Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 23, 1910, NEWS SECTION, Page 6, Image 6

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An Opportunity Grasped
You IfSeap
the Deheffitis
; We saw, during the past week, a chance
to make a large purchase of ladies' fine tailored
and Swiss waists, at prices which wil en
able. us to retail them to you at manufactu
rer's cost. We bought at once, and will put
them on sale Monday morning, January 24th,
at 9:30 sharp.
These waists arc spring styles, the same as
are beig shown by traveling salesmen in their,
line for spring wear, and arc ahead of the
styles. By buying how you will save money
on your spring clothing. ' i
Remember the day and hour Monday,
the 24th, 9:30, a. m.
Mail Orders Promptly Filled
304 Paxton Block
Northeast Corner Sixteenth and Farnam
Commercial Club Endorses Street
' Railway L Street Extension.
Legal Adviser of Body Decides He
Would Like ov Be Member.
A. L.. Hunter Also After
The South Omaha Commercial club at lti
regular business session took final action
1 on tho West It street car tension, and
announced the 'attitude of the club In the
following resolution, unanimously adopted.
In the resolution the club desires to show
the reasons for endorsing the plan proposed
by the Ottiaha & Council Bluffs Street Rail
way company. The fact that the company
has promised the universal transfer In
Bouth Omaha and that the proposed line
1 will go byway of Twenty-fourth street to
Florence aa a cross-ton- seems to bear
' the greatest weight. The resolution:
Whereas. The Omaha & Council .Bluffs
! Street Hallway company and the ' Union
Stock Yards Company ot Omaha (Ltd.)
have heretofore entered Into a contract
whereby the street railway company has
agreed to extend Us service In South
Ore.aha, beginning at Thirty-sixth and L.
atreets, thence east to the Boulevard, tnence
south, to O stree.t, thence east to Twenty
fourth street, thence north on Twenty
fourth street directly to Florence; and,
Whereas, The said street :,wiji com
pany has declared that the line must and
will be built only In accordance with such
contract; and,
Whereas, The said Btreet railway com
pany Insists that the proposed depot line
la Impracticable from an operating stand
point and will not be considered by It; and,
Whereas,- The said street railway com
pany assures the Commercial club that the
said car Una will be built aa per contract,
and thnt universal transfers will be Issued
to passengers In the business district of
Bouth Omaha frjm U to L street; and.
Whereas, The Commercial club believe
that the Vvest L, street car line, with proper
transfer facilities, will be of great benefit
and convenience to the entire city, and
specially to the West L Btreet district, In
promoting fa permanent and substantial
growth In the northwestern portion of the
city;-now, therefore, be It
Kesolved, That tho proposed plan for the
West Li street car line extension be en
dorsed by this club and every effort be
made, to secure the completion of the said
extension at the earliest possible moment.
19. II. Leigh. Files for Board.
Only three candidates filed yesterday
with the South Omaha city clerk for
nomination at the primary election. Among
the number was E. II. Leigh, a republican
candidate for the Board of Education. Mr.
Leigh Is an attorney of South Omaha and
has been acting In the capacity of legal
adviser to the present board for the last
year. He has also been considerably In
terested tn educational affairs and has
been one of the board of examiners which
conducts the city examination to admit
. teachers.
A. ly. Hunter also filed for the demo,
cratlc nomination for the Board of Educa
tion. He has been a member of the park
board and Is well known In the north side
John 'Van Wle filed for the nomination
aa councilman in the Second ward. He Is
one bt the local printers and is connected
with tho firm of Van Wle & Beal.
Church Services.
Rev. Ororgo Van Winkle wl!! preach
Sunday morulng at the Baptist church
from the topic, "The Will of Ooi." In the
evening the theme la , "The Way of Life.
Rev. T. M.-Kansom will preach at Lefler
Memorial church at 7:30 p. in. Sunday
school will convene at 10 a. m.
The Septuageslmal Sunday will be cele
brated ' In the Episcopal churches. It la
a preparatory service to Lent, which be
' Baby's coming will be a, time of rejoicing, and not of apprehen
sion and fear, If Mother's Friend it used by the expectant mother
tn preparation of the event. This is not a medicine to be taken
Internally, bat a liniment to be applied to body, to assist nature
In the necessary physical changes; of the system. Mother's Friend is composed of
oils and medicines which prepare the muscles and tendons for the unusual strain,
render the ligaments supple and elastic, aids in the expanding of the skin and flesh
fibres, and strengthens all the membranes and tissues. It lessens the pain and
danger at the crlsi and assures future health to the mother. Mother's Friend Is
sold' at drug stores. Write for our free book, containing valuable Information for
expectant mothers.
gins rebruary 9. W. L. Culleu will preach
at the Sunday morning service at Bt,
Cleiujenf a mission. Hla topic Is, "The
Creation." The Sunday school precedes
this service. ',
A vesper service will be conducted at St.
Edward's mission at 4 p. m. The Sunday
school Is at 3 p. m.
Magic City Gossip.
This afternoon and evening and Sunday
afternoon at the Christian church the lo
cal Sunday schools will meet In the South
Omaha Sunday school institute. An in
teresting program has been prepared.
Miss Clara Shelany Is slowly recovering
since her recent operation and. severe Ill
ness. John Tamahwlch was arrested Thursday
night for cutting Frank Stephan In a
fight. Both men are Belgian.
The death of Charles Nelson, Eighteenth
and Harrison streets occurred yesterday
morning. The funeral will be htld Sunday
at 2 p. m. The Carpenters' union will have
charge of the services, and are notified to
be present. t ,
The funeral of Jacob King, father of
W. Scott King, will be conducted from the
Masonic temple In Omaha at 2:30 p. m.
today, under auspices of the grand lodge
of the Ancient Free and Accepted Masons
of Nebraska. All members of Beehive
lodge are requested to attend.
President Ryder Installed, Declares
Ills Policy and Defends
President Taft.
Newly elected officers were Installed at
the meeting of the Central Republican club
Friday evening. In taking the chair the
new president, John J. Ryder, said that he
had consistently supported republican can
didates, no matter what faction of the
party they 'came from. "So long u I re
main president," said Mr. Ryder, "any re
publican who becomes a member of this
club will be given the same treatment as
a charter member or an officer. The
rights Of every man to make motions, to
have them considered fairly and to be
heard In support of them will be strictly
Mr. Ryder also pointed out that, while
all the democrats and the solcalled repub
lican Insurgents are today shouting their
admiration for Roosevelt, the former presi
dent had practically dodged the revision of
the tariff.
"He left all the grief of such a proceed
ing to his successor. And now, with less
than a year of Taft'a term gone, with no
proper basis available for a wise Judgment
of his motives, no possible way to tell what
his final accomplishments will be, men In
his own party are trying to load him down
with the sins of omission and commission
of Joe Cannon and evory other publto man
on the republican side who happens to be
unpopular at this time. I believe that
when Roosevelt returns he will Indorse
what Taft has done, as to tariff, aa to
Plnchot and as to the Internecine fight In
Xhe republican party. However much we
may sympathise with Plnchot and hla
tdeaa, we must recognise the fact that no
big concern can be successfully handled
with subordinates defying the real head
thereof, the man carrying the responsi
bility. The former president will be the
first to uphold the present executive. In
my Judgment"
Addresses were made by various young
and old members of the club, They all
pointed out that the new president cannot
be accused of having strings tied to him,
and that there Is a field in Omaha for a
strong republican club, open to men in the
humblest walks of life as well as the high
est. Notice was given of several proposed
amendments to the constitution, some of
thrm offered by the Incoming president.
These amendments will be considered at a
j meeting to be held Friday evening, Febr-
vary 4.
The key to the situation Bee Want Ads.
Omaha Church Federation Plans
Lenten Church-Going Campaign.
flnndar School Inatltnte at Hirst
Memorial Cherch Wednesday II.
li. Dialer to Speak at Hanseosa
Park Methodist.
Omaha churches, representing more than
forty Protestant English-speaking churches
of the city, comprising over 11,000 members
and 60.000 Constituents, have united In a
ehurch-gotng campaign to be Inaugurated
during the Lienten period.
The executive committee of the Omaha
Church federation, in session Friday after
noon at the Young Men's Christian associa
tion building, decided to follow the plan
recently used at Providence, R. I. where
the results were excellent. The following
resolutions were adopted at the meeting:
We hereby call the peeplo of Omaha to
a renewal of cnurch attendance.
We solemnly set apart the widely recog
nized Lenten period, from February 18 to
March 27, for special prayer, labor and
earnest, loving , invitation to the regular
services of the church.
'Wo recommend that all people attend In
a body on Sunday morning, February 11,
the church of their choree.
That the pastors of all the churches
preach on that Bunday (or near that time)
upon the suMect of "Church Attendance,"
That the public' press be requested to co
operate (n this campaign.
That each church. In Its own field and
neighborhood, by personal visiting. Invita
tion and otherwise, make special, persistent
effort te bring all possible, both old and
young, tV their own church home.
JThat in 'each district a special effort be
made to Invite those who have no church
Dreferenco to some church.
That we request the co-operation of all
religions bodies, whether Protestant or
Catholic, federated or unfederated.
That a card of Invitation be universally
That each church In lta own way push
the campaign.
That the effort be concentrated on the
regular services of the local church, espe
cially the Sunday morning service.
There will be a Sunday School institute
at the Hirst Memorial Methodist ohurch
for all Protestant churches on and north
of Ames avenue. Including Florence and
country schools, Wednesday, afternoon and
evening. The general secretary of the state
association, Rev. Charles H. Lewis, and
the state superintendent of primary Instruc
tion will be present, and other workers.
The church la located one block north of
thellmmanuet hospital. Thirty-fourth street
and Larlmore avenue.
The Omaha Methodist Preachers' union
will meet at the Y. M. C. A. Monday after
noon. . Rev. T. M. Ransom will address the
union on "The Methodist Brotherhood. ".-
H. L. Slgler, superintendent of the Union
Compel mission, will address the Epworth
league of the Hanscom Park M. E: church
Sunday evening. Mr. Slgler will give an
Interesting account of his work and of hist
conversion eight years ago under Mel Trot
ter. Mr. Slgler was Just recently appointed
superintendent of the Union Gospel mission
and has already organised a Bible class of
twenty converts.
Omaha New Thought society meets In
Vlotopath Sanitarium auditorium. 2319 South
Thirteenth street, Surday evening at S
p. m.
The Women's association- of the Ply
mouth Congregational church has raised
1652.27 for church purposes, according to
the report of the treasurer submitted to
the annual meeting Friday. The following
officers were elected: Mrs. J. A. Flks,
president; Mrs. M. M. Loomls, treasurer;
Mrs. D. C. Bryant, secretary; Mrs. W. S.
Sheldon, chairman of the missionary com
mittee; Mrs. F. J. Duncan, chairman of
the work committee; Mrs. C. M. Aula
baugh, chairman of the social Committee.
Dr. Hanna continues hla discourse on
"The Utterances From the Cross" at the
First United Presbyterian church. Twenty
first and Emmet streets, Sabbath morning
and evening.
Calvary Baptist Branch, Thirty-Fourth
and Seward Sunday, 3:30 p. m., Bible
Bethany Branch First Baptist, 3863 Leav
enworth Sunday school at k p. m., gospel
meeting at '7:46 p. in. Friday.
People's, Charles W. Savldge, Pastor
Morning and evening, 'The Teachings of
Jesus on the Essentials of Salvation."
Prof. Mertes has charge of the music.
Olivet Baptist, Grand Avenue and Thirty
Eighth, George Mac Dougall, Pastor Frank
Torell will apeak at the morning service
(11 o'clock) on "Personal Work;" evening
worship at 7:30.
First Unfted Evangelical. 2422 Franklin,
Rev. Q. A. Deck, Pastor Worship, 10.30
a. m. Sunday school, 12 m. Holiness meet
ing, 8 p. m. Young people's meeting, 6:30
p. m. Revival service, 7:30 p. m.
Orace Baptist, Tenth and Arbor, B. F.
Fellman, Pastor 10:46, "Adonlrame Judaon,
the Apostle to the Burmese;" 11 m., Sunday
school; 3:30 p. m., branch Sunday ichool
and Junior union; 7 p. m., young people's
meeting; 7:45 p. m., gospel sermon and song.
Immanuel Baptist, Twenty-Fourth and
Pinkney, P. H. McDowell, Pastor 10:30 a.
m., "Men and Missions," address by Clem
ent Chase; 7:30 p. m., sermon by Rev. Wil
son Mills, D. D. ; Sunday school at noon,
Baptist Young People's union at 6:30, mid
week meeting Wednesday evening at 8.
First Baptist. Twenty-Ninth and Harney,
Rev. J. W. Conley, D. D., Pastor Services
at 10:30 a .'m. and 7:30 p. m. At the morning
service lievl Dr. Wilson Mills, state mis
sionary, !wtll preach. In the evening the
pastor will preach on "The Seventh Com
mandment." Sunday school at noon, young
people at 6:30 p. m.
Calvary Baptist, Twenty-Fifth and Ham
ilton, Kev. hi. R. Curry, Pastor Services
at 10:30 a. m. and 7:30 p. m., conducted by
the pastor. Morning theme, "Is Life Worth
Living?" evening, "Jonah's Second Call
and Prompt Obedience;" Bible school at
noon, young people's meeting at 6:30 p. m. ;
Wednesday. 8 p. m., mid-week devotional
service. Strangers welcomed at all serv
ices. Catholic.
Holy Family Low mass at 8 o'clock'
Solemn high mass at 10:30. After the first
gospel a panegyric will be delivered on
The Holy Family."
The following musical program will be
rendered at the solemn high mass:
uuartet. ,
Quartet with orchestra.
Qui Tollls i...
Frank Mcureary.
Et Incarnatus Eat, with violin obltgato.
Josie Daugherty.
Quartet and orchestra.
Sanctus .v
Agnus Pel Mrs. Hart
Miss Daugherty and quartet.
First Christian. Twenty-sixth and Har-
nev. Rev. J. M. Kersey, Pastor Usual
services: preaching at 10:30 a. m. and 7:30
d. m.: Bible scnool at noon; young peo
ple's meeting at 6:S0; p. m. You are cor
dially invited. l
North Ride Christian, Rev. H. J. Klrsch
stein. Minister Meets In Plymouth Con
gregational church, 1 oorner Twentieth and
Spencer streets; morning worship at 10:30;
Bible school at noon; Christian Endeavor
at- 6:30 p. m. ; evening worsnip at 7 J;
sermon theme, "The Place ot the Churoh
tn Our Civilisation."
Conerre station.
Plymouth Congregational. Twentieth -and
Spencer, Rev. John P. Clyde, Minister
Morning worship a 10:30. theme, "Ths
Problem of Being One's Own Master;" Bun
day school at li: Christian Kndeavor at
6:30; evening worship in charge of North
Bide Christian church at 7:30; special
music. i
St. Mary's Avenue Congregational, Bt.
Marv'a Avenue and Twenty-seventh, Rv.
Lucius O. Ualrd, Pastus Morning worship
at 10:30. sermon by the pastor; Bunday
school at 12, Stanley P. BoKtwIck, superin
tendent; Toung people's Society of Chris
tian F.ndevor at 7. Preaching at the City
mission at I p. m.
First Congregational. Nineteenth and
Davenport.- Kev. Frederick T. Rouse. Pas
torMorning worship at 1:30: Sunday
Kchool and Kmanuel Movement claws at 12;
Young People's Society cf Christian En
deavor at 6:46; evening worship lat 7:46. At
the evening service the pnstor will speak
on "The Church of the Future."
Christian Scientist.
Second Church of Christ, Scientist, Nine
teenth and Farnam, Lyric Theater Sunday
school at 9:45; services at 11, subject lesson
sermon, "Truth.'.'
First Church'bf Christ, Scientist, Twenly
flfth and Farnam, Chambers Building
Sunday school at :46 Sunday services at
11 and 8, subject of lesson sermon, "Truth."
. Lutheran.' ,
St. Paul's German Lutheran, Twenty
eighth and Parker, Kev. fc.. T. Otto, Pas
torConfession at :vservlce'at 10; even
ing services In- h-ngimnon the first and
fourth Sundays of tJie month at 7:46; Sun
day school in English at 11:30; German
American paiocluui school, Mr. 11. K. Bun
denthal, teacher.
St. Mark's English Lutheran, Twentieth
and Burdette, Kev. L. Groh, Paator-At
10: it) a. m., holy communion, Septu'age
sima; l:2U p. in., '"i rust tilings i,ourue
and Success;" Stmday school at noon;
Young People's Christian Endeavor at f:46
P. m.; calheohlsalion, Wednesdays at 7:30
p. m.; Fridays at 4 p. in. and Sundays at
12:30 p. m.
Grace Lutheran, 1316 South Twenty
sixth, Rev. M. L. Mellck, Pastor Church
services at 10:46 a. m. and 7:30 p. m.; the
theme of each sermon will be practical
and timely; Sunday school at U:U and
Luther league at 6:30 p. nv; topic, "The
Beginnings and Patriarchal' Days;" prayer
meeting on Wednesday night and Bible
catechetlcs on Friday at p. m.
Kountxe Memorial Lutheran, Rev. John
E. Hummon, Pastor Services morning and
evening; W:iW, subject. "The Gospel minis
ter;" 7:46. "The Family Quarrel;" Chris
tian Endeavor at S:S0; subject, "Does Re
ligion Pay?'1 leader, M. O. Plowman; two
Bible classes for adults; classes for all
ages; ladles helping hand will meet on
Friday, January 28 at I p. m with Mrs.
Mary Harte of Dundee. ' In the' service Of
Sunday the large chorus choir, under the
leadership , of Mr. Jo Barton, will lead
In the service of song.
Trlnltr Methodist.' Rlnnev unit THrntv.
flrst, Rev. O. W. Abbott, Pastor Morning
subject, "The Greatness of iuve:'' -evsnlna
subject, "Indolence.",
Seward St. Methodist EdIscodsI. Twentv-
second and Seward,' Frank A. High, Pastor
Combination service begins at 11 o'clock.
Sermon by the pastor. worth league.
6:46. Publio Eyanellatio services at 7:30.
Norwegian and Danish Methodist, North
Twenty-tlfth and Deoatur Special evan
gelistic services, conducted by the' pastor;
at it and s; young people s meeting at 7.
The speolal meetings will oontlnue during
the week. ' y - '
Walnut Hill Methodist EDlseobal. Fo'rtv-
flrst and Charles, E. E. Hosman, Pastor
10:30 a. m., sermon by the pastor. Theme:
"From the Synagogue to School House;"
12 noon, Sunday school; 6:30 p. m. Epworth
league; 7:30 p. m., sermon by the pastor.
Theme: "The Little Foxes."
Hanscom . Park Methodist. Twenty-ninth
and Wooiworth Avenue, Rev. R. Soott
Hyde. D. D., Pastor Preaching by the
pastor at 10.-30 and 7:30; morning theme,
rne Ministry or Borrow; evening theme,
'Self-Denial for Christ':" special music bv
a large vested choir;' Sabbath school at 12,
Bert Wilcox, Superintendent.
Pearl Memorial Methodist" EDlscoDal.
Twenty-fourth and Larlmore Avenue, Rev.
Thomas C. Hlnkle, Pastor '1 he morning
preaching hour begins at 10:45; evening,
7:30; Sunday school at 12; Epworth league
at 6:30. Those' desiring good seats at the
evening service will fmd It necessary to
be seated not later than 7:30; evening
theme, "A Man.".
Hirst Memorial Methodist Episcopal,
Thirty-fourth and Larlmore, William J.
Brient, Pastor The pastor will preach at
botn services. Morning subject: "Men
Wanted." . Evening: "A Modern Message
from an Ancient Metropolis." Bible school
at noon, Mr. E. vV. Slnnet, superintendent.
epworth league led by Miss Lura Olmstead
at 6:30. Evening song service begins at
First, Rev. Franrt 'L. Loveland, D. D.,
Pastor Services at .10:30 a. m., and 7:30
p. m., conducted by the pastor. Morning
theme: "The- Day -of Judgement What
Is It?" Evening subject: 'The Relation of
My Money to My Success." Three hundred
seats will be reserved tn the evening for
the members of the Royal Arcanum, who
will attend In a body. Sunday sohool at
12:10 p. m., T. F. Stuigess, superintendent.
Young people's .meeting at 6:30 p, m., C.
A. Alcorn, president.
McCabe Methodist Episcopal. Fortieth
and Farnam,. Rev. John Grant Shlck,
Pastor Sunday school at 10 a. m. Epworth
league at 6:30 p. m. Preaching at 11 a. m.
and 7:30 p. m. The pastor's themes will
be: Morning, "A Shelter In the Time of
Storm. Evening, "The Struggle for Self
Mastery." Mr. Andresen has charge of
the music and Is organising a choir. It Is
expected that the members of the choir
will be on nana ror.tne services or the
day. All welcome to worship with us.
Westminster Presbyterian, Twenty-ninth
and Mason Preaching at 10:80 a. in. and
7:30 p. m., by Rev. "Charles Herron, D. D.
Sabbath school at noon. .Izard street Sab
bath school at :
Castellar "Presbyterian, Sixteenth and
Castellar, Ralph H. Hodgeman, Minister
10:30, "The Fullness of God;" Bible school
at noon; 6:30, ' Christian Endeavor; 7:30,
"The Thread of Scarlet."
Vlrst Prebyterlan, Dodge . and Seven
teenth. Rev. Edwin Hart Jenks. D. D..
"Pastor Morning service at 10:30. Evening
at 7:30. Bunday scnool at noon. Christian
Endeavor meeting at 6:16 p.. m.
Lowe Avenue, Fortieth and Nicholas,
Nathaniel McGiffin, Minister Morning wor
ship at 10:30. Men's Bible class and Sunday
sc.hj1 at noon. Christian Endeavor at
6 ok ). m. Evening worship at 7:30. You
are oordially Invited to these services.
Centraf United Presbyterian, Twenty
fourth and Dodge, R. B. A. McBride, D. D.,
Minister Morning worship at 10:30. Ser
mon subject, "The Trespass Offering."
Evening worship at 7:30.. Sermon subject,
North Presbyterian, Nineteenth and Ohio,
M. V. Hlgbee, D. D., Pastor Public wor
ship at 10:301 and 7:30; themes, "Addition In
Missions' and ."The Witness of Works;"
Sabbath school at noon, prayer meeting at
li Wednesday.
Clifton Hill Presbyterian, Forty-Fifth and
Grant, Thomas B. Greenlee, Minister Pub
lio worship at 10:30 a. m., theme, "The Full
ness of Time;" Sunday school at noon.
Junior Endeavor at 1:30 p. m., Senior En
deavor at 6:30, publio worship at 7:30, mid
week service Wednesday at 8 p. m.
Third. Twentieth and Leavenworth, Rev.
William .E. Todd, Pastor Sunday school
at 3:30 a. m. Public service, with sermon,
at 10:46 a. m. Pastor's Bible class at noon.
Junior Endeavor at 3:30 p. m. Senior En
deavor at 6:30 p. m. Sermon at 7:30 p. m.
Pastor's morning topic: "Tho Unbounded
Meaning of New; The Llmltlessness of the
Present; All the Abiding Wealth of Today
Is for You." Evening subject: "Christ
Effecting Man's Redemption, Who are In
cluded?" Miscellaneous.
Oak Btreet Mission Bible School, 3009
South Twentieth Sunday at S. Parenta of
children come to adult Bible class.
Unity, Seventeenth and Cass, Rev. New
ton Mann, Minister Lecture at 10:30, sub
ject, "Schemes of Social Betterment; the
Social Democracy."
First Reformed. South Twenty-third and
Central boulevard, F. 8. Zangg, Pastor
Sunday school at 9:30; preaching services at
11 and 8; Christian Endeavor at 7; the
Lord's Supper will be celebrated at the
morning service.
Church of St. Philip the Deacon, Twenty
first near Paul, Rev. John Albert Williams,
Priest Holy communion at 7:30; matins at
10:30; choral eucharlst and sermon at 11;
Sunday school and catechism at 12:30;
choral evensong and sermon at t; confirma
tion class at 6:30.
Harford Memorial, United Brethren, Nine
teenth and Lathrop. M. O. McLauithlln.
Pastor University service at 10:30, subject,
"The Pure" In Heart"; evangelistic service
at 7:30, theme, "Moral Value of Pepent
ance"; "Hart Talks from the Gospel of
Mathew each evening this week except
Saurdav '
,V. W. C. A. Notes.
Monday evening at 7:45 will be held the
atnual meeting for 1909 In the association
auditorium. Supper at 6:16 In cafeteria preceding-the
platform meeting.
Miss Rthsl G. Hendee, extension secre
tary, will speak at the Gospel service Sun
day afternoon at 4:30; subjoct, "Opportu
nity" Miss Mabelle Bosworth will be a
soloist. Social . hour ''and tea after the
Two new clubs have been organised In
the association within the last two
weeks, the Good Time and Study club,
which meets Monday evenings at 7:16, and
a club known aa the D. A. B.'s. which
meets Wednesday evenings for supper and
later holds a business meeting and ful-
Complets hue Furnishers. 17th and Howard Streets
Oat of the Sigh Bent Dlirtrlet, where every advantage of low selling expense Is money
In your pocket, for we make Prices far Lowsr than any regular credit house In Omaha. Oash
or Basy Payments.
Our Distributed Payment Plan will tnke euro of you easily. If you have any doubts that
credit Is not for you, visit the Central, 17th and Howard Streets, and we will set you
In tne matter.
It Pays
to Tra do
it the
China Closet
Solid oak;
large and
roomy, shelves
grooved for
dishes; curved
glass corners
terms, $1 and
26o weekly.
irw Bugs,
17th and
lowing that a gymnasium drill up&er?
direction of Miss Florence Parmalee. Both
of these clubs are In charge of Miss Hen
dee, extension secretary.
The nurses of the Methodist hospital will
hold a social gathering at the association
Monday evening. Music, during the ban
quet in the cafe will be- rendered by an
orchestra and after the banquet will follow
a program in the assembly room.
The house committee has arranged the
following program to be given In the as
sociation auditorium from 12:16 to 1 o'olock
Thursday. All women are Invited to stop
for a part of the musicals If they are too
busy for all of It. 8hoppers are also In
vited to call at the association to hear this
program, which Is free to every one:
L II Trovatore Walts St. Clair
v Patten's Orchestra.
3 The Great Divide March Maurice
t. For All Kternity Vocal Mascheronl
Miss Bosworth.
4. Day Dreams Lampe
6. Dlscle Darlings Wenrich
. Sweetheart Vocal McDowell
The Swan Vocal McDowell
A Maid Sings Light Vocal.. McDowell
Miss Bosworth.
7. Voluntary Pettee
National Medley Ascher
Y. M. C. A. Notes.
The Life Problem club of the educa
tional department will meet Tuesday
evening at 7.
Rev. J. L. Fisher will address the boys'
meeting at 3 p. m. Stereoptlcon views
will be shown previous to the address.
A basket ball game between the teams
of the Genoa High school and the Omaha
High school will be played at the build
ing Thursday evening.
Thomas Wilson has been secured by
the educational department to give a
talk upon "The Work of A Court Stenog
rapher" -for the students Friday evening
next 1
Dr. Frederick Cohn, rabbi of Temple
Israel, will deliver an adlress before the
men's meeting Sunday afternoon at 4
o'clock upon the subject of "Life's High
est Ideals."
The park committee In anticipation of
a big season at the association outing
park on Carter lake are laying plans to
enhance the arrangements and facilities
of the camp which opened up so splen
didly last year. -
Monday evening at 8 o'clock Mr. Dent
son will give the second lecture In his
training class for leaders of boys' classes,
discussing the scientific method in work
with boys and the great opportunities of
leadership presented by them.
The boys' department has planned for
Its members, starting from the associa
tion building at -8 o'clock Saturday after
noon, January 22, a trip through the
power plants of the street railway com
pany and the Omaha Electric Light and
Power company.
The annual county convention of the
Sunday School association of Douglas
county will be held In the assembly hall
of the association building Friday after
noon and evening. The program Friday
afternoon will begin at 2:30 with devo
tional exercises and introductory remarks
by President George G. "Wallace. Ad
dresses will be made upon various phase
of Sunday school work by Miss Brown,
state elementary superintendent; Kev.
Charles H. . Iewls, state secretary, and
Mrs. F. W. Stollard, formerly president
of the City Primary union. At the even
ing session Rev. Lewis and Rev. J. M.
hats 1 flLTEBfiTlOEl SIM-hats
February 1st we start to remodel our store once more, to
keep in pace with the times.
We are going to move our hat department and make it
the most up-to-date department in the city.
When we open it up we want to show you nothing but the
season's latest fancies.
In order to do this wc are going to give you a chance to buy good hats
cheaper than you ever have had the opportunity before.
Our entire hat stock (except J. 13. Stetson, Silk and Opera Hats) included
in this sale.
All our fall styles in soft and stiff hats that sold for $2.50, $3.00, $3.50
and $4.00, your choice
Fur automobile Caps
I' . r-''i" J&'r v ef- fm
. J J
stXTCBEir OASnTBT -Made of clear
white wood, 60-lb. lower bin, silver '
drawer and moulding board, top
25x42 Inches, 29 Inches
high. Terms: Pay when
most convenient. Each..
Furniture, Carpets, Stoves
Howard Streets
Kersey, state superlntendenLwf teacher
training, will appear upon the program.
Saturday afternoon the session will be
In the nature of an open parliament upon
problems of the Individual school.
Fifteen Killed
By Explosion in
New York Tunnel
Big Charge of Nitroglycerine is Acci
dentally Set Off in Aqueduct
Near Fishkill.
Fifteen men, three ot them Americans,
were killed yesterday by a premature
explosion of nltro-glycerlne In a tunnel,
which Is to form part of the great aque
duct which will carry water from the
Ashokan ' dam In the Catskllls to New
York. Five were terribly mutilated, but
were so near the mouth of the tunnel that
they were rescued alive. The other fif
teen were found beneath a mass of rock
and debris, literally hammered by the
explosion into a bleeding mass of heads,
limbs and torsos.
It Is believed that one of the workmen
carrying a torch tripped and fell Igniting
a fuse and setting off a series ot charges
of nltro-glycerlne.
The squad of twenty men, who were in
volved In the accident, having drilled the
holes and placed the explosive, were leav
ing the excavation when the explosion oc
curred. A hundred laborers rushed to the
tunnel's mouth, and after dragging forth
the injured, set to work clearing away the
rock and earth to get at the dead.
As the nttro-giycerine had been purposely
set to shatter rock, It did not damage the
tunnel's Interior more than the contractors
had planned and after two hours' work the
bodies were reached.
Conference at "White House Selects
Three Colonels for Promo
tion. WASHINGTON, Jan. 22. At a conference
at the White House today. In which the
president, the secretary of war and the
chief of staff participated, promotions of
colonels to be brigadier generals was de
cided tipon aa follows:
Colonel Frederick K. Ward. Seventh cav
alry, vice H. M. Chlttendon, to be retired
February 1; Colonel R. W. Hoyt, Twenty
fifth Infantry, vice Charles Morton, to be
retired March IS, and Colonel M. M. Ma
comb, Sixth Field artillery, vice Albert L.
Myer, to be retired November 14.
Brigadier General Charles Morton, al-
and all winter Caps at HALF PRICE.
'BrowninalCing 6 CQ
2L a WILCOX, ttuiagea ' -
eti .
Solid oak;
plate bevel
mirror; n f u 1 1,
regular all
well made
down - 25c
Hew Bprlse
Are Sere.
Flaoed or- Absolutely
rree Trial In Tour Boms.
1 cant make rood bread," said ths
cook In despair.
Bo snylsr, she ploked up and left In a
"I'm going back to lire with my ma.
Then I can bake with the "Pride of
Missouri Valley, la.
An Order on Her Grocer for a
24 lb. Sack ot Pride of Omaha Flour
to Every Woman
who malls us a verse of four to six lines
(which we use for advertising) about Pride
of Omaha Flour.
Updike Milling Co.
1813 Sherman Ave., Omaha, Neb.
tuded to In the Washington dispatch, is
the present commander of the Department
of the Missouri. With his retirement a
new commander of this department will
have to be named, and at the present time'
It looks much as if Brigadier General Fred
erick Funstou, In command of the Army
Sen-Ice school at Fort Leavenworth, may
succeed General Morton. General Fun
ston Is the ranking brigadier general of
the army. 1
The successful medicines are those that
aid nature. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy
acts on this plan.
I i
Poison Refuge,
Lover Married
Elmwood Widow Goes to Denver to
Find that Former Admirer Had
Taken Wife.
DENVER, Colo., Jan. 22. (Special Tele
gram.) Learning that the man who had
promised her ten years ago to make her
his wife If ever she became free, had mar
ried another, Mrs. Margaret Maloney, a
young widow of Elmwood,' Neb.. at
tempted suicide by swallowing laudanum.
Her life was saved by a police surgeon.
She said that after she married Patrick
Maloney, Samuel Freeman, another ad
mirer, told her that If ever she should be
free again to marry, she would find htm
ready to marry her. Six months ago Ma
loney died and she came and met Freeman
today. When he told her he was married
she took poison.
I 1 I
Aa Auto Collision
means many bad bruises, which Bucklen's
Arnica Salve heals quickly, as It does
sores and burns. 26c. For sale by Beaton
Drug Co.
Pay When
60i 1 .... . j "Mf.' ,u.