TITE OMAHA SUNDAY T1F.E: JANUARY ' 23, 1910. I Public Taste and Immodesty ai the Theaters HB -question of what should or T should not b shown t the thpater la to be liiilfl fcy.lan at Ts Moines, If the piprnl agitation culminati-a In thp ptaa( of tli ordinance p nd- li.K bffor the council of that rlt'y. In debating the matter, Mr. Anderson, Ura- malic editor bl tha writes thus: I'es Molnrs Capital, Bo much hysteria and no little common sn la manifested In the wholesale ar raignment of the atage by most of the iflormnra that to anvocale calmer and saner consideration or Lie autiject seemx Kittle. HbikI1b, the question has been no thoroughly discussed Ui tne.se column in the pant that no far. aa my own view are ioncernd there Is iittle to add. Hut 1 have too much pride In the city's progrtFS to stand by without proteHt at an attempt ti set the town back, theatrically, Into the days of th i'utitans. 'the original theater ordinance Introduced In the city cuunctl this week In abwurd enough to place lea Moines In the llmr lllght of ridicule of the entire country. 'I ne uiutive which Inspired the drarttng of the ordinance may have been sincere. 1 shah question that. Hut in the over-xeaioux attempt to curb Indecent and perniclnuit exhibitions, a literal Interpretation and en forcement of the ordinance, if passed, would prohibit tha presentation of any play which- treated of crime or suicide. This would mean the banishment from the lotaj stage of the greater part of the seri ous dramas, which of dramfttlo necemmy for a moral lesson Involve In some form or other the tragic, mlsdecda of humanity. We should have to go to Omaha to see "Mam let," whloh Is filled with murder and sul fide; lo Kansas I'lty, or some other city aqually lulqultlou In dramatic liberty, to se "The Thief," for theft is a crime, and Chicago and New York might be expected to revive "Uncle Tom's Cabin" for the amusement of provincial visitors who would be denied Its exhilarating details at home. Of course, it Is quite Improbable that the 'ordinance will be passed In Its original form. I only cite Its Introduction aa an instance of how blindly and violently the reformers seek to deal In matters pertain 1 ing to the stage. ihe sta has Its vlclousness, JuhI. as 1 thi re are occasional deflections from the moral standard In every art, in every great .tnMtltutlon of human endeavor. The thea'ter has a great influence on our modern life, and appealing more widely to the maizes than any of the other arts, .the drama should be nurtured with the most Intel lectual care. It Is needless to say that all : those who have the welfare of the public at heart will endorso any movement to eliminate vice from the stage and further the progress of dramatic art. But the work to be effectual must be done by touse wno have thoroughly investigated tne comiiUuiid, v no are qualified to point out the tipeclflu evils that demand attention and to hukk'ki a remedy that will not work a hardship upon the legitimate drama. In the Interest of simple justice It is to be deplored that the reformers who most loudly -condemn the stage know the least about It. Is It fair to condemn any Insti tution .without making first a careful study of the conditions and having specific knowl edge upon which to bane complaint? 1 admit that there In Indecency and vul garity on the staxe. These are mot fre quently exploited In unmasked shape In the lower order of theatricals, but Indecency and vulgarity marked as art are. sometime found in the more select playhounes. But tn i curing of these evils never will be ac complished by frantic execrations embra cing the i heaters and all that there Is in them. The question must be faced calmly; tho reformers must know whereof they , speak, s'nu must be able to distinguish Be tween that which Is bad and that which Is Cood, It In a difficult matter to define just what Is Indecent or Immoral In plays. When It cornea to a question of nudity, there might hi a greater display of It In the boxes at the opera than on the stage. I have Keen plays heralded aa the most Indecent of exhibitions, which are nothing more than repulsively vulgar. Again there are plays which, In their presentation and lan guage, would be parsed without question by thai- self-appointed censors that in their lessons are more Immoral than the "In decencies" which causa the purists to shriek with horror. In my opinion the only way to have a moral stage Is to cultivate a healthy taste for amusement and exercise It. . In his closing paragraph Mr. Anderson has summed up the whole of the remedy. Very lately some comment has been made In these columns anent the topic, the con clusion then being that the public must divide responsibility with the managers for the conditions complained of. The cul tivation of a healthy moral sentiment .must not be placed entirely on one or the other of the parties te the controversy, either. Each must contribute in some way, each doing his share to bring about the result so generally desired. The managers can axsist in this by refusing to produce a' pluy of any kind whose chief attraction will depend on Its'suggettttvenesa, Its im morality or its clone approach to the Im modest or indecent. ' Such things are not essential to real success. Mr. Anderson ' does not strengthen his case when he re fers to "Hamlet" aa containing the ele ments of violence, frequently one hears some unthinking person denouncing the Uiblu because within Its sacred pages are to be found stories of violence and im morality. These are but the somber depths . of sin against which the context Is di rected. The mesHage of the Bible Is for 1 good, for the uplift of mankind and for the spread of morality and the encourage ment of right living. The effect of a properly digested and correctly presented play la the same. No objection may bo lodged against the theater on this score. Kor is it puritanical to ask that this be not lost sight of. r One of (he difficulties the earnest work ers In the world of the theater encounter In that the vulgar mind readily seeks out at. vulgarity and will exchange its coin for the opportunity to wltm-ss a display of Im- r modesty that has only its vulgarity to com mend It to notice. To the healthy mind no danger resides in such a condition. If t only when evil bedecks Itself In garments of wit and sparkles under the fair cloak of Intellectual respectability that It assumes the attitude of genuine danger. Men and women have lost but little in moral stature because some things that were considered immodest a few - yearn ago are no longer looked upon aa suuft. Custom has changed. Many things are permitted nowadays that a generation ago would not have been tolei ated. For example. In the seventTes Iydla 'Thompson's "British Blondes" were 'con sidered the very acme of daring, and the debate that followed them In their tour across the country was loud and fierce. Today the statuesque Lydla and her fair companions would be looked upon as rather mild, when compared to some of the dis plays made In connection with musical comedies and burlesque shows. Whether the world Is better or worse for this change is not in point; the change has come over the habits of thought, and peo ple are no longer shocked at the appear ance of a woman In tights on the stage. It la only when that appearance Is ac- rompaiiiod by auggestlva act or allusion that it becomes offensive to good manners. This shifting view of public morals, has other aspects. In no way haa It abandoned the baslo principles of honesty or In dividual responsibility. Certain things have , been wrong since the beginning of man's V-areer aa a responsible being. Aside frotn these fundamentals, which are too obvious lu require specification, "morality" has long been a matter of geography. Conduct conaldered improper lnone locality Is con sidered correct in another, and te under take to lay down hard and fast rules on all iHiints that Dilght be mentioned la to bring the whole question Into ridicule. And the perversity of man's nature I that he prefers to do those thing he ought not to do. One caae will serve to Illustrate. . When Arnold Daly first undertook to Snnluce "Mrs. Warren's Profession" In w York, much to do waa occasioned by the project. Press and pulpit railed ana thundered against the drama aa Immoral and unfit for public presentation, and the authorities were beaUned to action. Only Regulation by Ordinance Not Likely to Bring About Reformation Sought -'- Cultivation of Healthy Amusement Appetite the One Remedy one way to tell exactly appeared, and that was lo see the performance. So Mr. Paly was permitted to go ahead with a single performance. On that night the Jam at the theater exceeded anything New York had ever witnessed. Men and women strug gled madly to get Inside, and as high as fcS was paid for a neat. The police re ported against the drama, and the actors were put under arrest for giving an Im moral performance. . The case dragged along some months, and finally the judge handed down his opinion, to the effect that "Mrs. Warren's Profession" is not an Im moral play. An.1 effort was made to re vive it, and no one cared to nee It. It had lost trie attractive quality of evil. This" argument proceeds In a circle al ways, and comes back to the point taken by Mr. Anderson. "Cultivate a healthy At the Omaha Theaters "The Traveling; Salesman" and "The Prince of Tonight," Both New, Comin; to the Boyd "The Lion and the Mouse" to Have a Week at the Krug Orphenm Offers Vaudeville and Gayety, Extravaganza , Harry Lauder, Julian Eltinge and Others at the Auditorium. HE Traveling Salesman," James Korbes' latest comedy success, which will be seen under the management of Henry B. Davis at the Boyd - theater for four nights, beginning tonight, Is a T Wise. comedy of character and Is distinguished by an abundance of wholesome humor, energetic action, breezy dialogue and sym pathetic touches of human emotions, that marked the author's previous offering, ."The Chorus Lady." Mark Smith will be seen In the role of" Bob Blake, the jovial "knight of the road," who finda the romance of his life In tho Grand Crossing railroad station, where he has been marooned on a cheerless Christmas day. Miss Miriam Nenbltt will appear Ih the part of the sympathetic station operator and ticket agent, who shares her meager Christmas lunch with the persuasive stranger and presently finds her heart enmeshed In the tendrils of hlir' Jove. The story of "The Traveling Salesman" Is simple and to the point. Beth Elliott is about to lose an apparently worthless piece of land through a tax sale. A professed lover, Franklyn Royce, enters Into a plan with a millionaire sharper to buy It In, knowing- that the railroad wants It and will pay any price to acquire It. During a poker game In the second act, which incidentally is the most laughable creation that ever emanated from the brain of a playwright, Royce becomes intoxicated and babbles ,about the scheme to Blake, who Is already head over heels In love with the girl. Blake anticipates the Intended flank movement of the enemy and plans to block It This Impetuous action, on his part Involves him In all sort of pre dicaments and Imperils his position with Ms firm. His action is misconstrued by the girl and, for a while, his affair of the heart la in danger, although before the final cur tain falls everything Is straightened out and the pair are happily married. Through out 'the entire action of the play mirth runs riot and the audience is never for a moment without a hearty laugh. Others In the company which helped to' make the piece such an emphatlo success during Its metropolitan runs are James O'Nell, jr.; Clifford Stork, Lawrence Sheehan, Theo dore KehrwaJd, Daniel Jarrett, Ouy B. Hoffman, Emmett Shackleford, Robert Hamilton, Miss Diana Huneker, Miss Mar lon Stephenson and Miss Virginia Hamil ton. One of the latest - musical comedies, namely, "The Prince of Tonight," will be gin a three nights' engagement at Boyd's, starting Thursday evening, with a matinee on Saturday. The cast Is headed by Henry Woodruff, the well known leading man, and serves to introduce him for the final time In Omaha, as a musical comedy star. "The Prince of Tonight" haa what few musical comedies of -the present day have, a thoroughly defined plot, dealing with the old legeiid ! that whoever Is vat the blooming of a century plant his wish will be granted .for twenty-four hours. Mr. Woodruff, who plays the hero, utters this wish and is transformed from a poor col lege boy Into 'the Prince of Lunltania, a mythical land of fairies, dreams and moon light He goes through the usual vicissi tudes that occur to the hero of a musical comedy, but finally wins the glrll of his heart and everything ends happily. Among the successful songs are "I Wonder Whose Kissing Her Now," "You're a Dear Old World After All." "Can This Be Love," "Her Eyes Ar,e Blue for Yale."' Miss Ruth Peebles, late j prima donna of Savage's forces; Viola Hopkins, Margaret McBrlde, Arthur Aylesworth, John C. Leach, Joseph Herbert, jr. ; 'Lew Iawion, Edward Beck and forty or more show gliis and broilers aselBt Mr. Woodruff. In "The Lion and .the Mouse" Charles Klein, its abthor, has succeeded in drawing clean-cut, powerful studies of two widely contrasting types. He portrays In "Ready Money Ryder" the enormously rich man whose life Is guided solely by business principles and he draws with firm, sure touch and masterful skill, the woman of tenderness and sympathy to whom the severe, cruel man of business Is little better than a monster. He haa conceived prob able situations in which tha conflict of these two type is one of force and semi brutality on one side and lightning-like keenness and brilliancy on the other. He makea the wit of "The Mouse" stronger than the might of "The Lion." The play Is Interesting, convincing and persuasive. The forthcoming local engagement of "The Lion and the Mouse" at the Krug on Sun day fur a week's engagement la particu larly interesting, from the Tact that it will be offered for the first time- at popular prices, therebv giving opportunity to those of moderate Income to witness this allur ing play. The cast is still at the 11.60 standard, as Is also the scenic surround ings. The cast contains many sterling, standard players, prominent among whom may be mentioned Oliver 1'oud Byron, Clifford Leitfh, Seymour Stratton, William If. Burton, Waller Allen, George Carson Cassellbeny, Edith Barker. Ida Olenn, Ruse E. Tapley, Dora L. Allen, Elisabeth De Witt and Ella Craven. Matinees will bo given as usual on Wednesday and Satur day. The Lambardi Grand Opera company has toured the United Btatea for many years, visiting .this city oftejn In its travels, but Impresario .Mario Lambardi promises that Uils year he will bring the most complete company that he haa ever brought here. Included In the company of 17 persona Is an orchestra of fifty ao4 a ohofua of slaty, both far superior t any orchestra er chorua that haa ever visited Omaha with this or any other company In reoent years. Thirty-seven principals will Interpret the master works of the world's raoat famous composers. Madam Ester Adaberto, dra matic soprano of the Metropolitan Grand Opera company last season, will bead the I taste for amusement and exercise it." Frank Lea Short, well remembered In these parts for his never falling smile, his optimistic views and his devotion to "art for art's sake," Is filling his mission and Incidentally offering opportunity for play writer auch aa they have never had be fore. Mr. Short Is undertaking to bring writer and producer together In a rational way. In other business transactions the purchaser generally gets some sort of visualized Idea of the nature of his pur chase. In buying & drama the producer has taken It on the author's reputation or his own managerial Judgment, and many a flat failure has resulted because of this. On the other hand, many a good play has gone bearglng. and some of the greatest of popular successes have been handed list of stars. The repertoire here Is "La Boheme," Thursday, February S; "Faust," Friday; "Lucia," Saturday matinee, and "11 Trovatore," Saturday evening. $ Claiming that her recent visit to Ixmrton, where she scored thn greatest hit ever achieved by an American actress, has only resulted In Increasing her thorough love of all things American, Rose 8tahl will conr tlnue her tour this season In James Forbes' comedy, "The Chorus Ledy," and will be seen at the Boyd theater for four nights, commencing Sunday, January 30. The pro duction and cast will be almost Identical with thosa seen here two ssasons aso Harry Lauder, the Scotch comedian who last year took New York by storm and who crowded the huge New York theater to its capacity for eight weeks, will be seen dn Omaha at the Auditorium for two perfor mances, matinee, and evening, on Wednes day next He Is something more than a fad, for a fad is a matter of the moment and when one has once seen Harry Lauder he is forever an admirer of the genial little Scotchman who is today the highest sal aried artist on the stage. To the posses sion of a splendid baritone voice he adds the ability to write songs that linger in the memory and then sings them as no one else can sing them. There Is a rollicking go and dash to his work that is a real treat and in the sincerity of his humor lies his chlefeet charm. He is versatile, too, this clever man, for there is a world of con trast in the tender sentiment of "I Love a Lassie,"' the splendid character work In "I'm the Safest o' the Family," the rollick ing spirit of "Fou the Noo" and the humor of "Back to Bonnie Scotland." Each char acter la aa distinct and separate from the others aa jyould be the work of another man and each possesses lta appeal. Mr. Lauder heads a company of American and European artists, each of whom la ordi narily a star, and a special orchestra Is carried which Is under the dlreotlon of Mr Lauder's personal director, Mr. Charles Frank. One of the most interesting bills of the season Is scheduled for the Orpheum thea ter this week. "Our Boys In Blue," military spectacle, makes its American re appearance after a three years' ' tour In Europe. It la given by a company of seven teen wen and one woman, who plnya tho part of the Red Cross nurse. The work includes- artillery drill, Infantry drill, bivouac and a battle, In which a miniature battleship takes part Edwin Holt ap pears with his company In Ooorge Ade'a comedy, "The Mayjr and the Manicure." Miss Mildred Grover, singing comedienne, assisted by Dick Richards, accompanist will appear In several character songs. During the act she changes from white to a dusky southern belle, making the change in full view of the audience. Dan Avery and Charles Hart oolored entertainers, are coming In a new act "The Soldier Jug gler," Edward Lavlne, Is said to have the most unique makeup of any man in vaude ville. To thla he adds a series of amusing and difficult feats. The Plcquays, just ar rived from Europe, promise something novel In their -goffering. - Another feature of this week's lll is "Rosa Roma," who tn addition to her skill as a violinist, has a personality that captivates her audience. The Orpheum orchestra will contribute to each entertainment a fine program of con cert selections. The kinodrom will offer something new In motion pictures. Miss Helen Grantley, one of Omaha's fair daughters, who made the stage her calling, oomes to the Orpheum next week, starting Sunday, January 30. Miss Grant ley will be seen in "The Agitator," by special arrangement with Charles Frohman, who originally secured the playlet with the intention of using It aa a curtain raiser. "The Agitator" la the work of Mrs. Oscar Beringer, ''The Trocaderos," Charles H. Waldron'J extravaganza company, la to be at the Gayety this week. Manager Waldron pre sents this season two new and uproar iously funny sklta er titled "Sweeney's Fln lnh" and "The Isle of Nowhere." Both pieces will be under the personal direction of the author, Mr. Frank Blnney, who Is supported by such performers as George Brennan, Harry Buckley, Charles Madison and Frank Ross and OlgU Orluff, Llllla.i Waters, Minnie Burke. Tillle Cohen and a score of pretty and talented girls. The olio will Include a number of hlsh class vaudeville acts. All who want to witness an unusual entertainment should vslt the Gayety any afternoon or evening for th six days, starting this afternoon. The usual laolm' dime matinees will be given dally, starting tomorow. The Will la r J Grew company is to be at the Gayety every Saturday afternoon and evening for the balance of the aenson, starting with next Saturday. . The first piece Is Leo Dltrlcbsteln's diverting farce, "The Morning After the Night Before." The personnel of the Grew company la such that there la no question but that the various member of the organisation will extract every laugh ' from tha lines. Many of tha old Burwood stock favorites are retained, among whom are Lloyd Tn grnhnm. Oeorge Fitch, Maud Monroe and Mr. Grew himself. Popular prices will pre vail each Saturday, and U la announced that reservation may be mad for the entire season ot Saturday performances. t j Marital Metapkyslca. "Claribel, you don't love me aa much aa you did wheu we were married." "Yea, Felix, I do; but not, perhaps, with the same concentrated devotion." "You ought to love me more. I am fifty pounds bigger than I waa then." "1 know you are dear, and my love haa expanded In exact proportion but expan sion, you know, Hix. la not nccesaaruy gi-owlh." Chicago Tribune. about from manater to msnajtrer for months before a hearing was had. Mr. Short proposes to obviate this difficulty. lie haa organized a society, the purpose of which la to give the managers an oppor tunity to nee w hat they are' buying. The play to be sold will be put on with a proper environment and enacted by a cap able company. To the performance will be Invited producing managers, actors and critics, and the work of the author will be tried out under such conditions as will show If It has merit Several p'lays have already been produced, and the merit of the plan In generally commended. Mr. Short's prospectus says: The American Dramatic Guild, an organ ization formed for the purpose of aiding playwrlghtn In getting a hearing for their playa, and for giving actors and actresses an opportunity of Hppeartng before man agers, has been successfully launched In New York, under the directorship of Frank Iea Short. The plan Include the creating of chapters of the guild In cities all over the United States, no that plays may ho given on tour. All plays will bo carefully read and considered for production. The plan also includes the publication of a little magazine containing Information re garding the guild called "The Prompt Book." Playwrights wishing to submit plays are requested to address to secretary, 406 Antor Theater building. 15.T1 Broadway, New York City. Copies of the Prompt Book will be mailed free on application. Musings of Cynic. The widow who looks well In black wears It as much for her next husband as for her last. When It's an uphill fight a man can only do his level bent. Unless you look out for yourself . you won't ne much. In the game of love, when heart are trumps, a fellow in expected to lead a diamond. Many a rich man labors under the .de lusion that he can right himself by writ ing a check. Don't pose. The poet doesn't wear his hair long simply because there Is no short cut to fame. . The girl to marry is the one who be lieves in love In a cottage. If she believes that, you can stufMier with any old thing. The average young fellow would be per fectly willing to die for some girl, pro vided she would allow him to fix the date. New York Times. AHIIEHENT BOYD'S S TONIGHT S "I'm tho Assassinator HENRY A Comedy "THE NINB MONTHS IN NEW YORK. . FIVE MONTHS fThi Comedy will make the FKICIS l.BO, $1.00, BOYD'S 3.S vim n ww r n rvn Miiffc WW U U liU IX Ll I J l'm I 11 II V! . SMS r.lorf II. Singer. Director 3.".";::,?,. Chicago PRESENTS In the $50,000 Guaranteed Production" MPRHofTOHT A MUSICAL - GEM IN G0-PE0PLE-60 4 NIGHTS, Commencing HENRY B. HARRIS Present -ROSE STABl ln S HENRY B. HARRIS direct noH bus 3 NIGHTS and Sat. Mai. Commencing THUR, FEB. 3 The Lambardi Grand Opera Company 147 People 80 Chorus AO Orchestra Thur.. Tb. 3. "11 BOHEME" Friday, 7b. 4, "TAUST" Saturday Matin, lb. S, "LUCIA" Bat. BYJlnf, rb. S, "XX! TsVATATORB." with Mm. Ester Adabarto of the Metropolitan Grand Opera Co. XT IT'S AT THE IT'S GOOD II Dvotd to Btrlotly Xifb Orad Xxtravag-ansa ana anuu TWICE DAILY MAT. TODAY THE PERPETUAL MOTION SHOW, THE TROCADEROS In Two Uilmnloal Musical Sklta, "IWEEKET'S FINISH" and i'IHB ISLE OT SOWHBEB" Introducing rrank Tinny, the ever-on-the-go comedian. And fur Hood Measure, VAUDEVILLE That'll Make You Hay "It's no woudes tb hoas 1 packd vary performance." Frank Finney .& Co., VkXE "A SO-TO-1 BHOT." Elliott, BeWr & Elliot . tart Wbin Others Z.av Off Frank Ross braTo"rodur Jewish Comedy Without Offense Olga Orloff ,.t;a.f.-AfflS: Ferfeotloa of Xntrioat DrUUnff Evening- and Bands Mat., lSo, aso, euo aad 7 So W;;MATS. 15c & 25c m ss LADIE S' I f At any werk TICKfc-TSi'1' C Day Mallnee lar Jleaderi All uih above listens like a good bIiow. i saw It In Kansas i'lty Thursday, and II Id a food show, corking good; and J've never told you wrong "up to yet." B. I.. JOHRBOV, Mg-r. Oaytrty Theater A SHOW KOR WlliK-AWAKKH AT. Mat. ft Wlrbt OMI.T, JAM. WIVI. GUEVV CO. In Lo DltrlckMeln'e Diverting rare, "The Morning After tt.i Night Bsfon" Popnlar Prtee Seat 13111 . TV7 AYETV I v frOi I i f i r- '. ! lliii U ,l S J W W 1MI sunday, nnnnnri JAN. 30 liUIIIilfill of Sorrow." Bob Blake. D. HARRIS Presents fa rAH MlPM by JAMEO FORDEG AUTHOR OF CHORUS LADY" SIX MONTH8 IN CHICAGO. tH BOSTON - whole land laugh, Saturday livening Tout, muladalpbia, 760, 600 and 86c THURSDAY EVEIIIUG MAT. SAT. 0 11 F F A BEAUTY SETTING DIRECT P OM tOO NIGHT ' RUN I iMlCaoJ AT PRINCE) THPtSiTK SUNDAY, JAN. 30STo. Present 'TV-YTT' m M. M. 1 4 CHORUS LADY... koitoost raxtrMra. ADVANCED VAUDEVILLE Matinee Svery Day, SU5 Hlfht, 8:18 WEEK STARTING TODAY American Reappearance of "Our Joys in Blu9" After a Triumphant Thre Tear' Tour of "Europe. , ' - Edwin Holt and Co. I I'laylng George Ada's Delightful tomeay, "The Mayor and the Manicure" i . Mildred Grover The Popular Singing- Comedienne, Assisted by Dick Itirhards DAN CHAHLKS : Avery and Hart . The Sunny . Comedians "Gen." Edward Lavina The Man Who Has Soldiered All His lit: The Picquays Kuropean Novelty Entertainers Rcsa Roma .Violin Virtuoso KmODROME Always the Newest In Motion Ploture New Musical Feature Extraordinary CRPKEUM CCXCtRTOSCHESTRA 16 Talented Art lot II , Prices 10c, 25c, BOc and 75c mm AMI'IBMBJIT, WW.H5fcViiKlil? K n'f. fifif IMUiM linoum aochiatrtc ll-Uiil I I VEl-iWWIi.M tf Musician's EST Monday, January 24 5200 IN CASH PRIZES 200-ORCH Admission 50c a Person Spectators - - 25c THEO. LIEBEFJ, Costumor 14rJ.O Howard Street Tickets on Sale at Auditorium, Monday, i Afternoon, January 24th. A-UOITQR'rU 1M Matlnee and Night Only Wednesday, Jan. 26 Wm. Morria (Inc.) Presents the World Famous Scotch Comedian and Entertainer, With a Comoany of Celebrated Associate Players and JULIAN ELTINGE i And Special Jaiuler Orchestra. Seats on sale Monday, Jan. 24, 9 a. m. Prices 50c, ll.io, $1.60 and $2.00. Can be reserved by telegraph from out of town with money order or check. mantle Wrestling Match AUDITORIUM Friday Night, January 28, ZBYSSECO vs DeROUEN Tha Giant fllnrir Preliminaries: JENSEN and McCABE, the Heavyweight , , Policemen. . . Seat Sale Opens Monday, January 24th. Ringside, reserved, $1.50; Arena $1; Balcony $1.50, $1, 75c. General "LIFE'S 'HIGHEST IDEALS" - an address by DR. FREDERICK COM! RADBI OF TEMPLE ISRAEL At Y. 1VI. C. A. Sandaf. Jan. 23d.-4 I. M. A. AMVSKMRJITt, it Mask Carnival SSRTSBS3OTSSBBB5SS5SE! ESTRA--200 Admission, 50c. Smarting Chilblain f Itching-, burning frostbites Instantly re. lleved by one sppllcatlan IllklUI'l C2fII.BI.ATBT Otraa. Vrio, to. Cue usually effected with one botti. By mall kOa SHERMAN & McCCKKELL DRUO CO. oiuia, xa. O Engraved Stationery Wmddinm aeetarfoiM Anneo. Vititins Cmtd All correct forms In current eociel eauAg eaereveej in tha beat manner ana punctually delivered waen premised. Embossed Monogram Stationery and other work assented at pricee lower tbaa anally prevail shewn. I. ROOT, Incorporated IRATlD . m D. 104 f X 1 12101X11 Hewnrd St. Flu