Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 27, 1910, Page 4, Image 4

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The omaha Daily Per
Entered at Ornth postofflce as second
class mat tor. -
Dally Bee (Including Sunday), per week lto
Dally He (without Rundav). per wesk lflo
Dally Bee (without Sunday), one ytar H
Dally Bee and Bunday, on year aw
Evening Bea (without Sunday), per week o
Evening Bea (with Sunday), per week 10c
Sunday Bea, one year j W
Saturday Bee, on year
Address all complaints of Irregularities In
delivery to City Clrmla.tlon Department
Omaha The Bea Building.
Sourti Omaha Twenty-fourth and N.
Council Bluffa lb Scott Street.
Lincoln 61 Little Building.
Chicago 1R4 Marquette Building.
New York-llnoms 1101-1102 No. M west
Thirty-third Street. . - .
Waahlngton 72i Fourteenth "treet, N W.
Communications relating to newt and ed
itorial matter should ba addressed: Omaha
line, Editorial Department,
Remit by draft, express or postal order
payable to The Baa Publishing Company.
Only 2-rent stamps received In payment of
mall accounts. Personal checks, except on
Omaha or eastern exchanges, not accepted.
State of Nebraska, Douglas I'ounty. as.:
George B. Tzschuck. treasurer of The
Bea Publishing Company, being duly
sworn. ty that the actual number of full
and complete copies of The Dally, Morn
ing. Evening and Sunday Bea printed dur
ing tha month of December, 1909. was as
i 41,580 IT 49,530
41.TM 15 48.830
41,080 1 1,430
4 41,780 80 48.770
S ... 44,340 81 48,480
' 4O.B30 88 48,850
f 41.870 88 49,450
48.680 94 43.580
8 43,880 84., 48,800
10.. 48,580 88 44,830
11 - 40,60 87 43,610
18 ' 41.850 98 49,830
13 ! .44,050 88 48,370
14 49,470 SO 48,410
19 , 43.600 . SI 48,480
18 V 48,480
Total ...l i.L 1,388,510
Returned ooplea 10,130
Net Total . .1,313.380
Deliy vru.;..,..i,.., 49,334
OEOR(3ifl B. TZ8CHUCK. Treasurer.
Subscribed In my presence and rworn to
before ma this Slat day of December, 180.
Notary Public
abarlbr leavlas; the city tem
porarily should bars The Bee
uialleel to' them. Addreae will be
ehaaaxed mm eftea mm requested.
Bellevue college will continue to do
business at Bellevue.
Looks like a tug of war between the
ultimate consumer and the ultimate
producer. " ' '.'-
It is possible that even "gay Paree"
might vote dry If the question were
submitted right this minute.
It doesn't strike us as fair to put
out that story about the $28,000 touch
on a New York banker without send
ing along the key. to the puzzle.
Note the appropriateness of turning
loose' a federal grand Jury to overtake
the cause', "of ' high" prices under the
direction of Judge Kenesaw Mountain
Omaha is to be officially represented
at a meeting of . the Nebraska State
League of Municipalities. It may yet
be susceptible of proof that Omaha is
located within the boundaries of Ne
braska. Congressman Latta of the Third Ne
braska district stakes his reputation
as a political prophet that the demo
cratic candidates In 1912 will be Har
mon and Shallenberger. Respectfully
referred tfr dgar Howard.
The titled, barefoot dancer, who has
been enrapturing London audiences,
has been .'stricken 'from the British
court list permitted to appear before
tne king. MT. out King Edward Is get
ting particular in. his old age. '
That congressional Investigation
starts of fwith too decapitated Mr.
Glavls on itJie witness stand. An anx
ious publl , will .sob n learn whether
Mr. Glavhi? fired 1 all . his ammunition
at the first sortie or saved some for
the second round. '
If Hetty Green , thinks she is too
poor to eat meat, John D. Rockefeller,
Andrew fsrnogle and a few other
folks likthem twho have to count
their petyjle. will do well to inquire
whether hey can afford to keep off
of the vegetarian diet.
That Panama libel suit has been
thrown out of court before even reach
ing the stae of taking testimony. This
must be K'sad disappointment to tbe
accused $ien who were counting on
this trial (to turn up a lot of good
newspaper; headlines.
To think that "Jim" Hill should be
permitted to rail at the White House
and have an audience with the presi
dent! If the visitor were "Jim" Jef
fries or "Jim" Corbett the question
would, of course, have no significance
and pass without adverse comment. .
City Attorney Burnam's official re
port for the year is strangely silent on
the most Important episode that oc
curred within his jurisdiction. He
should have told how he managed to
let along for several weeks, while his
thief ' assistant, who boasts of being
the only real lawyer in the office, was
debarred from practicing in the courts.
Army engineers are to be asked to
Bake an estimate of the probable cost
f works that will keep the Missouri
river permanently In its channel in this
vicinity, and tha ( request la to be
coupled with a demand upon congress
for so appropriation of the funds
accessary up to f 1,000.000. Just on
a rash Impulse 'we venture to guess
that it will b much easier to get the
estimate than to get the appropriation.
Eattle of the Boycott.
The anti-meat crusade la bearing Its
legitimate fruit, and, as might have
been eipected, the farmers, who are
most directly affected by the threat
ened reduction in prices of meat, are
planning to retaliate. In Kansas one
group has already organized for the
purpose of boycotting the products of
union labor. As the labor unions have
taken .the lead in the anti-meat cru
sade, It will become them to bear with
what patience they may the effects of
tha farmers' reprisals. It will not ben
efit, either side to sidestep by alleging
that the "meat trust" is alone re
sponsible. The farmer will suffer most
from reduction in the selling price of
meat, and the worklngman will be the
loaer in event of a boycott on his
In this situation lies the strongest
argument against the boycott. It has
always been recognized as a two-edged
weapon, and Its use has been strongly
reprehended at all times.' It has been
denounced as unfair and un-American,
and is under the ban of the. courts. It
belongs in the category of weapon 3
that are being discarded by civilized
nations. In its present application it
ought to work some good, however, for
It wlli show to both sides how unjust
It is.
' Another promise of the situation is
that people will learn that high prices
ure the natural outcome of conditions
easily understood. The prosperity of
the farmer depends on his ability to
sell his produce for the most money
obtainable. This is true of tbe work
ing man, who prospers only when he
gets blgh wages. Now, raw material
ran not bring high prices! unless the
finished product also brings high
prices. So, the farmer can not ex
pect to sell his grains, meat animals
ttnd the like at top figures and buy tha
output of mills feud factories at a lower
level. Nor can the worklngman look
for top pay and expect to buy on the
basis of lard times. And all the Hue
of middlemen between the producer
and the ultimate consumer are subject
to similar conditions. With this inter
dependence understood and appreci
ated, the lattle of the boycotts up
pears sill. Neither side of an ex
change can expect to receive high
prices and pay low.
Stock llarket Sensitiveness.
The sensitiveness of the stock mar
ket is again illustrated by recent in
cidents showing how the speculators
discount the probable action of the
government. The circulation of re
ports forecasting a general onslaught
by the administration on all the big
corporations is credited with producing
a decided slump in quotations and a
nervousness in securities that bode no
good for legitimate industries, to say
nothing of speculative enterprises. A
statement . from . the . White House to
the effect that no indiscriminate trans
actions of corporations engaged in in
terstate business was contemplated,
and that the president's position had
been outlined in his message to con
gress, which still expressed his views
and purposes, immediatey produced a
steadying effect and an upward move
ment in the stock market.
That the president should not take
cognizance of stock market jugglers in
determining on the coarse of the gov
ernment with reference to suBpected
law-breakers will nownere be gainsaid,
but it Is plain that the stock market
operators take cognizance of the gov
ernment. Whether, the president
should permit false reports of his in
tention, put in circulation, to influence
the stock market, to go uncontradicted
opens up another question. The stock
market resembles a see-saw, of which
one side la always down ' when the
other is up, and the very correction
doubtless turns the scales more or less
to the advantage of another net of
operators and does not necessarily off
set the winnings of the perpetrators of
the hoax. Ordinarily, it would be bet
ter to let stock market players pursue
their game under their own rules, each
looking out for himself at bis own
risk. Occasions may arise, however,
when Innocent victims and legitimate
undertakings are entitled -to protec
tion against false reports,' in which
ease the president will be Justified in
making the truth known because no
one else can do so with the same au
thority. Waste and Conservation.
Americans have been roused lately
from their habits of extravagance In
dealing vltli natural resource, and
ara now jiursulng most zealously the
course that 1b ultimately to lead to the
consc-rvallon cf what Is left of tho once
wonderful natural wealth of the coun
try. It may be that the high prices
for foodbtuffs will have a simllsv ef
fect. The American housewife has
loui; rested unuer the accusation thut
she wastes as much as would soiwa Iitr
French sister to maintain a family.
Out of this habit of waste, borne of the
national tendency to extravagance, has
come a condition that In some moamire
Is chaigtable with responsibility for
the present situation.
Efforts to Induce the American
farmer to undertake new ways of cul
tivating the roll promise him Increased
yield. Intensified agriculture is rec
ommended as certain to produce addi
tional revenue, and thus to be suffi
ciently profitable to be attractive.
Why may not the workings of the cook
ing schools and the household economic
classes have a similar effect by teach
ing the l.ouscwlfe to do with less and
achieve the same result? It does pot
appear to necessary to eat leas to
accomplish this; conservation of loud
erred to tht- family ought not to man
that it be furnished with a niggard
hrJ. But lot the food be better pre
pared, ond let those portions that ate
perfectly good, but are now wasted, be
served in rm one of many attractive
wajg. Hiid tho end of conservation will
hav-j been served.
If the farmers can make their lands
produce more and the housewives can
make what they buy feed more, then
the problem will have been solved.
America can then continue to feed the
world, and high prices will cease to be
the bugaboo It Is to the man behind
the pocketbook.
A Fair Sample.
Thank Ood, Omaha Isn't a fair sample
of Ntbraska. Blair Pilot.
That Is terribly distressing, but per
haps our neighborly critic will be good
enough to Inform us where to go
among the cities and towns of Ne
braska to find a fair sample of the
state. Most Nebraskans possessed of
common sense who take pride in their
state also take pride In Omaha as the
metropolitan city of the state. No
well grounded movement for the bet
terment of Nebraska, or for the de
velopment of Its resources, falls to en
list the hearty co-operation of
Omaha, because the people here fully
realize that the state, and all the cities
and -town 8 In it, are mutually depen
dent on the same source of prosperity
and must go up or down together.
Nebraska furnishes the raw material
out of which Omaha is made, and If
Omaha Is not a fair sample of Ne
braska, It cannot be a fault chargeable
to Omaha.
The Indian Supply Depot.
Inasmuch as the latest attempt to
abolish our Indian supply warehouse
Is not directed at the depot In Omaha
alone, but at all the depots In all the
cities in which they are maintained by
the government, the question is pre
sented In a new form. When the ef
fort was simply to strike Omaha from
the list of places In which Indian sup
ply warehouses should be maintained
it was up to our spokesmen to show
that Omaha's peculiar geographical
situation and superior railroad facili
ties made it a vantage point for the
purchasing and assembling of Indian
supplies and their distribution to In
dian .agencies in the central west as
compared with other distributing cen
ters. The question now is as between
the system of purchase and inspection
at depot points and the system of pur
chase without inspection until delivery
at the Indian agencies.
Abolition of the depot system will
cut the government off from whatever
advantage accrues from transportation
in large quantities and the check on
contractors which Inspection at the
depots provides. At present the sup
plies are bought at wholesale for de
livery at the depot cities, where they
are reshlpped as required to the Indian-
agencies. In other , words, the
government is doing right now- what
most big corporations do who buy in
bulk for a large number Of branch
houses, while the proposed change
would go back to business methods
that have been generally discarded.
Under such circumstances, it seems to
us that It Is Incumbent on those who
are advising the change to show first
that equally good or better results
could be 'had for less money with the
supply depots abolished.
We may breathe much easier now
since we have been assured that there
is no imminent danger of the comet
taking a header into the sun; Our
most eminent long distance Computers
inform us that the comet edged, up to
"Old Sol" last week as close as he dare
go and then was only 4,000,000 miles
away. If he keeps this distance, as he
now seems likely to do, the sparker in
the sun'a engine will probably continue
to work without interruption and we
will all be safe, at least for a few
thousand years.
It might be. In order to invite Con
gressman Macon and Congressman
Bennett to retire to the back yard and
hare it out with their fists were it not
for the fact that Mr. Macon would
be physically at a great disadvantage.
The Arkansas member belongs to the
bantam class, while his opponent
would size up with the mlddlewelghts.
The only way apparently that they can
get at one another on the same, level
is to pace fifty yards and ihrow se
lected words out of an unabridged
dictionary. , ,
It is given out on no lesser authority
than himself that W. H. Thompson,
who likes to be known as the "Little
Giant,", will run for the democratic
nomination for United Stajtes senator.
The "Little Giant" has run for about
every office on the roster, and has once
in a while been allowed to catch a
hopaless nomination when no one else
wanted it. It remains to be seen
whether his running gait on the
democratic race track has Improved.
: Omaha's suburban towns are to be
officially notified that they must pro
vide their own fire protection and not
depend exclusively on the Omaha fire
department. Still, If any of them are
threatened with a real bad fire Omaha
may lend them a reel of hose or a
Now we know why the cost of living
has gone up. According to the World
Herald it would all have been avoided
had the people only voted for Bryan
Instead of for Taft, and the way to
bring prices down now Is to vote the
democratic ticket at the next election.
An Illinois farmer has been discov
ered who has the hardihood to de
clare that be has sold hogs at $8.25
per hundred weight, "tbe highest price
I ever got, even higher than In war
times," and that he has sold other
farm products at correspondingly high
prices. As a matter of fact, we have
not heard many real farmers com
plaining about getting too much money
for their Output.
"Uncle Jim" Wilson airs a suspicion
that American farm produce may be
selling cheaper abroad than at home.
Still, If so, that fact aoes not seem to
stop the stream of Immigration from
European countries to this land of
high prices and high wages.
Hare Slam of Wealth.
Cleveland Plain Dealer. '
Possession of a touring car was formerly
held to Indicate one's wealth. Now It's the
sans; frold with which one orders three
eggs for breakfast.
What Neatt
New York World.
The example of western farmers In holding-
their wheat for higher prices has been
followed by Virginia peanut growers, with
the result of an advance In price. If
farmers take to speculation, the consumer
may well be concerned about the cost of
Overreaching- Greed.
Baltimore American.
Some ' light on the Increase of cost of
living Is thrown on the subject by an In
vestigation of the milk Increase In New
York by which the manipulators of this
necessity of life are o'earlng not thousands,
but millions. Power may have been the
ancient Moloch to which humanity was
ruthlessly sacrificed. Oreed Is Its latter
day equivalent.
A Concrete Example.
Philadelphia Record.
The merger of two prominent cement
companies with a combined capital stock
of 10,000,000-S,Ono,000 common, 12,000,000 pre
ferred; the preferred bearing 7 per cent
cumulative dividends has an ominous look
for the buyers and builders. Of course,
eoonomy of production Is the professed
object of consolidation, but nobody Is at
gullible as to anticipate any consequent
reduction In prices. Mergers usually por
tend higher prices and bigger dividends.
Tribute to J. ' A. Graham, former
Editorial Writer of The Bee.
St. Louis Times.
Joseph A. Graham, who died at Balls
bury, Md.. January 23 was a man who
enjoyed a special kind and degree of es
teem In St. Louis, where he spent some
twelve years of his life.
He belonged to that fine type of gentle
men who like to have their qualities sought
out by the world and who seldom stand
forward In the throng unless urgently In
duced to do so. .
He held to the high philosophy that
worth will not exist In vain and that true
modesty can never be accounted a fault,
even in an age of1 much self-assertion.
He was perhaps net quite a conspicuous
figure ' during his life in St. Louis, yet
he made his character and worth a positive
force, and hlj friendships were among
those who were best worth knowing.
' There was the rare quality of delightful
surprise In his quiet demeanor. Those who
considered him' first and last as a news
paper man, where 'his good judgment and
sound tasta were always In evidence ware
sometimes afforded' much pleasure by dis
covering that the " newspaper man was
oddly "versatile frtPhls tastes.
When the ' big 1 musicians came to the
Odeon in the concert season, you might oc
casionally surprise a quiet, somewhat un
impressive looking ' gentleman, whom you
Would 'find examining, with keen eye, a
famous violin or 'cello, and you would
find that he knew the comparative merits
and special distinctions of all the Instru
ments which w.'rt' historical.
. His fondness for dogs and his knowledge
of them was well known. When Caspar
Whitney took oharge of Outing Magaslne
he was not long In discovering that Mr.
Graham' was Just the matt who could write
about pointers and setters and other hunt
ing dogs wtlh a fondness and discernment
which delighted an true sportsmen.
And there were' the scholarly habits of
mind of the man Which served as armor to
his gentle nature and made him forceful
and strong.
Finally, his fine and placid mind was
such that his Interpretations of life were
kindly ' and optinflstio. He knew that it
was good to live; and such are the man
who, 'by one of God's blessed paradoxes,
know that It is also good to die. '
' (
Our Birthday Book
January 87, 1810.
Samuel Gompers, head of the American
Federation of Labor, Is celebrating his six
tieth 'birthday, Mr. Gompers was born In
England, but has been a labor leader In
this country tor many years. He Is a cigar
maker by trade.
General John C. Black, former commis
sioner of pensions, was born January 27,
1839, at Lexington, Miss. He was educated,
however, in Illinois and went to the front
In the civil was as an Illinois volunteer.
He was commander-in-chief of the Grand
Army of the Republic six years ago, and
is now president of the United States Civil
Service commission,
A. B. Stlckney, best known as president
of the Chicago & Great Western, from
which position, however, he has lately re
tired, Is Just 60 years old. Mr. Stlckney is
a native of Maine. Omaha will always give
him credit for building his railroad to this
point and forcing the Issues that started
Omaha as a grain market.
Ralph Modjeska, engineer and bridge
builder, was born January 27, 1861, at Cra
cow, Poland. His mother was the great
Polish ac truss, and he, himself, lived In
Omaha at one time when he was connected
with the engineering department of the
Union Pacific. He Is now living in Chi
cago. James P. Conner, member of Iowa's con
gressional delegation, Is celebrating his
flfty-nlnth birthday. Mr. Conner Is a
Hoosier originally, but has lived at Den
niuon, la., most of his life.
Dr. O. S. Wood, an Omaha pioneer and
veteran physician, was born January 27,
1S32, at Bingharnton, N. Y. He graduated
In medicine In Philadelphia and has been
practicing here since ln08.
John T. Dillon, with law offices in the
New York Life' building, was born Jan
uary 27, ISM, at Rosevllle, III. He prides
himself as having always been a staunch
republican and that his grandfather freed
his slaves while his father refused to own
any, although able to do so.
William Grant Lansing, state agent for
Nebraska and western Iowa for the Nano
tuck Silk company, with headquarters at
Omaha, Is 41 years old. He was born In
Brooklyn and has been a successful travel
ing salesman nearly all his life.
William Lampniann, accountant in tha
county treasurer's offloe, Is Just 3s. His
birthplace Is Dresden and bo was edu
cated In Germany. Mr. Lampmann served
a private in the First Nebraska la tbs
Roosevelt and Taft
rollolss of the Former and tha
Extant to Which They Kara
a forwarded by tha Latter.
The extent to which the administration
'of President Taft has adhered to the
"Roosevelt policies" Is dispassionately dls
ousscd by the Washington correspondent
of the Brooklyn Ragle, and pertinent farts
quoted for the benefit of hasty critics. To
show what the Roosevelt policies were the
writer quotes President Roosevelt's list 'pre
pared near tha close of his term, as fol
lows: Conservation.
Railroad rate control.
Control of monopoly.
Pure food.
The praise of decency.
The new diplomacy.
Making the land laws serve the people.
Business administration of the govern
ment Income tax. s
Honest Journalism.
Square deal.
Inland waterways.
Country life.
Further defining the Roosevelt policies,
the following may be given:
Trust regulation.
Pure food.
Uplift of the common people.
It Is generally admitted, says the Eagle
correspondent, that conservation of na
tional resources was the greatest of the
Roosevelt policies. He once declared this
question to be tha most Important before
the nation. It embraced the protection of
the forests, the water buddIv. the tmhiin
lands, tha coal, phosphate and other natural
deposit, and In fact all the riches be
stowed on tha country by nature, whloh the
government held In trust for tha people.
The enthusiastic friends of Mr. Roosevelt
who served on these defunct commissions
have been aggrieved because President Tart
has not sought to revive them. The presi
dent has not asked congress to appropriate
the money for re-establishing these com-
missions. Consequently the work of de
veloping popular interest In the public
lands, forests, waterways and of devising
schemes to Improve Ufa on the form,
through commissions, has larrnd 8nm
charge that In this respect Mr. Taft has
not earned out a Roosevelt policy.
Immediately after dismissing Gltford
Ptnchot, the president sent a message to
congress on conservation, In which a dis
tinct forward step was made In advanc
ing this Roosevelt policy. At the same
time a floaen bills, framed by the at
torney general, were Introduced. They
are far more sweeping In their aim to
sava the forests, water power and the
public lands from falling into the hands
of greedy monopolists than any measures
that had been approved by Mr. Roosevelt.
President Taft has recommended dras
tic legislation for federal control over
Interstate corporations. It Is not be
lieved that fair minded men will aocuse
him of having attempted to break down
the Roosevelt policy of corporation con
trol. The Taft opening wedo-e wu ihn
corporation tax In the tariff law. Now,
he has supplemented this with a demand
for federal incorporation of all interstate
President Taft has yet to make a move
to dissolve a big trust. There have been
some minor suits under the Sherman
law which have resulted In fines. Aside
from this no move has been Initiated by
him In the courts to lessen the activities
of trusts. Of course , the Taft adminis
tration is carrying on tha suits against
the Oil Trust, the Tobacco Trust, the
Union Pacific and tho anthracite ooaj
roads, instituted by Mr. Roosevelt. Mr
Wlckersham says he U waiting tho out
come gr tha appeals In tha Tobacco and
oil suits before attempting any big cases.
The criminal prosecution of officers of
the Sugar Trust now under way was In
augurated by tha Taft administration a.
a result of the unearthing of evidence.
mo nunt ror which was started by Mr.
The fact that President Taft has en
tered into working agreements with Sen
ator Aldrich and Speaker Cannon further
emphasises the belief of some that the
trusts would not suffer at his hands. Mr.
Roosevelt regarded these two leaders as
reactionaries and the chief stumbling
blocks In the way of his measures. Mr.
Taft says they are dealing fairly with him
and that he will oontlnue to co-operate
with them In getting his bills adopted.
Theodore Roosevelt strongly urged the
Imposition of an Inheritance tax and an
Inoome tax. He said that when tho tariff
was revised congress should levy an In
oome tax. President Taft, early In, his ad
ministration, declared for an inheritance
tax and later changed his mind. At a
time when there seemed to ba a majority
In the senate In favor of an Income tax
the president proposed a corporation tax
to avoid the enactment of what might
prove to ba an unconstitutional Inoome
tax measure.
Advocates of the pure food law believe
they have a real grievance against Mr.
Taft in his attitude toward that law. Their
chief complaint Is his famous deolslon on
"What la Whisky?" This question had
befln nmiwered by the Roosevelt administra
tion, A couple of court decisions and three
or four departmental deolslons had com
bined to restrict the use of the term
"Straight Whisky" on all liquor save a
very small propoition of the total produc
tion. Within a few weeks after entering
the White House President Taft reopened
this question. A few weeks ago he gave
a final decision in the matter which Is
supposed to please the whisky men, Just
as it has displeased the advocates of a
etrlot Interpretation of the pure food law.
Strong efforts have been made to break
down the act for the protection of the
public supply of food and drink. A board
now in session Is expected further to mod
ify departmental rulings against the use
of preservatives in canned foods. This
board, however, was appointed originally
by Mr. Roosevelt.
Mr. Roosevelt believed in a big navy
and so does Mr. Taft. Tha former pro
voked criticism In congress and raised
dissension In the army by frequently pro
moting young officers to the rank of gen
eral. Mr. Taft has not followed this
policy. His few appointments have uni
formly followed the rule of seniority,
A careful analysis of the Roosevelt
policies and the purposes of the Taft
administration leads to the conclusion
that there has been no great backward
step by Mr. Taft. The chief difference
between the two men Is one of methods.
Commenting on the correspondent's re
view, the editor of the Eagle says: It la
true that President Roosevelt beat the big
drum In front of his reforms with an
assiduity and effort which were tha envy
of half the showmen In the country, but
the feeling that Taft has abandoned the
policies of his predecessor Is not wholly, or,
perhapa, chiefly, due to the absenoe of
hurrah In the present administration. The
average vXter who feels In this way lacks
the Information and the skill to make tbe
analysis which the correspondent has made,
but tha people are commonly uncommonly
good Judgea of tha political current. Presi
dents, like other men are known by the
Fifty Years
tho Standard
1 1
Made from Grapes
Makes the food of
superior healthfulness
. : and finest quality
company they keep. Aldrich and Cannon
are, as the correspondent points out,
friends of President Taft. They were
enemies of Roosevelt, and there Is a very
widespread distrust of both lenders. Many
voters feci that any man Is their friend
only because he helps them to the things
they want. Therefore .they distrust Taft
for the company he keeps.
For these reasons the work which Presi
dent Taft has done. In carrying out the
Roosevelt policies of corporation control
and of conservation of natural resources,
does not get the credit which it deserves
and falls to confer upon this administra
tion the popular favor which attended his
The rascal who picked a Boston police
man's pocket goes to Jail for a year. A
light enough sentence for lese-majeste!
Mr. Taft believes that the president
should be the head of his parti'. There's
one RooseveX' policy that has not become
Mrs. W. Eamps Colburn, wife of the head
of a Chicago banking firm, has built a
modern seven room house for her thirty
five prize cats. The house is fitted up
with brass beds, silk draperies and luce
The duke of Orleans sneaked right into
France the other day and was promptly
turned right around and sneaked right out
again. This appears to be the duke's cute
little way of getting his name in the papers
these days.
: Vegetarians need not crow over the fact
that meat eaters are Joining their ranks.
The recruits have enlisted only for a short
term, and though Inspired by principle,
It Is not a principle Involving affectionate
devotion to fodder and sawdust.
John McCutcheon, the Chicago cartoonist,
has been hunting in Africa with the ex
presldent and has established some prowess
as a slayer of wild beaBts. Two Hons and
a rhinoceros or two laid their lives at his
feat (on urgent compulsion), to say noth
ing of smaler game.
Treasury Theft a Mystery.
Philadelphia Bulletin.
The action of congress in formally re
lieving the assistant treasurer at Chicago
of all responsibility for the theft of $173,000
in thousand dollar bills from the sums en
trusted to his cutody recalls one of the
most peculiar cases of peculation in gov
ernmental annals. It Is now nearly three
years since the money disappeared, and
all the efforts of the secret service have
failed either to trace It or to find who took
It. Possibly the mystery will be cleared up
later but In this instance, at least, the
theory that the man who steals largely
from tha treasury funds Is sure to be
promptly caught and punished seems to
have proved erroneous.
It Will Help Some.
New York Tribune.
It begins to look as If the meat strike
would make this year's observance of Lent,
now rapidly approaching, a record-breaker
In the way of unanimity and enthusiasm.
" Sloan's Liniment is a splendid remedy for rheumatism.
There is nothing its equal." Mr. J. P. Culver, Glenoby,
' quickly relieves sore muscles, stiff joints, toothache, lumbago,
sciatica, sprains, cramp or colic, sore throat, hoarseness and
pains in chest or lungs very penetrating. You don't have
to rub it in just apply it
Pricma, 33e SOe., and $I.OO.
"Did that dollar dinner your' admirers
gave you prove of any benefit?"
"My wife says It did," replied Senator
Sorghum. "It sent me ,home with one of
the biKgest appetites I have had In years."
Washington Star. ,
"How did that woman ever manage to
ride into popular favor?"
"I guess It wus on account of her grace
ful cat rlaKe." Baltimore Amerlcun.
Knlcker You look tired.
Hocker Yes, I was up all night flying
the baby. Harper's Buzar.
"What is the most expensive perfume
you know of?"
And after a moment's thought Mr. Chug
ging replied, "Uusollne." Chicago Post.
"Do you believe that spirits ever return?"
"Not much, If they are good spirits and
one. Is careless enough to let them be
around the servants can get at
them." Philadelphia Bulletin.
"Where have you been for so long?"
asked the heHd man of the menagerie.
"Been watching one of the animals clear
his throat, sir," replied the attendant.
"But does It take half an hour for an
animal to clear Its throat?"
"Yes, sir; It was the giraffe, sir."
YonkerB Statesman.
Benjamin Franklin, full of his schemes
for drawing electricity from the clouds,
had dropped In at a hardware .store.
"Well," suid the salesman, "what la It?"
' "Wire, please," unswered Benjamin.
"In a moment," the salesman said, turn
ing to wait on a woman customer who
had Just come in.
Kven In those days, as we learn from
this ,tho man who was In a hurry got the
Duxy signal sometimes, iiucago TriDune.
Detroit Free Press.
She watched the canary,
This maiden contrary,
So busily preemlng himself
In the sun;
His feathers he oiled
With his bill, and he tolled
To smooth and to polish
Each disarranged one.
He pulled out the stray ones,
The ragged and gray ones.
His wee little body
He shook in delight.
He eyed himself gravely,
Then satisfied, bravely '
A whistling sonata
He gave with his might.
"Oh, Dick," cried the lass,
"Shall I buy you a glass?
You're all the time fusxlng
And priming, I swear;
You're all the time shining
Your feathers, or ctlnluK,
To make yourself protty
Seems only your care. ' . .
The way that you slick
I'p your feathers, now Dick,
And Kpend so much time . .
On your looks Is absurd,
You vain little, proud little
Stuck up young bird."
Then she fixed her hair back,
And reached down somewhere
For a soft chamois rag,
And she powdered her nose.
She straightened her belt,
And she, woman-like, fult
At the back to be sure
Of Just what, goodness knows.
From his perch Dick looked down,
As she fussed with her gown.
And BtralKotened each pleat.
As all women oft do. v
And he mild with a Jerk
Of his head, and a smirk:
"When it comes to conceit
I've got nothing on you.'.
" During the last two
years I suffered terribly .
with rheumatism. I could
get no relief until I tried
Sloans Liniment. It
stopped the pain and sore
ness at once. I heartily
recommend it to others."
Mr. J. P. Antcliffe, 36 E.
Court Street, Cincinnati, O.
(cm w$