TIIE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: JANUARY 23, 1910. 'X V HOSPITAL BOARD RESIGNS Three Physicians Quit at Remit of Head Nurse Embrog-lio. 8 AY LET TRAINOR HAVE HIS WAY 'Dra. If. H. 1. enter', F, W. Lake and V. F. Conlter Object Cosnsala sloarr Overrating; Their ftteaassseadatlons. Pit. H. . A . Lemere, V. W. Lake and F. U Coulter, who constitute the medical ad visory board of the County hospital, have resigned In a body, the Board of County Commissioner getting notice at the meat ing Saturday morning. The action la taken, according to Dr. Coulter, because Commissioner Tralnor, the new chairman of the board' committee on the County hospital, overruled a num ber of recommendations of the medical ad visers. It Is likely there will b a return to the old chief of staff system which was In vogue until Commissioner Jeff W. Bed ford, a year ago, Inaugurated the medical advisory board. "It seema advisable to ua to resign," . said- Dr. 'Coulter, "because 'the advisory board la not In accord with the ch airmail of the committee on the County hospital, and we thought he ought to be permitted to work out his Ideaa of how the hospital should be conducted In the way he see fit. It la not our way." Dr. Coulter Intimated further that one of the recommendations referred to was the report of the advisory board that Miss Lena Hlggins, Head nurse, be removed. , This waa when the embrogllo occurred at the hospital tome time ago. Dr. Lake subsequently withdrew his rec orrimendltlon with respect to Miss Hlg glna and Dr. ' Coulter at the time also I modified his' view somewhat. Nevertheless It Is a -fact that the three physicians were not pleased by the action of the Board of . County Commissioners at the time. . Th county board haa not acted on the c resignations. ' When you want what you want when ypu want It, say so through The Bee Want ad eolumns JOHN Q. JACOBS IS DEAD Die of Acuta llonuk Trtaklt and Funeral Will Be Held ..." Monday. John O. Jacobs, 26 years old, fon of Mr. M. O. Maul, died at the family home, 1S36 ( Park avenue, Saturday morning. He had been Ul but a short time. An aoute at , tack ot stomach -trouble canned death. Mr.' Jacobs' father, once an undertaker In Omsha, died here many years ago. The ' young man waa interested In real estate and a poultry ranoh. The funerpt Is to be held from the .home at I' o'clock Monday afternoon. Very Rev. Q. A.- Beeoher, dean of Trinity cathedral, will oonduot the ser vices. The body will be placed In a re ceiving vault at Forest Lawn cemetery. The relative request that flower be ' omitted. ' Mr. Jacob had large property Interests It) Omaha. His father waa John d. Jac obs, , on Of the pioneer undertakers of Omaha,- who - was a wealthy man. His mother married Mike Maul, who continued the undertaking busfness under , the firm name of Preset & Maul. Mr. Maul died and Harry Davis carried on the' business. ' Mr. Davt died a couple of year ago, after being eleoted coroner. Ell Olsh, a brother of Jake Glsa, who was formerly " partner of John Jacobs, died a 'little over' ' a year ago. - - ' "Mr. Jacob owned the property occupied ' by Pease Bros, on Farnam street and also the property' occupied by the Cole-McKay undertaking establishment. ; ' J" '' William Fanner. ' ' William Farmer, 63 years old, twenty, seven years a resident of Omaha and for iwenty-flve years In the employ of the Missouri Taolfto, died at his home, 8708 Seward street, Saturday morning. He loaves four children, Alex, Arthur, Mary , and Nellie. HI wife died her several year ago. The funeral la to be held from St. John's church at t:M o'clock Monday Homing. Burial will be In Holy Sepulcher . senietery. John Conn. John : ConnN who . died at Lead, ft P., Wednesday, I to be burled In Omaha. Hi oCy arrived Saturday morning. The funeral will be beld from Dodder' chapel at 1 o'clock this afternoon. Burial will be In Forest Lawn cemetery. A. D. Conn, Sixteenth and Corby streets, I a brother. Mr. Katherlne Brenner. Mrs. Katherlne Brunnor, 65 year old, widow of Peter Brunner, died at her home, 1418 Wrsterflaid, Saturday morning. The funeral v will be held from St. Joseph's ohureh at 10 o'clock Monday morning. Bur ial will be In the German Catholic come, tery. - , ' Chris Marteasen, Chris Martensen, 21 year old, died at his home In Benson Saturday morning. Tubcr julnsls was the cause of death. The funeral to be held from the home this after noon. Burial will be In Mount Hope oeme ry. A Welcome Change From the monotony of the usual breakfast or Supper Post Toasties Criip, delicate, fluffy bits made of white corn toasted i to a golden brown. Post Toasties have a fas cinating flavor that appeals to the appetite of children , and grown-ups.. . . 'Ready to serve from the package with cream or fruit. "The Memory Lingers" , Popular pkg. 10c. Large Family slae lftc. P08TCM ("UREAL COM PANT. Ltd.. Battle Creek, Mich. Cadet Taylor Gives Views on Political Game Put Insurg-ents in Claw with the Liberal!, Greenbacks and Popu- y t lists of Bygone Days. "I am Just starting for California to make a brief visit." said Cadet Taylor, "and as Interviews have recently been printed as representing the view of quite a number of my good republican friends I would like to break Into the columna of The Bee long enough to state how things political look to me. "In 1171 'liberal' republicans. "In 1871 'greenback' republicans. "In lltS 'free stiver' republicans. "In 1MI 'populist republicans. "In 11 'Insurgent republicans. "Those of us who realise, If we do not acknowledge the fact, that old Father Time haa been on our track, cannot for get political wara of the past, nor the record made through all " these contests by the grand-- old republican party. Through stress of battle the name has withstood the assaults of all comers, and the prefix has gone a glimmering. "In other words t the name 'republican' without any prefix stands for Just the ame things as It did when our 'great party put Abraham Lincoln (ef tny na tive state) In the White Heusei In- a spasm of excitement many good 'repub licans were carried off their feet by the 'liberal' erase In 117V which was in fact nothing but ' a fight on General . U. S. Grant; the 'greenback' fad In 1871, the 'frea silver" bubble In 1898, the 'populist' scheme In 1891 (which was a second fid dle accompaniment to Mr. Bryan' free silver tune), and all are now burled In one common grave, with roe'm for one more. 'Time rolled on aa It always does and mark the result The more cool, con servative, level-headed, but misguided re publicans returned to the republican fold the party of their first love while the more - radical went into- the democratlo ranks. From Bast experience Is It not plainly evident that these 'prefix' repub Mean movements are nothing but recruit ing atatlons for the democratic party, and republican should uul be raUled. "In this year 1110 we have another new brand. They call themselves 'Insurgent' republicans, whatever that may mean. Originally It meant those who wanted to have more liberal rules In the house, a movement which had my sympathy. But falling to convince a majority of the house which makes the rules, It 'was turned Into a personal warfare against Speaker Cannon, who only exercises the power given him by a majority of the house, and no one can question his loy alty to the republican party. "Now the "Insurgent" erase has gone be yond Mr. Cannon, and is selecting as lamb to be led to the slaughter republicans, tried and true. In various states: In Nebraska, Just at this time, Senator Burkett seems to be the especial target. "The prosperity of the country Is going along very welfwlth the .wise and experi enced hand of William H. Taft en the helm ot the ship of state. Every thinking man realises that he Is a conservative, consci entious, well equipped statesman', and loyal republicans should stand firm la support of an administration which is scAind to the core and stands for conservative measures which win eventually result, in bringing about Just what the people desire In their own Interest." Second "M oses 6f Jewish Race General Charles F. Manderson Leo turn at Temple Israel on "Sir Moses Montefiore." General Charles F. Manderson lectured last night at Temple Israel on "Sir Moses Monteflore," the great English-Jewish philanthropist. . Twenty-five years ago General Mander son delivered practically the same lecture to the congregation of Temple Israel. In the quarter of a century" Intervening the Jews have made . wonderrui advancement In literature, muslo, art and business. "The Biblical statement that the Jew are God's chosen people Is literally true," said the speaker. Special stress wa laid on the progress of human freedom and the ad vancement of the Jews In England. That the centuries of persecution of the Jew form the darkest spot on, the record of Christianity waa hi opinion. But, In spite of the constant persecution, the Jewish race had stood the test of real worth and la now coming. Into her own In the achievement of great things In the world's advancement. Sir Moses Monteflore was the second Moses, as he led his people out of a bondage worse than that inflicted on them by the Egyptians, and secured for them olvll and religious rights In England that have proved a blessing to the chosen peo ple and caused "Judah's melody once more to rejoice the hearts that leaped be fore Its heavenly Voice." Woman Insane Over Earthquake Mr. Tilemaa Dits of Naples, Who Lost family at Messina, Now , Loses Beason. Mrs. TUeman rrtts of Naples, Italy, be came suddenly insane at Union station and created much exultement by loud screams. , She was escorted by Officer Poole to the emergency apartment of the depot and at tended by Dr.' B, H.. Smith, Union Pacific physician. The Italian counsel, Antonio Vlnsto, looked after her and by 4:30 she was able to resunie her Journey west. , The woman lost her family In the earth quake that destroyed Messina and haa been historical since, subject to such nervous at tacks as that that dethroned her reason. SCOTTISH RITE FUNERAL Masons Honor Jacob Ull( olrma Mlantght service at Temple. The Masonic funeral of the late Jacoo King was held last night When Imposing ceremonies were held at th Masonic temple by the Scottish Rite Masons. The ritual Istlo funeral service of the Scottish Rite was given in ajl the beauty and grandeur of the imposing procedure. Many members of the various Masonlo bodies were present aa well aa relatives and Intimate friends of tne man In whose honor the ceremonial was held. Mr. King waa a prominent Mason and held the offloe of grand tyler of the Ne braska grand lodge for thirty-seven year, lie waa a member of Capitol lodge No. S and of higher Masonlo bodies. In all of which he took and active and efficient part. Persistent Advertising la the road to Big' Returns UNIONIST TIDE IS STRONGER Oaia Friday is Larger Than That of v PreTious Days. al partus 5laim vindication Hint ana Met Mark the Voting la tome of the Districts an "Damp" . Kzhlhlta Are LONDON, Jan. t3. The result of yester day' ballettlng for members of Parliament thus far available show that the unionist tide flowed even stronger than on the two preceding days. Thirty-eight constituencies out of M gave the unionist 17 seats, the liberals 10, na tionalists 1. The unionist gains were 17 and the liberal gains 1 The state of the parties aa known at 10:80 this forenoon was: Government coalition Liberals '. 19 Irlsh-Nattonallsts 69 Laborltes 23 Opposition: Unionists .V. ...SM AH Parties Satisfied. 1 The ' unionists have made steady gains on the , popular vote almost throughout England, and to a much lesser extent in Scotland 'and Wales, but all parties and factions 'of parties' claim the results are a vindication of their policies. The unionists stoutly claim that the re sult Is a victory for tariff reform. The liberal deny It stubbornly. They declare that the feudal atatua of the Counties Is re sponsible for the conservative gains, and charge the triumvirate tbe landlords, the church and the publicans with overawing their dependents and followers by practic ing widespread ipttmldation and threaten ing them wh loss of work. From the op position point of view the conservatism of the counties is due to the loyalty of the people to the House of Lords, their fear of socialism and a desire for protection. Nationalists a Big Faotor, The home rule question, with the nation-. alistfe the dominant party In the alliance In the , new parliament, will become In vested with an Importance It has not held during the campaign, when It was kept In the background. Mr. AsquKh declared dur ing the" campaign that the liberals would be free. In the new parliament, as thty were not in the old, to support a measure for full self-governmeht te Ireland, purely on Irish affairs and subject to the mainte nance unimpaired of the supremacy of the Imperial parliament. The Irish people gen erally had construed the promises of Mr, Asqulth to mean more than this and pro tests are being raised among the home rulers. It I probable that a home rule bill will be introduced, but not pressed at the coming session,' and that the attention of the government will be concentrated on the budget. t . Places for Joseph Albert Pease, the chief liberal whip; Sir Henry Norman, assistant postmaster general, and Colonel J. H. B. Seely, under secretary for the colonies, whose constituents snowed them under, soon may be found, one by the promotion of Herbert Gladstone to the governor gen eralship of South Africa, and the others by the shelving of some of the older minister by raising them to the peerage. ' J. A. Bryce, brothel of the ambassador to the United States, supported by a large majority in Inverness; Rudolph C. Leh man n, the- famous oarsman, Vand Lewi Vernon Haroourt, are among the promi nent liberal re-elected by the returns re ceived tonight. ' . , , The election continue to be enlivened bv scenes of turbulanoe.' Mr. Pease, at Essex, Saffron walden, yesterday was pursued by a hostile mob, and a prominent broker, Mr. Leon, who waa unsuccessful as a liberal oandldate, waa greeted with groans and a general uproar when he appeared on the floor of the stock exchange. Timothy Healy, th famous nationalist, had an ex perience similar to that of Mr. Pease when the result of his narrow victory in the north was announced yesterday. It re quired a large force of police to get him safely to his hotel. He suffered no greater damage than the loss of his hat Serious rioting occurred tonight at High Wycombe, Buckinghamshire, twenty-eight miles northwest of London. A crowd sacked a "dump" show, where foreign Im ports were being displayed as electoral ob ject lessons. They plied tbe contents of the "dump" In the roadway and burned them and then smashed all the windows tn the Conservative club, amid shouts of "Dump, dump." TRe police and the fire brigade, had difficulty in preventing the mob from doing other damage. Many ar rests were made HIGH SCHOOLrATHLETES ARE AWARDED EMBLEMS Foot Ball and Track Men Given Prised "O" at Entertainment 1st Their Henor. Fifteen foot ball letters, ten track lot tor and two foot ball reaerves were given out to ' the foot ball and track squads of the Omaha High school Friday. An en tertainment was given, to which a small admission was charged, the proceeds . to go towards getting the members of these squads sweaters. t Those who received the foot ball "O" were: McWhlnney, Thompson, Mills, Pkyne, Rector, Andrus, Hendee, Burdlck, Howard, Hatch, Klopp, Howes, Underbill, Tukey, Rayley. Bowman and Charlton received the two reserves. The receivers of track letters were: Welrleck, Eraser, Wood, Kennedy, Kulakofsky, Warner, Rec tor, Rayley, Thompson and llawley Su perintendent W. M. Davidson made th presentation speeches and presided at the entertainment The following Is the program of the en tertainment: Selection O. H. S. Band. Piano Solo Miss Helen Taylor. Poem - Dr. Edmund Varia Cook. Song The Haslng of Valient O. H. S. Glee Club. - Recitation Miss Jasmine SherradAn. Violin Solo Miss Jennie Undeland. Song Miss Deborah Has a Visitor.. ' O. H . B. Glee Club. Recitation Miss Adeline Wood. Mandolin Trio Francis Potter. Violin Solo Lofils Schnauber. Presentation ojf Letters Mr W. M. Davidson. A. L REED ON THE WARPATH He Is Looking for the Dot that Ate I'p His Choice and Costly Ponltry. A. L. Reed Is laying for the dog which killed off his prise poultry' Friday night Whatever dog It was Is surely a most discerning canine, because In making killing of between twenty and thirty chick en he picked Out the best In the bunch Mr. Reed said he did not know Just how many of his chick were killed, but that he bad counted twenty and then turned away from the eight. Among th dead was a big Rhode Island red cock for which Mr Reed had recently paid (15. Others among the lint of killed were some prise bantams belonging to Mr. Reel's children Another All the Coats Go Monday! j On Jauuary 24th Every Coat in the Store Offered Without Reservation at Two Prices These Are Winter Coats, Many Suitable for Spring Wear The most DODular materials reDresented. The weio-hts nre nnmpmnc as I , ' fc adapted to different temperatures. No better garments of these grades made, and never before, we believe, such RADICAL cutting of price. Priced to sell in one day. NONE EXCHANGED!. NONE ALTERED! i Those Which Sold Up to $15 Monday. Five Dollars Thomas Kilpatrick ; PEACE IN GOLF WORLD New Constitution ia Adopted at Meet ing of United States Association. ANJIUAl' DUES ARE REDUCED Clabe with Only Nine-Hole Courses .Are EUlarlBle Membership -.. . .. jrpesnorsttfb ; Spirit Per ' Tadra Doeasaent. NEW YORK, Jan, 2X Complete harmony between the east and the west prevailed last night at the annual meeting of the United States Oolf association. The old constitution was repealed and a revised constitution drawn up by Lelghton Cal kins of New York was adopted. The moat significant change Is the reduction of Ue annual dues for active clubs from ISO to $30. The 110 fee for the allied clubs, which have no, voting privilege, waa retained. Through the whole Instrument runs a democratic spirit, aimed st making the organisation national. Clubs which have only nine-hole courses are now specifically mentioned as eligible to active member ship, and no geographical Interpretation can be put on any article, as in the old constitution. The principal discussion was over limit ing the use of the voting proxies. No restriction ha ever been put upon them. but In the new by-law they were limited to five for any delegate. In addition to his home club vote. Several wished to restrict their use to one, In 'addition to the delegate'a own vote, but Chicago and Boston men objected so strongly that th New Torkera capitulated. The amateur championship was awarded to the Country club of Brookllne. This Is the first tjme that the event has gone to Boston. That club prefers a July date, but will defer to the wishes of the executive committee as to time. The Homewood Country club of Chicago gets the women's champion ship. An date wished will be granted. This probably means another October con test. The Philadelphia Cricket club will hae the open championship, probably In Au gust. The membership of the association re mains the same as last year. These of ficers were unanimously chosen: President, Herbert Jacques, Country club, Brookllne; vice presidents, w. A. Alex ander, Exmore Country club, Chicago; MJdton Dargam, Atlanta Athletic club; secretary, Robert C. Watson, Garden City Golf club; treasurer, William Fellows Mor gan, Bahistrol Golf club. . Chicago will have the annual meeting next 'January.' 8. H. Btrawn. W. T. Beaty and W. A. Alexander, all of Chicago, spoke for the west, expressing themselves as satisfied Ith the constitution aa revised. They said thnt In the past, while tne rules had not been ns broad or as national as might have been wished, they had never been applied unfairly. HARRY LAUDERAT AUDITORIUM Celebrated Beotota Comedian and Ills S, Company te Appear "la Omaha. Omaha Is to have a chance to see Harry Lauder at last. William Mortis, inc. has arranged a tour for fewer weeks and Omaha Is to have two appearances at the Auditorium, Wednesday matinee and night only, 'January K. A company of American and European entertainers will be carried, Including Julian Kltlnge, as well as an orchestra under Mr. Lauder's own director, Mr. Charles Frank. During the engagement Mr. Lauder's pro gram will be varied to Include all the favorites of hi extensive repertoire and an opportunity will be given to hear "I Love a Lassie," "She's Ma Palsy," "8af test ot th Family," "Back to Bonnie Scotland." "Foo the Noo." 'The Wedding of Sandy McNabb," "Stop Your Tlcklln.' Jock," "i Loved Her Ever Since She Was liaby," and the other Lauder composi tion that have furnished material to the whistlers of the world. It Is Impossible to tell what Lauder does, for he does things so utterly unlike anyone else. , Startler CostXuts No Figure. SELL is the Word. Everybody Treated Alike STORE OPENS AT 8 00; SALE STARTS ON THE Eastcrh Lines Refuse Demands of Trainmen Further Conferences Are Asked and Men Are Confident They Will - Be Given Raise in Pay. NEW YORK, Jan. 21. The announce ment today that the New York Central, the Erie and the Lackawanna railroads had refused the demand of the Brother hood of Railway Trainmen, Including the conductors, was discounted tonight at the eastern headquarter of the trainmen, . "Although It is definitely known," said Secretary P. K. Williams, "that all of the railroads" twist of the Mississippi river and north of the Ohio will not accede to the demands It should be understood by the public that the railroads' and the trainmen are working harmoniously and all talk of a strike is premature. If not foolish. "Our demands havejbeen turned down today, but each road ha expressed a wish for a further conference, which clearly Indicates that more money Is coming to the men." CLEVELAND, Jan. 81. President W. O. Lee of the Brotherhood of Railroad Train men and Grand Chief A. B. Garrettson oi the Order of Railway Conductors will meet In the east Monday to enter for mally upon the negotiations which will de termine the outcome of the present dis pute between the railroads and their em ployes. President Lee announced tonight before leaving for Chicago that he has already picked out one railroad on which will be made a test of the trainmen's demands. Neither he nor Grand Chief Garrettson, hawever, have Intimated to Jhe employes' committees whloh road this is. Owing to the fact that the replies re celved are uniform, the two brotherhood leader believe that a settlement on the one road will lead to a similar adjustment on all the others. The real dispute. It Is conceded, will come on the question of payment to the train crews for the work done before start ing on the day's run. The men want pay from the time they report for duty. The statement of Chairman J. C. Stewart of the General Managers' association, that wages will undoubtedly be raised, was re celved with satisfaction at the Brotherhood headquarters here. "The railroads are meeting us In the same spirit of fairness as we are meeting them," said President Lee. "I cannot say when tha negotiations will open, but It will be mighty soon probnbly as soon as Grand Chief Garrettson and I arrive In New York." Mr. Lee will be In Chicago Saturday and Sunday, in Je matter of the yardmen's demands there. CINCINNATI, O., Jan. 21. The wage disputes between five bodies of railway employes and the officers of the roads will be submitted to Chairman Knapp of' the Interstate Commerce commission and Commissioner of Labor Nelll, for mediation on the expected arrival of the two federal officials here Monday, according to an announcement today. The bodies Inter ested are: The telegraphers of the Big Four system, the telegraphers H the Balti more A Ohio Southwestern, firemen and engineers -ft the Baltimore A Ohio South western members of the Brotherhood of nallway Trainmen and the Order of Rail way Conductors on both systems. telde from ltesuentla. CRERTON, la., Jan. 2-Speclal Tele gram.) Fred Lahr, whose home la near Trescott, shot and killed himself on Bur llrgton train No. 4 aa it stood at the dupot her this afternoon. He had just bought a ticket to Ottumwa, boarded th train anj had Just seated himself, when he sprang up with the remark: "I am to be murdered by Odd Fellows this afternoon; I want your attention, for I believe I will do It myself." Putting a .33 caliber revolver , against his head, he fired. Death was ln- istantaneoue. Evidence pruduced later at the inquest proved he was suffering from aeicentia From Kilpatrick's M) Those Which Sold Up to $30, Monday Ten Dollars , JUDGE KENNEDY WILL TRY SAUNDERS CONTEST CASE Attorneys Aarree that Omsha Maarlsa trnte Shall Pass Upon Sharply Ponsrht Bolt. WAHOO, Neb., Jan. J Special.) Con siderable Interest Is being aroused In Saun ders county over the election contests of P. P. White (dem.) against Charles H. 81ama(rep.) for county Judge, and August Elchmeler (dem'.y against George Heldt (rep.) for county commissioner. Judge Slama was elected by ten 'majority and George Heldt was elected by thirty ma jority. The contestants charge Irregulari ties In twenty precincts. - By agreement of attorneys the coses will be tried before Judge) Howard Kennedy of Omaha, who will take the case for Judge B. F. Good next Monday, January 24. The main charge In the case 1 the voting of twenty-six Greek laborers. In Union pre cinct, who, the democrats claim, voted tfie republican ticket and were not cltlaens. The laborers had been working on the Great Northern railroad near there for about six months. Last wee"k Frank Lanata, Antonio Cali endo, Rosarlo Proctiplo, Vlncenzo Vllla reall, Glacomo Scocco, Tony Carrado and Nick Carrado were arrested upon warrants sworn out before Police Judge Glbbs of thlcity, charging them with Illegal voting. They were brought to this county from Rosalie by Sheriff Dally. At the preliminary Frank Lanata pleaded gi llty and was released upon a surety bond of ItiUO from the National Surety company, with H. Gllkeson as agent. At the prellm- inary before Judge Qlbba yesterday the others pleaded not guilty and were bound over to the district court. ( COMPANY'S OFFICER HELD ON EMBEZZLEMENT CHARGE Gay Anderson of Nebraska Cotton Glove Concern Iloand Over to District Court. Guy Anderson, cnarged' with embrszle morir from the Nebraska Cotton Glove company, of which he was secretary-treasurer, and with arson In firing the plant for the purpose of covering the operations with which' he Is accredited, was bound over to the district court under bond of w.000 by Judge Rjiyce Crawford In police court Friday afternoon. , The Nebraska Cotton Glove company's place was discovered in flames early on the morning of September 12. The safe was open and the content ml.'slng, including Impartunt account books. The remains of an Ingeniously laid device for firing the building were also discernible In the ruins. Anderson was arrested after an Investi gation by Omaha detectives snd a formal complaint filed against him by members of the company which had employed him. Anderson made a confession to the de tectives, but afterwards changed his mind about the admUslon of guilt. In the court room at the preliminary ex amination he sat In round-eyed silence watching the witnesses who told the story of the fire and his functions in the employ of the glove company. Aids Nature The freat success ol Dr. Pierce' Golden Medical Dis covery in curing weak stomaohs, wasted bodies, wesk lungs, and obsinat and lingering coughs, Js baited on the recognition oi th fundamental truth that "Golden Medical Disoovery" supplies Nature with body-build-ini, tissue-repairing, muscle-tnaking materials, in con densed and concentrated form. With this help Natura supplies th necessary strength t th stomach to digest food, build up the body end thereby throw off lingering obstinate coughs. Tbe "Discovery" re-establishes th digestive and nutritive organs in sound health, purifies and enriches the blood, and nourishes the nerves ia short ettsbluhes sound vigorous health, It your dialer offer momethlni "asr mm iood, II la probably matter FOB HIMlt pay a better. But you are tblohlni ot tha euro mot tbe profit, mm there' m uotblau "Juat ma Hood" top you. Say mo. Dr. Pierce's Common Sense Medical inine Simplified, 1008 pages, over 700 illustrations, newly revised up-to-date) Edition, paper-bound, sent -for 21 one-cent stamps, to cover cost of mailing emly. Cloth-bound, 31 stamps. Address Dr. K. V. Pleree, Buffalo, N. Y. DOT! & Co. J "Pot Luck" with Real Live Poet Edmund Vance Cook Opens Coarse of First Methodist Chautauqua College Club. Edmund Vance Cooke, poet, of Cleveland, O., was the stellar attraction at th seoomt number of the first annual entertainment coucge of the Chautauqua College, club at the First Methodist Eplsoopal church last evening. Hi theme was "Pot Luck With a Poet." lla maintained' that a poet had i. the same right to Jive, move and enjoy' happiness as a policeman If he behaved himself, and for that reason asked that th audience bar with him In a number of readings frptn hi own poems. Being assured that the goodly audience assembled would do so, Mr. Cooke gave a pleasing mean of poetry, opening with a poetio greeting. A trio of domestic dialect numbers waa first, followed by a similar number of., poetic, philosophic deductions by foreign philosophers In dialect. , A series of Interrogative poems was then glven..rUcceeded by a number . of child dialect poems, songs of sentiment and I "Tales Worth TelMng," the last Including "In the Old School House," . "The Young Man Waited" and "The Story of Old Glory." Mr. Cooke was at his best and his various readings were In the main possessed of a delicate humor that evoked frequent out bursts of laughter. Alwaya clever and en tertaining, Mr. Cooke added scores ta his admirers in Omaha last evening. . NOTES OF OMAHA UNIVERSITY1 Itev. John P. Clyde and Dr. Leonard Groh Are Speakers at Chapel Exercise.. Rev. John P. Clyde, pastor of tha Ply-fc-mouth Congregational church, spoke to the' student body at the Tuesday , morning chapel service, his theme being "Self Reliance.". ..... "The courage that rests upon faith In our own possibilities," be said, . "Is tha greatest need of humanity; each of us should aim to the realization and develop ment of his latent possibilities." The class of Ul) held a meeting Wednes day noon and decided to submit,, a proposi tion to the freshman classes of two neigh boring colleges for a triangular, debate, to be held before May 1 If possible, At the Thursday chapel terylce Dr. Leon ard Groh, pastor of St Mark's Lutheran church and prominent for hi active In tcrest In student life, delivered an. Instruc tive talk on "Practical Philosophy" tha old but ever new topic ot approaching work in the spirit that transforms drudgery Into pltasure. The dale for the debate between tha Utopian Literary society and the Young Men u Christian Association Debating club has been set for February 26, at the Young LMen's Christian association auditorium. The key to the situation Bee Went Ads. if Adviser, Ia Plain English-, or. Med 0 i. i 'ft' f .