The Omaha Daily Bee THE OMAIIA DEE Is the most powerful business setter Id the. whJ, because It goes to the hornet of poor and rich. , WEATHER FORECAST. For Nebraska Fair and colder. For lows Fair and colder. For weather report see page i. VOL. XXXLX NO. 170. OMAIIA, THURSDAY MORNING, JANUARY 27, 1910 TEN PAGES. SINGLE COPY TWO CENTS. FLOOD L' SIEGE Vv MS French Capital ii Gra elated by Eu i Streami. . V- V LOSS IS NOW OVEE T200,CO-,000 Disaster Eeachei Stage of a Great National Calamity. 6TEEETS ABE CAVING IN Many Bridget Spanning Seine Are Threatened with Destruction. BLINDING SN0WST0EM RAGING Six Square Mile of the Historic Bota de Boulogne nbmri-d Plali Bourbon and Other Build- -InsTS Iaondntrd. PARTS, Jan. 26. The floods here and throughout France have reached the di mension of a great national ca'nrrhty. An Ofllcial estimate of the money losses up to today la 1200.000,000, or one-fifth the war In demnity paid by France to Germany. Great aectloua of the French capital are under water, alx square of the his toric BoU De Boulogne being- submarged, while the river Seine, sweeping over Ita banks, haa filled the subways, Inundated the Palais Bourbon, the foreign office and scorea of the historic monuments which Ho along each side of the river. The many bridges which span the liver are threat ened with destruction, as vast accumula tions are banked against them by the on rushlng flood. Special meetings of the cabinet were held today to Consider means for coping with the situation. Military forces have been summoned from al! parts of the country and the city has been divided Into five military divisions for the purpose of ad ministering the work of rescue and relief. In Parts the situation became more des perate as the Way progressed. At 4 o'clock the Rue Royale between the Place De La ' Concorde and the Madeleine, the famous church edifice, began to sink and was hur riedly roped off. Several big fissures have occurred in the Javel region. The boulevard adjoining the Pont De Bercy and the street In front of the Liouvre museum also' began to cave In. Streets Threaten to Collapse. West street, at the west of the Foreign office, is In Imminent danger of collapse, being sustained only by the compressed air forced from the flooded subway which runs underneath. Should this fall the en the street must cave In. The archives of the Foreign office In an adjoining building appear safe. The rate at which the Seine Is rising was Increased slightly today. An additional rise of thirty-two Inches I expected. The erest. It is anticipated, will be reached to-night cr early tomorrow. '. The water i haa' nae'hed"'tti top ot the tribune at the Long Champs race course, (Six square miles of Du Bols de Boulogne are submerged. , Because of danger to those within. For eign Minister Plnchon today ordered the evacuation of the wing ot the Foreign of fice building, which borders on the flooded Rue de Constantino. All of the active working departments ot the office were closed and the routine du ties were left, temporarily In the hands ot Minister Plnchon and his staff. . The water has Invaded the postofflre building and forced the employes to flee. It also reached the Chamber of Deputies, though the members continued In session. The Chamber has been cut off from tele graphic and telephonic communication. Prefect of Police Lepine announced this afternoon that It would be possible, he thought, to save the 3,000 persons who were Imprisoned in the upper stories of their homes at Alfortvllle. Boats, manned by soldiers, are removing the endangered ones. This afternoon water began to pour Into the Cellars of the Hotel de Ville. Blinding; amove Storm Racing;. A blinding snowstorm raged in Paris to day and, coupled with the bitter cold, added to the general consternation, suffering and misery of the poor and homeless. Ih the face of a national disaster France Is giving a fine exhibition of pluck and solidarity. Political divisions have been buried and the government and people I united to solve the problem of relief. ( Pnworleaa tn An invlhln. . .,( .v.. rage of the elements, those in authority have devoted themselves solely to the work of rescue and of providing shelter and food for the homeless. Bvery resource ot the government. In cluding the army was employed today, Boats Were requisitioned at all ports and soldiers and tlremea worked tirelessly, Nevertheless Premier Urland and the other mlnlatere, who had not left their posts for forty-eight hours, were unable to respond to the appeals for help coming In from every direction. Authorities have been In st ructid to act on their own initiative without awaiting orders from the central government. Danger in Underground Streams. the situation in Paris was not changed appreciably from yesterday except that more streets had been converud into yel low canals, more districts evacuated a tew mote pavements hud caved in and traffio communication was completely parallxed. On of the greatest causes of alarm con tinued to be the constant rlae of the sub terranean streams under the center of 1'arlS, which fluoded cellars and under milled the foundations ot buildings. Whole streets have teen roped oft .as unsafe. AH of the bridges over the Kelne are still stand ing, but traffic over mure than half of them has been closed. The report of yes terday that a steamer had broken from its moorings and crashed against the Alma bridge was incorrect. Should such an ac cident occur U would be necessary to in stantly destroy the bridge with explosives. The refuse ot the city which was carried off formerly in barge is now being dumped into the Seine. Another serious phase of the situation Is that Paris Is becoming rapidly isolated, telegraph and telephone wires being "di owned or grounded." Wire communica tion is falling In all directions. It is Im possible today to communicate by tele phone between the two banks of the S Ine. This greatiy cripples the work of relief and tbe dispatch of succor. Only two rai roads tj the north and west were op 1 orating directly Into Paris today. tk Paris is beginning' to feel the pinob. of C hunger. Tbe supply of fresh meat and jaUwallnued on Second Page ) Senator Brown Says Senators Are for the Item Canvass of Committee of Upper Body Shows that Indian Warehouse Will Be Put Back. (From a Staff Correspondent) WASHINGTON, Jan. 26.-(Special Tele gram.) "Of course the Indian warehouses at Omaha, St. Louis, New Tork, Chicago and San Francisco will be restored to the Indian appropriation bill when It reaches the senate," Senator Brown said today. "The house committee has a new chair man and a very fine gentleman, but he wants to make a reputation for himself in writing changes In the bill. Some of the changes he suggests are undoubtedly all right; others are open to criticism, par ticularly the failure to appropriate for warehouses for 1911. 'When I learned that the house commit tee on Indian affairs had failed to make provision for the continuance of Indian supply depots In the cities named, I began a canvass of the senate oommittee for the restoration of the warehouses unpro vided for and I can say that Ninvass has been, satisfactory. "I recall the recommendation of the sec retary of the interior for the discontinu ance of pension disbursing offices through out the country and centering the ' pay ment of pensions at a central office in Washington. The house followed the rec ommendation and failed to provide for their continuance. The senate, however. restored the offices to their former status' ' and so it has gone. Indian supply depots occupy a like situation. Of course, . they will be put back." The preseident today sent to the senate the following nominations of poatmastera: Nebraska David C. Thompson, Arcadia; Charles W. Whitney, Republican; A. K. Olmstead, Orleans. Iowa John H. Kolthoff, New Hampton; Ralph A. Dunkle, Oilman; Hanna Larson, Palmer, Pocahontas county, vice M. A. Hansen, resigned; Llbble Ivens, Persia, Harrison county, vice J. Sedden, re signed. South Dakota-William H. Barger, Fair fax; William C. Mathtson. Fort Pierre; John E. Sullivan, Planklnton. T. V. Golden of O'Neill was in Washing ton today upon private business. Repre sentative Kinkald Introduced him to Pres ident Taft. Rural carriers appointed are: Nebraska Elmwood, route 2, Everett E. Horton, carrier; ' Silas Malrs, substitute. Osceola, route 3, Joseph Schols, carrier; Carl Schols, substitute. Route 4, George L. Carson, carrier; Roy I. Emery, substitute. Iowa Exllne route I, Joseph W. Cas ter, carrier; J. H. Daniels, .substitute. Little Sioux, route 1, Harrison Stucker, carrier; Carrie E. Stucker, substitute. South Dakota Chamberlain, route t Jeff Ashing, carrier; Tenia Ashing, sub stitute. .The First National bank of Omaha has been approved as reserve agent for the First National bank of Scott's Bluff. I '' ' i Bcnkleman Editor Has Romance W. C. Israel, Publisher of Newi Chroniole, Marries Nurse Who Saved Life. . KANSAS CITY. Jan. 26. (Special Tele gram.) Saved from the grave by the tender bands of a woman. Will C. Israel, a news paper man of Benkelman,' Neb., lived to win her love, and make her his wife. The bride was Miss Selma Nixon and the wed ding ceremony took place at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Hutchlngs. About a year ago while visiting in Kansas City Mr. Israel was taken seriously ill and entered a sanitarium. After many weeks of care the nurse won the affections of her patient and slowly brought him back to health. Israel, freed from the affliction of disease, quickly succumbed to the little love god and pursued an ardent courtship. When he returned to his home he carried with him the promise of Miss Nixon that sho woftld be his wife. Mr. Israel is the editor and proprietor ot the News-Chronicle at Benkelman. KAW . RIVER BRIDGE OUT Ruah ot Waters Now Threatens to Take Structure at Armour dale. KANSAS CITY, Jan. 26. One hundred feet of the approach ot the Kaw river bridge at Turner, Kan., ten miles west of here, was carried out by an Ice gorge to day. The mass of Ice thus released rushed towards this city and now threatens the Wcat Kansas avenue bridge across the Kaw river between Armourdale and Argen tine. LAWRENCE, Kan., Jan. 26. -The . Ice gorge moving down the Kansas river knocked out two spans of the Linwood bridge, three miles east ot here shortly before noon today. Laymen's Meeting- at Mitchell. MITCHELL, S. D., Jan. 26. (Special. ) The preliminary meeting for the Laymen's Missionary convention of South Dakota will be held in this city Thursday evening, when Dr Trimble of Sioux City will be enter tained at a banquet at the Young Men's Christian association rooms, when he will outline something of the convention plans for March 29 and SO. -At that time It Is ex pected that over BOO delegates will be here to attend tho convention, which will be ad dressed by Dr. J. Chapman White of New York. Anti-Meat Menu Cards Are Now Offered at Restaurants "Anti-Meat Special a" In bold type this caption blazoned forth on the menu cards of two Omaha restau rants Wednesday morning. A list of vege table dishes, In which the Juatly celebrated baked bean predominates, Is offered to the patron who voices the price cutting slogan. "No tneat for us," declared twelve be aproned and bepompadoured waitresses at the Calumet restaurant when . they sat down to their lunch after the breakfast rush. The girls have Joined the ranks of the strikers. The mere matter that they may eat what they like wlthput cost to them selves makes no difference to the waitress recruits of' the anti-meat crusade. MEAT INQUIRY TO BE NATION-WIDE 11 " Investigation of Alleged Combination Not Confined to Four Com ponies First Named. MANT CONCERNS UNDEE SCBUTEJY Books and Documents from Fifteen Corporations Laid Before Jury. SNOW IS FIRST WITNESS Secretary of National Packing Com pany Before Grand Jury. BOYCOTTING THE B0YC0TTEES Farmers at Frankfort, Kansas Start Movement to Refuse te Bar Union Made Art tries. CHICAGO, Jan. 2. That the government Investigation into the affairs of the so called beef trust la to be nation-wide was shown today following the questioning be fore the federal grand Jury of Charles C. Snow, secretary and treasurer of the Na tional Packing company. It was learned that the books and other documents of the following concerns have been laid be fore the Jury: G. H. Hammond & Co. of Michigan, G. H. Hammond A Co.. ot Illi nois, Hammond Beef company of Michigan, Hammond Packing company of Colorado, Hammond Packing company of Philadel phia, Hammond Packing company of To ledo, Hammond Packing company of New York, Anglo-American Refrigerator Car company of Illinois, Fowler Packing com pany of Kansas, Kansas City Refrigerator Car company of Kansas, United Dressed Beef company of New York, St. Louis Dressed Beef and Provision company of Missouri, Hutchlneon Packing company of Kansas, NMlonal Car Line company of New Jersey and the Provision Dealers Dis patch of Illinois. II was also learned that subpoenas had been Issued for employes- and officials of Armour ft Co., Morris ft Co. and Swift and Company. Besides Mr. Snow, those questioned today were Henry F. Moyer, department, man ager for Armour & Co., and Everett Wil son, superintendent of branch houses of Armour ft Co. Each witness waa examined behind closed doors and no information as to the line of inquiry into the alleged price-fixing methods waa given out. District Attorney Sims declined to com ment on the situation. It was learned be had arranged to carry on the probe for at least six weeks. Boyentt for Boycotters. FRANKFORT. Kan., Jan. 26 Farmers In this vicinity have started a counter boy cott against labor unions that have re fused to eat meat and they expect to make It state-wide. . The- farmers..: plan "to-quit - uetng the products of the labor of boycotting -unions for one year. In addition to this they pur pose to advocate free trade. Organizers of the movement aver that the packers are back of the meat boycott. WASHINGTON, Jan. 26. Wade H. Ellis, assistant to the attorney general, left to day for Chicago, where he will assist local officials in the proceedings before the fed eral grand Jury in the beef packers cases. I General Industrial Strike Advocated Mine Workers' Officials Would Ex tend Threatened Coal Field War to Other Lines. INDIANAPOLIS, Jan. 26. A general strike of the miners of the bituminous coal fields of the United States and Can ada will be called If the mine operators of all or any of the districts refuse to sign contracts granting an increase of wages, according to the declarations of many leaders In. the convention of the United Mine Workers of America today. President Lewis in discussing the prop osition of some of the leaders that the entire delegate body should go to Toledo next week for the wage conference with the operators of Ohio, Indiana and west ern .Pennsylvania, urged that wage con tracts should not be signed by any dis tricts of the union until all should have obtained from the mine operators a uni form Increase of wages. RUMOR JEFF-JOHNSON FIGHT MAY YETJE CANCELED rrlaelpals Said to Bo Taking- Sides in the Oleaaon-Rickard Controversy. NEW YORK, Jan. 26. A report that the Jeffries-Johnson fight will shortly be de clared off on account of the dispute be tween Rlckard and Gleaaon as to the place where It Is to be held was ourrent in New York today. Many sporting men said that if a elash between the promotera occurred the rival pugilists would be likely to take sides. It was pointed out that Jeffries had been re ported as In league with Gleason many weeks ago, while Rlckard was supposed at the same time to have secured asrurance of Johnaon's support. Neither of the pugilists it In the city at this time and Rlckard and Gleaaon ' are on the Pacific slope. At this restaurant there is a special sec tion of the lunch counter side devoted to the meat strikers. Morning, noon and night they Una up for their vegetable and cereal meals. 'There has been a large Increase In the demand for vegetable dishes," said J. G. Dennis of the Chesapeake restaurant, an other of the eating houses to offer the "Anti-Meat Specials." "It seems to be in creasing every day guess they are In real earnest about It." While the restaurants are feeling the ef fect of the movement, the hotel men say that there Is nothing to Indicate that they need reduce their meat orders. ' ' ' ' r . ' ' 3r llou, . . ' rb--j? knock., F3f Squash Center Gets Hold of the Hyphenated From this Washington Star. ; PANAMA LIBEL CASE ENDS Judge Hough Quashes, Indictments Against New-York World. OUTCOME OF E0OSEVELT MESSAGE ' ' -T Court Holds Circulation of Stery on West Point Rear-a.t1on Dots Not Give Federal Authorities Jurisdiction, NEW YOrtK. Jan. 28. The federal gov ernment's prosecution of the publishers of the New York "World was stopped by the federal court here today. Judge Hough In the United State olrcutt -mart -quashing the Indictment against the, 'Press .Publish ing company, publishers the World, Tor alleged libel in connootlorw wtth publica tions concerning the -Pananta canal' pur chase. The indictment- waa thrown out on the ground of lack of Jurisdiction of the court and for other masons which Judge Hough announced would be stated in a memoran dum to be filed later. The decision of Judge Hough Is of Inter national . Interest, the now famous libel ease having at Its inception involved former President Roosevelt and his brother-in-law, Douglas Robinson, and President Taft and his brother, Charles P. Taft. The publication, in the New York World close of the last-presidential campaign of an article in which it was asserted that relatives of former President Roosevelt and President Taft were members of a syndi cate to purchase the stock of the French Panama Canal company from the French stockholders when it was certain the United States would buy the stock, created a sensation. The American syndicate was said to have made millions. President Roosevelt sent a special' mes sage to congress and made public cor respondence In which he characterized the publication of the Panama story as false and asserted that Delavan Smith, one of the owners of the Indianapolis News, was "a conspicuous offender against the laws of honesty and truthfulness." ' Joseph Ptilltser, owner of the World, came In for a scoring by President Roose velt. . Closing; Chanter in . Caae. The decision of Judge Hough ' today la regarded aa a closing chapter in the Panama libel case. Judge "Hough in hia decision held that libel was punishable by state laws and was not one of the crimes referred to In the federal statutes pasaed from 1825 to 1SS8, making atate penal codes applicable to of fenses on federal territory. It waa contended by the government that because of the circulation of the alleged libelous publications on the Weet Point government reservation and other federal territory punishment for the libel could, under the statutes quoted, be ad ministered according to the state code by the federal courts. , "I am clear," said Judge Hough, "that the construction of the act of 1898 proposed by the prosecution In this case Is contrary to the spirit which actuated the members of congress In passing this law. As this very (Continued on Second Page.) ' Real estate presents a safer investment, payinga higher rate than money invest ed in any other way In buying Omaha real estate, at present prices, you can make five, ten and even fifteen per cent on your investment by holding It for two or three years. The Increase may bring your rate on the lnvest . ment up to twenty or twenty-five . per cent. Moverover, ' you know every minute just how your Invest ment stands. If you have a few thousand dollars to invest, put it in Omaha real estate. Nearly a page of choice realty bargains and investments in the real es tate columns of The Bee today. Germany Does Not Seek Delay in Tariff Matter Seply to United States Said to Be Re fusal to Stay Application of General Duties. BERLIN, Jan. 26. The reply of the For elght office to the request of the United States that the application of Germany's general tariff to American imports be de ferred until March 31 is understood to be a nonacceptance of the -suggestion for delay. The reply which "will be dispatched to Washington immediately wUl.Jjowevar. represent, thatxUio German- government feels . that no obstacles to a complete agreement exist that cannot be overcome by February 7, the date on which the (en teral schedules would apply automatically. The note, the tone of which is described aa being most friendly,, points out how highly desirable It is from the German standpoint, that the tariff question be tween the two countries be settled at once. Increase Tax on High Rate Bonds Secretary MaoVeagh Would Favor Two Per Cent for Circulation Deposits. . WASHINGTON, Jan. 26. Secretary MacVeagh today submitted to the house drafts of proposed acts providing' that the tax rate on national bank circulation secured by United States bonds hereafter deposited bearing over 2 per cent a year shall be increased over the Jax on circu lation secured by 2 per cent bonds, one quarter of 1 per cent each half year, for every one-half of 1 per cent excess over i per cent in the rate of interest borne by such bonds, and directing that any bonds and certificates of indebtedness hereafter Issued shall be payable, princi pal and Interest, in gold coin and exempt from taxation. ENGINEER KILLED JUST AS DAUGHTER WAS 2 YEARS AGO William Kotl, Formerly of Repub lican (aty, Succumbs to Injury , in Wreck at Suit Lake City. REPUBLICAN CITY, Neb., Jan. 28. (Special.) Word was received here this morning of the death of William Koll of this city. He was in a hospital at Salt Lake City, Utah. Mr. Koil was an en gineer on the Oregon Short Line. About four weeks ago he was in a wreck, where he was badly scalded and injured other wise. Mr. Koll was 45 years old and has been In the employ of different railroads for the last eighteen years. Two years ago ls run was on the Oberlln branch from this city. An excursion was on his train one trip and his 'IS-year-old daughter was on the engine with him, and through some defect in the track the engine toppled over. Hla daughter waa killed inatantly and Mr. Koll escaped with slight Injury. Charge of Alaskan Lobby Stirs Members of Committee WASHINGTON, Jan. 2tl.-Chargea by Judge Wlckersham that President Taft and former President Roosevelt had main tained In Washington an Alaskan lobby In the persons of former Governor W, B. Hog gatt and Major W. P. Richardson, an army officer, who Is head of the Alaakan road commission, are revealed by proofs made public today of an executive hearing before the senate committee on territories In re lation to the Alaskan executive council bill. Counter charges by Mr. Hoggatt that Judge Wlckersham ''is humbugging" fur ther enlivens the situation. The senate committee took seriously tbe aspersions which seemed to have been caat upon tbe Controversy. ASPTH INCREASES HIS VOTE Prime Minister's Majority is Greater by 615 Than Last Year. MOBBED BY SUFFRAGETTES Police Have Hard Time Holdlngr Women Back Until Premier Can Find Place of Safety. LONDON, Jan. 26. The election to parlia ment of eighteen liberals, seventeen union ists, two natloncu'its and one laborite, with one seat, for Sutherlandshlre still to be heard from, makes up the thirty-nine re uU.ltft, over from-yesterday's balloting. OuUwef .these, seats the unionists, galo .fV4 end the liberals two. :' - With but sevrntyrone pollings remaining to complete the .membership of the Hous? of Commons the parties stand thus: Government coalition Liberals 33t Irlsh-natlonallsts 74 Laborites 38 Opposition Unionists 255 Premier Asqulth, for tho east division of Fife, and Richard B. Haldane, for Had dingtonshire, were, re-elected, but while tho prime minister returns to Parliament with a substantial Increase of 615 over his former majority the secretary of stale for war must be satisfied with a majority less by 415 than that obtained In 1906. Following the election of Premier As qulth the premier was mobbed by militant suffragettes. The women in a body charged time after time In their attempts to reach the minister and there were' several lively skirmishes with the police before Mr. As quith was conveyed to a place of safety. IrtMAUn DnV OA in T1-1 iiawr- ( umni in uui OMIU IU nHVC BEEN NC0LLEGE RIOT Kendall Phillips, Student at Dart mouth! Mentioned in Report to Superintendent. HANOVER, N. H., Jan. 26. (Special Tele gram.) Dartmouth college circles are aroused over the arrest of Leland Powers, young eon of millionaire and ex-Congressman Powers of Massachusetts," the result of an alleged fracus among the students and townspeople in this aristocratic college town. ' The trouble took place during a snowball rally at Hanover college. The superintendent, in giving the names of those who were present and who partici pated In the affair, mentions Kendall Phillips ot Omaha. He has not been ar rested and Is not in any way held ac countable for the trouble. In fact, there Is some doubt as to whether he was really present at the time of the trouble. He Is a very popular student at Dartmouth. The Boston Journal's version of the riot is that it was a schoolboy affair. It deplores the arrest of Powers. MINE WORKERS PUT UP BAR Convention, on Roll Call, Refuses to . Admit Locals from t'en- , tral Pennsylvania. INDIANAPOLIS, Jan. 26. Roll call of the convention of the United Mine Workers of America on whether or not the delegates from nine local unions of central Pennsyl vania shall be seated resulted: Against, 1,327; for, 1,099. , .it. motives of the president and ex-presldent by Judge Wicker-sham's testimony. Before an official stenographer was ad mitted to the hearing, Judge Wlckersham was railed to order by Senator Deverldge, chairman of the committee and warned to guard his utterances with more care. After the Alaskan dolegate had retired from the room a portion of hla tentlmony was considered and It waa decided It ahould not appear In the printed record. Chairman Uerverldge said to the committee: "A witness would not be permitted to make such a reflection upon motives of the president of the United States in any committee where I waa chairman, even If that office were filled by William Jennings Bryan, or a prohibitionist or a socialist." LOUIS II. OLA VIS FIRSTWITNESS Joint Congressional Committee Be gins Inquiry Into Balling-er-Pinchot Controversy. CASE FOE THE TEOSECUTION Louis D. Brandeia, Attorney for 1 Glans, Outlines Charges. IMPE0PEE CONDUCT ALLEGED Balling-er Said to Be Attorney in Wilson Coal Case. BEF0EE HE ENTEES LAND OFFICE Allegation that Deal Waa Irrearular and that He Knew ItAlaska Lands Saved by Interven tion of Witness. WASHINGTON, Jan. 2.-The Balllnger Plnahow congressional commltte of in quiry began its public sessions today with Louis R. Glavls, the chief aAuser of Sec retary Balllnger, on the witness stand. Due to many Interruptions arid the final decision of the committee to Vi"1 that Olavts' couns-el should make aft opening statement of what specific charges wero made agaliwt Mr, BalHrujrer, the witness did not get very far along In his narrative. There was opportunity, however, to draw some conclusions as to the preliminary lineup of the committee. ' In his enthusiasm over the actual be ginning of tho Inquiry and as the result of a tendency to argue his view of the testimony to be adduced, the special counsel for Glavls, Louis D. Brandels of Boston, had some difficulty in reducing his statements to a brief recital ef the charges, but finally he summed up the "case for tho prosecution" in this way: "That prior to entering the government service In any capacity R. A. Balllnger acted as attorney In drawing up an agree ment In escrow and deds In the Wilson Coal company canes In Lewla county, Washington, these cases being an alleged fraud on the land laws. Mr. Balllnger'a name did net appear in the court records of the case. Cunnlntrham Coal Claims. "That Mr. Balllnger, aa commissioner of the land office In 1907, did not show due diligence in investigating the alleged rrauda connected with tho Cunningham coal land claims in Alaska, that he had knowledge of all tbe circumstances sur rounding these claims and In spite of this entered the employ of one of the claim ants after leaving the land office and be fore becoming secretary of the Interior; that he ordered these claims to be "clear listed' for potent without due Investiga tion, and they would have gone to patent If Glavls and others had not Intervened." It Is not any one act, but a series of acts and' circumstances," .declared. Mrv Brandels, adding that it wa4 for the committee to determine whether oV 'hot the' lands which would be hold for the benefit of the people and of posterity "are in safe hands." Senators Nelson, Rout and Sutherland and Representatives Olmstead and Madison were the more active of the committeemen in plying the witness and his attorney with questions, and many times they referred to Secretary Balllnger'a denials and nought explanation of what they considered dis crepancies In statements. The democratic members of the commit tee were not much In evidence today. Rep resentative Jamee asked only a question or two and in each Instance only to clarify some point at issue. Representative Gra 1 am, the other democrat, took Issue with Senator Nelson during the final minutes of the hearing and declared in a certain In stance the burden of proof waa upon the secretary of the Interior rather than upon the accusing witness, The inquiry will be resumed Rrlday morn ing and thereafter there will be morning and afternoon sittings every Friday and Saturday. ' Attorneys for Glavls and Plnchot. Mr, Glavls announced that he would be represented throughout the hearing by two attorneys, Louis D. Brandels of Boston, and Joseph B. Colton of New York. Messrs. Plnchot, Price and Shaw are col lectively represented by George W. Pepper, an attorney of Philadelphia. Mr. Pepper and the Glavls attorneys will co-operate regarding tho conduct of Investigation. Secretary Balllnger and Commissioner Dennett of the land office have both stated that they have no desire to be represented by counsel, asking only that the inquiry be "thrown wide open." Glavls requested that his testimony be taken through an examination by his coun sel. He then was sworn and Senator Ned son asked a few preliminary questions. "What, If anything, do you claim to have been amiss In the administration of the public lands?" was the poser the chairman shot at the witness. Glavls paid he could not answer the ques tion briefly. "Go ahead and tell It all In your own way," said Senator Nelson. ' Glavls was a trifle nervous as he began. He talked with quite a lisp. He oommsnced by going back to the time when he began work as a field agent of the land office on the Wilson Coal company cases la Lewis county, Washington, in 19Q1 and 1102. Mr. balllnger, he said, was attorney for the Wilson company. Glavls declared that Balllnger'a name did not appear In the court records of the Washington coal claims and that he did not appear In court at any time. The wit ness said that Mr. Balllnger, however, drew up an escrow agreement and prepared the deeds (or the claimants In the Wllaon cases. Balllnger had no government' connection at the time of this appearance. Glavls aald that the Information came to him second handed, that a stipulation had been entered Into by the government counsel in the Wilson cases and the at torneys for the v.-nants, whereby the r.i. ,.,a of Mr. Balllnger waa not to appear. The witness said the records would bear him out. The counsel for the government con sisted of P. C. Sullivan and Henry M. Hoyt. The proceedings against the Wilson claimants are still pending. Glavls claimed that BulllnK'T's participation amounted to a conspiracy In a fraudulent claim against tho government. Alaoha fori Fields, Glavls next turned to the Alaska coal fields and described In detail the location and extent of the Cunnlnghum claims. Glavls proceeded to tell of his conversa tion with young Charles D. Davis of Seattle, In which Davis said be would u:', (