25j4.00. St. Joseph l.lve Stock Market. ST. JO8EPH, Jan. 27. CATTLE Re ceipts, 2,000 head; market steady; steers, $4. 50(0,6. 76; cows and heifers, t2.60ra5.50; calves. $3.00X08.60. HOGS Receipt.", 7.000 head; market 10c higher: top, $.46; bulk of sales, tS.05S8.3. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. 500 head; market steady; lambs, 84.508.26. Stock en clsht. Recelpta of live stock at ' the six princi pal western markets yesterday Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. South Omaha 3,700 tt.OuO 2,900 Sioux City... 600 8.200 S. Joseph 2.000 7.000 Kansas City 3.OU0 8.000 St. Louis 8,500 7,000 Chicago ,. 6,500 18,000 500 8.600 500 10,000 Totals 18,300 62,200 13,400 OMAHA GCnOltAL MARKET. Staple' and Fancy Produce Prices Far. nlahed by Buyers and Wholesalers. BUTTER Creamery, No 1, delivered to the retail trade in 1-lb. cartons, 31c; No. 1, in 60-lb. tubs, I0!c; No. 2 In 1-lb. cartons, 20c; In 60-lb. tubs, 2Sc; packing stuck, solid pack, 214c; fresh rolls, 23'ac; fancy datry, roll, 2Cc; common butter, 23c. Market changes every Tuesday. CHEESE Twins. 18c; young America, lS'nc; Baisy cheese, li4jc; Llmberger, 154,0; brick, rj; domestic block Swiss, 20c; Im ported Swiss, 80c. POULTRY Dressed: Broilers, $5 a do. fprlngu, 15c; hens, 15c; cucks, 16c; ducks, 16c; geese. 14c; turkeys, 26c; pigeons, per doc, $1.25; Homer stjuabs, $4 per dui. ; fancy squabs. $.'.50 per doz. ; No. 1, $3 00 yer dot. Alive: Broilers, under 2 lbs., 17c; over 2 lbs., 12c; hers, 11c; cocks, 8c; ducks, full feathered, 12c; goese, full feathered, 10c; turkeys, 18c; guinea fowls, $3 per dog., pig eons, 60c per doz. fc'irfll (all truzen) Herring, Co; salmon, 11c; pickerel, Dc; whitefish, 11c; pike, 12c; trout, 16o; catf'sh, 17c; crapples, eo to 8c; lutge crapples, 15c; black bass, 26c; ltd snapper, 13c; smelts, 14c, frog legs, 60c a dozen; Spanish mackerel, lac; eel, Ho; haddock, lie: flounders. 12c. OYSTERS Selesis, small cans, 26c; large, 40c; gallon, tl.80; New York counts, small, 33c; large, 45c; gallon, tl.96; standards, small, 2'c; large, .tec; gallon, $1.35. F H U ITS Oranges : Extra fancy Redland, ruse brand, Ms, and 112s, box $2.00; extru fancy Redland, rose Tjrund, 12tis. box $3.15; extra fancy Redland, rose brand, 150s, box 8325; extra fancy Redland, rose brand, 176s and 2uus, box $3.60; extra fancy Sunkist. DO, 112s, LXs and 150s, box $2.75, extra fancy Sunkist, 176. 200s, 216s and 2150s, box $2.00; strictly fancy East liiiil.--nd Salonu brand, Mis, 112s and 126s, bo., i.li, strictly fancy East Highland Suluna brand, 150e, box $2.25; strictly funcy East Highland Suluna brand, 176s, 2oOs, 216s and 25os, box $2.35. Lemona: fc.xtra fancy Southland Beauty, 3u0s and 800s, box $4.80; extra fancy choice Justrlte, 300s and 300s, box $4.00. Grape Fruit: Florida, Indian river, iXi, 46s, 64s, 54m, 80s and 96s, box $4.01 Tangerines Florida, 144a and 108s, box $2.50. Pine apples: Florida Indian river, 24s and 3os, crate 13.50. S.tsunm: Florida, 100 to 180 box ti-00. Apples: Choice White Pent main $1.50; Ben Davis, Colorado, large bushel box, tl te; Win Saps, Colorado, large sise box, 12.00; Jonathans, Colorado, box, t2.O0; Ureenii;ga, Colorado, box, tl-50; Missouri Pippins, Colorado, very fine quality, box, ti 75; Uenltens, Colorado, box, tl.50; Iowa Wuirt Sups, bbl., $5.00; Iowa Missouri Pip pins, fcbl.. $5.00; Iowa Ben Davis, bbl., $4.76 Ben Davis, No. 1 Missouri, bbl., $3.75; Mis souri Pippins, No. 1, bbl., $3.75; (Janus, No. 1 Missouri, bbl., $4.00; Ureenlngs, New York. No. 1 fanners' pack, bbl., $3.50; extra fancy N. Y. 43reenings, bbl., 84 60. Orapes Malugas, Imported, bbl., 85 60; Malagas, fancy imported, bbl., 86.00; Malagas, extra tuncy, Imported, bbl., $6.60; Maiagus extru fancy, tinted, highly colored, Imported, bbl., tS.OO. Bananas: Port Lltnon or CI11111 guinola, finest and largest, bunch, $3 50; special 75-lb. bunches, bunch, $3.00. Cran berries, long kteplng, bbl., $7.50; Jersey, ripe, bbl., $.50. Pears: California, extra fancy Easter Beurre. box. $2.50. VEGETABLES Cauliflower : California, per crate. $2.50. Honey: Colorado, per cruts, $3.25. Sweet Potatoes: Kansas $2 00; Kansis select, d seed, 2-bit doz., 75c. Head Lettuce: Per hamper, 82 Bo' bbl., $2.00. Celery: Jumbo California, per doz.. 75c Head Lettuce: Per uamper, $2 W. Rutabagus: Canadian, per ib . lc. Cab bage: W isnorii.ln geniKne Holland seed lb., 2c. Tomatoes: Florida, 8-basket crate per crate. $5.50. Old Turnips, Beets. Cur ruts or Parsnips: Per bbl., $2.25. Unions Red Globe, extra (urge, per lb.. 2,c Spanish, large crates, crate, $1.65; Spanish' small New York crates, crate, $1 50 FIGS 5 crown, lb., 14c; 4 crown, lb., 13c 12 12-oz. pkgs., box, 80c; 60 6-01. pkgs., bux! $2 00; Imported, per 1-lb. basket, ISo. N UTS- Aiiiiotuls: Dreks seedlings, per lb., 16c; ilraatls, large, per lb.. 12Vo; fi. berts. large, per lb., 134c; pecans. Jmnbn Texas, per lb., 10c; paaans. medium Texas per lb., U'tic; bluck walnuts, per lb,. 2'c hickory, small, per lb., to; hickory, large' per lb. 4c: California walnuts. No. 1. soft shell, per lb., 16c; California waliiiita. No 2. soft shell, per lb., 11c; peanuts raw per lb.. Cc; peanuts, jumbo, raw, per lb.. 3Vc. peanu.ta, rousted per lb.. c: peanuia suited, per box. $1.25. DATES Thirty 1-lb. packages, per box $2 25; new Hall iwt'en per lb.. 6V4c; an, a, walnut. b. x.' $1.25: far. per lb,, luc. CinRR-Mott's keg S.T5 lul'CORN-Whits rice. lb.. 3o BIGGER FORCE 'FOB OMAHA Reorganised Concern Will Itsnploy Many More Men Here May Com bine with Pacific 1st Joint Offices. A general shake-up In the office and traffic forces of the Pacific Expreaa com-lati- and an entire reorganisation of the staff of the American Express company In the western division la predicted a a result of the transfer of the business on the Union Pacific railroad from on ax press company to the other. The formal transfer, ( business will lake place April 1. aa announced by Vice Prtsldent L. V. Fargo, of the American concern. O. C. Taylor, general manager of the newly-created western division of tho company, Is In Omaha on bualne. but will establish his offices al Salt Lake City. 1 ' "We hardly know Just what the situation la," said Mt. Taylor. ."Two. months will Intervene before our company takes over the business of the Paclflo Express, and we are not ready to announce any plans. Our newly-acquired territory will embrace In the neighborhood of 1,000 Offices, which will naturally 'mean a much larger busi ness for us." Talk Is that the American Express com pany will have to greatly Increase Its working staff In Omaha by reason of tho transfer. Although the Paolfla will con tinue to operate express Cars on the Wa bash and Missouri Pacific, the Union Pa cific will take away 40. per cent , of that trade. This will mean that the fore of thj Pa-' clfio Express company, will be cut ayid additions made to the staff of the Amer ican. There are about'' forty clerks em ployed In the Pacific Express company's offices at present. In addition to naming more, clerks It Is also stated on good au thority that a division Superintendent will be appointed for the American, in. Omaha. RallrorJ men figure, LUat the American will control the express business of between 6.O00 and 7,000 miles ot track between the Missouri river and the Pacific Coast. This will mean that upwards of 300 of 400 mes sengers, clerks and express agents ' over the lines of the Union Paclflo will be put on the payroll of the American Express. Most of these. If not all, will simply be transferred from the Pacific company, to the American and will bo, literally, a part of the business deal. ' 1 There is also talk .that the American Express agency In Omaha will be obliged to seek larger quarters before long, owing to the Increase In business and the larger number of clerks. It is also hinted that the two companies may maintain joint of fices In Omaha. If this merger' takes place it Is probable the Joint offices would be maintained In the Pacific Express com pany's building at Harney and Fourteenth Btreets. ... Bennett's Bullet Ends Forlorn Lite Suicide of Iowa Man it Climax of Ca reer of Desolation, Inquost Shows. - A. story of desolate -life In an "broken middle age Is that .of Charles E. Bennett, whose body-was found In a lumber yard at Fourteenth 'and Davenport gtreett Wednesday afternoon half an hour 'after he had tken his own life. ' The police on investigation have posi tively Identified Bennett. H formerly lived at Paralta, la., nd for nearly a year had been leading a forlorn existence In Omaha, doing odd Jobs about the1 city. - A week ago Bennett tried to get admis sion to the county hospital, but failed. His landlord at the Davenport, ' ' a ' rooming house at 1207 Douglaa street, aaya that Bennett had not been working lately' and was In 111 health. An Inquest will be held by Willis Crosby, coroner, this afternoon. A coroner's Jury at an Inquest Thursday afternoon held that Bennett came to his death by, shooting himself deliberately and with suicidal Intent. GOOD DOSE FOR KNOCKERS City Electrician nllchaelsen Returns from Europe Praising; Amer ica aa Best Land. City Electrician Mlchaelsen has returned from a five weeks' trip abroad) during whloh he visited his' parents In Copen hagen. He reports a stormy time on the ocean coming home, The Campania, on which he returned, arrived In New York thirty-six hours behind schedule. "If any of the knockers or kickers want to get the roal perspective of their own country, let them make a visit to Europe," said Mr. Mlchaelsen. "I do not oare what country they go to, the travelers from the United States cannot help feeling that this la the best country, after all; that no other nation In the world can be compared with It. For a pleasure trip, Europe Is all right, but for a real oountry lu which to live and find opportunity, the United States beats them all." ' Mr. Michaelsen took some pains to in quire about the oost of llvjng abroad and finds It has been going up, though perhaps not In as fierce a manner as here. "In Denmark the cost of living has In creased 25 to 30 per cent within five years, and I presume the same thing will hold good In most Eurupean counliiue similarly situated. The people take mure pleasure from living In th" older countries, though, except possibly In the very lowest strata of society. "This fact will strike the American abroad, too. A dollar of our money goes twice as far In purchasing power there as it will here; yet I. believe the prevalent of high wages and high prices In this coun try Is preferable to the European.1 condi tion. Many people asked my advice about coming to America, but 'I refused to ad vise them lt so mai words to come. It they must come, I told them the chance was here for them to better their condi tion, provided they do not rtop In the east ern centers, but come to the western states." A medicine need not be disagreeable to be effective. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy Is pleasant to take and always oures. Sloas City I. Ire Mock Market. RIOUX CITY, Jan. 27.(Specll Tele gram. I CATTLE) Receipts, CfO head; mar ket steady. HOUH-Recerpts, 3,200 head; market 6'tj) lOn higher; range of prices, $7.80'i8.16. bulk of ales, $7.!c8.05. , llcrljcrl L Gooch Co iiroktrs aaJ Dealers ORAItf, rSOYISIOVB, StTOOKa ' Omalia Offliei aio 8f. Y. Life miag. 9U Telephone Douglaa 681 1 Inaer endeut. A-8121 and A-31S1 Oldest aud Ia--gBl Bouse la the luu ,; J