THE OMAITA SUNDAY BEE: JANUARY 23, 1010. 8 DRANDEIS STORES $1 Foulards al 69c Yard The largest find most complete line of stunning Foulards west of Chicago. Spot and shower proof foulmis, distinctive and exclusive patterns, beautiful cameo nnd monotone ef fects, disks, spots, broche and some fine ' border effects. Very special 27 inch self colors, monotone fhsJJf2) effects, a regular $1.25 foul- UyftjUj ard, at, yard 75c MESCALINES AT 4'Jc YARD , Superior quality yarn dyed dress Messahne Silks, in 37 different shades, including the pastel shades and evening colorings, iflp on bargain square, at, yard . .' 27 INCH ROSCO SILKS AT 25c YARD fewest spring shades for entire dresses, Misses' party frocks, etc., tyKo at, yard THE NEW MOTORA TUSSORAH SILKS An ideal silk of the Rajah kind, only lighter in texture with a narrow invisible &4 'Ottoman cord, 27 inches wide, yd t v-i- Our Odd Scarfs And Throws Mink, Persian Lamb, Fox, Brook Mink, etc., worth up to $15, all'ln one lot, at $4.98 K.X 4 i, ., i. i. i.i. '7T!Z?mL. .u 1 r r'"" 1 rrsn ;3 Tailored Linen Waists In dainty hand em broidered front and plain pleated and tuck ed effects, at $2-50-$2-98.$3-98 TP It fcr Tttese Radical Price Reductions IN BRANDEIS STORES HIGHEST GRADE d9 fm Coals, Separate Scaals These prices will effect a complete clearance in a few days. Our high grade furs have been admired by every fashionable wo- an in Omaha. Tomorrow we offer them all at prlcea that are simply amating. Perhaps the price la all that haa kept you from haying a rich coat or fine 11 Dress Goods Clearance 49c-79c On our popular bargain square we show plain and fancy French and tailor weight serges, Victoria suitings, taffetas, 52 inch black, brown and grey suitings, worth more, yard . . . . THE NEW IMPORTED .DRESS GOODS Celebrated Theodora suitings and-Venetian Chiffon Broadcloth in all the latest syndi cate colorings, iridiscent, black and white broken checks, etc., 54 inch tailor suitings, chiffon weight homespun, AND etc., at, yard ...Vl UP LIKEN, MERCERIZED SILK and COTTON FABRIC Main Floor Dress Goods Department Em broidered linen in suit and waist patterns, novelty silk and cotton fabrics, Banzai and Koseo silk and " cotton novelties, several handsome lines for Mon day, at, yard .' HIMALAYA SUITING AT 29c YARD " The queen of mercerized fabrics, will posi tively launder and retain that 9Qi silky finish, Monday, yard ..fclwC 29c to 50c net. Monday you ran buy anything from two-third to one-half less than former prlcea. There never was a aale of fine fura that waa anything like thU one. These Notable Price Reductionsin Fine Fur Sets One $49 Baum Marten Fox Set, Scarf and Muff to match, at $25.00 Two $35 Russian Lynx Norddin Sets, at $17.50 Four $35 Asuria White Fox Norddin Sets, at '. . . .$17.50 One $125 Novelty Baum Marten Fox Set, at . $59.00 One $65 Fine Isabella Fox Set, at $29.00 H !l U ij p i i Utv One $75 genuine Bear Fur Set at $39.00 One $98 Fine Black Fox Set, $59.00 One $169 Fine Kolinski Sable Set at ...y $85.00 One $98 Fancy Jap Mink Set, $49.00 One $85 Novelty Jap Mink Set at ........'..$12.50 One $85 Fine Kolinski Sable Set- at N $39.00 One $45 Bed Fox Set, at . . . .$22.50 One $98 Pointed Fox Set, at $45.00 One $125 Novelty Sable Fox Set at ' $49.00 One $50 Fine Sable Fox Setr- at $25.00 T,tca HRANUfclb STOKES $1 Wide Embroideries 49c 18 to 27-inch fine embroidered flouncing and skirtings, in Swiss, nainsook and batiste elegant new designs in Angletenv. Madeira, crochet, Hexagon, floral, yfl f urecian ana suaaow cnects fi fl (f many worth up to $1.00 j j a yard ; at, a yard $2.50 Flouncings at $1.59 Yard 15-inch fine Swiss nnd batiste embroidered flouncings elegant Swiss, Angle terre, flond and shadow elfects; many worth up to $2.50 a yard extra special in embroidery department, yd.. . $59 Fine Embroidered Galloons Also galloon headings elegant designs, in knghsJi eyelet and floral effects up to 5 ins, wide and worth up to 50c a yard; on sale at, yd 10c-25c 35c Wide Embroideries at lOc lSc 18-inch fine embroidered flouncings, skirtings and corset cover widths, also medium and wide embroideries worth to 35c a yard ; in two big lots, nt, yd c-ISc Beauliful Fur Coais at Much Less Than Actual Value , One $150 50-inch Caracul' Coat, pointed Fox Collar, at $75.00 Two $98 50-inch Plain Caracul Coats, at, each $49.00 One $89 Select Krimmer Coat, at $39.00 One $139 36-inch Striped Brook Mink Coat, at . . ; '. .$72.50 One $50 36-inch black Russian Lynx Coat, at .$22.50 One $750 50-inch Genuine Seal Coat, at i $375.00 One $450 36-inch fine Seal Coat, at $275.00 Two $350 Seal Skin Coats, at, each . $175.00 One $598 Fine Genuine Mink Coat, at $298.00 One $198 50-inch Blended Squirrel Coat, at .$9$.00 f4t il . rj 3r Mil mm MM 124c Laces and Insertions at 5c Fine French and German Val. Laces and Insertions, also dainty cluny, crochet and Armenian effects many to I" match worth up to 12Vc a H yard; at, yard Watch for the Bis Brass Jardiniere Sale Wednesday, Jan. 20. The greatest ever held at Brandela. Write for samples of the new JAPOMKA SILK This is soft, clingy China, silk, In all col ors; it costs only, a yard i 25$ Separate Far Scarfs two genuine Chinchilla Throws, worth $25, at S10.00 One Eaom Marten and Ermine Nov elty Scarf, worth $125. at $49.00 One genuine Ermine Scatf, large fancy shape, worth $85, at .t. .$35.00 One genuine Ermine Zaza shape Scarf, worth $39, at .... 19.00 One 3 skin Blended Hudson Bay Sable Scarf, worth $98, at $49.00 One 4 Skin Blended Hudson Bay Sable Scarf, worth $135, at $65.00 One Jap Marten Throw, worth $69. at $35.00 Separate Fur Scarfs Five Genuine Mink Throws, worth to $29, at $12.50 One Fine Mink Pellerlna Scarf, worth $195. at $98.00 One Jap Mink Russian Shawl, worth $29, at $15.00 One Novelty Mink Shawl, with heads and tails, worth $169, at $89.00 Two fine laree Mink Novelty Scarfs, worth $165. at $85.00 Three Blended Jap Mnk Beans, wor'rn $25, at .-$12.50 One Black Lynx Shawl, was, $42.50, now, at $21.25 Separate Fur Scarfs , One large Black Lynx Shawl, was $59, now $28.50 One fine large Black Lynx Shawl, was $85, now $42.50 One fine large Black Fox Shawl, was $55. now $27.50 One fine Black Fox Shawl, was $39, now for $19.50 Two Baum Marten Fox Novelty Scarfs. was $49, now $25.00 Two large double Fox Shawls, was $49, now .$25.00 One Pointed Fox Shawl, was $46, now- $22.50 Childrens' Fur Coats Child's $75 Blend 'd Squirrel Coat af .$35.00 Child's $35 Siberian Sable Coat, at $15.00 Child's $40 Brook Mink Coat, at . $22.00 Child's $59 grey curly Krimmer Coat, at $29.00 Child's $45 Near Seal Coat, t $2250 Special Bargains Throughout This Entire Week in Our Big Clearing Sale of Silverware, Jewelry and Leather Goods These special prices that are now offered in our jewelry and leather goods departments are the bar gain events of the season. BIGGER BARGAINS THAN EVER ANNUAL CLEARING SALE of Men's and Women's Shoes All our high grade winter shoes must go at ouce, everything at greatly reduced prices. Advance Showing of Our Women's New 1910 Tailored Spring Suits The stunning new arrivals that will lead in favor this spring. Jackets are in the new lengths, 30 to 36 inches, some cut in new Russian blouse effects-many smartly trimmed-also plain tailored ideas strictly new materials and colors. Write for Samples of Our Famous NYANZA I3YLX Rough mercerized suiting silk, in all colors; looks and wears like 85c silk fabric, and nfep costs but, per yard Final Week January Linen Sale PATTERN TABLE ;LOTH9 All our odd pattern cloths in all sizes to close out at 60 discount. 5.98 Pattern Cloths, each $2.99 $7.98 Pattern Cloths, each $3.99 $8.50 Pattern Cloths, each $4.25 $10.00 Pattern Cloths, each $5.00 $10.98 Pattern Cloths, each . . . .' . .$5.49 $11.98 Pattern $13.50 Pattern $7.50 Large Pin ner ste Nap kins, dos. 83 88 Cloths, eaeu Cloths, each . . . $4.60 full sle Napklna. 1oa., t a-a $5.99 $6.75 TABLE DAMASK $2.00 Double Satin Damask, full 2 yards wide, at yard . . . $1.39 $1.59 Bea,t Round Thread Grass Bleached Damask, at, yard ............ .$1.19 $1.39 Pure Irish Linen Table Damask, at, per yard '. 98 $1.19 Fine Satin Damask Table Linen, at, per yard . . .' ..85 $1.00 Extra heavy .cream and bleached Satin Damask, at, yard . 75 75c Heavy hlached Table Damask, yd. pift 69c All Linen Table Damask,' yd 49 $3.50 full siza Napklna, dm., at (2.49 TOWELS 60c all linen Huck Towels, each . . . .25 25c all linen Huck Towels, each . . . .19 15c extra large Huck Towels, each . . . .) Fine Huck and Damask Towels, worth up to $2.00, at, each 98 $1.50 Imported Turkish Towels, each 89 $1.25 Imported Turkish Towels, each Q) 45c Large Turkish Bath Towels, each 25 16c Large fringod Turkish Towels, at J) 6c Knit or Turkish Wash Cloths, each 1 10c Mop or Dish Cloths, each 5 12 00 "2.1n Nan. 176' a11 P U r 6 $3.00 .Z-ln. Nap- ,lm)n Napkla kins, dor. $1.98 dosen 98o BED SPREADS $1.39 full size Ma reel lira pattern Bed Spread, each 9CO $1.76 full shrunk Marseilles pattern Bed Spreads, each 1.39 $2.00 Large slza. Marseilles pattern- Bed Spreads, each, at S1.49 $2.00 Kxtra Heavy Marseilles Pattern Bed Spreads, fringed, with cut corner, each, now at 91-49 $2.75 Full ahrunk Marseilles pattern Hed Hpreada, fringed, with or without cut corners, each, at 91-89 $5.00 Sralloped edge satin Marseilles pattern Bed f'preads. each 93-80 $10.00 Best Imported scalloped edge Marseil les Bed Spreads, each 96-98 PERCALE Our new spring line of light and dark patterns, also plain shades of . very highest grade American percale made. Stripes, dots, checks, "figures, in hWk- n.nd colors ASK ior Manchester percales, yd. 10c-l2k Wash Goods and Ginghams As the largest buyers of wash goods and ginghams in the west, we were . appointed selling agents for the celebrated Barnaby Zephyr Ging hams, which in style, color and beauty is without an equal; gingham de- IjC partment, at, yd. ." Great January Sale of White Goods and Wash Goods Fine imported White Madras; 32 iuches wide; for skirts, tailored owns and for waists, yd., at 25 P to 75d Cross Bar Dimity; medium weight for un dermuslins; in double and single bar, yard, at 15 Printed Batiste, In dots, stripes, iColored mercerised Poplins, in Dresden and rloral designs; I all the newest shades, special all 1910 patterns, yd. ...10M for Monday, yard .... 10 4 8-Inch Batiste; new and v crisp ; at, per yard 25 nd 35 Corded ' and fine pin stripe Dimity, per yd., at 10 Next week we will sell nainsook and long cloth at the smallest fraction above cost. T Natural Colored Linen, 36 inches wide; extra heavy, yd 29t BRANDEIS STORES American Dress Fabrics 1910 patterns American dress fabrics in light, medium and dark styles They are fast col ors and make inexpensive house dresses from C the bolt, yard....... Basement Bargains Yard wide Chambray gingham, in all the wanted plain colors. Not one yard worth less than 15c dress lengths, I Monday, yard U2 Great January f ale of Muslin Sheets and Pillow Cases 9- 4 Bleached Pequot Sheeting 34c value, per yard 3Bo 10- 4 Bleached Sheeting S2c value, at, per yard 3Bo 9-4 Bleached Sheeting, 26c value, at. per yard 300 81-99 Beamlesa Bleached Sheets, $1.00 value, at . . MHO 81-90 Seamless Bleached Sheets 95c value, at o 72-90 Seamless Bleached Sheets, 90o value, at 690 63-90 Seamless Bleached iSheets, 86c value, at 6a 81-99 Seamless Bleached Hotel Sheets. 86c value, at 60 81-90 Seamless Bleached Hotel Sheets, 75c value, at B9o 7. on KvnmleM Bleached Hotel Sheets, 65c value, at 600 ' Pillow Cases Pillow Cases, size 42x3C, 45x3C, 50x36, 42x38, 45x38V6 and 60x38; plain or hemstitched; every pair worth 10c more than the sale price, each, 10 12 Wt and . . . 14t v We sDeclalize in the well known Wamsutta, Utica and Pequot brands of sheeting. Sheets and pillow cases, every wanted size, plain or hem stitched, also every width in bleached or unbleached sheeting; our prices lower than elsewhero. Yard wide Lonsdale and Hope Muslin '6, 8 and 10-yard lengths in each piece, with the original mill stamp, at, yard 7H Attractive Values in lings After inventory we are left with terns, also with too many of some gra once we cut the prices far below the a chance to get a fine quality new rug a 9x12 Brussels Rugs, seamless, bright pretty floral patterns a rug,raade to stand hard wear regu- $ Z 50 lar price $18.00; sale price. . 9x12 Brussels Rug; just a few more of those full ten wire brussels rugs; made to sell for $26; very high $1 last, at . . : i . many odd lots and discontinued pat- des of rugs. In order to sell them at ctual value. This is your greatest t about half the price any other time. Ax minster Rugs The largest line in Omaha to select from floral or oriental patterns-$ y 50 $ C values to $35.00, atafe 3 15!! 9x12 Velvet Rugs; new line of patterns; this quality of rug you wcuid $1798 pay $3U ior reguiariy; wnne - m m Beautiful English Wilton Rugs;. 9x12 size and seamless; rich, oriental patterns highest grade Wilton rug ci to $55 each, at f39 We have quite a number of special bargains in rugs in lots too small to ad vertise. These will b closed out at ex traordinary bargains. Basement Bargain Thousands of yards of bleached mus lin and 40-lnch white lawn, in var ious grades; on bargain square, at, yard 34c Special Offers in Human Hair Goods Natural Wavy Braid this sale ..... ...f".". -in three separate strands worth $8.00, 5 Brandeis Transformation others The New Turban Braids ask $5.00 our price $2.98 sale price Natural Wavy Switch; made of fine hair; $8 value, at . .$5.00 Turban Clips; our regular 75c cap now at 50 Extra large nets 10c 24-inch washable Hair Roll, aale price, at 50 Hair dressing, manicuring and scalp treatment. FTecial ..$3.98 BRANDEIS STORES H TIME HONORED QUESTION OF CAPITAL PUNISHMENT SOLVED Ve.crabl tert la Debate hr Webster Soctetr o' Tha literary societies of the Omaha High school held thetr retrular meetings on Fri day Two of the boya' societies, the De moathenlan and th. Webster, held election Of officers. Richard Barnes was elected presldeut of tha Uemostlienlan and Hiram r.r th. Webster. The rest of the Damosthenlan ticket elected Is: Vice pr.a ...... u..r Ouuld: secretary, Wilbur luetik, w.w Halnea; treaburr. Voyle Hector; sergeant- w.irolm Ualdrlge; librarian, I w I'lx'ely. The remalndtr of the Webster ticket 1: Vice president. Maurlca bniu lugton; ...crelary-Uea.urer. Dean David son; sergeunta-at-arm.. Jaly and Bauman. A short program was given In the De mosthenlan socU-ty. Music was furnished by Fred Kernald and Severs Kuaman. Reci tations were given by Harry Landeryou. Tha Webster society h-ld a debate. -Re-mivad tht capital punUomeut should ba abolished." The affirmative was taken by Ixi t harp Jensen and Stanley Beranek, and the negative by Hiram Salisbury and Harry Qldeon. ' '' ; - The I.lnlnger Travel club had a very In teresting program, which was started by the presentation to the club of another of Mrs. Frank Haller'a many gifts, a large pennant In tha club colors. Ruth Berg gave a recitation, "As the Moon Rose," as the first number. "Her First Visit to the Butcher," was given by Mary Day; "A German's View of Denver," by Jose phine Ooettsche; "Lady Clare," by Gladys Line, and "A Word to the Wise," by Bertha Glrton. Hulda Peterson followed with a piano solo, and then a play, "61;: Cupa of Chocolate," was glvcen. Those who took part were Ruth Lake as Adeline von Llndan; Helen Bradt, aa Marlon Lea Florence Lake, as lorothy Green; Inei Caalberg, as Hester Beacon; Kleanor Ca hill, as- Beatrix Van Hortland; Josephine Goettache, as Jeanetta Durand. Tha pro gram closed with a piano solo by liasel Luy. Hi program of the Hawlborna society started with soma "New Tear's Resolu tions," given by Fluranca tUiodas. Madge West and Helen Qlwlts each reed an essay and Mary Bush a reading. Mabel Wahaaky gave a recitation and Avllda Moore a vocai solo. Isabel Linn closed the program wun a "Prophecy of the Society," inciuaing ft" the member. Tha Pleiades soc ety gava ft program on "Girls that Have Succeeded In Various Pursuits." "As Artists" waa given by Frances Meyer, "As Poeta" by Mary All- man. "As Prose Writers" by Marina -ui- oairm "In rt.miiHn Science ' by t-tnei Tlrmy, Genevleva Thornblum. Edith Reed, Ella Beeka and Florence Smith. A toaai to Girls" waa given by Margaret Logan and Ruth Hheldon closed with a comic reading, "Courtship Under Difficulties" The "Conquest of Meileo" was the sud 1ect of tha Frmcls Wlllard society. Ethel Robinson gave "Geographical Features;" Mildred Arnolds came next with -"the Dls coverv of America:" "The Spanish Motive for invasion." bv Dorothea Shrlver. Rhoda Lincoln nvt "Cortes and Hla Landing, and tha "March to Mexico City" waa given by Ida Brodky. Hadvls Provasnlk nd Luclle Peterson. 'The Siege and Capture of Mexico City" was given by Mauds Tha Hrownln society program covered .k. in th "Four Seasons." Winter was represented by Ethel Fry in the "Origin of the Christmas Tree, ami wr Dickinson in "tit. Valentine's Day." Spring came In "A Boy's Diary of Spring." "On tha Road to Klowee." given py ciiaa beth Rajney and a rhyme, "Summer from Different View Polnta," given oy irma Gross, gavethe summer part. "Tha Ath letic Girl, give:t oy josepuniw Th. nirl" riven by Ruth A in sula constituted autumn part, aa both girls wr auppoaed to be representee on u day of the foot ball game. Tha program closed with tha "Oracle," given by Krna Hadra. ' SUIT OVER FILIBUSTER DEAL German r and Haasla Arc to Deelda Whether Latter Can Be Sued. ST. PETERSBURG, Jan. I. The adven turous spirits who soniutlines make ft fortune and sometimes lose their all at gun running In war tlma will be conoerned la the outcome of ft piece of litigation and arbitration that has sprung up between tha Russian and German governments. - Early la 1MB, after tha Russian sea power in Asiatic waters had been obliterated and only tha Manchurian campaign remained, the czar's military agent In Tienstein en gaged In ft business transaction with ft German army officer of the reserve. Cap tain von Hellfeld, to deliver munitions of war to the commander at Vladivostok un der the German flag. Captain von Hell feld'a account of the business is that he acted aa agent of tha Berlin Armaments company and was to deliver cannon and ammunition to the value of $1,600,000 by October 1, 1906. Von Hellfeld had also been In negotiation for the delivery of munitions to the Japanese government, but the Rus sian agent the bargaining waa carried through at Tientsin persuaded him to drop the Japanese deal and ordered ft second consignment for Russia. Ha was to pro vide twenty-flva field batteries of artil lery and a great store of ammunition for 1750,000. Thla was arranged for In the late spring of t05. Then came the preliminaries that led up to the Itusao-Japanese negotiations at Portsmouth. The Russians countermanded tha consignment of arms, which was al ready on Us way to Vladivostok on the steamship Anhalt, and tha vessel put Into KJao-chau, tha German Chines port. Al though under the German flag It Is ad ml t ted that the Anhalt waa bought and paid for with Russian government money, and that there would have been no losa to any German owner or Insurer had It been sunk or captured. Captain von Hellfeld laid an arrest on the Anhalt at Ktao-ohau and litigation fol lowed. In March. 1WW, a complaint was forwarded from the Russian war depart ment through the State department to the German court at Klao-chau against the detention of the Russian arms and the An halt. Captain von Hellfeld raised a coun ter claim for f7D0,000. Eventually tha cargo waa handed over to the Russians, but tha Anhalt was kept under arrest by order of the German court. The Russian government then asserted the principle that It could not be sued In a forelun court exewpt by voluntary consent. This waa denied by the Klao chau colonial court, which had referred tha question to tne imperial supreme court, and a Klgned judgment was Issued In favor of von HellfeldV On the strength of this judgment the German captain's lawyers laid an arrest on the Russian state securities deposited In Berlin, The Russian state department waa or dered to take ImmedlnjMlv all nt.remis.rV measured to Insure tha safety of Russia euunuea in uerun. The csar s embassy In Berlin has received notice from tho German state denartment ihm the Pros. slan government has decided to deal with Itussla over tha judlolal question whether the ciar'a government can be sued In th German courts. Meanwhile the order arrest on Russian irnvernment funds Mendelssohn's Is suspended until the que tlon of Drlnclnla Is deeJded. Mr. Dvnovskv. counsel In International law to the Rusuiaip states department, has gone to Berlin prepare hla case. of at to ALDRICH SAYS HE'S HOPEFUL Oavld CUT Senator Comes to Be Friends About Ills Governor ship Boumlet. Senator c. II. Aldrlch of David City, an avowed ratidlilate for the republican noml nation for governor, la In Omaha to friends relatlvn to his candidacy. Aldrlch expressed himself as 'hopeful Remarkable cures have been Chamberlain's Cough Remedy, l by n 1 V i I i4 f f.