Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 22, 1910, NEWS SECTION, Page 4, Image 4

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    THE BEE: OMAHA, SATURDAY, ' JANUAllY 22, 1010.
Hen's $10 Overcoats and Suits $5
Hen's $3.50 & $4 Pants at $1.98
Then roen'i clothes are better than the Average aulta
Several hundred pairs of men's pants; up-to-date'
worsteds, Scotches and easslmeres. Biggest bar-'
and overcoats that you aee priced anywhere else at
$10.00. We have grouped them
la One great lot for clearance,
now at
gain In rears, worth
up to $4.00 a pair,
now at
i mam
T" TTT7 vr""". I T jf:
"TTriiiin miii I,,,, i --m MJtm. t;
V --ii.riliti ,! ... i . . rm. V I
All Broken Lots of Men's Winter Overcoats and Suits
at tho Lowest Prices Good Clothes Ever Sold for in America
These clothes are all new and up-to-date in style, A few weeks ago they were selling in
the regufar $15, $18, $20 and $22.50 lots. The lots are now broken, and we will sell every
Overcoat and Suit in one big lot at this one special price
i ii ! i ii i.
: 7- mi, !
fill W
isi m hi fey
I w Bit 51
... IwmimmMmUmi
' I i ; 1 t ; ! j'l iim 11 . i i im m$ir
All Onr
Broken Lots
2250 ereate
Your Choice
All Oar
Broken Lots
$20 .0
All Oar
Broken Lois
All Oar $
Broken Lots
1650 0
vercai s
All Onr
Broken Lots
$15 Overcoats
n a
Suits yCT
Sells : :h
SlllfS 11 - ,
: :.-.-.. V-:-;
Suits J4
Men's $2.00 FANCY
VEST S on sale Sat-
Men's $10.00 OVER
small sizes, $98
Boys' $1.00 Straight or
Knickerbocker PANTS
per pair, 39c
Boys' $2.00 RUSSIAN
Boys' Blue or
Gray Flannel
Waists,' worth
75c, at. . . .39c
Boys' Knicker
bocker Cordu
roy Pants, w'th
$1.50, at... 69c
Boys' Knicker booker
worth $4.00, $198
Boys' 50c Gingham and
Madras Mothers Friend
of Men's, Boys' and Children's
Overcoats and Suits
The boys' and children's suits and
overcoats that have been sell- $l98
ing up up to $.50 will go at: ... .
The boys' and children's suits and
overcoats, worth up to $4.00 $ 98
and $4.50, at
Boys' and children's suits and over
coats that have sold up to $98
- $5.00 and $6.00, at; ..... . . . , . .
.Boys' suits and overcoats that sold up
to $7.50 and $8.50, . $yf98
at... ............. ' T-
Erery patr of high grade winter shoea
In our stock must he aoid at once. Many
new lota brought forward and added in
this great clearing sale Prices reduced
lower than ever.
r ...
Welt sewed or tura soles, vlcl kid. gun
metal, calf and patent colt; all sizes;
worth up to $3.60 pair,
:'- ..J
Wtmen't Shoes
Patent colt, gun metal, vlcl kid, etc.,
some with cloth tops and some
with kid tops, worth up a QQ
to $4.60 pair, at fti00
Up-to-date winter Shoes; medium
or heavy weights, worth up to
13.50 a pair, fff AO
at, pair 91, JO
Children's "To Boom" Shoe For
Saturday only we offer these band
sewed, $2 shoes in sizes 0 Oa
6 to 11, at
Welt Sewed Shoes, In all leathers,
lace, button and bliicher styles,
' worth up to 4 a pair, a no
at, pair ,j
Boys' guaranteed
$1.39. $1.50
Misses' and Children's
kid and box calf
Women' Felt
Slippers, felt J'Ap
Men's strong
House .
Women's good
working k i d
Shoes ......
Men's Furnishings
Our Men's Manhattan and E.
& W. Shirts, worth $1.50,
now at .$1.15
Our Men's Manhattan and E.
& W. Shirts, worth $2.00,
now at $1.38
Our Men's Manhatan and E.
& W. Shirts, worth $3.00,
now at ............$1.88
All Our Men's .Negligee and Out
ing Shirts, worth up to $1.00.
will go at 50
Hen's Hats
All our odds and ends men's
good quality Soft Felt or
Derby Hats, that have been
selling at $1.50 to $3.00 each
in one big lot for Satur
day, at, each ...... . .98c
Boys' and Children's Hats
and Caps, worth up to $1.00,
now at 25c
Men's and Boys'' Winter Caps,
worth up to 50c, now, each 10
Republicans Pick Time of Insurgent
' Meeting to Act.
Resolutions In North ' and floats
- ristt Cities Bndonlng Senator
as Upholder of Rooaerelt
Taf Policies.
I .
AUBURN, Neb., Jan. 81. (Special TU
BTam.) Last evening' a representative
Vathertny of republicans of the city of Au
burn, representing all walks of life, met
at the Maclay opera house and perfect ad
the organisation of a Burkett Progressive
Republican elub. The body has a member
ship of over 1W republicans, which consist
of leading merchants, professional men,
mechanics and farmers. After the meeting
was called to order, J. W. Kerns was
elected chairman and Barton C. Howe
secretary. This organisation was made
permanent A number of Informal speeches
were made, the tenor to the effect that the
Insurgent movement as fostered In Ne
braska is detrimental to the success of true
republican principles as expressed In both
the state and national platform of the
Party. V
Jl was also the consensus of opinion that
Omaha Man' Suffers for Years
With Painful Bladder
Mr. B. O. Btelnsprlng. lath and Webster.
U an Omaha man who can testify to the
wonderful efficiency of the treatment ad-1
ministered by Dr. Mllen. Read his letter
and profit by It If you suffer with .any
chronic ailment and need the services of
an expert specialist.
Dr. Mllen. 4!l Ramge Bldg.:
Dear SirFor years I have suffered
with terrible pain from Inflammation of
my bladder, caused by stene in the blad
der. I have tried different physclans and
various forms of treatment for the pal
five or six years, but none of them helped
ine. After the first month's treatment
from you I commenced to Improve, and
now, at the end of . four months, l am
feeling fine for the first time In years.
My appetite la good I can work' now, and
could not before. I was born In Nebraska
and have lived in Omaha for the past
twelve years. I have always thought that
Nebraska led In most things, and I firmly
believe that In the Austro-American Doc
tors Omsha has the services of some of
the worlds best specialists.
Tours Very truly, r
ICth amd Webster.
Dr. Mile treats and eurev Epilepsy,
UaU Stones, Rheumatism, Ooltre, Diseases
of the Liver, Kidneys, Stomach. Blood and
all chronlo and nervous diseases of men
and women. Those who live outside of
Omaha and cannot come to the offices at
this time are Invited to write, describing
fully their symptoms, etc. Examination
and consultation . are free. Dr.. Mllen,
physician in charge of the Austro-Amer
lean Doctors, 14 located .at Rains
Bldg., lith and Harney streets. Just op
posite the Orpheum theater.
United States Senator Elmer J. Burkett
has been a true, consistent and patriotic
representative and exponent of republican
principles as enunciated by the state and
national platform of his party, and for this
reason has the heartiest pledges 'of loyalty
and support of the organization. The fol
lowing resolutlo nwas adopted by acclama
tion: -
Resolved, That we endorse the Roosevelt
and Taft policies and that we condemn the
action of the so-called Insurgents of Ne
braska; and, be It further
Resolved, That we heartily commend the
good aid faithful work performed by B. J.
Burkett In the United States senate and
that we pledge him our loyal support for
re-election to a second term.
Maajr Members at Blair.
BLAIR, Neb., Jan. 20. (Special Tele-'
gram.) A large number of republicans met
In Tribune office last night and organized
a Burkett Republican club, pledging them
selves as believing In the principles of the
republican party and to do everything In
their power to support the present admin
istration. The club starts with 138 members,
and when the papers were circulated today
not a republican refused to sign up in
favor of Senator Burkett and his party.
A general sentiment prevails here that
Senator Burkett's record of the past in the
interest of his state, and the administra
tion in general entitles him to a re-election.
The meetings of the club will be held at
Intervals from now until election, as the In
terests of the campaign rriay demand. The
officers eleoted are: Don C. Van Duesen,
editor of the Pllo't, president, and H. B.
Taylor, secretary.
Mass Meetlas at Chadron.
CHADRON, Neb., Jan. 21.-(SpeclaI Tele
gram,) The Chadron republicans, at a mass
meeting held at Nelson's opera house last
night, organised a Burkett club, with a
full complement of oftlcers, who are each
representative republicans, and adopted the
following resolutions:
Resolved, By the republicans of the city
of Chadron, who together oomprlse the
Chadron Burkett club, that the course of
our senior senator, Klmer J. Burkett, Is
satlsfaotory to us, and It ought to be sat-
Uiiactory to every republican.
pie of Nebraska - In the upper branch of
congress; and, further be It
Resolved. That w te pledge our support to
Senator Burkett for re-election and will
use all honorable means to secure his en
dorsement and the election of members to
the legislature favorable to retaining hlra
In the position he now holds as one of the
senators from the great state of Nebraska.
Bfovemeat Poorly Dlsaratsed.
STANTON, Neb.. Jan. 21. (Special Tele
grcm.) An enthusiostlo meeting of tho re
publicans of Stanton and ; Stanton county
was held last night and a Burkett club
was organized with over 100 members. W.
W. Young was elected president; Nathan
Chace, vice president; James Peters, secre
tary, and J. Eberly, treasurer.
At the meeting the following resolutions
were unanimously adopted:
Whereas, In the approaohlng political
campaign is Involved the final election of
a United States penator for Nebraska; and
Whereas, On account of honorable and
faithful service and In accordance with a
custom, Hon. E. J. Burkett is entitled to
a second terra in said office; now, there
fore, be It
Resolved, That we, the republicans of
Stanton, Neb., believing in the high honor,
Integrity and ability of Hon. E. J. Burkett,
United States senator from this state, do
Indorse his candidacy for a second term
and pledge to him our most loyal support.
Resolved, Thut we do most highly ln
dorse the principles and policies of ex-Pres-Ident
Roosevelt and the administration' of
President Taft in his eflon. to carry out
those principles, and we do also commend
and Indorse our United States senators,
Hon. E. J. Burkett and Hon. Norrls Brown,
for their loyal and earnest support of those
Resolved, That the attempt upon the part
of a small number of alleged republicans
to place Senator Burkett in a false light
before the people of this State, accom
panied with an attack upon the adminis
tration of President Taft. deprives them of
the right In any manner to speak for the
republicans of this state, and we hereby
express our disapproval of the aforesaid
attack made upon Senator Burkett and the
administration of President Taft and do
denounce the same as being only a poorly
disguised attempt on - their part to turn
this state over to the democracy and aid
the election of democratic United States
Leigh Pledges Support.
LEIGH, Neb., Jan. 21. (Special Tele-
1'hKt we and all republicans will stand gram.) A political organisation waa formed
behind him In his every legislative act, and
that we have full confidence that his acts
will be, as they always have been, for tho
best Interest of our party and his constitu
ents, and we pledge ourselves and our oartv
Xhat this legislative district shall return to
the next legislature a republican member
who shall give his vote as our representa
tive, for the well merited return of Sen
ator Burkett to the United States senate.
The meeting was largely attended and
the speeches were enthusiastically applauded.
Fremoat for Both Senators.
FREMONT, Neb., Jan. 2L-(Speclal Tele
gram.) A welt-attended and enthusiastic
meeting of repub leans u held last n'ght to
organise a Burkett Republican club. Mayor
Burrell presided. . Officers were elected as
follows: Piealdent. Goorge Marshall; secre
tary, B. W. Reynolds; treasurer. J. A.
Yeagerj vice presidents, John H. Knowles,
Paul Colscn, George W. Stanford L. W.
Stewart and one from each voting precinct
In th county outside of Fremont.
Kinging resolutions were adopted sup
porting Senator Burkett and Incidentally
Senator Brown, and expressing unbounded
confidence. In President Taffs-administra
GENOA. Neb., Jan. 21. (Special. A
Burkett club was organised here last night
and the following resolutions were adopted,
to whloh pearly 100 members have sub
scribed their names:
Whereas. An 'attempt la now being: made
to discredit the work of Senator Durketi
ana senator Brown as reDreoeutatlvea ol
the people of Nebraska in the United States
senate; therefore, be It
Resolved. By the reoubllcana of Qanoa.
I la auvae sonrnxtUoa-aseemMed. that' we en.
1 dorse the splendid work of FMpneJure Brown
and Burkett as representatives -1 the peo
here last evening to be known as the Bur
kett club of Leigh, the object and purpose
being to further the candidacy of Elmer J.
Burkett for United States senator and to
defend him against the onslaught of a few
would-be reformers." The dub starts out
with a membership of torty-elght, and this
cod-fish are caught yearly on
the coast of Norway, from
the livers of which we get Cod
Liver Oil.
Only the best of this oil is
used by SCOTT & BOWNE
in the production of their
Scott's Emulsion
The skillful combination of
this Oil with Hypophosphites
makes a food-medicine un
equalled in the world for
building up the body. d-H'u.
gam' Mo., same at MW mat ttiU . fT oer
kuUiul Kxlnn Bout -4 Child ffkMok
Bwk, t- b uk ouuutltoo4 LmS ru.
SCOTT A UOWSK 409 Peart St.. N. Y.
number, it is expected, will be multiplied
several times In the near future. At the
meeting this evening W. I. Wailing was
elected chairman - and Charles R. Kuhle,
secretary. The meeting was very harmoni
ous and the following resolution was unani
mously adopted:
Resolved, That we, republican of Leigh,
Colfax county, Nebraska, believing In the
Intergrlty and ability of Elmer J. Burkett
to fill the high office of United States sen
ator, having shown by his action that he
is progressive, not being an extremist, bin
always doing what he believes to be right
and to the best interest of the people.
Resolved, That he has been loyal to
President Taft in carrying out the princi
ples of the republican party as expressed
in the platform on which he waa elected.
We commend the consistent course pursued
by Elmer J. Burkett and warn those who
are opposed to his candidacy that they are
being led on by men of selfish motives.
Resolved, That republican candidates
must, to be elected, depend on republican
votes. The State of Nebraska today Is rep
resented In the United States senate by
Elmer J. Burkett and Norrls Brown, two
republicans who are In the prime of life
and manhood, who command the respect
of the president and their associates, who
together with their experience will be In a
fiosltlon to accomplish much for the people
n the future.
Therefnri. w will do All we ran fnr the
re-election of Elmer J. Burkett to the sen-
ate of the United States.
SCOTT'S BLUFF, Neb., Jan, 2t (Special
Telegram.) The republicans of Scott's Bluff
met In mass meeting and organised a Burk
ett Republican club. Resolutions were
passed endorsing Senator Burkett and com
mending him for his support of the recla
mation act and his untiring efforts for the
upbuilding of western Nebraska.
Bancroft Takes Actloa.
BANCROFT, Neb., Jan. 2L (Special Tel
egram.) A large number of the leading
republican voters of Bancroft and vicinity
met and organized a club for the purpose
of supporting the candidacy of Elmer J.
Burkett for re-election as United States
senator. The following resolutions were
adopted and signed by forty-one citizens;
We, the undersigned republican voters of
Bancroft, Neb., and- vicinity, fully appre
ciating the able and faithful services ren
dered by our distinguished citizen and
statesman, Hon. Elmer J. Burkett, and
having the utmost confidence in his hon
esty and Integrity, desire at this time to
manifest our apperciation of his untiring
services by pledging hlrn our hearty sup
port. .
Of fleers are Allen Q.. Burke, president;
Carl E., Farley, secretary. , .
ARLINGTON, Neb., Jan. XL (Special
Telegram.) A large number of republicans
signed the roll, of the Arlington Burkett
club last night. W. H. Crane was elected
president and - C. J. Anderson, secretary.
There is little Insurgent sentiment here.
NORTH BEND, Neb., Jan. 2L (Special
Telegram.) North Bend has formed a
Burkett club, with W. W. Hall as presi
dent and Thomas Fowler as secretary. Re
publicans here are unanimous In his favor.
NORTH PLATTE. Neb., Jan. 21. (Special
Telegram.) A Burkett club was organized
last night with a big membership. F. E.
Bullard is president and George Graham
secretary. , . , .
DENTON, Neb., Jan. 2L-(Spectal Tele
gram.) A Burkett Republican club waa
organised last night and officers elected
and resolutions adopted.
Clab at Orleaaa.
ORLKAN8, Neb., Jan. 21.-4&peclal.)-At a
meeting of the republicans of Orleans and
vicinity a Burkett club was organised and
the following resolutions were unanimously
adopted and afterward signed by eighty
seven voters of this precinct! ;
Resolved, That we, the - republicans of
Orleans, fully endorse the record of Elmer
J. Burkett for the capable manner In which
he has so ably represented Nebraska In the
senate of ths United States, and we pledge
to him our loyal support at the coming
eitcilon for the following reasons:
' 1 We believe In fair play, und while Mr,
Burkett is attending to his duties Ir Wash
Uigum and la absent from the, state, we
object to the methods used by a bunch of
tho insurgents in Lincoln, who are attempt
ing to dictate the policy of the republican
party and who shall serve It.
Z We believe that where one holds the
office of senator or congressman as a
republican elected by that party, he should
devote his time to the upholding of the
party's policies, and at all times aid the
administration In carrying out Its platform
HOPKIN8, Neb., Jan. 21. (Special Tele
gram.) A Burkett club waa organized here
last evening.
Wood River Acts.
WOOD RIVER, Neb., Jan. 21. (Special
Telegram.) A meeting was held at the
Srnbeam office last night, the object of
whloh was to organize a Burkett club. The
club was organized with twenty-seven mem
bers and resolutions were adapted com
mending the record of Senator Burkett and
recommending his return to the United
States senate. F. J. Rochland was elected
president and W. W. Malleman secretary.
Regular meetings will be held on the third
Thursday of each month.
SUTTON, Neb., Jan. 21. (Speclal.)-About
seventy of the business men of Sutton met
and formed the Burkett Republican club
of Sutton. The meeting passed resolutions
endorsing the policies of Presidents Roose
velt and Taft. P. F. Nuss was elected presi
dent and' A. W. Burllngame secretary.
WILBER, Neb., Jan. 21. (Special.) A
Burkett club has been formed here, with
F. J. Sadllek as president and Lee Grimm
Olaf Hansen Is the Janitor at the resi
dence at MO South Twenty-fouitn street.
He went Into the furnace room to replenish
the fire and forgot there waa a clothes line
stretched across the large basement room.
It was dark and Olaf was In a hurry. He
struck the clothes line With great force, the
rope catching hlra under the chin and hurl
ing him backwards bo he fell with terrlfIA
force on the cement floor, striking his head"'
and causing a serious concussion. Dr. T,
T. Harris, assistant Jail surgeon, was called,
He will be taken to the county hospital.
, . .
Bee Want Ads produce results.
Omaha Ad Club's Novel Ad
Get On and Riije! There's Some Class to This Vaudeville Thing. Abso-gosh-dara-lutely the
Tidiest Presentation of .the Century s
fllvpn hv tho
01Vi&-lA AO gJJLuUB i ?
At ttie Motel Rome Banquet Room
C.10F.DAY EVENING, JANUARY 24, 6:30 P. m.
Can Wo Act? Oh, Jure! That's One of the Best Little Things Wo Do
Gifted Roughnecks and Graceful Barnstormers
Pwsh From Cyclonic Successes In Gothenberg; Vermillion, South Dakota; Yntan, Swaberic,
and Other Foreign Climes Will Bewitch and Dazzle the Multitudes in Original Sketches, Skits
and Parodies , '-,
TICKETS ARK $2.00 Including the dinner. It is the Intention to clear about 40c or 50c on each ticket to bo
toward the fund for entertaining the National Convention of Ad Men in August. HETUKN TUB KNCLONFli ihm.
Just to beat It Into you that this is no ordinary flock of plug amateurs stumbling through iome Rube School
House) Dialogue, we impress you with these 8 tar attractions. Every actor is "there and Over." Every act is soma
headllner. ...
O, You Piece de Resistance, MAYOR DAYLMAN AND HIS LARIAT, a spirited spectacle, typical of life In the
wide-open prairie. Lariat Throwing and Stery Telling. The mayor offers to pope, tie and brand any nroorram
solicitor, in three minutes. .....
A Cyclone of Musical Merrlmant
Trot Xe O. Krats and the T. X. Quartette
Presenting for the First and IHt Time
BiU-Omy-Ba" A Drammer of the Tear lao
Don't Miss It Unless You Are Hick In Bed
List to the Insurants' Bold Battle Cry. BX. TBtOsTFSOK
and his intelligent company In an original ktoh (eatrlg
the Cannon-BalUnrer-rincbot Squabble. Oet the Hook I
Drawers la Crayon Caricatures and Vortrats of
Xiooal Obaraoters -
- MOOT BBBBTXXB and Bis Danclnr Mckanla
ales from Crap-Sboetlna; Alley
lu Ttielr OriKlnal fiklt
"The Street Cleaners"
Tickets Admlttl-a- to
Sinner and Yaaderllle,
All Joke Used is This
Sbow bear tola Ylntage
Tbe Scotch tKUtles, Warranted to Bae Bnrlnk. COL. WIL
LIAM XSBBXOT aad His Leetber-Lanf troupe will pray
masterpieces on tbe waessy bafalpes. Hoot Awal Xvddl
Back ..
Tbe Baropeaa Senuatlon, fresh from the coal cellar of tbe
Blppoojrome. MABDIlLBEBa ABD BBTB, la tbe
Ad Clab Minstrels
DATB OJBaiBB, The Candy Bid, l Batlve Swedish Soars
and Banoes. Has Bra Tang-nay aad Gertie Hoffman
backed off tbe boards.
' H1.B5,B.iWa", dscIor,l by the Kins; of Italy for present-,
Li. ,ketch. His decoration which was one
olacli eye Ls no longer In his possession.:
Those Obeerfnfl Maniacs
la ths Seven-Mlante Slap-Stick Bellow-Drama .
-The Bloodhound Family Solloitora."
And His Eduoated Klnatoatona. Hhowlna- the .N mi lfnt
' Up-tcdate J'llins
Will Orlsd Oat the Latest Bags and Hbapsodles
Special Stage, Special
Bronram, . Special
Orchestra. A Big reed
A Big Joy Occasion.
to A
with you,
tace Hot United 1
Club Meubers.1 I
a Friend or tfoV)
Now Pay Some Attention to Wha( We Tell You, and Don't Let Anybody Hid You Out of This Date. U on the
at 0:30 Next Monday Night at Hotel Rome Uauquet Room. Stage Will be a Rower of Kewitchlng lieauty. Smoks
if Yon Like.