Tire BEE: OMAHA, TUESDAY, JANUARY 25. 1010. 0 1 I ' X X rf OFFERED FOR RENT Houses end i"taTe Contlntae. HOUSES. Ins . unc. King-wait, Barker Blk Qiris Boyeri 22d and Cumings St, for hoiinpi and flats, from 110 to MO, and from three to ten rooms. MODERN, l-ronm house. IK 8. Kth Are. phone Douglas PHICK house, 2T.14 Dwey Ave.. 7 rooms modern. Moyer. Stationery Co., 114 Far- nam at. SEVEN-ROOM hou, strictly modrn. BIO 8. 86th Ara. D. Mclver, Haydan Bros.' 8tlk Dept. ' x 6-ROOM, mortem house, new plumbing, rilr lawn. 719 So. 87th. Key at 7a 8o. 87tlt. Harney 8154. HOUSES, flats. Garvin Broa., 3U N. T. L, uuuoj Crelgb Sons Co.. be Bidg. NO EQUAL Steam heat, alt modem. 7 room. hail, bath and basement. 220 N (30. hOUREHOLD OOOU8 packed, forwarded; rhaap freight rates; moving and storing. Expressmen's Delivery" Co. TrL Doug. 2M. T KOOM8, modern house, 160t Spruoa 81, K. I. Plumb. 110 8. 13th 6t FOR P.ENT 8-rooro brink house, all mod ern, 2009 Willla Ave,, 12k 4-room apartment, city water, toilet, 1521 Mo. Kth. $12.60. (-room, all modern, combination fixtures, will be Tacant on, corner house, east front, M0. C. M. 8ACHMANN, 436-37 Puxton Blk. Tel.. Red 2639. Kes. Tel. D. Wi. MAGOARD Van ft Storage Co. D. im. Pack, store and ship household good. HOUSES Pot.rs Trust Co.. N.T.Llfe Bid. ' N ' IslMlais, I WANT an offer for the two story brick Duiiaing at izia ana uis nowara surest. WU1 rent for 14X1 a month. Eastern owner will sell cheap. THOMAS BRKMNAN. Room I .New Tork Ufa Building. OFFERED FOR SALE . 1 rarnltar. Office FuraUvre For Sale We expect to mov Into our new offices. third floor 'Of Ware block. 16th and Far nam, about February l. As all our equip ment will ba new we offer for sal all office furniture now In use. There are nine good roll top desks, various sixes; one 8-foot standing desk, six tables, .4 typewriter tables and a number or chairs. These will ba ready -for delivery Feb. 1. Coma in and take your pick. . 1 PAYNE INVESTMENT CO., Same Old Room, N. T. L. Bids. SECOND-HAND furniture at the Child's Saving institute to furnish four bedrooms In a cottage adjoining (ha Institute. Any one who can donate beds, bedding, dress er, stands, chairs, rugs, ourtalns or any thing else for that purpose la requested to pnun to matron.., yv eDster l31. A NICELY furnished ' steam heated 14 room flat, close In, full of roomers. A bar gain for .cash. Address K 785. Bee. Household Furniture Xiy8; at prices to move stock quickly. A mar Scan Furniture Co., 220 N. 16th. . . Typewriters. SECOND hand typewriters sold, repaired. CentralTypewriter Exchange, it)OT Farnam Typewriters For Rent BA. son co. 17 south jfilh. street, Omaha. ., VI- - i . v., . . ,.,. fiECOND-HAND Edison and' other Phon ographs, -$S to $ZS; good ss-new. Call or write, ,1'ituio,. Player Vev Old .Boston Store. HiareUaseeaa, f A A T AT. CUT PRICES V . V f I ji We. save you from 606 to7 " $1.60 en every ton .and give better coal. We guarantee correct weights ttosenblatt'8 Cut Price Coal Co. ABOUT X60 feet Vlnch wire cable, sec ond hand; will sell at bargain. Apply H. W. Baker. Bupt. Bee Bldg.. Onaaba. Neb. SODA FOUNTAINS, new and second hand; monthly payments. Deright, 1818 Fwnam-Sl., .. . r;OAI. Furnaoa lump a ton c ns. uwlJ,4Urnmn Ot.Weath, W. 848. vO.iO APPT,F,Sl Barreled; Winter Variety fcq fJfl,P . K. C. Brown, Florence. Tel. Florence J572. Kindling. 8. load .delivered. D. 4468. XfHTnT? Now and secondhand Dv fliuiuiur MK1M (ni Motors; also all kinds of electrical repairing. LeBron Eloclrica! Works, 318 S. 13th St. i r ' i HALL'S safes, new. Id-hand. UU Farnam. SCHOLARSHIP on leading business col lege for sate at discount. Address P-fiOt. Be. FOR SALE New and (d-hand billiard and pool -tables. We lead the wo-ld In cheap bar fixtures, aasy payments. Bruns-wlak-Balke-Collenlr( 407 R 10th BC WE HAVE on hand a number of Ink r ar rets which we will sell at 50c each. They are fine, for rain water er ashes. Call at pressroom Be Publishing Co. FINE upright Kimball piano, (95; ownar leaving cliv. 216 N. 23d St. DRUOS at cut prloes; freight paid oa ail 810 orders; catalogue frea. Sherman ,fe M Connell Drug Co.. Omaha. Neb. FOR SALE National cash register, with tape almost, new; cheap If takeu at once. Address K 808. Be. id-han"F oak ooumer. band-carved mar bt cashier prstet lre wicket about 40 ft. odd shape; will fit a room 20 feet wide Can be seen at storage house. For furthet ftartlcujars 'plioue .Douglas 238. Bee Build iig Co. (-FOOT oak roller top desk for ante at bargain. Apply Superintendent Bee Bldg. STORM SASH Comp,,t "tock f,ir y.T-. . nished on short notice. C. RUNDELL A CO., Contrsctors and Builders, Room U, Nw York Life Bldg. FOR SALE Cremona violin. -Ave. 212 No. 38th Omaha Beer- Please discontinue my ad. I rented the furnished rooms the day the ad appeared in the paper. - ; MRS. JENNIE DALEY 202 North 18th St. Here is the ad. The in sertion cost 20 cents. , TWO nicely furnished rooms, lurge and i steam heated.' 'Phone A-1751. t i ...... . . . 1 . ' . . s Call The Boe if you have nn tinner in the world io selL Want Ad phone 233. f5r 0FERED SALE Miscellaneous- -Con tinned. TYPEWRITER Klithtl" usd and rebuilt Underwoods, Olivers, Hemlngtonw. fmlth Premiers, M"n arehs. L. C. Sintihs and other mnke. Full giiarann-e. Prices Vt to mantifBcturers' (85 and up). Lowest rental prlf.es. Look over our Mock before burlng or write for our barrr In lint. Distributers L. C. Smith A FJrri. -pewrlter. SWANSO'NC.Jnc S. l,r.th St., Omaha Neb. Also . ..res at Des Moines and Lincoln. UPRIGHT Kimball piano; bargain; owner leaving city. 216 N. 22d. OSTEOPATHY JOHNSON IXST.. 418 K Y. U TeL D. 1004. Dr. Kathryn Nicholas. ME N. Y. L, Bldg PATENTS , D. O. BARK ELL, Paxton Blk. Tel. Red tlli. HUFFMAN. 818 Neville Bldg. Book frea PERSONAL M ECH ANO-TH KRAPT Is a druglnss cure for female weakness. Consult Dr. Marguererle Hallovan, IBM Ne ville Blk. D. 7 1 61. under supervision of M. D. 11,000 FOR INFANTS' HOME. Your renewal to the Ladles' Homo Jour nal and the Saturday Evening Post 19 worth 50c to the Chllds' Saving Institute, $7irf already earned. Urgent, must have 60 mora subscriptions In January. Rush them In. This is no ordinary appeal, but an Invalid's bid for a' livliiiood In hope of business on other publications. Subscrip tions to Everybody's or McClure's mean 1U0 prize to me. 1 duplicate any offer. Write for complete magasiue catalogue and story, "A Broken Back." Do It now. Just Gor don, the Magaxina Man, Omaha. 'Phune Douglas 71iJ. STRICTLY private home for confine ments; trained nurse; b4ble for adoption 2518 Davenport. Arlene de Voy. Manicuring and masaage. 520 a loth St. Flat 8. 'Phona D. 766. PRIVATE IlOMB during confinement; babies for adoption. Good Samaritan Sanl lorium, 740 1st Ave., Council Bluffs, la. WlnS1""1 toupes for men. GRIFFITH. ,UUl-U and 14 FKENZiiK BLK. WB rent and repair all kinds of sewing machines. Ind. A lwtt, Doug. ibtU. NEbRASKA CViCLki LOH 15th and Harney Sta. THE SALVATION ARM y soliclU cast-o(l Clothing, in fact anything you do not need We collect, repair and sell at, 134 N. 11th St., for cost of colleotlou.' to the worthy poor. Call 'phone Douglas 4U8 and wagoa wiu A HOME far women during confinement. We find homes for babiaa where mothers eailnot care for them. Babies boarded. For terms address Mrs. Martha A. Lea, 401 Banqroft St., Omaha, Neb. 'Phone Douglas ML JOS1M WASHBURN'S new book, "The Underworld Sewer," sold at all book stores, price, 11.50. S warts A McKelvy News Dept. 2d hand bks Qer & Eng periodicals. 108 S. loth. MAGNETIC 8ffi&m?Ktig DR. EQQER8' prtvata confinement boms Kit Martha 8L PKona Douglas 8280. Are your tired? Does your blood circu late, properly? is your digestion, good ? If not, why not consult Prof. U. K. DlnJIan oriental scientific massaglst, 405-407 Bee Bldg., Phone D. 863. Bpacjal attention given to facial massage and soalp treatment. BIRDIE Peters, teacher of piano. W. 1054. MISS LA ORANK. baths, massage. 1817 Dodge St., basamant flat. Houra, 10 a. jn. to p. m. ... . . MASSAQB AND BATHS. R. 808 Old Boston Store Bldg., 4th floor. 120 S. 16th St. Stairway on Douglas St. MUSIC, furnished. .Independent orchestra. Dancing a specialty. ' Tel. Web. 116. ..MAGNETIC and massage treatment. 814 No. 16th fit. MASQUE suits ta rent. The. Lieben, OMAHA Stammerers' Ins., Ramgs Bldg. EXPERIENCED nurse, 36 years; ladles In confinement a specialty; prloes reason able. 3108 8. 13th St. CHILBLAINS N17I?fi:ui;td e- . nOo. Haines Drug Co. MA8SEOTHERAPHY - Mme. Allen of Chicago, baths, salt glow and massage treatments. 2V7 N. 17th St.. room 1. mL0."0 IT MA Yi CONCERN: I. John uT??; "'"dvstand that my divorced wife, rwS .iMcCa?"' 18 UBlu m' ' I will ?,?i,jMLW hV to recently Be'nTon,elba,n- . Jhn , McC- POULTRY Screenlnga U.H 100 lbs. Wagner, 801 N. 16th BOURBON Red Turkeys, Embdcn Geese and Indian Runner Ducks. Mrs. A. c Roblnett. R. L Charlestown, Ind. BARRED Plymouth Rock Cockerels for sale; large hope, fine style and plumage. My birds wer winners at the leading shows of Nebraska. Q. , Wx Feuerateln, Fremont, Neb. Rout 2. BUFF turkeys; toms. I8 60; hens, 83. R. E. Thompson. Allison. Ia. FULL BLOOD Rhode Island Red Cock Benson C" Eckery' 80 Cnhanage. PRINTING 'PHONE IND. A-J620 for good printing Lyngstad Printing Co.. 16th A Capitol A. a WATERS PRINTING COS 6M-B24 S. 13th. ,.MlLLER JMIESC-y. nulek printers. UlJDouglas Bt. Tel. Doug. 42S8; Ind. A 1 REAL ESTATE REAL. ISSTA1B DEALERS. REED ABSTRACT CO.. Est 1858; prompt service; get our prices. 1710 Farnam St. Y PAYNE INV; CO.. first floor N. Y. Lit' REAL ESTATE TITLE-TRU8T CO. CHAS. E. WILLIAMSON. President. BENJAMIN H. E. CO.. 477 Brandcls Bldg Geo. D. Peirlne. 332 Paxton. Doug. 7S0L real estate T PROPF.RTY FOR (ALB. FHR SAt-E Ry owner, two-slorv, brand new, square hnis-. a&X Maple St.; six rooms, reception hall. bath, floored attic with stairs, full cemented basement, besi furnace, plumbing and combination electric light and gas fixtures; cement walks. All ready to b. occupied. 7-ROOM MODERN, CLIFTON HILL. Fine corner lot Just a step to two car lines, beautiful location. W. want you to look at it. Price, 88.000. NOWATA LAND AND LOT CO.. 24 New York Life Bldg. Red-im 40x66, $2,200 NEAR NEW U. P. HEADQUARTERS. Harrison & Morton W. O. Jensen builds homes right; plans furnished, lies. 2721 Spaulding. Web. 39S9. f-KE 5-room cottage at 2318 S. 2Sth and give ine an offer. Owner, 23Uj. 84th. 6-ROOM MODERN HOUSE, 1,800 On Ohio street near i:th Look at It. It s cheap. Then we have others. NOWATA LAND AND LOT CO.. (124 New York Life Bldg. Red-lRM. DEAN PLACE. Omaha's newest and most attractive addi'.'on Is now ready for your Inspec tion. All lots have shout KW-foot ter race and a frontage of 60 feet. All streets hav been paved, all sidewalks are In, sewer, water, gas and electric service In front of every lot. All specials have been paid. Some of the most beautiful shade trees in the city are to be found In Dean Place. It Is situated one block north of Hanxcom park and six blocks east of the Field club and is bounded on the east by Park Ave., on the south by Popple ton Ave., on the wait by 30th Ave., and adjoins the Thomas Rogers fine home on the north. Our prices are much lower than tho? of adjoining property, ranging from 81.6nn tn ti nnn r,,r ,,. k... 1pni "4 cash and the balance In one! ,1 -. i n A ... 1 Plats of the addition will be mallei upon application. To .reach this addition, take either the east or west park cars. Get off at Park Ave. and Pacific St., walk south 250 feet to our big sign. Call Douglas 1064, ask for H. M. Chris tie, and make an appointment to see these lota. VV FARNAM SMITH & CO., Sole Agents, 1820 Farnam St. Tels. D. 1064. Ind. A 1064 44x66, .$7,500 NEAR W. O. W. SITE. Harrison & Morton 5 ROOM MODERN $1,800 On Ohio St, near two car lines. Surely a bargain at the price. NOWATA LAND AND LOT CO.,' 621 N.W York X.if. B'dg. Red-199. STORE on N. 16th St. ; lot 22x132 feet, east front, near Burt Su, 84.600. F. D. WEAD, 1801 Farnam St. INVESTMENT A very desirable rental property, always rented to prompt paying tenants. In a locality that Is improving rapidly. Is now paying over 18 per cent on actual cash In vested. Price. $9,000; $0,000 cash and $4,000 long as you want It to run at 6 per cent. NOWATA LAND AND LOT CO.. 6T N. Y. Life Bldg. Red 1099. 49.5 Feet, $27,000 Three-story brick, Fartiatn St., between 20th and 24th; short option,; act quickly. Harrison & Morton. PRAIRIE PARK, high grade and artis tic houses, $3,500 to $6,000; sioi.il cash pay ment and balance monthly. Paxton Real Estate company, owner. BARGAIN Five-room Modern cottagei $1,500. Easy terms. - J. H. PARROTTB. BOARD OF TRADE. .2 8-ROOM HOUSES fnrner nr. XT isk ai ma. t -i-- - , -. ... nun. ukko, con venient to car. Well rented. Snap at $4,6U0. NOWATA LAND AND LOT CO.. 624 New York Life Bldg. Red-1999. 33x66, $33,000 N. WEST W. O. W. SITE. Harrison & Morton 320 ACRES CLEAR LAND. Will exchange for Oman Improved or will consider well located vacant lots. Re member we pay no attention to whlttlers. NOV ATA LAND AND LOT CO., 624 New York LJf Bldg. Red-1999. FOR SALE Good lot on 27th and Crown Point avenue, cheap for cash; must sell at once. Telephone Florence 186. FOR SALE or rent an 8-r, mod., house. Walnut Hill, Tel. Harney 3296; B-3479. $2,400 will buy a B-room house, all modern except furnace. Lot 60-foot front; newly papered, new brick walk, walking dlstanc. to town. Ixwaied at 1218 S. 17th. 'Phone Webster 1849, owner. MIDLAND Guarantee and Trust com pany, bonded abstracters, 1714 Farnam street, Tel. D. 2866. FIVE ACRES-No improvements. 51st and A Sta., near limits between Omaha and South Omaha. Will lease for' season. O'KEEFB REAL ESTATE CO. 1002-8-4 N. Y. Life. Doug, or A-2162. DO YOU own a vacant lot? Why not let us build for you? No charge for plans HASTINOS tt HEYDEN, 1614 Harney street. ISA. a.FEAL ESTATE FARM AND tiA.MCli i.AXTt rOR SAL.B Idaho. Missouri. CHEAP FARM LANDS. To the amn of small means who wants a home, we have It for you. To the man who has a few hundred dollars to invest . have cheap lands for you. Write us for our list of cheap lands and description of our country, and you will find something to suit you. Titles to lands handled by us are guaranteed. We are on the main line of the Frisco railroad. McDonald & Son, Richland, Pulaski Count)', Missouri. N.braaVM, FARM RArvOAlN Must be sold on ac count of owner's health; well Improved 3--acre farm, sewn and a quarter mile, from town; price, $;t- per acre: easy terms. J. T. Campbell. Litchfield. Neb. 320 Acres 2 Miles from Town, $45 Eastern Nebraska farm; Improvements; nearly ail under cultivation; fine crop last year. It is worth $10 per acre more, but owner miiBt sell. NOWATA LAND AND "LOT CO., 624 N. Y. Life Bldg. Red 1399. Oklahoma. OKLAHOMA A W. hav. 100,000 acres of choice land to elect from, ranging In prlo from $5 to $40 per acre. This land is In the oil and gas district and you might get an oil well with your land. NOWATA LAND AND LOT CO.. Suite 6.'4 New York Life Bldg. V.aaua, A DEEP. RICH SOIL. SUNSHINE all the t'me; water when you want It Land at $5 to $40 per acre for well lm- firovrd farms; go r.ee It February 1. Very u round trip rates. Write us. NOWATA LAND tt LOT CO.. Suite 624 New York Life Bldg.. Red 1999 FOR SALE I sell ranch bnd farm land In and out of the Artesian Belt, 10 to 611.UU0 acres; 1 don't buy from boomers; you pay their expenses; 1 know th coun try. Write me for Information. R. Odom, Uvalde. T.xas Vcrnaat, IB-ACRE farm for sale. Oood buildings with all modem Improvements, will cut li tons hay. Addrew Bos 8J, Pltuford JJUls, V REAL ESTATE LOANS MONEY TO LOAN Pay n lnvatment Co. WAITED City loans, peters Trust Co. $100 to $10,000 made promptly. F. D. Wead. Wead Bldg.. Wifl and Farnam. WANTED City loans ami warranta. W. Farnam Smith A Co., 1JJJ Farnam St. LOWEST RATES B"rr! Brandele Hldg. SECOND ..lORTGAOE loans negotiated. Bell phone Douglas 2818. FIVE PER CENT MONEY to loan on Omaha .Bualnee Pror.rty. THOMAS HRENNAN. Room L New York Life Bllg: 221 loa EASTERN Nebraska farm loans and loans on hlgh-Rtade Omaha residence prop, erty at low Interest, optional payments. Ro delay. I. Sibbernsen, Old Boston btor? Uing. I'VOO to 86.000 on homes In Omaha. O'Keefa Real Estate Co., 1003 N. Y. Life. Doug, cr A-3161 PAYNE, BOSTW1CK CO.. N. Y. Lit. Private money, $j00 to $5,000; low rate. LOANS to home owners and home build ers, with privilege of making partial pay ments semi-annually No commission. W. II. THOMAS. 803 First National Bank Bldg. OARV1N BROS.. 818 N. Y. Llf. $V to 8200.000 on ImprTved property. No delay. REAL ESTATE WANTED WE HAVE liUiEKS KM ft, I and t room bouses. If prices are right w can sei. your property for you. NOWATA LAND AND LOT CO. Suite U4 -N. Y. Life Bldg. SWAPS FOR EXCHANGE Fine upright piano for board and room. Address J Ms, Bee, 320 ACRES CLEAR LAND. Will exchange for Omaha Improved or will consider well located vacant lots. He member we pay no attention to whli tiers. NOW ATA LAND AND ..LOT CO., 624 New York Life Bldg. Red 1999. TAILORS $25 will now pay for' a real tailor made suit at my shop. 1 cut th price, not the quality. TAILOR BECK. Ill South 16th. G. A. L1NQUEST CO., 235 Paxton Block. JOHN RADMAN, The THor, 75 N, 16th Rt. D. COOPER, TA1L0KUSPU'9S A. THEODORE, "600" Block Tailor. SEE SISTEK, young man's fashionable tailor. 418-13-14-15 Paxton Block. Independent Mess. Service. D. 6022. A-4218. A cheap tailor is always dangerous. See J. A. Kcrvan, 508-10 Brandels Bldg. Ak'OnVM Merchant Tailor. W1J1 aL 1411 Harney St., Doug. 6987. J O .1 4CKSON BOSTON TAILOR. U. j. J-iiAvJXOUiN Room 1. Paxton Blk. A FEW $36 and $30 suits, while they last, only 25. MAX MORRIS, The Tailor, 01 Brown block. YOUSEN. BUSY TAILOR, 1203 Farnam. NORDIN, The Tailor-1528 Douglas St. Eylen & Linderman J& st. A T?TTRTN Cleaning, dyeing, suits xx. "uwm pressed. 60c 1806 St. Mary's. WANTED TO BUY OOOD pric paid for 2d-hand clothe. U IllIT t'L'T. - I J . V.' 1 - . -'avaauma f,, iviv piu iur wruKen waicnss, Alt! anA '. Jt h:,.),.. in c i u iwiijuuftci wnkiia store pays Dest price 2d-hand furniture, clpiljva, etol D. 42C6. D1T VTU,-.Tim n . . BEST price said for seoond-hsn furni. ire. carpet, clothing and aUoea.,1!. Uuum. 71- IU 171. WANT location to build St. Louis flats. HUFFMAN, 318 NEVILLE BLDG. WANTED to buy at once, 100 or 200 pairs ball-bfearing roller skates. Address, stating particulars, P. o. Box 636, Columbus. Neb. WANTEDTO RENT WANTED Suite of rooms or large al cove, with boaid, on or near ear line, for mother and daughter; daughter employed In public school. Address r 99. Bee. ROOM, for pool hall and barber shop, outside of Omaha. Teeple, 1T03 8. 10th St. REAL ESTATE FOR RENT 10-ACRE garden farm, good 6-room house and 'barn; 4 miles from postoffice. Inquire of J. B. West, 2128 Seward St. WANTED SITUATIONS WANTED By young man. place to work for board while attending Boy.es college. FAMILY washing done. Web. 79. YOUNG man with five years experience In credit and collection department wants to change. Good reason. Address J 193, Bee. When you want what you want when you want It, say so through The Beo Want Ad columns REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. Joseph H. Jslmldt and wife to Catherine Daly, lots 15 and 16, Arlington ad dition, and s. 40 ft. of lot 7. block 8, Alma Plaza $5,000 Merchants National bank Jo Offorge E. Pritchett, lot 11,. block Z Covell's addition to Creiuhton Heights 250 Rt. Hav. Richard Scannell to Frank ,Veru;cky, lot 16, block 2, St. Mary's addition 250 ChrlHtena, Landtn and husband to Carl I. Wenger, sV4 of lot 8, Eliza beth Place 2,000 Theophlle Vondenbogaerde to Alois Oosierllnck, lots i and 4 and 6, block 8. Shelby Place 1.000 Gilbert M. Hitchcock and wife to Reserve Realty comrlany, lots 10 and 11. block 8, Hitchcock's first ad dition 1 W. E. Martin to Clara B. Wyman, w. 22 ft. of lot 7, block 89. city 4,500 J. A. Crelghton Real Estate & Trans fer company to Ralph M. Longsdorf, lot 7, block 9, Croighton's first ad dition 550 J. M. Hamilton and wife to Robert J. Hamilton, fMi of block 10, subdi vision of J. I. Uodlck's. 8,000 Pcttr Anderson to D. S. Efner, lots 7 and 8. Frederick's addition 1,000 Reed Hros to W. L. Selby, lots 13 and 14, block 2, Ixomls second subdivision of 21 Tuttle's sub 2 James 8. Gilbert to W. L. Selby. lot 8.1. block 4 In Selby's first addition to Suuth Omaha 1 Annie F. Pease and husband to W. L. Selby. lots 26 and 27, block 4, W. K Kelby's first addition 1,200 Stephen Teleer and wife to W. I bel by, lot 28, block 1, same addition 150 Elizabeth A. Colfax to W. L. Silby, lot 18. block 8, Mayne's addition 1 Columbia Investment cimpuny to LoulfO Dorr, lot IS, block 23, West Side 200 James 11 Dewey and wife to Anna Smith, lot 2. block 12, Plalnvlew 2,400 Reuben E. Stewart, et al to James W. Sowell, lot 18, block 1, Hrevoort Place 2,600 Charles Heck man and wife to Agda T. Wenberg, n' lot 14, McCandless' Place 2.650 Annie Voss and husband to John Stahen, lots 1 and 2, block 4, Ben nigton l.t'fi Omaha Safe Deposit & Trust com pany to Mary E. Hoge, e. S3 ft. of lot 10 and e. 33 ft. of a. 26 ft of lot 9. block lS7Vs. city 1,450 Ralston Tuwnsite company to M. S. Dean, lot 2. block 2, Ralston 176 Howard W. Harvey lo Carl A. Band berg, w. 46 ft of s. 16 ft. of ti. 154 ft. of lot 7. block 2, Orchard Hfll 1 Charles Piatt. Jr.. and Charles Piatt. 3d., executors, to C. A. Sandberg, w. 46 ft. of lot 7. except n. 146 ft., block 2, Orchard Hill J 1,700 GOVERNMENT NOTICES OFFICE OF THE CONSTRUCTING Quartermaster. Fort Robinson. Nebraska, January 19, 1910 Sealed proposals for fur nishing nil material and labor for ADDI TION TO AND REPAIRING PUMP HOUSE. NEW P0ILh"R3, NEW PUMP, etc., at Fort Robinson, Nebraska will be received here until 11 a. m. February 19, 1910. Plans and specifications may be con sulted at the offices of the Chief Quarter master at Denver. Omaha. Chloago and St. Paul. Depot Quartermaster at St. iouts and at this office. Blank proposnls and Instructions to bidders may be obtained at the same offices. Plans and specifications furnished upon receipt of certified rheok for $1.H to Insure their return. Envelopes containing proposals should be Indorcel "PROPOSALS FOR IMPROVING AND REPAIRING WATER 8Y8TEM" and ad dresod to Captain Malvern Hill Barniim, Constructing Quartermaster, Fort Robin son, Nebraska. J23d7t LEGAL NOTICES FORT LOGAN, COLORADO. January 21. 1910 Sealed proposals in triplicate will be received until 10 a. m. February 21. 1910. and then publicly opened, for the construction of a Laundry Building and the Installation of Plumbing, Electric Wiring. Laundry Ma chinery and Equipment. Blank forms for bidders, plans and specifications may be had on application. United States reserves right to accept or reject any or all pro posals or any part thereof. Envelopes con taining proposals should be marked "Pro posals for Construction of Laundry" and addressed to Captain Chase Doster, Quar termaster, United States Army. J25-27-29 F1-5-1S RAILWAY TIME CARD t I4IOKI STATION Tenth aad HMW. Union raclfl , Leave. Ltd. 8:15 a. m. Mall 4:10 p. m. Arrive. 11:30 a. m. 8:46 p. m. 6:45 p. m. 6: p. m. 8:40 p. m. 12:30 a. m. 7 :42 a. m. 6 .00 p. in. 4:45 p. m. 10:30 a. m. 1:20 p. m. 1:20 p. m. Ban Fran. Ov'rl'd Chi. & Jap. F"st Atlantic Express .... Oregon Express Orexon-Wash. Ltd.... Denver Special Colorado Special .... Colorado Express ... North Plate Ixcal.. Grand Inland Local. Lincoln-Heat. Local .. 4.00 p. m. ..12:40 p. m. .. 6:47 a. m. ..11:48 p. m. .. 8:b0 p. m. .. 8:16 a. m. .. 6:29 p. m. ..12:41 p. m. Val. & Cen. City Lcl.. .12:41 p. m, Chicago Jt Northwestern EA3TBOUND. Leave. Arrive. al2:86 am a 8:28 pm a 8:28 pm a 7:66 am a 8:28 pm al2:20 pm a 7:45 am a 6 .32 am a 9:5& am a 8:85 pm al0:M pra a 8:28 pm a :15 am a 7:80 am all 00 atn al0:46 pm b 6:20 pm b 6:20 pm a 6:20 pm all:0 am b 1:85 pm Omaha Express., Chicago Local.... Colorado-Chicago a 7:00 am .al2:0o pm. a 6:20 pm a 6:00 pm Chicago Special Pacific Coast-Chicago, Los Angeles Limited.. Overland Limited Denver Special...,..,,, Carroll Local Fast Mall ..a 6:05 pm ..a 1:10 pm ,.all:46 pm . s18:40 am ..a 4:30 pm .a NORTHBOUND. Twin City Express a 7:50 am Sioux City Local a 8:46 pm Minn. A Dakota Exp.. .a 7:00 pm Twin City Limited a 9:00 pra WESTBOUND. Lir.coln-Chadron r. a 7:50 am Norfolk-Bonstell a 7:60 am Long Pine-So. Platte... b 2:16 pm Hastings-Superior b 2:16 pm Deadwood-Hot Spgs a 8:66 pm Casper-Lander a 8:66 pm Fremont-Albion b 6:30 pm Missouri rac I Hc lv. C. and St. L. Ex. ...a 9:40 am Sat 12 p. m all; 15 pm Illinois Central Chicago Express a 7:15 am Chicago Limited a 6:00 pm Minn. -St. Paul Exp b 7:10 am Minn. -St. Paul Ltd a 6:00 pm Oroaha-Ft. Dodge Loo'l.b 4:16 pm a 6:35 am a 6:30 pm a 8:46 pm a 7:15 pro a 7:16 ani bU:30 am Chicago, Hock Island A paclfl- EAST. Rocky Mountain Ltd. ...a 2:40 am Iowa Local a 6:40 pra Chicago Day Express.. 7:42 arn De Moines Local a 4:00 pm Iowa Local bl0:36 am Chicago-Eastern Exp. I. a 4:40 pra Chicago-Nebraska Ltd. a 8:08 pm WEST. Chicago-Nebraska Ltd. for Lincoln a 8:25 am Colo, and Cal. Exp a 1:26 pm Okla and Texas Exp. ...a 2:30 pm Rocky Mountain Ltd...al0:40 pm al0:30 pm a 4:30 pm all:66 pra al2:30 pm b 9:66 pra a 1:16 pra a 1:02 pm a 6:47 pm a 4:31 pra a 1:60 pra a 2;26 am Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Pawl t Leave. Arrive. Overland Limited all:48 pm a 1:00 am Omaha-Chicago Exp.. ..a 7 :1& am Colorado Special a 7:67 am Colo. -California Exp a 6:00 pm Perry-Omaha Local b 6:15 pm a 9:30 am all:83 pm a :2o pm bU.U6 pm Chicago, Milwaukee A St. Fas Overland Limited al2:10 am a 7:05 am Omaha-Chicago fc.xp....a cuu am Colorado Special a 7:40 am Colo. -Calilui ilia Exp... .a 6:00 pm Perry-Omaha Local b 5:15 pm Chicago Great Western a 8:30 am a 1:80 am a 8:25 pm all .05 pm Chicago Limited Twin City Limited.. Chicago Express..... Twin City Express.. ...a 5:00 pm ...a 8:30 pm i.la 9:09 arn a 8:00 am a 8:46 pra a 9.00 pra Wabash- Omaha-St. Louis Exp.. a 6:30 pm a 8:25 am Mall and Express a 7:30 am all:la pm btanberry Local (from K. C. & St. L. Ex. Lv. Council Blurts). ...b 6:00 pra bl0:16 am BURLINGTON STATION Tenth, ana Mason. Burlington Leave. Denver and California. .a 4:10 pm P-ufcet Sound Express. ..a 4:10 pm Nebraska points a 8:20 arc Black Hills . a 4:10 pra Northwest Express all W pm Nebraska points a 8.20 am Lincoln Mail b 1.20 pra Nebraska Express a 9:16 am Lincoln Local Lincoln Local a 7:26 pm Schuyler-Platismouth ..b 3.06 pm Plaltsmouih-lowa a 9:18 am Bellevue-Plattamoulh ...a 1:30pm Colorado Limited all :30ara Chicago Special a 7::am Chicago Express a 4:90 pm Chicago Fast Express ..a t.!0 pm Iowa Local a 9:15 am St. Louis Express a 4:56 pm K. C. and St. Joseph.... alO :46 pm K. C. and St. Joseph. ...a 9:15 am K. C. and St. Joseph.. a 4:56 pm Arrive, a 8:46 pra a :10 pm a 6:10 pm a 6:10 pm a 7:10 am a 6:10 pm al2:16 prn a 6:10 pm b 9:0s am a 7:50 pm b!0:20 am a 8:50 pm a 2:40 pm a 7:10 am all:10pin a 8:55 pni a 8:00 am all:45 am all :4" am a 6:46 am a 6.10 pm WEBSTER STATION. Webster. Fifteenth and Missouri Pacific Leave. Arrive b :l:60 pm bl'i:10 pm Paul, Minneapolis Jt Auburn Local.. Chicago, St. Omaha- Leave. Arrive, .b 2:00 pm W145 am c 6:20 pm Sioux City Express.... Omaha Local Sioux City Passenger.. Twin City Passenger., Sioux City Local Emeruon Local "b'i'so'am ..C 8:36 m b 6:55 pm b 9:20 pm b 9:10 am OCEAN STEAMSHIPS CRUISES EC LUXE t the WEST INDIES 'AVON 1 1 ."no Ton Twln-Sererr CRUSH or EASTFR CRII8B 81 days (18 oars) aiMi ip H.n i FROM NK.W YORK mmi NRW TORK FEB. 19. slARCH 16 Al" Vnrtnipf Toura by New Twlo-Rrrrw BERIIirK" throna-h ba Wear Indie BERMUDA KEW WREKLY tERVICB R.r.5.P. "OROTAVA" From Plr BO W. R.. N. Y Every Wednesday. From nerraass Kvery latsrdar. Ooanfortable m;ue-ll'ara Claw CulaiiM OrekM. tra Electric ran In all room CompltH iflaifralee- Backltlt as Knuut THE ROYAL MAIL STEAM PACKET Os. ANDKRgO ION. 12 gtat. ft.. J. T. i4 ft LaSalle St., Cnicago. look. 1834 rarnam Omaha, Call by 'Phone Whenever you want aooi. thing, call Phone Douglag n and make it knows through a Bo Want Ad. DR. CONLEY'S RESIGNATION IN Beadi Formal Document to Congrega tion of First Baptist SAYS THIS ACTION IS FINAL RT. Wilson Mill Appeal for Mean to Aid Poor rears Father PKspatrlek Sermonises on Holy family. Th formal resignation of Rerv. J. W. Conley, D. D aa pastor of th First Bap tist church was read by him at th close rf th morning service Sunday morning. He will go to Fresno, Cal. Preceding th reading of his resignation Dr. Conley said th congregation had doubtless learned during the last week of this contemplated action on his part, and he felt that he had better read the formal resignation himself. The letter of resignation atated In affect that on next Sunday he will hav com pleted tight years of ptoral work with the church, and he believed in th provi dence of Ood Jhat the time had com when h waa needed In another field of labor. ' "I, therefor, return you th trust," said he. "and ask that my resignation be made effectiv February 28, 1910. I regret th severance of th relations 1 have had with you for these last eight years more than I can tell. I hav canvassed the question from every point of view, and have reached the conviction that my resignation Is unalterable and hop hat you will accept It as final." Th resignation will be formally pre sented to the church board next Wednes day evening. Rev. Wilson Mills, state missionary for th Baptist denomination, preached at the morning service of the church Sunday from the text, Epheslans 111:19. "The admonition that ye shall go out Into the world and preach the gospel to every creature la aa applicable to your own state of Nebraska aa elsewhere," said he. "There Is a special obligation resting upon the people of Nebraska fur the dis semination of the gospel, and other Chris tian work. Thd future possibilities of Ne braska from a Christian standpoint are fully as important as are lis commercial, industrial and Intellectual possibilities. . "There are churches In many of the mailer towns of the stat that are not able to support a pastor. What we need Is power, faith, knowledge and love of the inner man that It may stimulate good, Christian people to assist In furnishing the financial means, that the work of Ood and the gospel of Jesus Christ may b comprehended and mad? knowrl. What a trust Ood has imposed - upon you to help hold men up and keep them from sin! It Is more than duty ; It Is a blessed privilege. "There are many men today, shining lights in the Christian field, who came out from these neglected communities. Ne braska neda today for IU mission work 811000. There are eighty-two Baptist churches In the state In great need. Six teen of them are without pastors. People ar starving spiritually for need of the gospel. Help la needed for these pastor lee churches, and, because a church Is small, It will not pay us to permit It to go down," PostaMnspectors Arc Kept Busy Misuse . of Mails is Shown to Be Extensive in Annual Report of Chief of Bureau: WASHINGTON, Jan. 24 Black hand cases, the most notable of which developed In Ohio, occupied a considerable part of the time of posofflce Inspector during the last, fiscal year, ended June 30, 1909. Such disclosures as are proper to make about the operations of a bureau, which necessarily, must exercise discretion In the publication of Its activities, are made in the annual report of Theodore Ingalls, the acting chief inspector of th Postoffice de partment, given to the public today. The magnitude of the bureau's work Is Indi cated by the fact that at the end of the fiscal. year there were 66,860 case outstand ing In the field under Investigation and 18,091 under consideration in the depart ment. It Is shown In the report that depreda tions on the malls generally and frauds conducted through th use of the malls In creased materially during th last year, the total toeing $131,942. During the year, 1.969 postofflces were robbed, compared with 1,821 the previous year, while 2,398 ar rests were made during 1909 as compared with 2,658 the previous year. Of the number arrested 107 were post masters, forty-five assistant postmasters, eighty clerks In postofflces, twenty-four railway postal clerks, forty-five letter car riers, forty-three rural letter carriers, twenty-two mall carriers and there was on other employe, 416 were "postoffice burglars and 1,615 were persons not con nected with the postal service. NELSON MAN ARRESTED AS FUGITIVE FROM JUSTICE John I.ro Friend af San Carlos, Colo., Churajed with 8)1,000 Kntbes-. lenient. PUEBLO, Colo., Jan. 24 (Speo'sJ Tele gram.) John Leo Friend of Nelson, Neb., whom the American Express company has been searching for two years, waa arrested at San Carlos today and brought here, charged with tho embezzlement of $1,000 from the company while acting as Its agent. He has been working as a telegraph operator at San Carlos for some time and, although under suspicion of being a fugi tive from Justice, no one was able until to day to establish his Identity His captor got It by searching old records Friend ad mits his Identify and will not fight extradi tion to Nebraska for trial. INTERURBAN PROMOTERS BUSY Money Reported Paid for Rlajht-of Way for Line Running; to Arlington, ARLINGTON, Neb., Jan. 24.-(Speclal.) Farmers along the right-of-way of the pro posed interurban railway between Omaha and Fremont say that they have been paid cash for tbelr lands taken by the new company. Edward Hoppock, who owns th land where this electric line crosses th Eikhnrn, says that he has been paid for sixty acres of land, and the power plant will be erected on the banks of this river and electric power generated by water power. Part of this land is a park. Cars will be run from Omaha and Fremont to this park and a large resort built there. Th capital for th proposed line has been raised ln Europe and Its backer claim that dirt will begin to fly as soon as the frost get out In th spring. Th proposed line will pass about three miles south of this city, -while the power plant will be about six miles southeast, near the Inland town of Elk City. Take Chamberlain's Cough Remedy when you hav a cold and you will be delighted wl ' SCHOOL days arc the days when most of the im- rortant habits of life are ormed. Teach your children the daily use of Dr. Lyon' 8 PERFECT Tooth Powder Xnd they will some day rise to call you blessed. It cleanses, beautifies and preserves the teeth and imparts purity and fragrance to the breath. CSsSbsCSsmE Revolutionists Lose in Battle V Near Acoyapa "ssssBasssw Desultory Engagement Takes Place, but Government Forces Are, Much Too Strong-. ; , . MANAGUA, Jan. 24. The advance guard of the revolutionary army, 800 strong, en gaged the government outposts today '; at La Llbertad, fourteen mile north of Acoy apa. The government foroes, 1,500 strong, under command of' General Narclso.'Arff uello, opened fire with the artllery. The revolutionists replied, at- long rang with rifle fire. They retired after forty-fir minutes, on finding themselves ro badly outnumbered and lacking artillery. : There were no casualties on the government aide. i' ' The arrest of conservative, alleged io ba Involved In a msvement . sffsinet th Ji-adrlr government still ' continues. The wildest rumors are current. One reports the capture of the steamer Victoria by th revolutionists on Lake Nicaragua. Another has It that Gkmeral Vasq'uei hat 'gone to the revolutionists, .but this' Is declared by the government to be absurd. SAN JUAN DEL SUR. Jan. 24 Rear Ad miral Kimball,' oommander of the Ameri can Squadron, has Issued a notice urging all Americans In Nloaragua to abstain from taking part In th political contro versy, or ' from violation of th laws of neutrality towards th factions in arras. He declares that he will not extend protec tion to any so-called American Interest, which has no existence In law or by right. MEXICO CITY, Jan. 14. Contrary 1 his announced Intention to' leave today, for Belgium, Joe Santos Zelaya this afternoon went to a ranch at Xlco to spend a week. It Is said that he will probably not go to Brussels until the middle or latter part of February. China Gives ' Delayed Reward Descendants of Officials Opposing - Anti-Foreign Policy in 1 1860 V Honored. " -s PEKING, Jan. 24. Aq Imperial edict was issued' today announcing rewards for ' the descendants of the officials Who opposed the anti-foreign policy in 1560 abd restored order at Peking after the British and French Invasion. ' ' ' " . The treaty of Tientsin, which ;was ar ranged by Lord Elgin and Baron Grog, the-. EngUsh and French envoys to China, re spectively, was signed In June, 1858. It provided for th. exchange of the ratifica tions at Peking within a. year from that date, but when the time came for ratifica tion the British envoy, on his way to Peking, was stopped In the rlvr Pei-IIo. Admiral Hope, commanding the British fleet, attempted to force a passage, aided by several French warships, but was re pulsed. The English and French then pre pared an expedition- against China. In October, I860, the allies invested Peking and the city surrendered with alight resistance. On October 24 the treaty of Tientsin was ratified. Dynamite Wreck Hollaing as completely aa coughs and colds wreck lungs. Cure them quick with Dr. King's New Discovery. 60o and 8L For sale by Beaton Drug Co. LADY LYTTON LIBERATED Bister of Lord Given' 'Freedom (ram Imprisonment that She Invited hy LIVETtPOOL, 4sn. i4.-Ldy Constance Lytton. sister of Lord Lyfton. who has served a week of a two. weeks'-sentence In Walton Jail trader the name of Jane War ton, for smashing the Jail window., was liberated today. ' K32S2ZS22X2!3BZ&EBgZ Backache . is quickly relieved by using , SLOAiCS IIMMEMX Prices, ., BOc, mud 01. OO. , Aa InhaUUoa for Whooplng-Cough, Croup, Bronchitis, cougnt. Diphtheria, Catarrh.. . Cro4en la Boon Asthmatic, t llo It sot aum mora .Switlra io brastba In raanwlf far diMSMa of th braaUilns organs Uiu to ton. th. ninwly Into tho auimaosi (-retime anna bMsnwr um air, raoasraa aironi ly anliarptia, la eirld otm IL. diMSMd tur(. wUh e.ry bioalh, Il'lnf prolutm.d and aon-Unl trMtm.at. it la fnttUoanlo to mottMn wllk tniall aliudiM. ThnM of s Cob. samp live Tendency will and IsinadlAt. r.ilof frum Cuagiit or lnfla.m.4 Condition of th. throl. ALL DRUQGUT, band loUl tut da aorlpilvo fluoklak Vapa-Creselen Ca. lau Fulton feiraat. N.w York. IP V