The Omaha : Daily The Omaha dee It th most powerful business getter 10 the weal, becaos It go to the bomei of poor and rich. WEATHER FORECAST. For Nebraska Knlr For lows Tnrtly cloudy. For weathor report nee p(te 2. VOL. XXXIX-NO. 171. OMAHA, FRIDAY MORNING, JANUAKt 23, 1910-TWELVE PAGES. SINGLE COPY TWO CENTS. Bee BURKETT KNOCKS LOTTEllXMIIEME Nebraska Senator Tells What Condi tion! Arise from System of Distributing Lands. SPEECH ON ROSEBUD MEASURE t. -i. Many People a . -awinga for Lark an . ' ' r. SOME NEVER SET.' r, TRACTS V. Poor and Deserving K of Funds to Makv Lack BILL BY GAMBLE GOES .HROUQH Paseed by Hoaao Will Oaea to ftettlement Elhl Hudrti Thitiuad Arm la Rom bad Reeervatloo. (From a Stuff Correspondent.) WASHINGTON. Jan. 27. (Special Tele. ITfra.)-Henator Gamble of Bouth Dakota today secured the passage through the senate of hla bill opening lands In the Rosebud reservation to homestead entry. This mentis that about 800.000 acres will be opened to settlement In the event the bill passes the house and becomes a law. A good-natured colloquy1 ensued during the consideration of the bill, 'in which Sena tor Burkntt very largely participated, as well as Senators Gamble and Crawford of Bouth Dakota, Gore of Oklahoma and Davis of Arkansas. It appears that Senator Bur kett, filling engagements en the north border nt Nehrnrka during the last open Ing of lands In South Dakota, saw condi tions which gave him a theme for asking a change In the method of land drawings. He protested against the lottery feature, which had Its birth with Commissioner Richards of Wyoming when lie was at the head of the land office. Up to the time of Commlnsloner Richards it was the survival of the fittest In getting on the reservation and pre-empting land by reason Of occupation. ThlB recalled the "sooner" rush for occupancy of Oklahoma and one pr two ether openings Immediately following the settlement In that state. Advises Ch no are la Method. Senator Burkctt, while favoring the bill which opens up some SOd.000 acres, thought there might bo a very 6fdded change made In the manner of drr. wings as now In practice by the land office. Hs cited the long distances that a person had to travel In order to register. He told the story of trains of people going Into smalt towns where rtglstery offices were located and of the Inability of Intending settlers to get accommodations. He said these trains were so crowded and with such a motely lot of people that It was Impossible to secure anything like service, and when they reached their destination they were com pelled to camp In tents, and In numberless cases old men and women found beds on the ground with their faces to the stars. He obarwed,-that-;.ORjy-. thos. who ,uld affotid to moke' a trip to the reglrtry offices stood any chance to get land. Many people whom he Interviewed during the time he was In the vicinity of the opening of the Gregory oounty lands he believed were there for' lark or to see what an tpenlng of an Indian reservation was under ihe present way of doing things. The- senator said he knew of men who ad drawn very low numbers, but who ever went to settle on the land. There should be some way devised to dif erentlate between a man who wants a komostead. and a man who Is willing to ake a gamble In securing one." Jeff' Davis Sees Freed. Senator Jeff Davis charged fraudulent )urpose In connection with the sale of the Inallotted lauds In the reservation. He Iferred especially to the provision au horlstng 'payment for certain sections of he land for school purposes. Declaring hat much of the land was arid and worth ies and asserting that there was some powerful force" behind the scheme to torn pel the government to buy the land, ald: "So many scandals have arisen In con- ectlon with the disposal of the public ands of the northwest that the senate lliould act cautiously In permitting this Tivaslon Of the treasury." He said that S2&0,000 would be required. Senator Crawford pronounced the danger Imaginary. He thought there was no danger of fraud. Employers' Liability. Senator Brown today Introduced In the sti.ate a joint resolution for the appoint ment of a commission to Investigate em ilcyers' liability and workmen's compensa dun. Senator Burkett today Introduced an amendment to the postoftice appropriation bill, which he Intends to press, providing that the salary of rural free delivery car riers shall be Increased from 400 per annum to 11,300 for all standard twenty-four-mile routes, with an Increase of 93d per annum for each and every mile above that and a decrease of a like amount for every mile below. Civil service' examinations will be held February 26 for rural carriers at Bralnard, Florence, Osmond and Upland, Neb. ' H. C. White of Omaha. F. W. Lockhead of Tekamah, H. W. Bchwerdfger of Grand Island, Neb.; J. O. Kemp of New Liberty, H. B. Llnbaugh of Elwood and George A. Williams of Correctlonvllle, la., have been appointed railway mall clerks. Heernltlns; Officer la Omaha. First Lieutenant Ralph D. Bates, coast artillery corps, recruiting officer, Is re lieved from duty at Jefferson Barracks and will proceed to Omaha and assume charge of the recruiting station at that place. Captain William T. Wilder, paymaster. will proceed from Omaha to Chicago for temporary duty and upon completion of this duty will return to Omaha: Rural carriers appointed, for Iowa routes tre: Alnsworth, route S, William It. Kelper, sarrler; Clyde C. Kelper, substitute. Essex, route 2, Fa L. Donnel, carrier; no substi tute. Hudson, route J, Robert li. Smith, carrier; Henry N. Thompson, substitute. Sheldon, route I. Alvsn 8. Ruby, carrier; no substitute. Walcott, route 1. Rudolph II. Blank, carrier; Charles Nealaoii, substl tuts. A. M. Cook," state food aiU dairy cotnmls- liuner of South Dakota. Is In Washington UendltiM the National Hoard of Trade. ' la tollapeed Balldlaa;. CINCINNATI. It. Jan . As far mm can be learned today there were but six peraoua in tne rooming house at tat Fourth strrat which was domulinhed when a wa'.l of a flve-atory ruined distillery was blown down by the and last ntui.t fif thru nn I I" dead, anothvr Is missing and four were u)uri. police and firemen are sttll rliliig the ruins today Omahan Fails to Locate Wife and Shoots Himself Sam Ormond Lyin? in Critical Condi tion at Hospital in Des Moines. DES MOINES. Jan. r..-(Speclal Tele gram.) Sain Ormond of Omaha Is lying at the Methodist hospital badly wounded and with small chances of his recovery. He shot himself late last night n a room at the Iowa hotel. His friends report that he came from Omaha a few days ago to find his wife and before shooting hlmsslf he wrote a note telling friends to give all his effects to his wife, the note also saying: "Tell her to pay Ellis Mc-imde, 1312 Doug las street, $20 I borrowed. Russell la tied In the basement Also give May my love." He gave his address as 41J North Eigh teenth street. It Is learned today that the wife came here' a week ago to look for work, but announced a few days ago she was going to Sioux City. Ellis McBrlde of Omaha, a friend of Sara Ormond, arrived In the city today and Is attending him nt the hospital. Ormond was able to tell McBrlde his story of events. but Is delirious In his pain, and It is re garded as almost certain he will die. Sam Ormond left Omaha Monday night, saying that he was going east. He did not give evidence to his friends that he was In other than a normal mood. Ormond was engaged In the sideshow and carnival concession business about Omaha. Through the winter he spent much idle time about Ellis McBrlde'a pool hall, 1312 Douglas street, find formed an intimate friendship with the proprietor. The Rus sell referred to In the note Is a pet bulldog belonging to Ormond. Ministry Assured of Good Majority Liberals Alone Are in Minority, How ever, and Present Government May Be Short Lived. LONDON, Jan. 27. Twenty-three returns received this morning from the twenty-five left over from yesterday's election for Parliament give the liberals 16, laborltes, 2, nationalists 2 and unionists 3. The two latter are unionist gains. ' The' positions of the parties are: Government coalition Liberals ...248 Irish nationalists T4 Laborltes 40 Opposition- Unionists 258 The combined strength of the liberal, labor and nationalist coalition has reached JG3 today, or more than bait the number of the House of Commons. A unionist government, therefore, Is out of the ques tion and the only point still undecided is the exact strength of the coalition ma jority. But a an Independent liberal ma jority. Is- equally out of the question. Only a short lite can be. predicted for- -the In coming government, and, as a matter of fact, both the liberal and unionist parties are looking away from the present struggle Into the not dlntant future when the con flict at the polling booths will be renewed. MONUMENT BUILDERS HERE State Aaaoclatlon I.latene to Papers and Selects Officers for Coming: Year. President-J. N. Klldow, York. Vice President Dan Davis, David City. Becretary and Treasurer Alfred Bloom, Omaha. These were the officers of the Nebraska Retail Monument Dealers' association at the fourth annual meeting at the Rome Thursday. Lincoln was selected as the next piace of meeting. Mayor Dahlman delivered the address of welcome to the convention Thursday morn ing, which was followed by the annual ad dress of the president, W. A. Forbes of Nebraska City. , D. H. Fishburn of Grand Island, secretary-treasurer of . the association, sub mitted his annual report. ' Addresses were delivered Thursday fore noon by J. N. Klldow, of Tork, Frank Kimball of Lincoln, F. G, Auringer of Neltgh and W. J. Holes of St. Cloud, Minn. M. J. Feenan of Omaha read a paper Thursday afternoon on "Pioneering In the Monument Business," which was followed by a paper on "Fellowship and Square Dealing" by H. I. VanNostrand of Te kamah and papers by Charles Neldhardt of Beatrice and J. F. Bloom of Omaha. Last evening the delegates were . en tertained with a theater party at the Or pheum by the Omaha dealers. Addresses scheduled for this morn ing's meeting will be by M. N. Troupe of Kearney. ,C. E. Spldell of Lincoln and Frank Shane of Pawnee City. MINDEN MAN FATALLY HURT I. M. SI Dies la Chicago s Result of In lories. Hos- pltal CHICAGO, Jan. 17. (Special Telegram.) I. M. Sluser, aged S3, of Mlnden, Neb., died In a hospital today from accidental Injuries. Blind Man of 78 Marries Woman Who Says She's 53 Charles Britton, aged 73 years and totally blind, and Mrs. Ellen 1 Tinea, who gives her sge as 13 years, were married by Justice pf the Peace Cockrell. The mar riage follows seventeen years of devoted servitude to Mr. Britton by Mrs. Hlnes, who has been his housekeeper all that time. Wagging, gossiping tongues are the cause of the marriage. "Evil-minded people have been talking," said Mrs. Britton, "and we couldn't get Into no society living like that." Reporters saw Mrs. Hlties, who Is by no means sprightly In step, although she affirms she ts not over 61 years of age, leading her blind lover along the corridor which leads to the office of the oounty Judge. In this office marriage licenses are dispensed. A pusalng attorney "wondered If they were after a license," and investigation proved his gaess comet. Mrs. Hlnes conducted the preliminaries. TARIFF CRITICS ARE ANSWERED Animated Political Debate il Chief Feature of House Proceedings. B0UTELL DEFENDS NEW. LAW Illinois Member Says it is Not Cause of High Prices. ANOTHER TERM FOR TAFT Practical Operation of Law Will Demonstrate President's Wisdom, TILT WITH MAN FROM TEXAS Mr. Henry Says Prices Are Too High, bat Does Not Waat - Statement Applied to Cottoa. WASHINGTON. Jan. 27. At animated political debate with the tariff as Its chief feature entertained the house of repre sentatives today. The agricultural appro priation bill was under consideration and in speaking of It Representative Boutell of Illinois upheld the Payne-Aldrlch tariff bill as one that would be satisfactory to the eotlntry. The day was given up to speeches, largely political. The senate re ceived the postal savings bill, which is an administration measure, and referred . it to committee. It probably will be re ported out tomorrow. A bill was passed providing for the dis position by lottery of unallotted Indian land In South Dakota, but not before ab ators Gore and Burkett had bitterly as sailed the system. ' Boutell Defends Tariff law. Admitting that the Payne tariff law would have to be justified by the results of its practical operation. Rep resentative Boutell of Illinois, a mem ber of the committee which framed the measure, made a vigorous defense of the new law, Frsldent Taft had been criticised, he said, because he has declared the Payne act was the beet tariff law ever passed by congress. But, he added, the result would Justify that statment. , "The commen sense and sagacity of President Taft will be recognized by his re-election In 1912. "It has been said," continued Mr. Bou tell, "thai that act gives preference; to cerl tain Individuals i and Is the cause of the?xiuuu8 ouu"?c out mhh Is present high prices. It has been claimed the tariff act has not brought prosperity and that It will retard prosperity." . When the democrats applauded these statements and laughed In derision, Mr. Boutell sharply rebuked thorn. "Why Is ft," ha asked, "that the demo crats always applaud any tale of misfor tune or prediction of adversity 7" . It was then the turn of the republicans to laugh and Applaud .and. the demoorata lapsed into silence. ' ' "I think," said Mr." boutell; answering his own question, "it Is because adversity Is so familiar and so In keeping with the history of their party. Such applause Is not Indicative of approbation, but the re sult of a party loyalty." Mr. Boutell created great amusement by reading democratic predictions of disaster after the passage of the Dlngley act, all of which were dissipated, he said, by the actual results. Prosperity la Texas. Paying especial attention to criticisms of Senator Bailey of the Dlngley and the Payne-Aldrlch tariff laws. Mr. Boutell produced a bundle of Texas newspapers of recent Issue and read from them predic tions of unusual prosperity for Texas dur ing the new year. "Texas," interposed Representative Slay den of that -state, "Is prosperous, but It la so In spite of and not because ' of the re publican tariff, and If the government Is successful In Its criminal prosecutions of the distinguished republicans, the 'big four trust,' times will be much more prosperous In Texas." On being Interrupted by Representative Henry of Texas, Mr. Boutell asked that member whether he thought prices were too high. , "Certainly I think prices are too high," replied Mr. Henry. "Prices of what7 Do you want lower prices for cotton?" asked Mr. Boutell, and Mr. Henry's reply was drowned in the uproar of applause from the republicans which followed. Mr. Henry Inquired whether the Illinois member had heard that children of Chicago go to school without their breakfast. "To that I simply give the reply of Jane Addams, who says there la no truth In that statement," replied Mr. Boutell. Mr. Boutell then read of the Increase of prices of articles upon which the tariff had been reduced In the Payne-Aldrlch law. "If a reduction of 75 cents a hundred on lumber puts the price up," he added, "I wonder how .high It would go If placed on the free list?" High prices on raw materials, he said, could not be maintained without putting up the prices on the manufactured articles. He then read a series of statistical reports to show the Increase of manufacturing en terf rises In the southern states. answered most of the questions and paid over the necessary S2. County Judge Les lie was summoned before License Cierk Charles Furay would Issue the permit aiid Judge Leslie, too, was loath to sanction Issuance of the lloense. But Mrs. Britton wheedled, and pleaded and when she told how "the neighbor J was a-talklng" the oourt gave a reluctant assent. "Why don't you go to a soldiers' homer inquired Judge Leslie of Britton, who Is a veteran. "Well,' maybe I will after a bit," said Britton, "when I get real old." Then the sou pie walked gingerly down the court house steps, Mrs. Hlnes gulldlng the sightless steps of Britten. Justice Cock rell married tbem without demur. "I've been marrying ' folks for thirty years." remarked Mr. Cockrell when the knot had been tied and the couple gone, "but they are the queerest pair I ever saw " . J i Perhaps Mr. Bryan Went Down to South America to Get a From the Minneapolis Journal. JOY IN PARIS SHORT LIVED -tm. j el, J- rl'S i. !. Only Temporary. 100,000 HOMELESS REFUGEES Valley ol Seta SHUiilea Wide aad Ton-eat Hasina; 1Uroas;h City a.t Rata of Tweaty-Flve lflloa is Hour. ' , -frff X:;- I' V ' ye?. .,..' V. BCLLErnji' i PARIS, Jan. 27. It Is rumored this even Ing that the dyke protecting Gennevllllera, six miles from Parlay baa broken and that the entire town has been Inundated- The population of the town Is about 1,oo,' while mode than 10,000 persons are Included In'the commune. PARIS. Jan. 27. Late In the afternoon the Fluvelial department predicted a fur ther rise of sight inches before the crest of the flood In the river Seine was reached. The flurry of Joy at noon was followed by pessimism as the waters continued to rise. This afternoon the water backed up Into the St. Laxara station, flooding the rail road terminus. Firemen are trying to pump out the water that has covered' the tracks. The sun Is shining In Paris today. The rain ceased throughout the afflicted dis tricts before noon and aa the waters of the Seine appeared to subside the lamenta tions of the populace gave way to rejoicing. It Is hoped the worst Is over, but the wish Is father to the thought. At in o'clock the gauge showed a drop In the waters of the Seine at Pont Royale. The subsidence continued for thirty min utes, amounting to three-fourths of an Inch. Cries of Joy Greet Fall. Cries of joy- from the watchers . were taken up by thousands along the Quays. Later It was claimed that the falling was due to the rapid overflow Into the Bercy quarter from Paris, where the Seine had broken its barriers. The experts say the river was still rising this afternoon, but that the maximum floods were reached. The Bercy quarter has been abandoned by the residents. The temperature has moderated to a great extent, affording much relief to homeless ones. ' President Fallleres and Premier Briand today visited the hospitals and other places where refugees have been sheltered. Notre Dame was surrounded by water today and the Crypts were flooded. The rotten palisades back of the He St. Louis gave way and the situation In the over flowed quarter back of the Quay Bercy was rendered critical. During the forenoon the' Quay D'Auster- (Continued on Second Page.) Real estate presents a safer investment, payinga higher rate than money invest ed in any other way la buying Omaha real estate, at present prices, you ran make five, ten and even fifteen per cent on your Investment by holding it for two or three years. The Increase may bring your rate on the invest ment up to twenty or twenty-five per cent. Moverover, you know ' every minute Just how your Invest ment stands. If you have a few thousand dollars to invest, put it in Omaha real estate. Nearly a page of choice realty bargains and investments in the real es tate columns of Tha Bee today. Men Insured on Death Bed Plan of Big Swindle Insurance Companies Bilked Out of Large - Sums of Money by Clever Scheme. LOUISVILLE, Ky., .Jan. ,27, "I believe this Investigation now . under, way will un earth the biggest swindle In the Insurance line ever 'exposed .west , of , New. York," said State Insurance - Commissioner Bell today as he took up the case of Walter E, Rider, a teamster who died January 4, and whose body was exhumed yesterday by the coroner on the request of certain Insurance companies. The death certificate Indicated that Rider died of Intestinal trouble, but It la reported that the autopsy, which began today, showed a large portion of the lung eaten away, supposedly by tuberculosis. Commissioner Bell has taken up the casn on the request of life Insurance companies In Indiana and Tennessee, who are said to be large losers by reason of "grave yard" swindles. These companies which. It Is alleged, have already paid $10,000 on policies Issued In Rider's case, are exoluded from business In this state, yet, it Is said, have carried on a large business In Kentucky through an agency at New Albany, Ind., across the river from Louisville. The scheme worked on the companies Is to a certain extent- an old one, the com pany issuing the policy to men virtually In the shadow of the grave after having ex amined a man of athletto build who was represented as the applicant. STRIKE LEADERS SENTENCED President of Northern Mlnera' Federa tion Given Year In Prlaon for Obstructing; Work. SYDNEY. N. S. W., Jan. 27.-President Bowling of the Northern Miners' Federa tion was today convicted of obstructing work at the mines during the strike and sentenced to one year at hard labor In prison. Three other strike leaders were given sentenoes each of eight months at hard labor, while a number of miners were condemned to briefer terns of Imprisonment. Called to and Driven From Paris by Death ' Samuel Newhouse of Salt Lake City, Utah's copper king, has had a spectacular flight to. and from Paris. He was blddeii there by death and driven awa.y by Impending doom. ' He flew ovr in December to reach the btdgide of a dying brother and he flew away January IS to escape the flood then rising. One day Mr. Newhouse received a cable gram from Paris sa-ylng his brother was dying. Ho ordered his grips packed and caught tho first train out of Salt Lake, freslrlng to transact business for at least twelve hours In New York before sailing, he wired from Grand Island to Chicago for a special train. Hla train was stand ing ready and steaming when he rearhed Chicago. He lost not a minute In boarding It and made the trip from Chicago to New York In sixteen hours. The train cost him Just 1.100. Mr. ' Newhouse did not Intend leaving Paris so soon. Ills departure, like his going, was sudden and Impelled by an emergency. "We saw the Seine rising and torrents of rain were falling and we feared some such doom aa that which has wrought this bavoc In beautiful Paris, destroying prop arty upwards of 1200,000,000 and some lives, threatening others," said Mr. Newhouse, who passed through Omaha Thursday morning on the Overland Limited. Mr. Newhouse sat down to breakfast In his private compartment, made few re Good Start For His Next Bun.. ELLIS BENIES FRICTION Assistant Attorney General Discusses Gossip About Meat Inquiry. SIMS WILL REMAIN IN CHARGE Inveatla-atlon of Industry Was negun Six Months Agco by Department of Justice Action of Jadgre I.andle. CHICAGO. Jan. 27. Four members of the feder'af grand Jury which Investigated the so-called "beef trust" In 190S forced the government through Judge Landls to start the present probe, according to a report current here today. Assistant Attorney General Wade Ellis, who dpent the day here denied that there was 'any friction among the government officials concerning tho present Investiga tion and also stated that district Attorney Edwin W. Sims would remain In charge. Concerning the inception of the present action It is said that there would have been none had the four dissatisfied Jury men not sought the aid of Judge Landls. This quartet, it Is said, was willing to indict the packers in December, 1908, and finally became so Indignant over the In creasing price of meat that they Informed Judge Landls that they thought It was time for the government to begin another action. The report of the four Jurors alleged that there was sufficient evidence submitted to .the 1908 grand Jury to warrant true bills and that in the face of this there was a sudden apathy on the part of those be hind the prosecution. They also said that if the Investigation was not Immediately renewed they would make a Joint state ment to the public setting forth their theory of why the prosecution had been dropped. Following the Jurors' complaint Judge Landls la said to have made the Investiga tion that resulted In the present action being started. Judge Landls, It Is said, got Into touch with the evidence sub mitted to the 190S grand Jury and he Is de termined that the present action shall not be nullified by Influences arising outsldo the grand Jury room. Statement of Mr. Kllla. In his statement concerning the purpose (Continued on Second Page.) maiks about the rise In the price of.beof and proceeded to carve a Juicy sirloin steak. - "It comes high," he said, "but I must have It. Over in Paris a man is lucky to get any fresh beef at all. ."I left Paris Just two weeks ago, January IS,: and sailed from Liverpool on the Kron Prlns Wilhelm. It Was raining furiously when my train pulled out of the Paris yards. The station there has since been washed away. 'The people at that time were exceed ingly anxious and feared great danger from flood. There had been heavy snow in the mountains and the thaw had deluged the valleys with roaring streams. The Seine river was rising perceptibly when I left Franco. "When we reached Liverpool we heard further news of destruction by the floods and even after we were far out on the ocean we got wifeless reports of the dam age." Mln, Newhouse for many years has been president of three great mining companies, the Utah Consolidated, the Boaton Consolidated and the New house Mining and Refining companies. He was the builder of the laigest hotel In the Mormon city. Is now erecting tha finest theater there and has a plan to present to the city for building six miles of residence streets, considerable of the expanse to be borne by himself. His min ing Interests In the state are extensive. WILL NOT ORDER EXTRASESST0N Governor Shallcnterger Seei No War rant in Condition! Now to Make Call Necessary. GUARANTY LAW AWAITS EECISI0N United States Supreme Court Soon U Act on Oklahoma Case. SURE TO CLEAR NEBRASKA AC! After that He May Change Mind ol Question. NO HURRY ABOUT INCOME TAi Executive of rlrsska Disregards Krqneat of Democratic Conven tion and Knows Ihe I'olt. tlclans Few 'things. (From a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN, Jan. 27.-l?pecUI.)-aove rnoi Slmllenln'rgor will not cull an extra sos sion of the lenlslaiure, although In arriv ing at this conclusion he dcfl.s the wlxliei of Mr. liryun, of W. H. Thomp.ion an Arthur Mull.n aod he ne:s at naught tli manduta of the Into democratic state con ventlon. Tho governor save out an official state- men! this afternoon that he saw no reason for culling the legislators tovth!r at th.i time, following a call on hlin by It. J. Cluncy and Inter by It. IC. Leo Herdman, who took lurch at the executive niautlon. Upon his arrival In Washington, said the governor, there appeared a Nebra-ska d Id patch In one of the Washington papers to the effect that he Intended culling the leg islature In extra session at the request of Mr. bryan, and In the article It was set out that Mr. Bryan 1 still the boss In Nibranka democratic affairs. The gov ernor has shown him. (lovrrnor'i Heaaona. Following Is the statement given out frctn the office of the governor: "The governor said that ordinarily he did not care to rush Into print denying or affirming; political rumors as to executive action, but that enough prominence was be ing given to extra sexston talk by the stats prcts to warrant a statement as to this question. The governor does not think the situation at present such as contemplated by the constitution as warrant for an extra session. The bank guaranty bill has been enjoined by the federal court, which denies to tho state tho right to determine tho terms under which persons may engage In the banking business and the authority of the state to levy a tax to protect the de positor as an exercise of the police power. Until an opinion Is rendered upo nthese points by the supreme court of tbe United States any action by the legislature to carry out the people' will providing safer bank laws must wait upon the action of 'the supreme federal authority. . "The Oklahoma banking law la now be fore the supreme oourt of tbe ifrtlted States and a decision as to Its constitutionality will probably be rendered In a short time. A finding upon tho vital points In that case may also settle the matter as to the valid ity of the Nebraska statute, or so clarify the situation as to enable the legislature to frame a satisfactory guaranty law, founded upon the opinion 6f the highest court. Should such a situation occur and the conditions permit of the framing of a law In conformity with the court's decision, and satisfactory to the people of Nebraska, the governor would not hesitate to call an extra session to puhs such a statute and such other laws as deemed for the best Interests of the people of the state. Postal Savings Banks, "The governor said he found a strong sentiment In the east for a postal savings bank law, and that the prospects were that this congress would enact such a measure. A postal savings bank law will Inevitably drain the money of the western states to the great financial centers of the east. He was Convinced that a guaranty of deposits law that would keep the money of Nebraska In our own state, provide equal security to that afforded by a postal savings bank law and keep Nebraska money available for Nebraska business and busi ness men was a consummation very, much to be desired. "The endorsement of the Income tax amendment by Nebraska and other legisla tion of Importance Is not of such vital In terest at this time that It cannot wait for action cither by the next regular session or at an extra session to be convened should future developments, as Indicated above, warrant the assembling of the legislature In extra session." MRS. FORD BEFORE COURT ON CHARGE OF BLACKMAIL Woman Who Got Money front Wu rlner Ooea to Trial In Cincinnati. CINCINNATI. O.. Jan. 27,-The case of, Mrs. Jeanette Stewart Ford, who la charged with having blackmailed Charles L. Warrlner, convicted former local treas urer of the Big Four railroad, was called for trial In the criminal branch of the common pleas court here today. Warrlner, who Is now serving a si years' sentence In the state penitentiary at Columbus for embezzlement, was brought here to testify In the case. He Is ex pcted to be the state's chief witness. The court room wns packed when th task of selecting a Jury was begun. Th county prosecutor stated that whtlo War rlner's testimony would be the chief re liance of the state, letters from Mrs. Ford to Warrlner would be used to corroborate th charge that a varbal demand foi money was made by the woman upon War rlner. CHRISS ADMITS HIS CRIME l'leada Goilty to Mordtrlsg Wife Wlilla Policeman Waited at Door. SIOUX CITY. la.. Jan. 27,-(Bpeclal Tele-gram.-Fred Chrlss this morning pleaded guilty to murder In the second degree. He enticed Clara Boyd, his common-luw wife, to a room and shot her while a policeman stood outside the door. He was angry because the woman had left him. His father lives at KelloKg, la., and the girl's father llvts at Uooilull, la. Aviation Meet at New Orleans. NEW OHLEANH, Jan. 37. II. H. McOIll an aviator of liayton. O.. will tssav nei Hit I n r day the f il ai aeroplane flight ever at tempted In any part of th south ' NegoMa Hons are in proxr-ess for f'lKhts by avla'or of International prominence during Ilia M. . Orleans Mardl Uiaa season.