Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 25, 1910, Image 1
The Omaha : Daily Bee The Omaha dee goeg to the homes lg read by the women Belli goods for advertisers. WEATHER FORECAST. For Nebraska Generally fair. For Iowa Partly cloudy. VOL. XXX IX NO. ' 1G8. OMAHA, TUESDAY MORNING, JANUARY 25, 1910-TEN PAGES. SINGLE COPY TWO CENTS. LANDIS TO "BEEP TRUST" JURY Federal Judge at Chicago Outlines Methods for Procedure in Fro posed Inquiry. JURIST FURNISHES INFORMATION District Attorney Begins Work on Suggestion From Court NO ACTION FOR THE PRESENT Number of Minor Cases Will be Dis posed of First. WHAT THE LAW 11 1 m . a. a. k 0. state rninmrrrr and TrudeV '' Prescribed by CoifrMi. s.-., . J':- CHICAGO. Jan. 24. Judge Kenesaw Landls of the United States district court In his charge to the federal grand jury as sembled today to Investigate the meth ods of the so-called ''beef trust," declared It was through Information furnished by him that the present proceeding was started. Judge Landls ' also said hat after he had notified the United States district at torney In Chicago on January SO he was surprised to see en January sa notices In the newspapers coming ostensibly from Washington, stating that the government officials there had ordered the Investiga tion. It was' announced, however, that action on the "beef trust" Investigation would be postponed for a few days until some docket cases could be heard. It was explained that the present investigation was of such Importance that It would be better If the Jury was given a little time In which to familiarise Itself with the routine of the grand Jury procedure before considering the evidence to be presented In the packers' cases. After Judge Landls had read his charges '.he Jury proceeded to take up some cases f minor Importance. "Having In mind the duty "of the dis trict attorney," said Judge Landls, "I notified that officer on the 20th of this month that on your assembling here to lay the court would direct yeur atten ion to the subject of the present in vestigation. "It is a source of profound regret that kwo days later there began widespread newspaper' publication of matter pur porting to come from Washington and expressing the intention and determina tion of certain governmental function aries there as to this proceeding, and al leging, in that connection, their purpose with respect to certain Individuals resid ing in this district. - Secrets of Jurr Boon. ."Wtlhatrt ..ftatumlpg-noyUBIng Jiere. offi cially that there la anything behind the publications except Journalistic enterprise, I caution you to pay no attention what ever to them, as - It will be your duty to conscientiously refrain from making any disclosure of matters transpiring in your Jury room. This so for two reasons; In the first place, If an individual Is indicted he ought to have the right of trial by a Jury taken from an atmosphere that has not been sucharged with feeling agalnat him, and In the second place if he is not Indicted, it is not right that It should be published from time to time that evldenoe showing him guilty of unlawful conduct had been pre sented to the grand Jury. "Various reports of alleged circumstances and conditions In connection with the meat Industry have come to me. While the representations set forth In these com plaints, even if true, do not necessarily Imply violation of federal law, they are of such character as to clearly Impose upon the court the duty of directing your attention to them to the end that the subject may have at your hands the In vestigation and consideration Its Import ance requires. "The statute declares every contract, combination In the form of trusts or other wise, or conspiracy In restraint of trade or commerce among the several states or with foreign nations to be illegal and It is pro vided that every person who shall make such contract, or engage in any such com bination or conspiracy, or who shall mon opolise or attempt to monopolise or com bine or conspire with any other person or persons to monopolise any part of such .rade or commerce shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor. Hales for Free Competition. "While you will observe that by this en sctment congress has prescribed the rule of free ' competition among those engaged In Interstate and International trade and commerce, I desire to press upon you that It la not within the competency of congress, nor does the act attempt to deal with trade or commerce which la wholly Intra state." After enlarging on the fact that congress cannot Interfere with commerce within a state, the court continued: "You will perceive Intent Is the essence of this of Tense -that Is to say, there must be a conscious purpose on the part of the accused to suppress competition by co operation to that end. The law does pot concern Itself with mere celncidence of con duct In the absence of such Intent." A special venire of Jurors appeared be, fore Landls and twenty-three men were Chosen to compose the grand Jury that Is 'o bear the . evidence and decide whether indictments shall be returned against the packers. ; The firms agalnat which the government will proceed are: Swift A Co., Armour & Co., and Morris & Co., who It Is alleged control the National Packing company tor their common benefit. Karly today deputy United States mar shals were started out with more than a score of aubpoenaes and wrlta to bring before the grand Jury, employes and books of the concerna lnvo'oved. Every precaution waa taken to keep the Identity of witnesses secret. A large num ber of seoret service operatives hav ap parently been brought here from other Oltlea. and it la believed they will be uaed In serving subpoenaes aa well as supplying ivldence gathered during the Investlga lon. Only two aubpoenaes were turned oer o United State Marshal L. T. Hoy today. Wr. Hoy refused to give any Information oni-ernliig the Identity of the persona on shorn the subpoena were to be served. At the city offices of the National Pack, tng company and Armour A Co.. it waa laid no subpoenasa bad been served. Harry Lyons Dies of Wounds Self-inflicted Omaha Boy Shoots Himself at Cedar Rapids Because of a "Grouch." CEDAR RAPIDS, la,, Jan. 24. Bpclal Telegram.) Harry Lyons of Omaha, who shot himself in the left temple and the stomach at I o'clock this morning In the lavatory of his room at Hotel Montrose, died at Mercy hospital at 4 o'clock this afternoon. A. Rothschild, hla roommate, who clalma to have been out of the room at the time of the shooting. Is held by the police, but will probably be released. Shortly before hla death Lyons reiterated the statement that hla wounda were self Inflicted and completely exonerated Roths child. He said that he realised he was going to die; that he did not want to die, ut had shot himself because of a 'grouch." refused to state the cause of the luch," but said he never had such a . cause for one as he had had since turday. , ' -s In Lyons' pockets Indicate that " j no trouble with his sweetheart In ,iaha, but ahe did not like the company ho was keeping, especially Rothschild. The two men had been here since Friday. They and two othera played poker on a 10-cent ante Sunday afternoon and evening in the room at the hotel and Rothschild claims that Lyons waa the winner. But at the time of hla death he had but IS, while Rothschild when searched at the police station had only a nickel. This would not have been sufficient to pay their hotel bill. One theory la that Lyons' father had ahut off his funds. Mrs. Lyons la expected tonight and It if probable that an Inquest will be held. Harry Lyons Is 23 years of age and the only son of Mr. and Mrs. George H. Lyons, 2403 Harney street. He was formerly with the Logan & Bryan Grain company and Is now In business with Chester Weeks. The firm is Weeks & Lyons and has offices in the Branded building. Lyons started from Omaha last week to travel for a Little Rock grain firm. At that time he seemed to be in the best of health and spirits. Friends here can think of no reason for his act Mr. and Mrs. I Lyons and the young woman to whom Harry Lyons was engaged went to Cedar Rapids on receipt of the news. Packers Insist Meat is Cheaper Armour and Swifts Quote Figures Comparing Prices of Last Year and This. "Speaking of the ' steadily increasing prices of meat permit me' to say," said H. K. Finney, general, .tmrnagcr-f ok Arnunur & Co. of South Omaha, "that Tor ihe first three weeks Of January, 1908,- the average price per 100 pounds of beef sales was $7.84; for the first three weeks in, July, 1909, the average price was $8.7t and for the first three weeks in January, 1910, the average price for the same amount waa $7.18. "Theee figures ought to speak for them selves, as they show that instead of ad vancing the prices have Inclined downward In the last six or seven months." H. O. Edwards, manager for Swift aV Co., asserts that the average price for which his firm sold beef for the first three weeks of January, this year, was leas than it waa at this time last year, and also much lower than in July last year. These are the fig. urea which his books show: Average price of beef first three weeks January, 1910, 17.85. - Average price of beof first three weeka January, 1P09, $7.94. Average price of beef first three weeks July 1909. $8.63. ) Hurrah! Price of Butter is Lower Falls Off Six Cents a Pound on Best Creamery Because of Congestion in the East. The price of butter has fallen S cents a pound. The Falrmount Creamery company advised The Bee last evening that this was a fact due to a congestion of fresh butter in New York and other large eastern cities, where the people have gone to eating the storage product. Thla company believes .the price wlH not rise until the demand does, and It doesn't pretend to aay when that will be. This makes the retail price of the beet creamery butter In Omaha 38 cents a pound beginning today, and that same brand will be aold to the retailer for 81 cents. , Middles Are Dismissed. WASHINGTON, Jan. 4.-Prealdent Taft today approved the dlamlsaal from the naval academy at Annapolis of Midship men James M. Whitehead of New Jersey Scott Lynn of Utah and Grover C. eleven ger of Kxoelalor Springs, Mo. The mid shipmen were charged with intoxication. American Food Products Sold Cheaper in Europe WASHINGTON, Jan. 21-"I am gather ing proof which will show that farm prod ucts are being sold cheaper abroad than they are In this country," declared Secre tary of Agriculture Wilson today at the high cost of living hearing being conducted by a subcommittee of the house committee on the District of Columbia. Mr. Wilson gave evidence to show the producer at the present time waa getting a little more than formerly for his food products, while the ultimate consumer waa paying an excessive price. . "Until comparatively recently the Ameri can people enjoyed the cheapest food In the world." continued Mr. Wilson. "Hut nowadays not enough people know how to farm profitably, bow to get enough out of a day's work, nor how to make an acre respond. The lure of the factory haa osJled the farmer from the plow. "The worst farming in this country Is done er- of AUujHany mountains and ONE-FOURTH OF FRMCEFLOODED Quarter of Area of Country Under Water and Rain and Snow Con tinue to Fall. SITUATION IS GROWING WORSE Electric Plant of Chamber of Deputies is Drowned Out. SEINE HIGHEST IN CENTURY Floods Break All Records Since 1802 at Paris. TEMPEST DELUGES VICTIMS Quarter of Million People Stand la Drenching; Rain Watching- Yellow Torrent Cellars Fall and Buildings Threatened. PARIS, Jan. 24. A fourth of France. It la estimated la under water today. Snow and rain are adding to the floods which are unprecedented In the history of the present generation. The Seine continue! to rise today and the situation In this city grew worse hourly. Water has drowned out the -electric- plant In the Chamber of Deputies and today the deputies met by lamp light. Premier Brland Introduced a bill appropriating 1400,000 for the relief of sufferers from the floods: He described what the government was already doing to abate the dls trees and highly praised the rescue work done by the sold iers and gendarmes. Owing to the difficulty of getting food Into the city market, prices have been raised, adding another element of distress to the poorer claasea. It Is estimated that 26,000 laborers have been thrown out of em ployment. " Fortunately the causualtles have been comparatively few, but frequent narrow escapes from death are reported. The ex plosion of boilers In Inundated factories Is an occasional element of danger. An enosmous amount of live stock Is reported to have' been drowned In the departments of marine Aubey, Elsne and Meuse. It is now believed the Eiffel tower, the foundations of which were threatened by the waters, Is no logger In danger of colbjipane. However, the wireless sat tlon at the top of the tower has been abandoned temporarily. The rivers Rhone and Loire are reported to be falling and the situation accordingly Improved at Lyons, Limoges, Troye. An necy and AUxerre. The property damage cannot be esti mated with any accuracy, but It will be very great. Following the appeal' of Premier Brland, the Chamber of Deputies unanimously voted the $-100,000 requested for the aid of flood sufferers. . Late this afternoon President Falllarlea and Premier Brland made a tour of the flooded. dljKrbjUMa." an, aufcosnobll. , The crest ' o , ftbe flood had then almost touched the top of the . ate has of the Pont Alma. Preparations were made, to blow up the span with dynamite If it should become necessary The sewer In the Place Havre has caved In and the Avenue Montaigne has been Invaded by the waters. The schools In the inundated suburbs have been closed. The flood situation In Paris reached a more critical stage this morning. The Seine had has risen nine inches since 2 o'clock and the river now registers 7.53 meters at Pont Royal. This 1 sthe hlggh ent the river has been since 1802,' when it reached 8.80 meters, the highest point recorded In the history of France except In the year 1(15. A terrible tempest of rain . and wind which broke over the city at daylight only adds to the horror of the situation and to the suffering of the poor and homeless. Although the waters of the Seine af fluents above the city still are rising rapidly, the municipal authorities were hopeful thla morning that the maximum stage of waters would be reached by night fall. The river presents an awe-inspiring spec tacle. A quarter of a million people In a drenching rain throng the stone parapets and quays watching the yellow'tlde, which is crowded with drift wood, wine casks and other, wreckage, rushing seaward. The water now Is almost flush with the arches of the bridges. Work to Save Bridges. Firemen, police and troops are working like mad at all the bridges disentangling blockades resulting from the floating debris, and it la hoped that, all the bridgea will be aaved. Traffic on several of the frailer onea, however, haa been stopped. All of the cellars' along the quaya are fllleoTwlth water. One of the chief dangers la the weakening of the foundations of the buildings along the water front by the seeping waters. The remaining walla of the foreign office are surrounded by water and the beautiful garden In the rear of the building la a verlable lake Streets around the Chamber of Deputies are considered unsafe and all traffic In theae s'treeta haa been forbidden. The tunnel between the Qua! D'Orsay and the Qua! D'Auaterllts stations is a rushing stream. The basement on the Palais D'Jus- (Continued on Pag Two.) agricultural land la cheapeat In that locality.- "In consequence," continued Secretary Wilson, "the boys have left the farm and the scarcity of labor is now the greatest concern of the agriculturist" Secretary Wilson declared that Washing ton waa one of the most expensive cities In which to live, and retailers in this city de mand VtVt per cent profit while In cities like Philadelphia and New York th ...... content with 17 to SO per cent Condltlona at the capital, however, with reference to the ooet of living, the secre tary said, were true to a great extent of other cities. He told tho' committee that It had a great opportunity to do a service for the whole people by ascertaining the cause of theee conditions. Chairman Moore Intimated that the whole matter of the cost of food nrodurt. mm producer to consumer would be gone Into. secretary wiisun waa the onlv ,it. examined today Fixing the Responsibility for the High Cost of Living Same Old Circle From the Minneapolis Journal. NO PROFIT ON FASTENERS v Commissioner Dennett Answers An other of Hitchcock's Charges. INVENTION OF AN EMPLOYE Reaen-ts Statement Hitchcock Not Wanted at Land Clfira Tmth Aboat Tele- Was WASHINGTON, Jan. 24. Admitting that the paper fasteners . used by the general land office were the invention of his chief of accounts, Irving C. Rlttanhouse, and declaring the latter made no profit on them. Commissioner Dennett answered an other of the charges made against the In terior department by Representative Hitch cock of Nebraska - when the hearings be ing conducted by the house committee on expenditures In the Interior department were resumed today. Mr. Dennett said he' waa careful to as certain that It was no violation of law be fore the purchase was made and required Mr. Rlttenhouse to waive his royalty. Mr. Dennett resented the suggestion that Mr. Hitchcock' was persona non grata at the land office and that he could not get Information he wanted, Mr. Hitchcock, who for a time examined the' witness, said he had been asked his statement on ' the president's recent order ' against subor dinates divulging Information;' Because of this and the peculiar position he occupied In having presented charges ; he had not applied for Information. Condensation of the testimony of . the last hearln gof the comlttee aa reported In these dispatches d to, the omission of aji important statement' -ef Commissioner Dennett of general land office regarding the charge that private telegrams were paid out of the funds of the department. This la what' the commissioner . said as shown by the stenographer's record: 'I have no knowledge of any such tele grams .being sent, with the exception of two telegrams which were sent to the commissioner of the general land . office at a critical time, stating certain remarks which were being made in a paper. These telegrams after having been received were taken to the chief of field ..eervloe and the Western Union were notified that they must not be charged - to the public land appropriation; that they related to private matters; that no bill would be authorised which was submitted for those telegrams." It appears from the record that this state ment was substantiated by Mr. New burgh, assistant chief of the accounts di vision; the purport of the ' testimony of both being that the telegrams referred to as transmitting newspaper articles were not paid for by the department at all. - - Examined by Mr. Hitchcock, Commis sioner Dennett agreed to furnish a detailed statement of all expenditures from the million-dollar fund around which the charges resolve on the claim of improper use, and also to furnish a list of trans fers and promotions tot employes between and on the atatuory civil service rolls and the special million-dollar fund or "Schwarti rolls." Ha denied that salaries were gener ally Increased when employes were trans ferred to the "Schwarti rolls." Mr. Hitchcock explained that he could not agree to answer all queatlona because of the naturally confidential character of his sources of information In the Interior department and the punishment that would follow exposure of these sources. Mr. Dennett aald that's llule over $5,000 worth of furniture. Including carpets and rugs, had been bought for use in the gen eral land office under the $1,000,000 publlo domain protection fund, but that It was all incidental to the work under that ap propriation and waa of the cheapeat kind of material and bought under the regular contract system. He said the $1,000,000 appropriation had enabled the bureau to catoh up largely with the work of protecting the public domain. MK5. I ILLMAN, Jn., SttKS WRIT FOR HER CHILDREN DaughJrr-'f n-Luw of Senator Is Ask ing Divorce Front . Ilasband. COLUMBIA. S. d Jam 24. Attorneys for Mrs. B. R. Tillman, jr., made Applica tion before the supreme court today to be heard on a petition for a writ of habeas corpus to obtain possession of her two children, Douschka and Sarah, now held by United States Senator Benjamin R. Till man. The younger Mrs. Tillman charges that her husband was addicted to the ex cessive use of Intoxicants and cruelty. Sworn statements from leading, oltlsena In the state, attested her unimpeachable char acter. The case will be presented to the supreme court next Monday. I BUCK STOVE CASES JOINED Two Anneals la O a pees Contempt Hearing; Ordered Consolidated. . by Court. WASHINGTON. Jan. t4.-The appeals of the oflcera of the American Federation of Labor to the supreme court growing out of the suit of the Bucks Stove and Range com pany against them In the District of Colum bia, were today ordered consolidated by the court and set for hearing on the first Tues day In the term, beginning next October. Banker Frisked As He Was Acting Part of Gallant W. M. Van Norden Sobbed of $28,000 By Woman Whose Purse He Picked Dp. NEW YORK, Jan. 24. Warner M. Van Norden, the banker and president of the Van Norden Trout company, was held up and robbed of $28,000, lost Wednesday night as he was leaving the Waldorf-Astoria. 'With the arraignment today of Bessie Roberts, alias Kitty Dowdell, of Chicago and Annie WUIiams, alias "Chicago Mar gie," came the story how Mr. Van Norden's exceeding graciousness cost him his pock et book. Mr. Van Norden left the hotel and was about to take his automobile when he saw two women walking along Fifth avenue. One of the women dropped a pocket book and Mr. Van Norden politely picked it up and returned It A hearty slap on the back was-the some what startling and unconventional manner In which one of the women signalised her thanks. There was a profusion of thanks and bows and one of the women fainted suddenly on Mr. Van 'Norden's shoulder. The woman revived and' the banker went home In his machine. The $29,000 was gone when Mr. Van Norden reached home. The women have been held In $30,000 ball for further examination. Kitty Dowdell, or Beesle Roberts, was ar rested yesterday and the Williams woman was found later. In the language' of the police the women wore "fust workers. M .. . -The .Williams Rlrl. 'who'' Is described by her associates as the "big blonde." denied she had robbed anyone or that she knew of any robbery. .. 4- i..i- "If DowdU got away with anybody's roll," she observed, "she didn't give me any of it I was not wise to the opera tion." i FiftyTEight Bodies Foiind in Wreck Conductor's Tickets Show Seventy nine Passengers Were on Can adian Pacifio Train. SAULT STp. MARIE, Ont, Jan. 14. The count of tickets of Conductor Reynolds of the Ill-fated Canadian Pacific railway train shows there were aeventy-nlne passengers.' This does not Include the crew. Fifty, eight bodies I have been-recovered and two are reported missing. In the second-clas coach all the eleven occupants perished. LOOKS BETTER F0 RLIBERALS Late Returns In England Increase Lead .of Coalition Over Opposition. LONDON, Jan. 24.-The liberals materi ally Increased their score, according to to day's returns from Saturday's elections for members of Parliament. They retain" fif teen seats previously held out of a total of seventeen contests. Of the other two seats ohe went to a unionist and the other to a nationalist. The position of the parties at this time Is as follows: Government Cpalitlon Liberals 200 Laborltes 2$ Nationalists 6a Opposition- Unionists , 219 SHOT DEAD IN COURT ROOM CaJentta Police Officer Who Exposed Bomb Conspiracy, Victim of Assassin. CALCUTTA, British India. Jan. 24 Shamrul Sllema, a police officer, who was prominent in unearthing the Mlchapur. Bengel, bomb conspiracy, waa shot dead In the high court today.. The murderer, a young Bengali, fled. When overtaken the assassin threw a bomb, which failed to explode, and he waa overpowered. There's no such thing as a useless article. If you don't need a thing, your neigh bor may. Tbe Bee Want ads sell what one lg glad to be rid of, to another who it clad to get It, Phone your want ad into The Bee if you can't come down to the office. Want Ad Phong Douglu S3S. FARMERS ROLLING IN WEALTH Examples of How Richardson County Land Pays Dividends. RETIRE. AT AGE OF FORTY Horses Bousrht Sixteen Years Ago Sell Today for Iltsjhcr Prices Than When Young? Fortunes In Colts. M. N. Davis, not long ago, hauled off a buggy that was not his own and lost week brought some of his wife's chickens to town and -sold them, the amount being nearly (20. Joe Nedrow sold some of his wife's chickens this week and then had about $36 extra to carry around in his pockets. Mr. Nedrow tries to Justify him self by saying the chickens were eating more corn than they were worth. Mrs. Amll Morlts aold a big lot of chlckena not long ago and then Mr. Morlts announced a public sale with the statement that he had rented hla farm and was going to live In town. Stella Press. -The above item, true In Itself, was re cently published as a joke In the Stella Press. - The next week Mr. Morlts had a farm sale and then he gave the editor of The Press, for "publication, a statement as to why he oan retire from the farm. He Is only 40 years old, and during sixteen years of married life haa made $25,000 at farm ing, beginning as a renter. In the state ment he saya that at hla sale, one mare, owned sixteen years and costing ISO, sold for 65. She had raised mule colts, which Mr. ''Morlts sold at different times and re ceived $992.60 for . them. Another mare owned eight years, costing-$30, and rais ing colts,, which sold for $651.50. at the sale irf.'qirhr $a...K : bought eight years ago for brought $120; she had raised oolts, selling for $534. During the time Mr. Mor lts owned these animals the sale of their colts amounted to $2,148. The first team of mules was sold eight years ago. The total .amount of thla public farm aale waa $1,888. Prosperity In Richardson. The following Items tell their own story of the success and prosperity of the Rich ardson county farmer: James B. Standerford of Humboldt last week sold at St. Joseph a carlot of hogs (sixty-eight head) averaging 2fi5 pounds at $8.80 per hundred. On the date of the sale the price waa the highest ever paid on the Ht, Joseph market. This price was 6 cants higher than Kansas City's top price and 20 cent's better than the highest price at South Omaha for the same date, which ahowa Standerford knowa how to raise and feed hogs. Just about a month earlier Mr. Standerford sold a carlot of hogs, of his own feeding, also. In St. Joseph for $8.42Vi. The hogs averaged 306 pounds and up to that 'date brought the highest price ever paid at St. Joseph, consequently within a month he attained two top record-breaking prices. The lat of September Isaac W. Harris of Stella topped the Kansaa City market with three cars of hogs which sold at $8.15. Mr. Harris came here from Illinois nearly forty years ago and bought unimproved land for a farm home at $5 an' acre. Following the panic of , 1873 he offered hogs for sale at $2.50 per hundred, but could find no buyer. After keeping the hogs awhile he sold them at $2.76, Which Is his lowest selling price as a hog stockman. Mr. Harris Is today one of the rich men of Nebraska. He Is an officer and stockholder in several banks, a heavy stockholder In the Humboldt brick plant and president of the Richardson County Farmers' Mutual Insurance com pany, yet he haa worked as hard aa any farm hand at all klnda of farm labor. The family are now occupying their town resi dence In Stella. At a women'a club meeting the last week Mrs Harris stated that last summer she raised and canned her own tomatoes for winter, after the remark had young, strong, healthy woman, had Just been Been buying at the local grocery atore canned tomatoes, canned beans, butter. bread and potaoea. Richardson County Cattle. In the fall Kansas City press dispatches heralded the report that $8.00 cattle, long expected, had arrived. These cattle were a Richardson county product and were ralaed on the Harbaugh ranch at Dawson. They were fifty head of white faces averag ing 1,487 pounds and were sold to Armour & Co., not for $8.00. but for $8.10. Soon after ward Harbaugh's herd beat even the above, for he sold a carlot of fifteen head for $10 09 per hundred, which waa the highest priced load of cattle ever sold at any of the great markets of the country. Theae fifteen head were a mixed bunch of Angus, Shorthorna and Herefords and averaged 1,584 pounds. They were not show cattle, but, as those of the Harbaugh cattle first mentioned, were selected by their owner from a herd of 230 head he was feeding. in inira lot irom una nuncn aold at $8.40. and tbe remaining lot, five head, at $U.0O. The Harbaugh cattle were atarted to fatten on snapped corn and alfalfa and finished on ground com. It Is not uncommon for Richardson county farmers to top the atock markets In the nild-weat cities, but there is some thing of'uajusual and particular Interest in Ithe case a here cited. J. H. Morehead of Fails City la also a late topper of the Kansaa City market with three carlota of fat cattle. Last spring he paid $3.75 for the steera and he took a top price at $8.25. Ha feeda corn and hay anl runs hogs with the cattle. In the spring he bought 125 light shoats at $d.t5, and hla book accounts show they brought him $2, W0. COMMITTEE ACTS ON WAREHOUSES House Body in Charge of Indian Af fairs Would Drop Them in All Cities. SECRETARY EALLTtfGER'S PLAN Department Criticises Thomas as Foi Too Expensive. i OBJECTION AS TO INSPECTION Claim Made Goods Are Not Properly Investigated. PROVISION FOR GENOA SCH00I Bills Introduced for New Building In ftonth DakotaHenry T. Clark's Plaa to Harness Missouri. - (From a Staff Correspondent) 1 WASHINGTON, D. C. Jan. 24. (Special Telegram,) The Indian Affairs committee of the housA In reporting the Indian appro priation bill today threw a bomb among Indian warehouses by falling to make an appropriation for their continuance. Cor respondents of newspapers In cities where Indian warehouses are located besieged. Chairman Burke of South Dakota to as certain the reason for this omission. To morrow representatives and senators will probably begin asking the question why the Indian warehouse should be abandoned. Instead of Chairman Burke asking the question why thla change from the ao tctepted "b.w, Mr. Burke turned the In quirers over to Robert B. Person, clerk of the committee, late auditor for the Interior department, and Mr. Person, acting as go between, said that after full Investigation, It had been ascertained that the ware houses were too expensive, because It coat too much to maintain them. It costs In the neighobrhood of $'W.000, acordlng to Mr. Person, to maintain warehouses at Omaha, New York, 8t Louis, Chicago and San Francisco. He insisted that if goods were bought In the open market and under cash dlacouta there would be considerable raving for the government. "In purchasing supplies," he said, "they must be transported . to warehouses and then ret ran sported to places where needed. Tou can buy mora quickly and get tho 'benefit of prevailing marketa aa goods are needed than if you purchase them In large lota and atore them until needed. Inspection Criticised. "And then another i thing, I have dis covered that the inspection of goods la largely a farce. I made this discovery on an extensive tour of the country with for mer Secretary of the Interior James A. Garfield. I discovered, that where thou sands of packages, say went into a ware house, the .Inspector would only look over one of two packages 'and aocetH the rest aa being up-16 standard "- i ' ', "Then you expect inspection to be made at the school or agency?" "Yea," replied Mr. person. "That seems to be the bettor way; certainly the mora saving way." i . " "What Is to prevent the superintendent' of a school or agency from doing the same thing aa you charge against inspectors at Indian warehouses?" "e will only inspect goods which are needed and will In the course of his busi ness Inspect all of them, as he Is ordering for but one Institution as agalnat pur chares for a number of Institution." According to Mr. Person, Representative Hlnshaw of Nebraska was the only mem ber of the committee to protest against the action taken which the clerk of the committee fays was unanimous. Mr. Hln shaw held up the action until the meeting Saturday morning, when the bill was com pleted and made ready for report today. Provision for the Genoa Indian school, which was left but of the estimate, Is In the bill as reported today, there being an appropriation- of $3,100 for the maintenanc of 400 pulls. ' It was generally said today that the sen ate committee on Indian affairs would un doubtedly restore Indian warehouses omitted from the bill, but of course that Is a matter largely of pressure, and It will be necessary for Omaha to get busy with the rest of the oltlea which are like suf ferers by reason of the house commlttee'a action and bring the senators to an appre ciation of what the ' Indian warehouse means to better service, i, New Building; for Pierre. It Is Interesting In this connection, that while Chairman Burke became an advocate of Secretary Balllnger's recommendation that all warehouses be eliminated, he has provided for a new building at the Pierre Indian school to cost $26,000. The bill further carries $26,000 for the enlargement of the Insane asylum at Canton and gives Rapid City's school $7,600 for additional lmprovernenta, an increase of $2,500 over the estimates of the secretary of the interior and Treasury department. One feature of the bill,' In view of tha agitation over the retention of warehouses, la worth panning mention, for under It the . secretary of the Interior could place a warehouse anywhere, and thla may turn out .to be the African In tha lumber pile. In view of Secretary' Balllnger's recom mendation to discontinue all Indian ware houses. The paragraph referred to reads as followa: "For purchase of good and supplies for Indian service, Including Inspection pay of necessary employes, and all other expenses connected therewith. Including advertising, telegraphing, telephoning and transporta tion of Indian goods and supplies, $3,000, provided, that thereafter the purchase of Indian supplies shall be mad In conformity with requirements of section (70S of revised statutes of United States." Senator Crawford' today Introduced a bill appropriating $K,000 for the establish ment of a fish hatchery station In eaatcrn South Dakota within the 'valley of the Sioux river. The selection of the sit pro posed la left to the discretion of the secre tary of commerce and labor. Sei.ator Crawford also Introduced a bill to Increase the limit of cost of a publlo building at Huron to $100,000. Help, for Fremont. -The secretary of the treasury today sent a letter to congrens asking that an ap propriation of $3,600 be Inseittd In the pend ing urgency deficiency bjll to enable him to rent suitable quarters for housing gov ernmont employes pending remodeling and completion of the federal building at Fre mont, Neb. On recommendation of Congressman Hull, Dr. E. C. MoClure has been appointed, pea.