23.- 1910. t x THE 0MAI1A SUNDAY BEE: JANUARY 6 m.' r if w I e r v V. t. tv I t ,1 V Monday Starts the Last Day of Our K Won Clearance- Sale All our $65.00 Tailor Suits at This )ias been the most remarkable sale in our business history. Wncn it opened we had in stock over double the amount of merchandise. Tq get rid of the immense stock seemed almost impossible, and in order to carry out our policy of never carrying over a single garment from sea son to season, wc opened a wonderful sale, offering all our coats, suits dresses' and furs at ridic-L ulously low prices. Tomorrow will start the last week of. the greatest clearance sale Omaha has ever known. ' Don't Miss this Wonderful Bargain Opportunity All Our High Class Coats, Suits, Dresses, Far' Just Half Price . All our Dresses Half Price $22.50 $19.75 $17.50 $14.85 $12.50 $11.25 All our Furs at Half Price . All our $75.00 hir Sets fjy All our $50.00 Ir Sets, ff-lP AA at vp.W All pur $35.00 Fur Sets at All our $25.00 Fur Sets at All our $19.50 Fur Sets-at All our Fur Coats at Half Price. My I All our Suits at Half Price $32.50 525.00 $22.50 $19.75 All our $50.00 Tailor Suits- at -T All our $45.00 Tailor Suits at All our $39.50 Tailor Suits at. All our $35.00 Tailor Suits 30 All our $25.00 Tailor Suits 50 All our Coats at Half Price All our $50.00 Coats - . T S E l( ai .. $3.UU All our $45.00 Coats --, All our $35.00 Coats at All our $25.00 Coats at All our $19.50 Coats at All our $15.00 Coats $22.50 $17.50 $12.50 .:...$9.75 111 our $15.00 Coats $7 50 IS io All our $45.00 Dresses at All our $39.50 Dresses at..... All our' $35.00 Dresses at All our $29.75 Dresses at All our $25.00 Dresses at..i..,..' All our $22.50 Dresses at $17.50 $12.50 $9.75 DOUGLAS STREET is to , OS. STREET. This Week Clears up all the Slighlty Used Pianos Offered Sdr January Sale That is sure. Buyers the past few days, fully realizing the great values offered in high grade, slightly used instruments at the never before heard of prices, have called examined the pianos and purchased. f '" You can make no greater mistake than to buy without examining these instruments offered in our present January Clearing Sale. These were taken in exchange during December. Many have been used only a short time, bnt were turned in as part payment on higher priced instruments. Hero are a few of the values we submit for your prompt -attention! $140.00 Columbus . ". . .65.00 $400.00 Davis & Sons $125.00 $375.00 Kimball . . . , $150.00 $350.00 Mueller, mahogany $175.00 $400.00-Knabe S175.00 $590.00 Mueller, oak $175.00 $425.00 Krakauer Bros $190.00 $00.00 Adam Sohaaf $225.00 $450.0(TChase . . .'.$238.00 $450.00 Corl, new $250.00 $400.00 Kurtzman '. $250.00 $500.00 Sieger, mahogany $200.00 $375.00 Farrand $265.00 $500.00 Steger, walnut $265.00 $500.00 Harrington, art $275.00 $500.00 Chickering, new . . .,. . . .$375.00 $750.00 Hnrdman Grand $400.00 $650.00 Knabe, large size. .... . .$400.00 $600.00 Art Style Hardman $435.00 $1,500.00 SteinwayGrand ..... .$450.00 $750.00 Steinway ....$450.00 $250.00 Pianola, walnut .$175.00 Square Pianos $400.00 Pease & Co $40.00 $500.00 Fisher $50.00 $000.00 Chickering .$65.00 $G50.00 Steinway . .. .$75.00 Organs $10.00, $15.00, $20.00 and Up. Packard, Mason & Hamlin, Story & Cainp, Kimball. The saving of so much money on the above mentioned bargains is surely the greatest inducement for an immediate purchase but coupled with this saving these terms: No Money Down Free Stool Free Scarf Thirty Days Free Trial Then $1.00 a Week Then- you have the combination that makes the possession of a guaranteed, beauti ful, sweet toned Piano an immediate possibility. . -y Just call tomorrow and select your piano. Do this before your instrument is gone. Otherwise some one else may select that particular instrument you want so much. ' -..tT. Willi chmoller DAHLMAN lEN WAKE UP Friends of local leader See light on Extra Session Move. TO GIVE G0VEE3T0E A CLUB With Initiative and Referendum on the Statute Book Shallebrer Backer , Feel They Would Have Better Chance. Friends of Mayor Dahlman are beginnlng to evince some anxiety as to the underly ing reaaon for the desperate efforts being1 made to nave Governor Bhallenberger call an extra session of thastate legislature. They have finally flgureif It out that the move Is lh the Interest of Shallenberger's own candidacy for reuomlnatlon and elec tion. "Some of our friends In different parts of the stat,e have'slgned the petition," said a warm supporter of the mayor, "evidently without giving It much consideration. The extra session boosters Insist they desire only to havo the party pass the Initiative and referendum law. In the naturkl course of events the enactment of that law could very well be left for the next regular srsslon of the legislature. "But there's where the rub Comes. Men who are urging ths extra session are friends of the governor, and want hlra re-vlected, some for the purpose of hang ing onto their offices, others for different reasons. They feel that after the way he has broken his promises to the liquor men, the business men and the trades unionists Bhallenberger has little chance to win out as matters stand. Hence they figure that if they get the Initiative and referendum on the statute bookIt will be much easier to whip the liquor Interests and corpora tlons Into line. There's the secret of the extra session movement." In this connection It will be recalled jta Mayor Dahlman, Tom Plynn, the Douglas V Good Habits Pay in Good Health. Bad habits cost money, time, aches, ails, trouble." . What's the use! Coffee drinking is a bad habit for some people. Go to the primer class if you haven't yet learned that. It's- different when you drink To prove this to your own satisfaction change from cof fee to well-made Postum for 10 days. "There's & Reason" - Postum Cereal CM., Ltd., battle Creak, Mich. county senators and several ' oia. mem bers of the legislature have declared them selves aa absolutely opposed to an extra sston. And In this v view City Comp troller Lobeck and other party leaders who are not Identified with the Dahlman wing of the party oolnclde. Now that they have finally awakened to the real significance of the Allen-Mullen move, the entl-optlon democrats of Douglas county have succeeded In enlisting the active support of the local democratic organ In an endeavor to have the extra session stalled off. While viewing this strife City Comp troller Lobeck has not yet filed his declara tion as a candidate ' for Congressman Hitchcock's seat. He has not said he will not file, however, and continual pressure Is being brought to bear onhlm Vy friends to get In the game early. Creditors Will Contest Hanson Policy to Bank Hen Who Advanced Money to Bes- tauranteur Want to Get In on That Insurance. E. F. Leary, trustee of the estate of Tolf Hanson, has been ordered by C. O. Mc Donald, referee, to allow the claims jt the creditors who advanced money to tide over Tolf Hanson after his financial troubles were known. When the trouble started an assessment amounting to 3 per cent of their claims was made on the creditors. This amounted to 13.E00. and ttla money Is now - ordered repaid. Creditors announoe they will, contest the claim of tbe First National bank to the $20,000 I Vf j insurance policy which Is due from the New England Mutual Insurance corrr.any. The policy was assigned to the bank, but the creditors will contest the alignment and Insist through the courts that the money be turned over to the creditors. CREIGHTON WILL ADJUSTED Girls' Home Gets $8j$,600 and Heirs Will Cut Up $75,000. THREE JUDGES GIVE DECISION Beqaeet for Working; Girls Institu tion, Is Valid, Says Co art, and Howe Must Share in Division of Residue of Estate. BEEF TRUST PROSECUTION MAY HAVE INNING HERE Likely to Give Some Work to Omaba Officials of DfSHtntst of Justice. t Although no specific Inetructtons have been received at the office of the United States district attorney In Omaha, relative to the proceedings to be instituted against the beef trust to aacei ta!n If It Is respons ible for the maintenance of the present high prices of fresh meats, theOmaha branoh of the Department of Justice expects to take some part In the Investigations, as It did In the bef trust cases a few years ago, when a great mass of testimony was taken here b)- the government and sub mitted In Chicago. The gist of the testimony secured before the grand Jury In Omaha three years ago was in relation to the attempts of the beef trust to stifle competition by freeslng out the smaller meat retailers, and witnesses appeared before the grand Jury from all parts of the state. Managers of the several packing houses of South Omaha were also haled before the grand jury. The hearings at Omaha ranked second In Importance to those at Chicago. It Is for this reaaon that the Department of Justice officials In Omaha believe that Omaha will again become an Important factor In the proposed prosecution of ths beef trust, being nearer the surface of original supply than even Chicago. Most food la Poison to the dyspeptic Electric Hitters euro dys pepsia, lfver ar.d kidney complaints and debility. Price Wc. For sale by Beaton Urug Co. By decree of district court the heirs of Count John A. Creighton are to receive $76,000 of the $160,000 residue of the estate and the working girls' home is to get $86,000. . . The three judges of the court who gave the decision Saturday morning held, first, that the tenth paragraph of the will, which makes a $60,000 bequest for the working girls' home. Is valid. It was contended foi the heirs that this clause of the will Is vague, indefinite and uncertain, leaving1 a doubt as to the whole Intent of the tes tator;, particularly as to who the bene ficiaries should be. The Judges disagreed with the assertion, saying that the object of the bequest was clear enough, and that details of the scheme can be worked out satisfactorily by the trustees. The second question before the court In volved the thirteenth paragraph of the will. It Is this clause which devises the residue of the estate'. It was In contention whether or not the working girls' home Is one of the speolflo legatees to whom the residue is devised. The court held that It Is. The third question before the court grew out of the second and was the really per plexing one of the throe. It was how the residua of $110,400 was to be cut up. Kealdae a Perplexing Qneatlnn. Count Creighton In his will bequeathed any residue there might be to all spsclfio legatees mentioned In bis will In such pro portion as eaoh legacy bore to the whole estate. Had he bequeathed the residue In such proportion as eaoh legacy bore to the whole amount devised and this Is un doubtedly what Count Creighton Intended to do there would have been nothing for the sixteen heirs In the way 'of residue. The difference may be Illustrated thus: A man with an estate of $1,000 bequeathes the sum of $100 to A, $100 to B and $100 also to C, D, and E. There Is left a residue of $!00. Now each specific bequest is one fifth of the total amount devised, but only one-tenth of the whole estate. Imte specific legatees get a share of the residue In such proportion as each legacy la ths whole amount devised, this share Is $100 each; in proportion to ths whole es tate, the share Is $50 each. Count Creighton Intended, said the three Judges, to make his will the first way, but actually did It the second. All three Judges, Redlck, Troup and Estelle, expressed regret that the order of the court must follow the plain meaning of Count Creighton's will as wrlttrn, although the testator In tended to do something o(her than he did. Heirs All Omakana hut One. The $7f000 which Is left for the heirs will be divided among fifteen men and women, who are these: John D. Creighton, Martha C. Ittoyre, Katherlne C. McGinn, Catherine M. Furey, Ellen M- Cannon, James H. McShana, John A. NcShane, Felix J. McShans, Jamea H BRIEF CITY NEWS Soot Piiat it, t '.,. Engagement Olfts Edholm, Jeweler. V. woboda CertiTled 'Accountant. Lighting Tlxtores, Bargeas-Orandsa Oo. fclnefcart, Phetograpker, Hth 4 Farnam. Strtotly borne-mad pies, Iler Grand Cafe Burns' Celebration, 'January 26. Cham ber's academy. IBM national X.U Insurance So. 110 Charles E. Ady, General Agent, Omaha. Try V Pint T0 Fuel" Nebraska Fuel Co., 1414 Farnam St Both Phones. XfttUtable Ufe Policies, sight drafts at maturity. II. D. Neely, manager, Omaha. Keep Tout Money gag Valuables in ths American Pais Deposit Vaults in the Bee building. $1 rsnu box. , ' Heme Ownership is the hope of every family. NebriiskaSavlngs and Loan Ass'n. will show you the way, 10$ Board of Trade Bldg., lth and Farnam. X.. X Oulnby Will Talk 'to PJOlesophers Laurie J. Qulnby will address the Omaha Philosophical society Sunday at S o'clock p. m. In Barlght hall, Nineteenth and Far nam streets, on "Take No Thought of the Morrow." f Mrs. Caroline Spencer's Funeral The funeral of Mrs. Caroline Spencer, who died at Alliance, Neb., Thursday, Is to be held from the home of her sister, Mrs. Dunn, wife of Captain Dunn of the Omaha po lice department, at 2 o'clock Sunday after noon. Burial will be in Forest Lawn ceme tery. Svidenoe and Information Don't Jibe An appeal case from policy oourt against L. Levy Is dismissed by Judge Sutton, be cause evidence and Information did not Jibe. The one is that a bottle of whisky was bought at Levy's saloon, on a Sunday and another that beer was purchased. Levy formerly had a place on lower Capitol avenue and has since gone out of business. Bwsnson Bros. Company to Build Swcnson Bros, company Is preparing to build a new $10,000 place of business on the lot on Tenth street, between Farnam and Douglas, and between the Burlington headquarters and the Klopp Printing com pany plant This firm has beon located at 1113 Howard street, where It started on a small scale five years ago, but Increase), business demands larger, quarters and th new building Is the result. Letter Carrier Want Divorce Charlef K. A. Johnson Is suing fur divorce In dls trlct court from jBmma H. O. Johnson. The plaintiffs la a letter carrier. Mis Jeanette Itet kman is accorded a decree 'ot divorce from Joachim H. C. Beskman. De sertion for the last two years and non-sup port for ten years Is the ground. Addle. C Strang Is given a decree from Oeorge H PIANO COMPANY- 1311-1313 Farnam Street OMAHA, NEB. Phones. Douglas 1625; Ind. A-1625. ' - . : : f- 1- -l . CRITICISM OF A "FAT" STORY. We are criticised for telling fat peeeli to "tender" seventy-five cents to thei, druggist for a large case of Marmoli Tablets. Several wrote In saying the us. of the word "tnder" was Incorrect tha "tender" In such a connection raised th Impression ths druggist might refuse seventy-five cents as Insufficient. Now, Isn't that odd? A few weeks ag sventy-flve cents was "tendered" to i Broadway druggist and he did refuse 1. That la , he said he had no Marmofa Ti lets, whereas he did have seven oae the wholesale house was elosedSlt baftng on a Saturday, and ha had to nrevarlcate MoCreary, Charles F. McCreary, Wallace to protect his regular customeSf who ab- W. McCreary. John-A. MoCreary. Emrnei "orbed tnose seven cases later In the day McCreary, Mary . Daxon and Mary C Shelby. All of these live In Omaha escep Mrs. Shelby, who la a resident of Nsllgh The decision doss not wholly plai either side and It will probably be fough thrdtigh the supreme court. A reliable medicine roi croup and , . ... . . . fcur aoiilly to remov. (hat should always be kept at hand for lin-V ounces of fat tnot fles Mediate use Is Chamberlain.' s Couga Rem- inconvenience, bother, n This elegant pharmaceutical adaptation of that famous, fashionable fat reducer, the Marmola Prescription (vis j os. Mar mola, os. Fl. Ex. Cascara Aromatic, $ os. Peppermint Water). Is certainly having a remarkable vogue. Millions of caaes of tablets are sold yearly and their lamu grows. This la doubtiu.s ti.tuu ui i... uaruuessneas (guaranteed by the Marnio . . . tlAtrjklt Ul,ih k a i. '''?'t.iii ability to remove ten' to elite h) a day witliou eed for exercisin or Interference with U. taker's appetlt Strang. Emma Smith gets one from Thomas Smith and Leonard H. Parker one from Minnie Parker. - Business' Med to Bleot Offloere The Omaha Business Men's association will elect a new board of directors February 1 Board Will Aot on Salaries Monday The Board of County Commissioners did not take final action In the matter of salaries of court house clerks Saturday and will take up the question again Mon day afternoon. Judges Beading Barn Essays Judges are now reading essays submitted by High school students to Clan Gordon, Order of Scottish Clans, on tha subject of Robert Burns. A prise of $10 will be presented to the winner of the contest by General Charles F. Manderson at the anniversary celebration to be given by Clan Gordon at Chambers' academy, January 25. Boek Treasurer Sailroad Cine William E. Bock, city passt-nger agent for the Chi cago, Milwaukee A St. Paul railroad, has been named treasurer of the Omaha Rail way olub by the board of directors, suc ceeding Louis Belndorff of the Union Pa cific city offices. The board of directors will announce the appointment of com mittees within a few days to serve during the coming year. Charged' with Btsallng Savings Bank Thomas Mills, cuargaa with .stealing a savings bank containing $45 from the home of Josie Jones, 141 Howard street where ne roomed, has been arrested In Kansas Jity. Detective Pattulo will go to Kansas 01 ty to bring Mills back for' trial. The theft was committed a week ago. Mlhs tef ; for Kansas City the following day, ao- ordlng to information which tha officers nave obtained. , County Board Will took Alter take fhe Board, of County Commissioners has promised to go In a body early next week to Florehoe to see what there is In the fears that the Missouri Is about to go on the rampijfn the direction of Flor ence lake, The special committee of the j!ty council. Including Councilman Sheldon, Berka and Brucker, appeared before the ooard Saturday morning.- E. P. Betrytnan ia urged the boaid to go to Florence. Burglar-froof Lock riant Coming The Dayton Keyless Lock company Is looking for a location in OntAha. This company nas lock which Is being put on some of the new homes of Omaha. It Is entirely burglar-proof and Is worked without a key It has k combination which may be worked In the dark. The 'hew lock Is endorsed by ho Anti-Saloon league, and it will be abso lutely nectnsary for a man to be able to remember uls combination before he may ;alh entrance to his home. Heavy Fine, Caustic Comment William 'lawson, charged wltk being a party' to the ;ombat at Addle Bennett's place on Capl .ol avenue In which E. B. Downer was !ealeu, was fined $100 and costs by Judg Jryce Crawford In police court. Tha judge nads cutting remarks about men who ivd about such places and did no work, downer and his wife, both of whom seemed o have a hare In the fight, and Addle Jelintfi, in whose place the row started", a ere each fined $26 and costs. Cburoh Hot to Blame for Vtorto "Or Inary prudenoa coUid scarcely foresee tne ifeots of the great storm of January 23, i0t," said Judge Leslie In county court .i ruling against the plaintiffs Its two dam- .. ge suits. They were the claims for dam gee brought against the - First Swedish lethbdlst Episcopal church by May Mc rmara and Michael Sulley. Each asked 1,000. The Sulley home, where Miss lit , fcmara lived, was next door to the church, nd the wind,' which blew sixty-five miles t hour that night, toppled a brick chimney nto the houe, Injuring Miss MiNemara nd doing some damage to the residence, udge Leslie keld that the chlmnsy was ell constructed and the church in no wise blame for the accident, j Don't be afraid to give Chamberlain's otigh Remedy to year children. It la per ctly safe. v. v WOMAN SHOOTS HERHUSBAND Mamie Bowlin, Colored, Sends Bullet Into Essa Bowlin's Neck. HE THEN BEEAZS GUN t)N HEE Couple Come from Clnrlnda, la., and Row Is Raised Because Husband Insists on ISarly Morning; Jaunt to Sontk Omaha, Mamie Bowlin. negress of Clarlnda, la., 6hot her husband, Essa Bowlin, In the neck near the Jugular vein with a 4i-ca!lber re volver this morning and the man is at St. Joseph's hospital, not, as at first believed, critically Injured. ) The wtjjHftn, Ih jurslng a badly bruised head at the city Jail: Her husband, after he was shot, Jerked the gun from his wife and beat her over the head with it, not only inflicting severe bruises on, her, but breaking the gun so that it won't harm anyone else. The Bowline cams from Clarlnda a few days ago to enjoy a teason of slght-seclng In Omaha. They Were to begin their Journey In South Omaha. They started out early in the morning, accompanied by Maggie Fryson and Sam Faglns, also col ored. Now, early rising Is not one of the things on which Mamie Bowlin Just dotes; there are other things she likes better. For In stance, she would rather take her beauty rleep along about that time of day. However, the party started out early and by the hour of 7 a. m. had ;ot as far on the Journey as Fourteenth and Douglas streets. Whereupon Mamie Bowlin set one of her feet down with emphaslfc and pro tested that her wishes were being over ridden; that she wdnld not make the trip to the Maglo City at gny such hour. Say ing which, she left her companions and went whither they knew not. That broke tip the .South Omaha expedi tion and the other three pleasure seekers started back to rind Mamie. . They found her at the oorner of THrelf th street and Capitol avenue. . .' It was an eventful reunion. "I'll show you all hew j-ou can fool with me," declared., Mainls Bowlin, . who fol lowed her proclamation with a shot from her 41-callSer bulldog. .. ''(.' Essa Bowlin did not fall, though he was shot In the neck. He rushed, em-Aged, at his wife, snatched the gut) from her hands and proceeded to maul -her over the head with It Which mauling, while It bruised her head, put the gurr entirely out of.fm mUsion. . It developed that Mamla Bowlin got the gun from some pawit shop. L Yeiser at Last ; Beats Cathcrs Out Wins Decision for Thai. Eiffhteea Hundred Dollars Linton Money Fdujht Over So Lonjr. A Jury In district court has decided thit John O. Yeiser is entitled' to that $1,844 at the Linton money which Teller and John. T. Cathcrs have been .'fighting ever for years. The suit Is entitled Yeiser against Broad well because Mr. BroaVwell, as olerk of district court, had the money In his pos session until he turned It over to his tuo cessor, Robert Smith. . Ydser and Cathrs both' performed legal services for Mrs Phoebe RebecSa Ellxi beth Ellvlna Linton, wife of Frederick An guKtus. Lord Linton, Each attorney laid, claims over It through various coti.ts -back and forth. I ' , i Mew Kara I Carriers. WASHINGTON. Jan. t2.-(8peclal Tele gram.) Rural carriers , appointed today are as follows: Nebraska, Brady, route L Henry T. Lafferty, carrier; no tubstltute. Iowa, Indlanola, routs 4, Jacob Hunsleker, carrier; Jamea E. McClIntio, , Substitute, Helena Faik, appointed ., postmaster at Dike, Grundy county, Itrwal vice B"l Iloush, removed. . t4 ' ' - ---J--' - i i 1 ,l. ..u..j, jj ;u aBng .. '1 In 9 '' A- 1 snV MM aa 1 -1 , J i V i m. -i 7 4 ,xi "tii i ew remedies can claim such a record. Thousands of loudly lauded remedies have come and gone and were long ago forgotten, but these famous pills have spanned a stretch of years successful years that attest louderthan . words to their wonderful merit. They cure all diseases caused by Uric Acid in the blood. All such troubles as : , Rheumatism, Sciatica, Neuralrjla, Gout, Liver Complaint, Kidney Diseases, Consdoation, Blood Diseases, Stomach Troubles readily yield to "the curative power of these pilli. They neutralize the chalky formations which accurrate, in the system causing excruciating pains and drive these impurities out of the body through ihe natural channel the Dowels. They will strengthen and tone up the entire system making you feel like a new person. Price o! fhe Pills $1.00 a box. MYERS-DILLON DRUG CO. J H". can supply you. We wiy on request send free sample of pills direct under plain wrapper. DELDEN & COPT CO., Mlg.. ..d Dir;butora MINNEAPOLIS, MINN. V ivr pniHi in...