THE BEE: OMAHA, THURSDAY, JANUARY 27. 1010. r ... i TIM OFFEREE FOR REMf efornlshrd Ronni on4lned. 1'itru nice modern rooms. Including hat. $j0n 1. o.. .Ave, " pouglaa 6969; A -44; u .lapses ed Cottage. OMAHA Van A Storage Co.. park. mo tore, h h.- goodsi storehouse, 1120-24 N. l.h; oflio- 38s S., 17lb St. . Tel. Douglas '5Vi HOUSES. Insurance. Ringwalt, Barker Blk. MOI'KRN.T-room house. 21G 8. 35th Ave. I'll. Hi" luglai 4.'87. BRICK house, 2H14 D.-wey Av., 7 rooms, inndfrii.. Moyer Stationery Co., 1016 For nani St. S-ROOT.r, modern rinti.e, n w plumbing, nl.e lawn. 719 So. 37ih. Key at 721 So. 37lh. Harney 3i54. 7 ROOMS, i.iodem hnilw, lfiut Spruce St. II. j. Plumb, 1J0 B.13th St TiOUSp-.HOLD OOKrD packed, forwarded: cheap freight t!' mtvlng and' storing. Expressmen's Delivery f'o. Tel. Doug 294. , t T t Lhns poyer, 22d and Turnings St., for houses and flats, from $10 to $40, and from three to ten rooma. - , f . IIOUSEi flats, Garvin Broa.. 318 N. T. L. TrOlTHESl 1,1 ' "Imparts of the city IIUUOM Crclgh Bona & Co.. Bee Bldg. NO EQUAL -Steam, beat, .all . modern. 7 rooma, an-. . a aua u aeu-fii v tad FOR RE NT 9- room brick house, all mod ern. 2009 WlUls Ave., (25. 4-room apartment City water, toilet, Vi'a No. 18th, I2.M. 8-room, all modern, combination fixtures, will be vacant ivon, corner house, east front, I4IIL ..... . C. M. BACHMANN. 4M-37 Puxion Blk. Tel. Red 2t39. Rea TeL D. (OS. MAGGAhD Van Ik Rtorage Co. D. IV Pack, store and ulilp household goods. HOUSES Peters Trust Co.. N.Y.Llfe Bldg, FOR RENTNtpe 6-room cottage at 2311 Hp. 13th. ' 1234 Park Wi:Je Ave., -r., air mod., $30.00. 1422 No. "19th St.; 10-r., all mod., r 00. ,17:14 South 17th St., -r., a:i mod., $25.00. 103H South' MM St., 4-r, city water, $8.00. H1RKETT A TEBBENH. 42 Bee Bids.. Phones Doug. 4704, A-17M. 5-room, modern cottage. 3023 S. 21st, $18.00. -room, modern, new, 339 No. 13th, $27.50. 8-room. modern, 2108 Grant, $30.00. S-room, modern, -ana barn, 960 No. 2Tith, $10.00.' , - -9-room, rnddern,' barn, 527 Park Ave., $40. 8-room, modern, barn, 4601 Seward, $18.00. ,THOS W. HAZEN, . 108 So. 18th, Phone Doug. 1300. Barm, FOR RENT Fine barn, strictly up-to- date. 614 Park' Ave. For particulars tele phone Harney 1329 or cull at Sommer Bros., ?6o arnam. . , - B-Ildlngr-. k'WANT an 'o'rfer for the twa atbrr brlcle bunding at lzu ana lilt Howard streai. .Will rent for $200 a month. Eastern owner ,A-lHeeU cheap. .. , . . : . Room 1 New York Ufa Building.. i. ,r..Otleea.- . - .- ' ' tKRK am office spaed lor rent. .Address OFFERED FOR SALE ' Faraitwr. SECOND-HAND furniture at the Child's Saving Institute furnish, four bedrooms in a cottage adjoining ins inauiuie. Any one who can donate beds, bedding, dress ers, stands,' chairs., rugs, curtains or-anything else for that -purpose is requested to 'phone the matron. Webster 1991. A NICELY furrashed steam heated 14 room flatj'-elose la,fuUot roenaere. ;-A bar gain for cash. Address K 786. Bee. Household Furniture SS: e.e prlcep to move stock, quickly. Amarlcan Furniture Co., 220 N. 16th. $2 ! Typewrltass. SECOND hand typewriters sold, repaired Central Typewriter Exchange, ltv7 Farnam Typewritera For, Kent aAy.. son Co.,, 417 South 15th street, Omaha, " FOR SAITE Typewriters. Invisible Smith Premier, only lined a few months; 3 type writer chairs and typewriter desk. 603 Bee building. Tel. Douglas 2527. - . i i i .. ,i. i rhesogriphi. 8KCONB-HAND' Edison and Other Phon ographs, $3 to $25; good as new. Call or w(te. Piano Player Co. Old Boston Store. Miscellaneous. COAL AT CUT PRICES We save you from 50c to $1.60 OA ever? tdn and irtve better coal. We guarantee correot weights. tioseiiblatt Cut Price Goal Co. ABOUT 1.60 feet H-lnch wire cable, sec ond hand;' will sell at bargain. Apply K. W. Baker. Supt Bee Bldg.. Omaha. Nb. ' SODA" FOUNTAIN8. new and second hand; monthly payments. Derlght, 1813 Firnam St- . , rO-VT. Furnace lump 'a ton tK 7K V.V , Hnrmon ft Weath. W. 848. JPO'J A PPT . If S Barreled; Winter Variety A J-u-"- R. C. Brown, Florence. H0 - Tel. Florence 4572. Kindling $1 a load delivered. D. 44S. MOTORS Nn: w and secondhand Dy namos . and Motors: also nil' kinds of electrical repairing. LeBron Lleclrtcal Works. 313 S. 12th St. -imVOS at eut prices; freight paid on all $10 orders;- oatalogue free. Sherman . Ma Connoll Drug-Co.. Omaha, Neb. - SCHOLARSHIP on loading bimlness col leite for . sake at dlsr-eunt. Address P-K04. Be. HALL'S safes, -new. Id-hand. UU Farnam FOR 8ALENew and Sd-hand billiard and pool tables. We lead the wo-ld In cheap bar fixtures, ey payments. Bruns ulck-UHlku-Cuileudcl'. 407 R. 10th St WE HAVE en hand a number of Ink nar rels which e will sell at bOo each, Thiy are fine for rain water or ashes. Call at pieftroom Bee Publishing Co. i ' FlS'K upright Kimball -piano, $95; owner hewing 'city. 21 N. 22d St. FOR SALE National cash register, with tape almost new; cheap if taken at once. Addrusa K fit. Bee. ID-HAND oak counter, hcnd-carved mur bl cashier plate; wire wlrket about 40 ft, odd shape; will fit a room 2C fet f'.-in be seen at storage house. For further iirticiilurs phone Douglas 238. Bee Build- ng Co. . STORM SARIJ 382, .nnotVceT .O. KUNDFIX A CO.. Contractors and Builders, Room O. Nw York Llf Bldg. SECOND-HAND scales at 1607 Harney. IF It's secondhand, we have It. Levy, 411 N. 20th St.. South Omaha. Tel. South 225. liAIJlfl"1! -Al.Xt KINDS FOR ANY JmiUtLls) PURPOSE-MAGIC CITY BARREL OO-SO. OMAHA So. 1125. SKt'OND-HAND safe, $25. 1110 Farnam. ' Osteopathy JOHNSON INBT, III ti Y, L TeL D, ltii Dr. KaUiryo Mobola,. 60$ N. T. L. Bldg PATENTS fu- BARNEI.L. Faxton Blk. Tel. Red TIB. HUFFMAN. $1$ Neville b:u.Boir free PERSONAL MCCHAN'i i-THFUA FT m a nrnf:l'it rur for ffmalrt wakns. (' nw1t lr. Mnrguere4e HaHnvan, ZzS Nt villo Iilk. D. 7iUL I'niler stiprvlRlon of M. I. H,0 FOR INFANTS' HOME. Your renewal to ttie Ladies' Homo Jour nal and the hatuioay t'osi worth 50c to trm C'lilld.i" Kavln Institute. 57'0 alieady on.d. I'rent. must have W more Kulmcrlpllons In January. Huh tliem In. Thlo Is no ordinary appeal, but an invalid s hid for a livtlhooa in nope ni bunlneas on )tlier publication. Subscrip tions to Kverybody's or McCluie'S mean $1(10 prise to me. 1 duplile any offer. Write for complete niaa&xine cmaT.iKu ai'u iu. . A Ilriiken Hack. io n now. jui uur- don. th M:igusino Man, Omalia. Pnone Don gin 4 $1,000 PRIZE FOR INFANTS HOME t-n... ...kcrlnllnn to either thf, Rntiintav Rvening Poet or the L,adlt ' Home Journal Ih worth So rents to Cliild Kavlng Inntltute. $7WI alieady earned. URGENT, POSITIVELY Mum have 4!0 more HUbscrtptlons by Feb. 2.V Bi-liisx $1,018 check for Hables' home. Act, for ttod's sake! Mend In your renewals In advance make it two yeurs 11 you 11 He. You rny news stands .0o. My price l.bu. r'ave 1.10. Interewt your friends. Kemi'iii- lier this Is nut sentiment, but an Invalid's bid for a livelihood in hope of business on other magaslnee. Write for complete cata logue and story, "A Broken Back." Ad dress GORDON, The Magazine Mali. Tel. Douglas 7153, Omaha, Neb, STRICTLY private home for. conflne menu, trained nurse; babies for adoption 2i18 Davenport. Arlene de Voy. Manicuring and masaaga (20 S. 16th 8t. Flat 8. 'Phone D. 7tW. PRIVATE HOMK during confinement; hables for adoption. Good Samaritan Ban! toiium, 740 1st Ave., Council Bluffs, la. UTfl'nd toupes for men. GRIFFITH. VUUkU and 14 BLK. WR rent and repair all kinds of sewing maclilncs. lnd. A li'Oi, Doug, liial NEBRASKA CYCLE CO 16th and Harney bts. THE SALVATION ARMY sollclU caat-ofl clothing, In fact anything you ao not need We rnllecti repair and sell at 134 N. Ilia BL. for cost of collection, to the worthy poor. Call 'phone Douglas 4133 and wagoa win caiu A HOME for women during confinement We find homes for babies where mothers cannot care for them. Babies boardsd For terms address Mrs. Martha - A. ie&. 401 Bancroft bt.. Omaha. Neb. 'Phone Deuglas 182L JOS1E WASHBURN'S new book, "The underworld 6ewer. ' sold at all book stores prioe, $1.60. Swarts & McKelvy News Dept. 2d hand dks uer oc ng periouicaia. itw a. 14th f A O'M'P'.'TTn treatment Mme. Smith. y 622 S. 16th Bt. third floor PR. EGQERa" private cpnflnement home 1C16 Martha St Phone Douglas 6230. ""BIRDIE Peters, teacher of piano. W. 1064. MIS8 LA GRANE. baths, massage. 1417 Doage Bt., Daseiuent flat loura. 10 a. m to p. m. AfnTTT,Tfi'M,SUnlon orchestra. Up-to-MUUUlViX 0 date, catchy, danceable music. Khul Mouiton, director. studio, 606 Karbach Block. Doug. 7745, lnd. A-43SX MASSAGE AND BATHS. R. $08 Old Boston Store Bldg.. 4th floor. UO S. luth St stairway on Douglas St MUSIC furnished. Independent orchestra. Dancing a specialty. Tel. Web. 1Z6. - MAGNETIC and muaui treatment, til eio. win hi. - . MASQUE suits to rent Theo, Ueben. OMAHA Stammerers'. 'Ins.,. Ramge Bldg. tt y ur-rjt it v-r-c-r r .,n p. . 1.41.. In confinement a specialty; prices reason CHILBLAINS S?- W MASSEOTHERAPHY Mme. Allen of Chicago, bathx, salt glow and massage treatments, zvj im. 17th St.. room L POULTRY Screenings. $1.60 100 lbs. Wagner, $01 N. Utb BOURBON Red Turkeys, Embdcn Goc.-e ana jnaian nunner ijucks. Mrs. A. C. Koblnett, it 1. Cliarlestown. Ind. BUFF turkeys; toms, $3.50; hens, $3. R. R 1-hnmnflnn A 1 1 1 a r. 1. BARRED Plymouth Rock Cockerels for sale; large bone, fine style and plumage. My birds were winners at the leading snows oi ieDrasKa. u. vv. euersiein, t rcmont, iseD. Koute 2. TWO Barred Rock cockerels. ''Ringlet' strain very high class blrdH. H. H. Put nam, 6140 CurtlH St. Telephone Harney 0, PRINTING 'PHONE IND. A-220 for good printing Lyngstad Printing Co.. ICth Capito! Ave. WATERS PRINTING CO.. 622-524 S. 13th MILLER ft JAMIESCN. quick printers. mi nnug'as Ht Tel. Doug. 42S9; lnd. A 42s. REAL ESTATE REAL tilTATB DBALBRI, REED ABSTRACT CO:. Est. 185S; prOmp servlco; get out prices. 1710 Farnam tt PAYNE INV. CO.. first floor N. Y. Llfa REAL ESTATE TITLE-TRUST CO. C'H AS. E. WILLIAMSON. President BENJAMIN U. E. CO.. 477 Urandcis Bldg Geo. D.- Perrlne. 832 Paxton. - Doug. 780L CITY PIlOPEItTr l'01t-ALIS. . -t t ... ONLY $100 CASH Nothing Like It Ever Offered Before Brand new, fine home of 6 rooms, recep tion hall and outside sleeping portico; first rioor finished in oak: fine cotiibinat.on light fixtures. Carton furnace, new window shades, linen closet, etc.; cement walks all around. Price only $3.300, 'with $100 down, balance $:0 monthly and $200 annually for four years; then only $21 per month. Let us show you this and you'll buy It. DON'T PAY RENT ANY liONGER. Johnston & Wesley, Phone Douglas 1236. 306 S. 17th St Special Bargain Owner has reduced the price for a quick sale on good 8-room house, strictly modern, fronting cast on paved street; barn; in Windsor-Place, two blocks from Hanscom Park and car line. Prioe. $3,200. 1). V. SHOLES CO., Ill lid. Trade Bldg., 16th and Farnam Sts. Telephone. Doug. 4. Ind. A-2019. CHEAP TRACKAGE Two large corner lota, side track to B. ft M. adjoining, less than 600 ft. to U. P. and B. ft M. tine to South Omaha. Opposite C. W. Hull Co's yards. Only $ blocks west of South 24th car line,' at Oak St., and close to Vinton car barn, $1,000, . . O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO.. 10U3-J-4 N.' Y. Life. 'Doug, or A-2152. 5 ROOM MODERN $1,800 On Ohio St., near two car Hues. Surely fc.'irHtn at the price. NOW ATA LANK AND LOT CO.. Cl iew Yuik Life li Jg Itod-Litt. Mmm REAL EbTATE . CITY I'HOI'RIl', V I' I'll IAI B. (Continued ) IMPROVED ACRE TRACTS NEAR OMAHA $4 200 for oiKht acres In Florence, reveii blocks north of end of car line. All In cultivation. Electric light In street. Young fruit trees of different varieties. Con venient to churches, school, stores, etc. Five-room house, large barn, a good chicken house and well. R-asonable terms. $Ti,000 for 20 acres, aK In cultivation, about V f a mile west of car '.Ine in Florence. Has 3-rooin house, barn, chicken coops and some bearing fruit trees; well, etc. Tills Is only $260 per acre for laid noar the city conveniences, and must bo sold quickly at this price. Investigate at once, as 20 acrn tracts are difficult to find. $.",610 for five acres about eight blocks northwest of end of Ames avenue car line, , having 10-room house, burn, chicken houses and all nec- ' essary outbuildings. 2 acres of grapes 10 years old. Bear ing fruit of nil kinds. Land lays high and sightly, nearly level. A very good propo sition. Five acres additional adjolnlnir, unimproved, can be had for $2,000. UNIMPROVED $3,000 for five acres, facing east on Calhoun paved road In Florence Heights, nicely located, affording a beautiful view in all directions, with a desirable building site, and only 15 minutes' walk from end of car line. Just the place to build a home and engage in the chicken bus iness. v George & Co., Exclusive Agents, 1601 Farnam ,8t, Doug. 756. For Sale By Owner DUNDEE LOTS Lot 17, block 96. Price $S2S net cash or $850, one-half cash, balance three years, 7 per cent interest. KOUNTZE PLACE Lot 12, block 38, 19th and Plnkney fits. Price $S60, one-half or all cash. Unpaid balance at 7 per cent Interest. WEST END TWO LOTS Lots 19 and 20, block 9, north of Dodge, on 34th St.. high and sightly. Price for both, $2,200, one-half cash, balance time to suit, interest, 7 per cent. New West Farnam St. Home 135 NORTH 35TII ST. 6 rooms, S bed rooms on second floor, strictly modern, rented to September 1, liHO, at $32.50 per month, good tenant. In terior well arranged and finished. Do not bother tenant, but can arrange to show interior If you mean business. As a home for you, or an Investment this will suit you. Price $3,650. $ii50 or more cash, balance terms to suit at 7 per cent. The price and terms on all of the above good until February 1 only. Address, own era; KLOKE & COMPANY, Phpna Douglas 1150, Residence. Harney 1002. . 801-3 NEW YORK LIFE BLDG. HOW'S THIS? $450 for small new house, city water, two full lots, close to car,, good location, in N. W-. part city. Rental terms. -Neut 6-room cottage in best repair,- city vater, cement 'walks, large trees, full lot convenient to two car lines, well situated In S. E. part. A good home bargain at $1,100. Very easy terms, - Good 8-room houxe, part mod., permanent walks, shade, etc., close in and well lo cated for residence, rooming or boarding apartment, only $2,600; $150 cash, $26 pjr month. Four-room cottage, city water, lot 25x127, near 29th and Grant, $1)50; $50 cash, $10 per month. Neat 6-room cottage, partly new, city water, sewer, cement walks, etc., near 31t and Charles, $1,660; $100 cash, $15 per month. See us today. We have more like above and can give you a good home on rental terms. RUSSELL & McKiTRICK CO., 432 Ramge Bldg. . 15th and Harney. Owner Must Sell This Is a beautiful home of 5 rooms and attic, strictly modern, Including furnace, combination lights, fine plumbing, etc. The lot Is 4HX140. all graded and sodded, with plenty of shrubs and trees. Owner la leav ing the city nnd must sell at once. He offers this property for $2,900 and will Include gas stove, shades, porch curtain, porch chairs, lawntnower. This property Is located In the south part of the city near Hans com Park. Wo will be glad to show It to you any time. PAYNE, BOSTWICK & SLATER, Sole Agenls. 601 N. Y. Life Bldg. $500 Cash Balance in easy monthly payments, for a good, well-built 7-roorn, all mod ern residence on Jackson street, near 35th. An exceptional opportunity for someone. See about this at once. First come first served. The Byron Reed Co., 212 S. 14th. Phones Doug. 297, A-3834. Small House Bargains Near 3Sth and Parker Sts., good cottage. rooms, city water, gas, electricity, full lot $1,400. Near 22d and Grand Ave., 6 rooms, lot 64x125 ft., paved street, space for one more house; price, $1,800. Near 3uth and Howard, t rooms, nice location, bargain, $2.6u0. Near 29th and Jackson, large house, 10 rot ins, fine location, good barn, lot 42xUd, $3,000. W. T. GRAHAM, &M Bee Bldg. 'Phone Doug. 15.13. Sacrifice Sale Owner Gone to California A fine 8-room home, with hardwood fln lah, hot water heat, full east front lot, and barn. Must be sold at once. An excep tional chance to get a fine properly for less than Its value. - J. H. Dumont & Son, 'Phone Douglas 690. K.05 Farnam at. INVESTMENT A very desirable rental property, always rented to prompt paying tenants. In a locality that Is Improving rapidly. Is now paying over Is per cent on actual cash In vested. Price. $,0u0; $5,000 cash and $4,000 lung as you want It to run at 6 per cent. NOWATA LAND AND LOT CO.. (H N. Y. Life Bldg. Red 1999. : MODERN HOME, $2,000 18H MIAMI ST., NEW 4 large rooms, has parlor, large dining foom, kitchen, bedroom and bath on first loor and stairway to large attic, large cemented cellar, cement - walks In front and around the house, first class plumbing throughout, south front lot; close to car, school and s'-ures. Is now .vacant and ready to move Into. IlAi,TI.Ga' ft. Jli-YDLN, K14 Harp.?y St In other (People's Cellars or Allies are things you can buy at a small price, that will be just as good as new ones to you. Read the Want Ad3. REAL ESTATE CITY PAUI'KHTV FOR "ALII (Continued.) DEAN PLACE Omaha's newest and moat attractive addition is now ready (or your inspec tion. All lota have about 2V4-foot ter race and a frontage of 60 feet. All Btreeta have been paved all sidewalks are in, sewer, water, gas and electric services in front of every lot. All spe cials have been paid. Some of the most beautiful shade trees in the city are to be found in Dean place. It is situated one block north of Hanscom park and six blocks eaat of the Field elub, and la bounded on the east by Park Ave., on the south by Poppleton Ave., on the west by 30th Ave. and adjoins Thomaa Rogers' fine home on the north. Our prices are much lower than those of adjoining property, ranging from $1,600 to $2,000 for the best cor ners. Terms, 4 cash and the balance in one, two and three years. Plats of the addition will be mailed upon application. To reach this addition take either the east or weBt park cars. Get oft at Park Ave. and Pacific St., walk south 250 feet to our big sign. Call Douglas 1064, ask for H. M. Christie and make appointment to see these lots. W. FARNAM SMITH & CO., Sole Agents, 13 20 Farnam St. Tela. D. 1064. Ind. A-1064. FRED & HADRA 417-418 First Nafl'Bank Bldg. Bell 'Phone, Doug. 231H. 2123 Chicago Street . A modern Improved 8-room frame resi dence, 66x66. for $5,000. 3726 Grand Avenue A newly constructed bungalow, with an extra full lot, $2,300. 937 South 38th Avenue A modern up-to-date residence, $4,300. ' - 1137 Park Avenue A complete modern residence of 7 rooms, wlth garage, $6,600. All on Reasonable Terms 3633 Ohio Street A modest laboring man's home for $1,200. 2571 Fort Street A brand new modern home" of 7 rooms for $3,500. ' 823 North 47th Street Not quite completed new home, modern In every way, and .1. - 825 North 47th Street Not quite completed, new -'.and modern home. $3i000 each. .-: TERMS on every deal . and reasonable to suit purchaser.1 . - $300 Down $25 a month buys brand new 8-room cot tage, modern except i heat,.', piped for furnace. This cottage Is nicely arranged, has good basement. -Location .Is high and healthful. Block from god'ftir lines apd stores. Lot 44x128. Price, $2,500. SHIMER & aiASE CO., 309 South 17th St. Both' 'Phones. WE WANT YOU TO BUY two cottages, one 5-room and one fl-room modern except heat, walking distance, paved street, all specials paid. Always rent for $42.50. Owner muBt sell at once. SEE US. P. O. NIELSEN &" CO. 70 N.-T.- L. .Bldg. BoVh 'Phone. 21st and Fowler Ave. Five-room new cottage, all modern ex cept furnace large rooms, ; conveniently arranged and built by owner for a home. Lot 50x133. south front, permanent walks PAVED STREET. Lot ,!s worth $350 and house cannot be duplledt?d .-for less than $2,250. Price, If taken at once, $2,860.Terms. Reed, BrdsJ 1710 Farnam St. Doug. 60L HOUSES FOR SALE ON EASY PAYMENTS 1321 S. 2i!th St, 6 rms., modern. $3,000. 1528 N. 3fith St. 6 rms., lot 50x130, $1,250. 3728 Laks St., 5 rms., lot 60x1-0. $850. 1206 N. 2Gth St., 5 rms... partially mod ern, $1,500. Ifi20 Ohio St., 6 rms., partially modern. $1,800. S rms., lot 25x144, $1,000. $32 S. 19th St., Creigh, Sons & Company, Tel. Duuglas 200. MS8 Bee Bldg. SUBURBAN HOME Two blocks from car line, 7-room strictly modern proas brick house; 2-slorr brick chicken house and barn; plcntv of small fruit. Gallagher & Nelson, 490 Brandeis Bldg., Omaha. Neb. CLOSE-IN CORNER. Northwest corner of lhth and Burt, 10 room house; mudiin except heat In quire on premises. TWO LITTLE SNAPS One near 38th und Parker .Sis., full t-outh fioni lot, house 6 rooms, hall and pantry, water, gas, electricity, Hera and shrubbery In yard; a nice place lur einull home. Price, $1,400. Another Rear 39th and Blondo Sts., full lot, house 6 r.oms, some fruit trees, small barn; only $:AJ. W T. GRAHAM, , 604 Bee Bidg. 'Phone Dou. 1523. G-ROOM HOUSE, $1,250 S. JOlli, near Castellar St., u solid, well built house, brbitis good rent Let us show It lo you. t NOWATA LAND AND LOT COMPANY. 624 N. Y. Life Bldg. Red 19.9. PRAIRIE PARK ",.0 V3.b00 to $5,000; small cash payment and bal ance monthly. Paxton Real Estate com pany, owner. 5 ROOM MODERN HOUSE, $1,800 On Ohio street near 19th. Look at it. It's cheap. Then we huve others. NOWATA LAND AND LOT CO., 4 New York Life Bldg. fted-1999. $2,400 will buy a (-room house, all modern except furnace. Lot (0-foot front; newly papered, new brick wslk. walking distance to town, l ocated, at 1213 17 lb- 'phone Webster 19U. owner,, REAL ESTATE CITY PHUPKHiV FOR SALE (ConlU-ted.) VACANT LOTS ON PAYMENTS 3 lots at 2Sth and Ames Ave., ench 54x12$, $"0-10. lots at 30th and Binney Sts., each 45x140, each $450. Lot at 25th and Binney Sts., 42x107 lot. $-0. Lot at 4th and Capltnl Ave., 50x90 lot. $450. Lot at 10th and Burdette Sts., lot 50x132, $1,050. 4 lots at 29th and Indiana Ave., each lot 44x107, each $050. CREIGH, SONS & CO., Tel. Douglas 200. 608 Bee B'dg. West Farnam Cuming Line 00-foot lot, south front, high view to 'east and west, walks nnd new paving; hone built by owner a few years ago. immedi ate possession. $6,500; ttrms. O'Keefe Real Estate Co., 1002-3-4 N. Y. Life. Douglas or A 2152. INVESTMENT DOUBLE BRICK FLAT, NEW. 5 rooms each, all modern, will rent for $45. Price only $4,250. Let us show you. P. O. NIELSEN & CO. 703 N. Y. L. Bldg. Both 'Phones. Cor. 3Sth Ave and Mason St. Forty-three feet on 38th Ave. 125 feet on Mason St. A modern newly built 7-room residence for $4,500 on easy terms. FRED S. HADRA Rooms 417-418 First Nat 1 Bank Bldg. 'Phone Doug. 2318. WOULD YOU BUY A HOME AT BED ROCK PRICES IN BENSON? Cottage, strictly modern. 6 rooms and bath; open nickel plumbing; permanent walkB; hot water heat;, high and sightly; fine terraced lawn; oak finish and maple floors. If you have a few hundred dollars call at 228 SOUTH ORPHANAGE AVE., BENSON, The owner lives In the house. Call today. SIX elegant level lots In MomlngRtde, Benson, $125 cash, balance $2 per week. Address, Box 406, Benson. 7-ROOM MODERN, CLIFTON HILL Fine corner lot Just a step to two enr lines. Beautiful location. We want you to look at II. Price, $3,000. NOWATA LAND AND LOT CO.. 424 New York Life Bldg. Red-1939. W O. Jensen builds homes right; plans furnished.. Res. 2721 Spauldlng. Web. 390. SEE 5-room cottage at 2218 S. 28th and give ine an offer. Owner. 2311 S. 34th. I Large House, Small Price Near 29th and Jackson Sts., east front, good house, 10 rooms, needs some attention, barn, fine ground, paved srreet, $3,000. W. T. GRAHAM, ... M Bee Bldg Phone Doug. 1533. - MIDLAND Guarantee and Trust oom pany, bonded abstracters, 1714 Farnam Btreet. Tel. D 2SC5. BARGAIN Five-room modern cottage, $1,500. Easy terms. J. H. PARROTTE. BOARD OF TRADE. 3 8-ROOM HOUSES Corner on N. ISth St.. near Lake. Con venient to car. Well rented. Snap at $4,600. NOWATA LAND AND LOT CO.. 624 New York Life Bldg. Red-1999. REAL ESTATE FARM AND RAXC1I LAND FOR -ALB Colorado. v JUST WHAT YOU WANT. ISO ACRES COLORADO IRRIGATED LAND, 9 miles east of Denver, 6 miles from U. P.; 80 acres under private rnservo'r ditch; SO acres sublrrlgated; first-class val ley land. Owner munt have all cash. A snap. Only $18.50 per acre. DON'T WAIT. ACT QUICK. OTTO 81EMS8EN, 2H Karbach. D. 3519. Ransas. NORTHEASTERN Kansas farms, 6 to 1,000 acre-; 259 acres splendid land; 200, 320, 400 or 410-acre stork and grain farms: 640- acre pasture; also town property. Write John lloyt, Irving, Kan., President Tele phone company. etras. Why Not Lisco? "It's not what you want, but what you get that will make you rich." The fact that you want a farm will not mean any thing unless you get busy. Now, why not make a trip up the Nonh Platte, "AMER ICA'S VALLEY OF THE NILF," and see some of the farm lands we have listed? Th great valley from North PlaUe west Is filling up mighty fast. In spile of bad weather we have Bold about 2 0)0 acres of Disco furms. Oo out with us on our Next Excursion Tuesday, February 1 We leave Omaha Tuesday evening at 4:10 ar.d got you hack to Omaiia Friday morn ing. Or you can stop a day at North Platte and e some of the splendid Im proved farms we offer thereiru.-k nar- dens, farm lands, ranchea-any ,M d any price. It would require a whole pa.e . iJ..ik i- ..ii .1 - K. St the present prices the farm you get In the JSortn Platte valley will make you comfortable. Write or call and axk about Lisco, th,.) new town on the new lln. of the Union Paclflu. It is a fine country, well Irrigated. needin only people to develop It rapidly. A PAYNE INVESTMENT CO., Same Old Location. We move about February 10. FARM BARGAIN Must b sold on ac count of own. re health; well improved S.-o-acre frm. seven and a quar:r miles from 4owii. price, ,-er acre: easy term.. J. T. Campbell. Lltchf u-ld, Neb. 320 Acres 2 Miles from Town, $45 Eastern Nebraska farm; Improvements; nearly all under cultivation; f ile crop lust year. It In worth $10 per acre more, but owner must sell. NOWATA LAND AND DOT CO., 24 N. Y. Life Bldg. Red 1999. HOMESTEAD relinquishments, 640 acres, $5ou up. Western Land Headquarters, Alli ance, Neb. . . Okla-osaa. OKLAHOMA v We have lOO.OuO acre of choice land to select from, ranging In price from $5 t $40 per acre. This land Is It) the oil and gas district and you might gel an oil well -U.Q your land. NOWATA LAND AND LOT CO.. Suite 6-4 New York Life Bldg REAL EST-' f- v REAL ESTATE,,,. FARM An II Ail I'll LAN I) FOR AI.R riltM AM II - i 1 " T1 F R Al.eJ - - ' . Old Mexico, American Colony Our next excursion leaves Omaha for Tampion, Mexico', Tues day, February 1. Railroad fare, round trip, Omaha to Tampico, Mexico, ami-return, $41.75. . Here is what some of the people who live on the Atasoador tract, or own some of the land, say in regard to it: Geillemen: Yours of the 51st InM. to hand and contents nnird. I bnve 100 acres In thy Atimr.irtoe tiner Imt d.i not pure to sell II now. I ruirclmsivl It with the Inteplhm of Imskltig my home on It, but could not pet my home on It pome dny, I have mane tnree trips -own mi-re una i n n b.-h. i verv time I see It. ' - - . I have great confidence In the enunirv and expect to see one of the finest sections of country to be found anywtv re when prnp rly Rcttled by the rlgnt kind of people, such as are going tl ere and s ttllng now. Respectfully yours, J. Q. BRASHER. Gentlemen: 1 have voura of the 22d and note tint you conducting cxcin-plnna fmm e ' hraska to the Atnscndor landn. You as-k me If I Intend to Improve my land or whether I want to sell It. or not. 1 will answer that 1 Intend to improve my iund. I have a letter from a friend of nvn. who went down there and .took his family, , and he savs c. i n Is going nbout 40 bushels to the acre and Is worth $l IS a bushel In ,old. Thnt 1 not bad. nnd he he likes It, because It Is the most health ful place he ever lived. He had no: been able to sleep In this country (ri fifteen ytnts except sitting In a chair. He says that he now can sleep and has slept like a baby ever since he has bren In the Atascador. Hoping to hi-ar from you, I am, yours truly,' ' -. v - - . E. B. PIPKB. .TAMPICO,, Mexico. , Gentlemen: '.-...... Have Just come to Atascvlnr and otavted building on my place, rkid the eltmnte delightful, the country wonderfully healthy and holding almost unlimited possibilities In an agricultural way. Consider my Investment here a wise one. Am confident of the supcess of the colony. ''"'...'" . Rchpect fully, .- J. L. MILLER. Gentlemen : . .- I came to AMscador from Pheonlx, Arizona, one year and a half ago, and ton aider it the wlpre-t move I ever made. !.-' I sold my ranch near Pheonlx for $100 per acre and today would. noVtratJo my pres ent holdings for It. acre for acre. ' i. The cllmite Is unsurpaeeed ; no sickness, no files or mniiltoes; the- native courteous and hospitable and the land app.irenlly capable of producing anything. With the coming of more Americans, land here Is certain to Increase In value tnaily times overr J. A. W1KDF.R. G-htlemen: 1 have been on Atascador for thre years, coming here from Jack County. Texan, on account of my health, which was at thit time very poor. I had been troubled- with catarrh of the bowels, mngs. stomach ar-.d throat for ninny years, nnd when I reached Atascndor was In the Inst ditch and very weak. I began to .Improve soon tion my arrival and In three months was able to go to work ajid hold my-own- with other men. .',',,' As to the farming possibilities of Atascador I cannot speak too enthusiastically. I have devoted mvself principally to the raisins; of coin and have no trouble In rain ing thirty-five bushels to the acre and several crops per ye on the same land. Am able to market nil the corn I can raise at good prices, this year disposing of my crops at an avernge prices of $1.50 per bushel. '"',"' With a good Kchool for the children, gjod ronds. good water at little- fletn, a railroad to take our products to market and lend capable of almost unlimited pro duction, Atfisiador offers the best chunoe. to those seeking a home In a semi tropical climate of any section of the country I know of. P.etectlvely, . . , T. D. HOKNBACK. Go with us Tuesday, February 1st; you will see Mr. Hornback on his farm and other farmers who are living there. . We are selling this' land in 50-ncre tracts at $12 per acre; $2 per acre cash, balance easy terms. x Mexico Gulf Cpast Land Co., 682Va Brandeis Bldg. 'leans. A DEEP,. RICH SOIL, StJNSHINH all the time; water when you want It. Land at $5 to $40 per acre for well Im proved farms; go see It February L Very low round trip rates. Write us. NOWATA LAND & LOT CO., Suit S24 New York Life Bldg... Red 1999. Vermont. 125-ACP.I-! farm for snle. Good buildings with all modern Improvements, will cut 1ft) tons hay. Address Box 8i. Plttsfoid Mills, Vt Washington. . WASHINGTON. For full Information concerning farms and fruit lands In the state of Washington and ESPECIALLY IN THE SPOKANE COUNTRY, CALL OR WRITE J. R, LUSK. HOTEL LOYAL, OMAHA. NEB. CHEAP FARES ON ALL PXCIFIP COAST LINES GO INTO EFFECT MARCH 1. IF POSSIBLE. SEE MR. LUSK'S BEAUTIFUL DISPLAY OF WASHINGTON APPLES AT THE HOTEL LOYAL WANTED TO RENT WANTED Suite of rooms or large al cove, with boaid, on or near car line, for mcther and daughter; daughter employed In public school. Address T 899. Bee. REAL ESTATE FOR RENTi 10-ACRE garden farm, good 6-room houss and barn; 4 miles from postofflce. Inquire of J. B. West, 2123 Seward St. WANTED SITUATIONS WANTED By young man. place tn work (or board wh'ls attending Boyies college. FAMILY washing done. Web. 78. YOUNG man with five years experience In crgdlt and collection department want! to change, tiood reason. Address J 193 Bee. WANTED Day work. Phone H. 4802. BAKER, godd on bread and pastry, wants position; sober man.' Address Mill. Bee. WANTED Situation as bookkeeper; bst of references. A, Omaha Bee, Council Bluffs, la. GOVERNMENT NOTICES OFFICE OF THE CONSTRUCTING Quartermaster, Fort Robinson. Nebraska. January 19, 1910. Sealed proposals for fur nlfhlng all material and labor for ADDI TION TO AND REPAIRING PUMP HOUSE, NEW BOILfRJ, NEW PUMP, etc.. at Fort Robinson,. Nebraska will bn received here until 11 a. m. February 19, 1910. Plans and- specifications muy be con sulted at the offices of the Chief Quurter master at Denver, Oriutia, Chicago and St. Paul. -Depot Quartermaster at St. ouU, and at' this office. Diank nropos.ils and instructions to bidders may be obtained at the same offices. Plans and specification!! furnished upon receipt of certified check for $1- to InFure their return Envelopes containing proposal should be Indoii-e.l "PROPOSALS FOit IMPROVING AND REPAIRING WATER SYSTEM" and ad dressed to Captain Malvern Hill Barnu:n, Constructing Quartermaster, Fort Ribln son, Nebraska. J23d7t FORT LOGAN. COLORADO, January 21, 1910 Scaled proposals in triplicate will be received until 10 u. m. February 21, 1910, and then publicly opened, for the construction of a lAundry Building und the installation of Plumbing, Electric Wiring, Laundry Ma ' ' 'I" Ia" f d.d" S'".i' i.'.lV) L" p'''if lon' '.' K irifcht to accept or reject any chinery and Equipment Blank forms foi tlons may b ales reserves or all pro- I ft"' con taining proposals should be marked "Pro posals fur Construction of Laundry" and addreSKed to Captain Chase Hosier, Quar termaster, United Status Armv. J25-27-29 Fl-5-13 OCEAN STEAMSHIPS CRUISES SC LUXE to the WEST INDIES Hr Hew AVON ' 11. nan Tsui Twin-Mere1 crtiiiE or 31 Ur i p FROV1 vr.WVOHK EASTKR rntiuit (is iri Kft tP FROM .SPW TORS. M UCH 2. FKB. 10 toft Ynr1)flp Tours hr Kmw Twin.aer-w '-KHBIClf" Ikrcn West ladles BERMUDA . NEW WEEKLY -KRVICK R.T.r. ' O ROT A V A" From Pier BO N. R W. y Rrerr Wedoe-dar. From Rermnda -very SaterHay. ' CoBtortable terete High CIim Oalalnk Urchee tr Flertrte fr.-j la all room.. MHf IliMltrHH BkUU ktquut WE ROYAL MAIL STEAM PACKET CO. ' ANDttHSOS ' tOH. 8$ a it a. y, 14-T.aNalle Bt.; 'Chit-ago. W. B. Bock, isat isium st- Omaha, tlcro as I expected, hut tnter-d to mako v Onmha, Neb., REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS Margaret Adams to Charles A. Smith. n3S feet of lot 1. block 33. . , and s6fi feet of lot 5, block 3, and strip adjoining .' ..$ ' 1 Annie L. Saunders and . husband to Edmund E. Francis, lots 3, 4 and 5. block 8. Omaha View 1 George T. Morton and wife to Aaron .. C. Plage,' nlCO feet Xit .lots 11 and 12. block 2, Hillside addition No, 1,800 Ellen I). Slabaugh and husband to Ithena Todd, lot 9, block 95, Dun-'. ; ' dee place ' 1 John F. Sturgeon and. wife - te tAbel V. Shotwell, e42 feet of w84 feet of sS7 feet of lot 3, block 21, West Omaha 1 Hlman Goldstein and wife to William E. Nefselhaus, lot 8, block 41. City.. 19,500 Samuel P. Johnson to Ellse H. John- son, lot 16, block 113, Floronei. : . :.. 1 Same to same, lotH 8 and 4, block 116, Florence . X Carrie Millard et al. to Alexander D. Marriott, lot 6 and el4 feet of lot 6. block 79, city..,.. 10 000 Zeida Robinson to Sophia Marcus, n50 feet of lots 29 and 30, block 1, Campbell's addition.. 2.00(1 Max Bernstein to Sophia-Mtvus, w -of s4 of -3 1-10 feet - of lot 63, ) Glso's addition .-. ..n...-. 1.000 Amy H. Lowrlo to Ethel E. Guild, .. her entire Interest In lot 4, Mock $2,;. Kountse place '. 1 William B. Swent-el' -and wife to -Iewis Wintraub and Joseph Rosen, , . lot 5. block 1, Kounlze's Fourlh addition i. 1,050 Carl Jeneeen to Fred Armbrust. w38t. feet of lots 10 and 11 and nan1, feet of w 1 43-100 feet of lot , all in block 25. Wilcox's Second addition.. 250 Kenwood Realty company to Harry L. Mitchell, lots 449 and 450, Ken- . wood addition 201 James F. Pendergast and wife to Josle Washburn, lot 7, Isaac . & Grlffen's addition , 2,CQ0 Jrasle Golladay and husband to A. Zorbn. lot 4, block 8, Boggs A Hill's ' addition -. '. 8.C00 Addle Lauer to Albert P. and Pauline Henkel, lot 3, block 2. Drew's Hill. 1,250 Anna Sophia Strom berg to Philip - Outman, sM of lot 3, 'block ..10, Brown Park ( Heck-Hart company to Hart-Beck Renlty company, lots 14, 15 and 16, block 2, Wood's Place.... . 1 Roes W. Giltint-11 and wife to Ieano N. Jones, lots 82, 83. 84, 85 and 86,, Benson Heights ,. 1600 Fred D. Wead and wife to Bares Welssmon, lot 3 and part, or lot 4 block 6. E. V. Smith's addition...... Charles F. Adams et al.. .trustee!.-te Hamuel Kesselman and I-pee Fral del, part of lot 1, block .121, 'city.... Ben Lltman and wife to Mortis Piatt, lots 135 and 196, Lenox addi tion '... John Keith and wife to Clara -B. 3,250 90 Wyman, n45 feet of lot '6, . block 8J5, city .....i j..... 8,600 SOLDIER RIVER CASE UP Effort Relntr Made to 'ninrk the Biz Drnlnate Proposition at I.ouan. . , . IXJGAN. Ia., Jan. 2.-(.Speclal.)-Tlw Sol dier river drainage case took precedence . over all other c'aseg on the docket here today and It Is thought the case 'will oc cupy the entire week. .," The present Soldier - river drainage pro ject contemplates a complete diversion of the Soldier river beginning at- narrow point In the hill of Jackson township and thence In a southwesterly direction! through the lower end of Dray lake Into the Mis souri river, a distance of 6.6 miles, at an estimated cort of $100,000, with 'damages said to range from $50,000 to 800,000, all of which Is designed to reclaim 82,000 acres of swamp ri-.d . other lands subject to overflow during high waters of the Soldier. . The objections, u ret forth by Attorney! C. A. Bolter, P.oodlfcr A Arthur, Who ap pear for the objectors, may be Mated a fullows: J. S. Wattles, engineer In charge, Is dot a disinterested engineer as contem plated by law; the present plan hiv been before the courts and decided . against each time, and from such decisions there have been appealK taken; that the present engineering project dors not follow the natural, tenre of drainage of the Soldier;- that the drainage law Is Unconstitutional In . that It does not provide damages or possible, dnmas-s caused or that may be caused by changing the course of a stream and raising a water level In the . vicinity where there Is no right of way; that the levees along the channel to bo constructed have none of the specifications required by modern engineering In th construction of levees. In reply the attorneys for the promoters. S. II. Cochran, Emmet Tinley, L. W. Fal lon and C. W. Kellogg, state that the pres ent petitioners and rapervisurs have acted under the new aid not under the old drain age law; that the present plan. t( drainage by J. S. Wattles Is practically the same as the plan recommended by Engineer A M. Munii, and C. . Elliott United State. expert drainage engineer; that the present plan U by fur less expensive than- other plans suggested or recommended. . ' '' r '. ,V