Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 23, 1910, EDITORIAL, Page 7, Image 15

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THTi1liTBTTWr. yfiiiiliil linlHiiiliiSwmna)
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Dealeri of Omaha Busy Preparing for
Annual Exposition.
Pick of Tfclrtr ThoaaanH-Oollnr De-po.
ratloaa at MadUnn ftqaare Gar
den Krparrd Unrnir .Now
Mtklni Manr
Automobile dealers of Omaha are already
making big preparations for the annun.1
automobile show which will be held at the
Auditorium February 28.-IO March 5.
They are securing show cars and ehssHis
from tholr factories In anticipation of the
how and are also Belt In promises of
polished parts exhibits which are now be
ing shown at other large shows.
Omaha, has a reputation to mulntaln In
the line of automnbllo shows for the ex
( hlhltlon of Isst season and the year before
set a pace which will be hard to follow or
to excel. Last year apace was at a pre
mium and besides the show was most
beautiful, but thla time more space will
be needed and an effort will he made to
make the show much more beautiful.
More apace win be provided by using the
basement of the Auditorium by utilising
the basement for commercial vehicles of
which a large display will be made. Deal
era feel certain that the time has come
where there will be a heavy demand for
commercial wagons aa the experimental
stage In these machines has passed and
they are now being built on a more sen
sible basis. Several Omuha dealers -will
have commercial ragons of different typs
to exhibit. The large stage at the Audi
torium will also be removed to prtAlde ad
ditional space and the accenaory mn will
be given space on the remainder of the
which are demanded by the city trade, aa
well as carrying a large supply of cars
CKpeclally adapted for the country trade.
Kvery dealer haa two or more kinds of
cars on exhibition. The Immense territory
surrounding Omaha has learned of the
many advantages to be lerU?d from
buying In this great automobile center.
Time Is a most essential thing In the
automobile Industry and the country deal
ers have .learned they can not only get
better deliveries on their ears from rminha
dealers, but also that they carl get needed
parts much quicker than from eastern Job
bers. Eastern shows have taught that the
demand for cars this year will far surpass
the ellpply- and dealers have taken advan
tage of this to get In as large a supply as
poHslble. '
Along Auto Row
Preparations for the Bhow In
All of the Oarages Ww Cars
Are Kow Arriving Dally.
Handsome Decorations Arranged.
The show will be beautiful at the expen
diture of a large amount of money and
same good management. The managers of
the Madison garden show at New Tork
had a large amount of statuary and beau
tiful decorations which they provided at
an expense of 30,000. Omaha visitors will
be" able to see the pick of these decora
tions as they have been secured for the
Omaha show. Some of the electrical effects
used last year have been preserved, but the
lighting will be doubled this year that
every nook of the big building may be as
light as day.
Every dealer In Omaha Is preparing to
.exhibit at the show, which will necessitate
vsome of the dealers, who have been In
Omaha the longest, giving up fome of the
spaoe they have .heretofore occupied. Thare
Is the utmost harmony among the dealers
and all are boosting to make the show a
big success. V
Auto row will put on a gala day attire
during the show and visitors will be sur
prised at the magnificent display of garages
which Omaha has t(i offer. Some of these
are unsurpassed b any" in the entire wtst.
More are going up every day and the limit
has not been reached.
The question is often asked. "How will
all these garages be able to make money T"
The answer Is simple. Omaha dealers are
a most discerning set and deal In cars
H. E. Fredrii ksir has a Gabriel trumpet
on his Chalmers-Detroit '"" demon
strator. This Instrument serves not only
the purpose of a road clearer, but it can
be usad to reproduce various airs and
tunes, particularly the bugle calls, and It
will be one of the novelties at the show.
"Thomas B. Jeffery Co., makers of
the new Rambler automobile, have paid an
unusual tribute to newspaper advertising
In devising their sales plans for the coming
year," said J. T. Stewart.
He said that It was formerly the custom
of automobile manufacturers to devote the
greater portion of their advertising appro
priatluna to the purchase of space In what
arc known as the standard mngaslnes, the
weeklies arid the trade publications.
During the past two years Thomas B.
Jeffery & Co. have, through co-operaon
with their dealers, carried advertising in
approximately 300 dally and weekly news
papers throughout the United gtatea.
Joe Matson and his Chalmers-Detroit will
attend the show in February, and inas
much as II. K. Fredrlckson Automobile
company will have a display at Its garage
on Farnam stieet, Matson will show there.
George Ade, the humorist, is a keen mo
torist. He likes to drle his own car. His
motoring experiences have been tinged with
Incidents which abound . In the quality
which has made him famous humor.
Mr. Ade's favorite machine is a Mitchell
roadster In which he has driven thousands
of miles over the Indiana highway.
Eight years ago. when living In Highland
park, a suburb of Chicago, he purchased
a cusved dash Oldsmoblle which the car
toonlse chum, John T, MoCutcheon, who Is
now shooting at Hons and tigers In Africa
with Colonel Roosevelt, christened . "the
rolling peanut" a name which. clung to It
until Its disintegrating days. '
The Kissel Auto company reports that
It Is more' than pleased with the interest
being displayed in the Kissel Kar. While
at the Kissel Kar factory a short time
ago Mr. Holtzlnger of the KiSBel Auto
company made arrangements with Mr. O.
L. Curtis, sales manager, to be In Omaha
during the auto show and states that Mr.
Oeorge Kissel. presldnt. and Mr. Frank
Edwards, general manager, are trying to
arrange matters so that they can spend
at least one day at the shbw. Mr. Holt
of the Kissel Auto company makes the
statement that, even though they have
been open for business but a abort time,
over cne-thlrd of tnelf early spring de
liveries have been spoken for. showing
that the buying public Is " beginning to
realise that an early order Is necessary If
they expect early deliveries.
The flying machine is advertised right
along In the automobile column of The
Bee. At present the Appcraon sales agency
has put on the MattheWson-Marrs aero
planes. Colorel Derlght will no doubt make
an aunouncement some time soon.
Colonel Derlght has engaged a flying
machine and an operator for the show In
Fep8ry. It will be one of the attrac
tions. t.. E. Doty, manager for Maxwell, Bris
coe Omaha company here, Is attending the
automobile show In Kansas City.
i '
( tiny Smith has received some of the
cars to be exhibited at the show. They are
attracting a great deal of attention.
The 1910 Vellcs are trim cars and strong.
A few to be exhibited at the show have
arrived. " 4
Charles Mers of the Standard Aulo Co.
entertained a party of friend last week,
touring through town In a National. The
National 1910 is the fastest stock car made.
The Sweet-Edwards company received
last week a large shipment of Parrys.
W" i- n ne nkn.l.a I (till. Id (ll'IIITI'DUa.
lii'g rapidly and will bo one of the swellest
-in the west.
Dentxe Barkalow has received some of
the cars to be shown In February. The
Packard Is one of the great cars of the
country. The Baker electric Is greatly
Improved over 1908.
Freeland Bros.7& Ashley are getting In
Masons and Midlands. Some of these will
be exhibited at the show.
The Invincible Schact will be here in all
of Its glory in February. This Is one of
the high wheel cars which has grown all
The International Harvester company
has brought out A new car, the I. H. C,
which will be shown In February, and
which Manager Rees.will push vigorously
In this section.
' Through territory never before entered
by a motor car and over some of the
roughest roads along the Pacific coast a
Franklin automobile waa recently driven
frtm 8eaWe, Wash., to lxs Angeles by
R. Oster and O. B. Roney. The two
retained Los Angeles after covering a total
distance of 3,568 miles without any me
chanical troubles whatever. Without giv
ing the motor car a rest they started to
mtka every large town In southern Cali
fornia within the next fifteen days.
All towns of Importance In Washington,
Oregon and northern California were
visited. It was found that the motos- car
CAB aTO. 1 Type 1, Bambler, S pas
senger Touring Car. 2 cyi., 18-20 H.
1 P., color blue, complete, full equip
ment, paint and tire first class ron
. ditton. Bale price M 30.00
CAM HO. t Type 1, Bamblsr, 6 pas
neuger Touring Car, t cyl., 1S-20 H.
P., color green, complete with top,
full lamp equipment, newly painted
and tires In first class condition.
Bale Price SSpO.OO
OA KO. 9 Model SlSambler, 6
passenger Touring Car, i cyl.; Zi H.
P., color red. complete with
top, full lamp equipment, paint and
tires In first class condition. Hale
price M00.00
CAB WO. 4 Model T, Bnlok, I pas
senger Touring Car, 2 cyl., 20-22 H.
P.. color dark red, complete with
top, full lamp equipment. Just
painted, tires good, car looks like
new. Sale price 9690.00
CAB 0. 8 wavsrly El so trio Bua
about, 2 paseiiKer, used very little,
batteries will give full mileage and
are worth price asked for car. tlre
good. Sale yrcn ......... .400.00
CAB BO. 0 Model 190T, Auburn, 6
passenger Touting- Car. 2 ryl., 23 it.
P., color dark red, complete with
top, full lamp equipment, 1nt
I painted, tires good, feale price 9500
' CAB HO. T Model 3V-A, xamoler
Roadster with double rumble seat
4 cyL. 34 Ii. P., color V'rtncU gray,,
full lamp equipment and Inula. I
Brand new, has never been used,!,
original selling price $3,260 00. Hale
1 price 91.467.e0
CIA.SH. WO. a Modal 31. kamblw. a
passenger Touring Car, 2 cyl., 22 H.
P., eolor Brewster green, full lamp
equipment, top, and tools, has de
tachable tonoeau. v Car used very
little. Urea in new condition. Sale
price 9850.00
CAB BO. S Model 34, Bambler 5
passenger Touring Car, 4 cyl., 84 H.
P.. color maroon, full lamp equip
ment and tools, paint and tires in
good condition. Bale price 91.4OO.00
CAB BO. 10 Peerless, 5 paasenger
Touring Car, 4 cyl., 40 H. P., color
Royal blue, full lamp equipment and'
loolB, newty painted, tires in good
condition cost new $4,000.00. Sale
price . 91.800.00
CAB HO. 11 Modal T, Stoddard
Dayton.' 5 panseiijjer Touring Car,
4 cyl., 35 H. P.. color red, with top,
speedometer, glass front, full lamp
equipment, gas tank, tire irons, ex
tra tires, tools, paint in good condi
tion. Sale price 91,500.00
CAB HO. 18 Model -T, 1909 Stoddard-Day
ton, 7 passenKer Touring
Car, color'Brewster green, full lamp
equipment telectrlc) magneto, shock
absorbers, gas tank, Jones' electric
horn, top, etc. Used less than 200
miles and cost $3,000. Complete.
Sale price M.400.00
CAB HO. 13 Model Z, 1909, MaiwelL
fi passenger Touring Car, 4 cyl., 30
H. P.. color red, complete with top,
speedometer, glass front, full lamp
equipment, generator, tools, horn,
etc., tires first class condition. Sale
price 91.000.00
CAB HO. 14 Stoddard-Dayton, s Pa
senger. 4 cyl., color dark red, with
top, speedometer, glass front, full
lamp equipment and generator, Tires
g-ood an new, guaranteed in good
shape throughout. Sale price 9600.00
CAB HO. 15 Cadlllae "SO," 1909 Model
4 cyl., 30 H. P.. Roadster, single
rumble seat, used one season and
In extra good condition. Just re
painted and tires good as new. With
top and wind-shield.- Sale price,
now 91,10000
CAB HO. 16 Bambler, 1908 Model 34-
A, 4 cyl., 34 H. P., roadster, color
French gray with double rumble
seat, electric lamps and dust shield.
Just overhauled and repainted. Sale
price 91,080.00
CAB HO. IT Hatfield Bngrraboat,
108 model. 2 cyl., 12 H. P., high
wheel runabout. Used less than six
months and a great bargain. Sale
price ,.. 9878.00
CAB HO. 18 Waverly Xleetrlo Bnn
about. Ptuno box body. Batteries
alone worth the price. Sale price,
now 9300.00
CAB HO. 19 Jewell, 1908 model, 1
cyl., 2 cycle, ( II. P. motor. Top,
paint , and tires in good condition,
used one season. Sale price 9178.00
CAB HO. 80 Chalmers-Detroit, 1909
model F, Touring Car, 4 cyl., 30 H.
P., color red. Car has top, auto
matic glass front. $40.00 speedo-
meter, 108011 magneto, generator
and tools. Driven 1,600 miles. Jut
repainted. Original cost $1,875.00.
Sale price IL250.OO
CAB HO. 81 Chalmers-Detroit, 1909
model F, T6urlng Car. This was
our demonstrator and we guarantee
this to be In first class condition.
Price Includes top, generator and .
tools. Sale price 91,000.00
CAB HO. 83 Xaos, 1909 model Sport
about, 4 cyl., 30 H. P., Roadster,
color red, with double rumble seat
fitted with dust slilttld. Atwater
yKent system, Flsk demountable
' rlnia, tire Irons, generator and tools.
Car and tire in good condition and
repainted. Cost new $3,000. Snle
price 91,800
CAB HO. 99 Beo, 1908 model, 8 cyl.,
22 H. P., Touring Car, with top, etc.,
cost new $1,2(0.00. Sale price, .
now 976000
was the only means of conveyance to some
of the smaller towns. In order to make
such places as San Jose, Fresno, Paso
Rubles, San Luis Obispo and Uakersfleld
the car had to be driven over many cir
cuitous routes.
Colonel Derlght will exhibit the loco
mobile in February ard will no doubt have
some of the prettiest cars ever brought
to this part of the world.-
W. Xj. Huffman Is attending ' the auto
show Inl Kansas City.
The Chicago show begins
and about t.11 of the Omaha
attend. .
February 6
ealers will
Wallace Auto company expects to have
some of the smartest Steams cars made
on exhibition at the show.
The new plant of the Ford Motor com
pany Is located at Highland Park, a suburb
of Detroit, about seven miles from the
center of the city. Until' tho erection and
occupation of this new factory It was a
strictly ' suburban residence district, with
Its corner grocer, village marshal, Inter
urban cars and those other conveniences
of which all similar villages can. boast.
The new factory has worked a complete
change. The store is there, but so are a
dosen more; the suburban residences re
main, but their number has more than
tripled; the Interurban also connects, but
so does a regular short interval service of
the Detroit Urban railway.
The little village has been converted Into
a hustling, bustling manufacturing center
with a new bank., a new church, a new
business block and several new business1
Midwest Auto company has received
more pretty Cole cars and will have a
large display at the show.
Manager Oouli of the Ford Motor com
pany spent last week In the southwestern
part of the slate.
A run from Oklahoma City to El Reno
and return, a distance of sixty-seven miles,
In one hour, fifty-seven minutes, and-three
seconds was recently made by a Franklin
motor car In a race between those two
Of eight contestants the Franklin, en
tered and driven by Ray Colcord of Okla
homa City, was one of three to finish the
course. The other five were put out of the
race by rough roads, which made fast time
impossible. The air-cooled Franklin was a
twenty-elght-horse-power motor car.
The Pioneer Implement company Is plac
ing more Jacksons this year than in the
history of the car.
It Is a matter of impossibility
the demands for Fuller oars.
to meet
Drummond Is receiving some of the nif
tiest White steamers ever brought to this
section of the country.
The Auburn Is to be displayed by the
Omaha Auto company, and also the Rider
Lewis. The Overland is becoming one of the
most popular cars ever brought to the
ststes of Iowa and Nebraska. Henry II.
Van Brunt Auto company la pushing the
ear rigorously.
President Herring of the Atlantic Auto-
mobile company Is pushing the"Reo, Pre-'
mler and Ford ln1owa and Nebraska, and
Is meeting with abundant success.
I4es tabs Jseresie,
At present there are over 4.0"0 motor
cabs in London, and the number Is Increas
ing at the rate of 1.500 a year. Horse
drawn cabs are doomed to disappear, as no
one ever uses them Jf taxicabs are avail
Terrible Nervosa Strain.
A rgther needy-looking man hurried ex
citedly from the rear coach Into the one
ahead. "Has any one got any whlakeyT"
is shrilly Inquired. "A lady back there has
Half a down flasks were offered In
stantly. Seising one, he looked at It criti
cally, uncorked It, put It to hi lips, and
took a long, lingering pull.
"Ah!" he exclaimed, with gusto. 'T feel A
better now. Peeing a woman faint always r
did upset me.'
A Wonderful ' Business
We have tolcf in a book--which we ask you to send for one of the greatest business stories
ever told. A story of how John N. Willys stepped in two years to the topmost place in motbrdom.
Of how Overland automobiles rose in 24 months to this year's salef $24,000,000. ; How a factory
has grown like magic to a payroll of 4,000 men to a daily output of 30 carloads of automobiles.
And how a large part of the demand of the country has been centered around one remarkable car.
The Discovery
Here is an outline of the story-
enough to make you want it all.
Two years ago, Mr. John N. Willys was
a dealer in automobiles. There came to him
one day a remarkable car evidently the
creation of a mechanical genius. The sim
plest, sturdiest, smoothest-running car that
anyone around there had seen.
The name of the car was the Overland.
And the price then, $1,250 was as amaz
ing as the car itself.
The saW of this car spread hke wildfire.
Each car sold brought a call for twenty
others , like it. . Old and new motor car
owners came by the score to deposit ad
vance money attracted by the Overland's
matchless simplicity.' - v
But the cars did not come. And when
Mr. Willys went to the makers h found
them on the verge of receivership.; ,
The genius which had created this mar- '
velous car could not finance the making in
the face of the 1907 panic.
The New Start
Mr, Willys in some way met the over
due pay roll took over the plantand con
trived to fill his customers' orders.
Then the cry came for more cars from
every place where an Overland had . been
sold. As the new cars went out the de
mand became overwhelming. The factory
! capacity was outgrown in short order.
Then tents were erected.
Another factory was acquired, then an
other; but the demand soon outgrew all
During the next fiscal year these factories
sent out 4,075 Overland cars. Yet the de
mand was not half supplied.
Dealers fairly fought ' for preference.
Buyers paid premiums. None could be con
tent with a Usser car when he once saw the
All this without advertising. About the
only advertising the car ever had was what
users told others.
The Pope-Toledo Plant
Mr. Willys! . next step was to buy the
Pope-Toledo factory one of the greatest
automobile plants in the country. This
f ave him four well-equipped factories just
6 months from his start.
But the Toledo plant wasn't sufficient.
So he gave his builders just 40 days to com
plete an addition larger than the original
Then he equipped these buildings with
the most modern machinery with every
conceivable help and convenience so that
cars could be built here for less than any
where else. , .
' Now 4,000 men work on Overland cars.
The output is valued at $140,000 per day.
The contracts from dealers for this season's
delivery call for 20,000 cars. (
r Now this man has acquired 2 acres
around his Toledo plant. And his purpose
is to see from this time on-k that those
who want Ovcrlands get them.
Marvelous Sales
Dealers had ordered 16,000 of the 1910
Overland models before the first car was
delivered. That means that each Overland
sold the previous year had sold four others
like it. .
And without any advertising.
This years' Overland.' sales will exceed
$24,000,000. Yet the Overland is but two
years old.
The $1,000 Overland
This year an Overland better than last
year's $1,250 car i being sold, for $1,000.
That is because the tremendous'production
has cut the cost 20 per cent.
A 25 horsepower car, capable of 50 miles
an hour, for $1,000, complete with lamps
and magneto. Never did as maker "give
nearly so much for the money.
There are higher-powered Overlahds for
$1,250 $1,400 $1,500. They are just as
cheap in comparison as the $1,000 model.' ,
The Overlands are unique in simplicity.
They operate by pedal control. A ten-year-old
child can master the car in a moment
They are made in the same factory, and
by the same men as made the Pope-Toledo
; a $4,250 car. The reason for the price
lies in the production of 125 cars per day. ,
Get the Whole Story
Send me this coupon to get the whole
story, told in a fascinating book. Learn
about the car which in two years captured
so large a share of the whole trade of the
country. See what has done this what there
is in the Overland to make it the most desired
car in existence. Please cut out this coupon,
now. '
F. A. Barker, Sales Manager,
The Willys-Overland Company
Toledo, Ohio
Please send me thejjook.
All prices include
Magneto and full
lamp equipmeat
Members of Asso
ciation Licensed
Automobile Mena
facturers,UceBsel Under geldea
0r.rUd Models 8 lric$l,000, 25 h. p.-182-iack wheel Use. K&fUal
with sile rumble seat, touble rumble seat 44 Toy
ToBoesa at slightly additional cost.
- -
Ortrlaad Model 41 Pries $1,400. 40 h. p. 112-inch whssl Um
$ paastngsr,' Tif lamps and nag nsts Included.
Van Brunt Auto Co., Omaha, Neb.
JTOirra ART) BIABDIS, XASroraa, WZB. Distributors for Western and Central Vebraska.
Mr. Prospective Purchaser!
m" T n" i ;,'"". J. 1 I'mnni'm, , .m iM n. mum n i i r .''mmm
r ' ' '" m .. .. ..... ....... i. ... i ,. i ,.. , . ... .. .,l.l.,. --.zzzrzz
1 .
In your automobile you want the maximum efficiency, speed and durability for the minimum price,
don't youT Of course! N v 4 r
. ' This 30 H. P. MOON 4-CYLINDER, 4V4 in. x 5 in., at $1,500, embodies the latest in design, work
manship and material. Call at our new garage, look the oar over, test it and we will prove'it to be the
best car on the market for the price. Better even than most higher priced cra. ,
We are showing other good cars at different prices to suit your pocketbook and inclination.
32 II. P. PARRY, 4 Cyl ..$1,285 45H. P. MOON, 4 Cyl., 7 PaasengK $3,00
50 h. p. American traveler, $i,050 h. p.-American traveler, $4,0
Our storage facilities and repairing equipment are as good, if not better, than any in the west. Our new concrete and
steel building insures your car against loss by fire. We invite inspection and our watchword is PROMPT SERVICE.
MOON, Model SO, 1,500.00.
We want agents in unallotted territory,
in Nebraska and Western Towa.
Mr. Agent!
Sweet-Edwards Automobile
2052-2Q54 Farnam Street.
At Last We Have It!
All you have ever desired in a car
even moderate price is embodied in
We will be pleased to meet our friends
. and patrons and demonstrate this .
old and reliable car. :: ::
' 2016 Farnam Street
will rent that vacant bouse, fill those vacant
rooms, or secure boarders on short notice
at a very small co?t to you. Be convinced,