Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 22, 1910, NEWS SECTION, Page 7, Image 7

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FW Our Great January Cloaranco Still Grows In Popular Intoroot
1 ii'
it t i '
Id U M
and Furnishing Specials
Jnst a question of closing
all winter goods a a quickly
and completely as possible.
It will pay you to supply
future needs at these prices.
Ladies' and Children's Union
Suits, $1.00 quality, fine
I Jersey ribbed, regular and
extra sizes; Saturday, 50c
Ladies' Uriion Suits, sold reg
' ularly to $2.50, all sizes; iu
; two' lots'.... $l.QO, $1.50
.Ladies' Jersey Ribbed Vests
' and Pants, white or gray
' values to' 50c, at. .... .250
Ladies' $1.00 Quality Under
? wear, vests or pants, fleeced
or part wool, at. .... . .50(J
Al Outing FlapI 0owii8 :tht
old regularly to $2.50, go Sat
urday, at .f)8
Children's Outing Flannel Gowns,
values to 76c, Saturday . . .30?
' Ladles' fine vool and silk and
wool Underwear tnat sold to $2
garment, Saluiuay, at . . . 7Iv
Muslin Gowns, Chemise and
Skirts, alues to f 2 ,,. . . . 08
Muslin Skirts. . Chemise,' Corset
Covers and Combination- Suits,
worth to. 1 1, at . , .,, t , . ,40(t
Wool Sweaters that sold to $5,
In two lots Saturday, at 81.98
and $2.50
r v JJ-.; Dependable quality coupled with pleasing style , nuv persuasive price leatures is Dnngmg us
: by tar the greatest January business ever Knovvn-in, tne-nistary prv our store.
i u
Men's 55 Sjocs,5)
Vicl Kid, Patent tolt, J?
Etc, on Safe at... nt
Broken lines and odd pairs from our
immense stock of men's high class
shoW regular $4.00 to $5.00 val
ues, as shown in our windows
at ....... , R2.r0
Greatest lot of values ever offered
in Omaha at the price. Come early,
get first choice.
A big job of fancy mesh and dotted
veilings, In' 'all J the popular
shades, regular values to. 26c,
splendid bargains, r.
25c Maline Wc
Complete assortment of colors, in
fancy znallnea. that sold for 2 Bo
' a yard, to close 10t
Handkerchiefs and
All Odd Lots of Ladies Fine ShoM
All leathers, mostly small or
large sizes,' on Sale to
close, at, pair
Ladies' Regular 93.RO Shoes In
gun metal, patent colt vlcl kJd,
etc.; In lace and button, includ
ing cloth tops,
.. now at
& Hats and Caps
Inventory reveals many lines of men's hats, regular
, . $1,50,, $2.00, $2,50 and $3.00 .values which are very in
. complete as to range of sizes, and Saturday we're go
ing to close them all at one price ,95c
Ladles' 25c Embroidered Swiss
and Unen Handkerchiefs 13H
Ladles' 1 Be Linen Hdkfs.' .-7W
Ladles' 10c Linen Hdkfs. . . . .5
Children's 6c Hdkfs. . . . . . - 2H
Ladies' Llneii . Emoroldered Col-
larsj 26c values, at
Men's and Boys' "Winter
Caps, 75c to $2.00 values;
choice. . . ;49c and 8SC
Children's Hats and Caps
to close . at about Half
Bows, Stock Collars. Turn Overs,
etc., odd lots, worth to 2 Be
choice, at '.5t
h Other Matchless Spc
r dais Saturday
26c Ruchlng, yd: .. . .'. .'. . 5'
26c Elastic Belts -lO
3Bc Hose Supporters, at . . . . 19t
16c Chllds' Hose Supporters 7W
L $ 2 . Ladles' Hand Bags, leather
lined, at, OSC
36c All eilk Ribbons .,..12
Hew Spring Corset Models
Our very superior display embraces
a-lfthat is best in corset quality, all that
is newest in corset style a model to suit
exactly the requirements of every figure
at all prices.
Warner's, It. & G's., Nemo, Bon-Ton,
Royal Worcester and all the. standard
makes are shown in complete assort
ment of new models, 1.00 to $5.00
We give special attention to the per
fect fitting in this department.
In Ladiei' and Children's Hosiery
Three big lota priced greatly less
than their actual worth.
Ladies' and Children's Ladles' and Children's
Hose; 20c values; 23c Hose; all sizes,
black only, at 10? Saturday 15
Ladies' and Children's
Hose; 39c and 60c
values, choice 25
Big Special Bargains in Fine Lisle and Silk Hose.
1 1 f in ? 50 Men's Shirts 49c
4 B ftfr mm w w w - - -
100 Dozen Sample Shirts, in fine white and colored, fine
'linens and madras, cuffs attached or detached, all
sizes in the lot but most of them fifteens-the greatest
bargains we ever bought, the greatest
values we ever offered; choice Satur- Zji y
day, ai . . y
Extra Specials in Drug ' Depart
ment for Saturday and Mo nday
60c Java Rice or Pozzoni's Face Pow
der for '. 2ftC:
$1.60 Oriental Cream," fo '. .... .8c
26c Brands of best Talcum Powder,.
' at 3 cans for .25c.
26c Brands of Assorted Face Powder;
large assortment in all colors, at, -'per
box 10c
26c Brands of Tooth Powder, assorted,
. , .15 different kinds to. select from, go
at, per can .............. . . ; 7igC
26o size Pur Hydrogen Peroxide, at
3. bottles for 25c
60c. and 75c size Toilet Water, assorted
--go at 20c
10c and 15c Toilet e?oap, assorted
brands, in glycerine, oatmeal, almond
and castlle, all go at 2 bars .... J 5c
$2.-E5 Wellington Syringe and Bottle,
guaranteed for five years, at . .$1.89
$2.00 Wellington Hot Water Bottle,
guaranteed for five years . . . .$1.40
$1,50 Red CroBS Fountain Syringe 75c
Picture Frame Clearance
m Fiotur Dept., TMra Floor, .
We have. on hand a big lot -of odd
frames. In all Ht, ovals, aquarea,
- natural wpoda. giltn. etc., worth reK-
ularly up to $3.50, alt will be ctoitpd
, Saturday, Jn three big lotn, while
,. they laat lOo, SSo, BOo
Garment Bargains Saturday That Will Astonish Even
Those Expecting Most in January Clearing Sales
In addition to thecores of magnificent bargains from Qur regular stock our cloak buyer now in
New York has sent us '500 Coats and 275 Tailor Suits which he secured at a tremendous bargain. The
choicest lot of values that has been shown in many months. Don't miss them Saturday.
400 Stylish Long Coats, all best fabrics and
colors; regular values to $30.00, at 6ne price,
each i$6.95
Coats worth up to $15.00, semi-fitting styles,
in plain' colors and fancy mixtures. .$2.95'
100 Elegant Sample Suits no two alike, qual
ities that would sell regularly to $50.00; all
in one lot Saturday at ... v ..... . .$19.90
175 Tailor Suit in chiKon. broadcloth, diagonals,
etc., values to $36.00, newest styles $10.T)0
Silk and Wool Dresses, that sold
up to $35.00, big assortment of
desirable colors and -Btylesbh
sale at .-v' . V'.w. 95'"
Women's Tut; Scarfs, Chat " sold;
up to $5.00; to close Saturday,.
at V:;;.i;.;.yl.50'
Dress and Walking Skirts, $5.00
and $6.00 values, at. V. . $2.95
Children's Coats, worth to $7.50;
bearskins, velours, velvets,
i ifriezes, .kerseys and fancy mix
' -tures - a jebJpwn in .l6h street
WVriid6wsj'$!tes' 1 to 14 years
fit i'1.
!$lB.06;SSdren's Coats, $4.9&
$1.X Fla n he 1 e 1 1 e Dressing
" Sacques at .49c
$5.00 Long Silk Kimonos $2.98
Brook Mink Fur Coats, $65.00
and $70.00 values at. .$35.00
Aleutian Seal Coats, worth $175,
36-in. length; on sale $7900
$75.00 Russian Pony Coats,' 52 '
inches long; Saturday $39.00
Long Blended Squirrel Fur
Coats, $2.00 value. . . ; $89.00
The HlBhland Navela are the rich
eat flavored and Julcyeat orange
grown in California, they excel all
othcra; it's the orange of quality.
We have a epeolal car for Saturday
and will uHl them at, per doien
ISO, 17Ho, SOo, SSo and 30o
Truet prloee, SOo, SSo, 300, 3SO, SOo
Bromangelon, Jellycon or Jello, per
ukg.. at 7Ho
1-lb can Campbell's Soups, assorted,
now at THo
All klnda Corn Flakea, pkg TWO
g bars Diamond C, or Beat-em-All
Soap, at B8o
-lb. bent Pearl, Taptooa, 8ao, Bar
ley, Farina or Hominy, at SSo
g-lb. bent Rolled Breakfast Oatmeal,
now at SSo
-lb. choice Japan Rice, at ......880
4 lbn. fancy Japan Hand Rice.... SSo
Large bottles pure Tomato Catsup,
Big Highland Navel Orange Sate Saturday,
Th Great Anti-Trast Orange
uooa BUiienne aao
3 SO
Worcester Bauce, Pickles, asorted
kinds, German or French Mustard,
per bottle .3SO
Fruens Wheat Flakes, pkg .10o
Fancy, assorted Cookies, per lb. 100
3-11). cans solid packed Tomatoes 8Ho
. 2-lb. cans White Oak Sweet Sugar
Corn, at THo
'-lb. cans Oolden Pumpkin, . Hominy,
Squash or Baked Beans 7He
Fancy Golden Santos Coffee, lb. 16o
The best Tea Blftlngs from , the
Finest ens. per lb 15o
Fancy Country Roll Butter, lb. ..380
Fancy Country Creamery - Butter,
per lb 30o
Fancy No. Crdamery Butter, lb. 89o
Fancy Full Cream Y. A. Cheese, per
lb., at 90o
Fancy Full Cream, Brick or Llmbur-.
ger Cheese, lb. 8O0
Neufchatal Cheese, each 3o
Sap Sago Cheese, each .....7V4e
Peanut Butter, per lb I60
2 lbi
lh. Table Butterlne
Fancy Table Butterlne, aqual to
creamery, per lb 05o
TXSCB AT HAYTJXH'S) at leas than
one-balf you pay elsewhere.
2 heads Fresh Leaf Lettuce Bo
Fresh Carrots, Turnips, Beets or
Shallots, per bunch ...........
Fancy Cauliflower, per lb .,. .101
Fancy Ripe Tomatoes, lb. ...... 19o
Fresh Parsley, bunch .4o
Fancy Cabbage, per lb. ........ .
The Oranges of QnaUty.
The finest production of California, '
klsed by the sun, moon and itars.
and the great anti-trust orange, per
doaen . .160, 17Vo, BOo, 86o and 30o
and Furnishing Specials
It's just like buying gold
dollars at a discount to get
such quality goods as we're
offering Saturday , at these
clearance sale prices.
Men's $2.50 Union Suits
Heavy lambswool, 'fleeced,
the best ever Saturday .
at .;.$1.50.
Men's Fine Union Suits that
sold to N $5.00, finest wool
and silk and wool ; in three
lots $1.50, S2.00, $2.50
Men's Undershirts or Draw-,
ers, all wool and wool flecc-
ed, regular $1.50 values
at .c .... 75c
50c Four-iff-hand Ties All
good colors, big variety for
selection; choice 25c
Men's and Boys' Work
Gloves and Mittens, 75c and
$1.00 values; Saturday 50c
Men's 25c Handkerchiefs,. in,
all linen or mercerized;. on
sale, choice . 10c
Men's Outing Flannel Gowns
$1.50 values, extra quality;'
Saturday ........,.. '.75c
Men's 25c Sox 12V4C Fine
cotton, wool and fleeced
some worth regularly 35c a
pair; all at, pair. . . .12VaC
China Department
Special Sale of Lighting Appliances
Black Inverted Gas Burners, like
cut, . complete with shade, best
black mantle on shutter and feed
screen 49
Burner alone usually sells for 75c
Welsbach Mantles, inverted or up
right, on sale, 2 for .....15
Meller Upright, brass gas burners,
on sale, each, at 5
Opal Air Hole Gas Globes, Satur
day, at i ........ ,5
8-lnch Straight Gas Chimneys 5
Don't Forgot, Try Hayden's First, It Pays
Black Magic Soft Mantles . . . 10
tor ...15s
Gas Shades, several styles . . 10
Paper Lamp Shades -5
Electric Portables with square art
glass shade, complete with silk
cord and Adamantine Socket
Shade alone usually retails for.
5.00, all complete, at . .$4.95
Fine old California Port and Sherry, '
per quart SSo, 36e and' SOo
Home Made Wine, extra fine, per
gallon 91.00
Tennessee White Corn and Maryland
Rye Whiskey, on full quart.. TSo
Per gallon 13.50
Ordsra takes, for fcottlo Bee.
Saturday's Specials in Our High
Grade - Linen Department
lttc for large size, heavy Turkish Bath
Towels, "worth 36c, Saturday . .10
Extra large, extra heavy, hemmed'
Turkish Towels, worth 60c, Saturday,
each, at 25
Mammoth assortment hemmed and
hemstitched Hucks, worth 36c, Sat
urday, each, at ....."...,.. 15',
Heavy fringed, Crochet Bed. Spreads;.
full sice, worth 2.?6, Saturday, each; V
at ........... ...81.75
Heavy hemmed Crochet Bed Spreads;
full size, i worth $3.00, Saturday, at,
each $1.08
Mammoth Imported Marseilles Bed
SpreadB, worth' IC.50,, Saturday, at,
each .$3.98
Heavy, strong and durable Sheets, (
81190, with seam, worth 75c, Satur
day, each,- at .............. -55,
Heavy,' strong land . durable Pillow
Cases; size 45x3,. worth 19c, Satur-'. .
day, each, at 14
Mall Orders Pilled During This Sale.
. Busy Hardware Department
12-gal. barbate Cans, with ball and cover,
worth 11.60, only .....B8o
Parlor Brooms, worth 65c, on sale . ...36o
.Mrs. Pott's 5-piece Sets Sad Irons . . 79o
Large slse Japanned Coal Hods, on sale Ibo
Prlsco Lantern,- worth 69c, at 990
?rlco Lantern, worth fl.UO. at SSo .
tl.26 No. 8 Enameled Blue and White Tea
kettles, for 49o
Zinc Wash Board, worth 40o SSo ,
Heavy Galvanized Wash Tubs , 49o
Large. -ft. Skirt Boards S9o '
Large, 6-ft. Hklrt Boards SSo .
All kinds of Cookie and Doughnut Cutters
for . Bo
Tin Steamers, worth 86c, on sale, for ISO
The $10.00 Easy Yankee Washer, one day, '
for, each ' S4.98
The Old Reliable Western Washer, worth
$3.00, at, each Sa.88
The Round American Washer, one day,
at, each 93-3S
The $8.00 O. K. Washer, rotary motion,
only, each SS.SS
Extra heavy Tin, Copper Bottom Wash ;
Boiler, worth 12.00, at S1.3S
Extra heavy Tin, Copper Bottom Wash
Boiler, worth $1.76. at . .91.35
The genuine Llsh, heavy, all copper Boil
ers, large slse, worth $5.00, at B-8
Medium slse .i...SS.49 .
The genuine Llsk Galvanized Wash Bolt- ..'
ers. woodei handles and cover,- fruar-'j
anteed three years ,,....890
Total Benefactions Far Surpass Any
Previous Twelvemonth.
Ob HsiaJred aad Fortr-Ost Ml II Ion
DoIIks (Jlvaa VrloM Pubrta
Ptorpoaas, Chiefly Eds.
1 cattoa.
Soma one the other day spoke of the year
1909 as a' year of riotous giving. In the
United Stales this would seem to be the
fact, for the total of benefactions made to
public institutions In the United States,
and which have been reported in the press,
exceeds that of any previous year by ap
proximately $10,000,000.
The tofal of the publlo benefactions re-
norted la the United States within the
period of seventeen years, beginning with
the year 1893 and terminating with the
year 1909, la approximately $1,150,000,000, a
sum greater than the capitalisation of the
United Steel corporation by the sum of
$00,000,000. The portion of this amount con
tributed in 1909 in round numbers was $141,
$00,000. The nearest approach to this amount
was something over " $100,000,009, given In
1906. Xaat year the benefactions totalled
about $rj8.000,00O a revelation of the re
trenchment la giving, due to the depres
sion of 1907. The footing for this year
does not . include the millions of dollars
given in airall sums for the building and
support of churches and charities of which
no accurate record Is. attempted. '
Education seems to have been the favor
ite means of gratifying the desire to give,
for more than one-third of this year's total,
or' $54,766,601, is specifically stated to have
been contributed to various educational in
stitution throughout the country. , Un
doubtedly there have been minor gifts
which have not been publicly mentioned.
It is probable that this great benefaction
to education Is In some measure due to the
conditions which have been required of
recipients of the. gifts of Andrew Car
negie and John D. - Rockefeller, aad- (he
general education board, representing the
latter. In order to take advantage of the
contingent glftof these sources of funds
representatives of the colleges have be
stirred themselves in the Interests of their
John D. Rockefeller celebrates h's seven
tieth birthday by addliur $10,000,000 to the
endowment of the General Education
Board, bringing it. abrve the line of $00,
000,000. Mr. Rockefeller's other educational
gifts amounted to $1,402,000, of which the
University of Chicago received tl.177,000.
Joha & Kennedy bequeathed $2,500,000 to
-Columbia, $1,M0,000 to Robert college, in
- . ,
Absolutely Fireproof iA
Most convenient hotel to all Subvays and Depots. Rooms $1.50
per day and upwards with use of baths. Rooms $2.50 per day and
upwards, with private) bath. Best Restaurant la Nev York City vlth
Club Breakfast and the world famous
Turkey; $1,500,000 tqthe Presbyterian board
for colleges and academics and $1,375,000 to
other American educational institutions.
Mr. Kennedy's gifts to education.', there
fore, amounted to $6,875,000. Andrew; Carn
egie bestowed $2,000,000 on the School of
Applied Science of Pittsburg and gave
ft, 840,000 to other educational institutions.
Mrs. Russell Sage gave $250,000 to schools
and colleges. Ex-Senator William F. Vilas
of Wisconsin, who died In 190S, left up
ward of $2,000,000 to the University of Wis
consin. la Dead Daughter's Nam.
Mrs. Josephine L. Newcomb of New Or
leans bequeathed $1,500,000 to the Sophie
Newcomb Memorial" School for Young
Women of New Orleans. She had pre
viously given $1,006,000 to the school. It
was named for her daughter, who died at
the age of 15 years. The school oocupUs
a baronial mansion erected by an eccen
tric millionaire. The apartment intended
for an art gallery contains a collection of
the playthings and souvenirs of the dead
girl. No other southernnr, It is said, has
given so much to an educational institu
tion, and few, if any, institutions of this
character in the far south have such a
large endowment
Daniel K. Pearson, who has been giving
money to small colleges for many years In
an effort to dispose of his wealth before
his death, it is reported, reached his last
million this year. Among his gifts were
$100,000 to the Chicago Theological seminary
and $25,000 to Piedmont college.' He gave
$1,000,000 ' to various causes. Charles ' M.
Pratt of the Standard Oil company added
$1,700,000 to the endowment of the Pratt
Institute, Brooklyn. Miss Helen M. Oould
gave $150,000 to the Girls' college at Con
stantinople. Otto T. Bannard, the fusion
candidate for mayor, was among the con
tributors to Yale's funds, his contribution
being $50,000. v '
The Disciples of Christ provided an en
dowment for Bethany college of $700,000
and Benjamin N. Duke added $750,000 to his
previous gifts to Trinity college, North
Carolina. It is reported that be hope to
make this college the equal of any In the
north. The Knights of Columbus con
tributed a fund of $ 00,000 to the Catholic
university at Washington and George T.
Oliver of Pittsburg provided a pension
fund for the publlo school teachers of
Greater Pittsburg amounting to $&00,OM.
Levi L Shoemaker gave Yale tm.ow in
October. 'Several Institutions' which re
ceived sums of more than $1,000,000, in ad
dition to amounts already mentioned, aro
Yale, Columbia and Princeton.
Institutions which may be described as
charitable for the. want of a better word
received ' the next . largest amount This
was more tban $1)7,000,000, the exact amount
that could be so classed a few days ago
being $36,, 884,064. 32. T,hls amount1 does not
Include a number ?of gifts and bequests
stated to be for "educational and charita
ble purpipes," :or in some other form,
which could not, because of the form of
the statement, be divided Into Its elements.
This difficulty applied also In the case of
some gifts to education. Hospitals, tuber
culosis preventoriums, convalescent homes,
sanatorluma, asylums and humane societies
are Included in this group.
Million from tTsmaaned Giver,
One of the interesting gifts In this class
was that of $1,000,000 from "a certain phll
anthroplit," not named in the announce
ment, for a home for the aged In New
York "Htate. The announcement was made
through Dr. Robert W. Hill, secretary of
the New York State Board of Charities.
Count and Countess Szechenyl sent $4,000
to the Hungarian home in New York for
the endowment of a ward. Through the
death in Rome of Mrs. Christopher L.
Magee, the w'dow of the Pittsburg poli
tician, $5,000,000 became available for the
establishment and endowment of a hos
pital for women- in Pittsburg.' - John S.
Kennedy bequeathed $2,500,000. to the Pres
byterian hospital of New York, $1,500,000
to the United Charities' and $750,000 to the
Charity Organization society of New York.
The last mentioned society also received an
anonymous gift of $424,000. Mrs. Sarah
Todd Of Carlisle, Pa., In herwjll deolded
that she would leave her estate of $750,000
for a home , for aged women at Carlisle.
This did not please all her acquaintances,
who expected that the estate would be dis
tributed in a different way.'
John D. Rockefeller, having' seen a plo
ture of "Smiling Joe" of the Sea Breese
home, at Coney Island, . strapped to his
board, yet smiling, gave that institution
$150,000. Mrs. Russell Sage gave $10,000 for
the relief of aged women and '$140,000 for
an industrial home at Lawrence Long
Island. Through the. death of Joha Mas
terson Burke, an' aged bachelor of this
city, approximately $4,000,000 became avall
' able tW a much heeded ooovalescent home.
Mrs William K. Vanderbllt Is supposed
to be the giver of the sum of $."00.000, which
was announced for a home for cripples at
Chappaua, , N. Y. The tuberculosis pre
ventorium at Lakcwood, which has been
opposed by some New Jersey people, re
ceived a number of gifts of considerable 1
sums. Elizabeth F. Noble of Mansfield.
Mass., disgusted several possible heirs
when she died, at the age of 94 years, by
willing her estate of $300,000 to humane and
antl-vivtsectlon societies. The heirs argued
that Inasmuch as she had given nothing
while she lived It was not exactly decent
of her to begin after she died. "Any way."
one heir remarked, by way of clinching
his argument, "charity should begin at
home." .
Charles M. Schwab gave alxty-five acres
of land and bulldtntrs situated on Siater.
Island, valued at $500,000, for a foundling
asylum. Mrs. Sarah Morris, the widow t
a Chicago beef packer, bequeathed $400,000
for a Children's hospital. John W. Gates
contributed $500,000 to a hospital erected In
memory of his mother. at Port Arthur,
Tex. Ex-Qovernor Odeil gave $75,000 for a
home for consumptives at Newburg, N. Y.,
and James Patten gave $40,000 of the gains
of his wheat speculations for a hospital
at Evanstnn, 111.
For Worn-Oat Horses.
The love of , a horse In years gone by
bore fruit in the will of Nathaniel P. Bag
ley of Boston, who died there in the course
of the year at the age of M years. He left
$75,000 to tbe Boston Society for the Pre
vention of Cruelty to Animals, to be used
for the benefit .of old and worn-out horses.
John E. Berwln of this city, a few days
ago gave $100,000 for a maternity outdoor
ollnlo. In this list, perhaps, also, may be
li eluded the Messina earthquake fund of a
million dollars.
Gifts which may be classed as miscella
neous take third place. The total a few
days ago was I12.8S3.0Z5. This included gifts
of various sorts, such as the Hero fund
for France reported to have been made by
Andrew Carnegie, and Mr. Carnegie's gift
of $40,000 to an aged switchman at San
Ar.tonlo, Tex., who worked for the Pennsyl
vania railroad in the We. when Mr. Car
negie was a division superintendent on that
road. The sum was the accumulation of a
snug pension set aside for him by Mr. Car
negie years ago, when James Fagan, the
recipient, dropped Out of sight. In this list,
also, is the gift, amounting to $06,000, of
Edward F. Searles to thetown of Methuen,
Mass., where he lives. This was a thank
offering In recognition ot the town's action
in refusing to raise his personal property
tax assessment to $10,000,000, as suggested
to the state government
F. W. Matthleasen, through the cancella
tion of bonds and city orders to the amount
of $3S,400, reduced the excessive debt of La
Salle, 111., to $5,000 below the limit. The
Museum of Natural History of this city
and the New York Zoological society re
ceived $10,000 each from Phoebe Anne
Tl orne. Lady Cook, formerly Tennessee
Claflln of New York, announced that she
would give $1,000,000 for the cause of wo
man's suffrage in the United States, and
Edward Glnn, the Boston publisher, who is
Interested in the cause of universal peace,
announced that he would give $60,000 a year
for the benefit of this cause so long as he
lived and $1,000,000 at his death.
Jacob H. Schlff, whose gifts amounted to
more than $1,000,000, and Included money for
normal schools for Hebrew Sunday school
tecchers, a technical college in Palestine,
the Tlssot collection of Old Testament
paintings to the New York Public Library,
synagogues, hospitals, orphanages, etc.,
gave half of this sum as a fund for rhe
distribution of Jewish Immigrants through
the port of Galveston. New York Tribune
Persistant Advertising is the road to Big
Returns.' . ,.i.jiUlK3
Badly Mutilated R-jdr of Asia
Farlons Posad la Resort oa ' -raarteeath
CHICAGO, Jan. 21. One of the most
atroolous murders in the police history ot
Chicago was discovered today, when the
decapitated and . mutilated body of Miss
Anna Furlong, also known as Jennie Cleg-
horn, 24 years old, was found in a resort
at 60 West Seventeenth utieet Little , is
known of the history of the victim except
tl at she came here from St. Louis seven
months ago. She bad been the Inmate of
the resort several weeks.
The head was evidently carried away by
the murderer in an attempt to conceal the
Identity of , tbe victim. Among the late
theories advanced was that the murder and
the mutilation had been done by a medi
cal student. Another was that It was the
work of an Indian, because of the scalping.
The police .were Informed the murdered
woman formerly owned considerable prop
erty, but several years ago deeded it to a
relative. , It was said she . came to the
resort penniless.
Up to $25.00 women suits and coats Sat
urday $7.50. Parisian Cloak Co., 11$ South
16tb St. See "add" Page Three.
A little Diapepiia will promptly reg
ulate any bad Stomach.
Why not get some now this moment,
and forever rid yourself of Stomach trouble
and Indigestion t A dieted stomach gets
the blues and grumbles. Give It a good eat,
then take Papa's Dlapepsln to start the
digestive Juices working. There will te no
dyspepsia or belohlng of Gaa or eructations
of undigested food; no feeling like a lump
of lead In the stomach or heartburn, sick
headache and Dlsslness, and your food will
not ferment and poison your breath with
nauseous odors.
Pape's Dlapepsln costs only. 50 cents for
a large ease at any drug store here, and
will relieve the most obstinate . case .of
Indlgestloa and Upset Stomach, la five minutes.
There is nothing else better to take Gas
from Stomach and cleanse the stomach and
Intestines, and, besides, one single dose will
digest and prepare for assimilation into
the, blood all your food the same as a
sound, healthy stomach would do it.
When Dlapepsln works, your stomach
rests gets Itself In order, cleans up and
then you feel like eating when you come to
the table, and what you eat will do you
Absolute relief from all Stomach Misery
la waltlnr for vou as soon as vou decide
to take a little Dlapepsln. Tell your drug
gist that you want Pape's Dlapepsln, be
cause you want to become 'thoroughly
cured this time.
Remember, if your stomach feels out-of-order
and uncomfortable now you eaa get
relief In five minutes.