Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 23, 1910, NEWS SECTION, Image 1
The Omaha Sunday Bee. NEWS SECTION WEATHER FORECAST. For Nebraska Fair. For Iowa. Fair. For wrathcf report rt pgo 2. PACM I TO a : , VOL. XXX1X-KO. 32. BATTLE AGAINST HIGH PRICES Anti-Meat Movement Continues to Spread, but Has Little ,' - - Effect. BIO BOOST FROM LOUISVILLE Members of Twenty-One Lodges Will Eat Meat but Once a Day. STOCKMEN GETTING THE MONEY Farm Paper Says Last Year's Animal Crop Broke All Records. GAIN OF OVER HALF BILLION The InrrraH In Voice of Live Stork Hold In lUO Amounted to a.160,. OOO.OOO Hetnllere Alio Blamed. CHICAGO, Jan. 22. . hlle the movement to combat the high price of food continued it spread there la little Indication of a 'decrease In the price of meat. Milwaukee, which reported m big decrease In the 'prices quoted by two butcher, yesterday showed a general reduction In many places. None of the other cltlea In which the movement haa been started, reported any reduction, however. The moat natable acquisition to the ranka of the anti-meat cause came from LvuUvlllc. wh arc twenty-one IndgM of a fraternal organization adopted resolutions that all member refrlan from eating meat mora than one a day during Feb ruary. The Women's Trade Union league and the Building Trades council of St. Louis announced today that they would take action against the high prloe of meat next wek. Indianapolis, St. Paul and Toledo reported that the attempts to launch a crusade gainst prevailing high prices In those cities had so far failed. From St. Paul came the report that Labor Commissioner MoEwan had made the statement that the Inhabitants of Minnesota were too prosperous to feel the effeots of high prices. Mockmen Get the Money. Apropos of the movement, the Orange Judd Farmer makes the statement that 1909 was the moat prosperous year ever known In the, live stock Industry, ac cording to the annual census review . of farm stock. The total value of all elaasea of live stock In the country on January L 1910, was KS80.OtK.000. says that periodical. The Increase during 1909 was the, greatest ever recorded In twelve months, amounting to $560,000,004. . "There Is an Increase In the numbers of all classes of animals except beef cattle and bogs, showing an liroreaae in numbers and a heavy advance in average values per head at the same time., Cattle, other than milch cows, total 48,780,000 head, worth on an., average of J20.76 each. The number of sheep la Increasing rapidly and now stands M,7ai,000. worth HOT each. Hogs showed a marked decline In numbers, reaching only 4, 066,000, buy the price per head. $8.15, is the highest oh record. With the exception of beef cattle, every class of animals showed the highest average price ever recorded." Anti-Meat Clubs Formed. KANSAS CITY, Jon. 23. It is expected that the anti-meat eating sentiment will receive a great Impetus In this city to morrow when the Industrial Trades council, with 25.000 members, will meet and take action on the subject. Many societies not affiliated with or ganised labor and scores of Individual tamlllles have joined the ranks here. "Anti meat" dubs baev been formed and there is little doubt that 100.000 persons will have enlisted In the movement by the end of nest week. , Walters In restaurants state that many patrous are refraining from ordering meat since the crueale began. , Asked today if the meat boycott had af fected the market, Charlea Hodge, local manager of the Armour Packing company, aid: ' , ' "Not to my knowledge.' I know nothing of this matter except what I have read in the press dispatches. ''Of course, the crusade"wlll have an ef fect on prices If it continues to spread." Six Hundred Tltonsand Meatless. FITTstiL KU, Pa., Jan. 22. -The employes of seven of Greater Plttsblirg's largest in dustries today enrolled themselves as anti meat crusaders. One hundred and twenty five thousand men in Allegheny county have now pledged themselves to abstain from meat. Five per cent of this number DM Ull.l Irt I, A ,1 nmn ivIa.1 Tkl. roughly estimated, 600,000 people who have entered the fight against high prloe for foodstuffs. , rtaht In New York. NEW YORK, Jan. 22,-The fight for cheaper meat waxed hotter in New York today. Pledges to abstain from meat eating for thirty days or more were extensively circulated and signed, and the indications were that the movement, although slower In getting a foothold here than in many cltUs, whl reach impressive proportions In metropolitan territory. Formal action by many organised bodies Is . expected to follow the general trend among ramilles to cut down their meat consumption a movement said already to have r.-duced sales at the retail shops 50 per cent Women are taking the lead In the local Middlemen Are Blamed, agitation DBS MOINES. Jan. 2U.-(Speclal Trlrguun.) A start was made here today In organisation of an ami-meat eating club, the members of which pledge themselves to abstain for thirty days from eating any form of meat as a rebuke to those who are supposed to make meat prices high. Mem bers of the city council and other promi nent persons Immediately Joined and the w ork was weir started. A local paper also presented what purport to be an accurate presentation of the facts In regard to meat prices, and shows that the meat from an animal which lias brought the farmer M is sold to the consumer so that it costs Mm lit). 75, the difference representing largely the profit to the retailer and bU cost of sending the meat to the kitchen. Moon will Make Antes. VF.H MONKS. Jan. .Edward It. Vaon. who has been clerk In the United Kates circuit courts for the southern ( .trl. t of Iowa for thirty-five years and a employed as deputy five years prior to hU acieptanee of that position, resigned today to devote his time to auto mobile manufacturing. II Is a brother of x-Seoator William Mason of Illinois. r ,,, j . jii.i I I . . . 1 . vjovernmcnt is Hopeful of Bills Against backers Investigation of National Packing Company Has Been Going; on for Six Months. WASHINGTON, Jan. 22. Active prepara tions are undr way for the presentation to the grand Jury at Chicago of the gov ernment's case against the bef packing concerns, whose alleged practlc.-a, believed to be In restraint of trade and possibly a factor In keeping up the price cf fresh meut. have been under Investigation by awents of the Department of sttce. Wade H. Ellis, assistant to the attorney general, under whose direction the Inquiry has been In progress, may be on hand to direct and assist In presenting the facts gathered by the government to the grand Jury. The administration expects to present a strong showing and secure a number of Indictment. The Inquiry Into the practices of the Na tional Packing company and the various packing houses Controlling It haa been un der way for six months. YCHICAGO, Jan. 22. Investigation of the npethods of the leading meat packers Is to begin next week, when a new federal grand Jury convenes here. United States District Attorney Sims made preparations today to present the results of the Investigation made last year when the question of alleged rebates packers had received from railroads was looked Into by another grand Jury. V ilhout disclosing the exact nature of the acts by the government. It Is authorita tively declared that there are three methods of attack which may be made against the packers. These are: Criminal prosecution for violation of the anti-trust law; civil action for the dissolu tion of the National packing company, and contempt proceedings for alleged violation of Judge Orosscup's Injunction reetralnlng them from fixing prices In restraint of trade. It is expected the criminal prosecution will be taken up first. Thaw is Held to Be Bankrupt Referee Gives Trustee Right to Sell Personal Property to His' Sister. PITTSBURG, Jan. 22. That Harry Ken dall Thaw is a bankrupt and that his estate Is subject to the United States bankruptcy laws Is held by Referee William B. Blair, who today handed down- an opinion on the petition of Roger O'Mara, trustee of Thaw's estate, for leave to sell the bankrupt's real and personal property to his sister, Alice Copied Thaw, at private sale. The petition svas opposed by New York creditors. Trustee O'Mara can now sell to Alice Copley Thaw her brother's personal prop erty, consisting of some real estate, scarf pins, books and old pictures, for the peti tioned sum of 140,000. Three Shocks Are ' Felt in Iceland Earthquake Tremors Are Severe, but No Serious Damage is Done. 1 SEYDISFJpRrWceland, Jan. 22.-Three severe earthquake shocks were felt here at 7:45 o'clock this morning. The tremors were felt elsewhere In Iceland, but so far as reported no damage was done. ST. LOUIS. Jan; 22. The seismograph of St. Louis university registered an earth quake which began at 3:30:13 o'clock this morning and lasted until 3:46:38. The move ment was directly from the west with a trace from the south. Father Ooesse, who has charge of the seismograph, estimated the principal tremor was 6.630 miles from St. Louis. There were four vibrations to the minute. BANQUET FORJJRYAN IN LIMA Excursion to Oroya, 12,000 Feet .Above Sen Level, Planned for Tarsday. LIMA, Peru. Jan. 22. William J.Bryan visited the Chamber of Deputies and the senate yesterday and was warmly wel comed by the presiding officers and mem bers. Last night a reception in his honor was given by the National club. On Monday he will be tendered a banquet at the home of Felipe Pardo and on Tuesday there will be an excursion to Oroya, which rises more than 12,000 feet above sea level, 136 miles to the north of this dUy. )Thore will be further enter tainments lnTiis honor during Mr. Bryan's stay here.- ( Vindictive Vengeance is , Wreaked Through 'Phone When the telephone bell rang In the deep, dark hours of the morning, the man was awakened by his wife. He lay still to listen, then dozed again. The telephone wouldn't be satisfied, re fused to te snubbed and kept on ringing Intermittently until the man's alert wife forced him to rise. As he groped in the dark hallway, his small son demanded a drink of water and would not tie put oft. Not getting the drink at once, he Joined the Jingling thing below stairs with a wail that set the dog to tarklng In the cellar. Then the neigh bor's dog started, being an early riser, and the man's daughter cut In with a sharp In quiry as to what was the matter. By tbe time he reached the telephone, at the cold est spot In the house, near the front door, he was the shivering center of a bedlam of noises. "Hello, hello!" said the thinly appareled person, and his voice rasped so ferociously that It set the two dogs oft on a new rtls- oord. "What?" he shouted, after bearing cen tral's gentle purring. "Five o'clock T Well, what about ltT Don't you think we can afford a clock V "Left a call! Who said so? Well, of all the aggregated mistakes you have- ever made, this Is the veu-y worst." "No, I didn't have any call for I o'clock, and I never will leave a call for I o'clock. OMAHA, SUNDAY MORNING, JANUARY 23, 1910 HEINZE CHARGE IS DISMISSED Judge Hough Rules that One Indict ment of Copper Sling is Invalid. BASIS OF THE DECISION Expert Accountant Assisted the Prose cutor in Grand Jury Room. NEW HOPE FOR MORSE Attorney for Ice King Says He Can Show Similar Cause. WILL GET BACK INTO COURT Writ of Ilabeae (orpin Will Be Asked at Atlanta to Get Judg ment on Certain' AUegred Part. NEW YORK, Jan. 22. A decision by Judge Hough, In the United States court today, quashing the Indictment against F. Augustus Helnze, financier and promoter, has given renewed hope to the friends and counsel of Tharles W. Morse, the banker, now Bervlng a term of fifteen years In the federal prison at Atlanta, Oa. Martin W. Littleton, Morses lawyer, said tonight that the Helnze decision of today may apply equally to the case of Morse and that If he could establish similar facts ho would move that no valid Indictment was found against his client. Helnte was Indicted on October 12, 1909, for violation of the national banking law. In quashing the Indictment Judge Hough said: "The common law Is that a grand Jury, while deliberating, shall listen to witnesses who give testimony and--to no one else, except the authorized law officials of the commonwealth. When this Indictment was tender consideration In the grand Jury room, John F. Fernsler took part in the proceedings to the extent of asking some technical questions of other expert account ants, and throughout suggested the method of examining expert witnesses thought to be allied with the defendant." "Mr. Fernsler 1 an expert accountant, not a lawyer, and was not retained by the proseceutlon as counsel. "This may be a good move," continues the court, "but It has not been adopted by law. It haa never been argued before that counsel Is entitled to have at his elbow In a grand Jury room an expert assistant." Morse Will Renew Fight. After Mr. Littleton, counsel for Morse, had read Judge Hough's decision, he issued a statement in part as follows: "It has been brought to my attention that the method, by which the ludictmenta (against Morsel were procured Included the service before the grand Jury of a non professional officer, designated by the fed eral government. As I understood It, the court has determined that, for similar prac tices, an indictment against Mr.' Heinie shall be quashed. If I can establish similar fact in the case of my client, I shall move that no valid Indictment was found against him. "But whether I can establish such facts or not, I expect within thirty days to apply to the federal court at Atlanta for a writ of habeas corpus which will enable me to present to the court these questions: "First As to whether the court was a constitutional court within the meaning of the constitution, it being conceded thai one of the Jurors was demented at the time of the trial. ; Second Ab to whether the defendant was afforded a an Impartial Jury, when the Jury was overshadowed and surrounded by the private paid detectives of the prose cution. ' .Third As to whether or not a sentence of five years In excess of the statutory term is a void sentence upon which the de fendant can be confined. More Indictments Against llelnse. There are still two indictments pending agaii st Helnze, one of which charges over certification of the checks of Otto Helnze & Co., and the other misapplication of the funds of the Mercantile National bank for the benefit of Helnze himself. According to Attorney Smith, who has been assisting the United States dstrlot at torney In the prosecution, the quashing of the third Indictment today will merely re sult In the delay incident to obtaining a neW indictment under the conditions im posed by the court. He believes he has sufficient evidence to do so without the assistance of a lay expert. - Kxtrn Dividend by Steel Trnat. NEW YORK Jan. 22,-Heavy purchases today of United States Steel common stock Is said on the stock exchange to Indicate a confirmation of the report that a meet ing of the directors next Tuesday an extra dividend of 4 per cent will bo declared in addition to the regular 1 per cent quar terly dividend. The extra dividend, it Is reported, will be declared to make a total dividend of 4 per cent for the last year. Did you Just ring the first number you laid hands onT" i "You can't help It, can't you? Well I can, with an axe.'' And aa he hung up the receiver like a butcher throwing a side of beef onto a hook his wife shrilled from the top floor bedroom: "Don't you dare break that telephone. You come straight back to bed." The man was hot all over by this time, even to his blue-tinged toes. Going to the cellar door he flung the small boy's sled down the stairway onto the faithful barker that was trying to get upstalra Then he slammed the door and went up to prowl about the bathroom In search of a glass to stop the cry of his son for water. When he reached the boy s bed ther was another and a louder yell. "Wowr And the youngster emitted sounds of strangling. "You spilled the water all over me," screamed the little chap. "Well, why don't you keep your mouth open, like you do when you're hollering?" kindly Inquired the exasperated man. "1 can't: I'm asleep," sputtered the In nocent k'd. And shortly peaco reigned again; but there will be some Indications of war if the man ever locates the kindly friend who registers earl v 1 morning calls for him with central-' ( &m WM M Hill ' If rv "Why, From the Cleveland Plain Dealer, EIFFEL T8WER THREATENED Floods May Cause Collapse of the Gigantic Structure. PARIS BUILDINGS IN DANGER Manx Villa aes In France Are Under Water and Troops Are- Rescuing; People Further Rise Feared. PARIS, Jan. 22 The flood of the Seine threatens to assume the proportions of a catastrophe. The water at 2 o'clock had risen a foot since morning. The founda tions of many buildings and notably the Eiffel tower have been lnfllerated and the structures ra in danger of collapsing. Railroad, telegraph and telephone com munication is Interrupted throughout east ern France today by the floods. , Many bridges have been swpt away and caDal traffic has been abandoned. The streets In 'scores of cities and vil lages are under water. Lire, Chalons and Troyes suffered most The waters of the Rhone and the Mame, with their tributaries, f tin rpoitd at a standstill todiy. The situation Jn Paris, however, promises td be worm than yea terday, ns the Seine continues to rise rap Idly. It la expected that the river will reach Its maximum flood tomorrow. There Is sixty-one feet of water in the new sub way between Place de la Concorde and Passage de la Trlnlte. A portion. of the Boulevard St. Germain above the subway has caved In. Hundreds ot factories have been Inundated. Half the surface and subway and trans portation lines have been rendered Inop erative. Seine Banks Are Fall. The Seine 'is debris-laden and its yellow torrents are almost flush with its banks. Cellars along tbe quays are full of water and there will be a heavy loss In wines and other warehouse goods. Railroad and telegraphic communication is interrupted in the eastern provinces, where the streets of many cities and vil lages are flooded. The Rhone and the Marne are reported as apparently having reached their maximum flood. Immense damairo Is reported from the suburban towns along the Seine, like Char enton, Blllancourt, Argenteu), Acnleres, Sevres and Meudon. The water at Port Royal Is fourteen feet above normal and the indications up stream presage a further rise of three feet by tomorrow night. , Troops and firemen everywhere were called out today to aid In the work of rescue. The cabinet has decided to ask Parliament or Monday to appropriate 3400,- 000 for the relief of the people in the af flicted districts. Railroad traffic out of Paris, especially to the south and west is badly crippled. Thousands of rats are escaping from the labyrinth beneath Paris. Vaft for two dreadnoughts President Will Keep Navy Up to Standard In Spite of Economy Policy. WASHINGTON. Jan. 22.-At a conference with Chairman Foss of the house commit tee on naval affairs and Representative Roberta of Massachusetts, member of the committee, President Taft today an nounced that he favored a provision for two new battleships of the improved dreadnought or all big gun type in the forthcoming naval appropriation bill. The man who owns an automobile should take Advan tage of this severe weather to have his car th o r o u g h ly overhauled and painted. On the first want ad page, under the classification, Auto mobiles, are a number of firms who are skilled in automobile overhauling and painting. There are also many opportuni ties to purchase a Rood used car cheap under this popular casslflca tlon. Have you read the Want,' AA today t SIX SECTIONS-THIRTY-SIX t I L I I I IM II II ... oV ill v Willie, where 's your new Raise More Meat, Wilson's Remedy For High Prices Immigrants Flock to City and Be come Consumers, Not Producers, . Says Secretary. WASHINGTON. Jan. 22. "Undoubtedly If the farms were raising more meat the price would be reduced," said Secretary Wilson of the Department of Agriculture today, in commenting ' upon the widespread boycott against meat products. "There are not enough people on the farms raising food, and too many are going to the towns to be fed. 'Three-quarters of a million of people," said Secretary Wilson, "are coming to the United States annually from abroad. They do not go to the farms, where they might help raise food for the nation. Farmers cannot ret help. The foreigners go to the cities, and they have to be fed. The cities produce nothing to eat, although they do produce something o drink." "Have you any plan for Inducing people to go- to- the farms, where they may help to raise food?" the secretary waa asked, "Jim Hill says they will go there when they get hungry." aald the secretary after shaklhg his head In reply to the question. , 1 Burkett Talks Before Committee Nebraska Senator Thinks . Irrigation Homesteaders Will Be Given Patents.' (From a Staff Correspondent.) WASHINGTON, Jon. 22-8peclal Tele gram.) Senator Burkett said tonight that he had every reason to believe his bill granting patents to homesteaders under Irrigation provisions would become a law during the present session of congress. He frankly admitted that there might be a modification made In the measure and he rather looks fr this, but the general prin ciples of the bill he thought would be kept Intact. , The senator presented cogent reasons to day to the irrigation committee of the son ate why his bill should pass. He urged on the committee that homesteaders under an Irrigation contract had bought land with a definite stipulation as to the time water would be provided. But the govern ment had failed to make good, and In con sequence homesteaders could not make a living. He Insisted that the government stiould make good for Its failure to provide water In the specified time by Issuing patents to those who had In good faith settled on the land. The committee gave close attention to the senator, realising that a new condition confronted them. While they recognized the strength of Senator, Burkett' s argument. It is understood the committee will not go as far as Senator Burkett's bill, but may give the right of assignment to the home steader or else permit him to move away until water Is provided. '. Senator Burkett also addressed the com mittee on behalf of the bond issue ot $30,000,000 for irrigation purposes as recom mended by President Taft, and he believes the committee will report the bill favorably. If there is anything in persuasion, Ad miral Schley will, go to Lincoln this year as a guest of the Ep worth assembly. Sena tor Burkett presented (he Invitation and urged the admiral to accept. Admiral Schley hesitated and said he would like to go, but there were reasons, etc., and then finally said he would take the invitation ut der consideration; The president will , send the name of Frank S. Howell as United States attorney for Nebraska to the senate Monday. I.esrlslatlve Council for AInaka. WASHINGTON, Jan. 22-The renate committee on territories today perfected the Beverldge measure to create a legis lative council for Alaska. All of the mem bers of the council are to be named by the president Asks Court to Corpi oration WASHINGTON, Jan. 22 -In anticipation of the Intention to ask the supreme court of the United States Monday to advanoe for an early hour hearing the Vermont case involving the queetlon and constitutionality of the corporation tax provision of the Payne tariff act. Maxwell Evarts of Hew Turk today filed with the clerk of the court a motion to advance together, with reasons for asking1 for this procedure. Mr. Evarts appears as of counsel for Stella P. Flint, who Instituted proceedings PAGES. SINGLE . M Lt. -iJ Mini a. sled!' MISSOURI AFTER PACKERS Attorney General Files Information Against Nine Firms. CHARGE CONTROL OF MEAT PRICE Petition Allesres Combination to Fix Araonnt Paid for "Packers," Live Stock and Dairy Supplies. JEFFERSON CITY. Mo., Jan. 22.-(Spe-rtal Telegram.) Information against nine ot the big packing house companies, alleg ing that they are operating in violation of the anti-trust laws of the state, and ask ing that an examiner be appointed by the supreme court for the purpose of taking testimony, waa filed with Judge Leroy B. Valllant of the supreme court by Attorney General Elliott W. Major shortly before S o'clock. No further steps will be taken in the premises before Monday. But one of the companies named In the Information is a Missouri corporation, the St. Louis Dressed Beef and Provision com pany. The others donng business In Mis souri under a . license as foreign corpora-J tlons are: Armour & Co. of New Jersey. Morris A Co. of New Jersey, Morris & Co. of' Maine, 8wlf( and Company of Illinois, Swtft a4 Company , of ' West 'Virginia Hammond Packing company of Illinois, Cudahy Packing company of Illinois, Sohwarsxchlld A Sulzberger company of New York. - Under the Missouri law, the attendance of non-resident witnesses can be" compelled, under the penalty of throwing the attacked corporation out of court and adjudging It guilty of all charged.' Far-Reavchinn; Agreement. The petition alleges that the corporations named have entered into an unlawful un derstanding with each other to control the price paid by dealers In "packers" and other purchases of all live stock, cattle, hogs, sheep,, poultry, butter, eggs and dairy products and to fix and regulate the price to be paid by retail butchers and wholesale dealers for all dressed pork, beef, cured meats and lard manufactured, slaughtered and offered for sale or to be old In the state of Missouri, and to regu late, fix and control the price to be paid by all retail and wholesale dealers for but ter, eggs, poultry, game, dairy products. fertilisers, greases and numerous by products. The petition concludes with a prayer for the appointment of an examiner and that power be conferred upon the attorney gen eral to compel the attendance of witnesses and also that the examiner be empowered to compel witnesses to answer questions, produce books, papers and all else neces sary to a complete Inquiry. , In 1902 the state of Missouri, through Its attomeV aeneraJ. RtJtrteri nlmllar nrnn.... Ings to those, of today against the packers!';' th plpe he rnn lon" tht toD t the and succeeded In convicting them of viola- tlons of the anti-trust law. A fine of 15,000 was at that' time Imposed against the lead-i lng packers. ADVICE ON NAVIGATION Waterways Commission Will Recom mend Pinna for General Fed- ' eral Policy. WASHINGTON, Jan. 22.-Recommenda-Uons as to a general federal policy toward the Improvement of rivers, harbors and carols, baaed upon Investigations that have been conducted in this and foreign coun tries for a couple of years, will be made to congress by the United States National Waterways commission In a report to be submitted Monday, The one Important question upon which the commission spilt It Is understood, is to whether or not there should be federal control over rates on railroads competing with transportation lines on Inland water ways. v Upon the final vote. It Is understood, tho large majority of the commission members favored laws to , give added power to the Interstate Commerce commission, and the report it was learned today, will voioe the opinion of the majority on this question. Advance Tax Test Case in the federal circuit court In Vermont as general guardian of the property of Sam uel N. Stone, jr., a minor, against the Stone-Tracy company, a general retail mer cantile corporation of Windsor, Vt. It was sought to enjoin the corporation from mak ing a return of its net Income as required by the corporation tax provision and from paying the tax If levied. The .Vermont court ordered the bill dismissed. "A derision In this case," says Mr. Ev arts, "affects a great majority of the cor porations In the United States. " COPY FIVE CENTS. SUNKEN CABS ST1LUN RIVER Ice Closes Over Two Coaches Con taining Bodies of Victim of Sudbury Wreck. TWO SCORES ARE DEAD Second-Class Car Strikes Bridgo Girder and is Split in Twain. CONDUCTOR SAVES EIGHT LIVES Passengers in Diner Are Standing in Water Up to Necks. DIVES THROUGH A WINDOW Man In Charge of Train Reaches Top of Car and Helps Oncnpants to Safety Identity of Vic tims Not Known. ' t SUDBURY, Ont, Jan. 22. With threo big drayloads of rough boxes waiting to re ceive the bodies of upwurds of two score victims, the scene of yesterday's Canadian Pacific wreck at Spanish river today pre sented an almost hopeless field of labor for the hundred or more men sent to clear away the wreck and recover the victims' bodies. A blicsard raged all day down the v alloy of the Spanish river. Two of the wrecked cars, the colonist car and the first-class coach, '"whose ven tilators were visible above the water this morning, drifted under the bridge during! the day and finally were completely sub merged. The' dining car remained partly on the river bank and partly submerged In the river. Little remains of the second- class coach, which was split In two when . it struck the bridge girder and took fire. Ice that will bear a man's weight hon closed over the flrat-class coach and the colonist car and It Is Impossible to detor- n4'ne thMr exact loch.tlon. More than thirty Injured were taken to the general hospital and the hotels of Sudbury. The known dead: JOSKPH HEMAULT, Matheson, Ont P. ZOUMAN, Chlsolm. Minn. NICHOLAS NICHOLANKO. Chlsolm. Minn. MRS. C. HOimE, Sault Ste. Marie, Ont M. SriNKOZUM. MUCK WYCLOUKO. LARDOF HAPPI. JOSE MAHOTT (addresses unknown). JOHN ROSKBACK. North Bay, Ont. GEORGE M'CILHENEY. North . Rn.v. Ont. " will LA VERY, North Bay, Ont. The number of bodies lying In the sub merged cars may not be known for many days. Among passengers unaccounted for are Rev Mr. Chllder House, Sault Ste. Marie, Ont, and Auditor. Robertson of the Canadian Paclflo railroad. ; The "wreck . occurred on a 200-foot steel bridge with overhead girders and a thirty foot embankment sloping down to the Spanish river underneath. The onglne, combination mall and bag gage car and express car had passed safely upon the. bridge when, the forward trucks pf the second-class coach Jumped ; the track. The car struck an Immense steel girder with such terrific force as to snap the girder In two and split the car aa though It had been divided with a tleaver. The rear end of the second-class coach swerved far out to the end, putting' the colonist car, first-class coaah and diner off the bridge Into the water and tipping over the Pullman beside the track. Fire communicated to the flrst-clats coach, which remained on the right-of-way, and added to the horror of the accident. . Few of the survivors of the wreck were In condition today to give accurate details of the accident. Experience off a. Drummer. B. J. Poarce, a commercial traveler of Toronto, who, with Brakeman Morrison, Is thought to bo the only survivor from the first-class coach, gave a gfaphlo account of his experience. Mr. Pnarce .was getting a drink' at the water tank at the end of the car when the crash came. Flndln.r him self struggling In water,' but with his head out he reached the fanlight In the end of the car, broke the glass and the wire scrsrn and struggled through, with his face badly cut and scratched. Running nlone the top of the flnt-clai car, he fnunil a space of about six fcl separating it from tho diner. Risking hi life on the floating Ice, he almost reached the diner when he lost his footing and was plunged Into the Icy water. But a projert. Ing pipe from the roof of the diner was within his reach and climbing up by mean lo lno 'nore' I he teIranh wlrM were all torn down and 11 wns ovl(lfnt that rM could not ua nummonea oy wire, it wns rive mllea to the village of Hslm and the drenched survivor ran the distance to do her a report of the accident at the depot. Condnctor Saves Eight. Meantime Conductor Thomas Reynolds -was proving himself a hero In resenting eight passengers from the sunken dining car. When the wreck occurred Reynolds, with W. J. Bell and David Brodle had just sat clown to dinner. Bell and Brodle' were, facing the engine and Reynolds sat oppo site them, riding backwards. The diner was the lest cur to enter the wator and did not sink at once, but settled slowly while the passengers climbed upon the tables to keep their heads above the rising ' waters. With sevrral passenger standing in water up to their chins the Kltuitlon was desper ate. Then It was that Conductor Reynolds made a dive to reach a window, broke the glass and succeeded In rlnlrig to the surface or the river outRlde the car Happily he reached the surface whern a hole in the ice enabled him to nnn a solid footing by resting one arm on the edge of the car and the other on the Ice. Gaining th roof ftho car he broke a fan light with his fist and rescued little Alfonse' Rousrl of Saulte Ste. Marie. After tl.e little boy came D. M. Bridie of Sudbury, who was small eroufih to pars the fan light Six more passongt-rs, w ho were too big to be rescued In this manner,' were taken out through a hole broken In the roof of the car. It is said that Mrs. c. Houde, aunt of the little boy who was rescued. Was almost saved, but slipped bnrk Into the water and was drowned. ' I.Ut of Injured. The Injured In yesterday's wreck as re ported by the railroad officials are; Perrl Nlcoll, scalp wound. Jose Chance, fracture of skull. it. (1. Me I.Altfi h lln Ano-iiu , , i,t-u in jured. Mrs. H. Roger. Wlnnlpe, head cut. Joseph Ma her, Montreal. Irg cut. ('. Moore, adrlrfxa iiiikmiwn hurt. " "" H. W. Wllmott. Montreal, bruised Mrs. L. Undall and son Hxrry, WlunV .