Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 22, 1910, EDITORIAL, Page 13, Image 13

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Newi from Abroad Createi Bullish
Feeling in Wheat Pit
Burma . side is encouraged
Heavy rarrfcase liar the Effect mt
Steadyta the Market Cora
Also Malta Firm aad
t lllsher.
OMAHA. Jan. il. 1010.
Karly nwi on wheat wan bullish. Cable
from Liverpool were up end report from
Argentina were very encouraging to the
buying side. Traders mw a chance for a
reaction and bought heavy at the atart and
value readily advanced.
Corn ii firm and higher again, strength
coming from the advance In wheat and
renewed buying by country houaea and
Wheat started firm and higher with
strong cable Inducing rme buying and a
good rally resulted. Cash wheat wa un
changed, value ranging narrow and buyer
somewhat Indifferent.
-Corn wa very steady, and soma firmer.
Buying waa of good, steady character, and
with reecipts. some lighter value wer
advanced about He with little or no oppo
eltlen. Cash corn brought higher price
and old readily. -
Primary wheat receipts were 662.000 bu.
and shipment ware 777.000 bu., against re
ecipts last year of 184,000 bu. and shipment
Of 1OT.0O0 bu.
Primary corn receipt were 486.000 bu.
and ahlpments wer 42.000 bu., against
receipt last year of 648,000 bu. and ship
men u of 664.009 bu.
Clearance wra 188.000 bu. of eorn, non
of oats and wheat and flour equal - to
877.000 bu.
Liverpool closed lHd higher on (wheat
and Hd higher on corn.
Local range of options:
V POL'LTRY Quiet: chickens. 13; spring,
? TTfc'n T ..war XJ-ls,
EOOS Higher, lie.
neceipta. ntpment.
i.m 9ino
M.OfiO 75.0OT)
118.000 M.OOO
97.000 62,000
rimir, bbls'
leat, bu
i, bu
, bu
Cot i
Article. Open. High. Low. Close. Yes'y.
1 0.1 1 4
4H 36V
- r.
' fl t6
w 1 04 i r
(4 96 84
65 (t 68
64 6SSi
4R 46H 46
43 42 42
OsaaJaa imam Prloea.
WHEAT No. I hard, tl.0fi1.O6H: No. t
hard, ll.02i91.04H; No. 4 hard, JWotJfil.tB; re
jected, hard, WMe; No. t spring. $1,064
1 0H; No. 3 spring, 31.00rT1.04: NO. 2 durum,
Mmc; No. 3 durum, U4&3c.
CORN No. I white, 4H0o; No. 1
white, 64iJMUe; No. 4 whrte. tBWtsc; no.
I yellow, 2H3n; No. S yellow, 62r62Hc;
do. yeiiow, Draw; rxo. , ixcv"a -4"
No I, tUStZe; No. 4, 68rf68Hc; no grade,
OATS Standard. 47VH7Uol No. 8 white.
4747Ho; No. 4 white, ViWWic; No. 8 yel
low,. 46H4Cc; No. 4 yellow, ibWUMo;
jno. mixea, nwpwikc.
BARLEY No. i, feed, 6V352c; rejected,
RYE No. I, 75976c; No. 3, 74$C7Ea.
Carlot Recclsii.
Wheat. Corn. Oat.
Chicago 22 186 85
Minneapolis 320
Omaha .' 30 01 50
Duluth Ct ' ...
Featare of the Trailag 4 Cloataaj
Price oa Board ' of Trade,
CHICAGO, Jan. 21. Grain . price ad
vanced her today, responsive to stronger
foreign cable and an Improved demand
for caah grain, ranging at the close from
4lHo higher than yesterday's final fig
ures, wheat leading in the advance. Pro-
Visions ware comparatively steady all day.
With the exception of a alight dip shortly
after the opening, bullish aentlment cotv
trolled wheat throughout the session. Fu
ture Quotations traveled over a ransre of
' from 4fTlaa with an almnat areAttv Howard
trend. May advanced from . $L-W1,104
and closed at the high point, 14t$lHe
higher than yesterday' a final Quotations.
The othar future closed Atnearly the high
points. '
An Improved outside demand for cash
corn, tended to advance prices In the corn
pit. .Prices olosed from 9i6o higher. May
closed Hc higher than yesterday at 63,
VnJIV, 1 1 1 , 11111 fUllll Ul ftllO UJ.
In sympathy with wheat and oorn. oat
advanced in price, ranging from HfflHo
mgner. All the future closed at prao
tlcally high points for the day, final flx-
urea for May being V3o higher than yes-
leraay Close at 48V4C.
Provisions olosed SV4TH higher,
The leading Xutur ranged aa follows:
' Artlolea.1 Open. Hlgh. Low. Clo.,Y'y.
May '
May July
May July
Jan. May
July ,
Jan.. May
- July
k 09TJ. 1 10f...l J 1 10.
1 O0VH I 01ll 0OVA 1 OlHHI
.1 ! .....I
U 62 Hi
31 W
12 40
11 6
U 86
41 Hi
21 86
11 4H
13 47HI
1Z 00
11 20
21 67 H
31 73H
13 40
11 2Hj
11 86
1. 48H
21 36
31 7JH
a 7t
1 09H
1 oos
21 37H
21 7H
21 72H
13 46 I 11 40
12 02HI 11 7H
11 90 U 87H
14 An I is oa I il mJ n K I il on
1 11 ISO 1 11 66 J 11 47HI 11 7 11 60
,1 U 47HI 11 6IH 11 47HJ 11 63HI U 60
No. a.
Cash Quotations were as follow! -
FLOUK Steady; winter patents, 26.264)
winter straights, li.Wij'S.W; spring
atralghts, 4.804io; baker, 13.6.40.
41 V L.' KJa S 7QII11
BARLEY feed or mixing. 6666c; fair to
cnoice mailing, tito,
SEKDS Flax, No. 1 southwestern, 32.07;
No..l northwestern. 33.17. -Timothy, 14.060
4. 10. Clover. $.60tj"11.7.
PROVISION S-iless pork, per bbl.. 321.60
pa.Bi. juara, per iw iba., HJ-to'tf u.v.
bliort ribs, sides (loose), 311.6Otfl2.0O. Short
clear eidea tboaed), 312.i2W12.2b
Total clearancea of wheal and flour were
equal to 377,000 bu. Exports for the week,
as shown by Bradstreet's, were equal to
2.UB5.000 bu. Primary receipts wer 663.000
bu. compared with 3M,00bu. the corre-
Estimated recelpta for tomorrow: Wheat,
17 oar; corn, UH car; oat,. M carat hogs.
17.0HO head.
Chicago Cash Prices Wheat:' No. 3 red
81.24nil.26; No. I red, ll.30uil.34, nominal
No. 3 hard, 1. 124(1.14; No. 3 hard, II. OS J
1.13H; No. 1 northern spring, 1.11.14V
No. I northern SDrln. 31.12(31.14: No. 1
spring, tl 1091.13. Corn: No. 8 rash. WHa,
nominal; No. 8 cash, tft'aO'e)- No. 3 white,
6eVt,ittc. nominal: No. 4 white. 64c: No. 3
yellow, 67$7Hc. nominal; No. 3 yellow, 66V
j6Wc; No. 4 yellow, 64a66c. Oats: No. 1
cash. 4SHc; No. 8 white, 4-at0So; No. 4
White, 48dj4Bo; standard, ey-tjaoic.
Bi'TTtll Steady; creameries, lie; dairies,
?ltc. -
KtjKJS Steady; receipts, 8.840 ease; at
mara, caae included. 24HHc; t'rst. 4c
prime rusts. 87c. v
CHKEdE - Mteadv: . dalalea..' 17C17c
twins, l"Vl7c; young America, 16 H41
c; long noma, lWfli6c.
POTATOES Stesdy ; choic to fancy,
tStuWc; fair to aood. 4&947c.
POULTRY-Kssy; turkey, 17ei ohlckeruj.
lc; springs, m-c.
V'KAL Steady: 60 to sO-lb. weiirhts. mc
tO to 86-lb. weight. ItwlOc; 86 to 110-lb,
weigms, uyc. ,
Mlaaeapolls Ural a Market.
fl.liiso 10 ii'c; juiy, II. lis; cash
No. 1 hard, tl.13Htfl.14H; No. 1 northern
tl.lai.u, Ma x norther. 1.11&1.11
jno. s nonnwrn, 11.wv1.ii,
flKSD Flag, $2.19.
CORN No. 3 yellow, iei53nile, '
OAT14-NO. 3 white, 4Hot?-viHa
11 YB No. . 8. 76iU77o.
BRAN In 108 lb. auks. ISaaJ M.
' FLOUR First patents (In wood, f. o. b.
Minneapolis), t6.0.60; stioond patents
86 2066.40: first clears, 84.8&4,.i; second
clesLT. H.Va.m.
t. liala Goaeral Market.
BT. LOUIS, Jan. 8L W H E A T H lgher
track. No. 3 red. cash. ll.r.Hnin; No.
hard. 81.110LU; May, $1.11; July. $1.009
CORN Higher: track. No. t cash, 6c
No. 3 white, 6c; May, 6S1io; July,
OATS-Hlgher; track, No.. 3 cash, 40c
No. 3 whites ttev May. 4ttvc; July, 44e.
RT35 Unchanged: jtlc.
FIjOUR Unchanged; red winter patent
$6.(00600; extra fancy and straight. 36 00
.; naro winter eieara. littiw
P&Kl Timothy, U StjJ-6.
KHAN wulet; sacked, east track. $1.19
1 Jl
PIlOVI9ION-Pork lower: lohblng. $31 K
Lard hlghnr; prime steam, $11113 40. Pry
meets tinrhsnget; bnxed extra shorts,
l .1.,, ,lk. 1 1 AA. I . I ... .-.J
1 um. niiun ciriri,
con unctmntr-d; boxed etra short, $14.26;
r l h lla t'.i aiWKA .1 a ill IA
a-i-vs.', niltn l IHTJ I aj, iff.
Y Unchanged; timothy, - $14.60018 00;
le. 8l80Orin4.:A
AO:iN4 c. '
Qaotatloas of the Day Varloaa
Case ns od 1 1 le.
NEW YORK, Jan. 31.-FLOTTR Steady,
ilh demand Door: surlnsr Detents. If. RO
a6.7f; winter patents, b.4via6.iW; winter
extras. No. L 84.HC4 90: Ksimas strr.lrhta
t4.0(U.16; winter straighta. 36.Sfvt6.46: sDrtna
clears, t4.40(4.i6: winter extras. No. x. 34.40
4J4.45; receipts, 20,000 bbls.; shipments, 20.000
dib. nye iiour, siean; lair to good. W
40: choice to fancy. HM&tt.M iinrkwhrir
flcur, quiet; bulk per 100 Iba, t2.00. nominal.
v;uji.-Nmi.ALi -rm; fin whtte and yel
low $1 661.00; coarse. $1.4frffl.&v; kiln dried,
$2 85.
RYB-Dull; No. t western, c. nom
Insl, f. o. b. Nw York.
BARLEY Nominal j feeding, nominal, 0.
I. f. New York.
WHEAT 8 Dot firm: No. 3 red. 8130.
nominal, elevator, domestle, and $1.80,
nominal, f. o. b.. afloat; No. 1 northern,
Duluth and No. i hard winter, tl 16. nom
inal, f. o. b., afloat. There was a firmer
market In wheat on active buying by prom
inent (peculator and covering by shorts
on firm cable, bullish Argentina news,
smaller receipts and a atronger caah situ
ation. At the close price wer &1VC
higher. May loosed at $1.U); July closed
at :.. Receipts, 76,800 bu.; shipments,
131.70O bu.
CORN Spot firm: No. 1 7Sc, elevator.
vator, domestic 75o, delivered, and 73Hc,
1. o. p., anoat, nominal, option market
waa without transactions, . closing 4jH
net higher: May closed at 77(4c: Juiy at
77 He, September at 77a Receipts, 30,200 bu.;
snipments, 2U.ZM bu.
OATS Spot firm; mixed, 3632 points,
e tn Ins 1 , rlXi44 . . . C9nt
iiuiiiiu! II am VUI all W a70 ) Liuuium, vo-y
66H0; clipped white, 34 to 42 lb., 643&7c.
neceipts, 4.r,q u.
HAY Firm; prime, fl.ttm.2D; No. L $1.15;
No. 3 $1.06471.07; No. 3, $1.00.
HOPS Steady: stale, common to choice.
1900. tOtf'Jf.e; 11)0. Utjlc. Paclflo coast, 1809,
214126c; 1908, 1418o,
HIDES Steady, Central America, 22c;
Bogota, 21SI2Hc
LiiiATltElo-steady; hemiocK, firsts, met
tic; seconds, 23g27c; thirds, 2225c rejects,
PROVISIONfM-Pork. oulet: mes. $24 00
t24 2n; family, tW.0om36.6o; short clear, 26.0U
27.50. Beef, steady; mess, $11.60312.b0; fam
ily, $16.0(Kftl6.So, beef hams. t24.0ouM.Ml. Cut
meats, ainauy; pickled beiiies, JO to 14 IBS.,
113.00(0 13. &0; pickled hams, $13. .WitH. 00. Lard,
firm; middle west, prime, $12. 80012. 90; re
fined, steady: continent, ill &o: South
America, $14.35: compound, $10.2610.60.
butter weaker; creamery tnira to
first, 28333c.
CHEESE Irregular; state, Jiew full
cream, apeoial, 17H18c.
EOGS Steady, unchanged; western extra
first, 4142c: firsts. SftHMOc: lower grades.
POULTRY Alive, dull; western chickens,
I60; fowls, 17c; turkeys, 12jyi7c; dressed.
rirm; western chickens, 164723c; fowls, 14
17o; turkey. 2226o.
For Nebraska, Fair latarday aad
Warmer la East Portion.
OMAHA, Jan. 21, 1910.
Th disturbance, oantral over the ex
treme upper Mississippi' valley Thursday
morning, has moved to the lower lakes
and upper Ohio valley. Unsettled weather
continues with this disturbance, and rains
are (eneral in the lower lake region, ex
treme upper Ohio valley and eastern
states, and snow are failing in the middle
Ohio valley and south over eastern Ten
nessee and northern ueorgla. High winds
pie vailed throughout the valleys Thursday,
and a decided fall in temperature occurred
ast night from the Rocky mountains east
to the lake region, and south from the
Canadian- provinces to the gulf of Mexico.
The weather ha cleared in th upper val-
Uys and southwest. Rains and snows are
falling on th north Pacific slop and con
siderable cloudlneas prevails In the north
west. Temperatures are higher In th
northwest, the mountains, and west to the
coast, and the weather will be warmer
and fair In this vicinity tonight and Satur-
. . .. ..
Kecord 01 temperature ana precipitation
compared with the corresponding day of
the last three years:
UH0. liioa. 1908. ISO.
Minimum temperature.... 16 37 34 9
Precipitation 00 .00 .00 .00
Normal temperature tor today, w degree.
Excess in precipitation Bine March 1.
6.26 Inches.
Deficiency corresponding period In 1903,
5.87 Inohea.
Deficiency corresponding period In 1907.
T.84 lnohes. , L. A. WELSH,
Local Forecaster.
Market Oirei Further Evidence of
Good Effect of Eectifyiaf Prioet.
There) la florae Selling of Valoa aad
floathera Par) Me Beeaaeo of
Report that salt Will Not
Bo DlsnsUaed.
Kansas City Grata and Provisions.
changed to lc higher: No, $ hard, $1,000
1.13; No. 3, $1.064j)1.12; No. 3 red. 1.2a1.3t;
No. 3. $1.18ri.36; May, $1.06 bid; July, 96
Q96Hc sellers.
CORN-Hfle higher; Wo. 3 mixed. 6H
67c; No. 3, 6G66Hc; No. 3 white, ttTHHc;
No. 3, 87c; May, 67Hc, seller; July, 67H-
OATS Unchanged; No. 1 white, 4iV4
60HOJ No. 3 mixed, 46($48c.'
HAY U changed to JMTfiOo higher: choice
timothy. 314 00314.60; choice prairie. $11.763
12.00; chotoe alfalfa, $18.003718.60.
BUTTER Creamery, extras. 33c: firsts.
31e; seconds, 29o; packing stock, 23c.
EOGS Kxtraa, S2Ho; firsts, 80Hc: current
receipts, 29S; seconds and dirties, 17Hc.
Iteceipts. Shipments.
Wheat, bu 184W 43.000
Corn, bu , 68.000 38.000
Oata, bu 10,000 8,(0)
Option at Kansas City:
l.MO 10H K4 10H
l.suo 13B inn, HH4
3,000 lriH Ut uv
M ti M
m MH H H
1.900 1H 49'4 MS
so.eoo us4 117 lit
300 10 l'JS'4 103
4no ill 1KH Ui
3,700 114 1U 114H
MO M n t
4,400 76 71 74
1.004 1W 1M WTt
4,100 44 U 4mj
"0 lCCVJ y liTVS
700 404 800 OT
30,400 M n at
1,700 Kl U 42
l,no M H '
1.100 1 IB UU,
lt 14 147 14
14 78 79 Tf
4.100 45 Mi 44 4
3,000 44 M 6t
MO 11 3H4 tl
St 80mi tOH 80
14.KJ0 1HH 14 16V
1.0(10 W lNj JOS
100 17S4 171
3,000 44 H 41 Vt.
w i -
. 14.400 US 1st
. 3.7UO 74 , 74
. 00 145H 141 144VS
. 13,300 UH 34 '
. 14,400 M
400 'MB
1 14H 147 144
WO 47 47 H . 4
1.000 13S 1M 16
i,et n 70
I Open. I High. I Low. Close.
May ...
July ...
May ....
July ....
I 1
106H 10RH
96H H
7H 67H
86H . 67 H
1 06 '1 06?
86H 96A
67 67HA
B bid. A asked.
Philadelphia Proelaco Market.
Quiet but steady; extra western creamery,
86c: extra nearby prints, S7a.
RQGS Dull and lo lower; Pennsylvania
and other nearby firsts, free cases. 37 o at
nark; Pennsylvania and other current re
ceipta. In returnable cases, 35c at mark;
wtfctara llrsts. Ires cases, 37 0 at mark;
western current receipts, free cases, 3ltj3&o
at mart.
CHEKSK Firm; New York full cream.
choloe, KHS'lTHc: New York full creams.
tair to good, lownjnc.
Liverpool Grain and Provisions.
i.ivmRPtini. t.n !t urimiTni..
Ing: Spot dull; No. 3 red weetern, winter,
iu uv, lumm plena) , ssaron, ss Z7u;
May, 6s; July, 7s 10d.
6s 4Hil! old Amerloan mixed, 6s 8Hd; fu-
. Toledo teed Market.
TOLEDO. O.. Jan. Jl. SEEDS Clover
calh, $9.03H; February. $9 05; March, $J07';
April. $8.3H; October, 3706; prime old.
$8.&; rejected. $1.40; no grade, $7.26. Tim
othy, prime, ii.yivi; Marcn, Alstke,
prime, $7.90; March, $8 00.
. , . Peoria Grain Market.
PEORIA, Jan. 21.-CORN Steady; No. 3
yellow, 64H&o; No. 3, 64Hc; no grade, 66
OATS-Hlgher; No.. 3 whlto, 48oj No. 4
white, 47o ; standard, 48He.
Mllwaakeo Grain Market.
northern, $1.16H'oll7H: Ko. I northern,
$1 14H$1.15H; May, $110.
OATS 4ia4!Ho.
BAltXEY Sample, 6&&71C
NEW YORK. Jan. 31. Th stock market
gav further evidence today of th good
effects of the purging and rectifying pro
cess to which It has been subjected this
week. A good absorptive demand was
shown at all levels during th day.
At the outt there wa some remaining
trao of nervousness over th possibility
of after-effects from the Hocking Coal col
lapse and the embarrassments which It
brought. This feeling waa responsible for
the morning dip In prices, which carried a
few Important stocks below last night's
closing level, especially Amalgamated Cop
per. There was some selling also of th
Harrlman Pacifies, on account of the report
that the Department of Justloe had defi
nitely determined to proceed with th uit
to dissolve the merger between these com
panies. The steady Improvement in the
money market and Investment situation
abroad was a helpful Influence on th Nsw
York stock market.
Buying to cover short by th bear wa
an influence in the day rise, but measures
against the shorts did not seem to be ag
gressively pursued. Th rise In price waa
the occasion for some rumors of coming
favorable developments.
The Imminence of the United State Steel
quarterly dividend meeting, which is to oc
cur next Tuesday, mad that tock the ob
ject of dividend rumor also. These took
th form of an Intended extra dlsburssment
of stock In addition to the regular 1 per
cent quarterly dividend. The vigorous ad
vance in United States Steel waa a notable
sustaining influenoe on th whole market,
but no authentic information could be se
cured as to Intentions regarding the coming
dividend. . "
Preliminary estimates of the week's cur
rency movement pointed to another heavy
Influx of cash to bank reserves, something
near $16,000,000 having been received, appar
ently, from all sources combined.
Bonds were firm. Total sales, par value,
$3,209,000. United States bonds were un
changed on call.
Number of sales and leading quotations
on stocks were as follows:
Dales. High. Low. Close.
Allls-Chalmem pM too 44 47 41
Anulramstet Copper 41,400 44 81 14
American Agricultural 140 44 44
Am. Beet Sugar... 4no 42 41 43
Am. Can d yo ft 7t 7a
Am. c. r 2.0 M u 4
Am. Cotton oil HO 46 4 44
Am. H AL. pfd (00 41 41 41
Am. Ice Securities loo 3 13 ti
American Linseed too 16 14 lt
American Locomotive 1.000 64 64 14
urn. a. si n it,) i
Am. m. at k. pia
Am. sugar Refining.,,..
Am. T. A T
Am. Tobacco pt4
American Woolen
Anaconda Mining Co.....
Atchlaoa ptd
Atlantto Coast Line
Baltimore A Ohio
Dal. 4k Ohio pfd
Bethlehem 8teel
Brooklyn Rapid Tr
Canadian Pacific
Central Leather
Central Leather pfd
Central of N. 1., x-4lv.
Chtaapeake at Ohio
Chlcaso Alton
Chicago Ot. W., new...,
Chicago A 14. W
C, M. aV BL T
C, C, C. a St. L
Colorado P. A I
Colorado A So ,
Cola. to. 1st pfd ,
Colo. A 80. 3d pfd,
Consolidated Gee
Corn Products
Delaware A Hudson
lenrer A Rio Grand..
D. R. a pfd
Distillers' Bm unties
Erie 1st pfd ,
Brie 3d pfd
General Electric
Great Northern pfd
Great Northers Ore etfs
Illinois Central
Interhorough Met. ,
Int. Met. pfd K400 . M S4 48
International Harvester ... too UZ 1U la
Int. Marine pfd l,JO 41 344
International Paper luO 14 14 1
International Pump 3,io ( 44 61
Iowa Central 400 34 34
Kama Cltjr 80 3,600 40 3 40
K. a 80. pfd 6O0 70 .40
Mian. A St. Louis...
m , gt. r. a o. a. 1
Missouri Paclflo ....
M., K. A T 4,100 4i
m.. k. at t. pra 100 71
National Biscuit
National Lead
N. R. R. 04 M. 1st pfd
New York Central
N. T., O. A W
Norfolk A W
North American
Northern Paclflo
Paclflo Mall ,
People' Gas
P., C, C. A 8t. L.....
Pressed Steel Car
Pullman Palace Car,..
Railway Steel Spring...
Republle Bteel
Republic Steel pfd.....
Rock Itland Co
Rock leland Co. pfd...
St. t. A 8. F. 34 pfd..
St. Louis 8. W
St. L. 8. W. pfd
Slaee-gheftleld 8 A I..
Southern Pacific
Southern Railway ....
So. Railway pfd. 40 44 48 4e
Tenneeeee Copper 0 M 4H 4
Teias A Paclflo tM M tt
T.. St. L. A W M 40 44
T.. St. L. A W. pfd 400 44 48 44
Inleo Paclflo
Union Paclflo pfd
V. 8. Realty, ex-dlv .....
It 8. Rubber eno 4 44
t). 8. Steel 401. t0 44 44 H
V. 8. Broel pfd I.0( 11H 134. 1W
Utah r-mmer 4.4U4) 64 41 M
Va.-Caro. Chemleal l.&w (4 lt 44
Wabaeh 8.400 12 . 32 32
Wabash pfd 7.i"0 H bl
Western Maryland etfs 1.404 50 80 4ft
Weatmshoura Eleotrlo ...... l.KO T9 79 7k
Weetern Union I." 7 'Ml
Wheeling A U 3! l.t 4 4 4
Wisconsin Central iw su w o
Pltl;burf Coal v... 4 0 II 11 W
Am. Bteel Fonndry juo oe ee
Unite Dry Goods....
Laclede Oaa
Total sales for the day, 441,40 snares
New York Money Market.
NEW YORK, Jan. 21.-MONET-On call
steady at J'tiit per cent: ruling rate. 3
per cent; closing bid. 3H pen, cent; offered
at 3 per cent. Time loans, easy; sixt
days, 4,rer cent; ninety days, 4 per cent;
six months, 4 per cent.
per cent.
P 1 JUKiiiiNti rA.jj-iAjjia v eas, wun
actual bUBlnees In bankers hill at $4 WoOii
4.3395 for sixty-day bills, and at $4.stl3o for
demand. Commerrlul bills, $t.F3f4 H-
H1I.VFR Bar, 5Ze; Mexican dollars. 44c.
BON D& Government, steady; railroad,
Closing quotations on bonds wer as follows:
U. 8. ref. ts, reg....l00lnl. Met. 4a 84
do eoupos lootiQt. u. M. vts
V. 8. ta. rag 101 Japan 4a 4
' o eeupen 0l 4e 4 Ha 6
V. 8. 4a. rag 1HSK. C. 80. 1st ts ..... T
do eeupon I14L. 8. Aeb. 4e int.... 4
Allle-Chal. let Ss..,.. 4L. A N. unl 4s t
Am. A. 5s lot St., K. A T. let as... 9
Am. T. A T, sr. 4s.. 100 4o gen. 4e Kt
Asi. Tobaoeo es It Mo. Paclfle 4a 41
to ta .... 106 N. R. R. et M. ,4s. . M
Armour A Co, 4a... 44 M. T. C. g. 4a 41
with prine ranging from unchanged to
1H higher thaj yesterday's New Tork
... 4TLleTllle A 14. 1M
814 UM.. R. A t 44
... N. T. rnii.,.M,..1
,.. 1 Norfolk A W
,..! o pit M
,..! Ontario W 4a
...lUHPennayleanls t
,..lMRan4 Mlsea 4,
... MHReadln Wv,
... 48oU1.rn .,. tin
,..lt4, 4e ft VI
.. 143oathem PaHfl 1M
... 461-eton Paelne 1P7
... 3 4e pfd .104
tJU. 8. Bteel , aaUj
..4 4o pfd 1M
.. HWakaah 4
.. 31 de. pfd 44
..147 Bnanlah 4e a
SIL.Vr.K-Har, teady at 34Hd per oa.
MONET 3 per cent.
The rate of discount In th open market
for short and three month' bill 1 244 per
4e seewunt
Aarval. Ossaf .....
do pfd
Baltimore A Oeile.
PanaSlan Paclfle..
Cheeapeak A O. .
rsioari a. w.....
chi., mil a st. r.
Do Beer
Denver A Rte O. .
do pfd
do let pM. ....
As Id pfd
Orsnd Trunk
Illinois Central
Transactions of the Associated Banks
for th Week.
NEW TORK, Jan. 31 Bradstreet' bank
clearing report for the week ending ,1ami
ary 30 shows an aggregate of $Olf.l0.000,
as against 33.M4.iM.ouO lust week and 33.2.A
B20.000 In the oorreeponding week last year.
Following la a list of th cities:
'i'ioo '' '34"
13 400 130
I, M0 '44
l,M 7
400 :
S 111
18, (DO ln 114 11
70 84 44 4
3S.IU0 144 144 144
3,BU0 112 111 US
1.400 44 44 44
l,Ak) ! 14 14S
800 47 47
tt.3110 13 1U lIl
4.TU0 tV
11,1110 44
400 44 e
400 54 54
' 400 44
1,000 74 74
8U0 14 . 81
44.40 141 U Ml
1.TH0 S 40 . 41
CITIES. I Clearings. Inc. Dec.
New Tork $$,6WfiM.00r1 SO. 3
Chicago mH,000 3.3
Boston 81S.673.0U0l 1.3
Philadelphia 1&4.C03.OOO 14. $
St. Louis 76.O10.0tXH 1.0
Pittsburg 6O.4f7.O0O 18 $
Kansas City do.301.000 17
Han Francisco 4t.Sti3.O0O 3$. 7
Baltimore 33.3U.tM) sr. 3
Cincinnati 37,463,000 10.3
Mlnneapoll 2a,803.0u0 40.0
New Orleans 30.134.000 60.1
Cleveland 18,413.000 0.1
teiroit 13.73,000 36 3
Omaha l,48O,0OO 11.6
LoulsvMI 18, 00, 000 14. 7
Milwaukeo 12. tCi.ODo ...... 5
Fort Worth 7.741,000 ...... I
Lo Angele 14.(T3,00O 13.3
8t. fauf 3.WLO0O 4.
8ettl U.S91.000 4.T
Denver 10,014,000 10.3
buffalo 13.42,OU01 13.7
Indlanapoll 10,37j,0t)) $.$
Bpokane, Wash 4.tSOfc,0u0 44
Providence 3.493.000 31.1 ......
Portland, Ore 10.34,000 6.7
Richmond " ,3a0,0ooi 13.4
Albany S.313 000 19.$
Washington, D. C... 7.378,000
St. Joeeph 8 460.000 U.3
Suit Lake City 7,loti,(i0o lli.Oi
Columbua 8,.000 27.8
Memphl $,65,0fJ0 3S.S
Atlanta U.319.O00 117.4
Taeoma 6,564,000 17.1
SavannaA 4.1ZZ.GS .$
Toledo, 0 4.8H3.000 7.1
Rochester 4.M3,00i) 13.6
Hartford I.OiKS.OOO 63.
Nashville 4,137,000 $.7
Des Molne $.7ii2.0CO 11.0
Peoria - 3,076.000 ... ... 3.0
New Haven 3.112.000 i.
Sioux City 3.500,000 10.6
Norfolk ' 8.1W3.000 3.1
Grand Rapid 3,0H0,000 29. $
Syracuse . 3.816,000 39.1
Evanavllle 8,078,000 0.1
Birmingham 2,88.000 $1.8
Springfield, Mass. .. 2,8S,0W .
Portland, Mo. 2,Oj.000 37.8
Augusta, Oa. 3,126,000...... $.3
t)ayton 8,150,000 33.7
Oakland, Cal 3,226.000 83.6
Worcester 2.8,000 81.8
Jacksonville, Fla. ... 3.37.O0O 44.1
Wichita, t18,C0t 64.8
Wheeling, W. VA.... 1,614.000 $.4
Knoxvllle 1,660.000 6.0.,..,.
Little Rock 1789,000 l.l ......
Chattanooga 1,986,000 32.7 ."
Charleston, 8. C $.120,000 46.3
Mobile ." 1.367.000 3.6
Wilmington, Del 1.609,000 13.8
Lincoln, Neb 1.620.090 16.6
Wllkesbarro 1,286,000 3.7
Topeka f l.SWI.OOO 0.7
Davenport I 1,00,000 38.2
Oklahoma ' 8,148.000 00.8
Fall River 1.8X7.000 18.$
Kalamazoo, Mich. .. 1.808.000 84.7
Sacramento 1,166,000 43.3
Springfield, I1L 1,024,000 8.6
Helena 863.000 13.1
Fort Wayno l.O&S.OOO 2J.7
Cedar Rapids, la L26o,O00 84.4
New Bedford ......... 1,350.000 57.8
Columbia, S. C 844,000 ...... 7.7
Maoon .T. . , LISH.QUO 43.7
Toungstown . 470, 0j0 84.1
Lexington L218.00O
Fargo, N. D 887,000 33.1
Akron 868,000 30.8
Rookford, 111 671,000 11.8
Erie, Pa. 84,00O
Sioux Falls, S. D..,. 086.000 67.8
Canton, O 648.000 ... . . 11.8
1 Qulncy, III 690.000 36.0
Bloomlngton, 111 69.000 23.7
Lowell 610,000 11.6
Blnghamton 470,000 38.6
Cheater, Pa. 626,000 26.0......
Soud Bend, Ind 606 000 36.3
Decatur, III 406.000 Is. 4
Springfield, 0 614,000 13.2
Vlckaburg 367.000 ...... 87.7
Fremont, Neb. , 424,000 16.8
Manfleld, Oi ........ 413000 31.0
Jacksonville, 111.!.... 843.000 6 3
IJackson. Mis 4R9.00O
tHouston 89,788,000 . 0.4
tOaWeaton 14.in0.0u0 11.8
Duluth , 4.036,009...
Scran ton 8.76&.0OO
104 10
42 44
84.100 1)4 111 lt
1,4U 10i IWVtj 1V1
Cattle Ten to Fifteen Onti HigaeT
Than Lt Week.
Fat "keen aad Lambs Active Seller
and lllgker for Ike week, While
tko Caramon Ksnds Are
SOUTH OMAHA. Jan. B, 1310.
ReoeiDt warn:
Official Monday
Official Tuesday
Official Wednesday
Official Thursday ..
Kstlmated Friday ..
Cattle. Hogs. Sheep.
... 4.400 $.748 7.106
... 6.761 10.00 $.614
.. 3.089 3,314 6, Ml
.. 3.241 10.16& i.m
.. 1.600 6,800 1.600
Flv day last werk....I.3Sl 42.7W 3S,Siil
Same day last week.... 24.017 3t,621 3i.l
Sam day 3 weeks ago.. IV. W0 28.400 2,Mi
Same days $ weeks ago..l3.0t3 31,46 38.646
Same day 4 week agu..l2.0 32.204 1S.W1
Same day last year. ...31,1113 66,048 il.VSi
Th following table ahnw th receipt of
cattle, hog and ahtep nt South Omaha for
tli year to data, compared with last year:
1910. 10. Inc. Dee.
Cattl oo.svvl 7,81 7.2S3
Hegs , 127.283 181.813 64.M1
sjheep W.1,1 3,831 8460
The followtng table show th average
price of hogs at South Omaha for th laat
several days, with comparisons.
Dat. I 1810. 1 1J.1S08. 107. 11904. l06, 11904.
$ 28HI
I 47H
8 66
8 42HI
a 82
$ IS 4
$ 87 4 30
6 3 4 33
4 8t
$ 08 4 33
09 I
$ 36
6 42
6 44
$ H
.1 6 fcil 4 1U 66
30 6 331 4 631
6 36 I 4 63
I 4 DO
I 291
6 29 14 eel
6 311 4 61
5 87 4 66
$ 391 4 56
6 811 4 6i 4 h
I 4 6 4 79
4 61
4 71
4 73
4 69
4 74
4 74
Receipt and disposition of live stock At
th Union Stock Yards, South Omaha, Neb.,
tor in ttttaty-foui- hour ending at $ p. m.,
January 21, 1910:
. - Cattro. Hog. Sheep. H'r's.
C, M. A St. P 4 6
Wljsouii Pacific 1 3 .. ..
Union Paotflo 5 14 i
C. A N. W east 8 4 .. 1
C. N. W., west 19 13 1 ..
C.. St. P., M. 4 O.... 7 6 1
C., B. 4 Q., east 4
C, U. 4 Q., west..... 6 23 8
C R. I. 4 P., east.. 16 9 6 2
Illinois Central ...... 6 1
Chicago O. W 3 tt.. '.
Total receipts 69 9J
' - Cattle.-
Omaha Packing Co 5
Swift and Company 435
Cudahy Packing Co 676
Armour 4 Co 67
Krey Packing Co
Cudahy Bros
St. Louis Independent... ....
W. B. Vansant Co 6
Benton Vansant 4 Lush 13
Hill 4 Son.. 63
F. B. Lewie gj
Huston 4 Co 3
J. B. Root 4 Co 1
i. H. Bulla 6i
L. Wolf ;.. si
S. Werthetmer 47
M. Haggerty 50
Sullivan Bros 17
Lehmer Bros is
Mo. 4 Kan. Calf Co...... 74
Christy 4 Kline 24
Other buyer 200
Hogs. Sheep.
Totals..'.. ..v 1 ear tin
CATTLE Receipts of ea.tie this morriina-
iwere extremely small, only about fourteen
r using m signt wnen the market
openad. Later trains Increased this number
somewhat, but still ther were at no time
enough cattle on tale to make very much
of a showing. ,.
Such cattl as ther war hsr generally
Sold steady to a little lower, but prices on
all kinds of killer were lulSc higher than
laat week's olos. To put it another way.
the slump th' price last week haa been
largely wiped out, the market at the pres
ent time not being over 10c lower than two
week ago. '
The market on stockurs and feeder ha
made about th same Improvement a hav
fat cattls, being generally 10416c higher
than laat week, or very nearly back wher
they were two week ago. It must be un
florstod, however, that the demand Is still
confined In rather narrow limits, but th
upply is so moderate that buysrs:hav
readily taken everything arriving.
Quotations on cattle: Oood to choic
steers, $6.00(317.26; fair to good steers, $5.00
$6.00; common to fair steers, $4.0Oo6.0O; good
to choloe cows and heifers, $4,604)6.25; fall
to good cows and heifers, $3.60jH.60; com
mon to fair cows and heifers, I2.60S8.50;
food to cnlc stockers and feeders, $4. 26 ft
.30- fair to good stockers and feeders, $.;)
E4.2T; common to fair stockers and feeders,
.7&HI.3.60; stock heifers, $2.7&tfti3.60; veal
calves, $3.507. 76; bulls, stags, etc., $3.0Otf
Representative sales:
AT. Pr. No. At. Pt
44 40 1IJ1 3 53
10 7 1114 I 4
Thia Tiny Metal Wiro Will
Revolutionize Electric Light
It it the filament of a Tungsten lamp
and is capable of intense brilliancy,
yielding two and a half times as much
light as the ordinary carbon incandes
cent with the same amount of current
Think of the Saving Effected
wherever electric light is used, in houses oir
Stores. And the quality of light is absolutely
unrivaled for show window ffluinination, ' in
btiiiffing out the color of fabrics, etc. m us .
to show you the new GE Tungsten lamps.
Omaha Electric, Light
and Power Co.
JNot Included In totals because compari
sons are Incomplete.
tNot included in total because contain
ing other items than clearing.
Dalata Grata Market.
nff ir"ru 1 . . a wuriT m ,t it 111
July, $1UH; No. 1 northern, $1.11,; No. 3
northern, l.uvv ,
Oil aad Koala.
OIL CITT, Pa.. Jan. Sl.-OILr-Credlt bal
anco. 3146; runs. 194 la J bbl.; average.,
U7.M3 bbl ; shipments, 208,4& bbls.; aver
, iU 813 bbla
SAVANNAH. Oa., Jan. 81. Oltr-Turpen-tlne,
firm at 40c
ROSIN Firm; stock, 133 813 bbls. Quote:
B aad D. $4 stm K, IU2W1; F, 34 27W4?
4.M; J, $4.tM4.36; M, $4.40; 1, $4 6; K $5.70.
U, $10; N, $4.06; WQ, $7 00; WW, $7 16.
May Market.
Hay was scarce on th Omaha market
today with a good dimand. Hav No. 1,
$lS.0uil8.&: No. 2. $11; coarse. 3JSOJI0 0O
packl'ig, 37. Straw: Wheat, fi ry, $3.00.
AUaUa, $1300ixl6.l4i, . .
304 141 Utt 114
H4H lbkt 1U44L
Bastoa Stock aa4 Bead.
BOSTON, Jan. . 21. Money, call loan. 4
66 per cent; time loan, 464 par, cent.
Closing quotations:
Atrhleoo ad. 4s 4 Alisons Com. ..
do 4s Atlantis
Max. Central 4s 44 Butts Coalition
Atchlaoa R. R..,.....11T4 Oal. A Ariiona.
do ptd ....iRiCal. A Hsela...
Hoatoa A Albany. ...SI Centennial
Copper Raage .,
Daly West ....
Ormnbr .......
Ororno Oananea
lala Korale
Mass. Mlnlns ..
..l7ii Nevada
..112X014 Dominion .
..44, ioeola ........
., IS Qalner
., 40H Shannon
.. T4 Tamarack . .....
..147 Trtsltr
.. 474 I'. 8. Mining...,
.. tV. 8. Oil.,,.,..,
... SO Utah
,.lt Victoria
... 44Wlnona
,. 44 Wolverine
'.. 44 Nona Butt ....
... 4-.H
... loy,
... 3h
... 44
... at
... 4
... 14
... 10
... 4S
... 414.
... 74
... 4T
... 47
... 30H
... 41
... 4H
... 4A,
... 4414
... 41
... 4
... 11
... 46V4
1 1 t
I.vear Wexarttles.
Quotations furnished by ftamue) T3urns,
Jr.. 614 New York Lit building, Omaha:
HIS. Assae.
Boa-ton A Mains 144
Boston Bleratad ill
Fllrhburi pfd 12
N. T. 14. H. H...144
Am. Arte. Cham... 4ft
4o p(4 104
Am. Pnau. Tube T
Amor. Sugar '
4o M
Am. T. A T
Am. Woolen pfd...
Hdtron Blee. Ilia.
Ooreral Bleetrie . .
Maaa. Klactne ....
do ptd
Maas. Oas t.
in Had rnilt
United 8. M
do pfd
V. A Steal........
do pld
Atcnlaoa gen.
do tr. 4a
4a ST. aa
At. C. L. 1st 4s..
Bal. A Okie 4s...
do lm
de 8. W. I..
Brk. Tr. ev. 4a...
OeO. mt Oa. 4. ..
Cae. Jeatbar 4a...
C. ot N. J. g. 4s..
ll4 do 4a a. 4a...
.114 N. T. M. U. A M
.l l ar. a ., U4H
. M4.N. W. 1st e. 4s... 4
. do ev. 4 101
. W4io. ranine 4s ltH
. o4 do 4a , . Tl4
. 444,0. a. u rfl. 4s 14
msr.n. ev. Ia 1S14... sas
. sv ds ea. 4a. KM
VM Reading gaa. 4s S
Baatiic Crsamarr pfd. 3 par cent
City of OmaJia 414s rat., :444...,
Cur ot OmaLa 4 a. 1 113
Cltr ef New York 4s, 1V&4 ...
Cailtornla O. A X. 4s. 14J7
Columbua, Nab., Bleotrle Light 4a. 1M4' tS
rity Oas A klautr'.o, , 11
Cu'iahr Packlr.g Le. is, 1M4 ln
bsiivar Slock Tama stock
Independent Tel. 4a. .M.....
liiiamational Cos. C
ktiwxli Midi LO
Lai.g ball Uinibrr Co. 4s. lKtJ...,
Mlcklgan Slat Tel. as, 1M4
Nauraaka Tel. Stock. 4 tar seat..
1 Os aka Water Co. a. Ii
I Oaiaba Oas 4a. 1411 44 ,
ouana a. k r. . aa. ism. st
Osiaua E. L. A r. Co. 4 pfd lit
ftsiaba A C. B. Iu Rr. U IMS Sat,
Oaiana 4 C. I. IL R)t. ptd, I pot sent 44
Omaha A C. B. it. Rr, com Tt
Omaha A C. B. Kr A B. Ce. pfd...... U
Ornana Water Oa., Id ptd 14V4j
gloux Cltr Stook Yards pld. I par sent 44
4otHk Omsk ref. 4, till lwtt
ftaattle Ugbuas Ce. aa. laat 47
tnlw 8. Y., . Omaka
Onaa. A Otne Ha...llal. U A A r. fg. 4a. 1114
do rat. is Iu4i4 do
KAiieaso A A. Ia.. TS It. L. 8. W. a. 4a...
C. B. A q. ). 4s.... PTH do 1st gold
do gen. 4s esaaboard A. I. 4s..
C. M. A S r. 8 l4 l4ile. racina sot. 4s...
C. R. I. A P. a. ds.. 4 1st rat 4a
do sol. aa luMtltt. Rail war ta.
do rfg. 4s 4t do gan. 4s
Colo Ind. as 4HUnln raein 4s
Cols. at!4. 4a su oa sr. 4a
C. A 8. r. A e. 4Sa. ; e Ut A rat. 4a....
D. A H. sr. 4s. lo tJ. 8. Rsbbar 4s.
D. A R. O. 4a...
de ref. 4s
maimers' as
Krie p. I. 4
do gaa- 4s
do st. 4a sar. A-.
Mo aerlas B
Oen. flee. sr. 6a....
111. Oaa. let ref. 4.
Bid. uttered.
. Tlti
. 44
. so
. t
HmU 8. Steal 3d 4s.
. 44 Va-Cars. Oaaa. aa...
. 1lWabaah tat to Hit
, ln do let A as. 4s.... 14
. T4 Wasiarn Md. aa I
. THWast. Blee. v. I., 44
.71 V.ia Oantral 4a. i
.144 M. W r. aa. stt
Lesdes 8ok Market.
LCNTX)!. Jan. 31. American securities
opened higher today and for a tim Im
proved on fair buying. A reaction fol
lowed and At noon th market wa tdy,
41 .
100 .
1 467 4
li ,...1044 ( 1
Buyer evidently needed A few good string
of young killer, and bought up everything
on sale In short order. Prices, as a rule,
remained just about steady with yesterday.
Lambs sold at $8.40, $8.60 and $3.60, tha
latter price being paid for three single
decks of Nebraska-fed westerns. Heavy
yearlings sold at $7.00 and a lighter weight
realized $7.30.
The market this week has been only
normally supplied, but packers hav shown
a strong disposition to leave tha common
and medium grades of short-feds alone
and values on atock of this description hav
suffered more or less as a result. Current
prices on the common and inferior grades
range all the way from weak to a Quarter
tower as compared with last week's close.
un the other hand, good material has been
absorbed readily at all tlmea and the week
Is closing with a net advance of 10dj16c
on finished sheep and lambs. -
Quotations on fat stock: Qood to choice
lambs, $8. 1608.66; fair to good lambs, $7.66
ii8.1; good light yearlings, $7.00Q7.6O; good
heavy yearling, 30. 4424. W, good to choic
wethers, $G. 7640.16; fair to good wether,
J 6. 26(16.76; good to choic ewes, 3o.40tt5.S6;
air to good ewes, 86.004ji6.40.
ReDi-esentattve aalaai
114 western lambs
828 western yearlings
363 western ewes
18 western lambs
300 western lambs
yearlings .....
wethers ,
86 wsstern
188 western
20 western
47 western
10 western
.. 73
,. 80
.. 78
.. 78
.. 97
.. 71
.. a
8 40
7 SO
6 76
8 GO
8 60
7 00
$ 60
6 26
6 16
$ 60
1. ... .
..1104 6 16
836 3 34 It
..... 440 4 0 II
..... 44 3 St 4
W IW 4
44 1 it
.1... Ill I 76 7
1IM 3 40 . 10
....... HEIFKRS.
lOf 1 00 6
40 I 44 U
411 I U
411 8 73 tl
1110 40
14 4 0
411 4 10
U74 4
...,.16i0 4 40
1410 4 at
m IM
.IVM 4 M
...1044 .
... 490
4 30
4 30
4 36
4 60
4 4
...444 4 00
... 791 4 14
...HI 4 4
... 704 6 lu
...1M0 4 50
...1444 4 4
...111) 4 60
,,.l?l 4 40
...120 4 40
...laaO 4 1
1 320 8 76 1 344 T M
8 1(4 4 K 1 114 T 34 .
1 ISO 6 00 1 ito T II
l 4 60 1 in 7 76
3 114 4 74 1 iw t 74
1...... 10 7 00 1 130 3 00
4 Ill TtO
i 444 I 76 1 744 I M
U 441 3 40 6 710 4 14
414 3 40 7 JUO 4 75
HOGS Hogs sold In about tha aam
notebes this morning aa on yesterday, or
in ether word th bulk of today' a)i;
looked to be generally steady. Over 10)
loads were expected, but only 80 loads had
arrived up till 11 o'clock, and most of these
had changed hands at that tim. Th range
of price waa again wide, a has been tha
casa on most days lately, and tha popular
prices for good butcher weight ware 38, 30
u8.40, th aam a yesterday. Th lighter
hog sold from 38.30 down and common
droves running from rough to heavy down
to pig provad to be rather slow; In fact
Packer have been buying mixed light stuff
lately only under protest, and of course
ar inoltned to hammer values .whenever
th opportunity offer. Top reached 18.67H
today, as against yesterday' top of
and 33.70 on last Friday.
Toward the oluss aner it became appar
ent that total receipts would not be aa
great aa tha estimate, th demand took on
a more urgent tone and price firmed up
considerably. Generally strong would Just
about describe the closing trade a com
pared witn in opening.
I'ark Mlalaax Stacks
NEW YORK, Jan. 21 Clo.lng quotation,
on tninlna stocks weie:
Alios 176 lMdTllle Coa
Utile Cklef...
fellow Jaekat ..
Brunswick Can
Com. Tunnel stack.
da bond
Con. Cal. A Vs...,
Horn Sllrar
. 13
. It
.. 74
Iron lliter
... 6
... 4
... 40
Evaporated Apple aad Dried Fratta.
APPLES Market quiet and In the abaenoe
of demand pries ar barely steady. On
th spot fancy are quoted at loffllo;
choice, 3'OWo; prime, 7Va('c; common to
fair, 64iWo.
LniKU FRUITS Prune ar firm, with
a fair jobbing demand. Quotation rang
from 2o to ",o for California up to 30
40 and AaO for Oregon. Aprtoota ar
quiet and steady; choice, HtllV: extra
choloe, HVf 12W0; fancy, Ufctfiayto. Peaches
are inactive, but prloea are steady oa
small offerings; choice, tlo; extra
choice, iVTc; fancy, 74,30. Raisins ar
rather -14 u lei, but prloe ar steady on
th strength In th primary market. Lcoa
muauatel ar quoted at fctltc; choloe to
fancy seeded, JxiNoi seedlase, IrkOiaO;
London layer, tLlbLti,
N6. Av. Ito. Pr. No. Av. Bh. Pr.
i 174 ... I 10 41 330 40 ttO
71 171 40 I 10 14 444 ... I 10
44 left 40 I UU M 114 ... I to
71 140 ... I IT, 71 441 40 I 40
41 ll ... I I7VI ' 47 Ui 40 I 40
44 1.4 . 4 ZlSt 44 la ... IK
l "I ... I lS 71 r ... I 12V,
41 ..115 340 I 13 '4 7t K4 ... 4 14
41 114 ... 8 tlVk 14 Ie4 140 I 36
0 34 H lu u J at 49 iu
11 til 40 I tt at tw ... 1 IS
ti n ito 1 14 71 tn to t tt
75 tut ... 8 ti il 343 40 t 46
at iU 40 I ti U 11 .... 8 44
U l ... 4 36 11 tot ... I 9
U ... 8 ti II 124 ... I at
71 1T ... I tt 14 4tl 80 4 H
17 ... IB 47 J40 ... I4
44 -01 ... I 4, M, ... 1 ,4
II Ill ... I H 17 tut 40 4 14
It. .1H .... 834 74 H ... 313
4.i 14 ... 8 li 14 341 ... 8 16
75 14 ... Ik II Ml ... 8 il
Hi IS 40 8 14 4.. 344 ... 8 41 1
74) t4 130 I 44 T4 U 44 8 li
74 117 tu I K 44 3A , III
74 813 ... 1 44 41 144 .. t V4
II HI 4 3 34 47 MT 13S 4 47Vt
44 w ... 8 34 4 140 ... 4 44
74 tot 41 4 37 44 t4 ... 4 40
44 SU4 ... Itl 44 .Ai ... 4 4
41 3u4 44 I JT 10 M ... 4 44
14 814 ... 117 4U 141 ... 840
44 M4 14 I 10 44 447 ... 8 4
40. 3l ... I M 44 m ... 6 40
14 UI ... 1 10 44 l M 8 44
It 2 44 I l 44 t4 ... 8 41
4 44 3 10 44 47 .,. I 4
,. 4 44 IN 11 14 ... 4 4
41 3 4 ... I W II S7 10 110
44 S4 ..,'114 tt r4 ... i
i nt 84 3 10 84 AM ... 8 4
41 Ml ... 3 44
SHEEP Th aupply of aheap and lamb
today wa hardly large nougn to afford
a very broad Idea of th actual condition
of th trad. IMily seven ear were re
ceived and ruoet of the wer lambs.
Cattle Lower Hogs Steady to Lower
Sheep and Lamb Steady.
CHICAQO, Jan. 21. CATTL-.Reolpta,
4,600 head; market 10yi5o lower; steers,
36.0Oy-S.40; cows. 33.60&6.60; heifers, $S.40ft
6.00; bulls, $4.006.1; calves, $3.00.76;
stockers and feeder, $3.7&ft6.&0.
nous noceints, zs.eoo head; market
steady to 60 lower; choice heavy, (8.163)
8.70; butcher, 3.60g8.70; light mixed, $-t.o6
8.45; choice light, $X.46j.&6; packing, 3S.C0
8.60; Dig. $7.66M26: bulk of aalea. 38.45iM
SHEEP. AND LAMBS Recelots. 8.003
head; market steady; sheep, 36.0038.26;
lambs, $7,004(8.85; yearlings, $4.&&8.2&.
Kansas City Live Stock Market.
ceipts, 1,600 head, Including 160 southerns;
market steady to weak: choice ex Dor t and
dressed beef steers, $6.W7.15; fair to good,
$4.76(6.80; western steers, 64 HJj.36; Hook
ers and feeders, $3.4036.26; southern steer,
M-l&iiG.lo; southern cow, $2.604.50; na ive
cows, 12. ibo.zo; native heTers, 3.a3l.00;
bulls, $3.6020; calves, t3.7btri8.7S.
HOQS Receipts, 7,000 head; market
steady to strong: tOD. 88.60: bulk of sales.
S8.3O478.66; heavy, $8.&08.GO; paokeis and
butchers. $8.4038.80; light, $8.1&33.60; pigs,
$7.0017.86.- .'
BHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 6 000
head; market steady to 10a lower; lambs,
r.00&$.40; yearllnrs, 6.7fii?7.CO; wethers,
15.25-u6.00; ewe, $4.75416.60; stockers and
feeders, i3.bOirt.26.
8t. Loots Live Stock Market.
UT. LOUIS. Jan. 21. CATTLE Reoelpts,
1.700 head, Including 1,000 Texans; market
steady to 10c lower; native shipping and
export steers, $ti.707.9O; dressed beef and
botcher steers, 36.20U6.&0: steers under L000
pounds, $3.8Ctf5.10; stockers and feeders, $1.40; cows and hcircrs,; canners,
32.4u33.80; hulls, $3.2604.66; calves, $6.6&8.76;
Texas and Indian steers, $4.90jj)6.80; cows
and heifers, UOoci-t.OO.
HOOS Receipts, 10,600 head; market 6a
lower; pigs and lights, $4.208.30; packers,
$8.S6(gr8.60; butchers and best heavy, $8,560
BHKEP AND LAMBS Receipts. StOhead;
market steady; native muttons, $4.7.Vft'l 00,
Ismbs, $7.25,8.70; culls and bucks, $3.76i6.2o;
stackers, $3,2526.00. 1
it. Joseph Live Stock Market.
Receipts, M0 head: market slow, steady;
steers, 34.60t7.00; cows and heifers, $3.7
6.60; calves, 33 6Q&&.6O.
liOOS-Keceipts, 6,000 head; market steady
to strong; top, $8.60; bulk of sales, $8,254?
SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 1,600
head; market steady; lambs, $7.00ijj J 60.
Sloax City Live Stock Market.
SIOUX CITY, la., Jan. 21. (Special Tel
egram.) CATTLB-Receipts, 600 head; mar
ket weak.
HOOS Receipts, 8.600 head: market, 610o
lower; range of prlcea, 38.1OS8.40; bulk of
sales, $8.308.3S.
Stoek la light.
Reoelpts of live stock at th six principal
western markets yesterday.
South Omaha
Hloux City
Pt. Joseph
Kansas City
St. Louis
1 7t)
Hogs. Sheep.
6 8 0 1 60)
6 CO
1 600
..10, COO 68.800 16,360
Coffee Market.
NEW TORK. Jan. 31.-COKFEE-Market
for coffee futures opened dull at un
changed prices to a deolln of 6 point In
sympathy with rather disappointing
French cablas, Havre being only a partial
franc higher at th hour of the I0c.1l
opening. There waa support from trad
Interest, attributed to unfavorable re.
port from th ooming crop and with of
fering very light, prloe cold up to a par.
tlal advance of 6 points during th
of the day, but this improvement was lost
under realising, with th market oloalng
steady, net unchanged. Sales were re
ported of 10.260 bass, Including January at
9.76c; March, 7!a6 8&c; May, 6.ouii.80o;
July, 836; September, 6.906.96c; Decem
ber, . t.K$f!.O0c. Spot quiet; Rio, No. 7,
8 ll-166sc; Santos, No. 4, 9j-9ftc. Mild
quiet; Cordova, fttfllHc. ...
Cotton Market.
market opened steady at an advance ot 5
points to a decline of 6 points. Liverpool
oables wer a shade disappointing If. any
thing and following th . call tha active
months here 'sold about 4 to 8 points net
lower, but found support- from arbitrage
buying and trad people, and during th
middle of th morning ruled about 1 to 2
point net higher. Business was much less
active than recently.
Futures opened steady; March, 14.00c;
May, 14.16c; June,' 14.11c, bid; July, 14.13c;
August, 13.860; September, 13.02c; October,
12.67c; November, 12.6tio; December, offered
At 12.60c .
Futures closed firm; January, 14.26c; Feb
ruary, 14.20c; March, 14.84c; Apr.l, 14.80c;
May, 14.37c; June, 14.88o; July, 14.37c: Au
gust, 13.10c; September, ' 13.23c; October,
12.77c; November. 18.66c; December, 12.54c. ,
- Spot cloned quiet. 30 point higher; mid
dling -uplands, 14.4&0) middling gulf, 14.70c;
sales. 3,600 bale. 1
Steady; 16c.
Spots Were nominal; lot ordinary, 11 6-10c,
nominal; ordinary, 12C. nominal; good or
dinary, 18 0-16c; strict good ordinary, 14c;
lew middling, 14 7-lSc; strict low middling,
14o; middling, 16c; striot: middling, If-He;
good middling, 16S4c; strict good middling,
16 M6c; middling fair, 16 H6c; middling fair
to fair: I6I6-I60: fair, I66-I60, nominal; re
ceipts, ,331 bales; stock, 16,807 bales.
ST. LOCI8. Jan. 31,-COTTON-Un-changed;
middling. lCtyo;' receipts, 1.84
bales; shipments, 1,378 bale, (took, 42,824
bale. ' ( .
Metal Market.'
vpw. vnotr - 01 itir"r ir a vr. ..i.-
. . . v..., .- imy . . j . . . . u , .
for standard . copper on the New York
Metal Exahange wa dull- today, with spot
and all deliveries up to the end of April,
eioelng at 315.1318.3Vi. ' Th English mar
ket waa a shade lower, closing saay at 460
7s 6d for spot and 61 6s for futures. Local
dealers quote lake copper at $13.76014.00:
eleotrolytlo at $13.60tQ18.75; casting at $L8.26r
13.A2H- The weekly statistics a compiled
by the New York Metal Exchange how'
Import by steamers at Atiantlo ports toj
havo been 11,418 tons of copper, Including
Matte and ore, so far this month. F.vT
port so far for' th month aggregate 16,40$
ton. - Tin waa-weak, with spot and Jan
uary uucted at $.U0022.&n;. February at
$32.06332.40; Anarch and April at $32.10332.46.
A decline of about 6 wa jported In th
London market, whloh closed easy at 148
10 for spot and 148 for futures. Lead wss
dull. lth spot quoted At $t.67H3'4.72H, Nc
York, and at I4.fi0(4.fl0. Kast St. Louis de.
livery. The London market was unchanged
at Ui 13a 3d. SpelUr was weak, with spot
quoted at $6 10&(J.25, New York, and 36.U09
6.00, East St Louis delivery. No change
waa reported In London, snot standing at
623 6s. Iron was unchanged at 62s lVd for
Cleveland warrants In London. Locally tha
rreiket was quiet. No. 1 foundry northern,
$18.75fjH.!56; No, 2, $LS.50ffl8.C0; No. 1 south
ern andsNo. 1 southern soft, $18.6O018.26.
ST. ITJUIS.. Mo., Jarj. 31. METALS
Lead, depressed at $4.60;. speller weak At
36.00. . . - . .
Waal Market.
BOSTON, Jan. 21 WOOL-The Commer
cial Bulletin will say of th wool market
Saturday: The London advance ' ha
strengthened this market, although busi
ness is still waiting on th good market,
the dealers anticipating Increased activity
very -soon. Woolen mills are still buying
supplies, particularly East India,. China
and scoured territory snd dsaler ar
speculating In th two former wools. The
shlpmmts of wool from Boston to January
20, inclusive, wer 12,116,778 pound against
14,14U,8:3 pounds for the same time laat
year. The receipts to January 20, Inclusive,
were 12.6a,47 pounds agulnst 13.040,373
pounds for the same period last year.
LONDON, Jan. 2t-WOOL The offerings
at th wool auction stiles todsy amounted
to 12.0(4 bales. The wool was in fine con
dition and competition was announced at
firm prlcea In sellers favor, Horn and
continental traders bought' merinos, but
Americana purchased best new Zealand
cr ss-breds at Is 8'rtdfll 4Vd; Victorian
cross-bred at la 7id. Today'a sales follow;
New Siuth Wales. 8,600 bales; scoured. Is
Hdrarls 3d; greasy, BVidfrls. Queensland, 8.200
bales; scoured, Is Id A Is lOd; greasy, MiYls.
South Australia, 400 bales; greasy. 71t1((fl
2d. New Zealand. 4.000 bale; greasy, 6 VI J
Is, iVrA. Cape --(lood Hope and Natal,
700 bale; scoured, 1 8d?ls lid; greasy, ttd
A sale of Cap Oood Hop and Natal
sheep skins wss held here today, The
skins offered numbered 2W,006, of which
203. 3u6 were old. The attendance was
moderate. Long wooled skins wer un
changed, but ehort ahorn and coars wooled
declined Udd. .
1 1 I
' Soma bachelor think hunting a wife I like
hunting a bear It Is fin sport as long 84
the quarry keens on running; but If they
catch up or the pursued turn pursuor,
they flee for their lives. They love th
Chas. but they hav no deslr to be
keeper of A . menagerie. Other wouldn't
mind owning a bear if they were certain
they could tarn hsr, but tray havs grave
doubt on that point. Still other ar
frightened At the tnouKht of th exnejis.
Bom, however, hav honestly tried to
catch A bear, but the bear saw them first.
So don't put all the blame on the bache
lors, for soma baatr Ar Independent bach
elor maids who ar at no mind to b ld
about by a chain. Judge. ' -1
Acquire th habit of keeping on hand A
bottl of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy
and Anxiety. Ther lg nothing: better
ffcp croup-