Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 23, 1910, NEWS SECTION, Page 7, Image 7

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Council Bluffs
Mi jr Mention
The Council Bluff Office ef the
Omaha U t U BooH nml
Both thou 43. .
Pavla, drugs.
CORRIOANS, undertakers, 'phone 148.
For rent, modern house. 724 tth avenue. '
Woodrlng Undertaking company, lei. 329.
Lewis Cutler, funeral director. 'Phone ST.
Dalrd & Boland, undertakers. 'Phone 121.
When you want reliable want ad adver
tising, uiie The Bee. v
IHamonfls Special prices this month at
Leffert's new store, 601 Broadway.
15 BCOTT gT.
Attorney I. N. Flicking" has gone ''to
Houston, Trx . to look after his land in
terests In that locality.
Pre tho "Copley Prints' of noted paint
ing by Taylor and of Abbey's Holy Grail
series a Alexander's. iCI3 Broadway.
WahtriV-Young lady for sheet muslo de-piittnitntV-.riiusi
be able to play at sight,
one as saleslady preferred.
A. 71ojio t o., Zt Pearl St., 2 S. Main Kt.
OVli MATUKDA If 1KA DKRS 1 n our
gi'&hti-y department: Klifhteen pounds best
gi'O.hulati-rt Cane Kilter, 1; fancy hnnd
plf:ked tomatoes, two pans, 16 cents; fancy
corn, peas or pumpkin three cans, 25
ccr Is; ten bars good' laundry soap, 16
cents; ginger snaps, p;r one-half peck, 20
centiy extra choice Ben Dnvls apples, peck,
25 cuits: etc. J. Zoller Mer. Co., 100-102-104-lOd
Broadway. 'Phones 120.
MEAT PPECIALS-In our meat depart
ment: Fancy skinned hams, pounds 17'4
cents; bacon by the- strip, pound, U
Cents; liver sautatf'. p.uiul, 10 cents; pot
, roasts, pound,. tip' fi itiii 8 7 ntH; rib roasts,
pound, up fr'm. n nlf ; irlton stew,
pound, up tro-V f r"Y.n; chictanM. pound,
14 Cents; veil. MdriK, ntc. J. Zoller Mer.
"ton 100-102-1 i-frl .roadway. 'Phones 830,
HARDV AU:: KI-KCIAI-H In our hard
Ware and pu.tip department: Pumps, all
kinds, up frum Ji.90; the One MJnute
washer, J10 ("let - us send you one on
trial"); 65-cent heavy galvanized washtub,
49 cents; folding clothes rack, 46 cents; 44
onnt brass wash board, 39 cents; large
garbage can, $2; Afi-oent boys' , sled, 43
cents;, boys' Ice skates, up from 49 cents;
to., etc. J, Zoller Mercantile company,
100-102-104-108 Broadway. 'Phones 3X.
Frank H. Keys,'- senior member of the
firm of Keys Bros., buggy manufacturers
of this city, Is being urgrd by his many
friends to be a candidate for the republican
nomination for state railroad commissioner
at the June primaries.
The funeral of James F. Williams will
be held Sunday afternoon at 1 o'clock from
the resldenoe, 1015 Fifth avenue, and burial
will be In Prospect Hill cemetery, Omaha.
Rev. M. P. McClure of the First Presby
terian church will conduct the services.
The funeral of the late Silas C. Hynd
, shew will be held this afternoon at 2:30
o'clock from the residence of his daughter,
Mrs. Drayton W. Bushnell, 127 Bluff street,
and burial will be n Walnut Hill ceme
tery. Rsv. Marcus P. McClure, pastor of
the First Presbyterian, church, will conduct
the service. .
The funeral of Karl Anderson, wrip re
ceived ratal Injuries by falling down a
well on his place Thursday afternoon, will
be held Monday afternoon at 2 o'clock from
the family residence on East Broadway
and burial will be in Walnut Hill cemetery.
nev. n. a . Meicnenbach will conduct the
services. Mr. Anderson Is survived by his
wife, on, son and four daughters, -
Quito Calamese," the youn? negro Indicted
Jointly with Mrs. Grace Balls Collins- for
the murder of the latter's husband, Eu
gene Collins, and v ., n. t tor
next Wednesday ln the district court, was
released from the -county Jail yesterday on
a bond In the sum of $3,000, with Mrs.
Charles R. Hannan and City Solicitor Clem
F. Kimball as sureties. Mrs. McKenzfe,
mother of young Calamese, is employed In
the Hannan household..
Second Presbyterians .Will Listen to
, Service In Kveulng.
A speolal musical service will be given
Sunday evening at the Seopnd Presbyterian
church undor the direction, of Mrs. Robert
Mullls. .The choir will. be. assisted by Miss
Haaul Hannan and Mrs. E. Morebpuse will
act as organist. The pastor, Dr. George
A. Ray, will deliver a short sermon.
Tho following program has been arranged
for this service:
Hymn , ."5.... .,
Scripture and prayer.:,
Anthem Oh, Lord, How Long. .Mendelssohn
Duet Protest Us Cushman
Mis. Arthur Pickering, Mrs. George Kline.
Tenor flolo The Lord Is My LWht..Allltson
Mr. Alabaugh. .
Anthem Now the Day Is Over. ..... .Shelley
Contralto Solo One Sweetly, Solemn
Thought Ambroiso
Miss Hazel Hannan.
Story of Ruth ;
, Dr. Oeorge A. Ray
Contralto Solo Kong ot Ruth Gounod
Mrs. Mullls.
Trio Come. Let Us Praise Donlzelll
Mrs. Plokerlr.g, Miss Nita Helsler, Mrs.
Boprano Solo Far From My Heavenly
Home Rathbtfn
Mlna Marie Hanlon Cherry,
Anthem In Love Abiding ..
Miss Morehouse.
Closing hymn
Benediction !
Nearly all sizes In the two lots of
ladtr' shoes that we are cleaning up at
tl.rTi and $2 35. These shoes sold from 22.50
to. K00. See them in window, Duncan
Shoe Co., 23 S. Main St
Ladles' shoes that sold from $2.60 to $4.00
t I1.H and J3.85. Odd pairs that wo want
,VA close out. See our window. Duncan
Shoe Co., 23 S. Main St.
I'lilinNtcring, Furnlturo Repair
ed anil Ituflnlshcd, Feather
Itriiovtstcd. Mirrors KepUiteil.
and all kinds of uiattreaa work
ttoth 'Phones.
10 Ro. Main St., Council Bluffs.
4avc It Done Rlahr
oso. M. ooun
"' ' JONES"
Gcoi W. Klein I
L0fl!3 HOHEY 053
: t TiYM.fv Years of
lumi S t,rm eM" ,h
m - .
tr . 1
I Council Bluffs
,1 :
Ottumwa in Field, but Withdraws
Before Beaten.
So Formal Action Taken on Merger
of Mnea Into State System,
' bat This Will Com
Presldent-J. M. Plalster, Fort Dodge.
Secretary-Treasurer W. J. Thill, Des
Kxtctitlve Committee J. C. Thorne, Fair
field: H. A. Kinney. Woodbine; P. C. Hoi
doegel, Rockwell City; H. 8. Baker, Sioux
Place of Meeting, 1911 Fort Dodge.
After electing the above officers for the
ensuing year and selecting Fort Dodge as
the place of ; meeting for Mil, yesterday
afternoon the Iowa Independent Telephone
association completed the business of Its
annual convention. .....
No action was taken by the convention
In the matter of merging the independent
telephone companies of the state along the
line proposed by the Nebraska association.
The matter was generally discussed, but
the urgent need of such an Incorporation
was not deemed necessary at this time, al
though the merging of the different inde
pendent systems of the state may be ef
fected at a later date. The matter of tak
ing steps to Incorporate the several inde
pendent, companies was referred to the ex
ecutive committee, which will prepare the
necessary papers and report back at the
convention tiext year.
The Iowa independent telephone com
panies, It was stated, already have a close
organization and, although they are not In
corporated, the convention did not feel that
such a step was of such Immediate Import
ance In Iowa' as It apparently was In Ne
braska. .'
No Contest on Election.
The election ot officers was made on the
recommendation of a nominating commit
tee, of which F. J. Day, president of the
Council Bluffs Independent company, was
chairman. There was no contest and the
report of the committee was unanimously
Ottumwa was In the field for the 1911
convention, but withdrew from the contest
when its representatives realized that oFrt
Dodge was favored by a majority of the
members. Ottumwa, however, will go after
the 1912 convention, and. In fact, was prac
tically assured that It will get the meeting
that year. Following the withdrawal of
Ottumwa the selection of Fort Dodffe as
the meeting place for next year was by
unanimous vote.
Resolutions were adopted thftnklng P. C.
Holdoegel of Rockwell City, the retiring
president, for his efficient administration
of the office; expressing appreciation for
the royal reception and entertainment ten
dered the delegates In this city, and thank
ing the manufacturers of telephone equip
ment -tot their Interest and financial sup
port A resolution was also adopted ap
proving the mutual Insurance plan pre
sented by J. B. Hoge of Cleveland, O.
Beyond the election of officers and se
lection of next year's meeting plabe, the
association transacted but little business
yesterday, as many of the delegates were
anxious to take the trains for their respec
tive homes. ' , '
Third Year Promotions from Grades
Take Place.
With the opening of the second semester
of the school year yesterday ninety-eight
pupils from the grade schools were pro
moted to the high school. These new pu
pils who become "freshmen" In the hlgUi
school were enrolled for regular work and
assigned to classes. JTifty-two of the high
chool students will take the business
course, seventeen the German, fourteen the
classical, twelve the Latin, two the Eng
lish and one the German-Bclentlflc ;ourse.
The following are the pupils who entered
the high school yesterday and the classes
to which they have leen assigned:
From Avenue B School
Business Course Willie Foster, Ruth
O'Donnell, Elvira Hansen, Marie Baker,
Kameat Rockwell, Edna Blumensteln,
Florence Cottmlre.
Latin Course Czarina Durhan, Josephine
Hanafan, Margery . Baker, Doris Martin,
bill a Anderson, Helen Leon.
From Washington Avenue " ,
Business Course Donald Drake, Andrew
Larnen, Myron Smith, Kverett Swanson,
Arthur Turner, .Margaret Gallagher,
Frances Hardegen, Gladys Humphrey,
Harry Kelley, Gladys GlUlland, Ray Rob
erts, Alice O'Hara, Martha Hansen, Au
gust Loseih, Roy Scofleld, Joseph Mar
quart, Mildred Medley, Mona Medley,
Mamie Reld, Edna Coxdill, Arnold Storm,
Frances Clobrldge, Florence Petersen, Wal
ter AtwoodT Virginal Plnckney, Hazel Amy,
Ruth Currey, Esther Johnson, Grace
Pryrfr, Cora Quick, Florence R'gan, Pauline
Rleder, Belle Sutherland, Helen Smith,
Beatrice Sheely, Romney Barrett, Edwin
Fuller, RoboYt Httfer, George Jacobaon,
Dick Owens, Charles Thompson, Bert Max
field, Margaret Bchroeder, Alloe Jensen,
Robert Dlckerson.
Classical Goorge Clark, Donald Macrae,
Myron Harrlman. Freda Kenadv. Mildred
Lewis, Grace Maden, Eamy Marty, Msjile
Tiiotnas, l.lllle Walker, James Levtrctt;
Leon a Morris, Ruby Jensen, Verna Maurer,
Helen Woodslde.
Latin Course Ray Faus. Ruy Busse, Jris
McColm, Florence Fisher, Raymond
Ingram, Mildred Shugart
Kngllsh Course Mlna' Rledeor, Arthur
German Course Goldle Garner, nianche
l.uiHjsirum, Agnes Madsen, Lillle Walker,
Olive Stauts. Eva Nolan. Elsie Wild.
Lillian Wendlandt, Irene Slack, Olga
i numpson, Bessie Battey, Mabel Upllnger,
Muriel Haslein, Beth Martin, Marguerite
uoisi, uiaia nckerlng, Muriel llibbard.
Real Estate Transfers.
These transfers were reported to The Bee
January 21 by the Pottawattamie County
-Abstract company of Council Bluffs:
George Phllpott to William Hansen.
Lot 1, block S. Ferry addition to
Council Bluffs w. d 900
l. v.' mncam ana nustana to c A.
Rossmann. Lots 10 and 11 and a. 2&
feet of lot 12, block 13, Walnut, w. d, 4,500
w. 3. MCKeeman and wits to Uamuel
Alexander. Undivided one-half of
lot 9. block t, Hughes & Donlphans
addition to Council Bluffs, w. d 500
Floyd l!.. Clark and wire to William I.
Clark. Undivided one-ninth of se'A.
S6-7S-39; ne4 n', 1-75-39, q. c. d 1,000
George w. Collins and wire to A. H.
and E. W. Reed. Lot 4. 4-7 44, w. d. S.500
i. r. nuns ana wire 10 Aiofiie and
Ella E. Huss. Lot t and s.' 16 feet
of lot I. block 1, Casadya addition to
Council Bluffs, w. d 1
Total six transfers
Swan son stock must go. We bought it
cheap and you will get the benefit if you
buy now. S7 violins. $3.40; 17 guitars, S3 .80;
17 mandolins, S3 SO; and all small Instru
ments and pianos at similar prices. A.
Hospe Co., SI Pearl street. fS South Main
- mBt,v" y.
r. iisua, Mgr. i
Council Bluffs
Street Carnival
"to Be Revived
Business Ken Unanimous to Hare
September Festival Again
-in Fall.
The annual street fait and carnival, which
proved suchV a success In Council Bluffs for
several years, but was discontinued three
years ago, la to be revived. This was de
cided upon yesterday noon at the Crand
hotel, when several business men met at the
Invitation of Mayor Maloney to discuss the
proposition. The sentiment of the meet
ing was unanimous In having another street
fair and carnival Id September and no time
will be lost In getting preparations started.
The proceeds of the carnival. It was de
cided, will be usejyio defraying the ex
penses of the National Horticultural Fruit
exposition. If any balance remains It will
be used In Improving the roads leading Into
the city. v
Those who met. with Mayor Maloney and
discussed the proposition around the lunch
eon table were K. H. Doollttle,' chairman
of the executive committee of the Commer.
clal club; J. P. Hess, president of tho Na
tional Horticultural congress; Freeman L.
Rer-d, general superintendent of the Fruit
exposition, and II. A. Qulnn, Charles-Beno
and B. M. Sargent, directors b the old
Council Bluffs Street " Fair and .Carnival
company. '
"We will have a carnival again this fall,"
said Mayor Maioney after the ' lunohenn.
'All present at the meeting expressed
themselves as Jn favor of It and arrange
ments will be made for 11 this coming
week. Some 6f the carnival committee
were out of the city and could not at
tend the meeting, ut they have Vail ox-
pressed themselves as favoring the proposl
tton." .
"The officers of the National Horticul
tural oongresa will assist In the move-
ment," declared Mr. Hess. "We are going
to have the carnival and, of course, It will
be to our Interest to help all we can. If
we are to have a successful fruit show
again this "year we should be assured of
from $3,000 to. 16,000 to meet any deficit that
might arise. In former years the street
fair and carnival was a paying proposition
and unless something unforeseen should
happen would be again. The carnival has
always proved popular and I believe Vhe
people of Council Bluffs win welcome Ice
State Commissioner Has No Thought
of ReatB-nlngr.
'I. certainly have no intention of resign
ing, but after I reaoh home and look the
situation over I may decide to Issue a state
ment, although my first thought was to
Ignore It," said State Railroad Commis
sioner N. S. Ketchum yesterday when
asked what course he intended pursuing
relative to the demand of a - Des Moines
paper that he resign because of the com
mission's action in the case brought before
the Interstate Commerce commission by
the Corn, Belt Meat Producers' association.
Mr. Ketchum said he had not seen the
article. In question, but had read some
references to It in the Kansas City papers.
The aotlon of the board, .Mr. Ketchum
said, was a matter of record at all times
and there was no desire to -keep the mat
ter secret. In fact, he supposed the meat
producers' representative had a oopy of
the resolution referred to and which caused
the trouble.
Mr. Ketchum made this statement yester
day while In Council Bluffs for a few hours
between trains on his way home from San
Antonio, Tex., where he attended the con
vention of the National Association of State
Railway Commissioners. He said that' he
would be in Council Bluffs in about two
weeks and at that time would be glad to
confer with the business men of the city
on any matters that might properly come
before the commission,
Judge McPherson Cuts Down Request
In Union Transfer Caae.
Judge Smith McPherson of the federal
court sent an order here yesterday In the
matter of the bankruptcy proceedings
against the Union Transfer company,
allowing Mayne A Hazelton attorney fees
to the extent of $1,000 In addition to the
allowances heretofore made, which sum Is
to be In full for all counsel and attorney
fees due and to become due for services
of both receiver and trustee. Messrs.
Mayne and Haselton asked for an allow
ance of $4,000. v
The claim of Frank Everest as receiver
la allowed to the extent of S400. to be In
full for services as receiver and In addi
tion to his allowance as trustee.
The petition for review of the actions and
rulings of the referee as to the claim of H.
Scherer and others aaklng that the expenses
and moneys paid out in litigation with the
creditors be paid by the other creditors by
deducting the same from the dividends is
led and the court dTrects that such Day-
merits be made from the estate generally.
to the end that all creditors may pay In
proportion to the amounts of their claims,
Southwestern Iowa Association Will
Meet In April.
Council Bluffs will be called upon to en
tertain the meeting this year of the South
western Iowa Teachers' association. Prof
J. H. Beverldge, superintendent of the city
scnoois or council Bluffs, who is chair
man of the executive committee, announced
yesterday that the annual meeting of the
association would be held In this city April
it, 10 ana is.
Tthe meeting, It Is expected, will bring in
the neighborhood of 1,000 teachers from the
southwestern part of the state to Council
Bluffs, and accommedatlon will have to
be found for many of this, number In the
homes of private families.
The sessions of the three days' meeting
will be held in the high school, but It is
likely that the Grand hotel will be mads
headquarters for the association, as It has
been in former years when the association
held its annual meeting In this city.
Superintendent Beverldge expects to be
aoie to announce the program for the meet
lng in a few days.
Alliance Clergfynuta Appointed by
Bishop Scannell to Take -
Added Dntles.
ALLIANCE. Neb.. Jan. tL iSoecial Tel
gram.) Official announcement waa re
ceived today from Bishop Scannell of the
diocese of Omaha, appointing Rev, w. L,
McNamara, paster of the Holy Roarv
Catholic church of this city, dean of this
section of the state, comprised of the coun
ties pf Dawes, Bherldao, Cherry, Box
Butte. Sioux, Kimball, Banner, Morrill and
Garden. This honor haa been
dated by Father McNamara's parishioners
and the citizens In general that a public
reception to the new dean is being planned
for the near future, at which time it i.
expeotrd all rloeU of the new deanery
u-lU attend.
Ira Biundridge Tarns Against Msrley
on Stand.
Overcome by Liquor and Went to
Sleep, Knowing- that Troable
Was Probable Toons;
Lad's Story, '
LOOAN, la.. Jan. fJ.-Speclal Telegram.)
That Guy Marly, who w?;;i his father,
Henry Marley, Is on trial for killing his
step-mother, Mrs. Henry Maifey In a
drunken rage on December t was not re
sponsible, because he was drunk and had
been addicted to the use of liquor lor
twelve years together with the contention
that the shooting was accidental, consti
tuted the rinal closing efforts of the de
fense which rested at S o'clock Frldav aft.
crnoon. The defense was spurred to a last
desperate effort, when the state slaved Its
high card In presenting the testimony pf
jra Brundridge, who turned against" his
co-defendants when the charges against
him were dismissed.
Brundrldjre' told a bitter, tragic story of
sickening details surrounding the crime
Ills testimony completed the state's chain
aim me arguments Dy mi aerense fol
lowed. County Attorney Burke and J. J
Hess of Council Bluffs, who havs con
ducted the prosecution, will make their
arguments In the. morning. It is expected
the caso will go to the Jury by noon.
The Introduction of Brundrldge's testi
mony was a sudden move on the part of
the State and one for which the defense
had not prepared.
Brundrldge on the witness stand told of
his visit to the Marley home at the time
the shooting took place. He and Guy Mar-
ley naa nought two Jugs of whisky at
Dow City, going to Loaan. where thv
stayed all night oft December 1. They went
to tne Marley home In the morning of the
next day.
"Guy was kind o sore before we went in
tne nouse," said 'Brundrldge, telling his
startling tale.'I asked him to stop carry,
lng on and he said .-'Thore'll be a cleaning
up around here If I ain't let alone.'
"Then we went into the house, me fol
lowing Guy. I saw him with the srun in
his hand. Mrs. Marley was trying to get
him to stop smashing uD the furniture tnrl
dishes. I went on Into the bedroom.
"In a minute or two I heard a shot. I
laid down on the bed and went to sleep."
'Went to sleep!" exclaimed an attorney,
"Yes. I didn't see who was shot drwho
did the shooting." .
Monte Marley, the young son of the dead
oman, outwitted the attorneys for the
fense, -while on the stand yesterday after
noon. The little chap told a concise tale of
the part of the affair that came under his
"Mamma was always afraid of Guv. all
the time," he said, simply.
The boy's tone pictured the ablect terror
of the dead woman's life In their home with
tne drunken stepson. Monte told of a day
when Ouy Marley threatened his mother
with a knife, and of her flight to the home
of a neighbor.
"I ran out of the house when T kw (lnv
pick up the gun," he said. "I went Into
tne orcnard, and then I heard tho shot.
Mamma came running out
'I am ahot,' was aH she aald' -
The boy ran on ahead of his'-Minther no.
oordlng to his story, to the home of the'
Weatherly family to summon aid. .
The defense gave the bor a merriiMa
searching ordeal of questions, which failed
to snake mm from his simple statements.
Monte, how did you and your mother at
through the wire fenys on the way to
Weatherly'sT" asked arf attornev 'bes-lnnin
his rapid fire of sharp queries.
We never went through the wire
fences," replied the boy. ,
'Wa not your house located baok In ha
fields and surrounded by wire fences, and
were there not Intervening fences between
your home and that of Mr. Weatherly'sT'
asked the attorney. '
"Yes," replied the lad.
Every eye before Monte Marlev In the'
pacaea court room was now turned upon
mm, as u wsraeo apparent tnat ,ne had
finally been trapped.
A burst of aDDlause "greeted the lnt' -
ply, notwithstanding the admonitions of the
Were Raw All Over and" the Humor
was Spreading to Body and Limbs
Professional Treatment did No
Good Daughter had EczemajToo.
' . f .
" I had ecMma en bit hands for ton
?'eara. At flrit it would break out only
n winter. Then it finally cam to atay.
I bad three good docUra to do all they
could but none of them did any good.
I then uied one box of Cuticur Oint
rnent and three bottle cf Cuticura
JteaolTcnt and waa completely oured.
My hands were raw all over, inaide and
out, and the eceema waa ipreading all
oyer my body and limbs. Before I had
uaed pne botUe cf Cuticura llbaolvent.
together with the Cuticura Ointment,
my sore were nearly healed ever, and
by the time I had uied the third hot
te. I waa entirely well. I had a good
appetite and was fleshier than 1 ever
To any one who has any skin or
blood disease I would honestly advise
them to fool with nothing else, but to
get Cuticura and get well. My hands,
cured by the me of Cuticura, have nsver
given me the least bit cf trouble up te
now. I cannot recommend Cutioura
highly enough, it has done me and my
family so much good. My daughter's
hands this summer became perfectly
raw with eceema. She could get noth
ing that would do them any good until
she tried Cuticura. She used two bot
tles of. Cuticura Resolvent and one box
of Cutioura Ointment and Jn two weeks
they were entirely cured. I have used
Cuticura for other members of my fam
ily and it always proved sureeaful. 1
reoommend It to any one with enema
After once using it you will never uee
anything else. Mr. M. E. Falin, S peers
Ferry, Va., Oct. It, IS09.
To prevent drr, thin and failing hairi
remove dandruff; allay Itching and irri.
tatton, and promote the growth and
h" ot the hair, frequent shampoos
with Cutioura Soap and occasional dress
ings with Cutioura are usually effective
when all other net hods fail. Special
and full directions accompany each
package of Cuticura.
Sew Prop 137 Columbua A . R.uIiki
SMUca I res, Cvucuis Bowk am Skis tad Soi.
feral Aw
ft t
The general elections in England begin on January 17 and
continue until February I. The dispatches each day will report
the progress of the polling, but in addition to the cable news there
will appear in this paper a special series of articles, direct from
England, by FREDERIC J. HASKIN. y
It is needless to remind the reader of the importance of
this campaign. Whether the Liberals or the Conservatives win,
the British Constitution will be changed. If the Liberals are
victorious, it means that the Lloyd-George budget will stand, and
that the House of Lords will either be abolished or so reformed
as to make it entirely ineffective in legislation. If the Conserv
atives win, it means that the House of Lords will be given the
power to veto financial legislation in Parliament, a power not
exercised since the day of Cromwell and Charles I. Further
more, a Liberal victory will mean the adherence of the British
nation to a program of social reform which includes the prin
ciple of the single-tax and other features which are termed
"socialistic" in America. A Conservative victory, on tne other
hand, will mean an abandonment of the Free Trade policy, to
v..lL 1 I e .1 . i. f M I, J
which Engiana, aiope oi ati lac nauons, now Clings. fT Tpy
These articles will describe the methods of campaigning i i
In JLnfland as contrasted with those in the United States.
They will explain exactly what the budget is. and why it has.
stirred up such a great commotion. They will inolude amus
ing features of the campaign, such as the heckling of speak
ers, the warfare waged by the militant suffragettes, the
campaigning by noble ladies and backwoods barons who
hare emerged from oblivion for the occasion, and ill the
issues and incidents of the great campaign in which the'
English people will decide the most momentous questions
ever left to the verdict
ra v
Beginning January l wenty
Practical Ultimatum Sent to Upper
House by President.
Carter, Penrose' and Crane Are Sim.
in our d to the White House and
Asked Abont Postal Sav
ings Bill.
WASHINGTON, Jan. 22. President Taft
read In the papers Friday that the senate
was marking time while the nouse Is strug
gling with the various appropriation bills.
So he sent-for Senators Penrose of Penn
sylvania, Crane of Massachusetts and Car
ter of Montana and asked why it would
not be a good thing for the senate to "get
busy" on some of the measures hs, has
recommended. Bene tor Aldrlch, being ab
sent from the city, was not included In ths
summons. " '
The president broached ths subject of
the postal savings bank bill. All three of
the senators thus summoned to the Whits
House this afternoon are members of the
committee on postof flees and postroads,
Mr. Penrose is ohatrman. Senator Carter
Is sponsor for the messure. Put some sen
ators, It was suggested in reply to the
president, are not warm advocates of postal
banks. In fact. It Was paid that such
slates as Massachusetts and Pennsylvania
great strongholds of savings Institutions
are' not at all In favor of the scheme.
But, the president argued, the republican
platform called tor postal savings banks,
and surely the senators were going to re
deem ths party pledges.
House Is All Rlaht.
But what about the house? This wa
propounded as a poser. ,
President Taft la said o have assured
the senators that they heed not worry
about the house. It Is said that there Is
every reason to believe that the house Is
oouilng around all right; that its members
are com lng" to the president for the very
good reason that they have no other place
to go. ' .
'It la a cas of water running down
hill," sold one of the president's callers
today. "Hi does not have to go to the
regulars or the insurgents, either. They
have gut to come to hlra. Avery man on
Capitol hill Is looking for another term
and he's got to have something to go before
the people on. Congrms has got to do
something and all the republicans, regard
less of the fight against Cannon or the
rules committee, are going to vote for Mr.
Tad's measures."
So Jt happened when Messrs. Penrose,
Crsne and Carter left ths White House,
the latter acting as spokesman for the
trio, declared;
' "The postal savings bank proposition will
become a law a this session."
The postal bonks, however, will npt be
the first of the Taft measures considered.
The president ranks his recommendations
for changes in the Interstate commerce
taw as of first Importance and he so
Indicated his position to the senators this
' The president told his callers also that
he regarded at least one of the conserva
tion bills he has recommended to congress
as of prims importance. This Is the bill
to validate ths wlthdrswsl of lands oon
tatnlng water power sites, coal and phos
phates. Tne laws as to the disposition of
these lands can be worked out and
threshed over st ths convenience of con
gress. The Important thing, the president be
llevea, la to validate the withdrawals
which are msde under the former admin
istration and under the ten months of ths
present administration under the shadowy
power ot he secretary of the Interior.
. The president wants this newer to be
made unquestionable. The valuabls Alaska
eoai lands are Included In tbe withdrawals
which Mr. Taft .Is anxious to have vali
dated. Senators Penrose, Carter and Crane took
of an electorate.
rw, F lYA-
back this word to the capltol late Joday
and passed It along the line. President
Taft believes that the senate should go
ahead with these three measures at onoe,
and then, he says, the house can get them
In some sort of shape, can havs ths bene
fit of the senate discussion and oan put
ths measures through In short time onoe
the supply bills are disposed of.
The president is confident that Senator
Aldrlch will do all he can to further the
passage ot the. postal savings bank bill.
This bill, It Is argued, will give the leader
ot the senate an opportunity to show to ths
people of the country that they are to get
their share of the benefits of forthcoming
flnanolal legislation.
Mr. Aldrlch Is anxious to secure the sup
port of the country for the new currency
laws and the new central bank of issue, or
whatever form the legislation may take,
and the president believes the best way to
secure this support is to provide for the
postal banks. Ths president believes, first
of all, that the postal banks will not Inter
fere to any appreciable extent with the
savings banks which pay from I to 1 per
cent as against the i per cent Interest pro
posed to be paid by , government deposi
tories. - HS believes the government banks
will bring out many millions of dollars
now resting In stockings and sewed up In
mattresses by timid and thrifty people.
He thinks aUo it will prevent the great
outflow of cash to European banks each
Arcusnent to Banks.
The argument to ths banks and financiers
Is that the deposits In the government banks
will permit the government to take up ths
$730,000,000 of 2 per cent government bonds
that have been Issued and which are a
drug on the market.
Many of the national banks were com
pelled to take thess bonds because they
feared their bank note circulation would bs
seriously limited otherwise. Tbe banks are
said to have lost manr millions of dollars
through the depreciation of these bonds
and it is generally reported they stand to
lose a great deal more when the Panama
canal bonds are Issued in the near future.
Throughout the remainder of the present
congress it Is agreed the caucus rule Is to
prevail In the house of representatives.
This state of affairs is credited to ths ef
forts of the president. The power of
Speaker Cannon and the rules committee
has been so far Impaired that the caucus
ha coins as the best and fairest means of
providing for legislation, Before each
caucus Is held the purpose of the gathering"!
Is to be announced and no other subject
is to be considered. Regulars and Insur
gents alike are to be Invited to suoh cau
cuses and In this way the administration
believes It is assured of the support of all
republicans. . '
Aldrlch Goo Flshlnsr.
MIAMI, Fla., Jan. 21. Senator Nelson W.
Aldrlch, accompanied by his wls and two
daughters, arrived here today. The senator
is surferurg from bronchial trouble, but hs
made preparations to go fishing soon after
his arrival.
Plot Against
Madriz Regime
Acting President of Nicaragua Orders
Arre&t of All Conservative
MANAGUA. Jan. 2J.-The Madrlg gov
ernment has ordered the arrest of all ths
conservative leaders In Managua, Grenada
Masaya and I Reyes. The dlsoovery of a
lunprwa conspiracy against the Madrls
reglms Is ths rsason given for the arrests.
Two Managua leaders. Bonlnmin irn. a.
and Fernando Bolorsna. ware the con-
servaiives te be arrested here. Wholesale
arrests are expected -at anu in r:r..
Tbe Issue is now elsarly defined.
it is war to the death between the liber
als and the conservatives. The iturinn t-
whsn you want -what vou want -,,
'ou want It. ay so through Tbe Use Want
Ad columns
I !
121 ( If ef
dun;s review of trade
Disturbance in Wall Street Without
Effect on Business Situation.
Break in Cotton Market Hue Little
Effect on Textile MarketSup
plementary v Orders for
NEW YORK, Jan. 22. R. O. Dun ft Ce.'i
Review of Trade today says:
Ths disturbance In Wan street Is appar
ently without effect on the Industrial and
treda situation, which, v measured by the
best tests, continues In a healthy and active
. A further perceptible broadening of ds-t'
mand for pig Iron Is noted at many leading .i
centers and In the matter of prloes, also,
the situation generally is more satisfactory
to producing Interests. In some districts
new business Is still light, but on ths whols
thers Is marked Improvement, with basic
and bessemer grsdes attraotlng much at
trition. Irregularity la still apparent In .
finished lines and there is evidence that
the railroads ars holding back considerable
new business, although car orders at the
west are quite liberal and several large
contracts are pending. Recent sales of rails
aggregated 40,000 tons, while about It, tut)
tons of structural material were booked
this week.
In the primary goods market, house sales '
are In progress, and rhs break in cotton...
although an unsettling feature, mads no
change in Jobbing prloes, whlchtlad not
reached the parity of 16 cents, raw ma
terial. Buyers of cotton blankets and other
napped goods of a staple character are"',
operating freely at an advance over a year .
ago and stocks In all parts of the country
are reported to be well cleaned up. Export
demand continues very light, with ilttlo
demand from the far east. Hosiery and
underwear are In better demand and new
fall lines in cotton dress fabrics are being
bought freely. Trsde In prints Is light. In
ginghams somswhat bettar and bleached
goods steady.
In the woolen goods division a sharp re
duction was made on heavy serge, whlla
the demand for fancy overcoatings Is satis
factory. Many lines of maple and fancy
worsted drass goods were opened at mod
erate advances. Cotton yarns are dull,
worsted yarns steady ana woolen yarns
steady but quiet.
Supplementary spring orders for footwear
In the Boston market-are fair In volume
and manufacturers regard the outlook as '
promising. Present prices are well sus
talned in all lines. The leather trade con
tinues dull, buyers holdlna off for Inner
prices, although supplies are generally quite
Some Unaettlesnent Is Due to Com
modity Price SHaatloa.
NEW YORK, Jan. ll.-Bradstreet's today
Trads reports are or the usual mid
winter character, reflecting widespread
Inclement weather and also considerable
unsetileinent due to commodity price
fluctuations Outdoor activities, such as
building, are of course retarded and bad
roads affect country trade.
Traveling men are now numerous on
the road and goed spring orders are Being
received by Jobbers, while the reports as
lo far future trade are still very satis
factory. Retail trads varies wftb aeo
tlons reporting.
Reports as to collections are Irregular,
It Is noted that a good deal of mousy U ,
tied up at present In grain, which has
been in transit for some tims, owing to
traffic interruptions due ;o storms and
the northwestern switchmen's strike.
Flnishsd steel Is less active, demands
from railroads being apparently held
back, but pig-Iron Is In better request.-1
1 he commodity price situation will bear,
.21" watching both because of Its pos
sible effect on demand and becauss of the"
growing Importance of ths question of
wsge scales. Something like a country
wide revolt against high food prices is to'
be noted and anti-high price agitation
being reported in a score of western
Shoe manufscturers are still at work
on spring goods and shipments are aoina
forward In good volums. , "
Buslnsss fsllurss In the United States
iI ,h.,. w,,k. n,llnT with January 10
'kJ176' 191 lat week. rOT In
1907 and J7 In lo. Business failures,
In Canada for ths week number 44. which
compares with 44 last wek and 40 In the
sams wsek of 10.
anuarr it tinorti r. ti iti M .' :
.k- iT.'!1!"!"" "our- hlpments from'
the -United States and Cansda for the
1 . ' Jn,ury 20 iggregate t.04 -74
bushel;, against a.gTT.HS bushels last
week and 1. 0H. Ill bushels this week U.t
year. For the t w n I v - l V ... W. "