T1IE BEE: OMAHA, WEDNESDAY, JAN U Alt X 26, 1910. . t. 1 SMN AND PRODUCE K ARRET i All Are FeUnjt Effects of j?nrjlic Clamor Crtr fricei.: BULLS COWES BEFORE SENTIMENT Dealer aad apecnlatora Sell Their Holding;, Porfln retllttyof Attempting; to tea Thl tronfj Tlda. OMAHA. Jan. 35. 1910. AH Of tha grain markets a well aa the slocks, cotton and provision markets ar feeling tha effects of tha public clamor for )oMr values In foodstuffs. Draler and .large speculators have sold their holdlrtgs, foreseeing the ueelessnes of expecting any hull movement against such ranllnint. With possibly temporary reaction traders predict lower grain rjlu'i until f-rioe reach a lower level. Wheat started very alow and rawed off on heavy Billing- ordora at the opening. Th cash market was weak and prices showed a loan of from 1 to I cfnts. A aharp rally cama later on buying by early ..eiit-r. Corp forced up a bit with the lata rally of wheat. Cash corn waa off Ho, owing to heavy receipts, and a rather light de mand. Country,' telling continue free and re ceipt should be liberal from now on. Primary wheat receipt wera 649,000 bu. and ahlpmanla ware 474.000 bu., against re ceipts; last year of ill, OA bu. and shlp menta of 815.000 bu. I'rlmary corn receipt wore 813.009 bu. and shlpmtnts were 691,000 bu., against receipts lent year of 782,000 bit. and shipments of 609.000 bu.. (If (trances were 257,000 tu. of corn, 3.000 bu. of on ta; and wheat and flour equal to 107.000 bu. Liverpool dosed fifTld 'ower on wheat and d '.ower on corn. Local rang of option Articles. Open. High. ) Low. Close. Yts'y. M'heat- . . I May... 103 104 1 03V 1 04 103 July... 94 86 94 96 84 Corn . MajT... 4 ! 64 ; 84 64. .July... 43 64 63 64 6S Onta May... ,46 45 46 45 July... 41 41 41 41 Omaha Cask Prleea. Priev reported Tuesday are as follows: WHEAT No. I hard, ll.Ofl.OB; No. 3 hard, .$1.03fl.O4; No. 4 hard. 98cg'$1.0Z; rejected hard, 8T&fc; No. 1 spring, 11.060 l.Ofl; No. 8 spring, $l.fln-ai 05; No. 8 durum, 3ic4p; No. t durum," 92tj98o. cOiiH No. 2 white, Mo. S white. Jl3c: No. 4 whUe, 80861c; No. 1 yellow, bltilc; No. 1 yellow, 0ff61c; No. 4 yel low, K.V49(7o; No. 2. 0&d; No. 3, OOtf 60c; no grade, 60r80. OATS Standard, tsVffta'tc' white, 4Wao; No. 4 white, 46f646e; No. 8 yel low, 461j45o; No. 4 yellow, 4646c; No. I mixed. 4fffT4Go. BARLEY No. 4. 6162c; No. 1 feed, 80$ 61o. RYE No. I, 7578d; No. 8, 74g75c. Carlo! Heeelpte, . . ... Wheat Corn. Oats. 41 675 203 .844 . . si ' iei 38 84 ... ... 45.10; first clears, . 3534.45; second clears, $.1.lrW 40. ' i OATS-No. 8 white. 4T,046C. KV R No. 8, 7OTSo. BRAN-100 pound sack a, $23.00j2$ 50. rVF.W TRK ORNF.RAL HA8KKT Qeotatloas of Ik lf en Vnrlon Cevsiaiodltlr. NKW YORK, Jan. Jo-Fl-OVR-Market steady with small trade; spring patents, $6.5v-.i6.75 winter patenia, o.4tu.80i winter extNu, No. 1, $4.80-34 90; winter straights, $fY4fV6.46; spring clears, $4.404.$6; winter .extras. No. 8, l4.40yHKi; Kansas straight, MIOSIS. Receipts, 88,4. bble; shipment. 11 orA kku r . .. t m A v f 1 1" to fnnA ! U K. all- rhXi In folnrv. 4.4f'a'4 W. BaoH- wneat nour, steady; duik, avwo.w pir iw lbs., nominal, CORN M KA Lr Steady i whit and yellow, 11 OMil.60;. coarse, ,1.4S1.W; kiln dried, 13 Bn. RYK Quiet; western No. 1, 89c, nom inal, f. o. b. New York. WHEAT Spot, firm; No, 2 red, $1.80, bid, elevator, and nominal, f. a b., afloat; No. - northern Duluth and No. 3 winter. 11.88, nominal, f. o. b , afloat. In sharp option there waa a aecnne in wneat eany unaer heavy selling on the weakne In Wail trent and lower cables, but the market rallied In the afternoon and more than regained the loss on active covering by shorts and heavy buying, by a prominent western operator. At the close prices war Wdo advanced. May ciosed at ll.UH; July cloned at $1.08. Receipts, 73,300 bu.; shipments, 8,400 bu. CORN t!pot, easy; No, 8, 744o.. elevator, domestic, 74V4c, .delivered, and 72c, f. o. b afloat, nominal. Option market waa lower early under liquidation and sympathy with wheat, closing at Vko net dcllne Ma.y closed at Tbc; July closed at ibo; Feptem ber clostMl at 76Vc- Recetnts. 14.500 bu. OATS Spot market steady: mixed. 20 to 32 lbs., nominal; natural, white, 24 to 82 lbs., 62fftX6c: rllooed wilt. 34i2U lbs.. MSVit MVc. Receipts, 86,400 bu-7". shipments, 3,100 HAY Firm; prime, $1.151.20; No. 1, $1.16; No. 2. ll.a.fal.O.; Nx, . $1.00. HIDES Firm; Central America, 83Ho! LEATHER Firm; hemlok first, 2W3 2Bc; seoonds, 23;ar7o; thirds, 23326c; rejected. 3021c, PROVISIONB-Pork, barely steady; mess, f 'yfl nn f . ...I u. toe n, - . .. 1 lu ,"jW. -X7 Resf. quiet; mess, $11. 60ii12.60; family. $14.00 beer hams. $24.uutfv4t.U0. Cut meats. len'y; plokled bellies, 10 to 14 lbs., I12.fia' 13UU: . pickled hams, I13.WW4.00. Lrfu-d easy; middle west, prime, $12.071216; re- ilned, weak; continent, $12. 76; South Amer l leu, $18.60; oompound. $X.76u 10.00. tal,IuUW Hteady; prime city, nnas., ec; country. V(tvTAc. tjun ii;k 8te4jy; creamery, tmras xo firsts, XFmiS'Ac; creamery, seconds to sp- clals, irv'olc; slate dairy, common to fin est, 24430c; process, first to specials, tit fe2IC. UHEESK-steady: state, new. run cream ery special, 17H'irlc; state, new, September fancy, i7V4c; state, new, October beit, in 'AO; state, now, winter made, best, lSUo; state, new, common to good. itt4o)16fcc; SKims, tun to special. l3ui4Vtc. KUGS Easy; western first,' 38 30c; iirsts, music; rerrigeraior, aj'ao. POUL.TR Y Dressed, dull: western chick ens, 15&23o; fowls, 1417i4c; turkeys, 82(9 NEWYORR STOCKS AM BONDS Dntitio Liquidation Force i Talaea to N Lowrat Level Bince Angra$t Chicago Minneapolis Omaha Duluth CHICAGO GRAIN AND PROVISIONS Featarrs f the Trading; and Closlnar Prices arts Hoard of Trade, CHIdA(io,,'Jan. 26. Grain and provision declined materially early In the session to day under selling pressure, accentuated by the persistent protest against the high oosl or foodstuff. Bhorts, however, took ad vantage of the7 downward trend and rushed to oover, reversing the course of the market and -sauslng an advance. In the price .ot practically every commodity In the pit. Wheat led the grains in the extent of T both the decline and subsequent advance, ranging from lHo to 214C In which May was the star performer. At the outset the May option stumped 14o, and on tha rally advanced to Ho above yesterday. The range for the day on May was between $1.08 and $1.10- The market clossd strong at almost the high points; with May up Wo. at $1.10ri6'1.10H ...... In cqrn an ,earl slump was followed by a doctded" advance, which0 oarVled the fu tures over a range of from ltoo to ISov Th May optkm went up t 67 Ho from OrtHiQ. The close, was strong. In ..all the futures, with an advance of from He to o. May finished 44,04c up. at OTKeOTVio. Oats kopt within a range or from o to D a. The close was. strong, with May yield ing a net gain of Ho. at 47 'So. The clamor against ' high priced meats. aided by liquidating sales, caused a failing oir In the early prices In the provision pit. The offerings were absorbed later by shorts and packers and an - upward trend was given the market. Closing figure on the May deliveries were; Pork, IHo up, at $4.62H; lard, 7Hc down, at $11.60; rib, un changed to i'it up, at $11.17'.4ll.ao. ilia leading tuture ranged as follows: i Article. Open. High. Low. Close. Yes'y. Wheat I May - n09V8Sf 1 10 1 08 1 10 1 06 July 1 OOfi' 91"s 101 9&1W1 101H Sept.. 90Ji17,ji 7 f 9b i WV Corn if . , May .eSiias 87 ., 60S glH1t ft July . fwvn ; 7. . MV 7 ; . K Bept.l 60uUCl ' 87 i " 66 r 6714 ' 06ii Oats I I May 47ffJI6 47 v 4fi 47 47H July 48rtf 43 i 48 , 43 43T Sept. 41540 41 ' 40 41 414H1H pork Jan. 10.80 30 07 19 77 20 06 30 00 May 20 26 20 60 20 86 30 62 20 60 July 8026 8062 80 85 80 62 3068 Lard . Jan. 1160 Kit75 11 60 ll 70 1186 May 11 80 U 7 U 30 11 60 U 67 July 1126 50 11 $6 11 46 1160 Ribs- T . Jan. 11 36 1 tl 87 11 S2J 11 2 11 60 May 11 00 ll 11 00 11 20 11 17 July 11 00 , It 8l!; 11 00 . 11 17 11 16 WKATHBR IN THE) GRAIN BELT For Nebraska, Partly Cloady and Colder Wedaesdar OMAHA. Jan. M10. Th barometric depression noted In tha northwest In the preceding report ha ex tended aown over tne eastern Rocky moun tain slope and th Missouri valley to Texas. with the center of depression still over th western Canadian provinces. An area of high pressure overlies, th eastern portion, with Its crest over tke Ohio valley and lower lake region. Th depression extend ing from the northwest down 'tha vallev louowea Dy an area oi nign pressure that Is moving eastward over the Paclfla slope, and this area of high 1 accompanied Dy oeciaeaiy cooler weatner that will ex tend over this vicinity by Wednesday aft ernoon or night. It is warmer this morning i rum ins mountains east to tne Mississippi river and is cooler everywhere east of the river, except in tne Mew England states where it is slightly warmer. Rain are falling along . tha Atlantio coast, cloudy weather prevails In the upper valley and generally unsettled condition are shown In the west and northwest. Partly cloudy weather will' continue in this vicinity to- mgni ana weanesoay, witn colder weanes day. Record of temperature and Dreclnltatlon Compared with the- corresponding day pt 4tM lakl thru. u.ar,. 110. 1909. 1908. 1907. Minimum temperature ... 34 31 22 Precipitation .r .00 .00 ! T ,0 Normal temperature for today, 30 degrees. Kxcesk In precipitation since March - 1. 6.19 Inches. Deficiency corresponding period In 190M, 6.76 Inches. . . Deficiency corresponding period In 1908, 7.S6 Inches. L. A. WELSH, Local Forecaster. feneral fund, ino,at.r0; wo ices, 319.17J.23 DROP THREE ' 10 SEVEN P0HTT3 Tkreateaed Clllaloa f Crrratlons aad tbe Law Iaeldeat Which la Casldrd Moat hy cala(er. . . NHTW TOBK. Jan. 2S The drastic llo- nldatlon which wa renewed In th atock market today forced price to th lowest level sinoe tn crest or tne speculative wav was touched last August. Decline over night ran between I and 7 point In most of th actlv Issue, with, however, ome consptcuoua exceptions. Instances were found In th Hill i'uclflcs and In th astern trunk line In whloh stocks had been persistently marketed In th r-erlod preceding th present season of urgent pressure. The burden of discussion In stock mar ket quarters was all of the danger from the threatened collision of corporation with th law and with th activities of th government. The attention paid to the subject In th morning' dlspatchss from Washington aggravated the appre hension which began to grow acute yes terday. It was not until the statement on th aubject made by President Taf t was published that the pangs of th niar- "i were ii ail assuaged. Thsre was much confusion nf cams and effect In th hurly-burly of tha market. There wa evidence, for Instance, that the imnne were engaged in cleaning up the credit account and were dlKcrfmlnatinir with severity against uch stock as Juatl- wniiicioni oi pool manipulation. The overhauling of loan accounts by the bank had It incentive In imH mm tha apprehensions aroused by the treatment of corporation by th law aa well as by unwcism oi tne purely speculative position in the market. The eubstantlal frrouna ror the anxiety that has grown up n th financial rnminnnllv la tha Innraaa- ing belief that the supreme court will uphold the government In the American Tobacco case and lav th executive offi cer of the government no alternative but to proceed against combinations of cor poration. Consideration of th expected dividend action on United States Steel practically dropped out of sight and the Stock market closed with price near the lowest. Bonds were weak. Total sales, par value, $5,161,000. United States bond were unchanged on call. Number of isles and lesdlnn mintatinna on stock were as follows: Bsi.s. Hlib. Loir. CIom, $3 FflB .000; silver , olrtlflcate outstanding, t4M.wri.ono. - - i General Fund Rtandard sllvar dollar In enersl fund, $M2.6fV; current liabilities, orklng balance In treasury . of 1 2.12: In hanks to credit of trees- urer ot the United Htates, $S, 448.878; siib sldlsrv silver coin, IU.9.U1..74; minor coin. ua2; total balance' In general fund, $77,r4f4.0sOi - . New Yark Meaey Market. NKW TORK. Jan. 85-MONET-On call. steady at 8ff3 per cent; ruling rate. 1 i per cent; closing bid, 3 per cent; offered at J per cent. iimk LOAN-Ka!eri sixty day orrered at 4 per cent and ninety day 4 per cent; all months, 44f4 per cent MERCANTILE PAPER-46 PRIME per cent. STERLING EXCHANGE Firm. with actual business In banker' bill at 84 8836 tj4.MU) for sixty-day bill and at $4.W46 for demand: commercial bill. I4.83tr4.83. diLVKK-Bar, 62o; Mexican dollar, 44c. BONDS Government, steady, railroad, weak. Closing juotAtl6h on bond war as fel lows: ,. ii V. . rat. Is, wt-.- lHhit- Mt. 4 do amjaoa loostnt. M.- H 4H -,,i V. . H. rag 101 Japan 4S : . to eouaon .flH it 4a ,. ,,V ' V I it ag.. I14HK. C. So. lit ;.;. U 0 eauoon 11U f. b. 4s 1M1... S4H Aii.runal. 1st ie SltL. N. snl 4a Am. A. Is ! !.. K. T. lit 4a. H Am. T. T. ar. 4s. .lfrtVt Me ca. 4H t Am. Tvbacoo 4s 70 Mo. Paclfle 4a 10 oo lmS. R. R. ot M 4t.. H Armour 4 Co. 4Ue... N. T. C. s. Ilia... 1 Alchlaon gtn. 4. li io Sab, 4a M ..UWN. T, N. U. H. ..!, or. a 14 .. KN. A W. let 4s... Mt .. e 4a.., tH .. c No. Pacirte 4a... j... Wt4 .. 4a s lilt .. M O. . I rtd. 4a 4 ..lOMfePann. cv. Ia 11 1... tdi .. tt do con. 4a HHU 0. of 14. J. . ta...lM4Rallnf fan. 4s ie. ft Ohio 4H....-u8t. k 4 I. r. (g. 4a. 3V do nl. la lo a gah. ta, I4 Chicago 4 A. ISa. ... nstgt. L. . W. e. 4s... 1 C, b. ft Q. ). 4a.... da let gold 4k M , do ran. 4e H Baaboard A. L. 4a. .. M C. M. A 8. P. g Hi MS So. Pacing Ml. 4a.-... M, C. R. I. ft P. e. to.. t do ct. 4s 101 du col. la 100H oo M rat 4.-. H do rig. 4i 44So. Rallwar 6a 10 Colo. Ind. la 41 Si do gas. 4a (0 Colo. Mill. 4 W Union Paolno 4S 101H4 C. ft 8. r. ft a. 414a. 7 do a, at D. ft H. CT. 4 1UV do lat ft rf. 4a.... 91 fi li. 8. Rubbar a 1(I4 V. . Slaal id 6a.... 104V4 . M14Va.-C.ro.-Ctm. 6.. WH tsWibuh lat 4a Ill 7Mt do lat A ax. 4s. v.. Tl 7t Waaterrtf M4. 4a....v. H 71 Waat. Blac. PT. la.... t'A ..143 aWla Central 4a.... H dO CT. 40.... do ct, ta. .. At O. L. 1st to... Bal. ft Ohle 4a.... do H do . W. a.. Bra. Tr. v. 4a... C. ot Oa. ta Con. Laathar 4a OMAHA LITE SIOCI MARKET Very Fair Eua of Cattle of All Kindt. LITTLE LITE TO THE HOG TRADE Gael Rkawlagr at Iketf aad Uaka kat Trad I Slow aad . Lallf Wkll Teadsaey at Valaea I Dowiwtrl, SOtTTII OMAHA, Jan. 88. 1910. Receipts wers: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Official Monday d.tfW 8.78 11.M7 Katlmated Tuesday 6,uuu io,owi i.aw Two days this week.... I.8S0 18.778 18.847 Same day last week. ...10.661 15.777 15.A30 Sam day I weeks ago..l4.4 17.17 U'W Same day 8 weeks ago.. 7.H19 7.f as 18.844 Sam day 4 week ago.. 7.128 8.U6 801 Sam day last year.... .47 17.317 7,721 Th following table shows th receipts of cattle, hogs and hrep at South Omaha for the year to date, compared with last year: 1910. 1909. Ino. Dee. Cattle i 70.806 78 .878 8.0 Hogs 144 9S8 198.447 M.4M Sheep 111.H60 8H.114 18,840 Th following table shows ths averng price of hogs at South Omaha for th last several days, with comparisons. Tl.. T6.. W. . M. ...114 VI .. iot ...pa .. .8.1 ...HI ...t1 ...U 114 ... I so ... I n ... I a ... I4 ... I ov S3 ( ... I, ... OIV I 04 I . . It. . M . 6t .., .. .. tl.. . tn II tn . , 7t .1(14 $ 14 i ll-a t It I It I It t II I II I 84 Pat. 1810. l0.lO8.lO7.190.lO8.19O4. Jan. 14... Jan. 15... Jan. It... Jan. 17... Jan. i 18... Jnn. 19... Jan. ' 0... Jan., 21... Jan., 28... Jan. 23... Jan. 24... Jan.' 35... I M 8 42 8 4ftl 8 43 I 83 8 i 8 81H 8 33 a 8 80 S I7 4 M 4 4 83 4 tH 4 83 I 87 , 06 8 08 0 (Bi 4 27 t 85 I 42 42 8 60 $ 4 6 87 4 22 6 02 i 4 12 ID IH 14 In I 08 4 21 61 5S 61 I 40 8 48 I 4 t S 29 I 29 u 21 t 27 t 31 4 It 4 II 4 DO 4 56 4 hi 4 68 6 36 6 88 4 63 I 82 4 6 6 26 4 71 4 71 4 69 4 74 4 60 4 74 4 68 4 79 4 80 4 88 No. 8. ,C . 1 Cash quotation were as follows:. tlT J1MU U..n.l., .. . s AAA -A. ...I . . , ..v. r , . a. iv, wiutri iibaiKUia, o.av; spring straights. 14. 4-o 4. w; bakers, $X8ifcr6.8a RVK-No. I, - 744i.)c. . - BARL.KY Keod or mixing, 65$-7c; fair to choice malting, T0g7Sc. .' . -: ! SlCED-S-rF'lajc. No, 1 southwestern, $2.00; No. 1 northwestern, $310. Timothy, $4.10. Clover, t $U.ta. ', .-.- VROVJSIONvS Mas pol k, per bbl.,i $20.26 20.80. Lrd, per-100 lbs.,- Ht.70r.7a. Bhort ribs, sides (l6oe')( H.lf,ni.0; short-clear Idea (bad, $l8.0&,i;12.ia, ' Total ,olrsno!S ot whowt and flour wer nial to Jo7.0i bu, - Primary receipts wer 8411.000 bti.. ounparsd with 427,0o0 bu. th corresponding day a yergol Thf world' visible ujply. -as shown by Rradstreet's, Increased 4)1.000 bu. "" "" - - - Estimated 'rcrelpts for tomorrow: Wheat, 41 cars; corn, 34 carsi oats, 156 cars; hogs, 28 000 head. ChlcaKO. Cash Prices Whrt, No. I red, Sl.t4'(4l.8K; No. 8 red, tl.18jil.24; No. 2 hard, $1.V1.U4 No. .1 northern spring. $112 '1.14; No. 1 northern, sprlug, $1 10irl.l4; No. 8 sprlnir, $1.10x91.18. Corn. No. 2. 6&ji Cue; No. 8. AT-tilWc; NO. 2 white. 67o: No. 4 white. fll2c; No. 8 yellow, tf)ft6rtc; No. 3 yellow, ta,$c; No. 4 yellow; (i.'c. Oats. No. 2. tbo; No.' 2 white, 4tc; No. t. 4Xc; No. 2 white, fi'Sc; No. 4 white, 4oitf4THr: standard, 4bo. Rl'TTF.R Kusy; creameries, KS30c; dairies, I4f(2c. . ' EOUS Reelpts, 2,865 oases; weak; at mark, cose Included, 21'ij?7c; firsts, tlo; prime firsts, I!. POl'I,TRYtiteady; turkeys, 17c; chlck- p. 14c: spring. 14o. ... CHEESE Steady; daisies, 17?mie; twins, iiAyl'! young Amerioas, l(i41(lo; long lorns. 14W104JiO. l'oTAT01ri. Kasy; choice to fancy, 48 fair to good, 4.M'i46c VEAIv-Steady; 60 to 80-lb. wts., 8iff9o; 60 to 85-lb. fit, 610c; 86 to UO-lto. wis., 10 illc. ' Chicago Beoelpts Wheat. 41 cars; corn, 67S ears; oats, 20t cars. Kstlmated tomor- row; Wheat, 41 cars; corn, 364 car; oat, 7 166 car, ' Liverpool Orals, Market.' 1.1VERPOOL, Jan. 6 WHEAT-Spot dull; No. t red western winter, no stock; futures dull; March. 8a 2d; May. ts d; July. 7s ud. CORN Spot steady: new ' Amertoan mixed, 6s id; pld American mixed, 6 d; , futures, tuiet: January, 6s 7d; March, 6 Td. l- l,OUR 'Winter patent tady; S3 4d. 8tlaaaiu Gravta Markat. MIIfNEAPOUIS, Jan. li.-WHEAT-May. $118; July, 11.11V Cash: No. 1 hard, $1.14 " vi4: No. 1 northern, $1.134jPL14; No. t I'thern, 41.11 111,U; , N. .northern, $vwmii.h7.7 corn No. I'yeliow, 8flUfi1i. Fl.AX losed at 111. rT.Ol!R rirat- natenta- In wood. f. o h. Miumapolls, $i4vatt; second vateota, $6 80 St. L-ouls General. Market. ST. LOU18, Jan. 25.-WHEAT-Futures, higher; cash, lower; track, No. 2 red cash, $l.2U; No. g hard, $1.10tfl.l6; May, $LUijii 1.11; July, $1.00. . . , CORN Futures, higher! cash, lower; track. No. 8 cash, 94c; No. white, 68c: May, 67Efn'c; July, 67c. OATS Futures, strong; cash, iowsr; traok. No. 2 cash, 4Sfr4oq; No. 2 white, 48c; May, 47c; July, 43c PVF T'nchanged, 80ia,81o. FtiOUR Unchanged; red wlnuter patents, to.iA-o.wru; extra tancy and straight, $6.00 flfi.60; hard winter clears, $18034.10. SKEO'-Tlmothy, $2.6fJ8.C8. - ' . , CORNMEAIj 83.10. ' URAN Weak; sacked, east track, $1.18 (ii.io. , . HAT-Steaay; timothy, $l.b0(4l8.): pnUr'ia, ttt.OOfci 16.00. - ' ' . IRON COTTON TIES 80c. BAOOrNO-C. ; . HEMP TWINB-7o: ' ' PROVISIONS Pork, unchanged. Jobbing, $30.00. Lard, lower; prime steam, $11.60 triLbt. Dry salt meats, unchanged: boxed extra short,. 12c; claar rib, Uic short clears, tavso. Bacon, unonangea; nosed ex tra short, 14o; . ceax lib, 14; abort clear, HSO. POULTRY t'nchai-tred:' chickens, 18o; springs, lie; turkeys, 18; ducks, 14c; geess, 8fi9o. . . . BUTTER tiower; creamery, Jii31o. EaOS-Lower, 20c. . . ' , RscelptM. Shipments. Flour, bbls.. 10,100 . 14.800 w neat, tu 41.U.M 77.800 Corn, bu 114,000 . 117,700 ua.ts, bu 107,200 ,, ;, UO.OuO Kansaa City Grata d Provisions. KANSAS CITT. Jan' M.IWHS!ATTTn changed; No. 8 hanl $1.0lVl.l2 No. $, $1.06 vu; no. x rea, ii.zxui.m; no. 8, tl&Wlt CORN Unchanged, to c lower: No. $ mixed, Kvio; wo. x, 64EUfjc; No. 3 white, 67ib7c; No. 3. 6c; May, 66&46c, bid; July, 6o. bid. -. . I OATS Unchanged; No. 1 whit. 483 60c; No. 2 mixed, 4Si848c RYE-707Sc. ... HAY Unchanged: choice timothy,' $14.00 14.50; choice prftlrle, $11,604(11.76; choic aumiti, vin.wjj is.ou. HUTTER Creamery extras, i 28o; first, 2Ac: seconds. 240: packing stock, 21o. EOGS Extras, 81c; firsts, 29o; current re ceipts, 27c; seconds and dirties, 14c, ' " t Rffoelpts. Shipments. Wheat, bo. ....i;..'... 84.000 28 000 Corn, kit... 80.000 . 41.000 Oats, bu 18,000 , 16.000 Allls-CTiafniars pfd Amalaamatad Coppar Amaiioan Agrlealtural .... Ain. hwni Sugir. ............ Am. Cao prd Am. C ft F.- Am. Ootton Oil Am. H. ft L. pfd Am. Ice Sacurttlas A marl can Llnaaad ., Amarlcan LocomotlTS ...... Am. . ft It . Am. S. ft It. ptd Am. Sugar Rstlnlng Am. T. ft T Am. Tobaoon pfd Amarlcaa Wool an Anaconda Mining Ca... Atchison Atcalaon pfd Atlantla Coast Un.. ....... Baltlmor ft Ohio Bal. ft Ohio pld Bethlaham Rteel Bruoklm Rapid Tr. ........ Canadian Pacific .i Central Laathar ...i Caairal Laathar pfd Central ot New Joraar. Ohaaaaeak ft Ohio Chicago ft Alton - Chicago Ot. W., naw. ...... Chicago ft N. W C, 14. St. P C. C, O. ft gt. L Colorado T. ft I Colorado ft goutharn....... Colo, ft Bo. lat pfd.., Colo ft go. Xd ptd Conaoildatcd OS Corn Prodncts ............. Dalawsra ft Hudson DanTar ft Rio Orand D. ft R. O. pfd Manners' SaourUles Erie , Erla 1st pfd Bria 2d pfd..... Ooneral Electric .,.. Oraat Nonharn pfd .., Oraat Northern Or ctf. .-. , Illinois ("antral If Intarborough Mat Int. Mat. pfd nternatlonal Harraotar ... Inl. Marina pfd............ international Paaar International Pump Iowa Central Kamaa City Bo K. C. So. pfd LoulaTllla ft N.'. Minn, ft Bf. L M.. BU P. ft a. 8. M Mliaourl Paclflo M., K. ft T M., K. ft T. pfd National Biscuit National Laad N. R. R. ft M. lat pfd. i... New York Central N. Y., 0. ft W Norfolk ft W North Amarlcan Northern Psoitis Pacific Hall PennsylTanla ' People's Gas p., a, a 8t. L., Priaaid Bteel Car Pallman Palace Car Railway Bteel Spring Reading Republlo steal Republic Bteel pfd Rook Island Co Rook Island Co. pfd , St. L. ft 8. P. M pfd St. Uouli B. w..: St. U S. W. pfd Sloaa-Bbefflald 8. ft I toothers Paolfle Southern Railway Bo. Railway pfd , Tannaaaas Copper Texas ft Pacific. ........... T., Bu U. ft W T., Bt. L. A W. pfd Union Paolfle Union Paalfia pfd U. S. Realty U. B. Robber U. B. Steal tl. 8. Steel pfd UUh Copper Va.-Oarollna Chemical ... Wabeah Wabaah pfd Waiters Marrland ctfi ... Weetlnfhouee sMaatrle Waatarn Union Wheeling ft U Wisconsin Central Pltuburg Coal Am. Steel Foundry United Dry Goods Laclede Uee ton . 4'4 U.400 SI V MO 44 J iA 00 7 t.900 I4S l.tow 14 i, 0 404 at.Tia too . IS t.SIO : 68 4,04 W4 44 44 77 77'4 43 1 43 t V T Tf. tl t2 40 ' 0 Suit 14 14(4 60 60 t8 84 SflO 1044 1074 Iw l.tOO 120 118 ll4 1.8-0 m 136 186 8U0 M Kt( 1.00 4 13 4 lt.rao 4 4 4 41,J0 116 114 11(44 So 108 108 lotvt soo ia lae i l,00 116 114 116 SRI 91 7,400 ;e LOl 17 : t.00 42 too 10? r.so M 00 60 ' S.ioo ti nou to t '71 lt7 171S4 tt 108 104(4 ..-.'.. K tov U 67 M to am d. r. a do rer. la. ... Dlctlllera' Gs . Erie p. 1. 4a... ao fan. as. . "iio cr. , do aarlaa B Gen. HUec.- ci III. Can. lat nf. 4s.. MMo. Pao. ct. Is ctrs. . H Bid. Offered. 'i . ' ' ear. A: 1,800 1MT4 W 1M 81,700 US 14 14644 200 T7 77 7 1.400 4244 8 M . 400 K 64 M tOUO 11 tl tl 400 80 H) to 88.IU0 146 140 141 1.400 1 18 11 1,000 173 178 171 4.100 42-4 ! 40(4 100 800 11.600 1,100 61 10 7 88 t 48 3,100 1S1 n n 7 ' 4 86 "4 160 7t II r 4H S& 1,100 1MU 131V 13U T -4,f 7S 70 7044 Articles. - ' Open.) Hlgh.l Ixw. Close. Wheat I I May 1 08 j 1 06 1 04 1 08B July 84'ftSl ' M 14A Corn I - - 1 i May,.:.., 6n - 46 - 65 J 66B July 66 6bf 64 66B 13 bid. A asked. Available applies af Oral a. NEW TORK, Jan. i5.-Hpclal cable and telegraphlo communication received by UiadHtret-t' show tha following changes In availabls supplies as compared with prevtoua account: Available supplh-a Wheat, vnlted Htate. east ot Rockies, ln creased 48.000 bushels; Canada, Increased 448,000 bushels. Totsl, United States and Canada, increased 4.7.000 bushels.' Afloat for and In Euro pa. unchanged. Total Amer ican and European supply, Increased 4tf,000 ousneis. - Corn, United State and Canada. In- .creased lW.000 bushels. Oats. United State and Canada, ' de creased. BiK.ooo bushels. The leading Increases and decrease re- ported this week follow: Increases. Mani toba, 8.0u bushels; rtt. Joha. lM.OOO bush els; IKngston. 102. 000 bushels; Port Huron. lou.uuu pushsls; Omaha, 66.000 bushels; Port land. Ms.. 63,000 bushels. Deoreasas, Mil- and. 104.000 bushels; Harp la and Port bd ward. 46.000 bushels; Chattanooga, 40.000 bushels; Heaford, 68.000 bushels; Ooderlch, M.ww uusnais; yweuaogna. di,uo Dusnsis. Mllweskcc Grain Marl.st. MILWAUKKK. Jan. 26. WH KAT No. northern, $1 lif-a.17; No. I northern. $l.lf9 l ie; May, i.it-v . r . Tfi-4h1l40. . BARl.Ky-rSnnipleat WtUb , 8. too 91 20 0i4 . 8. WO W 68 - M-4 . 1.700 m 117 118 10 1814 ii ' . 1,800 4t 47 . 800 t4 . t44 . 1,800 384 t O KH t7 . 1,700 1444 148 14 . 100 46 46 44 700 116 113 ,188 . l.tOO 70 t7 47. . 48 41 "4 41 100 t tl Ct mo 110 110 no . 4,600 84 10 tl 100 M tl tt . 2o. 111 n . 9.8114 46 43 4814 . 1.800 ft W 96 . 3,400 7744 71 7t . 1,700 18414 181 188 100 84 82 11 . 67,800 181 180 111 . 1,100 11144 109 1" 400 7 17 87 llO 44 48 ' 41 600 It ltt IW . 1,100 4M4, 44 44 .111,0110 1SSV4 16444 U . 8,300 8844- W44 S4 , 1,800 100 . 18..00 41 . 1,710 84 700 64 . 1.400 28 . 700 72 0 77 , t.V)0 128 . 7,100 too tts . 1,7(10 84 . itoo . at . toO 46 , . ' 100 47 ... 17.800 18t 18844 186 , 1,000 W4 8844 . 400 77 77 77 . 1.1110 46 41 48 .481. O0 84 81 SVt , 1,700 122 181 121 . I.)0 61 4844 . 4t . it.600 srt . 11.800 41 . 10. too 4B . 1.800 4 , 8.100 71 . l,tv 72 . 8u0 4 800 47 V, .. 1,300 11V. . 1,200 44 18 41 14 KM 47 k.axal Seoarltlvoj. Quotation furnished by Bamuel Burns, jr., 614 New York Lit bulldlpg. Omftha: B4a. Asted. City of Omaha 444s, rat. J84...w..".. 104 I 104 City of Omaha '444a, was. 101 104 City of Naw York 4s. 1968 lo ioi Columbus. Neb.. B. L. So, 1126 t6 86 44 Clti. o. ft B., Waterloo 7 8t Codahr Packing Co. ta. it4.,., 100 100 DanTar Stock Yards Stock 87 M International Con. Co..... , tt 48 Kennedy Building Co 40 ' 100 Lon( Bell Lumber Co. 4a, lta 101 Michigan Btats Tel. 4a, 1134 N 1U0 - Nebraesa Tel. Stock, 4 per sent 100 100 Omaha Water Co, - la, 11 100 101 Omaha Water to. 6a. 14 IN 86 Omaha Water Co. 24 pfd 11 It Omaha Gas 6a, ltl 81 Omaha B. U ft P ts, 1W1... ............ I . i '. Omaha B. L. ft P. pfd, I p. e. ex-dlT 81 ISS Omaha Bt. Ry. Is, 114 100 100 Omaha ft 0. B. Bt Ry. It, lttl Iko Omaha ft C. B. Bt. Ry. P'd. I par sent 84 ,84 Omaha ft C. B. St. Ry., Cora It 44 Omaha ft C. B. R. ft B, frd, ea-tT.. 41 4444 Bious City Stock Tarda, pfS, 4 par sent to (i South Omaha rat. 444a, mi 100 100 Seattle Llehttne Co.- ta. 18i0.. M 1 .' S Union S. T.. Stock, evntb Omaha...... 8844 t J4t York Miniate., Stoeivs. - NEW YORK, Jan.- 2S. Crotlng Qaotations on mining stocks were: Alloa 116 LaadTlll Con I Brunswick Oca 4 Little Chief t Com. Tunnel stock... 80 Mazloaa HO do bonds j...-- 1 Ontario .....f. Pi Con. Cal. ft Vs 16 Ophlr -.1.1 ltd Horn Allrar 76, eni.deril 60 Irou suer .u lte Yellow laskst ,.,...130 Offered, 'Sunday. Receipts and disposition of live tock at the Union Stock Yards, South Omaha, Neb for the twenty-four hours ending at p. m., anuary 23, 1810: ucntriTn-o Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. H'r'. C., M. Sl. P 8 8 .. 1 Wabash 8 1 Missouri Paclflo .... 7 t 1 Union Paclflo 37 86 6 .. ot N. W.. east.... S lb 6 C. 6t N. W., west.... 47 89- & 1 C St. P., M. & O.... 26 , 8 .. C B. Q., east.... 81 1 C, B. & Q., west.... 73 1 22 . 17 2 C, R. I. ft P., east... 1 1 .. C, R. I. & P., west.. 1 1 .. .. Illinois Central till C. O. W .. 4 .. .. Total receipts ....232 141 88 E DISPOSITION. Catiln. Omafia Packing Co 601 Swift and Company 1,013 1,2S 1.461 Cudahy Packing CO 1,241 2.366 1.5x8 Armour St Co 823 2.643 1,064 W. B. Vansant Co ...v. 84 Stephens Bro 80 ....V HUl 4V Son 68 F. B. Iawl 63 I Wolf 85 MoCreary IV Carey .... 237 T. J. Inghram 1 Mo.-Kan. Calf Co 3 Sol Dogen , 67 Other buyer 672 . 8,111 ----y-B-Ilil; Clearlatjs. OMAHA, Jan. 26. Bank clearing for to day were $2,403,481.42 and for the corres ponding data laat year ti.bbs.uy.oz. Wool Market, . BOSTON. Jan. " JS.WOOI-Tllere I Slight Increase In. the interest In th local wool market, especially In fleece wollg. and value are firmly mAlntaloed. Th. call loo a 81 61 87 71 4 40 , 8244 62 W 7144 Total sales tor ths day, 1 HI, 900 shares. Laadaa toctc Market. LONDON,. Jan. 28 American securities opened unonangea. a tew biocks were sup ported far a time, but renewed selling turned tn marsvi avuu at nuuii inv lone waa easy with values ranging from abov to H helow yesterday's Nsw York closing. London closing siocks: Conaala, money : a Slxjnlarllle ft Ttaeh.,.161 do aecoaal b&wmo,, iuh. m in..,, t ... 8iN. I. cantrtl in ... 1044 Norfolk ft Westers.. tt ...11844 do pfd tl ....lotvtrmtano ft Western.. 44 1744 Amal. Coppar s Anaconda Atrhleon a., ais Baltimore Ohio. .1184PennylTanla Canadian raciiie , . . i- aim l,io 14244 141 14144 7 iaemB to oom from tha small woolen mills. Slock are so limited that. It. la believed that the local bin will be. awept olean be fore the new clip arrives. Th leading western Quotations range as follow; Mis souri: Three-eighths bloodt 84c i . quarter blood, 32i(i 33c; braid, SV&aiC. 'ieiasr fine u months. 73a76o: fine to 8 month,' 8841700: fine fall, 604r2e. California: Northern county,' 6368c; middle county; 63366o; fall free. Mmbtc. Oregon: isastsrn no. l. staple. 7Wx7gc: eastern clothing. 701172o: valley No. l, 67aoc. Territory: ino staple, nansc; fine medium staple. .70u72c; fine clothing, 7072c; fin medium clothing, 64Jj8; half blood, 733740; three-eigntn Diood, oo8'foo: quartar blood, 67Qnkic. Pulled: Extra, Tl& 76c; fine A, Cs'aOc; A supers, OtKtf-tjco. LONDON. Jan. 25. WOOL Tn offerings at the wool auction sales today consisted of a miscellaneous seleotton, amounting to 14,424 bale, which wer readily sold at firm rates. Wast Australia and Victorian greasy merino were eagerly taken by home and continental Duyers, and American toog a few lot of the beet, as well a a good supply of cross-breds. Th sale follow: Naw South Wale, 1,600 bale; scoured, U Is 10d; greasy, 6digU 2d. Queensland, 2,100 bales; scoured, Is ld2s d; greasy, 8l(fl 1 2L Victoria, 800 balsa; scoured, Is ldiuvl 8d; greasy, 12s Id. West Australia, 1 n, .1 L.lul I!.) -,,1 1 A V.w 7Mlan,l X, IW Uni, e 1 K ' 2,800 bales; grsasy, 7dl 2d. Cap of Oood Hons and Natal. 600 bale: greasy. Ed fc'lld. Puata Arenas, 800 bale; greasy, 7 11 d. ST. LOUIS. Jan. 26. WOOL Unchanged territory and western mediums, 528o; fin medium, 20&240; tin, IWgAlo. . Cwttaat Mstrkat. , NEW "YORK. Jan. 85. Tha ootton mar ket opened steady at aa advance of 601$ point In response to better cab! than expected, but quickly weakened under local bear pressure and Wall Street selling, whloh was attrmuted to in unsettled siocg mar ket. March contract sold oft to 14.04o. and May to 14.15a, or 8ut points under th dosing figure of last night within th flrat few minutes, but at tnis isvi tner wa a good demand from Liverpool and trad interests on which tn market recov ered about 10 point of it loss during th mKltll 01 tn morning. Future opened steady. March; lt.tfio; May, 14.36c; June. 14.86a, bid; July, 14.84c August, 14.00c: September, 12.0Bc; October, 12.64c; November, u.tto, ottered; ueceia ber. 12.46a. offered. Spot closed quiet; middling upland, 14.86a middling gulf. 14 90c. No sales. OALVESTON. Jan. Xi. CO 1 TON Steady at 15c. NEW ORLEANS, Jan. 28.-COTTON Spots wer nominal; low ordinary, 11 s-Wo, nominal; ordinary, 110, nominal; good or- ainary, u-toc; strict gooa ordinary, io low middling, 14 7-16c; strict low middling, 1410 : middling, IGc: strict middling. 15c good middling, 16c; strict good middling. 16 7-lfio; middling fair, 16 8-loe; middling fair to lair, liiib-ioo; lair. id-ioc, nominal: re ceipts, 2,821 bale; stock, 228.686 bale. - 78 A 7t4 W44 1144 8814 a1 44 4444 83 144 80 ..IV 44 .44 VI VI 6044 2044 47 44 4744 11 .ten t 4044 8044 to HtH 1.740 106 104 10044 to 80 4 4744 1044 ' t44 t 41 to 40 IS 8414 Readme 8041 . U si Southern Railway ., 10 .141 do pfd tt . 1844 Southern Paclflo ....18044 . 444l'nlon Paclfle ......18144 . tt do pfd Hit . I044C. B. Steel tb , 444 do pfd ltt'4 . I Wabaah tt .1014 do pfd 60 .147 Bnanlsh 4a tt B1LVF:R Bar. steady at 24d per os. MONEY 2tf2"21A oer cent. Th rate of discount for short and $ month' bill. 2 pes- otnl. Chee. ft Ohio Chleago O. W 0., M. ft Bt. P... Ds Been DenTer ft 8L O.. do pfd Brie .... do lat pfd do td ptd Oread Trunk Illinois Central Bostoat Mlalagr Stocks. BOSTON, Jan. ftV dosing quotation on mining' stocks were: AlWrae 47 Hogs. Sheep 1,400 1.000 PHEEP Th slumpy trsnd of prices yi-P- tevdsy was sgaln apparent this n".nlng and the opening market found most of ths local gaiyers under oover, svldently In lll.le need ot killing material. As a result mv insnt was slow snd drsggy, and tne lunittsl amount of business thst wss trantaote! waa largely ot a peddling nature. Total receipts war fully normal, the estimate calling for thirty-sight oa.s 0t-r twsnty-flve rsrs arrived In tithe W the early trade, but th character ot offnrtngi on an average was nothing extra snd 'his feature doubtless served to increase the Indifference ot demand. The situation did not show any Improve ment as the morning advanced: In fact It waa well along toward noon before enough stock had changed hands to '.itlord much of a Idea of prioe levels. It was generally admitted, however, that the mar ket had settled to a lower basis, but I he limited number of sales msde It vary dif ficult for sellers to cell any artml decline. A fow sheep sale looked to be lOITc lower than yesterday; one or two strl.icrs of a very goort quality changed hands nt fig ures possibly no worss than wrnn, s-id several quarter lower spots wer apparent. Lamb sold at IS. 00 and $8 .85. Quotations on fat stock Oood to choice lambs, g7.8f.fys.26; fair to good lsmbs, $7.35 tn. is; good light yearlings. w.MWi.M: good heavy yearlings, 8o.4Oh4.90; good to choice wethers, $5.6Oi(6.80; fair to good Wethers, ISOOrylM); good to choice ewea, $5.304i5.ffi; fair to good ewea. $4.S(Ki).30. Keprasentatlve sales: No. 1X2 western lambs 150 western lambs 12 wsaiern lambs, cuUs..., 65 western lambs 200 wsetern ewes 140 western ewes, culls 606 western lambs , 263 western lamb , 24 western lamb 12 western lambs lit western yearling tut western ewe .., 116 western ewes 242 western ewe 319 western lambs ', 219 western ewe .,, 600 western feeders , 5.T1 western ewes 87 western lambs, feeders 103 western ewes, feeders.. 60 western lambs, culls... A v. . 68 . 70 . 08 . 82 . 109 . 88 . 81 . 74 .. 80 .. 75 .. 87 ..108 ..110 .. 77 ..107 .. 88 .. 88 .. 4ft .. SO .. 87 7 16 I (0 7 35 4 (5 $ 66 $ IS I 00 7 00 7 76 7 15 6 00 $ 00 t 10. 8 00 5 20 4 II s 00 7 00 4 00 1 26 fancy N. T. Oreenlngs. bbl , $4 60. (trapes: Malagas. Imported, hM , BP. 5;- Malagas, fancy Imported, bbl., $'.; Malaga, extra fsncv, Imported, bbl.. $tl.60: Ms ga. extra fsncy, tinted, highly colored. Imported, bbl., $S.0O. Hsnatms: Port I.lmon or Chsn gulnola, flnent and largest, hunch, I 10; special 78-lb. bunches, bunch, $100. Crsn berries, long kteiilng, bll.. $7.f; Jersey, ripe, bbl., ir-.TiO. Wars: California, xtra fancy Kaster Heurre. b,. $3 6. VKOKTABLKH Csiillf iewer: California, per crate. $2 AO. llone'r: Cnlsrado, per crate, $3.28. Sweet ltatoes: Kansas, 42 00; Ksnsis selected seen. r-ru. do., 760. Iieaa lettuce: r r nimpi r, aa.. bbL $2oa Celery: Jumbo California, per dos., 7ic Head Lettute: Per uamper. $160. Rutabagas: I'anndlan. per lh.. lc. Cab bage' Wisconsin genums Holland seed, lb., la Tomatoee: Florida. 8-basket crate, per crate. IS. 60. Old Turnips. Rot. Cnr, rots or Parsnips: Per bbl., $2.35. Onlonsi Red Olobe. extra large, per IK. $c: Spanish, large crates, crate, $1.46; Spanish, mnll New York cratss. crate, $1.60 FIGS crown, lb., 14c; 4 crown, lb., ISo; 12 12-os. rkgs., box, 80c; 60 8-og. pkgs., box, 00- lmorted, per 1-lb. basket, 1H0. Ni'lTb- Aimonds: Draks seedling, pef lb. ISci VJraitl. large, per lb.. 12o; fil berts large, per lb.. 13a; pecans. Jumbo Texas per lb., 16c; peenns, medium Texss, rer lb'., 12c; black walnuts, per lb 2o; hickory, small, per lb., c; hickory, large, per lb , 4o: California walnut. No. L sft sholl per lb., 16c; California walnuts, No. I oft shell, per lb., llo; peanuts, raw, per lb c; peanuts. Jumbo, raw, per lb., $o; peantkU, roasted per lb., 8c; peanuts, slted. per box, $1.25. DATES Thirty 1-lb. package. pP bow. $ 2.: new Hallswe en, per 10.. 4c; sugar Wstnuv P-r . $126: fsrd. per lb.. 10a, CinKR-Mott's. keg, $.160. POPCORN White rlc. lb..' 80. rhlladelpbTa PrrMJaee) Marlse. PHIIJtDELPHIA. Jan. 25. BUTTER-" Wek and 2o lower: extra western cream ery, S2o; extra nearby prlnta. Ms. ROdftFIrm: good demand; Pennsylvania and other nearby firsts, free ease, 8Rc at mark; Pennsylvania and other current re ceipts, In returnable cases, 80o at mark; western firsts, free cases, S8c at mnrk; western current receipts, free) case, 8234o at mark. . . . . ....... CHEESH Firm; Kew York full creams, choice, 17?T17Hc; New Tork full creams, fair to good. 16fi'17o. ,,. ) i 1 ,.! Oils and HtMls. Total .4,858 7,924 8,206 CATTLE Uecetnta wsi-a n'jeral again to day and made up vsry largely of beef steers and cow stuff, with a very limited number of tocker and feeder. Beef men did not exhibit any mora ae- sir for the cattle today than on yester day and business wa decidedly sluggish from start to finish, with price considerably- lower than yesterday all around. After the first round or two yesterday th market beaarae very mean, closing Wif 25c lower than last week and with a further decline of fully lt'lBc today. Value lor fat cattle are now tuny iKXffwo. lower than they wer at th close of laat week. The undertone to the trade I very weak. with the demand from ail source of a most Indifferent character. Th market for cow and heifer wa very slow and dull and In most case price were luuy 200 lower than last f riuay. (sup plies wer liberal and the demand almost entirely confined ' to local packer, who were ' decidedly Indifferent buyer. Veal calves were. In. aclive demand .aud strong, but It took lower, prloes to move bulla. tag and rough tock generally. Notwithstanding the weakness In' fat cattle there was a well sustained demand for stocker and feeder and price a a rule were firmly held on the taw cattle of this kind her. Th strength in stock er and feeder thl week ha been dua argely to the small receipt Quotation on cattle: Oood to choice beef steer, $6.60.S0; fair to good beef steers, 4.7&6.40; common to fair beet steers,. 3.764js .40; good to choice cow ana heifer, $4.2bjp6.00; fair to good cow and heifer. 33.26ai4.l0: common to faif cow and heifers, $2.26I.10; good to oholoe stock- era and feeders, H.xoo-ev; lair to com mon stocker and feeder, $2,7518.26: stock heifers, $3.0tS3.eO; ' veal ogives, $J.60i88.00; bulls, stags, etc., $S.0Of3C.0O. Representative caiea: - ... BEEF STEERS. .. 714 4 86 I -.. 974 I 00 .. tTt 4 60 81 1104 4 II . 444 4 10 16..... 1200 I 40 pigs. Is and a.. Jan. CHICAUO LIVE STOCK MARKET Cattle and Hoars Tea' Cent Lower Sheep) and Lamb Weak. CHICAGO, Jan. 2h. CATTLE Receipts, 8.000 head: market, 10c lower; stews, $6.00 8.25; cows, $3.60(86.50; heifers, $3.40.00; bulls, $4.2.V(j'6,; cilves, $8.00.76; Blockers and feeders, 33.75fa5.30. HOGS Receipt, 18,000 head; market, 10c lower; choice heavy, $8.STf2'8.4o; butchers, IS.3O38.40; light mixed, $8. IOjj 8. 15 ; choloe lights, io.iu-ri3.20, packing, $S.03. $7.504i.10: bulk. $8.1Mj;8.80. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 16.000 head; market, weak; heep, $5,002)4.0; lambs, $7.0O8.25; yearlings, $4.26fg8.00. Kansas City LIT Stock Market. . KANSAS CITT, Jan. 26. CA TTLE Re ceipt, 12,000 head, Including 800 southern; mat ket 60 to 16c lower; choice export and dressed beef steers, $5.75(g77.00; fair to good, $4.505.70; western steers. t4.tMi6.7I; stock er and feeders, I3.6053W.26; southern steer. $4.005.60; southern oows, $2.60ro;4.25; native Cows, $2.6VQ6.00; native heifers, $3.50(03.75; bulls. $3.6O0i'6.0O; calves. $3.6Of08.2jS. HOGS Receipts, 19.000 head; market 15c to 20o lower; top, $8.30; bulk of sales. $S.OO 68.25; heavy. $8.1S8.30; packer and butch ers. $8.06&.25; ilgHt, $7-768.16; pigs. -$7.00 7.40. EHEEP AND" LAMBS ReeelptS, 8,0 head: market steady to 15c lower: lamb. $7.25Ss.20; yearling, $.60tj7.60; wethers, 81 00 (H.7f; ewes, 84.6ua.60; stocker and readers, $3.26.00. , St. LoilB Live Stock Market. BT. LOUIS, Jan'. 25. CATTLE Receipt, 6.600 tvead,' Including 1,800 Texans; market 10&2OO lower: native shipping and export steers, 8(1.604)7.75 ; dressed beef and butcher steers, $5.00.30; steers under 1,000 pounds, $3.556.00: Btocker and feeder, - $S.25',V); oow and heifer, $3.008.76: canners, $ 4.00; bulls, t3.2iVu5.10; calves, $6.60. .3; Texas and Indian steers, $4.255.60; cows and heifer,. $2.90SH.30. , f HOGS Receipts, 10,200 head; market i0& 15o lower; pig and lights, $6. 2548. 20; pack er. 28.lfrii8.80;"' butcher and best heavy; $8.S5fftH.46. k- '"" ' SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 5.200 head; market ldjf loo lower; native mutton, 4.Wa6.75; lambs, $7,0008 50; culls and buoka, $3.76C.W; atockef, $3.25j'4.00. St. Joseph Llv Stock Mtvrket. ST. JOSEPH. Jan. 26. CATTLE Re ceipts, 8,200 head; market slow; prospects 10c lower; steer, $4.(507.00; oow and heifer, $2.6O(&.00; calve, $3.0008.76. HOGS Receipt, 9,000 head; market 10w to 10a lower; top. $8.36; bulk of sale, $8.05 8.80. ' SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipt, 8.000 head; market, lOo lower; lambs, $4.5038.36. ...lOOt 4 tt , II.. ...107 100 tt.. II... 14... I... 44... 11... cows. 10...' 743 I 61 4....... 4 197 i W It....... IV.....'. 8 I 10 ' 18 4 M7 I 16 - tt II 161 I 80 II It t7t 4 0 It 11.. 1094 4 10 HEIFERS. II 164 8 M . II 11 66 I 60 1 4. 788 I 71 t 4 144 4 It BULLS. 1 M0 I to 1 1 it s) I 71 1 1... 1410 I to I 1 .too tat 1. I 1880 4 44 1 CALVES. 1 400 8 it 1 i ; k 4 00 $.;..; 7 .... 1 i 1. .1844 4 4t ..184 lit . .1114 4 II ..1060 4 86 ..lilt 4 80 ..1044 4 40 .. K4 4 40 ., 4i0 4 40 .. M4 4 60 .. lev 4 10 .. 810 4 10 ..140 4 to ..1174 4 tl ..1W0 4 71 ..1710 4 46 ..1480 4 46 100' I 60 .. 110 1 50 .. 811 7 76 Mill 160 I 40 Slonx City Live Stock Market. SIOUX CITY. Jan. 85. (Special Tele gram.) CATTLE Receipts, - 1,600 head; market alow. 1 - HOGS Receipts, 8.600 head; market 6c lower; range of prices, $8.0038.26; bulk of ale, $8.0fwQ.15. ' ' ' Stock In Sight. Receipts of live stock at th six princi pal western markets yesterday uattie. Hogs, tmeep. South Omalu Sioux City... St. Joseph... Kansas City St. Louis.... Chicago .... Totals ... .. 8.000 .. 1.600 .. 1.200 ..12,000 .. 1,500 ..6,000 10.000 3.600 8,000 19,000' 10.200 18,000 7,800 8.W0 6.000 ! 6,200 15,000 .83,100 69,700 86,603 OMAHA GKJWElVAa. MiARKET. to.... M. ... It.... 17.... I.... 7.... I.... . . . I8t 4 80 ... m 4 to ...1061 4 80 ...14 4 tt ... 418 I 60 ... 670 I 80 186 4 64 I. WO -4 M - 1 8 ttO 1.,... 8TOCKERS AND FKEDKKS. 7t 4 00 1 71t I Tt 4... K4 IK II 761 4 80 ' It Ill 4 to ll 4.M 4 86 ' 11 8tt 4 i 14 ttt 4 14 WESTERNS NEBRASKA. J. H. Ogelvie Neb. 18 heifer... 722 4 16 2 steers.... 600 4 00 4 steers.. ..lttiO 4 73 1 bull 9n0 8 85 I calves... 1U0 4 76 1 calf SbO 3 50 Murrey at Boper Wyo. 11 feeders. 1131 180 10 feeder.. 1181 4 30 t feeders.. U10 5 SO E. James Idaho. 57 feeder. . 810 4 76 12 heifer... 6H7 $00 44 COW 9i8 4 10 7 cows 841 I Si 1 bull 1200 3 60 Hsnry Campbell Wyo. 8 cows 1078 4 sO - 1 8 feeders.. 1004 6 00 II leeders.. 60I 4 80 . ' Pfelffer ft Corps Wyo. 86 feeders.. 974 8 00 4 bulls 1337 1 60 HOGS It was the unit old story In the hAtf varrfa this mornins: recelut wers fa.rlv ST. IlUIS, Jan.. 25. COTTQNi-Pull; mid- j iioeral,' messages from outside points were dllng. 15o; saiea, none; receipts, 1,167 bales; shipments, 1,130 bales; stock, 42,784 bale. . Mokavk , T7K Nevada Oon 41 Nlsiuing Mine . , 144 North Butts , 17 V4 Nona Lake , 10II rxasunloa .... , SS Oeceola Parrott. . ft O. . Amal. Oopper Arltona Xm , Atlantic Boatoo a C. ft C... B. ft C. O. ft S. St. Batte Coallllosi , Cal. ft Arlaoaa ri ft Mania tw ymn,r OeoteDBUI tSHSaanaon Cnafter Bass C. C. . It Seperlor East Ball C. II 104Suerle A B. If. l-ranklta Olruax Om Oranby Cvm Greaas Oasases . lale Harala, Com kenr Lake Lake raw La Salle Coaver.. Miami Cuyaar .. Aekad. 17 44eparlor ft P.. Oo , 4Temarafk r. s. o. o , 444V. 8. S. B. ft M... ,81 a 4d HVfak ixm 16 W I nana , 15Wolerln ,., ,.. 47 .. 14 .. .. 40 .. 14 46t .. ..1(4 .. lr .. t ,.. 14 .. 6444 14 II U .. r .. 44i .. 644 .. tit ..141 Treasary Statesseat, . WASHINGTON, Jan. 25-The condition of the treasury at the beginning of busl liee today was as follows: Trust Funds Otld coin. $70 814,868; sliver dollar, 4s31IK,00; sllvvr dollars of 1-Q. Coffee Market. NEW YORK, Jan. 25.-COFFEB Mar ket for futures opened steady at un changed prices to a decline of t point in sympathy with a partial decline of frano at Havre. There wa om European selling of the late month, while th un changed condition of other commodity markets and the weakness of stock caused some local liquidation, but offerings In ths aggregat were not heavy and were absorbed around ths Initial figure by trade bulls. The market closed steady net unchanged to 5 points lower. Sales were reported of 17,250 bags, Including March at 4 66c; May, 6.80c; July, 4.8ofe.0c; Sep tember, I.Cbiu'O.OOo; October, 486; Deoember, 6 Wyt90c. Spot quiet; No. 7 Rio, kuSc; No. 4 Santos. 9'4c; mild quiet; Cordova. rfc-110. Metal Market. NEW YORK. Jan 26. METALS Stand ard copper was weak today. Local dealers quoted Ink copper at I13.764j.14.00; electro lytic, $13.6oll3.7i; casting, $12.26&18 U2. London market closed easy; spot, fdO 7 4d; futures), 61 6s. Tin wa dull; spot, $48.00. London market high, but lost part ot an early advance, closing easy at 1147 7 4d for future. Lead, dull; cpot, $4 47 t4.72; London market lower at fit 11 $d. ptiiur, weak; spot, W 0f6-.Jf,; London mar ket unohanged at 128 6a. Iron was lower at 62s ld for - Cleveland warrants, In London. Local inavrket unchartered, ST. LOL Id. Jan. 26. METALS Lead, lower. $4 62; spelter. $6-95. Daleth C ravin Market. prLt'TII. ' Jan.' 85. WHEAT -May, $1 12; July. $112; No. 1 northern, $1.U; No. t northern, $1.10, OATS-460-. ,.-.',.. . dooldedly lower and local buyers extremely bearish. Naturally, thcr was very little activity to th early trade and sales wer mors or less scattering during th first round. Later tn th morning, after the big bulk of receipts had been yarded, buyers and tell ers finally settled on a trading bawls jnd movement became much mors active. Most prices, however, wer just about In the tame notches as early oida, or In o'htr words, the general market was lOo lower than yesterday' average. Fully sixty loads of hogs sold on this basis. A considerable portion of the hogs were weighed up at $3.00448.10, as compared with yesterday a bulk of I. 1648 26. Top reached $8 25, ss against yesterday top of $S.i0. Toward the oioss a tsw of the last trains to arrive did not sell to quite as good ad vantage! In fact. It was difficult In many cases to secursj oven an $8.00 bid on really good hogs. A narrow demand at prices that were generally 8O0 lower than yeater day's average would bs about the best way to describe . th situation during late rounds. Th slumpy condition of the pro Visions market and th complete demoral isation of eastern rtade In liv hog ar generally oonoedd to be the two principal reason for th sharp declines at this point recently. Representative sale: No, At. Tt. NO. Av. Tr. 44 .. It ... t 80 70 lit ... IOI 44 184 ... t 80 14 ta ... lot tl 184 44 7 80 80 127 84 I 06 . It 81 IW 1 8U44 U 8U1 10 I 08 Tt tvl ... 7 t 48 244 10 1 t Tt ild 80 t tt 77 til 8U I Ot 41. ...... fc 180 7 87' 44... tJ ... 8 01 I ll 40 T 47 44 It.. 17 ... Is 7i ist to t mi 41 aa ... i i 14 81 ... I 04 14 18 ... II 44 11 ... 10 88 tt 44 8 10 44 -4 110 I 0 64 IJ ... I 10 II tof ,,, I 0 ' at. ... 8)0 1 tm ... lot 44 Hbt ... lit 41,.....l ... 3 4V St.., 841 ... 6 18 OIL CITY, Pa.. Jan. 25. OIL Credit bal ances, $1.40; runs. 212.9ft3 i-ois.j avarago, 149 6S1 bhls.: shipment. 809.826 bbls.; aver-, age, 213.565 bbl. - ' ' ' SAVANNAH. Oa., Jan, 26WML-Turpen-tine, firm at 66o. ' ' ' V. ' ROSIN Firm; sale 1417 bbl.; receipts. 1,428 bbls.; shipments, 564 bbls.: stock, 139. 297 bbls. Quote: B, II nd E, $4 3.W4 85; P, $4.30; O, $4 .82(f4.STr H, $4.87; I, $4 70; K. $6.70; M, $8.15; N, $4.66; WO, r.06! WW, W- - Sngcar and Melasae.. NEW YORK, Jan. 26.-HUGAR-Raw, quiet; Muscovado, 88 test, $.68c; centrifugal, 94 test, 4.08o; molasses augttr,- 88 .test, 3.33c; refined, steady; cut loaf, 6.95o; orushed, twwv mmiM A. 6.50c: cubes. 6.40c: powdered. 6.25c; granulated, 615c; diamond A, 5.15c;, confectioners' A, 4.76o. . ' icairg Vlrm? Xlaw . irlaans. . onon kettle, 82fi?42c. .. .-. v,., . . . liar Market.' ,'' OMAHA, Jan. 25 There was little hay on the market today and - the demand wa light. Hay: No. 1, $13.0018.50; No. 8, $12.00; coarse $9.6010.00; Unking, $7.00. Straw: Wheat. $7.00T rye, fe:otf. Alfalfai $18.00 15.00. ' '" ' ' ' -Toledo Seed 'Market. TOLEDO, O., Jan. 26.-8ETCr8-Clovr, cakh, $H.76; February. $8.77; March, $8.80; ApVli, $8.65; October, $7 00; prime, old, $8 78; No. 2, $8.50; rejected, $8.60, Timothy, prime, $2.07. AlBlke, prime, $7.60; Marou, $8.00. 1 . , - - '.'"' Peoria Market. '" . PEORIA, Jan. 25. CORN Low!1! No. t white, 64e; No. 4 white, 61c: No. yellow, 3c: No. 3. 628Sc; No. 4, 0o; no grade. 66fJf67o. Mml , OA1B LUli; ISO. I wnne, eio, , NEBRASKA'S OLDEST PERSON Caster County' Man . .Passe 116th Birthday ana -,. u.... Some. 1., Thomas Morris of Cuter county, Ne- - bfaska, was 'born In Berrew,' North Wale, January 16, 1794. In hi youth .he was ap- prenitoea .to- a uukiibt p-jio, mitvu .av awo-u year' apprenticeship at that . trad,, but on account ot. having a lame, leg he . de cided that he could not follow that trade, 0 he started to Isarn .the. trad of ghoe maklng. . He served .another seven-year apprenticeship at thl trade, .after which ha worked as a journeyman, remaining In the employ of one man for over twenty year, when he engaged in business for himself. He came to tha United State In 1871 and located at Blackstone, ' 111., where he again engaged in 'the business of shoo maklng. In 1884 he came to Custer pount? wlth his adopted son, Charles Mytton, and settled near Westervllle, wher h has Since resided. . . .--' - , Mr. ''Morris, or Tom, aa, hht Intimates address him, ha lived In three centuries mw.A i.m .on n tha Anniftnf rrnOf fpm "your-foot In-your-hand' -.period- to that of fast ezpres train, - automobiles and ' airships. HI health Is good, gppetlta fair, and he still has ths usual eompletment of ' natural teeth. He ha navarworh ' glasses and his eye Is still bright ., "mough to load hi pip with, tobacco,, hi' lifelong friend, or measure out a dram Of l)quor. wnicn ne naa usea in rn,ooerauoi,-irum 1x)yho6d. Custer County Republican.. ' 11 Staple aad. Fancy Prodace rrleea rr- nlshed hy Buyer and Wheleaalers. BUTTER Creamery, No. 1, delivered to tha rerfall trad In 1-lb. cartons. 81c-. No. 1 . mi 1 . . . . V. ui . , 1,TA a 1 , Ik . . I " vV in aft-lh tubs. IgUe: naeklnsr stnek. solid regents of ,ed Jcstlon to accept donation pack, 21c; fresh rolls, 23c; fancy dairy, of $40,008 from Andrew Carnegie, for a Iiorary av me state uiuvvrnuy, anu Mua- Carnrgle Glvee f 40,000--, PIERRE B. D., Jan. , 2B.-lpecia.j xn laat legislative session adopted a. Joint 4-esoluUon authorising th stars hoard of roll, 25c; common butter, 23o, . Market changes every Tuesday. CHEESE Twin. Ike; young AmericaU 18c; Balsy cheoee, Uo; Llmberger, 18a; brick, 18o; domeellc block Svtiss, 20o; Im ported Swiss, 80c. POULTRY Dressed: Broilers, $5 a'dot ; springs, 16c; hens, 15c; cock, 18c; duck, Ho; geese, 14o; turkeys, 2oc; pitona, per dos., $1.26; Homer sqUabs, $4 per das.; fancy quabs. $.4.60 psr dos.; No. 1, $3.00 psr dog Alive: Broiler, under I lb.; 17c; over $ Ids., 12c; hers, llo; cock,. 8c; duck, full withered, 12c; geese, full feathered, lOo; turkeys, 20c; guinea fowls, $3 per do.; pig eons, 40c per do. FISH (all frosen) Herring, 8c; salmon, 11c; pickerel, 9c; whttefish, 11a; pike, 12c; trout, loc; catfish. 17c; orapples, 4o to 9o; large - crapples, 16c; black bass, 860; red snapper, loc; smelt, 14c; frog lags, (Oo a dosen; Spanish mackerel, lac; eel, 18o; haddock. 13c; flounder. 12c. OYSTERS Selesti, small cans, 25c; large, 40c; gallon, $186; New York oounis, small, 80c; large, 4nc; gallon, 81.86; standards, mall, 'lie; large, .too; gallon, 11.31,. FKUlTd Oi-angea: Kxtra fancy Rsdlsnd, rose brand, 90s and lus, box $3 00; extra fancy Redland, ross trsnd, lios, box $3.16; extra fancy Redland, rose brand, 150s, box $X26; extra fancy Redland, rose brand, 174s and 2ous, box 83.60; extra fancy bunklst, Otis, Ut, litis and li), box $2.76; extra fancy bunklst, 176s, 2o0s, lts and 250, box $3.00; strictly fancy East Highland Halona brand, 96s, U2s snd 12o. box $2.15; strictly fancy East Highland Salona brand, 15va, box $2.26: strictly fancy Esst Highland Salona brand, 176s, 200s, 216s and 26os. box $2.35. Lemons:- Extra faii' Southland beauty, 800s and SbOa, box $4.' extra fanoy choice Justrlte, $uus and 3o0s, box $4.00. Grape Fruit: Florida, Indian river, 36s, 46s, 64s, 44s, 80s and 94s,, box $4.00. Tangerines: irlda, 144a and Wis, box $2.60. Pine apples: Florida Indian river, 24s and 80s, crate $3.60. Satauma: Florida, 100 to ISO, box $500. Apples: Choice White Pearmaln, $1.60; Hen Levis, Colorado, large bushel box. $1 36; Wine Saps, Colorado, large slse, box, $2.00; Jonathans,, Colorado, box, $2 Oil: Greenings, Co'.orado, box, $1.60; Missouri pippins, Colorado, very fin quality, box, $1 75; Oenltens, Colorado, box. $1.60; Iowa Win Saps, bbl., $6.00; Iowa Missouri Pin pins, bbl., $6.00; Iowa Ben Lsvis, bbl., $4 76; Ren Davis. No. 1 Missouri, bbl., $3.76; Mis ourt Pippins, No,' 1, bhl., 83.76; Qsno. No. 1 Missouri, bbl.. $4-00; Oreenlngs. New Tork, No, 1 farmers' pack, bbl., $860; extra ing an annual appropriation' of $4,600 tor the maintenance of. 'such library If It be built by uch donation.:',' t'tar, li appeared that the Carnagi donation would b only $30,000. Governor Vessey and member' of th board of regent 'of education, ' by a trip to New York, haV secured the' total of $40,000, as proposed tn th resolution, and th university 1 to have a new building at such a cost. Burned Hay to Keen ' Warm, " PIERRE, S. D., Jan. 26 (Special.) Twt Sully county farmer, while on their way from Blunt to their homes with load of supplies, lost their way In the darkness, and after wandering for several -hoars. found a hay stack on ths prairie, Instead of attempting to burrow Into th -hay to keep warm, they, touched a match to the pile, and by Its heat smoldering . all th night, kept themselves 'comfortable until daylight, allowed them to make their way home. The hay cost omlhlugki. but they paid It cheerfully, and wer thankful that they found It to burn" udder tea circum stances. .1 , : 4-.1. ' ' ' '",'' ' I It I a dangeroua tning la tsk a- ougti medicine containing opiate that merely stifle your cough Instead ot-, -curing It. Foley' Honey and Tr;Kcsexi; rvd cured th cough and expels th totgvsjiauagerma, thus preventing pneumonia and consump tion. Refus substrtutts and tak only th genuine Foley's Honey and' Tar in th yellow package. Sold by all druggist. F0RTUi.ES r.1ADE 13 WHEAT in buys option oa 10,000 bu, of wheat. I II No further risk. Eauh lo movement "t from option price nake you $100. lc-1100, 6c-$600,-etc Write for 'free clr nulars, COI.OIIIAI, STOCK It OaWeJJf OO, Olsvelaad, Ohio, ttS! !. - .. (TAX XXSarPTl ' .. ,' SAMUEL BURNS, JR., - BOVOIVAS 80S. 14 nw toax un 93SSSSS&