f THE BEE: OMAHA, MONDAY, JANUARY 24,1910. Want; A3s AdTertfeementa tor tka .wanted rnlamne will e taken til IS sn. (he evening; edition and til 8i P ra. top the nanrnlngr and anndar - (Ion. ' Caak as.st aeeompnnr nil nrdere ,or want Ma and adTertlaeinent will ba amr(4 for leaa tkaa SO eente for flrat Insertion, . Rates apply ta either Tk Oallf Snndny- Baa. A 1 war a eonnt el ward a ta a line. . , CAglt RATF.I FOR WHT ADS. REdCLAK CLASSirrCATIOW Oa Insertion, 1 1-3 rents par ward and 1 rant per ward (or aaeh annseejnent Insertion. Each Inaartlon made on odd days, 1 1.2 rente par word) fl.BO par Una pee . month. . ... Want ada for The Baa mar left at air of (ka fallnwlan; dm a; ataraa oaa la yonr "roraer dmgglst" they aro all bra ark offices for The Be. and year ad will ba Inaartad Jat aa prontptlr and on tha ansa, rataa aa at tho tnnln offlea In Tha Baa Bnlldlne;, Seventeenth and Fnrnnaa atraotai Albaen. Pf . C, 40tH and Farnam. Bernnek, B. A.. 1402 9. 10th St. Beohx Phirmur. 720 9. Itth St Benson Pharmacy, Benson, Neb. Bemls Psrk Phsrmsey, Sid and Cuming. Blake-Bradtsh. 2819 Shermen Ave. Csughlm, C. R., th and Pierce 8ta. Clifton Illll Rharmacy. 2211 Military At. Cottte,' J B., flat Ave. and Farnam. Crissey Pharmacy. Itth and Lake. Coonsy Pharmacy. 222U 8. 16th St. Cernjak, Kmtl, 1K4-6 ft. Uth fit. Ehler, F; H., 102 Leavenworth. Foster A Arnoldl. lit N. Wth 8t Freytag, John J.. 1914 N. 24th St. Pregger Drug Co., I'M N. 16th St Florence Drug Co., Florence, Neb. Goldman Pharmacy, 20th and Lake. Green's Pharmacy, Park Ave. and Paolflo. Creenough. O. A., 105 S. 10th 8t. Greenough. Q. A.. 10th and Hickory. Harden, William C, 292 Psinam 8t. Ilanscom Park Phar., D01 8. 29th Ave. Holat, John, 634 N. 18th St Huff. A. . J.. iHf4 Leavenworth St. Johanson Drug Co., 14th and Spalding Sta King. H. 8., 2238 Farnam St. Kountse Place Pharmacy, 3304 N. 34th. Mnree,. Fred L.. MID Central Blvd. Patrick Drug Co., 1624 N. 14tti St. Lathrop, Charles E.. 1324 N. Uth St. Peyton. L. K., 24th and Leavenworth Sta Saratoga Drug Co., 24th and Ames Ave. Schaefer's Cut Price Drug Store. ICth and Chicago Ma. Schsefer, August, 2631 N. 16th St Schmidt H.,'.14th and Cumin Eta. Htorm Pharmacy, 18th and Martha Sta. Walnut Hill Pharmacy, win and C liming. AValton Pharmacy, 80tn and Grace St. Wlrth. O. If., 40th and Hamilton Sta. DEATH AND Pt'NCRAL NOTICES. EMERY Ellas Lv aged 83 years. Funeral from Cole-McKay Cox 'a chapel, 17u8 Douglas street Tuesday at 10 a. m. In terment private. JACOBS-John O., eon of Mra. M. O. Maul, aged 26 yeara, Funeral fro..i residence, '835 Park avenue, Monday at 2 p. m. Please omit flowere. WILBUR Lnue T., 1204 W abater atreet, t p. m. Saturday. . , -Funeral services (private) at 1 o'clock Monday. ' FEENAN Robert C, 60S South Thirteenth street Sunday, January S3, 2 p. m., aged 4i yeara. - Funeral from St. Phllomena's churoh, Tuesday. Interment Holy Sepulcher cem etery. Leave residence at 8:110 -a. m., church at 9 o'clock. - . , ANNOUNCEMENTS rTk AT.' CLEAN Carbon Cooking Coal vviUJ Coutant Squires. 1408 Far. D. 8. The Smith Premier Typewriter Company Is receiving old friends and new In lis new borne In the - New Kennedy Building, - 1 19th and Douglas. Street Omaha's Newest Commercial District fcimith Premier Typewriter Co. . M. O. Plowman. Mgr. HINDOO TABLET will build, brace, trengthen. BOc HELL DllUG CO. ANCHOR FENCE CO. Iron and wire fencea chenuer than wood. Las, a Ufatime. 107 N. 17th. . . . 'Phone Red 814. TTlrtf i-tnOmah electric works repairs ele- Xjietllltvator(, 108 N. 11th. D. 1181. A-1448. GOOD MERCHANTS LUNCH. K nrpct A. JETES, 13(JJ Dotiglas St. " J-O. DAVID CL.1S Creamery Co. WEDDING RINGS Rytm Jewelry Co., Fifteenth and . louglas. : MELCHER SCHMIDT ; . - DRUp CO., Anonunce t lie Opening of ITieir NEW: COMPLETE 17th and PIURMACY 'Farnam Opp..J.-y. Life Bldg., About February 10. The same attention to details In the se lection of our stock snd tha filling of prescription that has made our preaent storea a aucoee will be the rule In OUR, NEW UP-TOWN BTORE. YOTT The Western Hit Schmoller XU, AOl, A Mueaer sheet Music Uept PTAMnSBal,'wln Co.. wholesale player PaDua, organs. 100 McCague B. MONEY TO LOAN LOW JKArhi, in sums to suit. 110 Boa Bldg. UNION LOAN COMPANY. '. Douglas Printing Co. ' Tel. Douglas 644.' i NEW HAMILTON CAFE 24th and farnath, hamilton apt 8. prompt- and courteous atten ti on. Stable d hote. a la carte. FRITZ Ei S ANDWALL J0efcfarn Formerly So Omaha, now 001 Paston Blk. OMAHA'fHife and Iron Works makes a sp-Ult- tf ftre1 eacapaa, shutters, doors and safs. Q. -Andreen, Prop., 102 S. loth. LOUIE 'AI1KO IVs. Dou1" 8t- m- 4tii.uu ,!., bit steak and chop plaee. American and Chineae at y lea. I. V. DUDGEON,, Plumbing andhertlng! I r i , (?!.TAT?Ti Ky and gen. repairing. New y.-UVlllJ location. 17J0 Leavenworth. . PL'JMHINO. R. a. Hamilton, "steam and ga fining. 2331-LearenwortU. D. 4Wil. A-4A6. , PATTON-BOWM AN ' HARDWARE CO. ' Announce the Opening of Their , NEW .STORE, 1016 FARNAM ST. ' ( , .. PHONE D. 6a4. Complete atook of Contractors' Supplies. iriilldrr- Hardware, Toola. Janitor's Sup plies, Cutlery, etc. ILER GRAND HOTEL fe'HowaVd- Turkish Baths Cement iBIocks ffi.gg. Co. ELEVATOR3 REPAIRED Freight Paal engtr,. J R. Kennedy, 104 t. lSlh. Doug.27. U. S. Cleaning Co, ." pji TRY the Morrla Cafe. Wt Dodge . '. .PHOTO ENGRAVING Acta Mast Etching. Prompt Work. W. R, liUAMBlTT CO.. UU Howard. D. 697L 8anttoca Druir Co.. Mth and Amea Ave.. accurate mmpuundera of preaurlptlun. Free delivery. Biota upen 6:80 a. in. to 11 p. m. lunanicota, J. P. Bluom Co.; IMS Far. ANNOUNCEMENTS IContlnud.t OFFICE STATIONERY Koiera dt Co.. ISOt Jackrnn. 'Phone D. ls-V M!ourl Filters nade, sold. 1310 Hownri LEW.W.RABER The Printer Over 20 Years in N. Y. L. Bldg. AFTFR FEBRUARY L 1818. BEE BUILDING W.'"?, urt 101!. AFETT RAZOR BLADHS made sharp thnn new; t cts. each; all makes. 8MIT1 NOVELTY CO., R. 8. Union Blk.. 15th an. Farnam Sts. ' ARKIN-S KOSHER RKSTAURANT. 816 8. 15th St.. (Upstairs). THE beat bakery lunch, LeavenworO St. bakery. 2707 LaVenworth. Tel. II. 60 OTVAT. Illinois lump per ton (fcfVMi yjUAU Pi j creedon 4 Sons. 5pl.JU 45th and Dodge, Tal. Harney 2160. AUfpMOBlLES See Drummond For your AU'lO TOP or TOP REPAlll.v For AUTO WHEELS or WHEEL RE PAIRS. Tor aprlng or axle repairs. For the lowest priced good painting. For body woodwork or trimming. For Diamond Tires, Tubes and Casings - 18th and Harney Sts. Aeroplane. OMAHA AEROPLANE AGENCY. 1101 Farnam. Dlatbrs. Matthewson-Marrs Aeroplanes. Call or writs for specifications. Aatoaaobllea. USED AUTOMOBILE BARGAINS 190 4-oyl., 80 h. p.. Maxwell Touring Car, with top and glass front. Price 11.U0. IDOt 4-cyl.. 'J h. D. Maxwell TourlnR Car, with top, used 4 months. Price ll.lto. lB088-cyl 10 h. p. Maxwell Touring Car, fully equipped. Price 16C0. 4-cyi., mi u. p. Bulck, In line condi tion and newly painted. Coat I1.U60. Prlae 8860. GF. LOUK, 1908 Farnam St. AUTO STORAGE, Painting and Repairing. WM. PFEIFER CARRIAGE WORKS. J6th Ave and Leavenworth. , INTERNATIONAL Delivery Wagons. I.-H.-C. ROADSTERS High-Wheeled Autos. International Harvester Co., Omaha. VEND for our list of seoond-band car . DER1GHT AITTOMOHILE CO., 1814 Farnam St ' DON'T have a puncture, we treat your tires ana guarantee tnera isr one year. I-.e braaka Punature Proof Co.. m N. 16th. ' WRITE for Hat ot secondhand automo bile 'bargains. H. E. FREDRICK90N, aUTO CO.. Omaha CALL us for demonstration of Cole "80.' Midwest Auto Co., Uth and Farnam. Allto Pflintini? Murphy Did It." Get xxuiu JTHmilUgour prlce8 Andrew MURPHY A SON. 1411 Jackson. FOR SALE Baker Electric Coupe, com pletely ' overnauiea, entirely new battery repainted car in flrat-clasa condition: ma. chine one year old and coat originally 82.250. Win sell fo 11.600. Car on exhibi tion at uiiectno uarage jo.. xzis r arnam St. MIDWAY AUTO GARAGE. Bteam heat space for storage; repairing done promptly anywhere, day or night. Tire vulcanising, olis ' and supplies, Broadway, Council Bluffs. Ind. 671, Black Mi i SPECIAL price on Automobile Robes this month at Hayden's Harness Dept. (Base ment.) . - , BUSINESS CHANC TO GET in or out of business oall oa GANQEHTAD, 404 Bee Bldg. Tel. D. 8367. , COLORADO BUSINESS OPENINGS. . For . Sale Only Implement busings,. .In good, live, new town of 600, In beet Irri gated district '. In Colorado, big territory, lo.ow business annually ; will sell -right, as owner has other .business reculrl'rg 1 Me time. Also harness shop und 'llirtiiitl-y, doing good business In good towns, 'with best reasons for- selling. Address Boy 1U, Kersey, Colo. ROOMING house for sale. 1812 Chicago St MEAT MARKET, FOR RENT OR FOR BALE. Address Y 132, care Bee. CIGAR stand for sale, loeated In promi nent office building; suitable for lady or gentleman; price cash. Address Y23. Bee. HERE 19 YOUR CHANCE. - 11-rooiu rooming bouse, modern, well fur nished, location md and Douglas. Price, 84o0. Address .M tet Bee. . FOR 6ALE A blacksmith shop with all tools. Inquire of W. Barther, .Lanham, Neb. ' FOR V SALE A $42,000 stock, consisting of groceries, dry goods, clothing, boots and shoes, gent's furnishing goods, furniture and everything that goes with a general sturs. Will sell for cash or on time with proper security. Trade runs trom 130.ouo to $160,0u0 per vear, yOT further Informa tion, write to D. Miller ft Son, Wheatland, Wyo. OPPORTUNITY to moke big money on small investment; bona fide proposition. Noble & Shafer, room 15 Crounse block, Omaha. . i .. THIRTY-FIVE SAVINGS , . BANK DEPOSITORS WHO ACT PROMPTLY can accomplish something of Immense ad vantage to themselves In a financial way, without disturbing the safety which their funds are enjoying at the present time. ' We do not require a fee - to furnish the information. -Simply send your name, address and ' i occupation, ' and, state at what bour of the day you can ' . best be seen. Address. Kfm. Bee. . FOR SALE An established dental office In thriving town in central Nebraxka; ex traordinary large territory. Including nine small towns; cash price, ll.uOu; good reason for selling; snap - for a hustler. Address V 141, care Bee. MANAGER WITH SOME CAPITAL. Wanted a practical man capable of man aging, and able to take financial intereat In established cotton glove ind un try. Un uaual opportunity. Address B 101, care of Bee. - , LETTERS DUPLICATED In any quan tlty. 671 Brandrls Hid. Doug. 1170; A 2911. MY PENCIL and I can locate you. WIL LIAMS. 411 McCague building. , ROOMING HOUSE" for sale. 'Phone Doug. 7045. AN established corporation always pay ing 10 per cent dividends to Its stockholders offers permanent position st good wages to party who can Invest 83.UU0, and Is capable of demonstrating and selling auto mobiles and automobile trucks. Address F FOR SALE One of the oldest and best paying drug stores In Omaha. Good rea son for selling. Address N-fcli Bee. FOR SALE Best possible millinery prop osition city of 12.000; stock 81.000; fixtures I2u; all for 8500; no competition; annual sales 810,000. Address A luu. Bee. HAVE rubber proposition that well or ganised selling company car. make good taone- out of In two years. Must be In poaluoa to Invest few thousand dollars. None but well organised brokers wanted. V. H. Henderson. Mapastrpec, Chta., Mexico. PRINTING plant In live Nebraska town for sale. If you went a snap, here It Is. 82.000 will take It. Easy terms. Address, Y 148, care Omaha Boa. WANTED A man with amall capital to invest in gvoa paying business. Add C 175. Bee. CHIROPODISTS - V It ROY. 1506 Farnam St Douglas 647 DANCING MORAND'8 Uth and Harney; lessons VI on.. Frl., 8 p. m. .private dally. D. 1041. DENTISTS tiAILE Y MACK. Id floor. Paxton. X.108t fAFT'S Dental Rooms. 1517 Douglas St DETECTIVES OMAHA Iet. Agercy. 42.t Paxton. P. 1318. O. A. Ilalterman, 432 Paxton. R. 447L DRESSMAKERS THE PARIS, ladles- tenors and furriers, first-class fane, and plain work, fitting Kuamnteed; material furnished by us or ratrb.i. 1913 Doueias St. Phone Red 1068. LVOV Ladles' Tailor, 2922 Leavenworth H. 6ii3. Special price until Feb. 15 on latest style tailor suits and dresses. We have all the West fashions and fabrics In stock. Out of town trade solicited. COLTON BROS. 2SC6 Farnam St. (Upstairs), H. 6C3, announce as a feature for January at their up-to-date parlors . they will specialise In work made from their patrons' own ma terial. If you have taken advantage of the clearing sales, let us do your work. trTrTQTTfT? Ladies' Dressmaking Col JYiLilOliljU leRe Karbach Bldfl. MISS, A. HOLLAND, Importer ' s Suite 206. Psxton P'k. Tel. Douglas 8048 Announces that during the month of January she offers her exclusive line of material and high rlaaa workmanship at fcreatly reduced prices. ' OMAHA'S "EXCLUSIVE INDIES' TAILOR." TERRY College. 20th and Farnum Sts. MISS STURDY. 2702 Farnam. Tel. H. 4676. M. 8ELICOW, 2902 Farnam. Harney 2047. McDowell dressmaking school. 1622 Farnam. EDUCATIONAL THE MID-WINTER TERM OF BOYLES COLLEGE Is now open lb both the day and night H"RKlong. The late catalogue, giving full particulars in reward to the various courses Is ready. Business training, bookkeeping, shorthand, telegraphy, civil service. Call, 'phone or write for It at once. Boylea College, Omaha, Neb. MOSHER-LAMPMAN BUSINESS COLLEGE. Unexcelled couise In business, short hand, penmanship and English. , Nono but experienced teachers. Day and evening sessions. Most Interesting catalogue pub lished lii Omaha. Send tor one today. MOS11EH & LAMPMAN, Seventeenth and Farnam Streets. ST. ANDREW'S SCHOOL. FOR BOYS 41ST AND CHARLES. Rev. F. D. Tyner, 8N4S Charles, H-2SS8. EVERYTHING FOR WOMEN ARSENIC and IRON complexion wafers makes clear, white skin. By mall 50c and 11.00. Sherman & MaConnell Drug Co., Omaha. PANTfYRTTTAf 1613 Jones st. Both " puoneB. "Good cleaners and dyers." "Try us.' THE N. Y. DEPT. STORE (P. Wllg & Son), 1810 Vinton, "Sells Everything." May Manton patterns, 10c. CHINA decorating; order worf? a special ty. Lessons Tuesday, Thursday and Satur days. Firing dally. Children's classes Sat urday morning. Mrs. C. C. Hungate, 8M Braodeis Bldg. Tel. Rad 548C MRS,. MATTHEWS, hair goods, 304 Neville. CLEARING sale trimmed hats; now 11 at PENN ELL'S. 1511 Douglas, over Jewel theater. . f UJ rT f will make you a special VrilLlJl J rlc on tailor-made 7" iv'x-' suits and gowns of all descriptions during the month ot January. Parlors, 314-216 a. 18th St FLORISTS J. F. WILCOX CO. Bluffs, la. j largest greenhouses In west; beautiful flowers for any -occasion shipped anywhere in II. 8. BENNETT'S Flower Dpt. K. store entr ee. HESS at SWOBODA. 1415 Farnam St ' 3. H. BATH. 1628 Harney, Douglas :M. 830 SUITS TO ORDER $15. MacCARTHY WILSON, 304 South Sixteenth Street." L. Henderson, 1519 Farnam. St Doug. 1258. BRANDE1S CUT FLOWERS DEPT. A. DONOGHUE. 1607 Far. D. 1001; A-1001. FURNACES AND REPAIRS WATER fronts, furnaces, repairs, grates for steam, hot water heaters, thermostats and tank heaters. OMAHA STOVE REPAIR WORKS, Both 'Phones.- 1208-8 Douglas St. HELP WANTED FEMALE Aicents and Snlealadlaa. - LADY agents now earn 850 a week sell ing my new patented articles, each one a necessity and can be sold in every house. To prove this 1 will send 110 worth on credit to one agent in each town. Write quick for liberal terms, A. M. Young, 825 Young's Bldg., Chicago. WANTED Stenographer of ability; young lady with good office experience preferied. Address In own handwriting, giving expe rience reference and salary desired. Ad dress H U2, Omaha Bee. ' Housekeepers and Donaeatlea. WANTED Good girl tor general house work. 401 S . 3nth St GIRL for. general housework. Mrs. R. J. Uaines, 4K20 Cupltol Ave. FIRST-CLASS laundress. Apply at once Mrs. D. C. Bradford, S23 8. 87th St NEAT girl for general housework; no cooking; small family. Tel. Harney. 47!. 2669 Douglas St. WANTED A . young girl to assist In housework. Mrs. A. D. Weston, 8!36 No. 21st .Tel. Webster 1248. WOMAN to do washing and Ironing, 2807 N. 24th St. 'Phone Ind. B-1340. YOUNG girl to help with housework after school hours. Call 1006V South 22d St. EXPERIENCED second girl, small fam ily; guod wagee. 560 So. 28lh. GIRL for general housework. $25 per month; no washing. 118 North 89th St EXPERIENCED girl for general house work. Mrs. A. F. Smith, 104 So. 86th St. GOOD girl for general housework; steady flace and good wagt-s. Apply Dr. W. A. (ostctter. S0 ST 20th St. Telephone Doug las 779. OIRL for general housework; one who can go home night Call 1524 Wirt St GIRL for general housework; nice home; Pleasant rooms. 1806 no. 86th Ave. Tel. Harney 2230. WANTED Good girl for general house work at once. Apply 2420 Cass St WAN TED A young girl to help with general housework. Call Harney 31 S3, tmt Poppleton Ave, WANTED Good waaherwoman for Mon day mornings. Inquire (21 So. 21st Ave. arnalns In Farms. Farm land all over the country is advertised un der "Farm and Ranch Land." It pays investors to watch the offerings on the Want-Ad pages. : HELP WANTED FEMALE If onaekeepera and Dontaatlca Cont'd, Mrs. Cells. Hunting, 51 Military Ave. Tel. uenaon ioo. A GOOD, strong girl for houeework; no cooking; good wages. 417 No. 85th St. GOOD girl to help In general housework. Call at UU No. llth St, South Omaha. GOOD wages and good home for a guod cook, no washing or Ironing or outside work. 508 So. 26th St COMPKTr.NT vlrl fur runlrll housework. 12 No. 88th Ave. GIRL for general housework. 708 8. 2&th. WANTED Girl for general housework. No washing. 819 N. 41st Ave. Phone Har ney 3401. WANTED lilrl to assist In housewdrk at 608 S. 20th St. GIRL for housework. Must furnish refer ences. Three adults In family. 1819 Blnney St. Tel. Webater 2595. WANTED Oood reliable girl for general housework. Call 1024 N. 82d St WANTED Girl, 13 to 14 years old, to work for roont and board. 1604 N. 27th St GIRL for general housework. Two In family. Light work. 211 8. 29th Ave. GIRL for general housework, good wages, no laundry. 802 Worthlngton Place. Tel. Douglas 726.- MIDDLE-AGED women for housework. Good home. 2UU N. 21st St. LIGHT Housekeeping. 2309 California. WANTED-Girl for general housework; small family; small house. Call Harney 210. WANTED Housekeeper with best refer ences as to character to do all the work. Including washing and Ironing, for two male adults; small modern house. Apply Thurs day 3123 No. 18th St. Mlacertuneoua. LEARN HAIRDRESS1NG It pays. You can earn $15 to 825 weekly. Full course taught. J. L. Brandels Hairdreswiiig Dipt. EXPERIENCED chocolate dippers In a thoroughly up-to-date candy plant, where the climate cannot be excelled; good pay to the right people; steady work guaran teed. The Austin Candy Co., Denver, Colo. WANTED Nurse girl, tPhone Harney 536. 2919 Webster St. HELP WANTED MALE Agents, Solicitors and salesmen, WANTED A solicitor with horse and buggy to drive through the country anl solicit subscriptions. Call and see circu lation manager. The Bee Publisnlng Co. WANTED Agents to sell Potter and Sully county, South Dakota land. Write Brower A Holllngsworth, Gettysburg, S. D. SALESMEN for Nebraska. Colo.. Okl.. S. E. Kan. and other territory, for our petticoats, - aprons, washable sunbonnets, doll bonnets; liberal commissions monthly. Full credit for, reorders. Sample case or trunk. American Sun Bonnet Co., Lathrop, MO. , WANTED-t-Ltve men with rigs to can vass for Eaton's family and veterinary remedies. ' extracts and spices. Address Dr. R. D. Eaton Chemical Co., Minneapolis, Minn. ' '' ; - . ' WANTEDNewspaper solicitors. Call or write Twentieth Century Farmer, 503 Bee Bids., Omaha, Neb. ' AGENTS New Specialty; sells Itself; good profits; ,v.rlte today. Bartlett Supply Co.,. 411 Brown Blk., Oman. Neb. WA'TED-i Salesman to assist photogra pher showing proofs; road work; experi enced preset -shower preferred. Address S 874. Bee. . , , .. WANTED Salesman acquainted with architects and contractors, to take a prof itable side line on commission. Patek Bros., Milwaukee, Wle. ,',' ; Boys. BOYS AND GIRLS,', after' school. 4:30 p. m., room 16, Patterson block. Call . Factory and Trades. , ' ' Drug storea (snaps). Jobs, Knlest Bee Bldg. BRICKLAYERS WANTED TO WORK. C. B. & Q. SHOPS, IIAVELOCK. NEB. Jllseellaaanna. DO you want profitable employment We have splendid offers. 1901 California St THE NONPAREIL LAUNDRY CO., Douglns 1S12. Wagons call everywhere. SHIRTS IN SANITARY COVERS. WANTED Men to learn barber trade. Practical training by free clinic and careful Instructions. Tools given, board provided. Moler graduates command highest wages. Our diplomas recognized everywhere. Shop experience and wages before completing. Call or write, Molei- Barber college, 110 S. Uth St. ." ALL Thin Safety Itasor Blades - sharp ened, 30o dozen. Only successful sharpen ing service In existence. We guarantee esttflfactlon. Vi"tor Safetv Razor Co., 630 Paxton Block, Omaha, Neb. Given Away Free EVERY WTH PERSON THAT COMES IN OUR STORE AND REGISTERS HIS NAME WILL RECEIVE A NECKTIE FREE. . . ... Kelley & Heyden, MEN'S FURNISHERS. 21H-11 N. 16TH ST. , HOLEPROOF HOSIERY. YOUNG lady of refinement wishes to get acquainted with refined gentleman with means; object, matrimony. Address B-8i7, Bee. . . . , ASK me hew you can start a profitable mall order business at homo evenings. Heacock. 739, Lockport. N. Y. WANTED An' experienced newspaper writer at once. Omaha Hotel Reporter, 414 H. I4tn St., Omaha. ( : WANTED Young man attending school or college to work spare time in home city. $12 per week. Address, Franklin Kauffman, Bureau of Commercial Pub licity, Mtnot, N. D. LIVE STOCK FOR SALE Horses au4 Vehicles. HALL & MORRIS, Verryin"a specialty. Hospital 2858 Farnam. Bti phna. FOR 8ALE Horce, harness and wagon. Cole's burn, 2104 .uiing St. WAGON 8 for E. Smith, 1314 N. 24th. HORSES for sals. 914 North list MILLER A WINDER buy anJ -cll all kinds of horses. 1415 Capitol Ave. D. W0. DON'T forget Gallup's auction sale of horses and mules Thursday, January 17th, at Union Stock yards. South Omaha, com mencing at 10 a. m. Will have over 5o0 horses and mules, . consisting of heavy draft., general purpose choice fsrm mares; matched pair of fine chunks and single drivers; also about 650 second-hand or cky borses a little pavement sore. Will make good horses to tako out on farm. All horses sold at there stables are sold under a full guarantee. 1. C. Gallup. LOST AND FOUND LOST Gold Masonic keystone watch charm. Hultabla reward IX returned to 222 Board of Trade, LOST AND FOUND CContinued.i LOST Between St. Mary Magdalene church and 19th and Farnam, white rosary beads with gold cross; reward. Return to E 277. Bee office. SOLID gold etlck pin. set with pearls, between Bennett's ani Farnam and 24th Sts. Tel. Red 6785. Reward. I LOST Gold spectacles with Kryptok lenses In Columbian Opt. Co. case Return Columbian Opt Co.. Ill S. 16th, Reward. LOST Beaver muff In Brsndels bsse tnent; finder please turn in at main desk; receive reward. A HORSE, 6 veers old bay. welRlu 1.150 or 1,200, left hind foot white to anki. .ilnd legs slightly crocked, slight mane; itlndly return to 422 S. 14th and receive reward. MOVING AND STORING . EXP. Delivery Co.. office Mth and Dav enport Sta.; warehouse. 2207-0) Izard St. lst-class STORAGE & MOVING. COLE'fl EXPRESS. 6l6Cnp!ml Avr. L. 670. A-3937. MEDICAL PILES FISTULA PAY WHEN CURED. All RECTAL DISUSES cured without a surgical operation, and GUARANTEED to last a LIFETIME. No chloroform, ether or other general anaesthetio used. EXAMINATION FREE. WRITE FOR FREE BOOK. DR. E. B, TARRY, 224 BEE BLDG. OMAHA, NEB. FREE medical and surgical treatment at Cretghton Medical college. 14th and Dav enport Sis.; special attention paid to con finement cases; sll treatment supervised by college professors. 'Phone Douglas luii. Calls answered d-ty or night COST YOU NOTHING If you have a chronic disease to try the FAMOUS FREE TREATMENT at the Radium Medical and Surgical Institute, northwest corner 13th and Farnam Sts. BEST nerve brace for man. Gray's Nerve Food Pills, $1 a box, postpaid. Sherman a: McConnell Drug Co.. Omaha. Are you tired out? Does your blood circulate properly? Is your digestion good? If not. why not consult Prof. G. K. Dlnjlan, oriental scientific massaglst, 405-407 Bee Bldg., Phone D. 863. Special attention given to facial massage and scalp treatment. MONEY TO LOAN ALARY AND CHATTELS. I $$$$$$$$$$ $8 $$$$$$ 1$ $8 $1 $8 $$ $$ ! NEED MONEY? ! COME TO OUR OFFICE and get ! ; all the money you need on your furni- ; ture, piano or salary, at tbs following ! low rates: 6Cu a week pays 810 loan 7i0 a week pays u loan 90c a week pays $25 loan I $1.00 a week pays ju loaa . I il.50 a week pays $60 loan ' I $2.10 a week pays J.'u loan I $2.66 a week pays $100 loan. I You can pay monthly If you wish. I These Davments include Interest and ! principal; . no otner charges. If you I have ever borrowed money before I you will realise how much easier our I ; terms are than those given by other I I companies. It will pay you to see us I l before getting money elsewhere. No l I red tape. Everything strictly confl- : ; dentiai. upen tin ii:ju p. ra. : OMAHA FINANCIAL CO. ' 601 Brown Block. Opposite Brandels. 16th St Entrance. I 'Phones: Douglas 2036: A -2036. !$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$$$$$$ DIAMOND LOANS AT 5 1 Why pay 15 and 20 per cent a month on Diamond Loans when our prices are $20.00 only 81.00 ; ' $40.00 only $2 50 ' $100-only .......... 85.00' LARGER ' LOANS EVEN LESS W. C. FLATAU, : jfcfft,81 MONEY To LOAN ON ANY SECURITY The holidays art . over, and If you find yourself In NEED OF READY CASH It will pay you to INVESTIGATE OUR TERMS. BUSINESS STRICTLY CON FIDENTIAL. NEBRASKA LOAN CO. 7 and Crounse Blk., Opp. Postofflce corner, 14th and Capitol. 'Phones Douglas 1356, A-1356. $30 SUITS TO ORDER $15. MacCARTHY WILSON, , 804 South Sixteenth Street MOJEV LOANED SALARIED PEOPLE. WOMEN KEEPING HOUSE AND OTH ERS, without security; easy payments. Office In 66 principal cities. Tolman, room (IS New Tork VU Bldg. Salary and Furniture Loans at positively the LOWEST RATER, quicker service and MOST CONFIDENTIAL DEAL of any In the city. Patronize the BIGGEST AND BEST. RELIABLE CREDIT CO., Third Floor, 307-308 Paxton Block, Douglas ' 1411 and A 1411. DIAMOND LOANS AT 5 Why pay 16 and 20 per cent a month on Diamond Loans when our prices are: $J0.00-onIy $1.00 ' $60.00-only ...$2.60 $100 only $5.00 LARGER LOANS EVEN LESS. RT?ODK"FY',K J,welry and Lo,ln Co., J1VUU1VCj 1 . O 1401 DOUGLAS ST. DO YOU WANT , to start the NEW YEAR RIGHT Do you want to pay up your landlord, grocer, doctor or anyone you owe and have only one place to pay each mon'.h. You'.l be sur prised how easy It Is. Call and see um now. Omaha Mortgage Loan Co. 119 Board of Trade. 806 6o. 16th. 8t Telephone Doug. 2295. CaK us up. ARE YOU WT0RRIED and bothered by collectors calling for bills you put off paying last mouth In order to have a pleasant Christmas? If so come to ue, we win loan you on your plain note any amount at rates una tnese: $10 for 20c weekly. $20 for 40c weekly. THE J. A. HUTTON CO., 614-15 Paxton Block. SALARY and chattel loans, lowest rates, confidential; open Saturday evening. Both 'phones, STAR LOAN CO.. 644 Paxton Blk. OFFERED FOR RENT Boarding; and Rooms. THE DOUGLA6 Nicely furnished, mod. rooms, reasonable. 2201 Douglas St. D. 6755. DEWRY European Hovel, Uth and Far nam. THE UTOPIA gives best board snd warm rooms reasonable, uth at Davenport THE IDEAL Modern rooms, well heated and board very reasonable; 6 minutes' walk from center. 1717 Chic: Jhlcago St THE PRATT Excellent home cooking. Meals. 25c. Warm rooms. 211 S. 85th St THE b ARNAM CAFE. Good noma cooking. Meals 25s. New management. European. Uth and Farnam. Doug. 2U. Joaeph Hammer, Prop. FURNISHED, steam heated room, with board, suitable for two or three. ll S. 25th Ave WARM, rooms. 82 per week: free bath. Ogden Hotel. Council Bluff. FURNISHED ROOM, with board; two nicely furnished rooms, ensulte or separate; modern home; homo eooklng. 'Phone Har ney 45. WILL HAVE LARGE front parlor va cant about "January 80; hot water heat, piano in room. 642 So. 19th St OFFERED FOR RENT Bearding; nnd Raosas tinned. FRONT ROOM, strictly modern, first class board. 617 Ho. 19th St THE TEMPLARS Cholea table board, by day or week. 1818 Capitol Ave. ROOMS and board In private family. Tel. Webster $177. 1601 Blondo St. TWO south rooms and board, Ilanscom park. 'Phone Harney H. I- ROOM and board In modern home at 1817 Corby street for two ladlea or couple If both employed; $20 per .month each. Phone Web. 887. WANTED I gentlemen to board and room; breakfsat and supper ; steam heat 2554 Leavenworth St. Tel. Red 60SL Fnrnlahed Itaoaas. THE BELMONT, 1518 DODGE ST. MODERN STEAM HEATED HOOM.S. EVERYTHING NEW. RATES FROM $2.j0 TO $6.00 PER WEEK. ELEGANT front room, fine furniture. 820 N. 20th. No sign on house. FURNISHED ROOMS; modern. 1809 Farnam St. EXCELLENT furnished room, $8.50, with breakfast. WIS S. 20th. FURNISHED, steam heated room, with board, suitable for two or'thret. 128 S. 2Sth Ave. VERY nicely furnished large front room, suitable for two or' three. 201 South luth Ave. ONE nice furnished room, single, mod ern; private family. 1811 Chicago. FURNISHED rooms tor gentlemen, lie B. 13 tn 81. the Chatham. TWO nicely furnished front rooms, com plete for housekeeping. $15 per month. "VI J Davenport NEW MODERN HOME, hot water heat, private family, for those who can appreci ate refined surroundings; no sign. 60S 8. 22d St. 'Phone Ivjuglas 5131. MODERN ROOMS. 2007 St. Mary's Ave. TTntpl ITownrriJ- Martig, Prop.. Wth Hotel I10WarUan(1 Howard Sts.. new building, new furniture, any rooms clean, sweet and fresh. Reasonable ratea. 2018 St Mary's, nice front room for gen tlemen. NEAT room, modern home, 1129 Wirt St. SMALL sleeping room, 1421 Dodge. SINGLE room for gentlemen, modern, private. 808 N. Uth. De Lorie hotel, mod. rooms. 210 N. 17tn. AFTER February 1, elegant front room, with large- alcove, In modern home. 4911 Chicago. Tel. Harney' 6147. NICELY furnished and heated rooms, close in; terms reasonable. 823 South 20th street. ELEGANT large room, - private; good heat modern. $9. 1008 Burt. SINGLE ;. room for gentleman, $7. 8001 Mason. H. 2798. 22r Emmet two rooms, , modern. 'Phone We er 4170. FRONT room, fine furniture, steam heat, private bath. . 820 N. 80th. FRONT room and alcove, also two other. modern, good neighborhood, one block from car, reasonable; . board If desired. 2964 Harney St ' f . hwh suitaDta ror two gentlemen, pa N..16th St FURNISHED rooms, with or -without board; furnace heat; reasonable. 2210 Pop pleton Ave. I NICELY furnished modern rooms; rea sonable. 1824 Webster St. NEWLY furnished room In private family. 1137 Park Ave. ROOM for rent. 1708 Davenport St . FURNISHED room, private family, mod ern convenleneea, Farnam car line. . 219 8. 2th Ave. . Harney 6111. NICELY furnished rooms, private fsmlly, all conveniences, gentlemen. 1407 Daven port ' ONE furnished room with heat 2228 Leaven woith. 'Phone. Ind. A 4405. STEAM HEATED rooms, sleeping. 626 S. 20th. Red 4847. ONE large sleeping room with S closets. 1703 Cspltol Ava. NICE, ' furnished rooms, with German family, with board If wanted; suitable to worklngmen. 1811 Capitol Ava. NICE rooms for travelers, one block from Farnam car. 418 S. 26th. FURNISHED rooms for light housekeep ing. 206 So. 26th Ave. FURNISHED rooms. Kit Douglas. Phone Douglas 6999. NICE furnished rooms. 618 S. lftth, third floor, suite 4. FURNISHED room, $) per month. 270 Farnam. FOR RENT A furnished front room. In quire 2711 8. 28d St Tel. Douglas 6687. FOR RENT Cozy furnished room, fur nace heat, electric light or gaa, one-half block from car line. 1518 Lincoln Ave. Tel. Red 6372. FRONT room with bedroom adjoining. Young lady would like to share It with young lady roommate. Phone Red 1909. 2022 St Mary's Ave., front room for two. I NICELY furnished room, steam heat. 989 N, 26th St. Tel.' B-2990. ONE heated room, cheap. 612 S. 18th St. NICELY furnished front room; steam heat 2517 N. 18th St (downstairs). TWO fine rooms for four gentlemen; modern In every way; walking distance. 808 8. 20th. . Tel. Douglas 779. LARGR room for gentlemen or lady, am- NICE front room, all modern, 86 per month. 1548 Chicago St. ployed during day. 118 N. 25th St The Bee is the first paper in this part of the world to advertise flying ma chines as a classified con tract. There appears today in the Want Ad columns an announcement for Aero- planes. ' Read it. The Bee's Want Ads will sell them right along Call The Bee if you have anything in the world to sell. Want Ad phone 238. OFFERED FOR RENT Rooms MODERN sleeping room; also nlca par lor. Ill N. list St. NICELY furnished room; modern: au It able for one or two persons. 1)4 Harney. NICE furnished room for ladv, employed, lyiw rent. Breakfast If desired. U19 No. SMh St. NICELY furnished room, private famllv, all conveniences; gentlemen. 1407 Daven port. m t 8ruth lth Ave., attractive 6-room flat First floor of practically new brick. Strictly modern. In best condition. $85. Phona Har. nay 8196. Apnrtnsamta and Plate. $ ROOMS, Id floor, t0u Reea St. bart and toilet $11 Chris Boyer. !ld and Cum. tng Sta 4-ROOM apartment, strictly modern, 880, Harney 8886. BEAUTIFUL apartment at S3d and Far nam; will be vacant soon. Call William K Potter. Harney 221$. CENTRAL APARTMENTS. Six rooms, outside corner, high grade, hardwood, full modern, gas range, steam heat, hot water .ill year, walking' distance; summer, $28; winter, $7 more. References required. BEMI8. f Brandels Bldg. Hnaaekeeplag Reorns. A SUITE of three elegant no w rooms. modem. 1M North seta. FOUR elegantly furnished front rooms, main floor, for housekeeping. 2018 Daven port St TWO houaekeeplng rooms. $12.50 a month. 201$ Davenport. SITTING ROOM, complete kitchen, mod ern and up-to-date, for light housekeeping; walking distance. 2578 Harney. SLEEPING and housekeeping. 710 S. 14th. TWO excellent, completely furnished front rooms, for housekeeping; heat light oooklng gas Included; 'phone in house. 2674 Harney St. HOCBEKEEKINO and sleeping rooms, 1712 Jackson. FURNISHED housekeeping room. 601 N. nth st r NICELY furnished rooms for light house keeping. 2117 Webster. Phona TWO front rooms for light housekeeping. 1421 Dodge. TWO rooms, furnished complete for housekeeping. 2901 Farnam St TWO furntshed rooms for light house keeping; structly modern. 2116 California. FURNISHED sleeping or housekeeping room, walking distance, $2 per week. 613 8. 26th St.. FURNISHED housekeeping room, $7. 1522 N. 19th. TWO furnished rooms for light house keeping. 206 N. 20th St HOUSEKEEPING and sleeping rooms. 101 N. 18th. NICE furntshed rooms for housekeeping. 514 8. 22d; reasonable. LIGHT housekeeping rooms, modern. 2018 Cass. HOUSEKEEPING and sleeping room. 1808 Webster. CLEAN, - newly furnished rooms, 1716 Webster. Top floor. STEAM heated housekeeping room. 1721 Dodge. ' FURNISHED light housekeeping rooms, modern. 2026 California. Unf nrnlahed Rooms 8-ROOM, bath room, store room, outside poroh, ' all modern, except heat, WIT No. 18th. I 4 ROOMS, all modern and bath, $17.00 per month. . 'Phone Web. 4998. $896 Seward St 2 UNFURNISHED rooms for rent 1832 Park Ava. FOUR nice modern rooms, Including heat, $14.00. 1909 So. 76th Ave. Douglas 6969; A-4S84. UNFURNISHED rooms for rent 2212 N. list TWO unfurnished rooms. 611 8. 26th Ava. FOUR unfurnished housekeeping rooms, with range, modern house. 1909 Webster. Hawses nnd Cot tan -m. OMAHA Van A Storage Co.. pack, move, store, h. b. goods; storehouse, 11 20-24 N. Uth; office 809 & 17th St Tel. Douglas '.549. I rooms, brick house, modern, very lot rent. 6 rooms, new, modern, $26. 6 rooms, new, modern. $23.60. NOWATA LAND AND LOT CO. 624 New York Life Bldg. Red IB. HOUSES, insurance. Rlngwalt Barker BIB Chris Boyer, 22d and Cumings St for houses and flats, from $10 to $40, and from three to ten rooms. MODERN, 8-room house, 218 8. 85th Ave. Phone Douglas 4687. BRICK house, 2614 Dewey Ave., T rooms, modern. Moyer Stationery Co., 1616 Far nam St SEVEN-ROOM house, strictly modem. 610 8. 35th Ave. D. Mclver, Hayden Broa. Silk Dept. 2813 Wooiworth Ave., ( rooms, modern, $26. 1919 Mason St., 10 rooms, modern. $31.60. 8554 St. Mary's Ave., 6 rooms, modern ex- cept furnaoe, $20. 609 8. 83d St, 6 rooms, for colored family, $14.60. R1NGWALT BROS.. BARKER BLK. 8-ROOM, modern house, new plumbing, nice lawn. 719 So. 87th. Key at 721 So. 87th. Harney 8154. HOUSES, flats. Garvin Bros., 818 N. Y. L. Si r1