Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 22, 1910, EDITORIAL, Page 12, Image 12

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Council Bluffs
Council Bluffs
Some Things You Want to Know
The English Elections Politics On Billboards.
Minor Mention
OB4k la at IS atom treat,
el VlMMf a.
pavl. druct.
CORKIOANS, undertakers. Than 148.
For rant, modern house, VH 4th avnue.
Wood ring Undertaking company. Tal 13.
Lew la Cutler, funeral director. 'Phona (7.
Balrd Roland, undertars. 'Phona 122.
Whan you want reliable want ad adver
tising, use Th, Bea.
Dlatnonde aeclal prices thla month at
Lffrt'a new stora. (03 Broadway.
14 BCOTT ST. ' (; , . .
Sea tha "Copley Prints' of noted palnt
Inga by Taylor and of Abbeya Holy Grail
aerlea at Alexojider'a, til Broadway.
.Jamee T. Williams, aged 60 yeara. died
last evening at bla home, 101B Fifth avenue,
from pneumonia. -Ha la survived by his
wife. He waa a member of tha Brother
hood ef railroad Trainmen, the Odd Fel
Iowa and Royal Neighbor of America. Ar
rangement for tha funeral have not been
completed.. 1 . '
.Hartford Read, under Indictment on three
Charge of embesslement aa ball pleaded
guilty In dlsirtot court yeaterday and waa
aentenced to oft day In jail In considera
tion of tha fact that ha had bean behind
the bar of the eountr bastlle since (h
time of hi arreet on U 21 of laat year.
Reed, who la a hora trainer, la aaid to
have disposed of two horsae committed to
hi care, at wall as a aT of harneaa.
Winner oaurt. Tribe of Ben Hur. Installed
the following newly elected offloors at Its
regular meeting: Paat chief. Mrs. Ella
Hunt: chief, Mr. Myrtl L, Bllkect; Judge,
Mr. Sadie Cottmlre; teacher, Mr. Jennie
Wllon; acrlba, Mr. Rose War; keeper of
tribute, Mrs. Bertha Uregeraon; captain,
Orrln Hunt; guide, Mr. Mary Melklejohn;
Inner gatekeeper, Mr. Lillian Randall;
otfter gatekeeper, Mr. Mary Evart; mu
sician, Miss Ora Wars.
Tha funeral of thev late Mrs. Rosaana
Parke waa held yesterday afternoon from
the Firth Avenue Methodiat church and
wa largely attended. Rev. 8, Grant Lewis,
aealeted by Rev. Henry DeLong, eon
ducted the services. Following the churoh
services. Harmony chapter. Order of the
Eastern Star, held It ritualistic aervloea.
and at the cemetery tha Pythian Slater
conducted the aervlaea. The pallbearer
ware D. A. Moore, H. Darnell, A. Huber,
fof the Pythlana, and O. H. Jackson, B.
Krtechmer and E. Huntington for the Ha-
utile i aieruUy. ,
The following officers were Installed at
the regular meeting of IAty, camp No. 1,
Royal Neighbor of America! Oracle, Mi a.
Fannla Collins; vice oracle, Mr. Has el
Thoma; recorder, Mr. J,aure J. Meneray;
receiver, Mrs. Annie Barr; marshal, Mr.
Cania Wells! assistant "marshal, Mra. Ab
bi Bailey; Inner sentinel, Mrs. Ella Fau
ble; outer sentinel, Mra. Minnie Evana; man.
ager, Mrs. Annie Chlsum; physician, Dr.
M. B.-Snyder and Dr. Susan B. Bnyder;
captain of degree staff, Mra Carrie Bar
low; mualclan, Miss Lulu Bailey; chancel
lor, Mrs. Anna M. Boyar.
Olson Will Run
for Mayoralty
Republicans Bequest Him to Enter
Fight and Ee Finally Agrees
to Do So.
At a caucua of thirteen Council
Bluffs republicans held on - Wednesday
night In the office of Attorney W.
H. 0 Klllpack, Couucllman John , Olson,
who waa present, consented to be a candi
date far the' party nomination Tor mayor.
John' C. Fleming, who waa also oh of the
thirteen present, consented to be a candi
dal far nomination for councilman at
: large. Mr. Fleming formerly represented
tha Fifth ward In tha ettf council. Mr.
Olson and Mr, Fleming filed their papera
' yesterday with City Auditor McAneney.
' Previous to tho cauoua. Wednesday night
; Councilman Olson had declared his unwlll
ingneea to be a candidate for the mayor
alty, nomination, as tha duties of tha office
Would take too much of his time away
from his grocery business, but h aald If
Ills friends Insisted he might accept .a ro-
' nomination for councilman at large. It Is
not known yet whether Mr, Olson will have
any opposition for tha mayoralty nomina
tion In hla party, but the general opinion
arems to be he will not. Councilman Olson
Is regarded u t strong candidate by hla
friends. . .
Nate P. Bethera la a oandldate for tha
democratic nomination for councilman . In
Uie Fifth ward, and his son-in-law, Marlon
Parker of 823 South Sixth street, la out
after the democratic nomination for coun
cilman In tha Fourth ward. They both
filed their papers yeaterday.
-Edson 8. Damon, president of the Damon
Electrical company, filed hla papera yester
day aa candidate for tha republican noml
nation for councilman In tha Fourth ward.
John A. Churchill also filed for tha demo
cratic nomination for member of the board
of park commissioners.
MEET Probably Wilt Reaalt la
' Settling; Dlf flealtlea.
' The conference between representative
of, tha olty and tha official of tha Omaha
at Council Bluffs Street Railway company
yesterday afternoon In Omaha, it la ex
pactad, wlU .be productive of good results.
Tha company will submit in time for the
meeting of the city council next Monday
evening a written statement aa to what
It proposes to do In the way of axtenalona
and In compliance, of other requests of the
It Is understood that tha street railway
company 'Is. willing to devise soma plan
' whereby, tha switching of cars at tha inter
section of Broadway and Pearl street can
ba dispensed with. Tha plan proposed. It
Is said. Is-to construct a loop around Pearl
and Main, streets between Broadway and
First avenues. '
. Tha city, offloials asked for extensions
to tha Walnut Hill cemetery oa East Pleroe
street, and a Una on North Eighth street.
Tha company, it la said, will agree-to con
struct one of tha extensions In tha near
future and the other later on.
Indies' TallairlBT la a tae Art.
It means correctness of style, the excel
lence and thoreughneas of the workman
Ship, fine service, up-to-date fashions, tha
beet of attention to securing a perfect fit,
the Smallest details skilfully worked out
Tlieee points, combined with reasonable
prices, are the foundation of our success.
We understand our business and do our
. beet to please everybody. ; The Fashion, n
South Uam street ,
N. T. Plumbing Co. Tat S. Night LrlTOt
' oko. sc. coxAjrg
xATt vow bar axb.
KrarBAT ma, ajts vxoxt
Independent Telephone Men. Take
. Action Like Nebraskani.
la plt ef Rharp Competition There
Are New Quarter Million Pkeaes
la Iowa Rate Qara-
Tha Iowa Independent Telephone associa
tion, at a separate session yesterday, was
an pre ted to follow the example set by the
Nebraska association and lay plans for
forming an Incorporation which will em
brace all the Independent companlea of tha
state of Iowa. Tha proposition waa freely
discussed yeaterday by the members of
tha Iowa association, and the question of
forming a merger on tha same lines aa tha
Nebraska association will come up for ac
tla, It waa stated, at the session of the
Iowa, association today.
At tha olose of tha joint session of tha
Iowa and Nebraska associations at tha
Orand hotel yesterday afternoon a number
of tha prominent Iowa Indepedent telephone
men, Including P. . Holdoegel of Rook
well City, president of the state association,
want Into an executive session which lasted
lat Into the evening. : It I underatood
thai tha meeting was for the purpose of
formulating a plan for the 'merging of the
Independent companlea in; tha state IrAo
an : incorporation similar to that . decided
upon by the Nebraska association; which
wilt be submitted at tha seaalon of the
Iowa association this morning.
Soma delay was experienced In opening
the joint session of the two associations at
the Grand hotel yesterday morning, owing
to. the lateness of the arrival of the Ne
braska members. The session, which
lasted through tha afternoon, eloaed about
o'clock. The program as arranged was
carried out, with the exception of the ad
dress by C. B. Cheadle of Jollet. 111., who
waa unable to be here, and wrote express
ing his regrets at being unable to attend.
In his annual address President P. C.
Holdoegel of the Iowa association said in
In 1S9S, when tha Berliner patents of the
Bell Telephone com Dan v exDlred. there
waa not a single Independent line In Iowa.
For from five to eight years after the
expiration of the patenta, It waa Impossi
ble tn interest capital to compete with
the Bell people, largely on account of the
fight that t.Ta Bell Interests made tn the
courts for the extension of their patent,
and the atrongly established position of
tne- Well companies. In about tha year 1S8
tha Independent movement began, and In a
fW years every city, town and hamlet
In the state could bo reached over Inde
pendent lines.
The business of the comDanlea comoet-
Ing with the monopoly has Increased stead
ily, at -present there are 2SO.OO0 phones tn
the state operated by Independent com
panies, who controlled over COO exchanges.
After twenty years of monopoly and six
teen years of competition the Bell Interests
have only 4K.00O phones In the stats, only
about one-fourth of tha number controlled
by the Independents.
Competition Sharp.
The Independent companies have met with
every class of competition In their effort
to establish- themselves. In tha effort of
tha Bell companies to break competition
ana ra-esiaousn monopoly, millions o east
ern capital waa interested. In large busi
ness centers where tha Independent com
panies naa - established exchanges larger
man naa ever bean - areamea or Decora,
other companlea were brought out bv op
posing Interests. In face of this competi
tion the Independent companies have at
present f24,600,U00 Invested In Iowa, and do
four times tha business of tha Bell com
uua to this competition this state enlovs
cheaper rates than any other state or na
tion. Tha competition has been so Stringent
that In some cases ruinous rates have been
made. Notwithstanding the Increased cost
of all commodities, the Independent com
panies have been forced to raise the estab-
isnea rata in only a few Isolated Instances.
At the convention In this city todav there
is represented $46,006,000 of Iowa and Ne
braska capital, showing the great pros
perity of the Independent Interests. .
Mayor's Address.
Mayor Thomas Maloney, In his adress
of welcome, referred to the public Im
provements which have been carried out
in the last five years, including the ereo
tloa of the Auditorium. He said that he
had -delegated Charlea A, Beno, a leading
member of the Commercial club and secre
tary of the local Independent Telephone
company, to see to it that the guests of
the convention were properly entertained
and taken care of.
J, C. Thome of Fairfield responded to the
mayor's, weloome.
The evening session, at which tha visit
ing members were to be entertained at a
smoker And a "question box," was to have
been in charge of A. B. Hawley of Clin
ton,. Ia. waa abandoned for laok of at
tendance. The majority of the ouf-of-town
members desired to take In the theaters
In Omaha and see some of the sights across
the river as a mere matter of relaxation
after the three days' session.
Real Estate Transfer.
These transfers ware reported to The Bee
January 30" by the Pottawattamie County
Abstract company of Council Bluffs:
Frances . Smith and husband to Ben
jamin Fehr Real Estate company,
lot 80, block U, Ferry addition to
Council Bluffs n.SEO
vv. n. unou. aingi, 10 u. ti. McDon
nell. Lot 18, block 1. Wilson Ter
raoe addition to Council Bluffs
Ramey Udlook Investment company to
j. w, nquire. i-rfu ana part of lot
4, block , McMahon, Cooper and Jef
ferls addition, and lot IS, block 6,
Potter and Cobb'a addition to Coun
cil Bluffa ,
George P. Smith . and . wife to Wal
ter R. . Bulhorr. Lot 11, block 18,
Omaha addition to Council Rluffa....
S. D. Tobey, widower, to L. E. Hum
bert. Part of vacated Elm street In
Christian Pittmann and wife to George
urssa. m na H aw , i-7-40
J. W. Squire and wife to William J.
Taylor. Lot l, Aud. subdivision, ne U
aa 4. 1V-76-4S Sno
Emma J. jackaon and husband to
Christian Pittmann. Na Si sw 17-
7-40 4.400
Total eight transfers ..T. .$9,578
AU makes of new pianos formerly sold
by Swanson at about one-half regular
prtoes. A. Hospe Co., t Pearl street.
X South Mala street j
Get your piano now This Is your laat op
portunity; the Swanson stock goes at al
most one-half regular prlcea. A. Hospe Co.
t Peer) street, IS South Main street
Leffert's for watches.
Death af S. C. Hyadshaw.
Silas Condlct Hyndshaw, aged 7S years.
died yesterday morning at the home of his
daughter, Mrs. Drayton W. Bushnell, 1T7
Bluff street He leavea besides his wife and
tha daughter, Mrs. Bushnell, one son, Frank
M Hyndshaw of Norway, Neb.
Mr. Hyndshaw was born August 14, 183L
In Providence. N. J. He located In Henry,
111., In 18, where he married Miss Elisa
beth Walker tn April, lHI. He was tn busi
ness there until -187S. when be moved with
hla family to Chicago, living In the suburb
of Norwood Park until about ftva year
ago, when he and hla wife came to Council
Bluffa . to make their home with their
daughter, Mra. Drayton W. Buahnell. In
1871 Mr. and Mra. Hyrdshaw celebrated
their golden wedding.
Arrangements for tha funeral had not
been completed last night
Thla great campaign has been fought
principally upon the billboards. Poster
have been used to an extent never before
heard of In any country, and the
bill posters' unions have not com
plained of a lack of work' in Eng
land since the lords rejected the budget
While the speakings and the canvasslngs
and tha newspaper "leading articles" and
all of the ordinary methods of campaign
ing In England have been employed aa
usual, both parties to the contest have
pinned their greatest faith to posters.
Anywhere in England, town or country,
city or province, every available' dead wall
was pressed Into service. A huge six
sheet poster reproduces an artistic paint
ing showing a starving woman with a dead
baby at her breast. The famished mother
Is gating with hollow eyes at her starv
ing husband crouched In utter dejection
and despair. And thi Is labelled. In let
ters three feet high, "Free Trade." It la
a horrible thing, 'but it flxaa the eye and
compel the attention. The appeal It makes
to the unemployed and penniless English
man cannot be less than gripping. Next
to It, to drive' the lesson home, Is another
poster declaring tn letters of flame,
"Tariff Reform Means a Job for Every
Across the street there Is a 'different
story, A poster shows an empty-pated
peer in his ducal robes whining: "Tax
your loaf, but do not tax my land." Along
side is an arument to prove, In box-car
letters, that a tariff tax will Increase the
cost of living and that a tax on wheat will
lessen the sis of the workingman's loaf
of bread. "Tariff Reform Means Happier
It was a very duel of the bill posters.
A liberal poster depleted a sturdy Briton
In shirt sleeves looking earnestly toward
Heaven and, with outstretched hands, ex
claiming, "We want land!" Two days
later, the conservatives retaliated with a
poster showing a starving man, In exactly
the same attitude, crying, "We want
work!" It waa an effective stroke, but
the liberals countered with a picture of the
starving wife of ' the starving man, cry
ing, .''Do liui tx uur l&at lunfT
The tories, as the conservatives are
called by their opponents, make. the most
of the alleged socialistic tendencies of the
budget, but their posters have little to say
about the land tax question. One, of them
shows John Bull fighting a desperate battle
with a blood-red monster labelled "Social
Ism." It Is the most popular of the tory
The radicals, as the liberals are called
by the tories, forced the fighting on the
question Of the House of Dortis, so far as
the posters were concerned. A notable
picture, put up in every slse from a small
handbill to a sixteen-foot poster, shows
Lloyd-George flying through the air In aa
aeroplane labeled "The Liberal Budget"
In the foreground are two dukes, clad In
the ermine of their statton and wearing;
coronets, grasping in their hands bank
notes labelled "Land Revenues." - The
dukes cry out: "Hi, there I Come down.
That's Our Air!" "
Another perpetrates a pun under the
headline "The Peer Glass." A noble lord
is shown dressing in robes of state before
a pier-glass aid the poster bears the in
scription: - "A member of the House of
Lords consulting his constituents. Where
do you oo me lnT"
Still another radical poster on this' sub
ject shows a duke seated at a table richly
proviaea with wine and liqueurs. He is
smoking a cigar and he wears a monocle.
his coronet, and a diamond shirt stud
which Is a libel per se upon all the House
of Lords. By his side stands a working-
man, areas ea m that miserable fashion
common to English working-men. Above is
the caption, "What Shall It Be?" Beneath
is the dialogue: "Duke "If you demand
your rights, n6 more crumbs from my
table." Worklngman "Give me my rights
and keep your crumbs."
One may see on a huge wall two rrounn
of llfe-slsed figures; one composed of every
sort and condition of men and women and
the other made up of dukes In their
ermine and silk. Over one group floats a
banner with the legend, "The People's
Budget." Over the other Is a flag with the
appeal: "Pity the poor, but honest dukes."
Another has the phrase quoted from Lloyd
George's speeches: "More cottages, no more
At first the tories did not respond In kind
along this line, but opportunity came to
them at last A newspaper went Into the
files and reprinted, under the heading.
"Lest We Forget," an article published
during; the Boer war about Mr. Lloyd
George. The present chancellor of the ex-
Council Bluffs Will Meet Blow City
and Fort Dodsre January
Twenty-Eight. .
The triangular debate between the high
schools of Council Bluffs, Sioux City and
fort Dodge will be held on the evening of
January 28. aa originally planned. It hav
ing beenv found that a postponement as
asked for by Council Bluffs on account of
sickness among the members of its teams,
could not be conveniently arranged.
Kenneth Snyder has been substituted for
George Spooner on the boys' team, and
Miss Eula Sigman wltl take the place of
Miss Dollie Busse on the girls' team.
The question to be debated Is: "Resolved.
That the commission form of government
should be adopted by American cities."
Each of the three contesting schools will
have two teams, one to discuss the nega
tive and the other the af flrmaUve side of
the question. The debate will be conducted
as follows:
At Counotl Bluffs Council Bluff affirm.
atlve team against Fort Dodge negative
At Sioux City Sioux City affirmative
team against Council Bluffs negative team
At Fort Do1ge Fort Dodge affirmative
team against Sioux City negative team.
Guy Leavltt. Roy Mauer and Kenneth
Bnyder comprise the local team which will
meet the Sioux City team at Sioux City,
while Ruth Henderson, Mary Chapman and
Eula Sigman will comprise the local team
which w ill meet the Fort Dodge team here.
Tha Judges of tha debate her will be
Prof. McMurray of the department of pub
lic apeaklng at Amaa college; County Sup
erintendent m. h. White of Harlan, and S.
W. Fellows, superintendent of schools at
Denlson. Ths judges at Sioux City will be
A. B. Waterhouse of Fremont, Neb.: Sup
erintendent Teller of the Onawa school
and Attorney Guy V. Strube of LeMarn.
are. Jennie K. Powell Will Take
CnarnTe Collins Property. ,
Mrs. Jennie B. Powell waa yeaterday ap
pointed by Judge Green of the district
court administratrix of the estate of her
son-in-law, Eugene Collins, who was shot
and killed at her home on South Eighth
elreet last Friday morning and for whose
death her daughter, Mr. Grace Belle Col
llfla, and a young negro, Quito Calameae.
are to be placed on trial next Wednesday
vera presented to Harry M. Brown, clerk
on a charge of murder In the first degree.
chequer was not a supporter of the war
and he was billed to speak at a pro-Boer
meeting In Birmingham. He got to the
hall, but waa not . permitted to speak by
the crowd. The article alleges that he es
caped bodily Injury only by leaving the
hall disguised aa a policeman.
The tory poster Is divided' Into two parts
end bears the command: "Look on thla
picture and then on that!" One halt ahows
Lloyd-George In a ' policeman's uniform
sneaking away from the Birmingham hall,
and the other half ahows a South African
kopje with the graves of the title, sol
diers, who gave up their lives for England
In the struggle with the Boers. No poster
delighted the tories as this one. A little
later the -conservatives issued a poster
showing a peer, at the telephone, connected
with the British voter, and saying: "Hello!
Are you there t Wa will put the budget up
to the people 'for their verdlot?"
Each party -Issued about 600 different
posters, 'each one being sent out In dif
ferent sties. There was much rivalry to
obtain positions on the hoardings, .and the
English landscape has been marred by
flaming posters In many places heretofore
sacred from the Intrusion of the man with
the paste bucket. The lords did their part
by giving up their walls.
The poster campaign was vary expensive.
Series after t - .es waa Issued and new
posters were, put up almost dally. It Is Im
possible to estimate the total cost of the
work In advanoe of the publication of tha
election expenses, but it will amount to
several hundred thousand dollars.
If an American polltlolan who has been
actively connected with tha national head
quarters of. either the republican or demo
cratic party should walk into the national
headquarters ot either the liberals or tha
conservative and should Inquire Into the
poster business he probably would fll dead
at the first- reply. For the national head
quarters dp not send out these posters.
They are prepared and printed for the na
tional association, which corresponds to the
American national committee, and than
they are sold to the publlo at a profit.
What would Mr. Frank H. Hitchcock or
Mr. Norman E. Mack think of that? And
not only Is this true of the posters, but of
the thousands of different pamphlets, leaf
lets, speeches and other campaign litera
ture. Each candidate for Parliament buys the
literature for his own constituency and
pays for It In the United States each can
didate for congress demands the literature
from the committee and asks for money
besides. Not only the candidates, but the
people generally buy the posters. . The
newspapers publish prlcellsts and the peo
ple are Invited to purchase and post the
pictorial arguments for their side. Thou
sands of voters buy one, two or three
posters at a cost of from t to 10 cents and
post them at their respective homes.
One liberal newspaper solicited subscrip
tions to a Gladstone centenary fund. The
subscription was begun on December Z9,
the hundredth anniversary of the birth of
the Grand Old Man, for the purpose ot
buying and putting up posters. Over 120,000
was contributed to this one poster fund in
less than two weeks' time. The national
headquarters permit the Individual candi
dates and the party at large to do all tha
worrying about "the campaign funda. How
would Mr. Hitchcock and' Mr." Mack like
that? . : . V . ,
The English people are proud of their
conservatism and they are equally proud
of their up-to-dateneea. The chief ' director
of campaign publications of the liberal
party sat at his desk in an underground
room opposite the Parliament houses, and
explained the psychology of the poster in
politics. No man could be more progres
sive, more modern, more abreast ot the
times. He descanted on the powerful ap
peal of the picture to the human mind,
carefully pointing out the Introduction of
the aeroplane and the newest type of
Dreadnought as backgrounds for party
preachments. But he did not note the
anarchronlsm when he recorded an order
for 2,000 flying machine posters with a
quill pen. This progressive radical's deek
boasted no less than three doaen old
fashloneed goose quill pens.
The conservative "first lord of the: post
ers" deplored the modem tendency to the
bizarre In billboard art, but he wrote with
a fountain pen made in tha United State.
Old England will ba Old England still In
spite of every modern contrivance and in
spite of a dozen such battles of the bill
boards as she has just witnessed.
' The Lloyd-George Budget.
Application tor letters of administration
of the district court, yesterday morning
and he refused to grant the application.
Later In the day the matter was referred
to Judge Green, who, after consultation
with A. T. FUcklnger, attorney for Mrs.
Pcwell and Mrs. Collins, issued the letters
and fixed Mrs. Powell's bond as adminis
tratrix at SHOO, which she furnished, with a
bonding company as surety.
Collins, whose 'name in the application
filed in court yesterday is given as Jean
or Gene dolllns, had at the time of this
death several hundred dollars In a local
bank; also the furniture In the house at
3634 West Broadway, In which he had an
Mrs. J. Collins, the mother of tha dead
man, who 'lives in Chicago, has written to
frltnds of her son here asking them to
secure the services of a first-class attorney
to assist In the prosecution of the persons
responsible for the killing of her son.
A medicine need not be disagreeable to
be effective. Chamberlain Cough Remedy
I pleasant ,to take and always cures.
Fenrfnl Blaoktr
of deadly mlorobes occurs when throat and
lung diseases are treated with Dr. King's
New Discovery. 60c and $1. For sale by
Beaton Drug Co.
Policeman la Fonnd Onllty.
8T. LOUIS. Mo.. Jan. . Patrolman
James OH earn was found guilty of man
slaughter in the rourtn degree ty a jury
today and fined li00, the minimum punish
ment. O'Htarn In making an arrest hit
Ralph Collins on tha head. Collins died
within twenty-four hours.
not anV .lillc Trust
Thi Original ind Gsnulns
Ths Fiad-drlnk fir All
. Mora healthful tkan Tea or Coffee,
Agrees with the weakest digestion.
- Delicious, invigorating and nutikious.
Rich milk, Briahed train, powder form.
A unick lunch prepare i in a minute.
Tata no.nUtitute. Ak for 1 10 RUCK'S.
Other are imitation.
Final Clearance of
Over 200 Goats
$15.00 to $25.00 Values at .
This great sale will open Saturday morning promptly at 8 o'clock. It will be a wondorful bar
gain event. Think of it there are over 200 coats to ehooso from, all J C f
stylish garments, made of all wool materials. .Broadcloths, cheviots, y J Jf J
coverts, diagonals, Scotch mixtures, etc. These coats sold at $15.00, 11 1 '
$19.50, $22.50 and $25.00 On sale Saturday at
Great Clearance Sale Continues
Our Entire Stock
Of high class stylish
Coats, Suits, Dresses and Furs
All Our Suits at
Half Price
$95.00 Tailored Suita, An
nual Halt Price Sale
at 847.50
185.00 Tailored Suits, An
nual Half Price Sale
t 842.50
$79.50 Tailored Suits, An
nual Half Price Sale
t 83y.75
$75.00 Tailored Sulta, An
nual Half Price Sale
at 837.50
$66.00 Tailored Suita, An
nual Half Price Sale
at 832.50
$5.00 Tailored Baits, An
nual Half Price Bale
at 827.50
$60.00 Tailored Suits. An
nual Half Price Sale
at 822.50
$39.60 Tailored Suita, An
nual Half Price Sale.-.
at 819.75
$35. Go Tailored Sulta, An
nual Half Price Sale
at 817.50
$29.75 Tailored Sulta, An
nual Half Price Sale
at ... 814.85
$97.60 Tailored Suita, An
- nual Half Price Bale
at 813.75
$25.00 Tailored Sulta, An
nual Half Price Bale
at 912.50
Deputy Food Commissioner Mains
Discussei His Duties.
Supreme Court Upholds Railway
Commlulos In Ordering Rook
Island Depot at Univer
sity Plaoe.
(From a Staff Correspondent.).
LINCOLN, Jan. VL (Speolal.)-Deputy
Food Commissioner 8. L. Mains addressed
tha meeting- of the State Dairymen's asso
ciation yesterday, telling of the enact
ment of the various law relating to his
department by the legislature of last win
ter, and of the results obtained by this
legislature. As a conclusion he said:
"Wa have collected from creameries since
June 30 for permits to operate $244.16. We
have collected from operators for permits
to sample or teat 12,406. Total amount col
lected, t2.e49.16. In the eighteen months
preceding our occupancy the dairy com
missioner's biennial report shows that he
collected from creameries for llcenea fees
from July 5, 1907, to January 1, 1909, $,'80.51.
From testers for license fees from July
6, 1907, to January t 1909, 11,244.21 Total
amount collected, 11,024.74. This shows a
healthy growth and Indicates that wa will
collect In the same length of time that
was covered In the biennial report of the
former dairy commissioner an Increase of
M.501.67, or a total of $6,776.41. These funds
coma directly from the dairy Industry and
are turned Into the general fund of the
' "I hope that the friends of the industry
will insist that the next legislature be
more generous In their appropriation to
thla department. The total amount appro
priated for office expenses for the blennium
was $1,600. We could use this amount to
good advantage for postage etainps. No
doubt, you all know that the department
la so divided that two-thirds of the In
spectors are dairy Inspectors. I oan as
sure you that two-thirds of tha whole work
of tha department haa been to aid the
dairy Industry. You were told a year ago
that the work of this department would
be along educational lines and that prose
cution would ba used as the last report.
Wa have followed this plan. Our aim has
been to secure better aanitatlon and greater
care In sampling and tenting. Wa knew
If we could bring about a great Improve
ment in these two things we could Improve
the Quality of both cream and butter and
consequently secure for cream patrons
better price for their butter fat. W know
that wa have failed to reach perfection, but
Wa feel that a great Improvement haa been
made and we know that tha members of
this association have been kind In com
mending tha work dona by our depart
ment. I
Depot at I'nlverslty Plac.
The order issued by tha sfate railway
commission to compel tha Rock Island rail
road to oonstruct a depot at University
Place has been upheld by the supreme
court. ,
Some time ago cltlsens of University
Place appealed to the railway commission
for an order to compel the Rock Island to
erect a depot at that place, It being a town
of some $.009 Inhabitants, connected with
Lincoln by an Interurban railway. Judge
Letton wrota tha opinion and ha held that
In eaaea of this kind tha controlling factor
waa not alonk tha capacity of tha railroad
to earn money at a given point, though
thla should ba considered. . He also held
that tha burden of proof should ba on tha
party appealing from the orders of tha
commission and that the evidence must
outweigh that of ths defendant
Tha action ef tba district court In re
BRS street
On Sale
AH Our Coats at
Half Price
$75.00 CoatB Annual
Half Price Sale,
at ......$37.50
$69.60 Coata Annual
Half Price Sale,
at 834.75
$65.00 Coata Annual
Half Price Bale,
at $32.50
$69.60 Coata . Annual
Halt Price Bale,
at $20.75
$55.00 Coata Annual
Half Price Sale,
at $27.50
$50.00 Coats Annual
Half Price Sale, .
at $25.00
$46.00 Coats Annual
Half Price Sale,
at $22.50
$39.60 Coats Annual
Half Price Sale,
at . $19.75
$36.00 Coata Annual
Half Price Sale,
at .......... $17.50
$2 9.75 boats Annual
Half Price Sale,
at $14.85
All Our Dresses
at Half Price
$69.50 Dresses Annual
Half Price Sale,
at ...... $29.75
$60.00 Dresses Annual
Half Price Sale,
at $25.00
$46.00 Dreeees Annual
Half Price Sale,
at $22.50
$35.00 Dresses Annual
Half Price Sale,
at $17.60
$25.00 Dresses Annual
Half Price Sale,
at $12.50
$22.50 Dresses Annual
Half Price Sale,
at $11.25
$60.00 Capes Annual
Half Price Sale,
at $25.00
$45.00 Capes Annual
Half Price Sale,
at $22.50
$85.00 Capes Annual
Half Price Sale, .
at $17.50
$25.00 Capes' Annual
Half Price Sale,
at $12.50
voking tha lloense to sell liquor Issued to
F. J. Walton, who It was proved waa not
the real party In, Interest, stands, because
the supreme Court today dismissed the p
peal of the excise board and refused to
pasa on the rules adopted by the board be
cause tha record was not In such shape
that . the questions presented could - be
legally examined.
7 Tk C for this
B ft
il E
for $1.50
All Complete Ready to Attach
Take a' pad and pencil, go through your
home tonight, list all the small sundries, you
need and then be here bright and early and get
your Gas Light Supplies at y2 Off Saturday.
30c Inverted Mantles Saturday . . . .iSc B
20c Inverted Mantles Saturday . . ..10c
10c Inverted Mantles Saturday .'........'. ..5c
Omaha Lighting Fixture Co.
417 South 15th St.
House, Hotel and Office Furnisher
Orchard & Wilhelm
m3'I6'IS South I6th Street .
Saturday Special
Drapery Department
For Saturday and Saturday only, we will sell all our 50c, GOo
and 75c Ecru and White Madras, and fancy Nets,
45 and 50 inches wide, at, yard awZC
These are very suitable for bed room, dining room, or living
room curtains, special Saturday, C
while they last, at, yard wC
Basement Special
B. 0. E. SAD IRONS Set consists of three irons; one handle,
and one stand. Irons are made different sizes, suitable, for
all kinds of work. Your choice of full nickel plated or nickoj
plated bases, and old copper tops, regular $1.50 (
value, Saturday only, at set . ..CpIellU
at Half Price
All Our Furs at
Half Price
$175,00 Fur Sets An
nual Half Price Salo,
at $87.50
$125.00 Fur Sets An
nual Half Price Sale,
at $02.50
$95.00 Fur Seta An
nual Half Price- Sale,
at $47.50
$76.00 Fur Sets An-,
nual Half Price Sale,
at $37.50
$50.00 Fur Sets An
nual Half Prioe Sale,
at .......... $25.00
$35.00 Fur Sets An
nual Halt Prioe Sale,
at $17.50
$65.00 Neck Plecea or
Muffs, at ... . $32.50
$50.00 Neck
Muffs, at . . .
Pieces or
$35.00 Neck Pieces or.
Muffs, at . , . . $17,50
$25.00 Neck.
Muffs, at . . .
Piece or
$19.50 Neck Pieces or
Muffs, at .... .$9,75
$15.-00 Neck Pieces or
' Muffs, at $7.50
1 ratal Wreck In Dnbnn.v -
DUBUQUE, Ia, Jan. 21. A southbound
St. Paul paasenger -train waa wrecked tn
the' railroad yard here earls' today and
an unidentified man killed, ' Af far" the en
gine had passed the switch opened and the
rest of tha train Van Into a coal car. Tha
victim was riding on . an express '. horse
car. Several passengers were slightly hurt.
W. 0. W. Building.
l."" ! m '' w ' iw nuuMwj