THE BEE: OMAHA, SATURDAY, JANUARY 22, 1910. 8 -5 -5 4 Wcrnen's Coats a! $5 Several hundred cloaks from our Clear ing sale, broadrloths. kerseys and mixture, all thin on' styles. They have been Belling up to $15, Saturday, at $5 ff fj ft ft ft i' ft 4 ft fJ fl? I .11 ! I I t I 1 I I I I I ! I H V I CI M 1 I 1 1 i W J I Pal vsasaav., Vfc , a. - m v as" ii i i Hi n I in vj -rrKi 3 . 1 1 r J Muslin Underaear at 50e Great lots of women'i night gowns, skirts, umbrella drawers and f"f. corset covers, a great variety" iljC In this group, at WWW Children's Efraordinary Special Sale ff&n Coats and Women's waiter n n Military ! r 4 4 fi 4 ff f4 ff 2 Special sale of Clocks, gold clocks, alarm clock. and every kind of clock mad. Special price. 3 Cape s ?C rt,fjft4lfi,ftfi,fi "53 J Great Clearing Sale of V All the Mount Ver non sterling silver pickle forks, sardine forks, olive spoons, salad forks, etc., at less than one-half jeweler' prices. it if j & b s r v W r If tr &' g wiw i' . -J k . ! .4 V 'it l.t. lf. rim ML V i? MA, t !: i Mm P ? Ji :'i 111 Our clearing sale has offered big price advantages, but Saturday brings yotf.tjie grand est bargains of the sale. These are groups sp3cially priced for one day, at these prices they will be sold before the store closes Saturday night. 1 4 5 4 4 Hundreds of Vomen.s High Grada Ulanter Cloaks WORTH UP TO $22.50 AT $7.50 Several hundred up-to-date cloth cloaks, including fine black broadcloths, some with full satin linings. Many smart mix tures. ' Come to Brandeis Saturday and select from these cloaks that we. have been selling as high as $22.50. The greatest cloak bargain ever of fered in Brandeis Stores, at ' ' Your Choice of Any Woman's Long vinier Goats In Our Entire stock, o A This includes all our high j) grade coats, they have been selling up to $40 each, one day only, at Your Unrestricted Choice Any Woman's Suit In Our Entire Slock $ Including all the Latest " Winter Models Actually worth up to $80 SATURDAY, . ...... This is the fashionable Hudson-Fulton been admiring some high priced suit in our stock. You can buy it Saturday for nineteen dollars no matter what the former price. YOUR CHOICE OF ANY jfc Children's Cloaks $S In Our Entire Stock WORTH UP TO $17.50, at. . . Those are the prettiest little cloaks for children ever offered at a sale your choice of hundreds in all ages Saturday. . YOUR CHOICE OF. ALL OUR Oil Wcrihup to $.00, at 7hls lot includes mdny bearskins, cara cu, oj)OEF.uni clothe, etc:, a grand bargain.' tJjytMltiMgBJWLeiglll 1 - illiTTaU. y ' mi - S't" V I it Your Choice of a big Purchase of Women's and Misses' 5 l 3 S Jl Golden Wedd 5" 4 regular price ing Brind Dessert Spoons; e $5.50, a set of six, 2.75 4 Roger Bros., Al Table Spoons, worth 4 $1.75; set of six ., 85c $5 Genuine 'silver filled Soup Spoons; guaranteed to wear 25 years; set of six gj now at 2.75 4 William Rogers & Sons AA quality 4 Soup Spoons, worth $2.50, set of six, 4 now at ...$1.39 Sale off Leather Goods Women's fine Leather Shopping Bags, Men's Bill Books and Purses Hundreds of varieties at the grandest bargains in leatner ever known in Omaha See the green tags. fgvftf$?ftft,$ 2 1. 60 fnncr silver j filled Jelly Spoon f" extra epeolal, at 7Sc 4- Silverware 4- 4-4- 4- Sterling silver cas ters, sterling silver bolls, cups, ton bons, trays, fruit bowls, cake bankets, cream and sugar sets, etc., at half regular prices Roger Bros. Cold Meat Forks, worth $1.25, at 49C William Rogers Silver Chests; 6 knives, 6 forks, 6 tea spoons, 6 table spoons, 1 butter knife, 1 sugar shell, in oak chest, now at $4.98 William Rogers 42 pieces in velvet lined and mahogany finish chest, worth $25, now at '.$14.75 William Rogers Al Dessert Spoons, worth $2.00, set of six, at ... . .$1.10 Clearing Sale off Jewelry Saturday we again reduce the prices on all our best Watches, diamonds, fine Coral Cameos, solid gold Stick Pins, Cuff Links. Brooches, Chains, La Vallleres, etc. Watch for the green tags. rJiilitary Capes This is the fashionable IIudson-Felton pattern of Military Cape, with snug fit ting military collars, red linings and gilt but- ill tons and trimmings, positively worth $7.50, Saturday, one day only M,l,,lWW.1.Wl,Lj,ltLJU .,1,11, iiU, iU mwm 04 Human Hair Goods at Very Special Price s The Season's Most Popular Hair Goods Novelties: Special bargains i n Roman Braids one yard long, 3 ounce, made of natural wavy hair $8 value, for 3.98 The turban braid I made of natural 1 wavy hair is one of our latest suc cesses, 28 ins. long -$5. value $2.98 '4"t Switch made of fins natural wavy 86-lnrh hair. This length of hair In ararce but we have a splendid assortment of shade and can match any texture or color V24 values, thin sale $15 Natural Wavy Switch all long hair, made In three separate strands $8 value, the sate price Is Turban Caps our own make, 75c value 50 .$5 Straight hair aw itch made of fine hair 24 Inches long, 3-ox., $8 value, C sale price . . . .HJ Natural Wavy Switch 24-inch, , 2 : oz., sale price $2.08 Straight Hair Switch 18-inch, f1.25 value, at 89 Extra large nets, with or without rubber, for 10 24-lnch washable hair roll, 76c value, sale price .50 ictok&. tax uslin Underwear Sale ' Night Gowns, long Chemises, white Drawers and Combination Suits, at i m Women's Combination Suits and Pieces of fine ifodermusllns, ? ' a special group,1 at '.i -Exquisitely made and beautifully Undermusllns, carefully sized, at ,W ..... Petticoats,' v .88c Separate $1.39 .- trimmed 51.00 4- Saturday Specials in Drug Department 25c Hydrogen Peroxide.. . .0, 25c Sanltol Tooth Paste. .12 25c Rublfoam ......... 18c1 25c Sanltol race Cream . .14 26c Lilac Talcum Powder. .($ 75c Pompellan Massage. . -50 $1.60 OrlenUl Cream ...98t 60c Java Rice Powder. . . .2G 50c Pozzonis Powder . . .2G 25c Imported Rice Powder 142 50c White Rose, Jocky Club, Locust Blossom, Pansy Blos som or Cashmere Boquet per fume, special, per oz...25V 6 cakes Ivory Soap 19 16c Llquozone Soap ..... . 5 10c William's Shaving Soap 5j $1 Traveling Cases . . T, .49 Genuine Ideal Hair Brush, special -59 35c Whisk Brooms .... . .25J 10c Shlnola Gt 10c' Palm iDlive rioap . ... ..7 1-l'b. 20 Mule Team Borax. .$) 15c Chamois .' Q u Do not forget that we have . a photograph and finishing department. FIRST AVIATION MEET ENDS Final Feature is Race Between Cur ting and Paulhan. AMEEICA1? AN ' EASY WHJ1IEE America wa Ilnniilton Ilrenka Crank Shaft Uuriuic ( roM-t'oautrr Fiisbt Lint of Prises Awarded. LOS AN'GELeV Jan. 21. As dusk gath ered over the old Domlngurx ranch last night, four flying; machines that had been crinllng In the air sailed to earth, the aviators walked .to their UnM, the great crowd filed down the .roadway and the first aviation meet held In over. .... ......... Few knew (hat one man had been near death In those last few minutes. Charles K. Hamilton was returning from a fifteen mile flight toward the ocean. While a mile from yie aviation field the crank shaft of his machlno snapped. No one In the crowd noticed anything wrong. Hamilton shut off his engine and so leveled and swayed his planes that he was wafted gently down. It ' was me' best piece of emergency handling of a machine that has been seen al the meet. " Race - Between Rivals, Curtiss and Pauihan rivals, of the meet furnished -the emolument for the . closing day. Paiilhnn went up at' 1:28 o'clock fur an endurance flight. After he had gone two or three lap of the course, Curtiss tarted on a ten-lap speed trial, half a lap, of more than three-quarters of a mile be hind Pauihan. Instantly It was seen that a great race was on the first real race of the ten days. The two aeroplanes, full speed on, cam over the grandstand with the speed of express trains. Curries, It was plain, was gaining. He crept swiftly on Paulhan's heels and on the third lap after starting he reached Pauihan, flying above. The Frenchman for a few seconds held his own, then Curtiss, in his American machine, forged ahead half a length and finally a half a lap. It was no race after that. The American machine was demon strated as the faster beyond question. As Curtiss rushed over Pauihan he received the greatest applause that any of his ef forts had galued. Pauihan went on until he had traveled 6t.i miles and had been In the air nearly and hour and a half. Curtiss came dowo after a thirty-mile trip. Race Ulvea Story of Meet. This race gives the whole story of the mtet. The Curtiss machines have won all the prises for fcpeed, quick starts, perfect lai dings and those events where a light. Lwlft machine showed best. Pauihan has won all the cross-country, pascengvr carrying and endurance tests, having a, heavier, slower machine and an engine which ho trusts absolutely. Paul ban has taken more tlan r,000 In prises and has broken the world's record for and with a passenger. Curtiss hitk broken altitude and for cross-country flights alone no world's records and probably will take lees than $5,000 In prizes. . . - Hamilton and Wlllard have taken second and third prizes In most events. Evolatlon of Traveling;. The meet ended with a perfect day and with all aviators at their best. A unique rarade, showing the evolution of traveling, was the feature. It was headed ' by old Ezra Meeker of Oregon trail' fame,' seated In the prairie schooner, ' drawn by oxen, that took him over the plains. After hlra camo cowboys, automobiles, burros, car riages, balloons, dirigibles and finally the various airships, ending with a multiplane that looked like a harvester. Curtiss and Pauihan walked behind the van like bash ful schoolboys. f A medal presentation took place and then Pauihan went on his endurance flight. The French machine never seemed to run so smoothly. A. E. Cleary, . Paulhans dis tinctly English manager, . said excitedly. "Look at her there she goes; watch the turn when the sun glints on the white planes by George like a magnificent white albatross after a thunderstorm." List of Prise Winners. The prizes won during the aviation meet here follow: Height $3,000, Louis' Pauihan, 4,166 feet, first; $2,001). Charles K. Hamilton, 630.5 feet, second, $000. Curtiss, no official height taken, third. Endurance and Tlm$3.0M. Louis Paui han, 76.7T miles, 1:68:82, first; $2,Ou0, Charles K.. Hamilton, iv.44 miles 8:0OH. second; $6U0, Olenn H. Curtiss. 16.11 miles, 2t:S4H. third. 8peed, Ten Laps $3.0u0, Ulrnn H. Curtiss, 16.11 miles, 24:43. first; $2,0(10. Louis Paul- nan, 14.11 miles. :S4H, second. . ,. Three Laps With Passenzer 11.000. Louis Pauihan, 4:83 miles, 8:ltH. No others con- teKtea. Slowest Lap (oOO. Charles K. Hamilton. 1.61 miles. 3:264k. Quickest Start $360. Ulenn H. Curtiss. fig feet, won. Starting and Landing1' In fionsre t2?A CI arles K. Wlllard won. Score perfect. Cross-Country $10,000, Pauihan won. Charles K. Hamilton will go from here to San Diego and atempt to get the world's record for altitude now held by Pauihan. Glenn H. Curtiss will leave tomorrow for Hammondsport, N, T. Charles K. Willard will go to Portland, Or. Louis Pauihan, with Malsson and Mlscarol, will leave to morrow for San Francisco. It Is probable that Pauihan will fly In Salt Lake City and Denver and reach New Orleans for the Mardl Gras celebration. troubled waters at here a year ago. the annual meeting DRAKE'S FOOT IALL SCHEDULE Annonncement of Games to Be Played Hade by Griffith. DES MOINES. ' la.. Jan. 21. (Special.) Manager-Coach John L. Griffith of Drake university yesterday announced the foot ball schedule for his team this coming year. It Is shown that the Drake team will be forced to meet a number of stiff opponents next year. Three other Mis souri valley teams will be battled with next fall, Kansas. Ames and Iowa. One "Big Eight" eleven will be tackled In Il linois and the other games will be with state teams. , , The schedule next season Is as follows: October 1 Des Moines college, at Des Moines. October 8 Illinois, university, at Cham paign. October 15 Coe college, at Des Moines. October 22 Kansas university, at Des Moines. October 29 Simpson college, at Indtanola. November 6 Grmnell college, at Des Moines. November 12 Iowa university, at Iowa City. Thanksgiving Day Iowa State college (Ames), at Des Moines. JACK JOHN SO IS LOCKED UP Negro GOLFERS MAY GET TOGETHER Indications that Western and . Na tional Associations Will Agree. NEW YORK, Jan. 11. At no time within the last three months, since the line of cleavage again appeared between the United States Golf association and the Western Uolf association has the prospect of an agreement been so encouraging as Just on the eve of the annual meeting of the national association, to be held In New York tomorrow nlaht. Several dale- gates from, the west have already arrived and much ran be Inferred from their ex pressions. Half a dosen of them hold th voting proxies for three times as many clubs. A hopeful feature' for peace Ilea In the fact that two of the chief spokesmen will be Sllss II. Strawn of Chlcaao and Lelghton Calkins of New York, who were principally responsible for smoothing th Thin? Pah? Comull uout doctor fm!u akoul mtJlcal mat- Ur$. .noux. Tni him. Da h op. larton. A blood purifier, a nerve tonic, holla hit advic d all limn. All run down, easily tired, thin, pale, nervous? And do not know what to take ? The a go direct to your doctor. Ask his opinion of Ayer's non-alcoholic Sirstpsrilla. N o alcohol, no srirau- 1 strong alterative, sn sld to digestion. Pnalllst la Charged with Felonious Assault. . , NEW YORK. Jan. 21. "Jack" Johnson. the champion negro pugilist, was arrested here last night, charged with felonious assault, and at midnight the prospects were that he wuld have to remain In a cell at police headquarters until morning. Felony cases are not taken to the night court and his release could only be brought about by getting a pollen magistrate out of bed to accept ball,- George Little, the negro's manager, scurried away from po nce neadquarters to get busy, while John son, showing every tooth In his head de spite his predicament.' was locked up. Nathan Plnder, a black friend of th fighter'. Is the accuser. He and Johnson got into a fight while sitting In a cafe early yesterday. At headquarters the fighter admitted that he had struck his old friend and said that his only regret was that he had not hit him hard enough. finder was swathed In bandages. BOWLIXG TOURNAMENT OPENS Two Teams from Bellvllle, III., and Foarteea Local Tennis Plnri ST. LOUIS, Jan. 21. The middle weat bowling tournament opened here last night with seventy-six five-men teams, 117 dou bles and 221 Individuals entered. Fourteen local five-men teams and two teams form Belleville, 111., shot tonight. No high scores were made. Visiting teams from Ne braska, Iowa and Kansas will bowl Satur day and Sunday. Prises aggregating $3,600 will be awarded. ' Moines won the state checker champion ship here. H. F. Wood of Oskaloosa was second ana w. A. wasson 01 Marsnaii town third.. Old officers were re-elected. Marshalltown gets the next tournament. BENDER TO COACH ST. LOUIS Nebraska Athlete Signs Contract with School at the Mound City. ST. LOUIS. Jan. 21. John Bender, who coached the Haskell Indian foot ball team last year, was signed by St. Louis uni versity tonight to coach the 1910 squad. He succeeds William Warner, a brother of Glenn Warner of Carlisle. Warner had a bad season In St. Louis last year and was not recalled. ' Minneapolis to Come Here. The Minneapolis American association team will train in Des Moines with the champions of the Western league, the same as last year. After a short training season exhibition games will pe played by Min neapolis at Omaha, Sioux City and Lin" coin. INSURGENT MEETING QUIET Lincoln Convention Attended by Few Republicans. KANSAS OFFICER TICKLES DEMOS Bring; Ont Warm Feeling from Polk County Populist No Resolutions Passed Committee to Be Named. Ames Beats Wealeyaa UNIVERSITY PLACE, Neb.. Jan. JL ( Spec la Telegram.) in a closely contested game here last night the Ames Aggies de feated th Wesleyan basket ball team, 40 to 37. Th game was played under the Intercollegiate rules, which handicapped Wesleyan somewhat, this being their first game at this kind of ball. , Ames had much the better of It In th first half, their forwards scarcely missing a chance, while th Coyotes missed many chances. Score first half, Ames 24, Wesleyan 11. Wesleyan strengthened in the second half, but could not carry off the game. The goal throwing of Brown and Herbert of Ames were very good, while Meyer, Swan and Slmonds did the best work for Wesleyan. New Rale Substitutes. NEW YORK, Jan. 2L President Lynch of the National league ha decided that In the future, before a substituted player can actually b considered In th game be must first report to the umpire, ut as Is done in foot ball. Is, la th captain's duty, according to Lynch, to report changes In the lineup, and for every omlnston to' do so is to be rind K. I'reeloent Lypch decided on this cure of th substitute evil. Jrnalaas Checker Ft pert. MAHBHAI.LTOWN, la , Jan. 'll.-Hj-' Shooting Called Accidental Lawyer Says if Guy JIarley Killed His Mother He Was Not at Fault. , LOGAN. Ia., Jan. a.-(Spectal.)-The Guy Marley murder trial began yesterday with a direct charge of murder In the statement of the prosacutlon to the Jury. The defense uncovered it position In the statement to the Jury that "if Guy Marley shot his stepmother it was accldntal and while he was under the Influence of liquor." Mrs. Oeorge Weatherly was the first witness examined by th state after the opening statements. She said the Marley family lived on a farm belonging to her self and husband, and that on the after noon of Thursday, December 1. 1909, Moute Marley, aged 13, notified her of his mother's condition. She told the story of Mrs. Mar ley's coming and that she (Mrs. Weath erly) went .out and met Mrs. Marley, who had one arm almost severed from the body, was weak with loss of blood and praying that she might not die. After as sisting .Mrs, Marley Into th house she telephoned Dr. Helse of Missouri Valley, who came and amputated the arm and attended Mrs. Marley until th date of her death, December 12. Dr. Helse of Missouri Valley, who am putated Mrs. Marley's arm at the Weaih- erly farm December I and also attended Mrs. Mirley as a physician until the even ing before the morning on which she died, said Mrs. Marley was able to answer all of his questions Intelligently, that her mind wns perfectly clear and that she volunteered information of her own ac count and -that Mrs. Marley's death was due to the effects of the gunshot wound. Monte Marley, Roxy Marley and Platte Marley testified today In the Marley mur der trial that their half brother, Guy MarUy, once threatened to kill their mother with a knife and Mrs. Marley fled to Mrs. William Ryan' In the night to save her llfo when threatened and was pursued, by Guy Marley. Mrs. William Ryan corroborated th testimony of th Marley children In that Mrs. Marley came to her home without wraps, a distance of ever two mile. In th night to escape Guy Marley. The gun with which th shooting was don later was la evidence. 1 (From a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN, Jan. 21. (Special Telegram.) The attempt of a bunch of politicians of Lincoln to stampede the republican party against President Taft and the national republican administration was tried out at the Oliver theater last niht, and the party still stands pat. The meeting will go down in history 1 for what It did not do rather than for what It did do; for the number of speakers who did not speak rather than for the speakers who did; for the number who did not at tend rather than for the number who did attend. Though advertised for several weeks as a state meeting, the number of republicans who attended from outside of Lincoln could have been counted on the fingers of two hands and probably one. The Oliver theater was secured by the self-styled Insurgents at a cost of $&0. The lower floor of the Oliver seats SOO and there were more than 100 vacant seats. Nq seat was occupied In the gallery or balcony. And in the crowd were such grand old republicans as Richard L. Metcalfe, George Rogers, John M. Devlne, George W. Berge, Colonel Belser of Polk county and Charles Wooster, and such grand old reformers as John C. Fre mont McKeason, "Bud" Llndeey, Paul Clark, H. M. Bushnell, Joe Johnson, "Bill" Clark, George A. Adams and Ed Hays, and Dr. Harry Foster of literary fame. Speaker Slide Ont. But if the audience was disappointing to the pushers of the movement, certainly the failure of advertised speakers to appear was a calamity. Ex-Congressman J. J. Mc Carthy, heralded by the insurgent press this afternoon as being on the ground with horns sharpened to hook, for some unex plained reason failed to appear. Lieutenant Governor M. R. Hopewell, advertised as a speaker by tho preac of the Insurgents, was not there, and neither was E. P. Brown, heralded by the same press as an insur gent of rare virtue, and neither did Chief Justice M. B. Reese leave the old fireside. and he was invited to take a prominent part in the meeting. The absence of Attor ney General W. T. Thompson left a vacant space In the hall. In fact, practically all of the 9,000 Insurgents, which Mr. Thomp sons paper Indicated were tearing their hair to get to this meeting, were for some rtason detained elsewhere. Aa stated by Chairman Love, the meet Ing was called for the purpose, not of de nounclng President Talt. but to form nn organisation with the object In view ot sending to Washington men who would help th president carry out his policies. But th greater object of the meeting came out when C. C. Flansburg, who Is one of the leading lights of the Anti-Saloon league, announced that th lssu In Nebraska was county option. H urged that every voter Insist upon every candidate for th legtHla ture and for th sensta expressing himself gave a history of the fight for temperance legislation and denounoed Senator Burkett for falling to introduce an .amendment to the revenue laws to provide that liquor should not be shipped Into a dry territory. County option with him overshadowed every other question before the people. Colonel Reiser's "Amen." The political complexion of the audience was shown when Attorney General F. S. Jackson mentioned that Mr. Bryan had said the republicans could not revise the tariff downward because of the Interests in the party. Colonel Belzer of Polk county, populist, let out a terrific "Amen." This was fol lowed by such laughter and applause that the speaker felt Impelled to give the his tory of the democratic party's action In congress for the benefit of the democrats in the audience. Mr. Jackson, without get ting specific, said the tariff revision was not In accord with the promises of the party, and he blamed congress for this and not the president. He dwelt at length upon the Steel trust. He spoke cooly and without passion, not unlike his namesake, Senator Harry Jackson of Beatrice, to whom Mr. Jackson said he was not re lated. Mr. Jackson insisted that the government had got away from the people and was now In the hands of Speaker Cannon, and the only way to get It back was to unhorse the speaker. In the face of that remark. Mayor Love j announced to the audience that he had been authorized to appoint a committee of twenty-five,' four from each congressional district and one at large, to keep up the movement. No vote was taken on that proposition and no man in the audience was given an opportunity to name that committee from the floor as the Insurgents had done at Washington. The power was all in the hands of the chairman of the meeting. The mayor announced that he would make his selections later. Dr. Harry Foster of Omaha, who has risen to some fame as a writer of letters, said before the meeting that he came be cause he expected the insurgents to be leaders in Nebraska politics, and he wanted to get in on the ground floor. After the meeting he said: "I am sorry I came. It was not as lively as I thought it would be." There Is evidently very poor train con nection In Nebraska, because Senator Wtltse of Ceiar county was advertised as one of the speakers providing he could make train connections. He failed to itet here. C. O. Whedon was not present owing to a death In his family and his name was not mentioned. Tho name of Congressman Norrls waa mentioned once by Mr. Jackson and sev eral applauded. When Mr. jHckson men tioned ex-President Roosevelt to succeed President Taft there was scarcely a ripple. The meeting was under way about 8:15 and tho work was done and It was ad journed at 9:35. On the stage were seated Mayor Love, C. C. Flansburg and Attorney General Jackson. In the box to the right were Joe Johnson and George Adams, and behind them were Judge W. H. England and Dr. Harry Foster. There was no music. . The meeting began without formality and closed without frills. Inasmuch as the city is full of farmers who are here attending their annual meet ln0H, and on two occasions this week the Oliver has been "sold out," It was the general Impression that they preferred to pay for a show rather than to hear dis gruntled politicians and offlceseekers sob over their starving condition. . Children like Chamberlain's Cough Rem edy and It Is prompt In effect as well as pleasant to take. ' STREET BRAWLERS ARRESTED Four Women and Three Men Locked Up as Result of sv Row. E. B. Downer of Grand Island received seven bad cuts on the scalp lawt night In a fight in front of 1315 Capitol avenue. Downer and wife came to Omaha Tuesday night to visit, he says, with Mrs. Down er's mother. Last night they went to a picture theater and after the show were on their way home when they were as saulted by a gang of men. Downer says a young fellow Insulted his wife a,nd that he trlfd to dnfend her. He came out of the scrimmage badly cut up. 1 The police took Addle Bennett, JlesHle Wilson, Mrs. E. B. Downer, Mabel O'N'ell, E. B. Downer, A. M. Clauson and II. V. Petty to the station. Downer's wounds were dressed by Dr. T. T. Harris, assistant Jail surgeon. THE ONLY REMEDY FOR BLOOD P0IS0II Tho first symptom of Contagious Blood Poison Is usually a littlo sore or nicer, so insignificant that often no attention la Rivon It. But when tho blood becomes moro fully Infected with tho virus tho mouth and throat got soio, glanas in the neck and groin swell, and somotlmos ulcerate, forming sores and ulcers, the hair comes out, copper colored spots appear on tho body, and where the disease is allowed to remain in .the system the poison frequently penetrate deeper end attacks tho bones. S. 8. S. Is tho true antidote for Contagious Blood Poison tha only remedy that i3 ablo to got &t the very root of tho trouble and remove evory particle of tha virus from the circulation; at tho same time 8. 8. B. acts with upbuilding and tonio effect on every portion of the system. As soon as the system gots under the influence of S. 8. 8. the symptoms beprln to disappear and soon a perfect cure is made. 8. 8. 8. can be used in the privacy of one's own home and a permanent cure effected. To aid those who wish to cure themselves at tome we hava prepared a special Home Treatment book which contains much valuable information to Contagious Blood Poison Sufferers. With, the aid of this book and the use of 8.8.8. a cure can ba effected in every case. We will send this book, and also any medical advice, desired free to all who write. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., ATLAHTA, CA, t i it A 1 1 I i 1. X V n w V I ' tTb key to the situation We Want Ads. on this question. Then Mr. Flansburg ctal Telegram.; U. o. JenultigS 01' Dta