Yellow Giant Stirred to Life ,.i. - . ajn IH,I I Il.-KM. II II III ,ipiii . j-!!! " ! , i li' J ' r . ,,,,.., ,r. i I , " 4 " I (Copyright, 1M0, by Frank O. Carpanttr.) HANOHAI, 1900. (Special Corro- S pondanca of Tha Baa.) I want I to tell you what tha mission aries ara ooing in unina. uoin Protcatanta and Cathollca ara the advance guard of tha mod 'Lb ern movement, tha leaven which haa atarted the great batch of Chinese dough to working. They were tha first to atlr up the dry bunpy of tha celestial civilisa tion, and they are now everywhere aiding In putting the flesh and blood of our west ern methods upon them. Introduced by tha Catholics. The missionaries have been laboring here for several centuries. Tha Cathollca ware the first on tha ground. Thsy were here represented by tha Nestorlans aa far back as the eighth century, and whs,n Marco Polo visited Cathay ha found Cathollca here. Later still came the Jesuits, led by St. Francis Xavler, who, ilka Moses, died when on the ege of the promised land, and actively pushed by Matthew Rlccl, who was making converts In e Yangtss valley less than 100 yearj after Columbua discovered America. It was Jesuit priests who made the beautiful astronomical Inatrumenta at Peking, and who Introduced the flrat Ink ling of western civilisation centurlea ago. Since then Catholics of other denomina tions have come, and now there ara here Franciscans, Augustlans, Vlncentlans and mlHslona of that churoh from Belgium, France, Spain and Qermany. According to a geography of China Just Issued by the Jesuits, the Cathollo church now reckona Its following at 1,000,000 be lievers who have been baptised. It has forty-two bishops, 1,700 priests and about 0,000 chapels. Of lta priests 1.300 are for eigners. Work of the Protestants. A, the protestants, their foreign ataff now numbers about S,500. of whom lesa than 1,600 are men and almost 2,000 ara womon, Of tha latter 1,000 ara married and M single. Tha Proteatanta have mora than 6.000 mission stations scattered over the empire, and they claim altogether about 266,000 of a Christian community. They began their work only a little mora than 100 years ago, and at flrat made way, but slowly. As far back aa aeventy years since they had only six communicants. In 18T3 they had no mora than U0 and In 1SG6 only 2,000. Ten yeara later their con verts had Increaaed to 13,000, and In tha next decade that number had doubled. At present there ara between 2,000 and 2,000 native Protestant congregations, and their baptized Chinese number about 180,000. Tha missionaries claim that this Increase Is gratifying, and say that If they advanca during the next generation Jn tha sama ratio aa In the past, they will at tha end of that time have over 23,000,000 communi cants and a Christian community of over 100,000,000. Thla la one-fourth of the whole Chinese nation. I gave theae figures from missionary authorltlea and those of Pro testant Christianity. Tha 1 to man Cathollca Little Yarns About In Harry for the Money. i ii. o ijicnci firenuner un mti .IT 1 train?" asked a large, dark I Jt I vaaged man a he passed from rNiiiMi.l one blaeper to anothsr. At last. after be had loudly repeated hi query for the fifth or sixth time, a grave-looking gentleman laid aside a book and rose up from a seat near on . end of th car. "I have th privilege of being a minister of the gospel, sir," he said. "Can I be of any service to you?" "Yin." said the large passenger. "A fellow back in the dining car has bet tne $5 that it wasn't Lot's wife who got Joseph Into trouble, and I thought you jnlglit have a lllbl wlth,ju, so I could prove be was wrong and get the money." Philadelphia Record. t A Dr. Mt-Coah tor. Princeton graduates love to relate an old story about Dr. McCosh, who was pres idnt of the New Jersey college before Dr. F. L. 1'ation. Old Dr. McCoah waa very ttbbril-iuUii.d, and In making the an nouncement, at It o'clock chapul in tiie morning, had to have some reminder on a memo card or he was almost sure to (or get One day the Fr neb professor asked him Just as he was mounting the plat form In chapel, l announce to the Juniors that their class would meet at I that morn ing Instead of 10. The president nodded, but completely forgot about it, not finding any reminder among his written announce ments. A long prayer always brought chapel to a close in those days, and Dr. McCosh,' on this day, was almost through th prayer, when he suddenly remembered th request Undeterred, however, he slipped in an additional phrase Just before the "Amen" and the chapel faithfuls war ' edified to hear, among other petitions, "Aud, oh, Ood, cause the Juniors to re member that their French olasa at t this morning Instead of Hi.", The juniors remembered Newark Advertiser. Vncle Moac Dlvoreo, Th following story 1 told by Harris Dickson iu an artioi In buocess M-igaslue, entitled "Th Negro' Idea of Marriage." "Yam, uh." said Unci Mose, "dat one armed Justice o th peace sho do know his blxneta. M an' Maria went an' 'suited him 'bout a dlvo'ce. He says. 'Co's I kin mak you a dlvo'c. I reckon I can't Us no knot what I ci't untie. It'll b kinder rough, but you'll git unhitched, an' dat's what you want 'Tain t no use glvla' a lawyer $35 an' could make a much better showing. Tha great education movement which Is now going on In China was started by the missionaries and is largely carried on by them. Many of them are teaching In tha Chines government schools and most of tha text books are of their composi tion. The first Chinese-English diction ary waa made by the first Protestant mis sionary to China. This was the Rev. Robert Morrison, who arrived here In 1807. In connection with Dr. Milne he also mad tha first Chinese Bible. It was Mr. Wylle of the London Mission who pre pared the first Chinese school books In mathematics, and later text books on . other subjects, Inoludlng geology, were written by Mulrhead, Edklns and Wil liamson. The chief authorities on Inter national law and political economy now In use in the government academies and college were prepared by Dr. W. A. P. Martin, and geographies and other books by Dr. C. D. Tenney, the Chinese secre tary of our legation at Peking. The printing press was brought Into China by the missionaries. Dr. 3. Wells Williams used tha first metallic types at Canton, and the first power press was brought to Shanghai Ay tha Presbyterian board. Today the Presbyterian Press at Shanghai Is perhaps tha largest pub lishing house In Asia. It la pour ing fourth Bibles, books, tracts and magaslne at the rata of 90,000,000 pages per annum,' and Is distributing them all over China, In addition there ia the Mission Press of the American Metho dists, which in papering the country with Christian literature of one kind and aa other. Both of these establishments are pub lishing school books, -As to Bibles, they are distributed by (he American Bible society, which first came her about seventy-flva yeara ago. It now sends out about 750.000 volumes per year, and altogether Its circulation has run high Into the millions. Ureat Educational Work. But I started to speak about mission schools. They are to be found every where. There ar boys' schools rnd girls' schools, and kindergartens for both sexes. There are primary achools, Intermediate sohoola and high schools, as well as col leges of arta, medloln and theology. The Catholics have a university at Shanghai and a college and Industrial school at Secawel. five miles from fehanghul. with fifty other schoola near by, having an at tendance altogether of 3,760 pupils. They are doing som educational work in other cities, but so far as I can learn they am far surpassed by the protestants In this branch of mission labor. According to the latest figures, the Pro testant missionaries have over 2.000 primary schools and 3X1 high schools and colleges. In the primary schools 8S.0OO boys and more than 7,000 girls are now in attendance, and pay In' a lot o' cote costs on top o' that when I kin fix you up wld a home-made dlvo'c what'll last Jes' as long Dat Jus tic o' da peo talked so sensible dat we give htm da job den an' dere. Bless: yo' soul, it didn't take long. 'Jlne yo' lef hands,' he said, an' commenced to readln', fust out o' on book, den out o' another. I couldn't make heada or tails o' what 'twas about until be hit de same readln' what he married us by only he read dat part o' It backwards. 'Now!' he say, reel breef, 'we comes out de same gate we went In at. I turn you loose In the big road, right where I found you.' Ha charged us $1 tor mar ryln' us an $2 for unmarryln' us. It was more trouble to untie a knot than 'twas to tie M." Printer's t'rarerbook. ) In the National Monthly a story lstuld of an old printer having evolved the Idea of getting up a prayer book In which his mlnlHter gave blra every encouragument and helped him get It out After the prayer books wer printed the old man went to see the minister again, and said to him: "Now. one more favor 1 wish to ask of you. when you are fin ished with your sermon. Sunday morning, kindly anounce to the congregation that I have prayer books for sale." The n-lntster promised he would do this. After th ermoii, Sunday m f uing. the milliliter forgot all about th promise he hud mad to the old man, to announce about his book, but said to the congrega tion: "All you ladles, who have babies to be baptised, bring thein! thla afternoon for baptism." Th old printer, who was hard of hear ing, thinking that th minister was an nounclng his prayer book, got up and said: "Ye, and all th ladies who haven't any, oan get the whit ones fur M cents, aud black one for 23 cents." Ola On vfon"a Hat. Witty Archbishop Olennon of St. - Louis was outwitted by another compatrlo: a few daya ago with a Joke so good that It cost his grace a new hat. An Irish laborer was placing wood block paving at a crossing In front of th Meroaulil Trust ooinpany'a bank, in which th archbishop kevp hi account. The boss of the gang wa an Italian. The prelate, who dearly loves Ms Joke, bantered th son of Erin. "Well, my good man," (aid he, "how do you Ilk hav ing an Italian boss?" "Faith, your giac," retorted th man with th wood blocks, "an how do you Ilk havla' on yourself?" No on was VTUE OMAHA s lis4-V-- e YMCJ. 3oys Of S??7gta In the higher schools there are 12,000 young men and almost 2,000 young women. Thewe sm but small numbers In comparison with the 13,000,000 or 14,000.000 pupil In our public schools, but each of thece Chinese students will be a worklng'forc In th re organisation of the empire, and thla will be especially so with th women. Tha gov ernment schools for girls are crying for Chinese teachers, and the missionaries toll me that It ia almost Impossible for them to hold their girls until they graduate, be cause of the salaries offered them to leave, and go teaching outside. Medical Work. There Is on phase of mission work which la approved of by both Chines and forelgnora. The Chinese welcome It and contribute largely to Its support. I rfer to the medical missions. They ar doing an enormous amount of good. They are to be found In all the large centera, and the doctors connected with them could, If they would, leave and make fortunes by jxaotlclng among th wealthy Chinee. Notwithstanding this, they stay with their work and, on pitifully low salaries, wear themaelves out. The Protestants have now in China 19 hospitals and 241 dispensaries. They are treating more than 1,000.000 out patients each year, and this Is In addition to the 35.000 odd In the hospitals proper. Every well equipped mission station has Its dispensary and hospital, and the people are brought In for miles around. A great deal of work Is done by women doctors, who have been educated for the purpose In Prominent People more delighted than the archbUhup, who went in person to the nearest hat store, wnere he fitted the muddy Irishman with the finest hat he had eyer worn. San Franoisoo Argonaut. 1 Outclassed. In a small town over in Jersey there is a cigar store, according to ex-Sheriff Charles R. Fenton of Mount Holly, where half the male population gathere very evening to recount the events of the day. Some of the natives being polished liars, nuny pretty blg fish stories are told; a. so rabbit and snake stories, but whenever any gentul cltisen exceeds the speed limit the rest of the crowd walk out of the sto'r and go home, or In some other way show that they are In a doubtful mood. The sheriff wus familiar with this prac- tloe and consequently when he happened In the afuresaM. burg th other night and saw the clgur Htore crowd file out of the smoke shop one by one and start up the road he was not surprised. He mtr'ly wondered at th sixe of the snake or rabbit. "1 sev that th crowd couldn't stand It," remarked Charley to on ot thoue who were walking away. "Who la the offender tins time?" "Josh Smith," answered tho native. "How big was the snake that he killed?" siuhlngly queried Charley. "It wasn't a snake," returned the native, as he continued on his way. "He told us that hla mother-in-law had given him a quart of whisky for a Christmas present." Philadelphia Telegraph. 1U1 W Bring Fortune. It's an' ill wind that blows no good, and th hurricane which swept a tidal wav from the gulf to th state of Tabasco, Mtxlco, ' brought down millions of feet of mahogany and cedar and distributed It over hundreds of miles of that country, occupied by th poor natives and by plan tation owners who lost, their crops by th flood. I " rr " m " belong to th4 unfortunates upon whose premise it was washed by th storm tide. Thla vuluublo timber, the accumulation or a half a century, had fallen Into ravines and other Inacceasable reese from the mountain aid... wher It would have cost more than It. valu to hav. recovered by machinery or the construction of railways, fh tidal wave, asslsud by th heavy taiim. filled tb ravine, with a powerful stream, which swept th Umber out Into SUNDAY BEK: JANUARY Through the United Btatea. Moreover, medloal "Col lege for teaching native .women hav lately been opened, and In time China will hav Its own female physicians, Toasg Men's Christian Association. A new Influence which ha recently co Into Asia Is our Toung Men' Christian as sociation. It ia already on of the live forces of tb' part of the world, and Is doing wonder along edu cational and other lines. It has now a firm foothold In Japan, where the Toklo branch has a magnificent building with some thousand members. At Seoul a big modern struotura haa been put up by John Wanamaker, and the society is tha most popular young men's club of th Korean capital, while her at Shanghai the Institution building has. with Its lot, cost something like $200,000, and Is at fully equipped aa the average Young Men's Christian association of th United States. The Shanghai building is lighted by elec tricity and heated, by hot water. It ha large olaas rooms' with American desks, lecture rooms and club parlors: it has a modern gymnasium and up-to-date bath rooms. When I visited the gymnasium todny I found a score of Chinese young men working away tinder a physical trainer, and the yellow skinned fellows were doing almost a well aa th boy of our colleges. This Shanghai Institution has a lecture hall which seats 700; It haa a well patron, laed reading room, wllh Chinese and for th open oountry and over mile of terrt- tory. While food and clothing ar bing rushed to tha storm sufferers, many of them are wealthy with th stock of timber which they will soon b able to dispose of at good prices. Tradegry of th Hunt. ihl8 ,8 tne sad "tory of a tragedy down in the wild woods 0f Marys Landing, and tul1" ot tne J'11' anguish and other heart- r6lldlnf thrills that go hand-ln-hand with unquencnea inirsi. Kecontly a hand.some young Philadol- P'''8-0 named Dick went to Marys Landing w"n a PBlt' fi lends from New Jersey hu,,t f"r deer, and during the course of tno exclllif chase, which wanted nothing but dcer t0 mak It real T.'ddyeique, tn Philadelphia!! got separated from his" ori'lM'"""- . 'or coul'lc f hours he tramped around a:one- 1th ut meeting one opportunity to cl,ltn' S' ty. for tho only deer track ho aw a" UliU ljft tl,e Bu"d hy tna print of a pretty little school teacher's sliue laBt Bum",tr- tfuialehly a shot rang out iioin ins uintr siae. or tno DruKii, ana Clasp- ing his hand to his hip, Dick reeled for- ward with a despairing cry. His friends rushed through the bushes. "Groat Scott, Dicky," plteously exclaimed tho one who had fired the gun, as has face blanched. ,"i 'thought you were a deer! Havel hurt you?" "No, man, no!" was the almost lnartlc- ulato reply of Dicky,- whose hand still prosed hU side. "But you have broken the pint bottle in my hip pocket, and there tsn't any more soothing syrup within ten mlles."-Phlladelphla Telegraph. ' 4 ' I Tropical Costom Spoiled. The Spaniards damned us for one new custom in particular, when Wu went Into business In Manila, say a writer in the Bookkeeper. V'e didn't take well to the siesta hour, curriculum. It was no part of our business Also . It was one of the few local thing that the American absolutely refused to uk. into consideration by dove ing It into his commercial institution and by-laws. Promptly at the noon hour In the early days in Philippine cities merchants scurried home behind their liver led coachmen, while their employes ducked nlmiir (lilt nf tha aim tr ..In I n thai. K. . - ,, pl(lctfS. Tne stor, or rfl th, caBe mlKht M lockeu up tljht- u I0 ra. m.n.ed whll. th tore dined and took Its ft,rnoon nap. About I o'clock the oom- meni,! world awakened again, rubbed its bloodshot eyes, rinsed Its mouth ot a dark r-'-v-- .;! . ... , f t ;W. ,..i. ' . . ' r-"NS' A'-"' v,,.. 1.'- ' ' ' ' - 5 L '..1 kv':-'; ; i XT" lew - vfV? il' r r , 5 , t , t , . DO, If! 2.1, 1010. Efforts of 4 eign papers and periodicals, and also a billiard room, which attracta the better class of Chinese young men. The school rooms, which, when the building waa opened, were supposed to be large enough for th next ten years, were taxed to their utmost capacity before the first year was ended, and they ar now occupied from morning until late at night About 400 students are being prepared for college at a tuition of $12 per year, and there ar also classes for Chinese college graduates. There are evening classes for boya and men. ' Typewriting la taught and stenog raphic secretaries ar made. - 4 1 Shanghai Association. ' This Shanghai association la supported by the natives; and this Is true of nearly all the Young Men' Christian association In the empire. There I a large association In Peking, another In Tientsin, and other In Canton, Suchow, Hangchow, Hankow and elsewhere. There are over seventy flv conneoted with the college and other schools of China, and branches are starting In all of th great business centers. Tha merchants and literati , ar InteW ested in the Young Men'g Christian asso ciation movement. There ar BOO business men and scholurs of note who belong to the Shanghai Institution, and each of these pays 150 a year toward its support This gives It an Income from that source alone of $25,000 par annum, and th regular tui tion tea bring In confilderable. Tha awak ening of China is creating a great demand the Chinese who can speak and write and Some brown Usta: and grouchily returned to the tasks at trie desk or behind the counter, Nowadays few stores close at noon. All are anxious for the extra pesos the Amer- lean hoped to get by keeping open doors at midday, Scaring Customs Officer. in view of the almost universal complaint as to the United State customs servlc by returning Americans, It may bo well to ask Bostonians to Justify their reputa- uon ror standing for principles by lmltat- ing the example of Mr. Labouchere In dealing with such annoying experiences, "Lobby" wus held up by the German customs service and all his belongings pitched out of his trunk. , "Put those things back," said he to th Gt rman customs officers who had emptied his trunk. "That U your affair," they answered, "I stay here until you do," he replied; "but give me a telegraph blank." " 11 Mr- I.abouchere wrote' "To Prince Blsmaick, Berlin Regret cannot breakfast with your highness tomorrow. Ietained uiuci lnueiy. vjuiCKi us a riasn me German officers packed his trunk, and Lahouchero "went on his way rejoicing," and with "no thought of the morrow." Cleveland Leader. , One ou the Jndge. i a newly qualified . Judge In one of the small towns ot tho south, relates the Bal- timore American, was Irvine- ana of bis first criminal coses.. The accused was an old darky, who was charged with robbing a hencoop. He had been in court before on a similar charge and was then ac- quitted. "Well, Tom," began the Judge, "I see you're in trouble again." "Yea, Bah," replied the darky, "the last 'time. Judge, you was ma lawyer." ' "Wlu-re lu your lawyer this time?" asked the judge. - '1 ain't got no lawyer this time," an- swered Tom, "I'm going to tell the, truth." - I unlnhtu a Thief. A physician who keeps a Japanese house servant was having new flooring laid In hit office. The Japanese was greatly dis- turbed by the workmen, who Interfered with the smojthne of his household rou- tine. One day l.e camo to his matr with a look of alarm. One of th workmen had beon stealing eggs from the pantry. "Btialing eggs," said th doctor, "how's ... uw . that?" "I watch," explained th Jap. "I s him 7)..? O.Z---"l I T- r n m m I TT B . mm w mm I : Christian . -! . I .,-' ! i Hi I !- ! . . ST" v 7t " '.'' . r SBMSWWII I' 1 1 'I II Pl""iill English, and the boya know that they caji get five time as much salary If they ar so equipped. This fact Is crowd ing tha day schools of the association with pupils who wish to learn English, and the night classes are full of such men. Chin an 4 theOlyn Irwplo Games. Tha athletlo feature also forms a great drawing card. When th Young Men' Christian association came to China, ten years ago, the natives had no Interest In athletics. Th old Chinas scholar prided himself upon hi green goggles, his long finger nails, his attenuated form and his hollow cheat. With th bringing of ath letics Into the' publlo schoola and th or ganisation of military drill everywhere, physicdl exercise ha become popular, and the secretaries of the associations havo now no trouble in f'Ulns U''r gym nasiums. They have organised field (ts-ys at the different centera, and (.000 or 10, 000 come to such places aa Tientsin to take part In the annual meets. There are 9,000 student in the modern schools of Tientsin, and th Interest in such matters there is so great that an ad dress waa recently delivered to th stu dent on the subject, "When Will China Win th Olymplo Games T" Indeed, It I saf to say that before many year both th Chinee and the Japanese will b found In all International athletic com petitions, and It will not be surprising If an Aslatlo some day win the marathon. I find a trained physical director her In charg of the Shanghai gymnasium. He will start a national training school for physical directors, and native Chinese so trained will go out from her to hold pro fessorships, not only In other Young Men' Christian associations, but In th new school and colleges, which the governmeat I verywhore atartlng. l'olltge-Br secretaries. 'Tell ma something about the foreigner who are working here In the Young Men' Christian association," said I. . "W havo thirty-two Americans, Cana dian and English secretaries in China and Korea, all of whom ar working under th ausplcs of our International committee. These men are university trained; they represent such colleges aa Oxford and Cambridge In England, and Yale, Prince ton, Cornell and McQIll In America. We have also graduate of our western insti tutions and several from our theological seminaries. The Tientsin association waa atarted eight year ago byt Robert Galley, the great Princeton center rush, and he ha been reinforced by Robertson, who was formerly professor of mechanical engineer ing In Purdue, and by Cole, who waa a fellow in McGlll. Th secretaries are all men of high class. I am surprised at the high Chinese offic ials who are Interested in the Young Men's Christian association movement. Yuan Klilh Kal, the great general and statesman, has subscribed a great deal to the associ ation at Tientsin and Peking. Tong Shiio Yl has given a great deal, as haa also Apocryphal Tales put something in his coat that hang in th hall. I look in pocket and find gg; I look In pantry and don't find eggs. I will go tako them back from his pocket." "Oh, no," said th doctor. "That would be no better than taking them from the pantry. You must never take anything from another man's pocket." Th .Tan went awav with a. look of dlsan- polntment. A few minutes later the doctor vmauitt the hatrack in the hail where th workmen's coats wer hanging and found the Jap beating the coa a with a rug beater, aa well as In finer accomplishments. She "What are you doing?" exclaimed the not only stands ready to be a teacher, but doctor as he saw the dust rising from the In the endeavor to Inaugurate tha move coats, inont here. Is willing to aid In th eetab VI beat all the coats alike," said the Jap. lishmnnt of the school to th xUnt of "and the eggs they only muke the bad man sorry." New York 6un. ; having; the" Situation. Dr. Hilary Little Laycock ot Whoellng, at th recent diocesan convention In New York, said of a certain resolution: "It was, perhaps, unintelligible, like the Wheeling man's prayer. "This man, praying in niuetlng for a brother who lay very HI, cried: " 'Oh, Lord, restore unto us our brother, if It doth not Interfere with thy perquisite.' "The situation was saved by a deacon who shouted: " 'Hallelujah, the Lord knows what he meansl" St. Louis Globn-Democrat. Gives Wealth to Aid Girls. Almost out of the hearing ot the pass- Ing throng, wearing a quiet and somber garb of severe black, a princess of the royal blood and one time Countess Aure- lia Bethlen, maid-of-honor In waiting to the Empress Kllsabeth of Austria, but now plain Mme. Bethlen and lowly devotee at the shrine of the temple of Bahol, Is domiciled In Halt Lake City. Mmo. Ilethlnn, who, In her devotion to th religion which embraces the theory of a world-wide fellowship lit both brother- hood and sisterhood, claims to have given up her title, her royal attendants, car- rlagea, mansion and all that enters into court life, finds her mission In the fol- lowing of the tenets of her religion In the foundation of a school for girls In Kalt Lake tlty, or rather a horn for young womou In which Its Inmates will not ony be taught "social science and domes, tic arta." fitting them for home work, but th finer arts- aa well, such as music, pojuunK ana language. , me louowing oi nr ' religion, and In th following of her v religion, and her aDnolnted mission, relates tha R.iti.i, Hrald-llepubllcan. Mine. Belhlan ay D Workers A -fi .i 1 Wu Ting-fang, th former ambassador to Washington. Chen Mun Yen is a member of the Shanghai association, und Tong Kai San, en of the members of th opium com mission, bxlongs to th national commis sion. Many of the leading Institutions and busi ness firms of China ar subscribing to th Young Men's Christian association. Tne Chinese Merchant. Steamship company recently gav over $1,000 to th Shanghai association, and In that company there are alxty sustaining members, each of whom pays $00 a year. Teaching- the Chinese rrofessora. Th loung Men's Christian associations are doing much In the new education of China. There ara students' associations In various shools and colleges, which have membership of 80,000. They publish a paper called China's Youiig Men, which has a circulation of about 4,000, and goes Into every province of th mpirJ and In addition to this there are something like 12,000 copies of other publications primed each year. Robertson of Tientsin recently brought out a cabinet containing apparatus for th per formance of M0 different experiment In phyaics, and he Invited th professors nd duoaUonal authorities to witness thm. They wer greatly Interested, and as a result physics was Introduced in many of the schools. Nearly every association had It atereoptlcon lectures, and th au dience halls ar well filled, Th secretaries ara ready to do ail aorta of work along the line of th new move ment Not long ago the educational author ltlea of Tientsin wanted to Introduc electro-plating into their Industrial schools. They Imported a costly apparatus from abroad, but could not mak it work. They called upon Prof. Cola uf th Toung Men's Christian association, wh happened t be an expert on thla vwy Una H put th apparatus Into ahaj u4 haa iaaa con ducting th classes with. splendld auocass for two years. At present her at Shanghai and Tien tsin bureau of advlo hav been atab llahed for Chines atudents going abroad. Uer th young men oan buy their tickets, learn all about th character and standing of th great college of America, England and Germany and hav latter of Introduc tion which will help them oo their way. ' Another striking Illustration of the en terprise of thesa organisation waa th as sistance which th Chinese atudents got when they went to Japan. Just after th signing of tha Portsmouth treaty between Russia and Japan tha Chines began to go to the lat'.'f country for study. They cam at the rat of about 1,000 a rear. They wer away from home, and conse quently easily reached by Influence, good or bad, r The Young Men' Christian asso ciation of Toklo reoelved them with open arms. It got quarters for them, started classes in English and had meetings at which from 1,800 to 1,600 were present at once. It exerted an enormous influence, and this ia even now felt In China. FRANK O. CARPENTER. she oolleve In aarifloJ&I life. Sh has sacrificed .much already, ,and now gives her final effort when aha has settled upon her location. Choosing Salt Lake City as hor home and field of labor, sit haa determined upon th establishment of a school of social science. Her sincerity' Is shown in hor own gift. True to royal tradition she has had not onlv tha mIiiiui.. Won of a princess, but that of a woman who might hav to rely upon, hertialf some time, and ia an adept In doreesUo work persona sacrifice. Mine, Buthlen still has In her ponnnHslori several pieces of embroidered linens which she says are the handiwork of th lata Km press Elizabeth, and whioh wer per sonal gifts. Theso are to be offered by Mine. Bethlen In her endeavor to establish. the home for girls, now her ambition, and will soon be offered at auction. From th sale of these linens, beautiful In design and of even rarity In execution, Is anticl- pated by Mmo. Bethlen that she will se-y cure sufficient to establish the home. For her own efforts she asks nor expects not?"' ' which expresses the new relight of which she is the devotee. Mine. Bethlen has a personality p"cu llarly her own there Is no counterpart and after an Interview sh still leaves on puztled. Blncere, yet worldly wise; know- ing the rich, yet knowing th poor equally well; of refined education, ytt undnrstand- ing the illiterate, she Is almost a paradox.- Her religion and her cause, too, however, Is summed up In her own statement; "I was born of royal blood, that's what you cull It, but the man born In the hovel or the hut Is even better than I am. Why? Because he had no chance and I bad every chance." "But why did you give up your property and cut yourself off from your Hungarian family?" she was ssked. "When we are rich we forget God and our people," she answered. "When w are In poverty we remember Ood and our follow men first. I wished to llv with tha people and help them, and I could not do this unless I put myself in their clrcum- stances." Should her stated ambition be realised a school of social sclenc. wber girl and young women will be taught domeatlcUW will be will be estabiisnea in Bolt uta In LI .. 1 . T l, - j . l hrw.i will &an ha nn,..,J m - , . ' .--... for th girl nf tb aUeat. I