Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 23, 1910, EDITORIAL, Image 9

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    unbay- Bee.
filt TWO
rton 1 TO s.
The .Omaha
tmmWi EM layers' and Managers' Sale, pens
Corset Sale
J nut one special bargain; $2.50 corsets
for "1.35 This Is one of those very
rare occasions when corsets of such
unusual excellence and good style are
so cheaply sold. We have secured
specially for this week's sale, a large
quantity of the new, long hip, dlrec
tolre model'corsets, faanloned on new,
straight line effects, made of strong,
durable batiste and stayed with non-
rustable boning. They are hand
somely trimmed, and fitted
with 2 pairs supporters;
regular $2.60 corsets, at .
Xow for a week of all-ovcr-tlic-store-sules. The good, old-faaliionrd kind that always arouse intense Interest. It's our hlg IIL'YKRS' AKD MAXAGKHS' 8ALK A twice
a year event, when the regnlar management of Hennett's relinquishes the reins of government, and, m the saying goea, "puts It up to" the department managers to get the bul
tiess. Kvery man has authority to make his own reductions, and he grasps at the rhance to unload his top-heavy storks. He has just one week of it and he must make every stroke
strlkcionie. Absolute fairness must govern every transaction that's the one condition there must be no exaggeration, -no deception, nothing to undermine the reputation of
the business. Enthusiasm runs high; the men have entered Into the spirit of the sale with a determination to outdo each other. The friendly rivalry tuts made really astonishing
bargains. Twice a year these sales bring immense .throngs but we look for a record crowd tomorrow. Not half the bargains are adverttrted Look for them In every department.
Books and Stationery
A great Monday sale of fiction. We have assembled
li Jfory large quantity of bonks of well known titles.
They are odds and ends with but one or two of a
kind remaining- I'lenty of (food reading by popular
authors to clean up the price Is 19o
Bos Stationary A lojk of fancy boxed papetrlea that
were priced up to $1.00, will be closed out for.. 39c
A Pound Faokage of Faper Linen finished corres
pondence paper, 72 sheets and a package of en
velopes to match, for 860
r Usa ,a6M
I And a 15c P
attern Free,
Picture Frame Sale
Brlngour pictures that you have been thinking of
framing down tomorrow. We have hundreds of
beautiful frames of all sizes and kinds being of
feied at a trifling price. Frames measure up to
20x4 Inches and are worth from 6K to $1.60. We
bought a makers' moulding remnants and had them
made up that's why t A. 1 ZA.
our prices are 1C tO OUC
150 beautiful trimmed lilts in
Monday's sale at a ridiculously
low price. Every them
is beautifully designed of fine
materials, on ntxwest prevailing
styles. They are becoming hats,
in all the best colors; actual
values to $15.00, 50
Buyers and fkino
Managers' Sale V-IUIld
The-China man goes the limit in his efforts to
present alluring bargains. The dinnerware
sale alone embraces over 150 very choice 100
piece sets, both in foreign and domestic ware
the sale prices are $4.98 to $100.00, and
most of them are 1 "DTD Tf",'I7,
exactly. . . . y 2 i X.lV-JLi
Open Stock Patterns In Austrian, German, English
American, French and Havlland, OAn all? I?
stock patterns, all on sale, at uv m VI l
JKmHcn Vr Everv nlece on our tables, regardless
of former price will be HALF OKK
Electric and tias I-amps A large line, most of which
were bought for the holiday business The entire
stock Is included in the buyers' and 99 I of fVV
managers' Bale, at hk or OO3
Gloves, Hosiery, Underwear
Here are ths week's attractions that show how earn
estly this buyer has tnUrtt In tha sale spirit. Thar can
ha no question of sales breaking the reoord with values
like these to boost themi v
1,000 pairs English Cape CHpves, one-clasp,, styles, best
$1.00 grades, street glovex, imported pair , . . . . .690
Women1! two-clasp Kid Oloves, In black and co(ors, very
soft and pliable, $1.25 values; In the sale at 95o
Women's Silk -Lisle and Uause Lisle Hose, double sole,
deep garter top, best BOc grade, Imported pair 890
Hand Embroidered Lisle Hose, handsome patterns, lm-
ported for 7Jc and 85c selling; sale price 490
1 ManaVersBale UNDERWEAR
Long Sleeve Kiilt Cornet Covers, in medium, weight, very
nicely finished and trimmed. &0c quality 89o
Womeh's Vega Silk Vests and Pants, in pink and blue,
alwaya ro"ln8" t tl.26; sale price 790
Women's Pure Linen Handkerchiefs, nice slteer quality,
with 'i-lnch hem, worth 18c, for '......, . .Bfto
Women's 'uro Linen Handkerchiefs, real thread dw"
and hemstitched, 85c fc;od, at
Linens, Etc.
Buyers' and
Managers' Sale
Only on extraordinary occasions Such as these can
you expect, such genuinely good bargains. The linen
man has a record to establish to surpass last year's
sale Hence these exceptional offers. s
70-Inch all linen Table Damask, positively k6a
quallty,-full bleached; sale price. .1 . . .
Linen Napkins, 18-lnch else, with fast edge in every
respect, 1.12H quality dosen ,
Huok Towels, large else, red borders,' perfect goods,
.worth 11c sale.pMee
Bed Spreads, hemmed fringed and cut corners,
worth 11.39. for
Bleached Sheets, with seam, 72X90, our 660 line,
DleaehedKiioV Case's', "xii-'nch, i 3c quality,
Blankets, all wool, 6 lbs. to pair, full site, gray
nit v tr in. 00 manner we rmvv
Comforters filled with snow white cotton,
figured ooin iae, i.o u .........
The Manager of Women's Wear Dept. Makes Phenomenal Sacrifice
The entire coat and suit stocks, without exception, up tof$50 offered at $15.00
With one mighty sweep of the prloe-cnttlng pencil eery one of our Women's Stilts and Coa'm has been brought
There are hundreds of handsome models, most of them were doable tomorrow's prioe. (11
to the IIS. 00 price level.
Many were $40.00, 146.00 and SBO.OO. . Wo prettier or more refined garment fashions have been exhibited In Omaha
this year. Ton have oholoe of blacks and colors. Including many Wooltex styles. There are slses to fit all. Ho
lack of variety. Wo garment sale we know of evwr merited your Immediate response more than this one. The new
price for the Bayers and Managers Bale for any Coat or Salt.
2hv 1 13
i t
STa"ers?Le Dress Goods, Silks
The dress goods man in his enthusiasm prevailed upon the writer to use
hjs most forceful tIk-"You can't put It too strong," he says, "in present
lng these bargains." And, examination bears out the facts. The values are
simply' marvelous. These offerings deserve a spontaneous outpouring of
buyers, for Che goods are seasonable and the price' a revelation.
Popular Pongee Silks No more sal
able goods on any silk counter. We
have Just 15- pieces In Natural
Pongee; blue, reseda, grey, wisteria,
peacock, dark rose, etc., very finest
1.00 and $1.25 silks In ICl
tomorrow's salea, Tfr
1,000 yards of 27-lnch China Silks. Plain Taffetallnea "and
Messallnes and Loulslnes Also Peau
de Cygnes and Foulards, in plain
and fancy effects. The soft shim
mering silks that everybody buys
now; also some 32-inch kimono
silks; an extraordinary bar- TO
gain; values to $1.00, at . . . JOv
Moire Silks will be sold Monday, at
irovelty Drees Goods 66 pieces hand
some imported fabrics, never before
less than $1.60 a yard. They are 46
Inch goods in new shades green, taupe,
blue, wine, etc., aiso noum
56-inch coatings and astra-chans
11, iauc,
S.OO Saltings at 69o 50 pieces of very
choice 60 and 66-Inch materials for
spring suits and skirts; the colorings
are desirable; also some silk and wool
plaid effects Included; Q
Omaha's best bargain to- 0.C
i morrow, at, yard
Buyers' and
Sale . . .
Monday we present an array of embroidery bargains "that
will tempt you as few sales do. It's an import shipment just
received direct from the embroidery mills snugly nestled among
the Alps of Switzerland. Direct buying in large quantities keeps
the price down, giving you all the advantages we gain.
There are Two Lot and they are just as beautiful as can be and so spot
lessly fresh and crisp. There are wide 45-inch flounclngs, 27-lnch flounc-
ings, allovers, waist frontlngs, etc.,
all excellent '9c, 75c, $1.00 and
$1.50 qualities, for ,
New Wash Goods Underpriced
Amoskeng Apron Ging
hams E v e r y b ody
knows this to be a big
value; we shall have
50 bieces only ec
on sale, yd
Scotch Madras 36-lnch
goods, in light colors;
very fine 25c and 36c
quality; new, spring
patterns, Mon- - f
day, yd LJL
1 L
Silk Spot Zephyrs and
Tissues' A collection
of choice, new fabrics
that were made to sell
for 35c; our Qr
price this sale. .
Buyers and
Managers' Sale
The shoe man has too many party, slippers on
hand. There are a good many odda and ends
that must be disposed of. Mostly pink,
white, blue, and lavender kid slippers; also
blue and red satins; they are 'a trifle soiled,
but can be easlly'eleaned. If your size is here
you'll get a rare bargain; $3.00 to $5.00 val
ues, at ................. $1.48
WOKEX'S $a.80 ant '$3.00 SXOBS Every pair ' on -our
shelves at these prices, in lace or bvltton styles
and vlcl or guninetal calf shoes. Ctose to a thou
sand pairs In the Buyers' and Managers' sale at,
pair .... ...l-98
DOROTHT BOSS SHOES Lace boots, in sturdy
guninetal calf, two excellent winter styles that
have been $3.50; our sale price, to clear, pair f3.13
WOMEN'S SMaXXi SIZE SHOES A clean-up lot of
odds and ends from 4.00, $3.00 and $3.00 lines.
Some Dorothy Dodd styles Included; small slses
only, to close for.., .tl.48
AH Jewelry 20 Per Cent
V" " Discount
Belt Pins or Buckles Free with, each belt length of
silk elastic belting, at, an Inch 2
Solid gold Brooches, real pearls, amythests and
other stone settings, $5.00 values, at . . . .2.50
Cuff Links Solid gold frpnt'and colored gold in
laid, $2.00 kind, at $1.0012.50 kind, 81.25
$2.00 Signet Cuff Links, solid gold front Sl.OO
Rogers' 1847 Tea Spoons Per set of -six, Tor the
buyers' and. managers', sale only, at ....$1.10
100 S. & H. Green Stamps
w," Capitol Coal
This offer is made for Monday orders only. Cap
itol Coal is the best soft coal mined. Let us have
your order tomorrow 100 2 BBSa f)f")
Btamna with everv ton " "
nromnt deliveries '.. TON
Managers' Sale Clothing
The Men's Section conies in for its share of
the bargains.' The buyer has rummaged around
and selected a dozen strong items. The savings
are very pronounced, and Just as set down here.
Men's Overcoats, worth to $16.00. In kerseys, mel
tons, cheviots. and friezes sale price., $7.00
Boys' Overcoats,' 18 to 19 years, Were $6. B0 and $7.50;
clearing at 92.98
Boys' Suits, 15 to 20 years, $7.50 fancy and $10.00
black suits $4.78
Boys' Knickerbocker Suits,, . to, 16, .years. ".worth?
,$4.00 and $5.00, at ,....... J..,.1. .03.00
, Boys' Overcoats, 3 to 8 years, worth $2.58,. reduced
'to ji.45
Men's Soft and Stiff Hats, worth $3.00 and $3.50,
or .8i.3o
Men's Soft and Stiff Hats, odd lots, $2.00 and $3. Ml
hta , $i.oo
Men's Winter Caps, worth 60c and 75c, reduced to f7o
Men's heavy ribbed $1.50 Undershirts, reduced to 79c
Men's plain black Cotton Bocks, worth 15c; at....9o
Men's 50c Lisle Suspenders, reduced to 3So
Boys' Jersey Sweaters, worth to $3.00, at !78q
Boys' Flannelette Night Robes, 50c kind SSo
Buyers' and Managers' Sale
Curtains, Rugs
Our Immense lace curtain stock is arranged' into
four lots and unmercifully price reluced. It em
braces all styles of curtains, suitable for every room.
Curtains up to I jQ Curtains up to $T i Q
$2.75, for .P!."tr0 $4.60, for O
Curtains up to (P 4 Q Curtains up to C Jt AO
$6.00, for ...yJ.HrO $10.00rfor . XvO
Bonne t'emme Curtains to close, "formerly sold to $9.00
for .'' 08o and $U8
A sacrifice clean tip of Stock Rugs, sizes txlO ft. .up to
10x13 ft. in three lots, barely half value
at 08.89, $13.89 and $18.89
Third rioor Tnrnlture for the Buyers and Managers Sale.
Hrn Peils, full size, with 2-lnch posts, for 910.90
Bed Hoom Suite, quartered onk- bed, dresser, chlfTJonler.
dressing table worth $150.00, for .085.00
Mahogany liuffot and China Closet, 2-pleces, worth $120.00,
fnr $67.00
Felt Mattresses, 45-lb., $10.00 kind ...$0.70
Managers' Sale
No department puts forth stronger price in
ducements than the basement housekeeping
section. The manager has arranged a sale
of hundreds gray enamel Preserving Kettles,
in 6-rjuart size; regularly 36c, g n
Monday IOC
$2.25 Ash and Garbage Cans, 25-gal. size, at 81.50
$1.75 -Ah and Garbage Cans, 18-gal. size, at gl.25
Waffle Irons, high. stand;
$1.25 kind, for . .98?
And oU Stamps.
Floor, Brushes, worth
$1.25, for 85
25.C Elite Sink Strainers,
100-ft. Wire Clothes Line,
solid or braided, 45c
usually, at 2X)f
Sash Cord Clothes Line,
50-ft. lengths, best 45o
quality, for 20
Flour' Cans, 50-lb. size,
always 86o, special 50
Rice Root Scrub Brushes,
worth 15c, Monday spe
cial, for 10J
And 10 Stamps.
Buyers' and Mcnigers Sale Groceries
Bennett's Golden Coffee, pound 86o nd
Hennett'e Breukfast Coffee, 2-lb. caiiB.,,48o and
Teas, assorted kinds, pound 48o and
Tea Blftlngs, pound paokago
Pure Ground Pepper, H -lb. can lOo and
Bennett's Capitol Wheat, 2-lb. pkgs.
2,000 pkgsa at. eaoh lOo and
Small. Hour Ploklee, dozen
California Table-Raisins, on stem, lb
Bennett's Rxoelslur Klirur, sack. ., . . .$1,74 and
Kennetrs Capitol Bweet potatoes, 12 He cans
Whole Bable Beets, "Best We Have" brand, 18o can
Double stamps on Hutterlno.
York Violet Toilet Soap, three for 95o and 10
Cupltol Pure Maple Syrup, qt. can 40 o and $0
I.lpton's Jelly, assorted, 3 pkgs. . 86o and 10
Full Cream Cheese, lb B3o and 10
Haitb-y's Pure Fruit Jams ,.800 and 20
Polk's Soups, four enns
Double Stamps on Oranulated Sugar.
Crackers, Iten's fresh bnked Oraham
. and Tourist Crackers, pkg 10o and
Mt. Caramel Pumpkin, three cans for
Fvlrno Strawberries, for shortcake, con ,
Navy Beans, six pounds , .
. . . . SSo
. .13 Wo
Some Thing's You Want to Know
The English Elections The Heckling ''Voice"'
Whether or not the voice of the people
is the olee ' of Ood tr a Question
which som persons may dispute with
tho , clasfclc proverb, but no English
politician will dispute tho fact that
"the volce'"'Jrivthe' audience is a voice to
be respected. The Bi;:.!wh people have no
sense of decorum in politic. Much as the
Englishman, may -deplore the average
American's' lack of ' maimers in handling
knives, forks and spoons at a dinner table,
the American can put It all over his
BrltUh cousin when It comes to behaving
at a nubile speaking. The Briton doesn't'
want to behave, and his unwritten con
stitution protects him in certain inalien
able rights of mlsbehaviotr to which the
speakers must tamely submit.
When the sovereign American voter goes
Into politics as an auditor at a political
apeakiug he Is permitted, by the stern code
of etluuette obtaining In yearly all parts
of the Vnlted States, to do but three things
He may keep silent, he may cheer, or he
may hlw. The hissing la considered 111
bred, It Is true, but It is sometimes per
mitted o pans without causing a riot
among the supporters of the code of polltl
tl polltnexs.
No such pent-up t'tlca cribs, cabins or
confines the British elector, although be Is
not "fcovertlgti" In theory. When he goee
to a political meeting he has, under the
constitution, a perfect right to do any or
all f the seven following things, to-wit:
Cheer, hiss, groan, sing, yell, boo and
Now the greatest of these la represented
in the verb "to heckle," for under that
head the British elector at a political epeak-
Ing may, can and does do anything he jolly
well pleases from making a speech to the
speaker to using a peer's monocle as the
f bull's eye In target practice with rotten
egga as ammunition. The eggs business Is
regarded as Ill-bred and none but a very
rude heckler will descend to such methods.
It la about on the plane with hissing In
tha United States. But It Is not a crime
and the heckler Is protected by the con
stitution and by British etiquette.
Sir William Bull, a tory member of Par
liament. Is a shining example of the few
politicians who have dared to take un
constitutional steps with respect to tha
hecklers in this campaign. A British elee
ur, a perfectly polite one without any un-A'-tted
eggs about his persun, stood near the
fcijtor-van platform from which Sir Wil
liam was explaining why the people should
support Ui peers and net tax the land.
This elector punctuated the address1 by
remarking in a boiler-factory voice at the
end of very one of Sir William's chaste
periods: "You are a lying lawyer and you
make your living by taking money to tell
lies and you know it and you know wej
know It," repeat, ad lib., with yarlatlonsAup as a bad Job and hiked away , from
sat down on the chairman's table, lighted
a cigarette and waited for the noise to
cease, it dioWf cease, and as there were
more neighbors than there were earls of
Penblgh, the. noble earl finally gave It
After about the seventh heckleSlr Wil
liam's cholor got the best of his politeness
and of the constitution, and he Intimated
that he was able, physically, to punch the
head of a certain heckler. The heckler in
vited Sir William to a Joust and they went
to It. A brace of faultless "bobbles" broke
up the fight, but no arrests were made as
the pflTlce couldn't determine whether to
arrest the heckler for starting a row, or to
take Sir William into custody for breach of
the constitution.
A favorite form of heckling is the inter
ruption of the speaker by remarks more or
less personal and uncomplimentary, or by
asking questions which are pertinent or
Impertinent as one Is a radical or a tory,
or by making audible comments on the
past political record of the speaker when
It Is In contrast with his present political
professions. The authors of such remarks,
the Individuality of hecklers being lost In
the crowd are collectively known as "The
Voice." And In every speech made during
the campaign "The Voice" had something
to Say. "The Voice" Is not always In
opposition. Indeedr a friendly heckler with
a good pair of lungs Is often of great
value In helping a halting speaker to make
hU jiplnloiiH known to the votera.
Sometimes the British electors do not
consider a speaker sent to address then to
be worthy of heckling. In such cases the
electors exercise another Inalienable light
of the freeborn and perfectly polite Eng
lishman. They boo the speaker. That Is
they boo the . man-who-would-be-speaker.
They attend the meeting and very quietly
hear the address of the chairman. The
speaker In Introduced and makes his bow.
And then the electors boo him. That Is to
say about 'steen, hundred of them, with
one accord, pronounce the word "boo"
loudly and lliigerlngly. A rut when they are
through pronouncing It, they do It all over
again. And so on until the man-whoVpuld-fce-speeker
gets tired and leaves. Bometlraes
the short boo Is Introduced In the middle
of a speech, but then It Is only a part of
the heckling.
The earl of Denbigh, a Tory lord, went
down to Hopewell, where he owns a large
estate, to speak to his neighbors about
the Issues of the day. The neighbors
booed him. He tried for twenty minutes
to speak, but made no headway. Then be
there. t
- Lord Ashborne, on the same night In
London, was greeted- by an enthusiastic
crowd of hecklers with a genius for fun.
Every time the ' noble lord said anything
-eorlous the crowd groaned and every time
he said anything allegedly funny the
crowd groaned. Finally they got tired and
broke up the meeting by turning it into
a eaengerfest.
As a rule the hecklers are very polite to
women spogkers and seldom throw things
at ""them. They make exceptions In favor
of the "sex." The "sex" Is not so consid
erate, and the suffragettes never miss a
chance to heave a brick through a window
at some cabinet minister who Is explaining
to the dear people how "the government
have provided for the country." (The gov
ernment "have" la co erect In England.)
But this brick-heaving is not considered
heckling and therefore Is not proteoted by
the constitution ad BrltUh etiquette.
Hence, Just 'before a political meeting, the
police arrest all women In the neighbor-
hood suspected of a militant desire to exer
cise the right of sjilfrage and Its con
comitant privileges of heckling and booing.
Mrs. Fletcher, wife of a member of Par
liament, essayed to make a speech in be
half ot a friend of her husband whqwas
running for the House. The hecklers were
provided for her and the first part of her
address waa made to the accompaniment
of a grand chorus of baby rattler. 8he Is
a tariff reformer, and when she came to
explain how much better the laboring pian
In protected 'Germany lives than his fel
low workman In tree-trade England a
genial heckler threw a live puppy dog at
the lady, exclaiming, "That's what tb
Germans eat." ,
Lord KotiiMhikt. who has -Mete money
than Carter had oats, has always made It
a practice never, to epoak except In the
House of Lords and the dly of Lwdon
upon purely financial or municipal affairs.
But the threatened socialism of the XJoyd
Ueorg regime aroused him to action and
he took the stump for a tour around the
country. He went to one town to tell the
peopla the seasons why he had beon con
verted from a free trader to a tariff re
former. The audience amused itself by
Interrupting every few minutes with three
cheers for Lloyd-George. This annoyed the
baron, and he finally gave up without fin
ishing his speech-'"
Nearly all of the heckling of the, un
friendly sort has been directed against
conservative speakers. All during the cam
paign the newspapers commepted on' this
feature with strict party bias. The radical
papers were Inclined to think it showed
how unpopular, the torles were with tbe
people. The tory papers charged that the
rowdyism of the liberals was the despera
tion bred of fore-knowledge of certain de
feat.' Liberal leaders and candidates were
charged with hiring men to make a busi
ness of breaking up conservative meetings.
Occasionally a liberal speaker would be
heckled, and then the radicals would, cry
out that the liquor trade was plying rowdies
with free drinks to get them to Interrupt
liberal speakers. But usually everybody
seemed td credit all the trouble to "the
voice" that Is,' to the British elector In
action as an auditor.
Every speaker, of course, tries to be
patient Under thestraln of the heckling.
sometimes a clever speaker can turn a
Drexel, the Shoeman, Floats Prof
fered Fortune in Spain. -
Antedllavlan Scheme to Cot Barkers
( Loose from Their Money Tried
In Vain by Laiy Chap
In Madrid.
question to the discomfiture of the heckler,
and that makes for peace and order. Again
a speaker Is given an opportunity to turn
a pretty point by the aid of a chance re
mark of "the voice." . Sometimes, It Is
whispered, speakefs have been known to
arrange with sorae free and unterrlfled
heckler for a few Interruptions at Just the
psychological moment. For bad as it is to
be heckled, It Is Infinitely worse to bo
But when Lord Cheylesmore and Lord
Donoughmore attempted to plead the case
of the peers to an audience In Coventry
the heckler reached his climax. He an
nounced In tuneful song that he. collectively
considered, did not Intend to go home until
the following morning. The only local sup
porter of the peers was hustled off the
stage, but the two noble lords were forced
to stay and hear the singing 'for several
The British elector with a taste for ex-'
citing fun has his inning at election time.
And If a peer Is his particular aversion, as
seems to be the case, the heckler was
happy during this campaign, for never be
stump In England. If the House of, I,ordn
ever gets complete control of the Brltlnh
constitution it certainly will knock out the
clause protecting the boors and the heck
Icjrs. ,
t nxosBio j. stASsrnr.
- The British psllbinder. t
' ,
Aaetaev Bxoase.
"Why do you delay meeting that fighter?
Tou aren't afraid of him, are your'
"Afraid T I should say not!" replied the
Then what's the trouble?"
"Well, tol teil the truth. I hold him
In such hatred and contempt that I can't
bring myself to the, point of getting Into
the ring and shakJug hands with him, even
as a formality.'
celved In Omaha recently from Madrid.
Spain, by several leading Omaha people,
among whom may be named Herman
Drexel, Thomas A. Fry and B. J. Drum
- In the .letter to Mr. Drexel the Spanish
pi.soner signs himself as Jose Salgado
Drexel, and desires the answer to be sent
in care of the "good chaplain," Senor Don
Juan Manar, Argandadel Rey, Province
de Madrid, Espana. v
In this Instance Jose Drexel tells that
he accumulated his fortune during the dig
ging of the Panama canal under Ferdinand
de LesBeps. Through the failure of the
canal scheme, h"e got mixed up with the
laws of France and Spain, and while trying
to escape with his beautiful young daugh
ter he was arrested at Gibraltar. The
secreted draft which is hidden In London
amounts "to about tfOO.OOO In. American
money, and JoBe propoHcs to his Uncle'
Herman Drexel that the latter Is to take
charge of the beautiful daughter, educate
her, live himself upon the Interest of the
tfiOO.OOO and then take one-fourth of It for
his trouble.
The letter Is a pathetic one, particularly
where It refers to the beautiful daughter,
and her loneliness and helplessness, and
how much she Is in need of the care of
her uncle.
"Tobos estamos sujetos a errar." That
Is an old Spanish proverb meaning that
the whole bunch of us is liable to get taken
In badly should we nibble at every propo
sition that comes out'of Spain.
Once again the country la being flooded
with letters from some alleged unfor-nates,-
who are doing the Edmund Dantes
act In some Spanish prison. He Is, as of
yore, the possessor of an alluring bunch of
almoleons, which Just prior to his arrest
he had converted into a draft and de
posited In a secret drawer In his trunk,
which is in a boarding house In London,
so that the minions of King Alfonso can
not get hold of the cash. It Is secure. be
yond the reach of detectives.
There are i-evetal, variations of the story
of the modern Edmond Dantes, but one of
the favorite plans Is for the writer of
the letter from Spain to claim to be a
distant relative of the recipient of the
letter, through an American marriage of
his ma, and that' he wants the recipient
to open up a correspondence with him
through tho "good" chaplain of. the prison
in which he Is confined, In order that
plansvmay be devised whereby the secret
drawer In the London trunk in the obscure
boarding house may be secured, the draft
obtained and brought to America, and then
the proceeds or a big percentage of them
will be dtvidid with the recipient.
In Vague Innuendo.
These letters are written with a pur-
rutualu . . a s i . . I . . .. . . a . A . i . 1 . .. . . .1 ! . . .!
" "I"5'..15"' x" thehntent to Imitate certain Spanish piovln-
ctallsms in order to give them a semblance
of genuineness, but the plot Is as old us
and has often- been
Omaha's First Skyscraper
human credulity.
worked In Its' present form. ,
These first letters are suit merely as a
lure. They give In detail the story of the
fortune of the prisoner, how he inherited
It, his "relationship to the recipient, tells
but little why he Is In prison, except to
Intimate that he Is a political prlsouW.
The recipient. If he bites at the romantic
story, will shortly thereafter receive an
other letter asking him or her to cough
up a hatful of doubloons to meet the ex
penses of sending an agent to London or
Paris or Tlmbuctoo to get the mysterious
trunk. If be sends the stuff, there Is no
-third chapter.
Letters of this character have been re-
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