THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: JANUARY 23, 1910. lJWsl,WWeWMPsW"i 1 r'l( ' .' ':' ".!,' . iB5"- r hi. .. v : .. i u , xr f i"-. f 1;; ,i V'lii:r'.!i'. ' '?'r';.-- ; IMMKIk. A miliimlll Jlililli w ill it iliiliiliiiiiiitfiitiiiili iiiiiliniHim Vi h 1 If rv W ... i ' FOREIGN CARS IN FLAG TO FLAG Dozen Prizes Are Offered for Different Farts of the Long; Sun. AUTO SHOW AT MEXICO CITY Pnmlnrnl Prople of Both Repabllrs Are Taking lat.rrat la tho Coming Uag-DltUnc Rao. I Growing In Importance and proportion! very day the International flag t flag contests between the United Slates and Mexico are attracting widespread and merited Attention from manufacturer, dealer, private owner and clubs through out the country. Widened In ecope, va riety and attractiveness, this banner series of events will prove a potent factor In the west and In the rich republic of Mexico. The combined contest will be held In con nection with the centennial celebration of Mexico-In 191l ' The flag to flag contest was originally concejved by Q. A. Wahlgrern of Denver, who planned an endurance and reliability run from Denver to the City of Mexico for a handsome trophy of his own offer ing. In furtherance of this plan a Chalmers-Detroit car, driven by Billy Knlpper, with F. Ed Bpooner and g-uldt-e, last spring made a pathflnding trip from Denver by way of El Paso to the capital city of the Dlai republic. Enduring great hardships In the desert wastes, this party finally succeeded In reaching their destination. They were met with a most enthusiastic reception. President Porftrlo Dlas In per son received Mr. Wahlgreen and the path finders who bore letters of greeting and liocd feeling to the ruler of Mexico from Oovernor Bhafroth of Colorado and Oov ei nor Curry of New Mexico. Then the thousands of motoring enthusi asts of the great state of Texas urged upon the management of the contest to change the route through Atnarlllo, San Antonio and to cross the border at Eagle Pass. The Amarlllo and Ban Antonio ctubs undertook the work of making' a pathflnding trip from the border through these towns into Mexico, where the original 'route was later joined. The International club of Ban Antonio, of which the most prominent clt Ixens of both republics are members, was especially active. Closely following the resurveylng of the route came the announcement of the cen tennial celebration In Mexico In 1910. It wae then considered advantageous to post pone the flag to flag competition In order to make It a part of the Mexican festivi ties and so to promote further the era of good feeling between the two countries, Iattereat fa Areused. With this plan for holding over the con test the American manufacturers, who had rontmnlatd etiterlncr were most heartllv In accord. They felt that they would scarcely be able to supply the home de mean xor cars jusi now, wniis in uiouior season they might be able to consider the Mexican market, which, in the opinion of experts, is favorably disposed to Amerl can-made cars since the performance of the Pathfinder. Since the announcement of the decision to run the flag to flag event as a part of the Mexican centennial celebration those Interested In both .countries have been co operating In an endeavor to make this contest one of the notable and memorable features of the international program. Once more the people of Texas have come to the fore. The International club of Bon Antonio and the automobile club of the same city have been working hard perfecting arrangements. According to the present program Instead of having merely the main prise or Wahlgreen trophy for . the winner in an. endurance run from lenver to tne city ot Mexico mere win be about a score ot trophies; in place of one event there will be practically a doxen. The Wahlgreen trophy as originally In tended will be awarded the car making the best record from Denver to the City of Mexico In an endurance and reliability tour along the lines of the Olldden contest, with such modifications s the character of the country traversed make necessary. There will be a trophy for the car malt ing the best endurance and reliability showing from Denver to San Antonio, and another fop the car making the best showing In endurance and reliability from San Antonio to the City of Mexico. A trophy will be olfered for a race between the City of Mexico and San Antonio and cues for-winners of locl Texas races and endurance contests from Kort Wqrthk Hi Paso, Eagle Pass, Amarlllo, Houston, Dallas- and other points all scheduled to reach San Antonio at the same time or on the day when the contestants In the big events arrive. Awards will be made in gasoline economy testa and also for the best tire showing. ' " ' A control of one or more days will be established in San Antonio, during which time there will be receptions, track races and similar events. There may be a depart ment for motorcycles In the program, but this is yet to be determined. The Individual owner as .well as the manufactured will have an equal chance In the various events and anyone who cannot find a class or a department fitted according to his ideas will indeed be hard o please.' , Monster Aato Skun. Vpun Ike arrival of the contestants in the City ec Mexico will be held a monster automobile show at which the contesting cur's ai'.i other American, models will be qtuplaysd. Of course, tl4 Americans will come in for more than their share of recognition in the festivities Incident to the centennial celebration. Honor Andres Garsa Oalan, who has hung up a tl.CKM cash vurse fur the winner of the Han Antonio-Mexico rare, has the following to say concerning the 'coming Important events: "Although there are now over C.OuO cars In Mexico, the field Is yet comparatively u n worked. Attention thus far has been only paid to the city region where the motor car U but a luxury. It is in the great ranch and ' farm region where the need ot the quick transportation afforded by a motor car Is felt Miles of plains Stretch in msny sections where the going la like asphalt, and the good roads move ment Is gathering force. , The American built machines are deciJeJly In the rna Joilty now, the ratio being something like to L O.Uy in Mexico City are the Euro pean cars to be found In any number, and even there those manufactured In the states are .greater In number. There are several reasons for this. The American cars have been found btHer adapted to the rough going' often aa-;?untered. their parts are more easily replaced when broken, snd amende are lielng located . In most of the larite crtlcs. Then the Ameri can cars cost about one-half as much for the same grade es the European models, while giving better service. "The .European builders are not' Inclined to allow the American manufacturers to capture the honor unchallenged, however, end plans hsve been made to establish factories for the manufacture of European modols In Mexico. The government will, of course, assist anything that will add to the commerce of the republic, and the labor problem Is much the same as in Europe. This will -have to be met by the American builders If they hope to hold their Mil, The country Is well worth fighting for, as the ranch owners sre alive to the benefit of owning a motor car and It Is only the matter of a short time before the demand will be more than double. "In the nirrvemcoit for good roads Mexieo Is not backwarfl. The capitsl rivals Paris In Its asphalt boulevards, and now a road is being constructed from the City of Mexico to Puitbla, a distance of nearly 200 miles. This Is the case all over the republic, and the movement Is growing In popular favor with the evidence of Its benefit. "The flag to flajr trip Is expected to add greatly to the Interest In motoring In Mexico. Already I have had assurance that European . cots .will be entered In several of the contests. The builders cross the water are -ery eager to win this test, and It is up to the American manufacturers to hold the ground they have gained." MOSTLY F0UES ARE NOW SHOWN SKS.aa- I' Bat Few Two and Sis-Cylinder Care exhibited at Mevr York, At the New York shows, one thing that impressed me greatfy was the remarkable excellence of all automobllos lu general," Roy Cofoen, manager of the Raclne-Sattlny company said,' on his return from his visit to the two shows. It seems," ha continued, "that, at last the Industry has entirely passed from that experimental stage and han reached that stable state of perfection that tho public has long looked for. Other things with which I was Impressed were: The good showing of the moderately priced cars and the absence of the two-cyllndor, and espe cially six-cylinder, cars from the exhibits of several of the manufacturers who for merly exhibited them. "On the other hand, the four-cylinder cars have enormously Increased In number of models and makes." Disgraceful Conduct of liver and bowels In refusing to act Is quickly remedied with Dr. King's New Life Pills. 25c. For sale by Beaton Drug Co. PLEA FOR MORE UNIFORM LAWS Terry Adrocates Some Action Be Soon Taken for Benefit of Aatoists. THIRTY-THREE STATES 1 VARY Tourist Have Hard Time Trjlng to Conform to All the- Laws of .jf Varloas Commuattles They Traverse. V Charles Thaddeus Terry's plea for uni formity In automobile legislation before the convention of the National Civic Fed eration In Washington last week struck a popular, chord. As chairman of the legis lative board of the American Automobile association, Mr. Terry has devoted, per haps, more study to the question of uni form automobile legljlatlop than any other Investigator in the country. He drew up a few years ago the uniform state vehicle law, the salient provisions of which have been adopted by several state legislatures, and he also drafted the bill for a national registration law, which Is to be re-lnlro-duced Into congress at the present session. Mr. Terry, in ivlew of his familiarity with automobito legislation In the United States, was Invited by the officers of the National Clvlo Federation to explain the necessity (or uniformity In this respect. The Importance of the subject was cfearly realized by Mr. Terry's cleiw-cut statement, that . thirty-six states of tho union have general statutes regulating motor vehicles, and no two of them are alike. Mr. Terry's speech virtually outlined the fundamental objects of the coming Na tional Legislative oonventlon, to be held under the auspices of the American Auto mobile association. In Washington, Just one month later, on February 16. 16 and (17, to which the governors of all the states have been Invited to send ad delegates their ac credited , representatives In charge of the enforcement of their respective automobile laws. He said: "There are thirty-three states which have separate, distinct and, In many re spects, very different motor vehicle regu lations. When you consider this, and the further fact that even within the borders of a single state, in not a few Instances, the separate counties, towns, villages and cities have passed motor vehicle ordinances peculiar to such localities and differing one from another, and all differing In some re spects from the motor vehicle law appli cable to the state In general, you get as a net result confusion worst comfounded. Uniform Laws Weeded. "There are two ways In which this par ticular evil may be cured one ( Is by the enaotment by congress of a federal regis tration automobile bill, providing only, in v substance, that upon reglsatlon at a bureau of the national capital after regis' tratlon has been bad In the state of the residence of the owner of the motor vehlel?. his license to operate and use the vehicle shall be recognised by every state In the union, and thus freedom in the use of the vehicle secured, without further license and without payment of further fees; the other, by the enactment of all the states of a uniform motor vehicle law exempting non resident fromNts registration provisions, as does, for example, the law of the slate of New York. "No one will dissent from the proposition that uniformity In motor vehicle regulation Is not only expedient, but In the highest degree desirable. It Is conceded that more harm and Injustice are sometimes brought about by lack of uniformity of the laws of the verlous states than by Imperfect or even bad laws In special instances. No where Is this better Illustrated than In the ccse of travel upon the highways'. 'To take a concrete example, suppose that one were'to start In his motor vehicle at New York to make a trip to Washing, ton to transact business with his govern ment. He will have no sooner left the ferry boat on the Jersey shore, before he wlK be stopped and notified that he can proceed no further. He will find that what ho had always assumed to be his natural right, to use the highways of the country so long as he scrupulously regarded the rlhts of others upon the highway, has been erected Into, a privilege to be pur chased only by the payment of money and the expenditure of time and trouble In seeking out one of the government officers and paying fees for a so-called 'license.' He must find the proper officer at the place where these fees are received, fill out and sign an application blpnk, pay his money and receive four tags, each one' of which Is good for two days' enjoyment of this grand privilege of using the highways, and after he has done all these things he will find that the state Is not yet satisfied. He must, before he may proceed. flf nut and execute a regular power of attorney making the Secretary of state his agent to receive process In .any proceeding which may be brought against, him while he Is enjoying this so-called Inestimable privi lege. Trouble at State Lines. ' "When he reaches the borders of the state of Maryland he will be again held up and obliged, before he will be allowed to con tinue his Journey, to go through very much the same process as he did when he at tempted to cross the borders of New Jer sey. He will be put to pretty much the same annoyance. Inconvenience and ex pense when he attempts to cross the line Into the District of Columbia, and It will be very likely that when he reaches the seat of his national government he will be so incensed as to have entirely forgotten the business upon which he came, and be possessed only with the Idea ' that there should be some power In the national gov ernment to remedy the evil of which he has been a victim, and that if there Is such power, It should be speedily and ef fectively applied. "There seems to be no reason why regu lations applicable in one section of the country should not be equally applicable to everywother section, why the provisions of law adequate for one state should not be equally adequate for every other state. It would seem that In this country of ours If we are really a nation there Is no reason why a license to operate a motor vehicle good ht New York should not be Equally good In San Francisco and In every portion of the highway between these two cities, and why one knowing -thoroughly . the law under which he has secured such license should riot be able to proceed from New York to San Francisco In the perfect confidence that if he obeys that law he will not bo violating the law of any of the Jurisdictions traversed by the highway upon which he travels. "The automoblllst claims no special priv ileges, but he claims the right to fair treatment, nnd to that end, that the laws which regulars the use of his highways shall be so plain and reasonable that he who runs an automobile may read them, and may obey them, and still may travel with comfort and freedom from Intolera ble exactions and needless burdens." MOVING BUNCH OF BIG FIGURES Slslns; Vp Railroad Ruslness Cause - Shortage In the Cipher Market. The most marvelous array of statistics presented for some time past was that offered by the Bureau of Railway News and Statistics. These figures are so stu. pendous that one can scarcely comprehend their real meaning as they stand In orderly rows, divided Into groups of three by portly commas. Figures are mounted up so rapidly nowadays that the statisticians have to keep on hand an ample supply of ciphers. In ten years, nearly 17,000,000,000 people were carried by the railroads of the United States, and In a single year, 1908, 1,500,000, 000 tons of freight were transported over the shining rails from one part of the country to another. The weight ot Individual locomotives has increased 115 per cent, and the number 75 per cent, there being now almoat 7,000 puffing over the United States. The In crease in the capacity of freight cars has been approximately 120 per cent, making their presunt carrying capacity more than 71.000,000,000 tons. j Perhaps the statistics giving the num ber of railroad employes are the most im pressive; nearly 1,600,000 people, an Increase of 67 per cent, are now on the payrolls of United States railroads, drawing a compen sation of $1,000,000,000 a year, an Increase of 110 per cent over ten years ago. Na tional Magattne. - O 1 1R E C T O R. "V- OF AUTOMOBILES AND ACCESSORIES I , Roadster, 4 cyl., 8 passenger 1,100 I jff g mm Touring Car, 4 cyl., 5 passenger 91.350 I i Touring Car, 6 cyl., 7 passenger $3,000 yUUncU Coit Automobile Co., 2203 Farnam St. nrarrs TANKS md PUMPS u. m. pinnKKiun, 6821 Brandala Building. . ' 1 Tins sf-flAOtT AH COOLED AUTO I BlO 8 E JrlE v The car that solves the delivery problem. Call Hlla ilH lillln UP for demonstration. sf , Ksa COMMXKCXAXi AUTOMOBILI CO. i 01 Booth Tenth Street. Douglas 8734. &&i&f2& Vlallaca Anfooobne Co. motor car 24th Near Farnam Street. r i W. L. Huffman & Go i ' Inter-Stata, $ f ,750) DeTampla, 202S Farnam Straat 5550l HuprttOblle, .7.50, BRUSH RUM ABOUT DBirQif-ElRCtriC PloneeJMmplemrlnt Co. UOUUgg. Ubblllb Ceundl Btutfe. Iowa. Mobtfs Electric .BSr II.E.Frodrlckson Automobile Co. Sg 044-4-4 PA NAM TWKKT DerightAulomoliilBCo.SSs ilonry1 II. Van Brunt 3HT "MURPHY DID IT" m. "Bfi! 14TH AMD JACKSON Trimming A nftlftM The easiest riding car in the world. UiUU.lUU 0-I". LOUK, 1808 Farnam Street, State Agent. - SUEET-EDUARDS AUTO CO. S.?, 2052 FARNAM STREET PARHY $1285 N. K. WILCOX. OMAHA. NIB. CHAS. MIRZ Standard AutomobilB Co. .asS'" Nebraska Quick Auto Company taw tatk, m iiirr, kw a t. sidles. ! Umj. c a van, ban IMTCD QT ATE 1,750 FuM' wm- ciuWhT. y I C("0 I H I L W' L """MM & CO.. 2025 Fima St. , Dlntrlbvtor. sJs) His im mu etiMoPLirTotcr0MPANy. WvLTWVy U Council Bluffs. Iowa. . ?NCoit Automobile Co.-. 2209 rnam Straat THE PAXTOII-MITCJIELL CO. AB, Douq. 7281 2318 Harney Street. A-2011 MIDLAND MASON FREELAND BROS. & ASHLEY, 1102 Firosa St. FRANKLIN PEERLESS GUY L. SMITH, 2207 FARNAM ST. If3.?! REO, FORD, PREMIER. ATLANTIC AUTOMOBILE CO., Atlantic and Council Bluffs, Iowa R. R. KIMBALL s,Mif ! ?JT" tOl Faraani SlraaL PT R. R. KIMOALL, li 2026 Farnam St 1 BAKER ELECTRIC DHr2' IIALLADAY In its class without a peer. C. F. LOUK, State Agent, 1808 Farnam St. APPERSON SALES AGENCY 1102-4 Farnam St. WHDT Jli PIaaimak Wood's Electric A HH 1 DRUMMOND 1024 Firniai St. KISSEL KAR ssskussel auto go. muukk Iirill $3,000 60 H. P. 2016 Farnam St. mil MOTOR CARS VEUE AUTOMOBILE CO., 1202 Farnam SI. John Deere Plow Co.,. Distributors. Ford Motor Co., iSKSWdSmi' Linnib)5Qe 43&V INTERNATIONAL "JflBK L U. C ROADSTERS X'utos SMS life "w m 1 Safety in Automobiling is Everything The railroad puts safety first. Rolling stock-road bed are planned primarily for safety. Thousands are spent on safety appli ances. Safety in automobiling is as important as safety in railroading. The Locomobile is a safe automobile It's record is clean. Strong, heavy axles, Loco mobile construction. Second growth hickory wheels-im mens e ly strong, cannot come off. 1 Substantial, safe steering mechanism, Locomobile construction. Bronze steering wheel, no alumi num. Powerful brakes, two independent sets; durable and dependable. When you and your family tour in a Locomobile, , you feel safe; you enjoy every mile; you are free' from worry. J.J.DERIGHT CO. 1818 Farnam Street Omaha, Neb.