0 THE -BEE: . OMAHA; SATURDAY, JANUAKY 22. 3P10. 11 ,7 II J MU 1 m ill M I MM mw-i " tii ec Januarv Clearinn Sale Va Price OP " Price L'aee' yirllaDinis . .. We still have about 1,500 PAIRS of Lace. Curtains to be closed out during this sale. These consist of CLUNY LACE CURTAINS, BRUS SEL NET, BATTENBEKC, DUCHESS, REN NAISANCE, SWISS POINT, NOVELTY NET and many other varieties. We have decided, in order fo make a clean sweep, to offer fhe entire lot at one-half price. ililler, Stewart & Beaton 413-15-17 South 16th Street. BRIEF CITY NEWS Have Boot Mat It. M. T. Swoboda Certified Accountant lighting natures, Burgess-Orand.n Co. BLnehart, Photographer, 18th & Farnam. trlotly home-made plas, Her Grand Cafe B3-Karat Wedding Sings Edrolm, Jew eler. x loni' Celebration, January 25. Cham- bar's academy. . t I860 national Life Xnanranoe Co 110 ' Charles Hi. Ady. General Agaut, Omaha. Try Us Tlrst For Tual" Nebraska Fuel Co., 1414 Farnam St Both Phonss.' BaoltabU iUe Policies, sight drafts at maturity, H. D. Neely, manager, Omaha Keep Tonr Money aaa Valuables In the American Bate Deposit Vaults in the Bee building, tl rents a bos. ., Business Men to Sleet Of floors The Omaha Business Men's association will elect a new board of directors February 2. Make Tour Saving's increase your earn ings by becoming a member of Nebraska Savings and Loan Aas'n. Earns Per eent per annum. ' 1603 Farnam St Fifteen Says for Stealing Batter Earl JJ'.meraon, charged with the theft of several jots of butter, making In all a total of forty pounds, was convicted In police court and sentenced to fifteen days in Jail. Ed rf v ' .... I . - . . 1 1 lr, rms&l i j i a. -a new Erain Ladies' Shoes One couldn't expect much of a lady 's shoe at $2.45, until the advent of our "BASEMENT." But.it'a DIFFERENT now. We can, we DO, sell VERY good shoes for as little even as $1.95 now in that "BASEMENT." tt - , From YOUR standpoint that basement is a REGU LAR storeroom from ours it is not, for we don't have to pay extra rent.for it, and THAT accounts for ' the pruning process on all the prices quoted there. The same floor space the same shelf room, in an upstairs location, would cost a considerable rent, and a considerable rent wouldn't permit one to sell EXPERTLY made, stand: ard styled shoes, at $1.95 and $2.45 a pair. You know the size of your purse we know the sort of shoe we can offer at $1.95 and $2.45, and WE are confident. Are you? If not, five. minutes in that basement , would clear up matters for you. Andrews, charged with complicity In the butter operations, got a sentence of thirty days. West Point Man Bankrupt John "" e-. I'anys, a stationer ana news dealer of Went Point, has filed his volun tary petition In bankruptcy In the United Stales district court. Liabilities, $6,667.99, and assets, $132.66. Tonne; Woman Breaks Miss Jen- i- i-uieiKanis, a maia wno rormeriy worked for Mrs. G. T. Wright at 1322 South Thirty-fifth avenue, slipped as she was alighting from a car at Twenty-fourth and Leavenworth, Friday noon and broke her leg. I Ouy Anderson Pleads Wot Guilty The ii summary examination of Guy Anderson was held Friday afternoon in police court Anderson la charged with arson and em besxlement. In September he confessed to setting fire to the cotton glove factory at Fifteenth and Jackson streets, and then changed his plea to not guilty. He Is being defended by William F. Ourley. two Squadrons of Sixth X.ate Belated trains and bad weather caused a delay In the arrival of the remaining two squadrons of the 8ixth linked States cavalry from San Francisco until Thursday evening. The trains, consisting of two sections, did not stop In Omaha, but proceeded on to Fort Pes Moines, where the regiment will take permanent station. The entire com mand consisted of twenty-seven officers and 642 enlisted men. . i Women Want Data on Bakeries The umana woman s ciud has asked the state food commissioner to furnish data on the Omaha bakeries. Sometime ago S. L. Main, deputy food commissioner, Inspected all the bakeries of Omaha and then announced that he would furnish a report on any bak ery to any housewife who wished. He has since Inspected all bakeries of the state, as well as all grocery; stores and butcher shops. The Omaha women have asked for a report on all bakeries In Omaha. Sells Zdqno to Z,o Without Bight Turner Strlcklett of Blair Is a late arrival at ; the county Jail Is a government prisoner, charged with selling liquor to Indians on the Winnebago reservation with out providing himself with a certificate indicating that -he had paid the special government tax as a retail liquor dealer. It further developed that there was no record In Colonel Robs Hammond's govern ment revenue office that Mr. Strlcklett had put up the requisite $25 for special tax, and this was given as a sufficient reason for Mr. Strlcklett being bound over to the federal grand Jury In Omaha under $300 bonds. Sir William and Z.ander Old Friends Mr William Kennedy has arranged to en tertain Harry Lauder when he comes to Omaha next Wednesday. Mr. Kennedy knew Mr. Lauder In Scotland. He will be accompanied by his manager, William Mor ris, owner of the new Morris theater In Omaha, who is making a flying trip across the continent and back with. Mr. Lauder. They jumped from New York to Cincin nati, to Denver, to Los Angeles, where they played a morning, engagement because of the demand for seats, to San Francisco, Portland, Seattle, Butte, St. Paul, Minn.; Omaha, Chicago and New York. Mr. Lauder has a company of thirty-seven people. Including his own orchestra. Mr. Morris had expected to have this attrac tion to open his new theater in Omaha, but bad weather In November and Decem ber kept the work back. AFFAIRS AT SOUTil OMAHA Dr. Thoma H. Enior Will Be Candi date for Mayor. J. W. GETJBBLE FOB TREASURES "oath Oma Postofflce Will Be Eatenslvely Remodeled Decision In Paring- . Case 'Be celved. Signs of the usual battle royal between the South Omaha democrats for honors In the mayoralty fight became more evident yesterday when Dr. Thomas H. Ensor again threw his gauntlet In the ling and announced himself a candidate by filing. This makes three of a probable list of five. Jerry Howard leads the van, posing as the true and only labor candidate. W. H. Qucenan also poses as a labor candi date and points to his record In the coun cil and as tax commissioner. Thomas H. Ensor Is one of the ex-mayors of the city and points to his record In the palmy days as a reason for support To complete the five Thomas Hoc tor will possibly file and one more of new timber is recorded. More demooratlo difficulty came out yes terday when John W. Grlbble, under pres sun. from the German-Amerloan Demo cratlc club and numerous friends, filed for the office of city treasurer, He will com pete for the primary election with J. J, Uillln, and It turns out, as predicted, strong opposition is developed. Mr. Orlbble is Mr. Ulllln's most formidable opponent. The race is bound to be a close one. Edward Kaln filed as a democratic can dldate lor nomination to a seat on the Board of Fire and Police Commissioners, Remodeling South Omaha Postofflce, The South Omaha postofflce Is under going extensive repairs and for the present the stamp window Is In the postmaster'a private office and the money order de partment la upstairs In the offices of the bureau of animal Industry. The partition at the north end of tne lobby Is to be taken out ana the office space made larger. Ad dittonal desks will be placed In this space and possibly two or more clerks will be provided for. These improvements follow a very large increase in the postal receipts. The Increase during 1909 was 60 per cent This great figure has evidently attracted the attention of the department and the city will have larger accommodations ac cordingly. Sooth Ornnhsv Loses Cms. The supreme court handed down a de clslon yesterday in the case of Wlese against South Omaha, being tried on ap peal, In which the decision of the district court was affirmed, which was a finding against the city. The case was a suit to set aside an assessment of special taxes to pay the cost of grading in a district at Twenty-seventh and J streets, and the point In contention was whether the city of South Orraha In passing the grading ordinance had absolutely defined the limits of the grading district or not. With this affirma tion the cost of the grading done will have to be paid by the city at large. .Miss Taylor Leaves Utah School. Miss Sara Vore Taylor, head of the English department of the high school, baa accepted a position In the English depart tnent at Omaha at a salary of $1,000 for the first year and of $1,200 within two years. - The South Omaha Board of Education offered to raise her salary from $960 to 11,000 a year, but with the prospect of $1,200 within two years Miss Taylor felt she oould npt afford to stay. . ' Miss Taylor has served the South Omaha schools for thirteen years. She taught for three years in the grades, served as prin cipal at the Lincoln school for four years and has been head of the English depart' inent for six years. During this last pe rlod the English work has been so sys tematlzcd that the South Omaha High school has now one of the strongest courses of English In the state. Maarle City Gossip. Jetter's Gold Top Beer, delivered to anv part of olty. Fred Heffllnger. Tel. South 1649 Miss Mabel Dlmock is vlsltlnir her sister Mrs. Adelene Mulllken, at Nickeraon, Neb. The Altah Glee club will rive a oris. masquerade ai uan f eiiows nan tnis even Ing. Jetter's Gold Top Beer, delivered to anv part of city. Fred Heffllnger. Tel. South 1M9 Judge Slabauxh Is to address the South Omaha Pioneer Historical society at Its next meeting. The South Omaha city council will h asked to aend delegates, consisting of the TWO WEAK MEN WALLOPED BY ELEVEN STRONG WOMEN One Is Sat Ipon by Six Amaaons and Other Kicked and Cuffed by Five. Poor, defenseless man two of him! Six women, armed with sundry weapons, were devoting their entire and enthusiastic attention to Carrol Osborne, stretched out prone on the sidewalk In front of Sophia Miller's place at 906 Capitol avenue, when Detective Maloney happened along. William Buding, a clgarmaker from 1'lattsmouth, Osborn's companion, was fud- tng Into the distance. 10 oe sure or naving tne aggressor or aggressors, Maloney arrested all parties to the combat. Osborne appeared to have been punished enough and was discharged In po lice court. They were having a party at Addle Ben nett's house, 1315 Capitol avenue, when E. B. Downer made a faux pas. When the as sembled guests, Including Mrs. K. B. Downer, got done with the unfortunate man he had a broken skull and a collection of varlgated cuts and bruisro. Dr. T. T. Harris, police surgeon, patched up the victim, while the police surrounded and brought In a quintet composed of Addle Bennett. Bess Wilson, Mabel O'Nell, Mrs. E. B. Downer and H. A. Petty, The unhappy Downer was unable to ap pear in police court Friday morning and tlfc case wa continued. . CHED SO SHE I COULD HOT SLEEP Child of Two had Masies of Eczema Over Face, Head and Body They Took Her to the Beit Doctors and Tried Salves and Medicines in Vain Suffered for Five YearSi SOON RELIEVED AND CURED BY CUTICURA FINKBINE AGAIN PRESIDENT Dee Moines Man He-elected Head of Northwestern I.amliennea's Association. 'MINNEAPOLIS, Jan. 21.-The twentieth annual convention or the Northwestern Lumberman's association adjourned today with the election of officers. The following old officers were re-elected: President C. A. Flnkblne. Des Moines. Vice President E. C. Klyn. Directors for Three Years O. M. Bota ford of Winona and W. II. Day. Jr.. of Dubuque, la. Director for On Yar ft f fi..! m... boro, N. li. $h tti Parisian Cloak Co.1 add-pag . VI write to tell you how thankful I am for the wonderful Cutlcura Rem edies. My little niece) had eczema for live years and when her mother died I took cam of the child. It was all over her face) and body, also on her head. She scratched so that she oould not . sleep nights. I used ' Cutlcura Soap to wash her with and then ap plied Cuticura Oint ment. I did not use) quite half the Cutl cura Soap and Oint ment, together with Cutlcura Resolvent, T.'hcn vou could ae a change and they cured her nicely. Now she is eleven years old and h never been bothered with eczema since. My friends think It is just great the war the baby was cured by Cutlcura. I send you a picture taken when she was about eighteen months old. "Sho was taken with the eczema when two years old. She was covered with big sores and her mother had all the beet doctors and tried ail kinds of salves and medlcinea without effect until we used Cuticura Remedies. Mrs. II. Kiernan, 6A3 Quincy St., Brooklyn. N. Y., Sept. 27, 1900.'' For thirty year Cutlcura Soap and Cvticura Ointment have afforded speedy reheJ to tens of thousands of skin-tortured and disfigured sufferers from ec aecnaa, rashes, itching, irritations and chafing, from Infancy to age, bringing comfort and peace to distracted house holds when all else failed. Guaranteed absolutely pure and may be used from the hour of birth. Cxitmira Sean (IV ). Oitleara Otatmeal (SOe ) sxt Culirus Haaolyrnl (60 . or la tt lorn ot (bucni t onl Puis, 1 ir vlsj ol AO). Rou Miroiuhuut h worM. Potter f)nia a Clwis. Com. Hum Pm US l-oluiBbm An UiKloa. km . -Unl rr. S2-ii rmirurm Booklet, as AtutMMiif as aswUaas ai u sata, aaais ana sU. Our Clearing Sale of Men's Trousers Will Occur Saturday , January 22nd Each season's end finds us with many hundred pairs of men's trousers, consisting almost entirely. of small lots, which1 are bound to accumulate in a department where the season's sales run into thousands of pairs To clear our tables for the arrival of new, spring trousers, now due, we are willing to sell these small lots at most any price. Those who profited by our sale of a year ago will need no reminder of the val ues they secured, but to those who were not so fortunate, we will say that this is a genuine bargain event, such as you will never find outside, this store. The assortment contains all sizes, all fabrics, and all patterns in trousers that were well worth their regular prices of $4 to $5; also many high grade trousers from $12, $15 and $18 suits Come early and select from these. Men's and Young Mens Trousers. Worth $4 to $5, Saturday, for . . . You've still a good opportunity to benefit by our sale of Men's Suits and Over coats at Half Price If for any reason you have not yet seen these great bargains, we urge you to do so at once, for although we commenced this sale with several hundred garments, a few more days will undoubtedly bring the end Re member, these garments are small lots from this season's stock and are marked with their regular prices of all season You simply pay us one-half the regular price. 97.50 to S35.0O garments are now $3.75 to $17.50 Tou can save nearly one-half the ex pense of clothing your boy by seeing our Boys Suits and Over coats on Sale Now The hardest part of the winter Is yet before us, and most any ftoy will need a new suit or overcoat before time for his spring clothes. He'd Just as well be suitably clothed the balance of this season and a great share of next when we've put the price so low. Until gone, we will sell the small lots of our boys' suits and overcoats that regularly sold up to 6.60, at nearly one-half off The sizes are; suits 5 to 17 years, overcoats 4 to 12 years. Your choice now for Men's Shoes Worth Up to S5.00 Patent colt, button and lace; gun metal, box calf and vicl ktd, in lace and blucher styles. Good year welt soles. We still have al most every size and width; choice Saturday, at $2.39 If you can appreciate a chance to save nearly half the price of your footwear, our semi-annual clearing sale of will be the means of your doing this. In any event it's well worth your while to drop in and look them over. Women's Shoes Worth, Up to; $4.00 Patent colt, cloth top, button shoes; patent colt, mat top, button and blu cher; gun metal and vicl kid, button, blucher and laoe styles. While . we have nearly all slses, there are some exceptional bargains for women, who wear narrow widths. Saturday your choice, at SL49 "The House of High Merit mayor and city cleric, to attend the Ne braska State Association of Municipalities to be be held in Lincoln January 26 and 27. The midwinter dancing party ot the Ideal club will is given at the Home hotel In umana losigni. Maa-lo City lodge No. 240, Modern Brother hood of America, will entertain members and friends at t;agie nail naay evening Arno and Miss Iena Dlckman and Miss Grace Thlelke leave today for the uni versity, having spent the holidays and ths time since in fcoutn umana. South Omaha lodge No. 178, Mystlo Workers of the World, have changed the place of meeting to Odd Fellows' hall and will meet there every Tuesday evening. Clearing sale of winter goods, men's suits and overcoats, values up to is, now f.w. Mon'a toD coats, values to $10, sale price flM. Men's pants, suitable for dress or business wear, ii.hu. men s two iieecea un derwear, 25c. Men's 60c shirts, 25c. Ne braska Shoe and Clothing House, corner 25th and N Bts., soutn umana. I desire to Inform the public that I have this day opened a liquor store at 800 N. 26th St., South Omaha. I also purchased the bottle beer wagons and horses of Jet ter Brewing Co.,' and will give the public the same prompt service In delivering bot tle beer that they formerly received from the Jetter Brewing Co., as well as same prices. Phone South 86$. Henry J. Jetter. Powdered Noses Under the Ban Girls at the High School Suspended for Patting- on Cosmetio Be fore the Boyg. Miss Kate McIIugh, assistant principal of the Omaha high school, has found It necessary to reprimand some of the young women, because of the habit they have formed of putting powder on their noses while in the halls of the school. The report Is that several of the girls hav'e been sus pended for a short time because of the violation of the rule. Miss McHugh takes the position that it Is immodest on the part of the pupils to put powder on their noses In the presence of the young men. I CLERGY CRITICS OF THEATER Drs. Loveland and Bonse Attend Gayety to Report to Mlnla. ' terlal Union. Rev. Frederick T. House. D. D., pastor of First Congregational church, and Rev. Frank L. Loveland, D. D., Flrat Methodist, attended the, performance at the, Gayety theater Thursday night as a committee rep resenting the Omaha Ministerial .union. Their purpose was to view the perform ance and report upon Its character to the union. The executive committee of the union held a meeting Friday, but Dr. Rouse says the matter did not come up for discussion. He declined to give out any statement as to what his and Dr. Loveland's report will be. ORDER YOUR jCE. IT'S ALL UP Harvest Is Abeat Completed and Is Aksadiat, bat Prices Are Still High. The Omaha Ice crop Is practically har vested, although two of the smaller houses have a few more rooms in their houses to fill, The retail price and the wholesale prloe will be the same this year as last, except that the butchers will have to pay K cents more a ton than last year. The general price to retail trade will be 40 eents a hundred, and to wholesale users. tt.H a ten. least year a firm furbished butchers Ice for 25 cents less than other whcjlesate users were paying, but this year this firm has served notice that It has raised 25 cents a ton. Some ice is still be ing put up at Carter lake for the Union Pacific. Socialist Leader Predicts Victory Eugene V. Debs, in Address at Wash ington Hall, Says He Feels Sure of Ultimate Kesult Eugene V. Debs, perennial presidential candidate on the socialist ticket, spoke last evening at Washington hall . at a meeting, arranged under the auspices of the socialists of Omaha, as a protest agalnBt the conviction of Fred W. War ren, editor of the Appeal to Reason. "Feudalism was evolved for a purpose and lived until it had fulfilled its historic mission and then the present capitalist class was evolved," said Mr. Debs. "Their work is now over and socialism will come as sure as the sun rises on the morrow. If It Is brought about by ' violence and bloodshed It will be In spite of the so cialist party and not because of It. ' "Any system In which a single human being Is denied an opportunity to earn a living is a despotism as far as that in dividual Is concerned. No people is great unless master of the things which' control means of making a living and such Is not now the case In this country. "There are now in this country 22,000,000 people who earn their livelihood by labor, and of these 5,000,000 are women and 2,000,- 000 are children. These may only work on condition they sell their labor to the capi talists who own the means. If there is a man in this country not properly fed and clothed It Is no fault of God Almighty, but is due to the outgrowth ot the system under which we live. There' will be no brotherhood of man as long as you arid I have to fight for our existence. "The great majority always blocks progress because It Is always wrong. His tory proves that In all great movements and revolutions which have resulted In good for mankind, it has been the minority which was right. The ruling class has always kept the masses In darkness." WHEN PLANNING SURPRISE ' BE SURE 0FH0N0R GUEST ioha A. Knfcn Surprises Surprise Party by Falllua: to Be at Home at tne Rlarht Time. John A. Kuhn unwittingly turned a sur prise upon a large number of his friends who had planned a surprise on him. Wednesday was his birthday and Mrs. Kuhn Invited quite a. number of friends In to spend the evening without telling Mr. Kuhn. Some of the members of the Omaha Grain exchange had read In the birthday record of The Bee that it waa Mr. Kuhn's birth day, so they also planned a little birthday party at the Omaha club. There Mr. Kuhn went. He failed to notify his home of his whereabouts, so the surprise was on the gathered guests rather than on Mr. Kuhn. 1 . , Take Warning;. Don't let ' stomach, ' liver ' nor kidney trouble down you, when you can quickly down them with Blcctrlo Bitters. 60c. For sale by Beaton Drug Co. Another famous Parisian sale Saturday of women's suits and coats worth up to 125.00 for $7.50. See their advertisement on Page Three. i Final Clean-Up Sale of Hats We must have room for spring stock. Every hat on our . tables in two lots. Trimmed hats, formerly selling as high as $20.00; they must go, so we offer them all Saturday . gQ (J Untrimmed shapes every one in the house beavers, vel-r vets, silks, felts; ordinarily sold as high as . AA $15.00; Saturday, your choic ; . vlUv No exchanges no refunds. TSiomas KilpaMclsl Co. j . .... .,.,..:.:,.S,.,,J II -- f- : sjSz&- J j VASHllURH-CBOSWCa . in '.mum I ' """ -.- - - 'V - - -.--..J? "" " t .....li ...... i ,. , .